Surveying+Spatial Issue 108 June 2022

Page 46

LANDONLINE UPDATE JUNE 2022 Nick Stillwell, Lead Consultant Surveyor, Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand


oitū Te Whenua Land Informa-

will be decommissioned in legacy

legacy Landonline. We are pursuing

tion New Zealand (LINZ) has


a concept where surveys can be

piloted the new survey appli-

In the future, when all the func-

digitally rendered; the goal is to

cation with encouraging results, and

tionality is fully transitioned, legacy

create a more usable visualisation

excellent progress continues in the

Landonline will be decommissioned.

of the survey and reduce the effort

survey space with the modernising

It’s at this point that we will start add-

required to prepare it.

Landonline programme.

ing some of the more future-thinking

After demonstrating the new survey application at last year’s S+SNZ conference, we piloted it with a small group of users. Along with positive feedback,

Exactly what the new world of

functionality that surveyors have

digitally visualised surveys will look

asked for.

like is not predetermined. So far

Testing with School of Surveying

we have tested initial visualisation prototypes of basic cadastral survey dataset (CSDs) with a range of users

particularly around the intuitiveness

The next major milestone for the

– surveyors, solicitors, planners etc –

and the improvements that have

new system is for Otago University’s

from a variety of backgrounds.

been made, usability issues and bugs

School of Surveying students to use it

When the functionality is fully

were identified, and many have been

to complete their 300 and 400 level

transitioned – and we have allowed

addressed. Overall, we have resolved

cadastral surveying papers. This is the

an acceptable timeframe for transi-

many of the issues raised by Survey

perfect audience to thoroughly test

tioning to the new system – legacy

and Spatial members during my

how intuitive the new application is

Landonline will be switched off. At

original engagement with branches

for less experienced Landonline users.

that point all surveyors will need to

and continue to work on others.

It was a no-brainer for LINZ to get

have migrated to the new system.

Pilot indicates seamless transition

involved with the professional devel-

Business owners told us they wanted

when they enter the workforce. As

We will then start adding some of

opment of the students as they will

the more future thinking functionality

all be working in the new Landonline

that surveyors have asked for. At the time of writing, I have

the transition to the new system to

well as telling us how much help new

been in contact with many survey

have less impact on their business

Landonline users will need to get up

organisations about their preferred

than the initial Landonline rollout.

to speed, the students’ feedback will

approach to getting involved in the

We are encouraged by feedback

inform an online help portal that we

new Landonline, and nearly all have

are developing.

indicated a preference to have a user

from pilot users indicating they learnt how to use the new capture tools by

involved early.

is a promising sign that the transition

Migrating to the new system

is seamless, and the system is easy to

The new Landonline for survey is like-


ly to be launched to all surveyors in

meet our needs as surveyors.

2023. Initially it will only be capture in

Get involved in our next pilot

watching a 5-minute help video. This

Initially the new system will be

I’m looking forward to working with all our stakeholder groups as the system is developed and evolves to

completely interoperable with legacy

the new system, for example import

Landonline. As work progresses,

LandXML, mark, vector, irregular line,

we will continue to add missing

parcel, supporting documents, survey

We have a limited number of places

functionality, make improvements,

report, easement schedule with Plan

available on our next pilot so you

and resolve issues to ensure the new

generation will continue in legacy

might like to get involved.

system is robust and fit-for-purpose


If so, please email us at

for survey capture. When all the

But work on replacing plan and tell us

capture functionality has been

generation will ramp up when

why you would be a good person to

migrated to the new system, capture

capture has been decommissioned in

pilot the new system.


Issue 108 June 2022

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