OMTimes Magazine September B 2019 Edition

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September B Issue


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Table of Contents



50 28

STEPHEN G. POST Revelation On Route 80 by OMTIMES

46 50


Why you need to use Breath4Life™ Breath Work Pennie Quaile-Pearce

How to Prevent Chronic Disease While Maintaining Well-Being" By Rachelle Wilber

56 60

How to Deepen Your Connection with Spirit


John Holland

Lunar Consciousness and the Value of the Primordial Darkness Humanity Healing

SePtember 2019 b EDITION




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Feng Shui and the Stairs How Not to Make Abundance A Self-inflicted Curse Harvesting Root Vegetables Is Podcasting the Future of Radio on Demand Radio Host Spotlight - Lisa Berry

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Letter to the Editor P.O.Box 1333 Oil City, PA 16301 Email: Customer Service: (Phone)571-266-8463 Or email


What's Inside?


98 110 122





Abandon Your Usual Way of Thinking


Is there a Heaven for Animals


The Climate Change Within


Exploring the Stages of Conscious Forgiveness



This Is How I Save My Life

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Stephen G. Post, Ph.D.

Revelation On Route 80

For over twenty years, Stephen G. Post, Ph.D., has spread the science of giving and commitment to the greater good across the globe. Supporting dozens of scientific studies at top universities and conducting his own research, Dr. Post lives and teaches the

uplifting perennial message that by giving to others, we become our fullest selves. The bestselling lead author of Why Good Things Happen to Good People: How to Live a Longer, Happier Life by the Simple Act of Giving, Post is the founder and president (2000) of the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love (www.unlimitedloveinstitute. org), and the director (2008) of the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics at Stony Brook University in New York. Om Times is pleased to share this interview we had with him about his new book, God and Love on Route 80: The Hidden Mystery of Human Connectedness. Many years ago, at the age of 15, Stephen Post had a recurring dream while a student at St. Paul’s School in New Hampshire. The dream recurred six times over a year and was always the same: It was early morning, misty and silver-gray, at the end of a long road to the unknown west. High above the sea, a

long-haired blond youth leaned outward over a ledge about to let go, when out of the mist appeared the light blue image of an angel’s face. Speaking softly and with great love, the angel said, “If you save him, you too shall live.” Then she faded back into the silver-gray mist. Often we do not take the spirituality of children and teens seriously, but eventually this vivid dream lured “the boy” across the country on Route 80 in search of a destiny that found him through an uncanny encounter that was lifesaving both for himself and the youth he finally met on an early silver-gray morning along the ledge of the Golden Gate Bridge. Since that astonishing episode of synchronicity, the boy’s life unfolded with threads of the dream woven into many more episodes across the years. People have dreams, intuitions, amazing premonitions, and unexpected encounters that

feel “set up” by an infinite Mind and in fact, these things simply cannot be explained in any other way. Post wrote God and Love on Route 80: The Hidden Mystery of Human Connectedness to help people to notice the whispers of infinite Mind, to talk about them more freely and realize how cherished each of us is, and because they can unlock our deeper spiritual capacities for creative love. OMTIMES: What was your “blue angel” dream about? Stephen G. Post: I was fifteen when I first had the dream, and it only recurred about a half dozen times for a year or slightly more. It was uplifting, and I loved talking about it with my school mates and Rev. Welles, as well as his wife, Julie. The dream recurred in the early mornings, and each time it was exactly the same: A blue angel would appear out of the fog somewhere out west at the end of the road, and there was a youth leaning off a ledge. Then, speaking very softly and with great love, the angel would say, “If

you save him, you too shall live.” Then she faded back. After each dream, I would quietly meditate on it in the old Chapel at St. Paul’s. Rev. Welles, my teacher, and I drove down to Yale University Divinity School (he was a closely connected graduate) to talk about the dream in a class on adolescent spirituality when I was 16. OMTIMES: After your experience on the bridge, how did your life change? Stephen G. Post: I never again struggled for meaning in life. There were some ordeals here and there, peaks and valleys, but I never again felt even a little on the ledge myself. I realized that we think we are more separate from each other than we are, and that in fact, we are profoundly connected in the mystery of a Mind, that Mind ultimately holds us close. I was no big believer in angels, but I understood the dream as the infinite Mind trying to break through my everyday consciousness to get me thinking that Mind comes before Matter and

that it is not just derived from cells, tissues, and brain. My episodes early in life on the bridge and in then in Oregon left me certain of this Mind in which we are all one beyond place and time. OMTIMES: What is the significance of the color blue? What does it mean to you? Stephen G. Post: Blue is one of the seven “angel colors,” based on seven different light rays. The theologians of old said that blue angels protect and defend people. Blue is a significant color, according to angelology, scriptures of many types and with Chagall’s paintings. I love Chagall because many after my adolescent dream when I was teaching philosophy at Fordham (1985-88) in Tarrytown, my office-mate Gabe Gomes asked me how I wound up studying world spirituality at the University of Chicago. I told Gabe about the dream. He was a leading expert in spirituality, and he told me to walk over to the next village, Pocantico Hills, to the Union Church, and look at Chagall’s stained

glass window of the Good Samaritan. I did, and later I studied Chagall because I wondered where he came up with all his blue angels. It turns out that he left home when he was 17 because he did not want to work in his father’s factory pickling herring! I headed west on Route 80 at 17 after my father insisted that I work in a lampshade factory. Chagall went to St. Petersburg, and while homeless, he had a dream vision in the small room where he was allowed to sleep. The room filled with blue light, and he saw wings of an angel that then ascended leaving behind blue. Chagall considered blue to be the color of love, and when he died many years later, he was painting a blue angel in his studio outside of Paris. So finally I felt that someone else had had a youthful experience a bit like my own. OMTIMES: You wrote about a wild experience on a motorcycle in Oregon when you feared for your life. Oddly your mother—who was at home in New York — woke up thinking that you

were dead. What was going on? How do you explain her late-night call and how you actually were the one to answer the phone in the college dorm? Stephen G. Post: About six months after encountering the blond youth on the Golden Gate Bridge, I was attending Reed College in Portland. My mother called my dorm at 2am ET after she awoke from sleep 3000 miles away with a dreadful premonition that I was dead. Actually, I had just stumbled into the dorm as the phone rang after the most perilous 180 MPH motorcycle ride of my life. I ended up clinging to the back a crazed biker for two unrelenting hours on the Pacific Coast Highway sliding in the cold slush. I had assumed that I was not going to survive. How does a mom know exactly when to call and from so far away? OMTIMES: What does having a premonition mean? Stephen G. Post: Premonitions, meaning literally “forewarnings”

from the Latin, are typically experienced between parents and children, between spouses, siblings, and close friends. This is because there is something about deep, anxious, and selfless love that moves us so far beyond ego and selfishness that we can most powerfully enter the field of the infinite Mind, which is also a field of infinite Love. When premonitions occur, it is a sign that the walls between “I” and “You” have been replaced by oneness, and at that frequency of love, the miracles of premonition and synchronicity are most likely to happen. OMTIMES: How do you explain what synchronicity is? Stephen G. Post: They are the loving encounters that happen so perfectly and out of nowhere that they feel “set up” by a cherishing personal, loving infinite Mind. But you have to want to notice them and slow down a little to acknowledge them. They are always so perfect and often in answer to a prayer of some special need,

but not always. When we notice them, we realize how loved we are no matter what, and we can reflect this in our concern for others. OMTIMES: You have lived an astonishing life of synchronicities, and very auspicious meetings with people who eventually would turn out to be great allies on the next step of your remarkable journey. One meeting, in particular, is with Sir John Templeton, with whom you founded the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love. Stephen G. Post: I met Sir John at a conference on spirituality and health in 1991, and we immediately connected on the core ideas of infinite Mind and unlimited spiritual love. Sir John was so interested in the idea of “One Mind,” and although this was years before Larry Dossey wrote his great book on the subject, Larry actually was at the meeting and had dinner with Sir John, who subsequently supported one of Larry’s conferences. This was all

synchronicity to me. In 2000 Sir John invited me to found the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love (www., but not to focus on the study only mere human love, which he did not have much faith in. Instead, as he wrote me, we should study the powerfully transforming experiences that seem to invade our consciousness with a love that is truly spiritual in nature, a part of our Inner Being that is, in fact, our drop of the divine nature within. Human love tends to be narrowly focused, exclusionary, reversible, unenduring, and impure— human nature and emotions being the mixed bad that they are. But we saw “Pure Unlimited Love” as mystical, spiritual energy underlying the universe that we can connect with and be elevated by. A few weeks before Sir John died in Nassau, his son Dr. Jack Templeton called me and said, “Dad is dying, and he won’t be able to write his last book. So he wants you to do it for him as best you can.” “Okay, Jack, but what shall we call it?” “Dad says, “Ultimate Reality is Unlimited

Love.” I agreed to do it and did, mixing world religions and physics and the writings of Sir John, who was I believe a genius way ahead of his time. But I asked Jack if his dad could let me have a title in the form of a question, to which Sir John agreed: “Is Ultimate Reality Unlimited Love? So I went ahead with it. OMTIMES: What kind of work do you do at the Institute now? Stephen G. Post: We have supported many scientific studies, published hundreds of scholarly articles, over 120 scholarly books, and worked closely with the media over the years. We have held numerous conferences all over the world. We are really interested in how people feel elevated when deeply in the “flow” of unselfish love, how compassionate love heals, how we can reliably raise kind children with a sense for a shared humanity, how we can spiritualize the workplace in creative love, how the transformative dynamic of infinite Mind and Pure Unlimited Love is experienced

as the core of spiritually and how it can even be understood as Ultimate Reality or Ground of Being, and how all religions can converge on this within their many distinctive frameworks. OMTIMES: You co-wrote a bestselling book, Why Good Things Happen to Good People: How to Live a Longer, Happier, Healthier Life by the Simple Act of Giving. You are recognized for encouraging the prescribing of volunteerism for health, happiness, resilience, and longevity. Is there a science to back your theories up? Stephen G. Post: There is strong evidence that helping others in meaningful ways generally results in a happier, healthier, and more resilient life for the giver; and based on the strength of this evidence overall and in subpopulations including patient groups, it then asserts that the time has come for healthcare professionals to prescribe (or recommend) such behavior at sustainable levels generally in the range of two hours per week.

Prescribing or recommending helping attitudes and actions in patients or communities is a universally valid contribution to preventive medicine and to the treatment of a wide variety of illness conditions. As a Professor in a Department of Family, Population, and Preventive Medicine, I can think of no other behavioral interventions that are as beneficial. Plus, it is well documented that volunteering in adolescence prevents teen pregnancy and academic failure, enhances social competence and self-esteem, and protects against anti-social behaviors, alcohol abuse, and substance abuse. I have done several dozen scientific studies on spirituality, purpose, and service as preventive of teen addiction with colleagues from Harvard and Case Western. OMTIMES: In your book, God and Love on Route 80, you wrote how anger is sometimes necessary and positive. Please explain a bit more as we see a lot of anger being expressed in our

culture now. Stephen G. Post: Sometimes a controlled expression of well-founded anger is necessary to draw some boundaries, especially when someone has hurt you badly and no reconciliation can happen without a real meeting of the minds based on the acknowledgment of the wrong and an apology on their part. But out-ofcontrol anger is always bad for your own emotional, mental, and physical health, and destructive of others. With my old friend Dr. M. Scott Peck, MD, we coined the word “Carefrontation” as an alternative to “confrontation.” The best way to deal with it is to meditate on the Light within as the source of the sublime and higher emotions, like forgiveness, humility, and love. But even with this, we still need to draw boundaries when people are harmful. Hurt people are the ones who generally hurt people. OMTIMES: Your book makes many references the Golden Rule and Norman Rockwell’s famous painting that had a

profound influence in your life. How can we simply live and honor the Golden Rule in our lives now? Stephen G. Post: I had the honor of hearing Rockwell speak about his iconic image, “The Golden Rule” as a teen. I love the image because people from every race and religion, age, and gender, are peacefully focused on the concept “Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them do Unto You.” They look so serene. And now we know that when human beings are in this frame of mind, the neurological circuits associated with hostility and rumination all turn off. Love casts out these destructive emotions. This is not the minimal or negative Gold Rule, “Do Not Do Unto Others as You Would Not Have Them Do Unto You,” because that just means that we can feel good about ourselves and our karma at the end of the day is we have not wantonly elbowed some innocent neighbor in the back. No, the positive version requires that we use our spiritual being,

positive emotions, and moral imaginations to envision how we can contribute meaningfully to the lives of others. OMTIMES: The website for the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love was hacked by ISIS in 2014. What happened, and how did they find out about your work? It’s a remarkable story with an incredible ending with you at the UN! You again turned a negative into a positive! Stephen G. Post: The ISIS web takedown was most likely a response to an August 10, 2014 newsletter that the institute emailed out that went viral in the Middle East. It was titled “An Open Letter to Young Members of ISIS” and highlighted Sayed Hossein Nasr and other fabulous contemporary Islamic writers on divine love who can interpret Islam beautifully. Three months later, on Monday, November 10, 2014, the website of the institute was totally wiped out. It was probably the third website in the world to be

taken down by ISIS. When the website was taken down by TEAM DZ ISIS, our response was to establish an international essay contest for young people to describe how they pushed back against peer pressure to hate others simply because they did not share their beliefs. This went well. In fact, in August 2016, we filled the United Nations Headquarters with young people from all over the world performing their essays and poems and celebrating spiritual oneness and Unlimited Love.

what looks bleak can be transformed into something luminous with prayer and help from the infinite Mind. “Love never fails,” but this is the love that resides in our higher spiritual being and needs to be cultivated spiritually.

OMTIMES: How do you turn a negative into a positive?

OMTIMES: You’ve written God and Love on Route 80 is a story of synchronicity, not luck; that it is about perfectly timed occurrences that flow along too miraculously not to be planned by a cherishing universal Mind, with which you felt a secure oneness. How do you explain the universal Mind and how it speaks to each of us?

Stephen G. Post: Life is always an expanding canvas. Like a Jackson Pollock painting that might start with some gob of paint thrown down on the middle of a canvas, by the time we cover it over with lines spreading outwards it looks beautiful. It just takes one line to turn a negative (-) into a positive (+). On Route 80, life is always an expanding canvas, and

Stephen G. Post: Simple. Beyond space and time, an original infinite and loving Mind gave rise to the universe in the Big Bang, more or less. All the thermodynamic constants and mathematical principles of the universe come from this infinite Mind. It also underlies all of the reality both seen and unseen, in the heavens above and at the quantum level. But we

also have in a very special way a small drop of this Mind within us, and this is our spiritual being from when comes the tendency toward spiritual experience, the highest emotions like pure love and joy, and even astonishing moments of creativity like the Indian mathematician Ramanujan. OMTIMES: Do you believe Mind precedes Matter? Stephen G. Post: Yes, Mind before Matter, although “time” is a hard category, so maybe it is better to just state that Mind is the basis of all that is, seen and unseen. The mind has a non-local aspect that goes far beyond the brain, tissue, and cells in this little local place (a.k.a. the brain). OMTIMES: Raised a Christian, you attended an Episcopal church, although you seem to have followed several spiritual paths during your travels on Route 80, starting with Nichiren Buddhism when you landed in San Francisco’s

Mission district after your route 80 road trip. Where are you at now, and how has your spiritual connection deepened by exploring other paths? Stephen G. Post: I learn so much from so many, and believe that there are many pathways to spiritual growth. I am impressed with Jesus because he responded with infinite love to incredible persecution, and this has an atoning value to me. I also think Jesus was a great teacher and healer and was fully aware of infinite Mind. But as far as the concept of Mind and “God” go, I think I was the only kid at St. Paul’s who actually believed in Emerson’s “Over-Soul,” a totally Hindu idea, although we all had to read it. OMTIMES: You prescribe volunteering for health, happiness, resilience, and longevity, and cite reports saying volunteering can actually lower levels of inflammation and cholesterol, and lower body mass index, and those with mental health

issues such as depression and schizophrenia are helped by volunteering. How can we take advantage of the benefits of volunteering? Stephen G. Post: Volunteer for something that you find meaningful, and do it for others. Pay it forward. Don’t think tit for tat. Try to debrief about your experience with your peer volunteers. Usually, as a by-product, you will feel happier, more resilient, and have deeper friendships. This is what the science says. But the benefits to the giver are a side-effect. In the giving of self lies the unsought for the discovery of a deeper and happier self. OMTIMES: Does giving money have the same benefits as face-to-face help? Stephen G. Post: Not quite, but it does have benefits as measured in PET scans, activating a part of the brain associated with feelings of happiness. But you must give from a good motive.

OMTIMES: What message do you want people to glean from God and Love on Route 80? Stephen G. Post: If you take one message from this book, it has to be this: Acknowledge adolescent spiritual experiences, and realize that a teenage love-based dream can shape the entire course of a life. Be sure to notice the winks and whispers of divine love in your own life because they are the threads that let us see how much we are all cherished by a “God” that is pure and entirely forgiving, no matter what. So much in our culture pushes us away from a spiritual focus on our inner being, and on noticing the whispers, but this is all changing now, and we are heading toward an age of pure unlimited love. Really, it is the only option left. Be “all in” for God and let miracles happen along Route 80 or whatever path you find. Visit Stephen Post online at:

Health & Wellness

Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

Why use ™ Breath4Life Breath Work? The breath is our fuel for living, without which we wouldn’t survive. Many of us rarely acknowledge how we breathe, despite it being the building block for all life’s processes – not to mention essential for

maintaining a healthy mind-body-soul equilibrium. Breathing is a fully automatic process, beginning at birth and continuing without interruption until the day we die. For most, it can be a fully unconscious process. There is no need to attend consciously to the way you are breathing. We expect to breathe quite adequately while sleeping each night, as we do during our time awake. So why pay attention to our breath? Our hearts beat continuously without any conscious effort. Similarly, we digest our food without actually doing anything about it. From moment to moment throughout our lives, there are thousands of vital processes occurring in our bodies, of which we are generally unaware and uninformed. This part of the workings of the body is driven by unconscious/ subconscious intelligence so that our conscious awareness is freed for other pursuits. With the breath, there is a difference: breathing

can be a completely unconscious process, but it can also become a conscious, intentional practice. This is a unique quality of the breath. You can consciously stop breathing for several moments if you want, and you can resume breathing deeply if you so choose to. All this is easily within your own conscious control. So, what is Breath4Life™ Breath Work? It’s an exciting, dynamic, totally unique, cutting edge self-healing process, which deals with all levels of self, all levels of consciousness and all levels of energy, so healing occurs on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. The methodology around Breath4Life™ Breath Work teaches us that there are 3 levels of consciousness and only 2 states of being. 1. The conscious mind. Which comprises of 10% of our mind’s capacity. Is our waking consciousness. Runs the 5 senses and gains data from them. It houses our personality,

our ego, and how we interreact with the outside world. It also holds our fight or flight response and is designed to survive. 2. The Subconscious Mind. Which comprises of 40% of our mind’s capacity. I like to think of it as a huge warehouse, and it’s divided into 2 sections of 20%. One is for skills we have learned (For example driving, workrelated skills, which are only brought out when we are doing them) The other 20% is where we store emotions, an emotion is simply ‘energy in motion’ ranging from the subtle to the intense; from apathetic to enraged, or simply from being content to absolute bliss. The ongoing problem here is when we are not aware of them, we suppress them into the subconscious minds. We can suppress just as much love, joy, and happiness as trauma,

suffering, and pain. The Subconscious mind is our emotional mind, and its job is to balance the levels of consciousness. 3. The Superconscious Mind. Which comprises of 50% of our mind’s capacity. Is the spiritual mind, has been called our “Higher Self, authentic self, it connects us to the flow of life, our intuition (inner teacher) creativity, love, happiness, joy, bliss, soul, our unique divinity within and our connection to the universe. There are only 2 states of being 1.Being Connected – which is being connected to your authentic self or higher self. Emotionally feeling, “Glad.” Feeling happy, joyous, everything is going well, all relationships in harmony and balance. Financial abundance where money flows to you with ease. In alignment with the spiritual vision for self.

Creative, energized, and making heartfelt decisions with ease. There is no resistance to change and growth and your ability to see the big picture. 2.Being Disconnected - which is being disconnected to your authentic self. It’s a suffering State. The Ego Self. Emotionally feeling “Mad,” “Sad,” “Scared.” Feeling sick and tired or OK – Overwhelmed and Knackered. Feeling “FINE” – fucked up, insecure, narcotic, and emotional. Confused, Stressed, too much going on…and just not enough time to get everything done. Hanging on by your fingertips. Maybe ask yourself, “Why is this happening to me again?”. Feeling emotional or physical pain. No flow in life. What makes Breath4Life™ Breath Work so unique is the Practitioner leads you down into the subconscious at the beginning of a session,

so you can easily access the clutter you have unwittingly stored there. Some of which may be limiting beliefs, core conflicts, or suppressions. However, it may also be magic memories of loved ones, reconnecting with love of self, joy, laughter, and bliss. Unfortunately, we don’t know, and that is why it’s so important to have a good guide who will take you there and support your process. Acorn to Oak is a holistic and spiritual organization, based in the UK. Founded in 1998 by Pennie Quaile-Pearce SRN RSCN MA MSc LCH RMA Cert Ed. Pennie is the creator and main tutor for Breath4Life™ Breath Work. If this interests you, be in touch and claim a free clarity call with Pennie Connect with Penni on Facebook penniequailepearce

How to Prevent Chronic Disease While Maintaining Well-Being by Rachelle Wilber

If you have a family history of certain chronic disease, then you need to take some steps to protect your long-term health. While some medical conditions are completely out of your control, a few simple lifestyle changes could greatly reduce your risk of quite a few diseases.

Avoid Environmental Toxins Many people don’t realize that they are exposed to countless toxins every single day, and some of those chemicals have been linked to cancer. The best way to limit your exposure to toxins is to make sure that your home is as sterile as possible. In addition to installing a whole-house water filter, you might also want to test for asbestos, lead, and mold. These common contaminants are especially prevalent in homes that are more than 20 years old. Stick to a Healthy Diet Eating nutritious foods isn’t going to cure a serious illness, but a healthy diet will lower your risk of quite a few diseases. Nutrientdense foods are filled with antioxidants, and those substances fight off germs and toxins. While everyone has slightly different nutritional needs, most people will benefit from a diet that primarily consists of fresh produce, complex

carbohydrates, and lean sources of protein. You should also avoid processed foods that contain harmful additives. Take a Course about Diseases Researching common diseases is another excellent step that you can take if you want to come up with a long-term health and wellness plan. While skimming over online medical journals is a great place to start, you should consider taking a course about preventing chronic diseases as well. Those types of courses are more affordable than ever, and you might be able to complete all the classwork in your spare time. Continue to Exercise Exercising might not seem like a great way to prevent diseases, but studies have revealed that engaging in physically demanding activities can boost your immune system. As a general rule, healthy adults should try to exercise for at least 150

minutes per week, and that time must be split between strength training movements and cardiovascular exercises. If you are suffering from any major health complications, then you need to speak with a trainer before you start a workout routine. Along with these few tips, you should also make sure that you schedule at least one comprehensive checkup every year. During those appointments, your primary doctor will be able to screen you for many of the

most common diseases and disorders. Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University with her bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies. She tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook: @RachelleWilber

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

How to Deepen Your Connection with Spirit By John Holland

I began my training as a medium by what is known as sitting in a circle. A circle simply means a group of likeminded people, whether it’s for psychic development or the development of a certain type of mediumship, all sitting together and sharing each other’s energy. These circles are

usually led by an experienced teacher or medium who can give advice as your abilities begin to unfold. I spent my first two formative years studying in the UK. I was lucky to land on my feet in my first circle with other mediums who were developing their abilities. Some circles are closed circles, which is when you have to be formally invited to join, as I was in this case. There’s also what’s known as open circles where anyone can come and develop their psychic abilities further. Sitting in circle definitely helped me increase my psychic strength and the length of time I could maintain the link with Spirit. Our leader would observe us, help us with our technique, and make us aware when our guides drew close. I was so fortunate with this circle since it showed me how to develop a stronger link with Spirit, receive and give Spirit messages and focus on how to receive Divine inspiration from my guides and helpers. During these months in the UK, I’d heard about the Arthur

Findlay College—devoted to the development of psychic sciences and mediumship. For those lucky enough to attend, they’d be taught by experienced mediums who traveled from all corners of the world. I affectionately referred to this school as “Spirit Boot Camp.” Once I found out more about it, I couldn’t wait to enroll. One afternoon, we were asked to give an inspired speech on an unrehearsed subject. We were all going to be “put on the spot,” so we could connect with Spirit and be inspired by our guides. To practice this technique, we were asked to choose a card with a single word printed on it. Then we’d talk about the subject to the group. When it was my turn, I chose the card that said, Gift. I was blown away by the significance of this card. I looked at the word again, closed my eyes, and felt Spirit draw close. I tried to put my own thoughts aside as I created space in my mind. These are the words that came out of my mouth: “Your gifts are like a rose unfolding.

You cannot force the bloom. When the rose is opened, then and only then, will you feel it, smell it, and finally, touch it.” My tutors and fellow students knew that I’d succeeded because they hadn’t heard me talk like that since I arrived. Again, the words weren’t those I normally used; yet, they felt so right.

JOHN’S MESSAGE This exercise is a great way to start developing your psychic abilities at home. You can try this on your own or with friends by putting several words into a hat and then giving an unrehearsed speech on the one you pick. The first few times you might draw a blank—or you might find yourself waxing poetically on a subject that’s foreign to you. Just speak from your heart, let your guides assist you, and tap into the inspiration you feel at the exact moment you draw the card. More often than not, wonderful things will happen. Live a Soul-filled life!

Lunar Consciousness and the Value of the Primordial Darkness By Human Healing

Since the dawn of time, humanity has believed that the moon and its phases are associated with the Goddess and been the rightful representative of the feminine principle, and the primordial source of life. In ancient times,

in old stellar cults, the worship of the moon was universal. The earliest calendars were eminently lunar, based on the relationship between the phases of the moon, fertility, growth, births and menstrual cycles. This perspective solidified the association of our Earth satellite and the Feminine energy.

reason, conscious actions prevailing over the values represented by the Moon, ruler of psychic energies, emotion, intuition, and the unconscious. Instead of the unity contained in the Goddess’s multifaceted essence, duality arose, and it is represented by the opposition of polarities and of the luminaries.

Put your thoughts to sleep, do not let them cast a shadow over the moon of your heart.

We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side.


–Khalil Gibran

The moon, through its phases, reflects the same fluctuations that happen in the human emotional body and psyche. Throughout our lives, we experience the constant alternation between beginning and end, creation and dissolution, light and shadow, conscious and unconscious behaviors. With the beginning of patriarchal societies, which replaced and eradicated matriarchal cultures, we began the overvaluation of the Sun and its qualities, such as logos,

With the separation between the Luminaries into beneficial light and evil shadow came the split of the being, the artificially created dichotomy of personality. The repression of lunar influences started, and those manifestations began to be considered as pernicious and dangerous but yet intrinsic to the female or the male psyche. This behavior led to the destructive expressions of shadow projections, and the misunderstanding of the concept of mutation, alchemy, and transformation. The existence of the dark phase

of any cycle demonstrates the transition between the death of the old and the birth of the new. In the alchemy of the soul, the Darkness represents a time of rest, withdrawal, healing, and preparation for a rebirth. Our psyche experiences dark periods when we are drawn into ourselves, and nothing seems to happen. In truth, the Dark phases or “empty” periods are the expression of gestation of the new, and it is through alternate of light and darkness that we learn most about ourselves. It is how the lessons of this planet work, and we may also say of the solar system; other planetary retrogradation is also a way to provide the solar system as a whole with an alternative to rebirth, revaluation, and revival. Our great symbol for the Goddess is the moon, whose three aspects reflect the three stages in women’s lives and whose cycles of waxing and waning coincide with women’s menstrual cycles. –Carol P. Christ

It is through the moon that we have guidance on sleep and the dream world, as well as memories of the past. Basically, the moon on our astral chart, for instance, indicates, through the sign to which it belongs, what are our immediate reaction (instinct) to certain life situations. Individually we live through the night darkness and the sleep as a lunar process, to awaken into a new day, renewed in the morning. However, these “empty� periods often foreshadow creative, transformative, and life-expanding phases. By understanding the value of the Lunar darkness, we will relearn the ancient magic of feminine rituals or birth, growth, and transformation, and achieve the necessary renewal for the continuation of our lives, understanding every single one of the many stages of our transformation.

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Feng Shui and the Stairs OMTimes Staff

A guide on how to study the inappropriate types to learn how to harmonize them Stairs are elements of connection and also of circulation between different environments in a house.

In addition to the practice of linking the different levels of a home, Feng Shui says that the stairs are also an energetic symbolic construction of driving and connecting or chi (vital energy) from one space to another. Thus, it deserves care and attention from its creation until its maintenance. The stairs and their steps should be regarded as a road, and its upkeep should be kept to be safe, illuminated, and articulated with positive connections. For this reason, stairs must convey safety and stability, with steps that are not too high (17cm high is best), good quality lighting, some frames along the walls, winding and obstacle-free curves throughout. - for a good circulation of people and energy.

Check out Feng Shui tips for some types of stairs and their locations.

STAIRS BEFORE ENTRY DOOR It is not advisable to have a staircase directly in front of the entrance door. The vital energy (chi) of the house can be weakened, and the privacy of residents can be very exposed. If your staircase is of this type, reverse this trend by placing a multifaceted crystal in the ceiling between the staircase and the door, and tall potted plants with soil (maybe the money tree or the tree of happiness) next to the entrance and under the steps. STAIRS IN THE CENTER OF THE HOUSE The center of a property symbolizes strength, stability, and balance. The staircase facilitates movement between floors, leaving unstable energy because of this exchange and natural flow. For this reason, it is not advisable to have stairs in the center of the house, if it can be helped. If yours is located at this center point, the remedy advised is to decorate the area with Earthrelated themes and objects,

such as pots or pottery, natural potted plants with earth or a yellow-colored conservatory, or large, heavy objects. These are Feng Shui remedies to create steadiness and stability in the place. SNAIL or SPIRAL STAIRCASES The winding shape and its hollow or small steps create a feeling of insecurity and instability. Because of these characteristics, these stairs are not good conductors of positive Chi energy. This type of stairways is the least advised by Feng Shui protocol. If your stair is like this, it is recommended to you to close the gaps between each of the steps, place a multifaceted crystal, and install strong lighting right on the central axis of the ladder. Also, make sure to place natural plants and a light focus from the bottom up to balance the energy along with some live plants. NARROW STAIRS This type of stairway conveys an idea of difficulty, insecurity, and of a sightless

pathway. In this case, the ideal would be to decorate the walls with mirrors and radiant paintings. These paintings should be very bright and vibrant, and of great quality to create the feeling of amplitude and fullness on the stairs. EMPTY STAIRS Opened stairs have the capability to unbalance and break the energy flow of the house. The solution is to close the steps and decorate them with yellow items. Another option is to place natural plants under the stairs to harmonize and stabilize the energy. LONG STAIRS This type of stairs can evoke feelings of discouragement and difficulty. The Feng Shui prescription is to decorate the side walls with cheerful and inspiring paintings, posters, photos, stickers, or prints. Also, place a mirror at the bottom of the stairs to facilitate the conduction of chi (vital energy).

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Abundance is a process which gives us the possibility and power to experience the vast richness of the creation at work.

There is a reason why we cannot live an abundant life or why we cannot maintain comfort in life. There is a reason why while affirming Abundance, we may, in fact, push it away. Why do we strive for Abundance? Is it something we feel entitled to, or is it a selfinflicted curse that makes us think we don’t have enough? We are living in an abundant planet, where every single person and every single being can live their life happily and abundantly. There isn’t any legitimate reason for hunger, poverty, and abuse. Yet, there are some people who by trying to grab the most, deprive others of living in comfort and peace. Are they really the privileged ones? Are they happy, or are they miserable? There are two points of view when it comes to Abundance: 1. Possessing things equals wealth. Material wealth is a prize which can be won but also taken away from us.

Therefore, we need to strive to maintain it at all cost. Those who subscribe to this point of view may tend to make money and material possessions their main focus in life. In the most extreme cases, they take from others everything they can, whether it is land, resources, or life itself. They are disconnected from the power of Universal Love, therefore experiencing inner poverty. It makes one become a hollow well, which can never be filled with enough goods, money, power, or success. It becomes their self-inflicted curse. 2. Living in Abundance doesn’t necessarily translate to material wealth. Living in Abundance means being in tune with the whole creation and knowing that its richness is always available to us. Spiritual Abundance cannot be taken away, and it comes for free. Why? Because it is a gift. Experiencing Abundance differs for everyone, and it depends on our personal preferences and needs. There is no right or wrong when

it comes to choosing your experience of abundance. As long as we are not consumed by materialism – which leads to letting things control our life. There isn’t anything wrong with enjoying material possessions, as there is nothing wrong with striving for other aspects of Abundance in life. What Abundance is to you – is your personal choice. How NOT TO make Abundance a self-inflicted curse: Whether we live in a palace, or in a one-bedroom apartment doesn’t matter– we experience fullness and happiness. We realize that all the Abundance in the Universe is available to us at all times. We know we have enough. Receiving the Gift of Abundance is three-fold: Accepting, Affirming, Activating: • First, we need to accept the fact we deserve it. The Gift of Abundance is everyone’s birth-given right. It cannot be claimed only

by some, as it belongs to everyone. • Second, we need to understand that Abundance surrounds us and that our generous planet has enough riches to offer to everyone. Notice that no matter what your situation, there is always at least one aspect in your life where Abundance has expressed itself in one form or another. If not wealth, you may have an abundance of joy, health, friendship, love, experiences, ideas, or realizations. You have an abundance of possibilities, and you have an abundance of choice. • Third, we need to become friends with Abundance and welcome it into our life. To do so – we need to reach deep down, into our subconscious, to change the internal imprinted beliefs that stop us from living in tune with the whole creation. Our inner poverty, our inner fear that we don’t have

enough – could be our cultural or religious background, or the influences of our caregivers or teachers in our childhood and early youth, or – our own convictions of not being worthy, or believing that living an abundant life is simply not right in the world where so many still suffer. Guess what? When your life gets better, you can decide to help others to stand on their own feet, in any way you want. Becoming wealthy does not mean becoming selfish. We always have a choice of who and how we want to be. Making Abundance Your Privilege: • You and only you can give yourself the gift of Abundance. It can be done. You can find a way to activate a new program in your subconscious and find the tools that help you do that and are right for you (CDs, books, affirmations, etc.). • Trust your Heart. Its wisdom will always guide you to what’s best for you.

You deserve the best in the world, and nothing can change that simple fact – not even your own contrary beliefs. You are precious, and your life is precious. Let yourself experience the Abundance that is already awaiting you. Johanna Kern is a transformational teacher, filmmaker and multiple awardwinning authors of “365 (+1) Affirmations to Create A Great Life”, “Secrets of Love for Everyone,” “Master and the Green-Eyed Hope,” etc. She practices and shares the Master Teachings of HOPE, helping people to find their own power and progress in all areas of life. Her story received international attention, winning praise by readers in North America and Europe, and endorsement by three world-renowned experts: Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Jerry Solfvin, Ph.D., and Brian Van der Horst. & JohannaKernAuthor


Autumn is a busy time of the year so busy that is my head is spinning with all the tasks to do in the garden patch. It won’t be long before I am harvesting winter squash and digging carrots, turnips and beets. A month earlier, I was pulling onions and digging

potatoes. One thing for sure. The harvest has begun, and soon the first frosts will arrive, and I’ll be heating my woodstove on these cool mornings. At the same time, there is beauty in their hills. The autumn air is brisk, there are mist and fog in the valleys, and the maple leaves are beginning to shimmer in hues of red, orange and yellow. Onions and Spuds - After laying the onions and spuds out in the hot summer sun for three to four days to dry and cure, place in paper bags, bushel baskets or cardboard boxes, whatever is at hand, and store them in a cool, dry place. If the weather turns cold, cover them up. Onions are tricky to dry so they may need more time for curing. Make sure to check them out after a month to see if any rot. One rotten onion or potato can ruin a whole bag. Don’t clean the potatoes or onions off. I make sure to save about 40 pounds of five different varieties of seed potatoes I grow. I don’t

re-plant the ones that are infected or diseased. Label the baskets you store the potatoes in, or you will do what I have done and forget which ones which are. Winter Squash - I harvest winter squash (my favoritesbutternut, buttercup, acorn, Hubbard, delicata) and pumpkins from mid to late September before an early hard frost can damage them. I make sure they have time to cure in the sun for a couple of days. If I don’t bring them inside right away, I pile up the squash in a hill and cover them with hay or a tarp for protection. Before bringing in winter squash, check for any rotten fruit. Some gardeners dip the winter squash in a weak solution of chlorine bleach and water to kill any diseased parts. I leave carrots, onions, beets and turnips in the ground until late October and early November. Parsnips can be kept in the earth over winter as long as they are covered with mulch. Mark them with

stakes, so you know where to find the whitish light brown roots on a spring day when there is snow on the ground. The sugars become stronger through the long winter months. If you don’t have a root cellar, you can store carrots, beets, and turnips by placing them in plastic bags in the icebox. They will last a few months. Potatoes, onions and winter squash can be kept in a dry spot in a cool upstairs room. You can also place root crops in a box of dampened sand in the coldest part in your basement. However, if there is a furnace in the cellar, it will most likely be too warm and dry for the root crops. Some gardeners build a separate, unheated room in the cellar to store vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and beets. In warmer climates, gardeners dig dug holes in the ground, line them with hay, place the vegetables in the hole and cover them

with hay. This system might work in a very mild winter, but where the ground freezes three or four feet down, you better make other plans. I heard about one gardener who lives in a cold pocket who decided to experiment by not digging up his carrots and potatoes. He left them in the ground and covered the area with a foot and a half of mulch hay. He dug them up as he needed them. This system may work if there is a good covering of snow, but I suspect if the winter had little snow the roots and tubers would freeze. On the other hand, I remember one mild winter in the l970s when my late cabbage got covered with heavy snow in November. The now never left and kept coming down all winter. Come spring, the cabbage hadn’t frozen, and it tasted sweet and delicious. Ron Krupp, teacher, writer, entrepreneur,

and community organizer has been farming and gardening in Vermont for more than thirty years. He has a master’s degree in teaching from Antioch University and a master’s degree in agriculture from the University of Vermont. He studied biodynamic gardening and farming at Emerson College, U.K. In the 80’s he edited The Green Mountain Farmer. In the mid 90’s he had a garden column in The Vermont Times and a garden commentary show on Vermont Public Radio. He is a frequent guest for features on the Vermont Public Broadcasting System and does garden and farm commentaries. His book The Woodchuck’s Guide to Gardening is going into its tenth printing revised 2013 with over 20,000 books sold). His second book titled Lifting the Yoke: Local Solutions to America’s Farm and Food Crisis is in its second printing. He is working on a third book titled The Woodchuck Returns to Gardening

Is Podcasting the Future of Radio on Demand? By OMTimes staff

The world wide web has advanced the way we communicate with each other and how we produce, partake of, and share information. The creation of the internetconnected the entire world in real-time, making the dimensions of space and distance irrelevant.

How did the top podcasters get so popular? Because they had awesome content, interesting presenters, branded shows, and a solid plan. The word Podcast derived from the original word iPod, and that POD is an abbreviation of “Personal on Demand,� which means a new

and individual way to consume well-targeted information and entertainment. Can Podcasting Impact the Broadcast Formatting of Internet Radio? Podcasts are not new. Their origins can be traced back to the late 1980s, but the podcast as we know it dates back to 2004, the year the world wide web became 2.0. Podcasts were one of the cornerstones of this new age of the internet, and alongside the advent of social networks, blogs, wikis, and video sharing, it set the tone that the producer was the user on the new web. So, Podcast, despite being inventions that belonged to the ’80s, reached its mature stage in current times, after many of Social Media and network sites have matured and attained the status of multimedia portals. For a long time, Podcast was lost in the Bermuda Triangle of the internet inventions, and at one point they were regarded as inefficient. All in all, this assumption only proves that the podcast format was born in the wrong decade.

Much of that perspective was because of the amount of bandwidth that may have been needed to make Podcasts desirable, fast, and downloadable, which was not available at the time. Podcasting New format: Temporal vs. Extemporal Content The technological innovations in mobile devices and broadband capacities in 2011 caused the resurrection of this audio format. Since 2015, the Podcast framework finally found the perfect technical conditions to flourish. The advancement of smartphones single-handedly made possible the resurgence of podcasts because of their bandwidth and mobile connectivity and the optional streaming, without compromising the audio quality. The podcast is a mixed breed, it can mingle its programs with music, narratives, interviews, and storytelling; use the oldtime radio format with episodes and novellas, or lively talk shows. Podcasts have the possibility to immortalize its content by

breaking the glass ceiling of temporal content with expiring date. The new Podcast consumer trend requires the production of content that meets the specifics of the medium, the diversity of its audience, and the perfect deliverability. Nowadays, those in cutting edge of podcasts production concentrate on the construction of extemporal stories, so, just like a good classic movie, a well-produced podcast can be appreciated and consumed for years and years. Their production is both an aesthetic and professional strategy. The Production of the Podcast is not Broadcasting Broadcasting is a transmission of content from one person or point of origin to an audience (to the many). A Podcast, being much different from the Internet Radio format, it is a transmission of audio content from one provider (point of origin) to one receiver (oneperson audience); the Podcast is created to be an individualistic consumption. Not only is the Podcast a format with an extremely qualified audience, it is also a desirable digital

strategy. And truth to be said, it is a paradise for audience metrics. Podcasts & Radio Broadcast and Audience Metrics Despite the fairy tales that many radio online providers would try to sell to you, there is no way to quantify the audience through an Internet Radio, as it stands. The same is also true for terrestrial radio. The only way close to a decent way to quantify Internet Radio is through page hits on the internet radio website. The quantification of people actually listening to any radio show via any app is virtually impossible, and the only number a provider can refer to is how many people downloaded their apps, that is all. Take one of the biggest Radio internet providers, for instance, which we will not name here for obvious reasons; they usually quantify audience by how many people were on their site at certain hour, at any given time. So, If John Doe had a show at 10 am on a Friday, he will receive the total number of people registered by the Provider as his dedicated

audience. But in reality, it is a number that tells the number of people that was online on their website during that hour, listening to their infinite number of shows at that same time as John Doe’s show. They are not his audience, they are his potential audience available at the website at that time, and that is the best number they can give. I can’t count how many people out there say to me they have an audience of a million people in this provider when, in reality, people that actually follow their show is less than 10 people. Misdirection is an understatement. Podcasts, on the other hand, provide the transparency that many providers used to complement their information of public audience. With the podcast’s sites, the proof is in the pudding. Reasons to Continue Investing in Internet Radio: Despite the rise of the internet with numerous websites, blogs, and video platforms, radio still has some advantages over other Internet media:

The listeners do not have to stand still to keep up with the programming. The radio can be heard in the car while walking, or while doing housework or while commuting. Because it is a means of communication that uses only hearing, even people with vision impairments and other disabilities can use it, thus having an inclusive and accurate character, even its audience is older. Compared to television, radio has a much higher prime time and audience. Thus, both web radio and traditional radio have benefits and advantages. What is undeniable is that this means of communication is still very popular and present in people’s daily lives, due to its practicality, its impact, and its reach. Radio and Podcasts are narrative forms that finally understand the possibilities of the medium; both are instruments of dissemination and access technologies that streamline and facilitate content consumption. While this combination is reflected in a solid present, it is the future of the podcast that draws the most attention.

I N T E R V I E W W I T H-

LIGHT ON LIVINGG Lisa Berry is an expert in breathing life into the dreams of those wanting to live vibrantly, energetically, happy, and fulfilled while standing confidently and strongly rooted in their personal power. As a soul beaming with light and celebrating life with others, Lisa recognizes her mission to find, help and connect with those who need and want to shine. She knows that having clarity of a big dream, dissolving the blocks that stop it from becoming a reality and mastering personal creation are the ways to an incredible, happy, confident, and successful life!


Enthusiastically and optimistically Lisa begins each conversation by offering a safe place to dream, share, believe, and create and invites you to connect with her. Lisa Berry is an International Radio Show Host, a Published Author, a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and a Certified Life Coach. Light On Living Show truly lightens a load of life’s challenges by clearing all the extras and bringing you just the winning acts that make the biggest difference.


OMTIMES: How and to whom do you believe (your Radio show) can bring beneficial results to? Lisa Berry: The internet literally saved my life 10 years ago. The connection I found from listening to show hosts and their guests allowed me to build a world, even if it was just in my head and heart at the time, that supported, guided and taught me ways that I needed to create a life in the physical world that I wanted to live. Life was full of meaning, value, and joy. I knew that one day I too would be a friend, a mentor, and an uplifter to those who felt as lonely, lost and sad as I did, and I would do it through creating a show and writing books where people would have access to what they needed to build their world and a life they wanted as well . The benefits I hope that listeners will receive are knowing that they are never alone, that self-love is the first place to start and that connecting to others is always possible. That healing and forgiving can be fun, and joy and happiness are always present, we just have cloudy periods. OMTIMES: Why is it important to the Conscious/Spiritual/Holistic community to keep themselves connected with their inherited gifts? Lisa Berry: This brings about the question of the importance to stay connected with our inherited gifts. I always know when I'm connected with my gifts because I feel good. Feeling good to me means that things flow, that I have curiosity and interest and that things make me smile.

Feeling good is never feeling lonely when I'm alone. Connecting and having fun, playing with everything from a thought to an animal to people. Feeling good is my telltale sign that I'm on the right track for my purpose, my passion, and that I'm choosing experiences that support my expansion. Being in alignment with our inherited gifts doesn't mean we don’t have challenges and know all the answers. It means that we trust ourselves and that what shows up in the world is for us, and supporting our evolution. OMTIMES: We live in a world of content overload. How can people break through and reach their desired audience? Lisa Berry: A LOT can definitely show up. An example of how we all might experience this is content overload, whether it’s coming at you or you’re trying to break through the noise with your own message and content. For me, the value of saying yes or no is my superpower! I know I have the right to choose. It’s my decision, and I have to practice that decision. So when content is flying at me from every direction, sound, sight, thoughts, and vibration I use my check-in point of “do I feel good?” to get to my yes or no. It really is a practice though because I use to think I felt good and would say yes to things, but when I really tuned in to my emotions, I felt good because I pleased another not because it enriched my soul. This is also the “formula” I personally use when broadcasting my message. I make sure my content and my voice feel, to me first then I put it out there with a full backup belief that the aligned ears, eyes and heart will receive it. OMTIMES: How do you fare with concepts that have to do with fear, courage, and resilience? How are they interfere in your life? Lisa Berry: I decided years and years ago that I would only listen to fear long enough to get the message that I had to re-connect with myself




I realized that through everything, my mom and I were still alive. We didn’t die. Something transformed my “fear into “invincibility.” I transmuted the fear of dying into resilience and from that moment on I stood with a calm, strong and trusting knowing that fear would no longer be in the lead, but courage and love would be how I lead my life and would encourage and support others to do the same. The day came when my mom did pass, and it was a beautiful, connected, loving experience without fear. OMTIMES: What is “your message” and why is it important?

Sure we get emotionally pushed around, but it’s the willingness and the ability to always come back to a stable spot that represents resilience to me. I grew up with a daily “fear” of my mom almost dying. A monthly fear of wondering what the next disease, ailment, or organ failing would be. Three decades of this wore on me, and I had to figure a way to cope. So I would numb the fear, but in reality, it was still there. During those same decades I entered into more than a few abusive relationships and again lived with that “fear” of death, but a magical shift happened one particular day.


Lisa Berry: What I strive for in all that I do, be it Light On Living, Podcast Prosperity, speaking engagements, interviews, writings,music, any form of expression, I commit to “unity.” I commit to love, and acceptance and I commit to supporting the growth in everyone’s journey. My light shines the brightest when I'm life coaching and when I'm shining the spotlight on an other’s experience. I ask these questions: How do we connect with ourselves so confident that when we’re shaken we rise? How do we offer forgiveness to the toughest of situations SPECIALLY our own? .

How do we say yes and commit to our dreams and wake each day to feel good? To experience passion and enthusiasm? I listen for the answers as I meditate, as I review my own created world, as I coach my clients, as I interview authors, and as I help others create their own shows and write their own books and chapters . OMTIMES: Do you offer private courses, mentoring or coaching, 101 bases? Lisa Berry: I am thankful and love that I have had this opportunity to share with you a bit of my story and more importantly my “now.� I am extending an invitation for you to connect with me for the sole purpose of reaching for a space to feel better. Id love to help you in building your dream world than in creating that life. Perhaps you are a person looking for a connection, a grounded and happy place on this earth, an author looking to share your story, a person desiring your own show? Id love to hear from you all.

Lisa Berry weekly show On OMTIMES Radio airs every Mondays at 12:00 PM Eastern Contact Lisa Berry Web:


ANIMALS and ASTRAL PROJECTION Are animals capable of astral projection?

By Cathedral of the Soul-Animal Ministry

Astral projection in domestic and wild animals You don’t even have to have a pet at home to know that animals have a very accurate sixth sense, which gives them an ability to detect many natural or spiritual phenomena. So, what keeps

you from believing that astral projection is also possible for them? Many people who practice astral projection report seeing their pets, like dogs and cats, and other animals when doing Projection active outside their bodies. Those who haven’t seen it have certainly seen their animals dreaming - and even barking or running while they slept. Well, lucid dreams and nightmares are also among your psychic capabilities. I call animals “guardians of Being,” especially animals that live with humans. Because, for many humans, it’s through their contact with animals they get in touch with that level of being. –Eckhart Tolle ARE ANIMALS ABLE TO HAVE AN ASTRAL PROJECTION? Believe it or not, animals have souls. Not all of them have collective souls as some Ageless Wisdom teachings say, but many are beyond

the beginning stages of soul individuation. Thus, they are capable of astral projection. But if you still have a question about this, ask yourself: How could animals be spiritual guides- teachers and Totems in so many cultures without having individualized souls? Human spirit guides can use words to manifest themselves, while the animal’s spirit guides use images or concepts to communicate. It is much easier to learn to understand the “voice” of animals when we live with them. And once this connection is established, we can communicate with our pets just as we do with other humans. Animals have dreams, fears, and they express love like us. See how your dog welcomes you after a day of work, or how your cat snuggles up on you when it realizes something is not well with you. The same applies to their projection of fear. If your cat hates the vacuum cleaner, just touch the

appliance that the pet will most likely react by moving away. But despite very similar reactions and emotions, they are still animals in our understanding, and somewhat we believe them to be below our species because they have a different level of consciousness than us. But we must emphasize, expressed different levels of consciousness do not mean that animals are not sentient, just the opposite. There are many domestic animals, adapted through evolution and through centuries of living with humans that are able to express and perform many wondrous things, including in a way, astral projection. ASTRAL PROJECTION IN DOMESTIC AND WILD ANIMALS. It is believed that the phenomenon of Astral projection in wild animals or those undergoing transformation is rarer than

in domestic animals. And all this for the sake of entropy, or energy to be utilized to produce the phenomenon. A domestic pet has no need to go hunting, to fight for survival, or to obey its most primitive instincts. And as we all know, astral projection is a complex process that requires a good dose of energy in a potential state. On the other hand, a wild animal’s life has no benefit of outside stewardship; they instinctively need to manage their energy reserves to the best of their ability. Although astral projection eventually happens because they are pure and spiritualized beings, but it may happen as an unintentional singularity and usually occurs on higher planes of spirituality. Going back to the discussion about domestic animals and their experiences with astral projections, especially when they have a very deep relationship with their

humans, they tend to be more receptive to psychic influences. If you have a pet and have tried to project yourself at home, you may have noticed that the animal was around (sometimes even with you in bed). Thus, aligned with the fact that when animals have no need to hunt and be at all times in survival mode, and they form a psychic bond with their humans, the animal will certainly become a constant traveler and will be delighted to meet humans on the astral plane. Although possible, astral projection is also rare in domestic animals, and usually occurs on lower (dense) planes than the wild ones, precisely so that they can accompany their human friends, as their protectors and fellow travelers. MOVEMENT THE ASTRAL PLAN Animals, because of their levels of consciousness,

purity, and innocence, tend to move quickly through the various levels of the astral world. Their lives on earth are relatively short compared to ours. But after the orientation period, they quickly leave the astral plane, joining the “animal soul group,” where they prepare to continue evolving. It is a program of evolution overseen by celestials’ beings created to be “spiritual” guardians of our pets and other animals. All animals have their own “caseworkers.” Domestic animals, which are more individualized than wild ones, remain on the astral plane a little longer before “moving” on after death, to their own progression training way stations. The animals certainly like to be close to humans, especially as humans go through the shift in consciousness. –Eckhart Tolle

Is there a Heaven for Animals? By Humanity Healing

Many people talk about the existence of the Rainbow bridge that connects this world to the other many mansions of the Universe. But everyone wonders at least one time during their lifetimes if our beloved Animals lives continue after death if they are gifted with eternal life and have access to our

paradise in spiritual bodies.

of these life forms.

I sometimes say animals are closer to God than humans. They are closer to the source. Humans are more lost in mind forms. Being is more obscured to the human because of the overlay of ego and mental formation. Eckhart Tolle

The Role of Devas of the Animal Kingdom There are beings (devas) who take care of the evolution scheme of different animal kingdoms encompassing the physical and extra physical dimension of that progress. There is a design, and a vibrational range in the extra physical plane (Inner Planes) specific to each species’ evolution line.

The concept of animal heaven seems to be valid for mammals, and for other domesticated and / or individualized animals, because they already have sophisticated emotions, and some have developed conditioned responses due to the long-time interacting with humans. But we can’t say this is a general scenario for all animal kingdoms. In the case of insects, for example, they do not have an individual emotional identity, but function more like a collective mind, a hive mentality (herd mentality) not in Oneness but more on a survival mode level. Hence the Hindu concept of group souls, and the assistance of collective Devic minds assisting the development and evolution

These animals are cared for with great care by the extraphysical guardians who control their reincarnation processes over several cycles of evolution. The many dimensions in the astral world and its various waystations house many disembodied animals during their process of Being-Ness and transformation, both in the environments in which resemble the ones they lived but also in the extra physical planes. We know that shamans of various tribes and clans have always worked using the vibration of animals, either through

thought-forms or through direct deeds from animals that no longer are alive. By ethical conduct toward all creatures, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the universe. Albert Schweitzer Curiously, some researchers argue that we do not have an extra physical body, but we create one throughout our lives with our thoughts and beliefs. That is, we would need to create a spiritual body to enter spiritual life. Some even assert that even after-death consciousness is not possible even if one does not create one’s spiritual body during one’s life. With this argument, they intend to infer that Animals cannot have an afterlife as well; they argue that animals potentially would not know how to develop a spiritual body, like a human being. However, practical experience demonstrates something else: Even those who are completely unaware of the spiritual dimensions and do not even know about spiritual

issues enter the life after death period after the physical body perishes. Proof of this is the many spirits who appear in dark places without having a clean spiritual story, all very well packed into their dense spiritual bodies, well visible to any reasonable clairvoyant. Well, that’s where the issue of extra physical animals comes in. It is more a question of Ethical perspective. We tend to disregard their potential and deny the possibility of them having a conscious mind to shape a spiritual body; we say they do not even know what thought-form is, nor are they initiated into anything. However, there they are very alive and carrying spiritual bodies compatible with their evolutionary line. They have well-defined spiritual bodies and even survive the death of their physical bodies. They did not form any spiritual bodies, they already had them! Our Pets often miss their owners and frequently comes back to the environment where they once lived. The mistake made by all previous systems of ethics

has been the failure to recognize that life as such is the mysterious value with which they have to deal. All spiritual life meets us within natural life. Reverence for life, therefore, is applied to natural life and spiritual life alike. In the parable of Jesus, the shepherd saves not merely the soul of the lost sheep but the whole animal. The stronger the reverence for natural life, the stronger also grows that for spiritual life. Albert Schweitzer Just one life is for nothing, right? There is so much to learn. The animals are our brothers in this journey called life. Not some of them, all of them. In short, human beings, animals, elementals, devas, extraterrestrials, and really all beings, incarnated or not are traveling in the same wave thing called “EVOLUTION.” For research on the topic, may I suggest reading the following books: “The Astral Plane”; C. W. Leadbeater; “What’s Beyond Death”; C. W. Leadbeater.

Personal Growth & Development

We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.

Explore the Stages of Conscious Forgiveness By Omtimes staff

Forgiveness does not mean that we suppress anger; forgiveness means that we have asked for a miracle: the ability to see through mistakes that someone has made to the truth that lies in

all of our hearts. Forgiveness is not always easy. At times, it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness. Attack thoughts towards others are attack thoughts towards ourselves. The first step in forgiveness is the willingness to forgive. –Marianne Williamson Let it go: Leave it alone Control yourself: Relinquish punishment Forget: Neutralize the memory, refuse to remember Forgive: Accept the apology you will never get. Here how each stage works: Let it go For beginners, when exercising the act of Conscious Forgiveness is useful to allow some time to pass. That is, it is good to stop temporarily thinking about the person or the event. This is not about leaving something unfinished but consider this as taking a vacation from the subject. This will help to keep us from being exhausted, and it allows us to grow stronger by other means, in other words,

we may let good things to happen into our lives and to even experience some joy. This is the first stage of training for the ultimate release that will later come through the act of forgiveness. Leave the situation behind, the memory of it; let go of the subject as many times as necessary. The idea is not to close your eyes, but to acquire agility and strength to disconnect from the issue. Letting go involves weaving, writing, going out to sea, learning and loving something that strengthens yourself, and making the event go out of the foreground for a while. This is good, and it is medicinal. To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. –Lewis B. Smedes Control yourself The second phase is one that evokes control; specifically, in the sense of refraining from revenge and punishment; of not thinking about or reacting to it either in large or small terms. The practice

of this kind of restraint is beneficial, as it brings the issue together in one place, rather than allowing it to spread everywhere. The self-control attitude focuses attention on the time the person moves on to the next steps. It does not mean that the person should be blind, numb, or lose their protective vigilance. Controlling ourselves means having patience, resisting, channeling the emotion. These are powerful medicines. Do as much as you can. This is a purification regime. You do not have to do everything; You can choose an aspect, such as patience, and practice it. You can refrain from words, from punitive upset, from acting hostile, and resentful. By avoiding unnecessary chastisements, you are reinforcing the integrity of your soul and dignity of action. To control oneself is to practice generosity, thus allowing the great compassionate nature of all the Universe to participate

in the healing of a situation that previously generated emotions ranging from the slightest irritation to fury. When we harbor negative emotions toward others or toward ourselves, or when we intentionally create pain for others, we poison our own physical and spiritual systems. By far, the strongest poison to the human spirit is the inability to forgive oneself or another person. It disables a person’s emotional resources. The to refine our capacity to love others as well as ourselves and to develop the power of forgiveness. –Caroline Myss To Forget Forgetting means turning away from memory, refusing to replay an event or a subject in your mind. In other words, it is also to let go and to release, especially from memory. Conscious forgetting does not mean numbing the brain. Intentional forgetfulness consists in letting go of the event, not insisting that it remain in the foreground, but allowing

it to be downgraded to the background or even to altogether leave the stage of your field of consciousness. We practice conscious forgetting when we refuse to invoke flammable material when we refuse to plunge into bad memories. Forgetting is an active deed, not a passive attitude. It means not bringing particular recollections to the surface, continually spinning them over, or being irritated by repetitive thoughts, images, or emotions evoked by the event. Conscious forgetfulness means the conscious determination to abandon the obsessive practice of remembering the past and to overcome the situation losing sight of it, without looking back, or any way reliving it. It is to create a new landscape, creating new life and experiences in which to think in place of the old ones. Conscious forgetting does not erase memory; he simply neutralizes and releases the emotions surrounding the mind.

When you forgive, you in no way change the past but you sure do change the future. –Bernard Meltzer To Forgive There are many ways to forgive an individual, an ethnic group, a community, and even a country for a wrongdoing and offenses. Nonetheless, it is imperative to remember that a “final” Pardon is not an act of submission or capitulation. It is a conscious decision to stop concealing resentment, including pardoning the offense and giving up the determination to retaliate. It is up to the individual to decide when to forgive and which ritual to use to mark this event. It’s up to you to decide what debt you now claim no longer needs to be paid. Some people opt for total forgiveness: releasing the person from any kind of amends or reparation forever. Others prefer to stop the atonement in the middle, abandoning the debt, claiming that what is done is

done and that compensation is enough. Another type of forgiveness is to exempt the person without making any emotional or other reparations. One of the deepest forms of forgiveness is in giving compassionate help to the offender. This does not mean that you should stick your head in the snake’s nest, but rather be sensitive and flexible on your posture of compassion, security, and preparedness. Conscious Forgiveness is where all refraining, control, and forgetfulness will conclude. A profound form of forgiveness consists in failing to exclude others, which means failing to keep them at bay, ignoring them, acting coldly, condescendingly and falsely. The soul psyche should restrict exposure to people who are difficult for you as much as possible then to act like an insensitive robot. Forgiveness is an act of creation. You can choose from many ways to in how to proceed. You can forgive, for

now, not to forgive, forgive until next time, forgive but give no chance, or chose to start all over again if another incident happens. You can decide to provide just one more chance, give a few more opportunities, give many chances, give chances only if ... You can forgive an offense in part, in half or in full. You can imagine a comprehensive forgiveness agenda. You have the personal power to decide. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to like the person again. There are no snare traps on your ankle that extend from far to here. You are free to come and go. It may not all have ended in “happily ever after,” but without a doubt, there is now a new “Once upon a time” waiting for you. It’s not an easy journey to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place because it frees you. –Tyler Perry Freely Inspired by Clarissa Pinkola Estés from her book Women Who Run with the Wolves. Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype.

Abandon Your Usual Way of Thinking By Guy Finley

Imagine for a moment you’re driving home from work, and that you’ve just come from having a pretty rough day. As you drive along, your eyes see the road before you, but your mind is in the past. It’s

very busy re-running all of the day’s unpleasant events. Over and over again, you feel that painful stab of some thoughtless remark someone cruelly blurted out, or the embarrassment of that stupid comment you made without thinking. And with each mental replay of this unpleasant scene, you go deeper and deeper into thought, desperately trying to find a way to escape what seems an intolerable situation. But what you don’t see happening to you is that the more you think, the more you sink! Exactly the opposite of what you think you’re accomplishing. And the deeper you sink in thought, the less you’re able to see what the rest of you is doing. Driving recklessly, speeding, missing the exit you want -- these, and other equally dangerous stunts, are only a few of the foolish things that happen to you while driving under the influence of a stream of self-compromising, self-wrecking thoughts.

Your life, in moments such as these, is actually out of your hands. It belongs to your thinking, to an undeveloped nature that doesn’t understand what it’s doing to itself, or to you, as it struggles to find a way out from under the weight of its own unconscious actions. To free ourselves from this imposter nature -- a self of sorts created by our own whirling thoughts and feelings and their imposed reality -- we are called to see that its world is not the same as ours. This discovery begins with the conscious action of deliberately stepping back from our thoughts. We become an observer of ourselves, watchful of both the content -- and the intent -of everything arising from our own mind and heart. How do you start stepping back from your thoughts? Right where you are. Begin this very moment. Become aware, right now, without thinking about it, that you are thinking. See that thoughts and feelings are coursing

through you. As you watch their movements, be their silent witness. Just observe. To observe yourself, assume no position on the thoughts and feelings you see moving through you. Don’t put yourself on either side of any thought’s content. In other words, be neither for nor against any thought with any other thought. And should you get temporarily caught in the web of any thinking, then watch that event with the impartial intent and simply start over? Just let your awareness of these thoughts and feelings be there. The foundation of selfobservation is a higher selfawareness that puts you in direct contact with a new and superior Intelligence, silent wisdom that immediately goes to work in your favor, knowing exactly what to do with all that passes before it. It can see the mindless, self-serving antics of your lower nature coming from a

thousand miles away -- which is the same as taking you out of harm’s way. Guy Finley is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and bestselling self-help author. He is the Founder and Director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for transcendent self-study located in Merlin, Oregon. He also hosts the Foundation’s Wisdom School — an online self-discovery program for seekers of higher selfknowledge. He is the bestselling author of The Secret of Letting Go and 45 other books and audio programs that have sold over 2 million copies, in 26 languages, worldwide. Guy’s latest book, Relationship Magic: Waking Up Together applies decades of spiritual wisdom to practical relationship challenges, transforming any relationship from mundane to magical!

When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.

World Vision

“In a world of more than seven billion people, each of us is a drop in the bucket. But with enough drops, we can fill any bucket.” –David Suzuki History shows us that what we have thought is impossible leads us to new

ways of thinking and creating resolutions. With climate change upon us, we have the opportunity to ride the waves one of our greatest evolutionary breakdowns and breakthroughs. The good news is that we are not alone. Individuals, communities, cities, businesses, schools, faith groups, and other organizations are remembering that living on a healthy planet is our human right. We are forced to admit the lies we have been telling ourselves about sustaining a healthy planet. We are called upon to make new choices as if our lives depend on it because they do! Feeling powerlessness is one of the most pivotal experiences that hold us back. We want to help but wonder if our small steps are enough to make a difference. We hold back out of fear of entering the unknown of new lifestyles, ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. What if we embrace climate change as a path for bringing

forth a new context of living? What if acknowledging the reflection of climate change as our internal experience? What if we admit our participation in destructive lifestyles? What if we change the habits of putting trash in our bodies? What if we take notice of our polluted thinking? What if we acknowledge how holding back clogs our ability to breathe, suffocating our connection with self and Source? Choices we can take one step at a time‌ Ask powerful questions: What is the nature of experiencing the changes we want to see in our world? Let go of what we think we “shouldâ€? do and stay connected to self and source, allowing access to the resolutions that are ours to participate in. Embrace the parts of ourselves that pollute, trash, and override our emotions. Reconnect and let those parts of us have a voice about the personal changes we need to make. Take responsibility for the climate change we are

creating on the inside. Embrace the aspects of ourselves that pollute, trash, and override the environment.

Envision and get into the bodily felt sense of how we want our experience of our planet to be.

Listen to other people’s ideas. Many of us are influenced by friends rather than by experts. Engaging in conversations about climate change with friends and family is valuable. Listen closely to their stories, because their ideas are worth listening to. Tell our stories and listen to other people’s ideas.

Cultivate new habits. Be aware of the devastation and focus on all the great resolutions that are already happening around the world. Educate ourselves about climate change. Al Gore’s Ted Talk, The Case for Optimism On Climate Change, is an excellent source of information. He brings clarity about the solutions that are already in motion. He declares with confidence that we have everything that we need, and boldly says, “The outcome is fore-ordained because of who we are as human beings. The will to act is in and of itself a renewable resource.”

Remember that a healthy planet is not just about a stable climate or political issues. It is about families, communities, energy systems, and humanity’s future. Move energy. Dance, sing, shake, vibrate to release the habitual control and contraction. Open the space to allow Source to guide us in this extraordinary time in history. Meditate with intent to listen for insights, guidance, and resolutions.

Learn about permaculture and regenerative farming. Become part of the sustainable living education that is being offered. Watch documentaries like “The Biggest Little Farm,” the amazing restoration of 200

acres back to a sustainable environment. Search out and support organizations, like Farmer’s Footprint, that are involved in regenerative farming, Community Supported Agriculture, and Mom’s Across America. Use energy and resources wisely. David Suzuki’s article, Top 10 Things We Can Do About Climate Change, is a great source of information. Teach our children how our planet works. Support our children by encouraging school gardening programs, growing a garden, and planting trees. Encourage time in nature. Have them watch documentaries such as The Beaver Believers, a film that encourages a new paradigm of partnering with the natural world rather than trying to control and overpower it. Together we can consume less, waste less, enjoy life more. We can build a context

of living on better, not more by focusing on the simple pleasures of life, being with loved ones, and making a difference for others. Crystal is a certified expansion guide with the Total Integration Institute. An author, multidimensional coach, and facilitator for the live event called Freedom at the Core. She is the instructor and coach for her online course, Freedom From the Inside Out. She draws from her own experience and the experience of the thousands of people she has worked with over the past 35 years. Crystal is known for the fun and empowering way she supports people in bringing forth the experiences they want in their lives. Currently, she is writing a series of children’s books that embrace the principles of living freedom. www.crystalpresenceonline. com crystalpresenceonline emotionalparadigmshift


THIS IS HOW I SAVE MY LIFE From California to India, a True Story of Finding Everything When You Are Willing to Try Anything By Amy B. Scher

THIS IS HOW I SAVE MY LIFE is the true story of a fiery young woman’s heartwarming and hilarious journey that takes her from near-death in California to a trip around the world in search of her ultimate salvation. Along the way, she discovers a world of cultural mayhem, radical medical treatment, and, most importantly, a piece of her life she never even knew she was missing. When Amy B. Scher was struck with undiagnosed late-stage, chronic Lyme disease, the best physicians in America labeled her condition incurable and potentially terminal. Deteriorating rapidly, she went on a search to save her own life—from the top experts in Los Angeles and the world-renowned Mayo Clinic in Minneapolis to a state-of-theart hospital in Chicago. After exhausting all of her options in the US, she discovered a possible cure—but it was highly experimental, only available in India, and had as much of a probability of killing her as it did of curing her. Knowing the risks, Amy packed her bags anyway and flew across the world hoping to find the ultimate cure. THIS IS HOW I SAVE MY LIFE is a powerful and uplifting story of sheer determination for anyone who believes in—or doubts—the existence of miracles and the infinite power of self-healing when it seems like all hope is lost.

"Amy Scher is a brave warrior and a wonderful writer. She is a living example of what it looks like when a woman takes her health, her heart, and her destiny into her own hands." ~ ELIZABETH GILBERT, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Eat Pray Love and Big Magic

For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:

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