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Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
Fighting Fatigue
by Ginger McBride
earn how to fight fatigue
It can be helpful to focus on the root
naturally while improving
cause to achieve solutions. It can be
mood, focus, energy, and
surprising with a few slight changes in
our daily lives that can be achieved.
Fighting fatigue in our daily lives is never easy. It is essential to have
We have heard our whole lives how
enough energy and focus for our work,
important exercise is. It can be a
personal lives, and various activities
fantastic tool in fighting fatigue,
we may partake in. Sometimes it
as long we remember to keep it
may seem like there is never enough
in balance, be mindful, and resist
energy throughout the day. We find
overtraining. It has been studied that
ourselves dragging mid-day, and it
exercising actually increases energy.
often feels as if we are on autopilot.
When we don't feel great, it can be
OM TIMES | August 2021
hard to motivate ourselves to get
struggle too. Among many symptoms,
up and to move. It is probably the
we don't want to wash away vital
last thing we want to do. When we
vitamins and minerals in the process.
exercise, it releases endorphins that lift our mood and have positive feelings.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that a restful night's sleep can do
Another concept to keep in mind is
wonders for us. The typical adult
our water intake. We want to make
needs seven to eight hours of rest.
sure we are not dehydrated or less
However, it is possible to over rest.
commonly over-hydrated. Dehydration
Leaving our bodies in this state too
has been linked to moodiness, fatigue,
long may have us moving slower
and concentration issues. When
or more sluggish come morning.
properly hydrated, our vasodilation
We want to keep in mind to have
increases in our brains' arteries, which
a regular bedtime to enhance our
helps get oxygen and glucose to the
sleep-wake cycle. It is also important
brain, thus improving mood and
to note if we are tossing and turning
mental clarity. On the other hand,
and how many times we are waking
when we over-hydrate, our body can
up in the night.
OM TIMES | August 2021
OM TIMES | August 2021
Many stimulants may feel as if they
Achieve a restful night's sleep without
contribute to our energy and focus;
feeling sluggish when the new day
however, in many cases, it is more the
comes. Strive to live a life with fewer
illusion of energy than energy itself.
stimulants. When we veer off this
Excessive caffeine is a great example
path, we may find ourselves with
of this, especially if combined with lots
less than appealing circumstances
of additives and simple sugars. We will
that affect our mental and physical
get that initial rush at first but then
health. Through lifestyle choices,
later find ourselves crashing, and even
mindfulness of our limits, we can
though we don't feel like we have a lot
improve our mood, focus, energy, and
of energy, we still struggle with going to
sleep. This is because caffeine can stay in our system for up to fourteen hours. We must maintain a well-balanced lifestyle—one where we exercise to enhance our mood but don't overly exhaust ourselves. Drink enough water, but don't over-hydrate to keep healthy vitamins and minerals.
Ginger McBride is a certified health coach, wellness expert, and entrepreneur. She is passionate about helping others with their health, inspiring them to reach their goals through motivation and education!
OM TIMES | August 2021
Probiotics for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
by Dr. Paul Haider
ew Medical revelations
Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and even
show that our gut
preventing cancer.
probiotic bacteria are essential for healing many
The number of probiotic bacteria in
diseases. Many of these illnesses
our gut should be about 4 pounds.
were thought to be incurable such
But most people only have 1/2 pound
as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
of good bacteria and multiple pounds
OM TIMES | August 2021
of harmful bacteria, or microscopic
the body, which predisposes a person
bacteria in their gut at all. This plays
to headaches, tension, bloating,
havoc without the immune system,
abdominal pains, diarrhea, and
our mental health, and our general
constipation. And they may even have
health and vitality.
numbness and tenderness in their joints and muscles. They may also feel
When we have an overgrowth of
like they have to urinate all the time,
bad bacteria caused by eating lots of
they have a hard time thinking and
sugar, complex carbohydrates, food
doing simple tasks, and they feel out
additives, processed food, that are
of sorts and tired.
not healthy for our body, our immune system takes a nosedive. Not only
Even many types of arthritis can
that, those very same bad bacteria
be caused by not having enough
start creating toxins in our body that
good bacteria in our gut. Those very
cause pain, inflammation, swelling,
same toxins cause inflammation
and our vitality and general energy
that creates pain and swelling. And
level drop to nothing.
we know that when our immune system is not working at full capacity
And this is what happens with
or is impaired in some way… that
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome… toxins
opens the door to cancer and many
start to build, and our body reacts
other diseases. A healthy body with
by creating exhaustion. Thus people
a powerful immune system kills
are not able to sleep well because
hundreds of cancer cells every day.
of aches and pains, their minds
But when we have toxins lowering
are fuzzy, they have sore throats
our immune system, cancer cells
all the time. They also may have
are allowed to take over and create
enlarged lymph nodes, headaches,
tumors and other types of cancer.
joint pain, extreme exhaustion, and many more symptoms. And all of
It’s vitally important that we eight
this is triggered by the lack of good
right, with at least 80 to 90% raw
probiotic bacteria in our gut.
organic foods with live enzymes. Also, remove lots of toxic chemicals from
Also, Fibromyalgia works in the same
our diet that keep us from having a
way, with lots of toxins building up in
robust immune system. Also, twice
OM TIMES | August 2021
a week was eating live sauerkraut
Fiber is very important for a healthy
and kimchi, full of lots of probiotic
immune system. Eating whole fruits,
bacteria. And eating simple meals
whole veggies, and some whole
with lots of organic fruits and veggies
grains… creates a fiber that produces
contain the nutrients that probiotic
a good environment for probiotic
bacteria need to grow on. Plus,
bacteria to grow. And fiber promotes
removing all sugar from our diet is
peristalsis of the gut, thus preventing
important because sugar feeds the
constipation. The daily recommended
bad bacteria in our gut.
fiber intake is 25 grams, and most OM TIMES | August 2021
people fall way short of that amount.
the growth and proliferation of
Processed food contains very little
good bacteria in our colon… thus
fiber and prevents us from meeting
boosting our immune system. Not all
our 25 grams total for the day. Eating
foods have large amounts of inulin.
a whole foods/plant-based diet
Here are foods full of inulin, such as
provides lots of fiber.
chicory, which is full of inulin, adds chicory to coffee in the morning,
Eat inulin-rich foods… inulin is food
and artichokes also contain large
for probiotic bacteria. Inulin allows
amounts of inulin and fiber.
OM TIMES | August 2021
OM TIMES | August 2021
Green onions, leeks, garlic, red beets,
the first month… and from then on 4
asparagus, legumes, Jerusalem
capsules a week. Probiotic capsules
artichokes, jicama, and bananas also
can be found at any good drugstore
contain lots of inulin. Grains also have
or health food store.
some inulin but much less than what we find in fruits and veggies. Also, the
This process can create hope for
herbs dandelion root and elecampane
those who suffer from what many
root contain inulin. Taking inulin
call incurable diseases. But they are
capsules is not a good idea because
not incurable, we now know what the
too much inulin can lead to bloating,
cause is, and we know what to do to
cramps, and pain. It’s best to eat
feel healthy again!
whole foods and have a natural intake of inulin. Foods containing inulin also
This information is meant to get you
contain oligosaccharides, which are
started, so you can do more research
high fiber carbs that are not used by
on your own. Dig a little deeper and
the body… but are broken down in the
find what works for you. This article
colon by good bacteria to thrive.
is for educational purposes only. We strongly recommend that you
Resistant starches that do not
seek advice from a GP, a private
break down in our gut create a
doctor, or medical specialist for any
wonderful environment for growing
medical practitioner when dealing
probiotic bacteria. There are four
with ailment, illness, or a medical
types of resistant starch, and they
condition. This article is not meant
are all important. They come from
to be a scientific analysis in any way,
different types of plants – Here is a
shape, or form.
list of some fruits, veggies, and other foods that contain resistant starch. Cooked green bananas have the largest amount of resistant starch for
Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helps people recover and
building probiotic bacteria.
feel healthy. You can also find
And it’s most important to
Haider, Healing Herbs, and at
Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul
supplement with 4 capsules of probiotic bacteria 4 times a day for
www.paulhaider.com – feel free to connect with him any time.
OM TIMES | August 2021
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
Ignorance – The Root of All Suffering by Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari
OM TIMES | August 2021
e all know that if
significant aspect of Yoga can
we find the proper
help us find our way through our
diagnosis for our
current jungle-state of Mind. By
suffering, it is
exploring their ancient wisdom,
always easier to find more effective
we can find practical tools to use
remedies and solutions. Sages
in our daily lives. So, that in all the
belonging to all faith traditions
negativity that surrounds each one
have found common ground in
of us, we can see and explore the
diagnosing what causes human
new positive possibilities.
unhappiness. They could fathom the reasons for the suffering of humanity and found it is all in the Mind. In the following five articles, we will explore the 5 Afflictions of Mind (Pancha Kleshas) according to Rishi Patanjali,
the great sage of India.
this world is that we always take our
We can remember many things, but
"clothes" (body) to be who we are! we cannot remember that we are Pure Consciousness and not just an inert body. We all are suffering
Rishi Patanjali, who showed the
from a common disease called "Self-
world the path of Yoga, talks about
forgetfulness." Identified with the
the five afflictions or Pancha
body, the Mind keeps moving away
Kleshas which are at the root of
from the real within us, straying into
all pains in life: Avidya (ignorance),
materialistic desires and becoming
Asmita (ego), raga (attachment),
entrapped. We forget that we
Devesh (aversion), and Abhinivesha
are Spiritual Beings wearing the
(fear of death).
material body.
Humanity has lost its vision due to
All pains and miseries belong to
this clouded state of Mind brought
the body and impure mind. The
about by these five afflictions.
pure consciousness, or the Atman
Understanding them as the most
(Soul), is unscathed by pains and
OM TIMES | August 2021
OM TIMES | August 2021
sufferings. But the grand illusion
For Vidya is not knowledge but
called Maya casts the spell of
wisdom with innocence. We
Avidya, and our Spiritual Self is
sacrifice our innocence by being
forgotten. Our Spiritual Journey
knowledgeable and then long to
begins with the most profound
return to our childhood innocence.
understanding that true knowledge
Maybe we play this game to be co-
is not acquired knowledge or the
creators of this Divine Drama called
intellectual, academic persona. It
life! Only the realized one knows
starts with unlearning, emptying,
the true cause of this mystery!!
de-identifying, and de-conditioning the Mind to retreat to its pure
We are not here just to be happy
and avoid unhappiness but also to contemplate what Rishi Patanjali
Most people think of Vidya as
calls the affliction or cause of our
knowledge acquired through
inner dissatisfaction. Therefore, the
intellect and the absence of this
first affliction, Avidya, needs to be
knowledge as Avidya. However,
contemplated more in our daily life.
the most intellectual and
Avidya simply is self-forgetfulness,
knowledgeable person in this
unconsciousness, and is our
world could be the victim of Avidya
biggest problem. We all need
(Self-forgetfulness), for Avidya
to wake up and become more
is to accept the transient as the
mindful and alert to recognize
eternal, the impure as pure, and the
the Soul as the "sole doer" and
unconsciousness as consciousness!
try to take our false vanity out of
That is why we find that a simple,
the way. It is said, "vidya dadati
humble, sometimes called ignorant
vinayam," meaning Vidya, proper
person reaches God faster than the
education or learning, confers
intellectual giants. Great Masters like
humility. Just think how good
Jesus, Ramakrishna, Kabir, Tulsi, or
we feel when we meet genuinely
Nanak enter this world with only the
humble and soft-spoken people,
deepest yearning to know the reality
even in unhappy situations. A true
hidden behind the veil of Maya. They
Yogi exemplifies humility. Humility
realize God. They are beacons of
is also accompanied by a simple
innocence. OM TIMES | August 2021
OM TIMES | August 2021
Vidya manifests our Soul. Avidya
is superimposed! Mind's play! We
hides our Soul. Vidya sublimates our
have forgotten how to stop and see
false self, and Avidyaglorifies and
people and things with the Eye of
sustains our false self in ignorance
Awareness. That Eye sees and shows
and vanity. Should we choose Avidya
everything as One. All divisions
or Vidya? Should we be subservient to
drop. Unity prevails. That unity
our false self or allow the light of the
consciousness is God and Love!
Soul to radiate through our humility and excellence in every sphere of
our lives? Authentic learning comes
Brahmachari is a globally
when we are prepared to learn from
acclaimed spiritual teacher.
the experience of life. Let life be a
With 40 years of meditation
continual evolution of consciousness.
experience, author, and visionary
Let life be a movement from Avidya
social advocate, founded
(self-forgetfulness) to Vidya (self-
Lokenath Divine Life Mission
serving thousands of povertystricken individuals. Received
To be in the slumber of ignorance and
Lifetime Achievement Award,
self-forgetfulness is not the essential
House of Lords, UK, 2015. Author:
nature of humans. We are not here to
Living with My Himalayan
suffer and cause suffering to others.
Master. YouTube Channel: Bodhi
Our true nature is awakening. Indeed,
we are awakened ones. All anguish
OM TIMES | August 2021
Shh and Breathe Your Soul is Speaking!
by Gail Serna
hen a person is
communicating with angels, spirit
at the correct
guides, and the Divine Creator is
stage in life,
the key to solving any problem you
one’s intuition
face in life. Once we learn the proper
will relieve suffering, enable us to
techniques and tools, individuals
make sound decisions, and discover
will be on their way to experiencing
our soul’s messages. Therefore,
peace of mind.
OM TIMES | August 2021
Feeling Safe in uncertain situations or toxic environments: Imagine this continuous stream that
Our intuition allows us to:
surrounds our bodies. The vibration is on a different awareness in your
• Trust and understand our higher self.
mind. It flows from one individual to another based on a person’s desired
• Feel safe in situations that are out of our control.
intent or thought. Since this is the case, some people may walk around
• Clear your aura of unwanted
with energy that is not beneficial.
energy. • Discover the language of one’s soul.
How does this play out? When we find ourselves in the mall, at family
• Make sound decisions.
gatherings or parties with friends.
• Your emotional pain will
The minute you encounter another
lessen as you trust and
person and speak with them, their
develop your intuition.
life force energy transfers to your field. By developing our intuition,
Using myself as an example, I can
we will learn techniques on how one
give countless scenarios where
can control this transference.
my intuition has helped me. It led me to the proper doctors
Clearing Your Aura of Unwanted
in 2011 and the right treatment
plan when I had cancer. I knew that I had to go to the cancer
Our Divine Creator gave us tools
surgeon in a particular hospital
to clear energy from ourselves and
over the other choice of hospitals
others. As we perceive what is going
and doctors in my area. Using
on around us through our psychic
my psychic ability of feeling and
senses, we will notice unwanted
knowing my journey was one
energy and clear it by focusing on
of healing. I could relax, and I
loving thoughts and using prayer
am proud to report my health is
protocols. This is the basic principle
better than ever.
of Intuition Development 101. OM TIMES | August 2021
Psychic Senses allow us to discover
Your intuition can help you make
the language of our soul.
sound decisions.
As those of us trust our psychic senses, you will develop your psychic
Good decisions will allow you to
receptors or centers, including:
stay on the correct path. How many detours have you taken that you
• feeling (clairsentience)
wished you could have known not
• hearing (clairaudience),
to proceed and go in a different
• seeing (clairvoyance),
• knowing (claircognizance) Imagine if you are interviewing for a This expertise will help you perceive
job. First, allow for this question to be
the flow in your aura and the
at the forefront of your mind. Relax by
surrounding energy. We all have at
doing deep breathing. Take a pause
least one sense we are using already,
and see if you can tell how it makes
and we consider it a dominant
you feel in your gut or stomach? Are
psychic property. When you develop
you anxious about it? Maybe this
your intuition, you will increase the
position is not ideal, or you need to do
awareness of all of them.
more research before taking a new OM TIMES | August 2021
place. Or this could be a sign that you
a series of choices, and when you can
should take it but keep looking for
manage your intuition and know you
the right opportunity. Let us say you
are on the right path, a feeling of ease
feel calm in this region, then most
will wash over you.
likely it is the right job. There are many practical illustrations of how
Gail Serna is an Intuitive Reader,
your intuition can guide you down
a Psychic Medium, a Spiritual
the correct route.
Counselor, a Reiki Practitioner, and a channel for Divine energy.
By combining your psychic and your
She empowers people to make
physical senses, making correct
sound decisions, helps them gain
decisions will be easier for you. The
clarity, peace of mind, and reach
stress of daily living will disappear,
their highest potential. Gail also
and you will gain the clarity and
teaches people to develop their
wisdom to know you are walking in
own intuition that they can use
the right direction, metaphorically.
for their daily life. Connect with
As you deepen your intuition, you will
her directly through her website.
build up confidence, peace of mind
and live life on your own terms. Life is
& linktr.ee/gailserna
OM TIMES | August 2021
OMTimes Magazine Relax… Let your worries drift away into the moment… OMTimes is a free publication and can be delivered right to your inbox… Subscribe at: Free OMTimes Subscription Visit our website at: www.omtimes.com
OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
Unheard Sounds: Do They Bless or Curse us? by Jill Mattson
OM TIMES | August 2021
ibrations constantly
sounds positively alter living things in
change us! Tiny sounds
the plant kingdom and ourselves!
may only change us a little bit, but their impact
A bizarre sound experiment revealed
adds up when we are constantly
that people are affected they cannot
bombarded. Think of the "seemingly
hear nor see. Scientists from Liverpool's
inconsequential" influence of the
Metropolitan Cathedral analyzed
Colorado River, having no effect on
the responses of 250 people who
the rocks. Then you look up and see
listened to a 50 minute piano recital
the Grand Canyon – the spectacular
with inaudible vibrations, too low in
result of continuous tiny pulses of soft
pitch for them to hear. The audience's
flowing water. Little packets of steady,
emotions intensified as the inaudible
subtle energy can change our worlds.
sound vibrations were blasted out. Those feeling uncomfortable before
We would not walk into a hospital and
the concert got increasingly angry.
randomly start taking other people's
Others, who were initially happy, got
medications, which are not tailored
progressively more joyful.
to our unique needs. Yet, we are subject to auditory "mystery" energy
In experiments, people felt physical
that definitely changes us – slowly
effects from the silent blasts: tingling
but surely. Science confirms that
in the back of the neck and a strange
waves nearby affect one another –
stomach feeling.[1] This should
changing our very essence. From
not surprise us as many scientists
vibrations emanating from nature
confirmed harmful effects from
and the midnight sky – to cell phones
unheard or unseen vibrations, such
and microwaves – we are constantly
as microwaves and electrical energy.
soaking energy. Yet, we remain
A science experiment conducted by
unaware as to how our auditory meals
students in Denmark demonstrated
affect us!
that unheard vibrations from cell phones mutilated bean sprouts in days.
Let's explore the dark side of "unheard sounds" and ponder if we are "lambs to
It is well documented that sound
the slaughter." Next, we will adventure
entrains brainwaves, creating specific
to the light side, investigating how
states of consciousness. Of course,
OM TIMES | August 2021
music makes us feel as we dance to a
altered with unheard sounds,
lively beat and feel sad with another
with a similar result – altering
song. Clearly, vibrations of sound
our consciousness. Can we be
change us.
brainwashed or influenced – without a clue as to what is impacting us?
At least within the hearing spectrum, we know the impact of sound vibrations because we
Do we choose our emotions and
can hear them. Vibrations, even
thoughts, or do we respond like
those unheard, can intensify our
robots to unseen vibrations?
emotions – for better or worse. Our
Inaudible vibrations have a
brain waves can be deliberated
substantial impact on us – our body,
OM TIMES | August 2021
mind, and feelings. We are helpless
country. This seems like quantum
to avoid the strong influences. Waves
entanglement (when two energies
near combine – like it or not.
link on the quantum level and affect another, even at long distances).
Finally, are there "Sound Stalkers?" Are people creating unheard blasts
If this idea is not delightful enough,
to hurt people? Given all the people
researchers display plants "singing."
creating computer viruses with the
The plant's tiny vibrations are too soft
intent of wreaking havoc… this action
for us to hear but may account for why
would not be hard to conceive of. We
we feel uplifted in a botanical garden
should monitor unheard vibrations
or calm down in nature. Unconsciously
and be warned of their effects.
these "plant songs" lull us into harmony
Ultimately, when are we going to
and a sense of wellbeing. People have
take what we listen to seriously?
hooked electrodes to plants' leaves and roots - to musical instruments,
Sound blasts can be used for good –
producing fairy-like music: a new
for nutrition, to encourage positive
genre? An experiment at Dananhur
emotions, elevate our consciousness
in Italy showed plants connected to
and awareness, and more. Plants
electronic instruments, producing
respond to music, growing better
exquisite music. Listen to this concert at
while listening to classical music, but
the YouTube video in the footnotes.[2]
how does sound change the plant's The Kairos Institute of Sound Healing
in New Mexico tested if sound In the book, The Secret Life of
vibrations enhanced crop growth.
Plants, researchers hooked plants to
They played tuning forks and hand
machines resembling lie detectors,
chimes over seedlings. The forks
which revealed their response to
were tuned to the frequency made
threatening behavior. Wow! Plants
by Mars and Venus moving in their
possess an awareness of their
orbits and other frequencies found
wellbeing and surroundings. Even
in space (raised octaves into hearing
more startling, the plants showed a
range).[3] Their findings showed
response to their owner's wellbeing,
that sound vibrations improved seed
even if the owners were across the
germination. And also improved the
OM TIMES | August 2021
quantity and quality of produce,
much when fed at other times. How
production longevity, pollination, and
did the plant know when dawn was?
plant size.[4]
Carlson noticed that birds' choruses sing loudly at dawn. When he played
Dan Carlson of Sonic Bloom noticed
local bird chirps at any time of the
that plants' use of nutrients spikes at
day, the plant acted as if it was dawn
dawn. Plants do not benefit nearly as
and utilized more nutrients. At least
OM TIMES | August 2021
one way that the plants told time
exempt? In the future, mankind will
was with sound. Carlson sells plant
use sound to control their body, mind,
food packaged with a recording of
and emotions, harnessing sound for
bird chirps and boasts a 100 percent
increase in plant growth.[5] Once again, a link appears between sound
Jill Mattson, a four-time author &
and the plants' wellbeing.
composer of Sound Healing CDs, combining Healing techniques
Joel Sternheimer, a French physicist,
with Award-Winning Music. Free
calculated the vibrations of the amino
mp3's - Solfeggio, Star, Flower
acids in plants. After he figured the
Frequencies, Fibonacci, and natural
tones of each, he organized the amino
tones. www.jillswingsoflight.com
acids in the same way they were in the plant's protein. When he played the
[1] www.reversespins.com/Music_
"plant's song" back to the plant, the
plants' growth nearly doubled with resistance to drought and disease.
[2] www.youtube.com/ watch?v=nXhhAXjKmIU
What do we learn from all this? Are plants far greater beings than we
[3] They also used planetary
expected? Are they also exquisite
gongs tuned to the "three cycles
musicians? Perhaps the biggest
of the Earth: the four seasons,
lesson is that sounds below our
the Earth spinning on her axis,
hearing range significantly impact
and the Earth going through its
the energies of living things: body,
processional cycle."
mind, and emotions. At the very least, in a romantic picture, we are bathed
[4] Leeds, Joshua. The Power
unconsciously in plant songs and
of Sound: How to be Healthy
lullabies of the stars.
and Productive Using Music and Sound, Healing Arts Press:
Sound and music enhance the health
Vermont, 2001, 2010, Pgs. 207-209.
of plants. Yet, we stubbornly believe that we are not influenced by sound
[5] dancarlsonsonicbloom.com
in the same way. What would make us OM TIMES | August 2021
Five Ways To Live Life With Out The Rulebook by Kate Rose
OM TIMES | August 2021
ife can be pretty amazing
the times things didn’t work, all
once you throw out the
the times you were hurt or felt
rule book. Once you stop
rejection, or the disapproving stares
doing things because
of people who don’t really matter.
you’re supposed to, and instead,
Honestly, there is no other way
you decide with your heart and your
to live life. Apply for that new job;
soul about what’s truly suitable for
call that friend you haven’t talked
you and your journey.
to in a while; say you’re sorry and move on, and that particular lover
Be weird. No, really. Let that freak
you can’t stop thinking about? Let
flag fly.
them know you love them. Fear is the limit that holds you back from
Personally, I spent the better part
your greatness. Don’t let this stop
of my teenage years and young
you and try anyway. You never know
adulthood unsuccessfully trying to
how amazing life can be until you
blend in with everyone else. It was
actually give it a try.
done in many ways, whether it was with music, clothing, pastimes.
Listen to your heart. People are complicated, and the right thing
I erroneously assumed that my value
may not make sense.
was measured based on the ability to blend in. Boy, did I have it wrong?
We feel that good isn’t good enough
It’s incredible how much easier it
many times, and sometimes even
becomes to throw the rule book out
sound can be wrong. Our heads are
after you hit thirty, and I couldn’t be
destined to mess us up. There may
happier I did. I am a weird freaky self.
not be a logical reason you should
An artist, yogi, hippy burning incense
take that new job, why you should
loving fancy drink making and lover
end that relationship, or why you
of life. The best part? Through the
feel drawn to someone. But there
years, I have the close friends I do now
will be those moments through
because I embrace my weirdness, and
your head can’t figure out that you
they love me for exactly who I am.
need to give up control to your
Screw Fear. Seriously. Fear is there
heart. Let your heart lead you, and
in your head, reminding you of all
you’ll never be led astray.
OM TIMES | August 2021
Live for the moment in this fast-
although no judgment if you do. But
paced society. We can order take
it’s more about a way of living life.
out, find a date and book a vacation all within five minutes without ever
Start your day imagining your car
getting dressed or leaving your bed.
is a spaceship as you drop your kids
It’s hard to slow down and live in the
off at school. When meeting friends
present moment. Many of us get
for dinner or drinks in the evening,
up and go to jobs we are supposed
making up fun-themed parties.
to or live our daily activities because
Plan picnics in the middle of the
we are supposed to. We forget about
living room.
living in the moment, about finding joy every day. Living in the moment
Roast marshmallows in the fireplace.
doesn’t mean dropping off the grid
Relaxing in a candlelit lavender-
and living in a cabin in the woods,
scented bath.
OM TIMES | August 2021
A life well-lived is a life where
danced upon our back. Also, we feel
even the small moments become
the way the hair along your neck
memorable. You don’t need a
stands up when your lover whispers
private jet or unlimited funds to
into your ear. Life is meant for love,
make this happen, just a little
so live it up, and get down—every
imagination and a desire to make
damn day.
every moment count. Amazingly, we find time for once Make Love. Make a lot of it; every
we stop doing what we think we are
day. This is by far my favorite.
supposed to do. So, why not call out
Move through your day as if each
of work today, surprise your lover,
movement is a precursor to sex,
and go on an adventure! Make every
to your lover touching you. Make
moment count.
yourself feel beautiful, whether that means dreads or a polished
After all, it’s the journey, not the
bob; a pencil skirt, or tye-dye,
destination, which matters the most.
whatever is attractive for you, and own it. Feel the movement in your body as you walk or the way your eyes sparkle when you’re talking about something your passionate about. Make love to every moment of your day; embrace your sexuality and the infinite pleasure that it brings. Live for bringing joy to your lover, and don’t be afraid to bring happiness to yourself. It is one of the greatest gifts of being a soul in a physical body. We can feel the touch of ice sliding down our skin or a feather being OM TIMES | August 2021
DO ANIMALS SUFFER FROM DEPRESSION? Animals are depressed for the same reasons as humans. However, they perceive reality in a very different way from ours. Why do animals get depressed?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are about 300 million people with depression in the world. So, it was just a matter of time before the question arose of whether animals are depressed or not. Depression is a disease with increasing visibility, as well as the theme of animal welfare. Interestingly, the reasons that trigger depression in an animal are diverse, but at the same time, enormously similar to those found in the human species. Many Signs are observed when animals become depressed.
Animals are sentient beings, despite not communicating verbally like us, showing depression in other equally indicative ways.
Some of the most common signs of depression in (almost) all species are as follows:
Anhedonia: inability to feel pleasure, usually manifested by behaviors such as no play, decreased sexual activity, or direct signs of sadness - such as crying in dogs or tears in elephants.
Anorexia: Loss of appetite. Most animals in deep sadness tend to stop eating.
Reasons why animals get depressed.
As social mammals, we find it easier to
Abnormal behaviors: stereotypes, selfmutilation, or other behaviors. Stereotypes are repeated movements without any biological sense that are maintained over time. These behaviors are a clear indication of depression, especially in mammals. Although the animals most studied initially share life with humans - such as livestock animals - signs of depression are being found in more and more species. The reality is Animals can get depressed.
empathize with those similar to us since the brain mechanisms that regulate basic emotions - happiness, fear, sadness, anger, and disgust - are the same for everyone. Thanks to this, you will find many noticeable reasons for depression in animals. 1. Traumatic events
The death of a family member, moments of intense terror, or mistreatment are events in an animal's life - human or not - that can create that state of extreme sadness that affects them at all levels.
The case of the chimpanzee Flint, studied by primatologist Jane Goodall, is famous for being one of the first to report the presence of pathological mourning in non-human primates. Flint was so depressed after her mother's death that she stopped eating until he died too. 2. Deprivation of Liberty
Captivity is one of the most common triggers of depression and other behavioral disorders in animals. The signs of depression in enclosed living beings are so widespread that the ethical debate about zoos, circuses, animal sales, and industrial operations seems to be endless. 3. All animals are depressed when they are mistreated
In those times, the typical image of the chained and hungry dog is the perfect example of arousing empathy. The direct experience of continuous aggression, abandonment, or deprivation of stimuli is the cause of depression in almost all species. This reason was one of the first to be studied, thanks to the natural tendency
Depression and Prudence
The study of the animal mind is a path that our species has just begun to take. While some things are pretty evident like a cow screaming for days when separated from its calf - others are less obvious. The balance between empathy and prudence has not yet been found. Our general tone is because it is easy to empathize with other vertebrate species when it comes to events such as the death of a family member or confinement. However, as we move away from our phylogenetic branch, more and more specifications require caution when making statements about depression. The good thing about all of this is that research on animal behavior is becoming more comprehensive. What unites us and separates us from other living beings is intertwined in a beautiful complexity that promises to answer everything. Tips for cheering up depressed pets.
The mood of animals is very important for their health and quality of life.
of human beings to feel rejection when witnessing direct violence. OMTIMES.COM
Although veterinarians cannot diagnose depression in dogs, there are specific symptoms similar to those suffered by humans that can deteriorate these animals' health. What are the symptoms of depressed pets?
As with people, depressed pets lose any trace of interest in the environment, become withdrawn and without energy, with no appetite or desire to leave the house. These symptoms can also be a consequence of a latent medical problem, so it is advisable to take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible to rule out other diseases. Some of the causes of this symptom are sudden changes in the environment, the arrival of another pet or baby, or drastic changes in your routine. How to Treat and Encourage Depressed Pets
Most dogs overcome this emotional shock with a little love and extra exercise. However, guardians who notice this change in mood and focus on spending more time with their dogs doing what they love and giving snacks when the dog is engaged in activities or more active are more likely to succeed. If, for example, it is a big dog that needs open spaces and many exercises to be himself, but that lives in a small apartment in the city where he spends a lot of time alone, a drastic change of environment is recommended.
While certain breeds of large dogs may be more apt, the truth is that not all dogs can live in a large city. And if depressive symptoms persist, despite the tutor's efforts, it may be time to find someone who can provide the environment the animal needs. Can I medicate an animal with depression?
Surprisingly, the answer is yes. There are antidepressant medications that work on both animals and people. Even animal therapists who, while not 100% effective, can help your four-legged friend deal with aggressive or selfdestructive behaviors. Most animal therapists are ethologists. They are specialists in animal behavior and can help tutors improve their relationship with their pets and deal with real traumas or phobias that hinder their relationship with other animals or other people.
Relationships The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.
Romantic Love and Spiritual Awakening by Johanna Kern
OM TIMES | August 2021
ith the
while experiencing fear and trying
understanding and
to remedy the emptiness with an
Acceptance of Love
illusion of material abundance.
comes a gift, which
we learn to embrace awakening. Our
What is this "Oneness" that some
romantic Love can help us to open
people talk about? Why is it
the door to receive that gift.
important to understand what it means? And – what are we supposed
When we are born, we are filled with
to do with such knowledge?
the energy of Love, and we expect to be loved. We assume that the
Love, spiritual growth, and being one
world is full of Love, and we are in
with all – remain abstract concepts
shock when we experience coldness,
for the mind, as long as there is a split
indifference, or pain. To a bit of child,
between such concepts and the life
Love is a necessity equal to food and
we actually live.
water. In fact, lack of Love is more damaging to a child than poverty.
To recognize all as part of the One Whole is to perceive and
When we experience a lack of Love
acknowledge pure Love in all. The
from others, we replace our innate
energy of Love surrounds us, flows
joy with fear and isolate ourselves
through us, and comes from us.
from others with thick "walls" to With the understanding and
avoid further pain.
Acceptance of Love comes a When we separate ourselves from
gift, which we learn to embrace:
others, we separate ourselves from
awakening. Our romantic Love can
Oneness and suffer or – suffer and
help us to open the door to receive
cause suffering.
that gift.
Separation from Oneness is a sign
The evolution of true Love in
of disconnection from the energy
a relationship always includes
of Love. Disconnection from Love is
the gradual exploration and
a sign of dwelling in the hypnotic
experiencing the 7 aspects of
Illusion of being in control of our fate
Universal Love: Joy, Acceptance,
OM TIMES | August 2021
Lowliness (as in being humble),
From Joy – emerges Acceptance,
Equality, Surrender, Equilibrium and
which is the second aspect of
Universal Love.
It happens when we recognize
True Love is not blind. It has an x-ray
and truly appreciate someone on
vision. It will look past your traits
a deeper level. When we admire
and past your looks. It will know
who they are beyond their physical
whether your behavior, emotions,
appearance or personality traits –
or any of your patterns are a true
we have a quiet, pleasant feeling
expression of who you are or just
deep inside. It is a very different
your subconscious programming.
feeling than being swept off our
Love will appreciate you for you.
feet by somebody's beauty or
Acceptance has a profound impact
personality traits. It is a deep and
on how we want to cherish our
sincere feeling which surprisingly
partner, and so it prompts us to
translates to Joy.
invite romance into our life. OM TIMES | August 2021
Commitment is closely related
Equality leads to Surrender to Love's
to the next aspect of Love. That
energy, which teaches us that there
aspect is called Humility (or
needs to be Equilibrium between
Lowliness). In a relationship of
fulfilling our and our partner's/
true Love, Humility affects how
spouse's desires a balancing our
we honor the other person's
preferences. Such Surrender to Love
truthfulness and not consider
means true Reconciliation with
any of our needs more important
than theirs. Reconciliation with Love leads to The very beautiful aspect of Love
that follows Acceptance is Equality. When we recognize Equality in our
According to what many
relationship, we recognize our equal
philosophers, mystics, and belief
rights and privileges to create the
systems have been saying for
incredible relationship we want.
thousands of years, and according
OM TIMES | August 2021
OM TIMES | August 2021
to quantum field theory, the
high-f requency Intentions have
higher the frequency of vibrations,
enormous power to change reality
the higher their impact on
in a blink of an eye because of the
everything else.
quality of their vibrations. And they open the door for receiving the gift
When we examine human
of "awakening."
brainwaves, for instance, we find out that those of the highest frequency
Our Romantic Love allows us to
of vibration, especially Gamma
open that gate.
waves, are related to expanded consciousness, altruism, and the so-
We are lovers by nature. Let us Love.
called "higher virtues." Researchers
Let us be loved. And let us be Love.
are still puzzled because Gamma rhythms modulate perception and
Johanna Kern is a transformational
consciousness, disappearing under
teacher, filmmaker, and multiple
anesthesia or in a deep trance.
award-winning authors of "365 (+1) Affirmations to Create A Great
Another mystery for science is
Life", "Secrets of Love for Everyone,"
how Gamma waves are being
"Master and the Green-Eyed Hope,"
generated – since their high
etc. She practices and shares
frequency is far above neuronal
the Master Teachings of HOPE,
firing. It means that the brain
helping people find their own
cannot produce such waves –
power and progress in all life areas.
according to traditional scientific
Her story received international
research. (However, much more
attention, winning praise by
research is required since the brain
readers in North America and
"re-wired" for spiritual logic, which
Europe, and endorsement by three
uses high-frequency vibrations –
world-renowned experts: Stanley
functions differently from the brain
Krippner, Ph.D., Jerry Solfvin, Ph.D.,
using sensory logic).
and Brian Van der Horst. www.johannakern.com
Expanded consciousness, altruism,
& www.facebook.com/
unconditional Love – that is, the
"higher virtues." In other words, OM TIMES | August 2021
Creating the Music of Love
By Jill Mattson
veryone knows that Music
Both energies have waves, which
creates feelings. But "Can
combine in close proximity.
music create love?" Emotions, such as love
Recall how the soundtrack of
and the energy of Music, are more
a movie makes you feel. The
connected than we ever imagined!
soundwaves play your "feelings," as
OM TIMES | August 2021
if your body is a harp. Music triggers
from our subconscious mind as
your feelings. Hence Music can
an automated response. We can
indeed boost love.
program desired feelings by playing Music repeatedly. We can gain a
Music can create love, but a song
good habit from listening to Music
is fleeting, and so is its impact. The
in the background. This feeling is
bigger question is, what kind of
now dominant in our personality. It
listening-dosage creates a more
is part of characteristic essence. No
lasting love? You must listen until
willpower or attention is required
you fill up with so much love that it
for this upgrade. We can even sleep
alters your character. That is a lot of
with the special Music, as our ears
never sleep. (Imagine making progress while you sleep!) This
Using Music to enhance love may
powerful treatment is accessible, free,
seem crazy, but not so in antiquity.
or inexpensive and can be repeated
Ancient man created positive feelings
and repeated.
through Music and then listened for an incredible amount of time.
Music is a source of energy that can
With each listening, they ingested a
intensify love. How can we use this
tiny amount of this desired energy
to our advantage? For example, if
via Music. For example, if they
you wish to acknowledge your loved
wished to make a boy ferocious, he
one's beauty – be it their personality
was constantly exposed to furious
or appearance, then play beautiful
Music. Likewise, a gentle person was
Music to amplify the feeling of beauty.
cultivated with continual soft Music.
The author created the Deep Wave
Ancient sages prescribed listening to
Beauty CD, designed with beautiful
something special – many thousands
Music to make you feel beautiful. To
of times until it was dominant energy
stretch your idea of what Music can
within one's personality. Ancient
do for you, Deep Wave Beauty also
masters considered this the quick
contains frequencies associated with
way to change one's personality.
vitamins, collagen, and muscle in the face and neck. Think of this Music as
We gain a habit of repeating targeted
aural makeup, delivering the feeling
feelings repeatedly until they surface
of beauty on many levels.
OM TIMES | August 2021
Yet another way to use Music to
and time. The song also serves up the
enhance your message of love is to
feelings that you had back then, a
send your feelings in your words.
moment of youthening.
Remember emotions and sounds combine into one wave. You can
Here's a nifty trick to use Music to
say "hello," communicating that
enhance love. Identify a piece of
you love someone or are angry.
Music for your loved one and make
Imagine - if every word that came
it "your song." When this song
out of your mouth carried the
is played, your feelings become
energy of love. Your whole life would
entwined with the Music's feelings,
change. It would be like Valentine's
as both the sounds and emotions
Day all year long.
combine into one energy. This song now creates your feelings
Music links to our memories. When
of love whenever you hear it. The
you hear a song from your youth,
memorable song you bonded your
you remember when you heard it.
surfaces to is like a safety deposit
It transports you back to that place
box of love. You can create such
OM TIMES | August 2021
treasure troves of love that you can
of Sound Healing! She has
dip into – perhaps when you need it
produced nine CDs with
the most. Your love song is a gift that
intriguing, magical tracks using
can keep on giving.
ancient & modern techniques & particular healing frequencies to
Love exists without Music, but
achieve profound benefits. Jill
special Music can enhance it. Music
is a four-time author. (The Lost
communicates love like no words
Waves of Time – Best Book of
can, and "photos and stores" it for
2016 and Best Alternative Science
later enjoyment! Music can uplift
book of 2016, Deep Wave Body
you ever so subtly - with each
Healing CD– Best Sound Healing
transformative listen!
CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and
Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist,
Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best
Musician, and Author. Jill is
New Age CD – Silver Award). Free
a widely recognized expert
Music & School of Sound Healing
and composer in the field
at www.jillswingsoflight.com OM TIMES | August 2021
The Astral Travel Phenomenon By Judi Lynch
OM TIMES | August 2021
stral travel is the belief
For many years, Dr. Raymond Moody,
that the soul can leave the
a physician, psychologist, philosopher,
body, visiting other places
and author, interviewed hundreds of
on Earth and beyond. Also
people who had experienced out-of-
known as 'soul travel,' the practice is
body events. Well known for his books
taught with meditation techniques and
about life after death and near-death
affirmed by repeating mantras in Sehaj
experiences (NDE), a term he invented
yoga to visit Heaven's many planes.
in 1975, he collected information and defined these experiences'
Helen Keller described an astral travel
common qualities. He identified
experience like this, "I have been far
nine elements of a near-death out-
away all this time, and I haven't left
of-body experience. There are similar
the room...It was clear to me that
accounts of people who reported their
it was because I was a spirit that I
consciousness was floating above their
had so vividly 'seen' and felt a place
bodies. Others had seen themselves in
a thousand miles away. Space was
surgery or when they were receiving
nothing to spirit!"
life-saving assistance.
Astral travel has been documented
Many people have experienced astral
by many throughout history. In
travel unexpectedly while dreaming
1875 Helena Blavatsky founded the
without fully understanding what
Theosophical Society, whose teachings
happened. It's really more than just
included the ability to transcend the
feeling the anxiety of an 'out of body
body through spirit travel to anywhere.
experience, which is a different event
The religion of Eckankar describes
altogether. It knows you are visiting
astral travel as a movement of the soul
somewhere else. You are remote,
closer to the heart of God. One of the
viewing what is around you and
basic tenets is that soul (the true self)
speaking to other souls who are also
may be experienced separate from the
astral traveling. You have information
physical body and in full consciousness
that you would never have known if
travel freely in "other planes of
not for astral travel. We travel in our
reality. This is attained by shifting the
dream state while sleeping most of the
awareness from the body to the inner
time and may not remember it upon
planes of existence.
awakening. Science claims they have OM TIMES | August 2021
no real 'proof' that it is possible, but
of your thoughts and emotional
they don't have any that it definitely
state to choose what you want your
isn't either. Hopefully, scientists
experience. If not, you can attract
will soon discover a way to 'see' it
energies that can do more harm than
happening, and we will understand
good. It has been suggested that if
more about consciousness. The pineal
you are highly depressed, actively
gland inside the brain is a miraculous
practicing astral projection may not be
part of this phenomenon.
a good idea. It's best to enter the astral worlds with temperance, projecting a
Many metaphysics courses teach that
pleasant frame of mind.
you can fly, walk through walls, and bi-locate (experience multiple streams
In meditation, astral travel allows us
of consciousness) in the astral worlds
to become attuned with the universal
when purposely traveling. It is also
energies available to life forms. We can
taught that you must be in control
call on the metaphysical abilities that
OM TIMES | August 2021
are constantly evolving in humans to help us bring in peace, calm, healing
Judi Lynch is a psychic
power, and information we so dearly
medium, intuitive counselor,
need. There are many techniques and
healing channel, and author.
methods available to study. Practice is
She is president of the Crystal
necessary to help call in the energetic
Healing Foundation, Inc., a
frequencies to affect our dream state.
501(c) spiritual charity and
With time, a practitioner can exit a
writer for OM Times Magazine.
dream and re-enter. As more people
She has authored two books,
become aware of this, past beliefs of
Friends with Lights and
what is and isn't possible will transform
Conscious Ascension, and has
into a greater understanding of our
read for clients worldwide. To
evolution. Souls alive in human bodies
learn more or contact for a
with divine connections to help us
session, see judilynch.com
connect, survive and thrive. OM TIMES | August 2021
Personal Growth & Development We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
7 Ways to Make Clear And Conscious Decisions
by Gia Dalton
re you making decisions
purely reactive place, without careful
in the heat of the
moment or rushing into commitments when
Decisions made hastily can be
you feel tired, angry, frustrated, or
irrational and illogical. The angst you
vulnerable? Are your choices made
feel afterward is a clear indication of
from a strained, forced, impulsive, or
your misalignment with them. When
OM TIMES | August 2021
you make conscious decisions from a
transformative and rewarding. By
peaceful state of awareness, you feel
changing your perception, feelings
relaxed, confident, and empowered
surrounding the situation will
with a clear, uncluttered mind.
change too.
Feelings, both positive and
Examine the situation from several
negative, are often perceived as
different perspectives. Consider
signals from the subconscious,
alternatives and the consequence
meant for guidance. Conscious
of each. A deliberate response
decisions are made with full
is more effective than a purely
awareness of what is happening
emotional reaction.
around you and inside you. 2. Everything that is meant for you... Having cognizance of your feelings
will find its way to you. Life is
and others' feelings will allow you
constantly changing. The situation
to make decisions deliberately and
can change too. Many issues have
with clear intention.
a way of working out on their own. Sometimes the best decision is
1. If someone betrays, ignores, or lets you down, trust that it is
deciding to not make one. Set it to the side, and revisit it later.
part of a bigger picture. When you feel hurt, vulnerable, or angry,
3. Joy comes flooding in when
chances are any decision made
you release yourself and others
from this place may be irrational.
from having to live according
They will lack good judgment and
to a set plan. The ego wants to
not for your highest good. Making
judge, compare, compete, and
a permanent decision, based on a
place blame. Knowing oneself,
momentary and perhaps temporary
you are aware of your feelings and
feeling, could lead to regret
how those feelings play into the decision-making process.
Every relationship is an opportunity to learn, grow and
Suppose you are giving or
evolve. Changing your perception
receiving ultimatums, demanding
of the situation can be profoundly
a response within a short amount
OM TIMES | August 2021
of time, when you are angry. In
time, will come across a lot more
that case, this behavior is often
viewed as aggressive, lacking compromise, and threatening.
Decisions made with patience bring a feeling of relief. Most
An ultimatum that is made
ultimatums are given and made
after careful reflection, calmly,
with haste. Before making, or
thoughtfully, rationally, objectively,
responding to an ultimatum,
and realistically, with consideration
consider the coping skills and
of the consequences, at the right
state of mind of the person you
OM TIMES | August 2021
are dealing with. Ultimatums
When faced with any decision,
should be handled respectfully
remain open. Think outside the box.
and with grace.
Opportunity does not; only knock once. Opportunities come, again and
4. Be thankful for what you have.
again, flowing towards you, bringing
Try to Practice gratitude. Some of
you closer to your desires, and always
the best days of your life haven't
for the highest good.
happened yet. The Universe is abundant, with many blessings
Don't be afraid to pass on
on the way.
agreements, contracts, OM TIMES | August 2021
OM TIMES | August 2021
commitments, or opportunities you
you are tired, not feeling well,
do not feel aligned with. You will know
sleep-deprived, or taking certain
the time is right by the way you think.
prescription medications, it is not good to make a decision.
Trust your intuition. It is your inner guidance system. If you have a
The best decisions are made
nagging feeling that something is not
when you are well-rested, with an
right, making a decision one way or
uncluttered, clear mind, from a place
the other may not be the right time.
of balance, alignment, and peace.
5. Be confident and bold. Act with
7. Everything you are meant to
expectancy. Get yourself right, and
accomplish, discover, create,
then make a decision. It is best to
invent, aspire to, or have will find
come from a place of love. If you are
its way to you. This mantra can
feeling agitated or frustrated, those
help you through the decision-
emotions are mired with negativity.
making process. Believe precisely:
A decision made at this time may
You are where you are meant to be.
not be for your highest good. Making decisions consciously Confident, bold, empowering
from a place of peace is a practice
decisions are made after
that will empower you to live
careful consideration and quiet
authentically, deliberately, and
meditation. Have faith that you
with loving intention.
are where you are meant to be. Know that everything happens for
Gia Dalton is a Visionary Writer,
a divine reason, and at the perfect
Doctor of Oriental Medicine,
time, for your highest good.
Acupuncture Physician, Teacher, Speaker, Coach, and Intuitive
6. Before making any decision, get
Life Strategist. "My mission is to
a good night's sleep. Things often
Motivate, Empower and Inspire
look different in the morning. Take
the lives of others with Integrity,
a walk. Get some exercise, meditate
Beauty, and Love."
or take a yoga class. Allow yourself
time to process how you feel. If
OM TIMES | August 2021
The Infinite Loop of The Past
by Melvin D. Nix
hat's on your mind?
life, but you don't know why? If so, this article is for you!
Do you spend your time reflecting on
painful situations? Are your habitual
Our Mind - The Computer That Operates Us
thoughts on past achievements? Do you keep attracting similar situations,
The most sophisticated computer
people, and circumstances in your
systems in the world are modeled
OM TIMES | August 2021
after how our brains function.
stuck will usually cause your
Computers have a memory
computer to crash. If your thoughts
where programs are stored and
are stuck in the past, you will
recalled. Computer programs
respond to situations based upon
make decisions, send and receive
outdated information.
information and generate output. Our minds operate just like an
You will tend to react rather
advanced computer system.
than respond. Instead of being optimistic about an opportunity,
The Past - Our Primary Operating
you will frame it in a past failure
and not proceed towards something that may benefit you and those you love.
Our past is the software that governs our lives. Within its data are a combination of fond memories as
It’s Time To Upgrade Your Internal
well as pain and trauma. The past
stores our fears, limitations, wounds, and harmful experiences. When
Now that we understand how
we continuously recall the past, we
the past keeps us trapped in a
limit our progress, stunt our growth,
repeating pattern let's discuss how
and never exceed our limitations. It
to break the cycle. This process
prohibits us from being present in
begins with taking responsibility
our lives. We tend to miss important
for what we accept into our minds
details that are occurring, and we
and what choosing to recall.
miss opportunities. The Subconscious Mind Are You Stuck in An Endless Loop?
Our Storage and Recall Software
In computer programming, an
Our consciousness is composed of
infinite loop is a sequence of
our conscious and subconscious
instructions that will continue
minds. Who we are is entirely based
endlessly unless an external
on the conditioning/programming
intervention occurs. When a loop
of our subconscious mind? The
occurs, your program becomes
conditions of our environment, the
OM TIMES | August 2021
words that were spoken to us by
decide what we will do next. Will
friends and family, and all of the
we run or stand and fight? Will
situations we have encountered
we listen to our partner during an
are stored in our subconscious.
argument, or will we assume that we already know the answers and
When events took place in our
ignore them. These decisions will
past, the subconscious took a
all be made based upon what we
snapshot and stored every detail
recall and how we process what is
of the event. When we have new
currently happening. The only way to
experiences, this information
successfully navigate these situations
gets recalled, and we have to
is to be fully present and aware. OM TIMES | August 2021
Melvin D Nix is a spiritual teacher,
Breaking The Loop
author, and motivational speaker. Centering your thoughts, emotions,
He hosts a weekly broadcast
and awareness on the present
called "Putting On The Pneu You"
moment is the most efficient way to
(pronounced New You). Melvin
operate. The more we practice letting
teaches how to apply universal
go of the past, we open up our lives
spiritual concepts and principles
and hearts to receive healing from
in an easy-to-understand format
our wounds, and it will allow us to
so that anyone can use them and
break the loop and become the best
see tangible results in their daily
versions of ourselves.
lives. pneuyou.com OM TIMES | August 2021
What's Stopping You from Making That Change?
by Veronica Lee
or many, the restrictions of
had to disconnect from our everyday
the pandemic have forced
activities, this time of "isolation"
us to examine our lives.
has offered us a thought-provoking
Whether we have been
mirror. Most notably, the reflection
shut out of our in-person jobs, shut in
of how we spend our time - which
with our families underfoot, or have
paves our life direction - is staring
OM TIMES | August 2021
accusingly at us with, "Well, is this working for you? Is this what you truly
• Fear – of the unknown, change, wrong decisions, and oh my! • Uncertainty – lack of clarity about
what to do, need for assurances Regardless of pandemic restrictions, it is helpful to face these questions with willingness and wonder. Use the
• Lack of Confidence - Who, me? I can't do that, can I? • Lack of Support – little or no
opportunity to think of possibilities,
encouragement or guidance, not
have conversations with loved ones,
imagine where you'd rather be, what
• A concern of Hurting Others – If
your life would look like ten years
I make this change, how will it
from now. Ask yourself, "What will my
affect them?
life FEEL like if I keep doing what I
• Belief in Permission – waiting for
am doing for the next five years? Am
a green light from the universe or
I living in joy? Is my life fulfilling and
others • Disconnection from Soul
aligned with my soul?"
Purpose – the uncertainty of self, purpose or direction, loss of joy
Provoked by our collective predicament, our souls are longing for us to reconnect with meaning and
Let's take a look at each one and, in
joy and take steps to create the life
doing so, perhaps do a bit of inner
we really want.
Yet we often meet these soul
stirrings with hesitation, concern, and a plethora of "good reasons" to
Many efficient people box themselves
keep our status quo, even if we are
into mediocre contentment that feels
miserable. The biggest obstacles we
comfortable to the mind but lacks
face when contemplating significant
heart-luster. Often they build for
life changes are:
safety and eventually hit the wall of boredom or dissatisfaction. Then guilt
• Practicality – the need to be
(and worry) arises when they think
"stable" and keep everything in
of venturing out. Why rock the boat?
They insist and tighten the anchor. OM TIMES | August 2021
Examine your need to stay within
along the way. There is always
the confines of practicality. Likely
something to fear. And, for the most
you are far safer than you recognize;
part, our fears are simply fears. We
you've got security blankets galore
meet life's challenges and usually
and can probably cut some up
survive them. Sometimes we emerge
to make that quilt you've always
wounded and need healing, but - as
they say - more potent than our fear.
Whether it's "False Evidence Appearing Real" inciting you to
Fear is a biggie and can keep one
"Forget Everything And Run" or you
spinning for decades, finding
believe "For Everything A Reason"
different concerns and scenarios
and choose to "Face Everything and
OM TIMES | August 2021
Rise," the choices in perspective and
uncomfortable. We don't like things
action are always yours. How would
being too different from our comfort
your life change if you faced your
zone, wildly the unexpected. Though
fears instead of succumbing to them?
we can make conscientious decisions and plan well, there are always
uncertainties in the ethers and may even materialize.
The human condition appreciates, even thrives on, certainty. Sleep
But even with life's regularities, there
patterns, the seasons, our daily
can be sleepless nights, summer
routines are some areas where
storms, and startling events. And
predictability and consistency
more often than not, we cope and
hold us tenderly. Uncertainties feel
adjust. We're resilient that way. Think
OM TIMES | August 2021
OM TIMES | August 2021
about your own resilience, especially
primal fears, insecurities, and feelings
over this past year's pandemic.
of unworthiness.
Yet, if we feel the earth under our feet, we know the planet literally
Confidence spans a spectrum for
supports us. Additionally, we can find
many people, depending on the
ways to gain support from spiritual
area. One who is confident at work
or community groups, mentors,
can be insecure in relationships, for
therapists, and more. Learning to ask
example. Confidence corresponds to
for and accept help is also important.
our experience, practice, success, and
You are absolutely worth it!
our insecurities. Unless we are forced to do something, sometimes our lack of confidence obstructs action, even if
that action offers positive results. When we grow and change, we As toddlers, we learned to walk.
sometimes discover that we fall out of
We fell, we tried, we got up and
sync with those around us – or worry
continuously practiced until we
about it. We believe that changing "too
became confident walkers. Your
much" will result in loss and hurt, and
confidence can grow, but you need
our fear of abandonment or leaving
to try things (and fail) and repeatedly
someone behind can keep us put.
develop. A powerful mantra to affirm is, "When
I do what is in my highest good, it is ultimately in the highest good of all
Unfortunately, not everyone has
concerned." Living this affirmation
a sound support system. Parents,
frees you from holding yourself back
spouses, and friends may have good
in the sacrifice of those you love.
intentions and still not support you appropriately. And, even money
challenges can make you feel unsupported by life or our system.
Do you recognize the subtle ways
Not feeling supported can trigger
in which "lack of permission" may
OM TIMES | August 2021
OM TIMES | August 2021
hinder you? People who are rule
we feel can be haunting, even
followers or pride themselves
on being "good" often wait for "permission" to take significant
Simply put, as spiritual-human
steps, even if that Permission is
beings, we are essential aspects of
from "The Universe." Whether
Love/Light Consciousness (aka Joy).
the Permission is direct (getting
Therefore, aligning with joy - deep
promotion from a boss) or perceived
soul joy - is our fundamental purpose,
(waiting for a series of life's green
but our expressions and creations
lights to proceed) ,The hesitation and
can vary. In other words, when we set
holding oneself back is not good.
our course to living in entertainment,
That because of an underlying belief
we can determine what that looks
in Permission can be an unconscious
and feels like, remembering that the
journey and destination are equally precious.
Notice if you are waiting for Permission. Awareness of our
Are you ready to transcend obstacles
patterns is a vast part of shifting
for the sake of soul purpose and joy?
them. You do not need Permission to be who you incarnated to be or live
Veronica Lee is a Transformational
the life you envision.
Visionary, Speaker, Writer, Mentor, and Mystic. For over 15 years, she
has shared life-changing insights and guidance with thousands around the world. Believing joy
The most profound and likely most
comes from living an integrated,
confusing obstacle we face when
empowered life, Veronica focuses on
contemplating life changes has to do
topics such as embracing our whole
with soul purpose. We can struggle
selves, accepting imperfections,
to discern what that is or deny we
taking transformative steps, and
have one or be so locked into survival
awakening spiritual gifts. You
that soul purpose seems frivolous.
can find her on social media @
Yet, the heart-longing from going
veronicaleetv or visit her website at
astray and the disconnectedness
OM TIMES | August 2021
When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.
World Vision
Are You Ready to take off your Mask? BY ALAN COHEN
As I checked out of a grocery store, I asked the clerk if she was looking forward to removing her mask when our state releases its mask requirement soon. "I've gotten used to it," she replied. "I might keep wearing it even after I don't have to." Her response reminded me of a poignant scene in the movie The Princess Bride. Inigo Montoya is a swashbuckling swordsman who has spent his entire adult life seeking to find the man who assassinated his father. Each day, he practices cornering the killer, pressing his sword against the man's chest, and telling him, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Inigo eventually catches up with the assassin and does him in. As Inigo is exiting the castle, his sidekick asks him, "Now that you have avenged your father's death, what will you do with your life?" Inigo stops in his tracks, a blank look washes over his face, and he confesses, "I have been in the revenge business so long, I don't know what I would do without it."
We have all adapted to a threatening world with masks we lay over our natural self. Such guises often take the form of victim identity. The classic example of a rutted victim is Miss Havisham in Charles Dickens's classic novel, Great Expectations. Young Pip goes to visit Miss Havisham, a fifty-ish woman wearing a tattered yellowed wedding gown. Yet she looks much older, a bony waxwork.
It is possible to become so steeped in fear, protection, and defense that we may continue to do so out of habit and a sense of safety behind elaborate barricades when we no longer need to protect ourselves. This dynamic goes far beyond Inigo Montoya and Covid masks. It applies to much of our life.
On her dining room table sits expensive China set for a wedding reception and a cake covered with cobwebs. Many years earlier, Miss Havisham was jilted at the altar. She felt so crushed that she became frozen at that moment and found twisted solace in clinging to her identity as a ditched bride. And so she remained, thirty years later.
Like the checkout clerk and Inigo Montoya, Miss Havisham became so comfortable in her mask that she feared to remove it and never did. I will be glad to remove my mask and see the lovely faces of people I interact with. I miss seeing smiles, and I will not miss speaking twice as loud to be understood. I understand the reason we have worn masks, and now I understand the reason for removing them. When the war is over, we can lay down our arms. After World War II, some soldiers holed up in the jungles of South Pacific islands did not know the war was over, so they remained in combat mode long after the enemy had disappeared. People who go through traumatic experiences sometimes keep reliving the trauma even when they are safe. Sadly, the Covid pandemic has been a rough ride for lots of people. The ride will be over at some point, and we will be on to the next phase, hopefully gleaning lessons from the experience that will make the next phase better. Many years ago, a great golden statue of Buddha sat outside a temple near Bangkok, Thailand. When the monks at the temple learned that an army from a neighboring country was about to invade their town, they feared that the soldiers would see the gold and pillage it. So, they came up with a scheme to cover the golden Buddha with the cement of mud and stones, so the soldiers would not notice. OMTIMES.COM
Sure enough, when the army marched past the temple, they overlooked the Buddha entirely. The conquerors occupied the city for many years and later departed. But by that time, none of the monks in the monastery or anyone in the vicinity remembered that the Buddha was golden. They all thought it was made of stone. Many years later, a new king arose, and he ordered the Buddha to be moved to a new location. In the process of moving, a piece of stone chipped off the Buddha and revealed something shiny. A workman looked deeper and saw that it was gold. He ran to his fellows, shouting, "the Buddha is golden!" The workers took picks and shovels and released the golden Buddha from his cement imprisonment. To this day, you can visit the Temple of the Golden Buddha in Bangkok. Many of us have become Covid stone Buddhas, disguising our divine nature under a sheath of fear, protectionism, and divisiveness.
Meanwhile, lots of people have maintained our golden Buddha nature even while we wear masks. A physical mask cannot stop your spiritual light from shining. Despite external events, we remain divine. Now we are ready for the grand unveiling—physically by removing masks, spiritually by rising beyond fear. The Golden Buddha is ready to shine once again. Alan Cohen is the author of the bestselling A Course in Miracles Made Easy and his newly-released inspirational book, Soul and Destiny. Join Alan and musician Karen Drucker for a transformational in-person ACIMbased retreat in California, Into the Light, December 6-10, 2021.
For information on this program and Alan's other books, recordings, and training, visit www.alancohen.com
Hollywood to the Himalayas is the enlightening memoir of a reluctant spiritual seeker who finds much more than she bargained for when she travels to India. As a Stanford grad in the midst of getting her PhD in Psychology, Sadhvi Bhagawati Sarawati was comfortable with her life. Despite years of grappling with an eating disorder and trauma from her early childhood, she felt as if she was successfully navigating her way through early adulthood. When she agreed to travel to India to appease her husband - and because she loved the food - Sadhvi would have never imagined that she would be embarking on a journey of healing and awakening. Today, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati is one of the preeminent female spiritual leaders of our time and a renowned writer, speaker, and social activist. Sadhvi recounts her journey with wit, honesty, and clarity and, along the way, offers teachings to help us all step onto our own path of awakening and discover the truth of who we really are—embodiments of the Divine HOLLYWOOD TO THE HIMALAYAS is her fascinating story, detailing her time of learning, sacrifice, unbridled joy, deep challenges, ecstatic experiences, and peaceful contentment in India. Unique and powerful, and colored by a range of emotions including laughter, sorrow, anger, faith, longing, delight, and love in its purest form, it is an inspiring, unforgettable, uplifting read.
For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:
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