Full house at the Ellerslie Events Centre
airy Maclary the robotic scanning station dog, the latest in drone technology and
gies and common issues.
and 84 Recruitment. Glenn Stone,
With over 100 attendees the
Managing Director of GS Insurance
audience weren’t disappointed. A
Partners provided some cautionary
state-of-the-art survey and scanning
wide variety of
equipment were just some of items
topics were covered
on display for people attending the
including amongst
April workshop held in Auckland.
others; precision
Hosted by the Positioning & Measure-
measurement ser-
ment and Engineering Streams, this
vices being provided
annual event is a unique opportunity
to the energy sector,
for engineering, surveying and spatial
the importance of
professionals to get together in one
setting up-front the
venue to discuss projects, technolo-
site coordinates in land developments, autono-
Glenn Stone handing a spot prize to John Mill from McConnell Dowell
mous surveys and robotics
(and scary) case studies on the ease in
in action, Auckland City Rail
which digital breaches and hackings
link, mapping of shallow
can have a negative impact on your
water and shorelines and
business and Mark Fisher, Managing
an update on the S+SNZ
Director of 84Recruitment provided
certification project. Even
a some insights and tips on keeping
hairy Macclary shimmied
your staff in these tough employment
down the aisle at one stage.
The day was well
Hairy Maclary the robotic dog
Mike Cutfield, Engineering Stream
supported by equipment
Chair and one of the event organisers
and service suppliers to
was thrilled with the turn-out. He sees
the sector - Allterra, Global
a real need for creating this kind of
Survey, Synergy Positioning
opportunity where professionals from
Systems, Position Partners,
different survey and spatial disciplines
Road Science, Ferntech and
who wouldn’t normally get together
12d along with S+SNZ Dia-
can do so and have some meaningful
mond partners GSI Partners
and useful discussions.
Issue 105 June 2021 37