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November 2024
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"Spiritual awakening is not an external search; it is the quiet realization that you have always been whole."
Nina Verkoeyen, affectionately referred to as "the modern female Buddha" by LA Weekly, is the visionary founder of Meta Spirituality, an innovative spiritual tradition that has been captivating audiences across the United States since its inception in 2016.
In 2016, Nina underwent a spontaneous spiritual awakening, an event that marked a turning point in her life. This transformative experience, often described as enlightenment, gifted her with profound spiritual insights that redefined her understanding of the self, the universe, and the divine.
ThisTransformativeexperience,oftendescribed asenlightenment,giftedherwithprofound spiritualinsights
AttheheartofNina'sphilosophyisthebelief that humanity has outgrown the limitations of mainstream spirituality. She argues that the reliance on intermediaries—be it rituals, tools, or external teachers—can hinder personalgrowthratherthanfacilitateit.
According to Nina, these intermediaries often serve as distractions, creating a dependency that keeps individuals from fully embracing their innate creative power. Meta Spirituality, in contrast, invites people to step into their roles as creators of their own lives, bypassing external "lessons" in favor of cultivating a direct, unmediated relationshipwiththedivineessencewithin.
UnderNina'sguidance,theMetaSpirituality movement has gained remarkable momentum, drawing followers from diverse backgrounds. Its appeal lies in its simplicity and universality—a call to awaken to the divinepresencewithin,freefromdogmaand intermediaries.
The community's rapid growth is a testament to the resonance of Nina's message in a world yearning for authenticity, empowerment, and a directconnectiontotheCreator.
Nina Verkoeyen's work is a beacon of hopeandinspirationforthoseseekinga more meaningful spiritual path. Her vision for Meta Spirituality transcends cultural and religious boundaries, offering a fresh perspective on human potential and divine connection. As this movement continues to flourish, Nina remains dedicated to her mission: to share the wisdom of Meta Spirituality and inspire millions to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and spiritualempowerment.
Insteadofbeingpassivestudentsoflife,adherentsof MetaSpiritualityareencouragedtoreclaimtheir agency,recognizetheirinherentdivinity, andactivelyshapetheirrealities.
OMTimes: Nina, it is a pleasure to be with you today. Let's start talking about the metaphysics of Manifestation. What is the essence of direct manifesting, and howdoesitsspiritualoriginandpurpose guideourjourney?
Nina Verkoeyen: Thank you for having me. It's an honor to talk with you today. The essence of direct manifesting lies in recognizing that we are the Creator of our reality, capable of shaping our lives not through external practices or tools but through our divine will and inner authority.
Unlike traditional manifesting techniques that rely on spiritual intermediaries such as affirmations, rituals, or visualization, direct manifesting bypasses these tools and goes straight to the core of who we truly are—the Creator. This approach teaches us to harness our inherent power directly without shifting responsibility to third parties or external aids.
By learning to use this inner power and authority, we step into a new level of spiritual maturity and take on greater responsibility for our lives.
Direct manifesting is not just another technique; it represents the next step in our spiritual development. It challenges us to fully embrace our role as creators, guiding ourjourneybydeepeningourunderstanding ofourtruenatureandourabilitytomanifest ourdesiresthroughtheconscioususeofour divinewill.Thisshiftinperspectiveiscrucial for our spiritual growth, as it moves us from dependency on external practices to a more empowered state of being, where we recognize that everything we need to create thelifewedesireisalreadywithinus.
Meta Spirituality, we believe that collectively, we are ready to step into even more power and responsibility as a collective. It is our spiritual duty and the nextphaseofourspiritualevolutiontolearn howtoletgoofthespiritualcanesandwalk through the "field of manifesting" on our ownfeet.Wearereadytoexerciseourdivine will without relying on external support, knowing that this greater inner power also comeswithgreaterresponsibility.
OMTimes: Nina, as one of the leading authoritiesindirectmanifestationintheUS at this time, please explain to us what is the deepest and primary barriers to manifesting loveintheirlivesfromtheheart?
Nina Verkoeyen: The deepest barrier to manifesting love, or anything else, stems from our distorted self-identification—when we identify as a separate individual instead of recognizing ourselves as the Creator, who is one with everything and everyone. The only true barrier is not knowing that we are God.Fromthisdistortedperceptionariseall other issues, such as fears, low self-worth, theinabilitytodiscernwhetherwetrulywant somethingorifthedesireisnotgenuine,and virtually every inner and outer obstacle on thepathtomanifesting.
Many people carry subconscious beliefs of unworthiness or fear of intimacy that block the flow of love into their lives. Another significant barrier that emerges from this distorted self-identity is the attachment to specific people, creating special relationships.
"You are not a student of life; you are its creator. Every moment is your canvas, painted by the choices of your inner divinity."
This creates unhealthy attachments and unrealistic expectations, and energetically, it directs too much energy and attention towards one specific person, thus"separating"unitybyelevatingthispersonabove others.
Subconsciously, our spiritual homeostasis will always strive to return to unity and wholeness, rather than maintaining division and separation inourperception.AstheCreator,weinstinctively try to counterbalance the act of placing someone on a perceptual pedestal. As a result, these relationships often become dismantled—through dramas,conflicts,andotherchallengesthatserve as lessons not to separate but to remain in unity andequilibrium.
Most people misunderstand love, believing it involvesseparatingonepersonandmakingthem special.
True love, however, is the opposite—it involves seeing yourself and the other through the eyes of unity, as the Creator, recognizing them for who theytrulyare:onewithyouandeveryone.
This type of unconditional love represents the nextstepinourspiritualmaturityandthelevelof love purity we need to achieve. This shift will ultimately eliminate the "Romeo and Juliet" drama from our lives. Manifesting love from the heart requires a deep sense of self-love and the ability to release these blockages by embracing vulnerability,trust,andopenness.
OMTimes:Howdoestheideaofnon-lineartime affect the manifestation process, and how does our perception of time impact the alignment of ourdesireswiththeirmanifestation?
Nina Verkoeyen: Non-linear time suggests that allpossibilitiesexistsimultaneously,andwhatwe perceive as past, present, and future are merely different points of focus within the same moment.
In the context of manifestation, this means that everypossibleoutcomeexistsinthepotentialityof thehereandnow.Itisourinnerchoiceorwillas the Creator that "selects" one version of what we wanttocreate,therebybringingthatoneandonly reality into existence from all the potential possibleversionsofourchoice.
Many people today believe in the concept of parallel realities—multiple universes that exist simultaneously, where we can shift from one reality to another, from one universe to a nearly identical parallel version of it. But the truth is, there is only one reality, created by you as the Creator,hereandnow.Allelseissimplypotential choices that were not and never will be manifested.Allthereis,isallthereis.
Usingtheterminologyofquantumphysics,weas the great Observer select or choose from the unmanifested potentiality—from millions of possible potential realities—only one, which we manifestinthehereandnowthroughourchoice.
The two main ingredients of the manifesting formula are the power of choice and the level of energy.
If our inner choice as the Creator is strong enough,andwehavesufficientenergytoconvert into matter by focusing on this choice, then we willseethedesiredoutcome.
Thus, the formula for manifesting (M) is: M = C (thepowerofchoice)+E(amountofenergy). The problem is that most people lack both of theseingredients.
The only way to have the power of choice be 100%istoknowyourselfastheCreator—thisselfawareness eliminates all fears, doubts, inner conflicts, and other symptoms of incorrect, distortedself-identification.
Thesesymptomsarealsothereasonwhywelose energy—energyislostanddispersedwhenweare plagued by fears, doubts, and inner conflicts, leavinguswithoutenoughtomanifest,toconvert energyintomatter.
So,trulymanifestingissimple—itrequiresyouto alignyourperceptionwithwhoyoutrulyare:the Creatorwhoexistsbeyondlineartime,inthehere and now. By using the power of choice and the energy of creation that flows through us, we generatethisreality.
It is a shift in self-identification that is necessary for us to fulfill our mission as the Creator—to consciously create this reality, to create harmony and abundance, and to create from the place of love, which is our primary vibration as the Creator.
OMTimes: Is direct manifesting a spiritual practice that anyone can embrace, or does it require a deeper spiritual understanding?
NinaVerkoeyen:Directmanifesting isnotapracticebutawayofbeing— thewayofbeingwhowetrulyare.Itis aboutbeingwhoweare,expressing whoweare,andfulfillingourmain purposeastheCreator:toconsciously andharmoniouslycreatethisreality.
God does not need spiritual tools, practices,ormanifestingmethodsto create reality—God simply wills it, anditisso.WeareGod,anditistime toacceptthisinnerknowing.Iwant to teach people to embrace this greaterinnerpowerandthegreater responsibilitythatcomeswithit.
Thisapproachnotonlygrantsusgreaterfreedombutalsotheprofound abilitytocreateusingourdivinewill—onethatisnotofourseparateego mind,butthewillofenlightenedbeingswhoknowtheirtrueselfasthe Creator.
Andyes,itisawayofbeingthatanyonecanandshouldembracebecause itisourtrueselfthatweembraceandbeginexpressingwhenmanifesting directly.
OMTimes:Whatcommon spiritualmisunderstandingsabout manifestingwouldyouliketo clarify?
Nina Verkoeyen: One common misunderstanding is the belief that themindcreatesreality.Thetruthis, themindisabufferbetweenourego selfandtrueself,adividerwhosesole purposeistomaintaintheillusionof separation between the two. This is the mind's only purpose and function.
So, the mind doesn’t create reality, and neither do thoughts, which are byproducts of the mind. What creates reality is the power of choice that comes from correct self-identification.
Self-identification is not a matter of thinking; it is not a mental phenomenon. It is about knowing the true essence that we are God—not in the mind, not as a philosophical idea, but with our whole being, deep in our bones, activating it in the very core of our DNA, so to speak, in every cell and bone of our body. The Creator that we are is the informational and energetic blueprint of us.
Mainstream spirituality often promotes the idea that the mind creates reality and that changing our thoughts affects the outcome. However, thoughts don’t do anything; they simply come and go as byproducts. What truly creates reality is us knowing, at the deepest level, that we are God.
While maintaining a positive mindset is important, manifesting requires alignment with your true self, releasing resistance, and trusting the process. Another misconception is that manifesting is about controlling outcomes. In reality, it's about co-creating with the universe and allowing your desires to unfold in harmony with your highest good. It's also important to understand that manifesting is not just about material gains; it'saboutcreatingalifethatreflectsyourtrue essence.
OMTimes:Howdoesone'sspiritualmindset andvibrationinfluenceone'sabilitytoattract one'sdesires?
Nina Verkoeyen: Spiritual mindset and vibration are often misunderstood in the context of manifesting. The truth is, your mindset and frequency are secondary to the manifesting process. Thoughts do not shape reality, nor does frequency. Both are byproducts of something muchdeeper:yourself-identification.
There are two types of self-identification: one is seeing yourself as a separate individual being, and the other is knowing yourself as God, united with everyone and everything. The first is an illusion;thesecondisthetruthofwhoyouare—theLastTruth,asIcallitinmyteachings.This fundamental truth about who you are, when revealed and activated within you, will completely transformyourlife.
Once your self-identification shifts from the illusion to the truth, both your mindset and frequency will shift naturally and effortlessly. Many people believe they need to work on their mind, mindset, and frequency intentionally, but I say those will inevitably transform once your identity shifts. If your identity hasn’t shifted, you can work on your mind all your life, but nothingwillradicallychange.
That’s why people spend decades trying to work through their mind's content—their traumas, inner conflicts, and limiting beliefs. But you can't work on an illusion. You need to shift your identity,andyourmindandfrequencywillchangeinstantlyasaresult.
This is what Meta Spirituality does. It’s the only teaching that focuses solely on shifting your self-identification.
We don't provide spiritual practices, tools, or methods to your old identity in the hope that they’ll change your reality and help you manifest what you want. Instead, we shift your identity,andeverythingelsefollowsinstantly.
"The power to manifest lies in your willingness to let go of what you’ve been taught and trust the infinite wisdom already within you."
There’sno needto workonyour mindor your frequency. From this new identity, you can create your reality directly, without any intermediaries or tools—this isdirectmanifesting.
OMTimes: What spiritual wisdom would you share with someone seeking tobegintheirpathofmanifesting?
Nina Verkoeyen: Begin with the understandingthatthereisnosuchthing as predetermination. You are a powerful creator, capable of shaping your reality. Manifestingisnotjustaboutgettingwhat you want; it's about becoming who you are meant to be. I’m also offering a free training on direct manifesting for those interested in exploring this unique approachtocreatingthelifeyoudesire.
The link to register: https://metaspirituality.org/manifes tingfree
Health and Healing encompass practices and knowledge focused on maintaining, restoring, and enhancing physical and mental well-being through various therapeutic and holistic approaches.
by Humanity Healing
Michel Odoul's book "Tell Me Where It Hurts, and I Will Tell You Why: The ScreamsoftheBodyaretheMessagesof Emotions"explainswhywefeelpain,hurt ourselves, or develop chronic diseases in specificpartsofthebody.
This Healing Knowledge is based on the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which sees the individual as a whole, comprising five elements (fire, wood, metal, water, and earth). These elements have a cycle of degradation— where one element destroys another— and a cycle of creation—where one elementnourishesanother.
When there is a lack of precise and attentive listening to proprioception and intuition, which is established, cultivated, and coordinated proprioception in the body-emotionmind, the body has to send out a yellow signal—small traumas and "littleillnesses"—andthenaredsignal —major traumas, serious and/or chronicdiseases.
It is our support point on the ground, the part on which our whole-body rests and trusts regarding changes and movements. Itiswhatallowsusto"grow"and,hence,to move forward, but it can also block our supportand,consequently,firmlymaintain ourpositions.Therefore,thefootrepresents the world of stances, the manifested extremityofourrelationshipwiththeouter world. It symbolizes our attitudes, our declared and recognized stances, our officialrole.
We should not put our foot in the door to blockit.Itrepresentsourcriteriaregarding life,evenourideals.Itisthesymbolickeyto our"relational"supports,whichexplainsthe importanceofthefoot-washingritualinall traditions. This act purifies our relationship withtheworld,evenwiththedivine.Finally, it is a symbol of freedom, as it enables movement.
Moreover,itisnocoincidencethatgirls'feet wereboundinChina.Underthepretextof erotic and aesthetic significance, this actually allowed women to be confined, trapped in a relational world of dependencyonmen,limitingtheirmobility potential.
The same phenomenon exists in our Western societies where women "had" to wearstilettoheelstofitacertainpattern.
As if by coincidence, it has been observed that the height of shoe heels decreased proportionally to the successive "freedom" of women. Nowadays, more and more women, especially the younger generations, onlywearlowheels.
The Toes
Theyrepresentthe"fine"terminationsof these support points. They are the "details," the "finishing touches" of these points, thus the terminations of our stances, the details of our beliefs, or the punctuationsofourrelationalattitudes.
Each toe represents, in turn, a particular detail,amode,oraspecificphasethatwe decode,thankstotheenergeticmeridian thatendsorbeginsinthetoeinquestion. As a peripheral and finishing element of therelationship,itallowstheindividualto useitasameansof'feedback.'
Thanks to each of the feet and the energetic points found at their extremities, the individual can stimulate oreliminate,consciouslyorunconsciously but effectively, any tensions that may be present.
Thus, the toes, like the fingers, are both theplacesandmeansthatfavormultiple small "slip-ups" in everyday life, which seemoccasionalandinsignificant.
However, in reality, it is never by accident that we burn, crush, or twist this or that toe. It is a "mild" yet clear process of seeking expression and elimination of relationaltension.
Thisprocesscanexistbecausethe energetic point at each toe's end is called the "source point" or "spring point." It is the point of potential energy rebirth, thanks to which a new dynamic can appear or through which the old one can "recharge"andchangepolarity.
Iwillmakehereasimplerepresentationof theglobalsignificanceofeachofthetoes andthesufferingsthatwillbeexpressed.
It is the only toe on which two energetic meridians begin: the spleen, pancreas, and liver. It is the foundational toe of our relational support of who we are. This is what, during menopause (loss of fertility, therefore, of feminine value), we often witness the development of a deformationofthistoecalledhallux valgus. Traumas or tensions in these toes mean that we feel an equivalent tension in our relationshipwiththeworld,whether on the material level (inner part of the foot) or the emotional level (outerpartofthefoot).
Itisthetoewherethestomachmeridian islocated,i.e.,theonethatgeneratesour relationshipwithmatter,ourdigestionof thismatter.Blisters,bunions,ailments,or traumasinthistoewilltellusaboutour difficultyinmanagingcertainmaterialor professionalsituations.
This toe has no organic meridian, but it has a certain "indirect" relationship with the triple heater. Thus, it is the central toe,theoneofbalanceandcoherenceof our relational attitudes. Ailments in this toe then mean that we have difficulty balancing our relationships, especially regarding the future. The fear of moving forwardinafairwaycanbeexpressedby thistoe.
The gallbladder meridian is located in this toe. It represents the details of our relationshipswiththeworld,inthesense ofthejustandtheunjust,thesearchfor perfection. The presence of tensions, cramps, or suffering in this toe means that we are experiencing a difficult relational situation concerning what is fair or unfair. It is about a relationship that needs to satisfy us regarding the conditions and the quality of these conditions.
The Little Toe (The "Pinky" Toe of the Foot)
Thelittletoeisthetoewherethebladder meridian ends. It is the meridian of eliminating organic liquids and "old memories." When we bump this toe, which is extremely painful, we are trying to eliminate old memories or old relational schemas. We are probably trying to change old habits and ways of relating to the world and to others that nolongersatisfyus.Throughtraumaand suffering (body, wound, sprain, etc.), we stimulate our energies to facilitate this elimination of old ways to replace them withothers.
Tellmewhereyouhurt,andIwilltellyou why- 2022 edition: (augmented edition) Thescreamsofthebodyaremessagesof thesoul.Elementsofpsycho-energetic
Spirituality involves exploring one's inner self, seeking deeper meanings, connecting with the transcendent, and understanding life's purpose through various philosophical, religious, and personal beliefs.
By Humanity Healing
Do you know how to contact your SpiritualGuide?Needafewtipsor alittlehelp?Trythesesuggestions.
Our Spiritual Guide always finds a way to deliver their message, whether we are aware of it or not. However,there’snoharmintrying to communicate with them and learning more to evolve better. While I’ve already shared an exerciseforcontactingyourGuide, there are many methods. Today, I’m briefly presenting three of the simplestones.Ihopetheyhelp!
Start by relaxing your body and mind. Feel the images forming through your third eye (approximately between your eyebrows).
Visualize a light descending from the sky toward you. The light enters your chest and fills your entirebeing,yoursoul.
Now, look ahead, and you’ll see a portal of light. Cross through it, and you’ll find yourself in a beautifulforestattwilight.Infront of you is an ancient tree with a hollowtrunk.Enterthetree.
You’ll find a lit path guiding you down into the Earth. Continue walking until you see an exit illuminatedbyarosysky.
Asyouexit,noticealarge,crystalclearriver.Besideit,thereisarock shapedlikeathrone.Sitdownand watch the mist forming in front of you.Relaxasyouwait.
After speaking with your Guide, theywillleadyoubackthroughthe tunneltotheentranceofthetree. Say your goodbyes and walk back throughtheportaloflight.
Return slowly to your body. Move gentlyandopenyoureyescalmly.
Before going to bed, place a glass ofwateronyourbedsidetable.Say asmallprayertoyourGuide,drink halfofthewater,andaskthemto appearinyourdreamsandprovide the answers you need. The next day,you’lldrinktheremaininghalf ofthewater.
If you don’t remember anything thenextday,don’tdrinkthewater. Repeatthiseverynightfor21days.
If you recall any contact with your Guide during your Sleep, drink the other half of the water when you wake up. This should happen beforethe21daysareover.
Calmly, your Guide will emerge from the mist. Observe them, contemplatethem,andallowthem to contemplate you. Feel the energytheyemit. OMTimes| November 2024
In a quiet place (preferably the same spot each time you wish to contact your Guide), begin with asimplebreathing-focusedmeditation.
Once relaxed, surround yourself with white light and ask for divine protection (it doesn’t matter which deity you believe in; just ask). Continue to relax and allow any thoughts to be released easilyfromyourmind.
When your mind feels calm, ask your Guide to joinyouandprovidetheanswersyouseek.
Keep in mind that Guides often communicate through sensations or symbols, so it’s a good idea to have a notebook nearby to jot down any symbolsyoudon’timmediatelyunderstand.
Here’s a practical exercise to communicate with your Guide. I learnedthisyearsagofromabookI unfortunately can’t recall, as it wasn’tmine.
OMTimes| November 2024
Let’s begin:
Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes andrelax.
Picture a starry sky. Nothing else exists aroundyoubutthestarrysky.
Relax. Breathe.
Now, imagine a Church (or a Cathedral, Synagogue, whatever feels right for you). Define it in your mind. Observe it closely and walktowardsit.Enter.
This is your personal space. Your own Church, where you are protected. No one can enter unlessyouallowit.
Observetheinteriorandcontinuetorelax.Pay attention to the atmosphere and how you feel there.
Now, turn to your left and look for a door. There may be more than one but look for the oneemittinglightfromwithin.
Walk towards it and open it. There, you will findyourGuide,whomayalreadybewaitingor whoyoumayneedtocall.
You may see your Guide clearly or just their outline. That’s okay. In time, you will see them moreclearly.
For some, communication may come in the form of symbols. For others, the Guide’s voice may be audible. Still, others may receive the information directly in theirmind.Ifthat’syourcase,don’tworry for now about distinguishing whether it’s truly your Guide speaking or just your imagination. With practice, the time will comewhenyoucantellthedifference.
When the conversation is over, say your goodbyes. Imagine yourself returning home, and slowly open your eyes and move. Just be sure not to stand up too suddenly.
Reflectonhowyoufeltwhenyousawand entered the Church. That’s an important indicator of how you feel about yourself. It may even help you realize areas you needtoworkon.
If you find it helpful, keep a notebook to record what happens during these communications. Note what is said, what you see, what you hear—everything. It maybeusefullaterasyounoticechanges overtime.
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Conscious Living focuses on mindfulness and awareness in daily life, emphasizing sustainable practices, ethical choices, personal growth, and a harmonious balance with the environment.
Imustaskwhatmotivatesmetobeontop of my de-cluttering and organizational process.
Everyone has their own tolerance level for messy spaces, and I do a pretty good job ofstayingneatandtidy. In fact, if there had been no such thing as Feng Shui, I could have easily becomeaprofessionalorganizer.
I usually go through my entire house, closets,cabinets,anddrawersonceayear. Play some upbeat music while doing this if it helps you stay energized. I discard and give away items I no longer want or need. And because I generally don't have clutter issues,thestuffIgiveawaymighttotalone ortwogrocerybagsfilledwithstuff.
By Kartar Diamond
When I had actually been preparing for a literal move of residence, I got more serious about re-homing stuff, and the pivotal question in my mind at those times was: Do I really want to pay a mover to move this?
This has been a Litmus test for me, and if the answer is "no," then it means I don't care about that item or don't care enough to take it with me. The replacement cost might be less than moving a large bulky item. In any event, this is just a mindset to explore when evaluating how much clutter and unused items you really want to hang onto.
Saving money can be as good as making money, so in a similar predicament,Ihaveknownpeoplewho filled storage units with things they cannot use in their current living situation. And yet, they have a fantasy aboutusingthosefurnishingsorpieces ofequipment"oneday."Whenthecost of storing those items exceeds their replacementvalue,thenit'stimetoget real. Often, the attachment to certain itemsisoverlysentimentalandillogical. One case in point: I had a boyfriend who stored woodshop equipment that he could no longer use because of a serious back and neck injury. Another friend had been maintaining, for more than a decade, a Public Storage Unit filled with furniture from her deceased parents' home. Would she use those furnishings herself "one day?" It was highly unlikely, as her finances could onlyaffordherastudioapartment.
I understand that these irrational attachments to possessions represent some serious psychological issues beyondthescopeofthisself-helparticle.
But the bottom line is that money as a motivator can still inspire some to clean up their scene, whether it is right in the home or off-site in public storage. How much does this storage cost you per monthorperyear?Andfrankly,dothose stored items have a monetary value that you could use for other priorities? The friend who stored her parents' furniture could have afforded a nicer and bigger place for herself to live in if she had applied the monthly storage unit costs to herrentalbudget.
I realize that I may be too logical and innately organized to ever be a professional organizer myself. I might not havethestaminaorpatiencetoworkwith individuals who are perpetually paralyzed byinaction.Infact,thewaythatIdealwith myownemotionsand"funk"isbycleaning andorganizing.
Withoutassigningblameorclingingtothe past,askyourselfasyougothroughyour stuffifyoucanjustifyspendingmoneyon havingsomeonemovetheseitemsand2) isthereareasonableprofittobemadeby sellingtheseitemsortakingataxcreditfor donatingthem?
For the last big move I made, I was downsizing, so I got rid of 40+ boxes of household items and some very large bulkyitemsaswell.Havingagaragesale fortheseitemswouldhavebeenahassle and too time-consuming. The tax write-off was much more appealing. I carefully documentedeachitemtobedonatedand spreadoutthecontentsofeachbagona table, photographed in case I were to be questioned or audited regarding the year where I claimed several thousand dollars incharitabledonations.
Author:KartarDiamond FromtheTaoofOrganizingSeries
"A wind has blown the rain away and blown the sky away and all the leaves away, and the trees stand. I think I, too, have known autumn too long."
—e. e. cummings
To maintain a harmonious environment, it's ideal toapplyFengShuitechniquesthroughouttheyear, adjusting your space according to the changing seasons.
Autumn is associated with the energy of the metal element. As autumn naturally arrives under the influence of metal, we tend to shift towards introspection, with more internal processes focused on the wellbeingofbothbodyandmind.
Asautumnapproaches,temperaturestend tocool,thedaysgrowshorter,nightsget longer,andnature'schangescallfora differentharmonizationthanwhatweusein summer.HerearesomesimpleFengShui tipstoapplytoyourspace:
Plants that love the sun and warmth tend to weakenanddryoutmoreeasilyduringautumn and winter. Therefore, give extra attention to your plants. Keeping plants in your home is excellent for harmonization, but dead or driedout plants attract negative chi, so be more attentivetothem.
Redapplessymbolizeabundanceinyourhome. Keep a bowl of red apples in your house to attract the energy of abundance and ensure you can nourish your family without hardship thisautumn-winterseason.
In summer, due to the heat, we tend to spendmoretimeoutdoors.Butwithautumn andwinter,wespendmoretimeindoors.Be sure to pay attention to spider webs and accumulated dust. Dust has negative energy and can also contribute to allergies, whicharecommoninautumn-winter.
As temperatures drop and the wind becomes more present, we often leave our windows closed for longer periods in autumn. Be cautious; keeping everything closed blocks the proper circulation of chi energy. If the wind bothers you, leave the windowsopenwhileyou'reawaytoallowair to circulate, and when you return, you can closethemandenjoyrefreshedchienergy.
Dead leaves are a signature of autumn, astreesshedtheirfoliage,andtheleaves change color and fall. While the scene is beautiful,deadleavesrepresentnegative chi in your home. So, don't let them accumulate—clearthemawayquickly.
Incorporating autumn colors and decorations into your home will create a sense of coziness and help prevent the gray days outside from dampeningyourmood.
Invest in colorful candles, vivid vases, rugs, and itemsthatwilladdwarmenergytoyourspaces.
Many families spend more time at home during the cooler autumn days and often realize they have accumulated unused items that are collecting dust. Clutter prevents the flow of energy and causes disorganization. It's time to donateordiscardtheseitemstofreeupspace.
Besides being a potential hazard for the roof, Feng Shui says that these branches can create a feeling of heaviness on the shoulders of the home'sinhabitants.
Do you have a tree in your yard, garden, or near your front door? Great, this is ideal for harmonization, but be cautious if the tree has branches hanging over your roof, especially if they’retouchingthetiles.
Autumn is a season of change, so it’s recommended to make some adjustments in your home to welcome this new season. The bestoptionistorearrangethefurniture,evenif it'sjustmovingthesofaafewinchescloserto the window, creating more circulation space between the furniture, or moving a bed away from the wall. Change is welcomed in this season, especially if it helps improve the flow ofenergyinyourhome.
Relationships as a category examine Relationships as a category examine Relationships as a category examine the dynamics, challenges, and growth the dynamics, challenges, and growth the dynamics, challenges, and growth opportunities in human connections, opportunities in human connections, opportunities in human connections, including romantic, familial, platonic, including romantic, familial, platonic, including romantic, familial, platonic, and professional interactions. and professional interactions. and professional interactions.
By Marcia Sirota, MD.
Heartbreak is a particularly excruciating typeofpain.That’sbecauseit’sconnected to the loss of what was most valuable in ourlives.
Romantic love brings many things, including joy, meaning, direction, and comfort. Each person we love adds something unique to the mix, be it their particular take on life, the in-jokes we shared,theactivitiesweenjoyedtogether, orthelifestylewecherished.
Losingthepersonwelovemeanslosingall thattheybroughttoourlives.Thelossisso enormousthatwe’releftreeling.
We stumble around in a mental fog, shocked and confused by the sudden absenceofsomethingwecouldn’timagine livingwithout.
We finally emerge from our delirium, and that’s when the pain hits. It’s agonizing and relentless. We can’t ignoreordenyit.Itpoundsagainstour hearts, a brutal rhythm hammering home how much we’ve lost. We’re knockedflatonourassesbytheforce oftheblows.
But somehow, most of us manage to survive heartbreak. We grieve, we mourn, we cry, we rage, we question everything, we rail against the unfairness of it all. Then, gradually, eventually, we get back on our feet. We let go. We learn big life lessons. We gain perspective. We find a modicum of peace. We resume our lives a bit older and hopefully wiser. Ornot.
Sometimes,forsomepeople,it’smore challenging to grieve and let go. For these individuals, their grief is complicated.Perhapsithassomething to do with the particular relationship; maybe it’s associated with something that happened in their past. These people struggle with the loss for longer than most. They wrestle with ambivalence. They suffer a lot. Some ofthemmightbenefitfromcounseling. Somearejustonadifferentschedule thantherestofus.
Having had my own experience of heartbreak, I remember what a huge relief it was when I finally got to the otherside.Icouldn’timaginespending a minute more feeling that awful. I chosetosurrendertotheexperience.I accepted the end of the relationship andalthoughIdabbledinthefantasy of a reconciliation, I refused to entertain any real hope for it. I couldn’triskdoinganythingthatmight prolongtheagony.
Instead,Iallowedmyselftofeelallthe feelings. That enabled me to get through it as quickly as possible (although not quickly enough, by my reckoning). I understand that this was my journey, and I can’t compare it to anyoneelse’sexperience.
Heartbreak is inevitable. If you live long enough, you’ll encounter it— maybe you already have. In my mind, the depth of the pain reflects the beautyofthelovethatwasshared.
My hope for all of us is that we get through it with the minimum of suffering and come out stronger and perhapsevensmarterthanbefore.
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the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lastsalifetime.
Metaphysical Sciences explore the Metaphysical Sciences explore the Metaphysical Sciences explore the nature of reality, consciousness, and nature of reality, consciousness, and nature of reality, consciousness, and the universe, blending philosophy, the universe, blending philosophy, the universe, blending philosophy, spirituality, and theoretical insights spirituality, and theoretical insights spirituality, and theoretical insights to understand existence beyond to understand existence beyond to understand existence beyond physical phenomena. physical phenomena. physical phenomena.
By Nina Verkoeyen
Manifesting isn’t just about vision boards or rituals—it’s about stepping into your innate creative power. This guide explores the two typesofmanifesting,indirect anddirect,andrevealshow embracingdirectmanifesting canawakenyourdivinewill, empowering you to create consciously and transform yourrealitywithintention.
There are two types of Manifesting: Indirect and Direct. Indirect is when you create your reality not directly but with thehelpofintermediaries–spiritualtools like visualizations, affirmations, scripting, vision boards, rituals, prayer, or other manifestingmethods.
Direct Manifesting is manifesting without any of those tools, using only the power of your divine will - the will of God, who is your true self. This is not the will of your mind; this is the will of your heart. The choice of your heart. Most people manifest using Indirect Manifesting. My goal today is to show you why you may want to consider the direct way versustheindirectway.
Problems with Indirect Manifesting
Wedon’tknowthatweareGod,we don’t know what we are capable of, and it’s easier for us to think that some other force, be it the higher force, the universe, a god you believe in, a spiritual entity you connect with, or a method or technique has the power to create your reality, rather than your own power.Andit’ssomewhattrue–until we are awakened to the knowledge that we are The Creator, our power to create reality directly is also not awakenedyet.
Weshiftresponsibility,believeinthe powerofothersmorethanourown, and rely on others – other forces, other methods- to help us achieve our goals. When we use intermediaries,weshiftresponsibility andattributeresultstothepowerof thoseintermediaries.
Thishindersourownrealizationand activation of our own power. The more we rely on intermediaries, tools, and methods, the more we relayourpowertootherforcesand don’tactivateourown.
We forget who we are more and more. Our Creative power stays dormant. When we believe it’s the method, prayer, or ritual that worked,wearenotactuallycreating thisreality;wearepassivelywaiting fortheoutcometoappear.
You are a recipient who performs some rituals and appeals to some forcesandthenanticipatesandhopes that it will manifest, which is never guaranteed.You,asarecipient,don’t know the mechanics of how things manifest, why they did this time, or whytheydidn’t.Thisknowledgeisnot availabletoyou.
Thetimehascomeinourspiritual evolution, where we should no longer transfer responsibility to third parties. If we want to become who we truly are – The Creator – whose main mission is to create this reality consciously, instead of thinking that some methodworked.
The next problem with indirect manifesting is that it simplydoesn’tworkthatwell.Weasacollectiveare slowly but surely outgrowing the indirect method and relying on intermediaries between us and the creator within, that’s why with each year there appear to be fewerandfewerpeoplewhoseeresultsfromindirect manifesting.
It’snoteffective,andwitheachday,fewerandfewer peoplegetresults.Soon,itwillnotworkatall.Indirect manifesting is simply less effective. It works partially forsomepeopleinsomecases.
Suppose you were frustrated that your manifesting doesn’tworkwhileInstagrammanifestingadeptsshow you their new cars, houses, and everything. In that case, they keep manifesting using affirmations and visualboards.Atthesametime,youcan’tunderstand that this might not be because you are doing somethingincorrectlyorsomethingiswrongwithyou; theironyisthatyoumightbetoospirituallyadvanced to use those methods. It is not beneficial for you to receive results relaying responsibilities on third parties, you have outgrown those spiritual tools and tricks,youarereadytomanifestdirectly.
Our hearts no longer accept middlemen between us andourtrueSelf.
What the Direct Manifesting of Meta Spirituality tradition offers you is the ability to stop shifting responsibility, activatethepowerofthecreatorwithin, and start creating only with the power of your choice. You will not learn a single manifestation technique or method. Instead, you will learn who you areandhowtoexpressitinyourdaily lifesothatreality—theextensionofwho youare—canbeexactlyasyouchoose ittobeinanyaspectofyourlife. What is needed to master Direct Manifesting? Only one understanding –knowing who you are. My approach, what I teach, and the spiritual knowledge you gain in my programs in my sessions is a completely different approach, a direct one, where you directlyrealizethatyouarethecreator.
This involves a shift in perception, changing your self-identification, changing your perception of yourself directly, of who you are. From this foundation, you perceive the world with new eyes; you perceive the desired and everything aroundyouandeveryonearoundyounot as separate from yourself but as part of who you are. You become one; you close this gap between yourself and what you want, and materialization happensmuchfaster.
Methods such as visualization, affirmation, and various manifestation practices do notchangetheessenceofwhoyouare; they do not change your perception of yourself, the core and root of the problem.
The root of the problem is that you do not know your true "I," are not connectedwithit,anddonotknowthat youarethecreator, God,whocontains everything, who is everything, who is one with everything. This illusion of separation, which is present in your consciousness, makes you a God, a Creator who does not know, does not realizethemselvesandtheirpower,and therefore is not able to consciously create, to create their reality according totheirdesire.
Thereareseveralwaystoacceleratekarma and cleanse the soul. Here, we’ll explore threepossiblemethodsofkarmiccleansing thatyieldgoodresults,aslongasthereisa seriousintentiontoelevatespiritually.
TheVioletFlame Method 01.
Once elevated, the vibration of violet color is a transmuting energy that converts evil into good. A flame of compassion and mercy shines to cleansekarmaandatavisticblockages.
If you wish to improve your situation and release yourself from karma, you must meditate daily on your past, present, and future,allowinglovetofloodyourheartand resistbeing"tempted"bynegativethoughts.
Once you have reached a high level of meditation, visualize yourself covered by a cloak of intense violet. When the visualizationbecomesclearenoughforyou to feel the violet light around you, you shouldaskGodortheDivine,withallyour soul,forthereleaseofkarma.Lightapurple candle and focus on its violet flame, representingtheactionoftheLawofMercy andForgiveness.
Cosmicenergyflowsinandoutthrough certaincentralenergypointsdistributed along the body. Karmic cleansing can beachievedthroughchakracleansing, which helps you better understand "whatcomesnext"andeasilyovercome your problems. Each chakra corresponds to a color and a state of mind. To activate the chakras, it’s important to meditate and visualize them, spinning them like small colored discs. This exercise can activate them, leading to the activation of healing energiesandthereleaseofblockages.
Proper conduct, along with the good functioning of the chakras, opens new pathways and allows you to leave behindheavykarmicburdensquickly.
Certain products created in modern alchemical laboratories are useful for releasingandcleansingkarma.
These have extremely high vibrations and allow for the rapidtransmutationofnegative energetic effects from heavy karmas.
For effective karmic cleansing, one must fully accept the fact thattheyare"responsibleforthe debt."Onlythencanalchemical transmutationbeaccompanied by good actions that can redeemthepastones.
Raising your vibrations will help you see more clearly what will happen, lifting feelings of depression&discouragement.
Andstrikingvisuals,thesection aims to transport readers to these unexplored landscapes. It highlights the unique experiences, adventures, and encounters that await those who dare to tread these unfamiliarterritories.
The focus is not only on the physical beauty of these destinations but also on the culturalrichness.However,itis important to engage in introspection to discover the bestpathtofollowandadopt the right attitude to avoid repeatingthesamemistakes.
Among all the techniques we can discuss for healing and personal growth, none can match the transformative poweroftheinnerceremonyof Forgiveness. It’s important to understandthatforgivenessis not just a singular event or a simple attitude—it is an ongoing process, one that unfolds over time, often in layers.
I’ve learned this through personal experience. There weremomentsinmylifewhenI thought I had forgiven someone or even myself, but the residual emotions would surface unexpectedly. That’s when I realized that true forgivenessrequiresmorethan amentaldecision;itdemands adeep,innershift.It’saprocess thatinvolvesnotonlylettinggo of the anger, hurt, or resentment but also releasing the emotional and energetic attachmentsthattieustothe pain.
Forgiveness begins with the recognition that holding onto theseemotionsonlyharmsus. Theironyisthatweoftenthink bywithholdingforgiveness,we are somehow protecting ourselves, or worse, punishing thosewhohurtus.Butthetruth is, forgiveness frees us. It releasestheheavyburdenwe carrywithinourselves,allowing space for peace, growth, and healing.
Everyone says that forgiveness is a lovely idea until he has somethingtoforgive.
Forgivenessbeginswiththerecognition that holding onto these emotions only harmsus.Theironyisthatweoftenthink by withholding forgiveness, we are somehowprotectingourselves,orworse, punishing those who hurt us. But the truthis,forgivenessfreesus.Itreleases the heavy burden we carry within ourselves, allowing space for peace, growth,andhealing.
I remember a time when I carried a grudge for years. I felt justified in my anger and convinced that forgiving would be like saying that what had happenedwasokay.
It wasn’t until I sat with my own suffering—truly faced it—that I understoodforgivenesshadnothingto do with condoning the actions of others.Ithadeverythingtodowithmy ownwell-being.Byrefusingtoforgive,I was the one holding onto the poison, nottheotherperson.
Therealpowerofforgivenessliesinits abilitytoshiftusoutofvictimhoodand into a place of empowerment. When we forgive, we take back our power. Wenolongerallowthepasttodictate our emotional present or future. It’s a formofself-liberation.
Forgivenessispowerfulbecauseitisn’t just about the person or situation we are forgiving. It’s also about extending grace to ourselves for how we’ve allowed that pain to shape us. Often, the hardest person to forgive is ourselves—for our mistakes, for the wayswe’vefallenshort,orevenforthe way we’ve held onto the hurt for so long.Theprocessofself-forgiveness,in my experience, is perhaps the most challenging but also the most rewarding.
I’ve also come to appreciate forgiveness's spiritual aspect. It’s as if the act of forgiving aligns us with a higher energy, a vibration of love and compassion that transcends our personal story. In many ways, forgivenessisaspiritualpractice—one that purifies the soul, releases karmic ties, and allows us to move forward withalighterheart.
Forexample,phraseslike"Continuedon page3”redirectthereadertoapage wherethearticleiscontinued. Whilea goodconclusionisanimportant ingredientfornewspaperarticles,the immediacyofadeadlineenvironment meansthatcopyeditingoftentakesthe formofdeletingeverything.
See children as true gifts from God and never harm themphysicallyorverbally.
Share what you have, whether little or much, in accordance with the "Law of Providence," which ensuresthatnothingwillbelacking.
Forgive those who offend or mistreat you, recognizing that they may be people from past karmic connections.
Respect yourself by taking care of your body and seekingcompanyandactivitiesthatupliftyourspirit.
Donotavoidchallenges—facethemwithhumilityand the conviction that you will give your best to resolve them.
EstablishaTempleofLoveinyourheartandfilterevery success and action in life through this lens of love beforemakinganydecision.
The Voice of The Spiritually Conscious Community
When “God” created the world, He first created emptiness to fill the void, and everythingthatexistscomesfromwithinthe DivinemindofOurCreator,whichisinside Himself/herselfandispartofHim.
I will repeat what I said, as it helps us understand.
TheCreatorextern alizedwhatexistedwithinHim/Her(thefield of pure potentiality), which was part of Him/Her, which is us and everything that existsorwillexistoneday.
Buttoexistasseparateentities,whichgives us the notion of ourselves, we need to acknowledge that there is a void around everyone and everything, which is the individualvoid.
This void distinguishes and gives the Illusionary notion of being Living Beings separatefromtheDivineCreatorofAll.
By Ageless Wisdom
On the path of expanding consciousness, we enter a field of experiential encounters and occurrences designed to challenge preconceptions and old points of view. These experiences can give us a different perspectiveandtherealizationthatthereis noseparation,thatweareallconnected. Mystical experiences, in which we see ourselves as part of everything and everything as part of us, are perceptions thatallowourselvestoofseeingthingsnot as separate from everything but as part of thedivineMindofGod.
Some beliefs from India, like Hinduism and Buddhism, have different ideas about life and what happensafterwedie.Hinduismsayswecomefrom GodandwillgobacktoHim.Buddhism,ontheother hand, thinks that we will eventually blend into everythingaroundus.
Our notion of ourselves, our individuality, can only exist because there is an individual void around us, whichexistsaroundeverything,fromplanetstostars toatomsandcells.
Thankstothat,weseethesethingsasseparate,not aspartofeverything. Godalsohasthevoidaround Him, which distinguishes Him from everything. But suppose everyone has the individual void, including planets, more evolved beings, and God, who is greater than everything that exists. In that case, we willneverloseourindividuality.
Still, through our Mystical experiences, our consciousness will increase and go beyond ourselves, transcending the individual void. We will have the notion of the Whole, just as well as the notion of ourselves, and this is the expansion of consciousness,whichisgoingbeyondourindividual void.
SomeReligious,spiritual,andmysticalcurrentsseek theexpansionofconsciousness,whichisthisnotion of the Whole, which brings fulfillment and very pleasantfeelings.Theseexperiencesusuallyoccurin practicesofmeditationandprayers.
With spiritual evolution, our consciousness expands beyondourselvesandourindividualvoid. Thus,thelimitlessabsoluteandindividualitycanand will coexist. As the more evolved beings also have individuality,butalsoagreatfeelingandexperience of expanded consciousness, this shows that we will neverloseourindividuality,andthisdiffersfromwhat somespiritualschoolsbelieve,likeBuddhism,which believesthatrealityisonlylifewiththeexpansionof consciousness.
But it is by working on self-knowledge, which is anamplifiedawarenessofourselvesthathasto do with individuality, that our consciousness expands.
Many people have developed consciousness anddonotknowit.
Still, it brings compassion and empathy, which are ways of going beyond ourselves and beyond our individual void. Love is something that makes us go beyond ourselves and is linkedtotheexpansionofconsciousness.
Loveconnectsustoeverythingandlinkspeople to each other, and those who live too much for themselves end up being very alone without realizing it because they do not connect to others,andthisisselfishness.
The energy of Divine love connects atoms, in systemic structures like the solar system, with the planets being part of it, not to mention the most obvious. Divine love unites people, and among them, we will elect someone special to us, our love partner.
The presence of this person becomes very good and greatly appreciated.
Consciousness that goes beyond itself is consciousness that goes beyond the individual void, that is expanded awareness.
Everything has its void, and for things to function, the void reflects on the outside and inside what exists inside the void, which is full of things. If the void did not reflect, everything would empty into it.
Our notion of spirituality is to go toward love, toward the Whole, the expansion of consciousness. Love leads us to” the other”.
God, or the Divine infinite Mind, created various levels of consciousness in different stages of development. These living and conscious beings are “deities” that radiate God's energies to everything that exists. These deities live within God and radiate their energies, creating, developing, maintaining, and changing all reality. Everything that is designed (Created) and uncreated inside the limitless field of Possibility inside the Mind of God is considered Cosmic energies; like Sagan said once, “we really are star stuff”.
Personal Growth encompasses self-improvement and emotional, mental, and spiritual development, focusing on enhancing selfawareness, skills, health, and overall well-being.
More than ever, humanity needs love and healing. Empathy changes and recharges the light of the soul. It will bring us back to purpose and keep the light of hope alive
Empathy is one of the signs of emotional intelligence. It is the ability to understand another from their point of reference and emotionallyfeelwhattheyfeel.
This means to feel a person's joy as well as their pain. To look through the lens of their eyes and experience their events as if they were ours. There are different kinds and degrees of empathy, and according to psychology, empathy is both a part of our evolution andalearnedskillorbehavior.
The state of empathy, or being empathic, is to perceive the internal frame of reference of another with accuracy and with the emotional components and meanings that pertain thereto as if one were the person.
Carl Rogers
A person described as an empath is highly sensitive to other vibrational energies and experiences emotions physically as well. They are the first to feel, experience, and offer help, and when they say they care, it is obvious. Dealing with loud noises, crowds, negative outlooks, and cruelty of any kind can also set off alarms, elevating anxiety and fear. Learning how to function at a higher level during these events is key to maintaining emotional balance and keepingapositiveoutlook.
The empath has a variety of abilities and skills that go along with this life theme. Their Earth missions are complicated and varied, and their life plans are not easy. Empathy involves caring from the deepest levels of the heart. It is the core of our humanity, the reason we can love unconditionally. For an empath, it cannot be very clear whether the feelings belong to them orsomeoneelse.
Anempathcanreadanotherperson'sthoughts, emotions, and intentions. It happens all the time, although most people aren't aware of it. Intuition is heightened, and spiritual energy is at high volume. Psychic ability develops through our empathy with practice and devotion. When a psychic is highly empathetic, they are extremely accurate with reading and interpreting messages for others from spirit. They send out an energy of peace, which helps put others at ease and helps develop trust between the reader and the person receiving thereading.
Empathscanhelpprotecttheirenergyfieldsby remembering to detach in many situations. Being able to understand another and offering comfort along with channeling positive energy (withoutdepletingtheirown)iskey.
Empaths can heal themselves and others without taking on the negative energy as their own. Meditation, self-care, and a positive outlook on the benefits of being extra sensitive help greatly in transmuting energies. Setting boundaries,knowingwhentoendrelationships, and understanding the motives of friends and family members help greatly. Rising above situations that bring in anxiety and fear is a learnedskillovertime.
Narcissists are drawn to empaths because they use the love and energy provided to them to feedtheirneedforattention.
Theempathisalwaystryingtosavesomeonewhoisneedyandbrokenuntiltheylearn that relationships are about loving each other equally and unconditionally. Narcissists don't have or understand empathy, only that they need and seek attention for their ownselfishpurposes.Eventhoughweallcanhaveselfishthoughtsortendencies,most ofuslearnhowtoshareandunderstandeachotherashumans.
An empath identifies the fact that love, patience, and understanding are more important than anything. They learn that, through time, not everyone has the same energyorvalues,andthatisokay.
Through spiritual evolution, they can learn to be responsible for how they honor life with their own growth—learning to embrace their feelings without holding them in means expressing them in more positive ways. An empath can listen, be a calm and peaceful voice for injustice, and inspire others not to be afraid to feel. More than ever, humanityneedsloveandhealing.Itisempathythatchangesandrechargesthelightof thesoul.Empathywillbringusbacktopurposeandkeepthelightofhopealive.These specialabilitiesweremeanttobesharedtohelpthisEarthhealandflourish.Theheart ofanempathisthesoulsongwecanalllearntosing.
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read them to clients all over the world. To learn more or contact us for a session, see judilynch.com
Ministry Earth is a New joint Ventured Publication from Cathedral of The Soul Mystical Church. OMTimes Media, Inc, OMTimes Publishing House. Together, we endeavor to discover the intersection of an Integrative spirituality, a Conscious scientific perspective, and the practice of Compassionate Ethics.
"TheSevenStoreyMountain"isacaptivating memoir with much to delve into. Thomas Merton, born in 1915 and passed away in 1968,wasawriterandTrappistmonkatOur Lady of Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky. His memoir, published in 1948, quickly became a bestseller and is often considered one of the most influential religious works of the 20thcentury.
The title refers to the mountain of purgatory in Dante's "Divine Comedy," symbolizing Merton's journey towards spiritual enlightenment.Thebookchronicleshisearly life, including his experiences at Cambridge and Columbia University and his eventual embraceofCatholicism,followedbyhisentry intothemonastery.
Merton's memoir is remarkable for his ability to articulate his inner spiritual struggles and his search for meaning in a world that often seemedchaoticanddevoidofpurpose.
By Marguerite Dar Boggia
He writes with a candidness and intellectual depth that bridges the gap between the sacred and the secular, making his story accessible to a wide audience. Modern-day Confessions of Saint Augustine, The Seven Storey Mountain is one of the most influential religiousworksofthetwentiethcentury.
Merton's journey is not just a literal one towards monastic life but also a metaphoricaljourneyinward.Hereflects on themes like the nature of self, the allure of materialism, and the quest for a deeper, more authentic existence. His insightsarethought-provokingandoften challenge readers to contemplate their ownspiritualandexistentialbeliefs.
"The Seven Storey Mountain" remains a powerful testimony to the human search for faith and meaning. It's a book that encourages introspection and can be a companion to those on their own spiritual journeys, regardless of their religious background.
Given its blend of autobiographical narrative and spiritual exploration, it's a book that pairs well with moments of solitude and reflection. Maybe a peaceful afternoon in a cozy nook would be the perfect setting to absorb Merton's profound insights. Does this resonate with your literary appetite, or is there another type of book you're curious about?
I recommend "The Seven Storey Mountain" by Thomas Merton for a memoir with spiritual overtones. This profound and moving autobiography tells the story of Merton's journey from a secular lifestyle to becoming a Trappist monk. Written in 1948, it explores themes of faith, purpose, and the search for true meaning in life.
Merton's narrative is not just about his conversion to Christianity and monastic life; it's a deeply personal exploration of spirituality and self-discovery. His reflections on faith, the challenges of modern life, and the quest for a deeper understanding of oneself and the divine make it a compelling read for anyone interested in spiritual growth.
The beauty of this memoir lies in its honest and introspective narration. Merton doesn't shy away from discussing his doubts, struggles, and revelations, making his story relatable to a wide range of readers, regardless of their beliefs or spiritual backgrounds.
Pair this read with a quiet evening and perhaps a reflective walk, allowing the depth of Merton's experiences to resonate with your own spiritual journey. Does this suggestion align with what you're looking for, or may I suggest another?
But You Can Create the Future