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Steven A. Ross, Ph.D. is co-founder and CEO of the World Research Foundation. For more than 40 years he has researched and lectured around the world. He has delivered more than 250 lectures and made presentations to various worldwide government agencies and hospital associations and consulted for the insurance industry. He has acted as an expert witness for the City of Los Angeles and consults with scientific researchers worldwide. Steve has an active interest in esoteric subjects and has delivered hundreds of presentations in all areas of philosophy and subtle energysubjects.
His life has been varied and exciting, from playing beach volleyball with the famous basketball legend Wilt Chamberlain to spending time in European castles, home of ancient alchemists. Having had unusual experiencesinhisearlytwenties,heisas comfortableinmetaphysicalareasashe is in scientific pursuits. Steve has been led worldwide through dreams and visions and credits this venue for acquiring the incredible holdings within the World Research Foundation worldwide network. Steve is contemplatingafuturebookdealingwith hismanylifeexperiences.
OMTimes: In most of your writings and presentations, you discuss beauty and love. Why do you currently put an emphasisonthesetwopoints?
OMTIMES: How would you define beauty?
StevenA.Ross,Ph.D: Beauty is a relative termtoeveryone.Ifavorwhattheancient philosophers shared, especially Pythagoras. He said that beauty exists as an objective principle where harmony, order, and balance appear. This can be relative to each individual and how they view the harmony, order, and balance in whattheysee.Lookingatthisdefinitionof beauty, harmony, order, and balance, this iswhyIstatethatindividualsarehealthier and happier because they have beauty in theirlives.
OMTimes:Giventheideathatbeautyis essential to human survival and that esthetics offer a healthy channel for emotional energy, how can individuals actively integrate appreciation and creation of beauty into their daily lives to achieve a higher spiritual potential andemotionalwell-being? OMTimes| June 2024
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D: After 52 years of study in spirituality and philosophy I have concluded that as an individual surrounds themselves with beauty and incorporates a life of loving whom they are, loving their life and viewing their challenges as creative opportunities to grow, these individuals are healthier and happier. Socrates believed that true beauty encompasses goodness, wisdom, and virtue.
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D: To integrate an appreciationofbeauty,anindividualjust needstowalkorviewnature. Paracelsus, thegreatalchemistofthe1500s,stated that the way to learn about nature is to walkherleaves. Thefurtherwedistance ourselvesinourdailylifeandthoughtsof nature, the more we detach ourselves from the energy and spiritual vibrations ofourCreator.
At it's essence, art is an alchemical process. Alchemy is a process of transformation.
OMTimes:Theanalogyofthebodyasa harpsichord, with its strings needing proper tuning for health, presents a fascinating perspective on wellness. How can this analogy help us understandandapproachthebalance between physical, mental, and emotionalhealthinamoreintegrated andholisticway?
While there are many philosophical and spiritualregimesofmentalcontemplation, I prefer the transcendental approach of huggingtrees.
OMTimes| June 2024
StevenA.Ross,Ph.D: Our body as well as our mind can become dis-eased by being too tense or by being too lackadaisical. The harpsichord analogy I haveusedinsomepresentationsgivesa nice visual of this. Strings that are too tight or too loose alter the sound of the notesthatarebeingplayed.
Hazrat Inayat Khan’s transition from tuning musical instruments to tuning souls suggests a profound connection between music and health. This great teacher demonstrated how the principles of sound, harmony, and rhythmcanbeappliedineverydaylifeto fosterpersonalpeace,growth,andinner harmony.
OMTimes: Can you share information regardingtheWisdomlibrarythatyou arethelibrarianandcaretaker?
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D: The library is a combinationofthelibrariesoftheWorld Research Foundation and Less Complicated, Inc. There are 15,000 physical books dating to 1492 and 24,000 books in PDF format dating to 1500. This provides immediate access to books on alchemy, dreams, spirituality, psychology, complementary healing, the Renaissance, ancient Egypt, esoteric topics, electricity, magnetism, colortherapy,andmanyothersubjects.
Vast holdings of materials from philosophers: Manly Hall, Ralph W. Emerson,Swedenborg,ThomasTaylor, andmanymore.
OMTimes: In some of your presentations, you have used theAcronymL.E.F.L.,howdoes this fit in with what we have been discussing concerning vibrations?
StevenA.Ross, Ph.D:Forthelast30 years I have spoken of my philosophy of LEFL. It stands for laughter, excitement, fun and love. In my counseling work with individuals,Ibeginwithacheckof their lefolometer. I will ask, when wasthelasttimeyoulaughed?
What exciting experiences do you have in your life. What do you do for fun? Have you incorporatedloveinyourlife?Theindividualsthat Icomeacrosswiththemosthealthchallengeswill tell me that they don’t remember the last time they laughed. They might tell me that their fun comesfromtheirwork.Imighthavetopointout that the ulcer or nervousness that they are sharinghascomethroughthatwork!
OMTimes: You have mentioned love. Whatdoyoumeanbylove?
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D: My definition of love is passion. The more passion we have for something, the deeper and more profound we find the vibration of love. I believe this definition would encompass many areas that one might not have thought about. A person we describe as a criminal does have love in his life. He has a passion or love of his craft. Love is non-judgmental and unconditional.
OMTimes: The concept of reviewing one’s day in reverse order, as practiced by the students of Pythagoras, is intriguing. How might this practice of introspection and reflection on daily actions and thoughtscontributetoanindividual’s self-awareness and alignment with theirinnerrhythmandharmony?
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D: The spirit world sharesthatthereisnotime. IntheEarth plane, we measure time by monitoring a clock's forward movement or by the sun's movement. Our mind is forever spinning from one thought to another in a continuous movement that we determineasthepassingoftime. When one practices this Pythagorean concept of reviewing in reverse order, our daily activities and our minds go into a still point. Itpreferstomoveforwardandat first, for some, it freezes. The more we practice this regime, the easier it becomes. Onedoesnotstopatthetime theyawokeinthemorning;youalsolook torecallyourdreams.
ThereisnotmuchIcanaddotherthan this brings about greater selfawareness and aligns an individual to theirinnerrhythm.
OMTimes: You mention the idea of notcomparingoneselftoothersasa way to blossom into one's own greatness. What practical strategies or practices can help individuals overcometheoften-automatichabit of comparison and instead embrace theiruniquejourneyandabilities?
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D.: It is a matter of trust. We must trust ourselves and realize that we have access to all wisdom. Far too often, we believe that someone else has all the answers. My experience has been that others might now appear to have greater knowledge, buttheydonothaveanymoreaccessto wisdomthanwedo.Thereisawonderful yogicstorythatgoeslikethis.
Averybusybusinessexecutivewokeup one morning wondering what the purposeoflifeisandwhatwashisplace intheuniverse. Whenhegottowork,he asked a co-worker about this question. The co-worker stated, ‘oh, you need to go to the metaphysical bookstore down the street. They have all the answers.’ The businessman went to the store and askediftheyhadthespecificanswerfor him?Hewastoldthattheanswerwasin the mountains of Tibet. He immediately flewandbeganclimbingthemountainto obtainhisanswer.
He was not dressed appropriately for the weather and passed out in the cold. He awoke to a group of yogis asking him why he was in their presence.Hesaid,‘canyoutellmewhy I am in this life and what my purpose is? They said, no, we do not have that answer. He asked, where can I find the answer? They said, “Where did you comefrom?” Hementionedhiscity,or whatever city, you the reader is from. Theysaid,thereiswheretheansweris. Wherever you are is where the answer is…insideyourself.
OMTimes: You discuss the conceptofbecominginresonance with objects in nature, such as a stone,andhowthisrelatestoZen Buddhist practices. Could you elaborateonhowthispracticeof empathizing with the energy and life pattern of inanimate objects canenhanceourunderstandingof our own life's complexity and longevity?
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D: It comes in resonance with inanimate objects and animals or birds. When you place yourselfinresonancewithabirdandfeel the aspect of flying and the feeling of viewing the world at a higher perspective, it activates a vibration within you. When you stand by a great waterfallandfeelthesenseofpowerand energy from the falls, this also activates vibrations within our being. What might you feel from a rock? A sense of longevity, a sense of understanding that life is not short, but it exists over a long periodoftime.
OMTimes: Your Life’s philosophy suggests that humans have innate capabilities to understand and align with universal energies, yet modern relianceonexternaltoolshasleftthese abilitiesdormant.Howcanindividuals begin to tap into and cultivate these inherent abilities to enhance their connectionwiththeuniverse?
StevenA.Ross,Ph.D: Mosttools,games, and devices available to us today continuetotakeusoutsideofourselves. We eventually have become dependent on looking outward and have lost our understanding that everything that we neediswithin. Thethreeadmonitionson theancientGreektemples.Knowthyself, knowthyself,knowtheyself.
OMTimes:Thephilosophyofgratitude expressedinmanyofyourarticlesand interviews, especially highlighting the American Indian tradition, is summarized by being thankful for everythingwereceive,viewingitasa key to health. How do you think adopting this mindset of constant gratitude can impact an individual's mental and physical well-being in contemporarysociety?
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D: Having an approach of being thankful and grateful for all things that come to you can be one of the best approaches to being healthyandatpeace.
TheAmericanIndianrealizesthatnothing intheworldisfree.Ifananimalmustbe hunted, or wool taken from an animal or even water used from a stream to live, none of these actions are performed with gratitude. The concept is that you have reciprocity for everything that you take or are given. The question to consideriswhetherwearethecreatorof our difficulties or whether we are affectedbyforcesoutofourcontrol.
Are we living in resonance with the energies that surround us, or are we blocking forces that will bolster and supportourlives?Doweappreciatethe person who says the kind word to us, and do we return the smile that someonebringstooureyesandenlivens our hearts? Do we appreciate all the bounties that are provided by nature andtheanimal,plant,andmineralworld?
Thereisapsychologicalcomponentthat goes with being thankful as opposed to feelingeverythingisoursandwecanuse it up as we please, never considering its creator or other people who might also haveneedofit.
OMTimes: In some of your interviews and articles, you talk about the nourishment of the soul, comparing conventional religious practices to consuming 'GMO foods.' As a Healer and a highly empathic individual, can you elaborate on alternative approaches or practices that might offeramoreauthenticandnourishing spiritual experience, aligning actions withphilosophy?
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D: Most of the religiouspracticesprevalentinourworld encompassattendingsometypeofdaily orweeklyattendanceinareligioushouse of worship. Individuals who attend and listen to a sermon consider themselves religious. Thereislittleconsiderationfor what has taken place between the services.
OMTimes: In your interpretation of ancient teachings, you speak of changing the direction of the flow of timeandenergytoalignwithaperfect soul.Howdoyouenvisionthisconcept of temporal and energetic shift impacting modern understandings of personal growth, healing, and the journeytowardself-actualization?
OMTimes| June 2024
StevenA.Ross,Ph.D: Inthehealingwork thatIhavebeeninvolvedwithinthepast Iuseatechniqueprovidedtomebymy spiritual guides. When I have been approached to assist someone, I don’t always need or want to know what the difficultymightbe.Iseetheindividualin completeperfection.Iseethemrunning, dancing,laughing. Ilooktoreplacetheir image of disease and their lack of physical mobility with a new overlay. I mightalsoaddthis. “Iamaskingyouto take a journey with me. A journey to when your Soul was sparked into existenceincompleteperfectionbythe Creator of the Creation. We will wait there a while as you remember and resonatewithyourperfectedSelf.”
OMTimes: In most of your literature, you have the phrases, “A Beautiful Heart, an Open Mind, and a Humble Spirit.™”Aswellas“Withlove,inlove, and through love.™” What is the purposeofthesesayings?
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D: These phrases came from a dream that I had 15 years ago. The dream was as follows: I was walking along the ocean with all of the spiritual seekers in the world. Ahead of me I saw a woman dressed in blue holding a microphone. She was partially covered by a haze or fog. To my right, and to her left, there were horseshoe standswithmanyofthepeoplewhogive metaphysicalandspiritualcourses,have written books, and multiple seminars. I noticed that the fog was coming from them.
Not that what they shared was bad, but it was covering deeper truths. I wondered, what are we all supposed to do? I then heard a voice come off the ocean,‘Allthatisneededtoreachhigher enlightenment is A Beautiful Heart, an OpenMind,andaHumbleSpirit.’Irealize it is about a lifestyle, not fancy sayings, gyrationsandthelike. Howdoesonelive this lifestyle? With love, in love and throughlove.Trustingourinnerguidance. My goal is to remind people of love and beauty, that simple activities just might be the most important in our spiritual development.
OMTimes| June 2024
OMTimes: Is there anything else that you would like to share with our readers?
StevenA.Ross,Ph.D: Successinmoving challenging mountains before us in not merely about the words one uses or quotes at the moment. It is about the actions or steps one has taken under ALLcircumstancesandexperiencesthat brings us to the understanding that we have power and authority over all experiences.Theopportunitytoexpress our true nature might be why we are in this schoolroom called Earth. It is not what you talk or profess; it is how you walk and act that bespeaks your true understanding of the deepest spiritual philosophy. I am grateful for the loving brothers and sisters who have come beforeustobeexamplesofbeauty,love, truth,honesty,integrity,compassion,and somanyotheraspects. Wearecapable of more because we are more than we imaginenow.
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D., has written six books. World Research Foundation www.wrf.org Less Complicated, Inc. www.lesscomplicated.net
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Health and Healing encompass practices and knowledge focused on maintaining, restoring, and enhancing physical and mental well-being through various therapeutic and holistic approaches.
By OMTimes
Discover the surprising foods that can hinder your mediumship skills. Unleash your spiritual potential by avoiding these energy-blocking culprits.
Ancient civilizations recognized that life stemmed from the energy of the Cosmos. They believed the Universe to be a living, dynamic organism, a product of a primal force from which differentiation, condensation, and compaction processes derived. They saw humans as a reflection of this, subject to the same laws governing nature.
From this perspective, humans are not just containers of energy; we are energy. We are a microcosm that ceaselessly flows with it. This energy is renewed through food, emotions, breathing, and vibrations.
When learning something new, our focus is often solely on the act of "doing." Everything requires practice, and exploring psychic abilities is no exception. Thus, if you're investing time in connecting better with the spiritual world, you might overlook what you shouldn't do or, more specifically, what you shouldn't consume.
The vital energy is known by different names across cultures: 'Ki' in China, 'Ka' in Egypt, and 'prana' in India. According
to Chinese philosophy, the Ki or Chi energy comprises two opposing forces: Yang (positive) and Yin (negative). Neither is superior or inferior to the other. These energies permeate the entire Universe, with one or the other predominating.
Foods can be classified based on their energy, determining their influence on the consumer.
These foods grow underground in cold climates, have low water content, acidify the body, and are salty and bitter.
Examples: Wheat, rye, barley, sesame, beans, azuki, flaxseed, garlic, Japanese pumpkin, turnip, onion, carrot, radish, ginger, yam, lotus, dandelion, pine nut, apricot, goat milk, beef, eggs, cod, tuna, lobster, shrimp, carp, trout, salmon, sardine, sea salt.
These foods grow in warm climates, above the ground, alkalize our bodies, and are spicy and aromatic.
Examples: Oats, corn, chickpeas, beans, peas, common pumpkin, zucchini, asparagus, pepper, artichoke, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, eggplant, most fruits, cottage cheese, yogurt, butter, fresh cheese, cow's milk, duck meat, chicken, rabbit, pork, mussel, octopus, squid, oyster, vinegar, honey, molasses.
So, which foods block mediumship? Let's delve into them.
Health is a complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the soul's gates open.
B.K.S. Iyengar
Alcohol not only has a low vibration but also exposes your energy field to negative energies. Not only are your psychic abilities virtually non-existent while drinking, but the subsequent days are also compromised during recovery.
Sugar calcifies the pineal gland, often called the "spiritual master gland" or "third eye." A healthy pineal gland is
vital for spiritual vibration and higher consciousness levels. Beware of sugar substitutes and chemically altered sweeteners. Therefore, opt for natural sweeteners like honey.
While we believe caffeine provides energy, it gives us "false" energy. It draws energy from the adrenal glands, causing a brief alertness spike. However, it disrupts your adrenal system and increases stress hormones.
Meditating and connecting with the Spirit while caffeinated is challenging.
Excessive dairy products can clog your psychic senses, making things murky. Receiving clear messages becomes nearly impossible in this state.
As you elevate your vibration and communicate with the Spirit, you'll
naturally gravitate away from foods that block mediumship. Foods you once relished might no longer appeal. If you still want meat, choose organic and avoid fatty meats. Fish and chicken are lean and excellent protein sources.
Remember, your diet plays a pivotal role in your spiritual journey. Making informed choices can significantly enhance your mediumship skills and overall well-being.
By: Stan Popovich
Many people underestimate the impact that mental illness can have on an individual or family. It can be difficult to admit that you have a mental health problem in your life. Secondly, it can be just as difficult to get the people
you know to understand your situation without making a judgment.
As a result, many people do not say anything and hope that their mental health issues will just go away, which usually is not the case.
So, here are six reasons why you should take your mental health very seriously!
1. Your situation may not improve: Your anxieties and fears can be
extremely difficult to manage, and you will likely need some help. Just as you talk to your doctor about your regular health, you should not be embarrassed to seek help for your mental health. If left untreated, your anxieties, fears, and depression could get worse.
2. Drugs and alcohol just make things worse: Drugs and alcohol can make your problems even more complicated. Drowning yourself
in your career and job doesn't work either in the long run. Many people have said that drugs and alcohol will only add more misery to your situation. Be smart and learn how to cope with your mental health issues by talking to a qualified professional.
3. Avoiding your problems does not work: Eventually, you will have to confront your fears and mental health issues. Save yourself the time and heartache and confront your problems now rather than later. You will save months or even years of suffering by getting help
immediately. The sooner you get assistance, the faster you will get some relief.
4. Many people struggle nowadays: Everyone deals with fear, stress, and anxiety in one's life, whether your friends or others care to admit it. In addition, do not be embarrassed that you are getting help. We all learn new things from others on a daily basis, and learning how to manage your anxieties is no different. In addition, your goal is to get your life back on track and not to get everyone's approval. If people start asking you questions, just say
you are dealing with stress and leave it at that. Most people can relate to dealing with stress and will likely stop bothering you.
5. You have various options: There are many mental health support groups, organizations, and counselors in your area that can help get your life back on track. Talk to your doctor for more details on where you can get assistance. Help is available, but you must be willing to choose to get better. Remember that every problem has a solution. You just have to make the effort to find the answers.
6. Do not make the mistake of doing nothing: Many people struggle with anxiety and addiction, and they try to ignore their problems. As a result, some of these people struggled daily and eventually became very distant and unresponsive. Many of them lost their lives. Do not let this happen to you!
Stan is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear," which covers a variety of techniques that can drastically improve your mental health. For more information, please visit Stan's website at www.managingfear.com
Spirituality involves exploring one's inner self, seeking deeper meanings, connecting with the transcendent, and understanding life's purpose through various philosophical, religious, and personal beliefs.
ife's beliefs.
By Susan Grau
When discussing the journey into spirit communication, it's essential to understand the question: Is the
presence genuinely felt by a departed loved one, or could it be a spirit guide or another soul on the other side? Distinguishing between messages from spirit guides and those from our
loved ones is needed for meaningful connections with the world beyond.
Spirit guides, helpers selected by us before birth, are with us to help us navigate life's journey, offering protection from negative choices and guiding our focus toward positivity. Their communication is primarily through telepathic thoughts, dreams, and meditation, unlike the familiar, comforting presence of a departed friend or relative. The essence of a spirit guide's interaction lies in offering advice and steering us toward better choices, unlike loved ones who seek to reassure their presence and ongoing love, respecting our path of learning through personal experiences.
The distinction is palpable; a loved one's presence carries a sense of familiarity, a "knowing" enveloped in shared love and memories, contrasting the less familiar energy of spirit guides. Recognizing this difference enables us to determine the nature of the spiritual communication we receive.
Their methods are infinite and subtle, without verbal exchanges. Sensing their presence, experiencing sudden fragrance without a source, temperature fluctuations, or hearing a significant song out of the blue are just a few ways spirits signal they are close by. These moments can come and go quickly but with deep significance, pushing us to trust and acknowledge these signals to open ourselves to clearer communication.
Moreover, spirits interact with us through visual manifestations like orbs or apparitions, physical sensations resembling a touch, and even electrical devices or moving objects to catch our attention. With their close affinity to the spirit world, children often serve as conduits for these messages, engaging with spirit friends in ways that entice us to listen and believe.
Symbols, another language of the spirit world, carry personal significance, often manifesting unexpectedly to convey messages from our loved ones. These symbols gently remind us of their presence and love, from butterflies to numbers.
Mediums, individuals capable of direct communication with spirits, provide evidential connections, offering messages and signs that relate to our loved ones, affirming their continued existence and involvement in our lives. This form of communication, evidential mediumship sessions, brings healing and sometimes closure to many.
Navigating through the veil that separates the physical from the spiritual realm unveils a fascinating array of signs and visitations
from our departed loved ones. These manifestations of spirit communication serve as a bridge between two worlds and a testament to the enduring bonds of love and memory that reach beyond physical existence.
Beyond the initial sensing of a presence, spirits often communicate through our senses. These include auditory signals beyond music, such as hearing one's name called out in the unmistakable voice of a loved one, with no one physically
present. Such occurrences are offering reassurance of their ongoing presence in our lives.
Visual signs also extend beyond orbs and apparitions. Many report seeing specific animals or insects, like a cardinal or butterfly, that appear under unusual circumstances or repeatedly in a manner that defies ordinary explanations.
The physical world offers a canvas for our loved ones to signal their presence. Electrical phenomena,
such as lights flickering, appliances turning on or off without explanation, or electronic devices malfunctioning, are common indicators. These occurrences, especially when they align with thoughts of the departed or significant dates, underscore the efforts of spirits to reach out across dimensions.
Objects moving without apparent cause or discovering items thought lost or significant to the departed appearing in unexpected places are tangible signs of spiritual
interactions. These incidents often convey messages, reminders of shared moments, or affirmations of continued guardianship and love.
Dream visits from loved ones provide a deeply personal and intense connection experience. These dreams are distinguished by their vividness and emotional intensity, offering a sense of real interaction that goes beyond the boundaries of ordinary dreams. Spirits use this state to convey comfort, resolve unfinished
business, or deliver messages that the dreamer may need to hear, using the openness of the dream state to strengthen bonds and offer reassurance.
The phenomenon of receiving phone calls, texts, or even social media notifications that seem to come from a loved one who has passed is a modern manifestation of spirit communication. These incidents, often occurring at significant moments or when we most need
support, highlight the spirit's ability to use technology to signal their ongoing involvement in our lives.
Nature offers a powerful medium for signs from the spirit world. Unusual occurrences in the natural environment, such as a sudden gust of wind, a lone flower blooming out of season, or a rainbow appearing without the rain, can often be interpreted as messages of love and comfort from those who have passed. These signs remind us of the
loved ones' connection to us and the message of their presence.
Finding personal items belonging to your loved one can be a powerful indicator of their presence and desire to communicate. Whether it's a piece of jewelry that was significant to the loved one suddenly found after being lost for years or stumbling upon photographs or letters at a moment when you remember them, these serve as tangible links to the love and memories shared.
Intuition plays a vital role in recognizing and interpreting the signs and messages from the spirit world. A sudden insight thought, or memory that seems to come from nowhere but carries a deep emotional reaction can be a direct communication from a loved one. These feeling messages often provide guidance, reassurance, or simply a reminder of their enduring presence and love.
Shared experiences among family members or friends, where multiple people witness or sense the presence of a departed loved one simultaneously, reinforce the reality of the spiritual connection. These validations can occur during family events, anniversaries, or moments of interaction among family members.
During family gatherings, the spirit of our loved ones often permeates
the atmosphere, joining in the celebration and offering signs of their presence, encouraging us to remain open to these moments of connection.
Understanding and embracing these many forms of spirit communication opens our hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities of connection with the beyond. It assures us of the
undying bond of love, guiding us to trust in the signs and messages that bridge the worlds, enriching our lives with the comforting presence of those who have passed yet remain ever close, guiding and watching over us.
Susan Grau is the Author of Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons: Wisdom from the Spirit World on Living, Dying, and the In-Between
Conscious Living focuses on mindfulness and awareness in daily life, emphasizing sustainable practices, ethical choices, personal growth, and a harmonious balance with the environment.
"Beware of the Memories of Your Home"
By Humanity Healing
The blueprints of your House of Belonging exist as spiritual energy and hover over your, ready, when you are, to be pulled down from Heaven to shelter your Soul on Earth.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
The vibrational pattern of a house is directly related to the energy and mood of its inhabitants. Everything we think and do, our choices, and our feelings, whether good or bad, are
forms of energy. This is reflected in our environments, people, and situations.
The concept that the vibrational pattern of a house is intrinsically linked to the energy and mood of its inhabitants delves into the profound connection between our internal states and our external environments. Every thought, action, decision, and emotion we experience emits a specific form of energy, creating a unique vibrational signature that permeates our living spaces. This energy can significantly influence the atmosphere of our homes, subtly impacting the mood, behaviors, and even the well-being of those who dwell within.
Positive thoughts and emotions, such as joy, love, and gratitude, tend to enhance the vibrational quality of a space, making it feel more welcoming, harmonious, and peaceful. In contrast, persistent negative states like anger, fear, or sadness can lower the vibrational quality, leading to an atmosphere that may feel heavy, chaotic, or oppressive.
Our homes, therefore, are not just physical structures but are dynamic spaces where our
emotional and psychological states are continuously interplayed and reflected. This dynamic creates a feedback loop – the energy of the house impacts its inhabitants, and the inhabitants, in turn, influence the energy of the house.
For instance, a household that nurtures open communication, love, and understanding tends to radiate warmth and comfort. Such homes often become sanctuaries of peace and relaxation. On the other hand, a house where conflict, stress, and negativity are prevalent might feel unwelcoming or uncomfortable, even to occasional visitors.
Our body is our first home, and our house is its extension. It is where we find shelter protection, and where our stories are kept. Just as we clean, nourish, and care for the vibration of our body, we should extend the same care and affection to our home. More than just selecting a property and decorating it with furniture and objects – often guided solely by trends or practicality – creating the atmosphere of a space is vital as it reflects the owner’s personality, giving clues about their tastes, lifestyle, history, and dreams.
Some believe that placing crystals, wind chimes, fountains, mirrors, and Feng Shui instruments can attract good vibes and balance into the home. However, the personality of a space goes beyond these. It is built day after day, not only with techniques but with small acts of kindness and plenty of positive energy.
In addition to attracting good vibes to our home, we are fully
capable of creating them within the environment itself. The inhabitants' collective thoughts, feelings, moods, physical conditions, desires, and intentions become ingrained in the environment, creating what is known as an egregore.
You have likely been in a home or space where you felt a deep sense of well-being and welcome, regardless of its beauty, luxury, or any other external factor. This
pleasant atmosphere is undoubtedly influenced mainly by the positive mindset of its residents. Unfortunately, it's more common these days to enter spaces that feel oppressive or lacking in peace, sometimes even feeling unclean, even if the house is spotless. The impulse is to leave quickly, even if we are treated well.
What few realize is that the house's walls, objects, and atmosphere have a memory and record the energies
of all events and the mood of its inhabitants. Therefore, when thinking about the energetic health of your house, take the basic and vital initiative to imbue its atmosphere only with good thoughts and a lot of faith. Avoid unnecessary fights and arguments. Pay attention to your tone of voice: no yelling or aggressive forms of expression. Do not slam doors and try to adopt harmonious gestures, caring for your objects and loved ones affectionately.
Do not think ill of others. Avoid curses at all costs! Be selective about the people who frequent your house. Parties, toasts, and cheerful celebrations are welcome because they bring joy and energy but beware of excesses. Avoid drunkenness and drug use, which attract bad energy. If you harbor
deep resentment or even strong hatred towards someone, seek help to clear these dense energies from your heart. Remember, your home could also be contaminated. Learn to make choices and determine what you want for your life and your environment. Joy, love, peace, prosperity, health, friendships, and
beauty are good places to start, aren't they?
Understanding the vibrational pattern of a house invites us to be more mindful of our internal states and how they translate into our living spaces. By fostering positive emotions and making conscious
choices in our homes, we can create environments that reflect and enhance our overall quality of life. Reflect on how you live in your house, what you think about, your mood, and your everyday complaints. All of these affect your aura. Keep your thoughts in check and use natural flowers in your home.
by Kartar Diamond
Don't leave your loved ones with a financial mess - plan and organize for your passing with Kartar Diamond's valuable insights.
As the saying goes, "No one gets out of here alive!" Even if you don't think you will be leaving
behind any substantial assets, think again because all of the furniture and possessions in your home and your car may total $50,000 or more. Many years ago, an estate attorney told me that a person should have a Will (or better yet, a Living Trust) if they own at least $50,000 in assets.
Why let all your things go into probate and have Uncle Sam take a piece of the action when it is easy enough to avoid that? For the government, the estate tax is often double or even triple dipping on all your hard-earned money. In my family situation, it was imperative to create a Living Trust for myself and a Special Needs Trust for my son to help ensure that what he inherits is well-managed after I am gone.
And yet, people would rather plan a vacation than plan for their inevitable death. People also prefer to discuss intimate details of their sex lives over their financial worth (which is also taboo for many). Once you get over the initial queasy feeling of creating a Living Trust, it can provide tremendous relief, reducing the anxiety of so many "what ifs." Living Trusts and Wills can also be amended, even informally,
so no one needs to wait because they think their circumstances will change over time.
When most people think of organizing in general, they tend to think about a nicely organized home, garage, or office space. The mind does not automatically jump to Wills and Estates. They are abstract by definition, but they account for the very physical possessions we have and usually intend to share with our loved ones. And if you truly do care about your loved ones, you don't want to leave them with a financial
mess or mystery tour to wade through.
Based on current estate tax laws, a person may discover in planning their Will and Trust that it is better to start disbursing some of their assets while alive. But even those who don't have hardly anything to name in a Trust can still set one up and add to it later. Two of my friends with disabled sons have life insurance policies for themselves, which will fund their sons' Special Needs Trust when they pass. If you need to create a Special
Needs Trust for a disabled loved one, be sure to use an attorney who specializes in these kinds of Trusts (as there is a world of difference between one who knows about every clause to put into the SNT for protective reasons, compared to an attorney who does not and is just trying to help you out.)
There are many financial and emotional benefits to getting one's affairs in order ahead of when they're needed. In fact, I do think that getting organized with your Will and Trust
could also be an important adjunct to long-range retirement plans. A Living Trust can also protect assets if sued and inheritances in a divorce.
In organizing, doing a Living Trust or Special Needs Trust is more important than organizing your closet or alphabetizing your spice rack. I cannot even express that enough! Do this before any other organizing project! For those who did not know, creating a Living Trust can keep your assets private, compared to just a Will, which can become a
public record. A Living Trust can also be a functional tool to let a successor Trustee handle your financial affairs (and medical decisions) if you are still alive but incapacitated to care for yourself. Even though many people hate to think they will have a long-term illness before death, this is actually quite common, and a prepared Trust, well in advance, can make everyone's life much easier and your true wishes honored.
Kartar Diamond. From the Tao of Organizing Series
Relationships as a category examine Relationships as a category examine Relationships as a category examine the dynamics, challenges, and growth the dynamics, challenges, and growth the dynamics, challenges, and growth opportunities in human connections, opportunities in human connections, opportunities in human connections, including romantic, familial, platonic, including romantic, familial, platonic, including romantic, familial, platonic, and professional interactions. and professional interactions. and professional interactions.
by Judi A. Lynch
Navigating the Complex Labyrinth of Jealousy and Envy
From the tender years of childhood, where sibling rivalry takes root, to the complex web of adult relationships, the shadows of jealousy and envy often loom. These
emotions, universal in their reach, have touched each one of us, either as instigators or recipients. The question then arises: How can we navigate, comprehend, and heal the wounds inflicted by these powerful
sentiments, both within us and those caused by others?
Throughout history, jealousy has been a potent force, toppling empires, igniting wars, and leading individuals to make profound sacrifices. Sentiments like "He's achieved more than me," "She's the favored one," or the ever pervasive "Who do they think they are?" underscore the very essence of envy that fuels the gossip industry. This fascination with uncovering the flaws of the rich, famous, and beautiful
stems from a collective desire to level the playing field, to find solace in the imperfections of those seemingly above us. The ubiquity of tabloid headlines, even for the disinterested, is a stark reminder of humanity's ongoing struggle with these emotions.
Recall a moment of sheer elation in your life, a milestone you eagerly shared, only to be met with apathy or disdain. That sinking feeling, akin to a deflated balloon, is all too familiar. Instead of the anticipated "That's
incredible! I'm so proud of you!", you're left grappling with self-doubt, questioning your intent in sharing.
But what fuels this intricate dance of jealousy and envy? What lessons lie hidden within their embrace? When jealousy rears its head, it beckons introspection. It prompts us to delve deep, seeking its roots, urging us to heal and rejuvenate. If jealousy tinges our relationships, it's an invitation
to reflect on the relationship's dynamics. If envy shadows another's success, it's a nudge to introspect on our own aspirations and the gaps we perceive in our achievements.
When on the receiving end of jealousy, empathy is our compass. Recognizing that such reactions often stem from deep-seated pain, insecurities, or rigid belief systems can pave the way for understanding. Embracing these emotions, rather than shunning them, can be transformative.
They're not mere obstacles but catalysts for soul growth.
By enveloping jealousy and envy in a cocoon of love and gratitude, we can dissolve them, replacing resentment with understanding. This healing journey allows us to embrace the sidelined inner child and empathize with adults grappling with life's perceived injustices. Releasing the shackles of envy and jealousy, we can recognize their purpose in our soul's evolution. By embracing acceptance and forgiveness, we elevate our collective consciousness, fostering
a future imbued with love and positivity.
About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read to clients all over the world. To learn more or contact us for a session, see judilynch.com
By OMTimes
Discover how to avoid psychic fraud and find a trustworthy reader. Learn to differentiate between genuine and fake psychics with our helpful tips."
Psychics have the unique gift of predicting future events, often using tarot cards, heightened sensitivity, and other oracles. This gift is rare, with only a few individuals possessing the ability to perceive the spiritual plane through their third eye. However, like any field that deals with the intangible and the profound, it's also rife with those looking to exploit the vulnerable. Charlatanism, unfortunately, has found its way into this sacred space, making it essential for seekers to be discerning and cautious. Fake psychics, with their empty promises and rehearsed scripts, can lead individuals astray and cause emotional, financial, and sometimes even spiritual harm.
While genuine psychics do exist and are reliable, some falsely claim to have this gift, aiming to deceive and profit from unsuspecting clients. This article offers tips on finding a trustworthy psychic and avoiding fraud.
How to Differentiate Between Genuine and Fake Psychics?
Regrettably, charlatanism is not uncommon in the esoteric world. Fake psychics deceive those seeking solace in the esoteric realm for dishonest gain. Here are seven tips to identify a reliable psychic:
SEEK REFERENCES : If you know someone who has consulted with a psychic, ask about their experience and whether they found the session genuine. Word of mouth remains one of the most reliable ways to find a trustworthy psychic. Friends or family members who've had positive experiences can often provide valuable recommendations. If you don't have personal references, search online. Many psychics and tarot readers offer services online, and you can gauge their credibility from client reviews.
: Genuine psychics are transparent about their practices, methods, and what
one can expect from reading. They won't make outlandish promises or guarantee specific outcomes. Claims like "Reunite with your love in 24 hours" are red flags for deceit in psychic readings and esoteric work. A genuine psychic will guide you through various oracles to help you achieve your desires but won't promise overnight miracles.
: Some psychics, especially those operating online or over the phone, might ask
clients to perform rituals or tasks and charge upfront. If the task fails or has no effect, they blame the client for not executing it correctly and keeping the money without taking responsibility.
: If psychics could predict lottery numbers, they'd be wealthy and wouldn't need to charge for their services. Psychic abilities relate to sensitivity and spiritual insight, not predicting machine-generated numbers.
: Your intuition is powerful. It probably is if something feels off or too good to be true. A genuine psychic reading should feel like a guidance session, not a sales pitch. Your intuition can guide you when deciding whether to trust a psychic. Since psychic work is spiritual and emotional, they might not fit you if you feel uneasy about a psychic.
Psychic work requires concentration, comfort, and a conducive environment.
Be cautious if the psychic's workspace is messy, disorganized, or has mixed references. A psychic who appears unkempt or shows signs of intoxication might not be the best choice. Someone neglecting their physical wellbeing might also neglect their spiritual well-being.
Authentic psychics understand
and respect free will. They provide guidance and insights but acknowledge that every individual has the power to make their own choices.
: While genuine psychics deserve compensation for their skills and time, be wary of those who push for additional costly services, rituals, or "cures" that weren't previously discussed.
STATEMENTS : Statements like
"You've faced disappointment," "Big changes are coming," "Love is closer than you think," or Your angels love you. These are broad statements and can apply to many.
Fake psychics use such generic statements to seem insightful.
Incorporate these tips into your search for a psychic to ensure a genuine and beneficial experience. Remember, a trustworthy psychic will guide you without making unrealistic promises.
Reasons why Charlatanism is Prevalent in Psychic Readings?
• Vulnerability of Clients: Many people turn to psychics during times of distress, confusion, or emotional turmoil. This vulnerability can make them easy targets for those looking to exploit.
• Intan gibility of the Service: Unlike tangible products, psychic readings deal with insights, energies, and spiritual guidance, making it challenging to quantify or validate.
• L ack of Regulation: The psychic industry, in many regions, lacks strict regulatory oversight, allowing fake psychics to operate without much accountability.
In conclusion, while the esoteric world offers profound insights and guidance, it's essential to approach it with an open heart but also a discerning mind. By researching, trusting your intuition, and being aware of red flags, you can find a psychic who resonates with you and offers genuine spiritual guidance.
By OMTimes
Astrology offers a captivating lens into mediumship, revealing that every individual possesses this innate ability. However, the manifestation and intensity of this gift vary from person to person. This spiritual endowment can be harnessed to assist those around us. "medium" signifies a bridge between the celestial and terrestrial realms.
The time of year we are born influences how we handle our mediumship. Some periods are more conducive to sensitivity and the importance that those born under the influence of that sign give to it. In contrast, others show greater resistance due to the forces of the universe generated when they came into the world. However, everyone is capable of developing and sensing psychically.
Our birth charts, influenced by the cosmos, determine our mediumistic talents. Through the unique traits of each zodiac sign, we can discern the depth and sensitivity of one's mediumship. In this article, we'll explore how each sign's mediumship manifests.
Aries individuals are inherently impulsive. To harness their mediumship, they must temper their fiery nature. While they might struggle with patience, they excel in primary magical practices like rituals once they tap into their mediumistic abilities. Their intuitive mediumship is also pronounced.
Taurus individuals, often materialistic, need to attune to their spiritual side
to let their psychic abilities flow. They possess the gift of healing, especially through herbs. Their innate ability to harness the healing properties of nature is remarkable.
Curious Geminis can easily grasp and develop their mediumship. However,
they must cultivate consistency in their spiritual journey. Once stable, they excel in communicating with young spirits and children.
Cancer Mediumship
Cancerians, with their heightened sensitivity, often exhibit strong mediumistic abilities. They excel as clairvoyants and can provide accurate predictions through tarot cards or other divination methods.
Leo possess intense mediumship but need to manage their impulsive nature. They are natural healers, especially through touch. However,
their practical mindset and logical pursuits often hinder their awareness of this gift. Once they embrace their mediumship, they can channel their healing power to benefit many.
Virgos are hand-healing mediums. Their practical nature and logical pursuits often overshadow this gift. Once they
recognize their mediumship, they can harness their healing power to benefit many.
Librans are clairvoyant mediums with a heightened sixth sense. They often sense intense energies from people they encounter. Their intuitive insights are usually spoton, making them wise counselors.
Scorpios, with their profound sensitivity and vision, can easily sense
energies around them. They are deeply connected to enchantments and paranormal forces. They excel as spiritual leaders and clairvoyants.
Aligned with the spirit of Joyful living, Sagittarians radiate positivity and intuition. They need to approach their mediumship and psychic abilities with seriousness. Their inner light uplifts the environment and people around them.
Capricorns often struggle to embrace
the spiritual realm. To unlock their mediumship, they must overcome pessimism and materialistic
tendencies. Once they do, they channel their healing powers to assist many.
With their keen interest in the spiritual realm, Aquarians often seek knowledge.
They possess mental magic, influencing others through sheer thought power without the need for rituals or tools.
Pisceans, with their heightened
sensitivity, possess vast empathetic powers. They can guide lost souls toward purification and light. Their innate clairvoyant abilities often go unrecognized, even by themselves.
Astrology provides a roadmap to understanding and harnessing our unique mediumistic abilities. By aligning with the cosmic energies of our zodiac signs, we can tap into our spiritual potential and assist those in need. If you're intrigued by the cosmic dance of mediumship, consider consulting an astrological expert to delve deeper.
By OMTimes
Create a Vision Board to manifest your dreams and goals - a powerful technique to attract what you truly desire in life.
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe."
— Anatole France
A powerful means of attracting your goals is by using a tool called a "Vision Board," also known as a "Dream Board." This is one of the most powerful ways to harness the Law of Attraction in your favor. A vision board consists of images representing the dreams and goals you aspire to achieve in your life. Images that truly reflect what you want to manifest are essential, as everything you place on your board becomes a part of your reality.
The concept of a vision board is an ancient technique that gained more recognition through the Law of Attraction, as popularized in the film "The Secret." When creating a vision board, it's crucial to be highly specific. If you desire a car, it should be depicted in the make and color you envision. The same applies to your dream house, job, travels, or other aspirations.
Most people may not realize this strategy is also highly effective for careers and business. A study by TD Bank showed that one out of every five entrepreneurs used a vision board to achieve their results. Internationally, celebrities like actors Jim Carrey and Will Smith are public proponents of this technique.
Jim Carrey has an interesting story related to vision boards. During a time in his life when he was entirely broke, he wrote a fake check for $10 million for his acting services, dated it for 1994, and kept it in his wallet. Surprisingly, in 1994, Jim Carrey received a real check for $10 million for his role in the movie "Dumb and Dumber."
It wasn't the act of putting the fake check in his wallet that made him realize his dream. Instead, carrying with him the representation of that goal helped him stay focused when he felt like giving up, serving as a daily reminder of the direction he needed to pursue to make that dream a reality.
The TD Bank study reveals that 82% of the entrepreneurs surveyed use vision boards, and more than half of their goals are depicted on them. Moreover, 76% of business owners reported that their businesses were exactly where they envisioned them when they created their vision boards.
Visualizing and dreaming through images is something we naturally do.
The profiles we follow on social media and the success stories of friends and family serve as daily inspiration. We've all found ourselves daydreaming about someone else's trip, houses seen on TV, or professional projects.
Large companies display their achievements or goals on boards to remind employees of their progress or where they aim to reach, which proves effective. You might already be doing something similar, but perhaps not with your own images, and maybe not as effectively.
There are no secrets when it comes to vision boards. Creating your board doesn't mean that all your wishes and dreams will come true effortlessly, as if by magic.
Psychologist Barbara Nussbaum, an expert in emotional influences and money psychology who contributed to TD Bank's research, argues that using a vision board allows us to focus more on our goals and believe that they are achievable. "This holistic experience allows us to emotionally
connect with our goals and the process to achieve them. When we invest time in visualizing our goals in detail, we become emotionally connected to them. Emotions are the glue that connects us to what matters most in our lives," says the specialist.
From a spiritual perspective, a vision board serves as a tool for manifestation, aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desired outcomes. It helps you stay focused on your goals, fostering
a sense of belief and positive energy. As you consistently look at your vision board, you reinforce your intentions and create a vibrational alignment with your aspirations.
The first step is to define your goals clearly. It's essential to be specific about what you want to achieve. For instance, you might say, "I want to have $20,000 by December of this year," or "I want my company to close ten new contracts, increasing its revenue by 70% by the end of the
semester," or "I want to become a manager in my field with a monthly salary of $10,000."
Your desire can also be a material possession, like a house, car, or new office. In this case, find images that closely match what you want. You can include a picture of a house or building and its address. If it's a car, use an image of the model and color you desire. The key is to provide as much detail as possible, including dates, and make it clear what you're striving for in your mind.
A simple and enjoyable way to create the board is using scissors, glue, magazines, or images from the internet. Browse magazines to find images representing your dreams or discover the perfect pictures online. Cut these images out and paste them onto your vision board.
Experts in this field assert that it is essential to establish deadlines for
your goals to become a reality. It's perfectly fine if they don't happen within the timeframe you initially set; simply reassess your actions and establish a new deadline. However, it would be best if you were realistic with your deadlines.
For example, if you want to lose 10 kilograms or double your company's monthly revenue, don't set a onemonth deadline because you won't be able to lose that much weight healthily or double your revenue naturally. We are talking about achievable plans;
remember the example we provided at the beginning of the article regarding actor Jim Carrey's story.
The vision board comprises a plan of actions that need to be taken to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. It is the image that defines the outcome of your actions.
Include those quotes on your board that uplift you in moments of discouragement. It can be a quote from someone you admire
or someone you consider a role model. Choose impactful quotes that resonate with you to motivate yourself every time you look at your board, reminding yourself that you are on the right path.
Select quotes like this from Steve Jobs, "Every dream that you leave behind is a piece of your future that
ceases to exist." It evokes emotions and serves as a provocation, instilling the strength to pursue and chase your dreams.
Your board should be placed where you can see it daily. It can be in your bedroom, kitchen, or any area where
you spend much of your time. Look at it every day and feel you have already achieved the things on the board. Focus your attention on it and be amazed by the results. Keep adding your intentions to the board, and always think positively.
There is no magical formula where you rub a lamp, and a genie grants
all your wishes. The vision board is a scientifically proven technique that aids in achieving and realizing your goals.
Your actions regarding the dreams you wish to achieve are undoubtedly the most important part of making them come true. The board serves as a daily reminder of this.
awareness, skills, health, and overall well-being.
By Judi Lynch
Our souls carry the magical moments, feelings of ecstasy, bliss, lessons learned, and the songs we sing while we’re here. What matters most is how we love, live, and reach out to others in need. We can share our adventures to inspire, educate, and offer support.
The memories we make as we go through life are filled with people,
places, thoughts, and feelings. The good times that fill us with happy vibes are often simple. It isn’t about the money we’ve spent, the clothes we wore, the car we drove to get there. It’s all about the connections, the positive energy, and the knowledge we gain. These experiences are the magic that makes life exciting and amazing. Living in the moment without worrying about the past or anxiety about the future. Just being in the
here and now. It’s more than okay to shop at discount and thrift stores. It’s completely all right to drive an older vehicle. There is no need to impress anyone else with wealth and social status when we are living a simpler life.
Sitting by a campfire as the moon rises. Walking up a trail on the mountainside to a breathtaking view. Meeting up with an old friend, talking for hours, laughing over good
times. These times in life help raise our vibration and help us live a fuller life. No one to impress, no agenda to follow, no expectations. Just us, enjoying the sunshine, admiring a rainbow, or walking in the woods. Nature doesn’t care what kind of house you live in, how much your shoes cost, or if your hair is messy and tangled. Nature only wants to be appreciated, respected, and noticed for her miraculous beauty.
Sharing time with a good soul friend who only wants to share positive energy ideas and offer support is an adventure.
Volunteering to help people and animals in need is another way we can lift our spirits and those who need assistance. Seeing others smile or a little dog get adopted by a loving family helps to create happiness, joy, and acceptance in the hearts of
others. Creating art, poetry, singing, dancing, and listening to music we like all assist us in taking ourselves to a higher frequency. Spending our money on healthy food, cooking at home, practicing meditation, walking, working out, and seeking connections that lift us up.
These are actions that help us with anxiety, fear, and doubt in life and how to manage negative thoughts
about ourselves and our health. We all have choices and preferences in coping with stress, deadlines, loss, and setbacks. We can transform our thought process to seek solutions that bring clarity and peace. We need to learn to say no, spend less time on social media, not compare ourselves to others, or turn off the technology for a while. We all have access to the natural magic available to us in myriad ways.
When we can let go and slow down, the feelings, moments, and experiences become the focus. Our society can make us feel we must constantly accomplish, work, strive, and acquire more ‘things.’ While it’s true that some of these ‘things’ can sometimes help make life easier, they can never replace the magic of the moments. Feelings of joy, wonder, and peace will always win if we allow
them to be a necessary constant in life. What matters most is how we love, live, and reach out to others in need. We can share our adventures to inspire, educate, and offer support. We can live from the heart without wondering if we are good, smart, or worthy enough to enjoy our lives.
Our souls carry the magical moments, feelings of ecstasy, bliss,
lessons learned, and the songs we sing while we’re here. When we cross over into the light, it won’t matter how many things we acquired or what designer fashions we wore. Our ability to shine, grow, and evolve will be at the forefront of our life reviews as we see how our awareness made a difference in our lives and the lives of others.
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact us for a session, see judilynch.com
By OMTimes
Are you wasting your life? Discover the signs and make a change. Please find out how to transform your life and make it worthwhile. It's never too late to start living the life you love.
Life can't always be rosy, but how much of your life satisfies you? Are you truly living or just letting time pass by? Here are nine signs that you're wasting your energy. If this
resonates with you, it's time for a change! Much in our life can be transformed to make our incarnation worthwhile. It's never too late to start!
How much time do you spend doing things you love professionally or personally? Activities that bring pleasure or have some significant return for you? Of course, some realities are so challenging that there's little room for anything other than hard work to pay bills. But even then, you should make time for personal projects and activities that nourish the soul, not just the bank account. If nothing you do has a deeper meaning or brings comfort, then you're wasting your life or the little time in your life that could be just for you.
Does that inner voice we all have, born from our self-judgment (and sometimes from others' opinions of us) encourage or depress you? Some people are very hard on themselves,
demanding flawless and perfect performance all the time. This energy expenditure and mental strain make life regress, not progress. Of course, we shouldn't just pat ourselves on the back and remain selfish and immature. But self-forgiveness (with balanced criticism, reflection, and change) is life. Anything else is a sheer waste of time.
Many people care for their body and appearance because they hate themselves, not because they love themselves. The goal is to look prettier, younger, and thinner. The pretext is health and self-love, but few people in gyms are there because they love themselves. Most don't accept themselves and aim for an unattainable aesthetic standard. Exercising should be an act of love, preserving health, and physical and emotional well-being. If that's not the goal, you're wasting precious time chasing a fleeting material value. One day, age will catch up, and so will death. If you've moisturized your face, congratulations on being a hydrated, wrinkle-free corpse. But that's it. What we take from
this world isn't about our physical form, appearance, or achievements. It's about values and love. And the love we give ourselves is crucial too, determining the conditions under which we leave this world and how we'll be received in the next. Loving oneself has more to do with acceptance than with a flat stomach and tons of makeup and cosmetic procedures. Don't waste time; give yourself time.
When incarnated, we know feeding the body is essential to keeping us alive. But we often forget to nourish our minds and spirit. Just working is a tremendous waste of time. We need more to calm our souls and make life experiences meaningful and worthwhile. And how can we awaken consciousness if not
through knowledge? Nowadays, there's no excuse. Knowledge is widespread on the internet; we can read books online, and profiles produce incredible content on spirituality, philosophy, literature, politics, physics, astronomy, and other sciences. Embrace the information age to grow. Choose what you see, consume, follow, and where you spend your money and time.
I don't know about you, but there were times when I felt like crying (and sometimes did) as soon as the alarm rang. Nothing made sense; wasting my time on that felt pointless. If this happens to you, it's time for a change because you're wasting your life. A lot. Look for another job, invest
in a course, change fields, cities, countries, change whatever you can. Sometimes, we think happiness is in one place but somewhere else. Maybe you'd be happier with a simpler job, and a more stable and peaceful life rather than dedicating all your time to aiming for the top of a career that consumes your most precious asset. Or perhaps, in your case, it's the opposite. It doesn't matter; what makes waking up in the morning worthwhile is personal. Still, feeling bad when the alarm goes off is indeed a severe sign that you're wasting your life.
Talking about faith is easy; the challenge is applying it to life, to routine. When things don't go as you hope, how do you react? Do you maintain clarity and emotional balance, or does the situation shake you? Exactly. It's precisely at these times, when things don't progress despite our efforts, that we should surrender to the universe and accept. It's not just our will that counts, and we won't always get what we want
the way we want it. If we indulge in anger, criticism, and complaints, we're wasting a lot of mental and spiritual energy that should be focused on solutions, adaptation, and acceptance. Acceptance saves time.
Life can drain us to the point where it feels like we're surviving, not living. And we stop dreaming, stop making plans for the future. Or even when, in some cases, the present is so
pleasant that aspiring for any change doesn't cross our minds. That's not good. We need to have plans, to dream! And it doesn't have to be about the distant future; planning something for the next month or year is enough to create space for the lighter side of life to happen. Don't stop making plans!
Our relationships say a lot about us. There are people in our lives that
we simply can't stop interacting with. But outside of that circle, how much time do you waste on people not worth it? Toxic people? It's essential to clarify that it's not about choosing friends based on their vibes, as many imagine. Some think a good friend is a balanced one, without problems, always happy. Haven't we all heard, "She's so heavy, she's so negative, she's always got problems, yikes"? These champions of positive energy don't realize that what counts is character heart. If someone is your friend but has a more burdened view of life, what's
the problem? You don't know their reality or lack the empathy to realize that everything has a reason. Maybe life brought you together with this friend so that your more optimistic perspective could help them lead a lighter life. It's an exchange, an equal relationship, not one where we need to receive something in return, even if that "thing" is seemingly "positive" energy. This is the idea of evolving, of awakening, for it's by helping others that we grow; it's by establishing genuine bonds that we evolve. Energy is something you give, but you get it back later.
The issue is recognizing who truly has a character worth relating to. And that doesn't depend on energy, belief, success, failure, or life view (rarely does, unless the other person's thoughts are criminal, for example). It's the person you want to keep close to without ulterior motives, without expecting anything in return. Just being together is enough; it feels good. There's an exchange, respect, love. It's not worth wasting our time if it's not like that.
"Because it was him, because it was me."
Michel de Montaigne
"A snake that doesn't move doesn't hunt frogs," my grandmother used to say. I believe much of life is in that phrase. Everything is in motion all the time, and we need to act in the material world for certain things to happen. Wanting to control everything, seeking security in every step, wastes time and prevents us from realizing certain dreams. Sometimes, we need to keep our
feet on the ground, and sometimes, we need to take risks, step out of our comfort zone, and go beyond. Deep down, we always know when we're facing such situations and when we're on the brink of irresponsibility. Sometimes, it's better to take a step back or two steps forward at the right moment. That's maturity, that's clarity, that's living awake, knowing when to act, when to stop, and when to let life guide us.
"In nature, nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed."
Antoine Lavoisier
Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages is an expansive, monumental work that delves into the esoteric traditions and philosophies from across human history. Originally published in 1928, this book has become a cornerstone for those interested in mysticism, secret societies, and ancient wisdom. Hall's magnum opus is an encyclopedic exploration of symbolic thought and esoteric traditions, offering a sweeping panorama of hidden knowledge that spans cultures and epochs. This review will delve into the book's structure, content, impact, and relevance, providing a critical perspective on its enduring significance.
The structure of The Secret Teachings of All Ages is methodical yet vast. It consists of 49 chapters organized into thematic sections that explorevariousaspectsofancientandmystical knowledge. Hall meticulously investigates a broadrangeoftopics,fromEgyptandGreece's ancient mysteries to the Hermetic tradition's philosophical underpinnings and the secrets of alchemy and astrology. Each chapter stands as a self-contained essay, rich in detail and accompanied by elaborate illustrations, many of which are now iconic within the field of esotericliterature.
Hall's approach is both scholarly and accessible. He synthesizes information from various sources, presenting complex ideas in a mannerthatiscomprehensibletothelayreader while maintaining a depth that appeals to the more informed student of esotericism. The prose is dense but lucid, requiring careful reading to appreciate the breadth of knowledgebeingconveyedfully.
One of the book's central themes is the perennial philosophy, the idea that all major religious and philosophical traditions share a common core of esoteric truths. Hall explores thisconceptbycomparingsymbols,myths,and teachingsfromdiversetraditions.Thisthematic approach underscores the unity underlying different spiritual paths and the universal quest forwisdom.
Ancient Mystery Schools: Hall delves into the rites and teachings of ancient Egypt, Greece, and the Near East. He provides detailed examinations of figures like Hermes, Trismegistus, and Orpheus and theircontributionstoesotericthought.
Alchemy and Astrology: These chapters explore the symbolic and practical aspects of alchemical and astrological traditions, emphasizing their roles in the quest for spiritual transformation and understanding cosmiclaws.
Symbolism and Myth: Hall'sexplorationof symbols and myths is perhaps the most engagingaspectofthebook.Heelucidates the meanings of symbols like the phoenix, the serpent, and the lotus, demonstrating how these motifs recur across different culturesandepochs.
Philosophical Traditions: Hall covers the teachings of Pythagoras, Plato, and other philosophical figures, discussing their contributions to developing esoteric and mysticalthought.
Secret Societies: Thebookalsoexamines theroleofsecret societies,suchasthe Rosicruciansand Freemasons,inpreserving andtransmittingesoteric knowledge.
TheSecretTeachingsof AllAgesisnotwithoutits critics.Somearguethat Hall'sinterpretations couldbemore speculative,lackingthe rigorousacademic scrutinythat contemporaryscholarship demands.Criticspointout thathisrelianceonolder sources,someofwhich arenowconsidered outdatedorinaccurate, mayleadtoquestionable conclusions.
However, Hall's work is not intended to be a strictly academic treatise. Its valueliesinitsabilitytoinspireandprovokethought,encouragingreadersto explore the depths of human wisdom and tradition. Hall's synthesis of esoteric knowledge is unparalleled in its scope and ambition, making it a foundationaltextforstudentsofmysticismandtheoccult.
The book's richly detailed illustrations, many drawn from Renaissance manuscriptsandearlymodernengravings,complementthetextandenhance the reader's understanding of the complex symbols discussed. These visual aidsareintegraltothebook'sappeal,providingatangibleconnectiontothe abstractconceptsexplored.
Since its publication, The Secret Teachings of All Ages has profoundly impacted the study of esotericism and the New Age movement. It has influencedgenerationsofscholars,mystics,andspiritualseekers,cementing Hall's reputation as a leading figure in esoteric studies. The book's broad appeal lies in its ability to connect with readers on multiple levels, offering bothascholarlyresourceandaspiritualguide.
The timeless nature of Hall's explorations ensures that the book remains relevant even in contemporary discourse. Its synthesis of ancient wisdom with modern thoughtresonateswiththoseseekingadeeperunderstandingofthemysteriesof lifeandtheuniverse.Thebook'senduringpopularityisatestamenttoitsabilityto transcend cultural and temporal boundaries, providing insights that are as relevanttodayastheywerenearlyacenturyago.
"The Secret Teachings of All Ages" thoroughly explores esoteric traditions and symbols. Its value as a collection of ancient wisdom and a source of inspiration is undeniable, making it essential for anyone interested in the hidden dimensions of human knowledge."The Secret Teachings of All Ages" is a significant work that thoroughly explores esoteric traditions and symbols. Although it may not meet modern academic standards, its value as a collection of ancient wisdom and a source of inspiration is undeniable. Hall's skill in connecting different mystical thoughts into a coherent narrative makes this book essential for anyone interested in the hiddendimensionsofhumanknowledge.
Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages is a seminal work in the field of esoteric studies. It offers a profound and compelling vision of the unity underlying the world's spiritual and philosophical traditions. Whetherapproachedasascholarlyresourceoraspiritual guide, it provides insights and inspiration for readers seekingtouncoverthedeepertruthsofexistence.
TheSecretTeachingsofAllAgesisnotjustabook;itisa journey into the depths of human wisdom and mystery, inviting readers to explore the hidden teachings that haveshapedcivilizationsthroughouthistory.
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