Lily Foster-color schemes

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Color Schemes By:Lily Foster

Complementary Complemetary colors are colors that are opposite from each other on the color wheel. Eeach color brings out the other by enhancing it. In this grid red and green are complementary

Triadic Triadic color is 3 colors that are equal distance apart on the color wheel. The colors work well together because there is a big contrast between them. In this grid orange, green, and blue are triadic colors

Monochromatic Monochromatic colors are when you use the same tints and schemes with one color. You can get darker or lighter tints of the color by adding white, black, or grey. In this grid I used the color red with it’s different tints and shades

Neutral Neutral colors are white black, gray, silver gold, beige, and light blue. It is a hue with neither cool or warm colors. In this grid I showed an example for every type of neutral colors.

Acccented Neutral Accented neutral is one bright color used with a neutral scheme. It adds a pop of color and brings your attention to that certain spot. In this grid I used many didnt examples for accented neutral.

Analogous Analogous is color schemes with colors next to each other on the color wheer. It is best to use warm or cool colors to create a temperature as well as harmony. In this grid I used yellow orange and red to create a warm scheme.

Split Complementary Split complementary is when you have a main color then 2 other colors from its complementary. This works well together since all three hues are very different. In this grid I used the color orange as my main with blue and purple

Tetrad Tetrad colors are four colors with a logical relationship on the color wheel. For an example the four colors can make a rectangle. In this grid I used the colors red, green, blue, and orange.

Complementary Triad Complementary triad is three colors with two being complementary and the third is halfway between the 2 colors. In this grid I used the colors blue, orange, and green. Which is my favorite color scheme.

Analogous Complementary Analogous complementary is when you pick a color and its complementary then the two colors directly next to the complementary. In this grid I used the colors yellow, blue, red, and purple.

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