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Demetre Valindras May 2011

Facts about IT and Energy What can we do? Role of the Datacenter

What is Green IT? Regulations Conclusion

May 2011


May 2011

Source: UNEP


Global ICT carbon emissions estimated at 2% - 2.5% of world totals about the same as the airline industry as high as 5-6% of developed nation totals Datacenters produce as much as 0.3% of CO2 emissions ICT carbon footprint will triple during 2002 2020. May 2011


ICT > 20% of the energy used in office buildings, in some offices up to 70%. Up to 15% of a corporation’s energy consumption comes from IT equipment. As much as 30% of the energy consumed in commercial buildings is often used unnecessarily or inefficiently May 2011


Energy costs < 10% of an overall IT budget, they could rise to more than 50% (Gartner 2006 report).

Average server has roughly the same annual carbon footprint as an SUV with a consumption of 15 l / 100 km May 2011


Average Server Utilization 45% Out of 458 servers at 4 production datacenters, 32% were running at ≤ 3% utilization (McKinsey)

Electricity costs up to 20% of server TCO May 2011


Electricity Consumption Residential Office equipment Sector, (excluding consumer Baseline 2010, EU-15 electronics) will make up some 8.9% of the electricity bill of the average EU household. At a rate of € 0.10/kWh , average electricity expenditure per EU household on residential office equipment will be over € 40/yr. 64 TWh annual EU electricity Total annual electricity consumption expenditure for EU-15 70 Mt/yr. CO2-eq. Emissions citizens for home office equipment will be energy-saving potential of office equipment close to € 7-8 billion

with appropriate policies and measures is over 50%

May 2011


Power Manage Computers Choose Energy Efficient Equipment

Consolidate Datacenters May 2011


Improve delivery and use of electricity (Smart Grids) TelePresence Teleworking Green Printing - Green Network

May 2011


9.300 m2 Datacenter 30MW Power Consumption Equivalent Power Consumption of 60,000 individuals Equivalent CO2 Output of 6,700 Households or 23,000 cars Annual Power Bill ~$22.3M @ $0.09/kWhr (National Average) Source: GITA

May 2011


100 Units

35 Units

33 Units Delivered

12May 2011

Datacenter PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) 2.5 ďƒ¨ 1.6

Always Available vs. Always On Ensure high availability Increased capacity – Capacity on Demand High efficiency Reduced Energy Consumption (40% ) Improved space utilization (40% increase) Cloud Computing, Virtualization ďƒ¨ -65% server count

May 2011


Simplified management Lower total cost of ownership Improved service levels Green-friendly Modern Technology Replacing Older Inefficient and Polluting Equipment Reduction in construction and IT cabling materials Reduced GHG and Carbon Emissions May 2011



Communicatio ns systems

Servers Design

Networking systems


Environmentally sustainable computing

Manufact ure

Associated subsystems


Storage devices



May 2011


Energy Efficient IT Architecture Advanced Power and Cooling Technologies and Methods Integration with Building and Landscape Architecture Using IT to enhance environmental education and responsibility Using IT to save energy May 2011


Energy Star Joint program of US DoE and EPA Reduce greenhouse gas Make it easy for consumers to identify and purchase energyefficient products 355 ktons GHG emissions avoided 510 mil. kWh saved annually May 2011


EU Energy Star RoHS

Restrictions on use of Hazardous Substances 2002/95/EC


Directive on Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment 2002/96/EC

May 2011


Green IT

ICT is a major power consumer and becoming more so by the day A significant percentage of the power is wasted Opportunities exist and are pursued to dramatically improve IT energy efficiency IT can be a very beneficial part of the Green economy and sustainability movement We can all help by adapting our daily habits!

May 2011


European Commission http://ec.europa.eu/ US Energy Star http://www.energystar.gov EU Energy Star http://www.eu-energystar.org/ United Nations Environment Programme http://www.unep.org Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org Green Datacenters http://www.thegreengrid.org Green IT Tools http://www.greenittools.com/ Sustainable Information Technology http://www.greenit.net/ Data Center Information http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/ http://www.google.com/corporate/datacenter/index.html http://searchdatacenter.techtarget.com/

May 2011


FONDUL SOCIAL EUROPEAN Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 Axa prioritară nr. 3 „Creşterea adaptabilităţii lucrătorilor şi a întreprinderilor” Domeniul major de intervenţie 3.2. „Formare şi sprijin pentru întreprinderi şi angajaţi pentru promovarea adaptabilităţii” Titlul proiectului: : „COPMED – COMPETENTE PENTRU PROTECTIA MEDIULUI” Contract nr. POSDRU/81/3.2./S/52242 Proiect din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Maycofinanţat 2011 22 Umane 2007-2013 –„Investeşte în oameni!

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