OMTimes Magazine June A 2023 Edition

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An awake heart is like a sky that pours light. Hafez 32 46 50 58 June A| 2023 Dr. Sharon Martin: The Power of Shamanic Healing Breaking the Food Addiction –Practicing Abstinence Struggling to Sleep? A Few Potential Reasons for Your Missing Zs The Start of a Healing Journey 70 78 86 Evolving Through Our Spiritual Transitions The Art of Surrender: Stop the Struggle and Co-Create with Spirit! Can We Save the World Practicing Ahimsa?

Resources for a More Beautiful Face

7 Ways to Spiritualize Your Wedding

Moving Beyond the Victim Role and Taking Personal Responsibility

How the Buddha Became a Christian Saint

100 110 120 92 er June A| 2023

Shamanic healing is a practice that indigenous societieshaveusedforthousandsofyears.Itinvolves the shaman, a spiritual practitioner, entering altered states of consciousness to communicate with the spiritworldandfacilitatehealing.

The power of shamanic healing lies in its holistic approach to well-being. Shamans believe that illness and imbalance are caused by spiritual disharmony, andaddressingaperson'sspiritualaspectscanbring aboutphysical,emotional,andmentalhealing.

Maximum Medicine: Blending Western, Shamanic, and Energy Medicine for Dynamic Healing offers a straightforward, stepwise approach for the reader to attain mastery in all dimensions – mind, body, and spirit.Andindoingso,thereadercanchangethecourse ofillnessandexperiencebeingmorefullyalive.

This book builds bridges between the mystical and scientificwithchaptersonnewwaysofseeingillness – set in the style of Medicine Wheels. Dr. Martin shares how she approaches healing, using multiple concentric wheels – that of elements such as in Chinese Medicine, compass directions such as in Celtic mythology, her original process of the Four As, and the four perspectives (literal, emotional, spiritual,andenergetic).

Itisimportanttonotethatshamanichealingisoften used as a complementary approach alongside conventional medical treatment. Its power lies in its ability to address the spiritual and energetic aspects of healing, promoting holistic well-being. As with any healing modality, results can vary, and it's essential to find an experienced shamanic specialist ifyouareinterestedinexploringthisapproach.

June A| 2023

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ThePowerof ShamanicHealing

Dr.Sharon Martin

Dr. Sharon Martin holds a doctorate in Physiology and worked as a research scientistandasfacultyatEmoryUniversity School of Medicine. At Emory, she was awarded the University-wide teaching award. Subsequently, she trained at and graduated from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and finished a medical residencyinInternalMedicine.

Dr.MartinservedasChiefResidentduring her last Internal Medicine residency year. Dr. Martin holds membership in the American College of Physicians, the nationalorganizationforInternalMedicine physicians.

She is certified by the National American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr.Martinisacertifiedgraduateofthe Four Winds Society's Healing the Light Body curriculum, a premier training programinshamanicenergymedicine.

SheiscurrentlytheMedicalDirectorof a Rural Health Clinic in south-central Pennsylvania. She also hosts two radio shows, Maximum Medicine and Sacred Magic,airedonthesyndicatednetwork TransformationTalkRadio.



Sharon Martin: For me, the first benefit is knowing, as the ancient healers knew, that unseen forces are at play in our human destiny and that to ally ourselves with these forces can significantly shift theoutcomeofanylifechallenge.Totruly work holistically with someone, I need to view that person in all their capacities, includingtheirsoul’sjourney,andseethe changes in their energy field. The shamanic approach to healing is holistic and all-encompassing. Humans are not separate from the rest of the seen or unseen world, a knowing the ancient medicine men and women lived and breathed.


Sharon Martin: One of the principal teachings in shamanic techniques is that of perspective. Something may look true fromonelensbutentirelydifferentwhen seenthroughanother.

Forexample,someonemaycomplainabout chronic back pain, but the pain persists despite multiple traditional interventions. Whenseenasthedownstreameffectofa soulcontract,one’sperspectiveisshifted torecognizingthatthewaywardphysical state should be fixed at a deeper soul level. In looking through all lenses, one canmoreeasilyfindthesolution.



Sharon Martin: It taught me that humans are far greater than we know and have access to resources in realms we may not see. Learning and then deeply knowing that we arepartofthevast,interdependent web of consciousness wass marvelous,expandedknowledge.


Sharon Martin: The first essential stepistobelievethatourthoughts create our reality and that our thoughts when laser-beam focused into intentions, can shift our destiny. Focusing our awareness on our desire to heal dramatically impacts our ability to change the outcome. A second critical step is cultivatingourallianceswithhigher energy resources – Nature, Spirit, andenlightenedbeings.Wearenot aloneandcancallontheseHelpers to assist in transforming our challenges.



SharonMartin: Bringing in the mystical opens the windows of our world and expands our sense of Self and our place in the cosmos. Just experiencing that expansion is healing in and of itself.


SharonMartin: For me, energy medicine’s primary teaching is that we have an energy field that interacts with people, places, times, and events and influences our physiology. Multiple stories and avenues for changing the predominant physical state are held within the energy field. Even without being a trained practitioner of energy medicine, a patient can start to sense their energy body and, with focused awareness and thought, communicate with the energy body to improve how chi or life force flows from the energy body into the physical. I teach several techniques in my book, Maximize Your Healing Power.


SharonMartin: As I teach in my book, cultivating our ability to sense our energy field allows us to visualize/sense/know when and where our field is in disrepair. The Peruvian Inca, and other indigenous peoples, see the energy body as an egg-shaped field around us, extending outside our physical form, pulsing with vibratory Life Force. We then can sense this for ourselves or practice looking at the energy fields of others. Quickly, we can see where things are stagnant or blooming and where things are depleted or overly full. Then, we move on to focused awareness and directed thoughts to make shifts. I call these clearing practices.


SharonMartin: Nothing is more potent than our beliefs. OMTIMES


If we do not believe we can heal or change the outcome, it is doubtful that we will. If the best we can do at the time is to suspend disbelief, then one should start there. Suspend disbelief and allow the possibility that something could be different. Then a significant hurdle is overcome.


SharonMartin: First, humans do not exist separately from the Earth and the elements of Nature inhabiting the Earth. Second, the forces of the Earth and Nature are vastly more potent than one human being; being aware of these forces, working in concert with these forces, and even making alliances with these forces adds substantial power to the trajectory of our destiny.


SharonMartin: The Universe has many different energetic currents and vibratory patterns. Some are called enlightened beings, nature spirits, dragons, etc. Some hold energies that resonate with the healing currents we wish to have for ourselves.


When we connect with these energies, we ask our field to align with these, and in doing so, we are expanding the repertoire of our field. These alignments can shift our current energetic pattern into a better, morehealedone.


Sharon Martin: The best medicine is a Venn diagram of the intersection between mainstream medicine, shamanic techniques, andenergymedicine.

The more expanded the awareness of the practitioner and the more willing they are to pull from different schools of thought canonlybenefittheclient.


Sharon Martin: A ritual done in concert with Spirit (in sacred space) invokes the highestofourselvesandourconsciousness and brings that to bear on the healing intention. And, if rituals have been performedformillennia,theveryactcomes with the energies of thousands who have passed before. The power, therefore, is incredible.


Health & Wellness

Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

Breaking the Food Addiction – Practicing Abstinence

ow that you've accepted that you have an addiction to the chemicals found

in processed food, the second component is to completely get the substance out of your system. Like any drug, as long as you have "just a

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little," it can activate the compulsion. Just as an alcoholic can't have alcoholic beverages around to tempt them, you should not have these foods around to tempt you. Many people, especially moms, will often say, "but I have to have it around for my kids or my husband," but honestly, you don't.

They do not need these foods any more than you do. Relatively thin people do not need to eat these chemicals, either. There is a littleknown problem being noticed recently that some people who are not fat yet eat all these processed foods have "fat blood" and can be just as sick as someone who is obese, but they don't show it on the outside like someone with a weight problem does.

Remember the alcoholic? He can't even have one sip of the addictive substance, and neither can you. But it doesn't have to be torture. You can replace these chemicals with all-natural, organic foods, and while, at first, you may experience some withdrawal, you won't be hungry, and you won't feel the withdrawal for long. You can overcome it simply by making a few replacements and exchanges in your current

diet. Remember, just replace any processed foods with whole, natural, organic foods, and you will be fine, and so will your husband and kids. In fact, everyone will thank you for taking care of their health.

In order to do this, you need to practice abstinence, and you can only do this by clearing your home of any of these chemical substances. First, clean your cabinets and refrigerator of anything that is not completely whole, natural, and unaltered. No genetically modified substance or chemically enhanced foods, whether advertised as "health food" or not.

If anything has high fructose corn syrup, corn sugar, sugar, white flour, or additives you cannot pronounce, toss it. Throw it away and replace it with healthier alternatives.

Remember, some of these ingredients are added under different names to try to fool you. Do your due diligence and research the ingredients in your food before you ingest it. For instance, High fructose corn syrup may be called chicory, inulin, isoglucose, glucose-fructose syrup, fruit fructose, corn sugar, and the list goes on. Pay close attention if you don't know what something is. It

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is probably best not to eat it until you do know. I'm sure if you knew years ago that you were causing yourself and your entire family to be addicted to these substances, you would not have eaten them. But you were unaware, now you're not.

Breaking an addiction to food and overeating can be challenging, but it is achievable with the right mindset, support, and tools. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Identify the root cause: Understanding the underlying reasons for your food

addiction and overeating is essential. It could be due to stress, boredom, emotional issues, or a lack of selfcontrol. Once you identify the root cause, you can start addressing it.

Practice mindfulness: Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions while eating. Try to eat slowly, savor each bite, and stop when full.

Create a healthy eating plan: Plan your meals in advance and ensure they are healthy and balanced. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.

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Find healthy alternatives: Instead of turning to junk food when you have a craving, find healthy alternatives like fruits, nuts, or vegetables.

Get support: Reach out to family, friends, or a support group to help you through the process.

Exercise regularly: Exercise helps with weight loss and releases endorphins, which can help reduce stress and improve your mood.

Seek professional help: If you are struggling to break your addiction

to food and overeating, seek professional help from a therapist or registered dietitian.

Remember, breaking an addiction takes time and effort. Celebrate small successes along the way, and don't beat yourself up if you slip up. Instead, keep moving forward and stay committed to your goal of living a healthy and balanced life.

The first step to breaking your addiction to processed foods is acknowledging that you have a problem. Once you have done this, the

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next step is to completely remove these substances from your system. Just like any other addictive substance, even having a small amount can trigger compulsion. Similar to an alcoholic who cannot have any alcoholic beverages around, you should not have processed foods around to tempt you. Some people may argue that they need these foods for their family, but this is not true. Even if your family members are thin, they do not need to eat these chemicals.

To replace these addictive substances, you can switch to all-natural, organic foods. While you may experience some withdrawal symptoms initially, you won't feel hungry for long. You can overcome these symptoms by simply replacing processed foods with whole, natural, organic foods. You can practice abstinence by clearing your home of any processed foods, genetically modified substances, or chemically enhanced foods. If any food item contains high fructose corn syrup, sugar, sugar, white flour, or additives you cannot pronounce, you should toss it and replace it with healthier alternatives.

different names to try and deceive you. Therefore, it is important to research the ingredients in your food before you eat it. For instance, high fructose corn syrup may be disguised as chicory, inulin, isoglucose, glucose-fructose syrup, fruit fructose, or corn sugar. If you are not sure what an ingredient is, it is best not to eat it until you have researched it. It is likely that if you had known about the harmful effects of these substances years ago, you would not have eaten them. Now that you are aware, you can take the necessary steps to break your food addiction and improve your health.

Breaking a food addiction can be challenging but possible with the right approach and mindset. Here are some tips that may help:

Identify triggers: Start by identifying the triggers that lead to your food addiction. This could be stress, boredom, loneliness, or something else. Once you identify your triggers, you can work on finding healthier ways to deal with them.

Be aware that some of these harmful ingredients may be added under

Make a plan: Plan your meals in advance and stick to a schedule. This will help you avoid impulsive eating

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and make healthier choices. Include a variety of healthy foods in your meals, such as lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Avoid temptation: Get rid of any unhealthy foods in your home and avoid places that tempt you to eat unhealthy foods. If you can't avoid certain situations, plan and bring healthy snacks.

Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help you feel fuller and reduce cravings. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day.

Find support: Talk to friends and family about your goals and ask for

their support. Then, consider joining a support group or seeking the help of a professional, such as a therapist or nutritionist.

Practice mindfulness: Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness signals. Eat slowly and enjoy your food, savoring each bite. Avoid distractions while eating, such as TV or your phone.

Be kind to yourself: Breaking a food addiction takes time and effort. Be patient and kind to yourself, and don't beat yourself up if you slip up. Remember that every day is a new opportunity to make healthier choices.

OM TIMES | June 2023

Struggling to Sleep?

A Few Potential Reasons for Your Missing Zs

We all know the feeling of lying in bed, wide awake, and staring at the clock as the minutes

slowly tick by. For some of us, this happens occasionally; for others, it's a nightly occurrence. But why does insomnia happen? And more importantly, what can we do about

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it? Let's explore a few potential reasons for your missing Zs.


If you're finding it hard to fall asleep at night, it might be because you're not letting yourself truly go to bed. We often stay up too late because we think we need to finish just one more thing or tell ourselves we'll relax for a few more minutes.

But the truth is, our bodies need time to wind down so we can fall asleep. So if you're having difficulty letting yourself go to bed, try setting a limit on how long you'll stay up each night. Once you hit that limit, turn off all your electronics and allow yourself to relax. You may find it easier to fall asleep if you give yourself permission to do so.


The journey of sleep seems neverending when faced with stress and anxiety. Worse, when we feel stress about not being able to sleep, it can compound and spiral out of control

as we continue to miss sleep due to stress. It can seem impossible to get restful sleep, putting a strain on our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Our minds and bodies are trying to tell us something when we experience insomnia--we need to take a step away from the hustle and bustle of life in order to make peace with ourselves. Everything is connected: our emotions, spirit, and health; this is just another reminder that it's important to find moments for stillness in order to truly heal.


Sleeping can be a hard night's work for some of us, and like any job, making sure the right tools are available can make a difference. Is your pillow up to fluff? Are your blankets helping you reach the right temperature as you sleep? Is your mattress reaching the end of its life? When you're struggling to sleep, sometimes you need to look at replacing the basics. Local stores can help provide personalized fits for your bedroom and will often even help move out the old and into the

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new. Getting a new pillow or the right temperature comforter can also make all the difference in how you sleep at night. Take the time to think about how well your bedroom companions are assisting you in getting to sleep, and consider whether a change might be needed.


When it comes to getting a good night's rest, we sometimes forget about the power of our environment. The type of space

where you rest at night can strongly influence the quality of sleep you receive – from the temperature and lighting to the type of sounds and smells associated with your environment. So it's possible that if you're having trouble sleeping, taking some time to examine your sleeping environment may just be what is needed to change whatever underlying conditions are preventing a perfect night's sleep. After all, science and spirituality tell us that we reap what we sow – why should your sleep be any different?

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If you're struggling to sleep, there are a few things you can try to improve your situation. Some people find that reading before bed helps them wind down and relax. Others find that a cup of herbal tea or some light stretching can do the trick. If you have trouble falling asleep, it's important to create a relaxing bedtime routine and stick to it as much as possible. Experiment until you find what works for you, and don't be afraid to ask for help from a doctor or sleep specialist if you're still having trouble.

If you're struggling to sleep, don't lose hope! These are a few things you can try to improve your situation. First, make sure you're winding down before bed and look into relaxation techniques like meditation or stretching. You should also create a conducive environment for sleep by keeping your room dark and cool. And finally, cut back on caffeine and avoid screens before bedtime. Getting the proper amount of sleep is crucial for your health and wellbeing, so do whatever it takes to get those precious Zs.

OM TIMES | June 2023

The Start of a Healing Journey

Two Patients Seek Healing

I treated two women in my medical practice who both had had recent diagnoses of cancer. One woman (I'll call her Jane) was plagued with worry and wanted her blood work tested more often

than is traditionally called for. She cried much of the time while I was treating her and seemed fixated on the disease and how it might conquer her. Jane was miserable, although she was undergoing treatment and her cancer was in remission.

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She could not seem to step outside her diagnosis: She was caged by her fear. Because of my shamanic training, I was able to sense that her energy field was constricted and dense. Her vitality was significantly diminished.

Despite my attempts to encourage her to shift her perspective, she kept reliving and ruminating over the moment she was diagnosed. Jane's view of her world was directed by her fears, which ran rampant inside her mind, keeping her stuck in anxiety-

provoking thought processes. She was stuck and could not see the possibility of any path except one laden by fear that moved quickly toward death.

Despite my attempts to encourage her to shift her perspective, she kept reliving and ruminating over the moment she was diagnosed. Jane's view of her world was directed by her fears, which ran rampant inside her mind, keeping her stuck in anxietyprovoking thought processes. She was stuck and could not see the

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possibility of any path except one laden by fear that moved quickly toward death.

The second patient (I will call her Jill), who also had cancer but at a slightly worse stage, started her discussions with me about how she could improve her immunity and health while she was getting chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Jill adopted a healthier diet, began a walking program, and kept a journal of all the things she loves in the world. She has shifted her focus

away from her diagnosis and out to the world, noticing the sunrise and giving thanks for the beauty of the woodpecker that frequents her bird feeder.

Who is cured? Neither-at least, not yet. However, I know that Jill has set the stage for a more optimal outcome for healing, not necessarily her body (she may not experience that) but her spirit. Jill seems to be healing from her fear of her powerlessness and learning to accept uncertainty and take charge of her thoughts and perspectives.

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Let me explain.

I have come to see healing as experiential. You do not have to change anything in your physical body to have an experience of healing.

The walk toward healing involves either a sense of reinterpreting what you are experiencing in the literal world or a shift in your energy field brought about by rituals and practices I teach in this book.

The shift in your energy field then informs your experience.

Healing involves having a greater acceptance and willingness to continue engaging in life with optimism. Someone who feels ill, broken, wounded, or defective can feel as if she is caught in a box with no air holes, unable to see a future because her view of something grander is constrained.

Two of the keys in the shamanic practices I learned (and teach) are to shift perspective and exercise your ability to sense the forces from the unseen world connected to you and operate in alliance with you.

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As I define it, healing comes when you make peace with where your soul is on your life's path, holding a renewed excitement about extending your human journey or a willingness to move forward and even experience a sense of renewal.

You may not be able to heal from a physical ailment or disease fully, but you can still experience healing.

I have come to see many people struggling with health challenges as being locked in a box of their diagnosis. Many patients I care for have debilitating back pain. Several are under 40 years of age and define their lives based on this diagnosis. Each time they come to the office, their main goal is directed at getting narcotics for their pain. They are stuck, as if blocked in concrete, self-

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identified as disabled, and often unwilling to consider any approach other than narcotics to give them some relief. To me, healing them means helping them break open their box to show them there's life outside of their limited diagnosis, outside of being stuck.

When you are healed, you are not stuck. Your physicality may not have changed, but you are not stuck. You are willing and able to see something different as a treatment and something different as an outcome.

Maybe that means going to acupuncture, getting an MRI, and finding an anesthesiologist to give you an epidural. The willingness to broaden your perspective pokes air holes in your box. Healing Stage 4 cancer might involve reflecting on your life and recognizing a unique opportunity to teach others, such as your familyusing ideas such as "I can spread love while I'm still here, be sure I'm the one that brings the flowers to church on Sunday, lead the lay prayer"-because you are not stuck ruminating about your death sentence.

can experience and how you can heal-and being open to staying as vital as possible. In shifting perspective and energy, you can take charge of your health and life experience and become more fully immersed and participative in life. If you choose to work with a healer (including your physician), this work will be in partnership. You can be a regular human expanding your life and vitality and control over your physical, mental, and spiritual body, helping you to feel less helpless and more capable and confident, and to begin again to look forward to starting each day.

True, with a health challenge, not everyone can start their healing journey as easily as Jill. However, you can learn to move from fear to living with an upbeat attitude, in charge of your personal journey no matter what your health and wellness challenges.

Healing is about being receptive to other possibilities about what you

You will need to have greater intuition about the possibilities available to you and improve your ability to listen to the more subtle messages. It's also critical to learn about the power of the mind. We have been shown that our thoughts

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influence our energy fields and, thus, how our lives play out.

When we make our thoughts clearer and more accurately express our desires, that increased refinement of our thoughts impacts the outcome of our fields and lives. I remember the time when a frail, elderly man came in for his appointment, still shaken from the very recent death of his wife. I stopped just before beginning my usual rundown on blood pressure and cholesterol lab readings. Something "told" me to ask him if his wife was still "around."

At first, he looked surprised, but despite my unusual query, he did not waste a moment telling me that he had walked by their closet a few days before and smelled violets, her favorite flower. What is more, every evening, his little dog would go into the sunroom and jump up and down as if waiting for his wife to grab his leash and get ready to walk him as she had regularly done when she was still alive. So here the dog was weeks after her death, jumping up and down alongside something invisible.

Another day, soon after her death, my patient came back from the store

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and found their wedding photo on the sideboard, which caught him completely off guard as the photo had been put away in a box for years.

"It was so strange. I couldn't explain how it could possibly have gotten there!" he said. But he then reflected that he felt comforted, realizing she had moved the photo to send him a sign. Listening when something "told" me to switch gears from "running the numbers" (focusing on the values of blood pressure readings or blood sugars) to talking about the unseen world opened the

door to a powerful conversation that was healing for this grieving patient.

I shared with him that I believe that a person's soul can exist in the afterlife and that we can receive messages from the afterlife in ways we cannot explain. I told him that although science cannot explain these occurrences, I find them to be real.

He told me it was good to talk about these topics. He seemed comforted by our discussion. Integrating traditional Western medicine and shamanism gives me broader tools with which to guide change for my patients.

Sharon E. Martin, M.D., Ph.D., graduated from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and is a board-certified Internal Medicine physician with a physiology doctorate. She graduated from the Four Winds Society's Healing the Light Body curriculum and hosts two radio shows, Maximum Medicine and Sacred Magic, aired on the Transformation Talk Radio network. A doctor at a rural health clinic in Hustontown, Pennsylvania.

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Simply Spiritual

To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

Evolving Through Our Spiritual Transitions

Helping others to evolve their own spiritual beliefs means giving them the freedom and understanding they need to be able to speak their truth without judgment or consequences. Even when we disagree on exactly what

we believe in, we can find common ground just by being present and open to all the possibilities our transitions offer.

Throughout our lives, we will most likely encounter extremely challenging situations in which we

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learn valuable lessons. Those lessons and all the experiences in our lives help us to define our unique ‘truths’ about ourselves and the world around us. If we choose to apply what we’ve learned in a spiritual way, we might just discover our truths can be vastly different from where we began. A process of helping us see that we were meant to evolve both our rational thinking and the mystical magic that lives inside us. How our thoughts and actions paint us, affect us and determine our future. We can visualize life as a series of transitions.

As adults, we maneuver our way through emotions and reactions that can deplete our energy. We can tend to judge ourselves too harshly over things we said or did in the heat of a moment, and we never learn how to forgive ourselves. It is so important to work on this for the sake of our confidence and self-esteem. To believe that we can transcend that action to a better choice in the future. We can see spirituality in growth and understanding of ourselves and in others. It’s never too late to take accountability for our

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mistakes and know we still have work to do. We can leave ourselves open to new ideas and the understanding of how the world around us changes then we can better adapt.

If we believe in life themes and that those themes are the backdrop of our missions here, we can accept what is truly possible to achieve. Life themes are those attributes, situations, and challenges that we experience during our lifetimes.

Some of them help define us, and they wrap around us like a warm sweater, while others are challenges we can tackle early on. Tolerance, acceptance, healer, rescuer, nurturer, chaos maker, grief, spirituality, intuitive, empath, psychic, energy channel, banner carrier, and educator are just a few life themes we can experience here.

We may be on a mission to break certain cycles in our ancestry.

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Seeking healing help from addictions, old belief systems, lack of education, etc., and bringing light where before there was hopelessness. Our spiritual beliefs can change and morph as we change and grow into ourselves. We may see religion as too restrictive and controlling while still understanding that we are spiritual beings. Learning new life skills, asking for assistance, letting in new ideas, and helping others become a huge part of our education on Earth.

Practicing methods that encourage the connection of mind, body, and spirit can be an incredible source of strength when healing from trauma and disappointments.

Not everyone will focus on purposes and life themes to discover their reasons for incarnating here.

Feeling about life is about living it to the fullest, running at full speed, and taking things as they come without worrying or planning too

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much. Even so, purpose and themes are still being fulfilled and recognized on the soul level to accomplish a consciousness evolution. Our interactions with each other matter as we play out life scenarios and control dramas and challenges with our choices and decisions. While some believe that people don’t ever change, we have to realize that many do. Once we see how those changes can positively affect our lives and the lives of others around us, we

no longer let the past define our future actions.

Looking at the challenging experiences that others have lived through and survived is also a great catalyst to help us realize our best options and decisions. We can choose to work with others as part of a spiritual life support system, and we become mentors and cheerleaders to those who are working on healing and thriving after disappointment and setbacks. It is

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so important to have a community when we are feeling depressed or alone to understand that others have been there. Helping others to evolve their own spiritual beliefs means giving them the freedom and understanding they need to be able to speak their truth without judgment or consequences. Even when we disagree on exactly what we believe in, we can find common ground just by being present and open to all the possibilities our transitions offer.

About the Author: Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read to clients all over the world. To learn more or contact us for a session, see

OM TIMES | June 2023

The Art of Surrender: Stop the Struggle and Co-Create with Spirit!

Sometimes no matter how much you want something, you must let go and surrender it to Spirit. For example, you may think,

"But Colette, what if I really want it with all my heart?" Maybe you're in a relationship you want to work on, but things just haven't come together.

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Or perhaps you've been pursuing a career path that you're determined is best for you, yet it's not moving forward. It may even be that your efforts to change or avoid a difficult situation aren't working. Most of us have had the experience of wanting something so badly we'd do almost anything to have it or make it happen. Determination is one of the most important keys to success in any area of your life. Yet, what happens when you keep trying to make something happen, but it's just not falling into place? When we resist or try to control an outcome, we create more of what we resist. As we push harder, we become stressed out, exhausted, and emotional.

All that wasted energy just feeds our Goblins, the wounded ego we all have that tries to keep us focused on separation, abandonment, anger, and so on. There's the missed sleep, the blaming self-talk that comes from feeling stuck, and the worry that takes up valuable space in our minds. With resistance, we disconnect from our intuition and Spirit, as well as from the present, which is where all of our power is. In the end, resisting stops us from moving on by keeping us trapped in emotional pain and

longing. Surrendering involves doing what you can and then letting go to let Spirit lead the way. As much as you might try to be the general manager of the Universe, you aren't; ultimately, you're a spark of something greater, and your selfwill alone cannot just make things happen. If we want authentic and purposeful lives, we must co-create with the Divine, which has the true power. We must do our part and then get out of the way so Spirit can work the magic. We must trust in Spirit's plan, which only revealed inappropriate Divine timing. And we must accept life on life's terms, allow things to be as they are, and see the greater value in whatever we're resisting. When things don't happen as we want, they're usually being withheld for a reason. For example, losing a job could be a push from the Divine to finally listen to your intuition and start your own business.

The end of a relationship may be making space for something better. A difficult situation often opens our eyes to strength we didn't know we had. I've often said that I haven't let go of anything that doesn't already have my claw marks all over it.

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I'm the first to admit I'm a bit of a recovered control freak who used to try to map out exactly how things were "supposed" to unfold in my life. As I talk about in my books Remembering the Future and Messages From Spirit , I was dead set on how I thought all the areas of my life should unfold, from my relationships to my career. When I finally surrendered in each area and trusted Divine guidance, my desires were paradoxically fulfilled for the highest good. I ended up with a career that I love and a relationship that is beyond my wildest dreams, and I have experienced more than I ever imagined by letting go. So

often, we put off surrendering until it's a last resort as if it's something negative that we're forced to do when there's no other option. Yet, surrendering isn't about giving up or relinquishing your power. It's about aligning with all that is in your highest good as well as the highest good of the Universe.

Surrendering gives you the freedom to respond to life rather than live through reaction. Remember, when you do what you can, then let go and trust in the inherent goodness of the Universe, you have the most power to experience more joy, purpose, and happiness.

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Exercises: What might you need to surrender? Perhaps whether or not you meet that amazing partner, a job search, whether or not someone likes or loves you, worry about your adult daughter's spending habits, the outcome of a relationship, or whether or not you land a new client. Once you've done what you can, it's time to let it go.

Create a God Box or Jar: Hand all your attachments over to the Divine. If you don't already have a God Box or Jar, find a simple shoe box or empty jar. (You might even want to decorate it!) Then, write down all the worries, fears, concerns, and anything you're trying to

control on pieces of paper. Fold each paper up, and then as you put each in the box or jar, acknowledge you're handing it over to Spirit. You might say something like: "I can't. He can, so I'll let Him." Or, you might name each thing you're letting go of and pray to the Spirit for assistance.

Meditate: Even ten minutes of meditation a day helps quiet our minds and focus on the present. And, if you find yourself starting to resist or worry again, stop the thought process and count your breath for a few minutes. And please share your experiences and advice on surrendering.

OM TIMES | June 2023
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OM Living

For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

Can We Save the World Practicing Ahimsa?

Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term that means non-violence or non-harming. It is a principle of non-violence that is widely practiced in Indian

philosophy, particularly in Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Ahimsa can be seen as a way of life that is focused on reducing harm to all living beings, including humans, animals, and the environment.

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Ahimsa is not mere negative noninjury. It is positive, cosmic love. It is the development of a mental attitude in which hatred is replaced by love. Ahimsa is a true sacrifice. Ahimsa is forgiveness. Ahimsa is Sakti (power). Ahimsa is a true strength.

When we practice ahimsa towards the earth, we can reduce our impact on the environment and contribute to its conservation. Here are some ways in which ahimsa can help save the earth:

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: One of the main causes of climate change is the emission of greenhouse gases. We can practice ahimsa by reducing our carbon footprint, using energy-efficient appliances, and adopting sustainable practices such as using public transport, cycling, or walking.

Reduce waste: Another way in which we can practice ahimsa is by reducing waste. We can do this by avoiding single-use plastics, recycling, and composting. By reducing waste, we can minimize the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills, which can take years

to decompose and pollute the environment.

Protect wildlife: We can practice ahimsa by avoiding the use of products that harm wildlife, such as animal products and products that have been tested on animals. We can also support conservation efforts by volunteering for animal sanctuaries or supporting wildlife charities.

Sustainable farming: Ahimsa can also be applied to the way we grow our food. Sustainable farming practices, such as organic farming, reduce the use of pesticides and chemicals that can harm the environment and wildlife. Sustainable farming also helps maintain the soil health, conserving the natural biodiversity of the area.

Conscious consumption: Practicing ahimsa means making conscious choices about what we consume, such as buying local and organic produce, using renewable energy sources, and reducing our consumption of meat and dairy products.

All things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really One.

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Ahimsa is a concept that originated in Indian religions, particularly Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

It is a principle of non-violence and respect for all living beings.

In Jainism, ahimsa is one of the five major vows (mahavratas) that a follower of the religion must observe. Jains believe in the sanctity of all life, and the principle of ahimsa is taken very seriously by them. Jains practice strict vegetarianism and avoid harming any living being,

including insects and other small creatures.

In Hinduism, ahimsa is one of the yamas (restraints) that a person should observe in their daily life. It is considered a fundamental principle of Hinduism and is reflected in many aspects of Hindu culture. For example, many Hindus are vegetarian, and there is a long tradition of non-violent resistance (ahimsa satyagraha) in India's struggle for independence from British rule.

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The Buddhist tenet, "non-killing is supreme virtue", is very good, but in trying to enforce it upon all by legislation without paying any heed to the capacities of the people at large, Buddhism has brought ruin upon India.

In Buddhism, ahimsa is a central principle, and is one of the Four Noble Truths. Buddhists believe in the interconnectedness of all living beings, and that causing harm to others ultimately causes harm to oneself. Buddhists practice non-violence in thought, speech, and action, and believe that the cultivation of compassion is essential to spiritual development.

Overall, ahimsa is an important concept in many religions, and is considered a fundamental principle for leading a peaceful and ethical life. It is closely tied to the idea of compassion and respect for all living beings and is seen as a path to spiritual growth and enlightenment.

The practice of ahimsa can help save the earth by promoting sustainable practices, reducing waste and pollution, protecting wildlife, and

promoting conscious consumption. By adopting the principle of ahimsa in our daily lives, we can contribute to a healthier, more sustainable planet for future generations.

OM TIMES | June 2023

Resources for a More Beautiful Face

Everyone wants a more beautiful face. No matter your age or where you come from, we all want one that is symmetrical and exudes a youthful glow. Unfortunately, in today's world, having this special facial beauty

may seem impossible. Still, with the right ingredients and guidance, you can enhance your natural features and make them even more flawless than they already are, no matter the current condition of your facial features.

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Here are resources to get and maintain a more beautiful face.

1. Supplementing Collagen

You must build Collagen in your skin to have a more beautiful face. Collagen is the building block of your skin and helps keep it firm and youthful looking. You can find ingredients such as phytoceramides and peptides to help build Collagen in your skin. Over time enough Collagen will be built up in your skin

to start looking more plump and youthful.

2. Antioxidants To Combat Free Radicals

Free radicals are known to damage your cells and cause wrinkles, making you look older than you are. Antioxidants help neutralize these damaging substances to keep your skin looking young and beautiful. Some ingredients you can try include green tea extract and vitamin E.

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3. Non-Surgical Facelift

Non-surgical facelifts can help make your face look more youthful and beautiful. These facelifts are done safely and gently so they don't hurt the patient, making them an ideal choice for young people looking for a more youthful appearance. Facial surgeons can also use

cosmetic lasers to create the skin lift you want without surgery. Forte Faces offers non-surgical facelifts that transform your face and make it more beautiful.

4. Special Topical Treatments

There are special topical treatments that can help improve the beauty of your face. Dysport is one such

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treatment that prevents wrinkles from developing on the skin's surface, allowing you to maintain a more youthful appearance for longer periods. This treatment is specifically designed in order to avoid the formation of new wrinkles, helping you keep your beauty for years to come.

5. Antioxidant Serums

Acne is the #1 concern of many people, and getting rid of acne can help your facial makeup stand out. You can find acne-fighting antioxidants in the form of serums and lotions. These will fight against free radicals that cause skin damage and make you look older than you actually are.

6. Complementary Treatments

To maintain the beauty of your face, you should continue to take care of it with various complementary treatments like those listed above. These treatments will not only keep you looking great but will also help protect and preserve your natural facial beauty. In addition, this will allow you to make your skin look beautiful without using any artificial ingredients.


When it comes to keeping your face beautiful, there are many things you can do. Some of these things require surgery, but other treatments don't hurt your face and keep it looking young and healthy. The above resources will give you the best possible results and help maintain your youthful appearance.

OM TIMES | June 2023


The interconnectedness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

7 Ways to Spiritualize Your Wedding

Awedding is a sacred event that celebrates the union of two people. While some couples choose to have a religious ceremony, others

prefer to spiritualize their wedding in a way that is meaningful to them. There are many ways to do this, and the options are endless. Here are some ideas to get you started.

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The venue of your wedding can be quite symbolic. If you are looking for a place that will reflect your spiritual values, make sure the venue will suit your needs to make this a reality. Maybe it's a ballroom, like Russo's On The Bay, that allows you to easily use audio equipment and personalized décor. Some venues are stricter than others, and thus it's important to check policies. You can also consider outdoor venues like gardens or even chapels.


Rituals and traditions are an important part of any wedding, but they can also be quite spiritual. If you have an important ritual or tradition to you, incorporate it into your ceremony. This could be anything from lighting a unity candle to breaking the glass. Just make sure it is meaningful to you and your spouse.


Writing your own vows is a great way to make your ceremony more personal and intimate. Take some time to reflect on what you love about your partner and why you want to spend the rest

of your life with them. This is also a good opportunity to share any spiritual beliefs or values that are important to you as a couple.


One of the best ways to ensure that your wedding day is full of positive energy is to surround yourself with positive people. This includes your wedding planner, photographer, videographer, and officiant. If

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possible, try to work with people you know will add to the overall positive atmosphere of the day.


The music played during your ceremony should reflect the overall tone and mood you want to set for the day. For example, if you are looking for something more spiritual, consider choosing classical music or instrumentals instead of pop songs or dance tunes.


Your décor should be reflective of your unique style as a couple. For example, if you want your wedding day to have a more spiritual feel, consider using items like candles, crystals, or flowers in your decorations. These small touches can go a long way in creating your desired atmosphere.

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One way to add meaning to your wedding day is by giving back to others. There are many ways to do this, such as donating to charities instead of gifts, working with local businesses, or giving favors that benefit those in need. Not only will this make your wedding day more special, but it will also help you feel good knowing that you are helping others.

There are many ways to make your wedding more spiritual and intimate. By carefully selecting your venue, incorporating symbolic rituals and traditions, writing personal vows, and surrounding yourself with positive energy, you can create a truly special day for you and your spouse. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a day that reflects your unique relationship and honored bond.

OM TIMES | June 2023

Personal Growth & Development

We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.

Moving Beyond the Victim Role and Taking Personal Responsibility

An essential part of being an adult involves taking responsibility for ourselves. This means making conscious, empowered choices on our own behalf. Children

can't do this because they are too unformed and helpless to understand or deal with everything happening to them. Children need the adults in their lives to care for them and protect them from harm.

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As adults, we have the intellectual and emotional capacity required for selfcare. Everything we learn is processed into a deeper understanding of ourselves and our world as we grow. The more experience we accumulate, the wiser we can become and the more aware and empowered our life choices can be.

Others prefer to abdicate their personal responsibility, leaving it up to others to take on the adult role in their lives. These individuals are holding on to their childhood identity, hoping to compensate for the care that was lacking in their early life and not understanding that this can't be done.

Some people are very good at being responsible adults. They make conscious, informed decisions about their lives and, as a result, are confident, secure, and productive.

People who take responsibility for themselves can learn from their mistakes because they're able to acknowledge that they've made a mistake. Those who abdicate

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responsibility are unwilling to recognize that they've made a wrong choice. These individuals will never have the opportunity to correct their behavior and make better choices in the future. Instead, they're doomed to repeatedly suffer the consequences of these bad choices.

Responsible adults are empowered in their relationships. They are able to express their needs and share their feelings freely. They can confront their partner about problems that arise between them and are able to resolve conflicts with minimal difficulty. Because they

hold themselves accountable, they don't engage in blaming or shaming, and they don't make excessive or unreasonable demands. Instead, they respect their partner, which results in mutual trust and greater closeness.

Those who refuse to be adults in their relationship must resort to indirect and manipulative or passiveaggressive to express their needs and feelings. These behaviors result in a high degree of conflict and low intimacy. The child-identified individual wants their partner to take care of them, and this has a number of possible outcomes:

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They might get into a co-dependent relationship in which both parties take turns being cared for by the other. Ultimately, this type of relationship will result in frustration and mutual resentment. The child-identified individual might also find a willing caretaker in an abusive, controlling individual. These relationships are fraught with emotional and physical violence. Alternatively, they might meet a mature adult who would have been happy to love them if it weren't for their refusal to stand on their own two feet. An empowered adult

will have no interest in being the caretaker of an otherwise capable adult, and they will quickly exit the relationship.

An individual who insists on making other people responsible for their life leads to a chaotic existence full of unnecessary suffering. A helpless child is potentially a sitting duck for the sociopathic predators of the world. In the same way, the child-identified adult's refusal to act on their own behalf and their attitude of extreme neediness and dependence make such an individual into ideal prey.

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Whereas a child could have a real-life adult to protect and defend them from harm, the adult who abdicates responsibility has abandoned themselves. They are the classic victim, living in the futile hope of being rescued. In reality, the only person who would take on such a task would be emotionally troubled.

As I said above, a healthy adult isn't interested in caretaking another grown-up, and they certainly aren't looking to rescue anyone. They want

a relationship of empowered equals where both parties share and care but don't expect to parent.

Those who take on the rescuing role always have ulterior motives; usually to be cared for and rescued themselves, but sometimes to dominate and oppress. The person who chooses to be a victim guarantees that, at best, they'll suffer unpleasant co-dependency and, at worst, be chronically mistreated.

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The way out of the victim's role is to choose to grow up and live as a fullyfledged adult. It means recognizing that the dream of being cared for is false. The child-identified adult needs to see that once childhood is over, they are the only person capable of appropriate self-care.

There is no compensating in the present for lack of love or care during childhood. The way to deal with such a past is not to remain a child but to embrace adulthood. When

someone finds their power and realizes that they now have a choice about what happens in their life, they free themselves from the victim role of today and the helplessness they experienced years ago. They can let go of unnecessary suffering and embrace a life full of the possibility of happiness and success.

Follow Marcia Sirota on Twitter: www.

OM TIMES | June 2023

When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see.

You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.

World Vision

How the Buddha Became a Christian Saint

The story of Barlaam and Josaphat or Joasaph is a Christianized and later version of the story of Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha. The tale derives from

a second to fourth-century Sanskrit Mahayana Buddhist text via a Manichaean version of the Arabic Kitāb Bilawhar wa-Būḍāsaf (Book of Bilawhar and Budhasaf), current in Baghdad in the eighth century, from

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where it entered into Middle Eastern Christian circles before appearing in European versions.

From the 11th century onwards, the Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat enjoyed popularity in the medieval West, attained perhaps by no other legend. It was available in over 60 versions in the main languages of Europe, the Christian East, and Africa. It was most familiar to English leaders from its inclusion in William Caxton's 1483 translation of the Golden Legend.

Little did European readers know that the story they loved of the life of Saint Josaphat was, in fact, that of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.


According to the legend, there reigned in India a king called Abenner, immersed in the pleasures of the world. When the king had a son, Josaphat, an astrologer predicted he would forsake the world.

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To forestall this outcome, the king ordered a city to be built for his son, which excluded poverty, disease, old age, and death.

But Josaphat made journeys outside of the city where he encountered, on one occasion, a blind man and a horribly deformed one and, on another occasion, an old man weighed down by illness. He realized the impermanence of all things:

There is no sweetness in this transitory life now that I have seen these things [...] Gradual and sudden death are in league together.

While experiencing this spiritual crisis, the sage Barlaam from Sri Lanka reached Josaphat and told him of the rejection of worldly pursuits and the acceptance of the Christian ideal of the ascetic life. Prince Josaphat was converted to Christianity and began to practice the ideal of the spiritual life of poverty, simplicity, and devotion to God.

To forestall his quest, his father surrounded him with seductive maidens who "tantalized him with every kind of temptation with which they sought to arouse his appetites".

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Josaphat resisted them all.

After the death of his father, Josaphat remained determined to continue his ascetic life and abdicated the throne. He journeyed to Sri Lanka in search of Barlaam. After a quest lasting two years, Josaphat found Barlaam living in the mountains and joined him there in a life of asceticism until his death.


Barlaam and Josaphat were included in the calendars of saints

in both the Western and Eastern churches. By the 10 th century, they were included in the calendars of the Eastern churches, and by the end of the 13 th century in those of the Catholic church.

In the book we know as The Travels of Marco Polo, published around the year 1300, Marco gave the West its first account of the life of the Buddha.

He declared that was the Buddha a Christian - "he would have been a great saint [...] for the good life and pure which he led".

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In 1446, an astute editor of the Travels noticed the similarity. "This is like the life of Saint Josaphat," he declared.

It was, however, only in the 19th century the West became aware of Buddhism as a religion in its own right. As a result of editing and translating the Buddhist scriptures dating (from the first century BCE) from the 1830s onwards, reliable information about the life of the founder of Buddhism began to grow in the West.

Then the West came to know the story of the young Indian prince, Gautama, whose father, fearing his son would forsake the world, kept him secluded in his palace. Like Josaphat, Gautama eventually encountered old age, disease, and death. And, like Josaphat, he left the palace to live an ascetic life in quest of the meaning of suffering.

After many trials, Gautama sat beneath the Bodhi tree and finally

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attained enlightenment, thereby becoming a Buddha.

Only in 1869 did this new-found knowledge in the West about the life of the Buddha lead inescapably to the realization that, in his guise as Saint Josaphat, the Buddha had been a saint in Christendom for some 900 years.


How did the story of the Buddha become that of Josaphat? The process was long and complicated. Essentially, the story of the Buddha that began in India in the Sanskrit language traveled east to China, then west along the Silk Road, where the asceticism of the religion of the Manichees influenced it.

It was then transposed into Arabic, Greek, and Latin. From these Latin versions, it would be translated into various European languages.

The Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat powerfully demonstrates the intimate connections between Buddhism and Christianity

in their commitment to the ascetic, meditative, and mystical religious life.

Few Christian saints have a better claim to that title than the Buddha.

In an era where the Buddhist spirituality of "mindfulness" is very much on the Western agenda, we need to be mindful of the long and positive history of the influence of Buddhism on the West. Through the story of Barlaam and Josaphat, Buddhist spirituality has played a significant role in our Western heritage for the last one thousand years.

Years before the West knew anything about the Buddha, his life and the ascetic ideal that it symbolized were a positive force in the spiritual life of Christians.

Philip C. Almond does not work for, consult, own shares in, or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

Copyright © 2010-2023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd

OM TIMES | June 2023


For more than 20 years, Dr. Sharon E. Martin has been blending allopathic medicine with ancient shamanic knowledge to help her patients not only heal but also increase their vitality. In this practical guide to her Maximum Medicine program, Dr. Martin shows how understanding the energetics behind health imbalances and applying shamanic and energy medicine techniques can shift not only our perspective but our health, change the course of illness, and allow us to increase our life force.

Bridging the mystical and the scientific, Maximize Your Healing Power helps us visualize our potential for healing using symbolic medicine wheels based on the elements, the compass directions, the four perspectives, and the inner tasks of intuitive exploration, amplification, intention setting, and ritual. Viewing our organ systems through the Andean symbol of the Chacana can help us understand and overcome health challenges. Change and healing is enacted through the process of the Four As–become aware, allow, act, affirm–with a new mindfulness matrix amplifying and deepening the process toward a greater ability to self-reflect.

For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:
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