OMTimes Magazine December 2024 Edition

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Ukraini Peace

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November 2024

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Liane Buck

Editor In Chief

The Editor-in-Chief oversees a publication's content, guiding editorial vision, managing the team, and ensuring accuracy, quality, and adherence to ethical and stylistic standards.

Viktar Leigh

Executive director of Art

An Executive Director of Art oversees the artistic direction of projects, managing creative teams, ensuring visual coherence, and aligning artistic output with organizational goals.




Christopher Buck


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Artand HealingThroughaVisualSoul MedicinewithLightcodesActivation

YukoAdachi,atrailblazingartist andhealer,captivatesaudiences worldwidewithher transcendentartworksthatserve asconduitsforhealingand spiritualtransformation.Witha seamlessfusionofartistic masteryandprofoundspiritual insight,Adachi'swork transcendstraditional boundaries,offeringviewersa transformativejourneyintothe realmsofthesoulandbeyond.

Drawinguponarichtapestryof influencesrangingfromancient wisdomtraditionsto contemporaryhealing modalities,Adachi'sartreflects herdeepreverenceforthe interconnectednessofalllifeand theinnatepowerofthehuman spirit.Throughherluminousand evocativecompositions,she invitesviewerstoembarkona sacredjourneyofself-discovery, healing,andspiritualawakening throughthevisualvibrationand frequencyofthechanneledart.

AttheheartofYuko Adachi'sartisticpracticelies aprofoundbeliefinthe healingpowerofart.

With each brushstroke, she channels divine inspiration and universal energy, infusing her paintings with healing intentions and transformative vibrations that affect your subconscious, energetic body, chakra system, nervous system, and DNA. Whether through vibrant bursts of color, intricate patterns, or sacred symbols, Adachi's art catalyzes profound shifts on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels as she channels the higher frequency lightcodes into her creation. None of her art is planned or sketched out beforehand, but everything is downloaded as she becomes unified with being in the present moment.

Lightcodes are a part of light language, also known as the "Divine Language," through which the universal highest frequency of light is channeled and expressed.

This can take various forms, including sounds, gestures, visual art using colors, shapes, and lines, symbols, sacred geometry, and energy frequencies. Adachi uses the light codes both in her energy healing and in Art. It transcends traditional spoken and written language, dissolving limitations, and serves as a healing medicine to awaken and empower your potential

Yuko is at the forefront of this lightcode medicine. She offers 1:1 lightcodes activation mentorship, where she downloads your personal lightcodes and teaches you how to unlock your magic by embodying your personal lightcodes.

"I believe that the art infused with lightcodes has the power to touch the deepest recesses of the soul and facilitate healing on a profound level," says Adachi. "Through my work, I aim to create a sacred space and provide the highest frequency of lightcodes where viewers are transported effortlessly into meditative state, reconnecting with their innermost spiritual essence and experience the transformative power of divine love and light within."

Adachi's artistic journey is deeply intertwined with her exploration of spirituality, consciousness, and innate connection to the Universe.

She creates art that serves as a bridge between the material and spiritual worlds for people to have an opportunity to feel what she’s experiencing through visual expression, which she calls “a Visual Soul Medicine.”

Her shamanic practices and metaphysical studies also add profound, energetic transmission to the visual codes she brings to life.

"My art has been compared with that of Hilma af Klint and Wassily Kandinsky by art historians and critics.

With great respect for these masters before me and their profound connection to spirituality through art, I am divinely guided to bring forward both of their spirits as well as all the other ancestors of artists' channels on Earth to the Divine, in our human lineage, by dedicating downloading the lightcodes from Source with the intention to assist in the spiritual elevation of both the collective and individuals through the power of my visual art. It is the gift from the Universe.

I am just a conduit of light. I feel humbled, and I believe they are all proud of me. Tears."

Adachi’s each painting is a portal to higher realms of existence, inviting viewers to transcend the limitations of the ego and awaken to their true nature as divine beings.

One of the hallmarks of Adachi's work is its ability to evoke a profound sense of resonance, a sense of healing and spiritual expansiveness, and recognition in the viewer.

She creates art that speaks directly to the soul through her intuitive and meditative artistic process, eliciting a deep sense of remembrance, connection to the Source energy, and inner knowing.

No wonder her original paintings are displayed at world-famous hospitals such as Boston Medical Center and Children’s Hospital in Boston in support of healing.

Whether through sacred geometry, ancient symbols, organic patterns, or cosmic landscapes, Adachi's art serves as a mirror, reflecting the inherent beauty and wisdom within each individual.

Adachi’s intricate layers of symbolism and ethereal beauty, the painting invites viewers to contemplate the eternal nature of the soul's journey and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Yuko Adachi's art and healing work have garnered international acclaim, inspiring countless individuals to embark on their journey of selfdiscovery and spiritual awakening.

Through her unwavering commitment to authenticity and integrity, she continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression while offering a profound message of healing, transformation, and transcendence to audiences worldwide.


To experience Yuko Adachi's transformative art and healing work firsthand, there are many exciting options! You can go visit her in Costa Rica, Nosara, which is becoming a world capital for wellness and stay at their beautiful airbnb near the beach, custom order your soul art or personal lightcodes activation art, book a distant healing, sign up for her 1:1 mentorship, or you can experience her powerful, divinely guided healing art through the online gallery


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Spirituality involves exploring one's inner self, seeking deeper meanings, connecting with the transcendent, and understanding life's purpose through various philosophical, religious, and personal beliefs.


“Come,bringwithanoise, Mymerry,merryboys, TheChristmasLogtothefiring; WhilemygoodDame,she Bidsyeallbefree; Anddrinktoyourheartsdesiring. Withthelastyear’sbrand Lightthenewblock,and Forgoodsuccessinhisspending, OnyourPsalteriesplay, Thatsweetluckmay Comewhilethelogisa-tinding. Drinknowthestrongbeer, Cutthewhiteloafhere, Whilethemeatisa-shredding, Fortheraremincepie Andtheplumsstandby Tofillthepastethat'sa-kneading.”


Humanshaveregardedfireasasourceof comfortandprotectionformillionsofyears. Wecookedourfood,toldourstoriesand dancedaroundfire.Fireheatedourhomesand bonfireskeptpredatorsawayfromtheherdsin calvingandlambingseasons.Whenwewished toofferupaprayerseekingcomfort,helpor support,wewouldlightacandle,asmall personalfire.Firecarriedourwishesandneeds totheheavenswherethepowersweworshiped mightyethearourpleas.

TheYuleLogisalong-lasting,continuousritual firethatprotectsthehomeduringthemost frighteningtimeofyear.Thetraditionof burningalargepieceofwoodinthehearth duringtheWinterSolsticeandChristmas seasonwasfirstknownintheItalianAlps,inthe Balkans,Scandinavia,FranceandIberia.Britain adoptedthecustomlater(exceptforLowland ScotlandwhereitwassuppressedbyCalvinist Protestants).

French families went out together to seek the Buche de Noel (Christmas log) while in Norway, only the father of the house performed this duty. In Englandthelogwasselectedat Candlemas (February 1-2) and setasidetodryforthenextYule celebration. In the USA it was consideredgoodlucktoharvest thelogfromone’sownproperty, while in Serbia it was cut in the dark, early on Christmas Eve morning, and transported by candlelight to the house that evening. Thelogwascarriedordragged into the house in high spirits; decorated with ribbons and leaves, or flowers if such could befound.

Insomeareas,breadwaslaiduponthe log,orjuniperwasplacedunderit.Coins mightbeplacedontopandthengiven awayforluck. Thesmallestrevelers hitchedarideasitwaspulledacrossthe snow,andoncethelogcrossedthe thresholditwassprinkledwithgrainand spirits.

Itisworthnotingthatbreadandgrain carrytheluckoftheharvestandthe protectiveenergyoftheSun. Coinsaresolarsymbols,too,and alcoholicspiritsareliquidsoffire, bringingthepromiseandblessingsof thehotSuntothedarkestandcoldest days.Juniperisanherbofimmortality (becauseitisanevergreen)andan herbofpurification.

Once inside the home, the head of the family took a drink of wine, passed the cup to all family members, and then poured the remaining liquid onto the log three times.Thefamilymightcarrythelog threetimesaroundthekitchen(after all the central hearth-fire of the home)beforelayingitinthefireplace and kindling it with a piece of last year’slog.

InGermanythelogwasplacedinthe hearthonChristmasEveordayand only lightly burned. It was kept all year and when storms threatened, this now magical log was set alight asprotection.

TheashesofaYuleLogmightbemixed with the cow’s fodder as the cinders werebelievedtoaidthecowsingiving birth. When mixed with soil, the ashes helpedthecrops,andwhendroppedin the well they were said to purify the water.

In the Scottish Highlands a twisted stump or root was carried home on Christmas Eve and carved into the figure of an old woman, the Cailleach Nollaig (Christmas Hag or Goddess). TheCailleachwasburnedinthehearth toprotectthehomefrommisfortune.1 YuleLogs,hearthfires,candles,bonfires and flames of all kinds are still part of traditionalYuletideceremonies.

In Scandinavia, huge bonfires were once lit to entice the Sun to return, and in honor of the God Thor, as part of the Jól (Yule)festival.Inmodernurban areas we still hang lights on our Christmas trees, in imitation of the candle flames that once illuminated their boughs.

In England, oak is the traditional wood for a Yule Log, in France it is cherry,andinScotlanditisbirch.In ancienttimestheYuleLogcouldbe an entire tree – the trunk was dragged into the house and the butt end pushed into the fireplace. As it gradually burned through the twelve days of Christmas, from ChristmasDaythroughtheevening of the 5th of January, known as Twelfth Night, it was repeatedly drivendeeperintothehearth.


EllenEvertHopmanisamaster herbalistandhomeopathwhohas beenaDruidicinitiatesince1984.A memberoftheGreyCouncilof MagesandSagesandaformer professorattheGreySchoolof Wizardry,shehaspresentedat schoolsandworkshopsacrossthe UnitedStatesandEurope.Sheis theauthorofseveralbooks, includingSecretMedicinesfrom YourGarden,TheSacredHerbsof SpringandTheSacredHerbsof Samhain.Shelivesin Massachusetts.

Discover Your Inner Light Are You a Lightworker?"

Spiritual Test

How can I know if I am a Lightworker?

Determining whether you are one of these types of Lightworkers fascinates both you andme.Knowingthiscouldbringclarityto yourlifepath.


Lightworkers are individuals or souls who have volunteered to help raise humanity's vibrations by following or spreading the light. These mature souls have accrued enoughspiritualwisdomtounderstandthe shortcomingsandpainsofearthlylife.They knowexactlywhatisneededtochangethis situation.

Lightworkers currently in human form lead seemingly "normal" lives, blending into society to quietly do their work. They live ordinary lives; however, despite being exceptionally special and spiritually powerful beings, to the untrained spiritual eye,theymightseemlikeimportantfigures in our world, holding powerful and visible positions. But this is not typically the case. To others, they appear quite "normal," yet even they may not realize that they are destined for a different kind of life. They havebothaspiritualandasocialmissionto fulfill.



These missions are decided before their reincarnation. The social mission might include marrying, having children, or working as a hairstylist or consultant.

The spiritual mission involves teaching, learning, energy healing, and awakening others to spirituality.

There is a constant need within Lightworkers, of which they are oftenunaware.It'slikeanunknown forcecompellingthemtoknowand do one thing after another, an unquenchable need. The unknown always fascinates them, while the predictableoftenfeelsmundane. WheredoLightworkerscomefrom? Lightworkersreachenlightenment beforereincarnatingintoeachlife, achievingenlightenment repeatedly.

TheyhavelivedmanylivesonEarth andaredeeplyinvolvedwith spiritualityorreligion.Theyhave oftenbeenEmpathsormediums, servingasconnectorsbetweenthe knownandtheunknown.They haveoftenbeensegregatedor persecutedoverthecenturies becausepeoplefeartheunknown!

What types of Lightworkers are there?

Human angels are Cosmic souls who have likely chosen the same identitythroughouttheirlivessince ancient and medieval times. They have an innate sense of the environment and the four elemental directions, and all six sensesarehighlydeveloped.

Are You a Lightworker?

Earth angels often choose professions related to medicine and teaching and Therapists.

Masters and Humanity’s Case Managers ThesearereincarnatedAscendedMasters or Archangels in human form. For instance,MotherMarymightreturnagain asanincarnateangel,asmightsomegreat figures from the past. These souls are natural leaders and teachers; people are drawn to their charm like magnets! Incarnateangelsoftenchooseprofessions related to spiritual healing/teaching, politics,socialservice,worldpeace,etc.

Mystical Starlings (Starseeds) These specialUniversalsoulsarenaturalreaders ofSpiritualtoolssuchasTarot,astrology, astronomy, and anything related to the cosmos, evolution, consciousness, and planets.Theyarepowerfulhealers,seers, scientists, and astrologers. They can also bedharmaweavers,helpingpeoplewith theirlifepaths.

How can I know if I am a Lightworker? Determining whether you are one of these types of Lightworkers fascinates both you and me. Knowing this could bringclaritytoyourlifepath. Answerthequestionsandlet’sfindout!

When you encounter someone in distress, your first instinct is to:

A)Offeracomfortinghugora listeningear.

B)Provideadviceandwisdomto helpthemovercometheirissue.

C)Shareaninsightfulstoryorfact thatcouldgivethemanew perspective. Your friends often turn to you for:

A)Emotionalsupportandcomfort. Assistanceduringemotionaltimes.

B)Adviceonlifedecisionsandspiritual matters.Leadershipinplanningand decision-making.

C)Explanationsaboutmysteriousor complextopics.Insightsintocomplex ideasorfuturepredictions.

If you had a free day with no obligations, you would prefer to


B)Organizeacommunityorself-improvement workshop.

C)Diveintoabookaboutquantumphysics,Tarot, orastrology.




C)Delvingintothemysteriesoftheuniverseor nature.












You are a nurturing soul with a profound connection to healing and caring for others. Your path is deeply rooted in personal interaction and emotional support, embodying the essence of a healer. As a Human Angel, your inherent empathy and compassion drive you to support and comfort those in distress. You have a unique ability to sense and alleviate the pain of others, making you an invaluable presence in times of need. Your journey is marked by acts of kindness and a dedication to improving the well-being of individuals on a personal level. Whether through counseling, healthcare, or simple acts of kindness, you channel your energies toward creating a more empathetic and understanding world. Your role is crucial in today's society, as you help anchor the light by spreading warmth and healing wherever you go, touching lives oneheartatatime.


Mostly B's: Master and Humanity Case Manager

As a born leader and teacher, you are naturallydrawntorolesthatallowyou to influence and uplift others through wisdom and spiritual guidance. Your presence is magnetic, pulling others towardsyouinsearchofdirectionand enlightenment. Masters and Humanity Case Managers are the pillars of any spiritual community, embodying strength, wisdom, and the power to guide others through the complexities of life. Your leadership is not about authoritybutaboutinspiringothersto achieve their highest potential. You may find yourself drawn to roles that involve teaching, counseling, or managing community-driven projects whereyoucanimpartyourknowledge andfosteraspiritofunityandgrowth. Yourpathisoneofmentorship,where youserveasabeaconforthoseseeking todeepentheirspiritualunderstanding andpersonaldevelopment.


Your curiosity and intellect draw you inexorably towards the secrets of the cosmos.AsaMysticalStarling,orStarseed, you are destined to explore and teach about the interconnectedness of all things,bridgingthegapbetweenscience andspirituality.

Your understanding of universal laws and celestial dynamics makes you a pioneer in illuminating the deeper mysteries of existence. You are fascinated by how the universe operates,andyourroleinvolvesusing this knowledge to enlighten others, helping them see beyond the mundane to the magical reality that interweavesourlives.

Whether through writing, teaching, or direct exploration, your journey is about expanding your collective understanding of the cosmos and its impact on your spiritual journey. Your work often involves elements of astrology, physics, or metaphysics, blending empirical researchwithintuitiveunderstandingtoguide and teach others about the vast, mysterious universe we inhabit. This quiz not only entertainsbutalsoenlightens,helpingreaders connectwiththeirinnerpotentialandpossibly uncovering a spiritual path they might not havepreviouslyconsidered.

Closing Thought: "Embrace your path as a Lightworker and use your unique abilities to bringlightintotheworld."


Trusting the Universe's Plan

“The other day, I was chatting with one of my students, someone who struggles with her out-of-control "control issue." Even though she recognizes when she's doing it, she can't seem to control her need to control others.

My out-of-control smile leaked out.

I couldn't control my need to remind her that control issues are universal and they show up differently for each of us. Whether subtle, sneaky, or brazen, we are all inflicted with that 'dis-ease' to some degree.

Even if we won't admit it. Especially if we won't admit it.

Then, she shared an exciting breakthrough about her ongoing need to control her boyfriend. "I woke up one morning, and out of the blue, I decided to 'surrender,' to allow him to be who he is."

This was huge, and I applauded her!

That convo started me thinking about the vast differences between letting go, giving up, and surrendering.

IMH, letting go is often a futile attempt to prove how wise you are by announcing to let-go-and-letGod/Universe/spirit. I don't know about you, but stating that cliché never worked for me. Giving up is from feeling utterly hopeless and doomed to misery. It's usually accompanied by loud, victim-y sighing.

Surrendering is neither of those.


Surrender is about ceasing your resistance. It's not by faking it or thinking you 'should.'

Surrender is reaching the point where you absolutely know you are okay with or without this. It's trusting that if it happens or never happens, you will eventually understand why… no matter how long it takes.

Imagine being on the top of a mountain, looking down at yourself, hiking a challenging, twisty path. On one turn, you're suddenly blocked by a huge boulder that prevents you from taking that next curve. Your top-ofthe-mountain vantage point allows you to see that this blockage saved you from meeting a lion head-on.

The problem is we rarely have that top-of-the-mountain vantage point.

So we struggle, try to push the boulder off the path, and attempt to climb over it, all to no avail. If we could only shift our view, it would all make sense.

Surrenderistrustingthatthe boulderisthereforareason. Eventually,youwillknowhow Perfectsurrenderingwasin waysyouhavenoclueabout. Evenifitdoesn'tmakesense atthemoment,youtrust whatwillunfold.

Andyoutrustthatthe relentlessstrugglewastrying totellyousomething.


It'ssteppingoutofyour comfortzoneandtrustingthe BiggerPictureatplay. Sometimes,ittakesawhile (lifetimes)toseeand understandthatBigger Picture,butitalwaysappears.

It'slikeseeingthefirst episodeofaseriesoffilms andnotunderstandingthe plotuntilepisodefour.Or five.Orten.

Surrenderisdifficultwhen youarestuckinyourego dictating"shoulds."Butthe moreyousurrendertowhat yourHigherConsciousness intends,themoremagicand miraclesmanifest.

Andlifeflowsaheck-of-a-lot easier.


Thisleadsmetotalkabout whatIcallthe"Divine Timeline."

EverytimeItalkaboutit,my studentsgrimace(someuse the"F-word!").

Igetit.Beenthere,donethat, frequently.

You try to do something, accomplish something, change something, be something, and no matter how hard you try, do all the right things, and diligently do inner work, it seems like nothing happens. However, looking back, it all makes sense.

Like that guy I desperately wanted to marry, only to discover years later that it would've been disastrous. Or that out-of-state I desperately wanted to make, which would have stopped my Perfect Life Awakening program.

I could go on and on.

Divine Timeline has your back. It prevents you from doing certain things or making certain changes because it sees the Bigger Picture of your life. It sees what you are here to do. It understands that you are here to clean up. It makes sure the "right" people arrive in your life before you do something. It knows the perfect timing for all your choices.

And, it knows why certain things Should. Just. Not. Happen. Now or ever.

You chose your current lifetime, knowing all that, knowing what you are here to accomplish, when, and how. You brought certain issues to address, karma to balance, and people tobeinyourcastofcharacters. And you chose it for your evolution fromfeartolove.

The Divine Timeline is constantly tryingtoaligneverythinginyourlifeso thatthingsCANorhappen.Itleadsyou into a relationship you never would've chosenthatendsupbeingyourperfect partner.Itpushesyouintoacareeryou never would've thought you could do, only to discover your greatest denied skill. It eliminates certain people from whom you are done learning so you can move on to others with more lessonstopresent.

My life has been an ongoing research project, learning to trust (and honor) the Divine Timeline. I've undergone huge personal transitions that never made logical sense but led me toward my Highest Good and my soul's truth. Everything that happened was completely different from what my human perspective thought was best. But it all makes ab-soul-ute sense now.


The road to those outcomes isn't always smooth; trusting in Divine Timing is not always easy, to say the least. As a human, those hardships, losses, and roadblocks on the path to something Bigger can create tension, fear, and uncertainty. But after enough experiences, it gets easier to lean into trust, release your judgment about what you're experiencing, and hold on tightly to what you want to create. Eventually, the external circumstances become meaningless and don't impact you or hamper what you're trying to do.

Butafterenoughexperiences,itgets easiertoleanintotrust,releaseyour judgmentaboutwhatyou're experiencing,andholdontightlyto whatyouwanttocreate.Eventually, theexternalcircumstancesbecome meaninglessanddon'timpactyouor hamperwhatyou'retryingtodo.

Infact,youmightfeelevenmore certainthatyourpathistheRightone. Mostimportantly,youtrustthe process.Youseeitasamirrortogo deepertodiscovermoreabout yourself,yourlimitingbeliefs,your fears,andyourhiddendenial.

Youaskyourselfprobingquestions, especially:DoInotfeeldeservingof this?

Inthestruggle,remembertostay alignedwithyourHigher Consciousness.Recognizethatthose feelingsofdoubtandconfusionare oftensignsthatyouhavedisconnected insomeway.

Perhapsyouignoredaninner,intuitive knowing.Maybeyouchalkedoffsigns andsynchronicitiesas"coincidences" or"accidents."Didvalidationsslipby withoutyougrabbingthem?

Tell the truth: What is your real intention? What are you really trying to attain? Are you trying to impress your friends? Your parents? Trying to get attention or approval? Revenge? Told you so? Aiming for a false sense of security? Attempting to prove you are smart, talented, capable, and lovable?

If your motives are coming from ego or fear (often they are), what you're working toward can stay stuck in the muck. Especially if you know better.

By changing your intention from fear to love, things can shift. The universe offers boundless support when your intention is selflessness, assisting others in some way. When striving for peace, love, and joy for others, the details often fall into place at the exact perfect time.

True surrender is a piece of cake when you trust that your soul is leading you. Remind yourself that when it looks like nothing is going to change, that is often when something is just about ready to happen.

Surrender. It's all Perfect.

I assist people in getting to that point of surrender and trust by neutralizing subconscious fears and limiting beliefs along the way. Reach out at Website:


Feng Shui Secrets for

Wealldesireprosperity,abundance,andall things good to be ever-present in our lives. We aim to achieve great feats and make significant strides in our personal journeys. However, knowing how to attract these positiveenergiesintoourdailyroutinesisn't alwaysstraightforward.


In such instances, practicing Feng Shui—a traditional Chinese art that harmonizes individuals with their environment—can be a beneficial approach to invite prosperity intoourlives.

No more busy work. No more hiding from success. Leave time, leave space, to grow. Now.Now!Nottomorrow!

Feng Shui emphasizes the arrangement and orientation of spaces to promote the optimal flow of energy, or "chi." By thoughtfully organizing our living and working environments, we can create atmospheres that not only support our goalsbutalsoattractthepositivevibrations associatedwithprosperityandsuccess.


Here are some practical Feng Shui tips to enhance prosperity in your home:

Enhancing prosperity within your home can be achieved by applying Feng Shui principles that promote positive energy flow and harmony. Here are six practical tips to attract abundance:

Clearing away excess items from your surroundings encourages a smooth flow of energy, creating a space that invites prosperity. An organized and clutter-free environment boosts mental clarity and fosters a sense of peace and well-being, setting the stage for successandabundance.

Maintain a Clean Environment: Regular cleaning signifies respect for your space and reflects inner clarity. Dust and clutter can harbor negative energy; therefore, keeping your home spotless is essential for fosteringprosperity.

Symbolize Prosperity Throughout YourHome:Whileluxuryitemsaren't necessary,maintainingbelongingsin good condition and taking pleasure in your surroundings can attract abundance.

Preserving the quality of your possessions and creating an environment you enjoy encourages positiveenergyflow.

Keep Bathroom Doors and Fixtures

Closed: Bathrooms are believed to drain positive energy. Ensure that bathroom doors, toilet lids, and drainsarealwaysclosedtoprevent the escape of beneficial chi (energy).

RepairBrokenItemsPromptly:Functional integrity of household items is crucial. Replace burnt-out light bulbs, fix damaged walls, and address minor repairs to maintain a harmonious environmentthatsupportsprosperity.

Organize Your Space: An orderly home promotes clarity and responsibility. Designate specific places for your belongings, making them easy to find and demonstrating care for your possessions, which in turn attracts positiveenergy.

CultivatePositiveThoughts:Yourmindset influencesyourenvironment.

Engage in positive thinking within your home, visualize good things, and extend goodwill to others. A positive mental attitude can enhance the flow of prosperityintoyourlife.

Incorporating metal elements into your decor can further attract wealth and prosperity.Herearesomesuggestions:

Utilize Metal Wind Chimes: The sound produced by metal wind chimes is believed to disperse negative energy, creating a space more conducive to positivechi.Placingthemnearentrances orwindowscaninviteprosperity.

Display Chinese Coins: Traditional Chinese coins, often tied together with a red ribbon, symbolize wealth. Positioning them in your wallet, work desk, or near financial documents can enhance the flow of positive energyrelatedtofinances.

Incorporate Metal Figurines: Metallic amulets, such as a Maneki-neko (lucky cat) or an elephant with an upward-facing trunk, are considered auspicious. Placing these in the northwest area of your home, known as the 'helpful people' sector in Feng Shui, can attractsupportandopportunities.

By implementing these Feng Shui practices, you can create a harmonious environment that fosters prosperity and abundance in yourhome.

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Transform Your Space for the Changing Season

"A wind has blown the rain away and blown the sky away and all the leaves away, and the trees stand. I think I, too, have known autumn too long."

—e. e. cummings

To maintain a harmonious environment, it's ideal toapplyFengShuitechniquesthroughouttheyear, adjusting your space according to the changing seasons.



Autumn is associated with the energy of the metal element. As autumn naturally arrives under the influence of metal, we tend to shift towards introspection, with more internal processes focused on the wellbeingofbothbodyandmind.


Asautumnapproaches,temperaturestend tocool,thedaysgrowshorter,nightsget longer,andnature'schangescallfora differentharmonizationthanwhatweusein summer.HerearesomesimpleFengShui tipstoapplytoyourspace:


Plants that love the sun and warmth tend to weakenanddryoutmoreeasilyduringautumn and winter. Therefore, give extra attention to your plants. Keeping plants in your home is excellent for harmonization, but dead or driedout plants attract negative chi, so be more attentivetothem.


Redapplessymbolizeabundanceinyourhome. Keep a bowl of red apples in your house to attract the energy of abundance and ensure you can nourish your family without hardship thisautumn-winterseason.


In summer, due to the heat, we tend to spendmoretimeoutdoors.Butwithautumn andwinter,wespendmoretimeindoors.Be sure to pay attention to spider webs and accumulated dust. Dust has negative energy and can also contribute to allergies, whicharecommoninautumn-winter.


As temperatures drop and the wind becomes more present, we often leave our windows closed for longer periods in autumn. Be cautious; keeping everything closed blocks the proper circulation of chi energy. If the wind bothers you, leave the windowsopenwhileyou'reawaytoallowair to circulate, and when you return, you can closethemandenjoyrefreshedchienergy.


Dead leaves are a signature of autumn, astreesshedtheirfoliage,andtheleaves change color and fall. While the scene is beautiful,deadleavesrepresentnegative chi in your home. So, don't let them accumulate—clearthemawayquickly.


Incorporating autumn colors and decorations into your home will create a sense of coziness and help prevent the gray days outside from dampeningyourmood.

Invest in colorful candles, vivid vases, rugs, and itemsthatwilladdwarmenergytoyourspaces.


Many families spend more time at home during the cooler autumn days and often realize they have accumulated unused items that are collecting dust. Clutter prevents the flow of energy and causes disorganization. It's time to donateordiscardtheseitemstofreeupspace.

Besides being a potential hazard for the roof, Feng Shui says that these branches can create a feeling of heaviness on the shoulders of the home'sinhabitants.

Do you have a tree in your yard, garden, or near your front door? Great, this is ideal for harmonization, but be cautious if the tree has branches hanging over your roof, especially if they’retouchingthetiles.

Autumn is a season of change, so it’s recommended to make some adjustments in your home to welcome this new season. The bestoptionistorearrangethefurniture,evenif it'sjustmovingthesofaafewinchescloserto the window, creating more circulation space between the furniture, or moving a bed away from the wall. Change is welcomed in this season, especially if it helps improve the flow ofenergyinyourhome.



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Metaphysical Sciences

Metaphysical Sciences

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Astrology Is Not About Planets

Astrology should not be a study of planets and their influence on people. It is more appropriate to an analysis of peoples’ inner archetypes and their effects. This article urges us to use the research of Richard Tarnas for a proper understanding of astrology. I have long been intrigued about astrology. But, I was skeptical about how a tiny planet such as Mercury, or even a huge one like Jupiter, at such great distances, could have even the slightest influence on our lives.

And yet, there seemed such accuracy in astrology’s description of our personal characteristics.

Eventually, I concluded that astrology works, but I had no idea why it worked. I refused to believe that it worked by means of planetary gravitational or magnetic influences, which seemed to be the implicit explanation of the popular astrologers.

Then, one middle-of-the-night awakening revealed to me the proper explanation. I awoke with a strong urge to open the book Jung to Live

By, by the Jungian Analyst Eugene Pascal, one of the most accessible books on the Jungian worldview.

I started re-reading about archetypes, specifically about the various deities that manifest through the collective unconscious. Archetypes are autonomous plexuses of energy residing in the collective unconscious, often having more impact on our lives than our thinking egos. For example, when we are inexplicably aggressive, we are likely being dominated at that time by the archetype of Mars, the god of war.

What suddenly occurred to me, in an intuitive flash, was that astrology is not about the planets’ influence on us, but about the archetypes’ influence on us. Not the outer, but the inner. Not the planet Mars, but the archetype of Mars.

Long ago in Mesopotamia, people began to see images in the arrangements of stars in the night sky. One saw what looked like a ram, and others saw a set of twins, a lion, and so on. Stories were told, and eventually, the images became part of their culture.

People attributed characteristics to the figures, or constellations (“star groupings”), in the heavens, such as those of a hunter, a warrior, or a water bearer. Also, people gradually observed a correspondence between their moods and feelings and the positions of planets moving through the constellations. As an example of how this early thinking evolved, consider the planet Mercury.

It has long been associated with communication and learning but also with restlessness and inconsistency. About three times per year Mercury has a retrograde motion, that is, it appears to move backwards in the sky for a few weeks. People who felt an attunement with Mercury noticed that during these retrograde periods, they felt out of sorts, made mistakes, and behaved erratically. Eventuall,y such correspondences and behavioral patterns solidified over the centuries into systems of astrology that we know today.

In a similar way, various deities in the heavens were projections of the inner emotions, feelings, and moods that people experienced.

So the key point here is that it is not the planets, or the constellations, ruling our lives. The signs of the zodiac are psychological projections on the heavens from our deep unconscious. And the motion of the planets through the various zodiacal signs corresponds to moods and influences that we feel from our unconscious, that is, from the various archetypes that project externally as deities.

Planetary astrology is one of our realities. However, the actuality is closer to archetypal astrology, as introducedhere.


RichardTarnasuseswhenthehands onaclocklineupat12noon,itisnot the clock that causes it to be noontime or makes us hungry for lunch;itmerelyindicatesthecurrent time. Our long-standing habit, plus our cultural tendency to eat at noontime,isthecauseofourfeeling hungry. Similarly, planets do not cause anything to happen in our lives; they are simply indicative of the cosmic state of the archetypal forcesatthattime.

The planets are indicators, not causes, of our behavioral influences. As above, so below. As within, so without.

Discovering this explanation for myself (or, rather, realizing what many Jungians and others already knew) gives me the energy and enthusiasmtoexploreitforyearsto come. Eventually, we may come to understand that the planets really do influence us physically, perhaps by some mechanism that we don’t comprehend yet, such as subtle magnetic fields, or by a deeper understandingoftheOnenessofAll. If everything is One—which I believe but don’t fully understand—then we andtheplanetsareone,andthus,of course, they influence us, and we influencethem.

As for why the archetypes and planets are in such close synchronization, and why there are twelve signs in our zodiac, these and related topics are subjects for another article.

I hope that my explanation here might trigger your curiosity to explore further along these fascinating lines. Ultimately, my hope is to nudge readers to recognizing the difference between reality (planetary astrology, in this case) and actuality (archetypal astrology).

An especially relevant and important article, supporting the views stated here, is by Richard Tarnas, “An Introduction to Archetypal Astrological Analysis”,

(An earlier version of this article first appeared in OMTimes in April 2013. It is worth publishing again because it makes an important correction to the standard view of planetary astrology.)

About the Author: William Bezanson is a regular contributor to OMTimes. Retired from a career in electrical engineering, he now writes on spirituality and world stewardship. He lives with his wife in Ottawa, Canada.


Written In The Stars

Astrology Reports

Astrology Reports


What is Karma

Vedic astrology is known as Jyotish in Sanskrit and is composed of two root words: jyotir (light) and isha (soul consciousness, divine consciousness, or inner consciousness).

Jyotish, therefore, is the study of the light of our consciousness. It addresses the layer of our being where karma resides. Karma is a fundamental pillar of the Vedic knowledge system that teaches that every action you take will have some consequence and that current consequences are a result of past actions. In pop-culture terms, "What goes around comes around."

In science, this correlates to Newton's third law of motion, which states that "every action must have an equal and opposite reaction," a fundamental underpinning of our physical universe.

The Vedic system takes this concept further into the subtle and causal universe—in other words, into the realm of consciousness. Karma teaches that every action you take in your life is accounted for and eventually gets paid back. This was humorously illustrated in the TV series The Good Place, where Ted Danson shows recently deceased souls entering the Good Place an electronic balance sheet of every deed they have ever done during their life—good ones in green and bad ones in red—to determine what happens next.

In Vedic mythology, the celestial accountant is Chitragupta, who greets you at the pearly gates with a file in hand containing your karmic balance sheet and, based on this, determines where you go next.

Therefore, the Vedic purpose of life is to balance out your karmic debts by making good choices and taking good actions aligned with your soul. Any bad actions or misaligned choices add to your debt, while good actions and soul-aligned choices improve your karmic credits. All of the spiritual texts and practices of the Vedic tradition center on approaches to improve your karma. Vedic astrology specifically centers on understanding what karma is and less-painful ways to pay off its balance.

Every circumstance you face in life can be an opportunity to pay back karmic debts in a more pleasant way. As an analogy, when you finish a meal at a restaurant, there are many ways to pay for this meal. Cash, check, credit card, washing dishes, or getting arrested for theft if you dine and dash. I prefer the credit card myself. But of course, then I must pay the bill when it eventually comes in the mail, or else there will be a hit to my credit score. The rub, though, is that you must be aware that you had the meal. In the case of long-forgotten meals from previ- ous lifetimes, a Vedic astrologer is able to identify and recommend simpler ways to pay back those past debts that are coming due in this life. Karma is essentially actions and choices (across lifetimes) that eventually precipitate circumstances (in a specific lifetime), which then provide the opportunity for further choices and actions. You thus have the ultimate choice—and ultimate responsibility—to manage your karma and its consequences. DECEMBER 2024| OMTIMES

Karma and Vedic astrology are inextricably linked because Vedic astrology is fundamentally an analysis of our individual karma coupled with a system of tools to manage it. The system teaches that every soul has a closet full of karma that they are burdened with after many, many choices and actions over many, many lifetimes. However, in this single lifetime, we only bring a carry-on bag of karma to work through—just enough that we can still fit it in the overhead bin. We are given multiple lifetimes to work out all our karma, like a karmic debt payment plan. Otherwise, it would be too overwhelming. Some hardy souls, however, must pay off multiple karmic debts in one lifetime.

If you face many challenges in life, given that your soul takes on only what it can handle, you can find comfort in the fact that you are likely an evolved soul.

The Vedic astrologer casts a diagram (horoscope) of the sky at the moment a human takes their first breath. This diagram of the planets and stars in space is said to be a reflection of the soul that has attached to that budding body and mind, incarnated into human form. By analyzing this birth chart, the Vedic astrologer assesses that one carry-on bag of karma that the person will bear through life and determines when various items from that bag will be pulled out because it doesn't all happen at once.

Jyotish is designed to help you understand what events will arise and when and how they will influence your personality, your appearance, your mind, your environment, your choices, your relationships, and the consequences you will face (good and bad) due to that carryon bag of karma.

This then brings us back to yoga, one of the most potent remedial measures, which sure connects to Jyotish. Yoga consists of practices that take us beyond the subtle body into the realm of the causal body, or deeper soul consciousness. We can address and balance karma at the root level through yoga and make more soul-aligned choices. As many serious yogis will tell you, their life, mindset, physical being, relationships, choices, and consciousness shift through their yogic practices.

These three systems—Ayurveda, Jyotish, and yoga—elegantly integrate to tackle the three key layers of our being, and they are like the three legs of a stool that support who we are.

In ancient times, this integration was well understood; however, we've lost sense of that integration with our modern penchant for compartmentalizing knowledge into discrete boxes. Yoga has been reduced to a stretching exercise. Ayurveda is just emerging and lacks the credibility of extensive research and sophisticated marketing that Western medicine enjoys. Jyotish is barely known in modern Western culture, dismissed in favor of its Western counterpart.

But just as you might contrast gymnastics and yoga (physical stretching versus an integrated mind-body-soul karmabalancing practice), you could contrast Western astrology, a casual, pop-culture psychology system, with Jyotish, an integrated mind-body-soul understanding

Animal spirituality explores the deep, mystical connections between humans andanimals,recognizinganimals'souls, their roles in spiritual practices, and their contributions to our holistic wellbeing.

Pawscope 2025

A Cosmic Guide to Your Pet's Year Ahead

2025 2025 2025

Pawscope Pawscope Pawscope

Welcome to 2025 Pawscopes: where the starsalignnotjustforyou,butforyourfurry, feathered, or finned friends! Peek into the cosmos to see what the universe has in store for your pets this year. Are they destinedforayearofadventurouswalksor serene snuggles? Let’s find out together withapinchofhumorandapawfuloflove.



2025 will be a year of discovery for your Aries pet. Expect them to lead you into uncharted territories, like the mysterious space behind the fridge or the depths of the sofa cushions. With Mars fueling their adventurousspirit,nocornerofthehouse— or the park—will be left uninspected. Ideal Gift:Amap-themedpetbedfortheselittle explorers.




Your Taurus pet will be all about the good life this year. Think of gourmet treats, luxurious pet beds, and more belly rubs than they can handle. Venus promises a year of sensory delights, so don’t be surprised if they turn their nose up at generickibble.IdealGift:Asubscriptionbox filledwithassortedtreatsandtoys.



Prepare for a year of non-stop action with your Gemini pet. Their dual nature means double the trouble and double the fun. They’llwanttoplayfetchatdawnandhideand-seekatdusk.Keepupwiththeirsocial calendar, which will be just as packed as yours! Ideal Gift: A new set of interactive toystokeeptheirmindsbuzzing.


The Homebody Healers

This year, your Cancer pet will be your personal therapist. Feeling blue? Expect your pet to snuggle right up and offer their silent support. Cancer’s intuitive nature will be in full force, sensing mood shifts and providing comfort without a single word—or bark, or chirp.IdealGift:Acozynewblanket forjointnapsessions.


The Regal Show-Offs

All eyes will be on your Leo pet in 2025. These natural stars will seize every opportunity to show off their skills,beitduringwalksorthrough thelivingroomwindow.Preparefor impromptu agility performances— yourLeopetlovesanaudienceand a stage. Ideal Gift: A stylish new collar that’s as flashy as their personality.


The Orderly Assistants

YourVirgopetwilltakeontherole of personal assistant in 2025, keen to organize their toys and, if only they could, your life too. Expect them to be at your heels with a watchful eye, making sure no chores go unmanaged, or in their case, unnoticed. Ideal Gift: A set of new grooming tools to keep them asneatastheirhabits.


Stellar Paws: A Cosmic Guide to Pet Happiness


The Harmonious Partners

Balance is the key for your Libra pet this year. They will be all about fairness in playtime and affection, making sure no family member feels left out. Their diplomatic nature will resolve any pet conflicts at home, especially if they involve sharing the new squeaky toy.

Ideal Gift: A pair of pet friendship collars, one forthemandonefortheirbestbud.


The Mysterious Soul Gazer

With their piercing gaze, your Scorpio pet will spend 2025 trying to unravel the mysteries of the human soul, or maybe just the cat next door.


Their intense loyalty and powerful presence will be felt deeply this year, making every moment with them feel significant.IdealGift:Atoythatchallenges themtosolvepuzzles.



Freedom-loving Sagittarius pets will be moreeagerthanevertoexplorethegreat outdoors.Whetherit’sanewdogparkora differentcornerofyouryard,they'llinspire youtojointheirquestforadventure.Keep your walking shoes handy! Ideal Gift: A portable water dish for those long explorations.


The Ambitious Climbers

In 2025, your Capricorn pet will be all aboutclimbingtheproverbialladder—be itthecattreeorthecompetitiveranksat the local pet show. Their determination willbeawe-inspiring,sobereadytocheer them on! Ideal Gift: A new set of agility equipment or an upgraded climbing structure.


The Quirky Innovators

Expect the unexpected with your Aquariuspetthisyear.Theymightdecide ifthesinkistheperfectnappingspotor that their water bowl is better used for paw painting. Aquarian pets will delight and surprise you with their unconventional antics. Ideal Gift: A custom pet puzzle that reflects their uniquepersonality.


The Dreamy Snugglers

APiscespetin2025willbeyourdreamy companion, often found daydreaming about epic battles with squirrels or gloriousflightswithbirds.They'llbemore affectionate and spiritually connected to you,sensingwhenyouneedagentlepaw orawetnoseforcomfort.IdealGift:Afish tankforcatsorabirdfeederfordogsto watchanddream.


Eachpet,undertheirstar'sguidance,willbring joy, laughter, and a little cosmic mystery into yourlife.Remember,whilethestarscanguide us,theloveandunderstandingyousharewith your pet are what truly matter. So, here’s to a year filled with tail wags, purrs, chirps, and happy trails with your celestial-guided companions!

MinistryEarthMagazineisamixingbowlofcompassionatethoughts aboutallSentientBeings,thePlanetEarth,EcologicalChanges, Humaneinterests,andwhatnots

PersonalGrowthencompasses self-improvementandemotional, mental, andspiritualdevelopment, focusingonenhancingselfawareness,skills,health, andoverallwell-being.


As a coach to others who offer spiritual-based services, I am often asked, “What is an appropriate amount to charge for my services? Or should I not be charging at all?” A quick Google search on this topic reveals that there is no shortage of opinion pieces suggesting that it is wrong to charge money for things such as spiritual coaching, cards, psychic readings, etc. The idea is that spirituality is not an occupation, and charging money to use your spiritual gifts is unethical. Respectfully, I could not disagree more.

Here are my top 4 tips on why charging for spiritual services is beneficial to you and your clients.

Giving is NOT more valuable than receiving

Giving and receiving are simultaneous.

Consider the exchange between plants and humans. Plants produce the oxygen that people require. People produce the carbon dioxide that plants require. Who is giving and who is receiving? The answer is that both are giving and receiving at the same time. It is the way of nature. It is the way the universe works.

When you offer a service to another, you are giving, and they are receiving. When you charge for your service, your client is giving,g and you are receiving. True communion and true spirituality are achieved in the flow of simultaneous giving and receiving, and the result is thriving for everyone.

What value do you place on you?

How much or how little do you value you? Do you recognize the value of what you are offering to others? When you have a talent, ability, or gift, it can be easy to dismiss how valuable it is. Often, when something comes naturally to us, we conclude that it must not be that important. That is absolutely untrue. Ask those who have worked with you what has changed in their lives after receiving your services. Inquire as to what is different and what has gotten greater. Now, if you were going to pay someone else for what you do, what would that be worth to you? Don’t dim you down when you explore this question! It is NOT more spiritual to pretend humility. True humility is acknowledging your brilliance to yourself without the need for others to validate it.

There is no lack in the Universe

When observing the earth, it is clear that the planet is an abundantplace.YOUareapart ofthatabundanceandprosperity is a natural part of living in alignment with your gifts. The Universe desires to give you everything you require and desire in life. The Universe is grateful to you for choosing to make the world a greater place by using your gifts. To live in poverty or lack, is to go against the very fabric of the Universe. Abundancedoesn'tjustapplyto everyoneandeverythingaround you.Itincludesyoutoo.

Not charging for your services attractsspiritualvampires

Not charging for your services ensures that spiritual vampires will come your way. They will takeeverythingyouhavetooffer, without gratitude, and then usually find fault with you. Attract people who genuinely desire change. Bring in clients who will value what you have to offer and will be grateful. How? Charge them. People do not value what theygetforfree.

Usingyourgiftsintheworlddoes not require you to sacrifice financial freedom and prosperity. The more you prosper, the more youareabletogive.

Themoreyoureceive,themore you are able to offer others. Acknowledgeyourbrillianceand beauty to yourself. Recognize how wonderfully valuable you areand chargeforyourservices a number that reflects that. You willhavemorefunandwhenyou are having fun, success for you andyourclientswillfollow.


Unworthiness is the invisible chain that holdsusbackineveryaspectofourlives. Whetherit’sinourrelationships,careers,or financial goals, the feeling of being "not enough" underlies the majority of our struggles.Wedesirevalidation;wewantto beseen,acknowledged,andapproved.

This craving often shows up as anger, jealousy,conflict,andthedesperateneedto proveourworth.Butwhatiftheproblemis not external? What if it's an internal disconnectionfromwhowetrulyare?

The Root of All Desires

AccordingtoMetaSpiritualteachings,atthe heart of every human desire—whether it's the pursuit of wealth, success, or relationships—is a deeper yearning: the desiretofeelworthy.

We believe that if we achieve enough, we will finally feel complete, valuable, and wholeintheeyesofothersandourselves. This is why so many people chase status, money, and recognition. Likewise, in relationships, we often seek partners who will make us feel special, loved, and validated—hoping they will fill the void inside.

But here’s the truth: no external achievement, no amount of success or approval, will ever make you feel truly worthy.Thesethingscangiveyouafleeting sense of validation, but the moment circumstances change, that feeling of worthinessdisappears.

UnworthinessisaDisconnectionfromYourTrueSelf Therealcauseofunworthinessismuchdeeper:itstems from not knowing who you truly are. Most of us live disconnected from our true essence, which is Love— universal, unconditional Love. When we are one with our true self, we naturally feel worthy, without the need forexternalvalidation.

Thisdeep,intrinsicworthinesscomesfromrealizingthat you are not separate from the source of Love. You are Love. When you reconnect with this truth, your motivationinlifechanges.Younolongerchasemoney, status, or relationships to prove something about yourself. Instead, these things become expressions of your inherent worthiness, and you approach life from a placeofabundanceratherthanlack.

Meta Spirituality focuses on healing this sense of unworthinessbyofferingdirectspiritualawakeningfrom day one of its core teaching, The Last Truth. Through thisteaching,yourealizeyourtrueself—theMetaSelf— andawakentotheunconditionalLovethatyouare.This recognitioniswhatultimatelyhealsyoursenseofworth andallowsyoutolivefromaplaceofwholeness.

The Illusion of External Worthiness

Modern culture bombards us with ideas about how to achieveworthiness:repeatingaffirmationsinfrontofthe mirror,takinglongbathswithrosepetals,orindulgingin rituals that promise to boost your self-love. While these activities might make you feel good temporarily, they don’ttouchtherootcauseofunworthiness.Noexternal practice or achievement can fill the internal void. You might feel worthy for a moment, but as soon as the externalcircumstanceschange,thefeelingevaporates.

The Only Path to True Worthiness

The only way to truly feel worthy is to wake up to who youreallyare.Enlightenment,orrealizingyourtrueself, is the only path to lasting worthiness. This realization connectsyouwiththeuniversal,unconditionalLovethat is your essence. In this state, worthiness is no longer somethingyouseek—it’ssomethingyouare.

Whenyouawakentothistruth,youstoplooking outsideyourselfforvalidation.Instead,youlive from a place of deep fulfillment, where every part of your life—whether it’s your career, relationships, or personal pursuits—flows naturallyfromtheknowingthatyouarealready enough.

Meta Spirituality is dedicated to this profound transformation. It guides you to the realization that you are Love and that true worthiness comes from within. Once you are awakened to your Meta Self, you no longer seek external validation because you know that you are alreadywhole.

Ministry Earth is a New joint Ventured Publication from Cathedral of The Soul Mystical Church. OMTimes Media, Inc, OMTimes Publishing House. Together, we endeavor to discover the intersection of an Integrative spirituality, a Conscious scientific perspective, and the practice of Compassionate Ethics.

Book Spotlight focuses on showcasing specific books, highlighting their themes, significance, and impact, aiming to promote readership and appreciation in diverse literary communities.

ATreatiseonthe SevenRays Book Review

AliceBailey’sATreatiseontheSeven Raysstandsasamonumentalworkin esotericphilosophy,offeringadeep explorationofspiritualevolution,cosmic energydynamics,andhuman psychology.Spanningfivevolumes, Bailey’smagnumopusdelvesintothe metaphysicalframeworkofthe universethroughthelensoftheSeven Rays,anancientspiritualteaching concerningthesevenprimaryenergies thatshapeallexistence.Withguidance attributedtoherspiritualteacher,the TibetanMasterDjwhalKhul,Bailey craftsarichtapestryofspiritualinsight thatcontinuestoinfluence contemporarymetaphysicalthought.

“The revelation of the nature of God has been a slow unfolding process, paralleled by the evolutionary growthofthehumanconsciousness.”

The Conceptual Framework of the Seven Rays represents the archetypal energies that permeate all levels of being, from the cosmic to the individual soul. Each ray embodies specific qualities, influencing personality development, spiritual growth, and societal dynamics. As Bailey describes:

“Each of the seven rays has its own unique purpose, sound, and vibration, shaping the destiny of both man andcosmos.”

The Rays are categorized into three major Rays of Aspect and four Rays of Attribute. The first three—Will or Power, LoveWisdom, and Active Intelligence —are foundational creative forces. The remaining four, representing qualities like Harmony through Conflict and Concrete Knowledge, refine the creative process.

Psychological Insight and Soul Purpose

Bailey’s approach to psychology is particularly profound, predating many modern concepts in transpersonal psychology. She explores how each individual is influenced by a primary soul ray and a secondary personality ray. This dual-ray influence shapes not only personal destiny but also one’s spiritual challenges and potentials. In Bailey’s words:

“Thesoulraydeterminesthelife purpose,whilethepersonality rayshapestheearthly experiencesnecessaryforits fulfillment.”

This dual focus invites readers into a self-reflective journey. Her detailed analysis of the interplay between these energies serves as a tool for spiritual seekers aiming for self-realization and alignment with their higher purpose.

The Path of Initiation and Spiritual Evolution

A central theme throughout the treatise is the path of initiation—the progressive unfoldment of spiritual consciousness through successive stages of spiritual awakening. Bailey describes the stages of initiation as rites of passage wherein the aspirant aligns more fully with their soul and eventually with the divine Plan. She writes:

“Initiation is a process of revelation, wherein the inner light of the soul radiates through the form, revealing divinepurposeanddestiny.”

Theinitiatoryprocessisdepictedasan arduousbutrewardingspiritualascent, requiring self-discipline, service, and meditation. Bailey intricately outlines the responsibilities of initiates at variousstages,emphasizingtheroleof thediscipleasaconsciousco-creator intheplanetaryspiritualhierarchy.

Astrological and Cosmic Correspondences

Astrologyalsoplaysacrucialroleinthe book, as Bailey integrates the Seven Rays with astrological influences. She asserts that planetary energies act as conduits for ray energies, shaping individual and collective destinies. As shenotes:

“The science of astrology, rightly understood, reveals the interplay of forces shaping the soul’s journey throughtimeandspace.”

Her synthesis of astrology with spiritual psychology offers a unique perspective that resonates with both astrologers and spiritual seekers interested in understanding theircosmicidentity.

The Visionary Legacy

Forgetting the things that lie behind, I will strive towards my higher spiritual possibilities. I dedicate myself anew to theserviceoftheComingOneandwill doallIcantopreparemen'smindsand hearts for that event. I have no other lifeintention.


Perhaps one of the most compelling aspectsofBailey’sworkisitsvisionary nature. Her cosmological insights are expansive, encompassing planetary evolution, the purpose of humanity, and the ultimate spiritual destiny of Earth. She envisions humanity as an evolving spiritual entity destined to servewithinthelargercosmicorder:

“Humanity is the link between the divine and the material, the point of balancethroughwhichspiritualenergy mustflowintotheworld.”

Her articulation of spiritual responsibility inspires a global perspective on human purpose,emphasizingservice,cooperation, andtheconsciousbuildingofabetterworld.

Critique and Considerations

While the treatise is intellectually and spirituallyenriching,itsdensitycanbe daunting. Bailey’s style is highly technical and laden with esoteric jargon, requiring patience and prior knowledge of theosophical and metaphysicalconcepts.

Readers new to spiritual philosophy may find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer depth and complexity of the material.However,forseriousstudentsof esotericism,ATreatiseontheSevenRays is an invaluable resource that rewards sustainedstudy.

Alice Bailey’s A Treatise on the Seven Rays isamasterworkofspiritualwisdom, blending metaphysical philosophy with psychological insight. Its exploration of cosmicenergies,spiritualpsychology,and esoteric initiation invites readers into a transformative spiritual journey. As Bailey poignantlywrites:

“In the light of the soul, all veils are dissolved, and the divine pattern emerges.”

This work remains an enduring guide for those committed to the spiritual path, offeringprofoundinsightsintohumanity's cosmicpurposeandtheeternalquestfor spiritualrealization.



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