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Self-Knowledge Through Tarot: The Therapeutic Use of Cards
Can Language Alter the Way We
The Art of Knowing Oneself: Frida
A World Made New Book Spotlight
Circles and Rings Book Spotlight
The Book of Thoth- Book Review
Conscious mature dating means knowing yourself, embracing genuine connections, and valuing the depth of shared experiences
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Paul Selig is regarded as one of the most profound spiritual channels of our time. Through his groundbreaking works of channeled literature — I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, The Book of Knowing and Worth, The Book of Mastery, The Book of Truth, The Book of Freedom, and the Beyond the Known Trilogy: Realization, Alchemy, and The Kingdom—Selighasbroughtforthanextraordinarybodyof teachings designed to guide both personal and planetary transformation. His work offers a roadmap for spiritual awakeningashumanitybeginstorecognizeandembodyits owninherentdivinity.
As a medium, Selig channels higher wisdom from the Guides, providing a path toward self-realization, healing, andadeeperalignmentwiththedivineessencethatresides within all beings. These texts form a cohesive spiritual program that not only helps individuals reconnect with their sacred purpose, but also illuminates the collective evolution ofconsciousnessonaplanetaryscale.
By OMTimes
OMTimes sat with Paul to discuss his new book, the third part of his Manifestationtrilogy.
OMTimes: Welcome, Paul. It is a pleasure to have you back in our Magazine. How does your new book," TheWorldMadeNew,"complementthe series of spiritual teachings you have beendoingforthepastfewyears?
PaulSelig: Thanksforhavingme.AWorld Made New is the twelfth book the Guides havedictatedthroughme,andtheysayit is the culmination of the teachings they began in their first book, I Am the Word, which was published in 2010. The ideas that were introduced in the first book are completed and unpacked in this one, including how a world is made new through alignment to an elevated consciousness.
OMTimes: Inmyhumbleopinion,YourBook is a Masterpiece. It introduces hermetic concepts that are valuable for expanding and understanding ourselves and our roles asco-creators.IntheBook,youspeakofthe variousdegreesofreality.
Paul Selig: Thank you, although I don’t consider the book to be mine. I consider myselfacollaboratorinthatIamtakingthe dictation and peppering the teachings with my own questions as they occur, but I am not a religious scholar and don’t know too much about the hermetic teachings. The Guides explain the levels of realities as musical octaves. We abide in one reality, whichtheycall“thecommonfield,”andsay that there are others, including “The Upper Room,” which they explain is the octave of vibration above the common field, sometimes referred to as “Christ Consciousness.”
OMTimes:Pleaseexplainhowourexisting perceptionoftheworldlimitsourabilityto embraceanewreality.
Paul Selig: Well, the Guides say we are always manifesting, and that because the personality structure, which they call “the small self,” knows itself entirely through history, it claims a reality in vibrational accordwiththehistorythatithasamassed. Weexpectwhatweget.TheGuidessaywe havebeenatwarforsolongweexpectwar, andconsequently,wealwayshaveit.
OMTimes: How does the concept of personalizing God limit our understanding of the Divine, and howcanwemovetowardrealizing Godasanintegralpartofourown being?
Paul Selig: Well, the Guides say we’vedonethebestwecan,butthat allGodsarefacetsoftheoneGod,or theGodthatispresencebeyondany name.Wehavecreatedlovinggods, punishing gods, gods that would damnsomeandelevateothers.Allof these are our creations and imprinted by the histories that have been attached to them. The Guides have said that there is nothing wrong with religion per se, that the seedoftruthispresentinallofthem, but what we have done with them through the ages has often corrupted the pure essence of the spiritualteaching.
OMTimes:Doestherealizationthat "IammorethanIthought"freeus from the limitations imposed by old ideas of identity, reality, and divinity?
Paul Selig: Yes. The Guides often stress that everything, at its basis, is anidea,andweattachmeaningand valuestoideasinwaysthatareoften restrictiveandharmful.
Theyoftenteachthat“Thesmallself thinks, and the True Self knows,” which implies that the aspect of us thattrulyknowsisoperatingbeyond the old bias of inherited values and ideas. Realization is about knowing, not thinking, and the aspect of us thattrulyknowsisnotboundbyold biases or ideas that have been deeplyinformedbyfear.
OMTimes: How can releasing old beliefs about what is possible allow us to alter the "infrastructure of reality" and relearn our true selves beyond the limitations of past knowledge?
Paul Selig: We’re always getting what we expect at one level or another. This goes back to what I said earlier, that the personality structure knows itself entirely through history. The GFuides often saythatwe’realwaysorderingoffof the menu what we believe we’re allowed to have. They say that they are offering us our inheritance and remind us that an inheritance is offered but does not need to be earned.Nothing,theysay,isclaimed untilitisfirstclaimedasapossibility.
OMTimes: How can one maintain a sense of self daily while understanding they are still connectedtoahigherSource?
PaulSelig: It’stheteachingofbeing intheworldbutnotofit.TheGuides are practical. We’re not abandoning thesmallself.Weneedittooperate while we’re in physical form. We need to know what time to pick the kid up at school and when to show up for an appointment. The personalityselfisutilizedatahigher level, but we are choosing and creatingfromahigherlevel.
OMTimes: What does it mean to experience two realities—the material world and a higher spiritual alignment—at the same time?
Paul Selig: When I was in my mid30s and struggling spiritually, I heardaphrasefromtheGuidesthatI didn’t understand. “Freedom comes when the throne relinquishes its king.” I didn’t understand it at the time.Idonow.Whichaspectofusis sitting on the throne or running the show? The personality self, which wantswhatitwantswhenitwantsit, or the True Self, which knows itself as an aspect of Source? They are verydifferentlevelsofalignment.
OMTimes: How does the vibration we hold influence the physical worldweoperatein?
Paul Selig: People nowadays have, unfortunately, decided that manifestation is about “getting things.” It’s not. Look around you.Everythingyousee,youareinalignment with,whichmeansthatyouareincoherence orenergeticaccordwithit.Thisistrueatthe personalandcollectivelevel.Wearelivingin the world we agree to, and our consciousness informs everything that we see and experience. When one moves to the higher,orwhenthereisacollectiveshifttoa higher consciousness, which they say is occurring, the physical reality we inhabit must shift to move into accord with it. When you know what the Source of all things is, you stop struggling to get it to do what you want, and you move to a place of receptivity toyourgood.
OMTimes: Why is adjusting the physical body and self-awareness important as we elevate our spiritual experience?
Paul Selig: I think of this as about wattage.Ihadanenergeticexperiencein my 20s, which, for all I know, blew out mycircuitsforawhile.Imayneverknow. The Guides are clear that we can only hold, vibrationally, what we can manage without overloading or losing the sense ofrealitythatisrequiredforustobeable to function practically. If you think of putting 200 watts of electricity into a 60watt bulb, it will be problematic. The body needs to be shifted to be able to hold the higher energy moving through it. This is addressed in all of the books theGuideshaveoffered.
OMTimes: In what ways can aligning with ahigherconsciousnessalteroureveryday experiencesandsurroundings?
Paul Selig: Simply put, you stop operating in fear or using fear as the backdrop for all your choices. The Guides say, “Who you put in darkness,whatyouputindarkness, calls you to the darkness,” or more simplyput,“Whatyoudamn,damns youback.”So,stopdamningthings, and stop making choices in fear andseehowmuchbetterthingsget onapracticallevel.
OMTimes: Do you have anything you would like our readers to know? Where can one find your coursesandteachings?
PaulSelig: The twelve books are a series of teachings, and while they can be read in order, they are not required. The Guides teach in a one-room schoolhouse, and they saythateveryonewillbemetatthe level of consciousness they arrive at.AWordMadeNewisafineplace to begin or the first book, I Am the Word.Theyteachalot,offerweekly online classes, and offer monthly live-streamed intensives and answer questions. I offer live workshopsaswell,andinformation on all of my events and books is available on my website, paulselig.com
Health and Healing encompass practices and knowledge focused on maintaining, restoring, and enhancing physical and mental well-being through various therapeutic and holistic approaches.
By Marcia Naomi Berger
My husband recently handed me his phone so I could join a FaceTime chat with Jim, Jack, and Steve. We've known Jim socially for over thirty years and have seen Jack often at our synagogue.
I didn't rem ember Steve, but he said we'd met on a blind date as singles around forty years ago.
After some small talk, I mentioned my book launch, scheduled for May 19 th at a popular bookstore.
"What's your book about?" Jim asked. "It's a memoir, "I said, thinking that's enough to share.
"What's the title?" Steve asked.
Uh, oh.
I took a deep breath. "The Bipolar Therapist: A Journey from Madness to Love and Meaning," I said, expecting harsh judgments. What happened next surprised me.
I couldn't read Jim; he looked blank and said nothing.
Barely missing a beat, Steve said, "I'm OCD" (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and named several of his medical conditions for which he takes twelve different pills daily.
Without specifying the nature of his mental illness, Jack commented on the "stupid conservatorship" they'd put him on.
I felt relieved, almost joyous, to have people act like what had been my shameful secret was no big deal.
Why Many People May Keep Their Mental Illness a Secret?
Why a shameful secret? My bipolar disorder surfaced with manic episodes long ago when I was twenty-nine. Some formerly respectful colleagues, who were also therapists, stigmatized and harassed me. A couple of friends ghosted me.
When I was single, dating, and taking medicine that stabilized me, I became cautious about whom to tell about my mental illness. Why share that part of my private life with someone I might never see again, who might judge me or gossip?
Psychiatrists agree that the stigma around bipolar illness has decreased, but there is still a long way to go. I yearn for a time when people with a mental illness will receive the kind of compassion, acceptance, and respect usually given to those with a physical illness.
By writing The Bipolar Therapist, I've begun to release my shame. I don't want mental illness to be something to hide behind or be ridiculed for. If someone shuns or judges me negatively for having had a mental illness, that's their problem, not mine.
I've been "coming out" to other people lately. Some, like Ellie, say, "I had n o idea." She and I have been friends for over twenty-five years. She kn ew I was writing another book and asked me about it. With a little fear, I told h er my book's title, adding, "It's a memoir mainly about when I had bipolar disorder in my twenties and thirties and its consequences."
Our conversation deepened. Ellie has a mentally ill adult son, the "elephant in the room" everyone
is aware of, and she doesn't talk about it. That changed after I spilled my secret. She told me her son was bipolar and schizoaffective. He causes her much grief because he refuses to take medication.
She then told me a story about Ken, a mutual acquaintance, that suggests a future where people will feel okay about disclosing a mental illness. Ken was diagnosed schizophrenic a long time ago. Now in his sixties, he's led a full life, having married, raised a son, and
owned a successful business. He saved enough to buy two homes, one of which he rents out for retirement income.
Ellie said Ken sat beside a stranger at a dinner party. After some small talk, his new acquaintance said, "I'm a psychiatrist.
"I'm a schizophrenic," Ken countered.
That sounded like a joke's punchline. Yet, I wish we could all comfortably share our diagnoses. I long for the day this will happen.
I'm grateful to all for helping us move toward that time by sharing their stories. By writing The Bipolar Therapist, I've finally shared mine.
Marcia Naomi Berger (née Fisch), MSW, LCSW, is a psychotherapist in private practice in San Rafael, California, and the author of The Bipolar Therapist: A Journey from Madness to Love and Meaning, Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted, and Marriage Minded: An A to Z Dating Guide for Lasting Love.
Spirituality involves exploring one's inner self, seeking deeper meanings, connecting with the transcendent, and understanding life's purpose through various philosophical, religious, and personal beliefs.
By Ancient Wisdom
The enigmatic figure of Ötzi the Iceman, a 5,300-year-old mummy discovered in the Italian Alps, is a testament to the ancient origins of tattooing and its deep connection to sacred healing rituals. Unearthed from the icy depths of a glacier three
decades ago, Ötzi has captivated scholars and enthusiasts alike with his remarkably preserved body, adorned with 61 tattoos that offer tantalizing clues to the practices of ancient civilizations.
For researchers delving into the global history of tattoos, Ötzi represents a pivotal discovery. His tattoos, meticulously etched into his skin, illuminate the ancient world and its intricate relationship with body art. Each line and symbol tells a story, highlighting these ancient markings' cultural significance and therapeutic purposes. The history of tattooing stretches back to the dawn of civilization, weaving through the tapestry of human experience and leaving its indelible mark on cultures worldwide. From the elaborate designs of Polynesian tribes to the intricate patterns of indigenous peoples, tattoos have served as symbols of identity, status, and spirituality throughout the ages.
Yet, Ötzi's tattoos offer a unique glimpse into the realm of sacred healing rituals. These ancient
markings were not merely decorative but held profound therapeutic significance, as they were positioned strategically along his body, following the energy flow of the body's meridians.
Scholars have long debated the meaning and purpose of Ötzi's tattoos, speculating on their role in alleviating pain and promoting healing.
Many of Ötzi's tattoos were concentrated in areas known for their susceptibility to pain and injury, such as the lower back, knees, wrists, and ankles. This has led some researchers to propose that these tattoos served as an early form of pain relief, perhaps utilizing the principles of acupuncture or energy meridians to restore balance and harmony within the body.
Moreover, discovering medicinal herbs near Ötzi's resting place lends credence to the theory that his tattoos were intimately linked to healing practices. It is conceivable that these ancient healers possessed a profound understanding of herbal medicine
and sought to complement their therapeutic interventions with the symbolic power of tattoos.
Yet, the mystery surrounding Ötzi's tattoos extends beyond their therapeutic efficacy. Notably, not all of Ötzi's tattoos were found in areas prone to wear and tear from everyday life. Some were intricately inked onto his chest, prompting speculation about their deeper symbolic meaning and spiritual significance.
Scholars have proposed various interpretations of these enigmatic chest tattoos, ranging from ceremonial rituals to religious
beliefs. Some suggest that they may have served as protective charms or symbols of spiritual authority, imbued with mystical significance by ancient shamans or tribal elders.
From the painted figures adorning the tombs of ancient Egypt to the intricate designs etched onto the skin of indigenous peoples, tattoos have transcended time and culture, serving as a tangible expression of humanity's quest for meaning and transcendence.
As we gaze upon the mummified form of Ötzi the Iceman, we are reminded of the profound cultural
heritage encapsulated within his tattoos. They are not merely marks on the skin but living symbols of an olden era, carrying within them the wisdom of ancient healers and the spiritual aspirations of forgotten civilizations.
In the ever-evolving tapestry of human history, Ötzi's tattoos stand as a testament to the enduring power of body art and its sacred role in the quest for healing and wholeness. They are a reminder that, beneath the surface of our modern world, a rich tapestry of ancient wisdom is waiting to be discovered and rediscovered anew.
The history of sacred tattoos is a rich tapestry woven throughout the fabric of human civilization, spanning millennia and encompassing diverse cultures and traditions around the globe. From ancient rituals to modern practices, sacred tattoos have held profound spiritual significance and cultural resonance for countless individuals and communities.
The origins of sacred tattoos can be traced back to the dawn of civilization, intertwined with religious beliefs, rites of passage, and
healing practices. In ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley cultures, tattoos were often seen as symbols of divine protection, spiritual power, and connection to the gods.
In ancient Egypt, for example, tattoos were believed to offer protection in the afterlife, with symbols and hieroglyphs inscribed onto the skin of priests, priestesses, and other
religious figures. Similarly, tattoos were associated with religious devotion in ancient Mesopotamia, representing allegiance to specific deities or cults.
Sacred tattoos are also important in rites of passage and cultural initiatory ceremonies. In many indigenous societies, such as the Pacific Islands, Africa, and the Americas, tattoos were used to mark significant life events such as puberty, marriage, and warriorhood.
For instance, among the Maori people of New Zealand, intricate facial tattoos known as moko were symbols of social status, lineage, and spiritual connection to one's ancestors. These tattoos were earned through bravery and endurance, serving as a tangible expression of one's identity within the community.
As a complement to many religious and social significance, sacred tattoos have often been associated with healing and protection. In ancient
China, for example, acupuncture points (meridians) were sometimes marked with tattoos to enhance the flow of energy (qi) throughout the body and alleviate pain or illness.
Equally, in traditional Thai culture, sak yant tattoos are believed to offer protection from harm and bring good fortune to the wearer. These intricate designs, often incorporating sacred symbols and prayers, are administered by Buddhist monks or spiritual practitioners during elaborate rituals.
While sacred tattoos have ancient roots, they remain relevant and meaningful in the modern world. In recent decades, there has been a resurgence of interest in traditional tattooing practices, fueled by a growing appreciation for indigenous cultures and spiritual traditions.
The history of sacred tattoos is a testament to the enduring power of human creativity, spirituality, and cultural diversity. Across time and space, tattoos have served as potent symbols of devotion, protection, and transformation, bridging the gap between the material and spiritual realms.
by Hope Ives Mauran
The frequency of the Earth is rising. The creation of a New Earth is occurring. Our New Earth is based in Love and asks of us to be caring stewards, conscious creators and holders of the Light. Deep inner and outer changes are happening now as a result of this
rise in frequency which is affecting all life on Earth. We can create a new and beautiful future.
The positive future for humanity on the New Earth rests upon our understanding of who we truly are and why we are here. We are not just our bodies; we are infinite, eternal Consciousness masquerading as humans. Love is our true nature and we are all connected. We are embedded within the systems and laws of nature. Who we think we are matters at every level of our lives. We and our monolithic identity have been entrapped in our bodies and our brains for generations, where we have been experiencing ourselves as disconnected from each other and from all of Nature. We have lost touch with the interconnectedness of
all life, our innate power and role as creators, our Divine Source the Field of Love that supports all of creation.
We have become victims to the outer world, when in fact it is our internal guidance, our Divine Source and our heart, that we need to listen to and follow to navigate these times of transition. We are multidimensional beings of love, creativity and transformation. Our positive future hinges on our ability to know who we are as infinite eternal Consciousness beyond the body. Knowing who we are, expands the playing field of Life from our immediate local surroundings to all of creation. This knowing moves us from being spectators to leaders, creators and builders of the new Earth. We are all critically important to this delicate process of evolutionary transformation.
As the Earth’s frequency is rising, the density that has
hidden our identity as infinite eternal Consciousness is diminishing. We are now at the end of a great cycle of time, Kali Yuga; a 5000 year cycle is ending. Sadhguru,1 the Indian mystic explained that it takes 25,920 years for our Solar System to circle a larger star.
“Whenever our solar system comes closer to this big star, all the creatures living in our system rise to greater possibilities,” this is called Satya Yuga.
“When our system moves away from this big star, creatures in our system come to the lowest level of possibility. We say this is Kali Yuga,” and we are leaving this low-point now.2 So this time on Earth is very hopeful. It is a new dawn in the largest sense.
The rise in Earth frequency is also reflected in the upward spikes in the Schumann Resonance—the measurement of the electromagnetic radiation resonating between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.
“Every second, a multitude of pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field. Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the harmonizing pulse for life in our world.” —Eric Thompson3
The Schumann Resonance has risen from 7.8 Hz in 1954 to 35 Hz and higher now. “You can think of this as the Earth’s heartbeat.”4 It affects our behavior, our emotions and the natural world. A higher frequency carries more information and therefore we have the opportunity now to know more, feel more, love more and become more of who we already are. It affects the atmosphere and hence all of us.
Our placement in the skies supports a more enlightened human society. This is very good news! It will help us to remember that we are infinite eternal Consciousness, and that we are more than just a body. This
is a key to shifting towards a more cooperative, loving and just society, which honors and cares for the Earth and all life. When we know ourselves as Consciousness, and as creators, we see ourselves in all the myriad things around us on Earth and thus our intent is to Do no harm.
This time on Earth is also about truth, both practical and spiritual
truth at the same time. Practical, in that some very real but uncomfortable global situations that some people might not want to know about are occurring. A One World Government technocratic surveillance state is being formed, and population reduction is part of that plan. I urge us all to push through any discomfort and investigate these truths for ourselves.5 The situation on Earth today involves the tragic scenario of many people dying prematurely.6 Understanding this difficult situation just might save you, your loved ones, your children and grandchildren a great deal of suffering. It would be horrible to look back on the choices we are making today and
say, “If only we had known,” or have nothing to say when our children ask us, “What did you do to prevent this from happening?”
We have a greater ability to handle negative situations when we have the encouragement to create something better. If we are to survive these transitional times, it requires us to wake up and learn what is happening behind the scenes around the world… a synthetic, technocratic world is being formed. We can choose instead to move with nature in a direction that will bring freedom, harmony, beauty and love to planet Earth. Once we know what is happening, we are in a position to make clearer choices, say “no” to what puts us on the conveyor belt moving towards technological enslavement, and instead move forward to create a beautiful abundant more natural reality that serves us all. We humans are powerful, resourceful, intelligent and plentiful enough to do this, when we join together in creation of a New Earth based in Love.
The Law of Attraction is real. What we focus on manifests and creates our reality. Unfortunately, we focus upon what we don’t want all too
often. The mainstream media understands the power of the Law of Attraction, it purposely captures our attention with its many images and conclusions and uses our creative energy for its goals and ends. The distractions and fear-based narratives keeps us locked in a dark loop of re-creating them. To counter this, we can learn and use the Laws of Creation to create what we do want for the good of all concerned. We can create a loving, nurturing and wonderful world to live in. As John Root8 says, to create “the society to benefit everyone.” Our creation for the good of all concerned is a natural impulse when we know ourselves as One Undivided Consciousness connected to everyone and everything.
Like a cell divides, two Earths of different frequencies are splitting apart. There are two Earths now. The old one that is being encroached upon by controlling negative forces . . . and a new higher frequency Earth, that is being birthed and created. The higher f requency Earth is forming in partnership with our inner shift to reclaim our interconnected and Lovebased identity as Consciousness.
We are creating it in partnership with the energy shifts happening as the Yuga cycles transition. These evolutionary changes will naturally bring Love-based new world societies that live in harmony, self-responsibility and in alignment with Nature. It is my understanding that the old Earth will run its course and eventually disappear because technologies outside of nature and self-sustaining life cannot maintain themselves. So, the wind is at our backs, in our choice for a new Earth. We can navigate this transition to the New Earth both internally and externally. We can choose to extricate ourselves from the old Earth, while we actively
create our energetic and physical New Earth.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to how we will navigate this transition. There is however one skill that we all must master, and that is the skill of staying focused upon what it is we do want. We can seed the New Earth’s creation with specific words, intention, actions and love, and Nature can help us to fill in the details. Our words and thoughts are that powerful! This inspired phrase can light our path:
We are creating a New Earth Paradigm for the highest and best good of all concerned.
It is a potent and very exciting time to be on Earth now. Embodying love and truth and figuring out what’s important in this world is not a spectator sport. Each of us has a role we’ve come to play that is uniquely ours and it is time to exercise that great gift and live it now. We are at a choice-point where our choices are critical.
What we all choose now will impact our own lives and health, and the kind of world our children, grandchildren and all of humanity will live in. Humanity’s future is in our hands.
Hope Ives Mauran, is a translator of wisdom from other dimensions, an artist and author of five books. Her new book Love’s New Earth, Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love, covers the important topics written of in this article. Her artwork illustrates this article. She may be contacted at Hope@ LovesNewEarth.com, her website is www.freedomsart.com, or www.lovesnewearth.com. For promotional copies or interviews please contact Sara Sgarlat at
sgarlatpublicity@comcast.net or 434-245-2272.
1 Sadhguru is the leader of the worldwide Isha Foundation, isha. sadhguru.org/en/wisdom/article/ kali-yuga-end-lies-ahead
2 We are leaving Kali Yuga and entering Tetra Yuga, which is the second best time that can happen in a cycle of Yugas. Its effect on humanity and all life is not conjecture; “it is rooted in a deep understanding about what happens with the human mind in relation to the planet.” It has to do with Ether and the electromagnetism systems of the Earth. isha.sadhguru.org/en/ wisdom/article/kali-yuga-end-liesahead
3 Schumann “Resonance’ Today website. www.disclosurenews. it/schumann-resonance-todayupdate/, www.disclosurenews.it/ schumann-resonance-charts/
4 Earth’s Vibrations Are Higher Than Ever! Is Our Consciousness Also Rising in Frequency?
an online essay. www.reddit.com/r/ Retconned/comments/6fnqg1/ earths_vibrations_are_higher_than_ ever_is_our/?rdt=57149
5 See the documentaries Thrive, Thrive 2, by Foster and Kimberly Gamble; and Plandemic 1 and 2, The Great Awakening and Plandemic The Musical, by Micki Willis; and Never Again Is Now Global by Vera Sherav
6 Died Suddenly rumble.com/ v1wac7i-world-premier-diedsuddenly.html Directed by Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
7 Died Suddenly documentary (rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premierdied-suddenly.html), directed by Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer, shows long stringlike materials that are pulled out of people’s arteries in the embalming process. It doesn’t matter what someone died of, all the dead bodies have this phenomenon occurring, something that the funeral directors interviewed have never seen before.
8 John Root, author of Freedom Justice Community, Balboa Press, 2024
Conscious Living focuses on mindfulness and awareness in daily life, emphasizing sustainable practices, ethical choices, personal growth, and a harmonious balance with the environment.
by Kartar Diamond
For those unfamiliar with Chinese art and science, it is called "feng shui," an ancient system for determining how people are affected by their immediate surroundings.
Like "astrology for architecture," when a house is built combined with its compass orientation, it will reveal the house to have a certain personality or predictable influence on those who live inside. The real beauty of feng
shui is that there are often remedies that can correct an unbalanced environment and make it good for health, relationships, and even financial potential.
For example, a house that faces south and was built in 1950 can contribute to an occupant having eye or heart problems. An east-facing house built in 1970 could cause the occupants to have fertility problems. Now, can a mobile/ manufactured home be diagnosed the same way? Technically, the mobile home is not "attached" to the ground like a house with a slab foundation. And what happens if the mobile home is moved to another location or actually used occasionally for travel? Part of the theory behind feng shui includes the belief that ground energy rises when a house is under construction. Then, when the roof goes on, it seals the unseen energies in the house, and there can be a similar influence for many decades on whoever lives in that house. Like a car or boat, the mobile home is not actually "plugged into" the earth.
Many mobile homes are built just to be residences and not actually for traveling. Whether it is assembled
on the lot or driven onto the lot, once the mobile home is stationed in a definitive location, it will still absorb the same energies from the earth it covers—as if it were like any other house. This is surprising to many practitioners because it seems to defy some of the stricter theories about how feng shui energies get activated during construction. If that mobile home were to be moved, it would really be similar to a regular house being moved, which does happen, although not often. Once the structure is plopped back onto the ground, a new energy field is created. I have reviewed several Tiny Homes that have similar distinctions. A Tiny House or mobile home, not planted on a slab foundation, can be viewed similarly to a traditional house on a raised foundation. The house is close enough to the ground in order to absorb the earth's energies.
Some practitioners would argue that this is not possible and that the flying stars blend Earth and Sun energies. There is a major missing ingredient if the manufactured home was never open to the sky while under construction or
under construction on the land it later occupied. This may be true on one level, but other levels must be considered. In the same way, we can use a flying star chart for raw land in order to determine where to even place the structures.
We can also utilize other schools of Feng Shui besides the Flying Star School in order to evaluate a Tiny Home or a Manufactured (mobile) home.
Because mobile homes are largely made of metal, it is also vital for
anyone taking a compass reading to stand at least 10-20 feet away from it so as not to interfere with an accurate compass reading.
Aside from the question of how a mobile home can connect with the earth, other aspects of a mobile home could be seen as very ordinary and easy to diagnose using feng shui principles. In other words, there is nothing inherently good or bad about living in a mobile home, and the same remedies that work for regular structures can also work in the mobile home.
There are, however, a couple of situations the practitioner needs to be mindful of. Firstly, the mobile (or manufactured) home might be made with fiberglass or metal in the walls. The metal is a conductor for electrical fields, so those who are sensitive to EMFs may not feel very good in a home with so much metal in the construction materials. To that extent, even if a person does not feel nauseous from the EMFs, they may still be taking their toll on the occupant. With pervasive Wi-Fi and cell towers, a person would be just as disturbed in any kind of dwelling and "Smart Home."
The orientation question can also be an issue with mobile or manufactured homes. Some of them have more conventional floor plans than others, where the sitting and facing sides are obvious, and often, the mobile home just faces the street it is on. This is more conclusive when the living room is on the street side, and the bedrooms are on the back of the lot. The single-wide mobile home can have a bedroom on each end with the living room and kitchen in the middle. Another floor plan variation is to have a kitchen on one end and a bedroom on the other. Both types of rooms have historically been considered "yin" rooms, but the
way people live today is different than in ancient times, so we have to see what is relevant to how people live nowadays.
Rooms have their own distinctions of being "yin" or "yang," and that comes into play when determining the orientation of a mobile home. Combined with the outside environment, we come to realize that the location of the mobile home's door is secondary in determining the facing side. A door on the long side of a mobile home is not necessarily the facing side.
Animal spirituality deep, mystical connections humans and animals, animals'souls,their practices, and their ourholisticwell-being.
spirituality explores the connections between animals, recognizing theirrolesinspiritual their contributions to well-being.
By Ministry Earth
Our environments are extensions of our life experiences! Our homes and workplaces directly affect various aspects of our lives. There is a connection between us and the
places we frequent most, and that's precisely what Feng Shui addresses.
But our pets are experts when we talk about a connection with the environment!
Our furry friends (dogs, cats, etc.) experience everything in their environment with all their senses (smell, sight, touch, hearing, taste, and even energetic perception).
We, humans, rely on certain tools to identify energetically favorable areas. Feng Shui is one of those tools! On the other hand, animals possess this innate ability in their instincts.
For example, they can identify energetically favorable environments or stressful and harmful ones. They always find a favorite spot, and that's not for no reason. It's not a coincidence. They perceive which place is energetically good for them. They use their sensory abilities masterfully and have a sharper awareness of the environment and the people around them.
"Chi" energy is everywhere, including in pets, plants, and other inanimate things, such as furniture, buildings, and objects.
Animals keep the energy in the house moving and prevent the energy in the
space they inhabit from becoming stagnant.
Animals ensure a constant flow of energy in the environment, benefiting all house residents. In the article "16
Practical Tips to Further Harmonize Your Home," I recommended that people have pets and plants at home to create a more balanced environment.
Cats, in particular, have the "power" to transmute negative energy in
their environment, meaning they can transform bad energy into good energy. On the other hand, dogs absorb negative energy from the environment, thus protecting their owners.
Another important thing: if you have a pet at home, do not keep it confined, as this reduces the flow or movement of energy in your house, creating bad or stagnant "chi" energy (sha) in your home.
For example, if you have a fish, try to keep it in a large aquarium so it has enough space to swim freely.
All pets also "raise the chi" in your home, bringing good vibes to you with their warmth and energy, providing a delightful and constant source of positive energy in your life.
They are a special source of fire energy, always in motion and evolving, "illuminating your life" in various ways. They warm the heart of the home and its inhabitants.
Remember that fire is associated with living beings, both people and animals.
As the Fire element is connected to your sense of touch, you add positive energy to your life every time you pet or play with your animal. Isn't that amazing?
Pets are also known to reduce their owners' stress, fulfilling one of the main roles of Feng Shui: creating a home where you feel relaxed and comfortable. Nothing is better than being greeted at home every day by a pet that truly and selflessly loves you.
Furthermore, every time you walk your dog, the physical exercise you engage in awakens your own personal chi. Pretty great, isn't it?
It might seem obvious, but these points are important to emphasize. Simply having a pet and not paying attention to them is quite unfair and heartbreaking. Animals, like humans, need love and attention! Moreover, neglecting pets can create imbalances in the environment.
For example, if you don't take care of your aquarium and leave it dirty and unmaintained in Feng Shui, it can lead to financial losses! Always keep places clean and pleasant-smelling
(yes! odors have the ability to attract or repel good energy!), especially where your little ones do their business!
Oh... also remember to feed them and treat them very well! Playing with, loving, and caring for your pets will all attract good vibes to your home!
Many people love their little animals and, as a result, let them sleep and stay wherever they want. However, this is not highly recommended. Pets should have their own place to sleep and their own things.
Allowing our animals to sleep in our beds can significantly impact our relationships. I've already mentioned a bit about how Feng Shui can help you attract love and improve romance –Part 1: Bedroom. Our bedrooms are designed for romance and rest.
No matter how dear our beloved pets are, they can interfere with romance and relationships. Therefore, set up a warm, clean, and comfortable corner for your pet, but keep it out of the bedroom.
Domestic animals, the ones we choose to live with, are vibrant beings
representing the fullness of life. They emit positive vibrations, assisting in harmonizing our homes.
They possess sensitivities different from ours, which enables them to attract and help resolve, or at least mitigate, energy issues within the house that we might not notice. This, in turn, uplifts the family's spirits.
Recently, with the rise in stores selling 'exotic' animals, it has become
common to have companions like tarantulas, lizards, and snakes, among others. These creatures are kept in homes, in small 'terrariums' - like aquariums without water- and their food, larvae, and other insects can be easily acquired.
Below, we describe the symbolism of some other animals and their beneficial roles in our lives.
Cats cleanse and renew the house's vibrations. They move through the spaces, detecting where the energy is low. Their strong attachment to the home makes them its guardians.
According to radiesthetics, cats can perceive and transform negative energy in environments. This is why they are drawn to areas with unstable vibrations. Cats are commonly found on top of TVs, sound systems, and computers. They indicate places where the energy is unfavorable for humans, thus protecting the residents.
Dogs possess a childlike spirit. They form strong bonds with people and prefer cheerful and calm environments. Dogs can sense where the positive energy resides. A domestic dog will gravitate toward specific spots repeatedly because these places exude highly positive energy.
Fish are the primary symbols of prosperity in Feng Shui. An aquarium with an odd number of goldfish revitalizes the ch'i and adds a new, vibrant quality to the room.
Birds bring happiness and harmony through their songs and plumage. Symbolically linked to the sky and, due to their flight to elevation, birds represent the immateriality of the soul and freedom. They convey the idea that we are free to 'fly and seek our paths.'
Turtles symbolize stability, and their calmness radiates peace and security within the home. They suggest
a long life for the inhabitants, ward off illnesses and attract luck and happiness. For the Chinese, turtles represent the Universe: their round, flat shell resembles the sky at the top and the Earth at the bottom. Having a turtle can help us focus our thoughts and actions, respect our boundaries, and enhance our tenacity and patience.
Bats are a Chinese symbol of happiness, as their name 'fu' sounds like 'fu,' which means wealth. Additionally, they are considered both a 'quadruped' and a 'bird' simultaneously. In Chinese culture, five bats together represent longevity,
health, fortune, love of virtue, and natural death. This is not an endorsement to raise bats, but it may help dispel misconceptions we hold about them.
Butterflies represent the cycles of life, movement, and change. Contemplating them allows us to reflect on unity, self-transformation, mental clarity, new stages, freedom, and rebirth. We are reminded that 'in every end, there is a beginning.'
"As swallows bring luck to homes, and storks deliver babies" are old folk sayings because these animals only build nests in places free from
radiation! People feel well in these places, and women can give birth to healthy children. Among the "radiation-attracted" animals are cats, bees, ants, other insects, bacilli, and worms. Cats always lie down on a crossing of veins; at the very least, it's always a location with strong radiation. Ants and wild bees also build their homes over vein crossings.
The spider symbolizes the manifestation of the Moon, dedicated to spinning and weaving. For some Eastern cultures,
it represents the cosmic creator, the higher deity, or the demiurge.
The hamster makes a good pet, although if it escapes, it can be challenging to recapture due to its speed. It is gentle and playful and can be kept in cages or in a terrarium with a grid.
In symbolism, the rat is often associated with cunning and secrecy. In India, it appears as the mount of the benevolent god Ganesha, while in Japan, it accompanies the god of wealth. According to medieval
tradition, when it appears in dreams, it signifies the need to pay attention to words and the little things in life.
The chameleon, known as iguana, can be kept as a 'pet'! In African symbolism, it is a sacred animal, seen as the creator of the first humans. It is never killed, and when found in one's path, it is handled with caution due to fears of thunder and lightning.
Frogs, toads, and other amphibians have been revered and pursued as characters in tales, ingredients in folk medicine, spiritual beings, and food, even as pets today. In ancient Asian cultures and pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas, the toad was considered a deity, the great Mother Earth, the origin and end of all life.
The salamander is already considered a pet! Legend has it that salamanders like fire and do not burn when walking through it. This is because they prefer humid places, especially firewood, which they flee from when placed in the fire to avoid being burned.
Regarding the most common animals to have at home, dogs, fish, and birds are quite sensitive to telluric energies ("ground radiations" originating from
underground water veins that rise vertically to the Earth's surface; they usually have a detrimental effect on humans), preferring to stay away from them. On the other hand, cats seek out these areas for rest. Of course, if there are no telluric energy points in the house, your cat will have to lie down somewhere anyway, and if the whole house is unfavorable, the dog will also have to settle.
The important thing is to pay attention and expand your faculty of perception with the assistance of the presence of animals.
Relationships as a category examine the Relationships as a category examine the Relationships as a category examine the dynamics, challenges, and growth dynamics, challenges, and growth dynamics, challenges, and growth opportunities in human connections, opportunities in human connections, opportunities in human connections, including romantic, familial, platonic, including romantic, familial, platonic, including romantic, familial, platonic, and professional interactions. and professional interactions. and professional interactions.
By Marcia Sirota, M.D.
There's an old expression, "A little knowledge is dangerous." It means that a partial or inadequate understanding of a concept
can create many problems. That is especially true in psychology.
Pop psychology is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it brings an
awareness of psychological issues into the mainstream. On the other hand, it often presents these concepts incompletely or distortedly.
The most important message of the major medical and psychological associations is to "do no harm." When pop psychology misrepresents the workings of the human psyche, there is the potential for real harm.
Laypeople (often influencers) obtain their information about psychology from a variety of sources, many of which need to be more reputable and accurate. They form opinions based on their own personal experience or that of a friend. They think they know what they're talking about, but more often than not, they don't.
It's unfortunate that on social media, we often see untrained, unskilled influencers offering advice about our mental health and relationships. These individuals need to be in a position to provide this type of content, and if unsuspecting individuals take their erroneous suggestions seriously, they could end up making huge mistakes.
Sometimes, these pop-psychologyspouting content creators talk about childhood trauma and encourage us to confront our abuser(s). They say that this will empower and liberate us, but they have no idea how dangerous it could be. They have no idea what harm (psychological or physical) these abusers are still capable of today.
Sometimes, those who spout pop psychology will tell us to forgive our abusers because this will supposedly enable us to heal. They have no idea what the abusers have done and whether or not their actions were even forgivable. They have no clue how trying to force ourselves to forgive them will affect us. In fact, it very well could do us more harm than good.
Sometimes, influencers encourage us to identify as "survivors" of alcoholic parents, childhood abuse, or institutional harm. While it's a good thing to recognize any adverse events in our past, it's also important to process these hurts or losses with the help of trained, skilled professionals. Influencers are not in a position to
know what we need for our healing. The ultimate result of this kind of advice could be to keep us stuck in our suffering.
Sometimes, these unqualified advicegivers will tell their followers to give their hurtful romantic partner another chance, telling us that we shouldn't "give up on love." They have no idea how destructive these relationships might be. They have no context for their advice, which could result in our
staying with someone who is totally wrong for us.
Another problem is that sometimes, influencers will reveal to their followers that they have a particular mental health diagnosis – which may or may not be true, depending on how they ended up with the diagnosis. They will throw out a few
vague "symptoms" and encourage others to ask themselves if they might be suffering from the same condition.
Some of their followers will then self-diagnose, wanting a quick and easy explanation for their own life challenges.
This is highly irresponsible behavior on the part of the influencer, as the ability to diagnose a mental
health condition requires years of training and experience.
Misdiagnosing a mental h ealth condition can cause a lot of harm, possibly leading someone to seek treatment for a con dition that they don't have while giving them a label that they can carry –incorrectly – for years.
It's even more irresponsible when these same unqualified influencers "diagnose" other
people in their online posts. These influencers are violating the boundaries of the person on the receiving end of this labeling, and that's not the full extent of the harm done to them.
These "diagnosed" individuals can have serious personal and/ or occupational repercussions for having received this label, even when it was proffered by someone completely unqualified to give it.
Pop psychology misuses concepts like 'triggered,' 'victimhood,' and 'gaslighting.'
Another way that people misuse pop psychology is that when they identify themselves as "victims" of trauma, they then demand to be treated with greater care than the average person. Whether or not they've had traumatic experiences, they use pop psychology to advance their overentitlement to special treatment.
At times, we can see them bullying those around them into scared silence because they claim to be "triggered" by every little thing. In fact, they are using their "victimhood" to oppress others and gain unfair advantages. These individuals are easily offended by the slightest thing, but then they make it everyone else's problem. Instead of recognizing that they are thin-skinned and reactive, they blame others as "triggering."
As a practitioner of traumacentered therapy for more than 25 years, I can attest that this aggressive victim consciousness is not a positive state, either for an individual or for those around them. It's certainly not a goal of psychotherapy, which aims to help people move through and beyond their wounds and into a state of confident, compassionate empowerment.
Another problem with pop psychology is when people accuse others of "gaslighting" them when, in fact, all these other people are doing is offering their own opinion on something. The accuser is, in fact, bullying anyone who disagrees with them into silence by shaming them for supposed "abuse."
Another offense committed in the name of pop psychology is when influencers make blanket statements about forms of treatment, saying that one is good, and another is bad. These individuals aren't qualified to offer
an opinion on any type of mental health treatment, and their illadvised remarks could prevent others from receiving the care they need. It could also en courage people to seek unproven and potentially harmful pseudo-cures.
Psychology is a deep exploration of the workings of the brain and the mind. It wants us to better understand ourselves and each other
to have happier, more fulfilling lives. Experts base their opinions on years of training, experience, and a strong grounding in rigorous scientific research.
Pop psychology is based on personal opinions without training, clinical experience, or research. It reduces complex concepts into simplistic and often erroneous tropes. It disempowers us and often encourages bad choices. Pop psychology is an excellent example of how "a little knowledge" in the wrong hands can be very dangerous.
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Metaphysical Sciences explore Metaphysical Sciences explore Metaphysical Sciences explore the nature of reality, consciousness, the nature of reality, consciousness, the nature of reality, consciousness, and the universe, blending and the universe, blending and the universe, blending philosophy, spirituality, and philosophy, spirituality, and philosophy, spirituality, and theoretical insights to understand theoretical insights to understand theoretical insights to understand existence beyond physical existence beyond physical existence beyond physical phenomena. phenomena. phenomena.
By OMTimes
Explore the ancient practice of Baby Name Numerology and understand how it can impact your child's character and overall life journey.
According to the ancient practice of numerology, choosing a baby's name
is not just a matter of identity but potentially a blueprint of their future personality and destiny.
Numerology of Name is a way to uncover a person's personality, mission, and talents through the numerals of their name. So, why not
use this technique to discover your child's personality traits?
During the first seven years of life, a child undergoes a process of personality formation. That's why during this phase, it is necessary to take greater care of children's experiences and the teachings passed on to them.
This fascinating journey begins with the understanding that each letter in a name is not just a symbol of sound but a carrier of unique vibrational energy and numeric value. This energy influences the bearer's life path, strengths, challenges, and character.
Pythagoras, the famed mathematician, wasn't just about numbers in the traditional sense. He believed that the universe was mathematically precise and that each number had its vibration and meaning. This belief is the cornerstone of Baby Name Numerology.
a numeric value; you're aligning your child with a specific vibrational essence that will guide them throughout life.
Imagine the letters of a name as individual threads, each carrying a unique color and texture (the numeric value). When woven together, they create a tapestry that narrates the potential life story of a child. For example, some names might resonate with leadership and ambition (numbers 1 or 8), while others might vibrate with creativity and sensitivity (numbers 2 or 3). Understanding these vibrations allows you to choose a name that aligns with the qualities you wish to nurture in your child.
When you assign a number to each letter of your baby's name and sum them up, you aren't just creating
Each number in Numerology tells a story, and the name you choose for your baby becomes the title of their life's novel. A name isn't just a label; it's a narrative filled with potential and possibility. For instance, a name that numerologically sums up to 5 might indicate a life filled with adventure and freedom, while a total of 6 could suggest a path of caregiving and responsibility.
Name Numerology, then, helps you get an idea of the characteristics that your child may develop over the years. To put this technique into practice, you need to find out the numeral of the child's name. Write down the complete name and refer to the table below. In it, you will check the number corresponding to each letter, then add them up. Then, reduce the obtained value to a single digit.
Your child symbolizes leadership and determination. An individual of initiative who wants to explore the world will always lead the way, opening paths and indicating the direction of progress for those around
him or her. They will fight for their wants with courage, strength, and confidence.
CAUTION: They must moderate criticism and choose words carefully so that they do not overdo the leadership and become too authoritarian and aggressive. Frankness can go too far and hurt others.
MISSION: To develop individuality, independence, and the ability to command. They may often fight against people, but they should remain firm in their convictions and show their potential. Many will seek their advice.
Your child will embody diplomacy, kindness, and delicacy. Patients will pay attention to all who approach. They would like to participate in groups and usually, resolve conflicts, pacify things, and restore a climate of harmony.
CAUTION: They need to know how to contain their sensitivity so as not to suffer too much from the pain of others or fall into depression. In conflicts, they should be cautious
not to appear insecure and indecisive when trying to maintain peace at any cost. They should also avoid sitting on the fence.
MISSION: To spread affection and peace in the relationships and environments they frequent. Cooperation will be vital for their success. Patience and persistence will reward them. They will be attracted to strong people, becoming the power behind the leader.
Your child will exemplify optimism, good humor, and fun. They will love life and take on days and tasks with
enormous pleasure and interest. They will not give up on their goals easily. If something does not go right, they will laugh at their mistakes, lift their head, and move forward without hesitation.
CAUTION: so that they do not go overboard with good humor and appear to be exhibitionist and extravagant in the eyes of others. Especially when starting their career, it will be good to measure jokes about their mistakes, as they risk being seen as clumsy and irresponsible.
MISSION: to transform any obstacle or adversity into incentive and benefit. Versatile and sociable, they will easily mingle with others and gain support for their ambitions. Their
path is one of beauty and words will be the key to success.
Your baby will have a heart full of compassion and a very analytical mind. They will help social causes and will not tolerate mistakes at work. They will also be very willing to fight for their dreams and will be close to their family.
CAUTION: they will need to be careful not to overdo the workload. They will do well if they have a scheduled routine because unforeseen events can be disastrous for them. They will have difficulty dealing with changes but will know how to overcome them.
MISSION: They will play a fundamental role in many people's lives, as they will know how to give good advice and spare no effort to
help others. Because of their good actions in the community, they will be a very respected and beloved person.
Your child will be a lover of freedom and change. Versatile, they will quickly learn everything they need to achieve their goals and adapt to changes incredibly easily. A clever, sociable person who understands human nature like no one else.
CAUTION: impulsiveness, nervousness, and the tendency to adopt compulsive habits. They will also need to hold back so as not to get bored with routine and adopt an irresponsible attitude, especially in the professional field.
MISSION: to seek adventures, knowledge, and all the experiences that life can offer, as they are capable of doing many things simultaneously. However, they must know how to use their freedom and influence over others to avoid becoming opportunistic.
They will be responsible and have an enviable ability to solve the most
complicated problems. They will display kindness, goodness, integrity, and ethics in their interactions with others. They will always be ready to help and bring harmony and stability wherever they go.
CAUTION: so that they do not waste their energy and dedication on those who do not deserve it. They should try not to worry too much about things. It will be necessary to strive to tame distrust and excessive jealousy. It will be important to go slowly when offering help to avoid adopting an overly intrusive stance.
MISSION: to provide services to the family and community, mainly guiding those who need emotional support. Acting with kindness, responsibility, and common sense, things will go well in all sectors of their life. They just should not sacrifice too much.
The baby will be a person concerned with making everything go right. Perfectionists analyze things deeply, with a refined, intellectual, and philosophical approach. They are highly sensitive to psychic forces and
intuition and will defend the idea that knowledge is their greatest treasure.
CAUTION: In the pursuit of ensuring that everything is perfect, they may adopt an overly critical stance towards what is around them. As they do not like to show feelings, they tend to act quite aloof. If they fear solitude, they should review their attitudes.
MISSION: To cultivate wisdom and become specialists in what they do. For this, they will retain enormous intelligence and talent for scientific research. They have everything
to become an example in their profession. However, they must allow things and people to come to them.
Your baby will be a practical and efficient person. When taking on a task, they will quickly organize the steps, distribute tasks, and control the progress of everything. It's no wonder they will always have their merits recognized. They will have a healthy ego and will not let success go to their head.
CAUTION: upon realizing the ease with which they can achieve good results, ambition for money and material goods may go too far. If this happens, they may become cruel and want to profit through dishonest plays. They should control their authoritarianism.
MISSION: they will likely spend their entire life among influential people and accumulate good capital in their ventures. They are born to supervise and solve problems, a promise in the executive world. They will be fair in leadership positions.
Your child will be a lover of humanity, someone who cares about others, spreading compassion, generosity, and understanding. They will have a broad vision of things and will not harbor any kind of prejudice. Their intuition will be powerful.
CAUTION: their excessively emotional way may make it difficult to position themselves in tougher situations. However, when they are disappointed with something or someone, they run the risk of succumbing to bad moods,
stubbornness, or even self-destructive attitudes. They must overcome their fears.
MISSION: to inspire others with their humanitarian spirit, to provide services, to teach and advise those who may need guidance. It seems that they will have a wide variety of experiences, as
long as they do not get too attached to people or material goods.
Aline: 1 + 3 + 9 + 5 + 5 = 23 = 2 + 3= 5
A child named Aline tends to be creative, expressive, and
communicative from an early age. She possesses a vivid imagination and a love for art and creative expression. She is sociable and fond of interacting with others, so she often becomes the center of attention in groups. Naturally charming, she can captivate others with her charisma. Likely to be optimistic and
playful, finding fun in various situations, she values freedom and variety in her activities and relationships.
Helena: 8 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9
Helena is an artistic child. She may seem in her own world, often lost in her thoughts. Respect her space and
allow her moments to create and think. Always have tools for artistic development at home and respect her wishes and opinions. Avoid letting her become overly introverted and encourage her to interact with other children.
Laura: 3 + 1 + 3 + 9 + 1 = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8
According to name numerology, Laura is a very determined and confident child, geared for success from an early age. She has strong ambition and healthy competitiveness, seeking to
excel in various areas. She demonstrates natural leadership qualities and responsibility and is quite mature for her age. Respect authority and rules, understanding the importance of structure.
Miguel: 4 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 5 + 3 = 31 = 3 + 1 = 4
Miguel thrives on challenges. He's a fighter and never gives up in the face of limitations and difficulties. He will want to do the most challenging homework
and has a lot of willpower. Never make plans without asking for his opinion, as Miguel likes to be involved in all decisions and give his views on every detail. He can often be overly concerned.
Gael: 7 + 1 + 5 + 3 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7
Gael tends to be more introspective, intuitive, and curious from an early age. His mind is analytical, thirsty for knowledge, and he often deeply questions the world around him. Observant, he notices details that others might miss. He strongly connects with his intuition and can trust his instincts when making decisions. He might prefer moments of solitude to reflect and explore his thoughts and interests. He values the pursuit of understanding and may be drawn to fields like science, philosophy, and spirituality.
Theo: 2 + 8 + 5 + 6 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3
Theo is a leader and communicator, using his leadership ability to express his ideas clearly and persuasively. Creative and original, he uses all his talent to create new characters and games. Additionally, he has a natural talent for the arts. He might enjoy
painting, drawing, dancing, singing, or engaging in other forms of creative expression. Although extroverted, he can also be empathetic to the feelings of others.
A name can say a lot about a person, and when combined with the Numerology of a baby's name, it can transform an ordinary individual into someone quite special. If you're expecting a baby, Numerology can assist you in finding a name that could shape you into a strong and determined person.
By OMTimes
Tarot cards can serve as true compasses for identifying patterns and tendencies. While tarot is often associated with divination,
many seek card readings for specific insights or guidance on life's issues. However, few realize that tarot can also be a valuable tool for self-discovery.
Some readings can reveal a person's behavior at a par ticular life moment, including their thoughts, actions, and social and emotional relationships. These insights can initiate a process of awareness about one's attitudes, how they respond in certain situations, and how they handle problems. "One begins to pay more attention to their behavior and, in some
cases (depending on the level of consciousness awakening), starts to identify and assess whether they are conditioned to patterned behaviors by their life history or if they are truly taking conscious and effective actions in the face of life's challenges."
This experience can lead to developing trust in one's perceptions, making decisions and actions more coherently, controlling impulses, and acting with greater balance.
The tarot consists of major and minor arcana cards, each representing a life phase known as the Fool's Journey—a metaphor for life's journey.
Utilizing tarot and other selfknowledge tools can help identify triggers and understand habits that may improve daily routines. It's emphasized that oracular
readings do not replace medical and therapeutic support in cases of anxiety and depression, for example.
Self-knowledge is a constant process; striving for improvement and implementing changes is always beneficial.
Integrating Carl Jung's concepts into the therapeutic use of tarot adds a profound layer to this exploration.
Jung's theory of the collective unconscious and archetypes aligns closely with the symbolism found in tarot cards. Each card can be seen as representing universal archetypal themes and energies that resonate with the collective unconscious.
Jung's idea of individuation— becoming aware of oneself, integrating the unconscious with the conscious, and achieving personal wholeness—is particularly relevant. Tarot readings can mirror the psyche, revealing hidden aspects of the self and facilitating the individuation process. By reflecting on the symbolism and narratives within the cards, individuals can confront their shadows, reconcile internal conflicts, and move toward selfactualization.
Moreover, the synchronicity principle—meaningful coincidences that reveal an underlying order— can be observed in tarot readings. The cards drawn in a reading, seemingly random, can provide insights that feel strikingly relevant to the individual's life circumstances, suggesting
a connection between the individual's inner world and the universal patterns reflected in the tarot.
The use of tarot for self-knowledge is a valid resource. Combined with Jungian psychology, it offers a rich and multifaceted approach to understanding oneself and navigating life's journey. It emphasizes the importance of introspec tion, recognizing and integrating the shadow self, and aligning with one's true purpose and potential.
Personal Growth encompasses self-improvement and emotional, mental, and spiritual development, focusing on enhancing self-awareness, skills, health, and overall well-being.
By OMTimes
In a groundbreaking exploration detailed in NeuroImage, the intricate dance of our brain's connections appears to be choreographed in our native tongue. Delving into the linguistic landscapes of German and Arabic speakers, researchers unearthed
distinct formations within the neural networks responsible for processing information.
If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Alfred Anwander, a scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Germany and the driving force behind the study, emphasized that these disparities aren't merely rooted in ethnic backgrounds but are profoundly influenced by spoken languages. As language takes root in the brain, its tendrils weave intricate pathways between processing centers, strengthening with every uttered word. The study, encompassing 94 participants split evenly between
German and Arabic speakers, aimed to untangle the neural nuances shaped by language. Utilizing diffusion magnetic resonance imaging, which traces the flow of water molecules to map out brain structures, researchers peered into the cerebral terrain.
What emerged from the intricate web of neural pathways revealed by the scans was a rich tapestry of connectivity divergence, unveiling the unique fingerprints of language upon the brain. While navigating the labyrinth of syntax, German speakers
displayed a symphony of heightened linkage within the left hemisphere's syntactic domains. Here, the nuances of grammatical form reign supreme, orchestrating meaning with finesse and intricacy, often transcending the constraints of mere word order.
Language is the armory of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
In stark contrast, the Arabic-speaking minds exhibited a different cadence, a dance of semantic complexity echoing through the cerebral
hemispheres. Here, the challenge lies not in syntactic gymnastics but in deciphering word meanings amidst the structured confines of sentences. This linguistic puzzle necessitates a harmonious interplay between the left and right hemispheres, each contributing its unique perspective to the semantic tapestry.
Anwander's musings extend far beyond the realm of language processing, delving into the very essence of cognition itself. Could these linguistic footprints sculpt our understanding of language and shape the contours of memory,
perception, and cognition at large? German speakers, finely attuned to parsing entire sentences for comprehension, may exhibit distinct memory patterns, a testament to the profound influence of language on cognitive function.
Yet, amidst the tantalizing revelations, critics urge caution, reminding us of the broader context within which these findings reside. Cultural nuances, subtle yet significant, color the canvas of the mind, shaping our perceptions and experiences in ways yet to be fully understood. As the journey into the depths of the brain's linguistic architecture unfolds, it
becomes clear that this study is but a chapter in a larger narrative—a call to explore the myriad complexities that define the intersection of language and the mind.
Anwander's vision, however, remains undaunted, casting a gaze toward a horizon where brain scans become windows into the soul of language. The tantalizing prospect of unraveling a person's linguistic roots through the intricate patterns of neural connectivity drives further inquiry, beckoning us to explore the boundless mysteries that lie at the crossroads of language and cognition.
By OMTimes Staff
Perhaps, to find true freedom, all that is necessary is to look within.
I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best—the subject I want to better.
Frida Kahlo
An ancient Greek myth tells that the god Apollo dictated 147 principles to a priestess at his temple in Delphi. Among these divine lessons, one still resonates in the human imagination despite
the centuries: know thyself. These words would later be attributed to Socrates, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, and Thales of Miletus. But in reality, it doesn't matter who said them or when; the fact is that this sentence has survived millennia for a simple reason: of all that we can learn in this universe we inhabit, knowing our interior is perhaps one of the most powerful lessons a person can receive and at the same time give to themselves. It is also one of the bravest acts that exist.
The universe of art is full of artists who made the inner journey the essence of their creative path (what is art but a way to share our interior with others?). "Art is a way of recognizing oneself," wrote Louise Bourgeois, one of the many artists who made memory and personal history essential inspirations for her powerful art.
Another such artist was Frida Kahlo.
During the last ten years of her life (from age 36), between 1944 and 1954, Kahlo kept a diary. This was a complex period in the life of the then-renowned artist, partly because during this time, her various physical
ailments intensified, and she even suffered the amputation of one of her legs. This unique volume is a diary, but it is also a collection of poems, a drawing notebook, a calligraphy book, a compendium of intimate symbols, an instrument of catharsis, and a repository where the artist poured out her interiority with courage, passion, and honesty.
I used to think I was the strangest person in the world, but then I thought there were so many people in the world; there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me, too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this, you will know that, yes, it's true I'm here and just as strange as you. Frida Kahlo
Firstly, Frida Kahlo's diary is portentous because it reveals a side of Frida that is unknown to most. However, her paintings include countless self-portraits. The vulnerability, openness, fear, anger, love, illness, and commitment of the artist (and the woman) show a forcefulness in the diary that does
not exist in any other document. But this is also a window to the artist's inner journey, which took most of her life and made her the powerful figure she was—the one she decided to portray in her intimate notebook.
A visual gem and a display of poetry, Frida's diary is a collage of formats that, while it might seem chaotic, actually integrates into a perfect organic unity: words overlap, drawings transcend the paper and leave their mark on the following page, words repeat, rhyme, shine, and lose their margin. Absolutely everything there testifies to the particular and intense journey that Frida Kahlo made to
her interior, one that made her know her most unlikely nooks, that turned her into an extraordinary artist and a woman who lived immense freedom.
The journey inward can be more challenging than a physical expedition. There is no universal guide for it, as each individual is unique, and so is every journey. However, Frida Kahlo's diary offers some clues: primarily, the determination and discipline required to maintain a personal diary for a decade. Additionally, her practice is a courageous call to action—it's not always easy to confront one's own reflection.
This discipline, determination, and bravery are gifts Frida left behind, encouraging others to explore their inner selves through art.
They thought I was a Surrealist, but I wasn't. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality.
Frida Kahlo
In 1995, Frida Kahlo's Diary, An Intimate Self-Portrait, was edited and published as a color facsimile by La Vaca Independiente, with an introduction by the writer, Carlos Fuentes. Ten years later, in 2017, the publisher republished the diary under the name The Diary of
Frida Kahlo; A New Kook. This time, the facsimile included texts by Eduardo Casar and Karen Cordero Reiman. This second edition was accompanied by the Intimate Notebook, inspired by Frida Kahlo and written by Claudia Madrazo. It's an invitation to reflection, creativity, and personal renewal through a series of exercises providing a space for encountering oneself.
The original article was published at https://lavacaindependiente.com/ en/freedom-is-self-knowledge-fridakahlo-diary/
The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait
Book Spotlight showcases specific books, highlighting their themes, significance, and impact, aiming to promote readership and appreciation in diverse literary communities.
Paul Selig’s and the Guides’ new book, A World Made New (Book Three of the Manifestation Trilogy), published by St. Martin’s Essentials, is a deeply transformative work of spiritual insight and wisdom.
This magnificent book offers readers a glimpse into the potential future of our world, showing how we can actively participate in shaping a reality filled with fulfillment, possibility, and spiritual evolution.
This book provides hope and a roadmap for those yearning to create a life of meaning and alignmentwithahighertruth.
AttheheartofAWorldMadeNewisa powerful vision of what life on Earth could be when individuals awaken to theirowncreativepotential.Thebook isgroundedintheunderstandingthat our world is not a fixed or stagnant place, but rather one that can be reshaped through conscious manifestation and alignment with divine will. Selig’s Guides provide deeply profound teachings that speak to the ongoing shift in human consciousness, urging readers to step intotheirtrueidentitiesasco-creators withtheDivine.
Thisbookisespeciallypoignant as it marks the culmination of Selig’s four trilogies, weaving together the wisdom imparted through twelve previous volumes.
A World Made New serves as a companion to Selig's earlier bestsellerIAmtheWord,creating a harmonious conclusion to a journey that has spanned more thanadecadeofSelig’sworkwith theGuides.
Together, these books form a spiritual library that explores the dimensions of human potential, self-realization, and the active participation in the greater unfoldingofdivinemanifestation.
Selig’slatestworkcanbeseenasaspiritualguide for the modern seeker, encouraging us to question the narratives we’ve inherited and to actively shape a new world—one built on unity, love, and personal empowerment. The Guides, in their usual profound and clear voice, present a vision for the future that transcends material concernsandopensthedoortoadeeperspiritual life, one where humanity collectively awakens to itshighercalling.
Paul Selig, a leading figure in the field of channeledliterature,hasspenthislifesharingthe transformative teachings he receives through his spiritualgifts.Selighasauthorednumerousworks afteraprofoundspiritualawakeningin1987that lefthimclairvoyant,offeringreadersaccesstothe wisdom of higher consciousness. His journey, which includes a master’s degree from Yale and a deep academic grounding, has led him to serve as a bridge between the spiritual and material realms.
With A World Made New, Selig and the Guides invite us to step into a new era of creation, where we no longerseeourselvesasvictimsofcircumstancebutas empoweredbeingscapableofco-creatingaworldthat reflects our highest potential. This final installment in the Manifestation Trilogy challenges us to embrace a future that transcends the limitations of the present, offering a hopeful, luminous path forward for those willingtotakeupthetaskofconsciouscreation.
Beyondhisspiritualguidance throughhiswriting,Seligoffers channeledworkshops internationallyandservesonthe facultyoftheEsalenInstitute.His privateintuitivepracticein Hawaii,alongwithhislivestream seminars,continuetodraw seekersfromallwalksoflife.
His work remains a beacon of spiritual guidance for those ready to engage deeply with the unfolding mysteries of human consciousness and the divine. A World Made New stands as both a conclusion and a new beginning, offering readers the tools to transform their own lives and the world around them.
When asked about the genesis of his poetry, Victor Fuhrman says that the words “come through” him, often inspired by images in his mind’s eye. He offers as an example the title poem of this collection, “Circles and Rings.” After the passing of his mother, he had visions of circles and rings that started him thinking about “these wondrous designs found in nature and the message of continuity they represent.” Coming from a family of rhymers, he believes that this gift is passed down genetically. This collection contains poetry that Fuhrman says “comes from the soul” and reflects all aspects of life. He regards poetry as a form of “spiritual alchemy” and that the messages his poetry reflects often come through when there are those who need to receive them. He reminds us that the word “inspire” comes from the Latin in (in) and spirare (to breathe). So take a deep breath in, and join him on this journey of inspiration.
“Victor Fuhrman is a very wise poet who shares his life philosophy in rhyming verse. In these pages, you’ll discover sonnets of soulmates, odes to daily life, letters to the Divine, and gratitude for the gifts of daily life! Victor’s words uplift us, even during times of strife. So, when you are ready to celebrate, or in need of a balm for grief, let this book, Circles and Rings, provide clarity, understanding, and relief!”
– Arielle
Ford, author of The Love Thief.
Click the cover to learn more!
By Liane Buck
The Book of Thoth" by Aleister Crowley is an indepth exploration of the Thoth Tarot Deck, a set of a Book and tarot cards that Crowley
designed in collaboration with artist Lady Frieda Harris.
Published in 1944, this work is not merely a guide to interpreting the
tarot cards but also delves into the philosophical and esoteric underpinnings that inform their design and use.
Magic is real. And reality... it is magical.
Aleister Crowley
The Thoth Tarot Deck, through Crowley's interpretation, is presented as a tool for understanding
the mysteries of the universe, offering insights into both the practical and spiritual aspects of life.
Crowley's work stands as a significant contribution to the fields of occult and esoteric studies, merging his extensive knowledge of various mystical traditions with the symbolism inherent in the tarot. "The Book of Thoth" elaborates on the symbolism and
astrology associated with the tarot cards, linking them to the deeper aspects of the Qabalah and other mystical systems. It's recognized for its depth and complexity, as well as the beautiful artistry of the cards themselves, which have become one of the most popular and best-selling tarot decks in the world.
This book is not only for those with an interest in tarot reading but also for students of the Golden Dawn, Thelema, and other esoteric traditions, as it serves as a key to unlocking the broader mysteries of Western mysticism.
Crowley's interpretations and insights provide a unique lens through which to view the tarot, making "The Book of Thoth" a foundational text for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of esoteric philosophy and the practice of tarot reading.
For further exploration and a comprehensive understanding of Aleister Crowley's "The Book of Thoth," engaging directly with the text and accompanying tarot deck would be beneficial. This will allow for a personal interpretation and application of Crowley's
teachings on the tarot's symbolic and mystical dimensions.
The Thoth Tarot Deck, designed by Aleister Crowley and illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris, is a fascinating artifact in the world of tarot, blending esoteric wisdom with transformative art.
Crowley is an Esoteric Personality figure shrouded in mystery and controversy; he poured his vast knowledge of various mystical traditions into creating this deck
for many decades, making it not just a tool for divination but a comprehensive guide to his magical system of Thelema.
The first thing that strikes you about the Thoth Tarot is its intricate artwork.
Lady Frieda Harris's illustrations are visually captivating and rich in symbolic depth, drawing from astrological, Qabalistic, and alchemical sources. Each card is a gateway to understanding complex spiritual concepts, designed to be meditated upon
and interpreted beyond the surface level.
Crowley's influence on the deck undoubtedly infuses it with a unique blend of philosophy, science, and occult wisdom. The accompanying book, "The Book of Thoth," provides the theoretical foundation for the deck, offering interpretations that are dense with layers of meaning.
For those willing to delve into its complexities, the Thoth Tarot offers a profound tool.
Everyone interprets everything in terms of his own experience. If you say anything which does not touch a precisely similar spot in another man's brain, he either misunderstands you or doesn't understand you at all.
Aleister Crowley
While the Thoth Tarot Deck is celebrated for its depth and complexity, these qualities can make it challenging for beginners. The rich symbolism and Crowley's unique correspondence system can be daunting without an honest commitment to study.
However, for those drawn to the esoteric and willing to invest time, the Thoth Tarot can be a powerful tool for divination and personal exploration.
Since its publication, the Thoth Tarot Deck has become one of the world's most popular and enduring tarot decks. Its influence on modern tarot cannot be overstated, with many contemporary decks drawing
inspiration from its art and philosophy. Its enduring appeal lies in its ability to serve as both a work of art and a comprehensive symbol system, offering endless opportunities for exploration and interpretation. It is with complete conviction that we affirm that the Thoth Tarot Deck stands as a monumental achievement in the world of tarot,
offering a window into the complex and often controversial mind of Aleister Crowley. It is a testament to the power of collaboration between two brilliant minds: Crowley's esoteric knowledge and Harris's artistic vision.
For those on a path of deep esoteric inquiry, the Thoth Tarot is an indispensable companion, rich in spiritual symbolism and philosophical depth.
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