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mompreneur LilyCare

Dr . Tracie Mallberg, MD

Having always been drawn to the specialty of family medicine, Dr. Tracie Mallberg is one of those nostalgic docs who feel there is great value and comfort in knowing your doctor. The way it lends itself to a real doctor-patient relationship is unique and somewhat hard to find in healthcare these days. With the belief that it is possible even in the size of the F-M area, Dr. Tracie wanted to run her clinic from a patient standpoint and not on a sheer numbers perspective. In June 2008, with six kids and partner, Dan, by her side, Dr. Tracie followed her dream of a private practice and opened the doors to LilyCare. With a family first philosophy she began changing the idea of patient care for families in the Fargo -Moorhead community. how is LilyCare different from other health care providers? where did the name LilyCare originate from?

We are different from many of the clinics in the area because we do not try to push patients through in 10 minute time slots. We are interested in maintaining the doctor-patient relationship, not just a patient appointment. I know it seems like a minute difference, but it is more the attitude that is different.

That’s actually a funny story. I got a puppet, which I named Fred, for my Medical School graduation. Fred quickly became my mascot, so to speak, while I was in residency. I would use Fred to break the ice with my younger patients and they identified well with my ability to “play”. It quickly evolved into my theme. So, when we were talking about opening the clinic, my 10 year old son, Mason, came up with the idea of “The Lily Pad”. That seemed to transform itself into LilyCare. So when you stop by the clinic you won’t be surprised that the play area is named “The LilyPad” and you will see frogs of every size and shape. what advice would you offer to other moms who might be considering new businesses? what motivates you each morning to go to work?

Cross your T’s, dot your I’s and surround yourself with people who KNOW that you can succeed. I truly believe that positive attitudes are contagious. If you are passionate about your business and are willing to make some immediate sacrifices, you can succeed. Be flexible and don’t panic.

The love of my family, my children and the support of those who always knew I could, even before I did. I went through a few very difficult years when I went through a very painful divorce. I really struggled to see justice and the good that was around me. I got through it because I had friends and family who could see what I couldn’t and were there for every tear and triumph. I owe it to them and I owe it to me to live my dream.

Do you… wake up feeling tired and drained? have health issues that are unexplained and just won’t go away? have places in your home nobody wants to spend time in? have trouble growing your business?

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There are many professors in my life who I have used as models for professionalism, doctors who I thought “I hope I am that good someday,” my parents who were models of unconditional love, brothers as true friends. But the person that I admire most is my significant other, Dan. He has shown me how to survive tremendous adversity and come through it with the grace of one blessed. When we came to know each other he was widowed with two small children yet remained strong, calm and full of love and admiration. Dan has been the window that has helped me see that which doesn’t kill us does truly make us stronger and wiser. Together we have developed a new future and believe no experience in life is wasted, we must simply use it to adjust the perspective by which we see the world.

what qualities would your patients use to describe you?

I think my patients would describe me as “just regular.” I find that a huge compliment. I think people want a physician, who they can talk to, relate to, who doesn’t make them feel silly or like someone less. There is rarely just one right answer in medicine and I find that if we work together to get to a solution, the patient is usually more successful, happy and better off in the end.

as a mom and doctor, how do you balance it all?

People have been asking me that ever since I started med school with an 8 week old baby (Mason) and still nursing. They asked the same question during 2nd year when I had Tatum and went back to school 5 days after my c-section. Again during 4th year when Carson was born and you know they still asked during my 1st year of residency when my daughter Tessa was born. I always gave them the same answer. I don’t know!

Just like every other stay-at-home mom, working mom, college student, etc. I fumble and struggle just like everyone else does. I have spent many days with baby spit on my shoulder and taking phone calls from the daycare about which one was running a fever, throwing up on the teacher or having an accident on the playground. Now they are older and I deal with custody arrangements, school sports and getting hair “just right.” I made a rule in med school that I always took “kid time.” From 5 until bed time was time that I gave to my kids. There are and always have been exceptions, but it is the rule more often than not. We, Dan and I and all 6 of our kids, sit down to supper together almost every night of the week. We do have a schedule of who cleans up supper (2 kids at a time) because it is rarely me. The biggest rule is to help. If we work together we can be amazing….apart we are just 8 individuals.

what else should we know about LilyCare?

As of December 1st we have expanded to include Dr. Shantell TwoBears and Melissa Erdmann (both formerly of Red River Family Practice) as a part of our LilyCare Family. We all have similar practice styles and the attitude that patient care comes first.

Tracie M. Mallberg MD LilyCare Clinic


13th Ave E, West Fargo

701.356.5459 www.lilycareclinic.com

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