Ontario Beef - February 2020

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BETWEEN YOU, ME AND THE FENCE POST By Jennifer Kyle, BFO Senior Communications Specialist info@ontariobeef.com • www.ontariobeef.com

New Year, New Decade, New Ontario Beef J

anuary 1, 2020 marked not only the start of a new year, but also the kick-off to a new decade. The beginning of a new year typically

As I mentioned, Ontario Beef still contains all of the same great content you are used to. Our plan is to continue to refresh the

has people making resolutions and committing to making changes

magazine and provide the information and articles you value, while

for the better. While not necessarily resolutions, at the BFO office we

also bringing new content ideas to life where relevant. For example, be

have been working on changes to freshen up Ontario Beef magazine,

sure to check out the new Wellness on the Farm column on the last

which you may have noticed when you opened this copy up to read.

page of this edition. This is the first in a series of articles focusing on

While there has been plenty of work done on the overall BFO

you and your wellbeing. To take care of your family, farm and livestock

branding over the last several years, the magazine has remained the

to the best of your ability, you need to first take care of yourself.

same. In fact, Ontario Beef has looked exactly the same for many

We are excited to have Jessica Schill on BFO’s Policy Team. Jessica

years. With the dawn of the new decade, we thought it was time to

is a registered nurse, has a Masters in Public Health and is keen to

start a little facelift to refresh the look and style of the magazine.

help provide information that we hope has a positive impact on the


Purebred and Percentage Limousin Cattle Limousin Bulls For Sale Red and black, polled, Yearlings and 2-year-olds

Ontario Beef still contains all of the


O N T A R I O B E E F • F E BRUARY 2 0 2 0

Another exciting change for the magazine is that, as of February 1,

same great content

2020, Ontario Beef is now available online! This is a change that has

and information,

been debated for several years, and we have finally made the leap. The

just in a sleeker

online edition can now be found on the BFO website in its entirety.

and more modern

This decision was made for a few reasons. First, we wanted the ability

layout. Our goal

to share some of the content more broadly and easily. The online

is to produce a

edition makes it simple for us to share articles and information on

magazine that you,

social media, on our website, in our own weekly e-newsletter and with

our members, look

those who request them. An online edition also makes our publication

forward to reading,

more appealing to advertisers. An ad in a print magazine has a

a magazine

relatively short “shelf life” and only reaches those who hold a physical

that appeals

copy in their hands. Adding the online edition extends the shelf life of

to our existing

the ad (an e-magazine stays online indefinitely), significantly increases

and potential

the audience of readers and provides added value for our advertisers.

advertisers, and a

In the future we may be able to offer an option to readers for how

magazine that we

they wish to receive their magazine, but for now, all members will

are proud to send

continue to receive their print copy in the mail, with the online edition

out and have on

available at ontariobeef.com.

display on farms

The Young Family Ennismore, ON Jim (705) 760-5438 Joe (705) 755-6820

wellbeing of our farmer members across Ontario.

Ontario Beef remains your magazine written and produced for you,

and in offices

our valued farmer members. We are always open to feedback and

across the province.

ideas from the membership. If you have story ideas or thoughts on

We hope we have

how we can make it better, be sure to send them my way.

achieved that.

Happy New Year! OB

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