Online Executive Education Certificate and Course Portfolio
Table of Contents
Why NYIM Corporate Education?
Open Enrollment Programs
Accounting Courses
Finance Courses
Management Courses
Marketing Courses
Sales Courses
Certificate Programs
Finance for Non Financial Managers
Emerging Leaders Development Program
Sales Management & Leadership
Mini MBA
Marketing Management
Strategic Customer Management
Retail Grocery Management
NYIM Approach
Why NYIM Executive Education ? 3 3
Dedicated and Authoritative Faculty All our programs are designed and developed by thought-leading faculty and industry experts. All our senior faculty are teaching at Leading Business Schools with a minimum of over ten years of university and corporate education experience.
Quality Education We develop our programs with a focus on the fusion of theory and practice. Practitioners learn more than just concepts; they learn how to apply those concepts to real-world work situations. The NYIM curriculum is designed around industry standards and expectations for professionals in each field.
Flexible and Accessible Studying with NYIM puts you in control. We provide access to robust online executive education programs that enable flexible scheduling and logistics to meet the needs of our students. All our courses are self-paced but instructor facilitated and you can study whenever and wherever you like without compromising on quality.
Practical and Relevant Theoretical knowledge is essential, but there’s also no substitute for applied skills. We draw upon the experience of thought-leading faculty and use real-life case studies, providing you with practical skills that you can employ in the workplace.
Open Enrollment Programs
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ACC 515: Understanding Financial Statements Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Read, analyze and interpret financial statements of organizations.
The accounting discipline has undergone massive changes in the last few years, becoming both broader and more complex. Today, accounting is "the language of business" because it is the vehicle for reporting accurate financial information and the most fundamental organizational tool for business planning and control. NYIM accounting programs provide practitioners with a thorough understanding of the latest accounting principles and reporting practices, as well as expertise in financial planning, data analysis and interpretation.
Apply different tools and techniques for assessing a company's performance, such as financial ratios, cash flow analysis and forecasting techniques. Understand the process that generates accounting numbers and its implications for the quality of those numbers for decision purposes. Understand the business environment a company operates in and the financing, investing and operating strategies of a company.
Program Outline Intro to Financial Statement Analysis Framework of financial statements Accounting equation Accounting principles Income statement Revenue recognition principles Predicting future profitability. Reporting deferred and accrued income Revenue versus cash flow Balance Sheet Analyze the main components of a balance sheet. Receivables, expenses, inventory and investments Valuing assets Predicting financial distress. Cash Flow Statement Elements of cash flow statements Cash flow versus profit Uses of cash flow in financial analysis Accruals, cash flows and earnings quality Performance Measurement Key profitability measures Forecasting future earnings & cash flows Recognize warning signals early on
Tuition Program Cost: $1,245 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
ACC 525: Managerial Accounting
ACC 535: Advanced Financial Accounting
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Demonstrate how the accounting system records and reports the flow of costs in organizations. Apply activity-based costing and management (ABCM) to eliminate non-value added costs. Distinguish between variable costs and fixed costs, between short run and long run, and define the relevant range. Identify the characteristics and behavior of different types of costs and analyze decisions that influence these costs. Recognize the importance of management accounting in an organization and how it can be used within the context of the other functions of the company.
Understand the accounting based valuation model and be able to compare it to dividend discount and cash flow valuation models Analyze the financial statements for valuation purposes and reformat them to input into an accounting valuation model. Perform a full-information financial statement forecasting, valuation and business strategy analysis Analyze equity risk and return using financial statements. Prepare an equity research report on, say, two companies within an industry, supported by the creation of a spreadsheet valuation model. Perform sensitivity analysis on valuation product.
Program Outline
Program Outline
Introduction to Managerial Accounting Distinguish between financial & managerial accounting Conceptual framework of management accounting Understand cost classification in relation to time, volume, cost, inventory valuation.
Accrual Accounting and Valuation: Pricing Earnings The concept behind the price-earnings ratio A model for anchoring value on earnings Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Analysis
Management Control and Budgeting Approaches to management control. Interactions between different types of budgets. The use of the budget in planning and control. Activity Based Costing Identify particularities of activity-based costing. Determine cost of activities and of cost objects. Resources, drivers, and cost objects notions. Performance Measurement Systems ROI analysis by calculating the: Payback, WACC, IRR, ROA, NPV. Assess revenue and cost variances. Managerial decision making.
Statement of Shareholders’ Equity Reformulating the statements of owner’s equity Ratio Analysis Profitability, Growth, and Sustainable Earnings Analysis Distinguishing Financing and operating activities Drivers of Operating profitability Evaluation of different ratios The Value of Operations Enterprise Price-to-Book Ratios Price-Earnings Ratios Business strategy analysis Full-information forecasting and valuation Equity Risk, Cost of Capital and Return
Program Cost: $1,245 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
Program Cost: $1,275 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
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FIN 530: Corporate Finance Principles Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Build a basic finance foundation and develop a better understanding of the financial environment in which firms operate
A strong command of corporate finance is vital to driving business profitability and performance. However, a sound knowledge of analytical techniques and tools is not enough – a capacity for critical evaluation and reflection is just as crucial. Achieving this means separating fact from fiction, knowledge from assumption and measurement from mere estimation – skills our finance programs will teach you.
Improve your financial vocabulary so that you are better able to understand and interpret financial information. Identify the drivers of profit measurement and alternative approaches to asset valuations Evaluate how investment and financing decisions are affecting firm's overall financial performance Increase your comprehension of current analytical practices and techniques.
Program Outline Introduction to Corporate Finance Financial statements overview The time value of money Risk and return Attitudes and types of risk Measuring risk and return Capital asset pricing model Capital budgeting Concepts and procedures of capital budgeting Investment criteria ( NPV, Payback and IRR) Operating leverage and scenario analysis Cost of Capital Financial leverage Optimal capital structure Financial Management Elements and role of financial planning Operating cycle and cash cycle
Tuition Program Cost: $1,275 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
FIN 550: Corporate Financial Strategy
FIN 560: Mergers and Acquisitions for Executives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Undertake a financial analysis of an organization and interpret the results in the context of lending and investing decisions.
Create a corporate restructuring strategy based on building competitive advantage and share holder value.
Assess the financial risks that organizations face, in particular credit, interest and foreign exchange risk, and be able to adopt risk-hedging strategies.
Identify and address key variables (legal, tax, cultures, etc.) in an acquisition analysis.
Evaluate the financing choices available to organizations, and master how the optimal financial structure should be determined. Understand how organizations measure financial performance internally and how their financial performance is assessed by stakeholders in a global context.
Program Outline Introduction to Finance Goals of financial managers Raising capital: the process & players Valuation Valuation multiples Adjusted Present Value Weighted Average Cost of Capital Financing Decision Determinants of financial structure Sources and costs of financing Financial instruments & cost of investments Capital Structure Restructuring distressed companies Bankruptcy costs and financing choice Separation of ownership & control
Understand different ways of valuing a target and explore how different valuation implications affect potential deal structures. Identify various types of financing techniques and determine the framework for successful post deal integration. Build a communication plan to support your deal.
Program Outline Introduction to Mergers and Acquisitions M&A process and key terms How M&As can create shareholder value Competitive conditions that must drive valuations Valuation for Mergers and Acquisitions Asset-based and balance-sheet approaches Market value approaches Multiples, comparables and DCF models Establishing required rates of return Financing a deal Capital structure considerations Cash, shares or exchange Mezzanine debt, high-yield bonds, and private equity sources Due Diligence and Integration Developing a negotiating stance Assessing buyer and seller motivations & constraints Structuring and closing the deal First 100 days plan; ongoing implementation
Value Based Management Greater shareholder value Performance Metrics
Stakeholder Communication Create a communication strategy Motivate staff and retain key employees Get buy-in from customers, suppliers and other strategic partners
Program Cost: $1,295 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
Program Cost: $1,345 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
FIN 580: Corporate Financial Strategy
Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Improve ability to discriminate between sources of change in financial performance. Instill an appreciation for how the market values companies. Teach the connection between operations and true financial performance. Present a useful tool for analyzing all operational and financial decisions in light of expected effect on free cash flow.
Program Outline Enterprise Value Creation How the market values a company The value equivalents of a firm Modern Financial Statement Analysis Traditional balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows analysis The unified cash flow statement Operational Components of Value The free cash flow equation Creating a functional analysis of value Analyzing Performance Understanding change, rate of change, and source of change Using graphs to speed analysis Hands-on Exercises Case study materials used throughout the lessons An analysis using financial statement and operational data
Tuition Program Cost: $1,275 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
Quality Education We develop our programs with a focus on the fusion of theory and practice. The NYIM curriculum is designed around industry standards and expectations for professionals in each field.
“ It doesn't matter
where you are. We, literally, deliver anywhere in the world.
� 12
FIN 530: Corporate Finance Principles Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Create, identify, and evaluate new venture opportunities. Interpret customer needs and quantify the value proposition.
Stepping up to management and a successful executive career takes a range of fresh skills, a richer understanding of business issues and lessons in new levels of leadership. Under expert faculty direction you will explore new business concepts and will gain the skills to manage integrated functions, implement strategic plans and develop high performance teams. You will leave ready to assume more responsibility in business – strategically astute and aware of your decisions and their impact.
Gain insights into adapting their business to a changing global market. Define their function within their business and improve their leadership competencies.
Program Outline The Entrepreneurial Process Entrepreneur’s Goals, Strategies & Execution Think, Speak & Listen Like a Successful Entrepreneur Generating Ideas & Defining the Business SCAMPER Method for Evaluating New Ideas Measure an Entrepreneur’s Ability and Qualifications Identifying “Points of Pain” Analyzing Potential Markets, Customers and Competition SWOT Analyses of Market Potential Defining & Measuring the Target Market Venture Strategy and Execution Winning Marketing Strategy Successful Business Model Organizing the Company Bootstrapping & Financing Your Business Establishing Financial Feasibility Managing Risk & Uncertainty Managing the Team Entrepreneurial Pitch The Entrepreneurial Salesperson Communicating the Opportunity The Art of Persuasion & Negotiation
Tuition Program Cost: $1,225 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
MGT 528: Management Skills for Managers
MGT 538: Sustainable Supply Chain Management
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Understand the principal role as a manager and the basic functions of management.
Use product design, strategic sourcing and contracts to most efficiently match supply and demand.
Analyze and understand management styles for use in day-to-day applications. Apply different approaches to motivation for back on-the-job situations. Understand Team and other organizations designs. Take steps to institute more durable organizational changes.
Program Outline The role as a manager Management defined Functions of management & changing workplace Competencies for effective management Organizing business resources Organizing as a management function Role development in teams The role of a team leader & effective team building Motivating for enhance productivity Principal motivational theories Maslow’s hierarchy of needs McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Leading employees toward Organizational Goals Differences between management and leadership Principle leadership concepts Personal actions for successful leadership Managing organizational change How the change process works The 7S model Tying all together
Adopt value as a guiding principle to deliver superior managerial performance with significant business impact. Discover tools to align core processes resulting in the achievement of operational excellence. Understand frameworks to manage risks and opportunities for sustainable supply chain management on a global scale. Apply methods relating to time, quality and costs in order to improve the efficiency of logistics and increase the competitiveness of the supply chain.
Program Outline Introduction to Supply Chain Management Evolution and complexities Key issues and trends Managing Inventory Identify performance drivers Product life-cycle characteristics Manage demand uncertainty Supply Chain Coordination and Integration The bullwhip effect Supply chain coordination structures and centralized decision making Structure process-event dependencies Innovative products & demand-driven strategies Purchasing and Sourcing Frameworks for outsourcing Value creation through effective procurement Contracts and networks Network planning and design Make-to-stock and make-to-order Inventory positioning and logistics
Program Cost: $1,275 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
Program Cost: $1,275 Duration: 6 weeks / 24 hours
MGT 548: Effective Business Process Management Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Confidently plan, organize and document a project by using a wide variety of tools that add value to the project management process.
MGT 558: Competitive Business Strategy Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Understand basic concepts and the importance of developing a competitive strategy.
Recognize when it is appropriate to adopt a ‘project’ approach to managing your workload.
Apply a strategic framework to develop sustainable strategies.
Become more effective in monitoring and controlling the project work, change requests and resourcing pressures by using best practice processes and techniques.
Compare, contrast and assess your competitor’s strategy.
Identify and manage risks proactively to minimize the impact of any deviations from the original plan.
Program Outline What is Project Management Understanding the role of the project manager Determining a structured approach to managing projects - the project life cycle Understanding why projects fail Defining a Project Setting and agreeing objectives, scope and constraints Brainstorming using mind maps Defining tasks and activities Planning a Project Exploring tools and techniques (WBS, Gantt Charts, Network Diagrams and Critical Path Analysis) Determining the key project documentation Techniques to maximize limited resources Implementing a Project Monitor, track and control activities Determine corrective actions and stay on track Adopting root cause analysis Communication and status updates
Understand and use selected analytical and strategic tools. Develop alternative strategies and be able to evaluate and select the best one(s).
Program Outline Strategy definition and formulation Strategy at different organizational levels How the strategy of the Firm determines its level of performance Barriers to strategic development and implementation The analysis phase Positioning, resource, and process choices Analysis of internal factors Analysis of external factors The creation and selection process Defining long-term objectives, strategic objectives, and strategic initiatives Developing your strategy Impact of financial drivers The deployment phase Guidelines for setting metrics and targets Developing initiatives The implementation plan
Closing and Reviewing a Project Phase out plan and activities Managing project transition and moving on
Program Cost: $1,245 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
Program Cost: $1,295 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
MGT 568: Leading & Influencing People Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Develop your ability to flex your communication styles, depending on your audience, and learn to connect and build consensus. Work on tactics to help you build your personal brand/currency and ability to influence others Identify specific challenges facing your team and explore how these might be resolved via influencing for impact. Learn how to practice the power and influence you need to get things done through others when your responsibilities exceed your formal authority. Craft an action plan to cultivate your overall effectiveness as an influencer.
Flexible and Accessible Studying with NYIM puts you in control. We provide access to robust online executive education programs that enable flexible scheduling and logistics to meet the needs of our students.
Program Outline Introduction: High performing teams High performance culture Team dynamics Language & dynamics of winning teams Self Knowledge Identify your communication style Assess your impact and influence skills Create your personal brand equity Influence Examine the 7 laws of influence Identify high performance behaviors Develop and grow relationships Leadership Motivation and inspiration Empathy and understanding Cultivating interpersonal fluency Strategy Establish or regain credibility Sell your ideas and implement change Gain Commitment from boss and co-workers
Tuition Program Cost: $1,325 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
“ Enhance your
business abilities and fine-tune your leadership skills. �
MKT 517: Marketing Essentials Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Understand the role that marketing plays in the overall business performance. Make informed business decisions and set your department’s marketing agenda.
“Because the purpose of business is to create and keep a customer, the business enterprise has two -and only two - basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business." Peter Drucker (1909-2005) in The Practice of Management In today’s competitive and ever-changing marketplace, understanding customers’ needs, creating strong relationships and sustaining value is critical to their long-term loyalty. NYIM marketing programs do just that prepare you to get ahead of the game by developing solid knowledge and precision in marketing decision making.
Connect key marketing strategies with other areas of the business. Create the components of a well-defined marketing strategy. Expand your knowledge to the latest marketing tools and thought processes.
Program Outline Introduction to marketing Key steps in the marketing process Guiding principles for effective marketing Impact of marketing to the organization Competitive framework and marketing mix How the competitive framework affects market strategy The marketing mix as part of the marketing process Positioning & Product/Service life cycle Strategic positioning: Options and models Developing a positioning strategy Existing and new product/service management Price & Placement/Distribution Pricing forces and strategies Trends impacting the pricing decisions Value of distribution channels Types and structure of distribution channels Promotion The purchase cycle and the promotion mix Elements of an effective promotion plan Summary and Conclusions Setting direction Wrap up
Tuition Program Cost: $1,275 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
MGT 527: Effective Customer Management
MGT 537: Sales & Marketing Information Management
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Analyze and understand customer needs and buying behavior.
Understand the importance of a customer insight -driven business strategy.
Design, execute and evaluate customer management-focused strategies.
Obtain more accurate forecasts for new products and gain maximum value from your market research expenditures.
Make strategic decisions based upon customer lifetime value. Learn strategies to reduce bureaucratic processes and create an adaptive culture to adopt effective customer management processes.
Program Outline Customer Management within Marketing Roots of customer management in TQM Direct marketing and value discipline Creating customer value Customer Management Levers Brand and services marketing Technology and business intelligence Marketing and business strategy Customer Analytics Overview Marketing analytics and metrics Distinguishing reporting vs analytics vs prediction Customer Management Enablers Types and quality of customer data Customer data versus prospect data Technology: Database & “front-office” systems People: Skills and culture Customer Segmentation Types of segmentation Using segmentation effectively Targeting vs Segmentation
Understand when you should trust a marketing research study and when you should be cautious.
Program Outline Data Management and Sales: Context and Overview Selling models (B-to-B, B-to-C, Direct, Channel-based) Data/information-based approach The Marketing and Sales Pipeline Metrics along the sales pipeline Lead generation: Prospect targeting & Prospect qualification in the Sales process Data and Information in B-to-B Selling Selling to SMB compared to Enterprise Sales Integrating and distinguishing multi-layered selling (B-to-B-to-C) &/or Partner channels Customer data as a surrogate for “high-touch” selling Multi-Channel Selling and Data Management Enablers Technical enablers Data categories, types and sources From Data to Analytics, Segments, Scores and Predicting Response Identifying a continuum from data to information Distinguishing descriptive v predictive metrics Critical Processes for Managing Data in the Sales Process Access, Authorization, Updating and Data Quality Data flow in the Marketing and Sales process
Program Cost: $1,295 Duration: 6 weeks / 24 hours
Program Cost: $1,295 Duration: 6 weeks / 24 hours
MGT 547: Brand Strategy & Management
MGT 557: Value Based Pricing– Strategies and Tactics
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
Understand the foundations of effective branding and brand equity creation at the corporate and product levels. Explore the latest thinking on measuring brand value, global branding and capitalizing on the new world of media. Learn how to increase the efficiency of your marketing programs and defend against market share erosion.
Change customers' price perceptions to capture more value. Standardize discounting criteria to enable salespeople to respond more quickly and consistently with price offers that meet customers' needs. Evaluate the real financial implications of pricing decisions. Use pricing strategically to guide a business to long-term profitability, rather than reactively to solve short-term problems.
Program Outline Introduction to brand strategy Brands and relationships Basic brand management techniques Examples of great brands Brand Strategy Marketplace analysis Consumer trends and their affect on brands Best practices & Brand Proof points Introduction to Go-to-market strategy (pricing, packaging, etc.) Brand Governance Brand guidelines Naming conventions and strategy Decision making/criteria & Architecture Managing brand portfolios Brand Activation Brand touch point mapping 360 degree brand experience Integrated marketing planning to support the brand Brand advertising & Building brands online
Program Outline Strategic Pricing and Value Creation Building blocks of strategic pricing Role of value in pricing Estimating value Segmenting customers according to value Pricing Structure Price metrics Price fences Price and Value Communication Value communication Price communication Pricing Policy Organizing for pricing Pricing analysis techniques and diagnostics Policy development and implementation Price Levels The price setting process Implementing new prices (to sales, customers)
Brand Measurement Key metrics Qualitative exploratory research Quantitative tracking research Experimental approaches to measure brand equity
Measures and Metrics Break even sales analysis Role of costs Measurement of price sensitivity
Program Cost: $1,325 Duration: 6 weeks / 24 hours
Program Cost: $1,245 Duration: 6 weeks / 24 hours
MGT 567: Strategic Marketing Management Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Build competitive advantage through strategic marketing planning and effective use of the marketing mix. Analyze customers and prospects to identify their needs, buying behaviors, and the most profitable target markets.
Dedicated and Authoritative Faculty All our programs are designed and developed by thought-leading faculty and industry experts. All our senior faculty are teaching at Leading Business Schools with a minimum of over ten years of university and corporate education experience.
Understand the various approaches to marketing segmentation, targeting, and positioning for competitive advantage. Identify shifts in the technological, regulatory, and cultural context of business.
Program Outline Marketing Concepts and Overview Key concepts in contemporary marketing Market Segmentation and Positioning Segmentation and choosing a target market B2B and consumer market segmentation Marketing Research and Analysis Conducting exploratory research Primary and secondary data collection Understanding the buying decision process Customer Value Management Constructing customer value propositions Managing market offerings and pricing Shifting from cost- to value-based pricing Value creation in acquiring and retaining customers Building and Managing Strong Brands Understanding brand strategy Sustaining customer relationships Integrated marketing communications & positioning Marketing Strategy and Planning Tools for customer analysis The purpose and goals of planning Developing an actionable marketing strategy Anticipating and adapting to change
Tuition Program Cost: $1,325 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
“ Advance Yourself.
Elevate Your Career. ”
SLS 534: Mastering Business Communications Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Recognize and apply, in a relevant and integrated way, the full array of communications tools to reach an audience with impact.
Business success demands sales strategies that focus firmly on customers and create value. Our sales programs demonstrate how to do both, by examining the most current approaches and challenges, and teaching you how to create meaningful customer messages, along with tactical and strategic plans that reach sales targets and improve profits.
Construct fact-based, logical, and persuasive arguments to defend their insight, analysis, and proposed solution, and express their thinking clearly, concisely, and compellingly, in writing and orally. More effectively communicate to stakeholders of all types through: memo writing, business letters and customer communications. Create original and effective communications strategies and tactical plans to achieve the stated personal and business objectives .
Program Outline Business Communication Foundations The role and impact of stakeholders Getting to know yourself and understanding others Words, culture and other variables on messaging Persuasive Messaging Indirect Plan for creating the logic map necessary for effective persuasive communications Techniques and differences in communicating based on reaction to content Listening and Non-verbal Communications Listening skills – 3 levels of listening Understanding active listening Sending good signals to others Para-verbal Communication Skills The power of the pitch The truth about tone & The strength of speed Non-Verbal Communication Understanding the Mehrabian study Body language &Identifying non verbal clues Presentation skills overview Make your content clearer and more memorable Handling challenging questions
Tuition Program Cost: $1,275 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
SLS 544: Professional Selling– Principles and Practice Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Develop a winning sales pitch that focuses on specific customer needs and benefits. Apply the principles and techniques underlying effective sales communication and planning to not only to sales conversations but to other forms of persuasive messaging. Effectively qualify the potential of sales opportunities, enabling better forecasting and prioritization of leads. Effectively overcome client and prospect objections, strategically gain customer commitment and close the sale.
Program Outline Introduction to Professional Selling The psychology of selling Communication beyond talking Building an ethical foundation Knowing Your Product How to Add Value Becoming a Product Expert Features, Benefits & Product Positioning
SLS 554: Effective Sales Management Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Lead and implement a comprehensive, strategic and tactical approach across all facets of your sales organization. Develop account management and segment management strategies based on customer profitability. Translate your corporate strategy into sales strategies, tasks, and processes easily understood by the sales teams and the rest of the organization. Establish a flexible approach that enables you to readjust strategies to drive growth in a changing marketplace.
Program Outline Introduction to Sales Management Core decisions that drive sales effectiveness Effective go-to-market strategy Influencing through building human networks Organizing the Sales Team Measuring the effectiveness of the sales team
The Selling Process Define the sales process Which Presentation Method Should You Use? How to Begin the Sales Call
Determining the best sales-force size Sales Force Design
Finding Customers and Prospecting Understanding buyer behavior Evaluate various prospecting methods Practice how “to get” the appointment Planning and managing the process
Segmenting clients, opportunities and buyers Identifying the sales competencies that drive success
Presenting Effectively When, why and how to use a trial close Develop a customer benefit plan Practice key selling techniques Closing Welcome, anticipate, acknowledge but never confirm objections
Selling roles, coverage models and channel design Sales force structure and deployment
Understand buyer behavior and Evaluate various prospecting method Practice how “to get” the appointment The Account Development Process Grow net new business & reduce sales cycle time Developing competitive strategy Elevating your status from vendor to 'trusted advisor Increasing client face time through technology
Program Cost: $1,245 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
Program Cost: $1,375 Duration: 6 weeks / 24 hours
SLS 564: Managing Key Accounts Benefits By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Develop a relationship-based approach to key accounts while mastering a wide range of transferable professional business skills. Use effective techniques to persuade and motivate the key buyers, influencers and decision-makers. Select the most appropriate approach to secure increased and profitable business from their key accounts.
Practical and Relevant Theoretical knowledge is essential, but there’s also no substitute for applied skills. We draw upon the experience of thought-leading faculty and use real-life case studies, providing you with practical skills that you can employ in the workplace.
Use account planning tools to build a robust and implementable key account plan.
Program Outline Introduction to Key Accounts The profile of a key account Differences of selling and account management Key account manager role and responsibilities Defining a Key Account Personal and Technical Factors Size vs Potential; What is more important? How many key accounts are appropriate? Understanding the Client’s Business Requirements Customer business analysis Assess client culture; SWOT analysis Key Financials and market drivers Planning a Key Account Strategy Developing a key account over the long-term Recognizing threats and building client barriers Setting specific goals and objectives Stay on course and deliver on promise Importance of account discipline Measuring performance against targets Maintaining preferred supplier status Developing the client plan Deliverables and future sales targets Team make up and development Communications plan
Tuition Program Cost: $1,325 Duration: 5 weeks / 20 hours
Certificate Programs 26 26
Certificate in Finance for Non-Financial Managers Regardless of the economic or social climate, management of financial drivers remains the foremost priority in any business. Consequently, an understanding of the principles for building and sustaining the financial performance of a firm will strengthen the value of any professional involved in business. Participants from a wide variety of backgrounds will be taught how to read an organization’s financial statements and explore their limitations. They will be given the tools to analyze cost behavior and financial performance. The Certificate in Finance for Non-Financial Managers will demystify your route to financial success and help you develop a well-rounded understanding of language and requirements of financial expectations and performance. To qualify for the Finance for Non-Financial Managers Certificate, students must complete the Corporate Finance Principles, Managerial Accounting, and Understanding Financial Statements, and Creating Value Through Operations programs.
Who should attend?
Key Benefits
Managers at all levels including those in technical and non-financial areas seeking to make better business decisions by understanding financial information and its implications – managers responsible for meeting budgets and containing costs, entrepreneurs running their own businesses, as well as project managers, business analysts, engineers, marketing, sales, operations and human resource managers.
▪ Gain a firmer grasp on the language of finance.
▪ Improve communication with internal and external financial stakeholders.
▪ Learn how to create value and contribute to the financial performance of your area of responsibility.
▪ Read and understand financial reports with greater clarity and confidence.
▪ Get an insight into the drivers and measurement of costs
Tuition Certificate Cost: $5,040
Emerging Leaders Development Program Leaders take initiative, think and plan strategically, overcome obstacles and impact the bottom line. The Emerging Leaders Development Program (ELDP) is designed to help high potentials to put effective, collaborative methods of leadership to work in their organizations and impact their bottom line. The ELDP is a popular and exciting program that provides participants with varied and unique opportunities to define, discover and develop their leadership style. The richness and flexibility of this certificate makes it ideal for aspiring, new or established leaders. After completing this program, participants will gain the capability, credibility and confidence to influence key stakeholders and initiate changes outside of their immediate area of responsibility. The ELDP is awarded to those who successfully complete the Strategic Marketing Management, Leading and Influencing People, Management Skills for Managers and the Competitive Business Strategy programs.
Who should attend?
Key Benefits
Limited to just twenty five participants, the program has been designed for highimpact individuals who seek to continue or accelerate their personal and professional development: directors, senior managers, team heads and supervisors or high potentials with increasing management responsibilities. Whether in marketing, finance, or operations, this program will build critical leadership skills to enhance organizational performance.
▪ Enhance your ability to engage others
Tuition Certificate Cost: $5,240
and lead with strategic purpose and vision
▪ Increase strategic thinking capabilities and the ability to “make the right call”.
▪ Build a strong understanding and awareness of self, and understand how self-knowledge strengthens leadership capabilities.
▪ Identify and articulate personal and professional goals and prepare to assume greater/increased responsibilities.
Certificate in Sales Management and Leadership The Sales Management and Leadership (SML) Certificate is designed to provide sales and marketing executives with the best tools, techniques, and concepts for improving the total effectiveness of the sales force. In addition, participants will develop a better appreciation of the need for a more integrative approach to developing comprehensive marketing strategies through closer ties between marketing and sales. This comprehensive program will increase your effectiveness and maximize the contributions you may make as a sales professional, enabling you to effectively manage and lead a sales organization. To qualify for the SML Certificate you must complete the Professional Selling, Effective Sales Management, Sales & Marketing Information Management and the Managing Key Accounts programs.
Who should attend? The SLM program is designed for sales professionals looking to fine-tune their professional selling and sales management skills. It will also be of particular benefit to managers who are responsible for business development and planning in local, regional and international markets, or anyone interested in learning how to develop and execute a winning sales strategy.
Tuition Certificate Cost: $5,170
Key Benefits ▪ Build a working knowledge of the principles and practice of profitable selling.
▪ Gain insight into how to select, develop, compensate and manage a successful sales team.
▪ Design and implement effective strategies to build and manage successful buyer-seller relationships.
▪ Improve your team’s productivity and generate increased profits with fewer resources.
The NYIM Mini MBA The NYIM Mini MBA program acts as a navigation tool for high-potential functional experts with progressive experience in their functional area and equips them with a general management perspective. Throughout the program you will evaluate strategies on how to increase productivity, better manage people and handle human resource issues. You will also explore the basics of financial and managerial accounting, understand how to assess your organization from an economic, financial and market perspective to support better decision making. Practically focused, The Mini NYIM program is designed to raise your levels of self-awareness and build your strategic management, marketing and finance knowledge and skills – all critical success factors for effective general management. The Mini MBA is awarded to students who complete the following courses: Corporate Finance Principles, Strategic Marketing Management, Management Skills for Managers and Influencing People, Competitive Business Strategy program, plus two electives from the NYIM curriculum.
Who should attend? The Mini MBA program is designed for high-potential, highly motivated managers; new managers; professionals with management potential; experienced junior-level managers needing a boost. Recent graduates of any subject who are unlikely to have a postgraduate business degree, such as an MBA, will also benefit from this program.
Key Benefits ▪ Gain a better understanding of how your business generates growth and value.
▪ Become a more confident manager with new knowledge, skills and self-awareness – ready for new responsibilities.
▪ Be a more effective manager – focused on creating value and providing leadership.
▪ Increase confidence to deal effectively with other senior managers across different business functions.
Certificate Cost: $7,710 - $7,730
Certificate in Marketing Management As the key interface between company and customer, the role of marketing has expanded to meet the challenges of an increasingly competitive business environment. This program recognizes candidates commitment to acquiring new knowledge and enhancing their skill set to align marketing strategy with their organization’s overall business strategy. The purpose of this program is to deepen the understanding of newly appointed and more senior marketing professionals of the impact of marketing to business operations and expose them to proven marketing management tools and techniques. To earn a Marketing Management Certificate, candidates must complete the Marketing Essentials, the Strategic Marketing Management, the Brand Strategy and Management and the Sales & Marketing Information Management programs.
Who should attend? The Executive Certificate in Marketing Management is designed for executives with, or about to take up, marketing responsibilities and those professionals outside the marketing discipline whose role interacts with this function. It is also well suited for individuals who desire to learn about developing contemporary marketing strategies to drive their company and industry forward.
Key Benefits ▪ Enhance your understanding of tactics for developing competitive advantages by creating customer value.
▪ Explore basic concepts, principles and activities involved in modern marketing.
▪ Learn major tactics and tools to facilitate the management of effective marketing plans.
▪ Define, position and measure your effectiveness within organizations.
▪ Create and grow dynamic, robust brands Tuition
that attract loyal customers.
Certificate Cost: $5,220
Certificate in Strategic Customer Management This Certificate in Strategic Customer Management (SCM) will provide the tools and ideas that marketing and sales executives need to drive satisfaction, commitment, and loyalty among both clients and employees—and to lead the organization to improved profitability and accelerated growth. The program provides an in-practice approach to managing customers: identifying the strategic reasoning and importance in doing so, the methods by which a customer strategy may be developed and deployed, and tools, metrics and infrastructure for a successful execution. It also explores the relationship between Marketing and Sales in a sales-based distribution model and the value of information in building long term customer relationships. The SCM Certificate is awarded to students who complete the Mastering Business Communications, the Effective Customer Management, the Sales & Marketing Information Management and the Competitive Business Strategy courses from the NYIM curriculum list.
Who should attend?
Key Benefits
The SCM program is designed for sales and marketing first and second level managers, front-line supervisors, department, team and task-force leaders and all those who are responsible for customer service and management leadership and want to improve the quality of service their organization provides to external and intercompany customers.
▪ Build a working knowledge of the
▪ Improve your team’s productivity and
Certificate Cost: $5,160
principles and practice of profitable selling.
▪ Gain insight into how to select, develop, compensate and manage a successful sales team.
▪ Design and implement effective strategies to build and manage successful buyer-seller relationships. generate increased profits with fewer resources.
Certificate in Retail Grocery Management Competition in the grocery business in today’s environment is fierce. Staying on top requires food and grocery industry associates to be nimble, analytical and educated with regard to the challenging and ever-changing retail environment. The Certificate in Grocery Management (CGM) is designed to prepare individuals working in the grocery industry and related fields, for the business challenges of the future. The program curriculum encompasses several business essentials and emphasizes the skill-sets needed for effective financial and people management, marketing, customer service and communication in the work environment. It is a five course program with a main focus on “Making and Saving Money in the Grocery Business Today” with each unit directly tied to the department’s and store’s bottom line.
Who should attend? This program is specially designed for store managers, assistant and category managers, supervisors, team heads, high potential employees and key operations staff.
Benefits for Individuals ▪ Develop well-rounded team players to drive your stores forward.
▪ Demonstrate your confidence, and increase rate of employee retention.
▪ Give them an opportunity to develop
Benefits for Individuals ▪ Develop essential skills and knowledge critical to store’s financial health.
▪ Work with real-life issues and identify the practicalities of their business.
▪ Evaluate and select loss prevention,
their skills and industry knowledge.
safety and other retailing strategies.
▪ Reduce rate of employee absenteeism
▪ Learn how to enhance customer service
and increase their quality of work.
▪ Prepare them for their next move in the store or the company.
and workplace etiquette.
▪ Gain qualification from a premiere management development provider.
Tuition Certificate Cost: $3,725
Customized Corporate Education Each program we design is different; it is unique to your organization and your particular challenges. It is carefully crafted by our faculty team to meet your objectives and is designed to transform the thinking and behavior of participants to accelerate and drive effective change. Work with the NYIM team to create a customized management development solution for your organization. Once your needs are assessed, a tailored solution - anything from a simple open program to a multifaceted, multimedia program - will be designed and executed to bridge the gap between the skill level of your people and the growth needs of your organization.
Curriculum Design Our customized curriculum design process creates actionable solutions for your business challenges. We are committed to partnering with our clients to define the best mix of learning approaches for the target audience, including online lectures, discussions, interactive participation, team exercises and case studies.
Content Delivery We offer engaging and impactful programs for employees in all levels of your organization. The programs we deliver are client-centered and provide measurable outcomes linked to specific business results, guaranteeing a high return on your investment.
NYIM sets the standard for high quality online executive education. Our Approach Leading-edge curriculum drawn from Thought Leading Faculty with tested tools and practices used in the worlds’ leading organizations. Our programs are based on professional competencies desired for high performance in each field. Our courses encourage students to incorporate workplace issues into their studies, providing Real-world Application to many of the academic theories covered by our curriculum. NYIM executive education offers relevant course experience that practitioners can carry with them throughout their career.
NYIM workforce development solutions offer Outstanding Student Support to track progress and performance of online students with strong focus in maintaining student motivation, commitment, and the successful completion of our programs. NYIM best-in-class programs improve business performance, profitability and employee satisfaction. Comprehensive curriculum design offering a unique Collaborative Learning Experience, high quality interaction, on time technical support and post course knowledge reinforcement. At the convenience of their schedule, practitioners will develop and maintain the critical skills needed to advance their career.
Workforce Wellbeing Many professionals face the challenge of how to maintain long-term high performance without compromising health and well-being. Throughout our programs, you have the option to assess your own well-being at this stage of your life and career. NYIM gives you the opportunity to develop new habits that enhance your quality of life by providing you access to a leading health and well-being self-coaching program.
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