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Carol King's 1971 Grammy Award-winning album of the Year, tapestry, featured the heartwarming song. You've Got a Friend. What are the Secrets to True Friendship?
With more than a million copies sold, Mark Nepo has moved and inspired readers and seekers all over the world with his number one New York Times bestseller, the Book of Awakening, beloved as a poet, teacher, and storyteller. Mark has been called one of the finest spiritual guides of our time, a consummate storyteller, and an eloquent spiritual teacher. His website is mark nepo.com, and he joins me to share his amazing path and new book, You Don't Have to Do It Alone, the Power of Friendship.
Victor Fuhrman: You know, it turns out, Mark, that we're a couple of young men born in Brooklyn, New York, about two years apart, <laugh>. So, I feel almost like we're family and kin here.We'reBrooklynBoys.Please share your early path and how it planted the seeds for your work andwisdom.
MarkNepo: Well,youknow,Ithink, even as a boy, before I had any language for it, the world always spoke to me in metaphor. And even when I didn't know what that was, evenasaboy,um,andinterestingly, in Brooklyn, my first alone time was in the alley between brownstones, right outside my grandmother's kitchenwindow.But,ifthewindwent through a tree, it was like speaking to me, saying: "Okay, what is this like? And later, I understood the wordmetaphor.Sothat'sbeenlikea native language, but I think relationally, when I was in high school and the first fall in love, and shewasayearolder,andwhenshe went to college, first our paths parted,andofcourse,myheartwas broken.
roots finding water, we always wind up movingtowardswhatsustainsus.
Indealingwiththosefeelings,Istarted to write. And I realized after a while that I wasn't just writing, talking to myself. I had begun a conversation withlifeandtheuniverse.
At that early age, the authenticity of our feelings was the threshold for that conversation. Fast forward, I am 72 now And’ll be 73 next week. And when I met people our age when I was younger, I thought they were ancient.Itdoesn'tseemsooldnow.
In my Thirties, I almost died of a rare form of Lymphoma. And that nearly changed everything, of course, and threw me into my heart without any wisdomonmypart.
From that, I became a student of all paths. I was raised Jewish, and I was blessed that people from all traditions and walks of life offeredformalorinformalhelpalongtheway. So,spitbackoutofthemouthofthewhaleof Cancer back into life; I am still not wise enough to realize what did work and what didn’t.Iamastudentcommittedtothegiftsof the common center of all paths and the uniquegiftofeach.
Victor Fuhrman: Growing up in the sixties and seventies, I remember songs like Buzzy Lin Hart's Friends, a hit for Bette Midler and Carol King. You've got a friend that was also a hit for James Taylor, your newbook,YouDon'tHavetoDoItAlone.
The Power of Friendship is described as exploring and celebrating friendship and community. What inspired this book, and whatareyouexploringit?
Mark Nepo: Oh, well, I've always wanted to write a book about spirit and friendship. Famously, the Dalai Lama has said that "kindness is his religion". And reflecting on that, I think friendship is mine. I think one of the central paradoxes of life, and maybe the most central, is that no one can live your life for you. No one has ever been here. Who is you? And no one can do it alone. In fact, I think a modern disease, a psychological disease, is that we think we can do it alone. And so, I wouldn't be here without the love and care of so many friends and people, and my friends have become my family. And so, one of the things I wanted to explore is to bear witness to that journey of what it really means to be a friend. How do we initiate it? The challenges of friendship, the limitations, and how it all brings us together to life's larger resources. So all of that, and paying tribute to the friendships that I've had and encouraging people, We discover friends. I think so much of it is not like going out looking for a friend, but we're open to true connection by being who we are. There's a direct link between opening ourselves and connecting with others.
Victor Fuhrman: When did you first become aware of the power of friendship?
Mark Nepo: Oh, I think it was in college, in high school, I would say, I mean, I wasn't a loner. I had what you'd guess you'd call acquaintances. And it wasn't until college that I really had my first deep friendships where we could be broken with each other. We could be in pain, in fear. And it wasn't just all about having a good time or showing up with our best face. And so discovering that people would actually be there for me, and me for them, opened up a whole other way of being that I never knew before.
The broken door lets in the light. The broken heart lets in the world. Mark Nepo
Victor Fuhrman: What are the different manifestations of friendship?
Mark Nepo: Let's start with the word friendship, which goes back to a German Indo, a German root word, Indo-European, um, that means place of high safety. Cicero said two quotes, and then we'll look at that. I mean, Cicero said:” A friend is a second self.” I didn't talk to Cicero, so I don't know what he meant, but it says that we can be completely who we are. You understand that a friend is someone you can bring all of who you are; you don't have to pose, hold back, or hide. Then, I used it as the epigraph for the book by Ralph Walter Emerson, who said a friend may be, or friendship may be, the masterpiece ofnature. So, I think a friend is the manifestation of friendship. In the early part of the book,Ithinkit'saunityofsouls.Ithink it is a way for us to seek truth together. I think it's a way for us to travel. I actually use this in another bookofminecalledInsidetheMiracle, but there's a print by Hokusai, the great Japanese woodblock. Hiroshige and Hokusai, I've often said that together they are the Shakespeare of woodblock in Japan. He or she had this beautiful print of a suspension bridge, and it's not a bridge that's made out of planks and rope, very narrow. And so, as you're stepping on it, it dips. I mean, you see the way, so there are these two people in the middle of this suspension bridge crossingbetweentwocliffs. And where they're standing is, you know, it holds, but it dips. To me, that isagreatimageofreal-lifefriendship.
And that very foundational, both sturdy and precarious walk through life along the corridor of aliveness. And how do we help each other? How do we hold each other when the view makes us dizzy? How do we hold each other up when we feel like we can't go on? And, again, in that paradox,everybodyneedssomeone.
Victor Fuhrman: Can you say more about the nature of spiritual friendship?
MarkNepo: Ithinkspiritualfriendship. So, let's back up and talk for a second about the spiritual journey. So I have come to feel and believe that everyone, whoever lives will be given the opportunity to be dropped into the depth of life. Now, often, like me, it wascancer.Itcanbesomethingthat's very difficult or life-threatening, but it also can be beauty and wonder and surprise and grace. So it's not just suffering. But when we're dropped into that depth, then our journey turns completely relational. And our quest is about what kind of part am I in what kind of universe? How do I relate to everything larger than me? How do I be as fully alive as possible while I'm here?
How do I, you know, as you were talking Victor, how do I, uh, offer service and compassion and kindness and help things repair and heal and join? And so often, and this is very interesting, in the Buddhist tradition, you know, there is what's called Hinayana Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhists. OMTIMES| AUGUST 2024
And it's interesting, if you look at, I mean, the emphasis in Maha in Hiana, it's not that we don'tstilltrytohelppeople,buttheemphasisisonthesolojourney.Hinayanameanssmall raft, and it emphasizes the part that, okay, I'm rooting for you, but it's your work. But Mahayana means big raft. While that acknowledges that no one can do it for you, it also says, I'm here for you. And actually, in some kind of paradoxical way, when you do your journey,andIdomine,we'remoretogetherthanalone,whichisthenameofanotherbook aboutcommunity.
How do I offer service, compassion, and kindness and help things repair, heal, and join? And so often, and this is very interesting, in the Buddhist tradition, there are what's called Hinayana Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhists. And it's interesting, the emphasis in Maha and Hinayana, it's not that we don't still try to help people, but the emphasis is on the solo journey. Like Hinayana means small raft, and it emphasizes the part that, okay, I'm rooting for you, but it’s yourwork.
But Mahayana means big raft. While that acknowledges that no one can do it for you, it also says, you know, I'm here for you. And actually, in some kind of paradoxical way, when you do your journey, and I do mine, we're more together than alone, which is the name of another book of mine about community.
Victor Fuhrman: There are so many ways that we may share in friendship from my personal experience. One of thesewaysistrulylisteningtoafriend who needs to be heard without interjection or opining. What would yousharewithusaboutlistening?
MarkNepo: OhmyGod.Andthat'sawholebook I wrote on listening called 7,000 Ways to Listen. This is a key part of how I teach. In the circles I teach, when we break up into pairs to explore how whatever we're looking at, what it is, and where it lives in your life, I invite people when another person isspeaking;there isno crosstalk. We'renotheretofixorgiveadvice.
We're here to be present and listen. Thomas Merton had said that if we truly beheld each other, we would fall and worship each other. And so, if I'm truly listening to you, I don't know what I'm going to say next. You know, so often out of even goodwill, even meaning, well, we're preparing what to respond with. Andassoonaswedothat,we'renotpresent. So, listening with the heart, and this is a big distinctiontoo,isthat, inourmodernworld, if Isaytoyou,learnthisbyheart,well,wethink that means memorizing it. That's not what learning by heart means. Learning, by heart, means I am so present with you that I will be changedafterbeingwithyou.
AndIalsofindthatwhenpeopletrulylistento oneanother,wegivethemthespacetothink and feel out loud so that they can discover what they didn't know they knew. So, I think when we think and feel out loud in the company of a friend, that is for a soul; that kind of talking is what sketching is for an artist. We don't know where it's going. We don'tknowwhat'sgoingon.Yeah.So,Ithink listening is really how the heart breathes. I thinkit'sacrucialthresholdforeverything.
VictorFuhrman:Mark,pleasesharewithour listeners again, whether they can get all of your wonderful books and works and find outmoreaboutyou.
Mark Nepo: Yeah, thank you. So, my website, mark nepo.com, has everything about where I'm teaching all my books. You can find my books really anywhere on Amazon or Barnes and Noble or different places; and at live dot mark nepo.com is where you can register for mywebinars.
Victor Fuhrman: There's a wonderful expression in parts of Africa, different iterations, butthebasicwordisUbuntu.Andittranslatesas I am because we are; it truly is the essence of whatwe'retalkingabout.
Mark Nepo: I'm sure you know the Jewish ethicofTikkunOlam,whichmeanshealingto repairtheworld.ButIbelievethatwecan'tfix theworldifwedon'trepairourselves.
Victor Fuhrman: Mark, please share with our listeners again, whether they can get all of your wonderful books and works and find out more about you.
Mark Nepo: Yeah, thank you. So, my website, marknepo.com, has everything about where I'm teaching all my books. You can findmybooksreallyanywhereon Amazon or Barnes and Noble or different places; and at live dot mark nepo.com is where you can registerformywebinars.
Victor Fuhrman: Mark, thank you again for joining us and sharing this wonderful wisdom in a world that longs for wonderful wisdom.Sothankyou.
Health and Healing encompass practices and knowledge focused on maintaining, restoring, and enhancing physical and mental well-being through various therapeutic and holistic approaches.
By OMTimes
Delve into the intriguing world of food and its impact on your body on our website. Embrace the power of nutrition and become the best version of yourself.
In the intricate dance of life and health, the old adage "You are what you eat" resonates with a profound truth that has been echoed through the ages. Today's
investigative, nutritional sciences have unearthed fascinating insights, confirming what was once known as 'The Doctrine of Signatures.' This doctrine, deeply rooted in the wisdom of civilizations past, proposes a remarkable theory: every whole food bears a pattern that resembles a body organ or physiological function, and these patterns signal the food's specific benefits to these organs. This theory is more than a coincidence or a tale from ancient herbalists. It's a testament to the
intelligence of nature and its intricate connection with human physiology. Let's delve deeper into this fascinating world and uncover how these natural signatures play a crucial role in our health.
When sliced, a carrot resembles the human eye, complete with a pupil, iris, and radiating lines. Modern science supports this visual connection, revealing that carrots
enhance blood flow and aid the function of the eyes thanks to their rich beta-carotene content, which is converted into vitamin A, essential for eye health.
The tomato, with its red color and four chambers, mirrors the structure of the human heart. Research has consistently shown that tomatoes, rich in lycopene and antioxidants, are beneficial for heart health and play a role in maintaining healthy blood circulation.
Resembling a cluster of hearts, each grape is akin to a blood cell. Beyond their poetic appearance, grapes are known for their heart and blood-vitalizing properties, attributed to their high levels of antioxidants, including resveratrol, which is known for its cardiovascular benefits.
A walnut, with its left and right hemispheres, upper cerebrums,
and lower cerebellums, is strikingly similar to the human brain. The resemblance extends beyond appearance; walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, crucial for brain health, and aid in developing neurontransmitters.
Resembling the human kidneys, kidney beans are not only visually similar but are also known to support and maintain kidney function. They are packed with
nutrients that help cleanse and detoxify the kidneys.
These foods, which strikingly resemble bones, specifically target bone strength. They match the bone's 23% sodium content and are crucial in maintaining bone health. A deficiency in dietary sodium can lead to the body leeching sodium from the bones, weakening them. These foods are a natural countermeasure.
Eggplants, avocados, and pears resemble the female womb and cervix. Avocados, for instance, are linked with balancing hormones, aiding in post-birth weight loss, and reducing the risk of cervical cancers. Intriguingly, the gestation period of an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit is nine months, mirroring human pregnancy.
Figs, which hang in twos and are full of seeds, are associated with male fertility. They are known to increase sperm motility and count, aiding in overcoming male sterility.
Resembling the pancreas, sweet potatoes balance the glycemic index
in diabetics. Their natural sweetness and fiber content make them an excellent food choice for blood sugar regulation.
Olives, similar in appearance.
Ovaries are beneficial for ovarian health. They are rich in healthy fats and antioxidants essential for hormonal balance and overall reproductive health.
Grapefruits, oranges, and other citrus fruits bear a striking resemblance to female mammary glands. They play a significant role in breast health and promote the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts. These fruits are rich in compounds like limonoids, known for their anti-cancer properties, especially in breast health.
Onions, with their layered structure, resemble body cells. They are known for their ability to help clear waste materials from all body cells. Additionally, onions produce tears that help wash the epithelial layers of the eyes, supporting eye health.
The concept of whole food signatures opens a fascinating window into natural health and nutrition. It speaks to a deeper wisdom inherent in nature that intuitively connects the form and function of these foods with
the organs and systems of the human body.
These examples represent only a fraction of the intricate connections between the foods we eat and our physical wellbeing. With over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents found in these foods, of which modern science has only studied and named about 141, the potential for further discoveries is immense.
Moreover, the Doctrine of Signatures extends beyond the physical resemblance of foods to body organs. It encompasses the
understanding that the nutrients in these foods are precisely what our organs need for optimal function. For instance, the high fiber content in kidney beans supports kidney function and aids in overall digestive health. Similarly, the high vitamin C content in citrus fruits is good for breast health and essential for immune system functioning.
The insights from the Doctrine of Signatures also highlight the importance of a varied and balanced diet. Consuming a wide range of whole foods ensures that we provide our bodies with diverse nutrients, each targeting different
organs and systems for holistic health.
The Doctrine of Signatures, now gradually unraveled by modern science, offers a powerful reminder of the deep connection between our diet and health. It encourages us to look at our food as a source of sustenance and as natural medicine specifically designed to nourish and heal our bodies. As we continue to explore and understand these connections, we open up new possibilities for preventive health care and natural healing, rooted in the simple yet profound principle: You are what you eat.
By Ahtayaa Leigh
Achieving success in the world of business demands unwavering determination,
unwavering consistency, and unshakable strength. Even when your venture aligns with your spiritual calling, it transforms into more than a
mere passion – it becomes a profound responsibility. The daily grind of managing a business, tending to the mundane, and ensuring financial stability can be a formidable challenge.
For many, embracing the role of an artist or a compassionate helper, seeking to touch as many lives as possible, is overshadowed by the weight of financial worries. Deeply ingrained negative conditioning regarding money often lurks within the very cells of our bodies. We subconsciously believe we must conform to certain standards or personas to attain financial abundance. The mere notion of wealth can sometimes carry negative connotations, further obstructing our path to prosperity. These barriers to abundance run deep and are intricately linked to feelings of unworthiness that, to varying degrees, afflict most of us.
Indeed, the feeling of unworthiness is deeply rooted within us, often stemming from the very act of entering this physical dimension. As we journey further away from our spiritual source, this sense of separation amplifies, intensifying our perception of unworthiness. The
human experience invariably carries traces of these sentiments, ingraining them within our psyche.
It is crucial to recognize that worthiness is an inherent aspect of your existence, an intrinsic quality that resides at the core of your being. Your mere presence in this world is a testament to your inherent worth. However, the perception of unworthiness can create barriers, obstructing the free flow of energy within your being. You can never truly be unworthy, but you can erect perceptual barriers that obstruct your view of your inherent worth.
On the path to success and fulfillment in both business and life, the degree of your happiness and prosperity is intimately tied to your understanding of self-worth and your connection with the divine source. It is paramount to acknowledge that you are, by your very essence, worthy. However, we often construct mental and emotional barricades that impede our progress on the path to self-realization.
In this context, fasting emerges as a powerful tool for dismantling these barriers and ushering in a profound transformation. Fasting, while
often associated with physical detoxification, also holds the potential for deep inner cleansing. It allows you to shed physical toxins and the limiting beliefs and emotional burdens that obstruct your path to success.
Through fasting, you embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment. It provides an opportunity to strip away the layers of conditioning and societal influences that have veiled your true essence. As you cleanse your body, you simultaneously cleanse
your mind and spirit, peeling back the layers of unworthiness that have obscured your innate brilliance.
Fasting becomes a catalyst for inner healing and personal growth, allowing you to rediscover your inherent worth and connection with the divine source. It empowers you to break down the self-imposed barriers on your path to success, opening the door to abundance, happiness, and fulfillment. Ultimately, fasting serves as a potent instrument for dissolving the blocks that hinder your journey toward selfrealization and prosperity.
Achieving genuine happiness and success in life is a matter of dismantling the obstructive barriers that impede our progress. On the surface, this might appear simple, but the journey towards removing these hurdles is both profound and transformative. One potent tool that has illuminated my path in this quest to eliminate mental and emotional blockages is intermittent fasting. Its significance is underscored by the fact that
numerous ancient texts extol the virtues of fasting.
The process of digesting food demands a substantial amount of our body's energy. By embracing intermittent fasting, we provide our digestive system with respite, allowing our body to redirect its energy towards the profound task of healing. Our bodies are remarkable vessels endowed with intelligence that directs energy to wherever healing is most needed when provided with the opportunity.
It is essential to recognize that our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual facets are interconnected and functioning in harmony. When we journey to heal any aspect of ourselves, the ripple effect touches others. Beyond purging physical toxins, fasting serves as a catalyst for releasing blocked and toxic emotions that restrain our progress in life. These emotional barriers act as formidable dams that thwart the full flow of abundance yearning to course through our beings.
The outcome of fasting extends beyond physical health; it encompasses emotional and mental well-being. Fasting contributes to the growth of confidence and selfesteem, fostering a path towards selfrealization. As our bodies become healthier through fasting, our emotional and mental states follow suit. This newfound confidence and self-esteem gradually unlock the gateway to our spiritual essence, allowing us to bask in the radiance of our self-worth.
In the realm of entrepreneurship, where perseverance, consistency, and strength are prerequisites for success, fasting fortuitously cultivates these very qualities. Have you ever grappled with a sense of helplessness, overwhelmed by disorganization?
Fasting can be your compass, guiding you towards untapped reserves of self-discipline. Embarking on a fasting journey demands an innate sense of self-discipline, a trait that, paradoxically, deters many from venturing into it. Yet, once you
traverse the initial two or three days of an extended fast, you are rewarded with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment that fuels your desire for more. With each passing day of fasting, your reservoir of self-discipline expands, cascading into all facets of your life.
Fasting offers a spectrum of options, including abstaining from one or two meals a day, weekly fasting without food, or undertaking extended fasts of up to 40 days, surviving solely on
juices or water. While any form of fasting contributes to the cultivation of self-discipline, I wholeheartedly recommend embracing more extended fasting, approximately ten days, nourishing solely on juices, to embark on a profound detoxification journey that cleanses all levels of your being. If you are new to the world of detox, a three-day juice fast can serve as your initiation, with the possibility of gradually extending
the duration with each successive fast. With every fasting experience, you peel away another layer of the physical and emotional residue that no longer serves you, rendering the path to self-realization clearer.
A recommended routine entails fasting for ten days, relying solely on liquids, and repeating this process four times a year, equating to fasting once every three months.
Throughout your fasting journey, you may encounter the symptoms of detoxification, manifested through the release of physical ailments and the emergence of toxic emotions such as anger and shame, eager to be relinquished. It is vital to comprehend that these experiences are integral to the process of transmutation and transformation. After the purification, you emerge with heightened clarity, unwavering
discipline, elevated self-esteem, boundless confidence, and unbridled joy – all essential ingredients for constructing a prosperous business and cultivating an abundant life.
Editor's note: This article does not intend to replace a medical practitioner. Before engaging in any fasting practices, consult your doctor or your medical practitioner to minimize impacts on your health.
Spirituality involves exploring one's inner self, seeking deeper meanings, connecting with the transcendent, and understanding life's purpose through various philosophical, religious, and personal beliefs.
By Dr. Mettanando, M.D.
Ancient texts blend two accounts regarding the death of Lord Buddha.
Was it planned and desired by Buddha, or was it due to food poisoning or something completely different?
The Mahāparinibbāna Sutta, part of the Pali Tipitaka's Long Discourses, stands as the most authoritative source of information on the death of Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 B.C.
Written in a narrative style, it invites readers to trace the final days of Gautama, revered as the Lord Buddha, beginning a few months before his demise.
Yet, grasping the true events of Buddha's end is no simple task. The Sutta reveals contrasting portrayals of Buddha, each alternating throughout the narrative.
According to the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta, Buddha fell gravely ill after consuming a dish known as sukaramaddava, or "soft pork," prepared by his generous host, Cunda Kammaraputta.
The dish's intriguing name has captured scholarly attention, sparking extensive research into its ingredients. The Sutta not only details Buddha's symptoms but also provides credible information about his health in the preceding four months— facts with significant medical implications.
The Sutta begins with King Ajatasattu's intent to conquer the rival state of Vajji. Buddha had journeyed to Vajji to commence his final rainy season retreat, where he eventually succumbed to an illness marked by sudden, severe pain.
The text indicates that Buddha's illness struck immediately after eating the sukaramaddava. With little known about the dish's nature, pinpointing it as the direct cause of his illness is challenging.
However, the description suggests a rapid onset of discomfort. While eating, Buddha sensed something amiss with the meal and requested it be buried. Shortly after, he experienced acute abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. It's plausible that the discomfort began during the meal, prompting him to suspect something was off with the exotic dish. Out of compassion, he had it buried.
It seems unlikely. The symptoms don't align with typical food poisoning, which can be severe but rarely causes bloody diarrhea. Bacterial poisoning doesn't manifest immediately but follows an incubation period ranging from a few hours to half a day, featuring diarrhea and vomiting but no bleeding.
Another possibility is chemical poisoning, which also manifests immediately. Yet, it's uncommon for chemical food poisoning to cause severe intestinal bleeding. Only corrosive substances like strong acids can cause immediate clinical symptoms, leading to upper digestive tract bleeding, known as hematemesis, a symptom not mentioned in the Sutta.
Peptic ulcer disease can also be ruled out.
Though it might begin suddenly, it rarely involves fresh blood in the stool.
A bleeding gastric ulcer would likely produce blackened stools from a blood vessel injury. An ulcer higher in the digestive tract would probably cause blood vomiting rather than bloody diarrhea.
Given Buddha's age and acceptance of a meal invitation, suggesting he felt as healthy as a man in his eighties could feel, we cannot dismiss the possibility of chronic diseases like cancer or tuberculosis or even a tropical infection like typhoid fever, prevalent in Buddha's time.
Our life is a creation of our mind.
Gautama Buddha
The mesentery, part of the intestinal wall connecting the entire intestinal tract to the abdominal cavity, is typically involved. An infarction in the mesenteric vessels usually results in tissue death in a large portion of the intestine, leading to the tearing of the intestinal wall. This often causes intense abdominal pain and bleeding, with patients usually dying from acute hemorrhage. This aligns with the Sutta's account.
Later, when Buddha requests water from Ānanda, indicating severe thirst, Ānanda refuses, citing the absence of clean water and arguing that a large caravan had muddied a nearby stream. Yet, Buddha insists on having water regardless.
Here arises a question: Why didn't Buddha fetch the water himself rather than pressuring an unwilling aide?
The answer is straightforward. Buddha was suffering from hypovolemic shock due to severe bleeding.
From the above diagnosis, it is almost certain that Buddha suffered a mesenteric infarction due to an occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery. This was the cause of the pain that nearly killed him a few months earlier during his last rainy season retreat.
As the disease progressed, the intestine's mucosal lining detached, becoming the source of bleeding. Arteriosclerosis, the hardening of the vessel walls due to aging, was the cause of the arterial occlusion. This small blockage did not result in bloody diarrhea but manifested a symptom known as abdominal angina.
He experienced a second crisis while eating the sukaramaddava. The pain probably wasn't intense initially but made him feel that something was wrong.
Suspecting the dish, he asked the host to bury everything to prevent others from falling ill. Shortly after, Buddha realized his condition was serious, with rectal bleeding and worsening abdominal pain. Due to the bleeding, he went into shock. The severity of dehydration was so great that he could no longer endure and had to take shelter under a tree along the way.
Feeling thirsty and exhausted, he asked Ānanda to fetch water despite knowing it was muddy. It was then that he collapsed, and his entourage took him to the nearest town, Kusi Nara. The sutta makes it clear that Buddha did not anticipate his sudden illness; otherwise, he would not have accepted his host's invitation. Kusi Nara was likely the nearest city where he could find a physician to attend to him.
Without proper treatment, a patient with mesenteric infarction can live from 10 to 20 hours. From the sutta, we know that Buddha died about 15 to 18 hours after the onset of the crisis. During this time, his attendants didtheirbesttomakehimcomfortable,forexample,by warmingtheroomwherehewasresting,drippingwater into his mouth to quench his persistent thirst, or offeringhimmedicinalpreparations.
Theauthor'sanalysisinspiredthisarticle.Dr.Venerable Dr Mettanando Bhikkhu, M.D., who practiced medicine before becoming a Buddhist monk. He later left monasticlife,taughtatuniversities,andmanagedsocial projectsinThailand.
The Voice of The Spiritually Conscious Community
By Cathedral of the Soul
What is a Soul Contract?
Theories that believe in Reincarnation explain that before we incarnate into the life we currently live on
Earth, our soul chooses the lessons it came to learn.
Everything we experience was previously chosen by us in a kind of "contract" that our soul committed to.
As controversial as this may seem, do we choose to suffer?
According to the theory of Reincarnation, our soul serves the purpose of evolution, something that our limited human understanding does not always allow us to see.
If you look at a closed box, you don't know what's inside (unless it's transparent). Yet, there could be a notebook, a pencil, a bunny, an apple... and infinite other things.
You can't see them because you can't see through objects, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. The same is true for the lessons the soul experiences: you may not understand why you live through situations that cause you suffering, but your soul knows they are necessary to achieve maximum happiness on the spiritual plane.
According to this theory, before incarnating, your soul agrees according to the specific purpose or destiny it set out to fulfill. This destiny is "written" in your Soul Contract.
A soul contract is a freely made agreement between souls before incarnating, meaning souls make agreements to evolve and learn together, taking up intense lessons or experiences that have remained pending. These agreements are always chosen freely and respectfully to learn; a pact is always a free agreement, never an imposition, never a forced commitment, always in freedom, because the soul is free.
The Soul Contract is also "signed" between our soul and the master
souls who preside over the council of souls before we incarnate in each life. This "Contract" designates the teaching and training lessons we come to learn in this specific life.
When we incarnate, the contract is seared into us; we carry it in our aura as if our energetic bodies were layers of an onion. Within this energy, layers reside codes with information, and this encoded information unfolds when connecting with the person
with whom we are to live a certain type of lesson.
It's an encrypted code that only that person can decipher. This happens unconsciously and involuntarily, but my encoded information decodes only with that specific person, with their code, where the key to the lesson lies. For example, two people who hated each other in past lives freely meet again to put a final point on it, healing it.
Each encoded information activates when they meet, giving rise to the relationship.
Why are there people who hook me from the first moment, and I intuitively trust them?
Similarly, there are people whom I know from the start that I simply cannot connect with. There are people with whom we establish intensely deep relationships because our souls already know each other.
Coincidence doesn't exist; they meet because the reunion was planned to evolve, not to punish or suffer.
My information and your information activate automatically, and together, we move towards learning; the goal is to learn freely.
Soul contracts revolve around love because love is the key to evolution, never around hatred or resentment. We might use an experience based on hate, but evolution occurs through love, from what the soul truly is. Perhaps you have no idea what a soul contract is, but they don't need to be recognized to be effective; the soul has no limitations.
When you know that soul pacts exist, you can allow yourself to live
each experience more consciously, coherently, wisely, and deeply, and you learn the lesson more quickly, understanding that between you and me, the arguments, the conflicts, are because there is a lesson behind them. Then, the experience changes; now, I can see the web of things that unite us and how to heal it. There are no good or bad; look beyond and understand the lesson you face.
Delving into our relationships allows us to enjoy life more, escape from judgments of good and bad, and have
a much wiser point of view. Even your pet is not a coincidence; it is a lesson of souls, there for a reason, a companion on the path to be honored, respected, and thanked, although its body differs from mine. They are helping us evolve; there is an integration and so much affection that it becomes an ideal mirror for my evolution.
It's not the body; it's energy-carrying information that, in turn, helps me decode mine, and together, we simply walk and make life more fruitful. Feeling superior to animals is a meaningless ego thing. We recognize soul contracts through intuition or intensity.
The mirror is not because we are identical; it's not necessarily so. It might be the complementary aspect that gives you what you need to develop and grow in what you lack. It's not that you hate the same as the other person, but it allows you to love, be patient, set boundaries when it's time to leave, be compassionate, manage guilt, etc.
If you have a complex relationship, with intensity, that enriches you, where you see yourself reflected,
or if it is the polar opposite, there is a soul pact.
There are two types of teachers: the teachers of Light and the teachers of shadow.
The teachers of Light help us evolve from fullness; they love me, approve of me, respect me, in a way, someone who has a positive view of me and helps balance my shortcomings, but always from the positive. The teachers of the shadow always act from lack, offend,
cruelly criticize, and drive you crazy, those who seem to encourage us to develop more flaws. The teachers of Light and shadow are soul pacts. Everything around us is a mirror, but soul pacts are more intense, either balancing you or incentivizing the worst in you.
Conflict has a bad reputation; nobody wants conflicts, but they are necessary
on the evolutionary path. The difference, the black sheep, leads to evolution, change, learning, and healing. Let's lose our fear of conflict; they are sacred healing tools.
Let's live the conflict in peace, without fear, without guilt, and learn to manage it with wisdom. An honest heart is a huge compass
in your life; now ask yourself: What am I learning in this situation? What is this person showing me?
What are the elements a Soul Contract specifies?
Your date, time, and place of birthwhich is not random, but rather the one that best suits the lessons you are here to develop.
The family you are born into - which is specifically chosen for you.
The people who will appear in your life to help you heal something from a past life or even from an earlier point in your current life.
The events you are confronted withwhich arise to help you evolve to a higher state of consciousness.
Your death - not the date itself, but the moment in your life that, like birth, best allows for your learning and your return to the spiritual form, detached from the earthly form.
We incarnate with a specific purpose, so we incarnate at a given time and place.
However, there is something that is not pre-determined and is crucial for
the whole process of learning and evolution:
Your free will, your choices.
Life presents us with choices at every moment. Our free will gives us responsibility for how we want our life to unfold. Although we cannot change our destiny, the choices we make at each moment determine how our destiny is fulfilled - how we approach or deviate from our path.
Our destiny is to achieve the Unconditional Love of the Universe, the Divine Light, the Primordial Source of existence, and this journey takes many travels across various lives and dimensions until we rediscover this energy from which we came. Souls undertake this learning to be able to reach this Light already in a state of evolution.
All souls on Earth are at a point in their spiritual journey; some are more evolved, and others have started their "journey" more recently.
And all have signed a "contract" with themselves to fulfill their evolutionary purposes.
To be able to fulfill it, souls are assisted by a set of Spiritual Guides and Angels assigned to them. Throughout our lives, our Guardian Angels and Spiritual Guides help us to fulfill this contract. People more receptive to this constant presence receive signs and messages indicating whether they are on the right path, according to what they came to fulfill.
By OMTimes
Ready to Transform Your Life? Follow These 5 Yogi Steps
Living the life of a true yogi can be incredibly spiritually rewarding and soulenriching. Yet, it is also one of the most challenging paths to follow. This is because the yogi or yogini lifestyle is characterized by solitude, surrender, and discipline,
which our modern culture often fails to adequately support.
A yogi's daily routines and practices go beyond the realm of physical health; they serve as a gateway to profound inner transformation and the elevation of consciousness. These practices are designed to foster personal evolution and facilitate a deep connection with one's true self. However, their significance extends even further, encompassing the intricate relationship between our inner world and the external environment.
One of the fundamental tenets of the yogic path is the recognition that our external surroundings and internal state of mind are intricately intertwined. With a tranquil and harmonious environment, accessing the deeper layers of consciousness becomes easier. These layers remain elusive, shrouded in the noise and chaos of our daily lives. The distractions of the modern world often prevent us from delving into the profound realms of self-awareness and self-realization that the yogic journey promises.
the surface of our conscious minds can exert a powerful influence on our behaviors and actions. These latent struggles, if left unaddressed, have the potential to act as stumbling blocks on our evolutionary path. They may lead us astray, causing disharmony, unrest, and discord in our lives.
In this context, the yogic lifestyle serves as a beacon of light, guiding us toward a state of equilibrium and heightened awareness. It offers us the tools and practices necessary to create a serene and nurturing environment within and around us. Through meditation, mindfulness, and intentional living, we learn to peel away the layers of distraction and delve into the depths of our consciousness.
Moreover, the unresolved issues and emotional baggage that lie beneath
By addressing and resolving the hidden issues in our subconscious, we clear the path for personal growth and evolution. We emerge as individuals who are better equipped to navigate the complexities of life, respond to trials with grace, and maintain a sense of inner peace. The yogic journey is not solely about physical postures or breathing exercises; it is a holistic approach to life that fosters internal and external harmony.
As we embark on this transformative and evolutionary path, we discover that the fusion of a serene environment and a tranquil state of mind creates a fertile ground for our spiritual and personal development. A yogi's daily rituals and practices become a means to physical wellbeing and a gateway to profound self-discovery, leading to a life rich in meaning, purpose, and elevated consciousness.
However, for those seeking to embark on a yogic lifestyle, there are ways to gently incorporate practices that yield
effective results. These results include a more peaceful and focused mind, a healthier perspective on life, improved problem-solving abilities, a pleasant disposition, and enhanced physical energy throughout the day.
Here are some simple guidelines for embracing a yogic lifestyle:
The yogic tradition advises rising with the sun to absorb its beneficial rays during sunrise, which fills the body
with vital energy (prana). This practice contrasts with the midday sun, which can be more harmful to our cellular structure.
Dedicate a specific time each day to sit in meditation or reflection. Consistency in your practice, with the same daily routine, establishes a natural rhythm for your body and mind, facilitating deeper experiences.
If you're new to meditation, you can start with a simple practice:
Sit upright in a comfortable crosslegged position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Observe your breath rising and falling from the center of your chest. When thoughts arise, acknowledge them and let them pass, returning your attention to your heart's center. Aim for a 10-minute session.
According to sacred yogic texts known as the Vedas, the best times for meditation are sunrise, sunset, midnight, and high noon. These times are influenced by the positions of the sun and moon relative to the Earth.
The foods we eat have a impact on our minds. The Chandogya Upanishad, one of the oldest sacred texts, states, "Pure food creates pure intellect. Pure intellect creates a strong memory. Strong memory cuts all the knots of the heart."
Sattvic foods are prepared and consumed in accordance with Ayurvedic principles to nourish the body and calm the mind. A pure sattvic diet consists of freshly cooked
vegetarian meals without garlic, onions, eggs, or processed or spicy foods, as these items can make the mind rajasic (fiery or agitated) and disrupt its balance.
Ahimsa, one of the eight limbs of Yoga outlined by Patanjali, promotes non-violence in actions, words, and thoughts. It urges respect for all life, both sentient and insentient, and encourages a vegetarian diet and mindfulness about waste production.
Spend time in nature every day, even if it's just for ten minutes. Observing natural elements like swaying tree branches can shift your mind from the demands of daily life to a yogic state of simply being.
Nature provides a source of fresh prana (life force) through trees, grass, flowers, bodies of water, and oxygen-rich air. Let the act of immersing yourself in nature bring you back to a yogic state of
wholeness without the need for any specific actions.
The more we integrate the wisdom of Yoga into our lives, the more we can experience the benefits of an expanded consciousness and a tranquil existence. It's essential to gradually introduce significant changes to our routines and reflect on their effects at each step of the yogic journey. Allow the process to unfold naturally, bringing balance to your inner and outer worlds.
Conscious Living focuses on mindfulness and awareness in daily life, emphasizing sustainable practices, ethical choices, personal growth, and a harmonious balance with the environment.
By OMTimes
Dive into the vibrational energy that colors emit and their ability to balance and energize your surroundings.
Colors not only nourish our physical body, but their vibrations also energize our mind and soul.
As I mentioned in other articles, colors are very important in our lives and spaces. They not only nourish our physical body, but their vibrations also energize our mind and soul. Colors send subliminal messages to our brains. And this stimulates us and
awakens different sensations and emotions.
However, we need to use each color correctly to better take advantage of the vibrations they emit and thus align them with what we want to move or attract.
Feng Shui uses the power of colors to activate the areas of the bagua (an octagonal map that divides our spaces into 9 major focus areas) applied in spaces to implement the technique. Each of the 9 areas of the Bagua has a predominant color that will activate that area in our spaces and lives.
According to Feng Shui, various ways exist to activate and potentiate these areas. Colors are one of the most used possibilities. They are great tools for balancing and energizing our spaces. Given colors' enormous vibrational power, if used correctly, they can energetically enrich all the places where they are present, generating numerous benefits.
The color purple in Feng Shui is very promising. It is the color that activates the Prosperity gua. But it does so for a reason.
The color purple is associated with wealth, royalty, religion, piety, and sexuality.
For centuries, purple was obtained from certain species of mollusks native to the Mediterranean Sea. This led to the extinction of some of them.
To obtain a single gram of purple, more than 9,000 mollusks were needed! Therefore, only the high classes of society could afford to buy and wear fabrics dyed with the color, thus becoming associated with imperial classes.
Considering the great difficulty in obtaining it and its high price, purple was one of the most important and most expensive natural pigments of antiquity.
History says that this color was Cleopatra's favorite… Da Vinci also used it a lot in his meditations, as he believed in its power.
It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition.
It is a mixture of the calmness of blue and the vibrant and energetic red. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys a sense of wealth and extravagance. It is also associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.
It's worth mentioning that there is not much consensus regarding the shades that can be considered purple, but we can say that purple is not violet or lilac. It is the color between magenta and violet. To better identify the shade of this color, look at the vestments of Catholic Church bishops. Their cassocks are purple! It is a color that
results from the strong energy of action and movement of red with the tranquility of blue.
As I mentioned earlier, in Feng Shui, purple is associated with power and wealth, and this comes from the most remote times.
Purple was undoubtedly the most expensive, known, and coveted dye of all the ancient dyes. It was a symbol of wealth and distinction due to its difficulty obtaining, as it came from the secretion of a specific mollusk.
It was the color used by Roman magistrates. It became the imperial color used by the Byzantine Empire and the Holy Roman Empire rulers, and later, also adopted by Roman Catholic bishops.
In ancient Rome, only the emperor had the right to wear this color. Emperor Nero, a descendant of one of the main Roman families, was even punished with death for wearing purple, which became rare then.
Similarly, in Japan, the color is traditionally associated with the emperor and the aristocracy.
In Feng Shui, purple is a color that generates good chi or good energy. It is no coincidence that, according to Feng Shui, it activates the area of prosperity and positively moves other important areas of the Bagua and life. The Prosperity area of the Bagua is one of the guas that, generally, we focus more on activating… agree?!
So, add this color in the areas of your house where you want to improve the vibrational level by adding an extra vibration, bringing power and nobility to your decoration. Or, add this color to a specific area of the bagua that may need an "extra push" in your life.
Purple is not easy to incorporate into the decor and apply in environments. You don't need to start painting everything purple to empower your spaces and your life. This color can be added in decorative details... small touches with great power... after all, balance is essential. Anyway, I will provide some tips on how to add this auspicious color to your decor to benefit your life.
Since this is a subject that generates many doubts, in the next
topics, I will discuss how you can use the color purple in the areas you want to enhance.
As I mentioned, you don't need to start coloring all your environments purple (and you shouldn't do that!). You can use purple in decorative objects and small touches in your environment, like a blanket in this color, a vase, a sculpture, or even a wall etc. Use your creativity and good taste!
It is also possible to use landscaping in this activation, as there are beautiful flowers in this color. The purple orchid is an excellent example.
An important aspect is that, regardless of the option you choose in relation to the color purple, you must necessarily like this shade and the effect it creates. The objects and colors applied should be in harmony with your decor, visually speaking. You always need to seek balance to avoid overdoing or underdoing it.
Purple is the main color of prosperity, as it has been associated with power and wealth since ancient times. It activates the prosperity gua in the bagua. So, add this color in
the Prosperity area of your house, bedroom, office, work desk, and any other environment if you desire a more prosperous and abundant life...
The darker shade of purple can be associated with the color of the deep ocean waters. In Feng Shui, it symbolizes wealth, abundance, and plenty. Use it to attract these prosperous vibrations to your life!
The Chinese believe that men are born with three types of luck: the luck of heaven, earth, and man. They believe
these three fortunes must be balanced to achieve harmony and good fortune.
Heaven's luck is received at birth and cannot be changed. It can be considered as destiny. Earth's luck is achieved when we balance the energies around us. And Feng Shui can greatly help achieve this luck. Man's luck depends on various factors and involves each person's attitudes, merits, faith, culture,
character, and kindness, and it's up to each one to achieve it.
Thus, if we are kind and deserving people and apply Feng Shui techniques in our spaces, we will have much more power and strength to face our destiny with more balance and lightness.
Purple is an excellent color to stimulate this good luck. It is especially
good when combined with white, gold, or silver.
You can use these color combinations in the corners of Friends and Creativity to improve these areas and bring even more fluidity to them.
Activating the Friends gua with metallic colors and touches of purple enhances the attraction of friendly people and people who can help you have an easier life.
By activating the Creativity area with white, silver, and touches of purple, you attract a good future full of interesting opportunities.
In addition to colors, metallic elements, and oval/round shapes can be used in these areas to enhance their effects.
Purple is an excellent color to add to the success area of your house, living room, or office.
The Success area ensures recognition, fame, and exposure in your life.
As it is a color of power, you can add it to a wall in the Success sector of your living room or house. Thus, you add prestige and power to increase your ambitions and the chances of being even more recognized.
This color secondarily activates the Success gua. So, if you wish fame, recognition, and success in your life, you can add it to this area as an alternative activation.
This color is excellent for any child's bedroom, but in small doses, so as not to expose the child to the high vibrational level that this color possesses.
Applied on a small wall or in some furniture, purple is very accepted by children, who usually love this color. Purple can even help improve a child's imagination, as it is a color that expands levels of consciousness.
It is similar to the color of the seventh or crown chakra, located at the top of the head. This chakra drives our consciousness and connects us with the divine and the cosmic universe. It provides access to elevated states of consciousness as we open ourselves to what is beyond our earthly concerns.
Animal spirituality explores the deep, mystical connections between humans and animals, recognizing animals' souls, their roles in spiritual practices, and their contributions to our holistic well-being.
Aging gracefully: Uncover the subtle signs of old age in your dog and ensure their well-being through proper care and attention.
By ministry Earth
As time passes, its impact is seen in humans and our beloved canine companions. The journey into old age for dogs, often referred to as their "third age," comes with its own set of signs and signals, indicating that your furry friend is entering a new phase of life.
The transition into old age for dogs is a natural process, marking the gradual and progressive decline in their physical capabilities. It's crucial to be aware of the signs that your dog is beginning to age and take certain precautions to ensure they continue to live a comfortable and happy life. While old age is not a disease, it increases the likelihood of various agerelated health issues.
A kindly gesture bestowed by us on an animal arouses prodigies of understanding and gratitude. Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
In this early stage of aging, the changes are primarily at the cellular level, subtle yet significant. You might notice a gradual graying of their coat, especially around the muzzle and paws. This phase is also characterized by a noticeable decrease in their activity levels and mobility. Your dog may not be as energetic as before, preferring more rest overplay.
There might be a mild change in behavior, with your dog seeking more comfort and quiet time.
Their appetite could also undergo changes, necessitating adjustments in their diet.
The signs become more pronounced as your dog progresses into old age. Their sense of smell may diminish, affecting their appetite and environmental interaction.
The fur not only grays further but also loses its luster, turning dull and sometimes becoming coarser.
Behavioral changes are more evident during this phase. Your dog might show signs of confusion, disorientation, or changes in sleep patterns.
This phase also brings an increased risk of health problems such as kidney and heart diseases. You might notice changes in their drinking and urination habits, which can be indicative of kidney issues. Similarly, any signs of fatigue, coughing, or difficulty breathing should prompt a check for heart conditions.
As your dog enters and progresses through these stages of aging, it's vital to provide them with the right care and attention. Regular veterinary check-ups become even more crucial to monitor their health and catch any issues early. Adjusting their diet to suit their changing nutritional needs, ensuring they have a comfortable space to rest, and providing gentle, regular exercise can significantly enhance their quality of life in their senior years.
Remember, aging is a natural part of life, and with your care and attention, your dog can enjoy their golden years comfortably and contentedly.
Very small dogs weighing less than 5-10 kg can be considered mature when they reach 7-8 years of age and elderly when they reach 12.
Dogs weighing less than 50 Lb. Come of age at 6-7 years and are old by 10 years.
Large dogs between 60 and 100 pounds are considered mature at 5 and elderly when they reach 8 years old.
When they are over 5 years old, very large dogs age very quickly and do not usually go beyond 10 years old.
The breed of your dog plays a significant role in determining
their average lifespan and how they age. Different breeds have varying life expectancies and health predispositions. For instance, a Boxer typically has a shorter lifespan compared to a German Shepherd. This variance in longevity among breeds is an essential factor for pet owners to consider.
Dwarf Poodles are renowned for their longevity, often living well into their teens. The record for the longest-lived dog belongs
to Bluey, an Australian cattle dog who astonishingly reached 29 years old. This highlights the remarkable differences in lifespan across breeds.
As with humans, the aging process in dogs brings several noticeable changes:
Coat Changes: Older dogs often experience a change in coat color,
with graying most evident around the face.
dogs tend to be less active. They may not run or move as energetically as they did in their youth, and you'll notice a gradual decrease in their overall physical activity.
As dogs age, their joints and muscles weaken, challenging some movements. This might lead to them avoiding activities they used to
enjoy, like jumping onto the bed or climbing stairs.
Increased Need for Rest: Aging dogs require more rest. You'll find them sleeping or resting more than they used to, a sign of decreasing energy levels.
Cognitive Dysfunction: Similar to humans, older dogs can experience cognitive decline. This might manifest as memory lapses, confusion about meal times, or forgetting where the toilet is.
Incontinence: Older dogs may struggle with bladder control, leading to accidents around the house.
Caring for an aging dog requires patience and understanding:
Continue Regular Walks: Although these may need to be shorter and more frequent, maintaining daily walks is crucial. Understand that your aging friend can't be as active as before.
Dental Care: Pay close attention to their dental health. If they lose teeth, consider switching to special senior dog food that's easier to chew and digest.
Regular Brushing: Brushing not only maintains their coat but also stimulates blood circulation and helps identify skin issues like lumps, bald spots, or abnormalities.
Check Lymph Nodes: Regularly feeling your dog's lymph nodes can help you detect any unusual swelling.
In older dogs, cancer can sometimes manifest as tumors, so early detection is key.
By recognizing these signs and adapting care routines, you can ensure your senior dog's golden years are comfortable and happy. Remember, each dog is unique, and aging will vary from one individual to another. Being attentive to these changes and consulting with a veterinarian can help you provide the best care for your aging canine companion.
By Ministry Earth
Despite cats' reputation for being cold and insensitive, their owners know that couldn't be further from the truth. Even with a more independent demeanor,
felines always find small ways to express their affection for their human companions, whether by seeking cuddles and attention or simply following them around the house.
And like any creature, cats can also get hurt by some of our behaviors, so here's a list of sixteen practices that can hurt your furry companion's feelings.
How you behave toward cats here below determines your status in Heaven.
Robert A.
Being extremely hygienic, cats are like having to do their business in a dirty place. Even though many brands of cat
litter, wood pellets, or silica promise to prevent strong odors for several days, it's essential to clean the litter box daily for the cat's comfort—and to prevent them from choosing another spot in the house as their new bathroom.
After all, who in their right mind would feel comfortable using a toilet that hasn't been flushed for almost a week?
While shouting and loud noises might be annoying to many humans' ears, it's even worse for cats. Due to
their extremely acute hearing, they can experience a condition called "auditory stress" caused by excessive noise in the environment. So, speaking loudly or playing music at full volume can hurt your cat's feelings, making them feel that you don't respect their sensitivities.
Of course, we can't always avoid noisy situations, so a tip is to keep your cat in a quieter and more isolated area to avoid stressing them out until all the commotion subsides and they can return to their routine.
One of the most common mistakes cat owners make is leaving food in the bowl for too long, especially when it comes to dry kibble. Although it may seem harmless, this can trigger the ancestral instinct to avoid rancid meat that could cause illness in many cats.
To avoid hearing indignant meows for better dining rights, it's a good idea to establish mealtime schedules for your furry friend and only put what they can eat in the bowl. However, if this is not feasible for your routine, you can
always try mixing the old kibble with fresh ones in the bag and hope your cat doesn't figure out the trick.
It's worth noting that the same instinct applies to water, so don't forget to clean and refill your cat's water bowl frequently to keep them hydrated.
Certain behaviors like pulling their tail, messing up their fur or picking up a cat that doesn't like it can be considered antagonistic and confusing, agitating the cat and
making them feel that their safety is compromised.
Avoiding these teasing "games" is essential to convey trust and protection to your feline, who may end up avoiding contact with humans or even trying to run away from home due to such actions.
Cats are extremely curious creatures, always ready to "help" their owners with various tasks. And while it may be necessary to move them aside for their
safety in some situations, it doesn't mean the act won't hurt them.
So, before removing your nosy furry friend, take a second to let them get involved in the situation, give them a little pet, and then gently redirect them to a more convenient place.
One of the misconceptions people have about cats is the notion that they are not social creatures. On the contrary, even the most aloof species can benefit from contact with their
owners, reciprocating affection uniquely.
Lack of attention, interaction, play, and extended periods of human absence can leave cats feeling disheartened or even depressed. So, if you have a busy schedule, don't forget to set aside some time to enjoy quality moments with your furry companion. After all, just because they are independent doesn't mean they don't miss you.
Also, ignoring your cat's needs for food, water, grooming, and medical
care can make them feel bad and hurt them physically and emotionally.
Lack of stimulation:
Cats need mental and physical stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. Without it, they can become bored and depressed.
changes in routine:
Cats thrive on routine, and sudden changes can cause them to become anxious and stressed.
Separation anxiety:
If a cat is left alone for a long time,
it can feel upset about being alone.
Loneliness is a significant emotional concern for cats. These independent and sociable creatures require companionship and interaction to thrive. When left alone for extended periods, they can experience feelings of isolation and sadness, which may lead to depression and behavioral issues.
Cats are known for their strong bonds with their human caregivers and often seek affection, attention, and interaction.
Cats crave affection and attention from their owners. Lack of affection can cause them to become emotionally withdrawn.
Physical punishment can cause cats to become afraid of their owners and lead to behavioral problems.
Lack of privacy:
Cats strongly need privacy and designated space to retreat when they feel vulnerable or stressed. This solitude and personal space requirement is essential to their
emotional well-being and overall happiness.
Cats are creatures of comfort and habit, and they value having a safe haven to escape from the hustle and bustle of their environment. When they lack the necessary privacy or a secluded spot to call their own, it can lead to feelings of anxiety and unease.
Cats are social animals and need regular interaction with their owners and other cats to stay emotionally healthy.
Confining them to small spaces:
Cats need space to move around and explore. Confining them in small areas can cause stress and anxiety.
Cats who are ill or in pain can become anxious and stressed, negatively affecting their emotional well-being.
Being around other animals that stress them out: Some cats may have a hard time being around other animals, which can cause them to become anxious and stressed.
Being around people who stress them out: Some cats may have a hard time being around certain people, which can cause them to become anxious and stressed.
Being around new things that stress them out: Some cats may have a hard time being around new things, which can cause them to become anxious and stressed.
Being around certain smells that stress them out: Some cats may have a hard time being around certain smells, which can cause them to become anxious and stressed.
To avoid these things that can emotionally hurt your cat, you should strive to create a safe, stable, and loving environment for your feline friend. This can include providing them with plenty of food, water, and grooming, as well as plenty of social interaction, mental and physical stimulation, and regular veterinary care. Additionally, you should be aware of your cat's emotional needs and try to avoid anything that may cause them stress or anxiety. You can help your cat live a happy and healthy life with the right care and attention.
Metaphysical Sciences explore the Metaphysical Sciences explore the Metaphysical Sciences explore the nature of reality, consciousness, and nature of reality, consciousness, and nature of reality, consciousness, and the universe, blending philosophy, the universe, blending philosophy, the universe, blending philosophy, spirituality, and theoretical insights spirituality, and theoretical insights spirituality, and theoretical insights to understand existence beyond to understand existence beyond to understand existence beyond physical phenomena. physical phenomena. physical phenomena.
By OMTimes
From clarifying current situations to exploring spiritual interests, tarot offers guidance, self-reflection, and a deeper understanding of yourself.
To learn about the future, right? But do tarot readers truly possess the
power to predict the future? If the future belongs to a higher power, are we positioning ourselves as such to foresee what lies ahead for the querent?
People seek out tarot readers for various reasons, and while learning about the future is one of them, it's not the only motivation. Tarot readings offer individuals insights and guidance in different aspects of their lives. Here are some common reasons why people turn to tarot readers:
Tarot readings can clarify current situations, dilemmas, or challenges in one's life. They help individuals gain a better understanding of their present circumstances.
People often consult tarot readers when faced with important decisions. The cards can offer perspectives and considerations that might not be immediately apparent.
Tarot readings can be a tool for selfreflection and personal growth. They help individuals explore their
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, fostering self-awareness.
Tarot readers can offer emotional support and a listening ear. The process of discussing one's concerns and receiving guidance can be therapeutic.
Some people turn to tarot to explore their spiritual or metaphysical interests. Tarot can be seen as a way to connect with deeper aspects of oneself or the universe. Some individuals enjoy
tarot's mystical and intriguing aspects without necessarily taking the predictions too seriously.
I would argue that tarot is a tool for better understanding the PRESENT and oneself, ultimately making more informed choices regarding the future. Each tarot card bears an image, a name, and a number, all symbols that carry meaning.
The tarot reader, therefore, becomes an interpreter of these images. By identifying qualities or challenges in one's life through these symbols, we can work with them positively to enhance
our personal development and relationships. Surprisingly, tarot also seems to "predict" patterns or events that are about to unfold.
Tarot readers use the cards to provide insights into potential outcomes based on the current trajectory and energies surrounding a situation. The readings are not set in stone but guide making informed decisions. Many believe that the future is not entirely predetermined, and that free will play a significant role in shaping it. Tarot readings can empower individuals to make choices aligned with their goals and desires, but they should be
seen as one of many tools for selfdiscovery and decision-making.
It's a natural reaction of our unconscious mind based on the images presented during a reading. Tarot also aids in developing inner awareness, enabling us to make more enlightened decisions, understand the underlying reasons behind a situation or issue, and shed light on a possible path for our journey.
Tarot is an objective tool for selfanalysis and self-awareness, helping us uncover our sense of purpose, vocation, challenges, and more. Furthermore, the cards do not lie.
Do they always interpret the cards correctly? Every card has its positive and negative aspects, light and shadow sides. As such, they should be analyzed calmly and impartially, without criticism and judgment, and with deep respect for the querent.
Ultimately, we are fallible beings, but we must strive for the highest level of consciousness regarding our "commitment" to spirituality. Tarot readers are not fortune-tellers but guides who use symbolism and intuition to help individuals gain insight into their current circumstances and make empowered choices for the future.
Personal Growth encompasses selfimprovement and emotional, mental, and spiritual development, focusing on enhancing self-awareness, skills, health, and overall well-being.
By Humanity Healing
Your birth order indicates your mission in the family.
Uncover the significance of your birth order and how it shapes your role in the family.
It is not by chance that we are born into a particular family and come into the world in a certain order. Being an only child, the eldest, the youngest, or the middle child has a meaning in our life mission and the role we came to play in our family. Before incarnating on the earthly plane, our soul chooses the family into which we are born, which best suits the plan we came to fulfill and the mission we came to perform. The energy of the family we are born into, the challenges and obstacles we face, and the order of our birth - as well as the phase of our parents' lives and the context in which we are born - are very important for our growth and spiritual development.
From a spiritual point of view, the eldest child is a stronger soul, and this energy is more pronounced the greater the age difference with younger siblings. Usually, the eldest child absorbs a significant part of the
family Karma and has the mission to transform it into something new and more positive. All families have karmic patterns that repeat until someone manages to transform this energy, healing these karmas.
The eldest child corresponds to a soul that has taken on responsibility and, therefore, is usually a responsible person, who matures quickly and develops strong autonomy and an independent spirit. They have the ability to deal with difficult situations and take charge, although they often suffer from the weight of responsibilities.
Even in cases where the eldest child is not the most responsible, being the opposite, or the dissonant element of the family, their energy always plays a role that is crucial for the problems the family faces.
When the eldest child feels, even if unconsciously, that they carry too heavy a burden on their shoulders, they can develop self-esteem issues and feel that they are never up to what is expected of them. When they manage to transform responsibilities into something positive, they are a soul with great
potential for evolution, capable of being very successful in life.
This is often the most talented sibling in the family, the one who stands out for their ability to mediate conflicts or who, conversely, manifests as the family's eccentric. They usually have a stronger spiritual connection with the eldest, even if this link is not evident on the physical plane, and may even be the sibling with whom they have the most conflicts to resolve. Often, the middle child's role is to help the eldest sibling, providing the support they need. In general, middle children have
a natural talent for dealing with other people and can see situations from a broader perspective, being good diplomats.
On the other hand, when the family's energy is not properly managed, middle children can feel lost and easily lose their sense of identity, scattering themselves in trying to help others. When there are more than one middle child, the older ones have a role closer to that of the eldest sibling, while the younger ones are closer to the mission of the youngest child.
This is a delicate position, requiring care and attention, because the
middle child has the potential to be the great creative of the family but, when they do not feel accepted or properly appreciated, can also become "the misunderstood."
At a spiritual level, the youngest child brings joy and lightness to the family, and usually assumes the role of unifier. They are the one most capable of uniting the family and creating lasting relationships with others, generally being more affectionate than their older siblings. They usually have a more relaxed attitude towards life, which means
they are not always able to assume the necessary autonomy and tend to avoid responsibilities.
The youngest sibling is generally the one who likes to do things their own way and tends to distance themselves from family karma and the established order. It is part of their role, and their mission, to create new energy for the family.
Even when, due to family dynamics or circumstances, the youngest child is the one who takes on responsibility in the family, they always tend to act in a way that is distinct from how their parents and older siblings acted.
In most cases, the youngest children come to bring optimism and a new way of seeing the world, although they do not always have the necessary maturity or feel comfortable with the path they are following. When they are successful, they have the ability to inspire others with their actions and their innovative capacity.
Like the eldest children, only children take on a large part of the family karma, without any support in this
task. They tend to be resilient and have an individualistic stance, easily assuming a leadership role in the circumstances of their life.
Only children have a very important spiritual connection with their parents - these relationships are usually not easy with one (or both) of the parents, but they are souls with whom they have an important mission to fulfill.
Only children often have the role of completing something their
parents started or bringing energy to something that is part of their parents' life mission. They also come into the world to learn how to deal with emotions and feelings related to emotional security, and they do not always find it easy to create healthy bonds in relationships with others, possibly attracting complicated relationships.
One of the main differences between only children and eldest children is the unifying role that only children have, contributing to
keeping the family together (or feeling the pressure to do so), while the eldest children are more independent of the family dynamics, coming to transform the family's energy or change its patterns.
The purpose of your soul is deeply related to your birth order, and beyond that, gender is also important. Being the only boy in a family of girls, or the only girl in a family of boys, plays a similar role to that of the eldest child, even if it is (as often happens) the youngest son or daughter.
By Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari
Many people are very uncomfortable listening to their thoughts.
Recent research finds that people, especially men, would rather endure pain than be alone with their own reflections. But if we do not learn to comfortably move within, relax, get in touch with our inner thoughts, learn to watch them as a witness, and then release unwanted ones, our inner turmoil will continue to nag at us, and we will always be on the run.
We are uncomfortable going within because we fear what we might find inside. From early childhood, we condition our minds with "beliefs" about ourselves and our environment; they become our second nature while driving us all the time.
Whether true or not, these conditions go deep and create the person. People with all that is needed to make them extremely happy are still victims of their conditioned minds. If their beliefs are based on wrong conditions imposed in early childhood, the conditioning will persist and will invite pain and suffering.
Here are three proven ways to empower ourselves to relax, go within, identify our old patterns and beliefs, release them, and create space for us to move forward and realize our own Self.
Three Steps to Move Forward
Research shows that it is impossible to feel both anxious and relaxed at the same time. Therefore, we must first learn to totally relax our body before it feels safe to go within.
Sit in silence without doing anything, close your eyes, and move within. Relax every part of your body and breathe with awareness for a while. As you open up the reservoir of all your old patterns and beliefs, affirm with passion," All is well in my life. I am being protected by the Divine Light from within." Sit in this place of Quiet, where there is no noise of your mind's chatter and stress. Try not to dig up sad memories or possible future apprehensions and fear. If these
thoughts come, separate yourself from them, just witness them without judgment, and let them pass you by. You are not your thoughts. Just be with yourself.
Most of us hurt ourselves and put the blame on others. A little soulsearching will show how we belittle ourselves, end up feeling guilty, and at times suffer from "not as good as someone else" syndromes. A simple question: if we don't respect ourselves, love ourselves, and forgive and release our past, how long are we to carry the
poison within? Why should we create a negative vibratory field and then curse, "Oh! God, why me?"
"Release" is very important in the book of enlightenment that we all write during our life's quest for Truth. Releasing wrong beliefs and constricting conditions is essential in creating space for the new to happen.
At this stage, release any resentment or negativity in your heart. Feel that things are happening as they have to happen and that you are just a
watcher or witness. Withdraw yourself from any judgments at this stage while you cleanse your inner mind.
Release any guilt and shame that has taken root, as do weeds, in your inner mind. For there is no doer other than the Ultimate Doer. That which is happening has happened and shall continue to happen, as everything is within the design of the unified field of Consciousness. The wise never feel guilt or regrets but know, "All is well. This too shall pass."
A strong conviction and consistent effort to substitute those negative
thoughts with positive ones can be immensely helpful. You can substitute pain-giving thoughts with affirmations such as, "I am happy I have completed this part of my life and am now ready to release it to the eternal light. I am safe, I am secure," which can be immensely helpful. This can release the old and create the new you seek in any sphere of your material or spiritual life. Create space for the Celebration to happen!!!
There is only one door that separates us from knowing our true Self: our
conditioned mind! The unconditioned mind is also the only gateway to the opening to the ultimate reality, the Ultimate Realization! That which causes all bondage also creates all freedom in the Ultimate. That which binds us also frees us! That which chains us also totally releases us! That is the ultimate beauty of mind. Nothing in this world can ever match the excellence of mind.
We can spend our whole lives having a precious mind without being mindful of its ultimate Gift until such time when we might go someplace and hear about mindfulness and its importance in our lives. Mindful is being full of mind! Not half full,
not quarter full, but entirely full. We become full of the beauty of the mind and its potential, and its possibility and opportunity and all that it can offer to us when we release that which is old and create space for the new.
Practice Meditation:
Begin with at least fifteen to twenty minutes of consistent practice daily. First, take a deep breath and exhale. Watch your incoming and outgoing breaths for a while. Relax and release all that you are holding on to into the space created by letting go.
Relax, stretch, breathe, and finally meditate to stabilize the positive
power in your body's cells and the wholeness of your mind. When you observe your breath, you are closest to your Self. Your Consciousness deepens, and your energy rises as you become meditative and contemplative.
Ultimately, it is realizing the infinite capacity of inner silence and tranquility and bathing in the light of Divine Presence that can release us from the constraints of all bondage and make us free to realize our Self.
About the Author Shuddhaanandaa
(Kolkata, India) is a globally acclaimed motivational and spiritual teacher, author, social advocate, and peacemaker. Founder of Stress Management Academy, his Simple Art of Managing Stress and Course in Mindfulness are known worldwide, inspiring corporate leadership, students, and all seekers of peace and happiness to be the leaders of tomorrow.
Author of the internationally acclaimed Making Your Mind Your Best Friend, Shuddhaanandaa received the Man of Peace Award from the World Organisation
for Peace in Mexico in 2012. He is recognized as a visionary social advocate for developing groundbreaking programs that serve thousands of poverty-stricken individuals in the slums of Calcutta, India, and remote villages of West Bengal. He founded Lokenath Divine Life Mission in 1985.
Please read his new books Cleaning the Mirror of Mind and The Incredible Life of a Himalayan Yogi, both available on Kindle.
For more information, visit www.courseinmindfulness.com www.facebook.com/srisri. shuddhaanandaa
Book Spotlight focuses on showcasing specific books, highlighting their themes, significance, and impact, aiming to promote readership and appreciation in diverse literary communities.
Perfect for both aficionados and newcomers to the genre, Hall's narrative provides a unique and enlightening experience that enriches the reader's understanding of the occult.
By Marguerite Dar Boggia
Stories by Manly P Hall
Hall, identified for his extensive knowledge andwritingsonmetaphysics,mysticism,and ancient wisdom traditions, brings a unique depthandperspectivetothiscollection.His writingischaracterizedbyarich,descriptive stylethatimmersesreadersinhischaracters' atmospheric settings and mystical experiences. His narrative often blends allegorical elements with straightforward storytelling, allowing readers to enjoy the tales on multiple levels—both as engaging fictionandasvehiclesforesotericteachings.
His prose is elegant and articulate, oftenimbuedwithapoeticqualitythat enhances the mystical themes he explores. Hall's storytelling is not just about entertainment; it aims to provoke deeper reflection on the nature of reality and the unseen dimensionsofexistence.
The stories in "Shadow Forms" cover various occult and supernatural themes,fromreincarnationandkarma toalchemyandpsychicphenomena.
Eachtaleissymbolicandoftenincludes allegorical elements reflecting Hall's philosophical and spiritual insights. The narratives frequently delve into the natureofthehumansoul,themysteries of the universe, and the hidden forces thatinfluenceourlives.
From a scholarly perspective, "Shadow Forms" is a fascinating study of early 20th-centuryoccultismanditscultural influences.Hall'sworkisaproductofits time, reflecting the era's fascination with mysticism and the unknown. The stories can be seen as a literary extension of his philosophical ideas, providing insights into the beliefs and values of the occult community during hislifetime.
Forreaderswhoenjoy"ShadowForms," other works by Manly P. Hall, such as "The Secret Teachings of All Ages," are alsohighlyrecommended. Additionally, those interested in occult fictionmightappreciateworkslike"The Occult" by Colin Wilson or "The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann, which delve into mystical and philosophical themes.
Manly P. Hall is best known for his monumental work, "The Secret TeachingsofAllAges,"publishedin1928 at 27. Hall explored many subjects in thiscomprehensiveencyclopedia,such as alchemy, mysticism, Hermeticism, andmythology.
Hall'slifelongpassionfor the mysteries of the universeandthedepths of human consciousness madehimaprolificwriter and speaker. He wrote over 150 books and numerous essays and delivered thousands of lectures on philosophy, religion, and the occult. Hisworkisdistinguished byitsthoroughresearch and deep insights, often uncoveringsymbolicand hidden meanings of ancient texts and traditions.
1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society(PRS)inLosAngeles. Thisnonprofitorganizationis dedicated to studying and sharing knowledge in philosophy, comparative religion,andpsychology.The PRSremainsavitalcenterfor those interested in esoteric wisdom.
Hall'sabilitytomakecomplex ideas accessible has made himakeyfigureinstudying mysticismandtheoccult. His legacy continues to inspirestudentsandscholars inthesefieldsworldwide.
ManlyP.Hall(1901-1990) was a Canadian-born author, lecturer, and mysticcelebratedforhis extensive contributions to esoteric and occult philosophy.
Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language.
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