The Parish Community of the Annunciation B.V.M. Merged with St. Rita of Cascia Parish (Partnered with St. Nicholas of Tolentine Parish) Staffed by the Augustinians 1511 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147 Rectory: 215-334-0159 Fax: 215-462-5065
WEB: Pastor: Rev. Nick Martorano, O.S.A.
Parochial Vicars: Rev. Jorge Cleto, O.S.A. Rev. Robert Terranova, O.S.A. Parish Secretary Ms. Cathy Sampere Schedule: Confession Saturday: 4:30-5:00 PM Or anytime by Appointment Masses: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 & 11:00 AM (English) 9:00 AM (Spanish) HOLY DAYS: 7:30 & 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM
Sacramental Information: Baptism: Arrangements in Rectory Office (Baptism Instruction Required) Marriage: Six Months Preparation Call Rectory Office for Arrangements (Pre-Cana Classes Required) Anointing of the Sick: Call Rectory Office for Home or Hospital Visit
February 4, 2018 - The Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time “Annunciation BVM is a faith-filled Catholic Community fostering hope and practicing charity.� We welcome all new parishioners and encourage you to join our faith community by registering at the Rectory Office: Hours: Mon.-Wed. 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Thurs. 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., and Fri. 9:00 a.m. - noon. Hall Rental: Our Church Hall is available for parties and other occasions. For information or to rent call: Mr. Frank Franzini at: 267-702-9798 or Mr. Mario Mangini at: 215-519-1495
February 4, 2018 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING: PERSONS SERVING OUR COUNTRY: If you know anyone who is serving our country, please call the Rectory so we can add them to the prayer list.
Saturday 02/03 5:00 p.m.
St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr David Parcesepe - Tom Schied The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time No Intention
Sunday 02/04 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Monday 02/05 7:30 a.m. Tuesday 02/06 7:30 a.m. Wednesday 0207 7:30 a.m. Thursday 02/08 7:30 a.m. Friday 02/09 7:30 a.m. Saturday 02/10 5:00 p.m. Sunday 02/11 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
OUR SICK : Olga Mazzoccone, Larry DeLizio, MaryGrace Rocco, Georgina Donnelly, Shawn Pettine, Robin Kent, Helen Henderson, Shawn Fitzgerald, Domenic Petrella, Gail Rebuck, Laurie and David Axe, Anthony Cedrone, Grace Scalia, Eleanor Cona, Michael Riley, Baby Sonny Alfieri, Daniel McGowan, Julio Pontes, Joseph Borda, Midge Enrico-Caruso, Joseph Caruso, Andrew Longo, Tom Hart, Cpl. Bianca Nigro, Gabarella Nigro, USN,Charlene Hobbs, Kathy Maldenado, James Vernile, Miguel Anazco, Maria Coccia, Lucy Ranelli, Madeleine Dziena, Bryan Anderson, Charles Massucci, , Margo Gonzales, Rashida Nannetti, Devon Whyte, Dawn Sisto, Donald A. Donato, Baby Brandon Leathers, Erica DeBaptista, Lauren Nicole, Anna Panzano, Baby Jackie Adelizzi, Kamir Brookins, Peter R. Amato, Bunny Cleary, Dale Cardile, Sal Cardile, Catherine Massaro, Rita Paoletti, April Di Giovanni, Patricia Iraci, Theresa Di Orio, Jean Cedrone, Marion Nardo, Rose Nardo, Brian Anderson, Emily Di Florio, Nicholas Coppa, Jr., Susan Valtri, Kevin Sullivan, Tony Greco., Jennie DiCicco.
(Spanish) Also, please pray for those seeking jobs. Please call the Elizabeth Sampere Rectory to add a name to this list. - Daughter, Cathy St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr PLEASE PRAY TO SUPPORT THOSE IN NEED No Intention PRAYER IS AN EASY AND POWERFUL ACTION! St. Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs *************************************************************************************** No Intention St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church For the People of the Parish 13th Annual Lenten Film Series Vincent Ferrigno - Family Grace Cozenza For her Birthday - Daughter, Cynthia St. Scholastica, Virgin Louis Derry Ruch - Daughter, Jennifer Bertolino The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lucia Napolitano - Grandaughter, Sue (Spanish) Deceased Members of the D’Amato And Bertuccini Families - John and Janet D’Amato
FROM TODAY’S GOSPEL READING: Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. They immediately told Jesus about her. He approached. grasped her hand, and helped her.
Inspirational Films of Faith For the Season Beginning Monday, February 19th in the Rectory Meeting Room at 7:00 PM Monday February 19th - Heavens to Betsy All Betsy Simon wanted was a little success. Betsy believes she is about to get her big break but is turned down. Devastated and frustrated she cries out to God “Why have you never answered even one of my prayers?” God answers her prayer and Betsy and Betsy is transformed into a rich and famous author. Betsy is about to find out why some prayers are best left unanswered! *****************************************************************************
Family Bingo Night St. Anthony of Padua School Family BINGO Night Friday, February 9th 7:00-9:00PM (Doors open at 6:00PM) School hall, 9th & Pierce Sts. Philadelphia Cost $10.00 a person, $30.00 for a family of 4. Includes: 10 Bingo Games & Door Prizes Game Prizes Include: Board Games, Candy Basket, Movie Tickets, Sporting Event Tickets. Children under 12 Must be accompanied by an adult. For more Information call the school at 215-468-0353
***************************************************************************** Jesus is no longer trapped by the limits of time and space. THROAT BLESSING He comes over to us now at this Eucharistic celebration. In honor of the Feast of St. Blaise, throats will be blessed He extends a hand, as he did for Simon’s mother-in-law, to after all Masses this week-end. raise us up from what would press us down and to help us **************************************************************************** go further on our journey with him.
SO WE ASK OURSELVES: At this stage of our journey with Christ, how do we experience his hand reaching out to sustain us? Who is the outstretched hand of Christ for us?
Sunday Collection for 01/28/2018
5PM, 7:30 & 11AM Masses
$ 2,770.25
9AM Hispanic Mass
$ 1,364.00
Your continued support of our Parish is greatly appreciated
PARISH & COMMUNITY NEWS Day of Recollection For Married Couples
Saturday, February 10th, 10:30AM concluding with renewal Our Day Care Program is accepting 1 1/2 to 4 year olds, of vows at 5:15PM Mass sponsored by St. Augustine Parish throughout the year . For more information about full-time or 250 N. 4th St. (4th & Vine Sts) Phila., PA 19106. part-time care, call the Day Care at 215-462-1515 The day based on Pope Francis’ reflections on “Love in Marriage” will include reflections by married couples, opportunity for discussion and quality time with each other. Lunch will be provided. There is no charge for the day (free will offering welcomed). For further information go to St. Augustine’s website: ( Limited availability. Register (required) by emailing: Let the love of your life know you would do it all over again.
********************************************************** ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND
We are seeking donors of $300.00 for scholarships. The scholarship will carry the name of the donor or anyone whom the donor designates, such as a deceased family member. If you choose to help our children by donating a scholarship, you can either designate the student recipient of the scholarship or allow us to make that determination as to who will receive the $300.00 scholarship. Amount less than $300.00 will be appreciated also, and will be combined with others to make a full scholarship. *********************************************************************** When the scholarship is given, the following will occur: 1. The recipient’s family will be asked to pray for the donor’s interRETROUVAILLE … A LIFELINE FOR MARRIAGES cession. Does the distance between you seem wide? Are you 2. The entire school will pray everyday for the donor’s already separated? Looking for a better way? Retrouvaille can intentions. help and offers hope for a better relationship. Retrouvaille is a 3. At every school Mass (usually First Fridays) the intentions will be peer ministry of volunteer couples that can help you learn the for the donors. tools of healthy communication, build intimacy and heal, just as 4. A beautiful certificate will be given to the donor. they have done in their own marriages. Retrouvaille is Christian5. The names of the donors or the memorial names will based, and Catholic in origin, but welcomes couples of all faiths as appear in the school for the year. well as non-religious couples. Retrouvaille can help get your rela- The Scholarship Fund will be acknowledged in the Church Bulletin. tionship back on track. There are two program coming up at the This Scholarship Fund is a wonderful way to remember your loved Family Life Center in Malvern, PA: the weekend of February 16-18, ones, pray for your intentions, help a family provide a Catholic and April 13-15. For more information, or to register for one of our Education for their child and help to ensure the future of St. Anthony of weekends, visit our web site at: Padua School. or call: 1-800-470-2230 *********************************************************************************
FORTY DAYS FOR LIFE PROGRAM Our Parish has been asked to participate in a program to save babies from abortion on Saturday, February 17th, between the hours of 8:00AM to 2:00PM.
May God bless you for your interest and concern for our Parish Community. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Nick
****************************************************************************** POST- ABORTION HEALING RETREAT
You are asked to take an hour to pray in front of Planned Parenthood site on 12th & Locust Streets. Sign-up Sheets will available in the back of the Church. This will be a great Lenten Sacrifice. ********************************************************************************
MARCH 9,10, 11TH, 2018 Malvern-Frazier, PA We have an upcoming retreat for healing after abortion. It is designed to help you experience the mercy and compassion of God. It will give you hope for your future and freedom from the pain within your heart and soul.
Start watching for free today. This is our Parish gift to you. For information call: Visit and register using our Parish Code Lauren at (215) 7205828 (or) e7760b. You will be amazed at what is available to you free Priscilla at (215) 906-6337 for your spiritual/religious enrichment. Programs, Books, ********************************************************************** Movies and Audios. — Don’t hesitate any longer!! FUEL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ************************************************************************ The cost of home heating will have a major impact on monthly VALENTINE EVENING FOR COUPLES budgets. To assist people with these rising costs, the At Malvern Retreat House, February 11th from 5:00-9:00PM. Pennsylvania Home Heating Fuel Assistance Rebate Program A romantic dinner, renewal of marriage vows, a talk by Paul (LIHEAP) is now in progress. & Miriam Isenberg. Fr. John Meyers, Rector will celebrate a This Fuel Assistance Program is available to people of all ages special Mass for all attendees. To register go to: within the income guidelines. For example, individuals with a monthly income under $1,507, or a two-person household with ************************************************************************ a monthly income under $2.030 qualify for the grant. Call FORTY HOURS DEVOTION United Social Services at (215) 923-1900 Monday through At St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church—9th & Pierce Sts. Friday between 10 AM and 4 PM. A staff worker will explain the eligibility requirements, answer your questions and assist you Will begin on Sunday, February 11th at the 11:00AM Mass in completing an application. This grant is provided to all who with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament all day until quality and does not have to be repaid. All inquiries are strictly 6:00PM. Monday and Tuesday Adoration from confidential. 8:30AM-7:00PM Mass. Solemn Closing on Tuesday, February 13th at 7:00PM.
127 annunciation
____________________________________________________________________________ Jesús nos dice en la biblia: “Vayamos a otros pueblos y aldeas para predicar allí también. Para eso he venido.” Así que Jesús viajó por toda Galilea enseñando, predicando y sanando. (San Marcos 1, 29-39) La gente todavía está buscando a Jesús. Le buscan porque ellos necesitan algo que sólo él puede dar: perdón por sus pecados y vida eterna. ¿Estás buscando a Jesús? La Biblia dice: “Pero si buscas al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón y con toda tu alma, lo encontrarás” (Deuteronomio 4:9).
——————————————————————————————–——————— Misas en español: Domingos 9:00am Lunes 7:00pm Jueves 7:00pm-Nueva misa en español Febrero 14 Misas e imposición de ceniza 7:30am– Misa en ingles 9:00am– Misa en ingles 4:30pm– Servicio de oración (ingles) 7:00pm– Misa en español Bautizos: Te guastaría bautizar? Por favor comunícate con el Diacono Cristóbal o con la Sra. Luz María.
Horas de oficina en español: Martes y Miércoles 4-8pm
El movimiento Juan XXIII Te invita a un retiro de conversión y evangelización para damas. El 16,17 y 18 de febrero. Por favor comunicarse con: Sandro Angeles al 267-333-8421
Directorio de Contacto para la
A partir del 11 de febrero, No habrá Comunidad Hispana inscripciones de intenciones en la puerta, Si gusta anotar una intención pasar en las Hna. Josefina Méndez, 267-581-5132 horas de oficina MSBT Hna. Florentina Irureta, ACJ 215-468-6368 Te gustaría prepararte para un sacramento? Pasar a la oficina para mas detalles
Sra. Luz Maria
Diacono Cristóbal Chavac
AA-Alcohólicos Anónimos
Grupo Al-Anon
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