UtahStatesman The
Utah State University
Today is Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2007 Breaking News The Colorado Rockies rally for 3 in 13th inning to defeat the Padres 9-8 for the NL wild card.
Logan, Utah
Latino Voices project gathers life stories and cultural values
Students’ designs on display in Swiss museum By DEVIN FELIX staff writer
Campus News
Presidential hopeful and New Mexico governor Bill Richardson urges diplomacy with Iran. Page 4
Features Two USU students describe their experiences running the Top of Utah Marathon. Page 5
Sports USU cross country and track coach Gregg Gensel explains the story behind his success. Page 9
Opinion “With his integrity, I half expect ‘multiple-choice Mitt’ to change religions as well.” Page 13
Almanac Today in History: In 1995, after a 252day trial, former football player O.J. Simpson is acquitted of the double murder of his estranged wife Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman. Simpson’s trial was the longest in California history.
Students who want to take part in USU’s Summer Design Program in Switzerland need to act quickly: Within two hours of enrollment opening for this year’s program, 37 students signed up, filling the program. The program has grown in popularity since it began in 2002, and it’s now the largest and longest-running Study Abroad program at Utah State, said Bob Winward, associated professor of graphic design and the program’s organizer. “It was the sweetest summers I’ve ever had in my life,” said Ben Evjen, a USU graduate who participated in the program in 2005 and 2006. “It was an awesome experience.” The program averages 35 students each year, who spend a month in Switzerland studying art, design and being immersed in foreign cultures, Winward said. They travel throughout the
By LIZ LAWYER assistant news editor
Utah speaks, and USU is listening. An oral history project by Special Collections and Archives in the Merrill-Cazier Library, in which 44 Cache Valley Latinos recorded their life stories, is nearing completion, said Randy Williams, coordinator for the project. “We’re calling it Utah Speaks because that’s Students for USU’s 2007 summer design prowhat we’re trying to do – listen to what people gram in Switzerland installed their Olympic torch designs in are saying,” Williams said. an exhibit at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland. photo She said the organizers for the projects wantCOURTESY USU MEDIA RELATIONS ed to focus on Latinos in Cache Valley because country every day, drawing, writ- Museum in Lausanne. Museum of the ongoing controversy concerning Latinos. ing, going to museums and cathe- staff liked the designs so much “We wanted to show there are more simidrals, photographing and more. that they created an exhibit in the larities than differences (between whites and museum to display them. “This is not a classroom Latinos),” she said. “Our goal is to find out experience,” Winward said. “It’s “That’s a very hard venue what it’s like to be Latino in Logan.” getting out in the environment, to get into,” Winward said. Williams said the interviewers, including meeting people, seeing things.” “Professionals would love to get students and volunteers from the community, in there.” Students also take part in a focused especially on gathering stories about project each year in which they The designs will now be given their subjects’ work and home lives, as well as pitch their designs to a Swiss to the organizing committees any immigration stories they may have. organization or company. This of the Vancouver and London Folklore is the expression of groups of year, students created Olympic Games for them to consider as people and how they interact with each other, torch designs for coming they develop designs for the Williams said. So, the formulation of a life Olympic Games in Vancouver and London and submitted them - See DESIGNS, page 3 - See FOLKLORE, page 3 to the International Olympic
Valley waterways under consideration for protection by Wild and Scenic Rivers Act By ROSS NELSON staff writer
USU recreation enthusiasts may soon be enjoying federal protection on select Cache Valley waterways under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The United States Forest Service has selected nine river segments in Cache Valley, including the Logan River, to be placed under congressional review sometime next year to determine whether this action will be taken. The Utah Rivers Council, an organization formed in 1995, has been an advocating this project for more than two years. Mark Danenhauer, the river solutions coordinator for the URC, has been heading the drive. “The biggest thing is for the rivers to stay the way they are now forever,” Danenhauer said. “We are not locking people out of these rivers, merely saving places for our children to kayak, fish, and to have a serene place to enjoy nature.” The Cache Valley river segments are among more than 80 candidates throughout the state of Utah, “all of which are realistically possible to become protected,” Danenhauer said. A protected wild and scenic river has a quartermile corridor protection from its high water mark. Danenhauer said protected rivers will never be dammed or rerouted, and development will be restricted only to maintain the current structure patterns in place. “If a river already has cabins and roads near or around it,” Danenhauer said, “roads and cabins will be allowed to be built.” Construction and activities will be limited to those that “protect the value of the waterways.” The goal of the URC is to protect the value of Utah rivers, he said, and each candidate has been determined to have significant public value. “It is unbelievable that Utah, with all of its rivers, has no WSR protection,” Danenhauer said. “The
sections of THE LOGAN RIVER are under congressional review to receive protection under a federal law. The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act will preserve the current condition of rivers by placing a quartermile-wide corridor around its banks within which new development will be restricted. Protected rivers will never be dammed or rerouted. DEBRA HAWKINS photo
Colorado, the Green, the Logan and others are too good to let by us.” The state of Oregon alone has more than 50 protected segments, and there is no quota concerning the amount of water protection allowed. The USFS has put together a Wild and Scenic Rivers team for the state of Utah. Cathy Kahlow, the team leader, said the project has received thousands of letters from across the state expressing support for and against proposing rivers for the designation. Public input has been overwhelming, Kahlow said, and is not only appreciated, but crucial.
New ASUSU logo aims to better represent ASUSU
By ALISON BAUGH senior writer
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Already, more than 5,000 public comments have been submitted, not by corporations or organizations, but by individuals. “This is a chance for students to be involved,” Danenhauer said, “Public comments are what will determine a lot of what we do here.” Comments can be made through the National Forest Service Web site. Currently Utah is one of only 12 states with no WSR designations, but with a group of more than 80 possibilities, it may shortly be off that list. -ross.nelson@aggiemail.usu.edu
ASUSU members attend a meeting earlier this year. ASUSU has chosen a new logo, which will hopefully represent student government’s goals better than the old one, ASUSU public relations director Jodie Savage said. CAMERON PETERSON photo
ASUSU has a new look thanks to a logo designed by Michelle Allred, a graphic designer for ASUSU. As ASUSU celebrates its 100th anniversary, the group wanted to have a new logo that represents its goals, said Jodie Savage, ASUSU public relations director. “It’s a fresh look to get people to realize what ASUSU is,” Savage said. The past logo, a circle around ASUSU, has been used for long enough that no one working
with ASUSU remembers when it started, Savage said. The graphic designers for ASUSU came up with numerous logos, and then ASUSU voted on them. By the final vote, Savage said the group was all leaning toward the logo that was chosen. The ASUSU with Aggie bull horns on each side also explains what ASUSU stands for. Later this year, ASUSU will unveil a separate centennial logo to celebrate its 100th birthday, and Savage said there will also be a party for all students to remember how long ASUSU has been around. -alison.baugh@aggiemail.usu.edu