The life of a perservationist.

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A perservationist is a supporter or advocate of the preservation of something, especially of historic buildings and artifacts.

Job describtion As preservationist we rebiuld old thng such as old builds, and Antiques. What happens is that we find a old building a restore it, along with the antiques we find.

Education Requirements There is different postion to this job, such as the historian. The historian does require a diploma which perfers a master’s degree. The other is the Archivist they also require a master degree. Another is a carpenter they do not require a master’s, they require just a high school diploma.

Income projections & job oppotunities Mediean Annual salary (2015) 1) histrorian- $55,800 2)Archaeologist-$61,220 3)curater-$51,520 These are different job Annual salary for the perservationist, and job oppotunities.

Example Career prodject

sources FAQs.html

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