INSIDE 4 From the Head of School 5 From the Chief Development Officer OF CONTENTS 6 TABLE Teachers of the Year Honored
7 Atsinger Endowment Established 8 Financials 9 Lifetime Giving 13 Leadership Giving 15 Annual Giving 20 IDEA Lab Phase II Successful 21 Thank You Volunteers 24 Ways to Give 25 Meet Your Advancement Team
MISSION To dedicate ourselves to Christ in the pursuit of ACADEMIC excellence, ARTISTIC expression, and ATHLETIC distinction, while growing in knowledge and wisdom through God’s abundant grace.
From the HEAD OF SCHOOL Dear Oaks Christian School Community, Each year we celebrate and honor our many donors and volunteers who give so generously of their time, expertise, and resources to support the mission of Oaks Christian School. This past fiscal year, July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 was a year for the history books as the school celebrate its 20th anniversary during a worldwide pandemic. And while this report certainly does celebrate the gifts that were given, this past year also revealed the very real and much needed spirit of giving that defined our community during a difficult season. From making a professional pivot to remote learning, our teachers demonstrated the giving gift of true mentoring and care, putting students learning and well-being above any inconvenience or obstacle. Our staff gave gifts of their time and expertise, spending the extra hours and efforts adjusting to working remotely, helping their colleagues, or preparing the campus for the new health and safety protocols. Our parents gave their students the extra time and attention needed to help them transition to remote learning and extended incredible grace as we all navigated the new realities. Oaks Christian is a community of givers and we saw that firsthand this past year. I am incredibly proud of the way so many in our OCS family gave in ways both great and small to help us keep educating and innovating despite COVID-19. Despite having to close the campus in March, this past year saw some exciting opportunities and initiatives: • Record enrollment during these difficult times • Multiple televised news stories featuring Oaks Christian as an example of a school that did remote learning well • Residential Dorm Ribbon-Cutting • Idea Lab launch and Open House • First full year of our signature academies • Our first OCServes Day I want to thank each of you for your support this past year, and how you have been there for the students during this challenging year. Blessings,
From the CHIEF DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Dear Oaks Christian School Community, In many ways, COVID-19 has been a catalyst for change. It has required us to look beyond our embedded routines and find new strength in facing the unknown. Through joy and struggle, disappointments and victories, from the cancelled gala to postponed graduations, Oaks Christian’s collective community spirit, anchored in the love and grace of Jesus, has been ever present. This stewardship report is about giving. In it you will find that while energy waned, commitment soared this past year; commitment to learning, growing, and being present (even through a computer screen). We stretched our imaginations about what school is and how we successfully engage in it. We all pivoted, flexed our God-given will and remained true to each other. This report names some of the individuals who gave of their financial resources but also celebrates everyone—teachers and coaches, board members and school leadership, parents, grandparents, and alumni—who each gave a little more when it was needed the most. The resilience gained through 20 years of learning and growing together was needed more than ever in the face of a pandemic and none more so than by the Class of 2020. You will always have a special place in the history of Oaks Christian School. Thank you to all who gave and committed to sticking together. Oaks Christian School is better because of your generosity and we are immensely grateful. Please join me in renewing our commitment to the mission of Oaks Christian: to dedicate ourselves to Christ in the pursuit of academic excellence, artistic expression and athletic distinction while growing in knowledge and wisdom through God’s abundant grace. Humbly,
Eddie Moore Chief Development Officer
Teachers of the Year
HONORED Matt Hurdle
Matt Hurdle with his advisory on senior beach day.
Ryan Kelly with his band students.
ats off and a round of applause are in order for the 2019-20 OCS “Teachers of the Year.” High School History Teacher and Director of the Institute of Global Leadership Matt Hurdle and Middle School Director of Bands Ryan Kelly are the recipients of this year’s Atsinger Teaching Excellence Award. The gentlemen were recognized at the summer commencement ceremonies for each school in front of their peers, students and OCS families. In introducing Hurdle, last year’s high school recipient, History Teacher Jeff Dewey, said, “I marvel at his ability to adapt form and function of classroom management and instruction to meet the needs of wide-eyed incoming freshmen, while at the same time serving the needs of our savvy college bound seniors.” Flexibility, adaptation, collaboration and problemsolving are some of the traits that Hurdle has demonstrated in the classroom and with his student advisory group. “Matt maintains an impressive educational balance between academic rigor and student learning outcomes while generating genuine bonds of endearment and mutual respect among his students and colleagues,” Dewey added. 6 | OAKS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2019-2020
Ryan Kelly
In this last year, Hurdle has helped establish the Institute of Global Leadership, training students in entrepreneurship, leadership and global issues. Students have enjoyed guest lectures from experts in the fields of law enforcement, business and enterprise, as well as on-site excursions to area businesses. Hurdle has taught at Oaks Christian since 2010. He and his wife, Hannah (OCS Class of 2006) have two children. Head of School Rob Black awarded the Middle School Teacher of the Year Award to Kelly during the live streamed eighth grade commencement. “Over the years I have gotten to know Ryan and what impresses me most is not what he does, but who he is,” Black shared. “He is a strong mentor to young men who need a Godly figure in their lives.” Even though considered electives, Kelly’s classes have continued to grow in popularity. Demand for band classes has steadily increased so that more sections were added with students on a waiting list. Kelly developed a new jazz lab and students eagerly showed up at 7:30am to be able to participate.
“Ryan continues to innovate and seek professional opportunities for growth,” said Black. “His level of innovation during COVID-19 was newsworthy as shown by a Fox 11 news segment of his virtual student concert.” In addition, Kelly has been an important arts ambassador to the community, forming partnerships with local schools and organizations to bring non-OCS elementary students on campus for special OCS theatre performances they otherwise would not have been able to attend. Kelly has taught at Oaks Christian since 2005, and has six children with his wife, Tricia, all OCS students or alumni. Their youngest, Ashlyn, is a current OCS student. Liam graduated from Oaks Christian in 2017. Aidan, Brendan, Jackson and Morgan are quadruplets and graduated with the Class of 2014.
ATSINGER FAMILY Establishes Endowment for Annual Teacher Award
d Atsinger, a founding member of the OCS board of trustees and former chair of the finance committee, along with his family, has given a generous gift to Oaks Christian School to endow an award given annually to the teacher of the year in both the middle school and high school. Atsinger and his wife, Mona, began serving at Oaks Christian School in 1999 when he joined the founding board. Throughout the last 20 years the Atsinger family has Mona and Ed Atsinger at the 2019 OCS Gala Dinner Auction. displayed a tremendous heart for teachers. Their daughter-inlaw, Katrina was on the English faculty at Oaks Christian High School from 2001 to 2005 when she stepped down from the position to start a family. Katrina is now an adjunct professor of English at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. The Atsinger family believes it is important to leave a legacy at Oaks Christian. When they were exploring options to do so, establishing an endowment was a perfect fit. Through the annual proceeds from the endowment, Oaks Christian will be able to provide the teacher of the year award bonus in perpetuity. Aptly named the Atsinger Family Teacher of the Year Award endowment, we are so thankful to Ed and Mona for their ongoing, generous donations.
Financials 3.2% 4.7%
6.6% 16.9%
7.2% 8.4%
46.1% 22%
EXPENSES Salaries and Benefits Financial Aid Student Programs and Other Operations Facilities and Depreciation Other
Tuition and Fees Program and Auxiliary Contributions Investment and Other Income
$129,807 $37,087 $166,895
CONSTITUENCY GROUPS Current Parents Alumni and Alumni Parents Corporations and Foundations Faculty and Staff Grandparents Friends
GIVING SUMMARY Directed Gifts* One OAKS Fund Miscellaneous 20th Anniversary Golf Tournament Vision Campaign
*Directed Gifts include gifts to programs or facilities as well as capital projects such as the buildout of the IDEA Lab.
Lifetime Giving: A Legacy of Generosity The following families have contributed $50,000 or more over their lifetime of giving.
$1,000,000 or more Anonymous (2)
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Mona Atsinger Mr. John and Mrs. Judith Bedrosian Mr. William and Mrs. Beverly Dallas Mr. Eric and Mrs. Tammy Gustavson Mr. Chet and Mrs. Cindy Huffman Mr. B. Wayne and Mrs. Wendy Miller Mr. David and Mrs. Helen Price Mr. Bob Van Breda and Mrs. Dallas Price-Van Breda Mr. Eduardo and Mrs. Maria Sotelo Mr. David and Mrs. Tracy Thorson Mr. Denny and Mrs. Allyson Weinberg Mr. Karl and Mrs. Dian Zeile* $500,000- $999,999 Mr. Jaime and Mrs. Kimberly Ashton Dr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Anne Block Christian Community Foundation, Inc. Mr. Farshad and Mrs. Kimberly Fardad* Mrs. Tiffani R. Fardad Mr. Frank Fardad Mr. Raja and Mrs. Celeste Gosnell Mr. B. Wayne Hughes, Sr. Karisma Foundation Mr. John and Mrs. Sherry Light Mrs. Jialing Luo Dr. Russ and Mrs. Dawn Nelson Oaks Christian School Employees Price Family Foundation Rose Hills Foundation Mr. Paul and Mrs. Emily Ross* Ms. Jennifer Sandefur Mr. Zaya and Mrs. Sherry Younan
$250,000- $499,999 Anonymous (1) Amgen, Inc. Mr. Richard and Mrs. Pamela Blosser Mr. Mark Burnett and Mrs. Roma Downey Mr. Jim and Mrs. Carol Collins Mrs. Barbara Crockett Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Janet Gretzky Hahn-Block Family Foundation Mr. Anders and Mrs. Julie Hainer Mr. Klaus and Mrs. Jami Heidegger Mr. Martin and Mrs. Loretta Leko* Linden Root Dickinson Foundation Luo, Inc. Mr. Brian and Mrs. Leslie Matthews* Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Marianne Mosko Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Debbie Panzer Mr. James and Mrs. Diane Pieczynski Mr. William and Mrs. Sandy Puchlevic Samantha Ashley Trust Schwab Charitable Dr. Donald and Mrs. Darlene Shiley Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Jana Sommers Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Allison Sprague* Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. Julie Talbert Talbert Family Foundation Mr. Brett and Mrs. Danielle White* Will and Jada Smith Family Foundation OAKS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2019-2020 | 9
$100,000- $249,999 Anonymous (2) AFC Commercial Real Estate Group, Inc. Mr. Scott and Mrs. Cari Akerley* Amgen Foundation Matching Gift Program Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Christi Anderson Mr. Dana and Mrs. Sue Anderson Mr. Brad and Mrs. Susan Armstrong Ashton Family Trust Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Dean Bornstein Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Cindy Campbell* Mr. David Chen Mr. Sonny and Mrs. Jo Astani Mr. Stanley Cook* Mr. William Crockett Mr. William and Mrs. Lisa Curtis Mr. Bret and Mrs. Yecenia Curtis Mr. Kent and Mrs. Barrie Dahl Mr. Carl Daikeler Mr. John and Mrs. Nina Davies Mr. Jack and Mrs. Michele Dicanio Dukes Aerospace Ms. Lavinia Errico Mr. Randal and Mrs. Cathy Farwell Mr. James and Mrs. Janice George Mr. Rodney and Mrs. Lori Gordy Griffin Industries, Inc. Mr. Peter and Mrs. Mary Griffith Hainer Foundation Ms. Valerie Hartford Mr. Robert and Mrs. Denise Hayman Mr. Michael and Mrs. Donna Hornbuckle Mr. Jian Zhang and Mrs. Xiaohui Huang Ms. Kylie Hughes Mr. Preston and Mrs. Candi James The Jansen Family Joyful Giving Foundation Mr. Andrius and Mrs. Vilija Kirsonis Mr. Peter and Mrs. Tracy Kleinick Mr. John and Mrs. Terri Kokulis Mr. Richard Landry Mr. Steve and Mrs. So Hyun Lee Mr. Lee and Mrs. Robin Lipscomb Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Kathy Losi Mr. Louis and Mrs. Dianne Masry* Mrs. Michele McKittrick Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Kelly Meyer Mr. David and Mrs. Gigi Nelson Mr. John Nelson, Jr. Mr. Larry and Mrs. Paige Nicholson Mr. Randy and Mrs. Julie Oppenheimer Oregon Jewish Community Foundation 10 | OAKS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2019-2020
Mr. David and Mrs. Diane Paul Mr. Paul and Mrs. Kathleen Rainey Mr. Paul and Mrs. Marsha Griffin Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Terry Roberts Santa Barbara Foundation Mrs. Cathy Seabury Mrs. Cynthia L. Simon Mrs. Janine Smith Mr. Jeffrey Smith Mr. Will and Mrs. Jada Smith Mr. Frank and Mrs. Kim Spaeth* SPECTRA Resources, Corp. Mr. Jim and Mrs. Christy Stanich United Way Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Mr. Edward Vaughan* Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Lindy Vozzo Mr. Guoqing and Mrs. Liping Wang* Ms. Mo Wang Warley Avenue Trust Warner Pacific Insurance Services Waterstone Mr. Ronald and Dr. Lisa Weckbacher Mrs. Sigrid Weidenweber Mr. David Henson and Mrs. Anne Weidenweber* Mr. Greg and Mrs. Joy Weirick Mr. Larry and Mrs. Lynn Welk Mr. Dave and Mrs. Leila White Mr. Curtis and Mrs. Caroline Worsey Heping Liu and Yonghong Zhou
$50,000- $99,999 Anonymous (2) Actsys Medical, Inc. Amgen PAC Mr. Manny and Mrs. Trichia Asadurian Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Christina Aye* Barefoot Dreams, Inc. Mr. Todd and Mrs. Melinda Baur Mr. John and Mrs. Cynthia Berens Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Monica Bjork†* Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Nancie Blumenthal Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Priscilla Boone Mr. Joe and Mrs. Gail Boskovich Mr. Mike and Mrs. Cynthia Brody Mr. James and Mrs. Linda Cain Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Cappello Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Lisa Cislo Mr. Jack and Mrs. Susan Coffey Mr. Rob Conway and Mrs. Annalisa Pizzarello* Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Victoria Coop Countrywide Securities Mr. Rande S. Gerber and Mrs. Cynthia A. Crawford Mr. David and Mrs. Grace Crocker Dr. Jamie Culhane Mr. Todd and Mrs. Julie Dal Porto Mr. Steven and Mrs. Kristin Dark Mr. Richard and Mrs. Coleen Darling Mr. Jay and Mrs. Maria Dimaggio Dole Food Company, Inc.
Mr. David and Mrs. Cheryl Dunham Ms. Rema Dupont-Razatos Edison International Ms. Susan M. Estes and Mr. Brad Wear Mr. Dan and Mrs. Danette Faller Mr. Chad and Mrs. Leah Faulkner* Flintridge Insurance Services, Inc. Mr. William and Mrs. Karie Freeman Ms. Pamela Gaiser Mr. Weixin and Mrs. Xian Fu Mr. James and Mrs. Yola Gerwien Gerwien Philanthropic Investment, LLC Mr. Ahmad and Mrs. Susan Ghaderi Mr. Norm Hames Mr. Dennis Houghton and Ms. Janet Healy Hearst Foundations Mr. Robert and Mrs. Marti Hedge Mr. William and Mrs. Kathleen Herren* Mr. Mark and Mrs. Kelly Holscher* Xianguang Hu Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Sandy Hudson Mr. William and Mrs. Linda Hughes Mr. Mac and Mrs. Jill Humphries J. Mandato & Associates, Inc. Yua Ji and Chen Ji Mr. Berj and Mrs. Loni Kacherian* Mr. Eric and Mrs. Judy Kerner Kirsonis Family Foundation OAKS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2019-2020 | 11
Kokulis Family Charitable Fund of the Ayco Charitable Fund Mr. Sean and Mrs. Gwen Leonard Mr. Miles and Mrs. Leslie Levy Mr. Joel and Mrs. Marcella Mandato Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Jana McBeth Col. Nicholas Moore and Ms. Anna Richo Mr. John and Mrs. Linda Morgan Mr. William and Mrs. Nancy Mortensen Mr. William and Mrs. Anja Morton Northern Trust Company Mr. Michael and Mrs. Elizabeth Nyman Mr. Paul and Mrs. Sally Oberhaus Dr. Scott and Mrs. Roxanne Packham Mr. Ray and Mrs. Elaine Parker Mr. Hutch and Mrs. Rebecca Parker Payden & Rygel Mr. Judd and Mrs. Tara Peters* Mr. Donald and Mrs. Peggy Petrie Mr. Craig and Mrs. Cammie Pfefferman Mr. Craig and Mrs. Sheri Price Public Property Financing Corporation of California Mrs. Kathleen Raab Mr. Robert J. Raab and Ms. Mitra L. Ladani Mr. Chris and Mrs. Kim Renard Mr. William and Mrs. Louise Rice Mr. Tim and Mrs. Pamela Richardson Mr. Lionel Richie Dr. George and Mrs. Anna Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Schoch Mr. Zachary and Mrs. Leslie Schuler* Mr. Steve and Mrs. Sharon Prudholme* Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Kirsten Selleck Mr. Mike and Mrs. Carey Skinner Ms. Nicole D. Smithers Smithers Foundation Steven SH & Sohyun Park Lee Foundation Mr. Peter and Mrs. Catherine Szyman Mr. Brian and Mrs. Tiffany Ternan* Mr. Larry and Mrs. Gina Thomas Mr. Greg and Mrs. Heather Thomas Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation Triplett Family Foundation, Philanthropy Int’l US Bank Mr. and Mrs. Kirk L. Wendelburg Mr. Mark and Mrs. Michelle Wiebe William E. Simon Foundation Mr. Jack and Mrs. Sara Wise Worldwide Marketing Services, LLC Mr. Kenwood and Mrs. Georgeanne Youmans Mr. Hao Zhao and Ms. Jing Gao* Chaoyi Zeng and Li Ya Zhou
*2019-20 Parent
† 2019-20 Board Member
Oaks Christian Leadership Giving Circle The Oaks Christian Leadership Giving Circle honors those donors whose cumulative gifts during the fiscal year total $2,500 or more. Pledges are counted in the year they are funded. One Oaks Diamond Level- $50,000 and above Anonymous (1) Mr. Martin and Mrs. Loretta Leko Mr. David and Mrs. Helen Price Mr. Bob Van Breda and Mrs. Dallas Price-Van Breda Mr. Paul and Mrs. Emily Ross Mrs. Sigrid Weidenweber One Oaks Platinum Level- $25,000- $49,999 Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Monica Bjork* Mr. David Chen Mr. William and Mrs. Beverly Dallas* Mr. Donato and Mrs. Vera Errico Mr. Jason and Mrs. Erin Golan Mr. Mark and Mrs. Kelly Holscher Yua Ji and Chen Ji Mr. Chun Ling and Mrs. Huiyi Xie Mr. Brian and Mrs. Leslie Matthews* Oaks Christian School Employees Huiling Xu One Oaks Gold Level- $10,000- $24,999 Anonymous (1) Mr. Edward and Mrs. Mona Atsinger* Mr. Alan and Mrs. Sharon Beard* Yaping and Zhang Chen Dr. James and Dr. Christine Chung Mr. Rob Conway and Mrs. Annalisa Pizzarello Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. April Cotsen Mr. Paul Kessler and Mrs. Diana Derycz-Kessler Zhigang Duan and Lin Zhu Hua Feng and Gang Li Mr. Lyndon Golin and Mrs. Monica Ruiz-Golin Mr. Mark and Mrs. Michelle Hiepler* Ms. Kylie Hughes Ye Jin Mr. Lance Lentz Mr. Louis and Mrs. Dianne Masry Mr. Michael and Mrs. Aimee Mitchell Dr. Russ and Mrs. Dawn Nelson O’Gara Coach - Westlake Mr. Iuliu and Mrs. Marina Onaca Mr. Scott and Mrs. Lora Peterson Mr. William and Mrs. Sandy Puchlevic Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Terry Roberts* Mr. Zachary and Mrs. Leslie Schuler Mr. Robert and Mrs. Anne Simonds Sirpuhe and John Conte Foundation Mr. Kyle Stanich* Mr. Gary and Mrs. Kimbra Sterling*
Mr. Eric and Mrs. Kimberly Tannenbaum Mr. Nick and Mrs. Angela Vlahos Mr. Denny and Mrs. Allyson Weinberg* Haifeng Yin and Qing Zhu Mr. Karl and Mrs. Dian Zeile Weixiang Ji and Qiong Zhang Zhiang Zhao and Xiaobo Wang Heping Liu and Yonghong Zhou One Oaks Silver Level- $5,000- $9,999 Anonymous (2) Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Christi Anderson Mr. Michael and Mrs. Jennifer Avedis Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Christina Aye Mr. Navy and Mrs. Rachael Banvard Dr. Gayle Beebe* Mr. Peter and Mrs. Joy Bohlinger Mr. Brice and Mrs. Shelene Bryan* Mr. Stanley Cook Mr. Robert and Mrs. Blanca Garcia Mrs. Hani and Mr. Jonathan Geske Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Shana Harris Mr. Ronald S. Huang and Mrs. Yasuko Furukawa Mr. Doug and Mrs. Karen Huemme Mr. Daniel C. Lukas and Mrs. Anne B. Jarmain Mr. Shant and Mrs. Kimberly Kacherian Mr. Frank and Mrs. Brooke Leal Jiancheng Zhang and Jun Liu OAKS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2019-2020 | 13
Ms. Robin McMonigle Mr. Adam and Mrs. Leann Mendelsohn Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Jennifer Montgomery Col. Nicholas Moore and Ms. Anna Richo Mr. William and Mrs. Anja Morton Mr. John and Mrs. Heather O’Connor Mr. John Poe and Ms. Jutarmanee Rossisen Mr. Curtis and Mrs. Lynn Quillin R. V. Thomas Family Fund Mr. Justin and Mrs. Sarah Shakespeare Team Solutions Group Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Linda Thomas Mr. James and Mrs. Marla Vils Westmont College One Oaks Cardinal Level- $2,500- $4,999 Anonymous (1) Mr. Pierpaolo Barzan and Mrs. Valeria Sorci Mr. Brett and Mrs. Lauren Buatti Mr. Marko and Mrs. Jeanette Carranza Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Pamela Christie Mr. John and Mrs. Nina Davies* Mr. Craig and Mrs. Natasha Duswalt Mr. Rene and Mrs. Analisa Echevarria Mr. William and Mrs. Karen Fanner
GolfBoard Mr. William and Mrs. Kathleen Herren Mr. Terry Hillsten and Mrs. Lisa Jensen-Hillsten Yong Huang Mrs. Aida and Mr. Kalistratos Kabilafkas Ms. Jodie Kase Las Virgenes Muncipal Water District Mr. Leroy and Mrs. Jamie Latshaw Mr. Henry and Mrs. Bree Laubacher Mr. Sam and Mrs. Michelle Lee Mr. Arthur L. Lorenzini Mr. Richard and Mrs. Dru Margolis Mr. Ming Miao and Mrs. Cheryl Zhuang Mr. Hessamedin and Mrs. Hope Nadji Mr. Steve and Mrs. Susie Parks Pride Water Polo Academy Mr. William and Mrs. Lisa Sewell Mr. Eric and Mrs. Allyson Sikola Mr. Samuel and Ms. Kara Snead Mr. Kris Thabit* Mr. Steven and Mrs. Charlene Ustin Mr. Scott and Mrs. Samantha Wasserman Mr. John and Mrs. Heather Wildman TianQi Wu Mr. Richard and Mrs. Kathleen Yoder
*2019-20 Current or Former Board Member or Senior Leadership
Annual Giving: ONE Oaks Nation Members of the ONE Oaks Nation contribute to the school in many ways including financial gifts up to $2,499. Anonymous (18) Mr. Peter Ackermann Mr. Richard Clark and Mrs. Eve Adair Aerojet Rocketdyne Foundation Mr. Tim Davis and Ms. Adriana Agostinho Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Jamie Burgos Ms. Abigail Ahlers Ms. Wendy T. Aldrich Mrs. Brenda Alibrandi Mr. Troy Taylor and Mrs. Beth Alkoby-Taylor Mrs. Catherine Allen Mr. Mahmoud Samara and Mrs. Rola AlNouno Dr. Carlos and Mrs. Bindu Alves Mr. Vincent and Mrs. Darleen Alves Mr. Steve and Mrs. Kenisha Amar Mr. Ed Amaral Amazon Smile Mr. Richard and Mrs. Traci Amorelli Mr. Chris Andrews Mr. Miguel Minera and Mrs. Yesenia Arevalo Mr. Ken and Mrs. Tammy Arlidge Mr. James and Mrs. Krishni Arra Mr. Steve and Ms. Corissa Arteaga Mr. Jaime and Mrs. Kimberly Ashton Mr. Sean and Mrs. Christine Astin Mrs. Lolita Ayvazyan and Mr. Edgar Sedrakyan Ms. Kayla Bailey Mr. Scott and Mrs. Renee Baio Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Jose and Ms. Brenda Melgoza Mr. Albert Barbaro Mr. Scott and Mrs. Patrice Barlow Mr. Luke Barret Mr. John and Mrs. Shirin Batiste Mr. Mike and Mrs. Jan Bayman Mr. Robert and Mrs. Sonia Bekian
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Jennifer Bennett Mr. Nicholas and Mrs. Molly Benson Mr. Glen and Mrs. Natalie Benton Mr. Andrew Bierschenk Mr. Shahar Bikszer Mr. Rob and Mrs. Sondra Black Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Elizabeth Blaznek Mr. George and Mrs. Natalie Bliss Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Camille Block Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Julie Bodemeijer Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Erin Borchard Mr. Brian and Mrs. Peggy Borck Mr. Sieg and Mrs. Edith Borck Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Gisselle Borress Mr. Michael and Mrs. Betty Boyiazis Mr. Bryan and Mrs. Megan Bradley Mr. Marcus and Mrs. Karen Bradley Mr. Alex and Mrs. Julia Brankovic Mr. Ray Bregar Bring Change 2 Mind Mr. Benjamin Brinkman and Mrs. Allyson Whitfield Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Nicole Brockway Mr. Robert and Mrs. Laura Brokke Mr. Calvin Brown Mr. David and Mrs. Lori Brown Mrs. Lydia and Mr. Neil Browning Bryan Brothers Foundation Mrs. Jenessa Bryant Mr. Ian Buckner Mr. Dan Bukowski Mr. Anthony Burgos Mr. John and Mrs. Erin Burke Benson Mr. Matthew Burnett Mrs. Sarah Burnett
Ms. Andrea Byrd Mr. Marlon J. Byrd Mr. Jing Zhang and Mrs. Mu Cai Mr. Brett Dewey and Ms. Esther Calderon California Lutheran University Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Cindy Campbell Capin Crouse, LLP Carden Conejo Parents Association Mr. Richard Cardona Ms. Sabrina Carey Mr. Joe and Mrs. Anna Carieri Mr. James and Mrs. Karen Carlisle Mr. Steve and Mrs. Debbie Carmandalian Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Beth Carmichael Carrier Johnson Mr. James Carter Dr. Mark and Mrs. Deborah Cassar Mr. Frank and Mrs. Kimberly Castro Mr. William and Mrs. Erin Caswell Mrs. Brigitte Cavalier Mr. Martin and Mrs. Jennifer Caveza Mr. Mark and Mrs. Edina Celentano Mr. Scott and Mrs. Kimberly Chapa Mr. John and Mrs. Alexa Chappellet-Flagler Chick-fil-A Mr. Brant and Mrs. Michelle Childers Chipotle Ms. Amy Choate-Lear
Mr. Marcus and Mrs. Connie Choi Mr. Chad and Mrs. Dianna Christopher Ms. Kristine Clark Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Diana Clark Mr. Charles and Mrs. Valerie Clifford Clorox Company Foundation Ms. Joy Coburn Mr. Peter and Mrs. Barbara Coeler Mr. Clifford and Mrs. Pamela Cole Mr. Henry and Mrs. Ana Colebrooke Mr. Ron and Mrs. Mary Lou McFaden Mr. Rog Collins Mr. Robert and Mrs. Krista Conley Mr. Rudy Contreras Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Lily Cook Mr. Jonah B. Cozien and Mrs. Anne M. McGuire Mr. James and Mrs. Teresa Craft Mr. Mark and Mrs. Tara Crocitto-McCreery Don Cromwell Dr. Jamie Culhane Ms. Holly Culhane Custom Janitorial Maintenance Mr. John and Mrs. Cozette Darby Mr. William and Mrs. Jennifer Davis Mr. Peter Delgrosso Ms. Carola DeLong Mr. Afolabi and Mrs. Aderonke Denloye Mr. William and Mrs. Amorisa Denzel Dr. Christian and Mrs. Michelle Dequet Mr. Scott and Mrs. Jennifer Desind Mr. Angelo and Mrs. Ruzanna DeVito Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Caroline Dewey Pastor Larry and Mrs. Rebecca DeWitt
Mr. Rohan Dharmakumar and Mrs. Reema Kapoor Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Janet Dingman Mr. Cory and Mrs. Caroline Dishman Dr. Kenneth W. Dott and Mrs. Kimberly C. Reyes-Dott Mr. Warren Drohman Mr. Kevin Dyerly Mr. Bo and Mrs. Dawn Eason East Coast News | Frank and Michael Koretsky E-Comic Productions Inc Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Sonia Edinger Edison International Mrs. Tracey Ellis-de Ruyter Ember Technology, LLC Mr. Mark Epstein Equinox Mr. Manoneet and Mrs. Lisa Ercolini-Bhatia Mr. Marcos and Mrs. Jolene Escalante Mr. Stu and Mrs. Monika Evans Mr. Gary Farren Mr. Brian Farwell Mr. Trevor and Mrs. Tamara Fase Mr. Chad and Mrs. Leah Faulkner Ms. Kathleen Feig Ms. Lusi Feng Mr. Paul and Mrs. Julia Ferrone Mr. Sherwin and Dr. Sherry Root Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Marisa Fienup Dr. Rafael and Mrs. Lisa Figueroa Mrs. Dakotah Fitzgerald Ms. Carole Fleischman Mr. Howard and Mrs. Christine Freedman Mr. Anrique and Mrs. Kiana Freeman Mr. Garett and Mrs. Megan Freeman Friends of Golf, Inc. Mr. Joseph Iwuajoku and Dr. Suzanne L. Fussell Mr. Alejandro and Mrs. Elizabeth Galindo Mr. Andre and Mrs. Rebecca Galvan Mr. John and Mrs. Leslie Gardella Mr. Mike Gausling Mr. James and Mrs. Janice George Mr. Greg and Mrs. Shelby Geyer Mr. Randy and Mrs. Joni Ghaemmaghami
Mr. Christian Girodet Mr. Will Gluck GMQ Insurance Services Mr. Jason and Mrs. Jamie Godon Ms. Georgean Goldman Ms. Melissa Gonzales Mr. Juan and Mrs. Paola Gonzalez Mr. Robert Gonzalez and Mrs. Kathryn Randall GoodSuite Mrs. Sally I. Gordin Mr. William and Mrs. Holly Gratke Mr. Carl and Mrs. Doris Graves Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Katy Greenwood Mr. Steven and Mrs. Keli Griffin Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Jill Groff Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Wendy Grogan Mr. Eric and Mrs. Amy Gulbrandsen Gang Jia and Liping Guo Dr. Sydney Guo and Ms. Aline Avila Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Candace Hall Mr. Brett N. Hall Mr. William and Mrs. Pat Hall Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Sharon Hanley Harold Jones Landscape, Inc. Mr. Richard Harrington Ms. Kimberly H. Harris Mr. Phillip and Mrs. Linda Harrison Mr. Chris Harrison Mrs. Gwen Harrison Gold Mr. Ken and Mrs. Sharon Hasegawa Mrs. Caryn and Mr. James Hassard Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Kelli Heffernan Mr. Greg Hellman Mr. Scott and Ms. Liesl Hemming Mr. Andre and Mrs. Marianne Hendarman Ms. Carol Henry Mr. Jaime and Mrs. Sue Hernandez Mr. Jan and Mrs. Donna Hethcock Mrs. Barbara J. Hethcock Ms. Michelle Hilliard Ms. Lisa Hilton Mr. Denny Hitchcock Mr. Robert and Mrs. Suzana Holden Mr. Dean and Mrs. Tasha Holland Mrs. Kristy Hopkins
Hotchkis and Wiley Capital Management, LLC Ms. Gwen Huenergardt Mr. John and Mrs. Tracy Huffman Mr. Hans and Mrs. Aracely Ipsen Dr. Andre and Mrs. Jeannine Ishak Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Britton Jasper Mr. Darius and Mrs. Vida Jatulis Mr. Melvin and Mrs. Kristine Jensen Mr. Christopher and Ms. Jessica Jimenez Mrs. Angela Johnson-Napue JP Morgan Chase Foundation Mr. Christopher Judge Mr. Eric and Mrs. Chimene Katz Mr. Richard Katz Ms. Lori Keeffe Mr. Kurt Keener Mr. Eric and Mrs. Andrea Keith Mr. Paul and Mrs. Elaine Kelly Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Candace Kelly Ms. Maryann Kelly Kemper Freeman Foundation Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Danielle Kilkelly Mr. Charles and Mrs. Jean Kim Mr. Doron and Mrs. Renee Kim Mr. Joon and Mrs. Euna Kim Mr. Casey S. Kinsley Mr. Sam and Mrs. Inna Kirilover Mr. Eric and Mrs. Cindy-Diane Kittleson Mr. Ed and Mrs. Lyn Klodt Mr. Richard and Mrs. Sandi Knox Miss Shannon Knupp Mr. Nicholas and Mrs. Joyce Koep Mr. Kurt and Mrs. Ginger Kohler Mr. Erik Kohler Ms. Madison Koudsi Mr. Paul and Mrs. Amy Krueger Mr. Greg and Mrs. Diane Kusnierek Mr. James and Mrs. Amy LaBrie Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Rosemary Haber Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Christina LaForgia Mr. Keith Langley Mr. Jon and Mrs. Haylie Langseth Mr. Michael and Mrs. Christine Laranang Mr. Eric Larson Mr. Chris Laubach Mrs. Rosario Lawrence Dr. James and Mrs. Brandy Lazar Mr. Shawn and Mrs. Michelle Lee Mr. James and Mrs. Laura Leff Ms. Amy Leibman Ms. Allison Lenthall
Ms. Amy Leopold Ms. Julie Levy Mr. Eduardo and Mrs. Teresa Ann Leyson Mr. Uwe Lieckfeldt and Dr. Regina Mitterberger Mr. B John and Mrs. Becky Lindeman Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Brittany Lindsey Mr. Ben and Mrs. Sheri Lingo Mr. Keith and Mrs. Lina Lippiatt Fengyuan Liu and Qin Yang Mr. Salvatore and Mrs. Roxanne Livia Mr. Brad and Dr. Linda Livingstone Mrs. Karen Long Mr. Damir and Mrs. Lynda Loretic Mr. Erik and Mrs. Jessica Lorscheider Los Angeles Rams Foundation Mr. James and Mrs. Susan Losey Mr. John V. Swenson and Mrs. Julie E. Lotz Ms. Beth A. Lucas Mr. Mel Lyons Mr. Nicholas Lyskin Mr. James and Mrs. Sara Maclean Mr. Michael and Mrs. Licia Maclear Dr. Holden and Dr. Priscilla MacRae Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Theresa Madrigal Ms. Gerri E. Magnus Mr. Tyrone Maho Mr. Danny Majid Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Angela Manzitto Mr. Robert and Mrs. Asia Mape Mr. Dominic and Mrs. Anne Marie Marasco Mr. Cameron and Mrs. Alisa Marcarelli Marcarelli Design Mr. Richard and Mrs. Kathy Marker Ms. Nicole Mastro Mr. Alexander and Mrs. Stacy Mathis Mr. Jason and Mrs. Kelli Matthies Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Julissa McBride Mr. Ricardo A. Falero and Mrs. Maureen P. McConnell
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Sally McGushion Mr. Rob and Mrs. Allison McInerney Mr. John and Mrs. Eileen McKay Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Yelitza McKenna Mckinsey & Company Ms. Joy McMahan Mr. Michael and Mrs. Cristy McNay Mr. George McNee Mr. Michael and Mrs. Jennifer McNee Mrs. Teri McNee Mr. Oscar and Mrs. Trudi Medrano Mr. Dick and Mrs. Maureen Mellitt Dr. Othon and Mrs. Eugenia Mena Mr. Rodney and Mrs. Michelle Menzel Mr. Ray and Mrs. Selena Meza Mr. Grant Miles Mr. James Miles Minds Consulting Ms. Hedieh Mirahmadi Mr. Jade and Mrs. Stephanie Molina Mrs. Rayna Moorcroft Mr. Eddie and Mrs. Leisa Moore Cmdr. Kevin and Mrs. Tanya Moore Mr. Wally and Mrs. Jackie Morales Mrs. Rachel Morales Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Leslie Morgan Mr. James and Mrs. Jennifer Moriarty Mr. Gerald Greengard and Ms. Elizabeth Morrin Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Tara Morrow Mr. Michael and Mrs. Elizabeth Muench Dr. Jonathan Nakano Mr. Neil and Mrs. Laura Nash Mr. Michael Nation Mr. Evan Nelson Mr. Mateo Neri and Mrs. Valencia Smith Mr. Gary Nesen Mr. Todd and Mrs. Donna Newman Mr. Richard and Mrs. Natasha Ngo-Tran Nothing Bundt Cakes
Mr. John and Mrs. Susie Nourse Mr. Nicholas Nugwynne Mr. Scott and Mrs. Clare Ochoa Mr. Noel and Mrs. Cristin O’Connor Mr. Ken O’Connor Mr. Shawn O’Hare Mr. John and Mrs. Lisa O’Hurley Mr. Tivis and Mrs. Heather O’Quinn Dr. Abraham and Mrs. Dana Orozco Mr. Ray Otis Mr. Matt and Mrs. Pam Otto Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Kathleen Outcalt Pacific Low Voltage Guodong Pan and Ning Wang Mr. Kyriacos and Mrs. Olga Papoui Mr. Richard Park Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Theresa Parkening Mr. Ray and Mrs. Elaine Parker Mr. Michael and Mrs. Kimberlee Parkinson Mr. Xiaofeng Tang and Mrs. Fengyun Peng Mr. Adrian and Dr. Adrienne Peralta Mr. Judd and Mrs. Tara Peters Mr. Eric and Mrs. Erica Pezold Dr. Ronald Phillips Mr. Phil and Mrs. Heather Phillips Podunk Productions Mr. Matthew A. Peyton and Ms. Cecilia A. Pogozelski Polachecks Jewelers Dr. Ken Verburg and Mrs. Molly Powers Mr. John and Mrs. Susan Prince Mr. Mark and Mrs. Louise Proto Mr. John and Mrs. Julie Pugh Mr. Richard and Mrs. Elizabeth Pugh Mr. Brian and Mrs. Judy Romero-Rackohn Mr. Steven and Mrs. Mary Radenbaugh Mr. Rene and Mrs. Cheryl Randel Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Michelle Raschke Mr. Steven Reardon Mr. Parish and Mrs. Cathy Reed Regency Lighting Mr. Steven Reich
Ms. Sloane Reiser Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Linda Renzo Resurrect Ministry Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Samantha Reyes Mr. Kevin Richardson Mr. Robert and Mrs. Tiffany Riggle Ms. Svetlana Roberts Ms. Pam Robertson Mr. Brian and Mrs. Eileen Robinett Mr. Scott and Mrs. Sarah Rockney Ms. Dani Rodarte Mr. David and Mrs. Tracy Rolston Ms. Peggy Roth Ms. Cynthia Rothrock Mr. Edward and Mrs. Dana Rouse Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Kimberly Rozanski Mr. Eric and Mrs. Leslie Rubenfeld Mr. Bryan and Mrs. Julie Rubio-Shamblin Mr. Cid and Mrs. Richelle Ruesga Mr. Steve Rusch Mr. Mehrdad and Mrs. Ayla Sada-Ghiani Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Nicole Salinas Mr. Ander and Mrs. Angie Salstrom Mr. Ricardo and Mrs. Melissa Sanchez Mr. Jason and Mrs. Tracy Sanders Mr. Martin Sansing and Mrs. Audrey Y. Lee Mr. Kai and Mrs. Birgit Schaeffner Mr. Robby and Mrs. Regan Schaffer Mr. Gary and Ms. Judy Schall Mr. Bradley and Mrs. Suzanne Schaub Mr. Ryan Schiedermayer Mr. Gary and Mrs. Lisa Schoeffler Mr. Daniel and Dr. Robin Scholefield Mr. Robert and Mrs. Carole Scuderi Ms. Kristen Seabury Mr. Wendell and Mrs. Amber Seat Mr. George and Mrs. Nina Sisino Mr. Jason and Mrs. Aimee Semeleng Mr. Conor and Mrs. Amy Sever Mr. Manan and Dr. Reshma Shah Ms. Ingrid Shank
Mr. Henry Shin Mr. Shane Shoemaker Mr. Jason and Mrs. Krista Shue Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Staci Shumway Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Gina Simonsgaard Ms. Tracy Sklar Dr. Eric and Mrs. Julie Sletten Mrs. Barbara Sletten Mrs. Janine Smith Ms. Tamara Smith Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Anna Smith Ms. Tanya Soler Mr. Robert and Mrs. Kathleen Sommers Mr. Michael and Mrs. Catherine Sorensen Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Christine Soronio SoulSpace Southern California Orthopedic Institute Mr. William and Mrs. Silvia Spears Ms. Cindy Spencer Ms. Martha Spencer Ms. April Spina Mr. Scott and Mrs. Marci Spruill Dr. Wade and Mrs. Avo Spurling Ms. Patricia Stambelos Mr. Jim Stark Ms. Shelly Steinberg Mr. Bradley and Mrs. Cheryl Stevens Mr. Scott and Mrs. Valerie Stewart Mr. David and Mrs. Leslie Stinnett Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Lisa Stonich Mr. David and Mrs. Elaine Stowell Mr. Peter Stratton Mr. Paul and Mr. Lisa Stratton Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Christianne Strull Mr. Bryan and Mrs. Michelle Stubblefield
Mr. Yi Hsin and Mrs. Yetson Sung Mr. Tony and Mrs. Krista Supa Mr. Peter and Mrs. Catherine Szyman Ms. Angela Tafoya Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Cornelia Taylor Mr. Michael and Mrs. Meredith Teck Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Trisha Telford Mr. Brian and Mrs. Tiffany Ternan Mr. Eriks and Mrs. Dziesma Teteris The Amgen Foundation The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Keshmeshian Trust Mr. James Theiring Ms. Cynthia Tholmer Mrs. Karlee Thompson Mr. Robert Thomson III Ms. Charron Tillman Mr. Keith and Mrs. Holly Tisherman Mr. Scott Tomlinson and Mrs. Mioko Enoki Ms. Mariela Torres Mr. Julian Michael Contreras and Mrs. Tamara Torrez Ms. Gabrielle Tricoli Dr. Julie Trussell Ms. Grace Tucker Tumbleweed Transportation Mr. Louie Ucciferri and Mrs. Michele E. Baxter-Ucciferri
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Erin Van Meter Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Gina Van Ness Mr. Curtis and Mrs. Samantha Varner Mr. Michael and Mrs. Melanie Vaswani Mr. Keith Whitener and Ms. Edie Vaughan Mr. Robert and Mrs. Stacey Vince Mr. Randy Noblitt and Mrs. Yvonne Vollert-Noblitt Mr. Simon Wakelin and Ms. Tia Carrere Mr. Joe and Mrs. Heidi Wang Mr. Frank W. Wagner and Mrs. Lu W. Wang Wagner Mr. Charles and Mrs. Nicolle Warner Waterstone Mr. Nicholas and Mrs. Christine Watts Mr. Mark and Mrs. Rebecca Weber Mr. Peter and Mrs. Barbara Weber Mr. Peter Weber Mrs. Pam Weingarten Ms. Wendy Weitzman Mr. Matthew Weitzman Mr. Todd and Mrs. Meri West Mr. Russell and Mrs. Tristan West
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Ellen Whiddon Mr. Peter and Mrs. Karen Whipple Mr. Dustin L. White Mr. George and Mrs. Jennifer White Ms. Monica Wibbelmann-Jackovich Mr. Mark and Mrs. Chanel Wientjes Mrs. Leslie and Mr. Lee Willis Mr. David and Mrs. Mary Wilson Mr. Todd and Mrs. Sasha Windes Mr. Jan and Mrs. Ellie Winnerkrans Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Wendy Withers Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Deena Woertz Mr. Michael and Mrs. Roxana Wolfe Mr. Thad and Mrs. Mercedes Woodward Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Natalia Wrzesinski Chunlei Wang and JianZhen Xiao Hui Xie and Yuanyun Chen Mr. Shawn Aleman and Mrs. Shannon Yanez Mr. Wenhui Lin and Mrs. Xiaojuan Yang Mr. Todd Yates and Ms. Sarvpreet Bajwa Mr. James and Mrs. Jungyeun Yoo Dr. Mark and Ms. Teresa Youhanaie Mr. James and Mrs. Lourie Zak Mr. David and Mrs. Mary Zarraonandia Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Jennie Zarraonandia Mr. Hao Zhao and Ms. Jing Gao
IDEA Lab Phase II
CS junior Ian Ross got his first taste of the IDEA Lab as a sophomore when the 10,000 square foot creative and collaborative space first opened in fall of 2019. Unique among California high schools, the classroom and workspace for students interested in innovation, design, engineering and aeronautics was exactly what a prospective engineering college major like Ian needed to solidify his interest in advanced placement physics and aerospace engineering. When it first opened as the home of the Institute of Engineering with two classrooms and a lab floor for mechanical, electrical, software, and aeronautical engineering, the space was wonderful but lacking. With classrooms meeting on the lab floor, it soon became evident there was a need for classroom instruction away from the noise of Bridgeport mills, CNC machines, 3-D printers, and other tools and equipment. Ian’s parents Paul and Emily Ross share that when they first saw the vision for the IDEA Lab nearly two years ago, they were impressed by all the cool and exciting computers, tools, and machines. “We soon saw that the heart of the project is really much more profound. The IDEA Lab offers a dedicated creative and expressive space for students with math, engineering, and science passions, along with teachers committed to teaching the discipline and skills required for students to turn their dreams into reality. And the Lord knows we need brilliant engineering minds imagining new ways to solve the world’s problems,” they said. OCS students are doing great work in the IDEA Lab, not only building on knowledge and skills, but also taking on projects that make a difference in the world. One of the projects that Ian was able to work on was building his rocket, over two feet long, and set to launch over 7,000 feet for The American Rocketry Challenge. The program began with just under 200 students but with the growth in the last year, it soon became apparent that increased financial gifts were needed to complete Phase II and provide additional classroom space, offices and upgrades.
Engineering teacher Greg Gillis-Smith with his students in the IDEA Lab.
The advancement department began reaching out to parents of engineering students, offering personal family tours, meetings to discuss the architectural plans, and hosting an IDEA Lab Open House in February 2020. Those efforts raised over $700,000 in gifts and pledges from OCS families and Amgen’s Employee Gift Matching Program, including Ian’s own parents. Thanks to generous supporters like the Ross Family and others, the Phase II improvements have now allowed the Institute of Engineering to admit up to 350 students. Ian thinks that the mezzanine is one of the most important spaces in the IDEA Lab, as it provides space for students to work together on projects. “The extra classrooms allow for more students to take classes in the IDEA Lab and creates a space for students to relax. I can’t wait to get back in the IDEA Lab to see and use all the new improvements!” said Ian, who has his sights set on earning his master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering to become a test pilot for high-speed jet aircraft. The Rosses speak to the missional aspect of the program: “Most importantly, all of this learning and dreaming are in a context with God at its center, and which trains and encourages our children to positively impact the world for Christ. We are grateful to be able to partner with Oaks Christian to provide these opportunities for our own children and their peers, but also for generations of students to come.”
PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS Many thanks to our generous donors who helped us complete Phase II of Oaks Christian’s IDEA Lab! Through the ingenuity of the design team and the generosity of several key donors, the Phase II improvements included: • Two dedicated second story classrooms on the north side of the building • Addition of 1,200 square feet second story mezzanine for group instruction and collaborative projects, staircases and a mechanical lift for safe flow throughout the building • Upgraded lighting, furniture, and equipment to make the space a wonderful learning environment (CAD computers, Vivitek displays, 360-degree OWL cameras, etc.) Plans are underway for Phase III to be built summer 2021, including an extension of the mezzanine and a second floor of the south side of the building for additional classrooms. 20 | OAKS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2019-2020
We are grateful for the many volunteers who give of their time and talents each year to support our students, programs and events!
Mrs. Lisa Adkins Ms. Adriana Agostinho Mrs. Irene Ahmadi Mrs. Nellie Akalp Mrs. Kiana Akbaroff- Badakhsh Mrs. Cari Akerley Mrs. Beth Alkoby-Taylor Mrs. Trelana Allen Mrs. Rola AlNouna Ms. Dawn Silleman-Alvarez Mrs. Darleen Alves Mrs. Traci Amorelli Mrs. Candice Anastasi Ms. Christine Anderson Dr. Stacey Anderson Mrs. Niloofar Arnold Mr. Jose Arreola Mrs. Christina Aye Mrs. Lolita Ayvazyan Mrs. Shannon Bartlett Mrs. Stephanie Bassler Mrs. Sandy Bastian Mrs. Shirin Batiste Mrs. Samia Bawwab Mrs. Jan Bayman Mr. Peter Beckwith Mrs. Jennifer Bennett Mrs. Natalie Benton Ms. Kathy Benz Mrs. Tamara Berges Ms. Caroline Bernal Dr. Isabel Bernal-Ward Mrs. Vanessa Bertuzzi Mrs. Kirstin Beigert Mrs. Heather Bird Mrs. Monica Bjork Mrs. Sondra Black Ms. Bobbie Blair Mrs. Camille Block Ms. Donna Bohana Mrs. Erin Borchard Mrs. Gisselle Borress Mr. Michael Boyiazis Mrs. Betty Boyiazis
Mrs. Megan Bradley Mrs. Karen Bradley Mrs. Julia Brankovic Mrs. Laura Brokke Mr. Robert Brokke Mrs. Sonya Brothers Mrs. Lori Brown Mrs. Lydia Browning Mrs. Suzanne Buckner Mrs. Jamie Burgos Ms. Jody Burton Ms. Andrea Byrd Mrs. Teresa Byrne Ms. Christine Callahan Mrs. Cindy Campbell Mrs. Anna Carieri Mrs. Debbie Carmandalian Mrs. Jeanette Carranza Ms. Julie Carver Mrs. Debi Cassar Mrs. Cyndi Castillo Mrs. Kimberly Castro Mrs. Kimberly Chapa Mrs. Suzanne Chavez Ms. Yan Chen Mrs. Christine Chirba Mrs. Kristin Chobanian Mrs. Renee Christopher Dr. Christine Chung Mrs. Amy Chute
Ms. Wendy Clark Mrs. Diana Clark Ms. Missy Coale Mrs. Tammy Coburn Mrs. Ana Colebrooke Mrs. Carrie Compton Mrs. April Cotsen Mrs. Paris Courtnall Mrs. Anna Cutino-Smith Mrs. Judy Dallmer Mrs. Michelle da Motta Mrs. Stephanie D’Augustine Mrs. Jennifer Davis Ms. Marcee Davis Ms. Lesley DeHaas Mrs. Aimee Denzel Ms. Joyce Derrickson Mrs. Jennifer Desind Mrs. Catherine Diballa Mrs. Janet Didone Mrs. Kimberly Dott Mrs. Nancy Drummond Mrs. Katie Dulak Mrs. Kay Lynn Dutcher Mrs. Kelly Dutka Mrs. Christina Eason Mrs. Sonia Edinger Mrs. Tina Ehrlich Mrs. Laura Elliott Mrs. Nancy Erhart Mrs. Jolene Escalante Mrs. Denise Everson Mrs. Holly Exler Mr. Marty Fadaei
Mrs. Adrianna Fedderoff Mrs. Julie Ferraro Mrs. Julia Ferrone Mrs. Stephanie Flannery Mrs. Michelle Fozounmayeh Mrs. Stacy Frazier Mrs. Tara Freilich Mrs. Janet Friederichs Mrs. Pamela Friesen-Smith Mrs. Kate Fulford Mrs. Marylaine Gabertan Ms. Lisette Garcia Ms. Yola Gerwien Mrs. Joni Ghaemmaghami Mrs. Wendy Gillio Mrs. Patty Glover Mrs. Erin Golan Mrs. Gwen Harrison Gold Mrs. Lynette Green Mr. Kevin Grogan Mrs. Wendy Grogan Mrs. Amy Gulbrandsen Mrs. Seda Hall Mrs. Carol Hanley Mrs. Sharon Hanley Mrs. Joanne Hanson-Bonney Mrs. Nancy Harrington Mrs. Marla D. Harris Mrs. Tamara Hartman Mrs. Cynthia Hauser Mrs. Marianne Hendarman Ms. Carol Henry Ms. Hyacinth Henry Ms. Carey Hern Mrs. Nancy Hicks Mrs. Suzana Holden Ms. Bita Honaryar Alima Ms. Abigail Honorico Mrs. Lisa Hopkins Mrs. Vivian Hsu Mrs. Carmelita Hughes Mrs. Monica Hurney Mr. John Hurney Mrs. Aracely Ipsen Mr. Hans Ipsen Mrs. Jeannine Ishak Ms. Monica Jackovich Mrs. Mo Nakamoto-Jacobellis Ms. Tabbi Jamshidinia Mrs. Melanie McAfee Mrs. Britton Jasper Mrs. Kristine Jensen Mrs. Lisa Jensen-Hillsten Mrs. Madelyn Johnson Mrs. Angela Johnson-Napue Mr. F.M. Josue Mrs. Susan Josue Mrs. Sara Judd Mrs. Loni Kacherian Mrs. Reema Kapoor Ms. Jodie Kase Mrs. Mindi Katz
Mrs. Candace Kelly Mrs. Tricia Kelly Mrs. Elaine Kelly Mrs. Heather Kelso Ms. Kim Kempf Mrs. Brigid Kettenburg Mrs. Jean Kim Mrs. Elizabeth Kim Mrs. Renee Kim Mrs. Inna Kirilover Mrs. CD Kittleston Ms. Wendy Knapp Mrs. Linda Kneidinger Mrs. Sandra Knox Mr. Alex Knox Mrs. Heidi Koorenny Mr. Richard Kosoi Mrs. DeeDee Krawczyk Mrs. Jamie Kuhn Mrs. Mary Labnow Mrs. Amy LaBrie Mrs. Christi Lackey Mrs. Valerie Lambert Ms. Rosemarie Lara Mrs. Christine Laranang Mrs. Jamie Latshaw Ms. Rosario Lawrence Mrs. Brandy Lazar Ms. Sarah Lechman Mr. Sam Lee Mrs. Michelle Lee Mrs. Iris Lee Mrs. Jennifer Leff Mrs. Laura Leff Mrs. Tricia Lenthall Ms. Amy Leopold Mrs. Rachel Lindas Mrs. Sarah Lindstrom Mrs. Sheri Lingo Mrs. Roxanne Livia Ms. Amy Long Mrs. Lynda Loretic Mr. Erik Lorscheider Mrs. Susan Losey Mrs. Julie Lotz Swenson Mrs. Theresa Lowe Mrs. Althea Lucas Ms. Beth Lucas Mrs. Karla Ludwig Mrs. Jamie Luithly Mrs. Charmaine Luna Mrs. Sara Maclean Mrs. Gayle Mah Mrs. Karen Manion Mrs. Asia Mape Mrs. Alisa Marcarelli Mrs. Mary Marchis Mrs. Dru Margolis Mrs. Shelley Mark Mrs. Susan Martinez Mrs. Rosie Marton
Mrs. Alexandra Marusich Mr. Bob Massell Mrs. Stacy Massell Ms. Nicole Mastro Mrs. Leslie Matthews Dr. Mahsa Mauriello Mrs. Elisabeth McClellan Mrs. Melissa McCoy Mrs. Jana McDonald Mrs. Kami McEnroe Mrs. Julie McGovern Ms. Heather McLeod Mrs. Jennifer McNee Ms. Teri McNee Mr. Michael McNee Mrs. Jill Meade Mrs. Karri Meehan Mrs. Diane Mekari Mrs. Polly Melideo Mrs. Cari Mendoza Mrs. Michelle Menzel Mrs. Terri Meriage Mrs. Carolyn Messner Mrs. Jennifer Meyers Mrs. Michelle Miele Mrs. Lisa Mindel Ms. Hedieh Mirahmadi Mrs. Kimberly Mirel Dr. Regina Mitterberger Mrs. Jennifer Montgomery Mrs. Maria Moraga Mrs. Jackie Morales Mrs. Leslie Morgan Ms. Jeannine Mortimer Mrs. Cindy Mumpower Mrs. Charlotte Murphy Mrs. Cynthia Nader Mrs. Aida Naftel Mrs. Laura Nash Ms. Tamara Nowlin
Mrs. Jennifer Oakes Mrs. Tanya O’Connor Mrs. Michelle O’Daniel Mrs. Lisa O’Hurley Mrs. Marina Onaca Mrs. Carla Oneal Mr. Ryan O’Quinn Mrs. Annette Mata Mrs. Julie O’Sullivan Mrs. Pam Otto Mrs. Kathy Outcalt Ms. Tiffany Pappan Mrs. Theresa Parkening Mr. Steve Parks Mrs. Gena Pascarelli Dr. Adrienne Peralta Mrs. Jo Pessin Mrs. Hugette Peters-Khumalo Mrs. Julie Pierangeli Dr. Angela Pierre Mrs. Annalisa Pizzarello Mrs. Kirsten Poel Mrs. Cece Pogozelski Mrs. Julianne Polaha Mrs. Leanne Portzel Mrs. Molly Powers Mrs. Marcia Price Mrs. Verna Pryor Mrs. Amy Puls Mrs. Georgiann Quartararo Mrs. Toni Ramos Mrs. Kathryn Randall Mrs. Cheryl Randel Mrs. Araceli Ranoine Mrs. Debbi Rasmussen Mrs. Vonny Reagan Mrs. Cathy Reed Mrs. Wendy Reed Mrs. Leslie Regener Mrs. Rona Reithmayr Mr. Michael Ricci Ms. Tiffany Riggle Mrs. Karen Rogers Mrs. Ann Rogers Mrs. Tracy Rolston Ms. Sherrie Rose Mrs. Emily Ross Mrs. Rebecca Rossi Ms. Peggy Roth Mrs. Kim Rousseau Ms. Nadya Roussin Mrs. Fenella Russell Mrs. Melissa Sanchez Mrs. Carol Sarriedine Mrs. Cyndi Sauer Mrs. Margaret Scalamandre Mrs. Tatiana Schlossman Mrs. Lisa Schoeffler Mrs. Leslie Schuler Mrs. Aimee Semeleng Dr. Reshma Shah Mrs. Sarah Shakespeare
Mrs. Sabrina Shang Mrs. Amy Sharp Mrs. Toni Sherazi Mrs. Jill Shinnick Mrs. Jasmine Sinek Mr. Thomas Smith Mrs. Valencia Smith Mr. Joe Smith Ms. Erica Smith Mrs. Kirsti Snow Mrs. Shelly Snyder Mrs. Stephanie Sobel Ms. Tanya Soler Mrs. Kristine Sommer Mrs. Jenna Sommers Mrs. Catherine Sorenson Mrs. Christine Soronio Mrs. Yvette Soudani Mrs. Viviana Spaccarelli Mrs. Cindy Spady Mrs. Kim Spaeth Mrs. Marci Spruill Mrs. Mary Staley Mrs. Lisa Stonich Mrs. Michelle Stubblefield Mr. Bryan Stubblefield Mrs. Krista Supa Mr. Andrew Tafoya Ms. Angela Tafoya Mrs. Kathleen Tampoya Mrs. Stacey Tan Mrs. Cornelia Taylor Mrs. Tomi Tchejeyan Mrs. Meredith Teck Mrs. Kelly Teegarden Ms. Ava Teherani Mrs. Nancy Tenggren Mrs. Tiffany Ternan Mrs. Dziesma Teteris Mrs. Samantha Thompson Mrs. Tonya Thompson Mrs. Lorraine Thompson Mrs. Tina Thomson Mrs. Holly Tisherman Mrs. Juliet Torrato Mrs. Heather Trilling Dr. Julie Trussell Mrs. Gina Van Ness Mrs. Peggy VanDeWeghe Mrs. Samantha Varner Mrs. Melanie Vaswani Ms. Edie Vaughan Mrs. Brenda Via Mrs. Marla Vils
Mrs. Gina Vladimirov Mrs. Angela Vlahos Mrs. Brande Voss Mrs. Katie Vroman Mr. Frank Wagner Mrs. Lu Wagner Mrs. Emily Walker Mrs. Debra Warwick Mrs. Ladonna Watkins Mrs. Kristen Watts Mrs. Christine Watts Mrs. Trisha Webb Mr. JC Webb Mrs. Tara Weber Mrs. Stefanie Wennes Mrs. Meri West Mrs. Heather Wildman Mrs. Lisa Williams Mrs. Mary Wilson Mrs. Sasha Windes Mrs. Ellie Winnerkrans Mrs. Emily Wright Mrs. Michelle Wright Mrs. Sabrina Weiland Mrs. Amy Xiao Mrs. Victoria Xie Mrs. Nicole Yang Mrs. Elizabeth Yi Mrs. Stacey Yoo Dr. Mark and Mrs. Teresa Youhanie Mrs. Tian Yu Mrs. Dominga Zambrano Mrs. Dian Zeile Mr. Ira Zito
GIVE Make a Difference!
You can make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of our students! All gifts to Oaks Christian School are vital to the advancement of our mission. We are deeply grateful for your support as we strive to provide a quality, comprehensive Christian education for our young men and women.
Why Give?
Giving donations to Oaks Christian School helps us deliver the world class, Christ-centered education in arts, athletics, and academics. The partnership with our community is strengthened through generosity.
Gift Options
• Cash – checks and credit card donations • Security – stocks, bonds and other financial instruments • Services – donate you time, talents and expertise to our school fundraising events and efforts
Ways to Give
1. OCS website 2. In Person or Mail: 31749 La Tienda Drive, Westlake Village, Ca., 91362 3. Contact Us Directly: 818.575.9204
Maximize Your Gift
Corporate Matching Gifts – Many employers will match gifts to support a non-profit Stock Gifts – Donate shares of appreciated stock which can result in significant tax advantages Planned Gifts – Please contact Chief Development Officer Eddie Moore at emoore@oakschristian.org for information on the benefits of planned giving.
Your Advancement Team
Brigitte Cavalier
Associate Director of Advancement, Annual Giving
Monika Evans
Associate Director of Advancement, Events
Eddie Moore
Chief Development Officer
Ginger Kohler
Associate Director of Advancement, Volunteers
Scott Rockney
Director of Advancement Annual Giving/Major Gifts
Rob Black – Head of School Mike Parkinson – Chief Operating Officer Kris Thabit - Chief Financial Officer Eddie Moore – Chief Development Officer John Huffman – Vice President of Admissions Dr. Matt Northrop – Associate Head of School, Academics Dee Dee Mayer – Associate Head of School, Spiritual Life Cozy Darby – Senior Director of Administration Karen Coyle – High School Principal Garett Freeman – Middle School Principal
Stewardship Report Editor
Board of Trustees (2019-20)
Ed Astinger, John Batiste, Sharon Beard, Dr. Gayle Bebee, Jeffrey Bjork, Shelene Bryan, Bill Crocket, Bill Dallas, Vince Daly, John Davies, Larry DeWitt, Michelle Hiepler, Brian Matthews, David Price (emeritus), Dallas Price Van-Breda, Terry Roberts, Kyle Stanich, Kimbra Sterling, Allyson Weinberg
Maria Cowell – Director of Marketing and Communications Graphic Designer Blanca Schnobrich Contributing Photographers Reid Chobanian, Cornerstone Photography, Brandy Lazar, Jose Mandojana, Marvin Jimenez, Blanca Schnobrich, Amber Seat, High School Yearbook Staff, Middle School Yearbook Staff OAKS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2019-2020 | 25