OMTimes Magazine September A 2016 Edition

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September A 2016

Cover Story




Anita Moorjani - What If This Is Heaven?

Health & Healing 36 40

Better Digestive Health With Herbs Neuroscience Shows That Living Your Truth Makes You Happy and Healthy

Spirituality 48 52

Soothing Your Soul Our Conscious Awakening to Illusion

OM Living 60 64 68 72

The Energetics of Creating a Global Business Do Wealthy People Need Feng Shui Advice? OMTimes Experts September Classes OMTimes Radio Spotlight Victor Fuhrman

Guarantee Your Marriage The Easy Way

Personal Growth 86 92 96

10 Ways to Live Your Greatest Life Attitude and Determination Can Beat Most Odds It’s Not About the Website

World Vision 102 Blue Lights and the Matters of Lives

Books 108 Book Spotlight - Leap of Faith 110 Leap of Faith - Interview with Colby Psychic Rebel

September A Edition

Anita Moorjani

WHAT IF THIS IS HEAVEN? How Our Cultural Myths Prevent Us from Experiencing Heaven on Earth. INTERVIEW BY DIRK TERPSTRA

Following her near-death experience as shared in the New York Times bestseller Dying to Be Me, Anita Moorjani knows well the truths that exist beyond common knowledge and acceptance. The clarity she has gained has led her to further understand who she was born to be. Part of that truth has involved contemplating the cultural myths infused into our everyday lives. Passed down from generation to generation, these myths are pervasive and influential. From the belief we reap what

we sow to the idea we must always be positive, cultural myths are often accepted as truths without questioning. Anita asserts it is now time for asking to help us reach our fully informed, authentic selves. Anita explores these common myths in their real-world existence while presenting examples from her own life that reveal the falsehoods beneath the surface. By freeing ourselves from these ubiquitous expectations, we can break open an honest pathway to life as it was meant to be lived.

September A Edition

Dirk Terpstra: What made you decide to start writing the second book and how did you experience this process?

one. Dying to Be Me was like a release. It was really therapeutic. I was writing about something that I felt I needed to sort out and clear in my own head.

Anita Moorjani: My second book,

The second book is more like a journal, and I have been writing it about this journey in the second part of my life after my near death experience. I am writing while living it at the same time. I have integrated what I have learned, and I go deeper into the teachings of it.

What if this is Heaven, is more like a journal of the journey after Dying to be Me was launched. My hope with my first book was to heal people’s hearts by sharing with them what is possible. After the launch of Dying to be Me, many people started writing me and I received so much positive feedback which is what really kept me going. During this process, I also received many questions like: “Yes, I understand that I have to love myself but I have no idea of how to love myself” or they would say things like:” But how do I deal with pain? How do I deal with the fear? How do I deal with loss and suffering?” During my new journey, I began to realize that we live in a very painful world, even though I thought “This is it. This is my story”, I also began to realize that people wanted more. While I was answering their questions by email and through Q&A on stage, these same questions were coming up over and over again, and so I needed to write them down. That was the start of my second book. Dirk Terpstra: How did you experience writing What if this is Heaven, compared to writing Dying to be Me? Anita Moorjani: Writing this book was probably a little harder than the first

Dirk Terpstra: You write at the beginning of your book that you learned upon death that all that matters in life is to love, laugh, and shine our light brightly! We both know that at the most fundamental level, we are all deeply connected with one another. How do you think we can manage to keep loving, laughing and shining our lights, while we feel the suffering of millions of our brothers and sisters simultaneously? Anita Moorjani: That is really the

biggest challenge – If we feel guilty because they are suffering while our life is good, we won’t be bringing healing into the world. I like to explain it as follows – If you imagine that you are a light bulb, the brighter you shine, the more you illuminate the room, including the people who are lost and who are in darkness. The only way that you can bring light into the world is by shining your light brighter, not by dimming your own light. You don’t even have to do anything. Your very presence is all that matters.

September A Edition

of love. So the only way to fill the world with love is by filling yourself with love first. The reason why we have starving people in one part of the world and a lot of wealth in another part of the world is all driven by fear. If we get sucked into the fear and we start fighting it with more fear, we will never get rid of the problem. The only way we can eliminate it is to be reaching deeper for more love.

So if I just bring my presence into the world, it needs to be a presence full of love, full of joy and full of upliftment, because the person you take out into the world, is the person you are inside. But if you feel stressed because of all the fear, poverty, terrorism and so on, if you feel anger and fear, that is the person you are taking out into the world. You will then only be adding to the energy that is already out there while trying to change it. To take revenge with what you don’t like, you have to become what you are taking revenge against. The only way to actually change things is to be the change like Gandhi said. Darkness is the absence of light. This is also true for fear. Fear is not a substance in itself. Fear is the absence

Dirk Terpstra: The belief that we are separate from everyone else is a primary cause of injustice, of crime and even wars throughout the world, are due to this. You write: “How have we as a society— with our prejudices and roadblocks, our heavy expectations and assumptions—helped create these criminals?” How can we choose a different approach towards others who do us harm? Anita Moorjani: The problem is that as

a society, we believe that we need to put away the criminals behind bars. We believe that as long as they’re being put away, we’re safe. What we don’t realize is that the more criminals there are behind bars and the more jails we have to build, that there is something fundamentally wrong with our society and within our culture. There is cancer on the whole. It’s not an individual problem, it’s an issue in the whole. How are we letting those people down? Why have they chosen that life? Nobody becomes born into this world and will September A Edition

decide to become a criminal and end up in jail. They didn’t choose that. How have we as a society not supported them? Not given them the opportunities that we have. Not given them our support and love. They have been driven to make choices that have caused them to live this life. We have to look at the patterns, and it is no coincidence that most of the people behind bars are male, and most of them are black African Americans. This is not a coincidence. At one point, these people were the slaves in America. What has the society as a whole done to fail them? We have to look at it as a bigger problem instead of individual problems. If you imagine a lifetime of being discriminated against, and people are suspicious of you, even when you are doing good, it makes you very resentful, angry and fearful. It makes you wonder why people are looking at you a certain way. I would love to see people in prison be offered an opportunity to reform and to learn more about themselves so that they would have a chance to reintegrate back into normal life again. When a country is willing to spend trillions of dollars on the military and is not willing to offer people the proper type of education and nurturing that they need to make them good and helpful citizens of the country, we know that we, as a country, have our priorities all screwed up. This is also why my new book contains all these myths. I don’t like to give people step-by-step instructions. I don’t

like to write a self-help book or offer the audience steps to… – whatever that may be. I think that you don’t need help. You are perfect as you are. You don’t need me to tell you how to do things. Who am I to give you instructions? The book is more an invitation to consider ‘what if heaven is a state and not a place’? During my near death experience, I realized that heaven is not a physical place. It’s a state. It’s a different reality of things that we have access to, right here, right now. It’s a reality where every choice is made from a place of love instead of fear. It’s a reality where we spread love instead of fear. It’s a reality where we recognize that the more love we have, the less fear we will have. It’s a whole different reality, yet it’s not a separate place. We create this by realizing that we are perfect and that we are love. The more love we feel, the more our very presence brings love to the people around us. When I would tell people how to do it, I am saying that I have attained it, and you haven’t, and therefore I will be teaching you. I don’t feel that’s the case. We are all in it together. I feel that we are all love, but what’s preventing you from realizing this? You are already in heaven, and you are already everything that you are trying to attain, and therefore I like to shine my light on what it is that keeps preventing you from being in this state and these are the myths that I am talking about. Dirk Terpstra: In the myth ‘I’m not okay, you’re not okay’, you share September A Edition

an important story about how people often project their own insecurities and fears onto others. A particular situation with your friend, made you realize how easy it is for this feeling of invincibility (after your NDE) to erode and to fall back into your old pattern of thinking that you needed fixing. This feeling becomes even stronger when an entire peer group or culture believes this. Anita Moorjani: I have people

constantly giving me advice about all kinds of things. Some of it is helpful, but a lot of it just drains me if I am not careful. What I like to tell people is that when you are self-aware, and you listen to your body, you have to take periods of time where you don’t take in any information from the outside world. Where you can really tune into who you are inside and tune into what your body wants, what your mind wants and what your spirit wants – What is your soul craving for right now? Personally, I tune in by either spending time in nature or listening to music, but I have to make a commitment that I am not going to be on the internet and read information. I will not be asking people for information because the best authority for you is yourself, your own heart. There’s a part of you that’s connected to the universe, and it’s receiving information that is unique to you. It’s unique for you to follow your life and your passion. We need to learn to allow the universe to work through us, but we fill ourselves up with information from the outside world, which is often contradictory and then

we become more confused. And when we’re confused, we ask more people for more information, and so on. Not only are we more confused, but there is no room for our own inner guidance to communicate with us. Our real power lies within, and to access that power we have to go on an information fast. When we do that, we receive guidance as to where to go, what to do, and when we’re following our guidance, the right book, the right person or the right teacher will come to us at the right time. The universe is trying to communicate with us all the time. It’s our mind that gets in the way.

Dirk Terpstra: In your book, you share many myths related to healthcare, positivity, religion, our egos and the relationship between women and men. You also provide possible truths, tips, and exercises on a very personal level. If you were responsible for education and healthcare in the United States, what would be the first change that you would make? Anita Moorjani: Oh gosh, so many

things. If it were education, I would want little children to know from the time that they are very young, how September A Edition

powerful they are, how amazing they are. I would want them to know that they’re all connected. That every single child in their class and in their school are their brother and sisters. They don’t need to compete with them to get ahead of them. They need to work together and to collaborate. I would make it compulsory in education to make children become aware of what it feels like to be a victim of anything. What does it feel like to somebody who stands out and is different? What does it feel like to somebody who is poor? What does it feel like to somebody who is in a wheelchair? I would give, especially the older kids exercise to experience firsthand what it feels like to be poor or to be in a wheelchair and to feel the challenges they would feel going through that for an entire week. If we have an entire generation of kids who have experienced what this feels like, the world would change because they would make sure that they make the world a better and easier place for all these people. That is what I would introduce to our education system. In healthcare, I would change hospitals completely. I believe that fear actually breaks down our immune system and makes us more susceptible to illness. We see fear in hospitals all the time. I hated hospitals because I feared them. Hospitals need to be a place where people feel nurtured, where they feel safe, where they feel that they are being cared for, in a loving and kind way.

Doctors and Oncologists, when dealing with patients with cancer, for example, should ask questions like “Have you experienced a trauma recently? Do you have people in your life who love you and who you love? Is there anything in your life that you are passionate about? Are you following your dreams?” and really get them thinking about this because nine times out of ten, illness is actually a wake-up call. It’s a wake-up call that you’re not living your life that you’re supposed to be living. We are missing that completely in medicine. We spend trillions of dollars on just pharma and drugs alone, and we’re completely missing the real point of why we get ill in the first place. Those are things I would change, and I am very passionate about both of those things, and I am definitely open to working with healthcare and education to make real change. Dirk Terpstra: Thank you, Anita, for this wonderful conversation, and I can so recommend all the readers to buy a copy of your book What if this is Heaven. I haven’t just read your new book, I will use it as a Bible and reread the various chapters whenever my personal situation calls for that. Anita Moorjani: I thank you from my

heart, for your continuous support, and it is always so much fun talking with you. Thank you!

September A Edition

Imagine yourself‌ driven from your home by war, broken lives floating on a Sea of Troubles, your simple prayer to find Kind Hearts, Kind Hands to help you on your journey.

Be the answer to a prayer.

Humanity Healing Syrian Refugee Relief Please Donate Here

Health & Wellness

Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

Better Digestive Health With Herbs By Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac

Our digestive system is one large system, with a lot of opportunities for things to go wrong along the way! The two major causes of almost every

gastrointestinal disorder are diet and stress! Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and quitting smoking if you smoke, can help protect against practically every digestive disorder as well as, heart disease, osteoporosis and some types of cancer. Herbal medicine is a wonderful preventative solution. Complications can arise when taking herbal medicine and allopathic drugs your doctor has prescribed. Great caution should be used especially if you are on blood thinners, diuretics or any other heart-related medication. Consult your doctor with any questions you may have, before taking additional herbs or supplements. Here is a list of my top 10 favorite herbs for digestive issues:

1. Cardamom, warms up the digestive tract, speed up and increase the thoroughness of digestion, and reduce gas. 2. Cinnamon Cassia: In Ayurveda, this warming spice reduces Vata and Kapha and is traditionally used in cold formulas, regulates blood sugar and is used for strengthening digestion. Cinnamon is a useful remedy for sluggish digestion. The German Commission E recommends it for loss of appetite, dyspeptic complaints, bloating and flatulence. 3. Fennel Seed: Foeniculum vulgare is a common spice that is traditionally used to improve digestion and absorption without increasing pitta. The seeds are also chewed after meals to freshen the breath and alleviate gas.

4. Flaxseed Oil is an edible oil derived from the seeds of the Flax plant (Linum usitatissimum) and is one of the best plant sources of the Omega-3 fatty acid Alpha-Linolenic Acid available. Naturally occurring constituents in Flaxseed Oil may help to balance the production of prostaglandins and support cardiovascular and bowel health. 5. Ginger Root: In Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda it is used as a general panacea that is especially useful for digestive and respiratory complaints. Also, dispels nausea and acts as a diaphoretic. Ginger is a timetested digestive remedy for stomach upset. European practitioners also use ginger in tea for indigestion. It reduces spasms and increases the secretion of digestive juices, including bile and

saliva. Ginger contains ingredients that soothe the gut and aid digestion by increasing peristalsis that moves food through the intestine. Use 1 teaspoon of the chopped root brewed as tea, three times a day. 6. Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) guards digestive mucous membranes by increasing the production of mucin, a secretion that protects gut linings against stomach acid and other digestive juices. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice root (DGL) removes the glycyrrhizic acid (the ingredient in licorice root associated with the possibility of increasing blood pressure and water retention). The soothing part of the root, however, remains intact in DGL. Use 1 teaspoon of the chopped herb brewed as tea, three times a day, or 1 to 2 chewable wafers

of DGL (250 to 500 mg) 15 minutes before meals and one to two hours before bedtime. 7. Parsley Leaf: Natural diuretic, parsley helps eliminate wastes and lessen water retention, which can aid in weight loss. Its high enzyme content improves digestion of proteins and fats and absorption of nutrients. Parsley is a natural breath freshener. 8. Peppermint is a well-known digestive herb for easing tummy troubles. Enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules work well to prevent dyspepsia. Peppermint oil is a relaxant for the muscles of the intestinal wall. The essential oil can be massaged over the belly to relieve spasms. Take 1 teaspoon the liquid tincture or the dried leaf, brewed as tea, three times a day, or 0.2 to 0.4 ml of an enteric-coated

capsule three times a day. 9. Triphala: This formula cleanses the entire GI tract, supporting digestion and gently maintaining regularity. Considered in Ayurveda to be a general panacea for all doshas, it is also used to support weight management, improve the complexion and strengthen the urinary tract. 10. Turmeric: A traditional Indian cooking spice that improves digestion and purifies the blood. Believed to act as a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. About the Author Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac gut_health.htm Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit

Neuroscience Shows That Living Your Truth Makes You Happy and Healthy by Dr. Dragos The discoveries of neuroscience reveal that when you embrace your truth, you are in a state of flow. Going in the pursuit of dreams means a long-term commitment to exploring,

discover, ideate, innovate, do the work and grow aligned with what you value. When you are driven by what you love, you expand beyond your limits. You explore opportunities and solutions, and you connect with like-minded people. John Hagel, Chairman of Deloitte Touche a major Silicon Valley-based research center, discovered the connection between exploration and connection. When you explore, you engage in creative thinking and intense ideation sessions, you work, solve problems and overcome challenges. You develop your mind and reach beyond your limits. We meet our fundamental needs to have meaning and to have certainty when we explore. When you connect, you bond with like-minded people who share your passion. You develop relationships based on trust with people who support you

in the pursuit of your dreams. You learn from each other and get better faster together. We meet our fundamental needs to feel valued and to feel included when we connect. When you explore, you connect with other people and form trust-based relationships. When you connect, these bonds empower you to explore bigger challenges together which in turn strengthen your relationships. A rock climber said that your mind and body are “under tremendous stress to get to the top. Your comrades are there, you’re all in it together. A bond like that with other people is in itself an ecstasy.” The brain’s two most powerful neurotransmitters - dopamine and oxytocin - are directly connected to the exploration and connection required in the pursuit of dreams. When we explore, the brain releases dopamine, a feel-good chemical

that helps us focus more on the task at hand. Dopamine gives us a sense of pleasure and increases our motivation to pursue the anticipated reward. The brain releases dopamine when we have an insight, creative thought when we discover the link between parallel ideas. In turn, this dopamine expands our thinking further, ideas spiral with one good idea leading to the next and the next. Dopamine drives us to explore and is associated with the process of discovery and the anticipation of reward rather than the actual reward. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that stimulates our thinking and keeps us doing what we love. The journey is meaningful and not pursuing it leaves us feeling empty. Dopamine focuses our attention and energy on distant goals and empowers us to develop the mind, the knowledge and the skills we need to get there faster. We take bigger risks when we live our truth because

dopamine makes us more willing to explore new opportunities, to try new things and go beyond our comfort zone. We feel life has meaning, and we take total accountability for our results. When we connect and bond with other like-minded people, the brain releases oxytocin, a neurotransmitter that gives us a calm, soothing feeling. We trust others more, we have empathy and compassion, we share, and we are more generous. Bonding reinforces the release of oxytocin, which strengthens the human connection even further. An incredible circle forms when we live our truth and go in the pursuit of dreams. When you listen just once to the calling of your heart, you begin to focus your mind on what you love to explore. Dopamine immediately kicks in to sustain your focus over long periods of time and through increasingly challenging work. Your mind, your heart and

your actions are aligned. Even if you don’t have a clue about what you are doing or any resources available, you connect with other people who share your passion, and you work together to reach success faster together. Oxytocin immediately rewards the human connection with feelings of trust, bonding, intimate friendship and generosity. We feel appreciated and valued by others, we feel that we matter and that we are part of something greater than us. The brain evolves over time and transforms thoughts into habits. As dopamine and oxytocin are released more often because you focus your mind on your heart’s calling, and you do the work, the brain becomes even more adapted to pursuing your purpose more effectively. Living your truth literally, changes your brain. The brain becomes more efficient and sustains you to pursue your passion even further and get results faster. Nature

designed us to live what we love, and all the problems that show up are not punishments from nature, but only the outcome of us living against nature.

About the Author Dr. Dragos is an award-winning scientist, author, and speaker on 6 continents. He is the founder of The Amazing University, online teaching platform that brings together the best minds in the world to inspire and empower one billion people in 140 countries to live their truth and transforms their dreams into reality anywhere they start. Dragos’s team at Singularity University in Silicon Valley was named by Forbes “among the smartest people in the world.” His work has been translated into 20 languages. You can connect with Dr. Dragos at and join The Amazing University at www.

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

Soothing Your Soul By John Holland

As I sit here writing this Soul Inspiration from Maine, there’s a beautiful lake right outside my window that stretches for miles and a place where the loons visit all summer. I feel totally at peace, both inside and out as I let Mother Nature soothe my soul.

Before I left for Maine, many people asked me where I was going on my vacation, and I found myself responding that this was not really a vacation but a “retreat for my soul.” I suppose that was my body telling me what it needed! Vacations generally cater to our physical pleasure senses. Many people go on them for the purposes of sightseeing, dancing, drinking, sunbathing, swimming, shopping and packing as much as we can into a short period of time. How many times have you returned from a vacation and said, “I need a vacation from my vacation!” It’s so easy to get caught up in the material world, but occasionally it’s important to step back and give yourself a chance to pause, reflect, and heal. These are different types of vacation, ones very much more centered on the body, mind, and soul. Retreats and Vacations have such different purposes and outcomes. When I refer to a retreat, I think of a place where you can spend time stepping back from the pressures and

distractions of everyday life. Retreats enable you to quieten the mind, unplug from daily routines, relish the solitude, journal your thoughts, and most importantly, to give you the chance to be in communion with yourself. By devoting time to strengthening the connection between your body, mind, and spirit, you’ll have a clearer perspective on how you live, as well as a more positive focus on the direction you should be taking in the future. Summer is here and as we all enjoy the barbeques and parties we attend, give yourself and your soul a few moments of your undivided attention. Stop and reflect on the individuals and situations in your life and how you feel about them. It’s a way of dealing with, releasing, and purging the things that have been consuming your vital soul energy and holding you back from living the life you want. Many times you’ve heard me say: “We are spiritual beings as well as human, so one should always honor both.” Being here is my version of a Maine Soul

Retreat for myself, which gives me balance, peace, and a way to find the real me. Think about it. Right now, just ask yourself: “are you in the place where you need a vacation or a retreat?” Both types of vacation are useful in their own way, but it’s a good idea to know beforehand what’s calling out to you more and act upon it. Listen to what your body and soul are asking for – and enjoy!

JOHN’S LESSON Even if you’re on vacation with the entire family, try to find a quiet, private place – somewhere you can start to strengthen your connection with your soul. Sit for a few minutes by yourself or take a walk on the beach or in the woods. Break away from the noise and confusion for as long as you’re able. On your vacation or break, make an effort to also enjoy it as a mini-retreat. Give yourself a chance to be with your soul, with nature, and to be in the now. It’s a great way of releasing those stored up tensions and irritations that you’ve been holding onto. More and more, people are seeking answers and

are looking for the tools to find their own inner-self, but with our busy lifestyles and schedules, rarely do we take the time to notice the outer beauty that surrounds us. When you stop for a moment without all the distractions, you’ll have time to reflect on the people and situations in your life, and how you feel about them. It’s also a chance to step back, see where you came from, where you are now and how you got here, and more importantly, it’s an opportunity to see where you want to go. It can be quite cathartic, as you filter out what’s working and what’s not. It’s a way of dealing, releasing and purging the ones that have been consuming your vital soul energy and holding you back from living the life you want. Just as we clear our physical spaces of clutter, the energetic fields that are a vital part of our well-being must be cleansed of disruptive energies and emotions. It’s a way of restoring the connection with yourself and your divine inner-wisdom. Live a Soul-filled life!

Our Conscious Awakening to Illusion by Debbie Peluso

Impermanence, ...emptiness, … illusions, …samsara, …maya; words we often encounter on our journey to awakening our consciousness. We study and meditate on just what it means when our masters tell us there

is no form and that all things are empty of their own side. Buddhism tells us it’s all illusion and that is the cause of our human suffering. But where do we find our illusions? Why do people’s sufferings differ? Are they predetermined? Might our illusions be karmic? Are our illusions real?

Dream States and Illusion Rule the Day Paramahansa Yogananda once said, “A man closes his eyes and erects a dream creation which, on awakening, he effortlessly dematerializes. Similarly, when he awakens in cosmic consciousness, he will effortlessly dematerialize the illusions of the cosmic dream.” Based on these words, it would seem that no matter where we awaken in our consciousness, we are always living in some state of maya, or illusion. Does this mean we exist as confused little gobs of consciousness that just keep flitting from one state to another? One would think not. We must be more!

Awakening from ‘Altered States’ of Illusion The popular movie from the ‘80’s, “Altered States,” spoke of changing the various levels of our consciousness. Through meditation, we awaken to a different experience of physical illusion, even down to our primitive state as humans. But ultimately, the main character awakens to the reality that we are primordial energy, divine energy that has incredible power, knowledge and innate cellular memory containing all of our collective past physical existences, as well as the memory of all that has ever been. Although he used a “think tank” and experimented with mind-altering drugs to tap into this knowledge, the same understanding can be achieved through a disciplined practice of meditation. So what is this primordial energy and why is it so important for it to accumulate experiences through the illusions of physical existence? This is the million-dollar

question that many masters and many of us have pondered at one time or another, and will probably never be able to answer. We can only speculate based on our own individual experiences and perceptions.

Efforts to Understand Our Greater Mystery In our childhood we are taught by our parents and then later by some religious institutions that we must be “good” or God will be unhappy with us. We become fearful of being our authentic selves and experiencing our humanness. But most unfortunate, we developed this sort of subconscious fear of God. Questions would arise that couldn’t seem to be answered, and we struggled with gaining some sort of comprehension of this great mystery of God and how we fit into the picture. We were told if we followed all of the rules our souls would be allowed to enter heaven, but if we did not, we would be condemned to eternity in hell. Erroneously, we are lead to believe that these are places that

our soul goes to once we leave this planet.

Does Being in the Physical World Cause Pain? But what is heaven, and where can we find it? And what is hell? Nichiren Buddhism, is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism, founded by a 13th Century monk named Nichiren. Its focus is in reciting the Lotus Sutra and the chanting of “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.” Buddhism tells us there is no soul, that it is all about mind, our acts, our thoughts. Nichiren once said that hell is found within our five-foot body, and through the chanting and recitation of the Lotus Sutra, we can attain enlightenment. Is that what heaven is? Is the implication here that the illusions of our physical bodies navigating through life is the hell and the awakening of our innate primal nature heaven?

Unfolding Wisdom, One Lotus Petal at a Time Meditators would say, yes. They

believe heaven and hell are states of mind, and that we have the ultimate choice in how we live. When we meditate, we begin to awaken our cellular knowledge. There is this natural unfolding of wisdom, a “knowing without knowing” that surfaces. We begin to understand how our illusions of self (ego) is what keeps us in a state of suffering (hell) and how each incarnation engraves itself on our souls. Patterns, fears, karma arise, and we have the opportunity to change them into acceptance, love, forgiveness leading to happier states of mind (heaven). Each person’s experience is different but yet we all originate from the same collective consciousness. We are the same but yet different.

Awakening to Positive Karma - the Benefits This awakening allows us to transform. It offers the possibility to clear away the negative and create positive karma, which can lead to better future incarnations. Yes, our illusions are real. Though our past may predetermine them,

we have the ability through the use of our own free will to change them. We can use them to our benefit to create a happier state of being. But the million-dollar question that still seems to puzzle many of us is why. Why do we accumulate knowledge within the depths of our consciousness in the various states through which we pass? Whose cosmic dream is this and why do our lives and states of being play such an important role? The answer lies deep within us, and needs awakening. About the Author Debbie Peluso obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Metaphysics in association with the University of Sedona in Arizona. She is a certified practitioner in meditation, metaphysical/ spiritual counseling, and is a working astrologer. Debbie is co-owner of Zion Yoga Studio in the Washington, D.C. area. She is also a facilitator of, and teaches, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

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OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

The energetics of creating a global business By Simone Milasas

If business has been a little slow lately, a great tool for introducing fresh possibilities and new revenue streams is to expand your zone of awareness worldwide.

The conscious business owner knows they don’t have to be limited to their geographic location. Clients, contacts and customers can from anywhere when you expand the zone of your awareness, and your business’s awareness. Now what does that mean? When I became worldwide coordinator of Access Consciousness I used to practice expanding my awareness across the entire world. It’s an energy and it will require a bit of practice. It’s almost like energetically embracing the whole world and asking questions. At that stage Access was in about six countries, including Italy. So I’d ask, what does Italy require of me? What does the UK require of me? What does the US require of me? What do I need to be aware of today? A question will always open the door to more information, whereas an answer and a conclusion will shut down any future possibilities. With each

question I’d tap into the energy of that particular country and take action based on my awareness. I would make a phone call, send an email or do some internet research.

Be open to receive When you’re open to receiving from the entire planet, you function from a much more expanded place and the universe will gift you accordingly. But you’ve got to play your part. Familiarize yourself with what’s going on around the world. What’s happening in Turkey? What’s trending in London? What’s new in Australia? Then take one action step, and another, and another. You’ll be amazed at what can show up. Today, 15 years later, Access is in over 170 countries. The more you come from a space of lightness and the less significant you make it, the more fun you’ll have. Literally, wake up every day and ask questions, then be willing to change the way your business looks.

Be vulnerable Business is forever changing and it must change. If things are feeling stagnant, then be vulnerable enough to consider if you actually want the business anymore? Ask yourself, Truth, do I still wish to be in this business? It’s a universal law that if you say truth before asking a question, you’ll immediately perceive an energetic response. The energy will feel heavier or lighter. If it feels heavy, it’s usually a lie. If it feels light, it’s usually true for you. This is a great tool to use when making choices about your business. Business is one of the areas in life where I am always willing to change whatever isn’t working. There are always more possibilities available, so ask more questions. Could you sell it? Could you get someone else to run the parts of the business you don’t enjoy? One of the mistakes I see people make is thinking that nobody can do the business as well as they can. I did it too. I used to hire people who didn’t know

the job as well as I did, which just meant I had to work harder. After acknowledging I had this point of view, I changed it. I started hiring people who were better than me, who knew more than me, who could organize, connect and sell more than me.

Seek growth If you’re at a dead-end, also look at whether you’re trying to control things so much that you’re actually stifling growth. Having founded and operated many businesses I know it’s a lot more enjoyable when you allow your business to generate itself. It’s like growing a garden. If someone comes up with a great idea or awareness that is expansive, consider it even if it doesn’t match what you think the business should look like. For example, say you’d like to create more than one revenue stream — that’s not just money. Every product, service, seminar, webinar, telesummit, coaching session is a revenue stream. And so are the contacts you make.

How many different revenue streams can you come up with? It doesn’t have to be difficult and you don’t have to do everything yourself. Your business is a separate entity. Ask it to make money for you. Ask it to expand its zone of awareness. Say, ‘Ok, business, what would it take for you to expand your awareness globally?’ You may find yourself getting more clients from out of town or you may get invited to present a seminar in a different part of the country. This is truly an energetic exercise. Play with it and have fun, but don’t make it serious. I always say, what if the purpose of life was to have fun? You’re here on this planet right now. Enjoy what you’re doing and enjoy what brings you money. If you’re not having fun, then what possibilities are available that you haven’t already asked for? One of the things I love about these tools is that you don’t have to be in business to use them. They apply to your money,

relationships, family— in fact your entire life. Whether you’re a conscious business owner, a stay-at-home mom, or selfemployed use these tools. They’re designed to give you more ease, more joy, and more glory, which is the exuberant expression of abundance. About the Author Simone Milasas is a dynamic business leader with a difference. She has founded and operated many businesses from a young age and always done business different. Today, Simone Milasas is a director of multiple companies. For the last 14 years Simone has been the Worldwide Coordinator of Access Consciousness® helping grow the business into a multimillion-dollar company operating in 173 countries. Simone also presents seminars globally based on her popular book Joy of Business. You can get her free video series, Putting the Fun Back in Business, by just clicking here: www.

Do Wealthy People Need Feng Shui Advice? By Kartar Diamond

Wealth and financial success are relative terms. And when it comes to whether or not wealthy people need the additional input from a Feng Shui advisor, let us first discuss some important concepts.

If it is not in someone’s destiny to accumulate “Warren Buffet Wealth”, then no amount of advice is going catapult a person into that level of affluence. People are born with a certain destiny and the environment in which someone lives and works can enhance or undermine it. Feng Shui deals with the physical surroundings which can help or hamper, both long term or for the short term. In fact, a fair question to ask would be, “How come my Feng Shui Master is not extremely wealthy?” This might be on par with why true psychics do not play the lottery. We all have a destiny, and those usual boundaries can only deviate just so much from otherworldly forces or from some small amount of free will we may have. Of course, you do expect to see any coach or advisor walk their talk. You want your Professional Organizer to be organized herself. You may want your Love Coach to be happily married. And you definitely want your

stock broker to be making good investments for himself too. But each of us has our own destiny, and the influence of Feng Shui comes in at about 20% of the overall picture. When a wealthy person seeks my counsel, they may be frustrated with their current business dealings and feel that their potential is being hampered, even when it exceeds 10,000 times what the average person’s income may be. It is all a relative experience, and wealthy individuals can have setbacks, delays, and financial struggles just on a larger and more dramatic scale. Contrary to the popular expression, there really is no such thing as a house which is “good for the money.”We practitioners sometimes use that phrase as a truncated way of saying that the energies of the house will support opportunities, progressive movement, creativity, entrepreneurship and a whole variety of positive attributes which eventually manifest as

being “good for the money.” Likewise, there is no such thing as a house that is “bad” for money, even though the phrase “Reversed House” is frequently used in the classical community to describe a house which can undermine financial “luck” or rather, opportunities. No matter what kind of house one lives in, the person still needs to step outside their door and make their own conscious efforts to win and be successful. Wealthy people may also request input, like anyone else, on matters related to health, well-being, legal issues, fertility, fidelity and a whole array of issues that can directly or indirectly affect the career, or have nothing to do with a career at all. With wealth being a relative term, some people are elated to see their income go up 10 or 20% after having made adjustments to their home or business. Expectations play a role in whether or not a person is satisfied with the results. Generally speaking, people who do not feel any “lack” in

the Universe, will have more prosperity consciousness. If you can believe that you are entitled to live gracefully, while not taking away anything from another individual, and that the Universe can provide for all, you are more likely to generate the prosperity consciousness needed to both attain AND maintain financial success. How I help someone increase their prosperity potential in the context of a Feng Shui audit includes measures to balance the unseen magnetic field both within and outside a dwelling and to help align the individual in their most favorable personal directions as well. Timing is a factor, and when you can take advantage of good timing, you can truly be the right person, in the right place, and at the right time for opportunities to flow. About the Author Kartar Diamond Company: Feng Shui Solutions ® From the Income, Money Matters and Career Series


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The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

Guarantee Your Marriage– the Easy Way by Marcia Naomi Berger

Amazing and true, yes, you can virtually guarantee a lasting happy marriage, if you’ve chosen a compatible partner in the first place. Before marrying--or after if you’re already married--why not try out what could be the best

way to keep your relationship on track as you journey through life together? Regardless of life’s ups and downs, the two of you can continue to enjoy romance, romance, intimacy, and teamwork. You’ll deal with issues constructively and usually arrive at win-win solutions. My prescription for making such dreams come true: hold a weekly marriage meeting.

What’s a Marriage Meeting? A weekly Marriage Meeting provides a simple way for today’s busy, often overextended couples to improve their marriage and work through challenges by committing to meeting with each other once a week without distractions. An effective marriage meeting is a short, gentle conversation with the following loosely structured agenda:

1) Express appreciation and gratitude for each other; 2) Coordinate chores and responsibilities for the coming week; 3) Plan fun “together” time as a couple, such as date nights or vacations; 4) Address and work through problems and challenges. I’ve been teaching the marriage meeting program for over fifteen years to couples (married, engaged, or committed) and also to therapists. Follow-up studies of couples who continued to hold the meetings after participating in one of my Marriage Meeting workshops show that virtually all of them gained a significant increase in marital happiness. I practice what I preach. My husband of over 28 years and I began holding a weekly meeting during our first year of marriage. We continue the practice to this day and I give

it major credit for our lasting happiness together.

Instructions and Benefits My book, MARRIAGE MEETINGS FOR LASTING LOVE: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted, gives guidelines and step-by-step instructions for holding Marriage Meetings. Couples who conduct the meetings as recommended increase romance, intimacy, and teamwork. By holding marriage meetings, when conflicts arise you’ll resolve them more smoothly and respectfully. If your marriage is already good, marriage meetings will keep it thriving. If you are facing unusual challenges, the meetings can help the two of you get back on track. By following this program, couples find that they have a safe forum in which to air grievances. They bring up sticky subjects, such as career changes or frustrations with the amount of housework

that needs to be done. In the book, I share powerful advice for effective communication skills that will serve people in all aspects of their lives, from work to school to extended families to friendships.

Why Hold Marriage Meetings? Many of us need to learn how to deal with small frustrations constructively before they can grow into mammoth sized crises. As a therapist, I’ve seen this happen not only in husband-wife relationships but also in adults who continue to feel helpless when mistreated by a parent, coworker, or someone else. A psychologist in one of my classes for therapists and counselors once said, “I know of only one couple who’s happily married. They’ve been holding a weekly meeting for 50 years! Many couples find that after

holding the meetings for a while, they feel able to communicate as effectively as they want to without the routine. Some couples hold their meetings less frequently than weekly. I think meeting weekly is best for staying on course, because then you both exchange healthy doses of appreciation regularly. This helps handle chores smoothly, make sure to schedule your weekly fun date, and resolve issues promptly. “Unfinished business” is less likely to cloud your lives. For a small investment of time, the rewards that result from conducting a weekly meeting are huge. So discuss the idea of holding them with a potential marriage partner. Do it when your relationship is becoming serious--or with your spouse if you’re already married.

When to Hold Your First Marriage Meeting

Marriage and Relationship educator, Sarah Karmely, has been successfully counseling brides-to-be for over twenty years. Her advice to one and all: “Hold a weekly meeting with your husband. Start holding the meetings before the wedding, so you’ll get off to a good start for making them a habit.” I couldn’t agree more.

About the Author Marcia Naomi Berger, MSW, LCSW, author of Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted (New World Library, 2014), is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist. A former executive director of a family service agency, she previously worked child welfare, alcoholism treatment, and psychiatry. She teaches continuing education classes for therapists and counselors. www.


Personal Growth & Development

We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.

10 Ways to Live Your Greatest Life

by Jerry Sargeant

September A 2016 Edition

Every human being on this planet is incredible and has the potential to live an extraordinary life. With that being the case, why isn’t everybody happy, successful and in beautifully loving relationships? Why do people work a job they do not like? What makes human beings live a mechanical, systematic lifestyle where they suffer, go through school, possibly university, follow a career, get a mortgage, get married, retire and live their lives out struggling until their time comes to depart this beautiful big blue planet? And, not forgetting, most people live in fear of death, dreading the day when all is lost.

It seems to me that humanity, on the most part is surviving not living. Why is this So, when there really is an abundant world awaiting us? The issue is that most of us live in groups or communities. We have become dependent on so called governments and others is our groups, and we have handed our power over to others, thinking and believing that we need the help or guidance to survive here on Earth. We are living in fear. The fear of leaving the known and stepping into the unknown. We have cornered ourselves. We have a desire to be psychologically secure. Over centuries we have become conditioned. We fear leaving the group or whatever we are a part of because we believe that if we do we may not survive. Or we will be alone. When it fact alone means to be ‘All One’. Being alone will bring you closer to the whole than you have ever been before, but our thoughts, which are based on fear keep us stagnant.

September A 2016 Edition

It’s time to stop believing and start knowing. You see, all beliefs are based on thought and all thought is based on fear. This is a notion that totally defies everything you have ever been taught so it will take serious self-reflection to see the underlying truth in what is. If you want to live your greatest life and realise your full potential you must take full responsibility for you, and not depend on anyone or anything for your survival. Here are 10 ways to realise your full potential:

1. Do not give your power over to anyone Nobody in this world has any authority over you. Including any member of society, government, friend, partner, mother, father, son, daughter, school teacher, police man or woman – Absolutely no one. You are a human being and you’re free. Meditate on this fact. I must point out that this is not an idea. It is a fact, it’s true. Know that you have the power to be or do anything and no

one has the power to influence you unless you let them.

2. Create space in your life You can do this by creating space in your mind. You, like most people will think too much. You must break that pattern of thought by meditating. Meditating every day will enable your awareness to grow. This awareness will give you space and from that space, clarity, focus and energy will flow.

3. Leave the crowd. Be different As long as you are trying to blend in with society you will become a sheep, moving with the tide, getting nowhere very fast and helping other people live their dreams instead of creating your own.

4. Face your fears To leave the crowd you must face your fears and venture into unknown territory. This will September A 2016 Edition

crush you or make you. The further you move towards your fears the smaller they will get and eventually you will realise that your fears are an illusion, created by thought, in your mind. Facing your fears is easy, all you have to do is follow your life compass – your heart. It will lead you in the direction of your dreams, and always, without a shadow of a doubt, straight through your fears.

5. Be fit and healthy Eat natural foods, exercise daily, drink at least 3 litres of filtered water per day, juice every morning, go to bed early and try drinking a cup or urine every morning. Trust me, it’s the only liquid on the planet that contains all the information on your own body. It contains all the goodness. I will write another article specifically on this topic soon. It is a real game changer in terms of your health.

6. Surround yourself in a bubble of positivity and tranquillity

Stay away from the naysayers and be around people that inspire you. After all, you become like the company you keep. So keep World Class Company.

7. Guard your dreams Don’t tell everyone what you are going to achieve. They will try and shoot you down, even those closest to you. Inspire through action, not idle chatter. Get the job done. Actions speak louder than words.

8. Stay away from secondary activity Keep your eye on your dream and learn to say no. Saying no is mission-critical as the closer you get to your desired outcome, the more offers you will get to side track you. Saying no will keep the train from being de-railed. It’s so important to keep a laser focus.

9. Go all out and never quit

September A 2016 Edition

The bigger your dreams the bigger the challenges. So learn to turn all of your obstacles into opportunities for growth. Be grateful to everything that is thrown at you because I promise you, once you look back along your journey, from the pinnacle of success, you will see that everything was designed perfectly, by a mind that knew more than you or I. The journey is the most rewarding part because it creates you, the human being you become once you are where you know you can be.

10. Know you are destined to reach your full potential

About the Author: Jerry Sargeant lives in Cheltenham, near London in the United Kingdom. He discovered his remarkable healing abilities after a serious road traffic accident which led him on a spiritual journey. He remembered the power of Star Magic and the extra-terrestrial light frequency that he uses in his healing To learn more about the book, Star Magic, visit or click on the book cover!

Know you are special and were born with a purpose. Follow these steps and you will realise the power you have and the magic will spill into your life.

September A 2016 Edition

Imagine       

Conscious Broadcasting Media Platform Your Brand Exposure Reputable Social Media Radio Concierge Suggested Interviews with Influencers Dedicated Team committed to your Success Coverage in Two Magazines

“Promoting Your Message is our Business”

Attitude and Determination Can Beat Most Odds by Michael Peter Langevin

Writer A. Robert Smith is a most amazing man. At the age of 91, he has just published his tenth book Roberts 101 Rules of Order for a Good Life. Mr. Smith was a Naval officer in WWII. He was a journalist in Washington DC for four decades. He was the founding editor of the Venture

Inward Magazine, the Edgar Cayce Foundation’s international Magazine. However, most impressive to me was how he recovered and re-invented himself after a massive stroke at the age of 85. The diagnosis was hemorrhagic stroke. The left side on his brain was flooded with blood from a ruptured blood vessel, wiping out circuits needed for diction, speech and memory. That resulted in aphasia, the inability to produce spoken language, and agraphia, the inability to retrieve words. He could visualize answers to questions, but the words wouldn’t form in his mouth. He sometimes uttered different words than he was thinking. He explained that it felt like his brain and mouth were on different wavelengths. He found a first rate speech therapist and with her insights and his determination that helped him to speak again. He also received NeurOptimal brain training from his daughter Dana, who moved to Virginia Beach from Seattle to care for him. He had never heard of brain training before, so he just

watched while she hooked him up to a special computer that reads what his brain was doing and fed that information to his central nervous system. Then the brain recognized its own patterns and adjusted itself toward optimal functioning. He received this non-invasive thirtythree-minute procedure several times a week for several months. Many people participating in this kind of brain training report improved sleep, better focus and improved clarity, and relief from symptoms related to traumatic brain injury, anxiety, depression and migraines. Mr. Smith’s burning goal was to finish a memoir on his life as a newspaperman. He was encouraged by the book My Stroke of Insight, by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D., who recovered from a massive stroke and now gives lectures on how she did it. After reading that book, he knew, he could do that, too! His speech therapist also recommended he find a proofreader to sort out his misspellings and sentences that needed rethinking. Which he

did. His ninth book, God Gave Me a Mulligan, was after a few years completed and published. Mr. Smith has suffered occasional setbacks and dips and has kept finding new specialists to help with his retraining. Yet, now at 91 he is still going strong and recently published his tenth book. Robert’s 101 Rules of a Good Life, uses the old-fashioned style of proverbs—short, often punchy statements that are meaningful and often humorous. Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Smith’s, favorite of America’s Founding Fathers, was a master at composing terse phrases that were full of wisdom, humor, and common sense. Franklin published them in the Pennsylvania Gazette before the American Revolution. About half of the proverbs contained in the book express Smith’s own proverbs on marriage, family relations, child behavior, and other essential topics. The other half includes proverbs and sayings from Benjamin Franklin, as well as other popular figures, such as Shakespeare, Confucius, Schweitzer, Churchill, Eleanor

and Teddy Roosevelt, the Buddha, Maya Angelou, Mark Twain, and Will Rogers. Mr. Smith wrote a wonderful long introduction and last chapter. This book is good and considering the circumstances leading up to it, it is amazing. Mr. Smith’s latest goal is to mimic Dr. Howard Jones, Jr., the cofounder of the Eastern Virginia Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine, who kept writing books until he died at 104. A. Robert Smith is an inspiring man. About the Author Michael Peter Langevin was the publisher/ editor for twentyseven years of Magical Blend Magazine. He has authored three books: Secrets of the Ancient Incas (Career Press), and Secrets of the Amazon Shamans (Crossroads Press) Spiritual Business, (Hampton Roads). His present day company LangevinAxelsson Marketing specializes in Social Media Marketing and Public Relations Consulting. To contact Michael email:LangevinAxelsson

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It’s not About the Website By Alan Cohen | From the Heart A young entrepreneur came to me complaining that she was having trouble completing the text for her website. “Where is the roadblock you are hitting?” I asked Barbara.

“It’s the About Me page,” she answered with a contorted face that told me how painful this process was for her. This is the page that most entrepreneurs get hung up on, the very one I have had countless coaching sessions to help clients get posted. “Do you have any doubts about presenting yourself to the world?” “Well, yes. . .” she answered sheepishly. “I question if I am really qualified and if I am worth people paying me for my services.” “Got it. . . Now let’s put the web page aside for the moment, and look deeper,” I suggested, knowing precisely where we were headed. “Who taught you to doubt yourself?” “My father was a newspaper editor and highly critical of me, especially when it came to English. Even beyond that subject, there was nothing I could ever do that was good enough. If I did a

project with 99% excellence, he wouldn’t compliment me on my achievement. Instead, he would criticize me for the deficient 1%.” “And even though you have grown up and moved out of your father’s home, his voice still lives in your head, constantly banging at you for never being perfect.” “That’s right.” Nearly every person I have ever coached has voiced some variation on this theme. “So your current challenge with your About Me page is just one more instance of a theme that has been going on for your entire life.” “It is so.” “Then let’s reframe this: You are now being presented with an opportunity to finally break free from this lifelong oppressive voice within you, implanted long ago by your father, that has debilitated

your progress in ways far more serious than the website.” “If I could do that, it would be tremendous!” she answered, her face lighting up for the first time since we met. “Then let’s do a role play,” I suggested. “I will represent your father. I won’t say anything, but I will give you a chance to say to him what you wished you could have said when he criticized you as a child, or when his judgmental voice chides you as an adult.” Barbara sat up straight, looked me in the eye, and spoke firmly. “Dad, I know you love me and you want the best for me. But I can no longer live under the whip of your criticism. Every time I did something as a child, or an adult, you found something wrong with my action and with me. Your judgments have kept me small for my entire life. I am not willing to live with them and allow them to impede me anymore.”

Then came the tears. “I am a bright woman with a good heart, strong skills, and a significant contribution to make. I want to do that through my new business and other avenues down the road. I know I can do this, and I do not need your permission to live the life I choose and to create a successful career. So I now release all the dark criticisms I have borne for so long, and I step with confidence into a richer life.” Barbara’s tears had cleared and her eyes shone. She looked like an entirely different person than the one who had complained about her inability to complete her web page. “How do you feel now?” I asked her. “Freer than I have felt in a long, long time.” “And how do you feel about setting up your About Me page?”

“Ready,” she answered with a smile. “Totally ready.” A long silence ensued. Barbara’s eyes lit up as she said, quietly stunned, “It wasn’t about the website, was it?” No, it wasn’t about the website. The website was directing Barbara to look inward for her answer. Her block was about self-image, self-esteem, selfconfidence, attitude, beliefs, and expectations—the factors that make or break any endeavor. The business and relationship situations in your life do not have a life or reality of their own. They are reflections of your psyche, the images you hold about yourself projected onto the screen of the world. As James Allen brilliantly stated, “We think in secret and it comes to pass. Environment is our looking glass.” Situations that bother us are not curses. They are arrows pointing us to places in our mind where

we are holding illusions. When we can identify the illusion that is causing us pain, we are ready to discover the truth the illusion was covering. When we do, we are free. It’s not about the website. Or the relationship. Or the job. Or the money. Or the world. It’s about waking up. When we do, everything changes.

About the Author Alan Cohen is the author the bestselling A Course in Miracles Made Easy: Mastering the Journey from Fear to Love. Become a certified professional life coach though Alan’s deeply transformational Life Coach Training beginning January 4. For more information about this program, his books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes, online courses, and weekly radio show, visit, on FB Alan H. Cohen (author), and Twitter @alanhcohen

When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.

World Vision

Blue Lights and the Matters of Lives by Kathy Custren

Blue Lights Are a Sign of Difference July 2016 has been a very difficult month, for any life of color. Furthermore, if you happen to belong to the police or autism communities, for whom blue lights hold special significance, there is even more of an urgent connection.

The annihilation of any life, or any person of difference, or any person who “makes a difference,” is never easy to understand or reconcile. Since we are all comprised of some type of colorful element, this makes the taking of black lives, blue lives, and any life a very critical issue to review.

Blue Lights and Black Lives Matter There is plenty of hatred, prejudice, and blame to go around. So let’s put that aside for a moment to take an outsider’s look in at what is going on. As we hang our heads in grief, shake our heads in disbelief, and raise our voices in protest, it begins to dawn on us. We kill people out of hatred, fear, and any number of physical and divisive reasons. Anyone who has ever wielded a weapon knows with that power comes great responsibility. It does not have to be a firearm. A knife or TASER has just much lethal force when misapplied as a gun does. Perhaps we

have reached critical mass when we fail to recognize the preciousness of life, and when it can be removed so callously.

Frustration: Feeling Caught in the Middle The most recent, sensationalized news story from Florida centered on the shooting of an adult male, laying on the ground with his hands up, within reach of another man. The other adult is a person with autism, and the first was his caretaker. He may as well have been his parent. The only harm that came, by all reports, was from the police. The spin, by the police after the event, was that the officer was aiming to shoot the autistic man. Far be it from me to sound the warning bell of fruitlessness, but will any training ever get through to someone on the other end of a gun if they have in their head that a person with autism, or any other disability, deserves to be shot first?

May We All Find Balance There is no justification for it. Sorry I missed the memo before

having three children who are on the autism spectrum. If there was any inkling that “this” was the world into which they would be born, well…. Who knew? Yet it falls to us all to find a solution, doesn’t it? The natural world always holds itself in a certain level of balance. We could look to nature for guidance; if nature itself was not so off-kilter thanks to man’s interference in the natural order. If we read the signs of nature and change correctly, we would know to embrace persons of difference. In the natural world, it is all good. Rather than shoot-to-kill or shoot-first-ask-questions-later, the safer alternative stares at us from the trophy walls. There is no “evening out” or balance when loss occurs. Sure we can come to realize, often too late, what the right answer is. The scariest part is putting that kind of big change into action.

When Lives Are in the Balance On a personal level, would I

trust my son with light-it-upblue autism or a ‘man in blue’ who walked into my house with a gun? Knowing either of them might serve to “protect” me, the deciding factor is the firearm-and its possible use against a loved one. So for me, the answer is an easy one. We may even see a faint light ahead at the end of the long, dark tunnel. But at this point, it looks like that light could be blue. Do we take our chances in the dark or step out and take decisive action? Perhaps you would like to join with my fervent, daily mother’s prayer: Heaven help my son if he ever steps outside. About the Author Kathy Custren, OMTimes Senior Editor, is a mother of four, who strives for balance and has a deep respect for All. Interests include education, elements, nature, humanity’s cosmic origins, philosophy, spirituality, and wellness. Connect with her community page “Consciousness Live” on Facebook.

Empower Girls Break the Cycle of Dependence The number one reason girls drop out of school in Sub-Saharan Africa is lack of access to feminine hygiene products. The Pads for Schoolgirls Project, an outreach of Humanity Healing International, is changing this paradigm by setting up sewing programs at schools, teaching girls a vocational skill, while producing the reusable pads that help keep them attending classes. The girls pay it forward by making and giving pad kits to other girls in need. To learn more, visit



OMTIMES: How and to whom do you believe “Leap of Faith” can bring the beneficial result to the conscious reader?

Colby Rebel: This book was written to help the spiritual entrepreneur who is just beginning or has a desire to grow their practice exponentially. Coming from a tax and accounting background with a degree in mass communications, I wanted to create a resource that provides the conscious reader with the tips, tools, and answers they seek in building a solid foundation for their practice. So many lightworkers are wonderful healers of all modalities, but few have the business, marketing and branding experience that is also a necessary component giving them the opportunity to stand out within their industry and community.

containing the most important aspects to creating a solid business foundation and providing the conscious healer with a platform to spread their wings and soar! Leap of Faith covers everything from websites, branding, business foundation, tax deductions, bookkeeping, social media and legal policies. I made it a point to cover all of the areas that I had trouble with when I was starting out and the solutions that were the most effective to my practice. As a prior tax manager, I have reviewed 1,000’s of tax returns which has also gained me the experience of seeing what commonalities within a practice make it stand out and have longevity within their respective industry. I wanted to write a book that allowed me to help fellow conscious friends become the most successful professionals

OMTIMES: What are your main goals for writing a Book like the “Leap of Faith”? Colby Rebel: To give every person who has a desire to take their passion to the professional arena the tools essential to building a thriving practice that not only fulfills them emotionally but provides for them financially. A place where they can be unique, memorable and successful. One of the goals was to provide a blueprint

September A 2106 edition

they can be by simply sharing my expertise in accounting and experience as a practitioner. As an industry, when we work together to raise the standard as a whole and exude professionalism, we will garner respect and support from our communities, and that is truly conscious living. Living as one. OMTIMES: Do you offer classes for those that are have read your book and plan to become a professional like yourself? Colby Rebel: I am currently working on a video series that coincides with the book and will be available online. It will be a series that will help explain some of the chapters in further detail and break them down in easy to understand segments. I put great effort into making the chapter’s book bite-sized and introducing the information in a way that was understandable and not overwhelming. I wanted to create a reference that someone could repeatedly refer back to when a specific situation occurred because that’s exactly what I experienced.

OMTIMES: Who is or was your big influencer, the one that inspired you to trail your spiritual path? Colby Rebel: I am so lucky and grateful to have many people in my life that encouraged me to explore and pursue my spiritual path. From family to friends and mentors to colleagues. From the beginning, I was extremely lucky to be surrounded by

such an incredible support system that believed in me. I would have to say for the single most important person that inspired me? I would have to say my best friend, Renea. I always perceived Renea to be very grounded, logical and fiscally responsible. I knew that she was not one to tell someone what they wanted to hear. I remember going to her and asking her if I should give up my entire accounting career to pursue Spiritual work and without hesitation, she answered: “Absolutely, this is what you are meant to do.” There were times when I was nervous, unsure and had my own doubts, but she never relented and to this day remains one my best supporters. Then, of course, there is Lisa Williams. Lisa has been a dynamic force in my career as she has believed in me from the very first time we met. She always encourages me and pushes me to take the chances that I sometimes may fear. I’ll never forget the day at the end of a development circle when she stopped me on my way out and asked “Colby, where’s your master teacher application? Tomorrow is the deadline.” This was a 10-page application! I sat down and completed that application and today are beyond honored to represent LWISSD as a Master Spiritual, Teacher.

September A 2106 edition

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September A 2016 Contributors Writers Alan Cohen Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac Debbie Peluso Dirk Terpstra Dragos Bratasanu, PhD Jerry Sargeant John Holland Kartar Diamond Kathy Custren Marcia Naomi Berger Michael Peter Langevin Simone Milasas

96 36 52 24 40 86 48 64 102 78 92 60

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