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January A 2017
Cover Story
Dr. Semir Osmanagich - The Bosnian Pyramids
Health & Healing 42 46
Are You Willing to Do Whatever It Takes to Create the Health You Say You Want Healing Art as a Way to Wellness
Spirituality 52 56
Synchronicities - Dance with the Cosmic Flow 12 Ways to Bring Peace into Your Days
OM Living 64 68 72 78
Are You on the Dark Side or the Light 2017: The Year of the Last Judgment? Creating Fulfillment Through Intuition OMTimes Radio Host Spotlight - Sylvia Henderson
2017 Celebrity Predictions
Astrology & Numerology 96
How to Survive Mercury Retrograde in 2017
Personal Growth 106 Counting the Good in Your LIfe
World Vision 112 The Beginning of a New Consciousness 2017
Books 118 The Happiness Perspective
Dr. Semir Osmanagich
Semir Osmanagich is the author of 15 books on ancient civilizations and pyramids around the world.
The Bosnian Pyramids
Sandie Sedgbeer: Dr. Semir Osmanagich, welcome. You’re a worldrenowned expert on pyramids. You have investigated the structures in China, Mauritius, the Canary Islands, Egypt, Peru, El Salvador, Guatemala, Bolivia, Honduras, Mexico, etc. And, in 2005, you discovered the first pyramids on European soil. Can you tell us, briefly, how that discovery came about?
Sandie Sedgbeer: When you first started excavating, what did you imagine that your excavations would reveal?
Sandie Sedgbeer: So, you’ve now yielded, what, five pyramids of various sizes as what is a vast labyrinth of underground tunnels?
Sandie Sedgbeer: Dr. Semir Osmanagich, when you and I first spoke about the pyramids back in 2011, you seemed a little hesitant to reveal your thoughts on the builders and their purpose. Since then, you seem a lot more open about the most metaphysical aspects of the discovery - the underground healing chambers, the orbs, a possible message of the ruins. What’s changed for you?
Sandie Sedgbeer: You found a megalithic block in the prehistoric underground complex that had what looked like ancient Hungarian ruins. And one visitor went to try and decipher the runic meaning which, in your book, reads something like the Gateway has closed. We are a standstill. We will have to act as warriors to defend and conquer until we can move again through the stargate. What do you make of that?
Sandie Sedgbeer: During a recent visit by best-selling author and researcher Erich von Däniken, a video was made in one of your underground labyrinths. Video in which hundreds, if not thousands, of orbs, are clearly seen piling over the two of you, coming from one of the side tunnels like a tsunami and flying around you both. Do you have theories about what these orbs are?
Sandie Sedgbeer: Why are so many others in criticism of you and the Bosnian pyramids?
Sandie Sedgbeer: Now, you were declared Man of the Year in Bosnia in 2007. You’re the first honorable citizen of
the town of Visoko. How did the Bosnian government react? I mean you must be doing great things for Bosnian tourism.
Sandie Sedgbeer: Earlier this year, you held a summer solstice event on the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in which you broadcast messages of love and
harmony to the world. I think that’s a really beautiful way to use the energy of a site like this, which of course, is in stark contrast to what Zahi Hawass is doing in Egypt.
Sandie Sedgbeer: So, how much more do you think there is to discover?
Sandie Sedgbeer: Dr. Semir Osmanagich, thank you so much for joining us today, absolutely fascinating. For more Information, please visit and
About Sandie Sedgbeer A veteran broadcaster, author, and media consultant, Sandie Sedgbeer, brings her incisive interviewing style to a brand-new series of radio programs, What Is Going OM on OMTimes Radio, showcasing the world’s leading thinkers, scientists, authors, educators and parenting experts whose ideas are at the cutting edge. A professional journalist who cut her teeth in the ultra-competitive world of British newspapers and magazines, Sandie has interviewed a wide range of personalities from authors, scientists, celebrities, spiritual teachers, and politicians.
Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
Are You Willing to Do Whatever It Takes to Create the Health You Say You Want? by Dr. Lee Ann Kalaba, DC
Humans are Creatures of Habit that Resist Change Many humans are creatures of habit. There is a tendency to stay within a comfort zone, to keep doing things just as they have always been done,
and to resist change. Change is scary, a turn into unknown territory. Many would rather stay in the unpleasant familiar than risk going into the unknown. And, people are afraid of giving up what they think brings them pleasure, as if they will be missing out on something. This is often true even when acknowledging that change is the very thing needed to reach goals someone has set for him or herself, especially regarding health.
Want Better Health? Be Open to Suggestions Many health practitioners see this daily in their offices. People become clients with the intention of improving their level of health. They want to feel better, get relief from aches and pains, or turn around a stubborn and sometimes scary health
condition. This motive is not in doubt. But when it comes time to take empowered actions to bring about some level of healing, those very same people balk at the suggestion. “I’ll do anything but give up bread.” “I will never stop drinking coffee.” “I have a glass of wine every night. It helps me relax.” “I hate exercise.” “You want me to come in twice a week?” Or how about this one, “I cut out gluten for 10 days, and I didn’t notice a difference.”
Results Take Time, Energy, and Commitment One common cliché illustrates this clearly: If you keep doing the things you have always done, then you will keep getting the same results. And yes, real results take real
time, real energy, and real commitment. The interesting paradox here is that it is often the very same person who desires a different outcome that also refuses to make even the smallest changes outside of the office doors. In other words, if one wants results, if one truly wants healing, then he or she must be willing to make the necessary changes that might allow healing to occur. “I’ll try,” or “I’ve tried that already,” simply isn’t good enough if a person truly wants to heal. If it were, we wouldn’t be a nation with so many sick and tired people. It is common knowledge among healthcare practitioners that the United States spends more on healthcare than other
developed nations, and yet still has much higher rates of chronic illness.
You Can Turn Your Health Around All alternative healthcare providers want to see their patients turn their health around. But only so much can be done inside the office walls. Once out in the world, patients must take steps necessary to help themselves heal, hopefully based on the many beneficial suggestions provided by their practitioners. Sometimes this means bringing lunch to work instead of eating at the fast food joint on the corner. This could mean juicing five days’ worth of vegetables and freezing the extra. Sometimes this means skipping an hour of TV to go to the gym or
take a walk around the neighborhood or to meditate. And sometimes it means asking for support so that selfcare can take a priority.
The Power of Change is in Your Hands The good news is that the real power is in the patient’s hands. Even if it starts with the smallest of steps, it can be done. Humans are also resilient, innovative, intelligent, and inspired. If even one person can have an idea, come up with a plan, or heal from a serious illness, then so can any other person. With the guidance from an alternative healthcare practitioner, beneficial support from friends and family, and an unrelenting commitment to oneself, the
healing process can begin and be successful. Every single empowered action, every single meal, every single beneficial change can bring about better health. It all starts with one empowered declaration, “I’m willing to do whatever it takes.” About the Author Lee Ann Kalaba is a practicing Doctor of Chiropractic in Tucson, AZ. After a decade in corporate America as a CPA, she experienced a severe injury that was the catalyst of her healing journey and put her on the chiropractic path. Now, her vision is to utilize chiropractic care and health coaching to help people improve their health so they can pursue the life of their dreams. http://
Healing Art as a Way to Wellness by Joseph V Cassarino
Art - A Wonderful Holistic Healing Modality The earliest prehistoric art discovered dates back to the Lower Paleolithic era, between roughly 300,000 and 1 million BC. After the Stone Age, additional art emerged from Ethiopia, Tanzania, China, Europe then India
and became embedded into humanity as an integral part of civilization. Fast forward to modern and current times and we appreciate and enjoy art in many forms. However, many people are not aware that art stimulates the mind and improves physical and mental health. Quite often a viewer resonates with art and its beauty. However, many times the viewer is not aware of the myriad health benefits attributed by viewing the art.
Art Heals the Physical and Mental and Improves the Immune System Today, holistic practitioners, therapist and integrative medicine participants, incorporate art as a holistic healing modality to heal physical and mental illness without prescribed medicines. Today, the body, mind, soul connection has become better understood due to recent breakthroughs in science and quantum physics. Art therapy is being utilized more and more as professional clinicians and healers understand the
added benefits of utilizing art as a healing modality. Trained professionals understand how art stimulates the creative process and permits the recipient or patient to explore feelings and reconcile emotional blockages and or conflicts.
Art Heals the Individual, Others and The Community Art heals the individual by improving cognitive ability, relieving stress, and increasing self-esteem. It improves creative ability, improves academic performance and increases self-expression and enjoyment. Art also heals others by allowing them to release emotional pain often stored in the body. Additionally, art heals others by touching them emotionally and spiritually and art heals others by providing inspiration, hope and transformation.
Quantum Energy Sustains Everything Infinitely Including Art
Quantum Physics now theorizes, nothing in the universe exists and everything is an illusion. Einstein proved this many years ago, as well. Science and math also prove the most minute particles of an atom are unseen, do not exist, and everything that occurs is a dream we manifest or create based on our belief system. If this is accurate, then the same unseen force that propels everything perceived in the universe, also propels appreciation for art and the joy it provides to those who are drawn to the energy. Art is energy in the same manner everything else in the universe is energy. It evokes thought, excitement and passion.
Art from a Blank Canvas Life, much like art, begins with a blank canvas. So, the artist, the individual, creates the result. Spiritual teachings inform us: what we think we become, and what we believe; unfolds in front of us. I have created a beautiful,
exciting life filled with joy, success and love. I have always eliminated negative, toxic or conditioned beliefs from my thoughts and I have always projected the life I envision. By tapping into the unseen powers of the universe and by simply believing and trusting, I unfolded a beautiful, work of art that is my life. Certainly, there were times of grief or strife in my life. However, much like an artist, each of us can correct and modify, and we can paint over any rough patch to recreate the beautiful masterpiece we desire. About the Author Joseph V Cassarino is an award winning, international photographer, author and speaker from Boulder, Colorado. His emphasis is on how to tap into the quantum to uplift, inspire and heal. Joseph’s artistic medium is nature photography. To learn more about Joseph V Cassarino and to view his art, visit https://
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
Synchronicities – Dance with the Cosmic Flow by Sherrie Dillard
Could It Be Choice or Synchronicities? We are being led. There is a presence moving through our heart, mind, and soul that guides and directs us. Meaningful coincidences or
synchronicities, open us to new insights and help us to understand ourselves and what is happening around us in new ways. Synchronicity is intuition expressed in the outer world.
truth. Despite the powerful effect that a synchronicity can have on us, we all too soon attempt to dumb it down by rationalization.
Synchronicities are no accident. The universe has carefully orchestrated the seemingly impossible convergences of things, people, events, and conditions. It does not matter how great or small the coincidence may be. We immediately recognize when we intersect with the cosmic. Although others may not always be able to feel and see it, we know when we are touched by the transcendent. The heart smiles, the mind opens, and like an Olympian gymnast, the soul joyously flips and leaps.
We want to creep back into the logical and the rational as if the cosmic doors had not flung open. The thinking mind wants to take charge and explain away the magic and unexplainable; don’t let it. Live with the mystery and allow it to flow through the mind, body and spirit like a healing balm. Synchronicities invite us to experience life through the cosmic portal of connection and oneness. Soak in the deep rays of the universal life force current and allow it to promote and support aspects of self that we may not always have the courage to know.
Offering a Glimpse into a Forgotten Reality
Helpful Suggestions to Increase the Flow
Synchronicities provide us with a glimpse into a reality that we have forgotten. They speak to the authentic self that is comfortable and at home in the realm of cosmic
Here are some suggestions that can help to increase the flow of synchronicities: Ask for Synchronicities. Simple, but true, when we
ask for synchronicities, we experience them. As we let go of our expectations of how and when they occur, they naturally flow into our life in surprising ways. Just make the intent and allow the universe to manifest it. Notice the Effect. However big, small or insignificant they may seem to be, the effect that a synchronicity has on our heart and soul is what matters. When we notice synchronicities and embrace them, they multiply. Communicate With Your Surroundings. Imagine synchronicities as a form or communication with the universe. We don’t always notice when divine presence is answering and responding to our needs and requests. Synchronicities let us know that we are known and heard. They are a calling card informing us that we are watched over and that we are in the flow of our soul’s current.
Act On That Guidance. Synchronicities alert us to possibilities and open us to higher wisdom and love. Noticing and acting on them strengthens our soul energy and guides us into the positive. Even though life can be challenging at times, synchronicities remind us that unexpected good fortune can come to us to in surprising ways. Have Gratitude. Live with the awareness that a wonderful, personally crafted surprise is on its way. Say, thank you, blow a big kiss and dance with the cosmic flow of the all that is. The positive and abundant energy of universal divine joy and creativity is available to us, wherever we are, and in whatever we are doing. About the Author Psychic and Medium Sherrie Dillard, is the best-selling author of Discover Your Authentic Self, You are a Medium, and five other books. grace.
12 Ways to Bring Peace into Your Days by Dr. Paulette Sherman
Tools to Bring Peace Every Day We often feel that peace is something outside of ourselves that we can only feel while on vacation or when surrounded by monks at a monastery. The only sustainable peace in our
modern world is the kind that we create within ourselves, daily. What follows are 12 tools that can help to bring peace every day:
peace anywhere by doing a meditation where you imagine all the ways that you give and receive peace and love.
Tool # 1: Meditate.
Most worries are about the past or potential futures. We feel peaceful when we entertain thoughts about the present moment, which is the only thing that we can do something about anyway.
Meditation is a great tool for shutting out worry and distractions. By focusing on a mantra or the breath, you can return to a state of inner peace and hear the still voice of your Spirit.
Tool # 2: Bathe in Unconditional Love & Peace. Although the term bathe is a metaphor, a tool called sacred baths allows you to bathe in peace and unconditional love from your home bath. In The Book of Sacred Baths, people learn how to use visualization, meditation and affirmations to attract their dreams and to shift into a state of peace while bathing in this energy. But you can also learn to bathe in unconditional
Tool # 3: Be Present.
Tool # 4: Practice Soothing Self-Talk. You are with yourself 24/7 so you can create your own peace or disturb it with how you speak to yourself. Practice being your own cheerleader, learning to soothe yourself and speak lovingly to yourself, no matter what is happening.
Tool # 5: Stop Caring What Others Think About You. It is enough to manage your own thoughts and feelings but it is not your job to
imagine what others think of you. The only thing you can control is you. So, the next time that you begin to wonder what others think of your hair or job, catch yourself and say, ‘That’s none of my business. Let me choose a positive thought about that instead.’
your life when your inner and outer visions don’t match and you feel your life has little meaning or passion. So, if you value creativity or helping people, make sure you are at least doing hobbies in those areas or volunteering.
Tool # 6: Set Boundaries.
Carrying around anger from your past is draining and can cause you to feel sad, or wounded. When you’re able to forgive, it brings a state of peace and wholeness. This can mean forgiving another person or yourself so that you can walk through your life with lightness.
Learn to say no, so that we can say yes to the things that really matter. We all only have a certain amount of time and energy so we can make choices that serve our highest good. Many people feel restless because they aren’t living the lives they want. Say no to things that drain your energy and that don’t align with your Spirit. This enables you to say Yes to the things that do bring peace to you.
Tool #7: Check that your Values & Lifestyles Match. You may feel troubled in
Tool #8: Practice Forgiveness.
Tool #9: Let-Go & Laugh Often. It is hard to feel peaceful when you are attached to a particular outcome. It is important that you take time to surrender your desires to spirit. Ask for what you want or something better, for
the highest good of all. You cannot allow your peace to be dependent on anything outside yourself so be willing to surrender those desires. Laughter is also a terrific stress relief as it fills your body with joy and peace.
Tool #10: Embrace Imperfection. Being perfect is impossible and it keeps you focused on what is not working. It is hard to feel peaceful when you are looking at what you need to fix. When you accept that it’s okay to be imperfect, you can be peaceful even when mistakes occur or when you have a learning opportunity.
Tool #11: Count Your Blessings. What you focus on expands. You will feel peaceful when you are in a state of gratitude. So, take an inventory of all that you love about your life and life in general. Journal about things you are grateful
for and bring peace daily.
Tool #12: Choose Love over Fear. You can choose love or fear in every moment. Fear leads to a state of constriction and dis-ease. Love allows us to feel open, trusting and at peace. The next time you are faced with a challenge, ask yourself how to view it through a state of love and peace and act on that guidance. About the Author Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman is a psychologist, life coach, Relationship expert & author of The Book of Sacred Baths, published by Llewellyn, and Dating from the Inside Out, published by Atria Books. She has written 21 books, translated into five languages. She has a private practice in NYC and does international phone coaching. Her websites are www. and www.
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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
Are You on the Dark Side or Light? by Lynn Zambrano
Are You Aware of Your Frequency? Humans are dualistic by nature. We are both of spirit/source energy and ego persona/matter. When we are about three years old, we start developing our sense of self/individually. This happens primarily by labeling and
judging our perception of what is appearing. If we never learn to temper this as we grow older, we separate from our spirit as well as from others. This leads to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and even abandonment. We have ultimately abandoned our spiritual self through constant separation.
Sensitive People May Struggle with Duality Let us look at this from another angle. Instead of labels such as bad/dark, we use the term low frequency, and substitute high frequency for good/light. Now we are working within a range. Each person in humanity holds an energetic frequency on this range. Energetic signatures are the total of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. We are all unique and have a base setting when we are born, a natural operating range/frequency which is then tuned through our energetic signature. Why? Each of us is here to experience, learn and grow through the vessel
of humanity. Humans are dualistic, for each frequency there is an opposite frequency: low and high for example. Our base setting is determined by the life lessons we are here to experience. Does that mean people can’t change? We can always respond to life from our higher selves rather than react from our ego persona. It takes awareness and conscious observation. It’s a practice which requires dedication. It can be done.
Spiritual Teachers and the Energetic Range Where do spiritual teachers fit in? When we are shifting up that energetic range, it is helpful for someone higher on the scale to hold the space and support us through the transition. Their presence helps adjust our vibration and frequency. Do all teachers shift you up? No, they don’t, we must use discernment when choosing a teacher. Remember we are all operating on a range. Look for people whose words and actions have congruency. Whose presence feels uplifting without them speaking.
Since there is no bad or good when we drop the labels, how does that change our perception of reality? Let’s use an example: on our way home, we get mugged; now our lower frequency will react, the perpetrator becomes evil and we become a victim (energetically). Our energy stays in that frequency, through the law of attraction! We continue to receive validation for our frequency with more experiences that support victim-hood, plus we are still stewing in the event. We keep replaying it in our heads and create more suffering.
A Few Words on Acceptance and Resistance A different experience is in acceptance. We got mugged on the way home, OK we proceed by contacting the police, credit card company; whatever we need to do. Accepting that the perpetrator was acting from his lower energy frequency, we don’t react or go into victimhood, it
is what it is, let’s keep flowing into the next moment. We do not create a resistance of what has appeared by telling a story about ‘poor us’ or ‘evil him,’ which would shift our energy frequency and cause suffering. Resistance = Suffering. It boils down to; we are all here to do and experience what we are meant to, what we need to evolve and shift to the next frequency. Sometimes it’s our suffering that is the catalyst for a transition. It is the sign that alerts us to change our perception, and balance our spirits and ego personas. Being human is challenging, if we can observe ourselves and detach from ego occasionally. Rather than label others, if we hold compassion, we will create harmony and that feels good/different.
About the Author Lynn shares what she has learned with other sensitive people through her blog and by mentoring. You can visit her at
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2017: The Year of the Last Judgment? by Zinovia Dushkova
Each cycle of human evolution requires the drawing of a final line and a summing up of accounts. In almost all religions, this process is referred to as the Last Judgment. This must take place at the end of our current
cycle of development, which happens to be the fifth.
What Do We Know about the Last Judgment? Helena Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine (published in 1888) reveals that a change of cycles has occurred more than once on Earth. It has always been accompanied by climate change and increasing numbers of natural disasters; precisely what we are currently witnessing. It has become rather difficult to ignore climate change. As NASA has reported, July and August of 2016 were the hottest months ever recorded. The average temperature on Earth is steadily growing. Meanwhile, according to EMDAT, the number of natural disasters has increased tenfold in comparison with the 1950s: from 30 in 1955 to 375 in 2015. Today, it is easy to find prophecies saying that the
Hour of the Last Judgment will come in the year 2017. For example, many researchers, after making astrological calculations based on the Bible, concluded that Revelation 12:1-2 speaks about a unique arrangement of heavenly bodies. This will happen on September 20-23, 2017, and they point to this period as the Second Coming of Christ, and therefore the Hour of Judgment.
The Changes in 2017 Heralded by Prophecy Quranic researchers, meanwhile, have used a numerological key to discover that the Quran’s verse about the return of Jesus Christ during the Last Judgment yields the number 1439. This is the Muslim year equivalent to the year 2017 on the Gregorian calendar. In addition, there is the prophecy by Judah ben Samuel of Regensburg, a legendary
Jewish mystic of the 12th century. His prophecy says that the Messianic era will start after the tenth jubilee year, which ends in the year 2017. As the sages of the Himalayas revealed to the author, there is some truth in this, but the truth lies in the fact that in 2017 the period of the Last Judgment will already be ending. It began in “the year 1999, in the seventh month” as predicted by Nostradamus. A total solar eclipse took place, which was accompanied by a parade of planets. The planets arranged themselves into the shape of a cross. This was the Son of Man in heaven, indicated in Matthew 24:2930, as the sign heralding the Second Coming of Christ.
The Four Groups of Humanity and Final Judgment Since that time, all of
humanity divides into four groups: 1. those who have made their choice in favor of Light; 2. those who are completing their struggle for their choice of Light; 3. those who openly designate themselves as dark forces; 4. the “sleeping” masses that constitute much of humanity. It appears that the period allotted to the Final Judgment consists of 18 years - 6+6+6, a number that is also mentioned in the Bible as the number of the beast. Besides its secret meaning, it symbolizes a passing age which was marked by brutish strife between people, for the beast was dominant in man. If people continue to live at low vibrations and fail to exterminate the beast in themselves, then they will not be able to pass further, into
the sixth cycle of evolution.
The Fifth Cycle of Evolution In July 2017, every person on Earth will sum up the results of their numerous lifetimes during the fifth cycle of evolution. This says that everyone will consciously or unconsciously make their final choice. And after this date, only two groups of humanity will remain. All will have made their choice either in favor of light or darkness. In modern popular culture, it is common to depict the Last Judgment as a calamity on a global scale. But the truth is that it will end just as unnoticeably as it started in the year 1999. However, this does not mean that the consequences of the conscious or unconscious choice of each person will be invisible to them.
Even now, we can observe situations in which personal character manifests much faster than ever before. This is also true on a global scale with the true essence of things or people. We can say that after the year 2017, the Law of Karma will come into full force, meting out good in exchange for good, and treating evil with justice.
About the Author Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D., is an award-winning Russian author. Traveling around the world, she has devoted almost 25 years to the acquisition of secret wisdom. Learn more about 2017 in Book 1 of her major work, The Teaching of the Heart series, which is available for free on Amazon and elsewhere. For more information, please visit her website at: www.dushkova. com/en.
Creating Ful fillment through Intention by Colby Psychic Rebel
Intuition is the most effective tool we have in our spiritual arsenal to create a fulfilling life. Each of us holds the gift of intuition. It usually comes in the form of a “gut� feeling. Although
most of have been told that intuition is that primal instinct that serves as our personal compass, we forget to use it in our everyday life. Perhaps, that is because it’s the most rudimental of our senses and we almost dismiss the simplicity of it. In our desire to be perfect, we can overcomplicate such a basic tool. Intuition can occur in many forms. It may be the hair that stands on the back of our neck warning us to changes lanes to avoid a traffic accident or we may get the feeling that a loved one is about to pass and then we receive the call notifying us of our worst fear. It may be that feeling in the pit of our stomach raising our awareness to an infidelity within a relationship or the mother’s instinct in knowing her child is in danger. Sometimes it can show as
a spontaneous feeling that springs itself on us in a flash of information, or it can linger as a gnawing thought that we attempt to push away. Intuition is strong and relentless. How many times have we tried to push a feeling away, yet it stays ever present until we listen to it? Intuition is that innate sense that we all have. It’s our natural survival instinct, our most primal sense, yet so many of us forget to use it and more importantly, trust it. When we surrender to intuition, it provides invaluable navigation within our lives. We can use intuition as our compass in decision-making allowing us to continuously move in a direction that is in alignment with our soul. Decisions no longer need to be stressful, difficult or complex. When we find ourselves struggling with indecisiveness,
we are being reminded that we are in our logical mind. We are not using our intuitive faculty. When we co-mingle our personal beliefs, fears or experiences with our intuition, we are merely manifesting a false reality. We then tend to create imaginary scenarios in which our decision could be wrong, so we refrain from committing. How many times have we ignored a “hit” of information like the snooze on the morning alarm, only to realize later that it had been accurate? It’s time for us to wake up to our inner alarm system! The good news is that intuition is a muscle. The more we use it, the stronger it gets. By finding ways to strengthen our primal sense, we ultimately can create a more fulfilling life. A life that contains fewer
regrets, mistakes and missed opportunities. When we use our intuition and trust it unconditionally, we are guided under our soul’s narrative that will always be working for our highest good. There are several simple exercises that we can practice to build our intuition. Here are four exercises to help get the muscle growing! Telephone Telepathy: When the phone rings, take a moment to tap in intuitively to see who the call is from prior to answering it. Elevator Exercise: If waiting for an elevator, stand in front of the one that feels will open first. It doesn’t matter if we are wrong, it’s building that muscle and the willingness to trust that is important. When standing in an elevator and it
comes to a stop, tap in to feel if it will be a man or a woman entering the elevator, or if others are in the elevator, who is next to get off? Deciding with Breath: If torn with a decision, take a moment to breathe in and relax the logical mind. Release the rationale behind a decision and feel the decision. See if it comes easier to let go of the mind chatter. Dream with Intention: Before going to sleep, we can set an intention for a symbol to come in our slumber. Then letting go and seeing if that symbol comes to us in a dream, or in a message. In our sub-conscience state, we are more relaxed which allows our intuition to flow more smoothly. Keeping a journal by the bedside is an excellent way to record successes and messages!
There are so many ways our intuition can benefit us. It releases stress, anxiety and allows us to trust our paths without the second-guessing since we know our higherselves are guiding us along our path. Taking time each day to integrate these exercises into our lives will not only strengthen our intuitive muscle, but it may just lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life. About the Author Colby is an Internationally recognized Psychic Medium, certified master Spiritual teacher, radio host, speaker and author of the best-selling book, Leap of Faith: How to Build Your Spiritual Business. Colby was recently featured on the cover and is a spotlight writer for OM Times Magazine. She is also a member of Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics.
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Sylvia has over 16 years of experience in the Body/Mind/Spirit connection field and has studied over 20 different holistic healing and wellness modalities. She is gifted and talented at unraveling the structure modern day problems. Working with cutting edge spiritually based, transformational tools, Sylvia’s clients discover the root cause of their issues and quickly resolve them so that their lives can truly heal and improve. If you have tried everything else and nothing has worked, then you will be impressed with your transformational session with Sylvia Henderson.
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How to Survive Mercury Retrograde in 2017 by Kathy Biehl
Listen to Kathy Biehl’s Audio for this Article If you’re familiar with the term, “Mercury retrograde,” odds are you don’t have good feelings about it. “Oh, no, not again!” is the usual reaction to learning that one is coming up.
Take heart! It doesn’t mean the sky is falling. Mercury retrograde is not a freak occurrence, much less the end of the world. It’s a regular phenomenon that happens three or four times a year. We can’t stop it, but we can understand and work with it. Read on for how.
Communication Challenges During Retrogrades
First, the technicalities: Mercury is retrograde when it’s traveling backwards. That’s an optical illusion, of course, and happens when the planet’s orbital speed changes in comparison to the earth’s. It’s the planetary equivalent of speeding up on a highway, passing a car and seeing it fall far behind after you in the rear-view mirror.
The need for that extra attention often comes from things not working properly. Our information flow is always a casualty. Messages go astray. Misunderstandings, confusion, half-truths and deception are rampant. Both sides of a conversation may use the same words, but the words may not have the same meaning at all. Or expectations and assumptions may differ. (Reallife example: an organization awarding a book contract on a Mercury retrograde and terminating it two retrograde cycles later, because the authors and the publisher never agreed on what the book was supposed to be about.)
How this works: When Mercury is moving in reverse, the areas of life it governs do not play by the usual rules. Anything related to communication and travel requires extra attention. This includes phones, computers and electronic devices, the mail (remember that?), cars, public transportation and commutes.
Vehicles of communication also misfire. Machines or systems with an inherent instability hit the breaking point. Technology malfunctions. Websites and networks go down. Programs stop working. Tasks that should be ordinary turn into a gauntlet of error messages and trouble-shooting.
What does Mercury Retrograde mean?
Challenges rain down on our vehicles for getting around, too. Traffic snarls. Travel gets delayed. Buses don’t arrive. Detours pop up and complicate your route.
What should you do during Mercury Retrograde? Postpone launching major projects, signing major contracts and buying big-ticket items if possible. (You may not have complete or accurate information; the subject or purpose may not be what you think it is.) Double-check fine print, backup your data and allow lots of extra time when you’re on the road. The good news? You may get a good shot at a do-over or two, which may take the form of unraveling or restructuring. Mercury retrograde is also an excellent time to investigate and research, finish old business, clean up paperwork and get in touch with people you haven’t talked to in a while. Pay attention to who surfaces from the past, in person or in thought. Their reappearance could help tie up loose ends or resolve lingering business. Organize and
prepare so you’ll be ready to move ahead when Mercury does!
Mercury Retrogrades in 2017 Mercury is retrograde in 2017 from: December 19, 2016 - January 8, 2017, going from 15 Capricorn 8 to 28 Sagittarius 51 April 9 - May 3, 2017 going from 4 Taurus 50 to 24 Aries 15 August 12 - September 5, 2017 going from 11 Virgo 38 to 28 Leo 25 December 2 - 22, 2017 going from 29 Sagittarius 18 to 13 Sagittarius 0 You’re likely to feel the retrograde coming before Mercury stations. Communication and transportation matters usually start slowing (or growing complicated) a couple of days before a retrograde begins. The day of the retrograde station (when Mercury appears to be motionless, as it appears to change direction) can feel as if time has stopped altogether. The same sensation returns
when Mercury stations direct. Communication and transportation matters don’t suddenly speed up once the retrograde ends, either. Give the planet time to get moving again. Wait a few days after Mercury stations direct before resuming business as usual. The first three of this year’s Mercury retrogrades begin in earth signs and back into fire. Watch for concrete, practical and mundane considerations to give way to passionate emotions and heightened activity. They’ll prevail when the year’s final retrograde travels only through fire. The First Mercury Retrograde The first retrograde, from December 19 - January 8, 2017, brings awareness of cost, consequences and practicalities while Mercury is backing through Capricorn. The few days in Sagittarius, from January 5 - 8, promise impatience, frustration and a high likelihood of mishaps, malfunctions and delays involving trains, planes and cable. This retrograde has the potential
for undercover and behindthe-scenes work that does not surface until weeks later. When the retrograde began, Mercury was approaching a conjunction to Pluto, ruler of the depths of our psyches and of the earth (and of phenomenal power and wealth). Issues and inquiries were set in motion, but not completed or resolved. Expect more of the story to come out when Mercury meets Pluto on January 29. The Second Mercury Retrograde The second retrograde, from April 9 - May 3, 2017, is complex, multi-faceted and ultimately motivating. Money, love and getting our due dominate until the 20th, when Mercury is in Taurus. Those themes are intense and inescapable through the 15th, because Venus, ruler of Taurus, is finishing up her own retrograde. Expect to revisit old loves, old artistic pursuits, old values and ways of earning. After Mercury returns to Aries on the 20th, energy, activity and emotions heat up. Last December’s holidays are
likely to come to mind, and trigger tinkering, tweaking and rethinking directions, ventures and matters that shot ahead then. The Third Mercury Retrograde The third retrograde, from August 12 - September 5, 2017, sees Mercury in his second home base until August 29. Rethinking, redoing and improving go double then. Still, the winged messenger is comfortable with Virgo’s intellectual spin on earth energy, so we’re likely to experience less of the slowing and foot-dragging that accompany his retrograde in the other earth signs. His brief stint in Leo explores the meaning of the August 21 total solar eclipse in that sign. Important realizations and a refreshed mindset come when Mercury turns around, because he stations direct exactly on the degree of that eclipse. The Fourth Mercury Retrograde The final retrograde, from December 2 - 22, 2017, travels territory that has been
extraordinarily active since December 2016. And active is an understatement for this stretch. High in energy, noise and passions, it has the potential impact of a clean-up batter who comes to the plate with bases loaded and hits the runs in. Be on the lookout for course corrections and missing pieces that lock situations into place. Like the year’s first retrograde, this one also brings impatience, frustration and a high likelihood of mishaps, malfunctions and delays involving trains, planes and cable.
About the Author Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at EmpowermentUnlimited. net, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.
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We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course
Personal Growth & Development
Counting the Good in Your Life by Maria Khalife
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.� --Willie Nelson We were born with two incredible freedoms: the freedom of will and the freedom of choice. When
we learn how to use these freedoms in our lives, we can guide, direct, and select precisely what we will have and what we will set aside.
Accomplishments Comprise the Good in Our Life Because of the phenomenal accomplishments made in our lifetime, because of the exponential growth of technology, because of the enormity of personal wealth, we may think that if we haven’t manifested extraordinary success, we have nothing to call good in our life. I beg to disagree. The accomplishment of all big things is composed of hundreds of thousands of small accomplishments, every one of which was a crucial piece that contributed to the big one. I urge you to count the good in your life beginning with its smallest pieces. Here: let me give you a few examples.
Some of the Good We Do Every Day You can breathe in and out. Now that may seem silly, but imagine the alternative! Aliveness is so wonderful all by itself. Life is such a blessing. You can see. Observe the beauty in nature, the thrill of a powerful rainstorm, the sweetness of a newborn child, your bi-monthly paycheck, the gasoline going into your car. You can watch the sun come up and then set in the evening. How lucky you are. You can feel. Feel the crispness of clean sheets on your bed and the sun warming your skin and scalp. You can feel the breeze blowing your hair back off your face, and the softness of our child’s hand holding ours. We can sense our food digesting in our belly, and if someone is looking at us in a crowd. You can feel who’s calling you when the phone rings. Feeling is such a valuable sense.
More of the Good for which to Be Grateful You have enough. You have somewhere to sleep, clothing to wear, food to eat; friends who care about you, a job to perform, a spouse who loves you, a sun to light the day, and a moon to light the night. We also have fresh air to breathe, movies to watch, and music to listen to. If all this isn’t enough, we can create more. We can exercise choices. We get to choose whether to get out of bed, choose what to eat, and what clothes to wear. The radio station is often our choice. We choose who our friends are and which one to designate “best.” When something is no longer preferable, we choose what will replace it. This includes what kind of car we drive, who we marry, and how many children we have. You have millions of choices to make across the years of your life.
Our Life Lessons are Part of the Good
You learn from your mistakes. See clearly that “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me” and no one else. You recognize that life’s problems are blessings in disguise. When we change our focus from blaming another and assume responsibility, we begin to learn from our problems. We begin to make choices and carve out new ways of being. You have survived all your problems. Today, your life is safe. You may have made it through war as I did. We no longer have to fear being bombed today, or shot at, or arrested. You carry along your confidence and esteem and they make you feel safe. With a stable environment, our drive to and from work is safe. Your house is safe, as are our friends. We live by our values, boundaries, and our sense of self. Imagine not having this wealth?
Dreams and Health to Carry Us Through Your dreams carry you
beyond today. No matter how far you’ve come, how much you’ve accomplished, and how much you must enjoy, there is always more. You aren’t grasping or greedy about getting more, but you are aware that it’s there if and when you want some. We allow our dreams to arise knowing we can make them manifest and come true, and you have the talent, the knowledge, the ambition and the will to have what you want. You are healthy. And you might not know this bit I’m about to share with you, but please consider it: You are healthy at your core. It is your nature to be healthy. How can you be sure? If you manifest sickness, the first instinct is to return to health, because health is your norm. It’s always in there waiting for you to return.
Is There More Good to Consider? There is a great deal more to add to our “My Life is Good”
list. Oh, here’s another one: you can read this. You’ve got a lot more going for you than lots of other folks, so be grateful. About the Author Soufra Daimeh and Maria Khalifé are synonymous in the Middle East with flavor, inventiveness, and fun. Her magazine Soufra Daimeh and her cookbooks continuously inspire women. Going beyond her television and radio career, she expanded her life purpose to include helping others to live a masterful, successful life led by her own example and accomplishments. In 2008, she created The Change Coaching Institute (CCI). At CCI, those who wish to accelerate their growth on The Path, or to foster a new career for themselves by becoming a Change Coach, learn universal, spiritual principles to reach maximum potential through the discovery of a true dynamic and authentic self. http://www.
World Vision
When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.
In the Years since December 2012... A lot of people think that being spiritual means a complete detachment from the body, neglecting
this world’s daily activities and isolating themselves alone in a cave. This is the wrong idea, especially after December 21, 2012. On December 21, 2012, we witnessed a special event that happens almost every 13,000 years: for eight minutes the center of our Galactic Sun, the center of our Sun and the center of Mother Earth were aligned in a straight line. During that eight minutes the flow of energy transcended time and dimensions, coming to our planet in a powerful torrent of strength and vitality. Many people believed prior to December 2012, that the vibration of these eight minutes was going to move us to the next dimension; many people still believe that actually happened and we are already in the fourth dimension and we are just living a dream here.
The Merge of Cosmic Time with Energetic Change
Beyond all the debates about what happened in December 2012, we know for sure that the energy of Mother Earth and, subsequently, our energy changed from masculine to feminine energy. The new year, 2017, is the beginning of feminine energy. If we see it from the sacred numbers perspective, we see that 2+0+1+7 equals 10 and 1+0 equals 1: the beginning! Although this doesn’t mean much for some people out there, from a spiritual point of view, this is a huge change. The change comes from the fact that during the time of masculine energy there was a clear tendency for seclusion, a time for going up into the mountains and meditating alone trying to achieve God realization. However, within the feminine energy the path to awakening is the opposite. Humanity as a whole became more important than everything else for achieving a higher level of
consciousness. The first step is to enjoy your life, right now, right here. The second step is to rediscover the delight of enjoying yourself in any context or conditions; to be relaxed and find your inner guide.
Being Happy in Our Feminine Archetype So, what does it mean to be enlightened? How will this new energy affect our spiritual path? The answer is very simply: “Being happy”. Are we not happy here? What if we don’t enjoy a flower here, or a child’s smile, or a sunset together with the people we love? What do we expect to happen when we move to the next dimension? It is time to let our instinct guide the feminine side of our energy; to act and bring us to the state of who we really are.
Both Nobel Prize winners, Albert Einstein and Madame Curie tried for days and weeks to solve difficult mathematical problems. Nothing came of their exhaustive attempts. Ultimately, they relaxed and fell asleep in their offices and, in their dreams, realized the answers. They woke up and wrote them down. They won the Nobel Prize because of these dreams that only came when their inner guides gave them the solution.
Intuition at the Forefront of Breakthroughs Now scientists know that all great discoveries are intuitive, are given by the inner guide not by logic. All great discoveries come from the heart not by the brain. It is through images not through thoughts. The heart speaks through images and dreams, while the brain speaks through thoughts. Both
famous scientists, Einstein and Madame Curie, got their answers in a form of an image. The images came like a wavelength connected with the infinite library of our Universe: the Akashic Records. They tuned into the same dimension, led by their inner guides and got it. Whenever we are puzzled and confused, whenever we can’t see how to get out of a situation, we need to stop thinking. We need to do something that we love, maybe an old passion; but we need doing it with enthusiasm and wholeheartedness. This non-thinking process, this abandonment of our logic will allow our inner guide to help us. In 2017, this new consciousness is our new way of living in the feminine energy. It might be difficult if we like logic and
the intellectual way of living. However, this is the only way that our inner centers are going to be activated and give us the right guidance resulting in harmonious conclusions. We need to remember that the new energy gives us something that we completely lost: inner trust. The inner trust will help us to believe in ourselves and enjoy this beautiful world. About the Author Daniel Mitel is a worldclass master of meditation, helping people understand the intimate connection to their inner selves. Interviewed and published around the world, Daniel’s books are highly regarded as some of the best meditation and spiritual guide books. Connect with him on Facebook and Twitter, and discover more at: www., and www.
Are you longing for greater happiness, but you feel like it's just not possible? Have you heard that happiness is just a state of mind, but you don't know how to attain that state? Diane Wing, a teacher, personal transformation guide, and intuitive consultant, has unlocked the secrets that make happiness possible. This book is packed with methods to help you transform your thought processes, patterns, habits, and behaviors so you can experience greater happiness, peace of mind, and abundance. Discover in these pages the art of seeing life differently through such processes as: Turning regular household chores into meditation activities Reducing the noise in your environment so you can focus better Knowing who you truly are rather than trying to be everything to everyone else Saying no in effective ways that don't make you feel guilty Learning to do less and appreciate more Cleansing your thoughts to remove negativity and ground yourself Your personal evolution into greater happiness awaits you! Don't wait any longer.
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Empower Girls Break the Cycle of Dependence
The number one reason girls drop out of school in Sub-Saharan Africa is lack of access to feminine hygiene products. The Pads for Schoolgirls Project, an outreach of Humanity Healing International, is changing this paradigm by setting up sewing programs at schools, teaching girls a vocational skill, while producing the reusable pads that help keep them attending classes. The girls pay it forward by making and giving pad kits to other girls in need. To learn more, visit
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