OMTimes Magazine November B 2017 Edition

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November B 2017

Cover Story




Regula Curti - Awakening Beyond


Health & Wellness 40 44

The Wisdom of Your Inner Healer 9 Effective Aromatherapy Remedies for Digestive Health

Spirituality 50 56 60

Transitioning from Human Being to Conscious Spirit Why You Should Unclutter Your Soul What Religion or Philosophy is the True One

OM Living 68 74

Abundance through Integrity How to Cultivate Wellness in your Life and Business

Relationships 82

Get Rid of Your Inner Bully

Sound Healing and The Colors of the Wind What is the Purpose of Life

Personal Growth 100 10 Unexpected Ways to Turn Motivation Into Success 104 Hollywood Stuntman’s Fear Blocking Technique 110 Learning the Difference Between Self-care and Self-love 114 The Word and the Womb

Awakening Beyond With everything in the world that can possibly divide people and nations, is there something that can unite us, find common ground between us and ultimately take us from

the illusion of separation? My guest this week on Destination Unlimited, Regula Curti along with her husband Beat created the Beyond Foundation in 2007 using music to inspire mutual respect, compassion and dialogue between religions and cultures around the world and to awaken tolerance and love. This concept has grown and blossomed since 2008 with the release of three amazing albums and the just-released fourth creation Awakening Beyond. Victor Fuhrman: Good evening, Regula. Thank you so much for joining us. Regula Curti: Good evening, Victor. Thank you. Victor Fuhrman: Please share with our readers your personal story and how music became an integral part of your life. Regula Curti: Music was always a very important part of my life. I grew up with singing, with music, with playing the violin and especially also with realizing that, for me, singing and music has a healing effect. So, when I was sad, I would

go run to my room and play my violin and sing and feel good about it later. So, music, the healing aspect of music, was with me in my earliest childhood, and I dedicated this aspect to my entire life. Victor Fuhrman: And how did you get involved in yoga? Regula Curti: That was many years ago. I was in Thailand at a resort. I’d never done yoga, but they had a very nice teacher there. And the first lesson was touching me so much that I knew yoga will be a part of my life and a part of my health and part of my mental health, as well. I started to look deeper into yoga and found my own masters and teachers in India, especially Yogi Bhajan, who is the master of Kundalini Yogi. I was very much touched by this technology of yoga because there is so much singing involved - not just singing, soundings. And as a musician and singer, it’s just the right thing to do. And I continued this path, just kept in yoga. It gave me the

strength and the power and the creativity to realize that yoga would not--you do not speak for yourself only, you do it for other people or to give something to other people. It’s about giving yourself or devoting yourself entirely to an idea, to uplift people. Victor Fuhrman: How did the mantra the affect you when you started chanting? Regula Curti: It was an early morning session, two hours before sunrise getting up and practicing yoga and singing. I was singing the seven chants of the Chakras, and I immediately was touched so deeply, realizing the enormous power of singing mantras. I went into my day realizing that I had to find a foundation, Beyond Foundation, to really give all my time and all my knowledge and my capacity to this Project Beyond. So, it was actually this early morning rising and singing which gave me so much power to realize what came in the next ten years. Victor Fuhrman: What does

the word Beyond mean to you? Regula Curti: Beyond came from that wonderful Rumi quote, Rumi, the Persian poet – “Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrongdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” To create with music a field, a neutral field was the goal of our music. It is beyond names, it is beyond gender, beyond faces. It is a field you open to meet people which is a field of love at the end, a field which doesn’t know any differences. Victor Fuhrman: Two of your neighbors in Switzerland joined the project in 2008 with the launch of Beyond Music. You lived in an amazing neighborhood, including Tina Turner and Dechen ShakDagsay, who I had the pleasure of interviewing earlier last year. How did this lovely synchronicity come about? Regula Curti: Dechen I knew from her music. I was playing her music in my yoga classes for years. And I thought she was one of those Tibetans living in the Himalayas and was not aware that she lived

opposite the lake just nearby. And finally, I got from a client the card of her address and--a business card, and I realized, oh, she’s in Switzerland! So, I contacted her, and we started to have a wonderful friendship and started to sing together. We also sang at reunions of business people, or I remember once we went to an important center where Jewish people and Palestinian people came, and they needed just music to neutralize the field. So, we did, and they were asking us to do you have a CD, and we said no. So, we were looking at each other, and that was the beginning of the first CD “Beyond, Buddhist and Christian Prayers.” And we realized we were in the process of creating that we are not strong enough, that we needed a celebrity to push us and to help us to really bring that message into the world. And, well, there are no coincidences in life, but my husband lived in the house where Tina Turner lives now, and Tina Turner wanted to know the people who were

living before her in this house and invited us for dinner. And that’s how I met her. And we had immediately shared such a strong understanding of spirituality and about the effect of singing. And I remember that beautiful evening when Dechen and I were together, suddenly, we said, “Tina Turner, she has to be part of that project!” So, I contacted her, and she said yes. Victor Fuhrman: How wonderful. It almost seems like there was a natural energy between the three of you. We talk about synchronicity that there are no coincidences. There must have been this natural energy when the three of you got together and recognized each other and said, “We are sisters in this project,” wasn’t there? Regula Curti: That’s correct. It was like a deep understanding of each other and just a gratefulness that we find together in this life. We don’t know, perhaps we met in another life already, to fulfill in this life this vision and this job to bring people our music.

Victor Fuhrman: The first time you mingled and blended your voices together, what was that experience like? Regula Curti: It was realizing that the essence of all is one. As we merged our voices, Dechen and myself, it was so natural when I was singing the Christian chants, and she was singing the Buddhist mantras. It was blending so well, and we realized that the essence is one, is just another, just all the words we sing, but under-or beyond those words is the same belief, the same message. Victor Fuhrman: Absolutely. And that wonderful blending together must have been transcendent. It’s almost like being in a chapel of amazing singing, raising you up, raising the energy. Regula Curti: It was like that. I was singing an “amen,” and the moment I was finished singing, I felt that I could leave now this earth because it was fulfilled. It was so strong that I could almost say “that’s it,” I can go now, I delivered it. Victor Fuhrman: Wow, what

an experience that must have been, ready to go. So, the first album that you created together was called “Beyond: Buddhist and Christian Prayers.” Tell us a little bit more about how that came together. Regula Curti: Well, Dechen and I, we were starting these projects together, with her beautiful Buddhist voice living in Switzerland. We were meeting like in a reunion at the monastery, the famous monastery Einsiedeln Abbey and had the chance to help the Abbott of the monastery to bring His Holiness, the Dalai Lama to Switzerland into that monastery to celebrate interreligious conference with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, and Abbott. And there, the two representatives of the two belief systems, they encouraged us to be inspired by another belief system but to go deeper into the old belief system. So, for me, that was very important because I am raised protestant in Christian belief and was leaving the church in a way to practice

Buddhism. And when the two representatives said that to us, I realized I had to go back to see if in the Christian church or in our Christianity there are similar chants or prayers to sing which have the same effect as Buddhist mantras. And I found out that we have many beautiful repetitive prayers like The Rosary, Ave Maria, Kyrie, and Amen. And I started to practice that all over again and realized, oh, they bring me to that same place within me, where I have a good place like the Buddhist mantras I used to sing before. So, Dechen had lots of understanding for that and helped me to go into that vibration she was using, the vibration of the heart, so placing the voice in the vibration of the heart so that it can reach out to other hearts. And so, we started to work together developing this album. Victor Fuhrman: Now, the three of you empowered by the success of “Beyond” produced a second album in 2011 called “Children Beyond.”

This work included 30 children representing six different cultures and religions. What was the genesis of this gold award-winning album? Regula Curti: It was a woman from Thailand who once called me and said, “Why don’t you do something for children, we need it so much.” And she was so insisting, and I just realized that’s the way to go and looked around in my neighborhood, looked around in my town where we can find children representing ten cultures and was asking Dechen if she and her two nephews would also be part of the project. And she immediately said yes. So, we were developing again with 30 children, Dechen and myself together, different prayers and mantras from those different traditions. I had tea with Tina once, and she said, “What are you doing, you seem so busy?” I said, “Yes, I am busy with a new CD for the children.” And she said, “Can I listen to it?” So, we did, and she had goosebumps and said, “Regula, you can have my voice, my name, and my

pictures again.”

How did that come about?

So, I was like almost fainting because I would have never dared to ask her to make a children’s CD with me. And she was so much involved in this production. She was helping us so much to make it a success. She joined the children, she was dancing with the children. She was like also making her own introduction and saying, “You do the right thing.”

Regula Curti: Many, many years, we were following the wonderful master and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, and he became a friend to us. He has written this beautiful book Planting a Seed, a book for children to teach themselves mindfulness. And I think it was a student of his who had the idea to do a film about that book to teach children. He came and listened to “Children Beyond” and had the idea to join forces.

So, it was so lovely to see how she was really living up to that wonderful collaboration. Victor Fuhrman: And what cultures and religions did the children represent? Regula Curti: They represented Tibetan children, Buddhist belief system. They represented Christian children, Hindu children, Jewish children, then also Sikh children and Muslim children. We have many Muslim children in Zurich, and so we had six belief systems together. Victor Fuhrman: “Children Beyond” was also selected to be the soundtrack of a film.

Let’s say, to have a strong soundtrack but also the name of “Children Beyond” and our, of course, celebrity Tina who could help us to bring “Planting Seeds of Mindfulness,” this beautiful movie about children, into the world. So, we joined forces together, and that’s how it became the soundtrack of that movie. In 2014, Sawani ShendeSathaye, a master of Indian classical music, joined you, Tina and Dechen on the third album, the Tower Award-

winning “Love Within Beyond.” Victor Fuhrman: What was it like blending in this fourth voice? Regula Curti: Sawani Sathaye is a beautiful soul. She comes, of course, from the tradition of mantra singing and prayer singing over generations, and she is one of those kinds of the singer she’s carrying the tradition for all the generations behind her. She was taught by her grandmother. I met her, and I immediately felt that she could, with her personality and with her knowledge, easily blend into “Beyond Project.” There was like this moment of, oh, we know each other from another lifetime. And so, the work with her was so beautiful and so joyful. She’s a very joyful soul. She smiles a lot. She laughs a lot. And for the yoga world, actually, we thought that it will be very important to unite Buddhists mantras and Christian mantras because yoga is, in the Western world, so important today. We thought we would like to give

all the participants from all the different belief systems, we would like to give them home. If you listen to your own belief system like your “Amen,” then it’s home. If you listen to an Indian woman or man to an Indian chant, “Om,” they know that’s me, that’s home. So, we thought it is very important to unite to make a wonderful soundtrack for yoga lessons and of course also for healing again, which always has been our focus to produce healing movement, transcendent music, uplifting music. Victor Fuhrman: Your fourth and latest effort is called “Awakening Beyond,” and you added new voices to the group. Please tell us who joined you in this project and what each voice represents. Regula Curti: It was always my vision and my wish to unite all the five religions and five cultures for a new project. And I knew that it would probably be the most difficult task to find a Muslim voice because, in Islam, the

woman is not singing in public. So, that was very difficult to find. It had to be a woman who is liberal, a liberal Muslim woman who is allowed to do so. And I knew that it will also be difficult to find that Jewish voice because I had a vision, we have the Sephardic voices, the Sephardic people that were leaving Spain, Andalusia, and were moving to Morocco or they were moving to Iran or moving back then to Israel. And they are carriers of all those influences, Spanish influence, Moroccan influence, Arabic elements. And I truly wanted a voice like that. And we found in Mor Karbasi this wonderful voice. She comes from Jerusalem. And finally, the Muslim voice was found in Illinois in the US. Her name is Dima Orsho, and she comes from a very interesting background, as well. Her grandparents, they come from Russia, and they moved to Turkey, and finally, they moved to Syria, and from Syria, they moved to the United States.

So, I have some very, very powerful voices added to Sawani Shende-Sathaye, our Indian voice from Pune, Mumbai. I had to find another Buddhist first because Dechen Shak-Dagsay decided to go her own way, and found in Ani Choying, a nun from Katmandu, she is called the “Singing Voice for Freedom.” She is an amazing voice. She has an incredible background as a nun and as a founder of a school for girls and as a founder of an association for diabetes in Nepal. And her singing is sponsoring all of her projects. And she has a vibration in her voice. She lives near the Himalayas, which is truly amazing. And I’m very happy that Ani could join the project. Victor Fuhrman: And you had a Syrian American composer and producer. Please tell us about him. Regula Curti: Yes, Kareem Roustom - I met him in Lucerne. Lucerne, Switzerland has a very famous music festival in July. And his music

touched me so deeply. I was looking at my husband, and he had immediately same idea that that could be the producer of our next album. And we met in Boston, and we were totally convinced of his personality and his knowledge. He had also studied Western music, but he is very knowledgeable about all the other traditions. The Arabic music system, the harmonies are totally different than in our Western music, of course. So, he was the right person to approach this difficult task to unite five different world religions and cultures together. Victor Fuhrman: What message would you like our readers to take away from this wonderful body of work? Regula Curti: I would love if people could open their hearts to all the different traditions and all the people who are carrying this tradition with them. And the music can take them beyond that they can experience that beyond into that field of

neutrality that we have, no judgments that we have, no labels and that we all can do that to that world which is a world of so many interesting cultures. I mean, it would be very boring if we would be all Christians or Buddhists or--we would lose so much beauty, so much richness, also. I would like people to be able, after this album to embrace the world as the world is in our days. That they realize that not every Muslim is bad, that there are many, many Muslims and many, many Jewish people and many, many Christians and Buddhists and which are wonderful personalities and wonderful souls. They bring peace and love into our society. So, that’s what I would like to achieve with our “Awakening Beyond,� so to create some sort of awakening in people that they realize we are all one, we just carry other names, or we carry another skin color. But, in the very essence of our beings, we are all living beings having a heart which beats for love and for peace.

Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

The Wisdom of Your Inner Healer

How can you boost your immunity, repair damage in your body caused by poor health habits, and improve your health? Identifying what you need to do is often much

easier than actually doing it. You might have insights into your health challenges but neglect to connect the dots between your actions and your beliefs and emotions. Those thoughts and feelings may be hidden from your conscious mind. To access them, you may have to become still and use techniques such as meditation and shamanic journeying that let you get past the obstacle of your conscious mind’s denial. Your conscious mind may be uncomfortable you are not making progress toward changing old habits and may resist admitting this is the case. The wisdom of your inner healer can help. A wise inner healer resides within each of us, and it knows why we continue to snack on sugary and salty treats even though we have vowed to break the habit. It knows why we make excuses for not meditating or exercising instead of just doing what

we said we were going to do. Awaken to the wisdom of your inner healer and the insights you gain might lead to breakthroughs. Your selfsabotage might cease as you come to work through what your conscious mind has not wanted to face. You may be stuck in old habits that no longer serve you because they make you feel happier in the short-run. You might not have considered how you might experience pleasure in the now yet also protect your health long-term. Maybe you enjoy bonding with friends when you eat foods you could get away with consuming years ago, before you developed health challenges related to your poor diet. Bonding with them over wine and cheese like you always did might make you feel accepted, loved, and part of a tribe of energetic people who have endless opportunities and their whole

lives before them. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have that experience. But your inner healer might reveal that you are growing older, and that your desire to deny this uncomfortable truth is at the root of your wine and cheese habit you have been trying to break. Your inner healer might be able to help you resolve this fear by directing you to ways in which you can slow any decline in your health or even regain strength and vitality you had in years past. It might also help you see that your future can be brighter than you think. Too often, we believe that deteriorating health is inevitable when it is often due to poor health habits that we can correct. You might be able to change what you eat when socializing with others yet still feel youthful and vibrant, and part of a community of friends like you. Your wise inner healer might

also help you find other ways to feel healthy and strong. Dancing, meeting new people, or trying out new activities that revitalize you and remind you that you still have energy can help you feel happy in the short-term without jeopardizing your health long-term. Bringing into the conscious what is unconscious allows you to face your fears and find new ways to overcome them. Having gained invaluable insights, you might find it much easier to make positive changes to the story of your health. Awaken your wise inner healer and see what you learn. Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD, is a practicing clinical psychologist, Jungian analyst and shamanic practitioner. He teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago and is on staff at the Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being. Learn more at

9 Effective Aromatherapy Remedies for Digestive Health

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils that can benefit digestive disorders, not only therapeutically but can work as a psychological de-stressor, as

well! Suggested essential oils for digestive disorders include: 1.Cinnamon: German health authorities (Commission E) approve cinnamon bark oil for mild gastrointestinal spasms, stimulating appetite and relieving indigestion. It is used in flatulent dyspepsia, dyspepsia with nausea, intestinal colic and digestive disorders associated with cold conditions. It relieves nausea and vomiting and is particularly useful for infantile diarrhea. 2.Ginger is a warming oil and supports emotional well-being, as well as calms the digestive system. Also known as an antiseptic, laxative, stimulant and a tonic, it’s commonly used for diarrhea, gas, indigestion, morning sickness, nausea, motion sickness, vomiting. 3.Grapefruit: This wonderful oil has an energizing effect and is said to help with eating

disorders. It is rich in linolenic, linoleic and oleic acids and has an astringent and toning effect when applied topically. It is a good detoxifier as it stimulates the lymphatic system helping to rid the body of toxins. It can be used for inhaling the aroma as it will help to reduce the craving for sweet foods and desserts. 4. Lavender: This calming, soothing essential oil is useful for digestion because it increases the mobility of the intestine. It helps to improve overall digestion, including nausea and gas. 5. Lemon: This bright and fresh oil helps to stimulate digestion and acts as a natural antibacterial so it can keep harmful bacteria from growing in the gut. 6. Marjoram: This fresh, warm, and slightly woody scent is best known for flavoring food. For digestive

problems, like constipation, indigestion, and flatulence, use 2-3 drops in a carrier oil and massage into the abdomen. 7. Peppermint is an antibacterial, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, antispasmodic and invigorating. It soothes, cools and dilates and can be beneficial for food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, gas, bad breath, nausea, motion sickness, infections, gastritis, heartburn, flu and cold, and indigestion. 8. Rosemary: This oil is often used for indigestion, flatulence and stomach cramps. Rosemary leaves are often added to meat dishes as it helps in digesting meat, especially lamb, beef, and pork. As a digestive assistant, it relieves constipation and diarrhea. 9. Chamomile: Roman chamomile is used for various

digestive disorders including indigestion, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, intestinal gas and flatulence due to mental stress. For Digestive Support 3 drops Ginger 3 drops Peppermint 4 drops Cinnamon 5 drops Chamomile Blend essential oils in 1 oz of unscented cream or jojoba oil. Massage into abdomen after each meal. This blend of oils can also be used in an inhaler for nausea or car sickness. Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac gut-health Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

Transitioning from Human Being to Conscious Spirit

By Judi Lynch

Life on Earth is just part of a soul’s journey through the Universe. We incarnate through a miraculous process of life and transition back again to spirit in conscious evolution.

Although it can be a controversial subject, many people have a natural curiosity about how our earthly missions will end. If we are believers in the spirit surviving the body’s death, then where will our soul reside without it? The world’s religions have different views on this. Some believe that we will be “asleep” until certain events “wake us up,” thinking this was about physical death. It may have been referencing our spiritual death while we are still breathing and that awakening occurs during our earth lifetime. There are many accounts of afterlife communication. Accurate, clear, concise knowledge from talented energy receivers who have validated scores of incredible information. Since most people don’t incarnate here with a manual, we live through or seek out spiritual

information from a myriad of sources. Those sources determine our belief system until/unless we seek out new, more evolved information offering proof enough to change our thinking. We can also choose to adopt a more ancient religion that appeals to our soul’s calling. If we can stay open-minded and think with an open-hearted willingness to accept ourselves as spiritual beings, we have the capability to witness and create miracles. Those miracles come in moments of connection and celebration of our spirits. The souls which reside in our fragile bodies are truly indestructible light filled orbs of energy. They can send along life-saving information, healing light, energy, and comfort in the darkest night of a human life. The universe is filled with the unseen life of these energies. Angels,

ascended masters, loved ones, our beloved pets and all the other souls who give their love to us unconditionally are able to send help. Many people believe that the moment in which our consciousness leaves our body, we begin the journey back to the light that brought us here. The light in which we were created heals us so that we understand the purpose of our being. It is also a common spiritual belief that we are tasked with judging our actions, and we can decide if we would be brave enough to incarnate again. We could decide to be a spirit guide for someone else’s soul growth. We may determine that the other side is a good place to be of service. We are also given the gift of communication back to our

loved ones if we are called upon to help someone who is grieving or just needs to know we made it to our destination. It can also be true that some of us take a detour before we get there. Our journey may take us to the place between Earth and the dimensions where Heaven resides if we don’t have proper directions. There have been numerous accounts of souls who remain in limbo unable to trust that there is soul healing waiting for them, just a thought away in their own consciousness. Many people who serve as mediums for spirit have reported the activities of souls residing in heavenly dimensions. They interpret what the view was like, what their purpose there is, ways in which they can break through the denseness to deliver

messages and energy. There are also accounts of what it’s like to transition back to spirit from both mediums and from those who have come back to life after physical demise. Numerous accounts of near-death experiences have been documented from all over the world. There have always been doubts, unanswered questions and skepticism surrounding the process of soul transition after death. If we have incarnated here more than once, then we have obviously been through it already. Some of us might even remember how it happened through past life regression. The true process and its meaning remains a mystery for most of us until we experience ourselves. The ascension process will keep moving us forward as we evolve these

human brains to understand the metaphysical world more brightly. If our consciousness is energy and survives our physical body, we will manifest immortality keeping us curious and openhearted about the trip! About the Author: Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see or email judi@

Why you should Unclutter Your Soul By John Holland

Is it possible that when you clear out and unclutter parts of your life, that it, in turn, can help you on a soul level? The answer: YES!

Recently I went to a book talk at a local bookstore to hear Kerri Richardson, a colleague and dear friend speak about her new book: “What Your Clutter Is Trying to Tell You Uncover the Message in the Mess and Reclaim Your Life. Kerri gave a fantastic and very inspirational talk on how and why clutter builds up in so many of our lives. When you clear clutter from your life – you’re making room for more positive things to come in and enter your life. When I say, “more things” to enter your life I don’t mean “more stuff.” By creating space, it allows for new opportunities, ideas, and additional mental capacity to take on new hobbies, learning, etc., as you’re energetically clearer. I was so inspired by Kerri’s talk that I set out to tackle a chore that I’ve been putting off for months and months! Ok, maybe years! Yes, I finally made the decision to clear out my storage unit. It was full of not only some of my “stuff” as I like to put

it, but friends had “stuff” stored there too! When my mom passed, I had stored her belongings and boxes in there with the intention of sorting them, but I never got around to it at the time. I realized that it has been 6 years since my mom passed and I was still hanging onto all her things that the family didn’t want or ever come look at it. The funny thing is I have a huge basement at home that’s half empty, and I’d often be reminded by friends how I could save the monthly fee for the storage unit! But I knew I needed to not just move the “stuff” but to get rid of it, donate it, sell or give away what was no longer needed or wanted. I realize now having completed the task, that clearing out something physical like this unit is similar to when you decide to clear up mental clutter too! I’d been telling myself: “John you really do need to go down and clear out your unit” for so long, that in a way, it became a mental

battle of wits and was draining me on an energetic level. Finally, I started to clear out my storage unit, and the more I cleared out – the lighter I felt. I was taught many years ago, that we all have energetic cords that become attached to projects, relationships, people, etc. The longer you think about something that needs to be done or addressed, the thicker the cord gets! So, by the simple act of clearing out my storage unit released that cord that had been draining me on a soul level. I’ve only just recently tackled this project, and positive opportunities are now presenting themselves to me already. I believe I was supposed to be at that talk Kerri gave, and it gave me the inspiration to finally “let go” of an area in my life that was ready to leave.

JOHN’S LESSON Let’s use Kerri’s guidance: Start small. Let’s take that pile of unfiled bills, for example. By

spending just 15 minutes separating them into categories, you’ll immediately begin reclaiming your power from them. By no longer ignoring the pile or dreading tackling it, spending even a small amount of time on handling it creates a powerful, energetic shift in your body, mind, and soul. Another great idea in case you feel overwhelmed to even start an uncluttering project is to set a timer for 25 minutes and set out to do some uncluttering. Even doing just 25 minutes, (and you should stick to that time) will be the start of you feeling lighter and you will feel a sense of accomplishment. A big part of getting rid of clutter is practicing loving compassion with yourself, and instead of seeing resistance as a negative force, treat it as a creative partner instead. When you team up in this way, there’s little that can stop you! Live a Soul-filled life!

Sacred Music


iOM.FM The best of Alternative and  Sacred Music,

What Religion or Philosophy is the True One? By Arthur Telling

Our various disciplines such as science and religion may seem at odd with each other, and we find it impossible to know what to believe. Yet there are ways for identifying a deeper reality that binds them.

What to Believe? The various sciences, philosophies and religions offer a rich variety of ideas and beliefs. Scholars, professors, and civic and spiritual leaders and teachers tell us to follow their ideas and reject contrary ones. How can we know which of them are true? We typically believe what we are born into, or are introduced to by parents, teachers, peers, and community. And once we accept the beliefs given to us, we tend to cling to those beliefs and may decry other dissimilar beliefs as wrong, even evil or devilish. There is a logical reason for this, and it leads to the very idea of what we should believe. Our beliefs are called facts when we know with certainty that the belief is true. It is this solidness of mind that brings us stability, allowing us to think and reason

within a framework of a slowly changing landscape. Confusion will develop and chaos will follow when we lose faith in our beliefs. And when we come up against others with seemingly opposing irreconcilable beliefs, then anger, revolt, revolution, and war can occur as we literally battle over whose belief is right. We find ourselves walking a tightrope as to which “wrong� beliefs we will tolerate and which ones we will not. Because, opposing beliefs can threaten beliefs we cherish. Such a process appears unfruitful, yet can be useful for our coming to a mindset of what to believe. We may believe we are a fluke of random chance and have ultimately no purpose, or that Christ’s suffering gives us eternal life. The belief itself, dependent on the continuing narrative we live out in this life, is temporal in nature,

because our experiences in this world are temporal. And being temporal, a belief cannot be true, because something of which exists for a while and then ceases to exist is true only within the reality it is germane to. Temporal Beliefs Reveal Underlying Truths It may be true that Christ died on the Cross but this is not truth. There was a time before Christ is said to have come into the World and died on the Cross and there will be a time when this society has run its course and different historical events will be remembered. It may alternately be true that the physical organism “man” evolved historically through a process of natural selection, as Charles Darwin theorized. It might even be that both ideas are true (or neither). But truth cannot just begin and end. Facts are temporal, they come and go like the apparel

we wear for a while and discard when their usefulness has ended. Truths, however, underlie the facts that we routinely embrace and reject. The story of Christ on the Cross and our salvation arising from it does contain truths. It is a lesson for the weak and the humble, that the greatest king, creator of worlds, crucified like a criminal, is thus no greater – in truth – than the most lowly of men. And, it is a lesson of our eternal natures – there is no death, only the narrative dies. The narrative is a sequence of events – facts – yet truth is the greater underlying element giving cohesiveness to those facts, driving them along, inspiring us, fulfilling our greater natures. Alternatively, Darwin’s theory of natural selection, although conventionally viewed as a natural enemy to the story of Christ, may give unintended

insight into the changing nature of the world and its forms; the unveiled truth being not the method of physical evolution of the species, but rather the nature of how the mind builds patterns and systems for conveying and processing information that manifests as our physical world. Christian belief and Darwin’s theory thus convey the deeper truths, there thus being no need to ponder upon which of the two is true. What we Should Believe We can believe now that no belief can really be true, and that truths underlie those beliefs, and are recognizable. Confronted with such vast wealth of beliefs offered to us, we have ample fodder for better knowing our true natures. If no belief is true, what should we believe? We should believe nothing, yet respect everything. Beliefs are

of the imagination, not real, not lasting; the eternal truths they convey are the element we must embrace. All sentient beings are of equal potential, eternal and of one mind. Reality arises from the mind (in our world) in the guise of “beliefs”. Identifying the truths underlying our experiences, we transcend the world’s beliefs, and will see God. About the Author Arthur Telling has written numerous stories and articles on religion, philosophy, and metaphysics. His article, “A Different Jesus Message” appeared in the Nov. 2011 AMORC Rosicrucian Digest. Telling is author of four novels, including his latest book “Yancey Gates: A Dialogue with Self”, a “how to” book on awakening to the present moment. His website is: www.

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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

Abundance through


Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, while abundance is profusion, plentifulness, profuseness or copiousness. One may wonder

what is the link between the two. Deep down, the heart knows our inner truth. That feeling which is certainly true, that every iota of our being resonates with. Our truth is that innate feeling which spontaneously jumps at us in the most unexpected manner. And we have to face it! The secret is to align with that truth, and create abundance in our lives. It is as simple as slicing to soul level and taking it straight from there. Billions of us are still making money, having relationships and living good lives.

What distinguishes integrity derived abundance from other forms? The issue is that not many are waking up to the truth! Yet they still are able to get by. Because at the top there are few eagles scaling the sky rest are following their flight. So goes for all of us one CEO, the rest employees. One GURU, the rest followers. One Michael

Jackson or Madonna, the rest amateur singers - so where is the cut? Surely it is the ability to dig deep and walk the toughest path of ‘truth’. We do not all need to be Guru’s, Madonna’s, Nelson Mandela’s, Jesus Christ’s or Admirals of US Navy, President of Singapore, or a COO of a large corporation, but we can still create abundance through integrity. It is as simple walking our path, for example, selling vegetables and becoming abundant that way. As the saying goes ‘what makes you happy makes you abundant’. If something in our lives is not making us happy, then it is time to ‘course correct’ or probably, to contemplate, reflect and go within to find the cause. This makes it possible for to switch gears and find the next best ‘happiness factor’. A tough call, but a necessary one if we want to sleep peacefully and breathe an air of ease.

Abundance involves mental and physical health Many medical problems come about when we are not aligned with our inner truth. At times, it would appear that we are caught up in a rat race which has been created by other people’s principles. It is time to break free from that cloud, and n with our intrinsic reality. Plenty of job failures and relationship problems can be averted by just going within. ‘Know thy self’! Abundance does not imply having only money. It reflects every area of life: financial, emotional, career, relationship, health etc. And nothing is above peace, which is sourced from within the ‘Soul’. For each of us, the definition of abundance is derived from how closely we are linked within. Some people relate the idea of abundance with expensive or exotic purchases. For others, the simple things in life are simply awesome.

The bottom line is that as long as we don’t get boxed into the comparison game - a vicious cycle - we will be in much better shape. We can expect to have what we want at the right time, in magical ways, and our needs will be fulfilled. This is the way universe operates. The Universe will also help us, if we open ourselves to our soul truth. And that good will manifest what might seem like an outrageous wish, so long as we align with our soul’s truth. The benefits of generating abundance through integrity are enormous! These benefits of living with integrity include the following: Sense of contentment Boxing out of the comparison syndrome Purpose – sense of doing and living by a blueprint designed exactly for you. Living a quality driven life

Being a trailblazer Touching everyone’s life with your gift. Breathing success effortlessly. Being your own competitor Bringing in innovation Living by values and principles Shapeshifting the current paradigms According to Peter H Diamandis and Steven Kotler, abundance is about creating a world of possibility: where everyone’s days are spent dreaming and doing, not scrapping and scraping. Diamandis and Kotler tell us that the Pyramid of abundance can be divided into 3 levels. The bottom level belongs to food, water, shelter, and other survival concerns; the middle is devoted to growth like abundant energy, educational opportunities and access to communication and information; while the upper

tier is reserved for freedom and social work. This point of view encourages us to harness abundance by revamping our societies, from the bottom up! It gives us a map for ‘course correcting’ and eliminating a shortsighted approach. We all are born with unique gifts. The realization then becomes that the passion that drives us can generate opportunities and synchronicities for us. Abundance through integrity is a harbinger of such an era of entrepreneurs, creators, and originals. It’s about expanding the conventional mindset and exploring myriad ways of coexisting happily and purposefully! Sunanda’s Bio Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author and Life Coach. You can reach her at www.

How to Cultivate Wellness in your Life and Business

The pace of our lives is becoming faster all the time. It is so easy to forget about making our wellness a priority; often, until there is a health or wellness issue at hand.

Did you know, however, that what you put first is what grows? So, if you put work, work, work, got to get it done, got to meet the deadline, etc., first all the time, guess what? You get more to work, work, work to get done, done, done with more deadlines! It becomes never-ending. And where does your wellness end up?

I know the drill. I have been there and done that. I have delayed going to the bathroom because I just had to get this one thing finished first – which ended up dragging on and on (remember – what you put first grows!) How did I turn it around? I made the demand of myself to change, became committed

to making those changes, and consistently practiced making different choices. What I found, is that it really boils down to being mindful and listening to your body, and choosing to take action in line with what your body requires and desires consistently throughout the day, rather than strict rules about what you can and can’t do or should and shouldn’t do for enhanced wellness. And, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to cut down on your workload, or only work certain hours, etc. Everyone is an individual and has unique needs. Some people actually thrive on having a lot to do. That’s why you need to be mindful and listen to your body; to come to realize what does and doesn’t work for you. At first, I needed reminders. I used my smartphone to ping me at set intervals throughout the day, and even if I was super busy, I made my wellness a priority. It’s demand that you make of yourself, to ensure that it actually occurs.

Read the following list of simple things you can include in your day to cultivate wellness; which ones resonate with you. Add them to the reminders on your phone. Find out what you enjoy. Maybe something you thought would work for you actually doesn’t. If so, choose something else; whatever it is, start making your wellness a priority. Simple things you can include in your busy day: Regularly ask, “Do I require anything at the moment?” Seems basic, but this is my number one reminder I set on my smartphone to keep me mindful and present; particularly when I am super busy. It is when we are super busy, and especially if you are not used to being mindful, that it is so easy to shut down your awareness of even our basic needs like food, drink, fresh air, movement, etc. The point here is to become aware of every part of your body and to simply ask if it requires anything. You just might be surprised at all the things you have been ignoring and just pushing through. What else could you do to regularly

stop, take notice of what is, and then act accordingly? Move More. Our bodies like to move. And it doesn’t have to be formal exercise. Part of being mindful is listening to your body and what it requires and desires. What is it trying to tell you? Are you listening to it? When you’re really busy, remind yourself to move often throughout the day. Get up from the desk. Stretch. Walk somewhere - to the water cooler, to the window, to the printer, to the toilet, anywhere. Again, it sounds simple, but when we are really busy, that’s when we don’t do these things. Break up the stagnant sitting and solid working! Maybe, until you are more familiar with becoming mindful of your needs, you could come up with active habits like standing up every time you’re on the phone. What works for you? What will remind you to move? Utilize quickie relaxation tricks. Relaxation doesn’t have to mean set periods of time meditating, going to yoga class, or an hour at the spa – although, if you can do

any of those, yay! It becomes a lot simpler to regularly include relaxation within your every day if you keep in mind the underlying premise of relaxation - that is, the change of pace, the sense of enjoyment and the nurturing of you. One of the quickest ways to achieve this is to the breath; and it can be done anywhere, anytime, with your eyes open, while you are still doing whatever it is that you are doing, and no one else even needs to know! There are many different short breathing exercises that you can google (and I mention a few on my website!). I personally like to use the following exercise, whenever I notice that I am getting ‘frazzled.’ I just take three deep breaths from the ground, through my feet up to my head and back down into the ground again is enough for me to become mindful again, and to perceive and receive everything that is going on around me again, which is essential for my best work. Within all of these suggestions for cultivating wellness at work and in business, is the

underlying premise of that you know, and that you are important enough to be present with yourself and to follow through on your requirements. If you make your wellness a priority, no matter what is involved, you are acknowledging your importance. And, as I said earlier, whatever you make a priority and put first, is that which expands and grows. To put it in a nutshell, that means, if you put getting your work done first all the time, your workload grows. Put your wellness first, and your wellness will grow. Laleh A. Hancock is a management consultant, a Joy of Business certified facilitator and the CEO of Belapemo and Global Wellness For All. With nearly 30 years of experience in operational excellence, change management, and organizational wellness, Laleh has inspired and empowered hundreds of thousands of individuals, including Fortune 500 executives, to seek greater success. For even more on wellness, visit www.

Relationships The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

Get Rid of Your Inner Bully By Marcia Sirota, MD.

There’s a lot of bullying going on these days. We find it in schools, in the workplace and online.

authority figures around us. In fact, it becomes a big part of our inner monologue.

There’s one form of bullying that rarely gets talked about though, and it’s creating a lot of misery. I’m talking about self-bullying.

When the messages we take in are positive, we develop confidence and good self-worth; when we hear a lot of critical or rejecting messages, we develop what I call the “Inner Bully.”

When we grow up, we take in everything we hear from our parents, family members and

The Inner Bully is the voice in

our head that tells us that we’re not smart, capable, attractive or lovable; it tells us not to bother trying something because we’re just going to fail; it tells us that we don’t deserve to be treated with love or respect. The Inner Bully says things like, “Who do you think you are?” when we dare to feel good about ourselves for something we’ve accomplished. It tells us, “Don’t get a swelled head!” This bully fills our mind with negative self-talk; it burdens us with guilt, shame and obligation, and always blames us for anything that goes wrong, even when it had nothing to do with us. It tells us that any success we achieve is an accident, so we won’t be able to recreate it, or that we must have cheated to get the good result. The Inner Bully oppresses us and makes it hard to create happiness and success. Depending on how powerful it is in our psyche -- which relates directly to how we were treated in childhood- this bully can really

mess things up for us. Ramona (not her real name) is a smart, capable and caring young woman who has struggled all her life to find success. Her Inner Bully was so strong that she had no faith in her abilities. Even when she accomplished good things, the Inner Bully would never allow her to take credit for them, so she had to see them as “a fluke,” or “no big deal.” Her confidence could never develop. When she received praise or a promotion because of her hard work, she panicked and became confused, as any measure of success contradicted what the Inner Bully was telling her about herself. Ramona was trapped in this selfdefeating belief system and was never going to be free. Fortunately, she decided to get help. She did some important work on herself and was able to see the Inner Bully for the liar and saboteur it really is. Ramona was able to let go of the negative self-talk. She could

finally put her abilities to good use and create a better life for herself. Part of the inner work that Ramona did was learning to #BeKind. She learned that we need to have compassion for ourselves, and not allow the negative messages to win. Self-compassion means being understanding, accepting, patient and forgiving with ourselves. To #BeKind is to see ourselves as imperfect but lovable; flawed yet capable of great things. When Ramona chose to reject her Inner Bully and #BeKind to herself, her life really changed for the better. She’s so much happier today than she ever was. We all have some degree of Inner Bully living within us. Living in a hypercritical society, it’s impossible to escape from all the judgments we face about our appearance, character, abilities or potential. We all need to take Ramona’s cue and learn to #BeKind. We all need to recognize when the

Inner bully is picking on us and say to it: “No! I’m not going to let you ruin my life. I’m not listening to you.” Unlike the outer bullies who have real power and can do physical damage to us, the Inner Bully is just a disembodied voice in our head. We can see it for what it is and refuse to allow it to interfere with our pursuit of happiness and success. Let’s #BeKind to each-other, when it comes to the problem of bullying in the world, and let’s #BeKind to ourselves when it comes to the lesser-known problem of self-bullying. We can be stronger than the Inner Bully; we can stop it from having any power over us, but not by getting angry at it. The way to overcome the Inner Bully is through self-compassion; it’s by choosing to #BeKind to ourselves. Sign up here for my free monthly wellness newsletter. My book, Women Decoded: The Secret Strategy for Relationship Success, is now available on


The Colors of the Wind

The wind whistles, roars and purrs. It teases, soothes, or rips us with cold stabs to match its winter song. Poetic? Yes, but literally and subtly true.

As the speed of the wind increases, its pitch rises. A diminishing breeze sings a corresponding lower tone. When the wind dances, its movement speeds up, creating musical glissandos, with its pitch gradually changing like the howling of a wolf. How much fun it is to listen to the melodious voice - of the wind. You hear the wind and feel it caressing your skin. It “plays” with you, as if it is keeping you company. Notice how the air makes you “feel”. We all experience music that stirs our feelings. Likewise, listening to “wind choirs” strums your emotions, producing tiny nuances and subtle feelings. Your body has sensors in the skin, in which, you literally and subtly intake sound and yes, even the gentle purr of the wind. The wind is invasive. Energy from sound can transfer to many things, each with correlating frequencies. This happens all the time. Think to the emotive qualities of

a movie track. The movie is lifeless without the sounds and music animating it, but its music orchestrates our feelings. This is due to resonance, a phenomenon in which a vibrating force (such as sound) drives something else (such as emotions) to increase its vibrations. Air-stream sounds affect your emotions via resonance. Sounds and colors are related. The cycles per second of colored lights, taken down musical octaves, correlate to musical notes. Through resonance, the energy from a colored light causes its corresponding musical note to increase its vibrations. Native Americans Indians believe that the wind colors the sky. Literally it does. Colors correlate to emotions - as one may intuitively feel. Blue lights create a chilling feeling, while red ones emanate warmth. We even hear this in our language. Common examples include: “I was blue today”. “He is red

with anger”. “She was green with envy”. Colors are closely linked to emotions. Imagine the colors of the wind! Some days a blue breeze helps us grieve; touching our sorrow to gently pull it out. When the hum of the wind is red, it is enlivening, fortifying and energizing! The green airstream bestows healthy well-being and stability. It assists in relieving anxiety! Can’t tell what color the wind is? Notice your feelings, as you experience the breeze – that tenderly exchanges energy with you. An element of nature that features sounds, colors and emotions is the wind. Its different sounds correlate to musical notes and colors. This “strikes chords” within you! Consider spending a day on a computer and recall how flat and dull it makes you feel. Unseen electronic energy waves subtly drain health. Contrast that with a walk in the woods or

even just enjoying the friendly trees lining the street. Nature, and yes her melodious voice - the wind sings us vitalizing melodies. Windmills harness the wind’s energy on a large level. On a smaller scale, the wind creates sounds, which you ingest. The wind’s gliding tones contain juicy little frequencies that your body loves. You don’t hear these tones in musical scales today. There can be countless frequencies inbetween some of the smallest intervals that we hear in music. Our bodies need all these rarely-heard frequencies for balance and health! Our friend, the wind, softly sings these invigorating and healing mini-tones. The wind has many musical tools that she uses, in addition to musical pitches. The weather affects tiny nuances of the “music of the wind”, as she holds moisture and smog. Moistwinds feel differently than drywinds, creating characteristic sensations, regardless of the

pitch. It’s like listening to the same song played by a trumpet versus a violin. Music created by a violin sounds different than the same music performed with a trumpet – due to the instrument’s harmonics. The moist and dry winds create different harmonics, too. The wind creates pitches with its speed, but each pitch has a “harmonic-after-ripple” of sound, depending on the degree of moisture. The speed of the wind can puff and slow down, creating free-form rhythms too. The wind creates pitches, harmonics and rhythms! She is quite the musician! The wind and me? We are chums – singing our song together like old friends. The wind sings to me. I sing back to the wind – she listens. The wind takes my song and spreads the harmonies so they intermingle with animals, plants and all kinds of things. Most wondrous of all, the wind colors my moods and outlooks, with splashes of rainbow energies, literally painting vitality into my life!

Jill Mattson Bio

Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has produced nine CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Jill is a four - time author. (The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award). She offers an online Sound Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound! Free music & School of Sound Healing at

What is the Purpose of Lif e? By Tim Freke

Our Modern Soul Crisis…and the Purpose of Life Does life have a purpose? For many people today, the answer is ‘no.’ This is because the intellectual mainstream of

our culture has fallen under the spell of a depressingly bleak worldview. The great religious theologies that gave life meaning in the past have crumbled under skeptical scrutiny. So, we choose to put our faith in science. This leaves us adrift in a cold cosmos that exists for no reason, living lives with no real significance. This materialist philosophy leads us to a collective ‘soul crisis.’ It is characterized by an inner emptiness. It includes an obsession with trivia to distract us from our seemingly pointless existence. Our soul crisis is reaching epidemic proportions. We human beings need meaning as much as we need food and shelter; perhaps more so. Human beings made resilient by meaning can withstand terrible adversity. Enlivened by meaning, we can create new worlds. Humans given hope by meaning can face the

inevitability of death. A New Philosophy of Emergent Spirituality In my latest book ‘Soul Story’ we explore a new philosophy of life called ‘Emergent Spirituality.’ It brings together modern scientific knowledge with perennial spiritual wisdom. Thus, it creates a new worldview that reveals the profound meaning of our lives. It offers that existence does not have a purpose exactly because the purpose is inherent in what the universe is. By way of explanation, science shows us that the cosmos has been evolving for 13.8 billion years since the big bang. What existed before this first moment, when the primitive universe came into existence, and the process of evolution began? This is a tricky question, but we can say that the source of all that exists is the potentiality for all that exists. The source of

the universe is the potentiality for energy and matter, stars, and planets, insects and animals, all of us--everything that has ever been and ever will be. Primal Potentiality - New Possibilities and Purpose The evolving cosmos is the process of the primal potentiality. It continually realizes new possibilities that never came into existence before. At some point: -hydrogen and oxygen combined and water existed for the first time; -the eye evolved, and then there was the color for the first time; -the thought arose so we could communicate with ideas for the first time.

The Purpose of Life Involves Evolution The purpose of existence is the process of evolution. What does this mean for humanity? We are the most emergent aspects of the universe because what defines us above all is that we ‘soul beings.’ The universe first evolved as the complexity of the matter, and then the diversity of life, and finally it arrived as the experience of psyche or soul. This is the immaterial domain of the imagination, in which you are experiencing the meaning of these words right now. In the grand process of evolution, we are evolving souls existing symbiotically as part of this vast potential.

The evolutionary process sees the constant emergence of amazing new aspects of reality. So, let us consider this simple suggestion:

We see that the purpose of the evolving universe is to continually realize more emergent potentialities.

The purpose of existence is to realize potentiality in ever more emergent ways.

We can suggest that our purpose is to realize our greatest, most emergent

potentialities as evolving souls. This means bringing the best in ourselves to life. Might we already intuitively know this is the purpose of life? There is a deep longing that most us feel to become ‘a better person.’ We feel good when we do our best and feel bad when we do not. Encouragement and the Cosmic Purpose of Life In turn, we encourage our children to do their best, both by achieving all they can achieve and by being the best version of themselves that they can be. We admire those who do their best. This may be through great cultural achievements, heroic acts that take society forward or simple acts of goodness that make the world a kinder place. On a higher level, we can suggest that the purpose of the whole cosmos is to evolve and realize more emergent possibilities ever. So, this is also our purpose as evolving souls. And whilst evolution is a grand cosmic process, we can also

understand it in the simplest of ways. This occurs through the profound intuition that most of us feel deep within. The secret to fulfilling the purpose of our lives is to ‘do our best,’ in both senses of this great old phrase. ‘Do our best’ by accepting that it may not be perfect. Because we are continually evolving, this means there is always further to go. But we must ‘do our best’ anyway, because if we bring the best in ourselves to life, together we can light up our world. About the Author Tim Freke is a pioneering philosopher whose work has touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. He is the author of 35 books, translated into more than 15 languages. These include a top-10 best-seller in the UK Sunday Times, and ‘Book of the Year’ in the UK Daily Telegraph. He speaks and runs experiential retreats internationally, during which he guides people to a ‘deep awake’ state.

Personal Growth & Development We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.

10 Unexpected Ways to Turn Motivation Into Success By Joyce Cantu

They say that motivation is the fuel of life, necessary to propel a person to any sort of success, but it is by no means enough to achieve something

significant. Filling up a car with petrol and starting it, will not take it anywhere if a driver does not know the right direction. The same is true when it comes to turning motivation into success. A lot of people have more than enough motivation, but they are clueless as to what they want to achieve with it, or, what is even more important, how to go about reaching their goals. It means that motivation, which is their important resource, is being wasted because it is not turned into success. To avoid the same thing happening to you, read through our 10 nuggets of advice that is provided by a custom paper writer who researched this topic properly interviewing around 20 people of different categories. 1. Set a Specific Goal One sure way to fail in

achieving anything is to set a goal as broad as “achieving success.“ It means that one’s efforts are not being focused, which inevitably leads to failure. To set a specific goal, these 6 questions must be answered: WHAT do I want to achieve? WHO is involved? WHY is this goal important to me? WHICH resources do I have? WHERE is it? WHEN can I achieve it? 2. Set a Measurable Goal To be able to track the progress and manage deadlines, it is important to set a measurable goal. For example, breaking a sports record is a measurable goal, because it answers these 3 questions: HOW much? HOW many? HOW will I know when it is accomplished? 3. Set Achievable Goal Perhaps you want to become a NASA astronaut, but you have unfixable eye problems, in which case setting such

a goal can only cause you frustrations. Choose something realistic ( but still enough to keep you challenged) and before you set a goal, ask yourself these questions: HOW can I achieve this goal? HOW much time is it going to take? WHAT are my resources? 4. Set a Relevant Goal This means that it is a goal which is worth achieving, can be achieved at the present time, is applicable and would not be frowned upon in the current socio-economic environment. Cloning a person definitely would not be a relevant goal at the present time. 5. Choose a Time-Bound Goal It is hard to stay motivated and keep pushing forward

if you do not set a deadline. Ask yourself these questions: WHEN can I achieve that goal? WHAT can I do to achieve it, starting from today? 6. Create a Plan If the goal is to be achieved, each step of the way must be planned in advance. It means sitting down with a piece of paper, creating a timetable and adhering to it by doing something that will bring you closer to your goal’s realization and do it each day. 7. Stop Procrastinating There is a good old proverb: “Never leave till tomorrow which you can do today .“ And it is the best piece of advice you can follow. Leaving things until the lastminute leads to loss of focus and energy.

8. Form a Habit You cannot leave it all to motivation and willpower because they will sometimes fail you at some point you will feel like you should just give it all up and leave without turning back. However, once you figure out a way to build a habit that sticks, you will keep pushing forward regardless of your circumstances. 9. Find Something to Relax Being so obsessed with your goal that you cannot think of anything else, can backfire and thwart your plans because it stresses you out and drains all energy. For this reason, it is important to give yourself a break from time to time. 10. Enjoy What You Do It is difficult to stay motivated all the time if you do not like what you are doing. Sooner or

later, you will lose your focus and give up. So it is important to ask yourself whether you want to achieve a certain goal because it satisfies your inner needs, or only because you are trying to live up to someone else’s expectations and be “successful “at all costs? A lot of things should come into place to achieve success. As we could see, it is not enough to be motivated, if there is no plan. Being able to create a plan and adhere to it is the common denominator in all these different ways to turn motivation into success. This means employing the so-called SMART goals strategy-specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time- bound. But it also requires a person who is able to develop a goaloriented mindset and do all it takes to reach a set goal and achieve success.

Hollywood Stuntman’s Fear Blocking Technique

My heartbeat rose as I stood silently in position on the movie sound stage of Captain America: First Avenger starring Chris Evans. I watched lighting technicians and cameramen make slight adjustments and I felt the wiremen secure the cables attached to my back. Sweat formed on my brow. Having captured Captain America with

my flame-thrower in a previous scene, my character was to kill off his best friend “Bucky,” played by Sebastian Stan. This would all take place on board a moving train no less. I was to fire at “Bucky” and blow a hole in the side of the carriage. He would hang on briefly before falling to his death. Ultimately, an angry Captain America would retaliate and take me out

with his iconic shield. Thanks to the magic of Hollywood my demise was going to be dramatic -the wire connected to my back and a high-pressure gas cylinder would cause me to fly backwards 20ft through the air until I hit the end of the train carriage. Let me explain, this is no mean feat – I was wearing a costume that weighed almost the same as my body weight! Now, let’s go back to me standing on the sound stage before any of this happened and I was thrust backwards down the train carriage and into an unforgiving wall. As you can imagine in that moment my heart was racing. And just because I am the author of a book entitled The Fearless Path, it doesn’t mean I wasn’t experiencing any fear – far from it. I feel fear exactly as you do. I’m certainly no daredevil, despite

what you might expect of a member of The Hollywood Stuntmen’s Hall of Fame! Nor am I an “adrenaline junkie,” despite the Guinness World Records I hold. I’m careful. I a methodical and accurate in what I do, which is why I believe I have never broken a bone in my 21-year career. What has helped me immensely is the understanding the psychology of fear. I have learned that fear is caused by two conflicting thought patterns in the mind; one in the conscious mind, and one in the sub-conscious mind. I’m not speaking of that ancient knee-jerk fear of snakes or spiders located at the back of our brains--those fight or flight fears are there for a good reason. I mean the fears that hold us back in life. The fear of things that might happen and what people would think if they did. I have learned that our thoughts are vibrational and that thought waves are energetic. There is a link between our thoughts, our feelings, and the world we perceive around us. Indeed, there is definite

universal connection between the thoughts and feelings we transmit on a regular basis and the life experience that’s reflected back to us as a result. That’s why some people appear “lucky,” with everything going right for them, while other people seem “cursed,” having one bad experience after another. The truth is that the “lucky” person thinks and feels positively for the most part and therefore attracts positive circumstances into their life. The “cursed” person, on the other hand, thinks and feels negatively so they attract more and more negative experiences into their life. So where does fear fit in? How can understanding fear help you to break free of any limiting belief systems in your life and push through to success? Well, we’re back to vibration again. Let us imagine that our mind is an iceberg. The conscious mind (the thoughts you are aware of) is like the part of the iceberg above water. The

conscious mind (the thoughts you’re not aware of, which is more like programming based on a lifetime of what you’ve seen and heard, starting way back in childhood) is the iceberg below the surface, the massive powerful majority of the mind. Once a thought is locked in our subconscious mind, it oscillates at a certain frequency. Imagine you are subconsciously holding a “low income” thought in your subconscious mind. I guarantee as sure as night follows day that you would be living a low-income life as a result. No matter how hard you’d try to improve your income, it would never work out. So imagine you earn $30K per year but dream of earning $300K each year instead. The conscious high-income thought has a much higher frequency that the subconscious thoughts delivering your $30K salary. The difference between these two conflicting frequencies is a cognitive dissonance I call the “Wobble Zone”. This is raw fear.

Our $30K dreamer, wanting to make $300K starts to hear inner dialogue. “What if I set up this new business and it fails? People will laugh at me.” “What if I invest my savings and it goes wrong? I’ll have less money than when I started.” These thoughts and feelings grow in strength and are persistent. You can try and bottle them away, but they aren’t going anywhere. Soon, the inner dialogue kindly offers a solution. “Why do I even need $300,000? I don’t even need that much. My life isn’t all that bad after all.” “If I stick with what I’m doing now, I can use my savings on a nice vacation in the future. Why would I risk that on a hair-brained scheme?” Let me tell you right now that the Wobble Zone is an uncomfortable place to be. For most, the fastest, easiest way

to leave this zone is to go right back to what they were doing before. The worry stops, the fear dissipates, and they continue on with their mediocre life. “Phew, that was close!” They gave up. The Wobble Zone was not for them. Like the goldrush miners who dug for years in search of gold, and gave up just 2ft from the gold seam that would have made them rich, so the majority of people let fear keep them a prisoner in a life they settle for, rather than one they desire. I’m here to tell you that fear is largely caused by a difference in frequency between two ways of thinking. I’m telling you that it is possible to remain steadfast and upgrade your mindset, and upon doing so, your life will change forever. When your subconscious mind eventually accepts the new programming for a better life, the fear disappears. Your mind creates the feelings that encourage the actions that take advantage of the situations delivered to your door. The brain itself rewires its filters to hide from you the things that

are unhelpful in your quest, drawing your attention to all of the things you need to succeed. All that remains is to take action. Back to me, waiting before the high-pressure gas cylinder. As the set cleared, I finally heard those words: “And, turn over.... we’re at speed.” I leaned forward to put tension on the rope. “Action!” Before me appeared Captain America who angrily threw his shield at me. A nanosecond later, a couple of hundred pounds of pressure tore me from my feet, hurtling me backwards down the length of the train carriage. I hit the wall hard and landed in a heap on the ground, my Hydra-Guard helmet slipping over my eyes. “And, cut! Curtis, you okay?” I was perfectly fine. Not a mark on me. Had I allowed fear to dominate my thoughts and feelings, I’d have never clipped onto that cable to perform the stunt. Indeed, I would never have fulfilled my childhood ambition of becoming a stuntman in the first place, nor subsequently led a charmed life by design.

I’m going to suggest to you that you start to look at your life, and be honest with yourself, and ask if every area of your life is as you want it to be. Not how the media tells you it should be, not as your family or friends think it should be, but as you in your own heart feel it should be. If you are not happy with it then know this--you can change it. There is a way to change your thinking, to navigate the resulting fears, and to go on to live your perfect life. It all starts with the decision to do so. Your future life is entirely in your hands--why not make it a fabulous one? Bio Curtis Rivers uses his expertise with goal achievement and fear management to deliver powerful presentations. During his 20 years as a top Hollywood movie stuntman, received a Screen Actors Guild award, gained prestigious inclusion into The Hollywood Stuntman’s Hall of Fame, and broke two Guinness World Records. Curtis lives in Manchester, England



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Learning the Difference Between Self-care and Self-love By Carmen Vasquez

Today I feel the need to write about something that has transformed my life completely and may change the life of many others too. If you have not experienced the wonderful world of Self-love yet, you will discover that knowing the difference between Self-care and Self-love can completely transform your life. We have all heard how important it is to take care of ourselves. Often it is suggested that we

must invest some money on doing the things that we love. Don’t get me wrong, going to the gym, looking good, receiving a massage and doing our hair are all marvelous things. After all, our body is the sacred temple we inhabit and it deserves our attention and care. But what happens when we focus all of our attention on this but we never learn to truly love ourselves? When this happens, we feel empty. It doesn’t matter how many times we go to the spa or where we go

on holiday. In spite of our travels and fancy restaurants, the feeling of emptiness just doesn’t go away. That’s the moment in which we realize that something is missing and -understanding that external things will never be able to fill that hole- we start looking for an answer within ourselves. In general, we feel the urge to search for Self-love when we are in times of “crisis”. When our lives are not working out the way we had expected and everything seems to be chaotic. However, it is not necessary to go through a crisis to start walking the path to Self-care and Self-love. Any time is a good time to re-discover who we are and learn to truly honor ourselves. As children, adults teach us to compare ourselves to everyone else and so we learn to use external points of reference to measure our self-worth. That’s how the self-sabotage begins. We learn to blame, judge and condemn ourselves. We criticize ourselves harshly, we convince ourselves that we are not good enough and then, full of frustration, we start perceiving ourselves as “failures”. Unfortunately, this attitude makes

it impossible for us to recognize our own talents and gifts, and we lose the ability to value our own successes. Once this happens and we are only capable of seeing the good in other people and not in ourselves. We start searching for approval externally when, in fact, the only place where we can find our true value is within ourselves. When we start to examine, nurture and take care of ourselves internally, that’s when we realize the piece that was missing was nothing but a simple word: LOVE! Self-love! Loving ourselves is just learning to pay attention to that inner voice called intuition that speaks to us constantly. It is believing and trusting that inner truth completely. Self-love is understanding that the path we walk is the right one for us, as it is different from other people’s paths of self-discovery and it is the only one that can lead us to that awakening of Consciousness which will create our new reality. Self-love is knowing that all the answers are within us and understanding that our truth is the only truth. It is accepting this truth in spite of what the rules and norms of society, in

their intention to force us into a robotic existence in which we are obsessed with the perception of others and we must neglect the well-being of our own souls, consider “right”. Self-love is dedicating some time every day, even if it’s just five minutes, to ourselves. It is sitting in silent contemplation of the miracle of our own company and understanding that we are extraordinary, even if we are not able to achieve the goals that we “were supposed to achieve” in order to be admired and accepted. Selflove is living in the present. It is loving every moment, special and unique. It is listening to our bodies and honoring their needs. Selflove is finding that inner voice that speaks our truth and reveals the divinity that exists inside ourselves and connects us to the Whole. Self-love is understanding that our energy is distinctive and acknowledging that we will never be like other people. Instead, we will walk on our own path and we will leave our own authentic and divine footprint. Above all things, Self-love is believing in ourselves. It is setting boundaries with others firmly, but lovingly (and never from

our ego!) so we can respect and prioritize our own soul in order to let it be. Self-care is honoring and respecting the sacred temple we inhabit, listening to its needs and maintaining its balance throughout the path of love. We can achieve all of this by changing the belief system that rules our mind, which we had nurtured for our entire lives. When we finally recognize the thoughts that limit us, we will discover that most of our beliefs -the ones that have created our reality- are not our own, but someone else’s. I invite you to consider this and start walking on the path of Self-love today! Carmen Vasquez is the author of inspirational and motivational articles that always share positive messages with her readers. Carmen is a writer for OM Times Magazine and along with her husband, the founder of Journey Angels. Her website has been created to inspire people to transform and develop their lives. Carmen is happily married and a mom of three beautiful angels. She lives on the Pacific coast of the U.S.A.

Music expresses that which cannot be put into words. Victor Hugo

The Number


How much should you tell other people about what is really important to you? Should you broadcast your dreams to everyone in hopes that others will honor your intentions and support you? Or would you be wiser to keep your visions to yourself and avoid

debilitating criticism? You have probably had the experience of sharing a fresh insight, experience, or project with someone, only to be met with an icy, insensitive response. “I tried that and it didn’t work.” “You will put yourself at risk.” “That would cost too much to produce and nobody would buy it.” Nothing is more daunting than someone throwing cold water on your hot dreams. Then you walk away from the conversation feeling deflated and defeated. I am amazed at how obtuse people can be when offered an opportunity to support someone. I visited a friend in the hospital who had had a very minor surgery. A relative in the room said, “I know someone who died of what you have.” One of my coaching clients told her husband she wanted to take a yoga class. He laughed and told her she was on her way to Jonestown. When I self-published my first book using my mother’s life

savings, the publisher’s agent told me, “They say you don’t make any money until your third book.” (The book went on to be a bestseller.) Jesus was a master metaphysician who understood the power of thoughts and words. He instructed, “Cast not pearls before swine,” meaning to not offer sensitive, lofty ideas to people who will not understand, and gobble them up. After he performed a certain healing, he told the recipient, “Tell no man.” Jesus understood that if that man broadcast his experience publicly before the healing was solidified, negative observers would cast doubts and skepticism upon him so as to weaken or undo the healing. Better to wait until the healing was gelled in his subconscious; then the opinions of others could not unstitch his advancement. A yogi told me, “When you plant a seedling in a field where cows are grazing, set a fence around the little plant

to protect it from cows eating or trampling it. Later, when the seedling has grown large and sturdy, you can remove the fence, and the cows will have a magnificent tree they can rub up against and rest under its shade.” Does the injunction to safeguard sensitive projects mean we should be neurotically secretive about what is important to us? No, it just means we should be discerning when choosing the people we share our visions with. If you know that someone loves and supports you, that would be a good person to include in your vision. Some people attend mastermind groups in which they meet weekly with a few positive friends to share exciting ideas and get behind each other for success. Cultivate and fertilize the soil in which you plant your valued seeds. Let’s say you share a sensitive project at an early stage and

someone throws a dagger of negation at it. Does that mean the project has been killed? Not at all. You can use the experience to make your project stronger. Use the criticism as motivation to go within and affirm the value, power, and potential of your project. In homeopathy and immunization, patients take small doses of viruses that would kill them in larger doses. The body then develops antibodies that prevent the disease from overcoming them should it return. “What does not kill me makes me stronger.” No person, no matter how negative or virulent they are, has the power to thwart your project or remove your good. That power belongs only to you. If someone judges or attacks you, consider them an angel reflecting to you your own beliefs, doubts, or fears so you can recognize and heal them. If you get upset or cave in when someone criticizes you, you must agree with

that person. If you didn’t, the criticism would not disturb you. Your issue is not with the other person. It is with yourself. Find the hidden self-doubt or judgment, confront it, hold it up to the light, and heal it with a greater truth. Because light is more powerful than darkness, you must succeed. As we enter the holiday season, you may have some juicy opportunities to discern who to share your sensitive truth with, and how to deal with people who judge or criticize you. Don’t shy away from these opportunities. Use each one to practice remembering your beauty, power, and worth, and that of your valued projects. Motivational master Jim Rohn said, “If you really want something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you will find an excuse.” Don’t use fear or others’ negative opinions as an excuse to not move ahead. Don’t let people into your visions if they don’t match your

intention. Love and support your visions like a pregnant woman would diligently protect and care for the soul in her womb. Then your progeny will grow into powerful, mature, successful adults. Everyone is your teacher. Some teach through loving support, and others teach through challenge. Become a spiritual master by using the power of the word to your highest advantage. Alan Cohen is the author of A Course in Miracles Made Easy; mastering the Journey from Fear to Love. Join Alan and friends in Hawaii, Feb 26 - March 2 for a rare retreat, Unplugged. Put your devices aside for a few days, liberate yourself from technology, and reconnect with yourself and your life. For more information about this program, Alan’s books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes, online courses, and weekly radio show, visit www.

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November B 2017 Contributors Writers Alan Cohen Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. Arthur Telling Carl Greer, PhD, Psy.D Carmen Vasquez Curtis Rivers Jill Mattson John Holland Joyce Cantu Judi Lynch Laleh A. Hancock Marcia Sirota, MD Sunanda Sharma Tim Freke Victor Fuhrman

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