This geographical proximity facilitates exchanges and guarantees continuity for projects and the maturation of technologies. For example, researchers from Materia Nova work in the UMONS premises, and vice versa. This flexibility allows our respective teams to follow projects from A to Z, whatever the TRL level of the project.
Multitel is a research centre in telecommunications, signal and image processing which was founded in 1995 at the UMONS Polytechnic Faculty. Multitel and UMONS have remained very close and collaborate on numerous projects in the fields of telecommunications and signal processing. Multitel's mission is primarily to help Walloon companies integrate new technologies more effectively into their products, processes and services, with a view to improving competitiveness and sustainable economic prosperity.
IDEA is the territorial development agency for the 27 communes of the Cœur du Hainaut, a territory of more than 540,000 inhabitants covering more than 1,000 km².
Fields of application: - Signal and embedded systems; - Networks and telecoms; - Applied photonics; - Computer vision; - Railway certification.
Its ambition? To transform its territory by anticipating its future. To do this, the multi-sectoral intercommunal association is positioning itself, on the one hand, as a driving force for sustainable economic, territorial and environmental development and, on the other hand, as a privileged partner of its associated communes and companies.
The CLICK is a host and support structure, in a space conducive to creative stimulation and innovation, for idea bearers (professional actors, innovators, creators, makers, student/researcher entrepreneurs, etc.). Located in the heart of Hainaut, in the INITIALIS, Pôle Innovation by IDEA/UMONS, it is also a structure bringing together a Fablab, a Hub, a Living Lab and an incubator for students/researchers entrepreneurs.
Closely linked to the UMONS Materials Institute, Materia Nova is an approved research centre founded by UMONS for the development of tomorrow's materials in the field of polymers and surface coatings. Since the creation of Materia Nova by UMONS in 2000, the two institutions have been working very closely together.
DO YOU HAVE A PROJECT? Do you want to create or improve an idea, a product or a service? At the CLICK we offer you support adapted to your needs: - Diagnosis; - Idea session; - Technological watch; - Pre/Prototyping; - ...
This collaboration is a considerable asset as it allows them to combine expertise in fundamental and applied research in order to improve the possibilities for transfers from the university laboratory to industry. Fields of application : - Advanced materials & solutions for applications in the field of energy; - Sustainable and innovative polymer materials; - Cells for materials and materials for cells; - Multifunctional surfaces; - Life cycle thinking; - Characterisation platform.
Thanks to the technological expertise of our teams and our cuttingedge tools, you are sure to make your project evolve. The aim of CLICK is to help the idea bearer (individually or in a team) progress in his “entrepreneurial journey” as a central player in his innovation. We offer four services, each with expertise at the service of the idea bearer: - The CLICK HUB creates favourable conditions for innovation and the emergence of creative projects, it stimulates, animates and guides the community. - The CLICK Fablab specialises in providing support for the mechanical and electromechanical design of pre/prototypes, with a specific focus on the Internet of Things (IOT). - The CLICK Living Lab helps pre-selected project leaders (in the field of the cutural and creative industries or CCI) to progress in the definition and technological realisation of their projects. - The CLICK N'Start specifically welcomes and supports student entrepreneurs and UMONS researchers.
Remarkable equipment: Materia Nova also has a vast range of equipment: - a complete set of equipment for dry (plasma) and wet (sol-gel) deposition from laboratory sample scale to pilot scale, - a platform dedicated to the production of organic opto-electronic components, - equipment for the synthesis and implementation of composite materials and biosourced polymers, - and lastly, a platform for the analysis and characterisation of materials open to industrialists. 165