kf“rf} u}/cfj;Lo g]kfnL If]qLo ;Dd]ng @)!! sf] cj;/df k|sflzt ljz]if a'n]l6g
z'qmaf/, !$ hgj/L @)!!
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o;leq ;/ f] sf/ jfnfnfO{ ;d: of a'em\g] cj;/ k[i7 @
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vf8Lsf dlxnfsf ;d: of rsf{ 5g\ k[i7 #
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;fgf] artsf] 7"nf] kl/0ffd cfpg' k5{ k[i7 *
;'/lIft j}b]lzs /f]huf/ / nufgLdf hf]8 j}
b] lzs / f] huf/ sf] qmddf ef] Ug' k/ ] sf ;d: of ;dfwfg / pgLx?n] art u/ ] sf] / sdnfO{ ;fd"lxs ?kdf pTkfbgd"ns If] qdf nufgL u/ fO{ d'n'ssf] ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s pGgtLdf of] ubfg k'/ fpg] p4] Zon] vf8L If] qdf u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLx?sf] kfFrf} ;Dd] ng cfh b] lv b'jO{df ;'? x'b} 5 . u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnL ;+3, cGt/ f{li6o ;dGjo kl/ ifb\sf sf] iffWoIf tyf ;Dd] ng cfof] hs ;ldltsf ;+of] hs / fd] Zj/ zfxn] ;Dd] ngsf] k"j{;GWofdf xf] 6n qmfpg Knfhfdf cfof] lht kqsf/ ;Dd] ngdf of] hfgsf/ L lbg' ePsf] xf] . x/ ] s b'O{ aif{df sf7df8f} +df ljZj ;Dd] ng cfof] hgf u/ ] kl5 ljb] zdf / x] sf u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLsf] l: ytL a'em\g u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnL ;+3n] If] qLo ;Dd] ng cfof] hgf ug] { u/ ] sf] df o; k6s vf8Ldf ul/ Psf] / ;Dd] ngsf] lgisif{n] gofF cleofg z'? x'g] ljZjf; u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLn] u/ ] sf 5g\ . zfxn] ljb] zdf / x] sf g] kfnLsf] ;fgf] ;fgf] artnfO{ k'FhLsf] ?kdf art u/ L dxTjsf+IfL kl/ of] hgfdf nufgL ug{ ;lsg] atfpg' eof] . ;fd"lxs nufgLsf] kl/ of] hgfnfO{ d"t{?k lbg ;Dd] ngn] ;xof] u k'/ fpg] pxfFsf] cfzf 5 . ljb] zdf cfof] hgf x'g] u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnL ;Dd] ng clxn] ;Dd ;a} eGbf 7"nf] x'g] zfxn] bfjL ug'{eof] . kqsf/ ;Dd] ngdf lbOPsf] hfgsf/ L cg';f/ ;Dd] ngdf $ ;oeGbf
a9Lsf] ;xeflutf x'g] cg'dfg 5 . ljZjsf ljleGg d'n'saf6 sfo{qmddf efu lng cfpg] g] kfnLsf] ;+Vof ! ;o &% x'g] cg'dfg 5 . g] kfnaf6 %) eGbf a9L ;xefuL ePsf 5g\ . afFsL ;xefuL dWok"j{af6 efu lng] 5g\ . zfxsf cg';f/ sfo{qmddf ;'/ lIft cfk|jf;g / ;fd"lxs nufgLsf ;DaGwdf ljleGg kIfdf 5nkmn x'g] 5 . sfo{qmddf pkk|wfg tyf k/ / fi6dGqL ;'hftf sf] O/ fnf, >d dGqL df] xDdb ckm\tfj cnfd, k|wfgdGqLsf k|d'v ;Nnfxsf/ / 3'hL kGt, ;efifb tyf pBdL / fh] Gb| v] tfg, g] kfn / fi6 a} +ssf ueg{/ 8f= o'j/ fh vltj8f ;xefuL x'g] 5g\ . km/ ] g ODkf] nod] G6 Pzf] l;P;gsf] ;+of] hsTjdf j} b] lzs / f] huf/ L Joj;foLx?sf] #% hgfsf] ;d"x of] ;Dd] ngdf ;xefuL x'g o'PO{ cfPsf] 5 . sfo{qmddf >d tyf oftfoft Joj: yf ;lrj lbg] zxl/ clwsf/ L, ;fpbL c/ asf / fhb"t 8f= xldb cG;f/ L, o'PO{sf / fhb"t ch'{g jxfb'/ yfkf, stf/ sf / fhb"t 8f= ;"o{gfy ld>, s'j] tsf nflu g] kfnL / fhb't dw'jg kf} 8] nsf] klg ;xeflutf / xg] 5 . cf} krfl/ s pb\3f6g;qkl5 klxnf] zqdf ;fd'lxs nufgL sf] ifsf ;DaGwdf 5nkmn x'g] 5 . of] sfo{qmddf u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLx?n] ;fd"lxs nufgL sf] ifaf/ ] 5nkmn af“sL k[i7 ^ df
z'qmaf/, !$ hgj/L @)!!
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wf] qm'hdf uhn d';fo/f Pgcf/ Pg Pg;L;L o"PO{n] ljZjaf6 cfPsf Pgcf/ Pgx?nfO{ : Jffut ug{ / flqef] hsf] cfof] hgf u/ \of] . Pg;L;L o"PO{n] cfof] hgfu / ] sf] l8g/ kf6L{df ljleGg b] zsf clyltx?sf] pkl: ylt / x] sf] lyof] . pQm l8g/ sfo{qmddf cGt/ fi6Lo g] kfnL ;flxTo ;dfh o"PO{ RofK6/ n] uhn d';fo/ f sfo{qmd klg u/ ] sf] lyof] . o"PO{sf uhnsf/ ch'{g bfxfn, lht] Gb| dNn, 6] s yhfnL du/ , an/ fd vgfn, r~rnf l3dL/ ] , lgd] z lu/ L, z] ifgf/ fo0f emf, cflbn] uhn jfrg ug'{ePsf] lyof] eg] gkfnaf6 cfpg' ePsf xf: o ljbfdf Vofltk|fKt dgf] h uh'/ ] nn] xf: oAo+Uo sljtf jfrg ub} { ;d;fldos laifodf Ao+Uo ug'{ePsf] lyof] . sljtf / Ao+Uodf g] kfndf / fhgLlts bnx?n] b] z agfpgsf] nflu Wofg glbPsf] df lrGtf AoQm ul/ Psf] lyof] eg] cfkm' lab} lzg' kbf{sf b'Mv klg kf] v] sf lyP . pkk|wfg tyf k/ / fi6dGqL ;'hftf sf] O/ fnf, >dtyf oftfot dGqL df] xdb ckm\tfj cfnd nufot g] kfnaf6 cfpg' ePsf lalzi6 cltly, snfsf/ , kqsf/ nufot ljZje/ af6 cfPsf PgcfPgx?n] wf] qm'h vrfvr el/ Psf] lyof] .
sljtf / Ao+Uodf g] kfndf / fhgLlts bnx?n] b] z agfpgsf] nflu Wofg glbPsf] df lrGtf AoQm ul/ Psf] lyof] eg] cfkm' lab} lzg' kbf{sf b'Mv klg kf] v] sf lyP .
z'qmaf/, !$ hgj/L @)!!
;Dd]ngaf6 ;a} tx / tKsfn] nfe p7fpg'k5{
eLd pbf;
;+/ Ifs, u} / cfjf;Lo g] kfnL ;+3 vf8Ldf cfof] hgf x'g nfu] sf] of] ;Dd] ngnfO{ ;a} tx / tKsfn] lgs} g} rf;f] lbP/ x] / ] / sf] d} n] dz;'; u/ ] sf] 5' . ;/ sf/ sf
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5nkmn x'g] ljifodf ;fd'lxs nufgLnfO{ xfdL ;a} n] hf] 8 lbg' k5{ . ;Dd] ngdf Pgcf/ Pg / ;/ sf/ b'j} aLr s;n] s] ug] { eGg] s'/ f k|i6 x'g' k5{ . ;/ sf/ , a} +lsª If] qsf k|ltlglw, ljleGg d'n'ssf Pgcf/ Pg / ljleGg nufgLstf{sf] ;xeflutf x'g] ePsfn] of] ;Dd] ngnfO{ cj;/ sf] ?kdf lng' k5{ . of] cj;/ df ;a} hgfn] v'n] / s'/ f ug'{k5{ / o;sf] kmfObf p7fpg' k5{ . oltdfq xf] Og, Pgcf/ Pgsf] ;fd'lxs nufgLnfO{ s;/ L, s'g 7fpFdf k|of] u ug] { eGg] af/ ] df ;Dd] ngdf 5nkmn x'g'k5{ . kl5NNff] ;dodf a} +sdf b] lvPsf] t/ ntfsf] cefjn] a} +sx?n] Pgcf/ Pgsf] ;+slnt / sd lng OR5's b] lvPsf 5g\ . jf: tjdf ljleGg d'n'sdf bM'v u/ ] / sdfPsf] k} ;f kl/ jf/ n] cgfjZos vr{ u/ ] / ;Sg] ePsfn] / ] ld6fG;sf] gsf/ fTds c;/ gk/ f] ;\ eg] / klg ;fd'lxs nufgL sf] ifnfO{ ;kmn kfg] { cleofgdf nfUg' k5{ . d'n'sdf Pgcf/ Pgsf] / sd leqofpg / ;lx : yfgdf k|of] u ug{sf nflu of] ;f] r lnO{Psf] xf] . ;fd'lxs nufgLdf Go'g cfocfh{g ug] { Pgcf/ Pg klg ;xeflutf x'g ;S5g\ .
vf8Lsf dlxnfsf ;d: of rsf{ 5g\ 3/ ] n' sfdbf/ sf ?kdf / x] sf dlxnfx?nfO{ ;'/ lIft / Jojl: yt agfpg' cfjZostf 5 . dlxnf sfdbf/ sf] cfocfh{g, ;'ljwf, xslxtnufotsf ljifodf g] kfn ;/ sf/ n] s'6gLlts dfWodaf6 kxn sbdL ug'{kg] { b] lvG5 . piff zdf{ ;+of] hs, Pgcf/ PgP cGt/ fli6«o dlxnf ljefu
kl5Nnf s] xL ;do otf vf8Ldf / x] sf dlxnfsf lgs} ;d: of ;'Gg] ul/ Psf] 5 . ;/ sf/ n] slxn] dlxnfnfO{ vf8L d'n'sdf cfpg k|ltaGw nufpg] , slxn] vf] Ng] k|sf/ sf] 4} w gLlt lnPklg vf8Ldf cfpg] dlxnfsf] ;+Vofdf sdL cfPsf] b] lvb} +g . hlt dlxnfx? oxfF cfPsf 5g, TolQs} dfqfdf pgLx?sf ;d: of klg a9\b} uPsf] ;'Ggdf cfpg] u/ ] sf] 5 .;Dd] ngdf laz] if u/ L vf8L d'n'sdf sfo{/ t 3/ ] n' dlxnf sfdbf/ sf] ;d: ofnfO{ ulDe/ ?kdf 5nkmn x'g'k5{ . ;'/ lIft a} b] lzs / f] huf/ Lsf] nflu pko'Qm jftfj/ 0f lgdf{0f ug{ ;DalGwt lgsfosf] Wofg cfs[i6 ug{ ;Sg' k5{ . kfFrf} If] qLo ;Dd] ngdf ;xefuL x'g'[ePsf o'/ f] k, cd] l/ sfnufotsf ;a} b] zsf u} / cfjf;Lo g] kfnLx?n] vf8Lsf 3/ ] n' dlxnfsf] ;d: ofnfO{ klg cfkm\gf] ;d: of 7fGg' k5{ . ;/ sf/ n] vf8L d'n'sdf dlxnfnfO{ / f] huf/ Ldf hfg v'Nnf u/ ] sf] 5 . t/ of] kf/ bzL{ x'g ;s] sf] 5} g . 3/ ] n' sfdbf/ sf ?kdf / x] sf dlxnfx?nfO{ ;'/ lIft / Jojl: yt agfpg' cfjZostf 5 . dlxnf sfdbf/ sf] cfocfh{g, ;'ljwf, xslxtnufotsf ljifodf g] kfn ;/ sf/ n] s'6gLlts dfWodaf6 kxn sbdL ug'{kg] { b] lvG5 . o'/ f] k tyf cd] l/ sfdf sfo{/ t dlxnfsf nflu dfl;s tna;lxt aLdf, k] G;gnufotsf ;'ljwf clgjfo{ ul/ Psf] 5 . vf8L d'n'ssf 3/ ] n' sfdbf/ nfO{ klg o: t} k|sf/ sf ;'ljwf cfjZos 5g\ . ;Dd] ngdf o; ljifodf s'/ fsfgL ug'{k5{ . ;/ sf/ n] klg o;nfO{ pbf/ tfk"j{s x] g'{k5{ .
z'qmaf/, !$ hgj/L @)!!
5TH NRN REGIONAL CONFERENCE January 14 - 16, 2011 Dubai, UAE Theme: "Collective Investment and Safe Migration"
PROGRAMME FOR 13 & 14 JANUARY, 2011 13 JANUARY, 2011 THURSDAY ARRIVAL OF DELEGATES 15:00–19:00hrs 1900 hrs onwards 14 JANUARY, 2011 FRIDAY
Registration Welcome Dinner and Gazal Mushayra Programme: on Dhow Cruise, Dubai hosted by NRNA NCC UAE and NRN's of UAE
07:30–14:00hrs 8:15hrs 8:30–10:30hrs 8:30 - 8:40hrs
Registration Arrival of guests and delegates at the venue of the Conference Inaugural Plenary Aasan Grahan by Chief Guest/Special Guests
DAY I: MAIN CONFERENCE (All delegates and invitees)
Chair - NRNA President Mr. Dev Man Hirachan • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Chief Guest: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Nepal : Hon'ble Mrs. Sujata Koirala Special Guest: Minister of Labour and Transport Management, Nepal : Hon'ble Mr. Sheikh Aftab Alam Guest: Chief Advisor to PM: Mr. Raghuji Panta Guest: Member of Constituent Assembly, Nepal: Hon'ble Mr. Rajendra Khetan Guest: Rastra Bank Governor, Nepal: Dr. Yuvaraj Khatiwada NRNA Chief Patron, Dr. Upendra Mahato Mahato Coordinator of the Conference Organizing Committee: Mr. Rameshwar Shah, Treasurer, NRNA-ICC Guest: Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Transport Management, Nepal: Mr. Dinesh Hari Adhikari Guest: Nepalese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia: HE Mr. Hamid Ansari Guest: Nepalese Ambassador to Qatar: HE Dr. Suryanath Mishra Guest: Nepalese Ambassador to UAE: HE Mr. Arjun Bahadur Thapa Guest: Nepalese Ambassador to Kuwait: HE Mr. Madhuban Prasad Paudel NRNA Patron, Mr. Ram Thapa NRNA Patron, Mr. Bhim Udas NRNA Advisors: Dr. Devkaji Dangol Ms. Indra Ban Dr. Jugal Bhurtel NRNA ICC office Bearers: VP Mr. Jiba Lamichhane VP Mr. Sagar Nepal GS Mr. Ratan Jha
08:40 - 08:55hrs NRN song by Preadeep Bonjon in the background and then welcome song by HE Prem Raja Mahat and Ani Choying Dolma National Anthem: Nepal & UAE 08:55 - 09:05hrs Welcome Address by the Coordinator – 5th NRN Regional Conference Mr. Rameshwar Shah 09:05 - 09:10hrs Inauguration of the Conference by chief guest/Special Guest/NRNA President/NRNA Chief Patron (Chief Guest/Special Gust/ NRNA Chief Patron/ /NRNA ICC President to jointly inaugurate the event by Light the Panas.) 09:10 - 09:15hrs Special Remarks by NRNA President 09:15 - 09:20hrs Address by HE Ambassador to UAE HE Arjun Bahadur Thapa 09:20 - 09:25hrs Address by HE Ambassador to Kuwait HE Madhuban Paudel 09:25 - 09:30hrs Address by HE Ambassador to Qatar HE Dr. Suryanath Mishra 09:30 - 09:35hrs Address by HE Ambassador to Saudi Arabia HE Hamid Ansari 09:35 - 09:45Hrs Address by NRNA Chief Patron Dr. Upendra Mahato 09:45 - 09:50hrs Address by Hon'ble Rajendra Khetan 09:50 - 09:55hrs Address by PM's Chief Advisor Mr. Raghuji Panta 09:55 - 10:05hrs Special Remarks by Minister for Labour and Transport Hon'ble Mr. Sheikh Aftab Alam 10:05 - 10:15hrs Inaugural address by Chief Guest Hon'ble DPM and FM Sujata Koirala 10:15 - 10:25hrs Felicitation Programme by Conference Coordinator Mr. Rameshwar Shah 10:25 - 10:35hrs Vote of Thanks by NCC UAE President Mr. Chudamani Dhakal 10:35hrs Tea/Coffee (25min)
z'qmaf/, !$ hgj/L @)!!
Session I - NRN Collective Investment Fund – The NRN Perspectives Here we will discuss concept of Collective Investment that we (NRN) are advocating, conceptual origin, work done so far, various working module/s. This session will explain what we are targeting, what this will give to the nation at large and to the middle east Diaspora and will lead to the next session. Session Chair: Hon’ble DPM & Minister for Foreign Affairs Mrs. Sujata Koirala Co-Chair: Dr. Upendra Mahato Moderator: Mr. Bhim Udas Panelist: • Mr. Goba Katuwal (15min) – NRN Prospective • Mr. Jiba Lamichhane (10min)- Collective Investment: A Learning Experience • Mr. Anjan Shrestha (10min)- Investors Prospective/live module Session II – NRN Collective Investment Fund – Making It a Reality Here we will discuss legal side of the concept. How this can be taken forward, commitment of clearing prevailing issue, deadlocks and cloud on to take NRN Collective Investment Funds forward. Session Chair: Hon’ble DPM & Minister for Foreign Affairs Mrs. Sujata Koirala Co-Chair Dr. Yuvaraj Khatiwada Co-Chair: Dr. Upendra Mahato Moderator: Mr. Bhim Udas Panelist: • Mr. Anal Raj Bhattarai (15min) – Legal Prospective • Mr. Sujeev Shakya (20min) –Technical Commentator • Open to Floor for Q&A (25min) • Remarks by Session Co-Chairs Dr. Yuvaraj Khatiwada (10min) • Remarks by Session Co-Chairs Dr. Upendra Mahato (10min) • Closing remark by the Chair (10 min) • Session Summary and wayforward presentation by Bhim Udas (10min) 13:15–14:00hrs Lunch (45min) 14:00-16:15hrs SESSION ON SAFE MIGRATION/FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT Session Chair: Hon’ble Minister for Labour and Transport Sheikh Aftab Alam Co-Chair PM Chief Advisor Mr. Raghuji Panta and Labour and Transport Ministry Secretary Mr. Dinesh Hari Adhikari Moderator: Sagar Nepal and assisted by Mohan Sharma Panelist:
• • • • • • • • • • •
Prof. Dr. Rajan, CDS (15min) - Safe Migration HE Dr. Suryanath Mishra (10min) – Migration of Nepalese Manpower for Foreign Employment – Prospects and Challenges HE. Madhuban Paudel (10min) – Women in Foreign Employment - Issues and its wayforward Rajen Kandel (10min) "issues, opportunities and wayforward finding of Foreign Employment" Presentation by : Mr. Dharam KC, President, NCC-Saudi Arabia (10min) :Issues of Foreign Employment, its Prospects and Challenges. Mr. Thaneswor Devkota (10min) – Role of Nepal govt. in promoting foreign employment and safe migration President of FEAN: Mr. Prem Katuwal (10min) – Issues of Foreign Employment President of NAFEA: Mr. Som Lal Batajoo (10min) – Issues of Foreign Employment Remarks by Session Co-Chairs (20min, 10 min each) Open to Floor for Q&A (15min), (collect all floor question-5min, answer-10min) Concluding Remarks by session chair (10min)
Tea/Coffee (15min)
16:30–18:15hrs TOPICAL SESSION (PLENARY SESSION) Chair: Dr. Upendra Mahato Moderator: Mr. Ratan Jha Presenters: • Mr. Rajendra Khetan (15min)"Investment Opportunities for NRN in Nepal" • Prof. Dr. Keshab raj Khadka (15min) : "Resources and opportunities available at the Dhorepatan corridor" • Santosh Koirala (10min) : “Current Financial Situation in Nepal” • Mr. Anil Shah (10min) Sustainable Economic Development: A New Economic Model for Nepal • Mr. Karna Shakya (10min): ' Power of Positive Thinking in present Nepalese context' • Introduction of Customs services & e-services by Dubai Custom Authority (9min) • Dr. Pramod Dhakal (10min) : Open University-An introduction for Nepal • Crystal City (10min) : New Dimension in Housing • Dharmendra Jha, President of Federation of Journalists (10min): Nepali Journalism in transition period : Challenges and Opportunities • Concluding Remarks by session chair (10min) 18:15–18:30hrs
1900 – 2000 hrs
2000 – 2230 hrs
Cultural Programme
z'qmaf/, !$ hgj/L @)!!
vf8Lsf g]kfnLsf] klg dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf 5 w/ d s] ;L
sfdbf/ sf] ;d: of ;dfwfgdf Wofg k'uf] ;\
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k[i7 ! sf] af“sL
;'/ ] z e08f/ L
cWoIf Pgcf/ Pg, odg j} b] lzs / f] huf/ Ldf UfPsf g] kfnLx?sf] ;d: of ;Daf] wg ug{ of] ;Dd] ng nIfLt x'g' kb{5 . ;/ sf/ n] % xhf/ eGbf a9L sfdbf/ / x] sf] d'n'sdf >d ;xrf/ L / fVg] gLlt lgod eP ;a} d'n'sdf ;xrf/ Lsf] Joj: yf ePsf] 5} g . o: tf sfdbf/ sf ;d: of ;dfwfg ug{] tkm{ of] ;Dd] ng s] lGb|t x'g'kb{5 . ;d: of ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] lgsfo klg ;Dd] ngdf pkl: yt x'g] ePsf] n] klg laz] if?kdf sfdbf/ sf] ;d: ofdf Wofg k'/ fpg' k5{ .
>lds / ;/ sf/ b'j }nfO{ kmfObf x'g ] u/L 5nkmn xf] ;\
x'G5 . sfo{qmddf ;'/ lIft cfk|jf;sf ;DaGwdf klg kof{Kt 5nkmn x'g] 5 . j} b] lzs / f] huf/ sf ;d: of / r'gf} lt, cj;/ / r'gf} tL, j} b] lzs / f] huf/ df dlxnfsf ;d: of, j} b] lzs / f] huf/ k|a4{gdf ;/ sf/ sf] e"ldsfnufotsf g/ ] Gb| ef6 ljifodf 5nkmn x'g] 5 . cWoIf, Pgcf/ Pg stf/ d"ntM j} b] lzs / f] huf/ df / x] sf g] kfnLx?n] ef] Ug' k/ ] sf ;d: of ;dfwfgsf nflusf nflu ;fd"lxs kxn ug] { p4] Zon] of] sfo{qmd cfof] hgf sfo{qmdsf ;fd'lxs nufgL / ;'/ lIft cfk|jf;gsf] d"n ljifonfO{ of] ;xefuLn] atfP . ljb] zdf / x] sf g] kfnLdWo] klxnf] k': tfsf g] kfnLdfq ePsfn] ;Dd] ngn] ulx/ f] dGyg u/ ] / 7f] ; lg0f{o ug'{kg] { b] lvG5 . ;fd'lxs 7"nf] 7"nf] nufgL ug{ g;lsg] ePsfn] ;fgf] ;fgf] nufgLnfO{ ;fd"lxs ?kdf nufgL sf] ifnfO{ sfof{Gjog ug{ vf8Ldf / x] sf Go"g cfo ePsf k7fpg' kg] { ;xefuLn] hf] 8 lbP . >ldsx?nfO{ ;d] 6] / cufl8 a9fPsf] v08df g] kfn ;/ sf/ / sfo{qmddf u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLn] ;w} + 3f] if0ffkqx? agfpg] t/ To;nfO{ >ldsx? b'j} kIfnfO{ kmfObf 5 . of] laifo of] ;Dd] ngsf] d'Vo s] Gb| sfoGo{Gog gug] { k|Zgsf] pQ/ df u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnL ;+3sf cWoIf b] jdfg agf] ;\ . lx/ frgn] 3f] if0ffkqdf pNn] v u/ ] sf w] / } sfd z'? e} ;s] sf] hfgsf/ L lbg'eof] . pxfFn] 3f] if0ffkqdf pNn] v ul/ Psf ;Dk"0f{ sfd ug{sf nflu sfo{bn : yfkgf e} ;s] sf] hfgsf/ L lbg'eof] . pxfFn] u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLjLr ;fd"lxs efjgf clea[l4sf nflu ljb] zdf cfof] hgf x'g] ;Dd] ng k|efjsf/ L x'g] wf/ 0ff JoQm ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . pxfFn] hf] 8 lbPsf] atfpg' eof] . u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLsf] ;+: yf;d] t g] kfndf btf{ x'g g;s] klg u} / cfj;Lo zfxn] >d ahf/ df cfpg] hgzlQmdWo] ;a} n] cfsif{s / sd hDdf g] kfnLn] : jb] zdf nufgLsf nflu k|of; ul/ / x] sf] hfgsf/ L lbg'eof] . ug{ g;s] klg pgLx?n] cfh{g u/ ] sf] zLk / cg'ejnfO{ : jb] zsf] ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s ?kfGt/ 0fdf dxTjk"0f{ of] ubfg x'g] atfpg' ePsf] 5 . pxfFn] ;fd"lxs nufgLdf sfg"gL afwf ;/ sf/ ;dIf ljb] z cfP/ bIf ePsf] hgzlQmnfO{ Jojl: yt agfpgsf nflu u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLsf] ;fd"lxs nufgLdf sfg"gL afwf ePsf] kqsf/ ;Dd] ngsf] qmddf 5nkmn x'g' kg] { atfpg' ePsf] lyof] . ;Dd] ngdf ;+3sf cWoIf lx/ frgn] atfpg' eof] . pxfFsf cg';f/ ;fd"lxs u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnL ;+3sf ;+/ Ifs eLd pbf;n] bf] xf] / f] gful/ stf nufgLnfO{ clxn] ;Dd g] kfnsf sfg"gL : ki6tf 5} g . / j} b] lzs / f] huf/ sf] ljifonfO{ z'?b] lv g} p7fpb} + cfPsf] hfgsf/ L lbg' lwtf] kq P] g / lgodfjnLdf ;+o'Qm nufgL sf] ifsf ;DaGwdf cK7\of/ f] l: ytL ePsf] lyof] . u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnL ;+3, / fli6o ;dGjo kl/ ifb, o'PO{sf cWoIf / x] sf] zfxn] atfpg' eof] . ;fd"lxs nufgL ug{ sfg"gL afwf x6fpgsf nflu r'8fd0fL 9sfnn] u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLdWo] cfwf vf8Ldf / x] sf] hfgsf/ L lbg' z'ne pkfo ;Dd] ngaf6 lg: sg ;Sg] ] cg'dfg ul/ Psf] 5 . ePsf] lyof] eg] vf8L If] qLo ;+of] hs ab|L kf08] n] of] ;Dd] ngn] ;'l/ Ift u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnL ;+3sf pkfWoIf hLjf nfld5fg] n] u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnL ;+3 cfk|jf;g / ;fd"lxs nufgLsf] cjwf/ 0ffdf gofF O6\6f yKg] hfgsf/ L lbg' cfkm} + Joj;fo ug] { ;+: yf hfgsf/ L lbb} + klxnf] k': tfsf l;ldt 8fo: kf] / fdfq ePsf] lyof] . JolQmut ?kdf nufgL ug{ ;Ifd ePsfn] ;fd"lxs nufgLsf] jftfj/ 0f agfpg
z'qmaf/, !$ hgj/L @)!!
;'/lIft cfk|jf;df s]lGb|t x'gk' 5{
art ug{ of] ;Dd]ng ;xof]uL x'g5]
nfvf} +sf] ;+Vofdf vf8L d'n'sdf / x] sf sfdbf/ x?sf] ;'/ lIft / f] huf/ Lsf] Uof/ ] G6L u/ fpg ;/ f] sf/ jfnfsf] Wofg cfs[i6 x'g] { kg] { b] lvG5 .
7"nf] nufgL ug] { x} l;ot gePsf klxnf] k': tfsf 8fo: kf] / fsf] ;+Vof kof{Kt gePsf] cj: yfdf 7'nf] / sdeGbf w] / } eGbf w] / } JolQmsf] ;xeflutfdf ;fd"lxs sf] if : yfkgf ug'{ h?/ L 5 .
ab|Lk|;fb kf08]
dWok"j{ ;+of] hs, u} / cfjf;Lo g] kfnL ;+3
;'efif clwsf/ L
;Dd] ng ;+of] hs ;ldlt of] ;Dd] ngdf d'Votof ;fd'lxs nufgL / ;'/ lIft cfk|jf;gnfO{ nIfLt ul/ Psf] 5 . vf8L d'n'ssf Pgcf/ Pgsf nflu kfFrf} If] qLo ;Dd] ng Pp6f sf] z] 9'+uf ;fljt x'g] 5 . o;cl3sf ;Dd] ngn] s] xL dxTjsf+IfL of] hgf NofP klg sfof{Gjog ug{ ;lsPsf] lyPg . o;df s] jn u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLsf] dfq bf] if lyPg . of] ;Dd] ngdf xfdLn] ljifosf] ;xL 5gf} 6 ul/ Psf] 5 . ;d'lxs nufgL / ;'/ lIft cfk|jf;g clxn] / sfnfGt/ sf nflu klg cToGt dxTjk"0f{ ljifo xf] . o; ;Dd] ngsf] csf] { d'Vo kIf s] xf] eg] ;Dd] ngdf g] kfn ;/ sf/ sf] g] t[Tj txsf] pT;fxj4{s ;xeflutf / x] sf] 5 . ljleGg If] qdf b] lvPsf ;d: of ;dfwfgsf nflu ;/ sf/ klg pbf/ x'g'k5{ . gLltut ;d: of / Jojxfl/ s c8\rgn] ubf{ s'g} klg s'/ f / f] lsg' x'b} +g . To;} n] ;/ sf/ n] sfg'gL cK7\of/ fx? x6fPsf] v08df cjZo xfd|f] p2] Zo k'/ f x'g] 5 . nfvf} +sf] ;+Vofdf vf8L d'n'sdf / x] sf sfdbf/ x?sf] ;'/ lIft / f] huf/ Lsf] Uof/ ] G6L u/ fpg ;/ f] sf/ jfnfsf] Wofg cfs[i6 x'g] { kg] { b] lvG5 .
;fd'lxs nufgL / ;'/ lIft cfk|jf;sf nflu of] ;Dd] ng lgs} g} dxTjk'0f{ x'g] 5 . 7"nf] 7"nf] nufgL ug] { x} l;ot gePsf klxnf] k': tfsf 8fo: kf] / fsf] ;+Vof kof{Kt gePsf] cj: yfdf 7'nf] 7"nf] / sdeGbf w] / } eGbf w] / } JolQmsf] ;xeflutfdf ;fd"lxs sf] if : yfkgf ug'{ h?/ L 5 . of] ;Dd] ngaf6 ;fd'lxs nfufgLsf] cjwf/ 0ff z;Qm 9+un] cuf8L cfpg] ljZjf; 5 . o'/ f] k, cd] l/ sf, hfkfgdfq xf] Og, vf8Ldf / x] sf g] kfnLx?nfO{ klg nufgLstf{ agfpg of] cjwf/ 0ffn] ;xof] u k'U5 . ljb] zL d'n'sdf g] kfnLn] b'Mv u/ ] / k} ;f sdfpFbf klg plgx?sf] hLjg c;'/ lIft aGb} uPsf] 5 . of] ;Dd] ngdf To: tf b'Mv kfPsf g] kfnLsf] hLjg: t/ df kl/ jt{g ug{sf nflu cfjZos 5 . kl5Nnf] ;dodf g] kfndf ;fd'lxs nufgLsf If] qdf w] / } sfdx? ePsf 5g\ . ca Pgcf/ Pgn] klg of] If] qdf xft xfn] sf] 5 . ;'/ lIft cfk|jf;sf nflu s;n] s] ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] af/ ] df of] ;Dd] ngdf s'/ f p7fOG5 . g] kfnsf ;/ sf/ L lgsfosf JolQmTjx? klg ;Dd] ngdf ;xeflu x'g] ePsfn] cy{k"0f{ x'g] 5 .
z'qmaf/, !$ hgj/L @)!!
;fgf] artsf] 7"nf] kl/0ffd cfpg' k5{ /fd]Zj/ zfx
sf]iffWoIf, u} / cfjf;Lo g] kfnL ;+3 tyf ;+of]hs, kfFrf} u}/cfj;Lo g]kfnL If]qLo ;Dd]ng @)!! 5g\ . ;/ sf/ sf] s'g} klg lgsfo;Fu vf8Ldf / x] sf hgzlQmsf] ljj/ 0f 5} g . ;/ sf/ af6 : jLs[lt lnP/ cfpg] sf cltl/ Qm klg oxfF g] kfnLx? 5g\ . lagf : jLs[lt oxfF k|j] z u/ ] sf dlxnfnufotsf] tYofFs hf] 8\g] xf] eg] !& nfvsf] xf/ fxf/ Ldf g] kfnLx? vf8Ldf 5g\ . o;sf cfwf/ df Ps hgf JolQmn] aif{sf] Ps nfv ?k} ofFdfq art u/ ] sf] cfwf/ df klg vf8Laf6 ! va{ &) cj{ ?k} of b] zdf k7fpg] ul/ Psf] 5 . o;sf] ;fgf] lx: ;f dfq klg ;fd"lxs ?kdf nufgL ug] { xf] eg] 7"nf] pknlAw xfl;n x'G5 . nufgL sf] ifdf hDdf ug] { jftfj/ 0f >[hgf ubf{ dfqklg caf} { ?k} ofF hDdf eO{ nufgL x'G5 . clxn] vf8L If] qdf / x] sf g] kfnLx?af6 ;fd"lxs nufgL u/ fpg ;s] sf] v08df sfnfGt/ df : jb] zdf g} / f] huf/ L l;h{gf x'G5g\ .
of] ;Dd] ngdf g] kfn ;/ sf/ sf pRr kb: y kbflwsf/ Lx?, s'6g} lts lgof] usf k|d'vx? ;xefuL x'g ;Sg' x'G5 . vf8L If] qdf / x] sf g] kfnLx?n] >d dGqL, >d ;lrj / / fhb"tx?;“u cGt/ lqmof ug{ kfpg] 5g\ .
o;sf cltl/ Qm a} s tyf ljleGg ljlQo If] qdf ;+nUg JolQmx? klg of] ;Dd] ngdf cfpg ;Sg] 5g\ . j} b] lzs / f] huf/ Joj;foLsf] 7"nf] ;+Vof klg of] sfo{qmddf ;xefuL x'b} + 5 .
of] ;Dd] ng cfof] hgf ug'{sf] d'Vo sf/ 0f s] xf] < vf8L If] qdf of] ;Dd] ng cfof] hgf ug'{sf] d'Vo sf/ 0f j} b] lzs / f] huf/ df / x] sf g] kfnLx?sf] ;d: of ;dfwfg ug] { / pgLx?n] cfh{g u/ ] sf] / sdnfO{ ;fd"lxs ?kdf nufgL ug] { jftfj/ 0f tof/ ug] { p4] Zo / flvPsf] 5 . ;+;f/ e/ 5l/ Psf u} / cjf;Lo g] kfnLx?sf] artnfO{ s'g} sf] ifdfkm{t g] kfndf nufgL ug{ ;lsof] eg] g] kfnsf] cfly{s pGgtL x'g ;S5 . xfdL ;Dd] ngdfkm{t ljb] zdf / x] sf ;Dk"0f{ g] kfnLx?sf] ;'/ lIft cfk|jf;g / ;fd"lxs nufgL u/ fpg ;Sg] cj: yf 5 . csf] {tkm{ vf8L If] qdf / x] sf g] kfnLx?n] / f] huf/ Lsf] qmddf ljleGg k|sf/ sf ;d: of ef] Ub} cfPsf 5g\ . tL ;d: of ;dfwfgsf nflu klg ;/ f] sf/ jfnf lgsfo;Fu j[xt\ ?kdf 5nkmn ug'{k5{ . of] ;Dd] ngsf] d'Vo p4] Zo j} b] lzs / f] huf/ df / x] sf ;d: of ;dfwfg ug] { xf] sL ;fd"lxs nufgL xf] < of] ;Dd] ngdf vf8L If] qdf g] kfnLn] ef] Ub} cfPsf ;d: of ;dfwfgsf af/ ] df Jofks 5nkmn x'g] 5 . j} b] lzs / f] huf/ df / x] sf g] kfnLx?sf ;d: of ;dfwfg geP;Dd pgLx?n] art ug{ ;Sb} gg\ . art geP;Dd nufgLsf] s'/ f g} ePg . ;fd"lxs nufgL sf] ifsf] cjwf/ 0ff eg] sf] 7"nf jf ;fgf ;a} k|sf/ sf artstf{sf] / sdnfO{ ;d] 6\g] xf] . ;fd"lxs sf] if lgdf{0f u/ L pRr Joj: yfkgdf clt ;ts{tf k"j{s 5flgPsf If] qdf nufgL ul/ g] jftfj/ 0f tof/ ul/ G5 . of] sf] ifnfO{ æ;fd"lxs nufgL sf] if lgodfjnL, @)^^Æ tyf g] kfn ;/ sf/ sf] cGo k|rlnt sfg"g cGtu{t Joj: yfkg ul/ G5 . vf8L If] qsf g] kfnLnfO{ ;fd"lxs nufgLsf] dxTj slt 5< Uf} / cfjf;Lo g] kfnLdWo] cfwfeGbf al9 vf8L If] qdf / x] sf 5 . a} b] lzs / f] huf/ ljefusf] : jLs[lt lnP/ !@ nfveGbf a9L g] kfnLx? vf8L d'n's cfPsf
u} / cfjf;Lo g] kfnL ;+3sf ;Dd] ngx? ljutdf klg x'b} cfPsf 5g\ of] ;Dd] ngaf6 s] gofF cfzf ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] nfu] sf] 5 < k|To] s s'/ fx? ;do;Fu} cg'ejx? vfl/ b} hfG5g\ . ljutsf rf/ j6f ;Dd] ngx?sf] cfkm\g} dxTj 5 . km/s ljifo / x] sf tL ;Dd] ngx? / To;sf lgrf] 8?dWo] s] xL sfo{fGjog ePsf 5g\ eg] c? sfo{fGjogsf] k|s[ofdf 5g\ . kfFrf} + If] lqo ;Dd] ngdf ;'/ lIft cfk|jf; / ;fd"lxs nufgLsf] s'/ fnfO{ hf] 8 lbPsf 5f} + . of] k|d'v ljifo xf] . vf8L If] qsf g] kfnLnfO{ of] ;Dd] ngn] s] kmfObf xf] nf < of] ;Dd] ngdf g] kfn ;/ sf/ sf pRr kb: y kbflwsf/ Lx?, s'6g} lts lgof] usf k|d'vx? ;xefuL x'g ;Sg' x'G5 . vf8L If] qdf / x] sf g] kfnLx?n] >d dGqL, >d ;lrj / / fhb"tx?;Fu cGt/ lqmof ug{ kfpg] 5g\ . o;sf cltl/ Qm a} s tyf ljleGg ljlQo If] qdf ;+nUg JolQmx? klg of] ;Dd] ngdf cfpg ;Sg] 5g\ . j} b] lzs / f] huf/ Joj;foLsf] 7"nf] ;+Vof klg of] sfo{qmddf ;xefuL x'b} + 5 . j} b] lzs / f] huf/ sf] If] qdf hlt klg ;d: of b] lvPsf 5g, To;sf] ;dfwfgsf nflu v'Nnf 5nkmn x'g ;S5 . ljZjsf ljleGg d'n'sdf / x] sf u} / cfj;Lo g] kfnLx?sf] klg of] ;Dd] ngdf pkl: yt / x] sf] 5 . ;Dd] ngn] j} b] lzs / f] huf/ Ldf / x] sf ljljw ;d: ofsf ;DaGwdf klg 5nkmn x'g] 5 . o; If] qnfO{ cem Jojl: yt ug'{sf ;fy} ;+efljt uGtJosf] vf] hL ug{sf nflu klg 7"nf] ;d: of 5 . ;/ sf/ L pRr g] t[Tj tyf s'6g} lts kbflwsf/ Lx?sf] pkl: yltaLr o; If] qsf dlxnf tyf / f] huf/ Lsf cGo laifo / nufgLsf cfwf/ / art ug] { ljlw / laifox? ;d] tn] k|j] z kfpg] 5g\ . If] lqo ;Dd] ngdf ;dli6ut Pgcf/ Pgsf laifox?n] k|j] z kfPklg ;+alGwt If] qsf laifox?n] cem a9L k|fyldstf kfpg] 5g\ . o; cy{df vf8L If] qdf / x] sf d'Vo ;d: of / lg/ fs/ 0fsf pkfox?af/ ] o; If] qdf x'gnfu] sf] Pgcf/ PgPsf] of] ;+d] ngdf ljif] z rf;f] / : jefljs ck] Iff ug{ ;lsG5 .
kfFrf} u}/cfj;Lo g]kfnL If]qLo ;Dd]ng @)!! sf] cj;/df k|sflzt ljz]if a'n]l6gsf nflu ;+of]hs h]kL ;fksf]6f / v]d kf}8]n