halee brumbaugh - interior design portfolio

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contact at halee.brumbaugh@gmail.com or areabella.co/haleebrum


Areabella design firm was honestly one of my best ideas. The word ‘areabella’ was a play off Johanna Gain’s Magnolia brand. I found different names of pretty trees and woods and stumbled upon areabella. I thought the name was beautiful and would attract the eye of a millenal/ gen z buyer. The firm was baised on the idea that all deisgns could be done over the internet via email and 24 hour website hotline. The customer simply applies for a constultant, waits no more than 7 hours and a distinguished interior designer would begin helping them with their space. The cllient would send in current photos and measurement of the space(s) and images of spaces or items the liked/ would want to incopperate. Areabella is a very 21st century way of interior design. The common astetic would be warm wood and eathy textures or tones. The firm was very pointed at lazy young adults with a medium to large budget who had good taste or was willing to learn. For my info board about the design firm I kept the colors simple and added 3D random geometric shapes using paint samples. The pictures I used incorperated the warm wood and many dark green plants. This project made me think of a company I wish existed for myself and Areabella checked all the boxes. 4

The parade of homes was a class feild trip where we looked at new, luxury homes. The goal of ths project was to get us out of our comfort zones and see different styles we normally dont see in everyday life. Pictured on the board are pictures I took as insperation for the bathroom I designed. The origional floor plan was my parent’s outdated bathroom, the one place in the house they hadn’t gotten aorund to renovating. It was important for this space to be functional but incorperate the pieces I wanted to use in the space from the new homes. One thing I have always been obessed with is free standing tubs and my parents had the perfect cove next to the shower for a new tub, instead of the current wall to wall tub. I used a dark emerald green to accent the tub wall and draw the eye towards that immediatly. The dark shade of green makes the white walls pop and a patterend green leaved wallpaper accentuated the space. I added gold hardware and frames on artwork to tune in the luxury feel and large barn doors to replace the current curtians. The dark tile highlighted the light accents and a large frosted window brightened up the space. For lighting I used black geometric lamps with exposed light bulbs. This space was different than many previous rooms but still had my charachteristics to stay true to myself.


Starting with the 3D model, a challenge and a half. If I could do this project all over, i would. The layout made sense in my head then when the walls went up, I realized it is pretty silly and unconventional. The hallways everywhere closed off the space and made building it incredibly hard. The challege was everyone of my classmates deigned a floor plan then the twist was wwe had to put everyone’s rooms together. Without knowing they would have to fit together, there were addons and built in’s that made this difficult. But that is enough complaining, on to the materials! A material board is all about showing a client real textures and colors that dont always translate properly between a screen to eyes. Being able to touch a room you might have for the decade is really important to bridging the gap between “ehhhh maybe..” and “yes. Everything about this. Yes.” A good rule of thumb is ‘the more the merrier’. The more items layered from an image the easier it is to really see the vision from someone’s design. For my board i picked two rooms with different color pallets and split the board. The living room side used deep blues and oranges with mix-matched woods. I found fabrics for the couches, pillows, and curtains and a few wood samples. For the bedroom it was stark white with peachy pink/orange accents, plants, and light wood. This was shown in layered white fabrics and pink paint swatches and forals. This project required attention to detail and an eye for color.

This project was a client-based alternative home with specific needs. The client I worked with needed a bathroom that was easy to navigate seeing as though they were visually impaired. The layout was all about simplicity and contrast. The walls are mainly a light color with the wall with the shower being a dark contrasting color to differentiate the space. The color scheme is based on a peer’s mood board which got me out of my comfort zone of orange, blue, and neutrals. It was a challenge to incorporate these colors because I had never seen a bathroom with this color pallet. I made small adjustments to the space to accommodate for the visually impaired like rubber mats and strippes. The biggest change was a large frosted window, lighting is very important to someone who is blind because certain shapes or colors and highlighted.

By far my biggest accomplishment was an actual, tangible, room. The color scheme was exactly as I wanted, incorporating may muted tones and colors. I started with my mood board full of fabrics and pictures of things I enjoyed looking at. From there, I made a 3-D floor plan using home styler showing exactly how i would personally enjoy the teen space. We then had the public vote on one room to actually create and i got to go crazy in thrift stores. The project showed me the work of actually pulling off a whole room from scratch. Using 2 walls and the pieces we collected, we built the room into the floor plan I designed. Seeing it come together in front of my eyes was worth the business and chaos around the project. I loved that someone was able to win and use this space in their own home.

Thank you for taking the time to review my designs from Interior Design II, junior year. I look forward to taking more design classes in the future and expanding my knowledge. I’d like to thank my teacher and advisor, Taylor Schwartz, for showing me the ropes ad dealing with my constant color block (getting stuck in the same 3 colors).

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