Diplomat Special Issue on Tourism Diplomacy

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ყოველთვიური ორენოვანი ჟურნალი საქართველოში MONTHLY BILINGUAL MAGAZINE IN GEORGIA | 08/2019 | 8 GEL

FOCUS: Tourism Diplomacy

Diplomats Speak: The Best Places to Visit in Georgia

Austria’s President’s Son Raises Calls for Foreign Investments in Georgia ISSN 2449-3007





Cover Story



AUSTRIA’S PRESIDENT’S SON RAISES CALLS FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN GEORGIA “The biggest assets of Georgia are its people and the diversity of nature and culture” Florian Van der Bellen



GEORGIAN TOURISM HAS POTENTIALS FOR GROWTH BUT REQUIRES CAREFUL PLANNING Elizabeth Rood, Charge d’Affaires of the United States Embassy in Georgia


A SIGNIFICANT GROWTH IN GEORGIA’S TOURISM SECTOR WILL SPUR GROWTH ACROSS OTHER SECTORS Alexander Khvtisiashvili, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia







TOURISM PLAYS A KEY ROLE IN CONNECTING GEORGIA WITH THE WORLD Patric Franzen, Ambassador of Switzerland to Georgia

















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Story Behind Khachapuri a First-Timer Experience of Georgia მოდი, ვილაპარაკოთ ხაჭაპურზე! რთხელ, ათათურქის აეროპორტში გრძელი გადაჯდომისას, ბელორუსი, ლიტველი და ნორვეგიელი გავიცანი. მომდევნო წლის ზაფხულის მოგზაურობას გეგმავდნენ. ვერ გადაეწყვიტათ, ჩინეთში გაფრენილიყვნენ, თუ ავსტრიიდან თურქეთის მიმართულებით მანქანით წასულიყვნენ. როდესაც ლაპარაკი საქართველოზე ჩამოვარდა, სტანდარტული კითხვა დამისვეს, რატომ უნდა ავარჩიოთ საქართველო, შენ როგორ ხედავ საკუთარ ქვეყანასო. ამ ურთულეს შეკითხვაზე პასუხი ალბათ დედამიწაზე არავის მოუფიქრებია, მე მითუმეტეს გამიჭირდებოდა ახსნა, რითია გამორჩეული 70 000 კვადრატული კილომეტრი მიწა, რომლის 23 %-ზე მეტი მეზობელი ქვეყნის, რუსეთის მიერ არის ოკუპირებული. ასეთ დროს, ლოგიკურია, რომ ადამიანს გიჩნდება სურვილიც და ამბიციაც, რომ მოკლე წინადადებებით მოუყვე უცნობ ადამიანს გენიოს შოთა რუსთაველზე, უნიკალურ ქართულ გალობაზე, რომელიც არსებულ გალობებში ყველაზე ავთენტურია, ბუნებაზე, წელიწადის ოთხივე დროს რომ ფუნქციურია და დედამიწის ყველა, თითქმის ყველა ტიპის ლანდშაფტზე, ამ პატარა ადგილას რომაა თავმოყრილი. გამორჩეულ ხატწერაზე, ანბანზე, 14 დან ერთი რომაა, ლიტერატურაზე, მეოთხე საუკუნეში ფემინისტური ტექსტი რომ შექმნა. არ გინდა გამოგრჩეს ისიც, რომ მსოფლიოში ალბათ პირველი ქალი მონარქი შენ ქვეყანაში გამეფდა და არც უმთავრესი, რომ მსოფლიო კულტურულმა მემკვიდრეობამ ღვინის სამშობლოდ გაღიარა, მაგრამ სწორედ ამდენის მოკლედ მოყოლის სურვილისას, ჩემნაირ ემოციურად ფეთქებად და გახსნილ ადამიანს, სულ სხვა რამ შეიძლება მოგადგეს პირზე და სამ, შენგან სრულიად განსხვავებულ ადამიანს ის უთხრა, რაც მე ვუთხარი: მოდი, ხაჭაპურზე მოგიყვებით!


nce, during a long transfer in the Istanbul Ataturk Airport, I fortunately met a Belarussian, a Lithuanian, and a Norwegian. They were planning a summer trip for the next year, but they could not decide whether

to fly to China or to travel from Austria to Turkey by car. When the conversation touched Georgia, they asked for my opinion. They wanted to know why anyone should choose Georgia as a travel destination. “How do you see your country?” They quizzed with their eyes longing for answers. The question seemed straight forward but I can assure you that anyone in my shoes would have found it difficult to answer. For me, it was even more difficult and I bet only a Georgian could have imagined the difficulty I felt at that moment. I felt special but I was equally perplexed as I wondered how to explain that Georgia is 70,000 square kilometers of rich land but over 23% of it is occupied by the neighboring Russia. In such instances where I’ve been faced with the need to answer such questions, I usually develop a logical desire and ambition to familiarize my listeners with the genius author, philosopher and statesman, Shota Rustaveli. Following that, I would want to talk about Georgian chants and the authentic nature surrounding them. I would also want to talk in delight about my country’s abundance of flora and fauna, and other marvels of nature which are noticeable all-year round. Georgia has the most beautiful landscapes and despite being a small expanse of land, they are outstanding in many ways. I certainly believe that if I spoke about Georgia’s iconography and the incredible alphabet of the Georgian language which, is one of the 14 alphabets in the world, my new friends would


ხაჭაპურზე ლაპარაკი კი ასე ადვილი არაა, ჯერ ასო-ბგერა „ჭ“-ს გამოთქმა უნდა ასწავლო მსმენელს, მერე აუხსნა, რომ მარტო ამ კერძის 15-მდე ოფიციალური ვარიაცია გაქვთ ქვეყანაში და ამ ვარიაციებშიც იმდენი გრადაციაა, რომ ძალიანაც რომ მოინდომო, 2 ერთნაირი გემოს ხაჭაპურს ვერსად შეჭამ. საქართველოში 250-მდე ან უფრო მეტიც კერძის დაგემოვნებაა შესაძლებელი, ყველა კუთხეს თავისი, სრულიად უნიკალური წესი და ჩვეულება აქვს და ამ ჩვეულებებსა და გემოებს შორის დიდი ისტორია იმალება. ქართველებისთვის განსაკუთრებულად მნიშვნელოვანია საკუთარი იდენტობის დასადასტურებლად, ყველა კერძს, რასაც ამ ქვეყანაში ამზადებენ, ქართული უწოდონ, სინამდვილეში კი, ქართული კულინარიის საიდუმლოება ისაა, რომ ალბათ უმეტესობა მათგანს ვერ

become instantly acquainted with Georgia, or if I described Georgian literature which, is one of the most historical pool of literature with prominent feminist texts written as far back as the fourth century. Women have always been strong figures in Georgia and while the rest of the world is catching up with the practice of empowering women today, Georgia had the first female monarch in the world long ago. Above all of this, I had the desire to talk about Georgia’s recognition as a World Heritage and cradle of wine but even as I wanted to say so much, I felt that my emotionally explosive side would get the better of me and I may not be fully expressive, I requested to tell my new friends about Khachapuri, “Let me tell you about Khachapuri!” I offered. You see, it is not so easy to talk about Khachapuri because you need to teach the listener the letter “ჭ” (tch) first, then you have to explain that there are about 15 official variations of this dish in the country. It gets more confusing because even among these 15 official variations, there are so many gradations that makes each of the dishes unique. In fact, if you feel very motivated, you cannot find two Khachapuri dishes whose taste are exact. There is something special about this dish. There are about 250 or more tasty dishes that are native to Georgia, with every region having its own unique rules and customs, with a long history deftly hidden between these habits and tastes. It is very important for Georgians to own their identity, and a simple way to do this is by identifying the dishes in this country as Georgian. Although, I quite agree with the school of thought that suggests that the secret of Georgian cuisine is that most of them are not identified as Georgian but all of them are really Georgian. One would wonder what is the source of this identification issue? Well, Georgia, due to its geo-

© ანრი მაჭავარიანი © Henri Matchavariani


დავარქმევდით ქართულს და ამავე დროს, ყველა, მართლაც რომ ქართულია. უცნაურობა რაში მდგომარეობს? საქართველო, თავისი გეოპოლიტიკური მდებარეობის გამო, ცივილიზაციების გადაკვეთის ადგილი იყო. ამ კვეთებს თავისი წესებისა და გემოების შემოტანა, დამკვიდრება და მერე უკან წაღება მოსდევდა. ამ პატარა მიწაზე, სადაც კულინარია კულტურის უცვლელი შემადგენელი ნაწილია, ისეთი გემოები და ვარიაციებია შემონახული, რომელიც, იქნებ წარმოშობის ადგილსაც კი სჯობდეს და ამეტებდეს. აღმოსავლური და დასავლური ცივილიზაციების შეჯახება, შერწყმა და ახალი სახით წარმოჩინება, საქართველოს სავიზიტო ბარათია. ქართველებმა სწორედ ეს მოახერხეს და ამით, ამ პატარა ქვეყნის ნიშა სრულიად უნიკალურია. რეგიონისთვის დამახასიათებელი და გასაგები გემოები, გამორჩეული და ავთენტური კიდევ ერთი საიდუმლოების გამოა საინტერესო: ცნობილია, რომ მედეა, მედიცინის დამაარსებელი კოლხი ქალი სწორედ საქართველოს ტერიტორიაზე ცხოვრობდა, ამ პრეისტორიულ ქალს, კოლხეთის მიწებზე ფანტასტიკური ბაღი ჰქონია გაშენებული. იქნებ ამიტომაც, ქართული სამზარეულო სუნელებითა და სანელებლებითაა ცნობილი. გამორჩეული, განსხვავებული და იქნებ უნიკალური გემოები ქართულ კერძებს ამიტომ აქვთ. მოსაყოლს ავცდით და ისევ ხაჭაპურზე რომ ვილაპარაკოთ, თუკი ნამდვილი ქართული კერძი უნდა დასახელდეს, ხაჭაპური ამ ჩამონათვალში ნამდვილად ერთ-ერთია. ყველისა და ცომისგან შექმნილ ამ მარტივ კერძს, აღმოსავლეთში სხვანაირად ამზადებენ, დასავლეთში სხვანაირად, ჩრდილოეთსა და სამხრეთში სხვა გემო აქვს და სხვანაირადაც იჭმევა. ტრადიციულ ქართულ ხაჭაპურთან ნაცნობობა კი სუნით იწყება. ზოგადად, სიყვარული ხომ სუნით იწყება, როგორც კომუნიკაციის პირველი და უმთავრესი ფორმით. ხაჭაპურს კი, როგორც უცხოეთიდან ჩამოსული ტურისტები ამბობენ, დედის სუნი აქვს. არ ვიცი, როგორ შეიძლება კერძს დედის სუნი ჰქონდეს, მაგრამ ასე კი ამბობენ და მჯერა, რადგან პირველი, რასაც რესტორანში შესული უცხოელი უკვეთავს, სწორედ ეს საოცარი საჭმელია. საქართველოს, რომ შეეძლოს და საკუთარი ამბავი მოყვეს, ალბათ თხრობას ასე დაიწყებდა: მე, საქართველო, იდეა ვარ, რომლის მატერიალიზაციასაც საუკუნეების განმავლობაში განსხვავებული ერების, ეთნოსების, რელიგიებისა და ხალხების თანაცხოვრებით რუდუნებით ვცდილობ. მე, საქართველოს, რაღაც განსაკუთრებული მიმზიდველობა მაქვს, რადგან საუკუნეების განმავლობაში, ყველა დამპყრობელი, ვინც დასაპყრობად შემოდიოდა, საცხოვრებლადაც რჩებოდა აქ. ეს ლტოლვა, უცნაური ლტოლვა ჩემი მიწის მიმართ, ამოუხსნელია. დიდი კულტურის და ორი უძველესი ცივილიზაციის უწყვეტად გამგრძელებელი ვარ, აქ სადღეგრძელოს ღვინით 8000 წლის წინაც ამბობდნენ, მაგრამ მოდი, მცირედით დავიწყოთ, მოდი, ხაჭაპურზე ვილაპარაკოთ!

political location, was the crossing point of several civilizations. These civilizations brought intersections that were accompanied by their own rules, tastes, habits, and then retreats. In this small land, where culinary culture is an integral part of the culture, there are tastes and variations that were even eliminated over time and they had improved tastes that were better than their original taste from their place of origin. The impact, fusion, and emergence of Eastern and Western civilizations were warmly accepted in Georgia and have forged to be an important business card for Georgia today. The Georgians have owned the different influences and this has carved a very unique niche for this small country in an outstanding fashion. Different regions of Georgia have characterized tastes which are distinctive and authentic and many believe this is because of one more interesting secret – Medea, the Princess of Colchis and the founder of medicine is believed to have lived on the territory of Georgia and this could be the reason Georgian cuisine contains a lot of herbs and spices. These herbs and spices provide the unique tastes that set Georgian dishes on a different pedestal. I watched their eyes brightened as I returned to the subject of Khachapuri again, my friends had been taken on an epic journey about Georgia in their minds. If you have to name a real Georgian dish, Khachapuri is definitely on this list. This simple dish is made from cheese and dough but it is cooked differently in the East and West, and it tastes differently in the North and South. Interestingly, it is also eaten differently. The first step to getting acquainted with traditional Georgian Khachapuri is its enticing aroma. In general, love emotions are usually triggered through the sense of smell so, they serve as the foremost form of communication. Khachapuri is usually described by most tourists as a dish whose aroma is inviting just like a “mother’s embrace.” I do not know how the dish can smell like a mother’s love, but so they say and I believe it, because the first thing that a foreigner orders in the restaurant is this amazing food. For Georgia to be able to tell its own story, perhaps the narrative should start like this: I, Georgia, have materially pursued the idea of coexisting for centuries with different nations, ethnicities, religions and people. I, Georgia, have something of a special attraction, because for centuries, all the invaders who came in for conquest have stayed here. This longing, the strange longing for my land, is unexplained. I am furthering a great culture and two ancient civilizations. These started with toasts and wine which were said here over 8,000 years ago too, but let’s start with a small important detail, let’s talk about Khachapuri!


I love most the natural beauty of Georgia. Georgia’s breathtaking landscapes are matched only by the richness of its history and culture and the hospitality of the Georgian people. Come spend your summer in Georgia and see for yourself! Elizabeth Rood, Chargé d’Affaires, a.i.

Georgian Tourism has Potentials for Growth but Requires Careful Planning


hen Diplomat Magazine spoke to Elizabeth Rood, Charge d’Affaires of the United States Embassy in Georgia, she was

full of praises and optimism for Georgia’s greatest treasure which, she describes as “its natural beauty”.

You travel a lot in Georgia, which places impressed you most? Charge d’Affairs, Elizabeth Rood: Georgia’s greatest treasure is its natural beauty, and every place I’ve visited is beautiful in its own unique way. The places that have impressed me most are

so important to protect. Third, I love the green mountains of Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park, especially the less-visited Kharagauli side, which has so much potential for more visitors to enjoy. Later this summer I hope to climb Kazbegi and trek from Tusheti to Khevsureti. There are so many other places I have not even visited

Rood believes that Georgia is an

very remote, because I like quiet places

attractive tourist destination with a vari-

best. First, the hiking route from Likheti,

ety of offerings for her visitors but she

in Racha, to Shkedi, in Lower Svaneti,

believes that only Georgians can truly

is spectacular for its vistas. Second, La-

Which places in Georgia do you vis-

develop the Georgian tourism industry

godekhi National Park, especially Black

it/would like to visit more than once,

through sacrifice and careful planning

Rock Lake on the border with Daghestan,


targeted at high quality tourism infra-

is breathtakingly beautiful and home to


endangered species, like the tur, that are


yet, including the place many people love most, Mestia, so I will have to keep busy!

This year I had the privilege of joining hundreds of young people in taking the

icon of St. Andrew from Sioni cathedral in Tbilisi to the top of the Iron Cross mountain in Kharagauli. This was an amazing and rugged experience that brought together so many enthusiastic people who love their country, its traditions, and its nature. I will never forget that day and would be happy to join again next year. Of course, there are other places I’ve visited many times – Borjomi, Gudauri, and Batumi, for example. I loved whitewater rafting on the Rioni River in Racha earlier this year, and definitely want to return soon to raft a more difficult stretch of the river. I’ve hiked twice to Kldekari fortress in Kvemo Kartli, and I would like to take more hikes in that area, too. Really, there are so many remarkable places to see and see again – the only problem is lack of time! If you were not a representative of the Embassy, would Georgia still be an

attractive tourism destination for you? It definitely would, and I think Georgia is an attractive tourist destination for anyone, because it offers such tremendous variety. There is something here for everyone throughout the year. This country is growing increasingly wellknown throughout the world for its historic sites, exotic and unique cuisine, its sophisticated wine, as well as its vibrant culture, and its thriving arts, music and dance scene; and, of course, its people. Tourism has been a growing industry in this country for many years, and it continues to attract more visitors every year from all over the world. In your opinion, what could be done to attract more travelers from the United States? First, Georgia’s facilities for tourism have been developing rapidly, but there

CDA Elizabeth Rood on the peak of Mount Kazbegi


is still a need for carefully planned further

sures. Second, Georgia is a long jour-

I think Georgia will attract more interna-

development of high quality tourism infra-

ney from the Unites States, and we hope

tional tourists by continuing its ongoing

structure. It is essential that development

there will be better flight connections in

efforts to integrate with Euro-Atlantic in-

preserve, rather than damage, Georgia’s

the future that will make travel from the

stitutions by developing its economy and

irreplaceable natural and cultural trea-

United States faster and easier. Finally,

democracy. I am proud of the work done


by the U.S. Embassy, USAID, and MCC,

This is an incredibly resilient country

together with our Georgian partners, to

with a long history of overcoming great

promote innovation, entrepreneurship,

challenges. I have no doubt that Geor-

and Georgia’s sustainable economic de-

gians will rise to this challenge, just as


they always have. I think the social media

Russia’s ban on flights is a challenge for the Georgian tourism industry, what would be your advice to the Georgian people and government on how to transform this challenge into an opportunity?

campaign #spendyoursummeringeorgia is a fine example of this resilience. We have seen in this campaign a clarity and unity of message that transcends political, economic and social differences of opinion and instead speaks with a sin-

I think Georgia is an attractive tourist destination for anyone, because it offers such tremendous variety. There is something here for everyone throughout the year. This country is growing increasingly well-known throughout the world for its historic sites, exotic and unique cuisine, its sophisticated wine, as well as its vibrant culture, and its thriving arts, music and dance scene; and, of course, its people.

gle and clear voice. I think this campaign

directly interact, while bridging the cultur-

should expand its scope to #spendyour-

al and societal gaps that exist between

vacationinGeorgiaallyearround. Beyond

cultures. In a sense, all international tour-

this, the Georgian government and busi-

ists are ambassadors for the country from

ness community should energize their

which they travel, and this is both a priv-

efforts to attract tourists from many dif-

ilege and a responsibility. In that regard,

ferent countries, and I know this work is

tourism can play a very profound role in


shaping the relationship between two na-

Do you believe in tourism diplomacy and the role it can play in the foreign affairs of Georgia? President John F. Kennedy said “as people move throughout the world and learn to know each other, to understand each other’s customs and to appreciate the qualities of the individuals of each nation, we are building a level of international understanding which can sharply improve the atmosphere for world peace.” He believed, as I do, that tourism can transform the lives of the tourists themselves and the people with whom they

tions. When citizens of another country travel to Georgia and experiences all that Georgian culture has to offer, they return to their country and speak of the positive experience they had here. It encourages others to come here, and they in turn encourage others still. The development of this sector of the economy positively affects the business and investment climate, which further improves the overall economy, which in turn invites more tourism. Thus, it is a virtuous circle. This is what I hope to see in Georgia, and it is what I believe will happen here.


ia g r o e g n i r e m m u s r u o y d #spen

photo by Mike Turner


ven though I've only lived here for a short time, Georgia has utterly blown me away. It seems like you can't walk more than a few steps in any direction without stumbling onto a piece of history--it's like whack-a-mole, but with ancient ruins! Even beyond its historical sites and natural beauty, Georgia's people are some of the warmest and kindest that I've ever met. Thanks to them and their incredible hospitality, I feel like I've found a second home here. I've fallen head over heels for Georgia, and I can't say it enough--spend your summer in Georgia! - Gretchen Knaut, U.S. Embassy Intern.



s a photography enthusiast and outdoor adventurer, Georgia is the perfect playground. I’ve spent my summer in Georgia exploring as much of this beautiful country as I can, and every single city has left me wanting more. Between the stunning mountain scenery of Stepantsminda, the calm serenity of Borjomi, and the incredible glimpse into the past in Dmanisi, it’s hard to pick a favorite. So, I won’t. I can’t wait to see where my next adventure brings me, but I know it will be full of excitement, beauty, and the welcoming hospitality Georgia does so well. - Kristen Crocker, American Diplomat


s a Foreign Service Officer and former adventure guide in Alaska, I have had amazing fishing experiences all over the world. Fly fishing in Western Georgia (a fisherman never tells exactly where) is as good as it gets. The incredible mountain scenery, beautiful river, and knowledgeable and friendly Georgian guide was enough to get me “hooked” on fishing in Georgia. The plentiful and beautiful brown trout kept our lines tight throughout the day and into the evening when our Georgian hosts took over to ply us with wine, overfeed us on Adjarian dishes and tell us about their project to rehabilitate the river into a world-class fishery. I caught and released over 35 trout in three days of fishing, and I cannot wait to return to catch them again and again. - Jason Kalbfleisch, American Diplomat.



a i g r o e g n i r e m m u s r u o y #spend


eorgia has been home to my family and me for a year. We know and love it as a place of beauty and joy, elegance and sophistication, history and tradition. We have walked in awe along the beaches of the Black Sea, the mountains of Kakheti, and the monasteries at Gelati. But it is the Georgian people who have affected us the most. They have embraced us with a warmth unlike anything we’ve known elsewhere in the world. Last year at Christmas, I visited a village in Svaneti, just as the winter’s first snow had begun to fall in the mountains. A small girl welcomed me by taking my hand and holding it in hers, not wanting to let go. She remains a symbol to me of the resilience and hope of the Georgian people, and I know that for the rest of my life I will carry with me the memory of her hand in mine. That to me is Georgia. And it is magic. - Chris Davenport, American Diplomat


here is no place on earth I would rather be than Georgia. The majestic beauty of this land is obvious, but no photo or brochure can ever capture the warmth and unbending spirit of its people. From rtvelis and supras in the wine-rich east, to seaside picnics and snowy hikes in the mountainous west, I have left a part of my heart in every region I’ve visited, and have gained a Georgian family who I will carry with me always.” -Deje Holmes, American Diplomat.



y family and I have so cherished our time in Georgia. Every season brings fresh vistas and revelations. From my daughters learning how to ski in the magnificent Caucasus landscapes of Gudauri, to hiking and taking in the waters in Borjomi, enjoying the Boulevard in Batumi, walking the magical lanes and byways of Sighnagi in Kakheti, enjoying the wonderful flavors of Megrelian cuisine in Zugdidi – the list goes on and on. But what we treasure most is the warm-hearted welcome we have received from our new friends, classmates, colleagues in Tbilisi and all throughout Georgia. Georgia is a place where folks really love their homes, this land, and their local communities. No one that comes to Georgia ever leaves without lasting memories and a sense that one’s life is better and richer for the experience.” – Julius Tsai, American Diplomat


his country has truly stolen my heart. I would encourage all my friends and family to#SpendYourSummerInGeorgia—and they already have! We have welcomed so many visitors to here, including my parents who experienced an authentic Supra with our friends in Kakheti. Georgia has such a rich cultural past, but I’m even more excited to see what Georgia’s future will bring. I am constantly inspired by the people I meet working to improve their communities and build a Georgia that is prosperous and free. - Erin Jarrett, American Diplomat.





A Prime Hospitality Destination That Captures The Truest Borjomi Spirits Borjomi – known for her natural mineral water springs and breathtaking architecture is one of the top destinations anyone could visit in Georgia. Borjomi’s Central Park sits pretty amidst a bloom of greenery that leaves the air around the town fresh and alluring for everyone. Borjomi’s aesthetic appeal makes it an outstanding spa and resort town in Georgia. Borjomi is home to the incredible 19th century Romanov Palace and is home to one of the world’s top hospitality destinations – Crowne Plaza Borjomi. Crowne Plaza Borjomi is famous for her bright rooms and suites, amazing river views over balconies, and a spa that gives visitors more than they bargained. Crowne Plaza Borjomi captures the full essence and spirit of Borjomi as its location offers visitors a prime view and experience of Borjomi. Overlooked by tall trees and mountains on the horizon, Crowne Plaza Borjomi is a unique combination of stateof-the-art hospitality and the ever-welcoming hands of nature. Crowne Plaza Borjomi’s breathtaking attention to architectural details perfectly complements the hotel’s location which is just a few minutes’ walk from the entrance to the famous Park of Borjomi, and it is very well placed to welcome both leisure and corporate travelers.

Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts is an upscale hotel under the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) brand. IHG has a vast collection of hotels in nearly 65 countries around the world. Crowne Plaza Borjomi houses 101 modern guest rooms of 8 categories, and are fitted with floor-toceiling windows which affords visitors an extensive view of Borjomi and its flora and fauna. Lodgers at Crowne Plaza Borjomi are guaranteed free Wi-Fi and a room service available round the clock from the most attentive and courteous staff. It has two restaurants, a lobby bar and Wine bar, Club Lounge and a 24-hour Gym that is nicely combined with the exclusive Wellness & Spa Centre (2.400 sq.m) offering leisure facilities like: swimming pool, steam room, saunas and different relaxing areas, and an array of health treatments to satisfy the most discerning tastes and needs. In addition to these on-site facilities, Crowne Plaza Borjomi integrates the benefits of the Borjomi region in their list of services. All guests are entitled for free admission to the Borjomi Central Park and Sulfur Pools – curative, warm baths in the middle of woods. Plus, Mineral Water Springs are accessible right within the hotel’s premises. Crowne Plaza Borjomi is a haven for those looking to relax, rejuvenate, or have a quiet meeting. This brilliant combination of excellent architecture, tasty lighting and interior design, and nature defines Borjomi in a truer sense than any other attempt. Crowne Plaza Borjomi is the one place that combines the sheer power of hospitality and resplendent nature.


Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel, Tbilisi Perfect place for every traveller


Welcome to the Radisson Blu Iveria, Tbilisi’s premiere deluxe hotel. Located in the heart of the city only steps away from beautiful Old Town, the shopping district, and the city’s top attractions, the Radisson Blu Iveria offers guests a chance to experience all this vibrant city has to offer.

All the flavours and colours of Tuscany come together at Filini, our gourmet Italian restaurant serving the best cuisine from Italy. On a mission to offer comforting and joyful dishes, guests relish beautiful food in an attractive, fine dining setting complete with warm and welcoming service.

With 249 guest rooms and suites feature soothing, minimalist décor and scenic views of Tbilisi, our hotel provides quality amenities and comfortable accommodations including a mini bar, individual climate control, flat-screen TVs, free Wi-Fi, and 24-hour room service. Between the comfort of the rooms, our awardwinning dining offerings, and an exclusive spa center, the Radisson Blu Iveria is the perfect place for every traveller.

Iveria Terrace, our seasonal outdoor restaurant (open daily from May to October), is a popular gathering place known for its laid-back atmosphere and delicious food prepared by award-winning chefs.

Close to it all!

Coming to see the sights or enjoy a night at the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theater? City Hall, Freedom Square, and the Art Museum of Georgia are all within a mile of the hotel, while the opera is just 1,300 feet from our front door. It is just eleven miles from the Tbilisi International Airport; it’s easy to reach the Radisson Blu Iveria.

Enjoy excellent food and exceptional dining choices.

No matter what your mood or craving, the Radisson Blu Iveria offers guests an array of unforgettable drinking and dining experiences. Cooking becomes a performance art as guests watch dinner preparations in the open kitchen of Umami. Mixing Japanese and Thai with other culinary cultures, this Asian fusion restaurant uses the freshest ingredients to create both traditional and innovative dishes.

On record as the highest bar in Tbilisi, the Oxygen Bar is located on the 18th floor of the hotel. Stunning panoramic views, modern music, and refreshing cocktails make this the perfect place to end your day. With soft background music, excellent drinks, and light meals featuring authentic Georgian dishes, the Surface Bar is an ideal place to meet up with friends and colleagues. Join us for breakfast or try one of our tasty sandwiches made with freshly-baked bread at the Iveria Café, located just 50 meters from the hotel’s main building.

Relax in Style at Anne Semonin Spa

You may never want to leave our exclusive 1,600-squaremeter Anne Semonin Spa. Perched on the hotel’s top two floors, guests overlook Tbilisi while working out in the fully-equipped fitness center, then feel tension disappear in our relaxation area, thermal suites, KLAFS© solariums, and nine treatment rooms where guests book massages or treatments to relieve stress and focus on well-being.


A Significant Growth in Georgia’s Tourism Sector Will Spur Growth Across Other Sectors

he Georgian government has her focus on growing the tourism industry in Georgia as the sector has proven to simultaneously boost growth in other sectors of the country especially those tied to the tourism sector. Alexander Khvtisiashvili, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, spoke to us at Diplomat Magazine about the government’s drive and push for growth in the Georgian tourism industry especially in the wake of positive metrics recorded from tourist visitors over the years. It is important to have an enabling tourism structure to cater for the growing needs for the tourism sector in Georgia and this is the exact focus of the Georgian government.


What are the biggest assets that you believe Georgia has? Georgia undoubtedly has a number of advantages, given its geographical location, natural resources and capabilities, ancient and unique culture, traditions, as well as an established business environment. One of the most important areas is tourism, which is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of Georgia’s economy with significant potential for further growth. To briefly outline the opportunities available


in Georgia, it is enough to say, that in this small territory we have unique biodiversity with subtropical marshes, semi-deserts, alpine zones, snowy peaks and seaside, all within hundred kilometres of each other. Georgia has more than 12 000 historical and cultural monuments, and many of them are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. We have over 103 resorts; more than 2400 springs of mineral waters; 8 national parks, 31 protected areas and up to 1000 caves and canyons. Our people are also well-known for their hospitality, delicious cuisine and unique wine passed through 8000 years old tradition. We have all preconditions to successfully develop and be a 4-season and multidimensional tourism destination. Does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia have a special policy towards foreign tourism? The aim of our country, like any tourist country, is to attract more foreign tourists and it is important to have a diverse origin of visitors. In 2015, the Government of Georgia developed a 10-year Action Plan for the Development of the Tourism Sector, according to its projections, by 2025 the number of tourists should be increased to

11-12 million. For this goal, the government invests and puts big resources in modernization and building infrastructure, conducting public awareness and advertising campaigns abroad, and developing tourism infrastructure. LEPL Georgian National Tourism Administration under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia is the main entity responsible for state policy, marketing and the action plan’s development and implementation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a main state body is responsible for effective implementation of economic and cultural diplomacy, and the body works closely with the LEPL Georgian National Tourism Administration and coordinates all of its actions. Have you identified a specific segment that needs upgrading to enhance the potential of the tourism sector? As it was mentioned at the beginning, our country has huge potentials for tourism development. The government is actively working to develop all segments. At the moment, special efforts are being made towards connectivity, because of increasing interest of tourists towards Georgia so, we are actively working to establish more direct flights from different countries and

more ferry connection on the Black Sea. At the same time, we are observing a growing demand for accommodation and this gives great opportunity for investment in the hotel segment. What are the main activities you hold each year? As we are main players implementing economic diplomacy, we also have elaborated action plans which our diplomatic representations abroad follow to regularly organize events and presentations to increase awareness and attract additional touristic flows into Georgia. We have close cooperation with the Georgian National Tourism Administration, our diplomats regularly identify and conduct consultation with writers, journalists, bloggers and other media representatives with the aim to invite them to Georgia in order to further promote the tourism potential of Georgia. Asides this, our diplomatic representations actively work with tourism agencies, TV channels, Journals and news agencies. How do you assess the Russian flight ban and how do you think it can be resolved? It should be noted, that it is unfortunate that the Russian government has taken a decision and introduced temporary flight ban for Georgian-Russian air traffic and named reason was lack of security of Russian citizens in the territory of Georgia. Perhaps, the decision was made hastily. It should be noted, that despite the fact that the Russian Federation currently occupies 20% of Georgia’s territory, during the past 5 years (growth of Russian tourists began in 2013-2014) till today, there had not been a single case of violation against Russian tourists. I would like to bring to your attention that just a few days ago, one of the largest and respected Russian insurance company, “Alfainsurance,” pub-

lished a rating of the safest countries for Family Holidays and according to rankings, Georgia is one of the safest countries for tourists. Russian citizens feel safe and comfortable in Georgia, so they still manage to visit Georgia by land transport. The number of visitors from the Russian Federation to Georgia during 5 months of 2019 were several hundreds of thousands. I think that the published ratings, as well as the current flow of Russian tourists, will

accounts for 7.6% of the national GDP. Besides the generation of substantial income for other sectors and people involved in the tourism sector, it significantly contributes to raising awareness of the country, putting emphasis on Georgian culture, hospitality, ancient heritage, geographical location, safety, business environment and opportunity, popularization of Georgian products and other sort of advantages as well. Consequently, it helps to attract business and

At the moment, special efforts are being made towards connectivity, because of increasing interest of tourists towards Georgia so, we are actively working to establish more direct flights from different countries and more ferry connection on the Black Sea. At the same time, we are observing a growing demand for accommodation and this gives great opportunity for investment in the hotel segment. once again show to the Russian authorities that Georgia is a safe country and they will abolish this temporary restriction. How important is the tourism industry for the foreign affairs of Georgia? (role of tourism diplomacy) Considering our location, Georgia has always been a cross point and place of interconnections of civilizations and regions, we have always been part of the ancient Silk Road, accordingly Georgia has always been visited by travelers, entrepreneurs, traders and other people who have contributed to the development of the country. Tourism plays an important role in the development of Georgia’s economy today as well. The sector has expanded significantly since 2013, with record results in 2018 when the country was visited by more than 8.6 million international arrivals with contribution of 3.2 billion USD to the Georgian economy. Today, the tourism sector

I would like to emphasize that it was a great pleasure and honor to receive such significant support from our partners and countries with which we share friendship, and to see such a wide-ranging advertising/marketing campaign, we greatly appreciate this strong support. This has undoubtedly contributed to our plans and has attracted more interest and of course, more tourists from different countries and this has mitigated the losses caused by the restriction of flights from the Russian Federation.

investment attention to the Country, and it supports Georgian export too. What do you think about the fact that after the Russian flight ban, many countries stand behind Georgia and asked their citizens to visit our country, some foreign embassies still continue to promote Georgia as a tourist destination for this summer and not only, was it unexpected, do you see any new perspectives after these statements? I would like to emphasize that it was a great pleasure and honor to receive such significant support from our partners and countries with which we share friendship, and to see such a wide-ranging advertising/ marketing campaign, we greatly appreciate this strong support. This has undoubtedly contributed to our plans and has attracted more interest and of course, more tourists from different countries and this has mitigated the losses caused by the restriction of flights from the Russian Federation. Following the flight ban announcement from the Russian government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Georgian National Tourism Administration organized a meeting with the representatives of the Diplomatic Community presented in Tbilisi to inform them regarding the current situation, expected results and future plans, including advanced campaign “Spend Your Summer in Georgia”, and we are glad they actively joined the campaign, which clearly shows that Georgia is a safe country for the visitors. Through our targeted policy, we expect more visitors in Georgia.


Georgia Is a Good Spot for Adventure, Unique Culture, and Wonderful Deposits of Nature


he growing trend of touristic visits to Georgia among Britons spells well for Georgian tourism, this is according to

British Acting Ambassador to Georgia, Alexandra Cole. Cole while speaking to Diplomat Magazine, believes that Georgia is an ideal tourism hub and he believes many British citizens are encouraged to visit Georgia yearly as the statistics suggest. Cole believes that there is mutual interest shared between both nations and this has translated to growing business interests and a


stronger friendship between the UK and

places. The old town and small streets of

see that the Tourism Administration and


Sololaki are of course a must-see. I also

local tour operators are doing their best

love going to Kakheti, visiting wineries

to promote “Best of Georgia”. There is

and spots with breath-taking views over

plenty for active travellers, those who like

Alazani. One of my favourite things about

to explore new places and enjoy moun-

travelling in Georgia is to stop some-

taineering, hiking, skiing, etc. But there

where, find a cafe or restaurant, try a new

is also plenty for those who just like to

We are very pleased that the trend is

wine variety and absorb the spectacular

relax in idyllic settings and gaze at beau-

growing. More and more British people

view. Although I am not much of a hiker

tiful valleys and sunsets. Georgia’s rich

are hearing about, and attracted to, visit-

myself, but some of our British colleagues

history and culture has plenty to offer to

ing Georgia. My friends no longer make a

have not left a hiking route unexplored:

history loving travellers or foodies. And

mistake and think I live in USA! Between

Tusheti, Lagodekhi, Borjomi Naional Park

I know that Tbilisi’s edgy scene is a big

2017 and 2018, we saw visitor numbers

and Svaneti.

draw for those who love music, design

Are there any statistics indicating the number of the citizens of your country who are visiting Georgia annually?

grow by 45%. What are the main factors that attract tourists from the UK to Georgia?

What would be your advice to a British citizen who is going to visit Georgia for the first time?

and fashion. If I could make one change it would be to improve the transport infrastructure - although selfishly perhaps not

And what should be done to attract more?

Georgia is adventurous, has an amazing

It is hard to speak on everyone’s behalf, but British tourists love adventure

and unique culture and it’s also unexplored

and novelty. Georgia is adventurous, has an amazing and unique culture and it’s

and new for a Western European traveller.

also unexplored and new for a Western European traveller. You have amazing landscape and nature, which is very raw and unspoiled by modern developments, you have some excellent mountain hiking routes, skiing, seaside resorts. And of course, wine and food. To what extent are the direct flights to Georgia important?

You have amazing landscape and nature, which is very raw and unspoiled by modern developments, you have some excellent mountain hiking routes, skiing, seaside resorts. And of course, wine and food.

Very important. The jump in visitor numbers when direct flights were intro-

Relax, enjoy, keep safe and remember

duced shows that they had positive im-

to check our Travel Advice before travel-

pact on growing numbers.

ling. And bring an appetite!

Do you find it easy to actually get out of the embassy and see our country? Which attractions do you like most in Georgia and which of them will you suggest to travellers as “must visit”? Not as much as I would like to! We have a busy embassy here in Tbilisi, so it’s not always easy to carve out some time to explore your beautiful country. But I try to make the most of it when I can. And it’s not just the countryside, I love walking around Tbilisi and finding new

What is your opinion about Georgian cuisine, which dishes did you find worth trying? I’ve not yet met anyone who doesn’t like Georgian food. Like most visitors I adore Khachapuri - maybe a little too much for my waistline! But I also love Pkhali, Kharcho and Shkmeruli. There are different types of tourism. In your opinion, where does Georgia have more potential? Georgia has a lot of potential and I can

too much - I love Georgia’s hidden gems!! Due to the visa requirements, Georgians usually avoid to travel to the UK for tourism purposes. Although there are no ongoing negotiations between UK and Georgia regarding visa free access, do you think that there can be any perspective for that? I’m pleased to say many Georgians do choose UK as their destination. For example more and more young Georgians choose UK’s top universities and schools for studies, our shared business interests are growing and of course the strong friendship between British and Georgian people continues to grow.


TAPIS ROUGE VIP BOUTIQUE HOTEL a 5 star testament to batumi’s touristic appeal



atumi, known as the “Pearl of the Black Sea,� and the port city capital of Adjara, is one of the most visited tourist locations in Georgia. Batumi houses both old and new architectural designs and structures that tell the story of Georgia through different lenses. The ancient town of Batumi is a fascinating city by default but the thrills and frills that Batumi has got to offer cannot be fully appreciated without a comfortable rest point. Therefore, as a tourist, who is visiting Batumi, you should think of no other place than the Tapis Rouge VIP Boutique. Tapis Rouge VIP Boutique is a 5-star hotel located in the very heart of Batumi, 200 meters away from the Black Sea. Tapis Rouge VIP Boutique is a sight to behold as it combines age-long Georgian architecture with modern age interior design and decoration to give her visitors a deluxe experience without having to break the bank. The Tapis Rouge VIP Boutique is located in a prime location that affords its guests easy access to the Black Sea coast. It is also surrounded by the Neptun Fountain, Medea Monument and Europe Square, with only 5-minutes walking distance from Ali and Nino Monument, Miracles Park and Adjara Art Museum. The Tapis Rouge Hotel is a great choice for travelers interested in food, shopping, museums and business affairs. You will find the best Georgian restaurants right in front of the Tapis Rouge Hotel.

The bathroom is equipped with the Villeroy & Boch and Vitra accessories, and there are lots of details ensured to guarantee comfortable rest for visitors. Tapis Rouge VIP Boutique has several room dimensions which makes it a suitable hotel destination for individuals, families, and groups visiting Batumi. In fact, several guests who have been at the Tapis Rouge VIP Boutique testifies to the modern and spacious nature of the cozy rooms on offer. They also spoke in high spirits about the complimentary buffet breakfast that is available for all rooms. The view from each room at the Tapis Rouge VIP Boutique is amazing and it allows visitors capture the full essence of the illustrious town of Batumi. The hotel welcomes several interesting highprofile guests, including the representatives of diplomatic corps all year round. With a conference room for 20-30 people, it is ideal place for business meetings. The Tapis Rouge VIP Boutique is a warm and ambient hotel facility which resonates with the truest spirits of Batumi.

The hotel has large, contemporary rooms with individual designs and modern amenities, including a flat-screen TV, air-conditioning, large desk, minibar, free Wi-Fi, a safe box as well as non-standard (30 cm) top quality mattresses and linen. There is 24-hour room service available. Some rooms enjoy a splendid city view alongside spacious and classic interior that makes the Tapis Rouge VIP Boutique a comfortable place even for a long stay.



n this interview with the Ambassador of France to Georgia, Pascal Meunier, he spoke to Diplomat Magazine about the

increasing attraction for tourism in Georgia in France. The Ambassador identified several initiatives the French government have put in place to encourage tourist visits to Georgia. He however expects the Georgian government and people to make their efforts in France count by improving several facets of the Georgian tourism industry he identified in this interview. French tourist in Georgia. What is his portrait: young, elderly, alone or with family? We don’t have information about a typical profile for the French tourist travelling to Georgia. From my personal perspective they are diverse: some come to discover the Georgian qvevri wine tradition, some fly to Georgia with friends in order to hike in the mountains. I would say families tend to visit Georgia when children are already grown up, because of the sometimes adventurous and uncomfortable transport means. Are there any statistics indicating how many citizens of your country are visiting Georgia annually? Is it positive or negative? We’ve observed an upward trend: in 2018, 21 876 French tourists visited Georgia. This number represented an in-

Bilateral Cooperations Are Also Important for Tourism 26 DIPLOMAT

crease by 35,6% from 2017. During the first 6 months of 2019, 10 377 French tourists visited the country, which already represents an increase by 24,4 % in comparison with 2018 on the same period. In average the French tourist stays about 6,72 nights and spend 2 407 GEL. In 2018 French tourists spent 87,6 million

GEL in Georgia. What attracts them to Georgia? Which sights of our country are most attractive for a French tourist? We support a lot our Georgian partners in their efforts to showcase their culture to French people. For instance we

bilateral marketing expenditures. This

How do you assess Georgian cui-

agreement offers a lot of potential which

sine and which dishes you found

is not yet fully implemented. I am confi-

worth trying?

dent that GNTA will take the right actions.

The gastronomy offer is another im-

A larger involvement of French tour

portant area for improvement. For exam-

operators could be also helpful to attract

ple, French people generally don’t like

more tourists from France.

salty cottage or smoked cheeses, they

worked together to set up the exhibition

Which places do you like most in

“Georgia : cradle of wine” in Bordeaux,

Georgia and which of them will you

or to organize a franco-georgian dinner

suggest to travelers as “must visit”?

in one of the best restaurant of Paris, cooked by French Michelin starred chefs together with famous Tbilisi chefs. The nature and unique landscapes

I like very much the authenticity of regions such as Svaneti, Racha, Shatili. I adore Kazbek Mountain where we

would prefer ancient Georgian recipes such as dombal khacho, chechili etc. which are more deep, less salty, and can thus be perfectly paired with Georgian endemic wines. To cut a long story short, the French taste corresponds to the most ancient

of the country definitely attract French people. The cosmopolitan architecture of Tbilisi also interests them: very colorful

I like very much the authenticity of regions

with remains of an eventful history.

such as Svaneti, Racha, Shatili. I adore

What else do you think would be interesting for the French who come

Kazbek Mountain where we go regularly.

to Georgia? Improving the transport system to reach out to the regions would be an asset to attract families. In this regards, improving road safety is also important, making sure the police is making the right decisions and measures concerning infringements.

We appreciate also Batumi and the beautiful region of Adjara. As Frenchman, I like also wine tourism. As you see, there are plenty of places to visit in Georgia.

To what extent are the direct flights to Georgia important? The direct flights offered since more than a year (Georgian Airways followed by AIR FRANCE) has been a success story. The rate of seats’ occupancy is higher than initially planned (more than 80%), generating slightly lower than planned revenues. What should be done for the development of tourist relations?

go regularly. We appreciate also Batumi and the beautiful region of Adjara As Frenchman, I like also wine tourism. Chateau Mukhrani, GWS in Telavi and Tsinandali. I have a special feeling for Tsinandali Wine Estate, the place definitely has something special. The balance has been perfectly preserved between respecting the heritage of the place and bringing it

At the opening of the direct flight be-

an incredible level of comfort. The cultural

tween Paris and Tbilisi, GNTA and AIR-

agenda of the estate is also quite unique.

FRANCE committed to sign an agreement based on bilateral benefits and

As you see, there are plenty of places to visit in Georgia.

Georgian culinary (red wheat bread, etc.), but these treasures of gastronomy are not always highlighted in local restaurants. Restaurants like Barbarestan, Stamba, Café Litera, Keto & Kote, Vinotel are doing a lot for Georgian cuisine. They bring light on the local culinary with a hint of modernity. I like the gogris pkhali of Stamba, with reshape and refresh two pillars of the Georgian cuisine: mchadi and pkhali. I also like a lot the lamb chakapuli of Barbarestan. Both restaurants are by the way our long-term partners when it comes to celebrate gastronomy.


Patric Franzen: Tourism Plays a Key Role in Connecting Georgia with the World


n the wake of the recent flight

Diplomat asked Patric Franzen, the

tourism industry grossly. He also spoke

ban from Russia to Georgia,

Ambassador of Switzerland to Georgia

about the need for more cooperation

several discussions have

about this recent development and its

between Switzerland and Georgia in the

emerged about the ban’s ef-

effect on tourism in Georgia.

area of tourism as he feels Georgia can

fect on Georgia. One of the most affected sectors in Georgia is the tourism sector which brings people from around the world to Georgia.


Franzen who was frank in his submission explained that it is important to mend

tap from his country’s rich experience in hospitality and tourism.

the broken diplomatic ties because if al-

Your Excellency, it’s been a few

lowed to linger, it may affect the Georgian

months since your appointment as

the Ambassador of Switzerland to Georgia, before that, you worked in the Swiss embassy in Russia, hence you are aware of the political situation in both countries. How do you assess the current flight ban from Russia and what do you think about the role of tourism diplomacy in foreign relations?

resentative of the Prime Minister, Zurab

Tetritskaro. Guria, Svaneti and Stepans-

Abashidze and the Russian Deputy For-

minda are planned for the second half of

eign Minister, Grigory Karasin.

this year. The diversity of these regions,

From our side we try to ease the consequences of the absence of diplomatic relations for the peoples as much as possible and assist the Parties in solving practical issues of common interest.

the untouched nature and yet untapped potential for tourism really impressed me and I look forward to discovering more of your beautiful country. How do you assess Georgia’s tour-

The ban is a temporary measure, as claimed by the Russian authorities, and

It is not only the breathtaking landscapes,

I am confident that ways can be found to lift it.

the purity of nature, the great hospitality

Direct transport connections serve the

and the famous Georgian cuisine that are

peoples of the two countries and respond to a natural need for human contacts, business and tourism. This is especially important between neighbors. My impression is, that Russian people have a positive attitude towards Georgia and Georgians. This is why we saw in the last years an increase of direct flight connections not only between the big cities but

attractive, but there is also interest in the cultural treasures the country offers, the interesting tracks of history and religion you can follow and the very vibrant cultural scene.

also between the regions of the countries. I really hope they can be resumed soon. Tourism is more than economic figures. Tourism connects peoples and promotes the exchange of culture. Tourism therefore plays a key role in connecting Georgia with the world. Switzerland represents the diplomatic interests of Georgia in Moscow and those of Russia in Tbilisi, do you think that these relations could be resolved in the near future and how international community could help in this context? According to our experience, it usually takes quite some time to reestablish once broken diplomatic relations. It is a long process which needs a lot of patience. But it is positive, that there are two existing mechanisms of regular interaction between the Parties. One is the multilateral format of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) where the international community is involved, and the other is the meetings between the Georgian Rep-

Despite the current situation on the ground, how do Swiss tourists assess safety in Georgia, do they feel safe here? The Georgian people are very hospitable and have a positive attitude towards tourists from all countries. We therefore consider Georgia generally as a safe destination for all tourists, including our own Swiss citizens. Do you find it easy to actually get out of the embassy and see our country? Which are your favorite places in Georgia? The work at the Embassy keeps me quite busy in the capital, especially now that we are preparing the opening of our new Embassy premises by the end of October. Nevertheless, I try to travel to the regions as much as possible. In my first eight months I managed to travel three times to Kakheti and Borjomi, two times to Adjara and to Racha, Marneuli, Bolnisi,

ism potential and what do you think is the main attraction for European tourists in Georgia? I consider the potential as high. Georgia has a lot to offer and has become a very attractive destination for tourists from all over the world. We can also see a rising interest in Switzerland. It is not only the breathtaking landscapes, the purity of nature, the great hospitality and the famous Georgian cuisine that are attractive but there is also interest in the cultural treasures the country offers, the interesting tracks of history and religion you can follow and the very vibrant cultural scene. European tourists are generally interested in untouched nature but also in history, religion and culture. They do not necessarily look for posh and huge infrastructure complexes. They rather prefer small, cozy guesthouses with a good,


try to link them with Swiss counterparts. We have a wealth of expertise in tourism development as well, and we are willing to share it with our Georgian partners. And finally, is there something that you would like to add about the future plans of Switzerland and Georgia or if there is any project in particular that you are working on right now. Switzerland is a reliable and honest friend of Georgia. We are engaged since 1999. We are among the biggest donors and we will continue to contribute to the strengthening of the socio-economic and democratic development of Georgia. We have been constructing a new personalized service in the countryside, close to everyday life of the people and nature. They also like to move as freely and independently as possible, preferably by public transport. So, Georgia has the potential to serve these interests. I find it important to develop tourism in a sustainable way preserving the treasure of nature in this beautiful country. Georgia is rich in agricultural tradition, and developing agrotourism might be, for example, an interesting avenue to consider.

I find it important to develop tourism in a sustainable way preserving the treasure of nature in this beautiful country. Georgia is rich in agricultural tradition, and developing agrotourism might be, for example, an interesting avenue to consider.

Switzerland has vast experience in hospitality industry, how do you as-

and expertise through diverse humanitar-

building for the Swiss Embassy in Tbilisi.

sess bilateral relations with Georgia

ian and development programmes devel-

It unites the different sectors of the Swiss

in the field of tourism and where do

oped in response to the actual needs and

engagement in Georgia under one roof.

you see the room for improvement?

challenges of the country. There is clearly

So, we will get a small House of Swit-

an untapped potential of cooperation in

zerland in Georgia! We are very proud

the field of tourism. We receive more

of it and look forward to celebrating the

and more specific requests from Geor-

official opening by the end of October this

gian players to develop tourism and we

year. This is a credible proof of our strong

For 25 years already Switzerland has been sharing its knowledge, experience

The Georgian people are very hospitable

In my view internal political stability

and have a positive attitude towards

and regional security are key elements

tourists from all countries. We therefore

cratic country. I therefore very much hope

consider Georgia generally as a safe destination for all tourists, including our own Swiss citizens.



for Georgia to develop as a strong, demothat Georgia will find a way out of its deep internal political divisions and that Switzerland can continue to play a positive role contributing to peace and security in the region.

პრემიუმ კლასის ავეჯი, მურანოსა და სვაროვსკის ჭაღები, ნახატები იტალიური გალერეიდან შოუ რუმში "STILE ITALIA" , აგრეთვე შეკვეთით იტალიური მწარმოებლებისაგან.

პეკინის გამზ. 39 ტელ: 596 70 40 40 Bogacho & STILE Italia DIPLOMAT 31

Tourism: A Shared Heritage with Huge Potentials for Development in Georgia and Austria


n this edition of Diplomat, our focus on tourism and the country of Austria has allowed us highlight several strong points

are the prospects for this business? Inbound tourism has developed very positively over the last couple of years

we share in this important global industry. to Georgia, Arad Benkoe about the potenBenkoe highlighted the strong points of

agriculture and sustainable tourism in

Georgian tourism and he also presented

The Austrian government and businesses are open to collaborating with Georgia on several fronts including tourism and this Benkoe mentioned is responsible for the Austrian embassy’s close work with the commercial office. How do you think Austrian inbound tourism is developing in Georgia, what


tions have considerably increased the

just started a project focusing on organic

tials of tourism in Georgian and Austria.

mented to improve tourism in Georgia.

gia is becoming more known, air connec-

Austrian Development Cooperation has

We spoke to the Ambassador of Austria

interesting suggestions that can be imple-

although from a very low level. As Geor-

Svaneti and Racha, together with the EU and Sweden. This 7 m Euro project was started a short while ago and over the next years will make an important impact on making tourism in the region more attractive, sustainable and environmentfriendly.

number of Austrian tourists accordingly:

Austria as a holiday destination it is - ac¬-

While over 9000 tourists visited Georgia

cord¬ing to guest sur¬veys- the land¬s-

in 2018, in the first 6 months of 2019 we

cape/na¬ture, the alpine win¬ter and

have seen another increase by 71%!

sum¬mer sports offer, the warm hos¬-

In spite of this promising trend still a lot remains to be done. On the one side promotion of Georgia as a country blessed by its geography and the hospitality of its people will need to be intensified.

pi-tal¬ity and high qual¬ity of food and drinks, the wide range of high-class ho¬tels as well as ac-ces¬si¬bil¬ity. These are the same attributes that Georgia can be proud of.

Georgia should offer attractions for all

Do you think Georgia has the poten-

four seasons, developing cultural tours,

tial for Austrian inbound tourism, com-

better and more flight connections and be

parable to Austria’s potential for the

a hub for a 3-country-travel-pack (with Ar-

Georgian outbound tourism market?

menia and Azerbaijan). Also conference and medical tourism are often neglected but highly lucrative.

As I have pointed out above, Georgia and Austria have a lot in common, beautiful mountains, rich and old culture

How do you assess the current

etc.… But a comparison between the

state of Georgian outbound tourism

tourism sector in both countries is difficult.

in Austria?

Austrian inbound tourists are interested

Tourism is important to Austria’s economy, contributing about 9% to its GDP

in a relatively unknown country, wild nature, old culture and the delicious food of Georgia. The Georgians who travel to tive country for Austrian business and

Austrian inbound tourists are interested in

therefore Austrian companies are very

a relatively unknown country, wild nature,

works closely together with the Com-

old culture and the delicious food of

business forums each year. The tourism


eager for cooperation. As the Embassy mercial office, there are generally two sector is one of the main sectors for both countries. The main focus of these forums are always the B2B-meetings, rather than only having only presentations

and about 6% of all jobs are in the accommodation and gastronomy sector. Domestic and foreign guests spent over 40 billion euros in 2016. Every year Aus¬tria wel¬comes 40 mil¬lion guests who spend around 150 mil¬lion overnights in our coun¬try. At the same time more and more Georgians come for a vacation to Austria, either to visit Vienna or Salzburg or to enjoy some of about 1100 rope¬way in¬stal¬la¬tions and ski-tows. Some are participating at conferences, universities or education institutions. Visa-free travel has been a very welcomed step which has opened borders and made travelling so easy! If you read why guests are choosing

Austria know what to expect: Old Europe. However both potential is very big as the numbers of Austrian tourists to Georgia is small in spite of the remarkable procentual growth. Of course: As numbers increase Georgia will need to make sure to keep its nature protected and further improve its hospitality sector. Austria is the only country that regularly holds tourism business forums in Georgia, bringing Austrian companies to co-operate with Georgian companies and to share their know-how, please tell us more about this, are there any tangible output from these efforts? Georgia is regarded as a highly attrac-

or speeches. Therefore, the company representatives exchange contacts and start to evaluate their business opportunities. Although it takes time, we can say that we see concrete output in the tourism sector for example in ski ticketing, online and offline apps for cultural tourists or in snowmaking. It is also worth noting that the Austrian Development Cooperation has just started a project focusing on organic agriculture and sustainable tourism in Svaneti and Racha, together with the EU and Sweden. This 7 m Euro project was started a short while ago and over the next years will make an important impact on making tourism in the region more attractive, sustainable and environment-friendly.


Austria’s President’s Son Raises Calls for Foreign Investments in Georgia “The biggest assets of Georgia are its people and the diversity of nature and culture” Florian Van der Bellen n this interview with Diplomat

we reached the beautifully illuminated

they will love most areas of Georgia, but

Magazine, Florian Van der

Old Town, I was very impressed. I came

especially the mountains. They will also

Bellen, the Son of Alexander

for a conference, but arrived a few days

be interested in Georgian culture, from

Van der Bellen, the President

earlier to have time to explore. I walked

monuments to wine, from monasteries

of Austria spoke about the opportunities

around Tbilisi for the next three days and

to Georgian cuisine. Famous sites like

for development in Georgia. He believes

was amazed what a beautiful city it is.

Vardzia will be important, but also small-

that Georgia’s strategic location can be

My expectations had been more towards

er, maybe less known destinations. The

harnessed to boost external trade and

a former communist city like Bucharest,

personal contact with “real” Georgians will

internal development.

but Tbilisi turned out to be a pearl. I fell

become the biggest promoter of Georgia,

in love with this city and decided to return

together with the incredible and diverse

to see more of Georgia and find out more

beauty of the nature. One challenge is

if all the positive information I received

that the only tourism information available

during the conference was true.

comes from tour agencies, but Austrians


Van der Bellen highlighted Georgia’s tourism industry as a blessing of nature which can be fully developed with strategic planning and recognized expertize. Your first visit to Georgia was in 2017, what was your first impression about the country? Did it meet your expectations? I remember arriving in Tbilisi at night and taking a taxi from the airport. When


What do you think are points of interests for Austrians who visit Georgia? Tbilisi being the (beautiful) capital city will always be the first point of interest. If Austrians travel around a bit,

like to travel individually. Another challenge is the situation with rental cars. Until now there is no compulsory third party insurance, which deters many tourists from exploring the country on their own. The new regulation in 2020 should help, but it must be properly communi-

cated. Austria has a lot of similarities with

What are the potentials and oppor-

and especially in the mountain areas.

Georgia: small country, diverse in nature

tunities for business that you see in

Tbilisi will grow as a tourism destination,

and culture. Georgia is still considered

this country, and what are the main

both for city and business tourism. There

exotic by Austrians, but that is a bonus

challenges that you think may limit

is a huge opportunity to bring tourists also

these days.

the flourishing of these opportunities?

to more remote areas, what is lacking is

When you visited the beautiful re-

Really, the potential of your country is

gions of Georgia. What were the things

much bigger than you imagine. In every

that caught your eye and what were

aspect, from tourism to green energy,

the things you didn’t like?

from infrastructure to IT, the list is end-

I loved it all, every person, every hill, every mountain, every tree and flower. The diversity of nature and flora is immense, so within short stretches there is always something new to discover. Svaneti was a real highlight for me, probably because being a Tyrolean I love and understand the mountains. Maybe what is least interesting for us Austrians is the coastline of Georgia. These days we are spoilt with beautiful sandy beaches much closer, so the coast will not play an important role with tourists from Austria. What I missed was available information for tourists. Even in Tbilisi, you can be standing in front of the city’s oldest church and find no info whatsoever about its history. Let’s talk about Georgian cuisine. I’m quite sure they left an impressive mark on you. What was the remarkable thing you noticed about Georgian cuisines? Which was your favorite and which one did you find its taste unimpressive? It left an impressive mark on me and on my belly! Some of the best food I had was in tiny restaurants in remote areas, all fresh, very tasty and very cheap by Austrian standards. Fruits and vegetables are amazing, the varieties of Khachapuri, the spices on the meat. I have “survived” many Georgian supras, and I am still amazed about the quantities of different dishes, each one of them a culinary delight. Georgian wine is amazing, you just have to try, especially Quevri wines. I like almost all Georgian food. What I fancy less are soups with sour taste, but my Romanian wife loves them especially!

less. Georgia is not a rich country, so many large projects depend on international finance. The fact is that most Austrian companies do not look at Georgia as a potential market at all. I am trying everything I can to convince Austrian and other European companies to look at Georgia not only for its market size, but also for the strategic potential of its location with existing trade agreements and potential business partners who can help them to expand to new markets. The liberal and very affective handling of company registrations, together with few and low taxes and hardly any need of permits make Georgia extremely attractive – if people know about it! There are several talks in different quarters about attracting investments in Georgia and Georgian tourism features prominently in these talks. What

the relevant information and the available and reliable infrastructure to get there, including car rental. Which regions of Georgia have more potential for investments? Like I said, all mountain areas have special potential because of their beauty, their culture and even their isolation. European tourists are very individualistic, they like to explore on their own. They don’t need extreme infrastructure, but they need reliable information, which is still missing. How do you see the development of the tourism industry in Georgia say, for the next 10 years? That will depend mainly on the Georgian government. Tourists want stability and safety, both facts which Georgia these days guarantees but maybe doesn’t communicate enough. What you experience in tourism today will be nothing compared to what is possible in the next 10 years. The biggest challenge

aspect of Georgian tourism do you think has the highest potential of attracting investments? Let’s look at it this way: the biggest assets of Georgia are its people and the diversity of nature and culture. Anything in this direction has huge possibilities. The challenge in boom-times is to also protect these very assets from destruction. When I went to Bakuriani, I was shocked by the level of unregulated construction. What was once a beautiful town is (in my eyes) today destroyed. It has no heart, no center, only buildings. I know that Bakuriani has a special meaning for Georgian tourists, but for Europeans it has lost its appeal. A similar thing goes for Gudauri. Nice skiing, but no resort, no infrastructure! So the biggest potential I can see in cultural heritage tourism, including wine,


will be to put tourism on a strong and

ronment in Georgia already is very good.

(and whom not) and the possible paths

well planned fundament from which it can

The bigger challenge is that potential for-

to communicate with your target groups.

grow according to a proper tourism strat-

eign investors may not know that, since

You have to look into affinity group man-

egy. What I see today is that there is a

they probably have not much knowledge

agement in order to use the specialists

lot of goodwill in the (young) government,

about Georgia at all. In that sense, my

of these groups to become your best pro-

but a lack of international knowledge and

name and my Georgian company and

moters very cost efficiently.

strategy. The brilliant young people in the

experience are definitely helpful, since

government are under a lot of pressure,

these people know that I will not bullshit

they must “produce” in very limited time.

them because I cannot afford any kind

As a result, they often re-invent the wheel

of scandal. What is most important is to

in order to have something to show, but it

have the right partners in Georgia, togeth-

is not based on best practice international

er with – in my case – an Austrian who

examples. I have worked in international

can act as a mediator between the two

tourism management all my life, and what

cultures. Differences exist, as you know.

I say to Georgians all the time is “all the

The Georgian understanding of time is

solutions already exist – just ask!”

such a difference. The difficulty of Geor-

You stand out first, as the son of the President of Austria, and one of the Austrians doing business in Georgia. It is believed that a businessman of

gians to say “No” is another potential for misunderstanding. The list goes on, but with a little help from the right people, it is not really a problem.

your caliber will raise interest among

How do you think Georgia should

Austrian and European businessmen

be promoted across European mar-

in Georgia, but they need an enabling


Tourism is also a big tool for public diplomacy. As the son of the President of Austria, do you plan to play any role in strengthening the bilateral relations between Georgia and Austria? Let me first make it clear that I have no public function or privileges in Austria. But that does not stop me from promoting Georgia. For example, I work closely with the city hall of Innsbruck (partner city of Tbilisi). The new mayor of Innsbruck is keen to strengthen the ties with Tbilisi and I am ready to give him any support I can. I also communicate with the Georgian Ambassador in Vienna in order to exchange ideas on how to bring improvements to certain areas in Georgia. Any exchange is good, and stronger bilateral

I loved it all, every person, every hill, every mountain, every tree and flower. The diversity of nature and flora is immense, so within short stretches there is always something new

relations between Austria and Georgia can only be beneficial for both countries. Are there any further remarks you will like to add? Perhaps something you consider important to this subject that I haven’t asked? My grandfather was Russian. In case

to discover in Georgia.

you also have a Russian edition or at least some readers, I want to tell them

business environment to make investments if you’d agree with me. You occasionally meet public officials in Georgia, what would you suggest they do to create an enabling business environment especially for foreigners? Believe me, I stand out more in Georgia than in Austria. My father won the presidential election, not me. Of course, with the name comes a certain interest, but with that also the responsibility on my side to protect not only my own name and image, but my father’s as well. I am actively trying to raise interest in doing business in Georgia all the time. My experience is that the business envi-


First, you have to develop and formulate a clear and sustainable strategy. Then you have to allocate budgets for the set goals and the promotional paths leading to them. And finally, clear measurement must be in place to review and judge the success of these strategies and actions. As a tourism expert, I am missing tourism promotion of Georgia in Western Europe very much. I know that GNTA has run adds on some business news channel, but who is watching that? People in a hotel lobby maybe. Strategy comes first. You need to know precisely what you want, whom you want to attract

this: if you are uncertain about coming to Georgia for your holidays, you don’t have to worry about a thing! Local people don’t mix up politics with their true spirit of hospitality. You will be treated with the same wonderful friendliness as always. People will welcome you with open arms, especially in the countryside of Georgia, but also in Tbilisi. Come by car and enjoy Georgia (again). The final message is a repeat and directed to all Georgians, but especially to the young people working in government. Don’t re-invent the wheel. Just ask, and you will get all the answers you need. I am happy to help wherever I can.



urkey, a neighboring country to Georgia, is the leading source of tourist visits to Georgia and since the active corporation

between Georgia and Turkey, tourism numbers have witnessed significant increase but Fatma Seren Yazgan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey in Georgia, believes that these numbers can be improved upon through deliberate growth fostering efforts on the Georgian and Turkish side of the corporation. We had a discussion with him at Diplomat Magazine about the interests of Turkish tourists in Georgia and the areas that can be improved upon for a better experience. Your Excellency, Turkey is the leading source of tourist visits to Georgia. What are the exact numbers and how do you assess the dynamics of Turkish inbound tourism in Georgia? While Turkish citizens are among the top three in terms of visitors to Georgia, I believe the tourist potential in Turkey still remains untapped. The good news is that thanks to our joint efforts the trend is on increase. According to Georgian Tourism Agency statistics in June 2019, the number of visitors from Turkey to Georgia

Georgia and Turkey Can Work Together to Unravel the Many Areas of Untapped Tourism Potential

increased by 40%. Why do Turkish people come to Georgia? What are their favorite places and attractions? There are different interests among Turkish tourists. Our common cultural and historical heritage, nature tourism and urban explorers of contemporary art and leisure are major attraction points. How do you assess Georgia’s tourism potential, what should be improved? The beauty of the nature in Georgia comes with a challenging topography for transport. Easy and speedy access is essential. The lack of professional tourist guides and lack of Turkish language


social media or internet sources for tourism information are issues which we hope will improve. Similarly, close cooperation with the tour operators and influencers should be helpful. Yet, the warm Georgian hospitality and smiling faces of particularly the young generation of tourism entrepreneurs are very assuring for the Turkish tourists. Is there any statistics of Turkish investments in Georgia’s tourism industry and what kind of positive experience do those investors have? There are Turkish investors who have built or operate hotels. The Turkish Airlines also actively supports tourism sector and cooperates with the Georgian authorities.

pressions about the country? I love travelling in Georgia. In every mile there is a new discovery that thrills me. There is no other country in the world where one could find 1.8 million-year-old

What do you think needs to be done

history stand together with Seldjukian

to attract more Turkish tourists and

tombs, 1600-year-old Church and middle

investors in Georgia?

age Georgian wine Qvevris like I saw in

The best promotion of tourism is surely the good experience. Georgia has a lot to offer to Turkish tourists but they need to be informed about Georgia wider and better. A steady increase and seasonally balanced flow of Turkish tourists will no doubt attract investors. Did you have a chance to travel around Georgia? What are your im-

Dmanisi. Anyone who sees the view of Caucasian Mountains stretching over the Alazani valley from Tsinandali or Sighnagi would fall in love with Georgia. I would wish all Turkish tourists to see with their own eyes the steep valleys of Khevsureti and understand how resilient and proud the people of Shatilli have been through all these centuries. Without seeing all these places we can’t really feel the Cau-

casus. I have yet to travel to mountain areas of Racha, Svaneti, Tusheti. The potential is enormous and there is no reason why it should not be fully realized. What would be your suggestions to the Turkish tourists who come to Georgia for the first time? What they should do and see during their first trip? Depending on which route they come from I would suggest to build an itinerary to include mountain areas and nature reserves. A good read before coming to Georgia would make it more interesting. However, they must not miss Tbilisi. There is also a very good dynamics of Georgian outbound tourism in Turkey, how do you think tourism relations between two countries could

Anyone who sees the view of Caucasian Mountains stretching over the Alazani valley from Tsinandali or Sighnagi would fall in love with Georgia. I would wish all Turkish tourists to see with their own eyes the steep valleys of Khevsureti and understand how resilient and proud the people of Shatilli have been through all these centuries. Without seeing all these places we can’t really feel the Caucasus. I have yet to travel to mountain areas of Racha, Svaneti, Tusheti. The potential is enormous and there is no reason why it should not be fully realized.

be developed? To my surprise most Georgians are not familiar with regions of Turkey beyond İstanbul and Turkish Black Sea towns or Eastern Anatolia. Cappadoccia, Agean Coast resorts still wait to be discovered by Georgians. I think they can make use of direct flights to Ankara by Turkish Airlines to go Cappadocia, where St. Nino was born. Further, I would recommend joint tour planning for Turkish and Georgian companies to sell packages in third markets, as Eastern Turkey and Western/Southern Georgia are naturally and historically connected. Tourists visiting Vardzia and Ahaltsike can visit Kars and ancient Ani and visa-versa.


Motivation and Perception of Lithuanian Tourists as Push and Pull Factors to Visit Georgia


he example of the friendly rela-

supporter of Georgia and this blooming

some interesting perspectives with us at

tions between the governments

relationship has led to very beautiful de-

Diplomat, about Lithuania’s relationship

and people of Georgia and Lith-

velopments and contributions in the ar-

with Georgia and gave some valuable

uania is laudable especially as

eas of economy, education, and tourism

recommendations to Lithuanian citizens

between both nations.

on what to see and do in Georgia.

the countries have more differences than similarities. Lithuania has always been a strong

Giedrius Puodžiūnas, the Ambas-

Lithuania was the first country that

sador of Lithuania to Georgia, shared

called on its citizens to visit Georgia amid Russian flight ban, which was a

I would suggest to explore the big cities,

great supportive act of a true friend

where they can start discovering the spirit

relations between Georgia and Lithu-

of Georgia. Tbilisi, for example, is such a

for improvement?

big bustling city, but it also has a lot of history that you need time and patience to take in. 40 DIPLOMAT

and partner. How do you assess the ania and where do you see the room Friendship (or Megobroba, as you call it) between Lithuania and Georgia is already excellent – the fact that countries

with so different geographic and linguistic backgrounds are so close to each other is truly remarkable and a thing to be cherished. On the political level, Lithuania is involved in many fields of supporting Georgia’s European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations – our institutions engage in active partnership and we are always ready to share multiple experiences. Lithuania has implemented already six “Twinning” projects in Georgia and we look forward to our further active cooperation.

of Lithuania visit Georgia? Latest statistics show that the number of Lithuanian tourists coming to Georgia has been slowly but steadily growing over the past years. Last year more than 20 000 Lithuanian tourists visited Georgia. This was facilitated by direct flights from Vilnius to Kutaisi and will probably increase even more, if we would have di-

and more Georgian youth are choosing

discover and enjoy Georgia.

center at Technical University, where students learn Lithuanian language and

who are fascinated by beautiful Georgian language and spend their time studying it in Lithuania – they of course also have a lot of enthusiasm to visit Georgia. Which regions and parts of Georgia It is difficult to differentiate Georgian

ing summer in Georgia will also boost the and will inspire even more Europeans to

have Lithuanian Language and Culture

Georgia. I also know my fellow citizens

am sure that the new campaign of spend-

are constantly on the rise as well. More

grams often as well. Here in Tbilisi we

of factors that pull Lithuanians towards

rect flights from Vilnius to Tbilisi as well. I

number of Lithuanian travelers to Georgia

students come here on exchange pro-

authentic Georgia. I think there are a lot

do you think are the most attractive?

Cultural and people-to-people relations

Lithuania for their studies and Lithuanian

favorite dishes and beverages, to taste

Why Georgia is an attractive tourism destination for Lithuanians? Georgia is an attractive travel destination in general. There is a lot to see and do here, whether you are a history-buff,

use it to ensure their successful future

regions in this way, since they are so diverse and unique in their own ways. There are these beautiful mountainous regions with wonderful sceneries and a very distinct spirit that mountainous people tend to have; there is Kakheti with its wine culture, seaside regions where you have local traditions coexisting with modernity and other regions in both East and West, which have a blend of historic

studying and/or working in Lithuania. Georgian language is also becoming a

What I certainly recommend to everyone

thing of interest for Lithuanians and it is taught at Vilnius University.

is to take in the riches of culture and

And of course, in more recent devel-

history that Georgia has to offer, especially

opments, our countries now refer to each other with their authentic names – Lietuva and Sakartvelo. This is quite unique case, which illustrates how far our relations have come - it is a beautiful gesture of respect for each other’s language and heritage. Georgia is a major Lithuanian economic partner in South Caucasus, but the potential for mutual investment and trade is not yet fully exploited. Lithuanian business companies are ready to share their expertise concerning implementation of the EU standards.

the ancient Christian heritage that can be traced all around the country in culture, architecture and folklore. a hiker, a wine lover or just a wonderer – your country has something to offer to almost all types of travelers. As for Lithuanians in particular, I would think that apart from all of the things to do, mentioned above, there is this very positive image of Georgia that people from Lithuania

So, there is always room for improve-

have – they know about the friendship

ment and Lithuania in general and our

between our nations and they know they

Embassy in particular is keen on moving

will be welcome guests for Georgians.

further forward to bring more of Lithua-

Georgian food and wine is quite popu-

nia to Georgia and more of Georgia to

lar in Lithuania – you will come across


many Georgian restaurants all around

Is there any statistics indicating that every year more and more citizens

the country, so naturally, that encourages people to visit the birthplace of their

and cultural heritage. Cave towns such as Vardzia and Uplistsikhe in central and southern Georgia are unique sights that offer glimpses into the history of medieval and ancient Georgia, the way the people lived in those times and are beautiful to look at today as well. The Prometheus cave near Tskaltubo was also an interesting place to visit – a type of sight that is not easy to find in many countries. And, of course, Georgia has a cuisine which varies all over the country and is a whole separate thing to explore. What would you advise to Lithua-


nian citizens visiting Georgia to see and try first? I would suggest to explore the big cities, where they can start discovering the spirit of Georgia. Tbilisi, for example, is such a big bustling city, but it also has a lot of history that you need time and patience to take in. What I certainly recommend to everyone is to take in the riches of culture and history that Georgia has to offer, especially the ancient Christian heritage that can

be traced all around the country in culture, architecture and folklore. Visiting the iconic cathedrals and monasteries such as Svetitskhoveli and Jvari in Mtskheta is a must, especially since they are so close to Tbilisi and easily accessible. The burial place of St. Nino in Bodbe, Kakheti, is another major Christian historical site that comes to mind – very close to the city of love, Sighnaghi which is also well worth spending time in. I was fascinated to learn the stories

of Ikalto and Gelati academies during my explorations in Georgia – very good examples of a balance of religious and academic heritage that Georgia has from the old times. But another important advice would be, not to stay limited to urban areas. So much of Georgia’s gems/treasures are situated in regions, sometimes in quite remote places – caves, old and unique churches and frescoes in them, lakes that you can only reach after walking for hours – places that are not easy to reach, but are very much rewarding once you

But another important advice would be, not to stay limited to urban areas. So much of Georgia’s gems/treasures are situated in regions, sometimes in quite remote places – caves, old and unique churches and frescoes in them, lakes that you can only reach after walking for hours – places that are not easy to reach, but are very much rewarding once you are there.

are there. Another subject of interest and fascination that I found were the stories of 13 Assyrian monks and their almost mythical work all around Georgia, contributing to its Christian heritage. Tracing the areas of their activities around Tbilisi and beyond can be a rewarding experience for anyone interested in historical exploration. These are just a small number of examples that I can list – there are many more to be found and pursued in Georgia. I believe anyone can find their own personal adventure here, whatever their field of interest.


A Blessing in Disguise? Russia Bans Flights to Georgia NINI GIGANI OP-ED n June 20, a Russian lawmaker and member of the Communist Party, Sergei Gavrilov, sat in the Parliamentary Speaker’s chair in Tbilisi, being allowed to chair the Interparliamen-


tary Assembly on Orthodoxy (IAO). Gavrilov has previously backed the independence of the breakaway regions—which comprise 20% of

all Georgian territory—occupied by Russia. In outrage, an estimated 10 000 people took to the streets. As a result of a clash between the riot police and the protesters over 200 people were injured, 305—arrested, and 2—lost an eye. The protests continue to this day,

and, according to the protesters, they will continue until all the demands of the people are met. Meanwhile, calling it “anti-Russian provocation” and its participants— “radicals”, Vladimir Putin signed a decree, suspending flights between Russia and Georgia, which came into force on July 8. This is coupled with the subsequent introduction of an


Figure 1. Average spending per trip per person, 2018, in USD, thousands. From “inbound Tourism: Distribution by country of citizenship” [data file], 2019, by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat).

embargo on Georgian wine as the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare of Russia (also known as Rospotrebnadzor) said it was due to the alleged low quality of the wines. This brings back obvious memories of the years immediately before the 2008 Russo-Georgian war, as a result of which Russia remains an occupier of the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and Samachablo. The reprisals in 2006, which followed the then-President Mikheil Saakashvili’s Euro-Atlantic direction, were also economic sanctions under the guise of compliance with sanitary norms. While the Kremlin insists that these actions are not politically motivated, it also states that the sanctions will be removed “once Georgia returns to a non-Russophobic vector.” Other than this being obvious causation of the events that had unveiled in Tbilisi, the Kremlin fails to


understand that there cannot exist a Russophilic government in Georgia.

Ace in the Hole Interestingly, the predominant mode of transport used by Russian tourists to cross the Georgian border does not concern aerospace—which is encompassed in the decree—but land. This can be explained by geographical proximity and transportation costs. As an exemplification of this usual practice, in June 2019, only 27.4% of Russian inbound tourists entered Georgia via aerospace, compared to the 71.4% who entered via land, according to the Georgian National Tourism Administration (GNTA). Hence, the temporary flight ban would “discourage” only those who plan to travel to Georgia via plane, which diminishes the seemingly colossal impact of the decree on the Georgian economy.

A further matter is the spending habits of tourists. It is true that among the countries where most of the tourists come from, i.e., Azerbaijan, Russia, Armenia, and Turkey, Russian tourists spend the most. However, it is the visitors from the EU Member States and the USA whose spending per capita is nearly threefold that of Russians’. To illustrate, the GNTA reports that an average Russian traveller spends ₾1326 ($460) in Georgia, while those from Eastern Europe spend ₾1888 ($655), Western Europe—₾2337 ($811), and the USA—₾3047 ($1057). This signifies opportunity for Georgia to finally diversify. Diversifying the tourism market by catering services to those who tend to spend more will not only numb the loss incurred by the decrease in the number of Russian tourists, but also engage the virtuous cycle by which the quality of services will rise to match the standards of high-income visitors.

Additionally, domestic tourism is largely untapped when it comes to Georgia. The economic well-being of the population undoubtedly plays a part in this, but it is also notable that those with a propensity to spend tend to travel overseas. Were one of the main foci stimulation of domestic tourism, the numbers would certainly be more promising than 1.1 million visitors in 2019—a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of only 1% compared to 2017. The engagement of Georgian travel enthusiasts here is vital withal. For instance, after weeks of protests, Georgians united online to propel the Facebook group Spend your Summer in Georgia, which has become the region’s best travel campaign of the summer for foreigners and nationals alike. Such movements can potentially set off the negative effects of Putin’s travel ban, even if a little.

No Hard Feelings With some restaurants playing Russian songs and having exclu-

sively Russian menus, sometimes Georgians can feel like tourists in their own country. Perhaps, it is time to reverse this trend of self-flagellation whereby it is not only the territories but also the culture that is slowly being engulfed; even Russian tourists that decide to visit because of the unique culture feel right at “home”— too much so. In this respect, Georgian vendors will have to evolve from offering a post-Soviet resort service to a truly authentic and unique Georgian experience. Moreover, the Government can no longer avoid a clear-cut response towards the occupier. The time has come for it to snap out of the self-induced sleep-like quiescence or leave. Neutral statements that call for friendly negotiations are no longer on the table. It is time to quit being subjugated by the tactics Russia uses to discipline its “backyard” and concentrate on broadening international horizons. Importantly, Georgians have made it crystal-clear that they are not Russian-hating radicals. Rather, Georgians welcome anyone with genuine

intentions with open arms—it is the very national character that the famous monument of Mother of Kartli symbolises as she holds a bowl of wine in her left hand to greet those who come as friends, and a sword for those who come as enemies in her right.

Wake-Up Call This is not the first time Georgia has had a wake-up call. The 2006 sanctions also saw Georgia struggling to escape from the claws of economic dependence. In spite of this, after the August war, until 2013, Georgia achieved one of the fastest growth rates of tourism globally as total visits soared by more than 300 per cent, and revenues increased 20 times the global average. In as much as the country learned to thrive in other foreign markets and adapt until the ban was lifted in 2013, so too will Georgia emerge as a better economy this time around and, hopefully, permanently, without having to rely heavily on the noxious goodwill of an occupier.

Figure 2. Number of domestic tourists in Georgia, quarterly, 2017–2019. From “International Visitor Survey” [data file], 2019, by GNTA. DIPLOMAT 45

Israel and Georgia – Two Countries with Interesting Similarities and Shared Interests in the Field of Tourism positive but despite the promising num-

In fact, in recent years we have seen a

bers, he believes that there is need for

30-percent increase and if the parties

improvement in several areas to further

continue to work with this enthusiasm,

boost the potentials of tourism between

we will reach 300,000 tourists and 10

both nations.

flights a day during the season. Tourism

While Georgia and Israel share several similarities, Moshe believes that both countries should not relent on the positive work and combinations in the area of tourism and other areas. How would you assess Georgia and Israel’s cooperation in tourism? Currently, we are pursuing objectives in the most successful direction based on the shared relations between the two countries, but years ago when we i.e., the Georgian-Israeli Business Chamber made this prediction, many people mocked our prediction. In 2002, under the auspices of the Business Chamber, a Georgian tourism office was opened in


tsik Moshe, the President of the Israel-Georgia Chamber of Business and Chairman of Israeli House spoke to us at

Diplomat Magazine about cooperation between Israel and Georgia on many fronts especially in the area of tourism. Moshe explained that the projections are

Israel and, its presence within the first years prompted 5,000 Israeli tourists to visit Georgia. Today, we are witnessing amazing improvements to these figures and our projections show that by the end of the year, 200,000 tourists are expected to arrive from Israel. This is a $200 million contribution to the Georgian economy.

Tourism is not an area where you can achieve some results and stop; it is a direction where people must be ready to invent new things everyday and conquer great heights, especially when there is good ground and potential. 46 DIPLOMAT

is not an area where you can achieve some results and stop; it is a direction where people must be ready to invent new things everyday and conquer great heights, especially when there is good ground and potential. What are the specific statistics suggesting the quality of the number of tourists and investments in this area? The statistics are as follows: 114% growth in the first quarter and 28.4% within 6 months. Through several Israeli investments, many hotels have been built but Georgia needs to be more active so as to attract more investments. How do you consider the prospects of deepening this cooperation? On the one hand, there should be no halt in the activity, as we need to incorporate the media from Israel and to advertise the potential. In addition to this, caring for tourists and responding quickly to problems should be strengthened. Third, the service needs to be improved and work needs to be carried out on the new and high-end segments. What can Georgia learn from Israel in the field of tourism? Israel is the best example of how tourism can grow in a crisis situation. Both Israel and Georgia are small countries with more or less similar problems but,

Israel has succeeded in creating a successful model that has made the country attractive and safe for tourists. What is the biggest attraction in Georgia for tourists from Israel? (Specific region, sightseeing, any type of tourism) Since I know both countries well, I think the Israelis have not yet discovered Georgia. So far, they are attracted to nature, culinary, but I believe in the future, culture will occupy a great place. There is another important segment – World Jewry, which so far is less familiar with Georgia. This is a wealthy category and we are working to attract them to Georgia. Jewish Cultural Heritage Route in

able to start the Kosher industry which

in Israel, Georgia, the USA, France, Rus-

Georgia as certified by the Council of

features wine production, restaurants,

sia, Morocco and other places is different.

Europe is an interesting one that is sup-

to allow passengers from Israel who are

So, first, we choose the issues that are

ported by the Ministry of Culture of Geor-

visiting Georgia the chance to access

advantageous to Georgia – this changes

gia, and under the control of the House

Kosher products.

the way we think and then we move on

of Israel, in partnership with the Council of Europe’s Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ). The Jewish Cultural Heritage Route is of particular interest to World Jewry, and we look forward to further increasing tourist flow through World Jewry in the nearest future. What needs to be done to make Georgia more responsive to the needs of Israeli tourists and to meet relevant tourist standards?

You often host interesting high-level delegations from Israel. We will like to know how you familiarize them with Georgia and the things you recommend them to see and taste in the first place? A thorough knowledge of both countries helps us to plan this kind of trips. First of all, we choose the issues where Georgia has a unique edge and is outstanding. This changes the usual view of the country, and then we move on to oth-

New packages are needed because

er issues. It should also be noted that the

some issues are evolving. We have been

cultural visions of a Jewish person born

to the usual issues. The Jewish cultural heritage route has proved to be very effective in this regard. We commenced shopping tours so people can visit during the weekends. We will start cultural tours from January as a new airline office has opened up in Tbilisi and there are plans to open up in Israel and we would include tour operators. A few days ago, we hosted a 25-member delegation of the Knesset and the ruling party, who held a meeting with the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Adjara. The purpose of the meeting was to enhance Israeli tourism in the Adjara region. The delegation also participated in a meeting organized by Diplomat Magazine in Tbilisi, where young Georgian diplomats participated. To promote tourism, we have transferred and kickstarted two international forums of Israel in Tbilisi. We are planning to hold a business forum and especially, a tourism forum in Israel. We are also planning to open a hotel service school. We have worthy initiatives which are laudable, but we are also teaming up with Georgia’s new national plan to promote tourism.




lisso Bolkvadze, is a world known Georgian classical pianist and a UNESCO artist for peace based in France. Elisso

Bolkvadze is also the Founder and Artistic Director of the Batumi - Black Sea Music and Art Festival in Georgia. In this interview with Diplomat Magazine, Bolkvadze expressed positive hopes for the Georgian tourism industry if a few pointers she highlighted were improved upon. She also spoke about the growing strengths of the Batumi – Black Sea Music and Art Festival in Georgia, and how it has come to be a significant tourist festival whose values resonate with UNESCO. Bolkvadze is positive that while the festival is coming together of Georgian musical exports, it can become one of Georgia’s laudable export in no distant future.

Elisso Bolkvadze to Enhance Cultural Exchanges of Georgia and Build a Closer Cultural Alliance

What distinguishes Georgia as a tourist destination from other countries and why should a tourist visit Georgia? Georgia is a country that, in my opinion, is not yet well known in the world. Many tourists still do not have enough information that Georgia is a country of

land of new discoveries for tourists who

it will be interesting for tourists to see

decide to visit it.

Tbilisi first, which quite frankly is a dis-

Which are the tourist destinations or places in Georgia that you often visit, and which of them do you recommend to foreign tourists?

ancient culture, where centuries-old cul-

Every part of Georgia has its distinc-

tural sites or natural environments are

tive features and distinctive value, and

cited in many interesting places. That’s

since they are all dear to me, it’s a lit-

why I think Georgia will truly become a

tle hard to distinguish. However, I think


tinctive, interesting, and effective city in the Caucasus, which is filled with both cultural sites and historical sites developed with beautiful architecture. Also, I would definitely recommend tourists to visit the Adjara region, which I often visit. Its subtropical nature is so harmonious that I think it will bring a new awareness to the viewer. What I really wanted to see

is Khulo, because it features a legend that the people live longer. By the way, I remember we had dancers at the Batumi Classical Music Festival who were over a hundred years old, so I think the myth of this place is true. By the way, some very educated foreign friends asked to know about the part of Georgia where people live for a long time. Naturally, I believe people will constantly strive to live longer, isn’t that true? - Therefore, I think it will be interesting for tourists to visit this place, especially the Beshum area where the nature of mountain and the sea combine to create a unique climate in the region. What foreign experiences would you support to be adapted in the tourism industry of Georgia? It would be great to develop more road infrastructure and simplify travel in the highlands. There is a need for more trains and airports, as well as more ropeway and other infrastructure to attract tourists. Even between Tbilisi and Batumi, the trains are quite busy, with one or two trains. The infrastructure needs to be developed, for example there is no train to Telavi. Movement between mountains and different regions, and throughout Georgia should be greatly enhanced. Batumi Black Sea Music and Art Festival that you have established for several years has become a business card and an important event both for locals and foreigners, what will be the theme of the festival season this year? This year’s festival will focus on the topic of emigration, and Georgian artists who were born and raised in France due to the forced emigration about 100 years ago. The fact that our president, Mrs. Salome Zurabishvili, is a Georgian raised in French emigration, becomes even more symbolic in this spirit and part of our country’s important history. This year, the festival will host an exhibition of Georgian artist, Henri Matchavariani, who lives in France. After the exhibition, there will be a meeting with Guram Odisharia, an ac-

tive voice in the spread of Abkhazian issues. As for the music part, this year, the festival will cover regions and it will take place in Zugdidi, and the Dadiani Palace, where my concert will be held for the first time. In addition, the festival will be attended by Alexander Gajiev, the winner of the Monaco International Music Competition Grand Prix, a talented musician from Azerbaijan who is currently working in Italy. We will also have a distinguished Italian guitarist and flute player to share his talent with us. So, the festival this year will not only cover the piano but more diverse programs. As always, with the exception of the music program, the festival will also have a part that is focused on social responsibility this year. This will involve presenting talented young Georgian musicians and giving them master classes. Maestro Michel Sogny will traditionally hold master classes for young performers this year with his innovative method. In addition, within the framework of the festival, and with the support of the Ministry of Education, an art camp will be organized to host children from different regions of Georgia and will include a series of trainings on music, art, history and

monument protection. Batumi Black Sea Music and Art Festival is the only Georgian festival held under the high patronage of UNESCO. What is the significance of it for the festival? The existence of the festival under the high patronage of UNESCO indicates that the festival is one of the most important musical events, measured not only by high-level musicians that participate, but by those values that are shared by UNESCO. This naturally increases the public’s interest in the festival. The festival, along with local listeners, attracts more and more tourists each year. What are the future plans for the festival? In addition to officially changing the name of the festival this year and positioning it as the International Black Sea Arts Festival, we have another news that would further expand the format of the festival. We intend to work more closely with the countries of the Black Sea Basin to enhance cultural exchanges and build a closer cultural alliance.


Nino Surguladze: Georgia Is a Satisfying Place for People of All Tastes GIORGI TEDIASHVILI


ino Surguladze is one of the

visit Georgia often due to her busy sched-

about her country. In this interview with

brightest stars of the mod-

ule, but she shares the culture of her own

Diplomat magazine, she shared some

ern opera scene. The Geor-

country with millions of audiences and is

valuable insights into interesting things

gian-born singer has been

therefore considered an ambassador of

one can see and do in Georgia.

living in Italy for many years and is a sought-after visitor on the world’s leading scenes. The singer and recipient of the Presidential Order of Excellence, cannot


You are well travelled and you have

The best mezzo-soprano who won the

seen several interesting places around

‘Oscar of Opera’ (GBOSCAR Best Mez-

the world. Does Georgia stand out as

zo Soprano Award) often feels nostalgic

a tourist country? It is difficult for me to be completely objective about the issues that concern Georgia, because I love this country and for me it is distinct from all other countries however, I will highlight a few important issues to drive home my point. First of all, Georgia is a country with a very long history, precisely, its traditions and the culture makes it attractive but this is unknown to many, because not too many people are interested in discovering Post Soviet countries. In this small area, the mountains and


for almost 8000 years. There are many things I can list and it is just a little that I can point out now. What are your Favorite tourist locations in Georgia? Every region of Georgia is beautiful, if we take more care of it, I’m sure it will attract even more people, but even now, every region is beautiful and interesting. Svaneti - Unusual, Tusheti is fabulous, Batumi has already been touted as the best city by most tourists and as far I know it has won an international tourism Oscar. I should mention Tbilisi, and the pleasant places to see are Abanotubani (with sulfur baths), Old Tbilisi, Narikala, as well as the most beautiful - Signagi, the city of love. I think you can visit many places in Georgia. If you are a ski lover, for example, you can visit Gudauri or the sea are all in close proximity – this is really amazing, because not many countries boast such wonders of nature. Georgia is also known for its hospitality, and I think it has a great impact on

Bakuriani. Georgia is a satisfying place for people of all tastes. In my opinion, every region is interesting for a tourist, but with better infrastructure, all of them

can be better. It is interesting to see that infrastructure upgrade is happening in Batumi, Borjomi, Tbilisi and some other cities. So, there are several interesting choices in my opinion. What do you consider to be important steps that can be explored to Improve the Tourism Sector in Georgia? In Georgia, first of all, I would like the planting of trees to be done in a much more active manner and I would love to see more demands made in this area. Clean air is essential and we are really fazed with this problem in Georgia and it continually affects our population and our country, which was not the case before now. I believe that with a lot of construction going on, the concrete mass is already at its peak. In my opinion, I feel this is neither appealing in terms of architecture nor does it make our air clean. I would also encourage that we pay attention to the promotion Georgia so that many people would find out more about Georgia.

tourists and leaves a very good impression on the country. I have never seen a disinterested tourist in Georgia but I see these elsewhere. It is truly rare and appreciated. In addition to music and art, folk culture whether it be polyphonic or dance music in Georgia is truly memorable and impressive. I have visited many cities around the world and can objectively evaluate and say that I have not seen a more distinctive, diverse, original fusion of old and new than there is in Tbilisi, and this is acknowledged by all those who have been to Georgia at least once. This city remains in the heart of absolutely everyone who visits it and they often return or warmly remember the time spent in Georgia. We have different regions, dialects and lots of different characters, interesting cuisine, and wine, which fortunately is exported today and I have saw it on sale many times abroad. We have a rich wine history and we have been wine producers




he much talked about Diplomat Discussion Series for Students and Young Professionals, a project organized by Diplomat Magazine has come to a successful conclusion. The project which held from April 13 to July 29 at the Biltmore Hotel Tbilisi, was closed with a certificate and award ceremony for the participants.

The project was aimed at getting young people involved and igniting their interests in diplomacy and international relations with frequent thematic and comprehensive discussions to raise the awareness on current events in global politics, discuss bilateral relations, and their developmental perspectives. Within the course of the project, 10 sessions were conducted with discussions on bilateral, political, economic,


trade relations, and other topical issues. The focus topics of the sessions were drawn from the example of the following: The United Nations, Council of Europe, European Investment Bank, United States, Israel, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Bulgaria. The operative format featured panel discussions held in the Davos format, with speakers ranging from Ambassadors, Diplomats, MPs from the relevant Country’s Friendship Group, Expert/ Academic Institute representatives, and business sector representatives. Diplomat Magazine would like to appreciate all the speakers for their participation and the Young Diplomat’s Club of Georgia for their support on this project.



he Diplomat Discussion Series gave us a very good start. As students, we rarely get the chance to hold direct dialogue with professionals on topical issues such as discussed at during the Diplomat Discussion Series. I was able to participate in many of the projects, and I would like to say that these were not standard informational lectures presented in the format of seminars. Actually, we had the opportunity to answer questions we could not find in electronic sources or books during the sessions. We also had the opportunity to refine and develop the art of communication which is an integral part of any field and should be the strength of any young professional. Most importantly, each session provided us with the chance and tools to network. We believe this tool will play a crucial role at various stages of our career and life in today’s reality.


5 Star


Hotel “The Grand Gloria” 22, Sherif Khimshiashvili Street, 1054, Batumi, Georgia Mob: (+995) 577 36 31 70 Phn: (+995) 422 252225 www.grandgloria.ge 54 DIPLOMAT

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