Power Pink
Horizon Violet
Sunshine Orange
P a l m
Skyline Blue
Center Piece
P a r t y
Wave Blue
Valued Creme
Earthy Greens
Gothic Black
Grey Sands
Island Adventure
Lost Woods
Fall Leaves Red
F a l l
B r e a k
Rave Lavender
Alligator Green
Hawaii Sunshine
Rainbow Blue
Swamp Green
S u n shine Paradise
This Picture makes me think of Fall because of the colors. There has been a lot of people seeing that all of the colors chosen are mostly in furniture, jeans, scarfs, and hair. These photos are directed towards an audiende that enjoys the landscape scenery. Power Pink stands out because the sky is so vibrant when that pink color is there and there has been a lot of poeple wearing it as scarfs and in hair so I beleive it’ll
defenitly be a trend during the cold Fall. All of these colors are extremely vibrant and add a pop of color to your outfit. Pantone says that Power Pink is “speaks to the gender fluidity we continue to see.” And to all the other colors they say really works for Fall, another example would have to be the color Skyline Blue Pantone says “undeniably takes precedence in the fall collections.” And that’s why these colors are able to fit in the scene for Fall colors.
Island Adventure is a great color pallet for Fall, because a lot of poeple have been saying these colors really fit and most people would wear it on the daily. Pantone specifically says that these colors are very “rich and Elegant,” especially the color earthy greens Pantone says this color “brings to mind fresh botanicals and foliage,” which is what will be very good for Fall beacuse all of the greens will be gone in
the trees, execpt for the evergreens, which is one of the reasons i chose this color. Medium green to dark is the color that is mostly going to be used throughout Fall in outfits to make emphasis on a specific area such as a snazzy green hat. Light green wont be very appealing to the Fall colors because none of the evergreens are light colored and the leaves from the other trees are different colors in those moments.
Fall Break shows various colors for Fall these colors really emphasise the scenery and these colors are very original and will always be famous Fall colors. because the colors of the trees really influence designs and outfits many for many people these colors are their go-to. Pantone says the color Bushes “gives a grounded feeling that’s anything but flat.� The reason for that is because it stands out and a lot of people enjoy seeing
it on clothing. Down the sidewalk or the mall during Fall I see a lot of people wear these colors because evertime it comes around its a Fall signiture anyone can wear the color Bushes. the Fall signiture color is Red, Bushes, Brown, and black because the holidays cotridict on these color choices like thanksgiving has a lot of Bush orange colors around the table for example the food and the thanksgiving table top
Sunshine Paradise has a lot of coorilation to fall in the color palatte that is. for example Rainbow blue. Pantone says that Rainbow blue “undeniably takes precedence in the fall collections.” Rainbow blue really stands out in Fall bceause the only blue you see in the Fall scenery would have to be in oceans and skies. I believe that it’ll be one of the best fashion statement colors
for Fall in 2016. And it will be a big new trend during Fall days because it wasn’t as big in the season Fall before, but many people have been seeing this color in Hair, shirts, jeans, scarfs, and more items as well as furniture. Pantone also staes that “Cool and calming, strong and stable, Displays a subtle vibrancy and sophistication Maintains a sense of constancy.”