IoT Design 2016

Page 1

#2 Expanding possibilities for IoT Maker Pros pg. 16 Build an Internet-connected wearable with Arduino and Cordova pg. 24

LeddarTech PG. 46


AYLA NETWORKS Ayla IoT Platform for OEMs

PG. 47

Design Guide BEGINS ON pg. 36

Understand risk in the Internet of Things

Why would someone hack my toaster? pg. 8



The battle for the developer pg. 12


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Understand the risk associated with the Internet of Things: Why would a hacker attack my toaster?

Watts new in wearables


By Brandon Lewis, Assistant Managing Editor



By Thomas Cantrell, Green Hills Software

IoT design guide

8 Cloud Amazon enters battle for the developer with AWS IoT platform, partnerships


By Brandon Lewis, Assistant Managing Editor

Maker Pro eagleBoard-X15 keeps easy things easy, makes hard 16 Bthings possible for IoT Maker Pros Interview with Jason Kridner,

18 Crossing the DIY barrier: Your path to product 20 How to build a smart home thermostat with WyzBee Build an Internet-connected Bluetooth wearable 24 with Arduino and Cordova By Bill Pearson, Intel

By Apurva Peri, Redpine Signals

By Ian Jennings, PubNub

wearables 7 rules for designing wearable devices


By Kevin Kitagawa, Imagination Technologies

DEVICE MANAGEMENT Moving toward plug & play: Top 5 considerations for enterprise IoT integration

32 4

By Jim Brandt, IoT Design Guide 2015

Cloud Development Kits Industrial IoT Platform Operating Systems and Tools Protocol Stacks Rugged Sensors Smart Home

36 38 40 44 43 44 45 46 47

More on

Market analysis: I’d hate to burst your IoT bubble

T he expansion of a semiconductor contraction

By Brandon Lewis, Assistant Managing Editor

By Ray Zinn, former Micrel CEO

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IoT Design Guide 2015


Watts new in wearables By Brandon Lewis, Asst. Managing Editor @TechTrawling | | 

Welcome to the Consumer Electronics Show edition of IoT Design Guide. I’m excited to be heading back to one of the world’s biggest tech bonanzas, and this time to have a print companion that proves I actually cover the technology there and don’t just show up to play with cool new toys. At CES 2015, wearables were all the rage. In fact, most of the Sands Expo & Convention Center at The Venetian was dedicated to fitness trackers, health monitors, and early iterations of the smart watch, among other wearable tech, leading to high expectations for this new niche of personal computing devices over the ensuing year. However, as 2015 progressed, that excitement was tempered. With the flop of Google Glass and a decidedly underwhelming reception for Apple’s iWatch, the market sputtered and all of a sudden we began to raise a sobering question: Are we solving problems that don’t exist? So far, the answer seems to be “yes.” Take the smart watch, for example. Not to diminish the pioneering achievements of Apple and Samsung as the nature of technological evolution means we have to have the Motorola brick before we can fire up our iPhone 6s, but the problem with current smart watches is that they are extremely limited versions of the smartphones they tether to just a few inches away. In large part these restrictions are the result of power limitations onboard the wearable platform itself, where more advanced sensor applications such as voice recognition, indoor navigation, and new forms of medical or environmental monitoring require increasingly complex sensor processing algorithms, which in turn demand more


Core Power Consumption (mW)

Flash-based MCU w/Cortex-M4

20 15 10 5 0 MIPS


105 MIPS

180 MIPS

Figure 1 | The QuickLogic EOS3 sensor processing platform includes a Flexible Fusion Engine (FFE) capable of processing algorithms at as low as 12.5 µW/Dhrystone MIPS.

MIPS (or millions of instructions per second of processor performance). Of course, the more MIPS executed, the more power used by a wearable’s system-on-chip (SoC), meaning less time between charges for systems that currently only have an average battery life of “18 hours after an overnight charge,” like the Apple Watch.[1] With energy harvesting still in its early stages (as discussed in my March 2015 column in Embedded Computing Design), this means that power consumption must be addressed at the SoC and algorithm levels. One way to achieve this is through multicore SoCs with certain cores optimized for and dedicated to sensor processing, while others are reserved for general-purpose tasks. For example, the QuickLogic EOS3 sensor processing platform includes an ARM Cortex-M4 MCU, front-end sensor manager, and microDSP-like Flexible Fusion Engine (FFE), the latter of which handles the bulk of algorithm processing to free up the ARM core for a solution the company says provides 70 percent more compute performance at one-third the power of a typical Cortex-M4-based MCU ( One of several reasons this is possible is that the specialized FFE doesn’t move data between a register and the memory, which consumes 40 percent of the power on load/store MCU architectures like ARM. Using a similar technology leveraging QuickLogic’s FFE and optimized SenseMe algorithms, fitness wearable vendor Runtastic (recently acquired by Adidas) was able to achieve an average power consumption of 75 µW on its Moment watch, extending the battery life of a coin cell to six months.

Watching for wearable innovation at CES 2016 For those interested, QuickLogic will have a presence at the MEMS Industry Group booth located in the Venetian (booth number 70536) and meeting suite MP25660 in the South Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). As for myself, I’ll be zigzagging the LVCC and surrounding area January 6-8. Drop me a line at to talk wearables, smart home, automotive, or other Internet of Things tech. 1. Apple. “General Battery Information.” November 9, 2015. battery.html.

IoT Design Guide 2015



Understand the risk associated with the Internet of Things: Why would a hacker attack my toaster? By Thomas Cantrell

Why would a hacker attack my toaster? This question came up recently from an individual trying to discount security and the Internet of Things (IoT). Is it reasonable to think that a hacker would attack a toaster, or does it verge on the absurd? The IoT contains security-critical nodes, such as those running power grids, medical devices, and automobiles. Clearly, we should demand that security be considered in these designs. Yet, it also contains consumer electronics that don’t appear to have the same safety and security concerns. Should consumers and manufacturers be ­concerned about security in these devices as well? Let’s explore this topic further by ex­ploring the threats presented to a hypothetical Internet-enabled toaster and ask three questions: 1. Are toasters and other consumer IoT devices exploitable? 2. Why would a hacker attack my toaster? 3. Is it a problem if a hacker attacks my toaster? It’s definitely worth addressing the question of whether toasters and other consumer IoT devices are exploitable. This is certainly the case because current devices have numerous vulnerabilities and frequently remain on the Internet unpatched many years after the vulnerability’s discovery. Current consumer devices on the IoT have numerous vulnerabilities, validated by a 2014 study by HP’s Fortify Division. The team picked ten of the most popular


IoT Design Guide 2015

consumer IoT devices and found an alarming number of vulnerabilities on each device. In fact, 70 percent of the devices didn’t correctly encrypt communications to the cloud; 60 percent raised security concerns with their web interface; and 60 percent didn’t use any encryption when downloading software updates. This study demonstrates how serious vulnerabilities are on today’s consumer IoT devices. Second, consumer IoT devices frequently don’t receive critical updates. Devices with known vulnerabilities may continue to be vulnerable on the Internet for 5 to 15 years after the vulnerability is discovered and could be fixed. For example, a recent vulnerability known as Misfortune Cookie allowed

an attacker to remotely control an embedded system. The web server vendor introduced the vulnerability in 2002 and fixed it in 2005. A recent Internet scan found that of the 133,660 publicly accessible hosts running the affected web server, more than 50 percent still ran vulnerable copies of the code. Ten years later, these devices remain unpatched and vulnerable on the public Internet! These two reasons cause security expert Bruce Schneier to remark, “We’re at a crisis point now with regard to the security of embedded systems, where computing is embedded into the hardware itself – as with the Internet of Things. These embedded computers are riddled with vulnerabilities, and there’s no good way to patch them.” Consumer IoT systems today are sadly vulnerable. However, this may be of little concern if consumer IoT systems aren’t an interesting target. So the next question that needs to be asked is, “Why would a hacker attack my toaster?” To explore, we will classify attacks into two categories: targeted and opportunistic. Targeted attacks are those where the attacker targets a person or an organization of high value, such as the recent hack of Sony Pictures. As best as we know, hackers targeted Sony due to the impending release of the movie “The Interview,” which mocked the North Korean government. The hackers had no interest in hacking other studios at the time; they hacked Sony because the particular organization was of high value to the attackers. Other attacks demonstrate this same theme: Stuxnet was targeted at the Natanz nuclear plant in Iran; it was designed to ignore other industrial control systems. Various celebrities in the United States have had private photos leaked; the same attackers were not interested in leaking photos from random people. In both of these instances, the person or organization was of high value to the attackers. Given this definition, it’s unlikely to see any reason that an attacker would target an individual’s personal toaster, as this would not be of high value to attackers.

Figure 1 | The Misfortune Cookie vulnerability introduced in 2002 and fixed in 2005 is still running on more than half of the publicly accessible hosts using the affected web server more than ten years later.

Opportunistic attacks Opportunistic attacks are those that are focused on where the attackers believe they can get the biggest economic gain. The attacks on Target, stealing information from 40 million credit cards, fall into this camp. The attackers likely didn’t care what specific organization they attacked, but rather were looking for economic gains. The economic gains turned out to be substantial, as each credit card sold on the black market for $25 to $40. Another area of opportunistic attacks is related to malware-infected machines used to send spam. These machines are joined together to create networks of infected machines, known as botnets. One botnet, the Srizbi botnet, has about 450,000 infected computers that are believed to send 40 to 60 percent of worldwide spam. For every machine, it doesn’t really matter whether the infected computer is running air traffic control at a busy airport, the desktop machine of a Wall Street trader, or is used for e-mail by a grandma. The botnet attackers don’t care about the purpose of the machine; it’s simply an infected node on the Internet. Given this definition, it’s actually plausible that a hacker would infect a toaster. Truthfully, the attacker doesn’t really care that it’s a toaster at all, but rather that it’s a device that can be easily exploited on the Internet and can bring economic gain.

The economics Since opportunistic attacks are about underlying economics, it’s important to understand whether the economics of the situation justify the attack. How much money could an attacker expect to make through a single infected toaster, and how can an attacker make money from attacking a toaster? There are two obvious ways – obtaining personal information inside the home network, and using the toaster to send spam and conduct denial-of-service attacks. First, there’s value by obtaining personal information inside the home network. However, personal information is worth far less on the black market than many would think. A social security number is worth only about $5 on the black market. The login to a bank account is worth only 2 to 4 percent of the balance. And access to a webcam is only worth $1. The price of these things on the black market is quite low. Second, there’s value by the attacker remotely controlling the toaster along with a ­network of infected machines to send spam and conduct denial-of-service attacks. IoT Design Guide 2015


Security Such a network is known as a botnet. Renting a botnet on one black market site costs $200 per day for 1,000 infected hosts. This means that a single toaster would be worth 20 cents a day or $6 a month. Assuming the toaster would be infected on average for six months, the total value would be about $36. Again, this value is low.

The cost of an attacker’s time to design an attack is likely thousands of dollars. Therefore, attacking a single toaster doesn’t make good economic sense for the attacker.

Combining the ability for an attacker to monetize personal information and the toaster running as a botnet, a reasonable estimate is that the toaster is worth $50 for an attacker. This is clearly not valuable enough for an attacker to target.

In short, hackers have an incentive to create an army of malware-infected toasters. The key to this attack is scale. Just as the Szribi botnet, many infected nodes on the IoT can bring a large amount of value to the attacker.

However, if the attacker can attack many Internet-enabled toasters of the same brand, the economics change. If a manufacturer sells 500,000 of a certain model of Internetenabled toasters, then things become interesting. If the attacker were able to infect 5 percent of them, there is now $1.25M to be gained. If the attacker were able to infect all of them, it would be $25M. An attacker, therefore, has the incentive to attack many toasters and join them together.

Since there’s an economic case for a hacker to attack an Internet-enabled toaster, it still can’t be taken for granted that this is an actual problem. Maybe a malwareinfected toaster will just be “infected” and nobody will be the wiser. This is one possibility, but there are a number of other options that could also occur. The toaster could:

õõ õõ õõ õõ õõ õõ

Figure 2 | Attacking a single Internetenabled toaster may not make economic sense for an attacker given the low value of personal information and spam.

Slow your Internet Steal your personal information Fail to turn on Burn your toast Be publicly known as “hacked” Fail to run safety software and start a fire

For a consumer, these scenarios range from those unlikely to cause the toaster to be blamed (slows your Internet, steals your personal information) to those that are downright scary (publicly known as “hacked,” fails to run safely and starts a fire). These scenarios could be very much a problem. One scenario deserves special attention: the toaster fails to run safely and starts a fire. A colleague experienced this when his toaster jammed and erupted in flames, scorching the kitchen. This was a mechanical failure, but as toasters are added to the IoT, the heating elements will increasingly be controlled by software. If an attacker infects a toaster, the attacker could even cause a house to burn down. This scenario is scary for both the consumer and the manufacturer. If we consider the above outcomes for the consumer, we can see two possibilities: nobody notices the device is infected or people notice that the device doesn’t function correctly or is infected and they demand a correction of the problem. In the former situation, the likely outcomes are the slowing of your Internet, theft of your personal information, or nothing. In the latter situation, the outcomes might be the toaster fails to turn on or off, you’re publicly known as “hacked,” or safety software fails to run and a fire starts. How expensive could this second scenario be for the manufacturer? There are four likely expenses that might occur: warranty replacements, product recalls, brand ­tarnishing, and possibly product liability losses. Rough estimates of the costs:


Figure 3 | The ramifications of a compromised Internet-enabled toaster can range from slowing your Internet connection to starting a fire.

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IoT Design Guide 2015

õõ õõ

Warranty replacements – $1.75M, if it costs $70 to replace 5 percent of the toasters. Product recalls – $22.5M, if it costs $60 to recall 75 percent of the toasters. Brand tarnishing – $12.5M to $40B: If the brand is tarnished, the manufacturer will be forced to discount the price to sell the same quantity. The manufacturer might only need to discount all toasters for the next year ($12.5M), or possibly discount all products ($40B).


Product liability losses – Hard to estimate, but could be extremely costly. This number is especially big if it includes liability related to fires started by infected toasters.

Given these costs and risks, it seems wise for Internet-enabled toaster makers to care about the toaster being hacked. Given the risks, a consumer of Internetenabled toasters should care as well. Coming back to our original questions, we must conclude three things: toasters and other consumer IoT devices are certainly exploitable. A hacker does have an incentive to attack many toasters as part of an opportunistic attack. It’s likely a costly problem for both the consumer and the manufacturer if a hacker attacks many toasters from that manufacturer.

Beyond toasters An Internet-enabled toaster is only one example. It helps illustrate the reasoning behind opportunistic attacks infecting

many similar devices rather than targeted attacks of individual devices. Opportunistic attacks are likely the greater threat for most Things in the IoT today. We live in the convergence of massive growth in the IoT and a steady increase in cybercrime. Given this convergence and our analysis, it’s important to consider any Thing as a potential target. It’s also important to consider that the device could be exploited simply because it’s connected to the Internet, as enough connected devices bring value to an attacker. Therefore, it’s critically important to consider and think deeply through security for any device on the Internet of Things. And thus we can prevent the otherwise-inevitable army of malware-infected toasters. Thomas Cantrell is a Software Development Manager at Amazon Web Services, and an expert in networking protocols and embedded security. During his tenure at Green Hills Software he was a member of the company’s IoT Security Advisors team. He has taught both at industry conferences and in the classroom, serving as an adjunct lecturer for computer science classes at Westmont College. Thomas holds a bachelor’s in computer science from Westmont College, and an MBA from UCLA. Green Hills Software  @GreenHillsPR green-hills-software

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IoT Design Guide 2015

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Amazon enters battle for the developer with AWS IoT platform, partnerships By Brandon Lewis, Asst. Managing Editor

Amazon entered an increasingly crowded space with the launch of its AWS IoT platform, but through acquisitions, industry partnerships, and its inherent size and scale, the company is well positioned to become the cloud backend of choice for Internet of Things developers and enterprises. Take a close look at the activities of big tech companies over the past 18 months and you begin to see strategic positioning across the Internet of Things (IoT) value chain. Organizations like Apple and Google continue work on smart home interoperability frameworks like HomeKit and Thread, while Microsoft, IBM, and Facebook revamp their OS (Windows 10), analytics (Watson), and SDK (Parse) offerings, respectively. Many of them control an entry point into our daily lives with their own smartphone, tablet, or mobile app, and almost all of them have an undeniable presence in the cloud. A little connecting of the dots, and it’s becoming clearer by the day who’s fighting for what, and where.

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IoT Design Guide 2015

However, one notable omission from the list has been Amazon, whose Web Services (AWS) platform is widely considered the 800-pound gorilla in the cloud computing space. AWS is comprised of a suite of compute, networking, storage, management, analytics, and other tools delivered to users via an infrastructureas-a-service (IaaS) model that boosts scalability while dramatically reducing costs. Given the already widespread integration of AWS products like Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Simple Storage Service (S3) with business systems across the world, packaging these capabilities in an IoT developer offering that eases device-to-cloud connectivity would seem like a no-brainer, right?

Apparently. This October Amazon announced a beta release of its new managed cloud platform – AWS IoT (

AWS IoT: The architecture One of the foundations of the AWS IoT architecture is MQTT, a lightweight publish-subscribe protocol that Amazon acquired expertise in through the purchase of 2lemetry last May. Within the context of AWS IoT, MQTT communicates with an AWS IoT message broker (also referred to as the AWS IoT Device Gateway) that sends messages related to a specific topic to all clients subscribed to that topic, including the AWS IoT cloud platform. Based on the

data within a particular message, the AWS IoT Rules Engine can then be used to facilitate interactions between “things” and various backend AWS services, which can be integrated on an à la carte basis (Figure 1). For example, developers can create rules that route messages to a DynamoDB table; push notifications can be issued with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS); realtime data processing can be performed using Amazon Kinesis; functions can be invoked from AWS Lambda. Another powerful feature of the AWS IoT platform is “Thing Shadows” through which virtual copies of devices registered to AWS IoT are stored in a JSON document. This enables persistent states to be maintained across systems, for instance during periods of intermittent device connectivity. All communications over AWS IoT are protected by enterprise-grade mutual authentication, meaning that a dual SSL connection must be established between servers and clients before messages can be transmitted.


Partnership: The value prop for “thing” developers So what does this mean for IoT developers? The obvious benefits are the size and global presence of AWS, which can support IoT rollouts at massive scale (billions of devices and trillions of messages, according to the company) and across geographies (AWS servers are located throughout North America, Europe, and Asia, as well as in Brazil and Australia). AWS IoT pricing also helps reduce barriers to entry for makers while remaining affordable for growing IoT businesses with an entry-level tier that provides 250,000 free 512-byte messages per month for one year, and enterprise plans starting at $5 per 1 million messages (depending on region). But beyond cloud connectivity and services, Amazon offers little support for IoT devices or tailored platforms for specific vertical markets. To fill these gaps, Amazon partnered with several vendors in the embedded engineering space leading up to the AWS IoT announcement, including microcontroller vendor Renesas ( and real-time operating system (RTOS) supplier Micrium ( Both companies’ relationships with Amazon are a result of the 2lemetry acquisition, but according to Christian Légaré, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Micrium, today’s partnership is about showing “customers a complete path from the end device up to whatever backend services, and then back to the end device.”





AWS IoT DEVICE SDK Set of client libraries to connect, authenticate and exchange messages

AUTHENTICATION & AUTHORIZATION Secure with mutual authentication and encryption

Transform device messages based on rules and route to AWS Services

DEVICE GATEWAY Communicate with devices via MQTT and HTTP 1.1


DEVICE SHADOWS Persistent device state during intermittent connections

REGISTRY Assign a unique identity to each devices

With these endpoints you can deliver messages to every AWS service.


APPLICATIONS Applications can connect to shadows at any time using an API


Figure 1 | AWS IoT relies on the MQTT protocol for communication with the AWS IoT Device Gateway. A rules engine is then used to invoke actions based on the transported data from AWS services such as DynamoDB, Kinesis, Lambda, Simple Storage Service (S3), Simple Notification Services (SNS), and Simple Queue Service (SQS).

IoT Design Guide 2015

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Cloud “When Amazon launched AWS IoT they wanted to have compatible products available so that makers or hobbyists or developers that wanted to connect something to AWS IoT could do that,” says Légaré. “This is why Micrium worked with one of our silicon partners, in this case Renesas, to develop a kit available on that comes preloaded with Micrium software and allows you to connect to AWS IoT in an evaluation system. “There’s a lot of work we’re doing to improve or add enhancements to this service offering,” he continues. “Right now we’re working with the Amazon SDK that was designed for large platforms, so we had to massage it so it works well with an embedded device. This is normal because the IT guys view the world as if it were a Wintel world, meaning Windows and Intel, or a Lintel world, meaning Linux and Intel. In the embedded space there’s no such thing as Wintel or Lintel. There are all kinds of hardware from the silicon vendors, and there are all kinds of peripherals and tools and compilers and real-time operating systems, so it’s not the same thing. Now, we’re really helping Amazon get their offerings in a format that’s helpful for the people designing and developing embedded devices that will become “things” in the IoT. Besides adapting the SDK, we’re going to be working on adding firmware over the air capabilities, adding device lifecycle management provisioning, registering, and all that to show how you can simplify the embedded device, connect it to AWS, pick the services you want in AWS, and then build your end-to-end system, including mobile apps.” The AWS IoT-enabled kit from Renesas and Micrium is the Renesas Demonstration Kit (RDK) for the RX63N microcontroller, which includes multiple communications and I/O interfaces, a MEMS accelerometer, onboard LCD, and smart home gateway demo running on Micrium Spectrum software, says Semir Haddad, Marketing Director, MCU and MPU Products and Solutions, Renesas Electronics America (Figure 2). The combination of AWS IoT with a platform that provides low power, connectivity, data processing, security, and software “makes for a kit that is relevant to the IoT,” he adds. “The takeaway from the AWS announcement is that the business model seems ­attractive and all the tools are available from Amazon at a very limited cost,” Haddad says. “They provide a platform the same way Renesas and Micrium provide a platform with our products and the Micrium Spectrum software. It makes it easier and lower cost to develop IoT applications, and this is going to spark the development of new IoT solutions.”

Enabling the enterprise IoT Outside of makers and entry-level developers, AWS IoT yields substantial gains for professionals and the enterprise as well. In addition to the Amazon cloud­ investment that saves organizations from building and managing their own server infrastructure, AWS IoT also enables businesses to focus on core competencies that add value for their customers. For example, Ayla Networks ( is an AWS technology partner that leverages Amazon’s backend in its IoT Cloud Fabric, an agile application enablement solution designed for OEMs building connected ­systems (Figure 3). Using AWS and, now AWS IoT, as a baseline, Ayla combines proficiency in embedded resources, mobile development, and DevOps with knowledge of Amazon services in commercial-grade IoT platforms for manufacturers who may not be well versed in cloud development or edge connectivity protocols like MQTT, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi. “When we started Ayla, the recognition we had was that if you leave each part­ separate for the Internet of Things, the market won’t take off,” says Dave Friedman, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Ayla Networks. “The view was an embedded developer doesn’t do cloud, they don’t do big data and certifications, and they typically don’t understand Berkeley sockets and networking.

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IoT Design Guide 2015

Figure 2 | The RDK for RX63N development kit from Renesas and Micrium offers a range of expansion capabilities, supports the Micrium Spectrum software stack, and is compatible with the AWS IoT cloud.

“Say you’re building a connected ‘fill-inthe-blank,’” he continues. “The typical team at a company might have very ­similar capabilities in working on microcontrollers and adding in sensors and LCDs and so on, but not a lot of these other parts. As Amazon has always done, AWS started as a set of basic capabilities that they keep building out, and they’re providing more of those parts now that can be woven together to create a finished product. Microsoft Azure is doing a lot of the same things as AWS, but Amazon is putting more parts together so each developer doesn’t have to start from scratch.” It’s the Amazon focus on infrastructure and cloud services that permits Ayla to create differentiated products and ­services. The result is a mutually beneficial partnership that also advances the IoT industry. “If Amazon didn’t exist, Ayla would have been spending $5-10 million a year more,” Friedman explains. “The investment from the IaaS guys allows us to focus on the high-value-add capabilities for our end customers. When you get into the real complexity of how to make multiple different radios talk, like a ZigBee and a Z-Wave and a Bluetooth and a Wi-Fi, there are additional networking challenges that companies like Ayla will solve long, long before the infrastructure-as-a-service guys do.

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Building Devices

Ayla SW Agent

novative nologies d digital supports leading



Home Devices


Ayla SW Agent





Functional Abstraction Layer

Device Virtualization Engine

Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) IoT –aaS Functions 1. Secure Connectivity 2. App Empowerment 3. Data Management 4. Op Support

Business Intelligence

Device OTA Upgrade Engine Event Alert & Messaging Engine

Systems Dashboard


End-to-End Security Mgr.

Data Store

Device Behavioral APIs

Data Store

Data Store

Data Intelligence Layer In Cloud

Data Analytics & Rules Engine User Account Mgr.

Smartphone & Tablet




Ayla Libraries

3rd Party Cloud Apps

End-2-End Connectivity Mgr.

Enterprise Web Apps

Ayla RESTful APIs

Figure 2: End-to-End Architecture of the Ayla IoT Platform

Figure 3 | Ayla Networks’ IoT Cloud Fabric is a configurable IoT application enablement platform designed for OEMs that provides connectivity to any type of product. IoT Cloud Fabric is based on the AWS cloud infrastructure.

“It’s a good, solid partnership for us, but also for them as they aim to get into IoT. Since 100 percent of the transactions on Ayla’s platform are AWS transactions, it creates a great partnership because we’re not competing. We have a similar and singular goal to get every manufacturer in the world running on Amazon,” he adds.

The battle for the developer With the release of AWS IoT, the new Amazon Echo smart home gateway, and the possibility of Kindles running as mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) platforms, Amazon’s intentions are becoming apparent, and the crowded IoT space looks to be

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getting that much fuller. But for developers, the more alternatives the better, especially with so much room to grow Cloud Platform Figure 2 shows the end-to-end for “things” in the IoT. architecture of the Ayla IoT Platform. The end-to-end solution

encompasses software “A lot of people are asking themselves, agents on the connected ‘How should I do IoT?’ Now you can test device, a suite of software services in the cloud, and your extensive idea software with libraries this at zero cost for the for leading mobile operating cloud services,” Légaré says. “Amazon systems, enabling manufacturers to easily, securely, isand able to abstract complexity and they cost effectively build internet-connected devices have a nice user interface on each of with amazing customer experiences and scalability. their products. If you just want the MQTT broker from AWS IoT you can do that and put rules in the engine and it’s fairly easy to do. So Mr. and Mrs. Developer at home can do a proof of concept, and large corporations that want to deploy a large-scale commercial service can do similar things with the exact same tools. It’s a nice way to get into IoT.”

Additional resources: Hands-on cloud connectivity, debug, and management. www.embedded-computing. com/25956-hands-on-cloud-connectivitydebug-monitoring-and-management. Amazon launches IoT platform, embedded responds with off-the-shelf dev kits. http://

05.10.15 11:16

IoT Design Guide 2015

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Maker Pro


keeps easy things easy, makes hard things possible for IoT Maker Pros Interview with Jason Kridner @jadon | |

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One of the most successful families of open-source hardware for Internet of Things (IoT) prototyping, BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black, BeagleBoard, and BeagleBoard-xM have been joined by the BeagleBoard-X15, a high-performance yet flexible addition equipped with the cores and connectivity to show developers what’s possible on modern commercial hardware. In this interview with Co-Founder and Board Member Jason Kridner, he explains the impetus behind the new Beagle, a new logo licensing program that is expanding the community, and the role of DIY platforms as building blocks for IoT. How do you see the maker and IoT markets coalescing?

KRIDNER: There are a lot of integration challenges when it comes to the IoT world; last-mile challenges that exist both in the home and in the industrial/enterprise space. The DIY movement is allowing people to prototype a lot of different solutions ahead of time for that last stage. A complete IoT system often involves cooperation among many different businesses. As a solution provider in the DIY or maker space, we enable individuals to produce something on their own and make something fun to play with, but for the professional developer it means they can actually try out an integrated solution before making all the necessary business deals to make it a commercial reality. The other part of it is just building awareness and demand. IoT is a new market space, and not everyone knows why they might want an Internet-connected toaster. When people start publishing these DIY projects that automate their home air conditioning system and add certain features, it allows us to see where connectivity is actually adding value. By testing the waters first in the maker movement and building up demand for the features, there’s room for professional developers to come along and put the finishing touches on connected devices and pull together those experiences that the end consumer really wants. Also, it’s not in a vacuum or an either/or situation where you’re either a hobbyist making stuff in your basement or you’re a professional building end products. You see the professionals reaching out to the community to help in the product definition and to move the technology forward. A good example is Autodesk who has done this with their recent Ember SLA 3D printer design based on BeagleBone Black’s open hardware design. There’s a huge connection between the hobbyists and

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engineers. I think the alpha engineers and alpha makers are one and the same. They make the product definition decisions, resolve the engineering challenges, and really lead the way in our industry. These alpha nerds love their job so much that they’re going and playing with the technology on the weekends. So it’s certainly more than just hobbyists getting involved in the maker movement. recently announced the BeagleBoard-X15. What’s new over previous generations of Beagles, and how do some of those new features suit the IoT developer?

KRIDNER: We’ve had two product lines at for some time, the BeagleBoard line and the mint-tin-sized BeagleBone line. The BeagleBoard-X15 is really the “what if?” machine that updates our BeagleBoard line with a huge leap in processing power and connectivity. We built on our experience with people building IoT products with the BeagleBone Black and our history with the community. We really tried to give them a tool that solves all of the “what if” questions. It removes all the barriers. So if it’s compute performance, we’ve jumped up now to dual 1.5 GHz Cortex-A15 cores, and that’s a really big jump in performance, especially for code that doesn’t parallelize well. By having these very fast cores that are also power-efficient ARM processors we’re boosting the general CPU performance. If you have something does that parallelize well it’s probably going to run really nicely on a DSP, so we’ve got two fast floating-point DSP cores on there and we’ve made them easy to program with OpenCL. If you need ultra-low-latency we have four programmable real-time units (PRUs) with 5 ns latency that are fast enough to create software peripherals. For a lot of control tasks people want the Cortex-M4 processors so we have those on there. We’ve got 2D, 3D, and video graphics accelerators. There’s pretty much a core for any task. We put a whole bunch of cores in here to be able to tune to whatever job you need done.

We don’t think you have to be a professional by any means to utilize the BeagleBoard–X15, but there are a lot of expertlevel hobbyists and this is about making the technology more accessible to all levels of experience. We’re very much about keeping the easy things easy and making the hard things possible. You’ve got a whole lot more processing capability in here and a whole lot more connectivity as well with PCI Express, USB 3.0, eSATA and mSATA for storage, and dual Gigabit Ethernet. It would be really easy for a hobbyist to pick this up and turn it into an ultra-high-performance media center, but an expert is going to pick this up and turn it into a self-driving car. The tools are there to do it, and we’re using essentially the same technology that’s used in automotive safety and entertainment systems. When you need that analytics and interfacing at the IoT end node, the –X15 is that gateway, the home server or industrial server that really allows you to do the number crunching and handle all of the network traffic and aggregation. We’re now exposing that to the individual user. How else is growing into the IoT space?

KRIDNER: The Microsoft Azure Certified for IoT program announced that the BeagleBone Black and Seeed Studio BeagleBone Green are compatible with the Microsoft Azure IoT suite. Also, a Seeed Studio BeagleBone Green starter kit ­bundles several sensor modules specifically for the Amazon Web Services IoT platform. So you see that, for the vast majority of IoT solution providers out there, we’re giving them a place to consolidate support. We have a huge list of IoT ecosystem partners, and if you look in the wild pretty much everyone out there supports BeagleBone Black. Whether it’s PubNub or Weaved or Bug Labs, they’re solving somewhat different problems. For example, solving the distribution of images and container technology or Canonical with the Snappy Ubuntu Core taking the container technology to another level by creating an app market so essentially anyone develop an app store for their devices. They’re all using BeagleBone Black as a reference. We are now extending access to this huge open ecosystem with our logo-licensing program. System developers are able to build off of our open hardware designs, work with us to verify design compatibility, and integrate support in our communitydeveloped software images. Once it’s sufficiently verified we essentially pronounce compatibility through a logo license. The first BeagleBoard-compatible logo licensee you see out there is the Seeed Studio BeagleBone Green, and other folks are now coming in and doing similar things where they can add innovation through the community but still let people know that BeagleBoard experience is going to be there, which really adds a lot of value. What are your five-year predictions for the relationship between maker and IoT?

KRIDNER: When you come to the integration stuff it is very much about standards. Without the IEEE and various standards bodies we would be in some horrible situations if we couldn’t

Figure 1 | The BeagleBoard-X15 includes processor cores ranging from dual 1.5 GHz ARM Cortex-A15s and dual CortexM4s to two 750 MHz Texas Instruments C66x DSP cores and four programmable real-time units (PRUs) to go along with a variety of connectivity and expansion options for IoT developers.

receive TV signals or communicate on our cell phones or plug in USB devices and have them just work. In the IoT space there’s a lot of room for de facto standards and things that just work. So you get into this situation where there may be a great Internetconnected thermostat and an alarm system that knows when I’m moving around in the house, but they don’t talk to each other. When people can build their own, they’ll replace their alarm system with one that does know how to talk to their thermostat by replacing that one component that’s bad or not communicating with the rest of the system. In the IoT space the gaps are so glaring and the need is so prevalent that when you empower individuals to make those things, they’ll get made, and the de facto standards will start to emerge. Like with the open-source software movement, they were solving their own problems. We’re providing people with the tools to also solve their own problems. Heck, we’re less than two years out from Beagles printing Beagles. So we’ll see that maturity come in the DIY space where they essentially become building blocks for connectivity within the home, the car, the enterprise, and in industry. Jason Kridner is Co-Founder and a Board Member of the Foundation.  @beagleboardorg 

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Additional Resources: Books specifically on BeagleBone Black: BeagleBoard-X15 information: Autodesk Ember: logo license program:

IoT Design Guide 2015

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Maker Pro

Crossing the DIY barrier: Your path to product By Bill Pearson @billpearson

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Over the last couple of years the Internet of Things (IoT) world has become increasingly easier to navigate. We’ve seen great attempts at products that show much promise, and this ability to innovate, to prototype with ease draws many to the IoT domain. However, a common issue in the IoT community is the process of scaling a great project from prototype to secure, commercial-grade solution.

Programming and portability We have engaged with many DIY enthusiasts who started their journey using an Intel Edison or Galileo board. While prototyping means much more than getting sensors to work, prototyping an IoT solution on one of these boards is easy, as a wide range of sensor libraries, debugging options, and fairly universal Yocto Project and Arduino support make for an extensive development toolbox at this level. For many, Arduino support alone makes for an easy entry into IoT.

What happens when you want to take your prototype to product? Programming language selection, connectivity architectures, and hardware design are all quite important early on the path to an IoT product, and each can derail the development process. Without careful consideration, these can result in the need to create a second prototype before porting over to commercial equipment.

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If you’ve been cruising around the Arduino world during your prototyping efforts, moving from prototype to product is where you might start running into some issues. Arduino-based code is great for doing proofs of concept, and to a limited effect it can be used commercially. But things become more complex in commercial product design, where security, connectivity, manageability, and hardware all become critical components in the process. A variety of programming languages and integrated development environments (IDEs) work throughout the Intel product line, but the most important point to understand is that having transferable code will prevent you from reinventing the wheel when moving to the end-product stage. Both the C/C++ and Python languages have advantages in IoT, particularly on the sensor level. A majority of the time, sensors and other base connections are going to be up and running in C/C++ or Python without significant fuss, and Python also works well moving data from the hardware to other destinations, or even pushing to Node.js server-side web applications. Beginning your path to product firmly entrenched in C/C++, Python, or Node.js will pay great dividends when moving to a product phase.

Connectivity contrast Connectivity is the next major issue in the transition from DIY to commercial platforms, as many DIY solutions have rudimentary connection types. On the DIY level, you will generally experience basic sensors that are hardwired and localized, whereas on the commercial level you will see that going hardwired is more difficult due to proximity

and availability. Commercial-level sensors may not function in the same way as a base DIY model because, for instance, a simple temperature sensor can present significant coding, power, connection, and security challenges in a wireless remote model. Furthermore, wiring a home is much easier than a factory, so sensitivity to where sensors will be deployed is also quite important.

Hardware disparity at scale Scalability is one of the most important factors in the development process, and a key problem area when trying to move a DIY-based solution to the product level. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your design and hardware are a reasonable match. On commercial solutions such as an Intel IoT Gateway, hardware is also designed differently. Generally, there are no I/O headers available to pin or solder to, though other connection options may be available for physical hardware. Power requirements may also be higher, as some gateways operate on as many as 24 volts.

Programming a DIY board is usually fairly simple, since you typically run simple code on a single processing thread. What happens when that one thread is not enough? Commercial-level gateways regularly employ four-core processors with the RAM to match for real-time analytics and increased sensor density, as trends continue to show a demand for more data processing performance at the edge.

Cloud(less) IoT solutions need not follow the external cloud paradigm. By using Intel IoT Gateways and edge devices, you may be able to keep your data local without ever touching an external cloud, saving you time and money. Look to pathways that keep your data within the system, can provide web support, and still provide live information in a timely manner.

Completing the path Now that you have moved to a commercially viable, working prototype, what do you do with all the data? With the right solution there is so much to do. Proper planning from the start will both streamline and simplify your prototyping efforts, and hopefully prevent the creation of several prototypes where only one is necessary and cost effective. Understanding the commercial IoT world is important when you are trying to productize your ideas. Choose your solutions wisely for a smooth path to product. Intel Developer Zone Bill Pearson is Director of  Internet of Things Developer @IntelSoftware Programs at Intel.  Tube

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Your Internet of Things (IoT) needs reliable building blocks. We have them. RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. designs and manufactures a complete suite of robust, scalable board-level and system-level IoT solutions. Our comprehensive products give developers the tools they need to link valuable data to the people who need it. Whether it’s off-the-shelf or completely custom – for your embedded IoT needs, RTD is a one-stop shop. Visit to learn more.

IoT Design Guide 2015

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Maker Pro – Smart Home

How to build a smart home thermostat with WyzBee By Apurva Peri

The following steps describe how to effortlessly build an end-to-end application that remotely monitors and controls heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems (HVAC) using WyzBee and its add-on THINGS. The remote thermostat application utilizes WyzBee’s inherent multiprotocol wireless abilities and advanced optimization techniques to achieve design efficiency. WyzBee is a comprehensive Internet of Things platform that includes hardware boards with integrated sensing, computing, communication, and power management; an application development environment; cloud software and services frameworks; as well as a product synthesis solution for creating intelligent connected systems, such as a smart home thermostat.

network, WyzBee can periodically transmit data collected from its onboard temperature sensor to the cloud. The cloud runs user-defined logic to determine how the incoming data compares with user-defined parameters and alerts the user of breaches in thresholds via phone call or email. The user can now use the application on his or her mobile device to send control commands to WyzBee. WyzBee can process these commands and use a relay communicate them to the HVAC system via a standard two-wire interface.

Building a smart home thermostat in­cludes provisioning WyzBee over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and configuring the Wi-Fi parameters so WyzBee can connect to the selected network. Once on the

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To develop a WyzBee-enabled thermostat, developers will need:


WyzBee board – A multiprotocol wireless IoT platform that includes onboard sensors Display THING – A capacitive touch display Relay THING – A power relay to electrically control the HVAC system Battery THING – A rechargeable battery to provide power to the system WyzBee Workbench – Tools for optimization and quick debugging A smartphone

THING integration The WyzBee THING expansion headers accommodate a host of symbiotic devices, with a number of peripherals – called “THINGS” – including speech, GSM, GPS, capacitive touch display, rechargeable battery, and additional sensors.


Integrating the Display, Battery, and Relay THINGS with the WyzBee board is as simple as plugging one into the other based on the pin configurations (Figure 1). API’s to initialize the THINGS and interface with WyzBee for communication over digital and analog peripherals are required and can be downloaded from downloads-and-support/downloads. WyzBee’s onboard temperature sensor collects temperature data continuously over I2C, which will eventually be transmitted to the cloud.

Device provisioning Fundamental to any IoT device is connectivity, and the WyzBee platform natively incorporates wireless interfaces. The WiSeMCU on WyzBee runs an embedded TCP/IP networking stack with SSL/TLS/HTTPS security, apart from complete Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.1, and ZigBee stacks. It also integrates physical unclonable functionbased (PUF-based) hardware security block that provides for unique, individual device entities – ensuring that each IoT device can be individually authenticated. This means software/­commands that are directed at a particular IoT device are verified on that device and cannot run on any other device. WyzBee is made to boot up in a multiprotocol BLE + Wi-Fi operating mode from a saved configuration that enables device provisioning. A mobile application designed by Redpine Signals (the WyzBee Configurator) can be downloaded from www.wyzbee. com/downloads-and-support/downloads in order to interact directly with the WyzBee

Figure 2 | Using the WyzBee mobile app, users can connect the WyzBee module stack to the cloud by scanning for available Bluetooth devices, then selecting WyzBee and configuring it to a Wi-Fi network, all from their smartphone.

module stack. Upon launching the app, a smartphone will scan for BLE devices in the vicinity and render a list of available systems, including the WyzBee platform (Figure 2). Once WyzBee is selected, the user is automatically prompted by the app to have WyzBee scan for Wi-Fi networks. After scanning for available Wi-Fi networks, WyzBee relays this information over BLE back to the mobile device. WyzBee can now connect to a user-selected network and is ready to function as a thermostat.

Cloud connectivity and analytics Data from the temperature sensor is periodically transmitted over MQTT using TCP/IP sockets to the Redpine cloud, though it is possible to integrate other clouds as well. The Redpine cloud supports data interface protocols like HTTP and MQTT for data exchange with the WyzBee device (Figure 3).

Figure 1 | WyzBee THINGS can be added by simply plugging them into the WyzBee board, which provides power to the add-on THINGS.

The cloud server continuously runs logic to compare the received stream of temperature data against a predetermined threshold value assigned by IoT Design Guide 2015

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Maker Pro – Smart Home

Figure 3 | Using MQTT as the transport protocol over a Wi-Fi network, WyzBee is able to transmit readings from its onboard temperature sensor to the cloud.

the user (Figure 4). Any breach in the threshold, and the user is automatically notified via a phone call, text message, or an email. Users can create an account on the Redpine cloud and customize his or her own dashboard to view the desired analytics. Contact details of the mobile recipient can also be configured directly on the cloud to help streamline the process of threshold alerts. WyzBee can also be easily configured to integrate directly with Twitter, Twilio and other such networking sites as alert mechanisms (sample applications demos are also available at downloads-and-support/downloads). Furthermore, the Enhanced IoT debugger, which incorporates a graphical user interface, enables the developer to observe, decrypt, and analyze secured exchanges between WyzBee and the cloud. This allows for uncomplicated troubleshooting and the ability to ensure correct, error-free transmission.

Control system integration The user, upon receiving an alert indicating a threshold breach, can use the WyzBee Configurator application on his or her mobile device to remotely control the situation. He or she can either modify the temperature threshold or remotely operate the HVAC system by sending an appropriate command back to WyzBee via the cloud, communicated to WyzBee over MQTT, to turn the HVAC system on or off. WyzBee fulfills this command by transmitting a corresponding value to the integrated relay over a general-purpose peripheral, which in turn directly controls the AC appliance.

Optimization After the integration of the Sensor and Relay THINGS on the WyzBee stack and subsequently implementing the required APIs, the Power Profiler can be used to analyze and optimize factors like duty cycles and periods of operation in different parts of the design at different stages in the software code execution. This allows the user to reduce the power consumption of the system through optimal use of components such as the wireless radio, microcontroller, and sensors. Detailed Information about the Power Profiler is available at

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Figure 4 | The cloud runs logic against the WyzBee sensor readings to alert users when their defined temperature threshold has been breached.

Be a part of the billions IDC Research predicts that the number of IoT devices installed worldwide will double to a total of 22 billion by 2018[1], and one of those will be your WyzBeeenabled smart thermostat! Apurva Peri is an Applications Engineer at Redpine Signals, where she plays an active role in the development and marketing of WyzBee. She has a Bachelor’s in Telecommunications Engineering from R.V.C.E. Bangalore, and a Master’s of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a specialization in Communications Engineering from the National University of Singapore. Redpine Signals  @RedPineNews

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1. IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Digital Transformation 2016 Predictions



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Maker Pro – Wearables

Build an Internet-connected Bluetooth wearable with Arduino and Cordova By Ian Jennings @sw1tch |

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Have you ever wanted to create your own Bluetooth app? Bluetooth is one of the most popular protocols for wireless communication between devices. Bluetooth powers a countless number of devices, from Bluetooth speakers, to smartwatches, headsets, fitness trackers, and more. This tutorial will walk you through how you can create your own Bluetooth fitness tracker using Arduino and Cordova. You might not have any experience with Arduino or Cordova, but don’t worry! Both technologies are extremely simple and we’re not even going to wire anything! In fact, we’ll be talking to our Arduino over Bluetooth before we even have to write a line of code.

What you need First things first, this ain’t your momma’s software demo. We’re gonna need some real hardware for this one. Everything here should cost you just less than $100 and at the end of it all you’ll be communicating wirelessly between your phone and an Arduino like magic. We’re going to be using TinyCircuits products for the Arduino side of things. Why? Because TinyCircuits is a totally awesome miniature Arduino platform about the size of a quarter. The shields snap together like LEGOs, leaving us nothing to wire. Even better, the TinyDuinos are so small that they can function as a fitness band themselves! No need to ship your schematics off to China. Just strap these babies onto your wrist and you’ll be a self-gamified cyborg in no time. Here’s the list of stuff you’re gonna need:

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An Android or iOS device The respective syncing cable for above device TinyCircuits TinyDuino Basic Kit TinyCircuits Accelerometer TinyShield TinyCircuits Bluetooth Low Energy TinyShield1 A micro-USB cable with data capabilities for TinyDuino

I’m betting you already have an Android or iOS device on you. I found all the TinyDuino stuff at my local Fry’s Electronics near the Arduino gear. If you don’t live near a Fry’s, you can order the products online at

Getting started Let’s get it started in here. Pop open the clamshell packaging that the TinyDuino components come in. We’re going to be working with the Processor and USB shield for now.

Stack the components one on top of the other like this: 1) USB; 2) Processor. Now you’ve got a super tiny Arduino platform! In fact, once you’re done programming the TinyDuino you can throw a watch battery into the Processor shield and remove the USB shield altogether! Not yet though, we still have business to take care of. Open the Arduino IDE on your computer, plug the micro-USB cable into the TinyDuino, and load the normal Blink sketch. Choose “Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (3.3 V, 8 MHz).” If you need more help getting Blink running on the TinyDuino, TinyCircuits has a great getting started guide. Once you’ve got Blink running you’re ready for the next step!

Arduino Bluetooth Alright, let’s get to the fun part. Snap the TinyDuino Bluetooth Low Energy shield onto the top of your stack (Figure 1). It should look something like this now: 1) Bluetooth; 2) USB; 3) Processor.

1 Note: This hardware list uses a Nordic Bluetooth Low Energy chip. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is designed to provide similar features to Bluetooth with reduced power consumption.

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Figure 1 | Continue adding to your TinyDuino stack by attaching the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) shield on top of the USB and processor boards.

At this point we’re going to step away from the Arduino IDE and instead use an online tool called codebender. codebender is an awesome cloud-based Arduino programming interface that allows us to program our board using the browser. TinyDuino distributes their examples via codebender. You will need to install an extension to interface with your Arduino, but trust me, it’s worth it. Close the Arduino IDE (important!) and load the codebender sketch at Select “TinyDuino” under board and find your Arduino USB location. Finally, click “Run On Arduino.” Fire up the serial monitor on codebender and select 115200 Baud. The example will update you with Bluetooth logs throughout the connection process. After a few seconds you should see the following messages in the serial monitor: Evt Device Started: Standby Advertising started Use your phone to talk to the Arduino Once you’ve confirmed that the Bluetooth sketch is running, you’re ready to make your first connection! You may not see the Arduino within the Bluetooth devices connected to your phone, but don’t worry. This isn’t how you’ll be connecting to the device.

Figure 2a and 2b | After downloading and connecting the NRF UART 2.0 app for Android or iPhone, tap the “URT” device to pair your phone with the Arduino project.

If your Arduino is powered on, you should see a device called “URT” available. Tap on that device, and then a console should appear on your phone (Figure 2). Your phone will pair with your Arduino project and you should see the message “Connected to URT.” If you’re having trouble connecting, make sure your Arduino is powered on, Bluetooth is enabled on your phone, and the Arduino device is within range. Check the Arduino serial output on codebender for more debug information. Once you’ve connected, you can type into the text field below and begin to send messages to your Arduino! As you send messages via your phone, you should see them echoed within the codebender console as well as in the NRF UART log. At the end of this short test, my serial console had the following log: Evt Device Started: Standby Advertising started Evt Connected Evt Pipe Status Evt Pipe Status Evt link connection interval changed Pipe Number: 11 4 bytes: test 4 test Congratulations! You’ve created a basic Bluetooth device!

Instead, we’ll connect through our application. Before we use our own application, we’re going to use an official application for debugging purposes. Download the NRF UART 2.0 app for Android or iPhone and launch it. Tap the button marked “connect.”

Add the accelerometer to the TinyDuino stack Next, we’ll be adding an accelerometer to the Arduino and creating our own app to graph accelerometer data. An accelerometer measures acceleration in three axes (x, y, z) and will help us track our steps for our fitness tracker. We’ll be using the TinyDuino accelerometer module, which fits right on top of the rest of our Arduino project. The accelerometer also includes a temperature sensor, IoT Design Guide 2015

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Maker Pro – Wearables but we won’t be using that right now. Snap the accelerometer into the top of the TinyDuino stack.

Test the accelerometer Next, we’ll test the accelerometer. Run the code in Figure 3 on your TinyDuino and then look at the serial log for the X, Y, and Z acceleration. Shake the Arduino around (but not too much!). You should see the X, Y, and Z acceleration move all over the place. The Y acceleration will always read around 9.8 due to the gravity of earth. Cool, huh?

Send the accelerometer data over Woohoo! Our hardware build is complete. No soldering required! Now to get this accelerometer data onto our phone. Remember our Arduino Bluetooth sketch from page 25? We're going to take the example code we just ran and merge it with the Bluetooth sketch. Then, when we open the Bluetooth console on our phone we’ll be able to see the accelerometer data.

Upload the sketch from sketch:147004#TinyShield_NRF8001_ BLE_Example.ino onto your TinyDuino and then connect to your Arduino using the NRF UART 2.0 app for Android or iPhone just as you did before. Now, whenever you send a message to the Arduino, the Arduino will respond with its current accelerometer data! This is what the serial log will look like: Evt Device Started: Standby Advertising started Evt Connected Evt Pipe Status Evt Pipe Status Evt Pipe Status Evt link connection interval changed Pipe Number: 11 4 bytes: test 4 test Pipe Number: 11 4 bytes: test 4 test

#include <Wire.h> #include "BMA250.h" BMA250 accel; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin(); accel.begin(BMA250_range_2g, BMA250_update_time_64ms);// This sets up the BMA250 accelerometer } void loop() {;//This function gets new data from the accelerometer Serial.print("X = "); Serial.print(accel.X); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("Y = "); Serial.print(accel.Y); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print("Z = "); Serial.print(accel.Z); Serial.print(" Temperature(C) = "); Se-rial.println((accel.rawTemp*0.5)+24.0,1); delay(250);//We'll make sure we're over the 64ms update time set on the BMA250

Figure 3 | Run this code on your TinyDuino stack to test your accelerometer and then check the serial log for X/Y/Z axis acceleration data.

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Creating a Bluetooth app with Cordova Let’s build our phone app! Don’t worry, it’s super easy. We’ll be using Cordova, a package that allows anybody to create apps for iPhone and Android using HTML and CSS. And best of all, all the code is already ready for you! Just make sure you have Node.js ( and Cordova ( in­stalled on your machine. Now, clone the pubnub-bluetooth reposi­tory at Within this directory, run the following commands: $ cordova platform add android ios $ cordova plugin add com. megster.cordova.ble $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist. git#r1.0.0 $ cordova run Great! Your app should now be running on your Android or iOS device! Note that you won’t be able to connect through Bluetooth using an emulator – you’ll need to deploy it to a live mobile device.

Connect to the Arduino Launch the app on your device and look for your Arduino Bluetooth module (Figure 4). Click on your Arduino device, and you’ll be presented with a live chart graphing the X, Y, and Z accelerations, as well as a window showing all the messages being sent and received through Bluetooth. Swing the accelerometer around to make the chart move up and down!

How it works The accelerometer records acceleration on the three axes. That data is sent to the Bluetooth module and broadcast over the air to your phone. Your phone receives the data and rebroadcasts it over the Internet using the PubNub data stream network. Then, we graph the Internet data using a spline chart (Figure 5).

Figure 4 | Launch your Cordova app by selecting the “URT” device from the PubNub Bluetooth menu.

Figure 5 | Once you’ve selected the Arduino device, you’ll be presented with a live chart of your X/Y/Z a accelerometer readings, as well as messages being sent and received via Bluetooth!

It’s important to note that because we broadcast the data over PubNub, this wearable is Internet connected! You can see the live acceleration from any device with Internet access.

The live chart The live chart is powered by PubNub’s Project EON. EON graphs data published over PubNub in a nice embeddable chart. Because we’re working with data streams, all the accelerometer data is being published over the Internet. This means you can embed the chart anywhere, including multiple phones or even in a web page.

<div id="chart"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src= ""></script> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href= "" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var __eon_pubnub = PUBNUB.init({ subscribe_key: "sub-cfb3b894-0a2a-11e0-a510-1d92d9e0ffba", ssl: true }); chart = eon.chart({ pubnub: __eon_pubnub, channel: "pubnub-bluetooth-2", history: true, flow: true, rate: 750, limit: 20, generate: { bindto: "#chart", data: { type: "spline" }, transition: { duration: 0 }, tooltip: { show: true }, point: { show: true } }, transform: function(message) { var message = eon.c.flatten(message); var array ={ return [__eon_labels[arg] || arg, message[arg]]; }); return { columns: array }; } }); </script>

Figure 6 | Insert this code into an HTML file and open it in a browser to view your accelerometer data on a web page!

Try it out. Stick this code into an HTML file on your local machine and watch your accelerometer data there too (Figure 6)!

The final product I thought this was a wearable! Right now we’ve just got a small computer, but it’s nothing some creative engineering can’t fix. Head over to Sports Authority and grab yourself a sweatband. Then, take a ride over to RadioShack and get a CR1632 coin cell battery for the TinyDuino. Cut a slit in the armband and slide the TinyDuino in there. Boom, now you’ve got your own Internet-connected wearable!

Ian Jennings is a developer at PubNub who specializes in building Internet of Things prototypes. Based in Austin, Texas, Ian enjoys cycling, hiking, drumming, and cooking. PubNub  @PubNub 

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IoT Design Guide 2015

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7 rules for designing wearable devices By Kevin Kitagawa

The past year has certainly been an exciting time for the semiconductor industry. The shared enthusiasm among silicon companies has been on the rise based on the recent level of interest and demand for new products that complement the mobile experience typically based around smartphones and tablets. A main driver behind this phenomenon is wearable technology. Familiar items such as clothing, glasses, jewelry, and watches are being fitted with sensors, processors, and displays – technologies you wouldn’t have expected to find inside these everyday objects before. The potential for this market is quite impressive; ABI Research projects that 32 million sports and fitness wristbands will have shipped in the past twelve months alone. So if wearable devices are what everyone is raving about, why does it seem like so few companies actually know how to design them? This guide outlines how to address the current issues facing the wearables market for designing the next generation of wearable technology.

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An important aspect of wearable devices is the user experience and interface. Designing interfaces for wearables should be based on how consumers will use them, not on replicating smartphone or tablet experiences. Even though using a popular, off-theshelf operating system like Android might sound like a quick and easy fix for devices with a screen, it’s best to design a customized, fully skinned interface that fits within the confines of a miniature display surface. More importantly, wearables should augment other mobile devices, not try to replace (part of) their functionality. Trying to cram features in by using a checklist approach will lead to underpowered devices that users will quickly abandon. Instead, designers should focus on ­optimizing user and machine interfaces to ensure that wearable devices work well together and with other mobile devices.



Every engineer has heard of the “design and reuse” approach. However, the principle can only apply to devices that have proven to work universally; this is not the case for wearables. Even though wearables are mobile devices at heart, they have different and specific requirements to smartphones and tablets (more on this later). Reusing mobile SoCs for every wearable category out there (smart watches, smart glasses, smart wristbands, etc.) is unsustainable not only because these devices come in distinct shapes and sizes, but mainly because their power profiles can vary radically. Today’s wearable devices are ­generally a magnitude off in terms of battery life. Most current wearable fitness devices usually last for two to three days when they should last weeks or months. Reports have placed some smart watches at battery life of less than one day; most consumers would expect at least one week. People have different expectations

between smartphones/tablets and wearables and don’t usually factor a charging regimen into their daily habits for a these ultra-portable devices. Plus, if a smart watch is supposed to act as a regular watch during the day and a sleep health monitor at night, when would users charge them?



Wearables have different features and require specific types of SoC. If you are creating computing platforms for smart devices, there are two main categories to consider:

Input wearables Input wearables are devices such as fitness bands, heart rate monitors, sleep monitors, and Near Field Communication (NFC) rings. They are essentially smart, connected sensors with minimal or no displays that have extremely low power requirements. Their main role is to collect raw data, then filter and send it to a central hub, be it a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) or a residential gateway in your connected home. On the hub, this data is translated into usable information. Additional functionality can then enable automatic actions or alerts based on that information. For this category, the essential element is designing for the lowest power connectivity possible. These devices typically require a high-performance 32-bit MCU-class processor for fast, efficient processing, ideally a compact-footprint, unified MCU/MPU and DSP embedded processor core. Designers will also need to select a solution for baseband communications; combining Bluetooth LE (low energy) with FM in one small, integrated radio solution is ideal for ultralow-power wearable applications.

Depending on the application area, designers can also include dedicated hardware to support a gyroscope or motion sensors.

Output wearables Output wearables are devices such as smart watches or smart glasses that ­provide quick and easy at-a-glance access to immediate information. This information usually can fit on a small screen and is available to the user quickly and in real-time. Output wearables are aimed at accelerating daily tasks, and offer a more intuitive way of interacting with technology.


When it comes to designing chipsets for output wearables, designers need to make sure that each processor inside the SoC is used as efficiently as possible. Low power is still the dominant factor when architecting the underlying system but the focus should be on creating a general-purpose platform that performs a subset of the tasks a smartphone or a tablet might do. An example of such a platform for smart glasses can be designed by pairing a lowpower, high-performance CPU with the smallest available OpenGL ES 3.0/OpenCL GPUs, H.264-capable hardware video transcoders, a configurable OpenVX-ready ISP pipeline, and a connectivity processor that supports Wi-Fi 802.11n 1x1 and Bluetooth.



The small form factors of wearable devices dictate the use of extremely small batteries, which limits the battery life of these devices. Because of this, wearables need smart technologies that implement low-power methodologies in various points of the design. This is to ensure that the processors operate as efficiently as possible and in ways that suit short bursts of intense activity followed by longer periods of idleness. Designers must implement (or choose processors that already implement) advanced power management techniques such as automatically enabled clock gating, the ability to intelligently turn power on/off for specific cores or clusters, and intelligently using the Microkernel firmware to offer lower latency workload feedback into the DVFS and power management decision process. To complement the hardware, wearables need to support the appropriate low power standards that enable a prolonged “always on” functionality. Although there are many options to choose from, the main contender to the title is Bluetooth LE. IoT Design Guide 2015

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Bluetooth LE is a power-friendly version of the Bluetooth wireless technology designed to provide practical connectivity for the mass market. The power efficiency of Bluetooth LE enables devices needing to run off a tiny battery for long periods of time; even better, Bluetooth is compatible with existing smartphones and tablets for device-todevice communication.



Wearables require multiple layers of security due to the sensitive nature of the data they have access to:




Device security: Wearable devices need to run operating systems and applications securely; this requires support for multiple secure environments Link security: Transmission of information between wearables and a central hub must be protected and encrypted Cloud security: Storage of personal information is another delicate area; consumers want to know that their details are kept away from unwanted intruders

These security layers should be enabled both in hardware and software and can scale from the core level all the way up to the system level. An example of implementing core-level security is a virtualization-based approach where multiple operating systems can coexist in multiple security contexts, thus supporting secure content delivery, ­ secure payments, identity protection and more, across multiple applications and content sources.



More and more companies are waking up to the reality of how important a developer ecosystem is to the success of any consumer platform. The same rule applies to wearables: Developers need to see the value added factor of wearables, otherwise they won’t create more than a few apps.

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Another important element in creating a thriving environment for wearables is an open approach to APIs and device intercommunication. For example, limiting compatibility to only certain brands of devices means consumers will have no incentive to buy a wearable unless they own that particular brand. Efforts such as the recent AllSeen Alliance are steps in the right direction in order to create an open standard for platforms and APIs.



Finally, wearables need to adopt a three tier pricing model similar to their smartphone and tablet brethren that makes them accessible to the largest possible number of consumers. There is so much buzz around wearables that even fashion brands like Nike are getting in on this new product category. By creating entry-level, mid-range and high-end devices, companies can create an instant, compelling, and complete line-up of devices that addresses the growing consumer demand.

Designing the future of wearables The sensible approach when designing SoCs for any market is to use proven solutions. For the past decade, Imagination Technologies has been creating multimedia, processor, and connectivity IP that has shipped in billions of mobile and embedded devices from some of the industry’s leading silicon vendors. Imagination provides all the required IP, design services, and software tools and platforms required for

building connected devices. On top of these IP system-optimized technologies, Imagination can offer value-added solutions like FlowCloud – a platform that helps companies deliver a complete IoTready solution, including all the security/ device-to-device and device-to-cloud communication/back-end services. Given their potential, there is a clear opportunity for wearable devices to succeed considering everyone from chip makers and OEMs to consumers and carriers believe this category of devices will be in high demand in the coming decade. Once it reaches critical mass, wearable technology will become embedded within every aspect of our lives, allowing us to do everything better, faster and simpler. Kevin Kitagawa is Director of Strategic Alliances at ARM, and the former Director of Strategic Marketing for Imagination Technologies. Imagination Technologies  @ImaginationTech imagination-technologies  

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Device Management

MOVING TOWARD PLUG & PLAY: Top 5 considerations for enterprise IoT integration

By Jim Brandt @cbrandtbuffalo |

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As an enterprise embarks on any new Internet of Things (IoT) initiative, the prototype phases tend to be fairly smooth because the systems supporting the surge in IoT are becoming more mature. There are several prototyping platforms available that include a flexible hardware device, software development kits (SDKs), pre-integrated data services, and connectivity, allowing a developer to go from idea to working prototype in a matter of a few hours. This is a huge part of the excitement around IoT: thousands of previously unimaginable ideas can be developed into working, testable models very quickly. In many cases, advanced degrees in engineering aren’t even required. Just look at the proliferation of the Maker Faire movement around the world and you’ll see that something that was once in the realm of high school science project can become a commercial reality. The technology is all there today to make this part not just possible, but simple. We live in interesting times.

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However, moving from a science project to bench test to commercial production continues to be a larger scale project with more sophisticated considerations. In addition to sourcing and deploying hardware, the new devices and device management platforms (DMPs) must be integrated with enterprise-grade data services and the existing enterprise IT infrastructure. This may involve integrations across many systems, often using new technologies and protocols. These integrations can add significant cost and time to the IoT project, delaying the implementation and the return on investment (ROI) initially envisioned. Systems are emerging to address this challenge, providing reusable integrations and new deployment strategies to reduce data service installation and activation. In addition, emerging IoT environments are integrating with current enterprise IT vendors who provide interoperability with the existing

enterprise data center. All of these can help reduce IoT deployment costs and timelines. The following discusses five of the major considerations that engineers and product managers need to evaluate when designing IoT solutions in the next year to save time and money while generating measurable value from IoT deployments.

1. Architecture

There are many components to any IoT deployment, just a few of which are:

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Devices, possibly a combination of sensors and gateways Connectivity solutions Device management platforms New data services like data storage, stream processing, scripting, visualization, analytics, etc. Existing enterprise data services

Each of these components requires some sort of integration to allow data to flow, and each integration has the potential to create new challenges for a deployment. Adding to the complexity may be previous IoT implementations, although they may not have been called that when they were installed. To get full value from the systems you specify in your IoT deployment, all of these components need to communicate effectively and reliably. What’s more, in many cases, traditionally there’s a tendency for data to exist in silos within the enterprise (Figure 1a). Consider opening up the architecture of the entire IoT ecosystem and moving away from a siloed approach (Figure 1b). In doing so, you increase efficiencies, allow data from one group of devices to be operated on by a range of data services, increase interoperability of all the technologies, and more generally allow greater visibility into the entire ecosystem. All of this saves time, money, and resources, allowing you to focus on creating value from your IoT deployments.

Figure 1a

IoT Data Silos: Independent IoT Solutions Devices

Other applications have lower volume, high-value data that may require acknowledgements and high levels of assurance for message delivery. Formats vary, so you may need normalization to standardize across many different data streams. And as you get closer to analytics, data services and the enterprise IT stack data may need to be summarized and normalized again. Many IoT discussions focus on the collection of data from sensors into data services, but messages often flow the other way as well. DMPs can send command

Data Services


Device Mgmt





Monitoring Databases

Data Viz

Monitoring Databases

Data Viz

Monitoring Databases

Data Viz

Figure 1b Devices

Data Service Exchange Cloud Solution

Gateway M2M/loT Platforms



Device Management



Device Connectivity


2. The nature of IoT data

The nature of your IoT data can vary widely depending on the use case, and this can influence integrations. In some applications, the accumulated data from thousands of sensors can be very high volume, best supported by streaming protocols with persistent connections. As you collect this data, you may need systems to aggregate the large volume of readings, search for the signal in the noise, and filter it for downstream consumers.




Data Routing and Messaging System

Monitoring Reporting

Other Data Sources

Data Visualization

Web Data

Web API Automation

Enterprise Data

Enterprise Middleware

Figure 1a and 1b | Traditionally, data has existed within silos in the enterprise (1a), but opening up architectures to the entire IoT ecosystem can improve efficiencies in a number of ways (1b).

and control messages back to devices to change settings, update configuration, or even update software. Similarly, some data services primarily accept a one-way flow of data (like a data store), while others that might be operating on the data may produce a result for each message. The directionality of each integration and the nature of the data in the communication is important to each integration point. As you evaluate your architecture and consider integration points, the volume and nature of the data you are collecting can impact your decisions. Some technologies will not be a good fit for some flavors of IoT data.

3. Connectivity

Getting new devices connected and sending data is the first challenge. A prototype system built on a lab bench typically avoids connectivity issues because network access is readily available. For deployment, connectivity must be established, either with wired Ethernet, Wi-Fi, cellular, or satellite. Even with available wired or Wi-Fi connections, networking details and firewalls need to be addressed. Finally, once the device has network connectivity, it needs to be provisioned and managed via a DMP. Many of these challenges can be alleviated by working with vendors who have formed partnerships and know that their systems work together. Many device manufacturers IoT Design Guide 2015

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Device Management are working with IoT connectivity providers to pre-integrate their systems, making that phase of the project much smoother. Because the systems are known to work together and the companies have deployed systems before, custom integrations are reduced or eliminated. Likewise, connectivity vendors are working with DMP vendors to deploy their systems together, or, in some cases, building out their own DMP offerings to reduce or eliminate another custom integration. It’s worthwhile to ask if your device vendor has worked with your connectivity vendor and vice-versa. Often selecting one vendor based on the most important features of your implementation can lead you to partners they have worked with previously. Finding system integrators who have worked with the systems similar to yours on previous projects can also reduce risk and allow you to leverage previous work.

4. Standards and protocols

The IoT landscape currently supports a wide range of standards, which demonstrates the level of interest and investment in the fast-growing discipline. Unfortunately, the proliferation of standards means that no single standard has yet become the one and only standard. Only time will tell which standard(s) will emerge. Until then, openness to different standards is the order of the day. Given the varied landscape, there are a few approaches to get some value from the available standards and avoid possible incompatibility between different parts of the infrastructure. Some standards groups focus on particular areas of IoT and are trying to solve particular problems. If you are working in one of these areas, it’s worthwhile to review the work of the standards body most active in the area. Looking at the memberships of these groups will likely lead you to the vendors, products, and system integrators who are most active in that IoT vertical. In addition, you can build interoperability into part of your architecture. Systems that fully support a single standard may

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accelerate your initial deployment, but can also reduce choice when considering tools that are not supported. Deploying data services, including DMPs, into an environment that supports a flexible adapter system insulates you somewhat from a specific standard and support for new standards can be added over time. Some standards can touch on or specify communication protocols, which directly impacts integrations. Protocols common to the machine-to-machine (M2M) layer such as MQTT, CoAP, and even XMPP are less common on the data services side, which relies more on HTTP, WebSockets, and (in the enterprise context) SOAP and others members of the web services family. All of these different protocols were designed to solve different problems, but with the cross-­ pollination of technologies across the stacks, they can show up anywhere. Many systems are adding support for multiple protocols, which adds some flexibility and choice. The safest route to mitigate mismatches is with an interoperability layer as described previously.

5. Security

Security is a huge topic in IoT and data security requirements can have a big impact on your integration approach and overall complexity. In defining your security approach, the first step is to assess how secure your system needs to be. Some data, like temperature readings at locations on a company campus, may not be particularly sensitive. Other data, like blood pressure readings in a hospital, are highly sensitive. As you evaluate integrations between components in your system, you must ­evaluate the transport between each element, assess the exposure, and apply appropriate security. A signal being captured over Wi-Fi requires security in the transport and possibly for the payload. Communication between two data services within the same data center may have a lower threshold for security, but only if the network is private and secured. As you build in security, both ends of a communication will need to support the security method you choose for that integration. The types of security available will also be defined somewhat by the protocol and possibly by the standard you are following, if any. In addition to adding some complexity to the integration, security can also add additional requirements on factors like processing power and throughput, so these need to be evaluated with realistic data loads. Security also requires ongoing maintenance of each integration point as common elements like keys, tokens, and even passwords can expire and require refreshing on a regular basis. It’s already looking like 2016 will be a year where many significant advances will be made in the IoT industry. If you take these considerations to heart when planning your IoT deployments, your integrations are likely to be much smoother, more flexible, and secure so that you can save time and money and shift your focus to turning IoT deployments into a source of value and revenue for your enterprise. Jim Brandt is Vice President of Product Management for An open source veteran, Brandt also serves on the board of the Perl Foundation.  @wotio

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Market analysis: I’d hate to burst your IoT bubble ARTICLE

By Brandon Lewis, Assistant Managing Editor

Tech bubble. Overhyped. Confusion. All of these have been used to describe the Internet of Things (IoT) over the past year, and not one of them is a term to use when laying out plans for a board of directors. But amidst all the excitement, doom, and gloom (depending how you see it), it’s important to remember that the IoT is not a monolithic industry, but rather a loosely defined technology architecture that transcends vertical markets to make up an “Internet of Everything.” 

The expansion of a semiconductor contraction ARTICLE

By Ray Zinn,

For every growth spurt in the industry – whether due to chasing a market or a market segment, or innovations that become commoditized – the number of semi companies and fabs grows. Then when markets change, some companies suffer revenue hits and have to sell out. Others plateau and shareholders force a sale. Others simply die. Thus the number of semi companies shrinks. 


Five minutes with ... Larry Wall, CEO, Eurotech By Rich Nass, Embedded Computing Brand Director

Eurotech designs building blocks for Industrial IoT systems. You’ve heard that one before. They’re one of many companies in this arena. In this “Five minutes with …” segment, I asked Eurotech’s CEO Larry Wall how he can stand out amongst the competition, which is stiff and getting stiffer. 


With support from Google, OpenStack continues to evolve

By Hans Ashlock, QualiSystems This is a big deal. Google’s support suggests that the OpenStack versus AWS/Azure/ Google Cloud Platform debate is more nuanced than a simple competitive comparison. 


ARM’s secret ingredient for your IoT SoC E-cast

Presented by: ARM

Companies developing IoT products have different objectives at different phases of their product lifecycle. The initial goal is to go to market quickly, with a sufficiently adapted product to attract early adopters and grow volume.

Managing Windows 10 IoT Devices By Microsoft

By choosing Windows 10, you can enable intelligent device capabilities to make a big impact. Windows 10 brings one converged Windows operating system that powers all of your Internet of Things (IoT) devices and provides an optimized platform for management, security, and application development. 


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Isola Group S.a.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cloud

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ADLINK Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industrial


Acnodes Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industrial


Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industrial


RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industrial


Skelmir LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IoT Platform


Micro Digital, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating Systems & Tools


Clarinox Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Protocol Stacks


ADLINK Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rugged

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Ayla Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smart Home


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Together, we built a better mouse trap. Redefining the future of rodent control, the Victor® Kill-@lert Remote Notification System empowers users with actionable insights into the frequency, location and scope of their rodent problems. Unlike traditional rodent traps, the Victor Kill-@lert Remote Notification System employs wireless technology to notify owners via email or text message when a trap has killed a rodent. Eliminating the need for tedious and costly labor, Kill-@lert is designed to save time, save money and help you solve your rodent problem. Built on Exosite’s multi-tenant cloud infrastructure, the Victor Kill-@lert Remote Notification System enables restaurant owners, office managers and even homeowners to proactively address their rodent problems while reducing time spent manually checking traps. This combination of local wireless technology and Exosite’s scalable cloud-based software is powering Victor’s charge into the Internet of Things (IoT) generation of business. Visit Exosite in the Sands Expo Hall at The Venetian Resort & Casino.







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IoT Design Guide

Development Kits

BCM4343W IoT Starter Kit The Avnet BCM4343W IoT Starter Kit enables designers to easily prototype cloud-connected IoT designs and then rapidly move from development to production with a pre-certified wireless SoC module. The Starter Kit features an Arduino™ form-factor baseboard and pre-certified Avnet BCM4343W SoC module. This Wi-Fi+BLE+MCU module combines an advanced Broadcom® combo 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® 4.1 SoC, together with 8 Mb of SPI Serial Flash and an STM32F411 ARM® Cortex-M4 microcontroller FEATURES with 512 KB Flash and 128 KB SRAM. The baseboard ĄĄ Avnet BCM4343W IoT Starter Board – includes access to the MCU’s various peripherals via Powered by WICED and AWS Arduino compatible headers as well as a 2x6 format ĄĄ Micro USB Cable peripheral connector, allowing connection to a range of expansion boards for sensors, motors, digital I/O and ĄĄ Quick Start Card analog inputs. ĄĄ Downloadable WICED SDK, Getting Started Guide, Application development is supported by Broadcom’s WICED™ Software Development Kit (SDK), which includes connection to Amazon Web Services (AWS) through an intuitive integrated development environment. The starter kit simplifies cloud connectivity for designers in a variety of IoT market segments, including industrial automation, building automation and smart home appliances.

and Kit Documentation

See more at:

Avnet, Inc.

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 480-643-2000

Qseven IoT Gateway Development Kit Qseven IoT Gateway Development Kit provides a complete starter set for the rapid prototyping of embedded IoT applications. The Qseven IoT kit contains a Qseven Computer-on-Module (COM) based on the latest Intel Atom processor technology, a compact IoT carrier board, a 7" LVDS single touch display with LED backlight, and an extensive set of accessories including AC power supply and 802.11 WLAN antenna with IoT Wind River Linux image on a USB stick. With this kit, developing an IoT demo system takes a matter of minutes. The kit comes with congatec’s successful conga-QA3 Qseven COM based on the new Intel® Atom™ E3827 processor (XM cache, 1.6GHz, XW TDP). A space-saving single-chip processor and low power consumption make this an ideal solution for fanless designs in applications that require enhanced IoT connectivity. These include, for example, M2M and motion control applications for industry 4.0, gateways, or system and control monitoring in smart home automation. The Qseven module comes with 2 GB of DDR3L memory and up to 16 GB eMMC 4.5 for mass storage. Thanks to native USB 3.0 support, the module achieves fast data rates with low power consumption. A total of six USB 2.0 ports are provided, one of which supports USB 3.0 SuperSpeed. Three PCI Express 2.0 lanes and two SATA interfaces operating at up to 6 Gb/s enable fast and flexible system extensions. The Intel® Gigabit Ethernet Controller i210 ensures outstanding software compatibility. An I2C bus, an LPC bus for easy integration of legacy I/O interfaces, and Intel High Definition Audio complete the feature set.


conga-QA3 Intel® Atom™ Processor-Based Qseven Module


Full featured Qseven IoT Mini Carrier Board


7" Single Touch Display With Cable Set


Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 Card & Antenna


Power Supply 5V/4A, 20W, 4pin Jack


Intel® IoT Gateway Solution OS (Wind River IDP trial)

The combination of a 70mm x 70mm Qseven module with a processor from the Intel® Atom™ E3800 family and an IoT baseboard results in an ultra-compact hardware kit. Use of the new Intel Atom processors further ensures that the embedded PC features extremely low power consumption while providing the highest performance. The integrated Intel® Gen 7 HD graphics sets new standards for graphics-intensive applications in the low-power segment. The compact baseboard design and the many interface options and functions enable fast and cost-efficient implementation of powerful, yet passively cooled embedded systems, such as box PCs and customized solutions. With the included validated package of “Intel Gateway Solutions for IoT,” the conga-QA3 provides a pre-integrated and open platform to bring secure IoT solutions quickly to market.



 858-457-2600

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Development Kits

IoT Design Guide


MXE-1400 Fanless Embedded Computer ADLINK’s new Matrix MXE-1400 series of rugged quad-core fanless computers, featuring the latest generation of Intel® Atom™ E3845 processors, delivers outstanding performance with minimum power consumption. The MXE-1400 series accommodates rich I/O interfaces in a compact system size, including DisplayPort, DVI-I (with both DVI and VGA signals), three GbE by Intel network interface controllers, six USB 2.0, one USB 3.0 with dedicated bandwidth, eight isolated DI/O, and six COM ports, four of which are BIOS-configurable among RS-232/422 and 485 with auto flow. In addition, with a 2.5" SATA drive bay and CFast port, easy, versatile connection to a wide range of applications is enabled. Dual mini PCIe slots and USIM socket empower the MXE-1400 as a communications hub for a variety of wireless connections, such as Bluetooth/Wi-Fi and 3G/LTE. Leveraging proprietary mechanical engineering, the MXE-1400 series continues to offer all the popular features of the Matrix E series, including cable-free construction, wide operating temperature ranges, and 5 Grms vibration resistance, having undergone like all ADLINK Matrix devices rigorous testing for operational verification. Combining superior processor performance, wireless capability, and rich, scalable I/O in a compact and robust package, the ADLINK MXE-1400 is an ideal choice for a wide range of applications supporting intelligent transportation, in-vehicle multimedia, and surveillance and factory automation applications.


Quad-core Intel® Atom™ E3845 processors


Single side I/O with easy access SATA drive bay


Compact 210 (W) x 170 (D) x 70 (H) mm housing


Rugged construction for fanless -40°C to 70°C operability (w/ industrial SSD)


DVI-I + DisplayPort (with both DVI and VGA signals)


3x GbE by Intel® network interface controllers


6x USB 2.0 and 1x USB 3.0 with dedicated bandwidth




8x isolated DI/O and 6x COM ports, four of which are BIOS-configurable among RS-232/422 and 485 with auto flow 1x SATA-III (6.0 Gb/s) and CFast ports 2x mPCIe slots and USIM socket for wireless connections such as Bluetooth/Wi-Fi and 3G/LTE Built-in ADLINK SEMA management solution

SEMA & SEMA Cloud The MXE-1400 features ADLINK’s built-in Smart Embedded Management Agent (SEMA) remote management solution. With SEMA, a Board Management Controller collects all relevant technical information from the chipset and other sources. Using the System Management Bus driver, an application layer fetches the data and presents it to the user. By combining SEMA intelligent middleware with cloud connectivity, ADLINK enables edge-to-cloud-to-end application capabilities without additional design requirements. Pushing data to the cloud enables operators to verify, monitor, and control system performance from a single, central location – improving reliability and reducing management costs. SEMA Cloud comprises a cloud server architecture hosting the SEMA Cloud IoT Service, which can be managed and administered by a web-based Management Portal and is provided to ADLINK customers as a platform as a service (PaaS). It includes gateway software with

an IoT stack on top of intelligent SEMA middleware, enabling embedded devices to connect securely to the cloud using stateof-the-art encryption technologies without additional design requirements. By pushing data to the user’s cloud server via any type of TCP/IP connection, such as 3G, 4G, LAN, or wireless LAN, system operators have easy access to data and analytics through web browsers or a web application programming interface (WebAPI), using devices such as desktop PC, tablet, or smartphone, or by using a data analytics system. System operators can verify, monitor, and manage system performance from a single, central location.

ADLINK Technology

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 +1 800-966-5200 ADLINKTech_USA

FES9267 Acnodes announces the launch of a new military grade fanless box PC, the FES9267. With Intel Celeron Bay Trail N2930 Quad Core 1.83GHz, the military grade system is sealed in full IP67 housing with MIL-STD-810F and MIL-STD-461E EMC compliance. With the compact dimension of 300 x 130 x 120mm, its operating temperature can withstand from -22°F to 149°F (-30°C to 65°C), ready to combat harsh environments. Of standard testing, the unit can survive extreme temperatures, has vibration and shock resistant features and fends off radiation. The vibration tolerance is certified to MIL-STD-810F Method 514.5 Procedure I, 2.5G, 5~500Hz/XYZ. The shock tolerance is certified to MIL-STD-810F Method 516.5 Procedure 1, 40G, 11ms. To compliment it all, the full IP67 rated system has complete protection from dust and the effects of water immersion between 15cm and 1m. FES9267 offers an Intel Celeron Bay Trail-M 1.83GHz SoC with Integrated chipset and DDR3L 1066MHz SO-DIMM 4GB memory. The storage contains a 64GB mSATA SSD and expansion slot supporting a swappable bay slot for 1 x 2.5 inch SATA HDD. The multiple I/O includes two USB 2.0, RS232, RS422, GbE LAN, HDMI, and VGA.

FEATURES ĄĄ Fully IP67 rated fanless embedded micro box ĄĄ Celeron Baytrail N2930 Quad Core 1.83GHz processor ĄĄ 4GB on board DDR3 memory ĄĄ Extended working temperature range from -30°C to 65°C ĄĄ VGA & HDMI video out port, gigabit LANs and 2 USB ĄĄ MIL-STD-810F in temperature, vibration and shock ĄĄ MIL-STD-461E EMC compliance ĄĄ 9~36V DC power input

Acnodes Corporation

 909-597-7588



IoT and Heat What is the impact of bad data caused by environmental or system thermal problems in your IoT application? • Reduction in sensor reliability

ATS Capabilities ATS Capabilities ĄĄ Over 25 years of experience solving tough thermal and mechanical

design challenges

• Poor quality of collected data

ĄĄ Chassis as heat sink solutions for IoT sensors, industrial LED and

• Dropped M2M connections

other applications

• Increased network latency

ĄĄ PCB design and layout optimization for heat transfer (with or without

heat sinks)

• Lower cloud reliability

ĄĄ Solutions for 1U systems that improve cooling by 20 to 40% using

• Reduction in big data analysis accuracy

air only

Dr. Qool-It has the cure whether at the sensor, M2M/Communication or Cloud!

ĄĄ USA based R&D and Manufacturing ĄĄ ATS disciplined thermal analysis and design process vs. endlessly

swapping heat sinks for a ”solution“

Advanced Thermal Solutions  @qats  

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IoT Design Guide


Scalable GigE Switch Family RTD’s scalable Gigabit Ethernet Switch Family maximizes network connectivity and system flexibility to create IoT solutions in rugged -40° to +85°C environments. Our 8-port host module can connect directly to the PCIe/104 bus, or it can be used as a standalone GigE switch. The total number of Ethernet ports can be increased using 8-port expansion modules. Configured with RTD’s 88-watt synchronous power supply, a single system will support up to 56 total ports. Configure as standalone or with a host CPU.

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In board-level configurations, users can choose from RJ-45 jacks or 10-pin DIL connectors. RTD’s rugged, enclosed packaging can be configured with RJ-45 jacks or 37-pin D-sub receptacles.

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Eight 1000/100/10 Mbps Ethernet ports per slice Boards/slices stack together to increase total GigE ports 10-pin DIL, 37-pin D-sub, or RJ-45 connectors BroadCom BCM53115 Unmanaged Gigabit Ethernet Switch Intel WG82574IT PCI Express Ethernet Controller for interface to optional host CPU Jumbo Frame Support (up to 9018 bytes) Auto MDI crossover Onboard LEDs Connectors for external LEDs Passive heat sinks included Available in stackable, rugged enclosures -40° to +85°C operating temperatures

Expandable Intel Core i7 Mission Computer RTD’s robust Intel Core i7 CPU offers high-performance for rugged applications in extended temperature environments. Choose from single-core, dual-core, and quad-core configurations. These systems feature a synchronized power supply, an integrated 2.5-inch SATA carrier, and standard I/O including Gigabit Ethernet, USB, Serial, SVGA, DisplayPort, and programmable digital I/O. The CPU is designed with soldered SDRAM and solid-state flash storage for high shock and vibration situations. The stackable PCIe/104 architecture allows system expandability for additional DAQ, I/O, storage, and network functionality. The Core i7 systems are compatible with RTD’s complete line of data acquisition and peripheral modules. Tailored solutions include conformal coating, watertight enclosures with cylindrical MIL-SPEC connectors, and a variety of custom mounting, LED, and paint options.

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Modular, scalable Intel Core i7 mission computer Quad-core, dual-core, and single-core configurations 1.5 – 2.1 GHz Processors with up to 3.1 GHz Turbo Boost Stackable, modular chassis milled from solid T-6061 aluminum Ideal for extended temperature environments Standard PC or cylindrical connectors with user-defined pinouts Optional watertight configurations with EMI suppression and RF isolation Board-level and enclosure customizations available

RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. 814-234-8087

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IoT Design Guide 2015

SMX® RTOS haS whaT yOu need TO cOnnecT TO The IOT.


Wireless communication is fundamental for IoT. Wi-Fi is popular and offers high throughput and long range (250 m), making connection convenient even when devices are not in immediate proximity to one another. We were among the first developers of an embedded Wi-Fi 802.11 stack, releasing smxWiFi in mid-2008. It supports 802.11a/b/g/i/n, and has drivers for most of the MediaTek/Ralink USB chipsets. Any combination of drivers may be used in the system, and smxWiFi will automatically select the correct one for the Wi-Fi dongle plugged in. Due to our early lead, we have since added support for other protocols: • Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer (P2P) is the basis of the Wi-Fi Alliance certification program called Wi-Fi Direct TM. It allows easy, direct connection among Wi-Fi devices, anywhere, without need for an Access Point. • Wi-Fi Simple Configuration (WSC) is the basis of the Wi-Fi Alliance certification program called Wi-Fi Protected SetupTM (WPS). This simplifies connection to an AP or other device, and supports PBC and PIN. • SoftAP support is also offered by smxWiFi to allow your device to provide simple Access Point capability.

USB Wi-Fi dongles offer numerous advantages over other approaches: ultra-low cost; can be plugged into most evaluation boards to allow developing wireless capabilities before custom hardware is ready; interchangeable since available from many different vendors; permit upgrading to newer technology without board redesign; use TCP/IP directly versus a proprietary protocol for a stand-alone chip solution to provide more flexibility and better performance. smxUSBH supports Wi-Fi dongles, and it is a leading USB host stack. It supports many other device types needed in IoT designs, such as: 3G modem, HID, mass storage, printer, RFID, serial, audio, video, and more. IPv6 is a key requirement of IoT. smxNS6 is a dual IPv4/IPv6 stack that has passed IPv6 Ready testing. It supports IPv6 features such as Neighbor Discovery and Stateless Address Autoconfiguration. A dual stack allows a lower cost IPv4 entry, with the capability to migrate to IPv6 when needed. Both stacks support Multicast DNS (mDNS), which allows a host on the network to discover services provided by other hosts. It supports zeroconfiguration (zeroconf) IP networking with Apple Bonjour and the Linux/BSD Avahi package. A rich set of other protocols also useful in IoT projects is offered such as: SNMPv3, SNTP, and web server. Drivers are available for the on-chip Ethernet controllers on many of the latest SoCs.

Security is essential for IoT. We offer SSL, SSH, and SNMPv3 for our TCP/IP stacks; WPA2 and EAP for Wi-Fi; and a secure bootloader for field updates. Personal and Enterprise security are supported for Wi-Fi. The bootloader supports image decryption during installation or even during the bootloading stage to defend against hacking and reverse engineering, and to control optional software feature distribution. Communication is the essence of IoT, and it works better with strong multitasking support. smx is a hard real-time, small, high-performance RTOS kernel with a long list of features that are good for IoT designs: no-copy message passing, one-shot tasks, ultra-fast heap, and link service routines are just a few of many. Dual-language support permits writing high-level code in C++ and time-critical code in C. A fast heap provides good C++ performance. The smx++ class library is easy to use for C++ programmers. See the smx Special Features whitepaper for discussion of these features and others at smxfeatr.htm. For information about other SMX modules such as file systems and more information about those covered here, please visit

› smxWiFi 802.11a/b/g/i/n with P2P, WSC, SoftAP

› smxWiFi supports MediaTek/Ralink chipsets: • USB: MT7601, RT5572, RT5370, RT3572, RT3070, RT2870, and RT2573 • PCI: RT2860 › TCP/IP supports IPv6, mDNS (e.g. Bonjour and Avahi), SNMPv3,

› › › › › ›

SNTP, Web, and many more protocols; drivers for many SoC Ethernet controllers Security: SSL/SSH, SNMPv3, WEP, WPA2 Personal and Enterprise smxUSBH USB host stack class drivers: Wi-Fi, 3G modem, audio, video, and many more smx multitasking kernel with many special features and C and C++ APIs All modules integrated and interoperable Full source code in ANSI-C – royalty free 90 days support and maintenance included

Micro Digital, Inc. 800-366-2491

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IoT Design Guide

Operating Systems and Tools

IoT Design Guide

IoT Platform ®

Smart Home

Energy and Smart Cities

Vehicle & Fleet Management

Factory Automation


CEE-J® Virtual Machines, the ideal IoT project platform

Agriculture Automation

Our scalable, efficient and fast performing CEE-J VMs matched with our more than 15 years of embedded engineering experience offer big advantages in building cost-effective, competitive solutions and driving subscriber revenue for our customers. Deployed worldwide in over 80 million embedded devices, CEE-J and the Skelmir team are a proven choice. We work with development teams to quickly add and customize APIs and optimize specific functions in the VM for their specific use cases and demanding IoT projects. Whether you're building a proprietary or standards-based IoT solution in Java or OSGi, contact us for a free evaluation to experience the value our family of VM technologies and experienced engineering support can bring.


Everyday things and more...

Building Management Telemedicine and Healthcare

FEATURES ĄĄ Optimized performance (plus JIT options) and scalable memory

footprint for IoT hardware platforms (ARM, MIPS, x86, & PPC)

ĄĄ Manage critical hardware resources in a dynamic IoT environment

with Skelmir’s unique resource management APIs

ĄĄ Looking for OSGi? The VM is pre-integrated with leading OSGi

solutions reducing time to market, AND the cost of getting there

ĄĄ Flexible licensing, including world class support & free evaluations

Skelmir LLC


 +1 617.625.1551

Protocol Stacks Bluetooth Classic, BLE and Wi-Fi While chipset vendors provide separate Bluetooth and Wi-Fi stacks, often these solutions are inflexible and difficult to integrate, manage and scale, especially if your application is unique or complex.

Wireless Protocol Stacks Enabling the IoT

At Clarinox we think connected IoT devices will need to do more than one thing at a time so we manage the complexity, enabling you to meet your time-to-market objectives.

FEATURES ĄĄ ClarinoxBlue has full profile support ĄĄ ClarinoxWiFi supports AP, STA and P2P modes

Clarinox provides a complete ecosystem of award-winning stacks (Bluetooth Classic, BLE and Wi-Fi), debugger tools, configuration interface and evaluation module hardware for the development of next generation IoT solutions. The Clarinox software is a fully verified and qualified technology-compliant solution, encapsulated within a C/C++ based framework that supports multiple target platforms.

ĄĄ Extensive driver-level API ĄĄ Supports blocking and non-blocking calls ĄĄ Implements command/response based APIs ĄĄ Support for multiple simultaneous profiles and roles ĄĄ Large range of supported chipsets and RTOS

Utilized by industry leaders including Nokia, Honeywell, Navico, Daimler, and NovAtel, our Bluetooth and Wi-Fi protocol stacks provide unprecedented control, flexibility and time-to-market capabilities for wireless device development.

We invite you to learn more at

Clarinox solutions are available on a wide range of embedded platforms, including FreeRTOS, INTEGRITY, Linux, Microsoft, MQX, Nucleus, QNX, TI-RTOS, ThreadX, uC/OS and VxWorks.


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 LinkedIn/Clarinox

 +61 3 9095 8088


cExpress-SL Computer-on-Module The ADLINK cExpress-SL is a COM Express® Compact Size Type 6 module featuring 6th Generation Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 processors and accompanying Intel® QM170 and HM170 Chipset. ECC memory is supported by models utilizing the Intel® Xeon® processor E3-15XX v5 family and Intel® CM236 chipset. DDR4 memory is supported up to a total of 32GB, with a lower voltage compared to DDR3, resulting in a reduction in overall power consumption and heat dissipation. This new COM also provides support for three independent UHD/4K displays and is well-suited for applications in automation, medical, and infotainment, with extended operating temperature ranges optionally available for transportation and defense applications. The ADLINK cExpress-SL with built-in SEMA Cloud functionality is readymade for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The module is able to connect legacy industrial devices and other IoT systems to the cloud, extract raw data from these devices, and determine which data to save locally and which to send to the cloud for further analysis. This results in the capture and dissemination of valuable information for policy decision-making and the generation of innovative business opportunities.

FEATURES ĄĄ 6th Generation Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3 processor ĄĄ Up to 32GB non-ECC Dual channel DDR4 at 2133/1867 MHz ĄĄ Two DDI channels, one LVDS (or 4 lanes eDP), supporting up to three

independent UHD/4K displays

ĄĄ 5 PCIe x1 (Gen2, configurable to x2, x4) ĄĄ GbE, 4x SATA 6 Gb/s, 4x USB 3.0 and 4x USB 2.0 ĄĄ Built-in ADLINK Smart Embedded Management Agent (SEMA)

functionality and SEMA Cloud support

ĄĄ Available with Extreme Rugged operating temperature of -40°C

to +85°C

ADLINK Technology


 +1 800-966-5200 ADLINKTech_USA




2005 1945


Learn more

Get “mobile smart” in 3 easy steps: Get your AIR for Wiced Smart dev kit at your distributor of choice. (See our website for a current list.) Develop your wireless link and basic app using our exclusive Atmosphere development tool. With our AIR for Wiced Smart module on board, proceed in record time to a prototype and final, mobile-app development!

Evolve to app-based control with AIR for Wiced Smart! If you’re ready to evolve from fixed control panels populated with dials, buttons, keypads, and LCD displays to mobile-app based control of your embedded product – check out Anaren’s AIR for Wiced Smart module, featuring Broadcom’s Wiced Smart Bluetooth® chip (BCM20737). Not only does our small-footprint, SMT, and pre-certified all-in-one module save you the time, effort, and trouble of designing your own radio... It’s supported by our industry-exclusive Atmosphere development ecosystem that lets you develop your basic embedded code and app code in one, easy-to-use development tool – for a far speedier product development cycle and time-to-market. Follow the steps at left to join the evolution, right now! 800-411-6596 In Europe: 44-2392-232392

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IoT Design Guide


Leddar® LeddarTech, Expanding the Possibilities of Detection and Ranging for IoT Innovations From chipsets to sensor modules, the proprietary Leddar technology is the core element in the design of countless sensing IoT devices and applications. The unique capabilities of Leddar are being leveraged by a variety of partners to provide Leddar-based IoT innovations in homes, buildings, cities, vehicles and industrial applications. These include intelligent security and surveillance devices, smart lighting systems, collision avoidance and navigation for cars, unmanned ground vehicles and drones, automated touchless home appliances, and many more.

A forward-thinking technological partner LeddarTech focuses on developing the best optical detection and ranging technologies, giving its partners the freedom to rapidly deliver innovative, value-added sensor-based solutions that are in line with their objectives, needs and planned time-to-market: • Custom, ready-to-integrate OEM sensor modules or LeddarCore chipsets for maximum design flexibility of high-volume applications • Off-the-shelf sensor modules in small or larger quantities to allow specialized integrators to deliver new, differentiated solutions to their customers • Project-specific engineering services and ongoing support for in-depth know-how to fully optimize Leddar implementations

BENEFITS Leddar offers several benefits compared to other detection and ranging technologies: ĄĄ



From LeddarCore ICs to Complete Sensor Modules


Leddar technology can be provided as an integrated circuit (IC) only or assembled into a complete sensor module, depending on your application.


All Leddar sensors are built around the LeddarCore, our patented signal processing IC technology.


In addition to the IC, all Leddar sensor modules need a light source (e.g., LED, VCSEL or Laser), a photodetector and optical components. Additional elements can be added to all Leddar sensing devices: processing, communication interfaces, packaging or power management, depending on the intended application.

Low power consumption, resulting in an extended lifetime and minimal maintenance for the manufacturer or end user Robust detection under harsh weather conditions Immunity to ambient light, optimizing detection capabilities during the day or night No moving parts for a rugged, reliable solution Fast and accurate distance measurements on multiple segments, providing the capacity to detect, locate and profile objects; provides richer data than ultrasound and standard photoelectric sensors Very flexible detection range (0 to 100 meters): fully functional on very short distances, unlike sonar devices Excellent lateral discrimination/resolution: better than radar and only surpassed by laser scanners, which are much more complex, fragile and expensive Best overall cost/performance ratio available

With their high efficiency and simple, flexible design, Leddar sensors can be easily integrated into a small footprint at a reasonable price while delivering consistent performance and reliability. Together, this makes Leddar ideally suited to very high-volume deployments, fostering new possibilities and undeniable benefits for Internet of Things applications.


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 1 855 865-9900 OR 1 418 653-9000

Ayla Insights Ayla Insights is a fully integrated business intelligence and analytics platform that provides manufacturers with real-world insights into how their connected products are being used. More and more manufacturers are realizing that the true value of the Internet of Things is in the data, but are just as quickly learning that most of them lack the programming time and/or expertise to extract the meaning from the “raw” data that is being generated by their newly connected products. Ayla Insights provides an easy and affordable path for manufacturers to unlock the value of their data by offering a way to quickly visualize, analyze, and explore their data, regardless of the device or application type. Removing the development effort needed to produce industry and device specific analytics and reports, the Ayla Insights data platform completes the feedback loop for manufacturers and provides the fastest path for uncovering the actionable data needed to improve product development, customer satisfaction, and revenues. The Importance of Actionable Data Value is in the data, not the thing! Historically, manufacturers have designed and shipped products with very limited insight into how users are interacting with their products or even how their products are being used on a day-to-day basis. Products are shipped through distribution, bought from retailers, and ending up in homes or offices; the user and the manufacturer rarely communicate. As a result, manufacturers are making critical decisions like what features to include on the home page of a display or UI, what features to roll out, and how to structure warranty and other service programs based on very limited information. The Internet of Things is unlocking this data and changing everything, expanding our ability to monitor and measure things that are taking place in the real world. Data is one of the most significant benefits of IoT, however unlocking it will only get you halfway there; now that you have the data how do you extract the value from the data? Ayla Insights understands this problem and takes the manufacturer’s data one-step further providing not only personalized, location, and status data, but also actionable data, offering a complete 360-degree view of product usage. With this feedback loop to real-world behaviors provided by Ayla Insights, manufacturers will have the information needed to promote continued product improvements and innovation.


Reports and Metrics


Ad Hoc Reporting & Analysis


Issue Indicators


Trend Indicators


User Friendly Interface


Performance Measurements


Graphic Benchmark Tools


Comprehensive, Integrated BI Platform


Modeled Data That Is Ready for Use


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Automatically Updated Dashboards and Alerts


Support to Design and Add Custom Reports

Visit us at CES 2016 in Booth #71153 at the Sands Expo Center.

Ayla Networks, Inc.

 408-830-9844 @aylanetworks

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Smart Home





From ICs to complete sensor modules, Leddar is a unique optical sensing technology that enables efficient detection and ranging for a wide variety of IoT innovations

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