HIGHLIGHTS REEL It’s impossible to arrive at a Top 20 — so consider this a sampling of my favorite covers from 2012 to 2021. Special thanks to go-to photographer Jeffrey Bebee, whose “pretty pictures” have graced our pages for more than a decade. May-June 2012 Photography: Amy Lynn Straub
November-December 2013 Photography: Dev Hanumara and Heather Winkel
January-February 2014. Photography: Jeffrey Bebee
Work? No, pure joy THERE’S AN
life’s possessions. I won a
ADAGE, “If you enjoy
national award for the way
what you do, you’ll
in which I told Buster’s
never work a day in
story, and found my life’s
your life.” It’s been that
way for me. Everyone
Over the past 35 years —
should be so lucky. How did it all start? With Buster, a January-February 2012, the debut of a new look to complement a new direction for the editorial content. Fashion, travel, art and leisure now are standing topics. Photography, Jeffrey Bebee. Design, Ananda Spadt.
May-June 2017 Photography: Heather & Jameson
homeless man who
yes, that long! — I’ve been CHRIS CHRISTEN
piqued my interest in
privileged to meet tens of thousands of fascinating people and tell countless stories for the Omaha
college. He lived out of a cardboard box
World-Herald. Representing the state’s
and got around town on an old bicycle
largest newspaper definitely opened
with a rickety basket stuffed with his
doors — especially when I took the
May-June 2019 Photography: Jeffrey Bebee
November-December 2015 Photography: Tin Box Pictures
November-December 2018 Photography: Julia Russell