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mod momheidirohr age36,moorheadmn

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sally meets karma

sally meets karma

i’m raising my kids to… think of and be considerate of others. Because our family has such a wide age spread, my big kids often put their own desires aside for the happiness of their younger sister and brother [sometimes it’s their own idea, other times is strongly advised from mom and dad]. Also, because the big kids are both full-fledged teenagers, they are constantly practicing the ideas of compromise, cooperation and how to finish a heated discussion with composure.

one word that best describes my parenting style… flexible.

i live for… laughter, the best ab workout!

if i were to write a parenting manual, the title would be…

“Your Kids, Your Priority” if i were a color, i’d be… purple. I have adored this color since I was three and have faithfully stuck to my choice in adulthood. My first pair of glasses were purple—large, round, plastic and purple. Now, my bedroom is purple. the best mistake i’ve made… agreeing to a date with my Swiss friend whose dog I would care for when he was traveling for work. We went to the opening of Monte’s Downtown and had such a fabulous time. We were married four years later and I couldn’t feel more blessed. when i feel overwhelmed with life i… sit back and quietly remember I have been through worse. I stand very still, watch the craziness that is my family buzz around me, and remind myself that everything will work out…it always has. every mom/woman should have… great friends that you can share times of joy or frustration with, and also to get an outside perspective from. being a great teacher means… understanding what each child needs and how they learn. Every student learns and develops in his/her own unique way; it’s my job to pull out their best and show them what they can do, and then teach them to be proud of what they’ve accomplished. something i admire but would never do… be a police officer; they get to drive fast and carry a gun, but also have to deal with the many problems in a community. as a family we always make time for… movie nights during the school year and lake time in the summer; this is when we are all together, laughing and making memories. my sisters give me… sanity; whenever I feel as if I don’t understand something about life or family, I call one of my sisters and they help me realize I am not crazy. the best advice i can give my teens… don’t give up easy; every time life knocks you down, get up, dust yourself off and get back in! the show i watch when i want to laugh…

Big Bang Theory, it makes really smart people very funny. my mom was right about… the importance of taking care of yourself, physically and mentally; you owe it to your kids, your spouse and yourself. a pet peeve of mine… when people interrupt other people when they’re talking, as if they already know what the person is going to say. the oddest thing in my purse…

I have seven different colors of lipstick and my favorite mint lip gloss, although I really only use the lip gloss. the book that has had the biggest impact on me…

Parenting with Love and Logic: Teaching Children three words my husband would use to describe me… smart, driven and strong.

Responsibility by Foster Cline and Jim Fay. The idea of children learning from the natural consequences of their own choices is brilliant! I use this in both the classroom with my Kindergarteners and at home with my kids.

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