The Visual Zodiac Conceived by Alejandro C. Luna & Nil Orange Illustrated by Nil Orange
This manual was written by Alejandro C. Luna, translated in English by Vanesa Maiorana and reviewed by Nil Orange
Š 2016 by Alejandro C. Luna & Nil Orange
1|Preface . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1|The 12 Signs . . . . . . . 13 2|The 66 Constellations . . . 27
The initial idea to this deck arose from the German artist and astrologer Nil Orange, who had the thought of expressing all possible combinations of astrological symbols in images. The result is an oracle card deck like a Tarot deck, but it does not have much to do with them, only the fact that is has 78 cards. The deck is mainly designed for those interested in Astrology, and those people will be probably the ones who will take most advantage of them. However, everyone who works with images or that is interested in symbolic languages (students and experts in Tarot, Numerology, Kabala, Psychology, Mythology, etc.) can “see� and give meaning to the images suggested in each card.
Even though the idea seems to be original because it is not a traditional Tarot deck and because it is related to astrological symbolism, there exist at least two other astrological decks of the same type. With Visual Zodiac we tried to visualize the astrological qualities in a superior and more integrated way. We know that there are many different levels of interpretation in each card, and the combined images can reflect many different points of view. The deck at hand is a rich source of icons that reflect an integrated and synthetic aspect of the different semblances of the Self. Buenos Aires, Alejandro C. Luna
q . . . . . . .Aries w . . . . . . Taurus e . . . . . . Gemini r . . . . . Cancer t . . . . . . . . Leo z . . . . . . . Virgo
u . . . . . . . Libra i . . . . . Scorpio o . . . Sagittarius p . . . . Capricorn ü . . . . . Aquarius + . . . . . . . Pisces
1 | The 12 Signs
q  The Warrior
Keyword: Desire This is a time to act with more desire and passion than you are doing now. Healthy competition and vitality. Do not think, act with confidence. It is not important if you fail, the important thing is to start. Invert position: Difficulty to express your desire. Excessive intensity, aggression. Fights and discussions without purpose. Violence.
w The Hedonist Keyword: Materialization
Time to connect with pleasure and to enjoy simple things. Time to persevere and to be practical, con centrating on concrete things. Time to concentrate in the basic needs. Invert position: Stubbornness, possessiveness, ego centric hedonism. Little ability to generate resources. Inertia, laziness. Being so lazy can be unhealthy.
e The Communicators Keyword: Communication
It is time to speak and to express what you think. It’s time to start experiencing new things, instead of ma king decisions. The presence of brothers, sisters or fra ternal friend may be important now. Invert position: So many words and lack of concreti on. Gossip. Malediction. Bad companies. It’s not time to try new things or experiment. You are doing many things at a time, and doing none of them so well.
r The Mother
Keyword: Emotion Time to connect with your emotions and feelings. Issues related with your mother, sons/daughters, and home. Psychic integration is possible at this time. It’s time for grounding and to connect with affective life. Empathy. Ability to protect and to help others to grow. Invert position: Overprotection, fear, childish behavi or, poor contact with feelings with your own or with others.
t The Director
Keyword: Self-expression Time to have the courage to be the center of the scene. A leader or organizer is needed. Express what you re ally are, without expecting anything and doing things in the way you can and feel it. Invert position: Pride and egocentrism, inability to see from a different perspective than you as the center. In ability for self-expression. Excessive fear to be ridicu lous. You are arrogant and exaggerated.
z The Virgin Keyword: Service
It’s time to work with humility and in a methodical way. Analyze your situation rationally. The situation is in a latent state. Invert position: You are in a mental entangling. Ob sessions do not allow you to be in peace. You are doing excessive analysis or you are not doing it. Hypochond ria. Your psycho-physical state is not in balance.
u The Geisha
Keyword: Complement It’s time to open yourself and letting be transformed by the other. Now you have to build a partnership with somebody that has other capabilities that you don’t have. This is the midpoint of a certain process and you need reorientation. Your seduction wakes up passion in others. The time for the expected encounter has arrived. Invert position: Lack of justice. Inability to be in a ba lanced state. Loneliness or unpleasant company. Lack of harmony in general. Quarrelling.
I The Alchemist
Keyword: Intensity You are cooking yourself on a slow fire, in an alchemi cal process of transformation. You feel your power and use it in a correct manner. It is a time of great intensity in your relations. Invert position: Control behavior related to your f ears of losing something. Power struggles. There are obses sions that you cannot fight. Unnecessary cruelty.
o The Idealist
Keyword: Expansion Time has come to expand your consciousness. Tra velling and being in other places will open your mind. Somebody might guide you. Learn to trust. There is an important life lesson for you. The world is wider than you can imagine. Invert position: Exaggeration, credulity. Growth crisis. Unhealthy expansion. Dogmatism, mental nar rowness. You continue denying reality.
p The Entrepreneur Keyword: Structure
Time to work hard and to achieve goals. You can trust your way of seeing reality. You can demand others based on your expertise. Use the power of your will to sort any obstacle. Limits are good, for you and for others. Invert position: Obstacles. The situation is more d ifficult than you imagined. Authoritarianism. Emo tional coldness, heart toughness. What is so hard is also so fragile.
ü The Harlequin
Keyword: Network Unexpected situations. Time to be part of groups and to create things. Compromise with social and humani tarian projects. The situation changes abruptly. Invert position: Interruptions, interrupted processes. Emotional disconnection. Unjustified rebellion, adole scent immaturity. Inability to materialize your creati vity. Psychic imbalance.
+  The Nymph
Keyword: Resonance You are in a hypersensitive state, everything affects you, and you feel confused. Trust your intuition, ratio nal mind cannot help this time. Compassion is needed, open your heart. Invert position: Confusion, lack of clarity. You live in your fantasy world and you are not being loyal to yourself. Escapism, you avoid reality and you seek to dope yourself with futile stimulus.
2 | The 66 Constellations
qw  The Farmer
Keywords: Desire & Materialization Now you have the opportunity to materialize your desire, but you need to be patient. Act with strength and do not change your idea. Invert position: Your accelerated time does not allow you to finish the process. Your wishes do not have a real correspondence. You will feel frustrated. You act awkward and you are not practical. Your impulses will not be as fruitful as you expect.
qe  The Discussion
Keywords: Desire & Communication It is time to discuss deeply. The best discussion will arise from a sincere interchange of viewpoints. Trust the strength of your thinking. Invert position: Futile discussions. Your way of com munication is aggressive and understanding is almost impossible. You have a simplistic way of thinking that generates frictions.
qr  The Amazon Keywords: Desire & Emotion
Defend your position strongly. Others see you as a vulnerable person; this is your strength and will be their ruin. It is time to integrate desire and feelings. The biggest action occurs at home. Invert position: Domestic violence. People that you love are aggressive to you, you are aggressive to them. A maternal woman suffocates you with her own desire projecting sin on you. It’s difficult to find your own desire.
qt  The Conqueror Keywords: Desire & Self-expression
It is necessary to express steadiness and courage. You have the authority needed to make logic and concrete decisions. You have an admirable leadership capability. Invert position: You are doing bad use of your talents and power. You believe that you are better than others, pride can have negative effects. So much fire will not cook, but burn. You may transform in a negative leader or you may be following one.
qz  The Chessplayer Keywords: Desire & Service
You have to put your passions in order; this is the only way to lead with them. Do not act without thinking and calculate your next movement. Invert position: Your fears frustrate the things you know you have to do. Obsessions dominate you, but you have to dominate your obsessions. Imbalance between mind and heart. Mental stress.
qu Tango Keywords: Desire & Complement
To be successful it is needed to coordinate every mo vement with your mate or partner. You have to see the context that is around both of you, and “hear” the mu sic that is in the background. Flow with passion and somebody will join your movement. Invert position: Awkwardness to move in pairs. In ability to share with others. Selfishness. You are sur rendering to others in an excessive way. Symbiosis. General disharmony.
qI The Knight and the Dragon
Keywords: Desire & Intensity The internal fight has a correspondence with the ex ternal fight. The one you consider your enemy is the other self; if you understand this fact, you will win! Sexual power. You need to go deep in your desire to transcend it. Invert position: Bad use of power. Cruelty or abu se. You are not going deeply with things you value. A partial transformation is not a transformation at all. Aggressive pride. You are being beated by your shadow.
qo  The Sensei Keywords: Desire & Expansion
Passion for teaching. It’s time to have the courage to teach what you really know, and you have to do it with passion. If your ideas do not have enough strength, they will stay only ideas. Put your ideas in actions. Invert position: You teach things that nobody wants to learn in a persistent way. Even if you shout your truth, it will not be more important than the truth of others. Aggressive beliefs. Dogmatism.
qp  The Scaler Keywords: Desire & Structure
Define your goals and go for them without losing more time. Success comes from effort, but especially when you want to achieve it. Will, discipline, and desire. This is the only way to excel yourself. Invert position: So much self demanding that you may feel without energy. The goal may not be worth enough to put so much energy in it. Pyrrhic victory; a victory that seems to be a defeat.
qü Prometheus Keywords: Desire & Network
The reasonable thing to do now is to do a crazy thing. Exercise your creativity. Be rebel. Share the fire of Gods, because it is also yours. You have to be very, very fast. You will give your better working in teams. Invert position: You are repeating yourself in a boring manner. You copy the creations of others. You are oversimplifying things; this has nothing to do with your wishes and desires. It’s not the right time to be reactive.
q+  Wu Wei Keywords: Desire & Resonance
If you do not know what you are doing right now, you are going in the right way. Do not try to understand your acts, just follow your intuition. Your perception discovers the soul of everything. You have to let it stay or let it flow. With your eyes closed, you see well. Invert position: Self constraint. Confusion in relation to what you want. Possible deception with others or with oneself. Do not trust what you feel. Your intuiti on is not so good these days.
we The Potter Keywords: Materialization & Communication
It’s time to take responsibility and to do handwork. Test and experience, and something will take form. You will find pleasure materializing your ideas. It’s time to concrete creativity, handmade work. Just do it! Invert position: Manual awkwardness. Your ideas are impractical. From the many different options, you choose the worst. You have the method but you have to be pragmatic.
wr  The Cow Keywords: Materialization & Emotion
It’s a very productive time. You can give others what they really need. What you receive during these days will be useful in the future. Invert position: Be careful with what you ingest, whether food or toxic emotions. You are possessive with the ones you love and this is playing against you. You might be having a time of emotional malnutrition.
wt  The Dandy Keywords: Materialization & Self-expression
You have everything you need; do not search for anything else. Enjoy now everything as much as you can. Concentrate on good quality things, because what is expensive has value. Feeling of satisfaction. Invert position: Remember that not all that glitters is gold. Your pleasures of today will be your suffering of tomorrow. You are being selfish and possessive lately. Losses; bad administration of goods.
w z The Housemaid
Keywords: Materialization & Service It is important that what you achieved can continue. Enjoy having things in order and all that is needed to maintain this order. It’s time to do service to others. Manage your goods carefully and considering the de tails. Perfection leads to beauty. Invert position: You are obsessive and putting excessi ve attention in details and this do not allow you to enjoy anything. You are not managing your money so well. Possibility of financial problems.
wu The Banquet
Keywords: Materialization & Complement It’s time for delight and pleasure. Things seem too good to be true, but they are. Openness to love; glamour. Invert position: Excesses can lead you to feel great d iscomfort or financial difficulties. You are losing a lovely opportunity to share with others in a healthy way.
w I Asterion Keywords: Materialization & Intensity
Your total surrender will liberate the energy you need now. Connect with the power of life…and death. You can use another person’s power for your purpose or for the purposes of both. Possibility of receiving a heritage. Invert position: Sacrifice is leading you to anywhere. The exchange of energy with other people can leave you exhausted. You may be being vampirized by toxic people. You may be acting the victim role, but it will not take effect.
wo The Offering
Keywords: Materialization & Expansion It’s a moment of economic expansion. If you invert, it will be multiplied. Generosity from you to others or from others to you; good moods. You give a new me aning to everything you value. Material and spiritual abundance. Invert position: You are wasting your goods and resour ces. Egoism and manipulation because you are afraid of losing what you have. This time, speculation will lead you to lose what you have. More growth is pernicious.
wp The Harvester
Keywords: Materialization & Structure You will achieve what you wish only if you are willing to work consciously in it. It is time for concretion. You can trust your criteria of reality. Invert position: Skepticism will not lead you to a good place. Unproductive efforts. You are not allowing your self enjoy what you have achieved. Miserliness: you have resources but you don’t enjoy them.
wü The Comet Keywords: Materialization & Network
It’s time to materialize your creativity. Working in teams will be much better. If you do safe steps, you will jump high. Only the organisms that are alive in communities can create a new dimension of reality. Opening to free dom in relations depends on the grounding of each body. Invert position: Dissociation of thinking from feeling may make you feel ill. The connection is weak. Possi bility of sudden interruptions. There is no energy to go for your dreams.
w+ Meditation
Keywords: Materialization & Resonance It’s time to stay, to go slower and to enjoy the vitality that can be found in stillness. Contemplate your present (here and now) and you will wake up. Silence is the most productive action now. Invert position: You are stopped. Stuffiness; slowness. You are closed to perceptions and can’t see things as they are. Everything is more subtle and complex than you can recognize now.
er The Storyteller
Keywords: Communication & Emotion You can express yourself in a way that you touch other’s heart. If the words are said with feelings, they are received better by the other person. Tell the story of your life as you are telling it to a child. Invert position: Dissociation of what you think from what you feel. You are gullible; things are not like peo ple tell you. Your communication is not spontaneous.
et The Speaker
Keywords: Communication & Self-expression The way you think about yourself is the most real thought you’ve ever had. Speak with dignity and the other people will support you. If you speak with clear thoughts and an open heart, you will reach the other people in an unfailing manner. Good verbal expression and speaking abilities. Invert position: You only speak about yourself and your things. Intellectual arrogance. Yours is only a pos sible viewpoint; only a mere opinion.
ez  The Librarian
Keywords: Communication & Service It is necessary that you put your thoughts in order and that you think in a systemic way. We are all functional to a bigger system. To receive better advice, read about several topics. Make positive critics. Invert position: You are obsessive in relation to things that are not important. You look confused or repetitive. Your gossip may be boring. You make critics without sense and that does not have a logical criteria. You are influenced by sickly thoughts.
eu Hesitation
Keywords: Communication & Complement You will have to make a decision sooner or later, but you stay pondering pros and cons of each option. Contem plate the situation; then make your choice. Invert position: You make errors. You are being forced to choose by external circumstances. Other people are choo sing for you. You are full of doubts and contradictions. You stay oscillating … and the decision will appear by itself. You are not using words in a correct way.
ei The Psychoanalyst Keywords: Communication & Intensity
It’s time to go deeply in what you feel and express it. Saying what you think in the right place may have healing and purifying effects. It’s a good time to dive into the deep waters of the unconscious. Invert position: Dissociation of the mind from the impulses from the body or the psyche. Words may be de structive or without sense. Existential distress. Mental obsessions. Repression.
eo The Evangelist
Keywords: Communication & Expansion It’s time to speak and to share your deepest truths. If you trust something, say it! To learn seriously, you have to study, read and do research. Invert position: What you are saying is not believable, even for yourself. Excessive talkativeness and empty words. Inability to select the correct words and to com municate your ideas well. Dogmatism; bias. Lies and self- deception.
ep The Captain Keywords: Communication & Structure
It’s time to choose for the most logical and obvious viewpoint. Think and then act according to it. You can trust in your objectivity and your own criteria of reality. Think and act. Invert position: Crystallized or excessively structu red mind. The one that is speaking through you is old and based on unreal situations. Weak criteria. Incorrect decisions.
eü The Creator
Keywords: Communication & Network Now you have to change completely your way of thinking. You have to surprise others and let you get surprised. Something new has to be created, let your mind wander. You need to be faster and act in an electric manner. Invert position: Crazy or impractical ideas. Mental disorder. Stress. Psychic instability. Do not play with your ideas; you are losing your time. Congratulations! You‘ve just invented the powder.
e+ The Tarot Reader
Keywords: Communication & Resonance You are very intuitive and you perceive subtle things, it’s important to communicate them to others. Your life has to be like poetry. Surrender yourself to the things you cannot understand. You are like a bridge between mental and spiritual worlds. Invert position: Mental entangle. Mystic disorders. You move in your own psychic bubble. Possibility of betrayal and lies. You tend to mystify the reality and to build a naïve superstition.
rt The King and the Queen
Keywords: Emotion & Self-expression It’s a good moment for a deep encounter with your other self, your complement. The integration is on the way. Noble feelings. Dignity without pride. Invert position: Symbiosis with your partner. Dissoci ation between you masculine and feminine sides can be observed in your relations to others. Your proud feelings produced by the belonging to something or somebody are childish and ridiculous.
r z The Pediatrician Keywords: Emotion & Service
It’s time to be cautious about one’s feelings, thoughts and wishes. You have to put your emotions in order. Psychosomatic sensitivity. It’s time to take precautions to prevent severe situations. Thinking and feeling are integrated. Invert position: Emotional disorder can affect your he alth if you don’t take precautions. You have obsessions or bad habits as a result of not knowing basic emotional needs.
ru The Little Princess Keywords: Emotion & Complement
You have to learn about niceness, in giving and recei ving. You deserve nice things; do not be afraid of asking for them or looking for them. Emotional intimacy; har mony. To be nice does not prevent you of being serious. Invert position: You are prone to be awkward and this can be transformed in ugliness. You are so much con cerned about aesthetic issues, being superficial and emp ty. You pretend to please others but you look overacting.
r I The Birth Keywords: Emotion & Intensity
It’s time to go as deep as possible in your emotions. Sur render to everything that occurs because it’s necessary to go through pain and conflicts to let vitality appear. Invert position: Toxic emotions, control, and manipu lation. Difficulty to go deep in your feelings and this is the important thing now. The pain you are feeling now it’s not worth feeling it.
ro  The School Keywords: Emotion & Expansion
You have to start from the most basic things, even if you think they ar not necessary. Only that way you will comprehend the most complex things. The important thing now is to learn about your internal world. Invert position: You look like a illiterate in emotions, you believe you know about everything. You are emoti onally bound to beliefs that need to be questioned. Your teaching style is very poor.
rp The Grandfather
Keywords: Emotion & Structure It’s a time of calm in emotional issues with your loved ones. It’s time to observe objectively your feelings. It’s time to grow and to take responsibility, to be involved in one’s feelings. Invert position: Affective insecurity. Emotional rigidi ty. You live in the past and do not let your feelings being updated. You are not being creative or vital. You are not being an example to others.
rü The Ecologists Keywords: Emotion & Network
Affection and emotions must flow inside groups, open to them. Share your intimacy and love will flow in abun dance. Everyone could be your son or your mother. Invert position: Your mind and emotions are dissocia ted, the same with your brain and heart. Excessive de tachment. Affective coldness. Emotional disorders. So much stress.
r+  The Medium Keywords: Emotion & Resonance
Trust your great sensitivity and try to do something concrete with it. There is an issue with your mother (or a woman) that it’s not so clear and needs to be more explicit. You register things that others do not see. Invert position: You are sensitively and confusing, you can go down in a depressive state. You are possessed by emotions that are not yours. You need to be more rational.
t z The Abdication Keywords: Self-expression & Service
You must be liable with more surrender and humility. The important thing is not to be famous, but to do what you have to do. It’s time for a meditated abdication. Invert position: False humility. You want to be prot agonist, but your personality does not qualify for that. Pride; vanity. You take the role of victim and nobody believes you.
tu  The Narcisist Keywords: Self-expression & Complement
You have to think for yourself first and then try to help others. You must realize that you have artistic gifts, do not hesitate in developing them. Invert position: You do not percive the other, and the other does not percive you. You are so dependent on the way other people look at you, that you can’t be who you really are. You believe in everything other people think about your personality. Veiled selfishness, you think everyone is like you.
t I The Tamer
Keywords: Self-expression & Intensity You will achieve more things if you control yourself than if you let yourself be lead by your instincts. At this time, you are able to handle conflictive situations. You can’t be distracted, procure to be alert all the time. You must admit your animal side. Invert position: You let yourself be leaded by your in stincts and this time they will lead you to ruin. Do not believe you are handling the situation; on the contrary, you are prone to be manipulated like a marionette.
to The Traveller Keywords: Self-expression & Expansion
It’s a great time to do internal or external travelling because it will allow you to expand your consciousness. A big movement is needed, instead of many short mo vements. Trust in yourself, you are capable of doing it. Invert position: You better stay at home; it’s not time for adventures. You tend to exaggerate and to be so much credulous. The world is like a scarf.
tp The Calligraphist Keywords: Self-expression & Structure
It’s important to look for perfection in what you do, you have to practice so much. Express yourself without wai ting for recognition because when you do it, you will shine. Your personality is mature, you can deal with things. Invert position: Awkwardness, you are messy in the way you express yourself. Things will not be estimated as you wish. Critics can be lapidary. You are limited in your self-expression. Frustration. You are just about to make a mess.
tü The Chorus Keywords: Self-expression & Network
Now it’s necessary that you are part of a group of equals. Your creativity will multiply by thousands if you collaborate with others. You must be part of a team, but do not forget your individuality. Invert position: Inability to relate to others, you believe you are the only one that is right. This time, being part of a group is not the way to do it; you better continue to do things by yourself. Rebellion without having a cause.
t+  The Shaman
Keywords: Self-expression & Resonance Perceive other dimensions of reality. The concrete things are not enough. Your identity must be modified, so develop subtleness in your consciousness. You must learn to lose yourself and then find yourself. Invert position:You must be more realistic. You belie ve that you are a spiritual being, but this is the most self-centered attitude. Confusion in relations to others, do not trust in what you perceive.
zu  The Designer Keywords: Service & Complement
It’s time to be more rational in your close relations to others. Now it’s time to be neat, but always try to think in the big picture. Your mind must go to the encounter with the other too, just put your heart apart now. Invert position: In this mental state, nothing pretty will arise from you. You have bad manners relating to others, based on erratic thoughts.
z I The Acupuncturist Keywords: Service & Intensity
You must learn to recycle the energy, now you are more capable of doing it in a rational way. You must organize yourself and this will let you gain more power and vita lity. Do not be afraid of feeling some pain. Invert position: You are handling your energies in a very bad way, even your psychological, spiritual and corporal energies. The points you are touching now will not lead to good results. Nothing seems to produce e ffects.
zo The Missionary Keywords: Service & Expansion
Stop thinking in your personal needs, you are capable of helping others. Your contribution, even if it’s a small one, will make a difference. Plan your next long travel. Invert position: You try to be very humanitarian and helpful, but you don’t predicate with your example. You tend to impose others the way you do things, and you are not doing things well.
zp The Watchmaker
Keywords: Service & Structure You must be more precise and aim seriously what you want to achieve. It’s a moment that requires more con centration and persistent work. Invert position:You are wasting your precious time in trivial things or in doing your work not so well. It takes the same time to do things in a good way or in a bad way. You pay no attention and have poor concentration.
zß  The Astrologer
Keywords: Service & Network Understanding will occur when you connect with the meaning of what happens to you. Discover your place in the cosmos; your destiny depends on that. You are part of something bigger that transcends yourself. Invert position: Your body, emotions and mind are living dissociated lives. You pretend to control the future and you forget that you only have the present moment. You better do not predict.
z+ The Symbolist Keywords: Service & Resonance
You have to think in a metaphoric manner and using images, so you can understand the things that happen to you. Be sensitive and precise at the same time, be a poet. You need to achieve the hidden meaning of facts. Invert position: You are confusing things, relating everything to everything. Your way of thinking is oscillating between delirium and obsession. You can’t register the energetic world that is around you because of the distortions that your mind creates.
uI  Tantra Keywords: Complement & Intensity
Do not be afraid of having a deep and transforming encounter. You must take seriously what each sexual encounter energetically implies. Invert position: You are underestimating your encoun ters with others. You are afraid of what others manifest about you. You have a tendency to manipulate others at the emotional level. You might be fascinated or obsessed with sexual issues.
uo Vacation Keywords: Complement & Expansion
It’s time for having an encounter full of pleasure and plenitude. Enjoy the presence of the other as the other enjoys your presence. This time, if you want to expand yourself or improve in something, you will need the d isposition of another one. Travelling. Social hap piness. Invert position: The news are too good to be true; do not be so credulous. You are unable to relate in a po sitive form.
up  The Dancer
Keywords: Complement & Structure To achieve something important you have to work hard and persistently. Reaching the essence of the issue needs more training. You must take relationships more seri ously and with more realism. Invert position: The truth is that things are so bad because your lack of compromise and responsibility. Your gesture is overacted. If you take things so lightly, you will never achieve anything important.
uü The Feminists
Keywords: Complement & Network It’s time to be a rebel; it is much better if you act with a group. Your creativity will emerge when you share what you feel and think with others. Invert position: Division produces weakness. Your prejudices will leave you sadly alone. Rebellion without sense. Reactive transgression. You are looking to hang on something.
u+  Eros and Psyche
Keywords: Complement & Resonance Love is there, recognize it and embrace it right now! Encounters are not possible without fascination; but remember that you will need to wake up then. You feel in love. Thanks to the presence of another one, you will find your soul. Invert position: State of confusion in close relati onships, especially with your partner. You are being deceived and you let it happen. The better half does not exist. You should question the way you understand love.
Io The Healer Keywords: Intensity & Expansion
You should think it is possible, and then you’ll do it. Healing depends on you, but let others help you. Now it’s important to find the deepest meaning of things. Feel the vibration and transmit it. Invert position: You are wrong in the doses you are using. Be careful with what you believe, because you might lose equilibrium. The way to hell is full of good intentions. You are using your power in a bad manner.
Ip  The Nuclear Physicist Keywords: Intensity & Structure
Take a rational and wise viewpoint, so you’ll be able to know what you are capable of. Take responsibility of your authority, but do not fall in authoritarianism. You are asked to be concentrated, this way you will achieve what you want. Invert position: Unconscious commandments that lead you to destruction. Impotence. Inability to put limits to others or to you. Possibility of unnecessary cruelty.
Iü The Falconer
Keywords: Intensity & Network Open up your wings. You must find new things to recreate yourself completely. Do not be afraid of crazi ness. Change; renew yourself. Die and be reborn. Invert position: You are just about to drink an explosi ve cocktail. Possibility of suffering a kind of lightning attack; just be in guard. This is a critical moment in mental and emotional levels. An advice: try bioener getics.
I+ The Illusionist Keywords: Intensity & Resonance
Realize that everything is a simulation; do not let yourself fall in the trickery of reality. The only thing that will function now is to create an illusion that seems a truth. Take advantage of the use of images. Invert position: You suppose you are a sagacious person but you are betraying yourself. You see that you are ma naging other people but you don’t see the wires that are managing you from above (or below).
op The Hermit
Keywords: Expansion & Structure Trust in somebody else that looks serious and respon sible. You need to start a self-knowledge trip. Invert position: Rigidity in ideas. Dogmatism. You pretend to teach something in which you are not an ex ample. You act when you need to be still, and you do not move when you have to act. You lack existential timing.
oü The Astronaut
Keywords: Expansion & Network It’s time to throw yourself to the unknown with self confidence. You have to see yourself in the future, for getting pragmatism. Your thoughts need to raise and look for the best of majority. Invert position: You are living in the stratosphere and totally out of reality; this could be dangerous for you and for others.
o + The Utopia Keywords: Expansion & Resonance
Do not be afraid of communicating, expressing and living your ideals; this will stay resonating energetical ly among people like you. It’s time to be enthusiastic and to generate enthusiasm in others. Project your future according to your highest aspirations. Invert position: Ambivalence between mystic delirium and extreme skepticism. You are living a very bad science fiction film; you should be in contact with the here and now. Question the things you do not think are good.
pü Beyond the Summit
Keywords: Structure & Network You are ready to do the big jump; realize that you rea ched a certain limit. Go beyond; do a responsible crazy thing. Take a compromise with freedom. Invert position: You are totally conditioned by other people. You are a bird in a birdcage and you don’t reali ze that the door is open. You can’t do the jump that is necessary to do now.
p+ The Musician
Keywords: Structure & Resonance You need to seek harmony in your life through work and persistent practice. It’s time to start making your dreams real. You should be diligent and applied in the spiritual issues. Invert position: Confusion about what you should do, lack of will. You are detuning, so your life lacks har mony. You think you are the owner of your own acts, but you are totally conditioned by collective archetypes.
ü+ The Bodhisattva Keywords: Network & Resonance
At this moment you are very sensitive to the suffering of other beings. Open your heart to the needs of people like you. It’s time to be compassionate with others. Just feel. The other is you, you are the other one. Invert position: Susceptibility. Reality seems to be so much for you. You have a tendency to escapism or depression. You take shelter in a bubble and from that place you believe that you are related to others.
»This is a fun deck for those who love astrology. But it’s also easy for someone new to astrology to use. Though some background would help, it’s not essential. The main power is in the pictures. And indeed the creators, astrologer Alejandro Christian Luna of Argentina and astrologer/artist Nil Orange of Germany, say that the deck is also for those interested in symbolic languages. They feel that a picture is worth a thousand words. And I think their deck proves that it’s true.« From a review of the deck by M. Grace Melucci on