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July 2021 Issue 8 Special Edition
OMTimes Magazine
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Carmen Harra is an internationally acclaimed intuitive psychologist, best-selling author, radio show host, relationship expert, and TV personality. In her teens, Carmen became a singing sensation in Europe. She released twelve albums that became instant hits. Carmen first visited America for a singing engagement but decided to stay for good after meeting the love of her life. Here, she reinvented her career and became a psychologist, earning a Ph.D. in Psychology. Carmen had been intuitive since a near-death experience as a child, so she decided to combine her ability to see with her knowledge of cognitive therapy--something that had never been done before. In 1998, Carmen began writing her first book, Everyday Karma, which became an international bestseller and was translated into over 20 languages.
As part of her personal transformation, Carmen reinvented her career and began offering sessions as an intuitive counselor, blending her intuitive gifts with the Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology that she earned. For over 25 years, Carmen has helped over 40,000 people rediscover peace of mind, reclaim personal power, and regain joy. Her clients come from all walks of life, from the lady next door to Hollywood celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and eminent politicians like Hillary Clinton.
Alexandra Harra is a certified life and relationship coach who is following in her mother’s impressive footsteps. Alexandra has been immersed in Dr. Harra's business since her childhood, where she has heard the stories of thousands of people and learned every problem-solving technique through the first-hand experience. Alexandra manages Dr. Harra’s business and offers her own expert guidance to clients. Her passion is helping young women discover their worth and She writes professionally for the Huffington Post, RelationshipHeadquarters.com, and other publications. Alexandra is the co-author of The Karma Queens' Guide to Relationships, her and Dr. Harra’s last book which reveals the secrets of transforming your relationships by transforming your karma. Her and Dr. Harra’s new book, Committed: Finding Love and Loyalty Through the Seven Archetypes, offers a unique approach to finding and keeping love based on relationship archetypes.
OMTimes: How important is Commitment for the success of a relationship? Tell us a bit of your book, the roles of the archetypes, and the inspiration behind its creation.
Carmen Harra: Commitment is inseparable from a successful relationship; you cannot have one without the other. Often, we enter a relationship thinking, “Well, commitment will come later.”
OMTimes Magazine
Still, if dedication isn’t there from both partners from the beginning, the relationship runs the risk of collapsing fairly quickly. Commitment is the glue that binds two people together through thick and thin. I, Carmen Harra, have been a psychologist and relationship counselor for over 25 years. My daughter Alexandra started working with me about ten years ago, right after she graduated from Hofstra University with degrees in Creative Writing and Classics. She then became certified in relationship coaching. As we worked together over time, we both started to notice something interesting: we were meeting, counseling, and hearing about the same types of people over and over again. As soon as a client started describing a potential partner, we could almost finish her sentence because we already anticipated the behavior he applied in the relationship. We recognized his mentality and the frustration it was bringing her. We began taking notes on the many stories we were being told and pinpointing the common threads among them. Next, we separated the different personality types we had learned about and eventually established seven distinct archetypes. Some match better with others, but they each have specific strengths and weaknesses and varying commitment capacities. What’s fascinating about archetypes is that they’re both innate and learned: a person’s archetype is partly inherited through his genes and somewhat shaped by his unique life experiences. OMTimes Magazine
Nevertheless, it’s the inner design that steers his thoughts and justifies his actions. So you can imagine how important it is to become conscious of the archetype driving our behaviors. In this way, we can shed the limitations of our particular archetype and become the best versions of ourselves. And if both partners are willing to do this, they can share a wonderful and complementary relationship. OMTimes: How may your book “Committed” help someone achieve a selfstability and self-reliance point and make the right relationship choices? Carmen Harra: Our book first guides readers through the work they’ll have to perform on the inside, themselves, and themselves. Entering a relationship with a solid sense of self and a healed heart will help you understand what you want and don’t want in a relationship. This will aid you in avoiding mistakes you made in the past, mend traumas you suffered in former relationships, and refuse anything less than what you deserve.
Most importantly, our book can grant you the wisdom to recognize that joy is your birthright whether you are or aren’t in a relationship right now and just feel happy in the present. OMTimes: Is there a thing such as a pattern for a normal relationship? If there is one, what would that be? Carmen Harra: Every relationship is different, but some markers separate normal from toxic bonds. Healthy relationship patterns include (a lot of) Commitment from both partners and a consistent sense of emotional intimacy. Unhealthy relationship patterns often involve manipulation, gaslighting, anxiety, and much confusion (usually felt by one partner more than the other).
Whether a relationship is normal or abnormal can be determined by the emotions felt most often: if you feel positive feelings towards your relationship and your partner, you are in a healthy relationship. If emotions like anger, resentment, or bitterness surface, it’s time to reevaluate matters for the sake of your wellbeing.
OMTimes Magazine
OMTimes: In the book, you say that the concept of Commitment a person has may vary. Can you explain why that is? Carmen Harra: From a young age, we are conditioned toward the notion of Commitment. We first learn what this concept is from our parents and family members; this is the starting point of our journey in love.
What we experienced as children affects us more than we can imagine, well into our adult years and after we’ve moved out of the house. And we will spend the rest of our lives either portraying or rejecting the Commitment we first witnessed as home: if one parent walked out on the family, we might repeat that behavior or vehemently oppose it. If one parent cheated, we might cheat or attract cheaters without meaning to. Everything reverts to our childhood, which is why we should begin to examine our commitment beliefs there and assess whether they’ve helped or hindered our relationships thus far. OMTimes Magazine
No two people hold identical ideas about Commitment because no two people grew up in the same circumstances. Some people grew up in homes in which both parents were perfectly content together; others grew up in homes where there was a lot of shouting and arguing, and still, others grew up in the absence of one or both parents.
Old Karma is like a neighbor that won’t stop knocking on your door; sooner or later, you’ll have to answer and see what he wants!
OMTimes: You have had so many different and eclectic experiences in your professional life. You have changed many lives with your gifts, build countless bridges across other subjects such as Psychology and Spirituality. Do you consider yourself a fearless person? And how did your Spiritual journey start? Carmen Harra: I consider myself a decently fearless person who, like any other individual, is still working to overcome specific fears. My spiritual journey started when I was five years old. We lived in the countryside in a rural part of Romania, and my parents took me on a picnic to a nearby river. I started playing by the water and accidentally slipped in. I felt my body drowning but my spirit ascending. I remember traveling through a blinding light and emerging into a picturesque world —one that I can only assume was the other side. I was there for a few moments before my spirit was dragged back into my body, and I awoke, coughing, to my father resuscitating me.
Ever since then, I have had a heightened feeling of what was to come and what would happen.
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When I came to America, I decided to study psychology because the human mind fascinates me; the truth is that we are all capable of incredible intuition, of transcending linear time and going beyond physical boundaries, but many of us don’t try to hone these abilities.
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I have always enjoyed combining the normal with the paranormal in my practice, coupling psychology with parapsychology to give my clients the most comprehensive, informative outlook possible of their potential and destiny. OMTimes: What is your formula for a Human Being to develop an authentic and committed relationship? What would you say is the essential element for that to happen?
Carmen Harra: We think there are three elements to being in an authentic, committed relationship. Firstly, you have to be with a person who holds the same commitment values as you do. If you’re solid in your commitment beliefs, you can’t be with someone who can only commit halfway or think it’s okay to commit to multiple partners simultaneously.
Secondly, you have to understand your partner. This goes far beyond what movies he likes or what cologne he wears. You have to get to the bottom of what makes him tick, how his mind and heart function. Why does he do certain things and not others? How does he rationalize his actions, erroneous as they may be? What are his biggest self-perceived misconceptions? With time and close observance, you’ll be able to answer these questions. They’ll lead you not only to comprehend your partner on a deep level. They’ll bestow you with a greater understanding of yourself as well. Understanding will lend you acceptance: the ability to accept your partner’s faults and flaws and the fact that he won’t always be able to give you what you want.
Thirdly, you have to ignite the fire of emotional intimacy and keep it well-lit throughout your relationship. We’ve met many people who live together physically but emotionally. They’re worlds apart! Emotional intimacy is like magic energy that runs between you and keeps you ever connected. As we like to say, it knows what your partner needs before he gets a chance to ask. OMTimes: Is it realistic to believe that we can change our partners, or is this just a delusional fantasy we keep telling ourselves?
Carmen Harra: We often want a person to change so badly that we beguile ourselves into thinking we can somehow “fix” them. The hard truth is that no one can change anyone else; we can only change ourselves. However, if you want your partner to change, you can undoubtedly inspire him to improve and usher toward the transformation you’d like him to make.
But ultimately, the decision and work that come with the change are his alone; you cannot walk that road for him. The best way to get another person to change is to alter your behavior. Then, the person will have to respond in one way or another, and when he does, you’ll get a better understanding of his intentions and capacity to change. OMTimes: What is the relationship between love and Karma, and how can one find equilibrium between these two and develop balance and Commitment in our lives? Is it possible to learn how to love correctly? Carmen Harra: Unresolved Karma will interrupt your love life. Old Karma is like a neighbor that won’t stop knocking on your door; sooner or later, you’ll have to answer and see what he wants !
OMTimes Magazine
Unsettled Karma will creep into your current relationships and make you attract situations that didn’t work out before and people that disappointed you until you take appropriate action and resolve it once and for all. This is why it’s crucial to settle all Karma from the past; if you want to build healthier relationships, you should begin introspecting on your Karma starting today. We offer the steps to clear away old Karma once and for all in our book. One of the first actions to take is to look into what types of things keep happening to you with honesty and without fear. For example, while there is no way to love correctly, there is a way to love that guarantees the formation of good Karma, and that is to do to your partner what you want to be done to you. OMTimes: Do you have a book that changed your life? If so, how and which one? Carmen Harra: The book that changed my life was my first book, Everyday Karma because it brought me the highest joy to hear about how it changed the lives of those who read it. From a young age, I recognized that Karma was the foremost law of the universe. Writing this book gave me the opportunity to share my knowledge on eradicating negative Karma and fostering positive Karma is the secret to a perfect life.
OMTimes Magazine
Alexandra Harra: It wasn’t so much a book for me, but I have a special love for Romantic poetry: anything written by Byron, Keats, or Shelley speaks volumes to my spirit. Their works remind me of the divine nature of my soul and also to return to nature. There is something so liberating about Romantic poetry that I memorized several poems, including Ode to a Nightingale. OMTimes: How do you see the role of the Divine Feminine in this relationship dance? And how (in your view) can the Rebalancing of the Sacred Feminine influence the mystical transformations of our loving relationships?
The Divine Feminine is rising in power again, after a long period of being dormant. The male partner needs to recognize his feminine energy as well; as masculine as a man may like to feel, he is still influenced by feminine energy. Men should explore their emotions just as much as women, and we think they’re learning to do that. In the modern world, the rise of the Divine Feminine means more balanced relationships—ones in which power is distributed evenly, and both partners can benefit from the endless gifts the other brings. OMTimes: What are the seven Archetypes, and would it be possible for someone to embody more than one of the seven archetypes?
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Carmen Harra: The seven archetypes are The Independent, The Workaholic, The Narcissist, The Free Spirit, The Hopeless Romantic, the Wounded Warrior, and the Introvert.
There also exists an eighth archetype called The Well-Rounded One, which is the ideal we should all strive to become as we break through our mental and emotional barriers. We each have a dominant archetype that dictates much of our personality, but we can also have a recessive archetype that influences how we behave to a lesser degree. For example, someone can be an Independent who displays hints of a Narcissist from time to time or a Hopeless Romantic who also acts on traces of a Wounded Warrior. As we outline in our book, it all depends on how a person chooses to externalize their personality.
The Seven archetypes are The Independent, The Workaholic, The Narcissist, The Free Spirit, The Hopeless Romantic, the Wounded Warrior, and the Introvert.
OMTimes: What are your personal opinions about online dating? Is it possible to develop Commitment and success in this modern way to forge a loving connection? Carmen Harra: Online dating is a positive dating tool if used wisely. From our experience, many online daters are looking for entertainment over actual Commitment, but it is possible to develop an authentic, long-term relationship out of online dating.
It all depends on what you put out—that’s what you’ll get back. If you make it known to potential suitors that you’re looking for a serious relationship and nothing short, you can skip over people who aren’t seeking the same. It’s important to scope out online daters who aren’t up for Commitment: those who constantly ask uncomfortable questions, want you to send them risqué photos, or suddenly ghost you. Of course, we should exercise caution and common sense with both online and in-person dating.
OMTimes Magazine
OMTimes: How can one rearrange one’s mental abilities, thoughts, beliefs, and actions to foster positive relationships? Carmen Harra: The first step to rearranging thoughts, beliefs, and actions is to become aware of what you’re thinking and feeling daily; everything begins and ends in the mind, so we must start there. We recommend that our clients keep a daily journal in which they jot down their emotions and figure out their dominant emotions. They might be surprised to learn what they feel most frequently. For example, they might think they’re happygo-lucky people when in reality, their first thought of the day is pessimistic or counterproductive.
We are creatures of habit, so just as we create a habit of drinking coffee every morning, we also create habits of recurring emotions. If our everyday emotions are negative, they’ll not only affect us but those around us: emotions like rage, impatience, intolerance, or contempt are sure ways to ruin relationships. But if we become aware of the presence of these emotions, we can stop them in their tracks. We can intervene by asking ourselves, “Why am I feeling this way today?
Is this emotion warranted, or can I replace it with a most positive emotion?” This gives us the ability to control our feelings so that they don’t control us. From there, we can alter the stories we tell ourselves. We’re all guilty of creating stories in our minds. The brain does this as a defense mechanism. Sometimes, however, the stories we fabricate don’t match reality. In the sequence of thoughts-actions-reality, our stories write the next chapter. That’s because the things we envision in our minds induce energy. And if they’re negative, our stories invite negative energy that manifests in the form of situations, events, and people.
Let’s say your partner isn’t picking up your calls. Depending on your previous experiences with him, you might start to think he’s mad at you, with “someone else,” or in trouble. You begin to flesh out these thoughts, adding details such as what the other person looks like or even planning your imminent breakup. I f you dread the outcome of something, you might concoct a story that involves the worst possible scenario so that if the worst does transpire, at least you’re prepared. In reality, the only thing this does is afflict your mental health and propel more doubt and desperation.
The next time you find yourself creating disadvantageous stories, stop your thoughts, return to the present, and apply logic. Examine what’s making you imagine bad things: is it a former trauma, a tendency to be pessimistic, etc.? Remind yourself that these things haven’t happened and don’t need to happen. Then, distract yourself by getting out of your head. Pick up a book, read a random article, or learn about a new topic. Then, when you feel calmer, close your eyes and start the story again. Please go through the scenes and modify them to benefit you. Alter your stories regularly to regain emotional control and foster positive relationships.
Committed: Finding Love and Loyalty Through the Seven Archetypes
OMTimes Magazine
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Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth
Homeopathy is a medical treatment system created by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. It has been used both in individual treatment and in epidemics. Hahnemann describes, in his writings, the method for finding the only suitable drug for each epidemic. Homeopathy is an alternative medicinal treatment that contemplates the human being in its entirety. Nevertheless, there is relatively little material about homeopathic interventions in epidemics. The way the most appropriate medicine is used during an epidemic or outbreak is similar to how the homeopathic doctor chooses a medicine for a patient: the symptoms of several individuals during the epidemic are analyzed, composing a unique picture of symptoms, and medication is thoroughly selected from for this picture. Thus, this medication can be given to the whole community, aiming at preventing that disease. It is how Hahnemann took care of scarlet fever in Germany in the 19th century. XVIII, of Thrombocytopenic Purpura in 1801, of typhus in Leipzig in 1813, and cholera in 1831, in Europe. After Hahnemann, in 1854, homeopathy was effective in the cholera epidemic in England.
Between 1862 and 1864, the diphtheria epidemic in the USA: the mortality rate was much lower in homeopathic patients. The same occurred with the Spanish flu in 1918: more than 62,000 cases were treated homeopathically, with a mortality rate of just 0.7%. In all of these cases, historical records show the excellent effect of homeopathy for the benefit of the population. It presents a significant reduction in the severity of diseases and the number of deaths. Homeopathy sees each individual as a unique being and aims to treat the patient as a whole, understanding through the symptoms the individualization of each case. When it comes to homeopathy in epidemics, the understanding is the same: why, in collective diseases, part of the population produces severe clinical conditions that endanger life, while another portion does not present any or little manifestation of the disease, even when proven laboratory contagion. The answer lies in the susceptibility of each person. Susceptibility is the ability of each organism to react to stimuli, whether they come from illness or a healing substance.
The cure can only occur when the organism can respond to the disease so that it will only get sick when it does not have the correct reaction against the evil that affects it. When a population is affected by an epidemic, each person will react according to their genetic potential and susceptibility, which can only be understood by considering the external influences of the environment in conjunction with internal causes, whether physical, psychological, or spiritual. However, there is the susceptibility of the group of human beings that inhabit a specific place at a given time, so different epidemics arise at specific historical moments with specific socio-cultural circumstances.
The difficulties and challenges of adaptability of the current human being were not the same as that of the man and woman of the early 20th century. Particularly at the time of the Spanish flu epidemic, not to mention the Europeans of the Middle Ages who went through the black plague. That is why, within the context of an epidemic, it is possible to establish the global view of what is affecting the population's susceptibility and then search for the most appropriate homeopathic medicine to cover all the symptoms of this disease through the principle of similarity. Pandemic and the Uniqueness of Phenomena According to Hahnemann, each epidemic "is a unique phenomenon" that usually differs from previous outbreaks. Dr. Hahnemann observed that after analyzing a certain number of patients, an image of the pathological picture of the disease emerges, which is repeated throughout the affected population.
. This image is a pattern and constitutes the essential profile of the pathology that identifies it and makes it diagnosable through a "totality of characteristic signs and symptoms." According to the homeopathic conception, it is an image of the group defined as "epidemic genius." In his Organon of the Art of Healing, Hahnemann says that: "… Each isolated epidemic is of a peculiar, uniform, and particular character common to all affected individuals. When this character is found in the characteristic set of symptoms common to all, it points to discovering the appropriate (specific) homeopathic medicine for all cases. Which, then, is practically effective in all patients who had good health before the epidemic, that is, who did not suffer chronically from developed psora[1]". The basic idea of homeopathy is the law of similarity. A substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat the same symptoms in a sick person. "Thus, Eupatorium perfoliatum, an American plant, causes healthy individuals to experience pain in the body, back, head and joints, in addition to fever. As you can see, these are signs similar to those of dengue victims. JULY SPECIAL EDITION
According to the law of similarity, he explains, it is possible to prepare medicine with Eupatorium to treat dengue patients. There are theoretical and practical indications that homeopathy can preventively or clinically treat epidemic diseases. As an alternative medical treatment, homeopathy is accessible both to the individual and to governments.
Particularities of The Homeopathic Treatments The Homeopathic treatment is accepted by the majority of the population, being effective and non-toxic in the recommended doses. Homeopathic medicine is easy to administer and is therefore also accepted by children. Homeopathic medicine does not require special storage. It should not be subjected to excessive heat and proximity to electromagnetic fields. Homeopathic therapy does not require specificity, as is the case with a vaccine, as it considers the symptoms of the disease, not specifically a virus or bacteria. Homeopathy can be used preventively and treat symptoms of epidemics for which there is no vaccine, or specific treatment, only symptomatic ones. Other countries, such as Cuba and India, poor, populous countries looking for therapeutic alternatives, have used homeopathic therapy to prevent and treat dengue and similar diseases, with positive research and results. These are just a few reports in which we can see that homeopathy is an efficient alternative to fight epidemics and be low-cost. However, it would be good if it was used more and more to benefit all people.
Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.
Has your mind been overflowing with questions lately: Will I get the job I want? Am I on the right path? Will my relationship last? Does my loved one who passed have any messages for me? We're all on a personal crusade looking for answers, and we often seek them from other people or the outside world. I want to let you in on a bit of a secret. You can find all the answers—from your soul! Our soul is like a computer, constantly absorbing information from our experiences.
When Your Soul Has the Answer, You Need Every detail is time-stamped and logged as though it's a memory imprinted on the soul. Each of us has a unique soul with our personal histories, values of what's right or wrong, and, most importantly, our unique way of interpreting and communicating this information. It's the combination of all these components that makes us who we are. If you're looking for answers, look within and start tapping into this vast database of memories, information, and life experiences. Your soul is your inner compass to keep you on track.
Of course, there's a more significant issue here that could be blocking you from using this fantastic resource— trust. Do you trust your inner guidance and wisdom? It's going to take a little time to build this confidence and faith in yourself, primarily if your upbringing was based on letting others make or influence your decisions. But a little time and patience are all you need. Be patient as you learn to interpret the signs and signals that your soul may use to communicate with you. Keep an open mind as you follow this new path. If you doubt the validity of listening to your soul, think of a time when you did trust the advice you were given and how it made your life much easier. When your mind is filled with questions that keep you up at night, your soul is there for you. Your soul wants to help you find peace and will do anything to get that message to you. I call these messages "Soul Answers." You'll find the solutions and the direction and the guidance and the love—all you have to do is trust your soul and let them in.
JOHN'S MESSAGE These soul answers can come to you in many ways—through signs, signals, dreams, or even a persistent gut feeling. So keep your mind open and listen to your heart. When you can take a little time to get quiet, get out of your way and let your instincts take over, you'll learn to tap into this amazing resource. Your soul is standing by with its abundance of wisdom and answers to guide you to your highest good. If you know someone who may like to get this message, feel free to share these Soul Inspirations or recommend joining my newsletter. Live a Soul-filled life!
Ministry Earth is a New joint Ventured Publication from Cathedral of The Soul Mystical Church. OMTimes Media, Inc, OMTimes Publishing House. Together, we endeavor to discover the intersection of an Integrative spirituality, a Conscious scientific perspective, and the practice of Compassionate Ethics. https://ministryearth.com
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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle
By OMTimes
According to Buddhist philosophy, cleaning the house is an essential task so that one's energies are continually renewed. It is believed that the house is the temple of our body and, therefore, it must be cleaned frequently. In Japan, students happily clean their schools, something unimaginable in the West. House cleaning should not be seen as a burden to us. On the contrary, it helps us to achieve balance and harmony in our homes. See how often we should clean the objects we use in our routine to get rid of bacteria and bad energy. CLEANING THE HOUSE - START IN THE KITCHEN A kitchen is a place where we often gather our families and friends. Therefore, we must always keep it clean and in harmony.
The Microwave Did you know that the microwave must be cleaned every week? You can use a mixture of half a cup of water and half a cup of white vinegar and place to heat in a heat-resistant container. After steam covers the inside, remove the container and clean the microwave with a sponge. Kitchen Counter The kitchen counter must be cleaned every day. According to experts, countertops are one of the dirtiest places in the kitchen, as people tend to use sponges with food residues to clean them. Set aside a sponge to clean the countertops and change the dishtowels weekly. OMTimes.com
Fridge Scientists say vegetable drawers can increase the level of bacteria by 750 times, making it a place that should be cleaned frequently. The refrigerator should be superficially cleaned every week. However, a more thorough cleaning should be done monthly at least! CLEANING THE HOUSE - IN THE ROOM The bedroom is where we sleep and recharge our energy. Therefore, it is vital to keep this room clean. Mattress Mattress covers should be washed every two months. When removing the cover to wash, sprinkle the mattress with baking soda to absorb the odors, then vacuum. Bed Linen Bed linen is less dirty than we think. According to recent research, sheets are not the most likely places for mites to develop. But the frequency that should be changed depends a lot on your routine. OMTimes.com
For example, suppose you don't shower before bed if you take naps in clothes you wear on the street if you sleep with pets. If you don't do any of these things, you can change your bed linen every 15 days. On the other hand, if you practice any of them, change it weekly. Pillows Pillows must be washed every three months. If you are an allergic person, it is recommended that you change your pillow twice a year. The average pillow change should be every three years. Pillows can accumulate mites and be harmful to our health. CLEANING THE HOUSE - IN THE BATHROOM A bathroom is often a place for reflection. We are used to thinking about life during the shower, which often helps us make decisions. That's why it's important to keep the bathroom clean. Bathroom energies should always be positive, and cleaning helps to ward off bad vibrations.
Bathtub When we think about the bathroom, we think that the toilet is the dirtiest place in the environment. But the bathtub is also a champion in the proliferation of bacteria. Research claims that the bathtub can be compared to a garbage can for bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended that you wash the bathtub once a week. The frequency should be like cleaning the entire bathroom. Bath towels How often do you wash your towel? You will be amazed at what science suggests. According to researchers, we should wash our bath towels every three uses. This frequency prevents the smell of mold, as each bath, the towel removes millions of dead skin cells. House cleaning - in the living room The living room is a place for living in our house. We meet in the room on several occasions with our family and friends. Besides being a place to relax after a long day at work. The room must be a cozy room, free from negative energy. Therefore, be careful with cleaning weekly and regularly, cleaning that is not day to day. Mat Simply vacuuming the rugs is not enough. In addition to doing it weekly, once a year, seek a professional cleaning done with steam. It's important to pay attention to curtains and floors as well. Especially if you have pets, research shows that your home's air quality can be eight to 10 times worse than outside. Cushions Cushion covers should be washed every two months. It is also recommended that you wash the padding every three months. OMTimes.com
We all feel that feeling of need to be renewed, to do something to promote inner renewal. Make new things, new promises, and plans. For this, a cleansing of feelings appears as an alternative to reach new goals.
Obstacles in business; chaos; suppression of opportunities and good luck; feeling of anguish, insecurity, anxieties, and discouragement; and bad relationships and family are some of the leading causes of negative energy in your life.
With all the more intense energies, this is a good time for change and renewal. So don't let it go. Instead, take the opportunity to celebrate the good times lived so far and ask that the future comes with better things.
But how to block these bad feelings that bring problems to your life? It is believed that it is necessary to block the idea of low self-esteem.
What is it and how to do it! CLEANSING EMOTIONS AND BAD FEELINGS
How to do this?
To successfully carry out Cleansing of emotions and feelings, your home, body, and mind must go through preparation and Cleansing of feelings. Initially, it is necessary to detect which are the negative energies that are surrounding you. Find out what is bad for you, what destroys your optimism, strengths, and hopes. Finding these energies will help you discover the cause of various problems in your life thus far.
You will need good deeds and positive attitudes. It would be best if you devoted yourself to relax your mind, which can be done through meditation and yoga practice. A long bath with salts and herbs can also help to ward off negative energy and cleanse feelings. Also, listening to music that activates the good vibes with positive phrases, good humor, or relaxing you is a good option to detoxify your life.
USING MANTRAS TO CLEAN INNER FEELINGS The use of mantras can also be very effective in clearing feelings. With them, it is possible to achieve tranquility, calm, concentration, and the Zen state. You can even create your mantras to improve your energies. For example, choose words that convey comfort and security or use excerpts from texts and prayers you admire. Remember that a great mantra is calling your God with faith, heart, and prayer. Pay attention to the placement of your spine during meditation time. Also, remember to watch your breathing and the entry of air into your lungs. This exercise will help remove frustrations, afflictions, and anxieties from your life. Using affirmative and positive phrases helps the vibratory field around you, making your home or workplace become harmonized. Seek to invoke the good vibes if you are open to new ideas and thoughts, a new lifestyle with much more peace. Positive thinking will reflect in your home, from the decoration to the organization of the rooms.
Do Not Ignore Your Self-Care This Summer Time for a wellness tune-up:
Parents have never been so stressed:
Singles have never been so lonely and isolated:
Summer is here, and it’s the perfect time for a health and wellness tuneup. We’ve been cooped up indoors for so long that we could all benefit from a check-in. It will help us to clarify what we need to feel better moving forward.
If you’re a parent, you’ve spent the past year and a bit wearing multiple hats: teacher, therapist, and home-based worker. It’s exhausting. But children’s mental health has been sorely stressed throughout the pandemic, and it might be difficult for you to feel entitled to self-care.
If you’re a single person living alone, the loneliness might have been oppressive because of the social distancing.
Whether you’ve decided on a staycation or a vacation this summer, you can decide to take that time to prioritize your self-care.
You should know that you matter, too, and that taking care of yourself can only make you a better parent to your kids. JULY | OMTIMES SPECIAL EDITION
But, on the other hand, it could be easy, once you’re vaccinated, to go a bit crazy, trying to make up for a lost time. Or maybe your loved ones are putting pressure on you to spend time with them. After so much time alone, it’s a good idea to take it slowly and adjust to the changes gradually.
It’s important to try and maintain some balance, not getting distracted by all the social opportunities and forgetting about your own needs.
Are you making sure to destress through yoga, tai chi, breathing exercises, meditation, or mindfulness?
The Eight basics elements of self-care:
Are you connecting deep within yourself?
When I think about the basics of self-care, eight factors you should know!
Or are you connecting to a higher power?
Nutrition Sleep Exercise Leisure Creativity Stress relief Spirituality Social connections If you want to achieve optimum wellness, you’re going to have to take care of yourself this summer. You’ll need to start by tuning in and asking yourself tough questions about each of these areas. Are you eating healthy food in moderation? Are you getting enough good-quality sleep? Are you moving your body and keeping it fit and limber? Are you engaging in leisure activities that bring you joy? Are you pursuing any type of creativity, whether it’s art, crafting, or a hobby?
Whether on your own, in a religious setting, or out in nature? Are you keeping your relationships strong and meaningful? All of these things are essential in maintaining wellness. Understanding what selfcare means: Sometimes, we misunderstand the nature of self-care. It doesn’t mean self-indulging in food or counter-productive behaviors. It doesn’t mean self-medicating with alcohol or other substances. Real self-care means loving yourself but not spoiling yourself. It means considering the consequences of your actions.
For this reason, there are three things to remember this summer: Pace yourself – don’t go from zero to one hundred, or you’ll risk getting overwhelmed. Balance the need to let loose with the need to be safe. But, unfortunately, the variants are here, and they’re highly infectious. Respect yourself and acknowledge your limits and vulnerabilities. Don’t let anyone push you to do things you’re not comfortable with. The other importing thing to know about self-care is that there’s a big difference between wellness and immediate gratification.
Wellness is about seeing the big picture and understanding that pleasure isn’t the same as health or happiness. For example, being hung-over or sick from overindulging the night before will make you unable to function at home and work, and ultimately it will deprive you of happiness and success. If you start going on a sex spree after months of enforced celibacy, you might be in for some nasty surprises. The bottom line is that if you go wild because you’ve been cooped up for so long, there will be consequences. if you focus on self-care as opposed to immediate gratification, you’ll be healthier, happier, and ready for success over the summer and as life gradually re-opens Sign up for my free biweekly wellness newsletter here for my series on Moving into Summer with Good SelfCare, where you’ll learn simple tips for taking the best care of yourself and your loved ones this 2021 summer season. And tune in to my ongoing YouTube video series on Coping with Covid.
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What Will You Do with Your Life Now? BY ALAN COHEN As the pandemic recedes, we are all looking forward to reclaiming something like the life we once knew. But could one of the pandemic purposes be to direct us to a life better than the one we knew? While many people hope the world returns to normal, that could be the worst of our new choices. We now stand at a critical crossroads that will either plunge the world into deeper darkness or elevate it to the light.
When my mentor Hilda Charlton received a student, who had just been healed of dire disease, Hilda would ask that person, “What will you do with your life now?” We might ask ourselves the same question after moving through the long, dark tunnel of this planetary disease. What have we learned that can make our lives more meaningful? A Course in Miracles tells us, “All things are lessons God would have me learn.” This is true on a planetary level as well as a personal level.
While many of the results of the coronavirus pandemic were tragic, we were also bestowed with lifechanging experiences. We connected with our families and came to appreciate them far more. We had unprecedented time to delve into spiritual studies and practices. We quit going to toxic office environments and retooled our careers, working from home. While many people hid in fear and protection, others reached out and helped people who were hurting. For the first time in history, all of humanity came together for the common purpose of healing.
When a student asked the spiritual teacher Bashar the spiritual reason behind the pandemic, Bashar answered, “There are always organisms in nature that could be detrimental to humanity if they were allowed to proliferate. But humanity is generally immune to them. When humanity drifts from nature and lives contrary to the natural order, physically and spiritually, humanity’s immunity drops, and the world becomes vulnerable to diseases to which it would otherwise be impervious.” The pandemic was not a random event or a punishment from God. It was a wake-up call for each of us as individuals and humanity as a whole to make necessary course corrections and live as our natural selves rather than deny them. Suppose we go back to working insanely and wedging in little or no time for the people we love. Either neglecting our physical well-being in favor of stress; or fighting over trifles; or dropping into national or racial divisiveness;
or becoming self-involved rather than reaching out; then the pandemic will have served no purpose. Sadly, some similar or even more dire nightmares will come around until the voice for healing gets our attention. So let us avoid the need for another two-byfour whack, extract the blessing from the challenge, and make it work in our favor. When I studied organic gardening, I consulted with many resources to find out how to keep bugs and diseases from destroying our crops. While the books and experts gave various tips and remedies, they all came to the same conclusion. When a plant is grown in healthy, nutritious soil, it maintains a natural immunity to pests and diseases. So here we have a magnificent metaphor for all of our lives: When we are well-rooted in our spiritual nature, the slings and arrows of the world cannot harm us. As we drop our masks, make social distancing more social, return to offices, and go back to parties, concerts, and public gatherings, let us remember Hilda’s question:
What will you do with your life now? If we establish and maintain a higher quality of connection with ourselves, each other, and the universe, the pandemic will have taught us well. We have worked our way out of the nightmare. Will we now stay awake?
Alan Cohen is the author of the bestselling A Course in Miracles Made Easy and his newlyreleased inspirational book, Soul and Destiny. Join Alan and musician Karen Drucker for a transformational in-person ACIM-based retreat in California, Into the Light, December 6-10, 2021. For information on this program and Alan’s other books, recordings, and training, visit www.alancohen.com. JULY | OMTIMES SPECIAL EDITION
Some believe that we have to have another animal not suffer the loss so much as a dog or cat dies. Others feel that it is necessary to go through grief before adopting a new furbaby. Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love and loyalty. They department to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog; it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs, your heart is very big.
Erica Jong By Ministry Earth Photos by Canva
How long would it be ideal to wait after your pet's death for an extra family member? It is a widespread question among dog owners, and it also applies to cats. The death of such an important being always causes us a lot of suffering. Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because, in the case of the pet, you did not intend to love it. Amy Sedaris
Getting over the Grieving Process After a pet's death, the grieving process is not always the same for all family members, and many factors influence this. We have to know that it is impossible to substitute one pet for another since all the animals that come into our life are unique and irreplaceable. When, for example, there are small children at home, we try to make them quickly forget the animal that died by bringing them a new one right away.
But although we believe that this is good for the mental health of the little ones, it can cause more trauma. The dog or feline that arrives at home will bring back memories of the dead pet and will provoke more cries than laughter, at least for the first few months after the pet's death. That's why it's best to first accept the death of a dog or cat before adopting another one. The feeling of sadness that comes over us when a pet dies can be as great as what we experience when a loved one dies.
We must allow ourselves to express our pain, cry if we want to, and go through the mourning as we see fit. No one will take from their minds or hearts the memories we lived with our pet (who was an extra family member), and the anguish is understandable. This time we give ourselves before adopting a new faithful friend is convenient so that we can take care of our pain not and adequately drag pains from the past. After your pet's death, there are no replacements. What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. Helen Keller Bringing home a new friend is not a decision to make when we feel sad and grieved for the one who has gone. Therefore, it is necessary to think carefully and analyze the pros and cons of this being who will form part of our family from now on. It is not strange that we decided to take in an animal similar to the dead pet. Because? Because we want him to come back, or we don't want to suffer so much from the loss.
But this new pet doesn't look like anything other than the physical, and it could be a fact that would depress and distress us even more. We must never intend to replace a dog or cat or want the new animal to act the same way or have the same personality and customs. Every animal, just like people, is unique and irreplaceable. Giving yourself another chance to love Once you have gone through grief, the next step will be to adopt a new friend. Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
Anatole France
There are many associations where you can adopt stray or abandoned dogs. Protective organizations that welcome animals can be found quickly, and you will be more than welcome when you come to one intending to take home a dog. If you have decided after your dog's death that you no longer have pets, you can at least help with donations to these initiatives or even keep furry ones at home for a few weeks until they recover or find a home. Adoption experts say this can be good therapy to overcome the death of our faithful friend. Possibly it's a way to get back in touch with the furry ones and pretend that the one who watches us from the sky would be happy if we gave a chance to a dog or cat that doesn't have a home.
OMTimes Magazine
Relationships The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.
HOW TO KNOW IF YOU'RE COMPATIBLE The following is an excerpt from our newest book, Committed: Finding Love and Loyalty Through the Seven Archetypes
OMTimes | Special Edition
Before commitment comes chemistry, the initial force that attracts you to one another. While it's true that some archetypes "match" better with others, compatibility is a universal law that applies to all enduring relationships. Many people, however, have a skewed perception of what it means to be a match. Compatibility isn't looking into each other's eyes and seeing stars; it's seeing the same stars when you look up at the night sky—seeing the world with the same eyes. We hear our clients say, "I felt chemistry right away," or, "We're totally compatible." However, when we ask them to define what they mean by chemistry or compatibility, they answer something along the lines of, "You know, that spark." And by "spark," they mean getting along without effort, sharing a laugh, or holding a meaningful conversation. We can all agree that chemistry feels like internal fireworks going off, but we also know that fireworks fizzle out quickly. And when they wear out, what will remain? Sharing chemistry is fun, not to mention necessary. But it isn't indicative of a person's capacity to remain loyal or devoted, especially in time. No matter your partner's archetype, genuine chemistry is measured by the values you hold in common. True compatibility is sharing similar life goals and beliefs about commitment. These must match so that you can evolve together, not apart.
OMTimes | Special Edition
One of these beliefs has to do with the way you handle arguments. It's unrealistic to think that your relationship won't be subject to any conflict; conflict is inevitable and must be addressed. What matters most is how you move past it. But if you both need to be right all the time, your disagreements will never cease. If you both need to talk over each other to get your points across, know that your neighbors will eventually call the police because of all the shouting. Knowing how to compromise on your disagreements is much more helpful than always agreeing. Specifically, you both have to be willing to commit to your differences as much as you commit to your commonalities. You don't have to have the same religion, background, or upbringing as your partner because compatibility is being able to say, "To each his own," and accepting the discrepancies between you. Compromise is the happy medium that keeps two people together for the long run. Make sure that, regardless of his archetype, the person you choose to spend your life with is willing to put aside differences to keep the relationship in good standing. Being able to apologize is also a significant factor in compatibility. If you refuse to admit fault and your partner refuses to admit fault, you're both refusing to resolve a problem. Therefore, both sides must be willing to say "I'm sorry" as often as needed. You won't be able to keep up a relationship with a person who's unwilling to budge from his position. This becomes particularly important if and when you choose to start a family, as both parents have to share one parenting style. The more you see eye to eye with your partner, the more you can agree on more significant issues and raise your children without dissension.
OMTimes | Special Edition
Even when one parent disagrees with the other, he still has to back his partner up in front of their children. Your kids will respect you more as parents if they see that you're able to co-parent smoothly. Make sure that you and your partner can apply the same methods when it comes to your children. As much as compatibility is felt within, it exists on the material side of your relationship. So, your earning and spending habits must match from the beginning. It will pose many problems if one partner likes to save his hard-earned money while the other loves to blow it away on luxuries or if one partner has to pay everything for the other. Both partners have to be on the same page in terms of saving and investing. Make sure you understand the limitations of your partner's career and find out whether he has a backup plan. As a financial expert, Suze Orman said, "Opposites attract, but I wouldn't bet my money on financial opposites." Having parallel views about work and money will help you spend more time together, which is essential to keep up compatibility. For example, if your partner works at night and you work during the day, understand that this will cause problems.
OMTimes | Special Edition
Another inconvenient truth about compatibility is that people change over time. When you first meet your partner, he might be on the same path as you. He might like all of the things you want and have the same hobbies you have, making you think, Wow, this is great, we have so many things in common! But in one, five, or ten years from the time you meet, he might not like any of those things anymore. And you might not either. You could grow to have individual tastes and want to do different things. Perceptions shift, and your partner can transform into a new person. What then? Or, if your partner is always busy and has no time to spend with you, you won't feel like you're in much of a relationship. When it comes to the notion of time, you have to run on the same clock or set aside days to spend together. And when you are together, if you're compatible, you'll show each other the same level of affection. Emotionally speaking, one partner shouldn't be warm while the other is cold. The attention you give should be given to you too. It's a mark of incompatibility when one person always gives love and affection that's not reciprocated.
You'll find yourself asking, "Where is the man I fell in love with?" This is why you have to compensate for each other's weaknesses; what he lacks, you have, and vice versa. If you're good at managing time, but your partner isn't, you can help him organize his schedule and be punctual. And if he's good at saving money but you're not, he can help you balance your checkbook and cut down on unnecessary spending. Alone, you're incomplete, but together, you're supposed to be whole. If you're both lacking in the same areas, you aren't complementary. You'll experience the same problems repeatedly because neither partner will be able to compensate for what the other doesn't have. Be careful of being with a person who tends to bring up what you lack, what you're not good at, or what you're sensitive about every time you get into an argument. A certain level of respect must be upheld within your relationship at all times. Even with the patience of a saint, any woman will reach a breaking point and either lash out or leave if her partner constantly disrespects her. Authentic compatibility transcends personality types. It's a deep-seated connection that survives in time because it's grounded in life principles. Committed will make you reevaluate the way you think about love. It is a relationship manual that unfolds in two parts: the work you'll need to perform on the inside and the seven distinct archetypes you'll encounter on the outside.
Astrology & Numerology
In their new book Mindful Astrology: Finding Peace of Mind According to Your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign, bestselling self-help authors Monte Farber and Amy Zerner teach you how to understand the combination of your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign - your Celestial Trilogy - to help you appreciate your quirks and character traits with curiosity, kindness, and graciousness so that they will serve to strengthen your spiritual growth; to be more mindful of your unique nature, feelings and projections, as well as those of other important people in your life. Our Moon sign describes our Virtually all the birth charts you can obtain online will spell out which of the twelve signs of the zodiac is your moon sign, just as most of them also list your sun and rising signs. If you do not have your birth chart, go to ALABE.COM and get it, it's free.
feelings, habits, emotional intelligence, intuition, and the communication of all of these things, which ebb and flow like the Moon.
Check out your Moon Sign message from Amy and Monte below:
Aries No one can tell you what to do! You are brave, a fighter when feelings are involved! You are independent and don't care if others are. Others may try to get to you through your feelings because they know you'll act before you think. Don't let them manipulate you through your temper.
Taurus Need comfort, security, and prefer things to not change too much. You are loving and affectionate, and you need affection! Only the best for you! Great that you are calm and patient, but you can find it hard to get going. You don't rush. It is hard for you to change feelings about things.
Gemini You are ready to experience life like no other Moon sign. You communicate your feelings. You want to learn all, especially what's new! You are cool in a crisis, but your emotions change so rapidly you can become restless and bored. Careful not to talk about yourself too much.
Cancer This sign is "ruled" by the Moon, so you are very Emotionally Intelligent. Mother(ing) is VERY important to you. You have great intuition! Feelings are more important to you than thinking, so make an effort to use both in your decision-making. If you are criticized, you fold. OMTIMES MAGAZINE
Leo You need to feel proud of yourself and everyone and everything that is important to you. When you like someone, you tell them and want the same. You like to play! Be aware of how you consider yourself important and may act to attract attention if your feelings aren't respected. Don't exaggerate.
Virgo You are an odd blend of happy and serious. You have skills because you are careful and like to be useful. You like to be helpful, neat, and orderly. Be aware that you analyze and worry about your emotions. It can make you wrongly believe others don't like you. Avoid perfectionism.
Libra You feel everything, and everyone is beautiful in their own way. You are kind, affectionate, and a good friend. People like you. Peaceloving, you are so nice you may be fooled by liars and crazies. Don't give in to keep the peace if you should fight for justice. Avoid laziness.
Scorpio Your feelings are passionate beyond words and complicated. You need your life to be intense. You are an investigator. Secret powers are for you! Others are confused by your moods because you are, too! Don't take your emotions too seriously. Avoid jealousy and exposing others' secrets.
Sagittarius You need to feel proud of yourself and everyone and everything that is important to you. When you like someone, you tell them and want the same. You like to play! Be aware of how you consider yourself important and may act to attract attention if your feelings aren't respected. Don't exaggerate.
Capricorn You are an optimistic idealist, a deep thinker about Nature and Reality. You want to travel and share your favorite places with all. Don't feel empty when people let you down. Take them as they are. Great that you are independent but don't freak out when stopped.
Aquarius You must feel free to experiment and feel as you wish with whomever you wish. You control your feelings but reveal them at odd times. Emotional displays annoy you. You need to feel in control and separate from your emotions. Great in a crisis but crabby after.
You are kind, sensitive, and compassionate. If you can isolate and put your feelings in perspective, you can receive and use psychic information. You are kind but only help the deserving. Avoid negative people because they drag you down. Use your fantasies and imagination creatively, not for escape.
Amy and Monte have combined their deep love for each other with the work of inner exploration and self-discovery to build The Enchanted World of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber: books, card decks, and oracles that have helped millions answer questions and find deeper meaning. Together they've made their love for each other a work of art and their art the work of their lives. Their best-selling titles include The Chakra Meditation Kit, The Karma Cards, The Enchanted Spellboard, Little Reminders: The Law of Attraction, The Enchanted Love Tarot, The Enchanted Tarot, Instant Tarot, The Psychic Circle, Astrology for Wellness, The Creativity Oracle, Mindful Astrology and their two forthcoming books The Wild Goddess Oracle and Enchanted Worlds: The Visionary Collages & Art Couture of Amy Zerner. Visit their Website: www.TheEnchantedWorld.com
Personal Growth & Development
We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.
The Practice of Self Respect By Judi Lynch Self-respect knows how amazing and miraculous we are without anyone having to tell us. When we have unconditional love for ourselves, we create an energy that everyone feels and everything around us.
Throughout our lives, we can forget how to love, honor, and forgive ourselves. To remember the Source that created us in unconditional love, we should initiate our evolution with The Practice of Self Respect. Our ego can tell us that self-worth depends on what others think or that what we own makes us better. Our spirit will tell us that we are always connected to loving energy without judgment or material possessions.
Moments of self-doubt can fool us into believing we are not worthy enough, haven’t done enough, aren’t smart enough, etc. The truth is we are part of the collective Spiritual Consciousness, which is infinite and unlimited in the ability to feed our souls with wisdom and light. Our purposes, known and unknown, bring in the situations that help us understand our inner ability to keep healing and moving forward in life. When we live the life journey with curiosity and gratitude, we open up new thoughts and possibilities. We care less what others think, as our opinion is what helps to drive our purpose. Our uniqueness becomes our best attribute. Our unwillingness to accept what has always been done keeps us motivated to seek out a better way. How we look at the world, in general, is a reflection of how we look at ourselves. If we think that there is hope for change and improvement with endless possibilities, we can exponentially thrive. If we think the Earth is a scary place with no hope of redemption, we will see ourselves without purpose and direction, an invalid number. When we believe and know that we are worthy of respect in our good intentions, we gain confidence. Our souls thrive when we touch the higher frequencies and free ourselves of physical limitations, opinions, distractions, and doubts.
We can learn to let go of negative thinking and its stagnant energy when we realize that these conditions keep us in a cycle to attract more of the same. Our intentions can get lost in anxiety, ego, and the judgment of others if we live in and allow lower-energy attitudes to control our thoughts and actions. Instead of adopting these attitudes, we can send healing thoughts to those who criticize, hate, bully, and judge. We begin to understand that their opinions have no bearing on how we see ourselves, and we have learned to love and respect ourselves and our journey in this lifetime. Respect for others with their opinions and life choices is also a part of living in the higher frequencies of Source energy. Creatively, we can transmute negative energy back into the light without dimming our own, or another’s light in the process. With the acceptance that we are all here to learn, grow, evolve, and help one another, we give up competing and start to share. We should never forget that we were created in divine love, and we all belong here. It is not an accident that we have all been born with a purpose. Forgive others who live by judgment and opinion.
They are only seeking to impress or deflate. Make peace with their bitterness and anger by understanding how letting it go sets us free from our anger at their shallow cruelty. Everyone we meet will indeed have a different opinion of us based on their realities and beliefs. One person might think we are excellent, while another might say we are hard to get along with. None of what they think has anything to do with us unless we let it. Self-respect knows how amazing and miraculous we are without anyone having to tell us. When we have unconditional love for ourselves, we create an energy that everyone feels and everything around us.
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide.
To learn more or contact for a session, see judilynch.com
THE PATH FROM COPE TO HOPE The experience of life is like none other. Even though it can show us wondrous mysteries and adventure, it also tends to throw us curveballs from time to time. That does weigh on our minds and hearts as we go through this journey. Life can be simultaneously wonderful and challenging, even if at the time we don't think so. So it is entirely understandable how we can find ourselves shifting to survival mode only and forget to shift ourselves into our thrive mode when the time comes.
We have to hand it to coping and survival skills. If we didn't have those readily accessible skills, we couldn't even get to the really good stuff in this world. Our best chapters are yet to come, and we want to be around for those. There are many ways to cope with today's stress, and the style will vary from person to person. What may work for one may not work for another, and that's completely okay. We can try meditation, breathing exercises, even visualization techniques. We can pretend our worries are clouds floating off into the distance, learning to be present, and taking in our senses by counting one thing we see, smell, hear, taste, and touch. Using simple tools can help us at the moment to get to the desired thrive mode. To make it to our thrive mode, we must first master our survival mode and coping skills. Once we have completed this, we are well on our way. We have to believe that we can get to where we want to be in this life. Sometimes we may even have to be our own best friends and cheerleader to do this. We have to believe in ourselves enough to go after what we want and not just settle for what we can get. That said, we must be both idealistic and realistic in our planning.
just fruity and fresh FAST FRUIT FACTS We have to shift our thinking from pessimistic views to optimistic ones and strive to see the light in all things, find the lesson, and keep growing into well-balanced human beings. Gratitude will open many doors if we let it. Our thrive mode could be one of those doors. Having hope is everything. Without hope, could we even have the energy to do what needs to be done? Probably not. We must visualize our success, come up with solutions to our current problems, and pick the best one. When we reach our milestones, goals, and success stories, we need to remember to rejoice and celebrate in those times.
Some of us often go from one problem to the next without even realizing what we accomplished in the first place. This will help build self-esteem and confidence in what we do, and it will show in our faces, body language, and spirit. Those around us will notice, whether that be our friends, family, coworkers, colleagues, or clients. This is when we know we have reached thrive mode, and even though we have crossed the finish line for this particular quest, we can use what we have learned and continue to thrive. Life is full of ups and downs. We will not always land gracefully or say the perfect thing.
We are human beings, and we will make mistakes, but how we learn from those mistakes is everything. We cannot let our fortune or misfortune dictate how we grow as people. We can choose to see the light and gratitude in all things. Perhaps we can even find humor in a situation. We must continue to use our coping skills for the moments we find stressful, learn to rejoice in our milestones, and stay curious to what lessons may be hidden in our daily events to find the path from cope to hope!
Learn different techniques to find how to go from cope to hope in our daily lives!
Ginger McBride is a wellness writer, certified health coach, wellness expert, and entrepreneur. She uses her knowledge in the health and wellness field to help others with their health, inspiring them to reach their goals through motivation and education!
Committed conveys a deep understanding of the seven love archetypes that exist, along with their unique strengths, weaknesses, and varying capacities to uphold a dedicated relationship. It leads us on a journey of self-discovery as we shed old fears and knock down emotional barriers to cultivate a truly committed relationship with a partner who best complements our archetype. Through timeless wisdom and extensive experience, Dr. Carmen Harra and Alexandra Harra help us advance down the path toward the love we deserve. Committed will make you reevaluate the way you think about love. It is a relationship manual that unfolds in two parts: the work you’ll need to perform on the inside and the seven distinct archetypes you’ll encounter on the outside. The goal of Committed is to help you find and keep the love you deserve: an authentic, impassioned relationship that fills you with excitement each morning and puts your mind at ease every night. “Committed is a practical manual for anyone seeking to build and maintain a stable relationship. It offers grounded, realistic advice for readers to strengthen their bond with their significant other and get loyalty from the one they love.” —Dr. John Gray, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:
Your Literary Fingerprint: Your Memoir What Makes your Book of Memories so unique as your Literary Fingerprint? When you write a manuscript, you share part of your life experience with thousands of people or half a dozen of them. So, your bitterness, joy, creativity, or stupidity can become part of other people's interests. Or who knows? Just so impressive that it can incite interest across oceans. And this is something you should cherish: Your memoir style. Own. Single. Exclusive. Your literary fingerprint. Why should You write a Memoir? Of course, the quick answer would be, why Not?
Your Memoir, Your Style, Your Literary Fingerprint Remember, your literary Style needs to jump from the pages or a computer screen when writing your story. The Style needs to be an "exhibitionist." It will make a difference. This will make your writings unique, flowing your soul in each chosen letter, even if it addresses a subject already insistently treated by others. But don't think of Literary Style as something automatic, which spills out smoothly and automatically as you write. It can, and often does, need to be polished. OMTIMES JULY EDITION
Write about what you know well - One of the unique ways to bring your Literary Style to the surface is to write about something you know very well. We mean that which resides deep in your heart and that you wish other people to think about. When we talk about something that beats our heart, that bounces through the pores of our skin. Literary Style shows their faces and mouths. It will be the most seductive element of your novels or chronicle narratives. A Writing a Memoir & The Art of drawing yourself in words Have the courage to Cut out what is unnecessary - Your eloquence needs to serve your ideas' purpose - crown them, not confuse them. However good it is, if a sentence is not essential to the descriptive purpose, have no mercy: eliminate it. Unnecessary ideas were made to beheaded. "
Memoir isn't the summary of a life; it's a window into a life, very much like a photograph in its selective composition. William Zinsser
Learn to Identify Yourself Through Your Work Unfortunately, some new authors try to sound like your favorite writers. And this sucks, as it pollutes your identity and obscures what you have best. Don't try to look like other writers who have impacted your life. Please don't do it, even with those who inspired you to make writing a career. Even though some Literary Styles may be influenced, do not let someone else's Style take the place of natural beauty. Your writing is unique, and so is what your perspective can take on.
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