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August A 2017
Cover Story
90 94
Dan Millman: Return of the Peaceful Warrior
Spirituality 34 38
How to Trust Your Soul's Sense of Intuition What Are the Qualities of God?
OM Living 46 52 56 58 62
Crystals, Dreams and Reworking Your Nightmares The Three Times When is Beneficial to Box Up Feelings Program Spotlight - Shreem Brzee 4 Tips on Purchasing Liability Insurance for Your Yoga Studio Thriving With A Conscious Business
Relationships 70 74 80 84
Here's the Heart of Happy Human Relationships Do BFF* Spouses Have the Best Marriages? The Most Important Relationship Need to Gain Trust? Do It Smartly!
Are All Mediums Psychic? 9 Tips to the BEST Mediumship Demonstration Experience
Personal Growth 102 How to Live Our Dreams and Fly 106 Taking Responsibility is The Power to Change 110 Wisdom of The Hidden Knowing
Dan Millman: Return of the Peaceful Warrior Interview with OMTimes Magazine
Dan Millman, a former world champion athlete, Stanford University coach, martial arts instructor and Oberlin College professor, has authored 17 books published in 29 languages, including his classic, Way of the Peaceful Warrior (released as a film with Nick Nolte by Universal in 2007). A popular speaker, Dan
has influenced people from all walks of life. He speaks with OMTimes about his newest book, The Hidden School, and more. OMTIMES: Dan, though you’re an internationally bestselling author, with Way of the Peaceful Warrior reaching millions of readers since it was first published. But your life began on a very different trajectory. Can you tell us something more about your earlier sports career and how it intersected with a life of writing? Dan Millman: As a kid, I liked to climb trees, swing on ropes, and later, I discovered trampoline and acrobatics. I did not show great promise at the beginning, but loved somersaulting and improving each skill. That love eventually led to a national then world championship title on trampoline, and a gymnastics scholarship to college. Writing wasn’t in the picture. I felt intimidated by any writing
assignment longer than two pages in school. Other than a few creative (two-page) short stories in middle school, I showed no particular talent or penchant for writing. But I did enjoy improving on my work, just as I’d done in gymnastics. When I was in my late 20s, I imagined, for the first time, that I might write a book about an intriguing service station attendant I’d met and lifelessons learned just prior to my senior year in college. Seven years later, Way of the Peaceful Warrior was published. I didn’t write another book for ten years. But my coaching experience sparked a desire to influence and inspire others. This carried over into the realm of writing. I went on to write numerous other books over the years, culminating with The Hidden School. That impulse to teach, which began in the gymnasium, expanded into the larger arena of daily life OMTIMES: How would you personally describe the “spiritual” shifts in your life? Were you always interested in deeper questions of philosophy Omtimes.com
or mysticism from early-on? Or did this come later? Dan Millman: I suppose the first shift of a spiritual nature was a recognition that the satisfaction of achievement didn’t last — that happiness was fleeting. I wondered whether any sort of lasting happiness was possible — whether my next achievement or relationship or ‘win’ was the purpose, or even a purpose, in life. This led to a yearning to gain not just knowledge, but wisdom — not that I had any clue to what real wisdom might look like. Then a motorcycle crash fractured not only my leg and changed the course of my life. That injury also shook me up(ward) and began a spiritual journey into the depths of my mind and heart. I began to read and study topics I had not considered before — perhaps much like my readers today — which led to teachers, insights, and experiences that formed the basis for my early writing. OMTIMES: You’ve said that your newest book, The Hidden
School, is not the conclusion to The Peaceful Warrior story, but rather a “missing piece.” Can you clarify for readers what this means? Dan Millman: Sometimes I envy writers who produce a clearly-delineated series of books, with part one, part two, and so on. But in my case, the second and third books in the peaceful warrior saga — Sacred Journey, and The Hidden School, are parts of the original book — they take place within the timeframe and between the covers of Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Just prior to the final chapter of that first book, I refer (in a few short pages) to travels I took around the world, but nothing more. So, ten years after writing Way of the Peaceful Warrior, I shared more about those travels about in Sacred Journey, recounting an adventure in Hawaii. And finally, 37 years later, I felt ready to offer the final revelation — experiences and challenges that prepared me for the death, rebirth, and awakening I describe in the concluding chapter
and epilogue of Way of the Peaceful Warrior. OMTIMES: Your signature genre for the peaceful warrior trilogy has been called “autobiographical fiction.” It doesn’t fit neatly into either fiction or nonfiction-memoir. Can you tell us a little more about this genre? Dan Millman: When Way of the Peaceful Warrior was first published, it bore the subtitle, A basically true story. My editor’s idea. But the bookstores didn’t have a shelf for it. It wasn’t exactly nonfiction or memoir; it didn’t fit neatly into psychology or philosophy or religion. My readers didn’t care. They loved the story and lessons, perspectives, reminders which spoke to their lives as well. I never claimed any of these books were memoir, because memoir should not contain any deliberate fiction. I blended autobiography with creative elements to serve the story and for the sake of my readers’ experience. (As Picasso put it, “Art is a lie that helps us to see the truth.”)
OMTIMES: How is your in-depth experience with gymnastics and martial arts reflected in your books and stories? Was this a deliberate choice? Dan Millman: Since gymnastics and martial arts contributed such a significant and formative part of my life, my habits, and character, it seems natural to include this experience into my writing. My martial arts and acrobatic training became a master metaphor, showing me how I might overcome nearly any obstacle through sheer persistence. Martial arts taught me nonresistance — going with the flow, and gymnastics training revealed how everything is difficult until it becomes easy. I came to understand that all practices are related — how into one practice provides insight into all. The Hidden School uses acrobatics and martial arts to reveal my transition from student to teacher and from seeker to writer. OMTIMES: What is it about the Peaceful Warrior saga, including The Hidden School, that continues to garner readers all
over the world and across the generations? Dan Millman: If I had an easy answer to that I’d bottle it. As author Somerset Maugham wrote, “There are three essential rules for writing a successful novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” But I do have a few clues: The most successful narrative works are said to capture the universal in the particulars. The best stories aren’t just about a few literary characters; they’re about all of us. Apparently, the transformation I recounted in Way of the Peaceful Warrior spoke to both men and women, young and old, and readers from around the world. And as with that first book, I wrote The Hidden School so that my teacher could also become their teacher. I write for readers to seek wisdom and understanding, who wish to live illumined lives. I’m newly delighted by all those who have chosen to join me on this journey. They’ve seen my (character’s) transformation from a self-absorbed young athlete to a more mature
adult. The Hidden School reveals the full scope of that transformation — how it all happened and what it means. OMTIMES: You’ve said that as a young man you never expected to become a bestselling author. How did it happen? Is it a path or process that others might follow? And how might it link to lessons in your books? Dan Millman: A lot of it was luck and timing. My life experiences and work habits led to my writing a book whose subject and style resonated with a growing audience ready to explore life’s higher promise and possibilities. Here and now, in daily life. But there is no trail of bread crumbs or stardust. We each have to blaze our own path. I’ve expressed on numerous occasions the reminder that we can control our efforts, but not the outcomes. Still, by making a good effort we vastly increase the odds of a good outcome over not making the effort. A book consists of two primary facets: content (or what we
write about) and style (how well we write it). So, the only process I know is to write as clearly and energetically as you can, then rewrite, get feedback, and rewrite again. My authordaughter and I present the entire creative process from dreaming to drafting to developing to refining to sharing in our book, The Creative Compass. That process and persistence reflects all that I’ve shared over the years. OMTIMES: What are you working on now? Dan Millman: My next and likely final book I need to write will be my first all-true memoir — the story behind the story — expressing the elation and pitfalls of the spiritual quest, and the experiences and lessons I’ll describe about the four primary mentors (besides Socrates) who most influenced my writing and life. Once again, I’m out to capture some universal truths within the particulars of my story. OMTIMES: In closing, do you have a message you hope readers take away from The Hidden School? And what did
you learn while writing it? Dan Millman: There are many lessons and insight sprinkled throughout this adventure tale — from the deeper meaning hidden in a popular children’s song to a paradoxical key to understand and reconcile fundamental questions about the nature of time, free will, the self, death, and the reality of eternal life. But most of all, I wrote The Hidden School to remind and reawaken in my readers something we inevitably take for granted — that we have each been given the rarest of opportunities — to live a human life on Planet Earth. In the process of writing this final book in the peaceful warrior saga, I’ve come to appreciate life to a degree that surprises me. If my readers take away this single offering, then all my labors are justified. Learn more about Dan Millman, his books, speaking events, online courses, audio programs,l and life-purpose guidance at: www.PeacefulWarrior.com
Empower Girls Break the Cycle of Dependence
The number one reason girls drop out of school in Sub-Saharan Africa is lack of access to feminine hygiene products. The Pads for Schoolgirls Project, an outreach of Humanity Healing International, is changing this paradigm by setting up sewing programs at schools, teaching girls a vocational skill, while producing the reusable pads that help keep them attending classes. The girls pay it forward by making and giving pad kits to other girls in need. To learn more, visit humanityhealing.org
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
Understanding Our Soul’s Sense of Intuition If you want to tap into the power of the soul and live a life of purpose, passion and unlimited potential, then firstly you have to remember
that you are a soul. I find it ironic that although we come from a place of divine source and inspiration, so many of us spend the majority of our lives trying to find it again! When you acknowledge that you are a soul and not purely just a physical body, then believe me when I tell you that there’s no limit to what you can achieve. When you begin living and viewing the world from a soul level, you’ll start to understand the nature and workings of the expansive ‘spiritual power’ of the soul. You’ll gain a higher perspective and a deeper understanding of your life purpose, the nature of the world, and your fellow mankind. I believe part of my purpose here is to teach you how to understand the soul, how to use and trust your soul’s sense of intuition and to appreciate that the power and energy of love are vital to your soul’s well-being. As you tap into this amazing source, you’ll
learn how to heal yourself as well as others, and find the tools to break free from the limitations of the past, so that your soul can continue to expand and above all evolve. Your journey certainly doesn’t stop when you read your first spiritual book, or if you’ve signed up for yoga or meditation class … for it’s only just begun. One Drop from the Ocean, We are Unique As we are all uniquely different, our spiritual practices and daily habits reflect that individualism, as ultimately when we learn to connect and embrace our soul, it’s a highly personal and private pursuit. Yes, I acknowledge that many people relate their spirituality to God, but to truly become one with the universe, then I believe it can only start from within. True peace ultimately comes from within, and not from the more materialistic outside world.
As you read this, here is your chance to take the responsibility of owning your power, and to start living life as the divine soul that you are. I don’t want to hear you saying: “I’ll start tomorrow or the next day.” I don’t want to hear you saying to yourself: “I’ll do it when I have time.” Today is the day! Now is the moment! Once you realize that you can access this phenomenal internal database that we call wisdom anytime you wish, it becomes an empowering motivator to start living the life you were meant to live. So, start practicing a daily routine today. Once you get into the habit, you’ll find that it reaffirms your personal connection, and enables you to live a life of compassion and forgiveness, gratitude, appreciation for others and nature, and exploring the unlimited potential that’s ahead of you. Above all, by
practicing such spiritual practices often encourages a healthier way of living for the body, the mind, and the soul.
JOHN’S LESSON A great way to start living as a ‘soul’ is by acknowledging and repeating: “I am a soul.” When you say these words, your soul resonates with what you’re expressing, and your consciousness expands even more. It’s a constant process of reminding yourself, as there will be times throughout your lifetime when for any number of reasons, you may unconsciously pull away from your soul. So, through the constant process of reminding yourself that you are more than this physical being, it will bring you back to your souls’ awareness. You will feel the effect as you make that connection. It’s important to remember, that regardless of the image
we project outwardly, it’s actually our inner selves that generate the responses, inspire such tender emotions, and forge those life-long connections. I find it helpful when I have a tough decision or if I feel confused what direction I am supposed to take, so I pause & ask: “What does my soul want me to do? What does my soul need at this time?” Start Living a Free Life from the Soul Level No matter who you are, where you’ve been, or what you’ve done, you always have the freedom of choice to begin living a spiritual life, to start living from the soul. You may be saying: “But I really wasn’t nice to people,” or “I’ve lived such a bad life.” Whether you’ve lived a life of a tyrant or an angel, you’re still and always will be a soul. When we focus on what lies within, rather than what’s on
the outside, then we become more aware of the forces that draw us together: the power of the soul. As a soul, you have a piece of God, the divine source inside you at all times. It’s a package deal. As you’re human, you have a soul, and as a soul, you have all the power that goes with it. It doesn’t discriminate, exclude, or condemn, and no matter how much you may ignore it, or at times abandon it, your soul will never leave you. All it asks is that you turn to it, to be open and receptive to its divine wisdom, as it only wants what is best for you and your highest good. Live a Soul-filled life! About the Author John Holland is an artist, author, public speaker, and psychic medium. To learn more about John Holland, visit http://www.johnholland.com.
What Are the Qualities of God? by Tess Pender
What Qualities of God Do You Seek? We have so many questions when it comes to God... Is God male or female? Is God good or evil? Is God judgmental or accepting?
If there is an answer to any of these questions, then God is “with qualities.” That is, God is a being with qualities, just like any other being on earth. This God, one “with qualities,” is very comforting. One can find pictures of this God, tell stories of God’s wrath or forgiveness, and in general, can relate to God like one relates to any famous entity. Like us, God gets dressed in the morning, controls His temper (or doesn’t) and feels anger and sadness. This God can look like “me”! There is another concept of God that says that the questions above have no answers. In fact, they make no sense! In that version, God has no qualities–and male, female, good, evil, judgmental and accepting, are all qualities. The God with no qualities is much harder to worship.
Praying to a God with no qualities really makes no sense, since most prayers are appeals to some perceived quality of God (mercy, fairness, justice, omnipotence). No statues or pictures are possible. So Many Questions about God... The God without qualities appeals to cerebral types– people who are intrigued by an idea of God that insists on mind-bending thinking! How can one create an altar to a God without qualities, and should one? Does the need for worship also go away when the qualities disappear? Do we worship to make ourselves happy, or God? A God without qualities will not care, so worship becomes a purely self-satisfying process, much like appreciating a lovely landscape. The
land gains nothing from our appreciation, but we feel uplifted by the act of recognition and honor. The advantages of choosing a God with qualities are evident. One can select a God who shares many of our same qualities (sex, race, appearance) and thereby we understand our own proximity to the Divine. We can seek comfort from a merciful, allknowing, and ever-present God, and turn to this God in times of stress and disaster. We can even be angry with such a God, and rail against Its mistakes and cruelty. Qualities of God and Worship Go Together It is much harder to find the payoffs in choosing a God without qualities. With no worship, no prayer, no intervention, God becomes an
It, distant and uninterested. One may wonder why we need such a God! This God can be a useful “first cause” who started the universe, created the laws of nature, and in some way, keeps the whole ‘world thing’ going. This God demands that we accept responsibility, define our own ethics and morality, and recognize our desire to impose meaning and value on nature. We claim all religious activities as simply rituals invented to make ourselves happy. We must release our hopes of an afterlife spent in the company of a loving God. In fact, we must release the loving God! Those who choose a God without qualities say that this “is” provides comfort of a different kind. There is comfort in being a co-
creator, an active participant in creating a morality that is chosen for rational reasons, rather than one that was inherited. There is power in the choice to live without the comfort of an allpowerful being. Assigning Meaning to Qualities of God There is pleasure in assigning meaning, rather than discovering it. Releasing the God with qualities creates a freedom that is new. Of course, it also demands intellectual rigor to examine and decide to accept or reject virtually all inherited and learned beliefs! Some choose a middle ground. They “really believe� in a God without qualities as the basis for the universe. However, they adopt a personal God for purposes of worship, comfort,
and identification. This middle road seems to offer the benefits of both concepts, without the drawbacks. It does, however, require some intellectual contortions! So, ...God as a yoga studio? About the Author Tess Pender is an ordained Interfaith Minister, active in 12-step programs for over thirty years. Her spiritual practice began with Native American Sweat Lodges, and continued with a series of Vision Quests. She led a Teen Spiritual Education Program, and regularly teaches classes on accessing intuition. She practices EarthCentered Spirituality. She can be reached on Facebook at https://www.facebook. com/Rev-Tess-InterfaithMinister-1333335763419...
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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
Crystals, Dreams and Reworking Your Nightmares By Andrew Pacholyk
Nightmares are very common among children and fairly common among adults. Contributing factors to the cause of nightmares include illness, stress, troubled relationships, traumatic
experiences, emotional difficulties, drugs or medication. However, some people have frequent nightmares that seem unrelated to their waking lives. Recent studies suggest that these people tend to be more open, sensitive, trusting, and emotional than average.
Reworking Your Nightmare It has been said that the “power of suggestion” is the power that brings about change. Considered a psychological process, by which a person can guide his or her thoughts, feelings, or behavior in the direction they want them to go. Similar to the power of positive thinking, planting the seed in your mind and repeating the process over and over allows the brain to start believing in the positive outcome. Of course, the suggestions you make can go in a direction that is negative, and that tends to be the mindset of those
who constantly walk around worrying, are in fear or only see their “glass half empty.” The power of suggestion works in the same way. Our nightmares are often the result of traumatic events or embarrassing situations. Often when we are unable to cope with the reality of a particular situation, it gets pushed back deep into the subconscious, where the brain deals with it in a manner that is safer for us to handle... and that tends to come out in our dreams. Severe traumatic events may need to be dealt with by seeking out a professional to help with your nightmares or in some cases night terrors. BUT, there is much YOU can do on your own. The original neuro-psychological theory of the power of suggestion was based upon the ideomotor reflex response discovered by James Braid and William Carpenter. Waking suggestions can produce
strong changes in perceptual experience during sleep.
dream” you have created is your actual reality.
Consider these suggestions:
5. Change your expectation! By changing your response expectancies, which are the ways you anticipate your response in various situations, your nightmare picture eventually becomes an empowering dream. It allows you to take a stance against any wrongs brought upon you.
1. Upon waking, write down your nightmare in your dream journal. 2. Now, answer these questions: Look at the main theme of the nightmare. What is it about? Are there any specific symbols or signs that stand out? Is this a reoccurring nightmare? When did this start? How long have you had this particular nightmare? 3. It is time to rewrite this nightmare. Using the gift of your very creative imagination, go back to the beginning of the scenario. Recreate the dream, but now with a positive outcome. Allow yourself to change the nightmare into a powerful and empowering result. 4. Visualize the positive, safe outcome in your mind for several minutes. This “new
6. It will be important to see this “new dream” at least once a day during your waking hours. It is very important to see it again before you go to peaceful sleep. This pattern must be repeated daily for several weeks. 7. These expectancies will set you up for a new automatic response which will influence how you get to the outcome you expect. 8. By anticipating your “new dream” or a specific outcome, your thoughts and behaviors will actually help to bring
that “new dream” to fruition. Allow a few months of this reprogramming to take place. Work only with one nightmare at the time. Give yourself time to see the light and your nightmare will no longer disturb you anymore. This pervasive effect can completely change your way of thinking, dreaming and your life!
Crystals Associated with Dreams Some of the most amazing tools for healing, are the treasures the earth provides us! Crystals and Gemstones are one of the most beautiful, mystical and profound “energy medicine” tools, which have been used for centuries throughout all cultures, religions, and empires. Andrew suggests these crystals for dreaming: Agate - is a special protector from bad dreams. Found throughout historic lore, agate was chosen for its bands of different colors and placed at the head of a sleeper to give
rich and varied dreams based on the color of the stone. For instance, blue banded agate for tranquility, red banded agate for passion... Amethyst - This stone, whose color represents the transition from day to night, can also be very helpful in helping one to relax and go to sleep. This is the stone for Dream recall. Stone of spirituality, contentment, meditation. Provides common sense, flexibility in decisions. Barite -This stone is used by the Native Americans in their ceremonial practices. They used it to go from physical matter to the spiritual plane. In dream therapy, barite is used to promote and stimulate the dream state, allowing one to remember their dreams. Barite has a very strong effect on and is beneficial to the psyche. Chalcedony - known as a nurturing stone, it encourages the harmony, benevolence,
generosity, and humility of its owner. It absorbs negative energy and dissipates it, therefore, decreasing hostility, easing self-doubt and transforming sadness and melancholy into joy! It is one of the best stone for easing bad dreams. Chrysoprase - is especially helpful for alleviating recurring nightmares, particularly for children. It soothes the energy of the heart and therefore, brings internal peace, harmony, and contentment. This stone symbolizes clarity of thought. Citrine - has a natural propensity to transform dreams and wishes into tangible form. It’s versatility and strength generate mental and emotional clarity, problem-solving, help with memory issues, will power, optimism, confidence, and self-discipline. Hematite - is the most grounding and protective
stone (Root Chakra.) Condenses scatteredness, fuzziness into mental clarity, concentration, memory, practicality, helps study, bookkeeping, detail work, sound sleep. Helps one regroup after jet lag, stress, birth, anesthesia and rooting our dreams. Herkimer Diamond - is one of the best crystals for dream recall. Shifts brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness, opening the Brow and Crown Chakra for a strong, clear channel, psychic readings, meditation. The “Dream stone” - in meditation or pillow, it wonderfully enhances visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall. Labradorite - is the stone for daydreaming. This metallic iridescent stone brings forth each person’s strengths to share with the world. Helps one find their originality and shows us our real goals and intentions by stimulating our imagination. This stone brings
easier, more restful sleep as it has a very calming effect. Lepidolite - helps with sleep disturbances and is the stone of rebirth. Useful for transitions in life. Helpful for coping with stress, therefore, creating calm and relaxation. Gently eases the intensity of our emotional feelings bringing unworried sleep. Malachite - is famous for soothing the heart and therefore, emotionally, it helps to stimulate our inner imagery, increasing our imagination and memories and making them more alive and vivid. Moldavite - deepens dreams. As this stone is a psychic cleanser, it may also be very helpful for dreams which help to release psychic toxins. This stone is an excellent amplifying stone and can enhance the properties of other crystals. Quartz - also has a natural propensity, which supports
the amplification, focusing, storage, transfer, and transformation of energy. Quartz stimulates the natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to resonate at the highest healing frequency. The natural tendency for quartz is harmony. Rhodochrosite - is good if you go to sleep or wake up feeling anxious. Gentle, yet probably the most vibrant loving stone to heal the Heart Chakra, especially for giving/ receiving love. “Stone of Love and Balance.� Also for loneliness, loss, heartache, fear, insecurities, inner-child issues, abuse, incest... Helps selfforgiveness, feeling deserving and trust issues, spiritualand self-love, desire to live, purpose. About the Author Learn more about author, Andrew Pacholyk MS L. Ac, at http://www.peacefulmind.com Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit
The Three Times It Is Beneficial to Box Up Feelings by Jayanti Burst
Can We Box Up Our Feelings in a Good Way? It is important to feel our feelings-whether they are painful, joyful, or equivocalinstead of suppressing or judging them. There are times when it is both healthy and helpful to box up our feelings.
Read on for three ways to do just that. To begin, we’ll start by gathering a few supplies. Although three small boxes are recommended, envelopes or folders work just as well. A writing utensil and a few pieces of paper will come in handy, too. Once we’ve done this, we find a quiet space and time for self-reflection. Letting Go Box - Time for Release This first box is all about things to release. We can think of it like a compost bin for the emotions, irrational mental patterns, and whatever no longer serves us. This is where we write down our worries, fears, doubts, disappointments, insecurities, anxieties, and anything we think may act as a deterrent to living the best life possible. Negative memories, experiences, and beliefs go in this box. Drawing our feelings can help us to be more free and honest with this activity. It is advantageous to do this spontaneously with little deliberation. When we’re
open to surprising ourselves, it is remarkable what the subconscious mind reveals. And the subconscious mind plays a big role in our behavior, even though we’re not usually aware of it. At the end of the day, or perhaps once a week, burn or rip up whatever is in this box. Gratitude Box - Clearly Thankful Now that we’ve taken steps to clear resistance, we’ll count our blessings in the second box. Thankfulness not only encourages a change in perspective, but also it is known to lower stress (ahem, letting-go-box stuff). Whether mundane or miraculous, we can be grateful for it all. From family, shelter and food to unexpected opportunities and synchronistic events, write down anything that comes to mind. It could be a sweet message from someone that made us smile, or a random act of kindness. This is also a great opportunity to show ourselves some self-love and appreciation. Dream Box - Highest Potential Wishes
Let’s consider whatever we put in this box as seeds. Whenever we think of something we hope to manifest, write it down, fold it up, and plant it in the dream box. It could be a career goal, a dream vacation, or a wellness intention; the only limit is the imagination. It is a bonus when we let ourselves visualize and experience what it would feel like to see these visions bloom. This is a wonderful place to write down prayers for others as well. Putting crystals or gemstones in the dream box can help it hold our energy and boost our manifesting potential.
creative. Speaking of creativity, it can be fun to decorate the boxes or personalize them. There are countless other boxes we can create and use similarly. For instance, we can make one for acknowledgements and place within it notes outlining things our intuition tells us we should be careful about or contemplate. It is a place to deposit our reality checks. This helps us embrace and pay better attention to what’s going on in our lives. The options are truly limitless when we think outside the box! About the Author
Make Working with Boxes Easier and Fun Since it is not always feasible to carry around boxes with us, jotting ideas down in a notepad or typing them in our phones can be helpful throughout the day. Although typing is often more convenient, there’s something to be said about handwriting. It forces us to slow down and stimulates the brain more than the keyboard. Taking the time to write our feelings and hopes encourages us to focus more as well as be more
Jayanti is a certified hypnotist, yoga instructor, and advanced Reiki master/teacher, who holds a safe, supportive space for self-healing. Specializing in helping women, she offers Hypnobirthing and Hypnofertility sessions along with prenatal/postnatal yoga classes in Asheville, North Carolina and from a distance. Dedicated to helping people reconnect with their true selves, Jayanti crafts sessions that are inherently meditative. www. jayantibhakti.com
Enlightened Master Reveals New Wealth Mantra “When you practice SHREEM BRZEE, it’s not only going to give you material wealth... the material wealth will be a byproduct… You will get what I call a 200% life - 100% Material and 100% Spiritual.” ~ Dr. Pillai
The mantra is “Shreem Brzee”. It's a wealth power sound that's becoming famous for creating incredible money miracles. If you you’re looking for a money solution and are willing to try something different, try Shreem Brzee. You can download the mantra audio and a meditation with instructions for free here. The mantra comes from the guru who gave Wayne Dryer the “Ahh” meditation used in bestseller Manifest Your Destiny. Dr. Baskaran Pillai is an enlightened Siddha Master from the ancient Tamil Siddha tradition of Southern India. You’ve probably heard of the sound “Shreem” before, but “Brzee” is new. It can’t be found in any ancient texts. It was revealed for the first time in 1999 to Dr. Pillai by the saint Vishvamitra for the purpose of ending world suffering due to poverty. Click here to play this video to watch Dr. Pillai share more about the origin of Shreem Brzee and what it’ll do for you. Click here to receive the Shreem Brzee audios from Dr. Pillai with instructions on how to use them. Shreem Brzee has been working for other people; maybe it can work for you too.
4 Tips on Purchasing Liability Insurance for Your Yoga Studio by Rachelle Wilber
Get Insurance for Successful Operation As the owner of a yoga studio, it is important that you have adequate liability insurance. While is true for
any business owner, the odds of a person getting hurt may increase when taking part in a physical activity. How can the proprietor of a yoga studio go about getting an affordable liability policy? There are many ways to investigate coverage for your studio, so leave no rock unturned. Determine Your Specific Liability Needs Most insurance companies will create custom insurance policies that meet the specific needs that a business owner may need. Those who operate a yoga studio may want coverage for any medical bills a patron incurs if he or she is hurt during a class. It may also be appropriate to get coverage against claims that a yoga instructor was not properly licensed to lead a class. Protecting your instructors should come first, and covering your business and its assets should come second.
Get Quotes from Multiple Companies Before buying any type of insurance, it is a good idea to get quotes from multiple companies. This may be done by calling each company that you may be interested in working with or by using online comparison sites. It is important to note that any quote that you get from an online site is only an estimate and that your actual costs may differ from it. Make sure to be shrewd, and decide what would be best for you and your business plan. Be Ready to Answer Insurer Questions Insurance companies that create policies for businesses may have questions about the company and its needs, especially when it comes to liabilities. For instance, insurance companies may ask for photos of the studio, information about instructors or general information about
the business and what it may offer in addition to yoga services. Providing timely answers to these questions may make it easier to buy a policy and get coverage as soon as you need it. Finalize Your Policy The final step is to sign any paperwork that the insurance company needs to activate your policy. This may either be done in person or electronically in a matter of minutes. Once this step has been completed, you will receive confirmation of your policy’s effective date. If you have any questions about your policy, you should be able to contact your agent or another customer service representative at any time. Many insurance agencies offer discounts for bundling services and for staying with them for a long time and such. Make sure to weigh your options and go with what works best. Any business owner should
have liability insurance to cover the cost of claims made against it. This is true whether you run your business as a corporation or as a sole proprietor. Having an insurance policy can minimize the effect that a judgment may have on your company’s bottom line. It may also prevent you from having to liquidate personal property to cover financial damages after a lawsuit. About the Author Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University with her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies. She tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook: @RachelleWilber; https:// www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100009221637700
Music expresses that which cannot be put into words. Victor Hugo
The Number
Thriving with A Conscious Business by Laleh Alemzadeh-Hancock
What does the term ‘conscious business’ mean to you? As soon as the word ‘conscious’ is used, some people go straight to the conclusions they have made. If you have
any assumptions or definitions about a ‘conscious business’, then that limits your capacity to actually have a thriving and constantly expanding business. Versus, if you remain in the unconscious or unaware space, you will limit the possibilities for your business to thrive, avoid the potential disasters, and not allow yourself to profit from your conscious business. Whereas, in truth, a conscious business is about mindfulness. It is being aware of everything that is current, anything that needs improvement or changes, and requirements to grow and thrive. It is about including everybody in the company in the creation, decisions and ramifications of the business. What consciousness is not about is depriving you and your business of profits. This is a really big point, because in today’s society, there can be a segregation in the thoughts of people between making money and being conscious. When you bring money into the equation, everything seems to get mushed together, like “Money is bad, therefore people who
make money are bad, therefore they must be doing bad things to make their money, such as polluting the Earth”. There is nothing wrong with money. It is a tool that is required in this world. In fact, to really make a change on this planet, you probably require a lot of it. For example, if you desire for all children to have equal education, the costs associated with achieving that are enormous.
Below are some tips for a conscious business. Ask questions. It may sound daunting to be expected to be aware of everyone, including all your staff and everyone who is going to be impacted by your business products and services, as well as how they are generated. But, it actually comes down to a very simple process: ask questions, all the time, about everything. For example, “If I choose this, what will it create? If I don’t choose this, what will it create?” or “What future am I creating with this choice?” Omtimes.com
You do not ask questions to get answers. The purpose of a question is to open the doors to infinite possibilities. As soon as you decide something or think you have the answer, you are limiting yourself and the business. This is very different to remaining in the question, making a choice and seeing what that creates, then making another choice. Always ask more questions and be open to completely changing directions if required. Another great question is, “What requires my attention today?” When you expand your awareness, you will automatically increase the amount of information you will receive and not all of it requires you to do anything about it - it may just be information for later. You can even ask, “Is anything required of me here?” when faced with the awareness of something that is happening. Expand your zone of awareness. Actually, practice expanding. All you need to do is simply
ask ‘zone of awareness expand’ and it will have already happened. That’s how fast you are. There is no ‘how.’ With expanding your awareness also comes being aware of more information that may not apply to you, also ask “How much can my body and I expand not to be impacted or effected by others?” These are a couple of easy tools from Joy of Business. Allow your staff to fail. If you are looking to grow your business, then you have to let go controlling every aspect of it. If you are a control freak, you need to let go. Empower your staff to be aware, creative and accountable. Give them the green light to make choices without you. Part of all of this is being willing to allow them to fail. ‘Failure’ is nothing more than things turning out very different than you had concluded them to be and therefore is a judgment. If you aren’t willing for your staff to fail, by your judgment of whatever
failure is, then you have to control everything and match everything to your judgments. Unfortunately, this is the opposite of infinite possibilities and awareness. When you are willing to allow your staff to fail, if needed, to get the information and awareness then you empower them to ask questions and find creative ways to do things. Include staff in the choices your business makes. Everyone has a different perspective and awareness to share. For example, the receptionist who is the first point of contact for most businesses may have many awarenesses about your clients through interacting with them on a daily basis that you may never know. This does not mean you have to pursue all suggestions you might receive on other people’s awarenesses. It is about giving you additional information so you can make a better choice. A conscious business is not a segregate business; it does
not have a definition of what it looks like, what industry it must be in, how much profit it can or can’t make, etc. Any business whatsoever, that is aware, empowers staff to be aware, ask questions and choose can be. It includes you and your desires, and the desire to make a profit because, let’s face it, if it’s not profitable, it’s not going to last and it won’t be able to have a positive impact on the world. About the Author Laleh Alemzadeh-Hancock is a management consultant, Joy of Business® facilitator and the CEO of Belapemo and Global Wellness for All. With nearly 30 years of experience in operational excellence, change management, and organizational wellness, Laleh has inspired and empowered hundreds of thousands of individuals, including Fortune 500 executives, to seek greater success, happiness and wellness. Join Laleh’s Joy of Business workshops in person or video conferencing throughout the world. For details, visit: https:// globalwellnessforall.com/events/
The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.
Here’s the Heart of Happy Human Relationships by Guy Finley
Harmonious Human Relationships ...How? The first step in harmonious human relationships is simple: We need only realize the spiritual truth that we cannot meet someone whom we are Omtimes.com
not like in some way, even if we don’t actively express what we don’t like in him or her. The deception is that we’re sure we’re unlike everyone except for those who match the images we have of ourselves. And so it goes, that we see our lives through the eyes of a certain false sense of “I” that always resists anyone we see as being “not like I am.” But love cannot grow where resistance rules. We have not been given this precious life to go through it resisting everything that doesn’t suit us; rather we are created to grow through whatever we meet along the way. Resistance devitalizes the possibility of our spiritual development, rendering useless the conditions in our lives that we are given to rise above them. When we resist what others show us about ourselves, we close the door on the possibility of transcending the undiscovered parts of us that are troubled by them. Freedom is not found by avoiding what disturbs us, but by illuminating
-- realizing and releasing -- whatever may dwell in the dark of us that can be disturbed. Divine Intelligence and the Soul The human being is created to develop in the “likeness” of the marvelous Intelligence that made us. This Divine Intelligence didn’t create anything that it fears or hates. It’s a ridiculous thought to walk around and believe that another person is our enemy simply because we feel enmity for him or her. Now, just so we’re clear on this, there are plenty of unpleasant people. Our world is packed with them! But, given the negative effect of resenting others, and the fact that for now all we know to do about those who disturb us is to resist them, could it be that when it comes to our human relationships we have been blinded to one of the main reasons for them? The answer is “Yes.” Just as the wind moves through a tree and carries its pollen to the blossoms of another tree, Omtimes.com
our relationships are intended to help “pollinate” the soul so that true understanding of why we are here on Earth can flower within it. We grow through our relationships with life, which means that through them we are shown possibilities about ourselves we never knew existed. To exclude any of these discoveries is to deny ourselves the truth of ourselves. Happy Human Relationships Begin with Us We need a new intention in all of our relationships, something like this: “I will not suffer you; instead I will work to be increasingly conscious of us, suffering what I must for the sake of both of us. I will not cast you out as being something inferior to me. I will not do that because it’s impossible to recognize any ‘inferior’ condition in you unless something of it exists in myself as well.” Our work, if we’re willing, is to catch that surging separation called “You are different from me.” And then, in that same moment, to apply our new understanding that cancels this unconscious act of resistance.
Instead, we embrace the realization that “you” and “I” are both exposed in this Godgiven moment that God meant for transcending ourselves. (Excerpted from “The Essential Laws of Fearless Living” by Guy Finley, Red Wheel/Weiser) About the Author Guy Finley is the best-selling author of more than 40 books and audio albums on selfrealization. These include “The Secret of Letting Go,” “The Essential Laws of Fearless Living,” and his brand-new book “The Secret of Your Immortal Self.” He is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for self-study located in southern Oregon where he gives talks four times each week. Guy is a faculty member at 1440 Multiversity, the Omega Institute, and is a regular expert contributor to Beliefnet and the Huffington Post. For more information and to download Guy’s Free 60-minute MP3 seminar “Five Simple Steps to Make Yourself Fearless,” visit http://www. GuyFinley.org/kit
Looking for Love in all the wrong places?
“Marriages are forms of super friendship” –John F. Helliwell, Senior Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Some of the best marriages begin with love at first sight. Usually, but not always, they fail
after the initial buzz wears off. Others begin with a friendship that grows into love. This kind of marriage is more likely to succeed in the long run. [1] Love at first sight is based largely on fantasy and romantic longings. Don’t get me wrong - I love romance. It’s just that it’s not the main ingredient for an everyday fulfilling, lasting marriage. Romance is more like a condiment; it’s there to spice things up. Spice is nice...very nice! But it’s there to enhance what already is nourishing. If friendship is lacking in a marriage, romance and attraction won’t last or the relationship won’t be satisfying overall. What qualities do you value in a good friend? Are you
drawn to someone with similar values who supports, respects, and understands you? A trustworthy person with whom you enjoy talking, laughing, and just hanging out?
Best Marriages: Friendship Is Key for Lasting Happiness Ample research confirms that friendship is the main ingredient for a lasting, fulfilling relationship. When the British Household Panel Survey asked people about their closest friend, half of them said it was their spouse. For those who called their partner their best friend, the benefits of marriage were about twice as great as for those who didn’t. [2] Researcher John F. Helliwell states that happiness in marriage “has less to do with
your social status or financial stability, and more to do with sharing wedding bands with your BFF.”[3] A 13-year longitudinal study by Tom Huston at the University of Texas Austin (Huston et al., 2001) found that “couples with steady, longer courtship periods and awareness of each other’s strengths and weaknesses were more likely to remain happily married over the long term. By contrast, couples with ‘Hollywood Romances’ bursting, passionate courtships that quickly result in marriage - quickly grew dissatisfied as spouses, and predictably, were more likely to divorce within seven years. [4] Best Friend Spouses Are More Sexually Fulfilled Researchers found that
“valuing your friendship with your partner helps create relationships with more commitment, more love and greater sexual satisfaction.”[5] It seems only natural that sexual intimacy would be more emotionally and spiritually fulfilling when you feel truly understood, loved, and cared for by your partner. Other Friendships Are Important in the Best Marriages Of course, no matter how wonderful a spouse is, he or she cannot meet all your needs; no one person can do that for another. Supportive friends can fill the gap. Treasure yours, keep in touch, and spend quality time with them. Freeing your potential - or actual - spouse from the absurd
expectation of being your “everything” supports both of you and your relationship. After marriage, certainly romance and sex should spice things up. But most of your time together will be spent relaxing, talking, eating meals, and dealing with chores and other responsibilities. A spouse who is your best friend will be there for the happy times and the challenging ones. References: * BFF stands for Best Friends Forever [1] http://www.dailymail. co.uk/health/article-2269657/ Friendship-sex-secret-longlasting-romantic-relationship. html [2] https://qz.com/323172/ definitive-proof-that-a-goodmarriage-especially-to-yourbest-friend-makes-you-happier/
[3] ibid [4] http://www.yourtango.com/ experts/nina-atwood/how-fastdo-you-fall-love [5] http://www.dailymail. co.uk/health/article-2269657/ Friendship-sex-secret-longlasting-romantic-relationship. html#ixzz4ZwVukI3Y About the Author Marcia Naomi Berger, MSW, LCSW, author of bestseller, Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted, is a psychotherapist in private practice. A former executive director of a family service agency, she worked professionally in family and children’s services, alcoholism treatment, and psychiatry departments for the City and County of San Francisco. www. marriagemeetings.com
The Most Important Relationship by Nickolas Martin
The Most Important Relationship As we walk along the path of our lives we experience many important relationships. These include relationships with our parents, siblings, spouse/ partner, children, friends, co-
workers, teachers, and “God.” Each provides an opportunity to grow and experience meaning, as well as pain and suffering. But which is the most important? From the perspective of Ego, Spirit & You, the answer isn’t on that list. It is the relationship you have with yourself. Many probably saw that coming, but we have encountered many people who spend their lives often “suffering” while trying to please others. This includes the desire to receive acceptance and approval from others which never comes, or prove something to others which doesn’t need to be proved. People try to become someone they think others want them to be within a journey that never ends. Many such examples can be found within the “Roles People Live” page on our website.
Self and the Ego Go Great Together Our answer is based on the
belief that the relationship with ourselves is the relationship upon which all the others are built, for better or worse. It shapes healthy or unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and feelings we bring to others in these relationships. Some may say the relationship with God is even more important. Our response is that the ego energy we are impacts our ability to be the manifestation of the Love, Life, and Energy God Is, within every relationship, including the one we perceive as existing with God. When our ego energy is imbalanced within its power, flexibility, or vulnerability, the seeds for distortion, disturbance, and destruction in all relationships have been sown. No better example can be found than the person who professes love for God, yet lives anger and destructiveness toward those who do not comply with their likeness, religiously, racially, politically, sexually, and so on.
How to Develop Relationship with Self Many realize the relationship with themselves is the most important relationship but don’t know how to go about developing that relationship to become the best version of themselves which can be lived within all the other relationships. From the perspective of Ego, Spirit & You, the solution involves getting to know your ego energy and working to bring it into balance with ego medicine. It is with ego medicine that we develop more precise ego awareness and use reality based thinking to remove distortions that often weaken the relationship with ourselves and others. As we work with it the voice of Spirit becomes louder and we begin to “hear,” it tells us we are the Love, Life, and Energy God Is within human form. We also grow in our ability to recognize the Great Gifts of Life, Creating
Life, Eternal Life, and God Within which all have received. So, how is your relationship with yourself? About the Author Dr. Nickolas Martin is a licensed psychologist with experience in clinical, university, public school and private practice settings as a therapist, diagnostician, educator and consultant for 35 years. He authored “Ego Therapy: A Method for Healing Your Whole Self” and co-authored with Rev. Linda M. Martin, “EgoSpiritualism: Awakening to Your Human and Divine Self” and “The Two Voices Within: Balancing the Energies of Ego and Spirit to Enhance Your Life.” https://www.egoandspirit.info/ https://www.facebook.com/ egoandspirit/ https://twitter.com/ egoandspirit https://www.youtube. com/channel/UCpAD– zgwZbXF8V09A6VV1w
Way Beyond the Ordinary . The REAL
Conscious Talk Radio
Need to Gain Trust? Do It Smartly! by Diane Wing
Are There Smart Ways to Gain Trust? Trust is the key to any healthy relationship. Whether it is a personal or business interaction, trust allows for open communication and mutual
respect. It sets the participants up for a win-win and a higher likelihood that pleasant, peaceful, and productive dialogue can take place. Enjoyment also increases when there is trust. Yet, each of us encounter people who, either immediately or over time, erode trust by their actions, inability to followthrough, or by downright lying. The result is avoidance, suspicion, and distrust of anything the person may say going forward, even if it is the truth. Credibility is at stake, along with the quality of our relationships. When people trust us, we have credibility. People believe in us and we are willing to consider what the trustworthy person says. We come across as responsible, caring, and stable. When they do not trust, there is little
we can do to regain it once it is broken. Lying, cheating, acting for one’s own benefit, and not considering others, all lead to unhealthy and distrustful relationships. Given that we demonstrate trustworthy behavior at the outset, trust is then built and maintained over the course of the relationship. Even if we gain trust right away, ongoing honorable behaviors and interactions are essential to continue having trust in one another. So, what inspires trust? Consider the three Cs.... Congruency, where what the person or entity (like a company) says and does must be in alignment. Facial expressions are appropriate for the words, such as apologizing and having a facial expression of
regret rather than apologizing with a tone and expression of anger and resentment.
others and need awareness of our own way of expressing ourselves to gain trust.
We could say something like “It doesn’t matter.” And depending on the tone, then the perception is going to change. If you hang your head and say, “It doesn’t matter” in a low tone, it indicates disappointment. If you say it with a playful hand gesture like shooing, it indicates that it is not a big deal. With arms crossed in a sharp tone, it gives an angry implication. Whether consciously or subconsciously, we are aware of these subtle indicators and must look beyond what is said.
Consistency, where the person or entity acts with integrity over a length of time.
Look at how the words are being delivered (accentuating particular words, changes in tone, volume, etc.), as well as the non-verbal signs accompanying those words (body language, facial expressions, etc.). We pay attention to these cues in
They say what they mean and do what they promise. This includes being honest no matter the fear of the outcome, having an ethical approach to doing business or behaving in a friendship, and a sense of fairness in all interactions, where all viewpoints under consideration are discussed. If we find ourselves struggling with this concept, then it is worthwhile to do a selfassessment of what we fear that may drive us to find it easier to lie, manipulate, or control the other person. Compassion, where the person or entity cares. We gain trust by demonstrating caring for
others and the world; working toward a common good, where we take actions that demonstrate a lifting-up of those who need it. We treat others with respect regardless of their work, their level of understanding, or their path in life. We are less likely to trust those who seem uncaring, since if they do not show compassion in one aspect of life, it is unlikely that they may show it in another area when it comes to relationships. To Gain Trust, We Act for the Highest Good We trust a person because we feel that they have our best interest at heart and is trying to help. They provide valuable information and life lessons to enhance understanding rather than demeaning someone or showing superiority. The trustworthy person tends to act for the highest good.
Using the three C’s of Trust - Congruency, Consistency, and Compassion - will boost our trustworthy factor exponentially. Even if we haven’t been completely open and honest up to this point, it is never too late to start on the path of honor, integrity, and truth. Copyright Diane Wing, M.A. All rights reserved About the Author Diane Wing, M.A.’s practice specializes in working with women who struggle to find happiness and fulfillment in their personal life and helps them release the patterns that prevent them from being happy in the present while creating their ideal future. She is the author of six books, including The Happiness Perspective: Seeing Your Life Differently (available on Amazon & B&n.com). www. DianeWing.com
Are All Mediums Psychic? by Jill M. Jackson
A Question About Whether All Mediums are Psychic Have you ever heard this phrase from a spiritual expert, “All mediums are psychic yet not all psychics are mediums”?
We will examine some thought-provoking influences against this. First, however, we need to establish the general definition between a psychic and a medium. What is the Difference between a Psychic and a Medium? A psychic perceives information on past, present, and future. Examples of connecting are ESP, clairvoyance, reading the auric field, or connecting to the spirit guide. A medium receives information directly from a loved one who has crossed to the spirit world. Receiving is “to be given or presented with something.” In mediumship, the loved one in spirit gives the medium specific information. The medium should be able to provide evidence to the client for the client to know their loved one is conversing with the medium.
Perceiving and receiving are very different actions. Perceiving is “a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.” A perception may be based on the personal experiences or levels of understanding on a subject matter. Learning to separate opinion from valid psychic impressions emanates from years of experience and professional training. The information provided by a spirit guide may vary greatly from the information provided from a deceased loved one. When a spiritual expert makes the statement that all mediums are psychic yet not all psychics are mediums, this creates an energy or assumption that one is better or more advanced than the other. Both gifts are extremely beneficial but for very different reasons. What are Real World Examples of this Theory? Just because someone
has perfected the gift of connecting and communicating with loved ones who have crossed over, does not mean they are proficient at reading the energy or auric field of the person in front of them. Nor does it mean they are as skillful with connecting to the sitter’s spirit guides. For some professionals who can connect with both spirit guides and deceased loved ones, they are able to pinpoint either the vibrational difference or the direction the spirit appears to them. In other words, one professional may have spirit guides appear on their left and deceased loved ones on their right. This is just one example of how an expert reader has become adept in their area of expertise. Deciphering Physical and Spiritual Backstories What if someone wants
to know if it is in their best interest to stay in a relationship? A medium may connect to the client’s mother who never liked the partner, to begin with, and still doesn’t! It is highly beneficial for the medium to share this sentiment from the mother to the client. This provides the client with an opportunity to communicate with their mother who has crossed to the other world. However, to properly provide guidance to the seeker on the question, a psychic connection could be beneficial as well. The psychic tunes into the spirit guide of the client and the client’s partner to provide information on the past, present, and possible future of the relationship. The psychic can then provide information on the present status of the relationship. This may include information such as, the partner has another person’s energy
influencing them now, or possibly they are having a personal crisis which is affecting the relationship, etc. Helpful Things to Look for When Choosing a Psychic or Medium When we are trying to decide on a professional psychic or medium to help us, the first place we want to examine is the website. Does the psychic or medium have their services broken down by psychic guidance or mediumistic only sessions? If not, this is something we really want to find out if their area of expertise is more as a psychic, a medium, or if they consider themselves experts in both. Has the psychic or medium been thoroughly blind tested? Research is important, as many psychic directories will allow anyone to join. Testimonials from others who have experienced the service
of the psychic or medium is another great way for us to read about other’s experiences. In closing, it is beneficial to put some thought, research, or energy into choosing a psychic or medium. This helps guarantee the experience will be valuable and memorable. Knowledge is key and knowing what our expectations are from an appointment prove to be invaluable. About the Author Jill M. Jackson is the 2016 and 2015 Psychic of the Year by Best American Psychics. She was given the Social Activism award in 2014. Jill is an international Psychic Medium, Author, Spiritual Teacher, and Speaker. Jill is also one of the OMTimes Experts. Jill is under contract with Creative Laughter Productions for a metaphysical television show. To learn more about Jill and read some of her testimonials, visit http://jillmjackson.com/
9 Tips to the BEST Mediumship Demonstration Experience by Colby Psychic Rebel
Make the Most of a Mediumship Demonstration Experience With spiritual awareness becoming ever more present in today’s world, mediumship galleries or sometimes referred
to as platform demonstrations are more popular than ever. What is mediumship demonstration? Mediumship demonstration is a gathering in which people come together as a group to witness the evidence and miracle of the afterlife as provided by a medium, spirit communicator. The intention is for the medium to deliver evidence that provides evidence of the afterlife. There are many ways to make our experience enjoyable and fulfilling.
Here are 9 tips to ensure the best mediumship demonstration experience: Going with an open mind. Attending a gallery event with an open mind is by far the most important tip. Having an attitude that anything is possible opens the doors for the spirit world. With an open mind, we will be able to acknowledge the evidence and creates endless possibilities for our loved ones to communicate with us.
Claiming your loved one. This one may seem obvious, but we can sometimes forget to claim our loved ones in spirit. As audience members, we may be afraid to raise our hand to the evidence being presented. Yes, it all makes sense we think and we can take this fact and that memory, yet we do not raise our hand. When this happens, we create a chance to miss that message from our loved one. We must do our part by raising our hand when the information connects and trust that the medium will know if that spirit is for us or not. Remembering psychic amnesia. We can all experience psychic amnesia. The medium says a name and we draw a blank. Not sure if we know that name to only realize later that it is our name! It is understandable, we are excited and nervous! Before attending the event take a moment to run through all the names (including nicknames) of family and friends. This will help reduce the potential of psychic amnesia. Memories can also
fall prey to psychic amnesia so brushing up on those special moments may just create the ultimate spirit connection. Additional Tips for the Best Mediumship Demonstration Solving a puzzle. When mediums receive information, it is like pieces to a puzzle. Sometimes it is a simple flash of a picture or a word they hear. Rarely is it a full picture, description and as fluid of a conversation as in the physical realm. Understanding that the medium is working with pieces to a puzzle rather than the full script can help when validating for the medium. Validating. Validation is an essential part of the mediumship process. Validation helps build that bridge between the physical world and spirit world. Giving the medium the sound of our voice will help raise vibration and keep that connection with the spirit world strong. Using our voice will also lend to the community bond of an event. Sharing is the most beautiful part of the connection.
Letting go of testing. It is easy to find ourselves wanting to test the validity of the connection. We may find ourselves going to an event saying, “if it is really them, they will mention X, Y or Z”. When we do this, we are testing the spirit world and creating pressure. Even if we made an agreement with a loved one prior to their passing to mention a specific word, they simply may not say it once they cross over. It does not mean they are not present, but there is a limited amount of time and spirit is doing their best to work with the energy of the medium. By releasing expectations and simply enjoying the connection and experience is the only thing our loved ones want for us. More of What You Need to Know for the Best Mediumship Demonstration Piggy Backing. The medium is giving evidence. Yes, we think! That is my loved one! Then, the medium goes to someone else with the evidence and we are thinking, “No! This is my loved one!” When this happens, it’s called piggy backing. This
is when two spirits are very similar in personality, traits and habits and come in together as a team. Since it would be impossible for all the spirits to come through individually at an event, they team up. We are all connected and so is our spirit world. The spirit world is incredibly intelligent and they are sure to get through in any way they can to make that connection to their loved ones in the physical Mediums work differently. The wonderful part about mediumship demonstration is the variety of styles between mediums. Each medium has their own personality and way of working that they bring to the arena. Embracing the uniqueness and individual style of a medium will help us enjoy the experience. Each medium has a purpose and respecting their method of connection lends to a successful experience. Have fun! Yes, we miss our loved ones and when we attend a mediumship demonstration with no
expectations we are opening ourselves to witness the miracle of spirit. The afterlife is filled with joy and love. They simply want us to have that same experience here in the physical world and to remember they are always with us. Understanding that spirit communication takes a bit of adjustment. When we can go with an open mind and release our personal expectations, we can all celebrate the miracle that is before us as a community. About the Author Colby is a rebel and trailblazer. Not your stereotypical psychic. She’s an internationally recognized Psychic Medium, Certified Master Spiritual Teacher, Radio Host and Author of Amazon #1 book, Leap of Faith: How to Build Your Spiritual Business. Colby is in Los Angeles, California, and honored to be a spotlight writer for OMTimes Magazine. www.psychicrebel.com
Personal Growth & Development
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
How to Live Our Dreams and Fly by Tony Samara
We Can Live Our Highest Dreams “Dreams are the touchstones of our character.” –Henry David Thoreau
In South American communities that have preserved traditional ways of living, dreams are a large part of everyday life. When children begin to speak, they already work with their dreams and that becomes a way of life. People sit in a circle and honor, by relating, their adventures of the night. Whatever the message, it indicates what one should do during the day. If the dream says to leave one’s work, then they leave it! But if Westerners acted this way, people around them would think that they were insane to take so seriously “a simple dream.” Yet, we must relearn to live with the wisdom of our dreams. Our Dreams Can Change the Very Structure To foolishly limit our actions to a set of closed parameters
prevents the magical and creative world within from touching our lives. Maybe by leaving the work where we feel stifled and bored, we have a chance to discover a latent talent or a hidden potential never before considered. Changing the current societal value system could allow the focus to become more people-oriented. This would strengthen the independence and creativity of such a population. It is not only about a social structure that sustains everyone, but rather a social structure. A structure that creates incentives for people to move forward and give much more of themselves. Are We Ready to Accept Our Deepest Dreams? These days, it is easier for people to accept a job that pays them three times more, than to accept their deepest
dream in a valid way and to do what they really want. Look at what people do to themselves: we do not live our dreams, people do not care about the state of their health we often deny the state of our mind and people sometimes give up on life. Generally, we are so scared of what might happen, if we change the way we live life. It may be difficult at first, especially as most have their deep feelings blocked. Turning Our Dreams into Our Value System How can we feel our value system if it has been blocked since childhood? The first step is to take
away from our emotional system all the emotions (many of which are negative) that were suppressed and transform the way we see things. Old habits create and recreate repetitive behaviors because we feel insecure, fearful or powerless to see what is inside of us. Perhaps we are in a relationship with someone because we prefer that that person makes us feel certain things instead of feeling the way we feel, or we are happy in a relationship because then we are not alone. Our Dreams Offer Unlimited Potential When we understand our sacred dream, we can fly. Our potential is unlimited. In the inside world, there is a feeling of unity and magic telling us that everything is possible. Still aware of and
very centered on their force of life, children know this better than adults. They continue to believe in the magic of the world they live in and in the creative life force that drives them in their actions.
awareness of their magic and the more they help us to become conscious of the knowledge and wisdom residing within all of us. Let us not flee away! Let us have courage!
Let us take our dreams seriously. To understand our dreams, it is necessary to put aside our ego and our conditioning and to approach the reality of the dream. People who have the courage to jump and to fly really do it in a non-physical dimension.
Live Life! And, if the dream says to fly, let’s fly!
Enter Our Dream State, See Where We Fly Let us enter the dream to grasp its unique language. The more we work with dreams, the more we understand their complexity, the more they inform us at various levels of our
About the Author Tony Samara is worldrenowned spiritual teacher and author of 16 books. He has been sharing deep spiritual work and energy transmission for the evolution of consciousness for over 25 years. Join Tony Samara for live-stream videos on the OMTimes Magazine Facebook page, and enroll in his OMTimes Experts courses on the Learn it Live platform. Discover more at: http://www. TonySamara.com
Taking Responsibility is Power to Change by Arthur Telling
We Create Our Present Experience by Taking Responsibility Taking responsibility can be very empowering. The outer world materializes from within us. At break of day, before we rise from bed, we mentally consider the things we will be doing for the day, and
sometimes ahead, to the next week or year, or even our lifetime. We consciously guide and steer our ideas. Unknowing or knowingly, we connect with others, in this mental environment, planning our destinies within the framework of possibilities and limitations of a group mind. If the group mindset does not suit our needs, we will seek out other mindsets that do, this happening under the surface, perhaps with little conscious knowledge. The nature of our present experience came to be in this way, and our current thoughts and actions will drive our future. No One to Blame but Ourselves If we are not happy with life as it is, it is because our past actions and thoughts were not adequate. A restless or untamed mind will bring like results that will manifest themselves in a future present. Every experience we have is a result of some past action, here and in previous incarnations. Buddhists call
this Karma. For Christians, it is God’s reward or punishment for past deeds right or wrong. We cannot blame others for things turning out not to our liking. Doing so places all power in others and the external world. Our power lies within; it is not useful to blame others. When others wrong us, or treat us in a way we deem wrong, we should not blame them even when we are certain they are wrong. We should consider that the reason we are suffering is because we have erred and have brought the unwanted action upon ourselves. This simple point is the critical element for our taking control of our personal destinies and improving the future. There is just one person in the world who we have definite influence over, and it is us. We Can Change Ourselves, We Cannot Change Others By accepting our every problem as of our making, we put ourselves in the driver’s seat. We are not a victim of
events we cannot control. If, for example, a driver cuts us off and takes a parking space we were about to take; we don’t complain, because we recognize it as a karmic reaction or a warning from God. Our frustrations affect others around us. When we are in a hurry or feel aggressive, others about us may take on the same feelings and react in a way that more angers us. When we feel peaceful and calm, the same positive feeling will spread, our outer world reflecting our inner calm. When a driver cuts in front of us and takes our parking space, for example, we shouldn’t become angry, but rather feel compassion and patience. We should be aware that such a person has many lessons to learn. When we politely allow him the parking space that should be ours, he’ll likely sense some shame, and perhaps realize he is wrong. And if taking that valuable parking spot is so critical and urgent to him, then we’ll have done a deed that is the better for him and for us. Loss of the parking spot
is of insignificant consequence. We would do better by using the event for practicing mindfulness. Taking Responsibility Increases Personal Power Incrementally, such actions increase our personal power and energy, and we will more perfectly manage and change our every action. Given time, with patience and endurance, our own personal good examples will affect others cumulatively. By taking responsibility, our world will improve. Ancient promises will be fulfilled. About the Author Arthur Telling has written numerous stories and articles on religion, philosophy, and metaphysics. His article, “A Different Jesus Message” appeared in the Nov. 2011 AMORC Rosicrucian Digest. Telling is author of four novels, including his latest book “Yancey Gates: A Dialogue with Self,” a “how-to” book on awakening to the present moment. His website is: www. arthurtelling.com
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Wisdom of The Hidden Knowing by Elohim Yael
Rational Knowing Versus Hidden Knowing More than ever, we feel we need a miracle to create a better and loving world. Although everyone has a different view on what this
world looks like, in our hearts we all long to experience joy and harmony in our everyday lives. This desire finds its origin in a deep and universal entrustment in a promise of oneness and wholeness. When we go back to this ancient connection of trust, we enable ourselves to connect with the essence for inner peace and living together in unity and harmony. To accomplish this, we have to let go of our straight way of thinking and interpreting because this holds us back from making the impossible possible. This has to do with the way our mind works and its focus on rationalizing things. It wants visible and logical proof for both the impossible and the possible, and focuses on what it believes to be possible. This way, the mind excludes things it does not hold possible. Our hidden knowing on the other hand - like our gut feeling and intuition - believes everything to be possible. It makes connections intuitively
and does not need visible proof to hold things possible. Magic Realism through Hidden Knowing As both elements - the rational and hidden knowing - are inside us, we are capable of making the impossible possible. Such magic realism is inside each of us. Therefore, the miracle of hope is literally inside us. The way to connect with the potential of the miracle of hope lies in our heart. As the power of the heart builds bridges between our rational and hidden knowing. Together with the power of imagination that interconnects the possible and impossible and the explainable and unexplainable in us, we realize magic moments directly. These are moments in which the possibility of making the impossible possible exists. In such a moment, both elements, the disbelief and trust, the familiar and unimaginable, the reachable and unlikable, are equal partners in the present. All
can be present at the same time without judgment on their value. Then, in a way the possibility and impossibility melt together towards a solution of wholeness. We can only achieve this by connecting ourselves with both elements—with the possible and impossible being present at the same time and as equal partners. The video of the Pyramid and the Pool depicts this process of dissolving nicely –
The Power of the Heart With the heart involved, this melting process is easier. The heart can build bridges through its warmth and compassion. Whereas, the head differentiates; it rationally separates me from the other, us from them,
possible from impossible and so on. We bridge this idea of separateness by putting ourselves in the shoes of the other person. We find these similarities, and mutual differences, or rational judgements dissolve. All of a sudden it is possible to create harmony where it was found unthinkable before.
An Inspiring Example of Compassion A working group on activism in relation to social justice at the Cork University in Ireland, effectuated this message of compassion. During a meeting before their concluding presentation on this topic one of the presenters brought forward how compassion interconnects towards a solution. This message created disbelief and a vivid dialogue. But as the message was brought from the heart the following days the disbelief with the fellow presenters turned into inner felt belief. Now during the presentation (end of this
April) at the university similar dynamics happened. First, when the message of compassion was shared, this again triggered both intense emotional and rational responses with the tutors ad audience; from ‘How do we get politicians to think this way?’ to ‘I am not important enough to be able to change the world.’ But as the presenters stood together as one when bringing across the message of compassion, creating awareness, building bridges, and awakening a mutual understanding. Thus, dissolving unbelief and disharmony, and inspiring all present.
Rising Above the Unlikelihood Once we enable ourselves to rise above our own little islands, once we let go of all disbelief and inherent thoughts, once we let go the interpretations of what is possible and what not,
once we connect through the heart with compassion, than we seed for the miracle hope entails. It is up to us to connect with this potential and give it magical meaning. Only then, we bring alive the full potential of the miracle hope entails and realize peace on earth. May this message encourage you on your path of sowing the seeds of hope. With special thanks to the inspiration of the working group in Cork. About the Author Through her articles and presence, Yael reminds you of unconditional compassion. This is an important step on the path towards living in harmony. She invites you to experience a deep connection with both yourself and the whole as heartily as possible. Yael embodies the Elohim essence. This means she is connected to the Universe from a clear awareness of harmony and unity - www. ajourneyoflight.uk
The Multi-Orgasmic Diet: Embrace Your Sexual Energy and Awaken Your Senses for a Healthier, Happier, Sexier You
Don’t be fooled by the title. This award-winning book, written by Rebecca Clio Gould, doesn’t focus on teaching orgasm techniques, and it’s not a traditional diet book. It’s something better. A sexy spin on diet, weight loss, and women’s self-help, The Multi-Orgasmic Diet is a revolutionary and fun approach to natural, shame-free healthy living. Instead of a restrictive diet that tells women what to eat and what not to eat, this book provides a lifestyle plan that teaches you how to fill up on the ecstasy of life rather than overeating or using emotional eating to fill a void. You will also learn to cultivate deeper love and acceptance for yourself in this body positive approach to women’s health and sexuality.
For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:
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