OMTimes Magazine January 2025 Edition

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Ukraini Peace



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How Amy Zerner & Monte Farber's Bestsellers Have Shaped Modern Metaphysics

The Cosmic Collaboration of Monte Farber and Amy Zerner

Since 1988, Monte Farber and Amy Zerner have significantly shaped the landscape of modern metaphysics through their creative and spiritual endeavors. As a celebrated multi-disciplinary artist and a gifted astrologer, respectively, the couple's collaborative works have deeply influenced contemporary spiritual practices and metaphysical arts. For them, their prolific creativityispartoftheirownSpiritualpractice. Monte Farber was recognized as "The Best AstrologerinTheHamptons"byDan'sPapersand has authored over forty best-selling books on astrology and metaphysics, including popular titleslike"KarmaCards,""TheEnchantedTarot," and"AstrologyforWellness."Thesebooks,have guided millions on their spiritual journeys, offering tools for self-discovery and decisionmaking that blend celestial insights with practicalwisdom.

AmyZerner,whoseartistictalentsareunderlined by a National Endowment for the Arts Visual Artist's Fellowship Grant for Painting, has contributed her distinctive mixed-media art to thevibrantsceneinEastHampton,NY.


Amy'sworkextendsbeyondtraditional formatsintotherealmofartcouture, withherone-of-a-kindjackets,coats, andcaftansbeingfeaturedat prestigiousvenueslikeBergdorf Goodman.Hercreationsareadorned withsymbolsandimagerythatreflecta deepunderstandingofastrologicaland mysticalthemes,makingeachpiece notjustfashionablebutapersonaland spiritualstatement.

AmyandMontehavecreatedaseries ofbeautifullycraftedmeditationkits andoraclesystems,suchas"The CreativityOracle"and"TheWild GoddessOracle."Thesekitscombine Amy'sartisticskillswithMonte'sintuitive insights,formingauniquesynergythat enhancesintuitiveskills,empowers spiritualgrowth,andnurturesthesoul. Theirjointventurealsoextendsintothe culinaryworldwith"Signsand Seasons,"acookbookthatmarries astrologicalsignswithseasonal recipes,offeringauniqueapproachto cookingthatemphasizesthespiritual andgastronomicalconnection.

Through their extensive body of work, which includes art exhibitions, books, and spiritual tools, Amy and Monte have not only contributed to the field of metaphysics but havealsohelpedcountlessindividualsconnect the celestial Universe with their personal Information, empowering people to follow their own unique spiritual paths with confidence and clarity. Their enduring influence continues to inspire and illuminate thelivesofthoseseekingspiritualandartistic enlightenment.

Amy and Monte, as renowned figures in the metaphysical realm and explorers of quantum consciousness, have captivated a global audience that includes celebrities and media personalitiesacrosstheUSAandbeyond.

Their profound insights into the interconnectedness of the Universe have resonateddeeply,leadingtothesaleofover3 million books worldwide, available in more than18languages.

Their widespread influence and unique contributionstospiritualunderstandinghavenow caughttheeyeoffilmmakerAnnmarieSairrino.


Inspired by their dynamic partnership and continuous flow of visionary creativity, Sairrino produced a documentary that delves into their lives and work. This film aims to showcase the depth and breadth of their impact on metaphysical studies and highlight their role as a continual source of inspiration in exploring cosmicmysteries.

The director of the documentary "Amy & Monte: A Legacy of Love and Creativity" featuring Amy Zerner and Monte Farber stumbled upon the couple during one of their online shows, "Ask the Oracle," which aired amid the pandemic. This serendipitous discovery marked the beginning of a dynamic and creative collaboration.

Described as young and exceptionally creative, the director quickly formed a close bond with Amy and Monte, deeply admiring their work and spiritual insights.

Over the next two years, Annmarie Sairrino immersed herself in their world, following them closely and conducting extensive interviews not only with the couplebutalsowiththeircircleoffriends.

The thorough and personal approach helped her capture the essence of Amy and Monte's impact on their community and the broader field of metaphysics, setting the stage for a documentary that aims to provide an intimate look at their lives, work, and the profoundconnectionstheyfoster.

The new documentary represents the pinnacle of their public recognition. It is a testament to their influence onthemetaphysicalandspiritualcommunities.


TThe film intends to encapsulate their extensive careers, showcasing their revolutionary ideas and their significant impact on individuals seeking spiritual growth and understanding. Through this cinematic exploration, the documentary highlights their unique contributions to the fieldandtheirenduringlegacyaspioneers in integrating metaphysical wisdom with everyday life. The filmmaker has produced two Horror movies based on Japanese video games and currently holds contracts withthetwogiantsofAmericanstreaming services,AmazonPrimeandHulu.

AmyandMontearealsoreadytoreleasea new illustrated book/card deck kit, “The Vision Board Oracle,” with Insight Editions publishing in February. This will mark yet another intriguing addition to their extensiveportfolioofspiritualandcreative

In this latest project, the "Vision Board Oracle"book,theyexpandonthisconcept by introducing a structured method to enhance manifestation through vision boards. Monte's five-step process of manifestation,detailedinthebook,guides readers from the initial stage of clearly defining what they want—a task that is often more challenging than anticipated— tolayingoutapathtowardachievingtheir goals.Amysharesherpersonaltechniques and insights for the first time, teaching readers how to create both fabric and

Thekitwascreatedtoempowerreadersto craft their own vision boards. The book aimstobeapracticalguideforvisualizing andmanifestingpersonalgoals.



Accompanying the book is an Oracle deck specifically developed to aid the manifestation process.

TheOracledeckisintendedtoprovideguidanceand inspiration, helping users harness the power of their newlycreatedvisionboardseffectively.

ThisprojectalignswithAmyandMonty'slongstanding commitment to helping individuals explore their potentialandactualizetheirdreamsthroughablend of artistic expression and solid metaphysical practices.

In a recent interview with the Astrologer and Radio personality Kathy Biehl, Amy emphasized the effectiveness of the vision board process in helping individuals articulate and pursue their desires. Inspired by this process with Monte's approach to manifestation,thebookcanprovidereaderswiththe toolstheyneedtoclarifyandattaintheirobjectives, even when they face the common challenge of identifying what those objectives are. This approach underscoresthecouple'scommitmenttoempowering otherstotransformtheirintentionsintoreality.

AmyandMontehavediverseprojectsunderway.For those interested in getting a sneak peek or more Information about this upcoming publication, its art, music, and vast bibliography, you might want to check out its promotional content, which could be featuredonplatformslikeInstagram,Facebook,orits website OMTIMES| MAGAZINE •JANUARY 2025

How Amy Zerner & Monte Farber's Bestsellers Have Shaped Modern Metaphysics

The Cosmic Collaboration of Monte Farber and Amy Zerner

Since 1988, Monte Farber and Amy Zerner have significantly shaped the landscape of modern metaphysics through their creative and spiritual endeavors. As a celebrated multi-disciplinary artist and a gifted astrologer, respectively, the couple's collaborative works have deeply influenced contemporary spiritual practices and metaphysical arts. For them, their prolific creativityispartoftheirownSpiritualpractice. Monte Farber was recognized as "The Best AstrologerinTheHamptons"byDan'sPapersand has authored over forty best-selling books on astrology and metaphysics, including popular titleslike"KarmaCards,""TheEnchantedTarot," and"AstrologyforWellness."Thesebooks,have guided millions on their spiritual journeys, offering tools for self-discovery and decisionmaking that blend celestial insights with practicalwisdom.

AmyZerner,whoseartistictalentsareunderlined by a National Endowment for the Arts Visual Artist's Fellowship Grant for Painting, has contributed her distinctive mixed-media art to thevibrantsceneinEastHampton,NY.


Amy'sworkextendsbeyondtraditional formatsintotherealmofartcouture, withherone-of-a-kindjackets,coats, andcaftansbeingfeaturedat prestigiousvenueslikeBergdorf Goodman.Hercreationsareadorned withsymbolsandimagerythatreflecta deepunderstandingofastrologicaland mysticalthemes,makingeachpiece notjustfashionablebutapersonaland spiritualstatement.

AmyandMontehavecreatedaseries ofbeautifullycraftedmeditationkits andoraclesystems,suchas"The CreativityOracle"and"TheWild GoddessOracle."Thesekitscombine Amy'sartisticskillswithMonte'sintuitive insights,formingauniquesynergythat enhancesintuitiveskills,empowers spiritualgrowth,andnurturesthesoul. Theirjointventurealsoextendsintothe culinaryworldwith"Signsand Seasons,"acookbookthatmarries astrologicalsignswithseasonal recipes,offeringauniqueapproachto cookingthatemphasizesthespiritual andgastronomicalconnection.

Through their extensive body of work, which includes art exhibitions, books, and spiritual tools, Amy and Monte have not only contributed to the field of metaphysics but havealsohelpedcountlessindividualsconnect the celestial Universe with their personal Information, empowering people to follow their own unique spiritual paths with confidence and clarity. Their enduring influence continues to inspire and illuminate thelivesofthoseseekingspiritualandartistic enlightenment.

Amy and Monte, as renowned figures in the metaphysical realm and explorers of quantum consciousness, have captivated a global audience that includes celebrities and media personalitiesacrosstheUSAandbeyond.

Their profound insights into the interconnectedness of the Universe have resonateddeeply,leadingtothesaleofover3 million books worldwide, available in more than18languages.

Their widespread influence and unique contributionstospiritualunderstandinghavenow caughttheeyeoffilmmakerAnnmarieSairrino.


Inspired by their dynamic partnership and continuous flow of visionary creativity, Sairrino produced a documentary that delves into their lives and work. This film aims to showcase the depth and breadth of their impact on metaphysical studies and highlight their role as a continual source of inspiration in exploring cosmicmysteries.

The director of the documentary "Amy & Monte: A Legacy of Love and Creativity" featuring Amy Zerner and Monte Farber stumbled upon the couple during one of their online shows, "Ask the Oracle," which aired amid the pandemic. This serendipitous discovery marked the beginning of a dynamic and creative collaboration.

Described as young and exceptionally creative, the director quickly formed a close bond with Amy and Monte, deeply admiring their work and spiritual insights.

Over the next two years, Annmarie Sairrino immersed herself in their world, following them closely and conducting extensive interviews not only with the couplebutalsowiththeircircleoffriends.

The thorough and personal approach helped her capture the essence of Amy and Monte's impact on their community and the broader field of metaphysics, setting the stage for a documentary that aims to provide an intimate look at their lives, work, and the profoundconnectionstheyfoster.

The new documentary represents the pinnacle of their public recognition. It is a testament to their influence onthemetaphysicalandspiritualcommunities.


TThe film intends to encapsulate their extensive careers, showcasing their revolutionary ideas and their significant impact on individuals seeking spiritual growth and understanding. Through this cinematic exploration, the documentary highlights their unique contributions to the fieldandtheirenduringlegacyaspioneers in integrating metaphysical wisdom with everyday life. The filmmaker has produced two Horror movies based on Japanese video games and currently holds contracts withthetwogiantsofAmericanstreaming services,AmazonPrimeandHulu.

AmyandMontearealsoreadytoreleasea new illustrated book/card deck kit, “The Vision Board Oracle,” with Insight Editions publishing in February. This will mark yet another intriguing addition to their extensiveportfolioofspiritualandcreative

In this latest project, the "Vision Board Oracle"book,theyexpandonthisconcept by introducing a structured method to enhance manifestation through vision boards. Monte's five-step process of manifestation,detailedinthebook,guides readers from the initial stage of clearly defining what they want—a task that is often more challenging than anticipated— tolayingoutapathtowardachievingtheir goals.Amysharesherpersonaltechniques and insights for the first time, teaching readers how to create both fabric and

Thekitwascreatedtoempowerreadersto craft their own vision boards. The book aimstobeapracticalguideforvisualizing andmanifestingpersonalgoals.



Accompanying the book is an Oracle deck specifically developed to aid the manifestation process.

TheOracledeckisintendedtoprovideguidanceand inspiration, helping users harness the power of their newlycreatedvisionboardseffectively.

This project aligns with Amy and Monte's longstanding commitment to helping individuals explore their potential and actualize their dreams through a blend of artistic expression and solid metaphysicalpractices.

In a recent interview with the Astrologer and Radio personality Kathy Biehl, Amy emphasized the effectiveness of the vision board process in helping individuals articulate and pursue their desires. Inspired by this process with Monte's approach to manifestation,thebookcanprovidereaderswiththe toolstheyneedtoclarifyandattaintheirobjectives, even when they face the common challenge of identifying what those objectives are. This approach underscoresthecouple'scommitmenttoempowering otherstotransformtheirintentionsintoreality.

AmyandMontehavediverseprojectsunderway.For those interested in getting a sneak peek or more Information about this upcoming publication, its art, music, and vast bibliography, you might want to check out its promotional content, which could be featuredonplatformslikeInstagram,Facebook,orits website OMTIMES| MAGAZINE •JANUARY 2025

Spirituality involves exploring one's inner self, seeking deeper meanings, connecting with the transcendent, and understanding life's purpose through various philosophical, religious, and personal beliefs.

Fate vs Free Will - The End of a Thousand-Year-Old Debate

One of the greatest distortions we face in our understanding of life is the Illusion of Fate . When we forget who we truly are, we live as victims, perceiving life as something that happens to us, as if predetermined. But today, we will explore the Truth behind the ancient philosophical debate: Do we possess Free Will, or does Fate govern everything?

Through the lens of Meta Spirituality, I aim to present a perspective that will put to rest this age-old debate.

So, is it Free Will or Fate? The answer is—it's both. It all depends on the perspective from which it is viewed and the level of consciousness from which it is perceived.


From the viewpoint of the separate Ego-self, life feels like Fate. We see

ourselves as isolated individuals, and the events that occur in our lives seem separate from us, outside of our control. When we perceive ourselves as separate, everything that happens feels as though it’s being done to us, and we have no real power to change it.

However, from the perspective of the Meta Self —the unified, higher Self—everything is experienced as Free Will . The same life situations, when viewed from this elevated consciousness, are recognized as

our own choices made at a higher level. Life’s events are no longer happening to us, but through us. In this state, we recognize that our individual will is in fact unified with the will of the Creator. Every event, no matter how challenging, becomes part of a self-prescribed scenario, designed for our own growth and evolution.


Our life experiences reflect what we believe about ourselves. When

we perceive ourselves as unworthy, we unconsciously create scenarios to test and explore that perception. We manifest life experiences that either validate or challenge our belief in unworthiness. For example, you may create a situation where people treat you poorly, mirroring your inner belief of "I am not worthy."

But the beauty of Free Will is that you can choose to rewrite this narrative. You can choose to remember who you truly are, to feel worthy, and to create a scenario that reflects this self-realization.

In Meta Spirituality, we understand that how we perceive ourselves dictates how we create our reality. Our choices and perceptions activate specific life scenarios, which then become the lessons through which we grow.


Now, you might ask, how can we cancel a difficult or negative life lesson that we’ve unconsciously prescribed for ourselves? The answer

lies in recognizing an opportunity for an even greater expansion, but through a positive scenario.

Ask yourself: What is the growth or lesson I can experience from a positive situation, instead of this negative one? By identifying the new lesson—a positive one—you effectively switch from a negative life scenario to a positive one. This is the deliberate creation of your life experiences, driven by your intention to grow and expand through more uplifting, joyful situations.


The truth is, 99.9% of people aren’t aware that they are the Creator of their reality, nor do they realize that they can change anything through their deliberate internal choices. When faced with adversity, most people feel like victims of fate, struggling to fix their problems

externally through physical actions, effort, and force. But this approach is far less effective than working from within—the space of unity where all creations, including your life scenarios, are born.

In Meta Spirituality, we recognize that you are the Creator and the generator of all your life

experiences. Nothing is truly predetermined, because everything is being created in the present moment, here and now.

At any given moment, you can always make a different choice—not just with your mind, but with your entire being, from your heart, in the shared space of the Meta Self.

As we continue this journey, we will explore how to create your world and life scenarios in greater detail deliberately. But for now, remember: You are the creator of your experience. There is no external fate controlling you—only the choices you make from within, here and now.

Conscious Living focuses on mindfulness and awareness in daily life, emphasizing sustainable practices, ethical choices, personal growth, and a harmonious balance with the environment.

Energy Matters: How Feng Shui Can Boost Your Child’s Happiness

Rooted in Eastern traditions, the ancient methodologies of Feng Shui are widely practiced in China and have spread across the globe. This energybalancing technique focuses on

harmonizing the flow of energy within a space, enabling personalized care for each room in a home.

Every room serves a different purpose and should receive energy flows

aligned with its specific function. This principle can be applied to children’s bedrooms, enhancing positive energy while minimizing negative influences.


How are children of the new era— Indigo, Crystal, and Diamond types— affected by their environment, and what can be done to support them?

In recent years, there has been much discussion about Indigo children, a generation of highly perceptive and sensitive kids. They are often born with heightened awareness, making eye contact soon after birth and developing speech and motor skills faster than expected, astonishing pediatricians. However, their high sensitivity can lead to challenges if not well understood.

Through years of practice and collaboration with other Feng Shui consultants worldwide, it has become clear that environmental energies significantly affect these children. Because of their sensitivity, they quickly detect unfavorable

environments, becoming restless and anxious. If forced to remain in such spaces, whether at home or school—they can become irritable, unfocused, and even ill. On the other hand, when moved to a harmonious environment, they regain peace and health just as swiftly.

Given their delicate energetic structure, this sensitivity applies to all children, though Indigo children display heightened reactions to environmental energy shifts.


Parents know how challenging it can be to maintain order in a child’s bedroom. Toys, clothes, school supplies, and other items seem to multiply, making tidiness a constant struggle.

However, achieving harmony in this space goes beyond organization— it involves balancing energy flow to create a supportive, restful environment. This enhances a child’s sense of security, fosters learning, and ensures a good night’s sleep. Here are some Feng Shui tips to help you optimize your child’s room:

The Entrance

Place a protective object near the entrance of your child’s room. This can be something meaningful to the family, such as an angel figurine or another symbol of protection.


Avoid using blinds on windows; instead, opt for soft fabric curtains to create a cozy, calming atmosphere. Use hypoallergenic rugs by the bed for comfort. Bedding should ideally be made from natural fabrics like cotton, avoiding synthetic materials.

Electrical Devices and Cords

Minimize electronic devices in the room. If necessary, keep them as far from the bed as possible. According to Feng Shui, electrical cords should not run behind or near the bed’s headboard to prevent energetic disturbances.

The Bed

The bed’s headboard should be made of wood for stability. Above the headboard, consider placing an image symbolizing love and peace, such as a nature-inspired artwork.

Position the bed facing the door but avoid direct alignment with it. In Feng Shui, bed placement

strongly influences energy flow; many experts suggest orienting the bed toward the East for better energy balance.


Arrange furniture to leave as much open floor space as possible, allowing energy to circulate freely. Choose furniture with rounded or beveled edges to prevent accidents and create a softer, more welcoming atmosphere.

Avoid placing shelves or heavy objects above the bed’s headboard, as this can cause a sense of insecurity. Similarly, steer clear of bunk beds,

which can feel confined and restrictive. Trundle beds are a better alternative.

Decor and Colors

The West side of the room is ideal for hanging pastel-colored paintings with white frames or placing objects in white tones. These elements promote tranquility and a sense of calm.

By applying these Feng Shui principles, parents can create a supportive, nurturing environment that enhances their child’s emotional well-being, concentration, and happiness. An energetically balanced space is a foundation for healthier, happier children.

Emotional Healing through Feng Shui


Negative emotions can hinder our sense of wellbeing and may even lead to psychological conditions such as depression. Emotions form a complex world, influenced by various circumstances that affect our inner sense of vitality, tranquility, and happiness. Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing individuals with their environment, focuses on balancing energies both within and around us. Its goal is to create equilibrium in

our homes, thereby facilitating inner balance.


Emotions are reactions to external events, while feelings arise from within. Our internal world is significantly influenced by how we respond to circumstances. In Feng Shui, the five elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—are believed to correspond to different aspects of life and emotions. Emotions are directly

associated with the Water element, which aligns with the fact that humans are approximately 70% water. When we experience disturbances or conflicts, our responses vary depending on our internal balance. If we are centered, we can respond positively and view challenges as learning opportunities. However, if we are internally unsettled, we may harbor grudges and resentment, leading to emotional stagnation.

Internal emotional imbalance distances us from the Tao—the

ultimate path in Feng Shui—which aims to align each individual with their unique journey toward greater fulfillment, learning, and growth. Feng Shui offers effective methods to restore this balance within us.


The following ritual is designed to integrate your feminine and masculine aspects, aiming to balance both sides to express your essence more serenely and confidently. Emotional challenges often reflect difficulties in dealing with our personalities, frequently stemming from low self-esteem developed

during childhood. Unresolved experiences can leave marks that impede our lives. Accepting and understanding our emotions opens the door to beneficial feelings that emerge from a light and pure heart. This ritual can be performed alone to foster new insights.



In your bedroom, place a glass bowl filled with two-thirds potable water near you.

Write down all painful memories associated with male figures in your

life—such as your father, close relatives, teachers, brothers, colleagues, or friends. Dedicate a separate sheet for each person. Allow memories to flow naturally without forcing them.


In a fireproof container (like a small cauldron), light a fire.

Read aloud what you have written for each individual, then burn the paper, saying:

"I forgive you for not being who I wanted you to be.

I forgive you and set you free."

After burning the notes, burn sundried orange peels in the container.

Repetition for Female Figures:

Repeat the same process for significant female figures in your life, such as your mother, grandmothers, sisters, teachers, colleagues, and friends.

For each, say:

"I forgive you for not being the person I wanted you to be.

I forgive you and set you free."


To conclude, focus on forgiving yourself.

For 27 consecutive nights before sleeping, recite the following prayer to achieve emotional harmony:

Prayer for Reconciliation with the Greater Whole:

"Seeking to eliminate all internal blocks that hinder my evolution and cause disharmony, I connect with my Being of Light, asking for assistance in the work of Forgiveness:

I forgive myself for everything I have done until today that is not in accordance with the laws of Love.

I forgive all those who, in any way, have offended, injured, harmed, or caused me unnecessary difficulties.

I sincerely forgive those who have rejected, hated, abandoned, betrayed, ridiculed, humiliated, frightened, or deceived me.

I especially forgive those who provoked me until I lost patience and reacted violently, leading me to feel shame, remorse, and guilt.

I ask forgiveness from all whom I have consciously or unconsciously offended, harmed, or hurt.

I accept myself exactly as I am, with my qualities and challenges, fully aware that I am a Divine Being in a phase of Learning and Evolution.

I ask that through these teachings, I may take another step toward the Beings of Light and Love, receiving Peace and Balance."

Take three deep breaths and say slowly, aloud or mentally:

"I love, respect, and honor myself.

Love always surrounds me.

The Divine Light envelops and nourishes me, helping me make the best choices for my life and guiding my steps on the Gentle Path of Conscious Evolution.

Trust in Divine Love dispels the fear of loving myself and my neighbor.

Only forgiveness frees us from our karma. Once free, we begin a new life where loving is truly a blessing."


Aventurine is a gemstone recommended for achieving emotional balance. Wearing it

as a necklace near the heart can be beneficial. Darker shades of aventurine are believed to have a stronger harmonizing effect on the emotional field. It's essential to cleanse the stone's energy after each use by placing it on a pot with soil or on a selenite stone for three hours.

Exploring karmic astrology can provide insights into the dramas we experience in life. While we all seek love, self-analysis is crucial to avoid repeating patterns that divert us from the happiness we desire. Embracing the positive aspects of situations and accepting things as they are can lead to meaningful change. We should strive to alter

what is within our control and plan our lives to follow the right path.

Incorporating Feng Shui principles into your living space can further support emotional well-being. Here are some additional tips:

Declutter Your Space: Removing unnecessary items can enhance the flow of positive energy, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.


Incorporate Calming Colors: Using soothing colors like pastels and neutrals in your home decor can promote tranquility and emotional stability.


Create a Personal Sanctuary: Designate a quiet area in your home where you can retreat for relaxation and reflection. Personalize it with items that bring you joy and peace.


Use Natural Elements: Introducing elements like plants, water features, or natural light can create a harmonious environment that supports emotional well-being.

Recommended Reading: Feng Shui for Healing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Wellness in Your Home Sanctuary

You are invited to a One-Of-A-Kind Spiritual Experience!

For the past five years, Nina Verkoeyen, founder of The Last Truth known to thousands of students worldwide for initiating mystical experiences and profound transformations, has led her renowned monthly energy event “THE LAST TRUTH CALL” for her Eastern European audience, attracting over 250,000 participants monthly.

Every 1st of the month, each participant would pick one problem they want to resolve, one question they seek an answer to, or one issue they need help understanding the root cause of, and bring it into Nina’s energy field. They would witness firsthand how the application of The Last Truth shifts the trajectory of their lives in just one free online event—thousands have overcome addictions, saved marriages, gained profound insights, and experienced major breakthroughs on issues that had remained unresolved for years.

Now, it’s your turn to experience the power of The Last Truth.

On February 1st, Nina will host the first-ever free Zoom event for the American audience, taking place at 10:00 AM PST (1:00 PM EST). This is a rare opportunity to experience the profound shifts that The Last Truth can catalyze in your life.


When: February 1st, 10:00 AM PST (1:00 PM EST)

Where: Online via Zoom

Ticket: Free. Space is limited. Secure your spot now.

Registration page:

Recording: Available to all registered participants within 48 hours. Our promise: This free event will forever change your relationship with life’s challenges and shift the trajectory of your life in extraordinary ways. You will stop self-prescribing difficult life lessons as a means for personal growth and will no longer create external crises or adversity.

Animal spirituality explores the deep, mystical connections between humans and animals, recognizing animals' souls, their roles in spiritual practices, and their contributions to our holistic well-being.

Spiritual Connection: The Bond Between Pets and Their Caregivers

Tthe spiritual bond between a pet and its caregiver is often strong and profound. Pets resonate with us in ways few humans can, primarily because animals do not possess an ego. They do not have 'baggage' obstructing their love or their connection to the Divine. They offer unconditional love and continually volunteer their services for us, often in ways we do not recognize. We may

feed them, groom them, and take them for vaccinations, but in return, they soothe our souls in subtle yet perceptible ways.

The more open we are to the spiritual gifts our pets bring into our lives, the more they can share these gifts. Animals are a significant blessing for those involved in healing work. Healers cherish their talents and the joy these bring to others, but they often feel drained by a lack of reciprocal energy. They give a lot and do not receive as much in return. By

their nature, animals transmute disharmonic stress energies. They act as spiritual cleaners who enter our consciousness and mop up the emotional spills left by the day. The scientific community supports this notion, with studies showing that pet owners recover more quickly from surgery and elderly pet owners live longer, healthier lives than those without pets.

Human consciousness is mirrored by animal consciousness. When we are on the verge of a leap

in consciousness, an animal may enter our life to represent this change and assist with the transition. If we already have pets and are undergoing a transition, sometimes the pet may experience health issues, run away, or even pass away.

While researching for this article, I discovered fascinating insights into animal evolution in the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda and Mata

Amritanandamayi. According to their teachings, many evolutionary traits, such as attention, intuition, and understanding developmental abilities in animals, can be accelerated through training by an intuitive or empathic person. Listen to the various sounds made by different animals when they are happy, agitated, or jealous, and you will gradually be able to interpret them and use them to communicate with the animals and help accelerate their evolution.

Mental telepathy can indeed be established between humans and their pets.

Human companionship can accelerate the animals' intuition and, thus, their evolution. Remember that God is in everything."

If you are metaphysically oriented, you can trust that your pet's soul was directed towards you to benefit from your level of consciousness and selfawareness.

Your pet's energy is being elevated, perhaps because it wants to make the jolt from one species to another in its next incarnation.

You are supporting this animal in preparation for the evolutionary jump.

But this is a road with two lanes. It is likely that your pet will also be assisting your own progress at a subconscious level. This is a natural and wonderful harmonious balance that exists between the two of you,

where both parties contribute to each other's growth and evolution.

When humanity serves Nature, Nature serves humanity. When we serve animals and plants, they, too, serve us in return.

Since animals help us transmute our unhappiness and negativity, pets assist us in becoming higher-

quality individuals. Once we become conscious of our animals' subconscious work, we will be more willing to serve and take care of them, which helps accelerate their soul evolution. This realization can inspire us to be more compassionate and caring individuals.

Animals, too, experience sorrow, love, anger, and other emotions.

This is not to say that humans are a superior species, but we all have met animals that are almost human, as if they were on the boundary line between species. Some animals have the desire to experience the human soul – and we can assist animals with this desire.

We, as humans fully aware of our spiritual responsibilities, have much to learn from our animal brothers++.

Humans have a more developed ego than animals, and it's clear that our ego can help or hinder us. We must use our willpower wisely. We learn to be humble in the presence of animals, to become kinder and less selfish. Through our pets, we can learn to transmute the egocentric energy of our ego to realize positive and constructive actions. This humbling experience can lead us to introspection and personal growth.

The Telltale Signs Your Dog is Entering Its Twilight Years

Old dogs care about you, even when you make mistakes.

Just like humans, dogs go through various life stages: birth, growth, and, inevitably, aging. As dogs

age, they often exhibit changes in behavior and health that signal their transition into their senior years. Recognizing these signs is crucial to provide the necessary care and ensure the best quality of life for your furry friend. Below are some key indicators to watch for:

An old dog is a treasure chest of memories, each gray hair a chapter in the book of a life well-loved.


1. Decreased Energy

As dogs grow older, a noticeable decrease in energy and enthusiasm for activities they once enjoyed, such as playing and walking, is common. This happens because their metabolism slows down, and their joints may begin to suffer from wear and tear. If you notice this change, it's important to adjust their exercise routine and provide activities that are suitable for their new stage in life.

Regular exercise is important to maintain the dog's muscle mass. Sometimes, physiotherapy might be recommended for elderly dogs. Through specific exercises and equipment, we can help pets with limitations stay active.

2. Weight Changes

It ought to be realized by all dog owners that obesity shortens a dog's life quite considerably, a life which is much too short anyhow. Konrad Lorenz

In older dogs, reduced muscle mass and a slower metabolism can lead to weight gain, while certain diseases, like dental or digestive issues, may cause weight loss. Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet and regular veterinary checkups are essential to manage these changes. Just as obesity can lead to numerous diseases in humans, it also impacts the quality of life of pets, can cause comorbidities, and should not be underestimated.

“Old dogs may move slower, but their love remains swift, a constant presence in the tapestry of our lives”


3. Mobility Issues

Stiffness in the joints, difficulty climbing stairs, or hesitation when getting up are signs of mobility problems such as arthritis. This is due to the natural wear and tear of the joints over the years. To help, it's important to keep your dog at a healthy weight and use supplements recommended by the vet if needed. Additionally, minimizing obstacles and avoiding stairs can make your dog's life easier.

4. Diminished Senses

With age, it's common for a dog's senses, such as vision and hearing, to weaken. You may notice that your dog does not respond as well to verbal commands or bumps into objects more frequently. Although this is a natural part of aging, ensuring a safe environment and adapting to their new needs is crucial.

5. Changes in Sleep Patterns

The sleep patterns of dogs can also change as they age. They might sleep

more during the day and stay awake at night or simply appear more tired than usual. This could be a reflection of pain, discomfort, or illness. Adjusting their sleeping area to ensure more comfort and consulting the vet to rule out health issues are important.

6. Dental Problems

Good oral health tends to decline over time, and it's common for older dogs to experience dental issues such as gingivitis, tartar, and tooth loss. However, this can make eating difficult

and cause pain. Thus, regular oral hygiene and frequent veterinary visits for dental cleanings are essential to help prevent more serious problems. "The buildup of tartar can reach an advanced stage, leading to an infection that can spread to the bloodstream and other areas of the body, causing severe disorders, especially in the kidneys and heart, which can lead not only to tooth loss but also death.

“Embrace the golden years with an old dog, where every gray hair is a badge of honor and every day is a treasure.”


7. Changes in Coat

An aging dog's coat may change texture, become thinner, or show more white hairs. This is due to hormonal changes and slower cell regeneration. Therefore, maintaining a routine of brushing and skin care helps keep their fur healthy and can even help identify issues early on.

8. Increased Vulnerability to Diseases

Older dogs have a weaker immune system, making them more susceptible to diseases. This can

manifest in frequent infections, difficulty recovering from illnesses, and a greater need for veterinary care. Therefore, it's essential to have frequent vet visits and check-ups. Based on this, the vet can plan treatments through medications, diet, physiotherapy, and acupuncture, among others. Moreover, any disease can be diagnosed early, increasing the chances of a favorable prognosis.

By understanding these eight signs, you can take proactive steps to manage your aging dog's health and comfort, ensuring their senior years are as happy and healthy as possible.

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Are You in an Abusive Relationship? The Critical Signs You Can’t Ignore

Identifying an abusive relationship isn’t as straightforward as it may seem. Abuse in a relationship goes beyond physical aggression or violence—it can be subtle and emotionally damaging. Learn what constitutes an abusive relationship and the signs that you might be experiencing one.

People often confuse a jealous partner with someone who is psychologically abusive in the relationship. This is a common misconception, especially because abusers often declare their love for their partner. After all, someone who loves you couldn’t possibly hurt you, right? Wrong. The longer an abusive relationship lasts, the more power the abuser gains over their partner. Psychological abuse intensifies over time, leading to serious emotional harm and potentially escalating to physical abuse.


According to psychologist Rachel Barron, an abusive relationship is one “dominated by an imbalance of power.” This means that one partner seeks to dominate and control the other, wanting complete authority over their actions and decisions. This type of control often starts subtly and escalates, causing emotional harm and potentially long-term damage

to the partner’s self-esteem and independence.

Trapped or Loved? How to Spot the Hidden Signs of an Abusive Relationship


A partner dictating what you wear, how you style your hair, or even the makeup you use is a red flag. They might phrase it kindly, making it seem like a suggestion,

but the intention is to control how you present yourself. This is psychological abuse aimed at shaping you to fit their preferences.


In abusive relationships, one partner often dictates where the other can or cannot go. They may frame it as a concern, saying things like, “I don’t want you going to that place alone,” or insisting you only

go out with them. This demonstrates a lack of trust and limits your freedom.


If your partner asks you to stop seeing certain friends or family members, claiming they are a bad influence or don’t support your relationship, it’s a form of manipulation. Over time, this can leave you socially isolated, relying solely on your partner.


Emotional abusers often criticize and belittle their partners, highlighting flaws in a hurtful way. They may say things like, “No one else would put up with you,” making you feel unworthy and dependent on them. This form of emotional manipulation can cause deep insecurities.

Blaming You for Every Argument

In an abusive relationship, conflicts are often twisted to make you feel

guilty, regardless of who is at fault. The abusive partner never admits wrongdoing, making you question your perceptions and take blame for everything.


Consent is essential in any intimate relationship. If your partner pressures you into sex when you’re not willing or threatens to seek intimacy elsewhere, this is sexual abuse. No one is obligated to meet

their partner’s demands if they are uncomfortable or unwilling.


Feeling like you can’t live without your partner, experiencing intense anxiety at the thought of them leaving, or isolating yourself from friends and family can indicate emotional dependence. This often leads to depression, leaving you feeling trapped and hopeless.


Aggression doesn’t have to be physical to be harmful. If your partner yells, uses degrading language, breaks objects, or threatens you, these are signs of an escalating abusive relationship. Even if physical violence hasn’t occurred yet, such behaviors indicate potential danger.


If you resonate with any of the following questions, you might be in an abusive relationship:

• Does your partner humiliate, make fun of, or criticize you in front of others?

• Do th ey dismiss your opinions and insist their views are always right?

• Have they accused you of being too sensitive or overreacting?

• Do th ey control who you speak to or forbid you from seeing certain people?

• Do you have to ask permission to go out alone or with friends?

• Do th ey monitor your spending or control your finances?

• Do th ey choose what you wear or comment negatively on your appearance?

• Have they demanded access to your phone, social media, or personal passwords?

• Do th ey make you feel guilty for every argument or disagreement?

If you answered “yes” to several of these questions, you might be in an abusive relationship. Recognizing these signs is the first step toward seeking help and breaking free from the cycle of abuse.

Everyone deserves relationships free from domestic violence. When you're ready, we're here to listen with confidential support 24/7/365. Call 1.800.799.SAFE (7233)

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Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life and the World?

Does it sound like magical thinking that by just changing your beliefs you can change your life?

Like believing that money will be attracted to you by simply stating a few affirmations? Or creating a vision board and having your soulmate show

up? Or intending to lose ten pounds and having them fall off without diet or exercise?

As one who has had a go at every New Age technique under the sun, with a smattering of success, I can attest that those methods do work — occasionally. I emphasize the word occasionally.

Because of my frustration, it became my obsessive pursuit to understand why. With years of trial and error, experimenting on myself as well as my clients, eventually I uncovered the missing piece: You must locate the specific origins of sabotaging, subconscious beliefs and neutralize their clandestine power.

Doing this diffuses the pull of those devious, behind-the-curtain notions that are interfering with positive outcomes. It’s like a “ctrl-alt-delete” of those inner computer programs running quietly in the background, removing the barriers in the way of receiving what you want.


Beliefs are your programming, the lens through which you see and experience

yourself and your life. They come from various places. On a superficial level, parents and other authority figures instill a slew of them by what they say and do as you grow up. Those are easy to determine, like sit up straight; don’t be rude; don’t use swear words; etc.

However, there are subconscious beliefs that come from specific painful incidents as far back as your birth experience, as well as brought from previous lives. During those moments, you made numerous decisions about yourself, others and life that became your reality.

Beliefs get triggered constantly. For example, they show up as immediate judgmental thoughts when meeting someone; the illogical resistance when starting something new; the negativity you feel toward others that you don’t even know; your hopelessness to get something to change.

In other words, beliefs run your life in subtle, subconscious ways.

But keep in mind that beliefs are not reality. They are not truth. Because they cause those triggered, reactive

emotions, they feel real, but they are just the insistent, whispering voice of fear.


Your beliefs attract situations and people to “prove” they are true. For example, if you have a belief that you can’t trust men, sure enough you will attract or choose men to fulfill that notion. Every man will willingly play out that belief for you, with you getting to be the victim so others can feel sorry for you.

If you’ve tried to “just think positive,” it may feel better for a while. However, since that is an effort to try to control those loud negative beliefs, it actually solidifies and reinforces the negative experience.

When you take off your dark glasses by deleting those false notions, you see and experience an entirely different world. You may stop attracting or unconsciously choosing untrustworthy men. Moreso, by not projecting your beliefs onto others, the things you

look at can change as well. Often miraculously.

This can happen by discovering the exact origins of your beliefs and neutralizing their impact.


Beliefs are not logical. They may sound logical since you’ve probably had many experiences “proving” them to be true, but they are based on fears you bought into when

you were far from being logical. You believed those notions because you were scared, so they have “survival value” to the part of your consciousness that’s here to make sure you survive.

You were taught that you need to negatively judge things to avoid making wrong choices and to keep situations from repeating. But, if your judgment is coming from false programmed beliefs, what you are trying to avoid will undoubtedly happen anyway.

It’s The Law: What you resist persists.

Here’s another Law: If you are judging something as being wrong, you are denying something being reflected about yourself. Mirrors never lie.

For example, if you are subconsciously functioning from judging yourself as bad based on deciding something about your abilities, no matter how much you struggle, you will never succeed. You are fulfilling that suppressed negative belief.

To resolve situations like that, your beliefs about yourself need to be recognized, seen as untrue notions, and their origins pulled up by the roots.

Beliefs, especially subconscious ones, are like a copy-and-paste command on a computer. You keep unconsciously pressing the repeat button and they just keep reappearing in selffulfilling ways even though your mind says I don’t want to go through this anymore. Your beliefs create external experiences that validate them, in turn

making those notions feel even more real and true.


Although it sounds like the most powerful beliefs you have are about others and life, the ones setting the stage for those notions are beliefs about yourself.

Here’s how that works:

Let’s say your parents divorced when you were five years old, and you witnessed your mother storm out the door yelling “Men can’t be trusted!” Right then you decided that men can’t be trusted, and women leave me. Later in life, you generalize that belief to include all men you love can’t be trusted and all women leave. From then on, you magnetize and unconsciously choose untrustworthy men, and in some way, you get all women you love to leave you. Why? So, you get to be right about those beliefs and feel like a victim.

Let’s go deeper.

The Real reason you experienced having parents who divorced comes from another source: A previous

incident where you did something you judged as causing pain and loss. At that moment you decided you don’t deserve love. Your Higher Consciousness chose your present life-scenario for you to remember, balance out and clean up what you did previously.

The scenario continues:

You arrive here already believing that you don’t deserve love and that you can’t trust yourself due to something

you did previously. As a way to help you remember what you did, you chose parents who will “act out” an event to awaken that memory. When the door slams and Mom walks out, instead of seeing this scene as a way to remember what you did previously, your fear-based consciousness kicks in, tries to protect you, and makes decisions about others.

That originating incident comes from places you would never suspect. Past lives as well as your birth experience to name two common sources. Those incidents are usually if not always

subconscious. Most find them difficult to locate and admit to since it’s much more comfortable to be The Poor Me Blaming Victim.


Since beliefs are the energetic forces attracting repetitious situations into your life, they need to be removed from your consciousness to eradicate their power.


• Notice what you are attracting or not attracting in your life. Know that on some level you are choosing people and situations to fit your beliefs even if you’re not conscious of doing so.

• Discover patterns. That will help you identify your beliefs. In other words, start seeing that every female friend has left you; every man has been untrustworthy Recognizing and labeling your beliefs is half the battle.

• Do some digging to discover your beliefs’ specific origins. I recommend reaching out to me for help with that since they are located deep in your subconscious.

• Be conscious. Doing this will elevate your life and your choices will come from a more aware place. This changes the quality of your life since you will be able to recognize what’s going on, determine that you have attracted or chosen something to support a false belief. This puts you into an empowered, awakened place for real changes to happen.

• Tune into your soul and see your spiritual lessons. What are you

supposed to learn on a higher consciousness level? Is this belief showing you something about your life purpose? Are you supposed to help others in some way or clean something up from this heightened awareness?

Your Earth Job is to recognize your authentic, pure, loving self; to live from empowerment, not victimhood. Changing your belief system can do that. Deserve to download and delete those programs taking up space on your Soul Drive!

Royce Morales is the creator of the Perfect Life Awakening Program. These timetested, spiritually based, lifetransforming courses and private inner-enquiry work escorts you to discover and neutralize the origins of sabotaging false beliefs. Royce is the author of three books about her teachings, available on Amazon. If you feel ready to break through fearbased programming so you can experience true, purposeful empowerment, reach out at Check out her website at

A Journey Through the Cards

The Natural Cycles of Tarot

Tarot cards, with their vivid imagery and profound symbolism, are more than just a tool for divination—they mirrorthenaturalcyclesofourlives. Each card reflects a stage of the human experience, inviting us to connect with the rhythms of growth, change, and renewal. By exploring these cycles, we can deepen our understanding of both the cards and ourselves.

The Fool’s Journey: The Cycle of Growth

The Major Arcana, often referred to as “The Fool's Journey,” encapsulates the archetypal stages of personal development. Starting with The Fool, the journey begins with a leap of faith and unlimited potential. As The Fool progresses through the cards, they encounter challenges (The Tower), triumphs (The Sun), and self-realization or completion of a dream (The World), illustrating the cyclical nature of growthandtransformation.


TheMinorArcanaisdividedintofoursuits— Cups,Pentacles,Wands,andSwords—each corresponding to a natural element and a phaseoflife’scycle.

• Cups (Water): Cups reflect emotional growth,love,relationships,andtheflowering of intentions. This is a time of joy and connection.

• Pentacles (Earth): Pentacles focus on the materialworld,physicalhealth,andfinancial situations. This cycle focuses on grounding andreapingtherewardsofpastefforts.

• Wands (Fire): Wandssignifytheenergyof beginnings,creativity,andinspiration.Thisis the season of beginning new projects or passions, planting seeds and envisioning possibilities.

•Swords(Air): Swordsembodyallaspectsof the mind, from new ideas, to mental challenges,andintellectualclarity.It’satime tocutawaywhatnolongerservesandfocus ongainingclearplansforthefuture.

The Court Cards: The Cycle of Maturity

The Court Cards—Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings—symbolize stages of life and maturity within eachsuit.Fromthecuriosityofthe Page to the mastery of the King, they remind us of the continual process of learning and growth withineachareaofourlives.


Tarot aligns with universal laws, such as the Law of Attraction and the natural rhythm of life and its cycles of movement and transformation. The ebb and flow depictedincardslikeTheWheelof Fortune and Death reflect the inevitability of changing directions andclosingthedooronchaptersof lifetoenableustostepintoanew cycleofgrowthandrenewal.These cards teach acceptance and the importance of working with, rather thanagainst,life’snaturalrhythms.

Using Tarot helps us to honor the cycles of life and align with the energiesoftheseasons,thephases ofthemoon,andevenpersonallife stages.Forexample:

During the new moon you can pullcardswiththeintentionof newbeginningsandwiththefull moonyourintentionmightshift towardwhattorelease.

Attheendofaproject,consult your cards for insights on closure, reflection, and the inspiration of the next step forward.

Rather than viewing Tarot as a linearjourney,it’shelpfultoseeit as a spiral. Life’s lessons often repeat,buteachtimeweencounter them, we do so with greater wisdom. By embracing the cyclical nature of Tarot, we can approach each phase with curiosity, grace, andanopenheart.

By tapping into the natural cycles of Tarot,weareremindedthatlifeisnot a straight line but a series of interwovenpatterns.

By understanding and working with these rhythms, we can navigate life’s changes with greater clarity and purpose. Using the cards as a guide, wecanreflectontheeternaldanceof beginnings, middles, and ends—a danceweallparticipatein.

Lisa Kessler is the author of the Practical Tarot deck and The Practical Tarot Method and has been a professional tarot card reader for nearly twenty years, reading for clients all over the world. She’s a passionate teacher of tarot and has taught her Practical Tarot courses in the United States as well as internationally. Learn more at

Personal Growth encompasses selfimprovement and emotional, mental, and spiritual development, focusing on enhancing self-awareness, skills, health, and overall well-being.

Healing Young Hearts

Introducing Ho'oponopono to Your Child's Life

When a child is born, parents are also born—or those who will raise the child as their own. It's a new and challenging journey, and despite everyone's best intentions, parents' unconscious

fears and emotional blocks are often reflected in their children. The practice of Ho'oponopono for children can help heal these blocks, enabling kids to cleanse themselves of unhelpful inherited beliefs when they gain selfawareness.

A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.

How Ho'oponopono for Children Works

The way our parents raised us deeply influences the development of our personalities. Unresolved childhood issues tend to surface later in adult relationships and personal lives, impacting how we raise our own children. No matter how much we read about good parenting, the lack of experience and the influence of our upbringing often prevail.

Being influenced by how we were raised isn't always negative. However, in family therapy, children's fears and problems are frequently linked to how their parents were raised and the unconscious patterns they pass down.




Action Matters More Than Words

You may have heard the saying, "Children don't follow advice; they follow examples." This is true. Until about age seven, children

unconsciously mirror what you do, not what you say. That's why kids often highlight their parents' unresolved issues through their behavior.

For Example:

A father complains to a psychologist that his child is stubborn, throws tantrums, and refuses to share toys. In a deeper conversation, the psychologist realizes the father is very rigid in his opinions, struggles to accept other viewpoints, and is attached to material possessions and fixed beliefs. The child simply reflects on these traits in a childlike way.

Another example is a child vomiting without any medical explanation. If the parents frequently argue or experience emotional instability at home, the child may express distress physically, struggling to "digest" the emotional environment and manifesting this through vomiting.

How Ho'oponopono Can Help Children

Ho'oponopono is a healing tool that helps cleanse limiting beliefs, selfsabotaging instincts, emotional blocks, and negative memories carried by parents and passed down to children.

The practice involves repeating four powerful phrases:

"I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you."

Parents can unconsciously help release pain, discomfort, and fears by saying these phrases with or for their children. It teaches children that parents are not infallible, and they don't have to absorb all of their parents' traits as correct. Parents must be aware of their inner emotional state, as it directly affects their children.

Releasing Past Memories

Childhood traumas, fears, and reprimands accumulate within us.

We need to cleanse these emotions by saying:

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you."

These phrases can be spoken aloud or silently, whatever feels more comfortable.

When and How to Practice

Ho'oponopono with Children

There's no specific timeframe, age, or frequency for practicing Ho'oponopono with children—it has no contraindications as long as the child doesn't develop negative feelings toward the process. The goal is to make it a consistent practice, cleansing negative

memories daily to prevent them from becoming deeper emotional issues.

Practical Example:

Jeanne Smith, a psychologist, noticed her daughter's physical symptoms reflecting her own unresolved emotions. When she felt discomfort, she couldn't verbalize, especially concerning her daughters, who would develop a cough.

"Coughing is a way of expelling something uncomfortable," she explained. "When my daughters cough, I ask myself what unresolved issue might be causing it within me, and I start cleansing the situation."

She practices Ho'oponopono with her daughters, saying the four healing phrases aloud. Jeanne also explains the purpose of the practice to her children, helping them learn to cleanse memories and foster family peace and unity.

"By releasing the memories in me, I also release them in my children," she affirmed.

Parents Shouldn't Feel Guilty

Seeing children reflect negative behaviors or symptoms caused by

parental emotions can evoke guilt in parents, but that's not the point. The goal is to raise awareness that parents do pass down emotional memories— and that these can be cleansed in both parents and children.

So, have you practiced your cleansing today?

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you."

Recommended Reading: The Ho'oponopono Children: Illustrated prayers and tools

Be the Hundredth Monkey

Have you heard of the Hundredth Monkey Theory? It sounds esoteric, or maybe a bit wacky, but it’s pretty simple. It’s based on a true story that turned into a metaphor, expressing how everything connects on an energetic level.

It goes like this: On a deserted island, one monkey spontaneously decided to go to the river and wash his food before eating it. Suddenly, the entire monkey population on a distant neighboring island started washing their food. And all of this happened without access to texting or email!

The profound message is this: When one gets it, others do; when you shift, others do; when enough of us evolve, we all evolve.

As you may have noticed, humanity, as a species, is in dire need of evolution. Especially right about now. It may take more than one of us evolved monkeys to end systemic, fear-based consciousness; to change the belief that war and violence solves things; to know that the ego is not who we are; and that money and possessions are not the source of happiness. Ad infinitum that you are undoubtedly aware of on your spiritual journey.

Having worked for over four decades helping people shift their consciousness from fear to love, it’s possibly the biggest challenge we humans face. It’s our Big One and we chose to be here to do just that.

However, the survival instinct we’ve been functioning from since hiding out in caves is still mostly in charge. We promptly react with anger and violence when fear is triggered, believing we have no other choice. We feel justified since survival is our goal, not even realizing there are always other options.

For centuries we’ve been trying to fix the world’s problems from our current level of consciousness. Rather than putting a band-aid on a gaping wound, we need a radical shift of consciousness. We need to transform from perceiving life through our fearbased consciousness to a place of wise, higher consciousness love.

In other words, when enough of us monkeys know that war never has and never will solve anything, there will be the end of war. When enough of us decide it’s not acceptable to

destroy the environment, the planet will heal and flourish again. That when enough of us don’t support the narcissistic power grabbing of tyrants, they will lose their authority.


Fear-based consciousness is our primitive nature, our survivalbased awareness that drives much of our behavior. It clings to what appears to be security and safety. It needs to know what’s going to happen next, a sense of certainty in the challenges and changes

life presents. It needs recognition and status, trying (futilely) to feel happiness from external places.

We arrive in bodies with fear-based consciousness firmly programmed in our hard drive. Add to that parental pressure and social conditioning, it’s no wonder we perceive the world through fearcolored glasses.

As we ‘mature,’ we learn ways to cover up our fears. We take on various tough guy acts to appear brave or over-the-top bullies. We find it hard to even admit that we are scared, terrified someone will

discover our persona. Some even believe they are alone in their fear.

Here’s the catch: Whether we know it consciously or not, we want to evolve past fear. These challenging times are presenting Big Lessons to help us to finally get beyond our primitive consciousness. We chose to be here to re-awaken to who we really are: Higher Consciousness, love-based beings.

The biggest roadblock to getting there is our resistance to this evolutionary process. We’re worried about what it means to release that rigid definition of self. We want to feel empowered, but equally

concerned about transforming our entire definition of existence, clueless as to what the world would look like if we all moved to that place.

Part of us knows that staying rooted in primitive programming isn’t working. We know it will never allow us to create the world we are here to create. But it looks a heck-of-alot easier to not be that Hundredth Monkey. Even though it really is not.


Here are some handy suggestions to help fast-forward into Hundredth Monkey-Ville:

1. Notice triggers. What causes you to regress to that primitive, fear-based place? What are those fear-based thoughts insisting that you do? Do you then do things you ordinarily would never do? Know that every time a button is pushed, you can choose to look within to see that a fear was triggered. Doing that you are starting to expose that reactive part of you. Making an evolved choice to not buy into fear, choosing love instead, will spread to other “monkeys.”

2. Notice mirrors. When noticing triggers ask to see what is being reflected to you about yourself. Mirrors accurately show you whatever you are suppressing or denying about yourself and are most evident when a button is pushed. Feeling angry, hateful, negative, judgmental and needing to be right are a few blatant symptoms of buttons. Keep in mind that the bigger the button, the more denied the mirror is. And mirrors don’t lie.

3. How are you living? Are you feeling the same sense of scarcity, fear and selfishness that drives people to oppress and harm others? Are you functioning from needing to prove something to others; get validation, attention, agreement? It may be felt in subtle ways, not as dramatically as what gets covered in news reports, but it’s part of your consciousness. Notice it and make other choices.

4. Chan ge your actions. To get past reactiveness, create a mindful relationship with the fears that are motivating you. Yes, there are healthy fears like running away from a charging tiger. But falling prey to triggered, irrational and often subconscious fear ends up controlling your life choices. Recognizing your true intention, the fears and programmed beliefs that are actually motivating you, shifts that energy.

5. Do th e work. The most crucial aspect to help this planetary process of evolution is doing inner work to discover and neutralize the sources of your buttons. This will allow you to release those

controlling thoughts being driven by fear-based impulses such as cruelty, conquest and oppression. Get assistance to locate subconscious events from this and previous lives still controlling you from fear.

The ultimate goal is to see that the entire human condition exists in you; you are part of the dynamic as an evolving human who fearfully reacts to things.

Evolution starts with you consciously opening up to the awakened, deeper dimension of yourself. By deactivating those fear-based programmed parts that are no longer who want to be, you are able to shift your motivation from fear to trust and love.

A momentum has begun. It will create a ripple of change in the world. And with enough ripples come waves.

As John Lennon reminded us: Imagine all the people living life as one.

And we are. So go ahead and be the Hundredth Monkey.



But You Can Create the Future

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