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Acharya Shunya is an internationally recognized spiritual teacher, ordained lineage holder, and authoritative scholar of the Vedic Sciences of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Vedanta. Acharya Shunya is a wisdom teacher and a catalyst for empowering health and elevating consciousness worldwide. She is an award-winning and internationally renowned author, speaker, and scholar of nondual wisdom (Advaita) and a classically-trained master of Yoga and Ayurveda.The first female head of her 2,000-year-old Indian Vedic spiritual lineage, Acharya Shunya provides a rare opportunity to receive authentic teachings from a genuine Vedic master—one with a distinctly down-toearth, feminine flavor who never lets us forget that our humanity is to be embodied and enjoyed. Throughout all her teachings and writings Shunya adeptly guides modern seekers through the core concepts and practices, demystifying and contextualizing ancient wisdom for modern suffering. She helps awaken and recognize latent human potential to be healthy, joyful, resourceful, abundant, limitlessly expansive, and ultimately sovereign. Acharya Shunya is the President of The Awakened Self Foundation with its international headquarters in California and founder of the spiritual and philanthropic non-profit Vedika Global.
"For thousands of years, my family has Shown humanity a joy-filled path to abiding health of body, mind, and soul. And today, I share my knowledge, most humbly, with you." - Acharya Shunya
ANCIENT YOGIC WISDOM FOR TRYING TIMES OMTimes: It is an honor and pleasure to have you with us today; can you tell us how you started on the Spiritual path. Was it a specific situation? Acharya Shunya: Karma ensured that I become the first female lineage holder in a 2,000year-old line of Vedic spiritual teachers from northern India. I was born into a spiritual family in the holy city of Ayodhya. Outwardly it looked like any other family with a loving dad and mom, kind grandparents, and an extended circle of family and friends. But as I grew older, I realized we were no ordinary family. My Grandfather and greatgrandfather were renowned Hindu sages of their time, nondual Wisdom, yoga practice, philosophy, and Ayurveda.
My father, too, was a celebrity writer well known and awarded for his contribution to elucidating dharma. For fourteen long years, I was steeped in the Vedas and its scriptures, the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, along with Yoga and Ayurveda texts under my guru, my Grandfather, Baba, alongside regular schooling. The 5,000year-old collection of celebrated sacred Wisdom from ancient India, collectively known as the Vedas, has given rise to several world religions. The same Wisdom influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass—and provide humanity with a uniquely accessible, yet universal and useful path to liberation and sovereignty.
All of this sacred Wisdom came to me without my having to search for it outside my home. My Grandfather paid extra attention to my training and grooming as a spiritual teacher because, for reasons (his soul knew), he chose me over many male candidates to lead our lineage forward as its first female head in the 21st century! A life circumstance that tuned my consciousness inwards was the death of several loved ones, mother, sister, and the loss of important relationships at the same time. I almost lost all my family to death, except for my aging father, one by one before I turned thirty. After that, Vedic teachings on impermanence and change and discovery of what is eternal and unchanging became my solace, as well as my burning quest.
Just as Darkness is banished when the sun appears, the truth of your real nature arises when you are exposed to enlightening Wisdom. You take the time to internalize it, live it, act from it. Today, I am not only content deep inside me, I feel complete despite losses. I also impart this same Wisdom through my Awakened Self Foundation, with its headquarters in the San Francisco bay area. OMTimes: Tell us a little bit about your book. Acharya Shunya: My newest book is called SOVEREIGN SELF. It embodies awakening teachings from India. With the Book Sovereign Self, I have tried to present a modern-day guide to the ancient Vedas' Wisdom. So that each of us may emancipate ourselves from restrictive belief systems and discover our true nature—that which is always whole, joyful, and free modern life.
Knowledge about this Self is critical in my onion. In the absence of this Wisdom, we humans have accepted a shackled and diminished existence. It is like the electricity saying, "I am the bulb." It is like the great river saying, "I am the glass of water." No wonder many of us feel our life is simply a jail sentence. We disappoint ourselves. We do not necessarily even like our- selves. We beg for freedom, recognition, and love from others, forgetting that our happiness, acceptance, and worth are up to us, that they are achieved through an inward journey toward the Self, never outward.
I hope that the Sovereign Self will help humanity awaken to recognize its unexplored spiritual potential to be joyful, resourceful, abundant, limitlessly expansive, and sovereign.
We don't recognize the more profound potential of being the ruler of our own lives, in full command of our own experience. My book, which is based upon the ancient Wisdom that helps us reclaim our sovereign Self, will give seekers back the tools to reclaim a sovereign life that they deserve!
OMTimes: What does it mean to have a Sovereign Self? Acharya Shunya: When any worldly being (like you and me) becomes acquainted with something blazingly bold, deeply authentic, inexhaustibly creative, fiercely truthful deep inside them and yet as if from beyond the mind, then we can conclude, they have connected with their true Self, which is forever sovereign or free and inherently empowered (does not seek power from the world), to be and become what it wants to become! On knowing the Sovereign Self, one becomes inwardly peaceful while exercising full throttle passionate engagement in the world.
Knowledge about this Self is critical in my opinion. In the absence of this Wisdom, we humans have accepted a shackled and diminished existence. It is like the electricity saying, "I am the bulb." It is like the great river saying, "I am the glass of water." No wonder many of us feel our life is simply a jail sentence. We disappoint ourselves. We do not necessarily even like our- selves. We beg for freedom, recognition, and love from others, forgetting that our happiness, acceptance, and worth are up to us, that they are achieved through an inward journey toward the Self, never outward. We don't recognize the more profound potential of being the ruler of our own lives, in full command of our own experience. My book, which is based upon the ancient Wisdom that helps us reclaim our sovereign Self, will give seekers back the tools to reclaim a sovereign life that they deserve!
OMTimes: What is "Soul memory," and how can disempowering beliefs (as you call them) keep us in shackles?
Acharya Shunya: I introduce the concept of 'samsara' in my new book, which refers to the "subjective inner world" of our own making, unique to the human-animal, not aligned with reality, as it is.
Acharya Shunya: More times than not, our conditioned mind acts like a veil, hiding our spiritual Self from us. It's like looking in a distorting mirror and believing one is distorted. Forgetful of our spiritual nature, we begin to think in the mind's fears and the gossip that goes around in this world. No wonder we undermine ourselves in numerous ways. We don't recognize the truth that we are the ruler of our own lives, in full command of our own experience.
While we enjoy our subjective opinions and perceptions, we can also be biased and blindsighted because of them. Unfortunately, sooner than later (unless we stay spiritually alert and learn to discern between appearance and reality), our Samsara becomes a virtual prison of sorts. Our Samsara can imprison our soul's true potential, creativity, power, inner joy, and peace behind the bars of "shame, compulsion, blame, and obsession." These are conditions arising from our distorted selfperceptions, delusory projections, impaired judgments, and false limiting beliefs about this world's Self and nature. In fact, I will go so far as to say that all humans (myself included) are prisoners in their respective virtual Samsara, to begin with, until we awaken spiritually through proper instruction and consciously cultivate a 'prison free' or 'delusion free' mind. Developing this illumined awareness is a matter of choice (most people like to stay distracted). That is why I alert humanity to the existence of prion-like "samsara' in my new book and invite all sincere seekers who wish to break free, to use the cognitive and meditative tools provided, to shed any unconscious bias and self-limiting conditioning.
Fortunately, there is such a thing as soul memory known as "Atma vasana" in the Vedas. It is lodged deep down within us. Sooner or later, this memory will show up in our conscious mind or become activated by reading and hearing spiritually activating words. And when that happens, we start "yearning" for our real being. Suddenly, we may prefer quietly sitting in the backyard quietly or meditating over shopping or partying with our best friends, contemplating our teacher's words over watching television or browsing on the internet. We start searching for not just any spiritual teacher, but our guru. As a last resort, we at least sign up for long-term psychotherapy to figure out the existential muddle! We become students of life, take spiritual workshops and wellness courses, read magazines like this one, take long walks in nature, and rediscover the joy of solitude.
OMTimes: How we create our own prisons of shame, compulsion, blame, and obsession—and how can you begin to break free?
But soul memory becoming activated is not enough. Sooner or later, we need to follow it up with imbibing mind purifying Self-knowledge – and stay clear of spiritual fads, trends, and cults. Only then will we be able to part the dark clouds in our inner sky and reclaim the joyous light of our inner sun! Soul memory will emerge at different times (in other lifetimes) in all of us. When it does, we should take advantage of it and expose it to mature, tries and tested awakening wisdom that changes our paradigm, from experiencing bondage to the world and its conditioning to experiencing inner sovereignty. OMTimes: How can one go about transforming our Jiva (Limited Self) to our infinite and bondless Atman Version? Are there any practices that may facilitate that? Acharya Shunya: Shadow must recognize that it has no essence, reality, or validity apart from the light. The shadow in your mind, too, has no substance, apart from the true Self. It all depends on how you choose to view yourself: The mind-based self/shadow with limited power or the Self with unlimited soul power. And here is the good news. You were never at any time, the shadow. You are always the magnificent sun. You simply forgot. With the Vedas' right instruction, the kind my book dispenses stepby-step, your spiritual ignorance will end, and with it will end any imagined limitations. It's like you were asleep to your true potential until then. But upon receiving sacred awakening, instruction, you wake up and recognize who you really were all along!
ACHARYA SHUNYA'S LINEAGE Acharya Shunya hails from a distinguished lineage in India. She studied at her ancestral lineage-based gurukulam, in the holy city of Ayodhya, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Here, her lineage has imparted sacred knowledge by the bank of River Sarayu for countless generations. As a holder of an eminent lineage, Acharya Shunya has been imparting Vedic wisdom for the last 25 years. She was nine when her grandfather and spiritual Guru Baba Ayodhya Nath initiated her into the rigorous study. Baba himself was a student of his renowned spiritual father, Paramatman Shanti Prakash. Now, Acharya Shunya brings the same sacred and whole-person learning opportunity to international seekers at wellness and spirituality conferences and events worldwide. She has also developed an online wisdom school, where students can access some of her deepest teachings from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
Then, you will begin operating from your truly expansive nature. However, this true awakening is not instantaneous nor spontaneous. Instead, it is earned gradually through assimilation and internalization of Wisdom on the real Self's nature. Guided Practice: The "I Am Enough" Affirmation "From inner contentment, the highest happiness is attained." YOGA SUTRAS, 2.42 Meditate on this positive affirmation to help break attachment: I am enough (because my joy, power, wholeness, and love lie inside me). This affirmation often helps us center in the truth of Self, instead of being tossed about in the waves of our samsara ocean. I encourage you, too, to make this your primary belief by repeating it to yourself often. It will change your life for the better. Your neediness will end. You will no longer give away your power in search of morsels of happiness from others. If it is flowing, good, but if it is not, you are still useful because you are enough. Breaking through the cycle of hypnotic joy-seeking in the world is lifechanging. Think I am enough thoughts, and you will be fulfilled because you become what you believe. Try it, and it will set you free. Guided Practice: Page 59, Sovereign Self, Sounds True, 2020
Guided Practice: The One Truth The Vedas say that you become what you believe. Therefore, I have provided some thought suggestions to help deconstruct illusion and guide your ego toward constructing an identity closer to your sovereign truth. As you meditate on these words, your mind will become what you believe. The veil of limitations and illusions will begin to thin. Every time you remember, I am Self, the boundless one, you will experience inner expansiveness. Why? Because expansiveness, not limitation, is your most profound truth. Meditate on any one of these thoughts to reconnect with your sovereign Self: I am Self, the Ultimate Reality. I am enough unto myself. My bliss lies inside me. I am beautiful as I am. I am divine. I am made of sunshine, moonlight, and starlight. I am enough as I am. I am sovereign. Guided Practice: Page 35, Sovereign Self, Sounds True, 2020 OMTimes: What type of Wisdom can bring a clear understanding of the Spirit (Atman) dimension of ourselves? Acharya Shunya: A burnt rope cannot be used to tie anything, can it? After all, the moment it is touched, it disintegrates into burnt ash particles.
If we humans expose our mind to Vedic teachings on nature or the true Self, metaphorically speaking, the Wisdom acquired would burn away our fear and smallness and reduces our false beliefs to ashes.
That is why the Vedas are often compared to a fire that burns away our self-ignorance. This fire has light. It illuminates our true Self in that light! Then our minds can no longer tie us up to false beliefs. Then, freed up or liberated, you will continue living in the world, enjoying the world, but as if freed from bondage to this world and free from your identity in it as a struggling, time-bound body. But wisdom teachings that come out of India nowadays are often offered in a piecemeal manner. They are disjointed, like spiritual band-aids – a mantra here, a yogic breath there, teaching here, and a deity there! This is NOT how awakening happens. It becomes more shackled than sovereign if you ask me. OMTimes: What attitude or practice makes a Mind Sovereign? Acharya Shunya: The Sanskrit word atmavaan means "mindfulness," in the sense of staying consciously aware of Self. It entails choosing to remain alert in our life by remembering: I am pure awareness with a body and mind; I am not merely a struggling bodyand mind-based individual ego. I am Spirit Divine. It entails not getting carried away by external circumstances and not leading an automated, scripted, entirely unexamined life. Let your life be a deliberate one so you can be deliberate in your every goal, not merely a clone of the rest of sleepwalking humanity.
.Only then can your mind, along with speech and actions, be deliberate and genuinely representative of the sovereign you!
OMTimes: You say in such a poetic way: "If you are the light that lights up this universe, do you really need to procure a candle for your security against Darkness?" Why are we so misguided when we start our pursuit of happiness? Acharya Shunya: You have pure freedom to define, redefine, or undefine yourself and your life script as you please. Only total freedom allows you to simply be yourself as you are right now or change your mind, despite any goal-driven pressures. The distractions, successes, or failures that conceal your higher truth. You cannot become free by doing or not doing any specific thing, by holding onto some relationships, or by letting go of others. You are open right now. If all paths have led you to this moment, then your freedom is right here inside the good, bad, or ugly circumstances in your life, right here in the challenge facing you right now.
OMTimes: Nowadays, it seems that people are creating systems to Self-Help (the feelgood tools) and Self-Awaken themselves. In your opinion, how important is the role of a Guru in the process of the spiritual awakening of real seekers? Acharya Shunya: The Sanskrit word "guru" is derived from the root "ghri," which means "to enlighten the mind." The sound "gu" refers to Darkness. The sound "ru" refers to the light of knowledge that drives away the Darkness. The guru is the one who dispels the darkness of ignorance of our blinding, suffering mind by igniting a steady lamp of knowledge. According to the Vedas, a real guru's words remind us of our sovereign potential. A true guru won't ask us to worship them, for example, but rather to look for what is worth worshipping within ourselves.
You put it rightly, nowadays, almost anyone and anything can be a guru. Besides, people feel they can help themselves awaken with books and audio teachings. But while the Selfhelp industry imparts paradigm-shifting new ideas, a book, or a blog will not talk back to us. They cannot engage us in a dialogue to weed out our false assumptions, can they? That is what a guru does until our metaphysical self-ignorance is entirely shed. The guru says, look within (not toward me) to find the truth, your destination, where you can rest at last, inside you. The only trip that you must now accomplish is to turn toward your own Self. I am a consultant, a guide, a mentor, a professor of the Vedas, not God. The outer guru assists the emergence of your inner guru. OMTIMES /JAN 2021
OMTimes: You mentioned that a Guru is a dispeller of Darkness and ignorance. One should rely on a reliable teacher to clarify their doubts and release them from limiting beliefs. But isn't a submission to a Human Guru contrary to the Goal of Sovereignty? Acharya Shunya: I respond to this important the question in this way: To a teacher whom you have accepted after due examination and discernment, submit your self-ignorance, not your self-esteem or your right to selfdetermine your life!
The Vedic tradition is built not on blind trust but rather trust supported by reason. It promotes regular dialogue between the seeker and Master. Besides, isn't submission something we do all the time? We submit our health to the hands of a doctor; we submit our child to the hands of a trusted babysitter. We even surrender our entire body and life into the hands of our trusted surgeon before going under anesthesia.
But before submitting our ignorance to a guru, what we must ascertain is the guru's worthiness. Nowhere does the classical Vedic tradition ask for The Vedas ask seekers to examine the guru the student to become a subservient slave. This before taking them on as mentors and teachers. exists in certain cults, but it is a pathology Teachers must screen students. This keeps emanating from false gurus' corrupted minds everyone on their toes. and deluded, sleepwalking disciples. It is not the OMTIMES /JAN 2021 pure and pristine tradition of the Vedas.
OMTimes: How truthful is the old adage that says that, when the disciple is ready, the Master will appear? Acharya Shunya: The Vedas say that a guru is indispensable. When a person is truly ready to experience the truth of Self, a knower of Self manifests miraculously and leads the way. Do not panic if you long for a guru and have not found one yet. When your thirst for spiritual knowledge becomes intense, it is the responsibility of the universe to match you with one! FOLLOW ACHARYA SHUNYA
https://www.acharyashunya.com/sovereign-self-book Issue 27 | 234
Awaken Your Inner Freedom With A Groundbreaking Guide To Vedic Wisdom Begin the Journey to Bold Self-Acceptance and Fearlessness Break Free of Shame, Blame, and Compulsions Soar in Your Inner Light, Autonomy, Soul Power, and Joy Gain access to 2000-year-old spiritual guidance and original meditation
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Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
8 Holistic Healing Modalities that Can Help Heal Yourself By Humanity Healing OM TIMES | January 2021
release micro opioid substances that will work by stimulating or sedating
Alternative therapies, or additional therapies, have a holistic view of the patient's problem. In this way, they treat you, looking at your physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological state.
the organs' specific pathways.
REIKI Reiki is one of the best-known alternative therapies that work to harmonize the being integral. The patient is seen through Reiki as body,
Homeopathy is one of the forms of
mind, and soul, and all of this is taken
alternative therapy. She unites the
care of.
benefits of medicine with the benefits of treatments. She tries to rescue the
The energy of this therapy is brought
patient's Health by stimulating vital
where the patient is most in need.
energy in him to heal himself.
The energy will go where it needs to go.
People have a physiological process
In Reiki, sick cells are worked on. Good
of self-healing and homeopathy in
cells are energized to treat diseased
themselves so that this internal system
cells so that the latter is improved
can find a way to Health.
or exterminated. Reiki provides a recalibration of all the energy centers
on the body.
Acupuncture is also among the
This type of alternative therapy is
alternative therapies that are
prescribed for any age and can be
recognized for helping to decrease
done at any time. Reiki is a powerful
the patient's pain. Also, she works on
Japanese technique for reducing
energy issues.
stress, inducing relaxation, and controlling and curing pain and
In acupuncture, the needle stimulates
illness. It is accomplished by laying
several neurotransmitters in the
on hands that transmit the universe's
patient's body, helping the energy to
vital energy through the chakras. The
circulate better in his body. Thus, it will
Reikian (the one who applies Reiki)
OM TIMES | January 2021
transmits this energy through the hands, usually without touching the patient.
Shiatsu is a Japanese therapy
THERAPY REGRESSION Memory regression is another popular type of alternative therapy. The therapy proposal is for the patient to search his memory for anything that may have caused his illness or disorder. I can help individuals to find the root cause of their problems. It aims to work on the patient's different behavioral disorders, whether they are mental, emotional, or physical problems.
developed between the end of the 19th century and the 20th century. It consists of applying pressure with fingers and hands at specific and vital points for our body, called meridians. With this therapy, it is possible to control many health problems such as constipation, PMS symptoms, relief of muscle pain, and even flu and pneumonia prevention.
AROMATHERAPY Aromatherapy is a branch of herbal
OM TIMES | January 2021
medicine that uses aromas to treat
through Yoga, such as postural
mainly emotional problems. Using
readjustment, improved sleep quality,
natural plant oils, the technique uses
circulatory issues, memory problems,
the oils' psychological powers to help
and many others.
control stress, emotional imbalances, and local pain.
FLORAL MEDICE Essences, remedies, or elixirs, the fact is that the Bach Flowers are
Yoga is a complete practice that
gaining the confidence of even the
generates emotional and physical
most skeptical when it comes to
well-being. The method uses
homeopathy. Made from mature
stretching, fitness, and meditation
flowers, plants, shrubs, or even water
exercises to achieve a better quality of
springs, these essences were created
life and Health.
between 1928 and 1936 by the English homeopath, immunologist, and
Several problems are controlled
bacteriologist Edward Bach. They
OM TIMES | January 2021
OM TIMES | January 2021
promise to bring healing to the
that, as it is a severe psychological
individual through emotional balance.
condition, under no circumstances is
Divided into seven general emotional
it advisable to use flowers or any other
groups by their creator, the 38 Bach
alternative therapy without informing
flowers are individually related to
a responsible doctor. This is true,
a specific emotional state. To find
especially if you already have ongoing
themselves so well defined in their
groups, Bach understood the need to unify diseases' origin into seven human
The floral will not hurt you or influence
defects: greed, cruelty, selfishness,
the treatment offered by this Health
gluttony, ignorance, mental instability,
professional. However, by acting in
hatred, and pride. Such illnesses could
parallel, the floral effects can show
also find balance through seven paths:
false results on the doctor's treatment.
joy, love, certainty, hope, faith, peace,
This can cause the impression that the
and wisdom.
treatment is being successful when, in fact, it is the floral that would be
As you can see, many remedies can
causing the improvement, and vice
be used to combat and mitigate
the effects of post-traumatic stress. However, some specific names tend to be among the most recommended. It is possible to use any one of
them without practically any contraindication. However, the most
The remedies are more intended to be
indicated is looking for a professional
an additional treatment to walk side
specialized in the subject to choose
by side with other methods, and not
the most correct. Even though several
the only option for the patient.
specialists consider the remedies 100% effective, they do not dispense
Many of these alternative treatments
with professional psychological
are complementary to the allopathy
counseling and the possible need for
system of healing.
additional allopathic medications.
your Health -wellness provider before
Something of extreme importance
adopting any of these suggested
and that cannot be left out is
Therapies above. OM TIMES | January 2021
Please consult
Dr. Bach Floral Medicine and Numerology How Combining the energies and frequencies of Numbers and Flower Medicine can help you face the challenges of 2021
By Humanity Healing
o you know the power of
Dr. Bach Floral Medicine remedies use
Bach flower remedies?
plants' power to bring physical and emotional well-being into our lives.
See which one of the Floral
The combination of this treatment
essences of Dr. Bach are right for you
with florals and numerology is made
according to your personal year in
from the vibrations we have in each
numerology for 2021
personal year.
OM TIMES | January 2021
Each personal year brings a different
So, 8 will be your personal year in 2021.
need to the forefront of our lives. The
The ideal florals for each personal year
Bach flower remedies can help boost,
of numerology:
correct, soften the processes to live the demands of our personal year
1. It will be a year of new beginnings,
with a more outstanding balance,
progressive projects, and personal
poise, and grace.
and professional achievements. See the suggestions:
We alert our readers that the
Floral Medicine Hornbeam: To be
indications we make here are generic,
ready for new beginnings.
not individualized. That is why it is
Floral Medicine Chestnut Bud: To
necessary to analyze your personal
use past experiences wisely.
characteristics and your emotional,
Floral Medicine Walnut: To preserve
mental, and physical life context to
your goals without being influenced
use each Floral essence indication.
by others. Floral Medicine Cherry Plum:
To find out which florals will favor you
To have self-control over your
during this next year, you need to
know your personal year number. 2. Personal year 2 is a year of great Do you know how to calculate? It's
tranquility, calm, and peace. This
straightforward. Just add the digits
year will take patience, diplomacy,
of your birthday and month with the
and tolerance to deal with others to
digits of the personal year you wish
live well. Affective needs must be
to discover. Then you must add the
numbers down to a number between 1
Floral Medicine Impatiens: To have a
and 9.
lot of patience and diplomacy. Floral Medicine Heather: To control
For example, if you were born on May
your emotional need.
25, you will add:
Floral Medicine Beech: To increase
2 + 5 (of the day) + 5 (of the month of
tolerance with people.
May) + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 (of the personal year you wish to discover) = 2+5+5+2+0+2+1=8
3. Personal year 3 favors sociability and opportunities for personal OM TIMES | January 2021
fulfillment. This year, your good
Floral Medicine Scleranthus: To
mood and optimism will be
have greater decision-making
on the rise and will bring good
power and make the right
friendships. Just be careful that
your optimism is not exaggerated
Floral Medicine Clematis: To
and prevents you from being
achieve goals.
realistic and carrying out your
Floral Medicine Walnut: To receive
projects with your feet on the
energy protection in your projects
and opportunities. OM TIMES | January 2021
4. Personal year 4 favors a year
Floral Medicine Scleranthus: To
of hard work, practicality, and
know how to choose between
organization. You will need to keep
the various opportunities that will
an eye on your health and have a lot
of responsibility in the face of the
Floral Medicine Wild Oat: To find
decisions made this year.
your true calling.
Floral Medicine Mimulus: To
Floral Medicine Larch: To have more
have the courage and face the
self-confidence and persistence.
The energy of number 5 makes
Floral Medicine Clematis: To harness
you want to give up on the first
the energy of making dreams of the
year come true. Floral Medicine Olive: To take care of
6. Year 6 will be a year of many
health, relieve physical, mental and
responsibilities and household
emotional tiredness.
chores. It will be a year of a lot of
Floral Medicine Elm: To cope well
family dedication, which should
with the excessive responsibilities
soon bear fruit. We must be careful
that year 4 brings.
not to impose on others our way
Floral Medicine Rock Water Not to
of thinking and not judge others'
be such a perfectionist.
thoughts because it is different from yours. Our vision is not always
5. Personal year 5 is exceptionally
the most correct. It allows everyone
favorable for massive changes,
to think the way they prefer without
news, travel, and passions. Care
trying to impose their opinion.
must be taken not to overdo it,
Floral Medicine Red Chestnut: To
spend too much money, or make
control your over-concern with
unwise decisions.
everyone around you
Several opportunities have appeared
Floral Medicines Walnut and
for you, and you will not be able
Pine: Not to feel responsible for
to enjoy them all. You will have to
everything that happens to the
choose, so choose wisely.
people around you.
Floral Medicine Walnut: To deal with
Floral Medicine Vervain: Not to
the changes that have happened
impose your will and your opinion
this year. Walnut
on others. OM TIMES | January 2021
OM TIMES | January 2021
Floral Medicine Chicory: To control
Floral Medicine Walnut: To accept
your desire to manipulate others.
the changes imposed by this year's harvest.
7. This year will be primarily dedicated to study and
Floral Medicine Elm: To avoid excess materialism.
intellectualization. You will do well to improve your knowledge;
9. The personal year 9 of
you're learning, and intellectual
numerology, the last of the
and metaphysical development
cycle, is the ideal year to finish
skills. This feeling may bring out
everything pending in these
the shyness and the search for self-
previous 8 years. Your health
improvement. Be careful not to
will deserve special attention,
overdo it:
especially if you are neglecting
Floral Medicine Mimulus: To deal
symptoms. Losses in finances or
with shyness.
friendships can happen. It is a
Floral Medicine Water Violet: To avoid
special year for benevolence and
becoming a loner, avoid loneliness.
Floral Medicine Walnut: For the
Floral Medicine Honeysuckle
ultimate energy protection.
To resolve what was pending in previous years.
8. In personal year 8, you will reap
Floral Medicine Walnut To be able
the rewards of what was sown
to disconnect from things of the
in previous years. Your rationality
should be stronger than your
Floral Medicine Star of Bethlehem:
emotions and feelings. A practical,
To overcome possible losses that
dynamic year focused on material
arise during the year.
searches. Therefore, it is necessary to
Floral Medicine Chicory: To inspire
be attentive to balance the material
unconditional love and essential
and the spiritual.
benevolence for this year.
Floral Medicine Cherry Plum: Not to
Floral Medicine Willow: To
be afraid of losing control.
overcome old hurts and grudges.
Floral Medicine Holly: To control
Floral Medicine Gentian: To be
strong and destructive feelings that
persistent and not get discouraged
may arise this year.
in the face of obstacles. OM TIMES | January 2021
Can Your Food Influence Your Spirituality?
5 Food That May Block Mediumship
hen we learn to do
learning to connect better to the spirit
something new for
world and your guides and angels, you
the first time, we
can't forget the things you shouldn't do.
tend to focus only
Or better yet, what not to eat or drink.
on "doing." All things require some practice and exploring and using
When you eat food, you absorb the
your intuition or psychic abilities is no
energies it contains. If your auric field
different. So, if you spend a lot of time
needs this energy, it will help your body
OM TIMES | January 2021
and contribute to your health. Don't
entities. Negative energies can stay
forget that foods will nourish your cells
around and keep you down for long
and become part of who you are.
"Heavy foods" or with hefty energetic
Not only will your psychic abilities be
charge can compromise the
virtually non-existent. At the same time,
performance of the Psychic and
you drink, but the next two days are
medium. This is truthful even with
also lost while you recover.
"perispiritual" [1] cleaning, whose function is to remove from the
Excessive use of Alcohol also is known
digestive and circulatory system the
to attract Lower vibrational beings to
heavy energetic vibes that cloud our
our auric field. This can bring an entire
chakras or centers of force.
array of energetic, emotional, and even physical life problems.
A lighter way to nurture yourself, two hours before any spiritual or working
sessions (being that of mediumship, healing, or Psychic work), facilitates
Sugar is one of many substances
the spiritual work and increases the
known to calcify the pineal gland,
meeting's vibrational productivity, and
which has been called the master
can contribute immensely to the care
gland of spirituality, the seat of the soul,
of the sick.
spiritual antennae. The Pineal gland has a considerable effect on the opening
What foods will block mediumship?
and expansion of the third eye.
Let us discuss them. See them below. A healthy pineal gland is crucial for
Foods and Drinks That May Prevent Clear Mediumship
spiritual vibration and for accessing higher consciousness levels and connecting on another level. Also,
beware of chemically altered sugar substitutes and sweeteners. Trust only
Not only does Alcohol have low
on natural alternatives, such as maple
vibration, but it also opens up your
syrup, Agave nectar If you are a Vegan),
energy field to intrusive energies and
or the big old lovely honey.
OM TIMES | January 2021
OM TIMES | January 2021
with cashew, other nuts, and absolutely divine vegan butter.
We believe that caffeine provides
energy, but what it does is it gives us "false" strength. It draws some energy from the adrenal glands. You may experience a small spike in alertness, but what really happened is a change in your adrenal system and an increase in stress hormones. Trying to meditate and connect with the caffeinated "essence" in your system is like trying to herd cats. Caffeine causes negative Pranic energy.
You will discover that by raising your vibration and communicating with the Spirit, you will naturally feel the need to "organically" change your diet. It will be natural not to choose foods that block mediumship and other psychic abilities. The foods you ate with ease and appetite will no longer appeal to you in the same way. In fact, these are
the guides that take you to be open to different options that will help you make better choices. If you still want
Too much cheese and dairy products
to eat meat, choose organic products,
can clog your psychic senses, making
humanely raised animals, and try to
things very dark and unclear. Getting
stay away from fatty meat. Fish and
clear messages is almost impossible in
chicken are a great possibility as they
that state. Ur recommendation would
are lean and a good source of protein.
be to adopt a vegetable alternative of Milk and cheeses. Nowadays, it is not difficult to find Vegan Cheese made
In Spiritism, perispirit is the subtle body used by the Spirit to connect with the brain's feelings. The term is found among the extensive terminology originally devised by Allan Kardec
OM TIMES | January 2021
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
Samskaras, Karma and Plastic Surgery By Omtimes
What is it, and what are its health benefits?
owadays, there is surgery for
tragedy or restoring a problem such as
everything. Some transform
a birth defect.
themselves radically to be able to feel better with their
Some undergo terribly invasive
body and appearance. But we also
procedures, such as cutting off their
have those that resort to plastic surgery
toes to make them smaller or removing
to rebuild their appearances after a
ribs to narrow the waist.
OM TIMES | January 2021
We are not advocating against Plastic
To talk about plastic surgery, we need
surgeries, just the opposite. Just think
to start by talking about aesthetic
how many lives are transformed by
pressure, especially false images of
restorative, cosmetic surgery. How
perfection perpetuated by Media
many babies are saved through palate
channels and even over Social media
cleft surgery?
Plastic surgery is significant; however,
Although there was no such name in
the problem is when appearance
the past, women's aesthetic pressure
becomes an obsession and puts your
has always existed. There has always
life at risk. There is no possible defense
been a pattern in which the female
that justifies a search without limits
body and appearance should fit.
for the perfect appearance, which damages the most important thing:
Until recently, a woman's position
our life. Health should always come in
in society was limited to a marriage,
the first place.
and aesthetics were a fundamental part of the success or failure that a
Self-esteem is important, but there
woman could face when it comes to
must have limits. There are spiritual
"getting a husband."
protocols (like energetic blueprints) that guide incarnational programming.
All this pressure only increased with
They cannot have the perfection of
modernity and the internet, causing
the Physical image as the ultimate
the number of women who resort to
aesthetic procedures (invasive or not) to force themselves to fit in specific
In Search of an Ideal Esthetic
Standard As its name suggests, aesthetic "We live in a culture of appearance:
pressure is that social pressure
the marriage contract matters more
spread by culture and significantly
than love, the funeral more than the
reinforced by the media, especially
dead, the clothes more than the body
social networks. It can influence a
and the mass more than God."
person in various ways, including
Eduardo Galeano
peer pressure. OM TIMES | January 2021
Through the Social media giants, we
looks like a man. If your muscles are not
are bombarded daily by profiles that
showing, you're too fat.
show this perfection, reinforcing even more a certain stereotype, generating
Feeling good about your appearance
an increasing dissatisfaction with the
is important, but are we paying a fair
image and the body.
price for being accepted socially by their fabricated Physical standards?
And this pressure is so intense today that it affects everyone, not only
Some people paid with their lives,
women. So much so that we see many
refusing food and weakening the body
celebrities who, despite the perfect
to the point that it stopped working
image, are harassed and criticized.
injections of toxic substances to
Either you are too thin, or you have
increase the lips, thighs, and butt.
gained weight, and it no longer serves. The breast is too small, too large, or too
What is the limit? How far should we
flabby. If the belly has a lot of muscle, it
go to meet imposed social standards?
OM TIMES | January 2021
Is our appearance really so important
that Happiness is a vital energy that
that we risk our lives?
facilitates and ignites the expansion of Consciousness.
What does our appearance stand for in an instant as small as an incarnation,
We can't forget that our physical
assuming that the spirit's journey is
appearance is part of the Samskara
eternal? Can these physical changes
elements of our incarnational
change our incarnational frequency
Samskara is originally from Sanskrit, Self-Image and self-steam are
well known in Hinduism, which means
important elements of the human
mental impression, residual memories,
equation for Happiness. We all know
and primary and fundamental
OM TIMES | January 2021
OM TIMES | January 2021
impressions of Consciousness. These
is very radical, this is a serious symptom
impressions and their respective
and probably comes from Samskaras of
influences have been accumulated
other lives.
through different experiences in the recent or remote past. Samskara can
To emphasize the thought, the problem
be influenced by subtle changes in the
with Plastic surgeries is when the person
energetic body. Any changes in the
becomes obsessed with aesthetic
physical body directly affect spiritual
standards and performs many surgeries.
bodies. Indeed, there are spiritual implications Our physical appearance is also part
in these cases, especially if we think that
of the karmic programming that we
a person who is willing to risk his life to
accepted before we were born. So, it
acquire a standard appearance has an
makes sense to question the extent to
immense emotional void. It is necessary
which plastic surgery interferes with our
to understand why a person can reach
karmic programming.
this point since our entire emotional Universe is linked to the spiritual plane.
We know that the physical appearance we "receive" at birth is also part of this
In such cases, there is a negative
lifetime's incarnation programming.
influence concerning the incarnation
But not only that, because each case is
plan since no one comes into the world
different. An obese person, for example,
to pursue the perfect appearance and
certainly has a metabolism that favors
put their own life at risk.
the accumulation of fat. So, is being fat considered karma? If we think of
It is also worth remembering that, in
it as punishment, of course not. First,
many cases, the acceptance that a spirit
because the Universe does not punish
needs to work is linked to appearance, so
anyone. Especially this way.
changing it completely goes against the original blueprint of the incarnation.
Small interventions to correct certain aspects of appearance are only suitable.
Many plastic surgeries interfere with
None of this determines who you are or
karmic programming. Yes, they can
interferes with on the delicate karmic
bring some subtle but negative
web. But when the appearance posture
OM TIMES | January 2021
Why Should You Build an Angelic Altar?
By Cathedral of the Soul
egardless of your belief
protection to follow our daily lives and
system, we all can and should
keep us on the path of goodness.
ask for protection from the Divine. If it is the case that
To reinforce our simple requests and
you believe that there is a superior
ward off negative energies that want to
being who looks and watches over us,
lead us astray, we can make an altar for
whose thoughts give us lucidity and
our angels at home.
OM TIMES | January 2021
The word Altar, comes from the
1 - Find a calm and serene place in
Latin altare or ara (classical Latin),
your home, with which you identify
a high platform similar to a table
and where you feel good. Prefer airy
consisting of rock, elevation, or other
areas that receive sunlight from the
structure that allows the priest,
side. The lateral lighting would be
leader, or spiritual mentor, to make
preferable to direct sunlight.
offerings to the deity, or deities, in a religious temple or sacred place.
2 - Place a clean white towel on the Altar. It could be of any material, but natural
Angel's altars are amazingly simple
fibers would be the best.
and easy to do, here is how. 3 - All objects that will be part of this Altar You can set up an altar to God in
must be cleared and energized with
your mind by means of prayer.
coarse salt. Put coarse salt on them for
And so, it is fitting to pray at your
24 hours before setting up your Altar
trade, on a journey, standing
of angels.
at a counter, or sitting at your handicraft.
4 - In the center of your Altar, you must
Saint John Chrysostom
place a blue or transparent star, either
paper or plastic. It should be big and showy, and lying on top of your Altar, you will put your altar items on it. The star should be the shape you are most
The Altar of angels is a prayer
aligned with, be it of 5, 6.7 points, or
place, which will evoke protection,
even more points stars.
peace, and ward off evil energies from your home. It also serves to
5 - At the top of your star, you should
make requests and thanks to the
put a green quartz. This stone means
angels. Before you start organizing
prosperity, and it has the power to
it, remember that your Altar should
give you the courage to pursue your
have the 4 elements-Water, Earth,
Air, and Fire as a sacred space. To make your own Altar, follow the 10 steps below:
6 - At the top right and top (the first following the clockwise direction), you
OM TIMES | January 2021
OM TIMES | January 2021
should put an image that would
9 - The last tip will be destined for your
represent your guardian angel.
wishes. Write your wish on a piece of
Your Angel will be the one who
paper and place it inside a white silk
will protect the Altar of angels and
bag, tied with a yellow ribbon.
generate protection for you, for your 10 - Make your request and your prayers
home and your loved ones.
before the Altar every day. When 7 - At the next tip, place an incense
your spiritual request is fulfilled,
holder. There you should light an
thank your Angel, and remove the
incense daily that has the power to
request from the bag, throwing the
protect your physical and mental
paper under running water. If you
body - and still leaves a delightful
want to start over with another wish,
smell in the house, from priority to
remember to energize all the items
real Indian incense, or Camphor,
on your Altar of angels before you do
Frankincense, and Myrrh.
it again.
8 - On the next tip, put a Greek eye. It will protect your Altar from all envy and the evil eye.
OM TIMES | January 2021
OM TIMES | January 2021
House altar can help you attract good
small corner table or even a suspended
energy and always have positive
altar arranged on shelves to organize
events and people around you. Not
everything correctly.
ever, just the force of high-spirited thinking or benevolent attitudes are
Stones: to obtain protection and open
enough to bring peace to our homes
paths with the help of minerals, you can
and our lives. This is true, especially
use Amethyst to prosper, Esmeralda to
when something goes contrary to
protect your health, Agate to protect you
plan and frustration. A heavy aura
and monitor your progress, and the Black
takes over the environment and our
Tourmaline so that nothing bad happens.
hearts. Pictures: to enhance it with more Given these situations, and as a
personal items, directing the energy
way to maintain good vibrations
specifically for you, also use the image
inside your home or in the work
of your guardian angel and one that
environment, a very valid alternative
represents yourself.
for this purpose is the making of an altar, which will have the help of
Candles: every week, light a white candle
stones, powerful images, candles,
on your Altar.
incense sticks and the influence of
Incense: Every day, light a rosemary
natural forces to grant you peace,
incense to promote spiritual cleansing
prosperity and good luck throughout
and more protection.
your life journey. Towel: to cover your Altar, put a white
towel so that the color does not hinder any object's flow. Location: always set up your Altar in an
To start preparing it and attract
airy place, where there is sunlight at
positive energies and prosperity
some time of the day. Avoid places where
to your home, family, and personal
the flow of people is intense.
goals, you will need to have simple
and powerful materials on your Altar. These materials should consist of a
Greek eye jewel prevents the evil eye. The Evil eye is a superstitious curse or legend believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when one is unaware.
OM TIMES | January 2021
The Healing Power of Prayer By Darshan Goswami
Does prayer have the power to heal? Is anyone up there really listening? Scientists have some surprising answers for you
uman beings have prayed
frequently used form of alternative
for thousands of years.
medicine. "Studies have shown prayer
Millions pray every day to
can prevent people from getting sick.
some higher power called
When they do get sick, prayer can help
God. People of all the major religions,
them get better faster," according to
including Christianity, Judaism,
Duke University's Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
Hinduism, and Islam, use prayer to communicate with God and display
Many people know from personal
their belief in prayer's healing power.
experience that prayer is an effective
In many countries, prayer is the most
therapy. Prayer is significantly
OM TIMES | January 2021
important for human life because
Prayer is simply a conversation with
it makes intimate communication
God, and effective prayer requires
with God possible. Now, more and
having faith in God. Prayer is a way for
more medical research from leading
human beings to become involved and
hospitals and universities across the
develop a relationship with God. Prayer
world have shown a belief in God
provides a method of asking God to
conclusively really is good for you. It
meet our needs or someone else's.
can help to make you healthier and
Prayer offers us a divine opportunity
happier and help you live longer. The
to correct our behavior and embrace
proof of the healing power of prayer
a rightful life. Prayer sanctifies us and
is overwhelming, says researcher and
gives us hope to cope with whatever
writer Tom Knox. The one-time atheist
circumstances we may face. Even if its
became a regular worshipper after
healing powers sometimes seem to be
doing an in-depth study of the medical
in the faith of those who are praying,
benefits of faith. "What I discovered
the truth is, prayer is one of the greatest
astonished me," admits Knox. "Over the
privileges found in every single religion.
past 30 years, a growing and largely unnoticed body of scientific work shows religious belief is medically,
How Does the Healing Power of Prayer Work?
socially, and psychologically beneficial." We cannot see God, but we are aware Numerous studies show that having
of His presence around us because of
faith and prayer boosts the immune
faith. Through prayer, we open a door
system and reduces the severity and
for God to come into our problems
frequency of a wide range of illnesses
and work on them. Prayer makes us
caused by stress, depression, anxiety;
better able to address the vulnerability,
while helping to lower blood pressure
fear, isolation, and loss of control
and improve cardiovascular function.
that often accompanies pain and
"There is a seven-year difference in life
illness. Prayer makes our relationship
expectancy between those who never
with God stronger, and we believe it
attend church and those who attend
changes us and the world in which we
weekly," says Knox.
live. Our prayers remind us that no
What is Prayer?
matter what scientific advancements we may benefit from, in the end, our OM TIMES | January 2021
lives are in God's hands. The power
heart rate slows, blood pressure goes
of prayer is undeniable. Whether you
down. Our breath becomes calmer
pray for yourself or for others, pray to
and more regular—besides, prayer
heal an illness or for peace in the world,
increases dopamine levels, which is
or simply sit in silence and quiet the
associated with states of well-being
mind — the effects appear to be the
and joy. Science can tell us that
same. The relationship between prayer
people who pray and meditate tend
and health has been the subject of
to be statistically healthier and live
scores of double-blind studies over
longer than those who do not. Using
the past four decades. During prayer,
prayer or meditation for 15 minutes
the body's metabolism decreases, the
a day for eight weeks, neuroimaging
OM TIMES | January 2021
demonstrated an increase in memory
God helped me find the strength,
and cognitive clarity due to improved
confidence, and courage to continue to
frontal lobes' functioning.
face those adversities. I firmly believe the spirit of God resides within and
"Dr. Larry Dossey, a medical
moves through each of us. Open your
practitioner, provides scientific
heart, pray to that spirit, and it will help
evidence for the efficacy of prayer
to heal and empower you. Keep praying
at healing and affecting biological
because now science is on our side.
systems. His Scientific Research into the Effects of Prayer clearly shows that prayer can permanently cure your emotional and physical pain without the need for medication. In his book, Larry Dossey states that over 300 scientific studies had been performed on the effect of prayer, and over half of them showing statistically significant
Darshan Goswami has more
results. "Experiments with people
than 40 years of experience in
showed that prayer positively affected
the energy field. He worked as a
high blood pressure, wounds, heart
Project Manager for Renewable
attacks, headaches, and anxiety," says
Energy, Micro-grid, and Smart
Grid projects at the United States Department of Energy (DOE)
in Pittsburgh. Mr. Goswami is a registered professional electrical
Human prayer is so powerful
engineer with a passion and
that its effects should never be
commitment to promote, develop,
underestimated. The presence of God
and deploy renewable energy
in our life gives us hope for the future.
resources and the hydrogen
Study after study backs up the benefits
economy. In dedication to his
of prayer and having faith, especially in
life serving humanity and poor
prolonging life. I know it works because
people, the author supports India
I prayed in some of my darkest, most
Foundation for Children Education
painful and frightening hours, and
and Care, Inc. (www.ifcare.org).
OM TIMES | January 2021
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Let your worries drift away into the moment… OMTimes is a free publication and can be delivered right to your inbox… Subscribe at: Free OMTimes Subscription Visit our website at: www.omtimes.com
OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
Bach Florals for Animals: Treatment for your Furbaby Companion By Ministry Earth OM TIMES | January 2021
s well as having a
notice anything different about him
powerful effect on
or any characteristic that would be
humans, Bach Flowers
detrimental to his / her wellbeing?
can also be used
Put yourself in the pet's seat and
on animals. Whether to balance
think about how you would like your
aggressive behavior, free them from
life to achieve total balance.
any fear or something that afflicts them, and even prepare them to
The administration of Bach Flowers
receive a new animal or child at home.
for animals also works very simply.
The Bach Flowers will provide the
Because they are natural essences,
harmony of your Animal Friend in the
there is no possibility of overdosing,
same way that it treats you and your
minimizing the animal's risks.
If unnecessary prescribed floral medicine, it will not be absorbed by
Healing with the clean, pure,
the animal's emotional body.
beautiful agents of nature is surely
However, we recommend it safer
the one method of all which appeals
to dilute the medicines in water
to most of us. Edward Bach
to minimize the alcohol content, especially when using the florals
with small animals, such as birds or
small rodents.
Without many secrets, Dr. Bach's
There are, however, places that sell
flowers can be prescribed for the
alcohol-free flowers, usually aimed
animals (medicated) from an
at treating children, animals, or
observation by the owner himself.
people who prefer to avoid alcohol
Because floral medicines act on the
altogether. The problem is that these
sentient being's emotional bodies, it
places are often difficult to find.
can be prescribed by anyone.
Find out in your region. They may be difficult, but not impossible to find.
What should You be aware of? Health depends on being in Has anything changed at home or
harmony with our souls.
in the animal's daily routine? Do you
Edward Bach
OM TIMES | January 2021
Holly: suitable for animals of difficult
temper and bad mood, making them more docile and receptive.
As with administration to humans, the Medicine of Dr. Bach flower remedies
Impatiens: for the agitated, hurried,
for animals should only be used to
and impatient animals, this is the
treat emotional imbalances. If any
ideal floral. If your pet is one of those
physical symptom or clinical condition
who get out of control when they
requires attention, be cautious, and
hear the noise of the collar, who
take the animal to a veterinarian.
eat fast and are always restless,
Treating physical symptoms with
Impatiens can solve it.
floral remedies can make the Mimulus: if your pet is shy, fearful,
situation worse.
and is always hiding, this floral Know some emotional symptoms
can make you more loving and
in animals and which floral can be
courageous, more capable of
prescribed for treatment:
enjoying life. OM TIMES | January 2021
Rock Rose: also suitable for fearful
Vervain: another possibility to treat
animals, Rock Rose can alleviate fear
hyperactivity. It is indicated for those
related to fireworks, thunder and
hyperactive animals, which do not
going out on the street, or meeting
stop quiet.
other animals. Walnut: this is the floral of the Rock Water: suitable for territorial
adaptation. Recommended for
animals. Rock Water can alleviate
animals with difficulty adapting to
these symptoms if your companion
a new home or after castration or
animal demarcates the places and
change in routine.
has problems to be trained. Rock rose can work wonders for a jealous
Water Violet: this floral is of great
help for the most solitary and reserved animals. Transforming them
Scleranthus: this floral is indicated
from aloof to sociable.
for mood changes, nausea, and for animals with balance problems.
White Chestnut: if your pet has an unhealthy habit, such as scratching,
Star of Bethlehem: help your
nibbling, or licking, White Chestnut
companion animal to overcome
may be ideal for him.
trauma. This robust floral is indicated for animals that have suffered some
Rescue Medicine: This compound is
trauma related to mistreatment,
Floral medicine that is a combination
hunger, and physical or emotional
of 6 other Floral essences. It is highly
aggression. It is also recommended
recommended when your animal
for use when pets are rescued from
companion presents one or more of
stressful situations, such as hoarding,
the emotional unbalances described
puppy mills, or regional temporary
animal shelters (animal pounds). In our experience as rescuers, we have Sweet Chestnut: This floral is
used this floral compound to help our
recommended for those animals
furbaby rid of the terrible nightmares
that, for some reason, change owners
that usually follow situations Pos-
and are refusing to eat.
rescue. OM TIMES | January 2021
OMTimes com .
Space Clearing and Your Animals Space clearing gets stuck energy to move again, boosting body, mind, and spirit. Here's how to involve your animal family.
By Robyn M Fritz
pace clearing is a process
we use to keep the energy flowing in space, often using
The need to clear our spaces is
specific rituals and tools.
universal: nothing stays clear without
We use it to boost ourselves but often
assistance. Life is messy, and as we go
overlook how we can make it benefit
about our busy days, we pick up bits of
our animal families.
outside energy from the people and OM TIMES | January 2021
places around us (even in a pandemic).
animals suddenly avoiding a room or
That's the body, mind, and spirit of life:
a specific place? Are they lethargic or
our physical, emotional, and spiritual
acting up for no discernible reason?
well-being depends on whether energy flows smoothly—or is blocked.
While it's important to always check in with your animals, it's critical to
That is also true for our animal families.
ask them what's up if you notice odd
Here's how to help them benefit from
behavior. Yes, ask your animals to tell
clearing space.
you what's going on with them and with space. While the issue could be
something they're personally worried about, it could be something going
First, let your animals know that a space
on in the space that you don't realize,
clearing is scheduled. And why.
including the so-called "paranormal," which can be identified when a docile
Experts in energy work, especially
or laid-back dog or cat suddenly acts
energy awareness, our animals are more
up in space. If your own observation
naturally aware of how energy flows
doesn't give you enough information,
than we are. They're not better than us.
hire an animal communicator. Once
They're just more aware of what their
you settle that, also ask your animals
souls are up to, which means they can
what their needs and wants are so you
follow energy movement more clearly.
can address them in the clearing—and afterward.
Animals feel tension and uncertainty and get drained like we do, even
Finally, explain what the space clearing
though their worries aren't paychecks or
session will involve. Invite them to
mortgages (although our worries affect
watch the preparations and even to
them). They also know where energy
participate, if possible. The exception? If
is stuck in a space and may react to
you have territorial animals and you're
changes more quickly than we do.
hiring a space clearing professional, remove or contain the animal. Ensure
Pay attention to any physical or
the excluded animals receive a positive
personality changes they exhibit, but
telepathic message and a healthy
also look more profound. Are your
energy dose, including an apology
OM TIMES | January 2021
for excluding them. They will benefit
Here's a specific story that shows how
from the cleared space when they
animals can be affected by what's in
return (and will be tuning in anyway,
wherever they are). Don't feel guilty if you're doing the clearing yourself and
decide to lock them up, especially if you're burning incense or something
I did an animal communication session
like sweetgrass or sage, because smoke
with Sally and her champion Briard,
is scary.
Lacey, because the dog was suddenly OM TIMES | January 2021
refusing to go into their new home's
Once you know what everyone in
main living space. Lacey whined and
the family needs and wants from
paced so much that Sally took her to
the space, including the animals,
their veterinarian. Still, the physical
you can proceed with the clearing
exam and blood tests were normal.
(of course, you'll also want to know the area's needs and wants). When
Lacey the Briard told me what was
it's complete, give everyone the
wrong: there was a woman in the
day off. Celebrate the clearing as a
house. Yes, a ghost. Although the
family, make sure you've spread sea
house was over a hundred years
salt everywhere, have a good meal,
old, the woman had only been in
drink lots of water, and sleep well.
the house for about twenty years,
Monitor the clearing over the next
judging from her clothes (yes, I
several days, replacing the sea salt
could see her). I explained that she
as needed. Watch how your animals
was dead and helped her move to
respond: it will mirror your response.
the afterlife. After quickly clearing the space, I told Sally to put sea salt
Repeated regularly, clearing your
around the room (sea salt helps
space will support the entire
keep energy moving). Within a few
family in body, mind, and spirit,
hours, Lacey strolled into the room
including your animals. Good luck,
she once avoided as if nothing at all
and have fun!
was wrong. Because nothing was— anymore.
Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt
Note that the "paranormal" can
consultant and certified past
is an intuitive and spiritual
happen anywhere, and there are many more straightforward explanations for stuck energy, so if an animal's behavior clues you into a problem, do a space clearing. And
life regression specialist. An award-winning author, her next book is "The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach Us About Love,
give that animal a treat!
Reincarnation, and the Other
com and on Facebook at
Side." Find her at RobynFritz. The Practical Intuitive. OM TIMES | January 2021
The Mystical
Spiritual Mission &
of Animals
By Cathedral of the Soul
Spiritually, everything
function, or a purpose, like
lives fulfills a
say. All forms of life are conscious, although are
capable of
levels of consciousness No, it's not just
feeling, and loving.
And as
exist in
u s,
our lives are
interconnected in dimension, and
beautiful mission
with them.
have a
w ith u s.
This relationship
not established by chance, and it serves
a lot in our
evolutionary journey.
First, let's speak
about love. To
an animal is
language of love. With learn about
them, we
joy, loyalty, resilience.
Not only dogs, but cats also save children from a fire.
They even sleep on
owner's grave and die of depression after being abandoned or losing The fact is
many animals
perceive our sadness, our suffering, and exchange energy
w ith u s. They help
"All knowledge, all questions, and answers are contained in the dog."
us to
balance our body,
mind, and spirit. For example, a cat can neutralize a negative and charged environment, helping
Franz Kafka
balance our home's energies.
The human being is
Animals are conscious
only he can determine
feel and
perceive everything
consciousness based on
his own experience. We
read emotions and
intelligent and conscious beings in believe only
the world.
that we
beings in
Universe. We are at
pyramid of
but is it?
They know
own spirituality.
For example, dogs and cats have mentors. They have a chakra system. They are known for having out of body experiences
It is possible relationship
that through
w ith
o ur
discover more about ourselves.
They also show how
us w ith
great love
can evolve as humanity.
Our relationship
w ith
much more spiritual It is not by chance
animals is
o ur
evolutionary paths crossed on Earth.
. They are part of
We know now how it
secret of our evolution. An animal can
teach us
some of
qualities, such
pure devotion, and
of loyalty and
that there
have a
particular breed of cat or dog, for example.
and cruel
sunk in animal
suffering of all kinds.
are all stuck at
need for social distancing,
what it
provoke and
promote animals' suffering and death.
Another factor consider
considering adopting is
scandalous rate of
the world.
countries like Germany
number of
find people
simply put
car, drive
get an is like
dog in
a distant
turned their
inside of a
and never come back. Reports of abuse or neglect are also shocking. This all makes
environments. Now
poor guy.
always a horror
home because of
place and abandon
These are almost
idea of
countries, it still is
acceptably and
that we
streets, in many other
reproduce animals for
animals left on
There are really few
u s.
zero the
Pet shops
serving as entertainment
and Holland managed
market behind
entire lives in
animal abandonment in
The problem begins
captivity, breeding, or
wrong (at
with wanting to
hunting and spread
human gesture. We
Imagine animals
To Adopt is a beautiful
when we
spiritual impact of
be confined in an
aquarium or
absolutely crowded. Many dogs, cats, and other animals just
home, an owner! Even if it
that ...
many are sacrificed
make room for others?
OMTIMES.COM way we treat
We can no longer accept raised as
animals has
puppies are
are. We can no longer
consume brands
that test
on animals or
benefit from any animal suffering.
We cannot
blood and allow
farm factoring,
c o m m i t. I n f a c t,
c o n t i n u e c o m m i tt i n g
coronavirus only happened due deadly relationship
Our change is
u r g e n t, i t
There is no more
f o o d i n d u s t r y, n a m e l y
the our
n a tu r e .
is for
y e s t e r d a y.
This is probably
our last chance.
One of
the ways we
a d o p t. W h e n e v e r
a d o p t. D o n o t b uy. R e v i e w habits and get process of
to the
what you
awakening of
m a n u f a c tu r i n g
consume. Welcome
h e a r t!
are already
q u a r a n t i n e , b ut o u r p e t s s e e m now
that they
at any
tired to
b e l o v i n g i t,
are never alone and have
d a y.
T h e q u a r a n t i n e i s e m p ty i n g c a t a n d d o g shelters around
the world. It
happened in
United States, Brazil, and many other countries.
A phenomenon is never seen before! Whoever has a pet knows animals can do for of
To avoid
quarantine and brighten
c o n f i n e m e n t, p e o p l e d e c i d e d
that loneliness
up the
a n i m a l s . I t i s a b e a ut i f u l g e s tu r e . A n d right because
benefits of having a pet at
h o m e a r e a tt e s t e d b y s c i e n c e .
physical dimension, our gain is
enormous. In
s p i r i tu a l ,
gains are
even more remarkable.
Especially for
those who
suffered from a
ty p e
of disorder
l i k e d e p r e s s i o n a n d a n x i e ty, having
company of an animal
makes all
They are like medicine!
Science says
animals can reduce
l e v e l o f s t r e s s a n d a n x i e ty a n d
WE CAN STILL EMBRACE! Humans are beings
p r o v i d e r e l i a b l e e m o t i o n a l s u p p o r t.
It is an almost instinctive,
T h a t, b e f o r e
irresistible need.
I m a g i n e n o w,
when we
spend a moment
of social isolation, I have never seen
It is
find someone
does not like
generation. S o m e s tu d i e s p r o v e
Having a dog or cat right now can mean
need hugs, kisses, physical
c o n t a c t. C a r i n g , l o v e , a n d
d i f f e r e n c e b e tw e e n a m e n t a l
breakdown and emotional balance.
are essential for
It is no coincidence
d e v e l o p m e n t, a s i m p o r t a n t a s
used to
animals are p o s t-t r a u m a t i c
b a b y' s
meeting his basic needs. The hug
stress disorders. They also can assist in
is something
various treatments,
such as depression,
since birth.
a n x i e ty, P a r k i n s o n ' s , p a n i c d i s o r d e r , heart problems, loneliness, and grief.
Animals heal and are great companions.
stopping? Our pets, our faithful
N a tu r e a n d g e n e r a l h a v e
healing s p i r i t.
h u m a n b o d y, m i n d , a n d
Having a pet around during
isolation brings love and fun r o ut i n e , b e s i d e s m a k i n g and more balanced.
to the
w i t h o ut
companions. In
pandemic, cats and dogs manage
"t o u c h "
need for
felt by humans in
phase of social detachment and planned isolation.
Relationships The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.
Is Loneliness Driving You to Addiction? Here are Two Simple Strategies! By Marcia Sirota, MD
OM TIMES | January 2021
ovid restrictions lead
constructive ways of dealing with our
to addictions:
Reports have been coming
Phone calls and video chats are better
out lately about the rising rates of
than nothing, but they’re not the same
addiction since the Covid-19 pandemic
as face-to-face meetings. In part, it’s
began, and it’s no surprise. As people
because there’s no possibility of touch,
are struggling with uncertainty and
and touch provides us with a powerful
loss and feeling more and more out of
sense of intimacy and comfort. A warm
control in their lives. Understandably,
hug, a gentle hand on a shoulder, a
they’re turning to comfort food,
soothing caress all of these gestures
alcohol, and drugs to cope.
are missing from our “new normal.”
It’s challenging these days because
People are starved for touch:
along with the fear of becoming ill,
Since the pandemic began, many
the fear of our loved ones becoming
of us have been experiencing touch
ill, or the financial strain, the job
deprivation. We’re missing out on the
stress, and the grief over what – and
emotional and mental health benefits
who – we’ve lost, we’re more lonely
that gentle touch can bring.
and isolated than ever before. A recent Ipsos poll shows that more
But even aside from the lack of touch,
than half the Canadian population
people are lonelier and more isolated
feels lonely and isolated these days.
than ever. According to former US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy,
Paradoxically, the best way we can
loneliness became a severe problem
cope with stress is by surrounding
even before the pandemic began.
ourselves with people who care.
Now, with the social restrictions, it’s
Within our family, our circle of friends,
become even worse. Virtual contact
and our community, we find the
might help a bit, but it doesn’t put
support that gets us through the
a dent in the profound loneliness
most challenging times. But when
people feel.
the Covid-19 restrictions are depriving us of this healthy way of coping,
We need to be in the presence of
inevitably, we’re turning to less
those who care – and it’s the one thing
OM TIMES | January 2021
OM TIMES | January 2021
we can’t have. So, given that our most
gratification. They know that they have
important emotional support source is
to make sacrifices today for a pay-off
currently restricted, it’s not surprising
that we’re defaulting to addiction. Covid-19 is an unprecedented situation, What do we do, then, when we’re
but for those familiar with deferred
lonely, but we can’t be with our loved
gratification, it’s also an opportunity
ones? We have to find other ways to
to practice this skill. We understand
that we have to hunker down and give up what we want at the moment to
Here are my two simple strategies for
successfully navigate the pandemic
dealing with loneliness during the
right through to the end.
1. Deferred gratif ication:
With deferred gratification, we can see the big picture and recognize that
Deferred gratification is the ability
there will be other family gatherings,
to put off our pleasure-seeking or
other sports games, other dinner
comfort-seeking behavior for later. It’s
parties down the road. Right now,
the ability to wait for what we want
the most important thing is to keep
rather than indulging ourselves at the
ourselves, our loved ones, and our
communities safe—this way so our cities can reopen and our economies
Deferred gratification is a high-level
can start up again.
coping strategy that’s used by the most successful people in our society.
Deferred gratification is not the same as
I used it a lot during medical school.
abstinence. Abstinence is about forever
I’d study intensely for an exam, and
giving up the thing we want; deferred
then afterward, I’d reward myself with
gratification is about waiting for the
something nice. That’s how I was able
right time and the right circumstances
to get through those grueling four
to finally have what we want.
2. Successful self-soothing:
Successful CEO’s, professionals, and
My other strategy for coping with the
entrepreneurs understand deferred
loneliness of the Covid-19 restrictions
OM TIMES | January 2021
is successful self-soothing. Instead
will help you deal head-on with
of numbing ourselves through
the needs and feelings underlying
over-eating, drinking, or using
your cravings so that you can beat
drugs – what I call “unsuccessful self-
the urges and be free of addiction,
soothing” – we can compassionately
once and for all.
recognize our feelings of hurt and loss and give ourselves the real emotional
Instead of letting your loneliness
comfort we need right now.
due to Covid restrictions drive you toward obesity, you can work the
In my book, Emotional Overeating, I
four steps and be free of cravings
go through the four simple steps to
forever. In the book, I walk you
successfully self-soothe to feel better
through each of the four steps so
and break free from overeating or any
that you can get the most out of
other addiction.
the process.
Whether you’ve been fighting off your
The four steps to overcoming
urges or giving in to them, this book
addiction are:
OM TIMES | January 2021
• Face your needs and feelings head-on
The more we use, the more we crave,
• Grieve your hurts and losses
until we become trapped in the
• Give yourself the love and validation
vicious circle of addiction. That’s one
you deserve
reason why stopping a substance cold
• Silence the negative self-talk
turkey can help overcome addiction.
The false solution for addiction:
But we can’t stop eating, so with
In my years as a psychotherapist,
food addiction, abstinence isn’t
I’ve dealt with innumerable people
the solution. We have to deal with
who’ve struggled with addiction. I’ve
our deeper feelings and needs. To
seen how their habits were the “false
overcome over-eating, we have to
solution” to their unmet emotional
learn how to self-soothe successfully.
needs and unhealed emotional wounds. I’ve taught them how to
Loneliness is detrimental to your
overcome their addictions by giving
mental health:
themselves the love and healing they
Loneliness is painful and bad for your
really needed.
mental health. Deferred gratification and self-soothing are two simple
Overcoming addiction was no longer
strategies to help you get through
a “one-day-at-a-time” battle but
the Covid-19 restrictions without
rather, a simple act of substituting
succumbing to addiction.
the “false solution” of addiction for the real solution found by working the
And if you feel like it’s too much to
four steps.
deal with on your own, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a counselor or
Another thing I discuss in the book is
therapist who can help you develop
how addiction creates a vicious circle
these two strategies for coping
of craving and using: when we over-
successfully with these trying times.
eat, drink to excess, or use illicit drugs, these substances cause the release
— Sign up here for my free bi-weekly
of the brain chemical dopamine.
wellness newsletter.
Dopamine gives us an instant rush
— And tune in to my ongoing
of euphoria, but it also increases our
YouTube video series on Coping With
Covid. OM TIMES | January 2021
Karma and The Golden Rule CAUSE AND EFFECT & THE HARM AND BENEFITS By Cathedral of the Soul OM TIMES | January 2021
sually, when we experience
Karma isn't fate. Nor is it a
drastic changes in our
punishment imposed on us by
personality or in our way of
some external agent. We create
acting or thinking, we may
our own karma. Karma is the result
start to consider the bad things that
of the choices that we make every
happen to us as karma for having hurt,
moment of every day.
deceived someone, being selfish, or
Tulku Thondup
even for thinking badly without any foundation. In other words, we find ourselves
experiencing a kind of return from all the negative actions that we once
The best way to understand the
concept of what is called karma is to realize that everything and everyone
"The first step towards a cure is to
around us has its own energy, just
know what the disease is"
like ourselves.
Latin proverb It means that every time we interact However, it must be borne in mind
with the universe around us, these
that it is not only the negative
actions produce particular energy
attitudes considered on the scales
that can be good or bad.
of balance. Our cheerful, altruistic, charitable, and benevolent actions
The word karma has its literal
also return to positive karma for our
translation precisely under this
concept of "making and collecting the entire field of physical, verbal,
The association of karma as
and mental actions."
something negative comes from the human being's natural tendency,
This particular web of the energies
which is to remember more of the
generated in each action and
adverse events because being hurt or
every step we take end up creating
hurting others usually marks much
situations. Many times we cannot
more in our memories than pleasant
recognize the real damage we cause
and joyful moments.
when we act unfairly with someone. OM TIMES | January 2021
OM TIMES | January 2021
How each one will receive these energies may be different. Therefore,
the human being tends to react in a
At this point, one can better
much less indifferent way when going
understand what karma and the law
through the same situation.
of cause and effect mean. They are one and the same. They are basically
By experiencing the other side of the
about balance and understanding.
coin, we create greater empathy for
It is about getting feedback from
others' feelings, and we can understand
your actions directly experiencing
their reactions. Only through the
its causes is undoubtedly a very
learning of compassion, we awaken
effective way of understanding your
a compassionate heart. We learn
actions' magnitude.
the spectrum of our actions, and we become aware and responsible for our own attitudes and thoughts.
Karma teaches us the Golden Rule
OM TIMES | January 2021
OM TIMES | January 2021
However, as mentioned, the concept
The concept of reciprocity (it
also applies to the positive return of
resembles the same blueprint as
energies, or positive karma. Even if
the Karmic Teaching) occurs, in
these do not mark us in the same
some form, in almost all religions
way as more bitter experiences, the
and ethical traditions. It can also be
attitudes that result in goodness
explained from the perspective of
must produce energies rich in positive
psychology, philosophy, sociology,
charges, which will surround us with a
and economics.
magnetism conducive to happy events. Psychologically, it involves Everything you say, every thought
developing empathy with others.
you entertain, and everything you
Philosophically, it consists of a
do have a direction, which serves as
person perceiving his neighbor as
an advance or a retreat regarding
an "I" as well.
your pursuit of excellence. Everything, regardless of size or intent, has
Sociologically, "love your neighbor
bottom-line consequences; therefore,
as yourself" is applicable between
everything counts - this is the golden
individuals, groups, and individuals.
rule of excellence.
In economics, Richard Swift, about
Gary Ryan
David Graeber's ideas, suggests that "without some kind of
The ethics of reciprocity, also called the
reciprocity, society could no longer
Golden Rule, is an Ethical teaching or
moral principle that can be expressed as a positive or negative injunction:
This idea of positive or negative return, always in accordance
Each must treat the others as he would
with a magnetic aura that we
like him to be treated (positive or
are responsible for creating,
demonstrates the personal control over what happens in our lives and
Each should not treat others the way
that we must plan for the future by
he would not like him to be treated
assuming responsibilities without
himself. (negative or prohibitive form, or
placing all the weight of the acts
silver rule).
and destination decisions. OM TIMES | January 2021
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course
Personal Growth & Development
How to Clear Your Spirit and Seek New Direction After Hardships
by Meghan Belnap
ncountering hardship is
can take when you're looking to find a
something that can make
new direction in your life.
your life turbulent, both temporally and spiritually. If
Allow Yourself to Grieve
your goal is to get past your troubles, then you must learn how to clear your
One of the most important ways to
spirit once again. Below are steps you
heal your spirit after a time of great
OM TIMES | January 2021
hardship is to acknowledge what
a rough time, you must spend some
you've been through. Learning how
time in a place that's as nurturing and
to grieve for what once was and the
supportive as possible. In this case,
opportunities that are now gone
a home may not be your physical
can be emotionally challenging,
home, but that place where you feel
but it is also incredibly healthy.
the most love and safety. Taking
Whether you do this through
some time to rest, recuperate, and
therapy, meditation, or through a
recover is often an excellent way to
more personal process, you need
clear your spirit and to get ready to
to learn how to come to peace with
take on new challenges. Come closer
the fact that your life has changed.
to your support system in your family or friends as part of your re-centering
Sometimes, this will mean taking
so that you are not alone in your
time off work and cutting down on
other responsibilities while seeking counseling. While you may feel
Seek out Advice
like doing so is setting yourself backward in life, taking the time
Seeking out spiritual advice is often
to work on yourself, especially with
a distinctive way to figure out your
professional guidance, will help
new direction. Whether this means
you come back stronger from
consulting with a psychic, speaking
hardships. It is better rather than
with a minister, or even having
letting it be yet another weight
your cards read, taking the time
dragging you down. As long as you
to get guidance about your next
plan to get better and are daily
move can help you eliminate some
working toward your goal, you are
of the worries. While professional
not wasting time.
psychologists are extremely helpful and sometimes essential for those
Re-center Yourself at Home
struggling with their mental health, many people find great comfort in seeking spiritual guidance from those
Home isn't just where the heart is.
who share their belief system or who
It's where your soul is at its most
have a unique insight into spiritual
complete. If you've gone through
matters in general.
OM TIMES | January 2021
Make a Clean Break
new place or cutting contact with
For many, it's not just the late
be as simple as leaving behind a
hardship that holds them back
creative project or throwing out
from healing but rather the
old clothes. Regardless, taking the
ties to that time of their lives. In
time to remove the old reminders of
extreme circumstances, it may
hardship can clear up your ability to
be necessary to make a clean
think of a brighter future. Allowing
break and to start over again. For
the past to hold you back will only
some, this means moving to a
cause greater regrets in the future.
certain people. For others, it may
OM TIMES | January 2021
Determining a new direction is
Meghan Belnap is a freelance
never as easy as it sounds. You
writer who enjoys spending time
must come to grips with the
with her family. She loves being
changes in your life, allow yourself
in the outdoors and exploring
time to heal, and learn how to
new opportunities whenever they
move forward. It is only after
arise. Meghan finds happiness in
accomplishing these tasks that
researching new topics that help to
you'll be able to make the right
expand her horizons. You can often
decisions about where your life
find her buried in a good book or
should go next.
out looking for an adventure. OM TIMES | January 2021
Let Go of the Little Things in Life By Guy Finley
e all know what it is
as trying to take away our anticipated
like to be held captive
by the little things in life. Those petty
Here is a shortlist of these little
concerns and small desires steal their
troublemakers that often make big
way into how we look at our lives and
trouble for us whenever we mistake
pit us against anyone or anything seen
them for being our friends:
OM TIMES | January 2021
• Unrealistic expectations that others
we think that we are the only one
should treat us only as we imagine
on earth who suffers emotionally in
they should
the way that we do, and then comes that moment when, in lashing out
• Strong attachments to even the
at someone for being so uncaring
smallest and strangest of our
about our situation, we not only see
that he or she is suffering as well, but also that we are the cause of it.
• Pressing convictions that no one else sees things as clearly as we do
Or maybe we’re lucky enough to be with someone who has less in life
• Nagging resentments from relationships past and present
than we do, but who is willing and happy to share what little he or she has despite what tomorrow might
• Perfect certainty that no one
bring. In such moments, if we still
is permitted to interrupt our
have a human heart, we realize in
humility that we have been blind to the existence of our own greater
How can we say for sure that these
conditions are little more than big nothings in the scheme of things?
In some moments, we make this shocking but incredible discovery.
We have all been through those telltale moments in our lives when,
We have been lost in a little part
due to a crisis of some kind beyond
of ourselves, unconscious of the
our control, we are momentarily able
influence of our own self-centered
to see where we had lost sight of what
desires, as well as of the cost this
was really worthwhile.
unsuspected selfishness exacts on everyone around us.
Perhaps we are the kind of person who is always complaining about
Even more important than this
some small ache or pain, and then we
initial revelation is the following
suddenly learn that someone we love
one that appears within our new
faces a life-or-death challenge. Maybe,
OM TIMES | January 2021
OM TIMES | January 2021
By the faintest light, we can now
us what we need and where to look
see that we had mistaken ourselves
for it, if we listen closely enough, we
for someone we are not! And in this
can hear what our True Self would
same self-awakening, we are granted
have us know:
that first priceless glimmer of selfknowledge that is sought after by
Whenever we start to feel small, it’s
all who would uncover the truth of
only because we have unconsciously
identified ourselves with life’s little things. Learning to let go and to live
We are beginning to see that we have
in the Now is the same as catching
been playing host to an unconscious
ourselves, holding onto what limits
nature that is not only blind to the
us, and then deliberately dropping
world it binds us to, but also that
these self-imposed restrictions.
would have us believe that its little selfdom is the same as the actual
Guy Finley is an internationally
great estate of our True Nature.
renowned spiritual teacher
How can such a deception take place
author. He is the Founder and
in us and go undetected? We would never willingly agree to be the blind agent of that which makes another human being ache, let alone hurt our own chances to grow into a kind and compassionate being. And yet, the evidence reveals that we are indeed living under the sway of selfcompromising influences that are
and bestselling self-help Director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for transcendent self-study in Merlin, Oregon. He also hosts the Foundation’s Wisdom School — an on-line selfdiscovery program for seekers of higher self-knowledge. Guy offers 2 talks on GoToWebinar,
invisible to us.
open to the public every week.
The higher, yet still Hidden Self of ours
Question-and-Answer session
Each lecture is followed by a
beckons us to realize and enter into a more extraordinary life. And though its whispered wisdom often gets lost in the din of all the other voices that tell
with the audience. These talks are free to anyone who wants to join in. To register, visit www.guyfinley.org/online
OM TIMES | January 2021
Renowned spiritual teacher and scholar, Acharya Shunya, welcomes us to unshackle our minds and claim our birthright of freedom, wholeness, and joy through the perennial wisdom of ancient yoga in SOVEREIGN SELF. This book makes the profound teachings of yoga’s most influential texts both accessible and immediately practical for modern spiritual seekers. There’s a reason that the Vedas, a 5,000year-old collection of celebrated verses from ancient India, have given rise to several world religions and influenced Western thinkers from Emerson to Ram Dass—they provide us with a uniquely accessible and effective path to liberation and sovereignty. With SOVEREIGN SELF, Shunya shares a comprehensive and masterful guide to the wisdom of these classic texts so that each of us may emancipate ourselves from restrictive belief systems and discover our true nature—that which is always whole, joyful, and free. Filled with hidden insights and engaging guidance, SOVEREIGN SELF will help you awaken and recognize your potential to be joyful, resourceful, abundant, limitlessly expansive, and sovereign.
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Ministry Earth is a New joint Ventured Publication from Cathedral of The Soul Mystical Church. OMTimes Media, Inc, OMTimes Publishing House. Together, we endeavor to discover the intersection of an Integrative spirituality, a Conscious scientific perspective, and the practice of Compassionate Ethics. https://ministryearth.com
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