A widely recognized expertise in interdisciplinarity Interview with Prof. Pierre JADOUL, Rector of Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles (USL-B) Our research centres also develop international cooperation programs with a great number of European universities. This is the case, for example, of our European Studies Institute, which was selected in 2019 by the European Commission to launch a second Jean Monnet module.
hat are the key numbers and areas of excellence in the field of research at Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles? The Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles (USL-B) excels in social sciences and humanities: law, political and social sciences, economics and business administration, philosophy, history, literature, translation and European studies. But far from having succumbed to compartmentalization, which at times may lead to differences in methodology and subjects between the various disciplines, USL-B has acquired a widely recognized expertise in interdisciplinary practice, even in research, the originality of which makes its excellence. Whilst research contributes to opening new fields of knowledge, the interdisciplinary methods remain among the most efficient ones, due to their intrinsic creativity.
The University also obtained a 300 000 € grant for an Erasmus+ Partenariat Stratégique (Strategic Partnership) project, for a 2-year duration: “Arriver en Europe, partir d’Europe : trajectoires turques et marocaines” (Arriving in Europe, leaving Europe: Turkish and Moroccan trajectories). How do you value the research work coming from USL-B? Our university has developed the valorisation of its research with the support of the Walloon (DGO6) and Brussels (Innoviris) Regions. Our Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) ensures the link between research at the university, and in the non-academic world. Its task consists in taking care of the diffusion, the mobilisation and the knowledge transfer to society, and in creating collaborations and exchanges between society and the university. We are also an integrated member of the LIEU network, which gathers the KTOs from Universities within the FWB.
The following key numbers translate the FNRS’ recognition of our fundamental research. Over the last 5 years, an average of 39% of our FNRS applications were successful, putting us regularly ahead of the global figures of the FWB (Fédération WallonieBruxelles - Wallonia-Brussels Federation). We are equally proud of our average 36% admission rate to the Humanities Research Fund (Fonds pour la Recherche en Sciences humaines – FRESH) launched 8 years ago, which is an essential tool in our field of disciplines.
Although this type of research valorisation represents a quite recent development, let us stress that, for a long time now, some of our research centres have shown a keen interest in regional integration, particularly with regards to very advanced research on Brussels. Our Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Brussels (IRIB) gathers these centres and hosts centres from other universities. We play a leading role in the Brussels Studies Institute (an interuniversity research platform on Brussels) and in the online magazine “Brussels Studies”. Thanks to our expertise, acquired through our research work on Brussels (particularly with regards to mobility issues), we have obtained many regional-funded research projects.
Could you cite a few examples of the current research programs at Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles? Like the other universities of FWB, USL-B benefits from special research funds and manages to finance a great number of doctoral research fields. We simultaneously work on different interuniversity research projects (Action de Recherche Concertée - Concerted Research Action - or ARC). The University obtained three BELSPO-BRAIN projects (Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks Phase 2) in 2020: HOME (Human Remains Origin(s) Multidisciplinary Evaluation), BABEL (Basic Income in Belgium: stress-testing basic income in the digital era) and BBOX (OCMW/CPAS & new migrants/ refugees: opening the black box of policy in practice). We are also very happy to have been granted three “PDR” from FNRS, which provide funds for projects of excellence, for a 4-year duration: “Transition & Récits judiciaires de l'UE” - Transition & EU Judicial Stories, “Genre et prison” - Gender and prison (co-directed with UCLouvain) and “Littérature et cartographie” Literature and cartography.
What research partnerships have you developed at a European level? A Marie-Skłodowska Curie grant was also recently obtained for a project called “Nation – Power – Subjectivity: The Making of National Subjects in Late Medieval Bohemia and Brabant (1300-1450)”, for an amount of 166 320 € and a duration of 24 months.
St. Louis - Brussels University has fifteen research centers covering all the humanities field. A network and two institutes provide the interface between research centers: the Interdisciplinarity and Society Network (RIS), the Institute forInterdisciplinary Research on Brussels (IRIB) and the Institute for European Studies.