OMTimes Magazine March A 2017 Edition

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March A 2017

Cover Story




Carl Greer - Change the Story of Your Health


Health & Healing 38 42

Identifying with Your Health Story Create Your Own Homeopathic Remedies with Reiki

Spirituality 48 52

Chanting your Way to Enlightenment Who Sent the Ants?

OM Living 60 66

5 Miraculous Ways to Live Better OMTimes Radio Spotlight – Sandie Sedgbeer

The Heart of the Feminine Struggle The Worlds are an Effect of Sound

Personal Growth 88 92 96

How About Your Success Path? Courage is a Choice The Importance of Being an Independent Thinker

Books 102 Change the Story of Your Health

Carl Greer Change the Story of Your Health by Sandra Sedgbeer

Change Your Health with Shamanic & Jungian Techniques What if you could, despite aging, injuries, health conditions and illnesses, not only return to the state of health that you previously

enjoyed but even improve upon it? If that sounds like an impossible dream, stay tuned, because the story of our health is more in our control than we may think and this week’s guest, Clinical Psychologist and Shamanic Practitioner, Carl Greer, is not only going to tell us why this is so, but also provide some remarkable real-life stories to prove it. The author of the awardwinning book “Change Your Story, Change Your Life,” Carl Greer is a long-time successful Entrepreneur and Clinical Psychologist, Jungian Analyst, and Shamanic Practitioner.

from successful entrepreneur to clinical psychology and shamanism. I mean, what was it that was the impulse for that? CARL GREER: I grew up in a businessoriented household where I thought my life would be working in the steel industry, as my Dad had done. So, summers I worked in the steel mills and I got a degree in metallurgy electrical engineering, but I was not really fulfilled in those types of activities. So, I ended up becoming a businessman, not in the steel industry.

His latest book, “Change the Story of Your Health Using Shamanic and Jungian Techniques for Healing,” offers practical tools for reframing our experiences so that we can experience less stress, greater well-being, and even better physical health, if we are willing to identify our health story and begin rewriting it. SANDRA SEDGBEER: Carl, tell us a little bit about your transition

With that part of my life unlived, when I was about 45, I decided to go back to school, became a Clinical Psychologist, and after that a Jungian Analyst. But I guess I was still searching for a spiritual path that would really feed me. Shamanism was that path for me, and so for probably close to 20 years now, I have been involved in shamanism as well as psychology, and that is kind of my story. SANDRA SEDGBEER: So, your book “Change Your Story, Change Your Life” is very successful and won three awards. Why did you choose to follow it up with “Change the Story of Your Health?” CARL GREER: A lot of the people I see and talk to talk about their health. They talk about issues that are concerning them, particularly as they are getting older. And I thought it might be useful for me to write about that topic just given the interest that people seem to have in it.

SANDRA SEDGBEER: We all have stories about our lives, and doubtless few are as true as we think they are. Why do we need to create stories? What purpose do they serve? CARL GREER: I think it helps ground us and orient us, but I think what you said that they may not always be the stories we think they are, is one of the rubs. In my first book, I was struck by the number of people that I have encountered and worked with that are very spiritual, but were having trouble bringing those spiritual practices into their everyday life. Another group of people was feeling trapped in their lives and not able to get out of the box that they created. And they would say things about that trap, or about their inability to bring their spirituality into their everyday life that had a story aspect to it. You know, the story of “Oh, I am destined for failure,” or “Once I get the kids out of

the house, and successfully launched, I will be able to do such and such.” So, those folks needed a way to first start off accurately telling themselves the truth about their lives, not just the story they wanted others to see. That same idea applies to this new book “Change the Story of Your Health,” where I am suggesting that people can benefit from not just turning their health issues over to experts, but taking more charge themselves in rewriting their health story. And I suggest many ways they might think about doing that. SANDRA SEDGBEER: So, how do we begin to change the story of our health or, indeed, any story about our lives that may not be serving us? CARL GREER: I think the first step is, to be honest with yourself about what that story is and one can start, as it relates to the story of one’s health, just by asking yourself the question

“What is the story of your health?” and you might be surprised by what you write down. I suggest some topics that one might reflect on, such as “What is the story of your eating and drinking habits?” “What is the story of your weight?” or “The story of your flexibility and balance and stamina and strength” or “The story of your growing older, or menopause for a woman, or body issues and changes in sexuality,” or “The story of how you have dealt with chronic conditions or acute ailments when they come up.” So, a person can start to think about all these areas and what works and what does not, what they have done and what they have not done. The starting point would be that. The next step - and I have different ways to engage that first step - the next step would be “What would you like it to be?” Then one is left with the conundrum “If you would like it to be different, why is it not?”

So, part of the practices in my book are what I call “Expanded Awareness Practices” that enable a person to get in touch with these unconscious factors that are influencing their health or their inability to make changes, and have a new relationship with them so that they get more energy and insight to make the changes that a part of themselves want to be healthier and wants to do. SANDRA SEDGBEER: You also have people dialoguing with inanimate objects such as rocks, trees, all kind of things. How do they feel about that? CARL GREER: Again, the shamanic world view is that everything came from creative energy, the place before the “Big Bang,” that has visible and invisible manifestations. But it is all part of that infinite potential that we came from and will go back to, so shamans believe, as do I. And if everything is interconnected and contains

that “one” then everything has that life force - rocks, plants, animals - and therefore has a certain awareness that one can relate to. Even if it is just a phenomenon of projection, it is interesting what the hooks - in Jungian parlance they talk about a projection needs a hook what those hooks elicit from somebody. I believe, though, that this phenomenon that you are mentioning does have energy and an awareness that can be worked with and related to. I believe that, and once a person has tried it, again the proof is in the pudding. If they have experienced something that official, that is good. SANDRA SEDGBEER: Carl Greer, about changing our self-perceptions you write about, as an example, that we might identify with being in the prime of our life only to look in the mirror and be surprised by the signs of aging in our hair, face, and skin. I know a lot of older people

who say that inside they feel the same as they did in their 20’s or 30’s. And they not only feel shocked when they catch themselves in the mirror, but they also feel ashamed at the thought that they were just fooling themselves. But you say that maintaining that positive mindset in this regard can help us stay healthier and younger. Tell us some of the research behind this. CARL GREER: Well, again, back to this shamanic idea that everything is connected, that is a view that energy medicine practitioners would share. If that is so, then our thoughts and our emotions carry information, just like medicine carries information. And if we have thoughts that we are vibrant and healthy people at some level, we believe that and that belief resonates throughout our organs and our molecules in a healthy way. I believe, and I think the research is that people who see themselves

as vigorous tend to be more vigorous, even if there would be other measures like looking in the mirror that would suggest “Gee, you are getting older, Carl.” SANDRA SEDGBEER: “Change the Story of Your Health” is filled with reallife stories, very compelling stories. One that got my attention is the story about Maria, who had all kinds of health problems and things happening with her feet and numbness, and how much better she felt after you encouraged her to journey to the Quiet. What is the Quiet, and how can we utilize it to change our stories? CARL GREER: Of all of the journeys that I suggest in my book, and ones that I personally experienced, “The Quiet” is a place that I encountered which was for me the place before creation that I talked about earlier, the place of pure potential. I got to it in a way which I have suggested that people who work with me

use as the starting point for their journey to the Quiet, but then they find their own way to get there. It is that place of pure potential where I believe we came from, will go back to, and it has energy, but it is the place before the idea, the form of the idea, before the energization of an idea. So, when this woman went there, there was a healing aspect to it that she encountered. And she had a very real phenomenological physical result that stayed with her. SANDRA SEDGBEER: In shamanic work, balance is always a goal. So the book says that when we remove something energetically, we also must bring something in. Why is that? Why do we have to have something come in as well? CARL GREER: There is this idea of balance. If you think about Chinese Medicine or acupuncture, often the thought is that you want to put the needle so that

a place that needs more gets more, a place that needs less gets less. I have always been a believer that when you take something out, you want to fill it with something. And, more than that, when you take something out you want to put it someplace. I always think about putting it into the earth or into the cosmos, so it gets metabolized and changed to pure energy again. Then I fill it with the light of the Quiet, this pure light of creation where I think then healing can take place. Though, if you have disease any place in your body, you get rid of that and then that space I fill with light energy and, because I believe everything is connected in that intent, leads to where the energy goes, and that energy follows intent. You now have something in your system that is going to influence your organs and your molecular structure in ways that are healthier than before you did that practice. SANDRA SEDGBEER: You give some wonderful

exercises leading people into spaces. You said earlier about the preparatory practices, including the opening and closing of the sacred space. Would it be a critical thing if we did not remember to open and close the space? CARL GREER: I think that spirit is very forgiving. When I first was learning these things, Sandie, I really wanted it to be so precise. I wanted to do this in this way and that way, but I think that if the intent is to honor these mysteries and to ask spirit for aspects of itself or herself to work with us so that we are honoring but also enlisting particular energies from - if you are in a particular tradition - those traditions. I have several shamanic traditions from which I have come, so I will call in energies from those traditions. But somebody else could have maybe Celtic traditions, or Native American traditions of North America itself. Or, just honoring “I know there are

mysteries greater than I, come work with me as I am doing this work;� that could be it. Now to your question: if you forget to do it, I do not think it is the end of the world. But I think to do it in a certain formal way by ritualizing, at least to that degree, it potentiates the work in my opinion. But, if you forget about it, it does not mean that it is going to be a failure. SANDRA SEDGBEER: Carl Greer, Jungian analysts work a great deal with archetypes, and I am not certain, but I would hazard a guess, that shamans do, too. How can the death archetype help us change our story about our health, particularly for someone who might be facing death? CARL GREER: Well, let us take the people who are facing death, but are having difficulties making endings of certain things that are not serving them. So, to work with the energy of death to help prune that which needs

to be pruned to allow new life or new health is useful, and I have a practice to do that. But let us say you are facing a terminal illness and you will be experiencing death sooner than you might otherwise, to have a conversation with death while you are alive, for many people, instead of being scary is very healing. They gain a whole new insight into the relationship between life and death, so in both cases to take a journey to death can be very healing and energizing in a paradoxical way. SANDRA SEDGBEER: What about the global mind, or Carl Jung’s collective consciousness? I mean, do you think that we can be picking up negative imprints that can be affecting our health? CARL GREER: Absolutely. You know, Carl Jung talked mostly about the collective unconscious, where a shaman would say at some level everything is connected to everything else, which I believe. You were saying collective

consciousness, and I think there is a certain element of that of which we are aware collectively does not influence us. I mean, think about if you have been in the presence of, say, a negative person. If you are like most of us, that can affect you. It can affect your mood, and your mood can affect your hormones and your adrenals and your physicality, and if you are in a world right now where there seems to be a certain amount of anxiety and fear and discord I think, certainly, those energies can impact us physically in ways that can be detrimental. SANDRA SEDGBEER: You offer one of your expanded awareness practices. You write about the Sun Greeting. Now, we have been hearing a lot of evidence lately about the sun and how we are not getting enough of it, and how important it is for vision, for our eyes, and for many other things as well. Would you be prepared to take us through that practice?

CARL GREER: It is, basically, if you can be up at dawn, or even if you are not, honoring the energy of the sun and greeting it and feeling that the sun is in some ways the author of life on this earth. You know, without the sun we would not have any sustenance, we would not have growing things, we would not have night and day or warmth. So, get up and look out at the sky. Do not look directly at the sun, but just feel the sensation of the sun on your face and let the light penetrate your eyelids, and just be present to it. In these experiences, I think it is important to not think too much but just be present and focus on your breath. Then, you might ask yourself with your eyes closed, what question you might want to ask the sun. For example, you might say “What can you tell me about my health?” and wait for the answer. You may get the answer in the form of an image, through a word or sensation. And then you might

ask, “What can you take away from me that would be healthy for me to have taken away?” Then, you might ask the sun, “What can you give me?” So, each time just wait until you get an answer, or not, and then, when you sense it is the right time, thank the sun for working with you. You might use this as a time to express gratitude for being alive and having the opportunity of even doing this ritual. About Carl Greer Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD, is a practicing clinical psychologist, Jungian analyst and shamanic practitioner. He teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago, is on staff at the Replogle Center for Counseling and WellBeing, and enjoys involvement with various charities. For more information, visit www. “Change the Story of Your Health Using Shamanic and Jungian Techniques,” published by Findhorn Press; available anywhere good books are sold.

Empower Girls Break the Cycle of Dependence

The number one reason girls drop out of school in Sub-Saharan Africa is lack of access to feminine hygiene products. The Pads for Schoolgirls Project, an outreach of Humanity Healing International, is changing this paradigm by setting up sewing programs at schools, teaching girls a vocational skill, while producing the reusable pads that help keep them attending classes. The girls pay it forward by making and giving pad kits to other girls in need. To learn more, visit

Health & Wellness

Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

Identifying with Your Health Story by Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD

Most of us identify with our thought processes and emotional experiences. We might say about ourselves, “I am a shy introvert” or “I’m a people person.” However, we might not realize how much we identify with our physical selves and our current state of health. Typically, we don’t identify with illnesses unless we develop a pattern of distress and write a story in which we are a “chronic migraine sufferer” or “a person with a weak constitution” or “someone who has always had a weak stomach.” The language we use to describe our experiences is worth considering. The names of diagnoses have power, too. For example, waking up during the night and having trouble falling back to sleep can seem more serious and hard to address if you think of it as “insomnia” and yourself as “someone who is battling insomnia.” You might choose to observe the change in your sleep pattern and learn more about it, so that you can work around it and begin to think about it differently. Perhaps you will decide to journal or read if you can’t get back to sleep after a few minutes, using the time productively. You might look more closely at how much sleep you need and find solutions that you wouldn’t have thought of if you were simply focused on “overcoming insomnia” and sleeping straight through the night consistently. Letting go of the term “insomnia” might reduce your worry that having this “condition” means your sleep will be inadequate and you will always be groggy during the day.

OMTimes March A Edition

OMTimes March A Edition

As we start to develop chronic ailments and experience reduced flexibility and balance, decreased strength and physical stamina, and the signs of aging and disease, we may start to identify with the illnesses we are experiencing and lose faith that we can cure or overcome them. I have noticed this in my work and try to help people find new identities and write new stories for themselves after they have become convinced that their health condition is unchangeable, even though that isn’t necessarily the case. If you feel you can’t change your story, it can seem comforting to identify with it. Seeing yourself as “a diabetic” or “an asthma sufferer” could offer certain payoffs depending on the health story you write. Those payoffs might include receiving sympathy from others, getting out of social situations you would rather avoid, or being part of a group of people who share a common experience of having diabetes. The payoffs might also include excuses for why you haven’t been productive and achieved the goals you set

for yourself. You might not even be conscious of these payoffs; if you were, you might decide there are better ways to achieve your goals and feel a sense of control over your life. Expanded-awareness practices can bring to light unconscious obstacles to achieving better health. The truth is you are not your condition, your disease, or your pain, and you might have more power to manage them than it appears on the surface. You can relate to any condition differently. When you identify with your health challenges, you lose your ability to work with them, and they begin to control you and dictate what your health story is. Sickness or disease can make you doubt whether you will ever be able to return to your previous state of wellness or even improve upon it. Uncertainty about your physical health and mortality can make you even more aware of your mortality and question whether you have enough time left to do all you would like to do. Although these topics can be painful to explore, they can

OMTimes March A Edition

also lead to transformation. So, for example, men who are dealing with prostate cancer and women who are dealing with the loss of a breast due to cancer may feel they have lost their sexuality and sexual attractiveness. Realizing that sexuality encompasses more than what they once thought can free them of the old story of their health that isn’t working for them and perhaps give them more confidence in themselves and their attractiveness. They can fashion a new, more empowering identity around their new beliefs and their new experiences. As you work on changing the story of your health, you might find it difficult to imagine a health story that does not include physical ailments or symptoms of a chronic health condition. Maybe what you desire is impossible, so your new health story will include a theme of acceptance. Some people have trouble accepting that they can only lose so much weight without making other sacrifices they are not willing to make. Acceptance works the other way, too. A

person might go many years cancer-free, yet have trouble identifying as a cancer survivor or simply as someone who once had cancer but overcame it. Whatever your health condition, you can change the story of your health and let go of your identification with it.

About the Author Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD is a practicing clinical psychologist, Jungian analyst and shamanic practitioner. He teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago and is on staff at the Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being, and is the bestselling author of Change Your Story, Change Your Life. To purchase his new book, Change the Story of Your Health, click here and for more information visit

OMTimes March A Edition

Create Your Own Homeopathic Remedies with Reiki by Regina Chouza

Homeopathic Remedies with Reiki Can Bring Relief Reiki is a simple healing tool that we can use to bring peace to mind, body and spirit. To do so, we need only attend a

Level One class, and voilà! You have Reiki for life. It has many practical applications that can help us find peace in our daily lives, bringing light to our consciousness. While it certainly is relaxing to book a session with a Reiki practitioner, learning to channel this energy may prove to be a better investment in the long term! Reiki can be channeled in many ways, including chakra balancing, which allows us to bring the mind, body and spirit into alignment; meditating on the Reiki principles and enhancing our mindfulness and trust; and of course, creating our own homeopathic remedies when we need a bit of relief.

Let’s Begin with Reiki Mikao Usui discovered Reiki in the early 1920’s. A lifelong Buddhist, Usui believed that satori (enlightenment) could be reached through meditation, prayer and fasting. As legend has it, thus began the climb up Japan’s Mount

Kurumaya. Usui resolved to meditate for twenty-one days and nights until he reached satori or died trying. Instead, Usui got Reiki. In the west, we know Reiki primarily as a healing technique, although its Buddhist foundations also give us the benefits of a spiritual path. The word Reiki can be translated as Rei = divine intelligence, and Ki = life force energy. Reiki healers channel this universal spiritual energy through their palm chakras to their clients facilitating the recipient’s self-healing process. It can also be channeled quite easily for self-healing purposes, which should be covered in any Reiki Level One class. Beyond spiritual healing, the core principles involve living one day at a time, self-mastery, gratitude, honor and respect.

How Do Homeopathic Remedies Work? Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, colloquially referred to as ‘like cures

like.’ The theory is that every imbalance has at its root an energetic imprint, and that we can restore balance to the mind and body by drawing on that very same imprint consciously. Complementary to medical care and not alternative (like Reiki), homeopathy treats the person rather than the symptom, as outlined by Dr. Edward Bach, creator of Bach Flower Remedies, in his book The 12 Healers. We can create these remedies in different ways, usually by diluting the active ingredient in water or alcohol. In the case of the Bach Flower Remedies, the active ingredient is a flower whose energetic imprint corresponds with the mental or emotional issue we are addressing. When it comes to Reiki, we create the homeopathic remedy with the power of intention. To learn more about Bach Flower Remedies, read Flowers for Every Star Sign (OM Times 2015)

How Do We Combine the Two? We have two hands to use when channeling Reiki. While we can use both to give Reiki to ourselves or others, we refer to the non-dominant hand as the receiving hand. We can use it to scan the physical body, and the impressions we receive give us clues as to where we can focus our healing efforts. This hand makes it possible for us to read the body intuitively. When forced to choose between giving and receiving, the dominant hand channels Reiki outward. We can use these qualities to create our homeopathic remedies with Reiki. Follow these steps (you’ll need a glass of water): 1) Begin the Reiki session as you normally do (or as you learned in class), possibly with a quick meditation to ground and center your energy before you clear your aura.

2) Place your non-dominant hand over the part of your physical body where you are experiencing the discomfort or symptom - while holding the glass in the other hand. 3) Use your left hand to connect with the energetic imprint of the discomfort, including any feelings, emotions or underlying tension held there. Intend for that energetic imprint to transfer through your dominant hand, into the glass of water. 4) Hold the intention for a few minutes and then drink the glass or water, or save it for later. 5) Finish by centering yourself and placing your hands on your heart chakra. We may need to repeat this every couple of hours until the discomfort goes away, although the results can be impressive. Please use this for your own benefit and remember that

Reiki and Homeopathy are both complementary to medical care, not alternative. See a doctor when necessary, while also taking advantage of the wonderful healing tools at our disposal. About the Author Regina Chouza is a qualified Healer, Angel Intuitive and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love. At the moment, she is developing a new technique that combines natal astrology, energy healing and crystal magick. Visit her blog for a free download on Energy Basics: Grounding, Clearing and Shielding Yourself: www. chakra-healing-ebook.html Regina’s Amazon Page: reginachouza Link to Regina’s Article: http://

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

Chanting Your Way to Enlightenment by John Holland

Discover the Importance of Chanting Meditation I often write about the important of balancing your mind, body, and spirit with all the usual routines and practices, such as exercise,

healthy eating, and a balanced work routine. But there’s another way to achieve an even greater sense of wellbeing and enlightenment as well as a stronger connection with the Divine. I’m talking about meditation, but not just regular meditation - I’m referring to chanting. What better way to bring all the bodily senses together, than through the connection of vibrational sound? It touches your mind, your emotions, as well as your essential organs, such as your lungs and heart. It’s a wonderful way to de-stress and become more conscious and aware.

Many Ways to Chant Relaxing in Your Own Vibration There are many ways to chant, regardless of how selfconscious you may be. You can meditate with a pre-recorded chanting track or devise

your own chants. The most important part is that you’re better doing this totally alone. If you have a quiet space you can relax in, then all the better as you won’t be worrying what the neighbors will think, or your partner hearing you making weird noises! Chanting meditations raise the level of your own vibrations, and enable you to reach a higher spiritual plane. Whatever sound, word, or phrase you decide to use, choose something unique and personal to you. It can help to bolster your spirit when you feel depleted.

Liberate the Soul with Chanting Equally, chanting meditations can liberate the soul, so you feel as though you’re floating, without all the pressures of your normal life. It’s when you reach this place that you can often find answers to questions plaguing you, a

place where clarity can help you make decisions. So, if you’re juggling a multitude of things in your personal, home, business life, try this simple meditation this week, and see if you find it helpful.

JOHN’S LESSON To get the most out of this chanting meditation, try to allocate some time when you’re alone. If you’ve meditated before, then the initial process of quietening the mind is a great place to start. Get yourself comfortable, preferably sitting in an upright chair. Once you’ve achieved that quietness in your mind, focus on your breathing. Instead of focusing only on the rhythm of your breath, focus on the sound of your breath as well. Find a sound or word, and each time you breathe out,

gently make the sound. The chanting in itself becomes a form of breath control. Each time you breathe out and get more comfortable making the sounds try slowly increasing the tone, and experiment with the duration, the pitch and so on. Notice the sensations coursing through your body, how your heart feels, your fingers, and your soul. Once you’re totally focused on the rhythm of the chants, this is a great time to bring to mind one issue or problem you’ve been trying to resolve. Ask the question, and let the answer come naturally. Live a Soul-filled life! About the Author John Holland is an artist, author, public speaker, and psychic medium. To learn more about John Holland, visit

Imagine yourself‌ driven from your home by war, broken lives floating on a Sea of Troubles, your simple prayer to find Kind Hearts, Kind Hands to help you on your journey.

Be the answer to a prayer.

Humanity Healing Syrian Refugee Relief Please Donate Here

Who Sent the Ants? by Alan Cohen

It All Connects with the Ants Some friends of mine decided to sell their house, and found a buyer. On the day before the sale was to close, they walked into their living room to find a wall covered with carpenter

ants. The couple had never seen such ants in the house before, and had no idea where they came from. In integrity, they disclosed the discovery to the buyer, who cancelled the sale. At that point my friends realized they did not really want to sell the house, and they kept it. The next day the ants disappeared and they never saw them again. That was 20 years ago. They are still living in the house and loving it. The ants were dispatched by a brilliant creative organization called the “C.C.C.C.”-the Cosmic Coincidence Control Center. This is the agency behind synchronicity, a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung, indicating “a meaningful coincidence.” Jung defined the principle after he conducted a psychotherapy session with a woman who reported she had had a dream of a golden scarab (beetle). At that very moment a golden scarab flew into the room, capturing Jung’s attention

and the patient’s. That type of beetle was very rare in that region, and it was out of season. Thus, the chances of such an insect entering that space at the precise moment they were discussing it were infinitesimal.

Synchronicity Works on Our Behalf Synchronicity is always working on our behalf, but we are only occasionally aware of it. We cannot plan synchronicities; we just need to get clear on our intention and then be open to signs and guidance. A happy-looking couple came to me after a lecture. “I was seeking my soulmate,” the fellow told me, “and then I fell into a coma. When I awoke in the hospital, I looked up to see the most beautiful angel looking down at me. She turned out to be a nurse, and I married her.” You do not need to create a coma or some dramatic circumstance to meet your life partner or fulfill your

dream. When you are relaxed, open, and in the flow of life, synchronicities show up gently, easily, and joyfully. The wisdom of benevolence is working 24/7 to help us receive the good we desire and deserve. Its ability to find and serve us also depends on our willingness and openness to receive blessings.

Matches by Way of Your Consciousness If something matches you and belongs to you, it will find you by right of your consciousness. When I visited Japan, I met a radiant healer named Shinichiro Terayama, who years earlier had healed himself of a disease that doctors said would cause him to die. Shin decided to simply practice gratitude and just be happy, and the disease departed. After that he became a well-known and beloved healer. He is recognizable by his shiny bald head, gray beard, and the cello he totes to musical engagements. Shin’s bright energy made

in impression on me, and I wanted to see him again. A week later I was passing through Shinagawa Station, one of the most crowded terminals in a city of nearly 14 million people. Then I saw a familiar bald head and encased cello coming my way. It was Shin. I was stunned to run into one of the few people I knew in all of Japan, the one I wanted to see the most. The C.C.C.C. strikes again! A young woman at a seminar nervously asked, “What if I am here in North Carolina and my soulmate is in California? How will we ever meet?” I told her, “Synchronicity and the Law of Attraction are not impeded by geography. The universe can overcome any seeming obstacle to join people who belong together.”

Synchronicity, from Ants to the Universe Just out of college, I saw an ad for my ideal job as the

director of a municipal youth guidance center. I barged into the township supervisor’s office and applied for the job. A conservative fellow, the supervisor told me he disagreed with everything I said. I figured I had lost the job and I forgot about it. A month later I received a call from his secretary informing me of a second interview with the board of directors, who hired me over another candidate by a vote of five to four. I went on to enjoy years of reward in that position, helping lots of teens get a direction in life. I and that job were a perfect match, and, in spite of my doubts and fears, the universe lined me up with it. What seems to be working against you may be working for you. Only the ego judges and interprets against one’s self. The Higher Mind recognizes that all events fit into the big picture of Benevolution. When things seem to be going wrong,

ask “How might they be going right?” Quit trying to organize and micromanage your destiny, which is already being handled by a mind that sees far beyond the human intellect. Someone gave me a coffee mug with the motto, “Relax. God is in charge.” We need to trust that all events have the potential to lead us where we want or need to go, and surprise ants may also be dispatched by angels. About the Author Alan Cohen is the author the bestselling A Course in Miracles Made Easy: Mastering the Journey from Fear to Love. Become a certified professional life coach though Alan’s upcoming transformational Life Coach Training. For more information about this program, his books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes, online courses, and weekly radio show, visit www.

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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

5 Miraculous Ways to Live Better by Rachelle Wilber Happy and Healthy Go Hand in Hand Human happiness is not a concrete concept; actually, quite the opposite. If the whole world knew exactly what would make them happy, everything would be much simpler. What is known, however, is that happiness and healthiness go hand in hand. This does not mean just physical health. Mental and emotional health are also vital. Here is a list of 5 things that make humans feel happy and healthy.

Five Ways to Feel Happy and Healthy Exercise Everyone knows that exercise leads to better health. However, it is not just physical health that is impacted by developing a more active lifestyle. Exercise releases endorphins in the brain that can make people feel happier emotionally.

Education Education can give a feeling of self-worth. Pursue a college degree or just take a class. Get that master of nursing online that you’ve been looking into

for a while. Pursuing education is a wonderful outlet for mental health and happiness, and a more advanced degree may help your financial life as well. Eliminate Stress Stress can cause physical and emotional worry. Pinpoint the aspects of life that are stressful and eliminate them. Is your job stressful? Consider looking for a new one. Are you worried about debt? Make a plan to get out of debt. Once you vocalize what the issue really is, it is much easier to tackle any problem.

Start saving for that dream vacation. Or, just explore things in your home state that you have not seen. There is a lot of life to live out there, so go experience something. Go to a play you haven’t seen. Eat at a restaurant you have never tried. It will refresh your outlook on the world. Health and happiness are something that we often wish for but rarely know how to achieve. At the end of the day, the only person responsible for health and happiness is yourself. You only get one life, so live it to the fullest.

Get a Pet Animals are a lot of responsibility, so this is not a decision to take lightly. Pets can provide companionship and loyalty that can definitely help their owners feel happier. Visit a local animal shelter and look for a pet that fits your needs. This way, you will feel good about adopting the animal as well. Go Somewhere New Traveling is something that can open the mind and soul. Seeing sights and meeting all sorts of different people is enlightening.

About the Author Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University with her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies. She tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook: @RachelleWilber; php?id=100009221637700

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The Heart of the Feminine Strug g le by Elohim Yael

Explaining the Feminine Struggle with Lilith This third article in the Lilith series focuses on the heart of the feminine struggle. In our previous articles, we discussed how Lilith represents the

untamed wife - those parts of the feminine that escaped into humanity’s shadow rather than be constrained. Falling into the shadow, the masculine and the remaining aspect of the feminine hide Lilith and the feminine qualities she represents. In our previous articles on Lilith (Lilith, Shadowing the Feminine Dilemma and Making Lilith and Her Shadow Visible Again), we saw how throwing light on all our inner shadow parts not only contributes to reconciliation between the two aspects of the feminine with the masculine, but also to experiencing a deeper layer of inner freedom. To truly come to peace with the heart of the inner feminine struggle, Lilith shows us another key. As with her choice to escape the harsh reality of the masculine-oriented system, the feminine stepped into a trap. This snare is the illusion of restraint in freedom, and the

story of Hagar, Abraham, and Sarah explains this.

The Chosen One Abraham, married to Sarah, was promised many descendants. As Sarah believed herself to be too old to conceive, she offered her slave Hagar to Abraham as a second wife. Hagar then gave birth to Ismael and later Sarah also became pregnant with a son called Isaac. This brought up the question of which son had the first rights. Hagar and Ismael drew the short straw and went to the desert. They end up nearby Mecca. Ismael is known to be the ancestor of the Arabs and Isaac, ancestor of the Jews. Several themes are played out in this bible story. The most striking is how brothers, men and women were subjected to a great divide for centuries to come. It marks who is or wants to be ‘the chosen one’ and points out what is to be preferred and protected.

This story compares with the foundations of duality described in the previous articles on Lilith: when an individual’s own style, race or color ranks above all others, and the ego-part of the self is preferred to the rest. This created separation between the masculine and feminine and caused an inner battle as well. The figures of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar show us something similar: They tell about being offended, sacrificing, and victimization. This trap lies at the heart of the inner struggle of the feminine.

It Started with an Assumption It all started with an assumption; the idea something surely was impossible. Sarah believing herself to be too old for

conception, makes a grand gesture by offering Hagar. Eventually however, Sarah wonders if she still has anything to contribute, and what she means to the whole. When Sarah unexpectedly brings a child into the world, the question arises of which son has the first rights. Sarah feels she has to secure her position in life. Hagar reacts by protecting hers as well. As if there were not enough room in their three hearts to love the boys equally, Sarah protects herself and her son’s position by sending Hagar into the desert, where she ends up in nearby Mecca. The wrong committed becomes a new reality for both women. As a consequence, both are victimized. Sarah, a victim of her own assumptions, then victimizes Hagar; hence Hagar, victimized by Sarah, acts upon

this. Both ending up being victim and perpetrator at the same time.

Societal Separations and Restrictions Like Sarah and Hagar, Lilith too makes an assumption, which then leads to a separation from society. As the patriarchal system focuses tangible shapes rather than the (feminine) natural movability and its free-form, Lilith believed herself confined to a style that would restrain her freedom. It seemed impossible to her that there was enough room for both style aspects, not realizing that with this, she herself created a limitation. She restricted her presence because her choice to escape the new (patriarchal based) reality led to her incessant wandering. She also limited her connection with the masculine and other (second)

dimension of the feminine. This is the third in a series of articles for OMTimes focusing on Lilith. Read the first two installments at the links above. The next relates to: Making Peace with the Feminine Struggle. About the Author Yael’s essence is Elohim. This essence stands for universal oneness and awareness of essence. It awakens deeper levels of connectedness, with(in) yourself and the universe. Yael enables you to connect with this potential through articles and gatherings. With her essence, she contributes greatly to the process of bringing back purity within the true meaning of light, which is universal and rises above duality.

The Worlds Are an Effect of Sound by Marguerite dar Boggia

Number and Vibration Help Form our Worlds Today, scientists are making such great progress, that soon they will acknowledge the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom Studies, held in trust for us until such time as we

become responsible. Other planets have been destroyed. So far, scientists have worked with the two aspects of divinity, that of light and matter. There is still a third aspect. Pythagoras claimed that number is the basis of the universe. Number refers to the rate of vibration. The science of numbers is, in reality, the science of color and sound. The Law of Vibration will gradually be more understood. It will find its basic expression and its familiar terminology in those of color and sound.1 The worlds are the effect of sound. First life, then matter; later the attraction of the matter to the life for purposes of its manifestation and expression, and the orderly arrangement of that matter into the necessary forms. Sound formed the allying factor, the propelling impulse, and the attractive medium.2

Geometry Aids Understanding of Form

Dr. Robert Moon was one of the key scientists in the Manhattan Project. He built the first scanning X-ray microscope. Dr. Moon also found that protons naturally assemble into the Platonic solids. He believed geometry was the key to understanding quantum physics. In Dr. Moon’s model more than one geometric form can nest within the nucleus at the same time. Each one is inside the next. In 1987, he found four Platonic polyhedra in the nucleus of an atom. From this, he was able to determine the number of chemical elements in the Periodic Table.3 Dr. Hans Jenny proved that vibrations manifest in geometrical forms and patterns.4 David Wilcock, in his book The Ascension Mysteries, says, “Most of us still believe matter is made of particles that are hard, solid, and tangible. If we retool our scientific models to see that atoms are geometric energy patterns, then that means all matter could be formed by something

akin to a sound wave--that has reverberated throughout the entire universe. This is exactly what the ancient spiritual traditions tell us. Hindus and Buddhists believe the universe was formed from a primordial sound they call the AUM.”5

The Aum and Sound Connections The intoning of this primordial sound, especially before meditation, brings about the aligning of the soul, the making of contact with the spiritual hierarchy and the cooperation with those devas (angels) in order to further the constructive ends of evolution.6 We make mistakes. We are gaining experience, and can aid the soul by sounding the ‘Aum’ with reverence, to maintain poise and harmony. We are also told that study, meditation, and service are the way to progress on the evolutionary journey. In the documentary film “Thrive,”7 (produced by Foster Gamble and his wife), when sound created a vortex in the sand, I realized that, that

may be how the world is created. When a deity or a master wishes to manifest his visualization, he sounds the sacred word or mantram which creates a vortex in space, galvanizing the invisible lives to make manifest his thoughtform and visualization.

Every Atom is a Unique Creative Expression Science will someday acknowledge that deity is in every atom.8 Every atom, whether mineral, human, solar, or galactic, has a keynote, a particular sound, a color, and a rate of vibration. At the heart of every atom is a life, a spark of the boundless all, that is seeking expression through its vehicles. Atoms are vibrations.9 This means they emit geometry, sound, and color. We are told that the whole universe is guided, controlled, and animated by an endless series of hierarchies of sentient beings. Each has its mission to perform. They vary in their respective sizes and degrees of consciousness.10 We are a

hierarchy also. Our vassal lives are the cells in our dense and also subtle bodies. We have to learn to control them through the habits we form; otherwise, they control us.

The Etheric Body and Worlds of Sound Walt Disney, who produced the motion picture “Fantasia,” proved to us that specific colors and geometric patterns are emitted from the sound of the various musical instruments. Science must, therefore, acknowledge what the Esotericists call the “etheric body.” The etheric body vitalizes the dense physical body and thus integrates it into the energy body of the Earth and of the solar system. The etheric body is a web of energy streams of lines of force and light. It underlies all forms through which the cosmic forces flow. It is this constant circulation of life forces through the etheric bodies of all forms that is the basis of all manifested life, and the expression of the essential non-

separateness of all life. This is also why astrology works.11

Tibetan Master Insight on Oneness In the opinion of the Tibetan Master D.K., who wrote through his amanuensis, Alice A. Bailey, by means of mental telepathy, the cause of most disease is in not realizing the oneness of life. All souls are also part of the one oversoul. On page 82 of Esoteric Healing, the Tibetan Master says: “If you were to ask me what, in reality, lies behind all disease, frustrations, error and lack of divine expression in the three worlds (physical, astral, mental) I would say it was SEPARATIVENESS which produces the major difficulties arising in the etheric body, plus the inability of the outer tangible form to respond adequately to the inner and subtler impulses.” We are one humanity. That is like a throat chakra (force center) in the body of our deity. With the help of science, we now have all the keys to

healthful living: elimination of arrogance, pride, resentment, hatred, criticism, selfishness and fear. We have free will to choose or not to choose, further progress through meditation and service to humanity. Our physical, astral, and mental worlds unite in our oneness. About the Author Marguerite dar Boggia presently serves as Membership Secretary for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. She was past Secretary and Director of ISAR and Publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR journal. She was a co-founder of UAC (United Astrology Congress); also its past Secretary and Director. Her present efforts are to aid in the expansion of humanity’s consciousness by offering free, online, three pages weekly of the esoteric teachings as known by Pythagoras and Plato. To receive these studies, contact her website: www. References: 1. Bailey, Alice A., Letters on

Occult Meditation, 1950, pg. 249,251 2. Ibid, pg. 53 The worlds are the effect of sound. First life, then matter; later the attraction of the matter to the life for purposes of its manifestation and expression, and the orderly arrangement of that matter into the necessary forms. 3. Wilcock, David, The Source Field Investigations, Dutton a member of the Penguin Group, 2011, pp. 328-329 4. Wilcock, David, The Ascension Mysteries, Dutton, an Imprint of Penguin Random House, 2016, pg.12 5. Ibid, pg. 12 6. Bailey, Alice A., A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis Publishing Co. 1925, pg. 454 7. 8. Blavatsky, H.P., The Secret Doctrine I, Theosophical University Press, Pasadena Ca. 1963, Verbatim with the original edition, 1888. pg. 295 9. Ibid S.D. I, p. 694 10. Ibid S.D. I, p. 295 11. Bailey Alice A., Esoteric Healing, Lucis Publishing Co. 1953. pg. 3 12. Ibid, pg. 82

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Personal Growth & Development We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.

How About Your Success Path? by Maria Khalife

Success, Promise, and Purpose Come Together Do you have the success mindset of living a life filled with promise and purpose? Or, have you been lead down a path that looks unhappy and hopeless? We know a few folks

who view life through a film of gloom, an unwillingness to relinquish this mindset, and without work habits that will help them to change.

Do you have a dream? What Do You Want to Achieve? Do you know what you want to achieve in your lifetime? If you are not clued in to your promise and purpose, here are a few questions to ask: Do you know where (or on what) to lend your attention? We live in a busy, hurryscurry world. We are faced daily with looking at all these things tugging at us, so that we can categorize them into Must Do Now and Save for Later categories. One of the nice things about learning how to prioritize

is that we learn those Save for Later items always come up a second and third time courtesy of life’s wisdom. So, we can know that at some later date, we can move them into the Must Do Now category. We will recognize when the time is right. Am I generally positive or negative minded? Earl Nightingale said, “You become what you think about all day long.” Take a long, honest look to see if you’ve developed a habit of positivity or negativity. That said, it is positivity that we need if we want to be a success. We all encounter roadblocks, but don’t let them get you down! In fact, do these blocks even deserve any attention at all? Why clutter up your mind with a negative inventory? If you’re focused on forward

progress, swat them away as you would a pesky mosquito and keep on winning. Do I see my challenges as problems or opportunities? Problems can be a game! See how many ways you can find around or over those roadblocks, instead of creating a negative inventory of “so many roadblocks!” As we get into the full practice of swatting away negative thinking, we feel fabulous for assuming this control over our lives and success. Negative challenges are character builders, and that is the main reason they are in your life. Don’t wish them away. Embrace them and use them to strengthen your character…. and become more successful. Every event can be a step forward if you steer it there.

Can I see at least one next step? Nothing happens until some action is taken. We’re confident you all know folks who talk a big story and never take one step forward, right? We can differentiate ourselves by taking those steps forward and not just talking about it. If you ask your inner self, “What’s the next step I should take?” you will always get an answer. One step is all you need, because after that one, you again ask the question. Then you’ll be able to see the next step, and the one after that, and so on. It takes great willingness to lean into yourself and trust those answers will come up. They always have for me. I’m confident they will for you too. Just trust. Then ask. Then act.

Do I know how to keep myself motivated? Back in the first step, we talked about where to focus our attention. How strongly to you want to succeed? How willing are you to work on your success? Growing successful takes a myriad of small steps, very little procrastination, and a great passion for what you are doing. The word discipline comes to mind, and discipline takes strength of character plus a system to remind us what the steps are for the path we choose to walk. Do you use colored sticky notes in your office, your car, beside your bed, or in the bathroom to remind you about your path? Do you ask your secretary to bring you daily task reminders, or add them to a schedule or calendar?

One Last Idea: Is there a successful someone you so admire? Can you read about them to stay on track? If they are still alive, can you ask them to mentor you? Is there an accountability group or partner you can talk with that will help you toward your success? All of these can be part of our promise and purpose. You so deserve it! About the Author With over 20 years of experience gained across television, radio and print, Maria KhalifĂŠ brings to her clients knowledge and understanding in holistic and motivational living. Maria brings to the world powerful life-changing experiences for those who seek extraordinary lives and want to reach their maximum potential. Maria can help you to uncover your true dynamic self. Please visit http://

Courage is a Choice by Julie Geigle

A Little Truth about Being Courageous Courage is a choice. It is available to all of us not just a select few. Courage begins with the desire to want something different in your

life, something more. Courage often comes when we get tired of being beaten down and are ready to rise and claim the powerful being that we are. In every moment, you have the right, the power, the choice to be courageous or weak. Sometimes courage is not bold or loud or executable. Sometimes courage is quiet and graceful and still. Courage is not always the bull in the China shop, but the mouse in the corner watching and waiting.

What We Know about Courage Courage comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it’s a word, a look or the way you hold yourself. Sometimes it is the unspoken words or the action left undone. It is easy to let ego overpower you and run rampant with your words and actions. It takes courage and grace to pause

and take a deep breath and then proceed with thought and loving intention. Courage is always about you. It is never about what has happened.

Courageous Affirmations to Boost You Be courageous for yourself. Live your life with integrity and honor. One way to do that is by being diligent with affirmations. I like to post affirmations all over my house: the computer, bathroom mirrors, kitchen cupboards, even the car. Affirmations help keep our vibration high and help us to stay aligned with our soul. Say each thought lovingly to yourself three times daily and watch magical things begin to happen in your life: 1. I am a brave and valiant warrior. 2. I boldly go in the direction of my dreams.

3. I move through my fears allowing my courage to blossom. Another way to act more courageously in your life is to always ask yourself: “Does this thought, word, or deed bring me closer to being a courageous person, or further away from that?”

Courageousness in Thought, Word, and Deed When we live with intention, we can create an amazing, powerful life filled with many courageous and fulfilling experiences. Expand your awareness with wonderful words: plucky \PLUHK-ee\, adjective: Having or showing pluck or courage; brave. (source: www. What is the difference between courageous people and weak people? Weak

people allow their fear to hold them back or keep them frozen where they are. Courageous people embrace their fear and keep moving forward. To be plucky or not to be plucky, that is the question. I don’t know about you, but I am going to hop, skip, and jump my way through life as a plucky kind of gal. And I am going to have fun doing it, too!!

About the Author Julie Geigle is a gifted channel of Archangel Metatron, a 4th-generation Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer. She effortlessly tunes into messages from your angels to guide and direct you in your life. Business and relationships is her specialty. Julie is a radio host of “Angel Talk Tuesday” on OMTimes Radio. Pick up your free gift “Manifesting Miracles” at

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The Importance of Being an Independent Thinker by Diane Wing, M.A.

Living as an Independent Thinker Can Be Hard Being an independent thinker is not easy. These days it’s hard to know what to believe. The need to critically consider and personally investigate and analyze

information is more important than ever. Each of us is charged with being our own authority, with seeking truth and then applying it in a way that is appropriate for our circumstances. It is essential that we develop our instincts that alert us to when something is off, when something may be a threat, and then dig a little deeper to validate or to disprove that feeling. “Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking...� - Leo Tolstoy

Investigate from Various Points of View Given the large quantity of

information available, it’s important to evaluate it objectively and to clear away preconceived notions before evaluating the issue. Whatever the topic, read widely and from various points of view. See which ones resonate with you and which ones open you to a different way of thinking about the subject. Give the material real thought and decide what you think of it and what it means to you and its implications for the world at large. Simply looking for evidence to support what you already believe sets you up to remain stuck in your way of thinking or believing and to forever follow the majority. Challenge your current beliefs and also look for evidence to the contrary. This exercises the mind and expands it beyond its former limitations. This is how innovation and reform occur. It allows us to transcend fixed and stale thinking. We can break free of stagnant

opinions that do not serve the highest good.

Independent Thinker Critical Evaluation Independent thinking means removing blind trust in what others say and to critically evaluate what it means to you and how it impacts you or the world around you, even when it flies in the face of what you want to be true. Questioning authority is becoming more acceptable these days and requires us to have more selftrust in order to decide what we believe to be true or not. Going against the majority is scary since it can result in alienation from those who believe a certain concept or way of being to be true. The first indication that it’s time to question the information is how it makes you feel when you hear it. When you hear a story from any source - the media, a

friend, your company - consider the meaning of the story and whether or not it’s valid by using what I call the four-part inner guidance system. How does it make your body feel? Does your body get a heavy feeling or a lighter feeling? Does your stomach tighten or do you feel relaxed? What are your emotions telling you? Is there anger, worry, or joy associated with the idea? What thoughts go through your head? Do you mentally search for evidence to support what you’re hearing or does your mind find holes in the story? From a spiritual sense, does it feel moral and in the highest good for all concerned?

Investigate and Analyze the Underlying Meaning Then dig deeper to uncover the potential hidden meaning behind the story. If you find that it is false, then search for the reason why the story

was told in the first place. Is it simply being repeated without verification or is it meant to distract from the real issue? Or is it that the person or source didn’t investigate the idea that justifies the way the story is being told? React in a way that is appropriate for what you discover and believe to be true. Evaluate the evidence and disagree or agree, but take the time to think it through. Ask open-ended questions as part of the analysis, such as “What if we think about it this way...” Finally, determine how to apply the information and make the best use of it. If you cannot apply or use the information in some way, move on to something more meaningful. Meaning, purpose, and applicability are essential components for spending time with a piece of information. Thus, challenge ideas and opinions. Offer your own

and objectively listen to what others have to say as part of the process. As an independent thinker, create a healthy dialogue. The capacity for critical thinking and analysis is within you and waiting for you to stretch your mind to come up with fresh ideas and perspectives. Copyright Diane Wing, all rights reserved. About the Author Perspective changer Diane Wing, M.A. is the author of six books, founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment, and host of Wing Academy Radio. She enjoys exploring the mysteries of life and the way people experience themselves and the world around them. Her latest book, The Happiness Perspective: Seeing Your Life Differently, is on Amazon and B&N. Find out more at www.


CHANGE THE STORY OF YOUR HEALTH Using Shamanic and Jungian Techniques for Healing

Do you want to improve your health? Manage a chronic condition or figure out how to cope with a sudden health issue, like an accident or illness? In his book Change the Story of Your Health: Using Shamanic and Jungian Techniques for Healing, award-winning author, clinical psychologist, shamanic practitioner, and Jungian analyst Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD shows how we can identify our health story and use journaling and expanded-awareness practices to begin changing it, leading to better health and wellness. In this companion to his best-selling and multi-award winning Change Your Story, Change Your Life, Greer teaches readers how to use shamanic and Jungian techniques to gain insights and energies for changing a dissatisfying health story. Many of the exercises involve shamanic journeying or working in and with nature: dialoguing and interacting with the earth, a river, the wind, or a fire. Others require engaging and working with the chakras, dreams, symptoms, or the inner healer. No matter what their health concern, readers will find in this book tools for writing and bringing to life a new health story. Greer has used the healing techniques he offers, along with consultation with Western physicians, to address his own physical ailments and that of others who came to him for assistance in writing a new health story. He focuses on four key areas of personal health that often bring challenges: eating and drinking; movement, flexibility, balance, stamina, and strength; sexuality, body image, and acceptance of life transitions such as menopause and andropause; and the management of acute ailments and symptoms of health conditions such as autoimmune disorders and cancer. Readers who begin using the practices on a regular basis will find it easier to let go of what is no longer serving them and bring in whatever can help them live according to a more satisfying health story.

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March A 2017 Contributors Writers Alan Cohen Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD Diane Wing Elohim Yael John Holland Julie Geigle Marguerite dar Boggia Maria Khalife Rachelle Wilber Regina Chouza Sandie Sedgbeer

52 38 96 72 48 92 78 88 60 42 22

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