College’s Vernon campus offers quality education and training in a casual and relaxed environment
Kalamalka Lake – where the dedicated learning community
focused on students’
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Indigenous Garden
College’s Salmon Arm campus is small and big in the best ways. Experience a wide variety of quality education and training opportunities while benefitting from our welcoming and personalized approach. Nearby Revelstoke Centre is a gateway to the mountains and home to the Tourism Management Diploma as well as a series of community-based programs and courses.
Immerse yourself in different cultures, new perspectives and timely historical insights. Communicate in new ways and dig up answers to questions facing today’s world.
Develop your critical thinking and research skills with the four-year Applied Bachelor of Arts degree in Community Research and Evaluation or start your education at Okanagan College with a two-year Associate of Arts Degree and transfer to another post-secondary institution.
Programs include more than 300 course offerings in 23 subject areas and will prepare you for future education and rewarding careers in social work, publishing, research, education, counselling, media, criminology and more.
Applied Bachelor of Arts: Community Research and Evaluation ASSOCIATE DEGREE
Associate of Arts
Communications, Culture and Journalism Studies
Criminal and Social Justice Environmental Studies
International Development Writing and Publishing
First- and second-year Arts courses are fully transferable to universities throughout British Columbia and other institutions across Canada. Find out more at bctransferguide.ca.
Anthropology Communications
Earth and Environmental Science Economics
English Fine Arts
Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
Indigenous Studies
Modern Languages Philosophy
Political Science Psychology
Social Work
Uncover the physical and material world through observation, calculation and experimentation. Hone your mathematical and scientific reasoning skills in a variety of fields, that prepare you for further study and in-demand careers.
Bachelor of Computer Information Systems
Associate of Science
Civil Engineering Technology
Computer Information Systems
Electronic Engineering Technology
Infrastructure and Computing Technology
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Sustainable Building Technology
Water Engineering Technology
Biology Chemistry Mathematics Physics Statistics
Turn your engineering technology diploma from Okanagan College into a degree at UBC Okanagan and other Canadian universities.
Okanagan College’s School of Business has a national reputation for excellence in shaping future accountants, financial planners, human resource advisors, managers, administrators and marketing experts.
The comprehensive suite of business degree, diploma and certificate programs prepare you for success in the fast-paced and everchanging world. With a career-oriented and innovative approach, each program combines theory and hands-on applied practices taught by professors who are experts in their fields.
Student associations, clubs and competition teams provide you with the opportunity to develop your skills and apply classroom knowledge to real-world situations.
Bachelor of Business Administration
Business Administration
Commercial Aviation Tourism Management
Commercial Helicopter Pilot
Business degree and diploma students can choose from six specialty areas: Accounting Finance Human Resources Management Management Marketing Tourism and Hospitality Management
Join Enactus OC, Okanagan
Business Students’ Association, Accounting Club, Human Resources Management Club or Marketing Club. Learn more at okanagan.bc.ca/osbconnect
Choose a rewarding career providing excellent patient and client care. Learn in small class sizes where you get one-on-one attention and create lasting friendships with your classmates.
Okanagan College’s Health and Social Development programs provide you with the theoretical, technical and practical training needed for a successful career.
Gain the skills to build a successful career in the trades. Learn techniques from industry leading instructors and get hands-on experience with the latest equipment and technologies in state-ofthe-art training facilities.
Okanagan College has been the region’s leading school for tradespeople for almost 60 years, helping to meet the provincial demand for skilled workers.
Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing
Automotive Service Technician
Aircraft Maintenance Technician
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer – Structures
Begin your culinary journey in the heart of the Okanagan Valley, where your senses will guide you to create delectable dishes and sweet treats. With the guidance of renowned chefs in a region known for its award-winning flavours, you get a recipe for success in any one of Okanagan College’s culinary programs.
Culinary Arts
Pastry Arts
Culinary Management
Become a cook, pastry cook, kitchen porter, sous chef, kitchen or restaurant manager, hotel chef or caterer.
Post Baccalaureate programs earn you a recognized credential that can help you get a job, take your career in a new direction, enhance your earning potential and, for working professionals, upgrade and broaden your skills.
Accounting Human Resources Management Marketing
Health Analytics
Marketing and Data Analytics
The opportunities ahead of you are endless. Okanagan College’s foundational programs offer the boost you need to achieve your educational goals. Our dedicated instructors, small class sizes and individual attention will support you to get you where you want to be.
Okanagan College offers English Language Certificate (ELC) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) programs at the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels to ensure students reach their proficiency goals for speaking, writing and understanding English. Learn more at okanagan.bc.ca/esl.
January, May, July and September
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
English Language Certificate (ELC) Level 1 - 4
Intermediate - Advanced English for Academic Purpose (EAP) Level 1 - 3
Associate of Arts Degree 2 years Sept, Jan P, K, V, SA Transfer to Bachelor Degree programs at any university in BC.
Associate of Science Degree 2 years Sept K, V Transfer to Bachelor Degree programs at any university in BC.
Applied Bachelor of Arts: Community Research and 4 years Sept K Transfer opportunity to Master of Social Work at UBCO. Evaluation
Communication, Culture & Journalism Studies Diploma 2 years Sept, Jan K
Criminal and Social Justice Diploma 2 years Sept P Transfer opportunity to Bachelor of Law Enforcement Studies at JIBC. English as a Second Language Varies Sept, Jan, May, July K Course preregistration with Duolingo, Academic IELTS or TOEFL English tests.
Environmental Studies Diploma 2 years Sept, Jan K
International Development Diploma 2 years Sept, Jan K Transfer to BBA at OC.
Writing and Publishing Diploma 2 years Sept V Vernon campus is home to the Kalamalka Press.
Bachelor of Business Administration Degree (BBA) 4 Years Sept, Jan K, V Optional co-op.
Specialize: Accounting, Finance, Human Resources Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Management, Marketing or General Business Administration Diploma (BUAD) 2 years Sept, Jan P, K, V, SA Optional co-op. Transfer to BBA at OC.
Specialize: Accounting, Finance, Human Resources Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Management, Marketing or General Commercial Aviation Diploma 2 years Sept (CPL), K In partnership with the Southern Interior Flight Centre. Jan (PPL)
Commercial Helicopter Pilot Certificate 1 Years Sept K In partnership with Okanagan Mountain Helicopters. Tourism Management Diploma 2 years Sept R Includes co-op.
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Accounting 2 years Sept, Jan K
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Health Analytics 2 years Sept, Jan K
Third party evaluation required for degrees completed outside Canada. CPA evaluation required.
Third party evaluation required for degrees completed outside Management Canada.
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Human Resources 2 years Sept K
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Marketing 2 years Sept K
Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Marketing and 2 years Sept, Jan K Data Analytics
Culinary Management Diploma 2 years Sept, Jan, April K Includes co-op.
Culinary Arts Certificate 50 weeks Sept, Jan, April K Includes co-op.
Pastry Arts Certificate 50 weeks Jan K Includes co-op.
Early Childhood Education Diploma 2 years Sept K, V Includes practicum.
Human Service Work Diploma 2 years Sept K, SA, V Includes practicum. Alternating yearly intakes at Salmon Arm and Vernon.
Kinesiology Diploma 2 years Sept P Transfer to Bachelor of Kinesiology, Physical Education or Human Kinetics.
Therapist Assistant Diploma 2 years Sept K Includes practicum.
Bachelor of Computer Information Systems 4 years Sept K Optional co-op. Degree (BCIS)
Computer Information Systems Diploma 2 years Sept K, V Optional co-op. Transfer to BCIS or BBA at OC.
Animation Diploma 2 years Sept K Optional co-op.
Civil Engineering Technology Diploma 2 years Sept K Optional co-op. Bridging option to UBCO.
Electronic Engineering Technology Diploma 2 years Sept K Optional co-op. Bridging option to UBCO.
Infrastructure & Computing Technology Diploma 2 years Sept K Optional co-op.
Mechanical Engineering Technology Diploma 2 years Sept K Optional co-op. Bridging option to UBCO.
Sustainable Building Technology Diploma 2 years Sept P Optional co-op. Water Engineering Technology Diploma 2.5 years Sept K Required co-op for international students.
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer S-License Certificate 37 weeks Feb K
Aircraft Maintenance Technician Diploma 2 years Feb V
Automotive Service Technology Diploma 2 years Sept K
Collision Repair and Refinishing Diploma 2 years Sept K
Campus: P = Penticton, K = Kelowna, R = Revelstoke, SA = Salmon Arm, V = Vernon
The program information on these pages are current as of the publication date. Please be advised that program availability may have changed. All prospective students are advised to see Okanagan College’s website for up to date program availability and requirements for every program.
• Athletics, Recreation and Student Life
• Campus Stores
• Co-operative Education
Counselling Services
Cultural Liaisons
Education Advising
Food Services
• Graduation and Student Employment
Health and Wellness Services
• Immigration Advising
Success Centres
• Student Housing
• Student Union/Association
*Student services are available once you begin your studies.
HOMESTAY: Students from all campuses can apply to live with a local host family arranged by the Okanagan College International Education Settlement Team. The homestay experience provides an excellent opportunity for students to improve their English, adapt to a new environment and learn about Canadian culture. Homestay is available at all Okanagan College campuses and includes airport pick-up and drop-off at the Kelowna International Airport. For more information visit: okanagan.bc.ca/homestay or contact: homestay@okanagan.bc.ca.
Okanagan College is building student housing at the Kelowna, Vernon and Salmon Arm campuses. Visit the website for updates on the project and when beds will become available.
STUDENT HOUSING: The Kelowna campus student housing, Skaha Place, offers affordable, convenient option for students. Rooms are available in pod style (five bedrooms per unit) or private studios (single bedroom). Please note that space is limited, and students are encouraged to apply early to live in student housing. For more information visit: okanagan.bc.ca/housing.
PRIVATE RENTALS: There are many rental properties available across the Okanagan College region. Students must arrange their own private accommodation. For more information about local listings visit: https://www.okanagan.bc.ca/housing/off-campus-housing
• Canadian secondary school English 12 60% or 70%
• IELTS academic 6.0 or 6.5
• TOEFL 79 on IBT
• Duolingo 105 or 110
• Okanagan College English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Level 3
*Admission requirement equivalencies vary by country and program. Please review our admission requirements before applying.
Choose a program and check admission requirements. Please note not all programs are open to international students.
Applications for most September programs open early October of the previous year.
Applications for most January programs open early February of the previous year.
Complete online application form at okanagan.bc.ca/apply.
A $100 non-refundable application fee is charged for all programs.
Within 48 hours, you will receive an email with your student number and how to track your application.
For more information about how to apply, available programs and tuition, scan here.