Armenia TourInfo, 2017/2018 December/January

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content VOL.15/155 December 2017

Cover Page Winter Park

Armenia TourInfo

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Founding Director Garen Marcarian Executive Director Edgar Meliksetyan Editor/Translator Sona Paremuzyan Art Designer Meri Minasian Admin. Coordinator Angelika Gevorgyan Marketing Manager Emma Sargsyan Photographer Vahe Minasyan

By Address: 2 Arshakunyats Ave., # 109 Yerevan, Armenia, 0023 By Phone: (+374 10) 56 99 40 (+374 10) 52 75 40 By Fax: (+374 10) 56 99 30 By Email: On Board: Visitor Information Center at Zvartnots International Airport OnLine: TourInfo Publisher: Register No. 01M 000206

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Medical Tourism..........................36-37 Proudly made in Armenia..........40-41 Embassies, Consulates.....................50 Official Information of Armenia.....52 Emergency Phone Numbers...........52 Health & Medical Centers...............52 Regions’ Area Code...........................52 Hotels...................................................54 Dinings.................................................56 Cafes.....................................................60 Shopping Spots.............................62/64 Entertainment/Services..................66 Airlines/Travel Agencies/Banks.... 68 Museums/Art Galleries..............70/71 Cultural Events.............................76/77

No part, section, photo or insertion in this publication may be used, copied in any way without prior written authorization of the copyright holder.


Publisher’s note

''New Year's Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change.'' I feel the smell of New Year, don't you? People are rushing from one shop to the other to buy gifts, new clothes, food, and different things from markets. The streets have already worn their glittering outfits welcoming the guests and citizens with shining beauty. This is one of the most beautiful seasons when visitors of Armenia can enjoy not only winter adventures outside the capital city Yerevan, but also discover the magic of the season in such places as Winter Park, Skating rink, etc. Take your winter tours to discover Armenia sunk under the white snow blanket. Have your skiing dreams realized in ski resort towns such as Tsaghkadzor, Jermuk, etc. And don't forget to get to know about traditional Armenian New Year which may be a kind of different from yours. When on December 31 clock strikes 00:00, keep a wish and believe in it with all your heart. The magic of New Year will work for you and bring all the goodness to you and your family‌ Let the upcoming 2018 be a year of love, peace and new achievements for all of us.

Garen Marcarian




SEASON'S GREETINGS RA MINISTRY OF CULTURE Minister Armen Amiryan êÇñ»ÉÇ Ñ³Ûñ»Ý³ÏÇóÝ»ñ ¨ ÝáõÛÝù³Ý ëÇñ»ÉÇ ÑÛáõñ»ñ, ßÝáñѳíáñ Üáñ î³ñÇ: Þ³ï »Ù áõ½áõÙ, áñ ·³ÉÇù ï³ñÇÝ ¨ë ÉÇÝÇ »ñç³ÝÏáõÃÛ³Ý, ˳ճÕáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ µ³ñ·³í³×Ù³Ý ï³ñÇ µáÉáñÇë ѳٳñ: سÕÃáõÙ »Ù ݳ¨, áñ Ñ»Ýó ³Û¹ »ñç³ÝÇÏ áõ Ë³Õ³Õ ëñï»ñÁ Ó»½ ѳçáñ¹ ï³ñÇ ÝáõÛÝå»ë áõÕ»Ïó»Ý ¹»åÇ Ù»ñ Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ ûç³ËÝ»ñÁ ¨ å³ïÙ³Ï³Ý Ñáõß³ñÓ³ÝÝ»ñÁ: ÆëÏ Ù»Ýù Ïß³ñáõݳϻÝù ³Ý»É ³Ù»Ý Ñݳñ³íáñÁ Ù»ñ Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ ³ñÅ»ùÝ»ñÁ Ó»½ ѳٳñ ³é³í»É ëÇñ»ÉÇ, Ñ»ï³ùñùÇñ ¨ ѳë³Ý»ÉÇ ¹³ñÓÝ»Éáõ ѳٳñ:

STATE COMMITTEE OF TOURISM Chairperson Zarmine Zeytuntsyan гñ·»ÉÇ Ñ³Ûñ»Ý³ÏÇóÝ»ñ, ·áñÍÁÝÏ»ñÝ»ñ ¨ ÑÛáõñ»ñ, ѳÙá½í³Í »Ù, áñ ·³ÉÇù 2018 Ãí³Ï³ÝÁ г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ ÉÇÝ»Éáõ ¿ µ³½áõ٠ѳçáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇ áõ í»ñ»ÉùÝ»ñÇ, Ýáñ³Ýáñ Ó»éùµ»ñáõÙÝ»ñÇ ï³ñÇ: γñÍáõÙ »Ù` ß³ï»ñÝ »Ý ³Ýѳٵ»ñáõÃÛ³Ùµ ëå³ëáõÙ ³Ûë ïáÝÇÝ. »ë ÝáõÛÝå»ë ¹ñ³Ï³Ý ëå³ëáõÙÝ»ñáí »Ù ¹ÇÙ³íáñ»Éáõ ·³ÉÇù ï³ñÇÝ: ä³Ñå³Ý»Éáí 2017 Ãí³Ï³ÝÇ Ó»éùµ»ñáõÙÝ»ñÁ` å³ïñ³ëïíáõÙ »Ýù Ó»½ Ñ»ï ÙdzëÇÝ ³í»ÉÇ Ù»Í ù³ÛÉ»ñáí ³é³ç ·Ý³É: ¶³ÉÇù ï³ñáõÙ Ù»ñ ³éç¨ ¹ñ»É »Ýù ½µáë³ßñç³ÛÇÝ µ³½áõÙ Íñ³·ñ»ñÇ ¨ Ýå³ï³ÏÝ»ñÇ Çñ³Ï³Ý³óáõÙÁ: سÕÃáõÙ »Ù, áñ 2018 Ãí³Ï³ÝÁ ÉÇÝÇ Ë³Õ³ÕáõÃÛ³Ý, ³éáÕçáõÃÛ³Ý, ѳçáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇ ¨ ÉdzÃáù áõñ³ËáõÃÛ³Ý ï³ñÇ: ÞÝáñѳíáñ ²Ù³Ýáñ ¨ êáõñµ ÌÝáõݹ:

YEREVAN MUNICIPALITY Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan Dear citizens and guests of Yerevan city, I warmly welcome you in Yerevan and wish you unforgettable Winter Holidays in our festive city. Upcoming 2018 year will be a special year for our beloved city Yerevan which will celebrate the 2800th anniversary of its foundation. I'm sure, that it is a good opportunity for everyone to visit and get acquainted with the unique beauty and advantages of the capital of worldwide Armenians around the globe. I cordially wish you and your families Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! With its fairy-tale and stunning look our old and new Yerevan spreads love, hospitality and kindness for all the residents and visitors of the city. Let the New Year bring warmth and love to all of you and those, who will visit Yerevan during these days. Yerevan is always open for everyone and we are delighted to say welcome to Yerevan. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

EMBASSY OF ARGENTINA IN ARMENIA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary H.E. Mr. Gonzalo Urriolabeitia New Year does not signify a simple change in the calendar but it also signifies opportunities for bringing about positive changes to make the world around us much better. So, I sincerely wish the friendly Armenian people success, prosperity and peace and I am confident that through joint effort we will further strengthen the bonds of the strong partnership between Armenia and Argentina and achieve new progress for the benefit of our countries and peoples.

ARMENIAN INSTITUTE OF TOURISM Rector Robert Minasyan êñï³Ýó ßÝáñѳíáñáõÙ »Ù ‹‹îáõñÆÝýá›› ³Ùë³·ñÇ Ù³ñïáõÝ³Ï ÏáÉ»ÏïÇíÇ ²Ù³ÝáñÁ: г۳óù Ý»ï»Éáí ÏáÉ»ÏïÇíÇ Ñ»ï ÙdzëÝ³Ï³Ý ·áñÍáõÝ»áõÃÛ³ÝÁ` íëï³Ñ »Ù, áñ 2018Ã-Á Ó»ñ Ù³ëݳÏóáõÃÛ³Ùµ ÏÉÇÝÇ µ»ÏáõÙݳÛÇÝ Ð³Û³ëï³ÝáõÙ ïáõñǽÙÇ ½³ñ·³óÙ³Ý ·áñÍáõÙ: سÕÃáõÙ »Ù ³Ýëå³é »é³Ý¹, Ýáñ³Ýáñ ѳçáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñ` ³ÏÝϳɻÉáí ÷áË߳ѳí»ï ·áñÍáõÝ»áõÃÛáõÝ:

VAHAKNI RESIDENTAL COMMUNITY Director Nina Hovnanian Wishing you a warm home and all the joy of the season.

HYUR SERVICE TRAVEL AGENCY Founding Director Aram Hakobyan êÇñ»ÉÇ Ñ³Ûñ»Ý³ÏÇóÝ»ñ ¨ ÑÛáõñ»ñ, ‹‹ÐÛáõñ ë»ñíÇë›› ÁÝÏ»ñáõÃÛ³Ý áÕç ³ß˳ï³Ï³½ÙÇ ³ÝáõÝÇó ßÝáñѳíáñáõÙ »Ù ‹‹îáõñÆÝýá›› ³Ùë³·ñÇ ÏáÉ»ÏïÇíÇ, Ù»ñ ѳÛñ»Ý³ÏÇóÝ»ñÇ ¨ µáÉáñ ½µáë³ßñçÇÏÝ»ñÇ ²Ù³ÝáñÝ áõ êáõñµ ÍÝáõݹÁ` Ù³ÕûÉáí ѳçáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñ ¨ µ³ñÓñ ïñ³Ù³¹ñáõÃÛáõÝ 2018 Ãí³Ï³ÝÇÝ: ò³ÝϳÝáõÙ »Ù, áñ 2018 Ãí³Ï³ÝÁ, ݳ˻õ³é³ç, ˳ճÕáõÃÛ³Ý, ϳÛáõÝáõÃÛ³Ý áõ ½³ñ·³óÙ³Ý ï³ñÇ ÉÇÝÇ Ù»ñ å»ïáõÃÛ³Ý Ñ³Ù³ñ: ÂáÕ µáÉáñÇë ÁÝï³ÝÇùÝ»ñáõÙ »ñç³ÝÏáõÃÛáõÝ ïÇñÇ, ³ß˳ï³ÝùáõÙ` á·¨áñáõÃÛáõÝ ¨ ³é³çÁÝóó: ìëï³Ñ »Ù, áñ »ÏáÕ ï³ñáõÙ ³ÏïÇí ¨ Ñ³Ù³é ³ß˳ï³ÝùÇ ßÝáñÑÇí г۳ëï³ÝÝ ¿É ³í»ÉÇ ×³Ý³ã»ÉÇ Ï¹³ñÓÝ»Ýù ³ß˳ñÑáõÙ ¨ ï³ñ»í»ñçÇÝ áõñ³ËáõÃÛ³Ùµ ϳñӳݳ·ñ»Ýù, áñ г۳ëï³Ýáí Ñdzó³Í ½µáë³ßñçÇÏÝ»ñÇ ÃÇíÁ µ³½Ù³å³ïÏí»É ¿:

NATIONAL ACADEMIC THEATER OF OPERA AND BALLET AFTER A. SPENDARIAN Director and artistic director Constantine Orbelian êÇñ»ÉÇ Ñ³Ûñ»Ý³ÏÇóÝ»ñ, 2017 Ãí³Ï³ÝÁ г۳ëï³ÝÇ ûå»ñ³ÛÇ ¨ µ³É»ïÇ Ã³ïñáÝÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍ³Ï³Ý Ó»éùµ»ñáõÙÝ»ñáí ѳñáõëï ï³ñÇ ¿ñ. Ù»Ýù áõÝ»ó³Ýù åñ»ÙÇ»ñ³Ý»ñ, ѳٻñ·³ÛÇÝ Ñdzëù³Ýã »ñ»ÏáÝ»ñ, ³é³çÇÝ ³Ý·³Ù Çñ³Ï³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ ¹³ñÓ³í ºñ¨³ÝÇ ÙÇç³½·³ÛÇÝ ûå»ñ³ÛÇÝ ÷³é³ïáÝÁ, áñÝ ³ÛëáõÑ»ï ³Ù»Ý³ÙÛ³ ÏÉÇÝÇ: 2018 Ãí³Ï³ÝÇÝ ÝáõÛÝå»ë ß³ñáõݳϻÉáõ »Ýù ³ß˳ï»É ÝáõÛÝ »é³Ý¹áí` Ù»ñ óïñáÝÇ ³ÝáõÝÁ µ³ñÓñ å³Ñ»Éáí ³ß˳ñÑÇ Ñ»ÕÇݳϳíáñ óïñáÝÝ»ñÇ ÁÝï³ÝÇùáõÙ: ò³ÝϳÝáõÙ »Ù, áñ Üáñ î³ñÇÝ ÉÇÝÇ Ë³Õ³ÕáõÃÛ³Ý, µ³ñÇùÇ ¨ Ùß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ Çñ³¹³ñÓáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñáí ÉÇ ï³ñÇ: ÞÝáñѳíáñ ²Ù³Ýáñ ¨ êáõñµ ÌÝáõݹ:

ARMENIAN NATIONAL PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Eduard Topchjan êÇñ»ÉÇ ÁÝûñóáÕ, ÞÝáñѳíáñáõÙ »Ù ²Ù³ÝáñÇ ¨ êáõñµ ÌÝÝ¹Û³Ý ïáÝ»ñÇ Ï³å³ÏóáõÃÛ³Ùµ: ºÕ»ù ²½·³ÛÇÝ ýÇÉѳñÙáÝÇÏÇ Ñ»ï, Éóñ»ù Ó»ñ ÏÛ³ÝùÁ ¹³ë³Ï³Ý »ñ³ÅßïáõÃÛ³Ý ç»ñÙ áõ ϳ½¹áõñÇã ÑÝãÛáõÝÝ»ñáí: سÕÃáõÙ »Ù Ó»½ ³éáÕçáõÃÛáõÝ, ³Ýë³ÑÙ³Ý »ñç³ÝÏáõÃÛáõÝ ¨ µ³½áõÙ Ñ»ï³ùñùÇñ ßñç³·³ÛáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñ ³ß˳ñÑáí Ù»Ï: 10 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

YERANI TRAVEL CEO Harutyun Narinyan On behalf of Yerani Travel staff, I wish you Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year. We hope the magic of New Year and our warm hospitality will make your trip to Armenia unforgettable. Let happiness and success guide you through the year 2018.

RADISSON BLU HOTEL, YEREVAN General Manager Atis Zaharans On behalf of the entire team of the Radisson Blu Hotel Yerevan it’s my great pleasure to congratulate “TourInfo” magazine on the special New Year publication. During this wonderful Christmas and New Year time we would like to wish happiness, health and lots of travel inspirations in 2018 to all Armenians and guests of this beautiful country from around the globe. May the beauty and joyous moments of the season stay with you throughout the year!

SIXT ARMENIA General Manager Tigran Arakelyan Dear friends! Working with each of you allowed us to expand our borders in the automotive industry, giving us invaluable experience and success. I wish you always to remain in drive and feel the wild power of motion, new discoveries in the New Year 2018 together with Sixt! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

ARMENIA WINE FACTORY Acting Chief Executive Officer Marine Melkonyan “²ñÙ»Ýdz ì³ÛÝ” ·ÇÝáõ ·áñͳñ³ÝÇ ³ÝáõÝÇó ç»ñÙáñ»Ý ßÝáñѳíáñáõÙ »Ù “îáõñÆÝýá” ³Ùë³·ñÇ ³ß˳ï³Ï³½ÙÇ ¨ ÁÝûñóáÕÝ»ñÇ ²Ù³ÝáñÁ ¨ êáõñµ ÌÝáõݹÁ: Úáõñ³ù³ÝãÛáõñ ²Ù³Ýáñ Ýáñ Ù»ÏݳñÏÇ ëÏǽµ ¿ ³½¹³ñ³ñáõÙ, ó³ÝϳÝáõÙ »Ù, áñ ³Û¹ Ù»ÏݳñÏÁ µáÉáñÇë ѳٳñ ÉÇÝÇ Ñ³çáÕ³Ï áõ ËáëïáõÙݳÉÇó: î³ñ»í»ñçÇ áõ ï³ñ»ÙáõïÇ ³Ûë ûñ»ñÇÝ ÁݹáõÝí³Í ¿ ³Ù÷á÷»É ³ÝóÝáÕ ï³ñÇÝ ¨ ·³ÉÇù ï³ñí³ Ñ³Ù³ñ µ³ñ»Ù³ÕóÝùÝ»ñ ÑÕ»É, áñáÝù ÉÇ »Ý Ýáñ ÑáõÛë»ñáí áõ ëå³ëáõÙÝ»ñáí: ²ÝóÝáÕ ï³ñÇÝ ×³Ý³å³ñÑáõÙ »Ýù ³ß˳ï³Ýù³ÛÇÝ Ñ³çáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñáí, ßáõñçï³ñÛ³ ³ÝÁÝ¹Ù»ç ·áñÍáõÝ»áõÃÛ³Ý É³í ³ñ¹ÛáõÝùÝ»ñáí, ¨ áïù »Ýù ¹Ýáõ٠ѳçáñ¹ ï³ñÇ` ³í»ÉÇ É³í ³ÏÝϳÉÇùÝ»ñáí:

DEEM COMMUNICATIONS Creative Director & Founder Raffi Niziblian On behalf of Deem Communications and all those who worked on the Branding Gyumri project, I want to congratulate TourInfo on this jubilee. Publications in Armenia have come and gone, but not many have surpassed the challenges faced over the past years. Tour Info has been a good partner to us and a reliable friend to both incoming and domestic tourists. With this issue, I want to especially thank TourInfo for the special attention it has paid to Gyumri as a destination. May this holiday season bring prosperity and growth to you and to all cities in Armenia, especially Gyumri. Happy 155th issue - Happy New Year!

YELL EXTREME PARK Founder and CEO Tigran Chibukhchyan Armenia is a country with ancient history, historical monuments, rich culture, healthy food, beautiful nature and safe environment. The Armenian people have been known for their hospitality and they pleasantly surprise tourists with their sincerity and generosity. Our wish to all Armenians and tourists is to live with no borders, no fears and take each opportunity to feel the adrenaline. In 2018 we'll do our best for the quality of our service and to extend our activities. We will open the longest zip-line and make Armenia a world center of adventure tourism! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!

WELCOME TO GEORGIA! NATIONAL TOURISM AWARDS Co-Founder/CEO Maryna Chayka Actually, the magazine is the bridge of dating to many corners of the world and people, helps to discover new destinations and makes traveling easier and much more interesting. Such magazines as TourInfo give good advice to their readers where to eat, what to see, where to stay and etc., introducing Armenia the best way, which is very important for those travelers who keep up with the times - both in business and in leisure. For Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Awards, it’s an honor to have such a reliable and loyal International Media Partner. For us it’s always nice to work with TourInfo team, and we believe that our cooperation is surely for promoting tourism developments in both countries. On the behalf of Welcome to Georgia! National Tourism Awards Team, dear Armenian colleagues and TourInfo readers, we would like to congratulate you on upcoming New Year, wish you all a successful, faithful, joyful, peaceful 2018 year. We are looking forward to hosting you in Georgia to spend unforgettable holidays in any season of the year!

CAR&VAN RENT A CAR Manager in Chief Marta Khachatryan I heartily wish you to have the unworried and peaceful New Year ahead, as well as a very special and magical mood to take all the initiatives with inspiration, strength and energy. I wish our country to have a real fracture in the economics, so we shall be able to turn over all the pages of economical, political and social confrontations. I wish you to attain your prior goals and acquire new ones, to succeed in your work which will bring prosperity and wellbeing to your homes and gratification to your hearts. I wish love to always prevail in you souls – towards your friends, your life and the world. I wish you to travel a lot in the coming year and have the most vivid impressions from it. Happy New Year

FISH HOUSE RESTAURANT Executive Director Hrachya Aghababyan Fish House é»ëïáñ³ÝÇ ³ÝÓݳϳ½ÙÇ ³ÝáõÝÇó ßÝáñѳíáñáõÙ »Ù µáÉáñÇë ²Ù³ÝáñÇ ¨ êáõñµ ÌÝÝ¹Û³Ý ïáÝ»ñÇ Ï³å³ÏóáõÃÛ³Ùµ: ÂáÕ 2018 Ãí³Ï³ÝÁ ÉÇÝÇ Ï³ÛáõÝáõÃÛ³Ý, Ýáñ ѳçáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇ ¨ Ó»éùµ»ñáõÙÝ»ñÇ ï³ñÇ, ѳٵ»ñáõÃÛáõÝ áõ Ýáñ³Ýáñ »é³Ý¹ Ò»ñ ³ß˳ï³ÝùáõÙ, »Õ»ù µ³ñ»Ñá·Ç ¨ ³Ù»ÝÇó ·É˳íáñÁ` ³éáÕç ¨ ɳí³ï»ë: ºë ÙdzÝáõÙ »Ù µáÉáñ ³ÛÝ ßÝáñѳíáñ³ÝùÝ»ñÇÝ, áñ ÑÝã»Éáõ »Ý ³é³çÇϳ ûñ»ñÇÝ Ù»ñ ïÝ»ñáõÙ áõ ÁÝï³ÝÇùÝ»ñáõÙ, µáÉáñ µ³ñ»Ù³ÕóÝùÝ»ñÇÝ, áñáÝù ¹»é ³ë»Éáõ »ù ÙÇÙÛ³Ýó ëÇñáí áõ ɳí³ï»ëáõÃÛ³Ùµ:

NIMA FOOD Mangaer Georgi Danielov


christmas time, gift time! Tumanyan 24

Dallma Garden Mall 2nd floor

Yerevan Mall 2nd floor

Winter Park

Your dream is here...

Are you in Yerevan searching for a winter fairy tale for the whole family? Winter park will be a great destination to explore. It's a great place where you can: • See Santa's place and post office • Discover Troll's house • Eat Mrs. Claus's pies • Visit Elf school • Go to a Skating rink • Have some snacks in the cafe • Get into the magic of the Snow Queen's fairy tale • Ride a Northern Deer • Take Ice Slides Meet Santa Claus in his house and make a wish. Don't forget to taste the most delicious pies made by Mrs. Claus. By the way, you can also help her with the preparation. Showcase your skating skills in the biggest rink of the city. The Elf and Trolls will help you find out how the winter magic is created. Winter Park is a little Lapland of Armenia welcoming people of any age and taking to the miracle of New Year.

The miracle begins #IceTegh


How to find ? Address: Tbilisyan highway 1/8, Yerevan, Armenia Website: Phone: 098 74 03 30

The Magic of New Year in Armenia I

f you are reading this article, it means you have decided to spend one of the best periods of the year in Armenia. So, welcome! New Year is a magical time when you can enjoy your holidays and take time away from the hustle and bustle of the busy and exhausting working days. Though New Year is celebrated in the majority of countries, the celebrations vary widely across different cultures. In Armenia this holiday has a specific importance for natives. Since the end of November each family is getting prepared for a great celebration. The cities and even villages have their festive


decorations done. The capital city Yerevan and the second largest city Gyumri have the most beautiful lights and Christmas tree on all streets. The queen of the celebrations is the main Christmas tree in the Capital square which lights are switched on with special ceremony. But this is just the beginning of the story. The most important is yet to come. Being in Armenia in New Year means to know everything about our traditions starting from the decoration of the table, house, ending with the welcoming of friends and acquaintances.

New Year Rush in an Armenian-style Cleaning up the house is the first stage of getting prepared. In fact, we don't throw away the furniture as the German people do, but try to save money for new things to buy. Try to knock at any door on the last days of December, you will see that all of them are cleaning, cooking, or both together. By the way, the decoration of the Christmas tree is a special occasion as well. We buy new and modern ornaments each year to decorate both the house and the tree.

On December 31 at 00:00 we all should be ready to welcome the New Year. The table should be set and all family members should be at home to gather around the table and say Cheers to welcome 2018. On January 1 the holiday routine begins. We visit our friends, relatives, acquaintances to wish them a Happy New Year. New Year rush comes to its end on January 13 with the final celebration of Old New Year.


If the turkey is a traditional Christmas dish for Americans, the pork leg decorates our tables for New Year. Even if there can be found some original families who replace the leg with a turkey, fish or even crocodile, the pork doesn't succumb. Meat snacks and salads come the next which great variety makes us feel dizzy. If you want typically Armenian meat snack, try basturma. Fruits, various nuts, chocolate candies, dried fruit, etc. are listed in the New Year menu. And the last but not least, our national UNESCO heritage; thin bread lavash. The number of dishes varies from family to family depending on their social status. In fact, you should be ready to gain some kilos during your New Year holidays in Armenia.

What to taste in Armenia?

The Queen of Armenian New Year’s Table

Pork Leg


he main preparations of mouthwatering dishes for New Year start on December 30-31. Though today New Year menu has undergone some changes, there are still villages and regions which stick to the ancient tradition and bake pastries such as bread of the year - lavash, krkeni, dovlat krkeni, kloch, purnik and other ritual pastries which shape and ingredients vary considerably. In ancient times they could have a round, square, triangular or other shape and be filled with walnuts, raisins, seeds and berries. The most important thing is that a fruit stone, a seed, a bean, or most often a coin was hidden in those delicious pastries. Nowadays, no matter where you live in Armenia, you should have a Pork Leg as one of the main dishes of the festive table. Let's see how it is cooked.

Ingredients • • • • • • •

Some garlic Carrots Pepper grains Bay leaves Red pepper Salt Mustard

Preparation • Rinse the leg and pat dry. Score it, using a serrated knife to make parallel cuts about 2-cm apart, across and through the skin into the fat. Cut diagonally across these first cuts to make a diamond pattern. • Rub the paste all over the leg, pressing it into the cuts. Cover the ham with cling film, put on a pan and refrigerate overnight. • In a large roasting tin, toss the onion wedges with the remaining oil. Place the leg on top of the onions and add 240ml of the juice. Roast the meat for 30 minutes, and then reduce the oven temperature 150°C. Cook the ham until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part registers 66°C. A 5.8kg leg will take about 4 to 4 1/2 hours; about 40 minutes per kilo.

Armenian Snickers or Sujukh To prepare this sweet you need walnuts or hazelnuts. Make a string walnuts (hazelnuts) into a kind of rope and dip it into the mixture of grape and mulberry juice. After taking it off, hang to dry for several days. As a result, you will have an amazing nutty fruity energy-packed treat for your New Year table. 20 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

''Christ is born and revealed among us''

Merry Christmas

Mother See of Holy Ejmiatsin


s the Armenian Apostolic church follows the old Julian calendar, not the reformed Christian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory 13th in 1586, the Christmas is celebrated on January 6. However, it has been a long time since the holiday season started a little earlier with an additional celebration of Western Christmas on December 25. Actually, Armenian Christmas is rather quiet celebration with family and, for some, a church service. On Christmas Eve, January 5, traditional families attend church to take part in Divine Liturgy and receive Holy Communion. They bring home a church candle to fill their homes with divine light of the God. In the morning traditional families attend church once more to bring Holy water from the church. A large basin of water is put in front of the altar and a cross is submerged in that water to symbolize Christ's baptism. Then people approach the basin to take some holy water home. It is said to be healing. At Christmas people use the following greetings in Armenia:

''Christ is born and revealed among us.'' The reply is: ''To everyone the good news'' and ''Blessed is the revelation of Christ.''


Enable your 5 senses

See The picturesque mountains covered with snow. If you are lucky enough and the clouds and mist clear, you will see the Holy Mount Ararat with all its beauty. The mountain ranges of Geghama, Tsaghkunyats, Pambak, etc. will also be a great choice to enable this sense.



New Year is a period when smelling and tasting are closely connected and there is no way out without them. Our houses are bursting with food and beverages. Smell the finest Armenian wine or cognac next to the fireplace. You can choose among Armenia wines, Noy or Proshyan bevarages.As it is winter no one should leave Armenia without tasting Armenian tradtional Khash. You will enjoy it to the most on the slopes of the Mount Aragats. By the way, don't forget to have warm clothes on as it is rather cold out there.

Touch The purest snow embracing the whole country.To enable the sense you can pass your holidays in resort towns such as Sevan, Dilijan, Jermuk, Tsaghkadzor, etc. Make your snowman, play with snowballs, and feel like in the winter fairy tale.


The Holy Liturgy at Christmas. As the year comes to an end, it is a must for all of us to clean not only our houses but our souls as well. Attending New Year Eve and Christmas liturgies and listening to healing sounds of religious music will purify our hearts and souls leading us to a new life to be started with a blank page.

Welcome to Armenia to enable your senses and feel all the pleasures of life! 24 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

Winter in Armenia Enjoy your Skiing Moments All the year round Armenia is happy to welcome tourists from all over the world suggesting great relaxing opportunities. Winter is not an exception and those who like active winter adventures, will be satisfied after their trip. Winter vacations in Armenia are first of all active. You can choose among different regions of the country like Jermuk, Aghveran, Hankavan, Dilijan, Tsaghkadzor resort towns to realize your winter expectations. For example in Tsaghkadzor and Jermuk you can take aerial tramways equipped with the latest standards and develop your skiing skills with trainers.

Tsaghkadzor ski resort

If you are a fan of alpine skiing and want to enjoy breathtaking natural scenery Tsaghkadzor should be enlisted in your routine. Actually, the levels of skiing tracks vary starting from middle level, ending with tracks for both beginners and professionals. The longest and fastest ropeway No3 takes 11 minutes to reach the last point of 2819 m from the sea level provided for both skiing and teaching. In fact, there are 4 other ropeways each designed for different level of skiers. Are you a beginner? No worries! The skillful instructors are always ready to both assist you and teach. In the case you forget your skiing suit or equipments, you can rent them from the initial station of the ropeway or from some resort hotels. Riding on a sled, snowmobiles and quad bikes can be great accomplishment for your winter experience. And, of course, to make the moments last forever, you should share them in social sites with your friends consequently a free and fast Wi-Fi is available along the full length of the mountains.

Jermuk ski resort Jermuk is one of the major centres for winter sports in Armenia. It is situated in Vayots Dzor marz (region). This is another opportunity for ski lovers in Armenia. It has 3 km of slopes available. The winter sports area is situated between the elevation of 2,100 m and 2,438 m. A 900 m long ropeway serves the ski area. Besides sports, you can take medical treatment with healing hot springs. The most famous springs in Jermuk are the warm mineral ones comparable to the Karl-Var in Czech Republic. 26 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

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DJ Service usic Fest Tsaghkadzor M ber 22/23 Decem For #FridayVibes & #SaturdayVibes contact us ! Tel.: (+374 41) 51 51 21 TheOnePresents theoneevents 28 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

Corporate Even t Service


Visit Tsaghkadzor About


saghkadzor is a spa town and a popular health resort in Armenia, located north of the capital Yerevan in Kotayk marz (region). According to the 2011 census, the town has a population of 1,256. Tsaghkadzor literally means valley of flowers or flower canyon in Armenian. The name of Tsaghkadzor is associated with the name of the nearby Tsaghkunyats Mountains, located to the west of the town. Tsaghkadzor is located 50 kilometers north of the capital Yerevan and 3 kilometers east of the provincial centre Hrazdan. Surrounded with alpine meadows, the town is situated on the southeastern slope of Mount Teghenis, at a height of 1841 meters above sea level. Tsaghkadzor is surrounded by the Tsaghkunyats mountain range from the west, and the town of Hrazdan from the east. Summers in Tsaghkadzor are characterized with mild climate, while winters are cold and snow y. Tsakgkadzor is the major sports and ski resort of the Republic of Armenia.

Things to do

The resort town suggests the following attractions: • Kecharis Monastery to fulfill your cultural expectations • Tsaghkadzor Ropeway to bring some joy and adventure to your trip • Ski and snowboard areas on the slopes of the mountains to ensure a lifelong experience. It’s a nice way to learn skiing, relax and enjoy the nature at the same time. Banks • Ararat bank (ATM) • Ardshin bank (ATM) • Unibank (ATM)

Cafes and restaurants Hotels • Karas restaurant • Multi rest house • Restaurant Royale • Tsaghkadzor Marriott Hotel • Brasserie Restaurant • Elegant hotel and resort (Marriott Hotel) • Ararat resort • Famous Kalyan lounge • Best Western Alva hotel and • Cappuccino lounge cafe spa • Golden palace hotel

Transportation from Yerevan Minibuses and taxis: Yerevan-Tsaghkadzor-Yerevan from Azatutyun ave., “Rele factory’’ station Departure: twice a day at 11:30 and 18:00 Fee: about 600 AMD for minibuses Duration: 1 hour Means of transport leave in due time.


For more and detailed information join our Whats App group through this QR code

New Year and Christmas events program in Yerevan -2018 December 10 - January 6 “Yerevan Christmas Market 2018” Northern avenue 13:00-22:00 market dedicated to New Year and Christmas holidays, festive decorations, souvenirs, sweets December 19 Yerevan festive illumination switch on Republic Square and in other administrative districts of Yerevan 19:30 Republic square Christmas tree, and lights of other fir trees in administrative districts and decorative festive lights of the city will be switched on December 20-30 and January 2-7 “Yerevan City Tour” festive tour December 20-30 from 18:00 till 20:00 January 2 from 17:00 till 20:00 January 3 from 14:00 till 20:00 January 4-7 from 15:00 till 19:00 Republic Square


December 31 “Welcome Happy New Year 2018” Republic Square 22:00-01:00 New Year festive program January 3 “New Year in Yerevan” Freedom Square 15:00-17:00 New Year festive concert program January 6 “Christmas in Yerevan” Freedom Square 18:00-21:00 New Year and ritual festive concert program January 13 “My old and new Year” Freedom Square 19:00 -22:00 New Year festive program

Yerevan museums on New Year’s days

During New Year and Christmas holidays, following museums will be open

January 2-5 from11:00 till 17:00 Yerevan History Museum Erebuni Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve Modern Art Museum of Yerevan Karen Demirchyan Museum January 3-5 from12:00 till 17:00 History Museum of Armenia National Gallery of Armenia Literature and Art Museum after E. Charents Museum of Russian Art after A. Abrahamyan Yervand Kochar Museum Hovhannes Tumanyan Museum Sergei Parajanov Museum Yeghishe Charents House-Museum: Martiros Saryan House-Museum Komitas Museum-Institute

For more information +374 11 514 230 Tourism unit +374 11 514 197 Culture Unit, #EVNnewyear2018 #Üàðî²ðÆܺðºì²ÜàôØ2018

MEDICAL TOURISM Armenia has become a destination for those seeking reasonable and affordable medical tourism options. Though some treatments aren’t legal in many countries, Armenia provides all types through highly specialized doctors and modern medical equipments. Here you will find all types of medical surgeries, dental and fertility treatments, psychiatry, alternative treatments, convalescent care etc. You will maintain and restore your health with validated medical services.

WHY CHOOSE ARMENIA AS A MEDICAL TOURISM DESTINATION? Treatments with reasonable prices Modern medical equipments and standards Highly specialized doctors

Short wait time for certain

chosen procedure Affordable travel

Licensed and validated service


Want medical alternatives? Armenian spa towns and sanitariums are great options to choose. Jermuk spa town, Arzni, Bjni etc. are the destinations you need to treat diseases from gout to liver disorders and bronchitis with health-giving mineral waters and other natural means of treatment.

No matter what health problems you have, we suggest the best medical centers, which will make your life healthier and happier!


AVANGARD MEDICAL CENTER Add: 9 Atcharian 1st d/str. Tel: (+374 10) 20 42 42

ARIELA SPA CENTER Add: 47a Hin Yerevantsi Str. Tel: (+374 77) 03 80 58

AVANTA MEDICAL CENTER Add: 5 Zakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 11 95

ARMENIAN-AMERICAN WELLNESS CENTER Add: 5 Heratsu Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 39 35

CITY SPA MEDICAL AESTHETIC CENTER Add: M. Baghramyan Ave. 1st Blind Alley Tel: (+374 60) 53 65 36

ARZNI AESTHETICA SURGICENTER & MEDSPA Add: 25 Aroghjaranayin Str., Arzni Tel: (+374 60) 40 59 90

DA VINCI CLINIC Add: 4/6 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 82 73

ASTGHIK MEDICAL CENTER Add: 28 Daniel Varuzhani Str. Tel: (+374 60) 65 12 19

MY CITY DENTIST Add: 4/2 Avet-Avetisyan Str. Tel: (+374 77) 454 809 December 2017

Avanta makes your smile shine bright like a diamond “We are successful, we are helpful, we are patient, we are knowledgeable, we work together, we are friends, we have fun, WE ARE A TEAM.’’


aren Levon Grigoryan is one of the main founders of Avanta centers for advanced implantology and aesthetic cosmetology. He has 14 inventions in the field of implantology and orthopedic stomatology. Mr. Grigoryan is a scientific consultant of the internationally known German ImPlasa Höchst company, specializing in development, production and supply of the dental implant systems. Besides, he is the chief surgeon dentist and implantologist of RA MH. Avanta innovative clinical center, taking into account the fact that medical tourism is a growing trend and is popular among “tourist-patients” who want to achieve perfect treatment results, made a decision to open a new branch of Avanta in the city center. The new branch aims to not only meet the international medical standards but also to create its own unique standards becoming the indicator of the highest standards and medical service quality. Today a significant number of tourists visiting Armenia are looking for a cheaper way to undergo their dental treatment during their stay due to the high quality of dental services that can be found in Armenia. Avanta, as a


modern and innovatively equipped dentistry and implantology center, provides “state of the art” dental services for those who require implants, minor oral surgeries, orthodontic treatment, endodontic treatment, fixed and removable prostheses including crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays and onlays and other cosmetic dentistry. The new branch of Avanta provides full services for the customers including not only the mentioned dentistry treatments but also aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery and beyond. The area of about 7000m2 boasts with separate halls and rooms for the customers. There is a waiting hall, separate dental rooms for adults and kids which are equipped with special technology and design to make patients feel comfortable. There is also a meeting room for medical conferences to be held. What makes Avanta special from other clinics is the combination of highly qualified professionals and services of innovative medicine all provided with reasonable and more affordable prices. While being in Armenia, don’t miss the chance to take the services of Avanta clinics. They work for your contented smile.


We are proudly starting to introduce you the best products and goods made in our lovely country: Armenia. Starting from clothing ending with toys, all are high quality and ecologically pure with reasonable prices. Follow our ads on the best Armenian products, try them and buy them, because these are things worth maintaining.

This is what you deserve! This is what you need in all life aspects!

ANTARES Add: 50a/1 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 76 69

GRAND CANDY Add: 31 Masisi Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 42 02 21

ARTYOM`S JEWELRY Add: 24 M. Khorenatsi str. Tel.: (+374 93) 00 99 99


GOURMET DOURME Add: 19 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 33 52 40 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

NAIRIAN Add: 26 Abovyan Str., Tel.: (+374 60) 44 54 45

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Add.: Zvartnots International Airport Tel.: (+374 10) 56 99 40

Email: Visitor Information Center


January 28

Army Day Army Day is a public holiday of Armenia celebrated on January 28. It commemorates the troops of the Armed Forces of Armenia. The Armenian Army was established on January 28, 1992, by decree of President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan, several months after declaration of independence from the Soviet Union. Army Day was first celebrated in 2001, after the President of Armenia, Robert Kocharyan, signed Army Day into law as an official holiday. Army Day is a non-working day. This year we are going to celebrate the 26th anniversary. During these years significant works have been carried out to improve the battle-worthiness of the troops, strengthening discipline, training of officers, Army-public relations, etc. Men aged 18-27 take two year compulsory military service in Armenia. We have military cooperation with a number of countries including Russia which has a great role in the international cooperation field of the Armenian Armed Forces and is Armenia's strategic partner. The Armenian Armed Forces focus on training and educating highly skilled personnel. With this purpose the Military Aviation institute was set up. Graduates of such institutions join the troops. Armenian peacekeepers have significant role outside the country as well. The Armenian army is collaborating in several international missions with the West. We have deployed a number of squads to Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Greece, Lebanon, Mali, etc. Let 2018 multiply the level of peace over the world, Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh.

Happy Army Day... Happy New Year... 46 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

How to get refund within the terms of

Tax Free system in Armenia


ave you noticed TAX FREE signs on the shop windows? Hurry up to go shopping, as at the end of your trip you will get back refunds for your purchase… The VAT paid for the purchased items is refunded to foreign citizens in airports and all other border checkpoints upon leaving Armenia. For this purpose, the foreign citizens present to the customs officer their passports, the hardcopy of VAT refund invoice or the CCM tax invoice, documents certifying the payment made against items subject to export (CCM check, or cash order or bank transfer receipt), the item to be exported, which mentioned in the VAT refund invoice (CCM tax invoice) and also the air ticket in the case of leaving by air. The customs body puts the seal marked “Refundable” on the TAX FREE invoice or the TAX FREE invoice of the CCM, also indicating the refundable amount, which is received through bank transfer during 30 days or in cash at bank offices operating at checkpoints. What refers to purchased items, they must not be used before the export, and the factory packaging must be preserved. The refund system is in force during 90 days after the purchase. Food items, cigarettes, medicines, cultural values, vehicles or their parts are exceptions in the process of using the TAX FREE system. The Head of IT Infrastructure Implementation and Development Department has informed that for new generation CCMs, a mobile TAX FREE system has also been created, which also operates electronically. Note: According to the Government’s decision, from January 1, 2017 the threshold of the acquired product’s price for the TAX FREE system (including VAT) has been changed from 100.000 AMD to 50,000 AMD.


TA X FREE Система Tax Free в Армении


рибывающие в Армению иностранные граждане могут во время выезда из страны получить обратно НДС за те товары, которые были куплены в стране. Плакаты с надписью TAX FREE есть на некоторых магазинах, а буклеты с необходимой справкой доступны для всех гостей Армении как в таможенных пунктов, так и в местах обслуживания. Системой могут пользоваться гости страны, которые возьмут вместе с товаром чек “TAX FREE invoice’’ или НДС TAX FREE, если в течение одного дня из одного магазина или одного налогоплательщика сделали покупки общей суммой 50.000 драмов (включая НДС). Товар не должен быть использован до его экспорта. Возможность получить обратно НДС действует в течение 90 дней с момента покупки. TAX FREE не действует при покупке пищи, сигарет, лекарств, культурных ценностей и при затрате на транспортные средства.

EMBASSIES ARGENTINA 32 Sayat Nova Ave., Tel.: 57 64 52 BELARUS Kotayk, Arinj, 9 M.Baghramyan, Tel.: 61 00 23 BRAZIL 1 Northern Ave., Tel.: (011) 50 02 10 BULGARIA Nor Aresh, 16 Sofia Str., Tel.: 45 82 33 CHINA 12 M. Baghramyan Ave, Tel.: 56 00 67 EGYPT­­­­­­­­­­ 6a Sepuh Str. , Tel.: 22 67 55, 22 01 17 FRANCE 8 Grigor Lusavorch Str., Tel.: (060) 65 19 50 GEORGIA 2/10 Babayan Str., Tel.: 20 07 38, 20 07 42 GERMANY 29 Charents Str., Tel.: 52 32 79, 52 45 81­­ GREECE 6 Demirchian Str., Tel.: (011) 53 10 51 INDIA 50/2 Dzorap Str., Tel.: 53 91 74, 53 91 75 IRAN 1 Budaghyan Str., Tel.: 23 49 83 ITALY 5 Italiai Str., Tel.: 54 23 35, 54 23 36­­­

JAPAN 3 Pavtos Buzand St. 9th floor, (060) 52 10 30 KAZAKHSTAN 153 A. Armenakyan Str., Tel.: 58 51 19 KUWAIT 2 Babayan, Str., Tel.: (060) 50 80 50, (060) 50 85 58 LEBANON 13/14 Dzoragyugh, Str., Tel.: 50 13 02 POLAND 44a Hanrapetutyan Str., Tel.: 54 24 91 ROMANIA 15 Barbussi Str., Tel.: 27 53 32 RUSSIA 13a Grigor Lusavorch Str., Tel.: 56 74 27, 54 52 18 SYRIA 14 M. Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 52 90 23, 52 40 36 SWITZERLAND 2/1 Melik Adamyan Str. Tel.: 52 98 60, 52 40 88 UKRAINE 29 Arabkir Str., House 5/1, Tel.: 22 97 27, 22 65 47 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 2/2 Babayan Str., Tel.: (011) 77 77 72 UNITED KINGDOM 34 M. Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 26 43 01 USA 1 Amerikyan Str., Tel.: 46 47 00, 49 42 00

CONSULATES AUSTRIA 29 Sayat Nova Ave., Tel.: 060 37 99 99 CANADA 17 Buzand Str., Tel.: 56 79 90 CROATIA 6 Deghatan Str., Tel.: 52 99 88 CYPRUS 1 Northern Ave., Tel.: 58 63 31 ESTONIA 43 Gyulpenkian Str., Tel.: 26 39 73, 22 01 38 FINLAND (HONORARY CONSULATE) 6 Tamanyan Str., Tel.: (091) 40 16 23 DENMARK 8/1 Vagharshian Str., Tel.: 26 09 64/208 INDONESIA 37/147 Israyelian Str., Tel.: 52 88 25, 56 56 69 IRELAND 18/1 Vardanants Str., Tel.: 52 63 30, 52 63 31 KOREA 13a Sepuh Str., Tel.: (091) 40 31 91 LITHUANIA 22 Gh. Parpetsi Str., Tel.: 53 32 65 MALTA 33-4 Pushkin Str., Tel.: 51 81 71, 53 41 71

NAGORNO KARABAKH 17a Nairi Zaryan Str., Tel.: 24 97 05 NORWAY 6 Tamanyan Str., Tel.: (077) 47 33 35 PHILIPPINES 25 Charents Str., Tel.: 55 26 14 PORTUGAL 9 Nalbandyan Str., Tel.: (060) 53 52 51 SAN MARINO 56/2 G. Nzhdeh Str., Tel.: 49 33 22 SERBIA 75/28 Nar-Dos Str., Tel.: (093) 92 96 51 SLOVAKIA 26/1 V. Sargsyan Str., Tel.: 53 25 53 SLOVENIA 22/14 Parpetsi Str., Tel.: 53 87 96, 53 32 65 SPAIN (HONORARY CONSULATE) 47/1 Khanjyan Str., Tel.: 53 75 86 SRI LANKA 3a Arshakunyats Ave., Tel.: 54 65 49 THAILAND 4/1 M. Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 56 04 10, 54 23 31 URUGUAY 7/5 Alek Manukyan Str., Tel.: 55 94 49

OFFICIAL INFORMATION OF ARMENIA OFFICIAL NAME Republic of Armenia CAPITAL Yerevan OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Armenian RELIGION Christianity, Apostolic Church FLAG Horizontal tricolor/red, blue, orange AREA 29, 800 sq. km, LOCATION Southwestern Asia POPULATION about 3.215.900


CLIMATE Continental TIME ZONE GMT + 4 hours NEIGHBORS/Georgia-in the North, Azerbaijan-in the East, Iran-in the South, Turkey-in the West ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 11 regions (marz) INDEPENDENCE 21 September 1991(from the USSR) CONSTITUTION Adopted by nationwide referendum held on July 5,1995 CURRENCY UNIT Armenian Dram (484AMD = 1 USD)



Fire..................................................................................................101 Police..............................................................................................102 Emergency Service...................................................................103 Electricity.....................................................................................180 Water..............................................................................................185 Yerevangas Emergency Service...........................................104 Calls within Armenia................................................................107 Yerevan Crisis Management Center..................................108 Yerevan Municipality Crisis Center..............(010) 51 41 52 Tourism Unit of Yerevan Municipality.........(010) 51 42 30 Airport Information..................................................................187 Railroad Information...............................................................184 Telephone Directory Information......................................109 Spyur Info. Center...............................(060) 519999, 519999 Armenia Info. Center.............................................................8778 Info-Service Center.................................................09000 0909 Notarius (H. Harutunyan)................................(010) 52 82 11 AM Law Firm.........................................................(010) 51 91 10 Accounting Services...........................................(010) 27 65 15

REGIONS AREA CODES Calls within Armenia: 0 + City Code + Number Abovian.........................222 Martouni.......................262 Agarak...........................286 Masis.............................236 Alaverdi.........................253 Meghri...........................286 Amassia.........................246 Nor Gegh......................224 Aparan...........................252 Nor Hadjn.....................224 Aragats..........................570 Noyemberian.............. 266 Aramus....................22293 Oshakan........................232 Ararat..........................238 Sevan.............................261 Armavir.........................237 Shahoumian.................235 Artik..............................244 Sisian.............................283 Ashtarak.......................232 Sourenavan..................238 Baghramian..................233 Spitak............................255 Berd...............................267 Stepanakert.................. 47­­­­­­­­ Charencavan...............226 Stepanavan..................256 Dilijan............................268 Talin................................249 Echmiadzin...................231 Tashir.............................254 Gavar.............................264 Tsaghkadzor.................223 Getap.............................281 Vanadzor.......................322 Goris..............................284 Vardenis........................269 Gyumri..........................312 Vayk...............................282 Hrazdan........................223 Vedi............................... 234 Ijevan.............................263 Yeghegnadzor..............281 Jermuk..........................287 Yeraskh.........................238 Kapan............................285 Yerevan............................10 Maralik..........................242 Zvartnots......................231

CELLPHONE CODES 091, 096, 099, 043 + Number 097 + Number



055, 095, 041 + Number 093, 094, 098, 077, 049 + Number

GRATSIA REHABILITATION CENTER 50-1 Ashtarak Highway, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 35 35 03 MEDLINE MEDICAL CENTER 17/1 Rostovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 43) 000 115 NAIRI MEDICAL CENTER 21 Paronyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 75 00


DENTAL CLINICS ANI DENT 3 Gyulbengyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 95) 22 23 24 AVANTA 5 Zakyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 52 11 95 MEDESY 5/1 Davitashen 3 district, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 370 370 MY CITY DENTIST 4/2 Avet-Avetisyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 77) 454 809

PHARMACIES ALFA FARM 1/68 Shirak Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 60) 700 500 ARMFARM 23 Abovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 54 05 20 NATALI PHARM­­­ 34 Tumanyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 06 20 5+ 18 Heratsi Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 55 11 22

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ARMENIA MARRIOT HOTEL 2/1 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 90 00 CAUCASUS HOTEL Ashtarak Highway Tel: (+374 60) 50 11 77 EREBUNI HOTEL 26/1 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 05 05

REPUBLICA HOTEL 7/1 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 99 00 00

GRAND HOTEL YEREVAN 14 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 16 00

IMPERIAL PALACE HOTEL 23 Koryun Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 80 40

ROMA HOTEL 29/14 Rubinyants Str. Tel: (+374 10) 20 00 20

MULTI GRAND Yerevan-Sevan motorway Tel: (+374 10) 61 00 55

HYATT PLACE YEREVAN 26/1 Sargsyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 22 12 34

RADISSON BLU 2/2 Azatutyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 21 99 00

METROPOL HOTEL 2/2 Mashtos Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 51 07 00

DOUBLETREE BY HILTON YEREVAN CITY CENTRE 4/2 Grigor Lusavorich Str. (+374 11) 55 53 33


ANI PLAZA 19 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 58 97 00 ARARAT HOTEL 7 G. Lusavorich Str. Tel: (+374 60) 51 10 00 ARMENIA ROYAL PALACE 17/1 4th Str., Silikyan dist. Tel: (+374 10) 59 90 00 ARTSAKH HOTEL 116 Sevan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 44 91 99 AVIATRANS HOTEL 4 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 72 28 BASS HOTEL BOUTIQUE 3/1 Aygedzor Str. Tel: (+374 10) 22 13 53 CONGRESS HOTEL 1 Italy Str. Tel: (+374 10) 59 11 99 EUROPE HOTEL 38 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 60 60 54 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

SHIRAK HOTEL 13a Khorenatsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 99 15 TUFENKIAN HOTEL 48 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 50 10 10


MINOTEL 8 Mher Mkrtchyan Str.­ Tel: (+374 10) 567 567

CROSS RESORT 50-1 Ashtarak Highway Tel: (+374 94) 77 70 77

NAIRI HOTEL 121/7 Armenakyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 65 21 21

14th FLOOR HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 86 35

NATIONAL HOTEL 4/3 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 70 02

FAMILY HOTEL 49/1 Byuzand Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 90 28

NORTH AVENUE 10/1 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 505 055

GRIG HOTEL 47/12 M. Baghramyan Str.­ Tel: (+374 91) 27 48 22

NORK RESIDENCE 56/1 Moldovakan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 67 00 51

IBIS 5/1 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 59 59 59

OPERA SUITE HOTEL Baghramyan 1st lane 1-3 Tel: (+374 10) 56 60 10

OLYMPIA 64 Barbyusse Str. Tel: (+374 10) 27 18 50

PANORAMA RESORT 24/3 G. Hovsepyan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 27 57 37

CASCADE HOSTEL 2 Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 58 55 55

PARIS HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 60) 60 00 60


DOMINO HOSTEL 31 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 28 52 68

Only 55 km away from Yerevan in the woods on Tehenis mountains Multi Rest House hotel complex, one of the most dazzling deluxe hotels is situated. Exuberant nature and and life-giving air in all seasons of the year will become the guaranty of you complete relax.

Add.: Olimpiakan Street, Tsaghkadzor 2310 . Tel.: (094) 287450, (010) 287460, (010) 287450 .

RESTAURANTS / TEA HOUSES / FAST FOOD Armenian Cuisine AFRIKYANS’ TAVERN 39 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 55 32 20 ANOUSH 7/1 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 99 00 00 ARARAT 2 Government bld. Republic Sqr. Tel: (+374 10) 52 79 33

KILIKIA 78 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 88 08

ARARAT HALL 30 Koghbatsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 67 98

LAVASH 21 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 60 88 00

AYAS KILIKIA 78 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 88 08

MER GYUGH 5 Sayat-Nova Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 87 00

BELLAGIO 2 Myasnikyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 55 12 12

NOR DZORABERD 19/4 Dzorapi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 81 28

SAMURAI SUSHI 2 Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 58 56 70

CAUCASUS COMPLEX Ashtarak highway Tel: (+374 99) 919 919

OLD ZANGEZUR 3 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 95)20 88 20

SUSHI TORIA 1 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 48 00 48

CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 99) 56 11 77 (+374 98) 56 11 77

PARVANA Hrazdan Gorge Tel: (+374 10) 54 60 01

CHAMAN 13/1 Leo Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 92 68 CHARENTS 28 28 Charents Str. Tel: (+374 10) 57 29 45 DALAN 12 12 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 99) 58 06 58 DOLMAMA 10 Pushkin Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 13 54 FLORENCE 64/2 Barbyus Str. Tel: (+374 10) 32 02 11 HAVANA COMPLEX Tsitsernakaberd Park Tel: (+374 10) 38 06 06 HIGH REST 21/1 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 21 21 11 56 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

PHARAON H-5, Yerevan-Abovyan Tel: (+374 10) 20 15 81

Chinese & Japanese Cuisine BEIJING 33 Sayat-Nova Tel: (+374 10) 54 53 42 LOTUS 2/1 Bayron Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 29 90 SAKURADA 23/20 Nalbandyan St. Tel: (+374 10) 56 08 05

TAO 10 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 09 99 WASABI 1/3 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 54 22

SALON 8 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 44 33 33

Persian Cuisine ARYA 1/17 Tamanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 80 13

TOSPIA 30/3 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 91) 66 00 07

NIMA 3/36 Tigran Mets Ave. Tel: (+374 41) 03 88 85

TSIRANI 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 85 09 50 YEREVAN TAVERN 5 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 55 45

PERSEPOLIS 19 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 56 96 94 SHIRVAN 32 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 25 65

YEREVAN TUN 2 Hin Yerevantsi Str. Tel: (+374 44) 30 99 99

Mediterranean Cuisine BIBAR 27 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 21 22 13

VOSTAN 8 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 11) 48 00 00

COSI E LA VITA 2a/19 Tamanyan Str. Tel: (+374 12) 21 00 21

Design by Orange Company

RESTAURANTS / TEA HOUSES / FAST FOOD American & Mexican Cuisines CACTUS 42 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 99 39 SQUARE ONE 1/3 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 61 69 Georgian Cuisine CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 99) 56 11 77 (+374 98) 56 11 77 GENATSVALE 7 Kievyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 27 79 99 MIMINO 7a Aleq Manukyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 57 88 85 TBILISO 52 Leo Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 00 61 Eastern Cuisine ABU HAGOP 6 Yervand Kochar Str. (+374 95) 28 65 85 ANTEB 30 Y. Koghbatsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 09 88 EASTERN CUISINE 16 Komitas Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 27 16 20 LAGONID 37 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 08 04 LIBAN 23 Sayat-Nova Str. Tel: (+374 99) 66 07 00 LEBANON 3 Tamanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 18 94 TABOULE 8/21 Zakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 42 64 European Cuisine AI LEONI 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 53 08 92 58 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

BAZAAR 10/1 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 50 25

THE WINE HOUSE 7/3 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 41) 00 00 66

BELLA ITALIA 6/3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 500 700

VINTAGE 28 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+374 96) 74 28 28

CASCADE ROYAL 192 Antarain Str. Tel.: (+374 11) 44 01 44

Fast Food & Pizzeria ARTASHI MOT 31 Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 12 22

CHARLES 3 Tamanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 26 21 CRUMBS 37 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 54 64 24 FISH HOUSE 1/5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 70 70 80 MAMOOR 14/6 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 84 84 MORA 4/2 Grigor Lusavorich str. Tel: (+374 11) 55 53 47 NAVAVAR 42/1 Aram Str. Tel: (+374 41) 01 39 01 PATIO 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 51 35 17 PROVENCE 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 70 30 77 TERRAZZA 28 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 31 10 THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 13 61

BLACK ANGUS 39 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 96) 50 80 40 GUSTO 11 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 11 21 KARAS 20 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 32 55 55 KFC 1 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 15 07 MR. GYROS 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 50 22 33 PIZZA HUT 1 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 15 03 TASHIR PIZZA 27 Komitas Str. Tel: (+374 10) 51 11 11 TUMANYAN SHAURMA 32 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 99 44 Indian Cuisine KARMA 65 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 92 15

CAFES / CLUBS / BARS / PUBS Cafes ARAGAST 41 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 22 54 ART BRIDGE 20 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 12 84 AVENUE 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 70 20 77 BLACK BERRY 3 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 91) 03 38 38 CARAHUNGE 64 Sos Sargsyan Str., Stepanavan Tel: (+ 374 99) 32 43 00 25 Kalinini Str., Dilijan Tel.: (+374 43) 22 00 03 COFFEESHOP COMPANY 4/5 Amiryan Str. 2 Hin Yerevantsi Str. Tel: (+ 374 11) 26 33 33 COFFEE STORY 98/9 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 11) 44 00 00 EL GARDEN 8 Tsitsernakaberd Park Tel: (+ 374 41) 49 00 00 JAZZVE 35/30 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 20 48 JOSE 20 Khanjyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 00 20 LA PIAZZIA 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+ 374 11) 54 05 05 LOUIS CHARDEN 11/19 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 50 54 44 MEGHEDI Freedom Square, Yerevan Tel: (+374 77) 77 85 58 PAPARAZZI CAFE 3 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 77) 88 98 89


PEACOCK 10 Northern Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 50 02 08

MEZZO JAZZ CLUB 28 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 52 42 11

SHOKOLADNICA Freedom Square, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 99) 30 08 78

MR. HOOKAH 15a Amiryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 77) 69 26 67

TIZIANO 10/10 Northern Ave. Tel: (+ 374 94) 80 80 96

PAPARAZZI CLUB 3 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 55) 44 41 44

Children’s Cafe AMERICANO 55/1 Teryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 58 33 99

SAF CLUB 33 Leningradyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 41) 22 11 11

ANGELICA 27 Komitas Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 32 21 21 CHAO BAMBINO 5/3 Myasnikyan Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 55 00 99

THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 13 61 YANS CLUB 74 Teryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 700 000

CHUNGA CHANGA 1/1 Kievyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 22 44 41

Pubs BEEREVAN 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 11) 50 51 01

KING GARDEN 40 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+ 374 60) 50 09 09

CALUMET 56 Pushkin Str. Tel: (+ 374 94) 35 92 29

Clubs/Bars GRAMMY HALL 7/1 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 96) 77 76 11 DOWNTOWN 2/9 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+ 374 41) 43 34 22 EL SKY BAR 9 G. Lusavorich Str. Tel: (+ 374 41) 49 49 49 INVINO WINE BAR 6 Saryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 52 19 31 KAMI 18 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 91) 50 90 20

JEAN-PAUL 42/1 Aram Str. Tel: (+374 41) 01 38 01 LABEERINT 8 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 54 75 85 33a Moskovyan Str. Tel: (+ 374 10) 50 20 25 URBAN 5a Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+ 374 10) 53 61 61 PAULANER 19 Teryan Str. Tel: (+ 374 60) 51 38 00

SHOPPING SPOTS Men’s Clothing Shoes & Accessories ARMOS Armenian designer’s shoes 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 44 14 11 BOTTA Clothing & accessories 8/3 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 89 85 CANALI Clothing & accessories 9 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 22 30 CELIO Clothing 24 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 50 07 CORNELIANI Clothing, footwear & accessories 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702 DIANA Clothing & accessoreis 39 Komitas Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 23 00 78 ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA Clothing, footwear & accessories 9 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 00 04 MASSIMO DUTTI Clothing & accessories 18 Northern Ave. Tel: (374 60) 54 00 22 STEFANO RICCI Clothing, footwear & accessories 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702 ZILLI Clothing & accessories 58 Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 20 20 50 Women’s Clothing Shoes & Accessories BETTY BARCLAY Clothing & accessories 65 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 17 42 62 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

BURBERRY Elite clothing boutique 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 60) 44 01 74 ESCADA Clothing 39 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 54 55 85 ETAM Underwear collection 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 31 11 KIVERA NAYNOMIS Elite Armenian designer 8 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 70 77 MANGO Clothing & accessories 21 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 00 11 MAXMARA Clothing & accessories 41 Mashtots Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 59 57 Children’s Clothing Shoes, Accessories & Toys COOL CLUB 4/12 M. Babajanyan Str. Tel: (+374 060) 37 77 13

OKAID 22 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 55 79 PRENATAL 20/1 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 70 11 72 PRINCE PRINCESS 25 Koryun Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 33 38 Women’s, Men’s, Children’s Clothing, Shoes & Accessories ADIDAS Women’s, men’s, children’s sportswear & accessories 3 Arami Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 47 07 ALDO Women’s, men’s shoes 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 17 77 BALDI 18 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 74 91 CHUST SHOES 270/1 Arshakunyats Str. Tel: (+374 60) 611 000 CLARKS Shoes & bags shop 8/2 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 50 24 54

MOTHER CARE 51/53 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 67 05

DEBENHAMS 66 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 70 78

MEGA TOYS 40/1 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 011) 500 600

EDELWEISS Clothing & accessories 54/1 Teryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 93 49

MRCHIKOOBY 1 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 77 20

EMPORIO ARMANI Clothing & accessories 12 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 52 99 08

SHOPPING SPOTS ERMANNO SCERVINO Women’s & children’s clothing 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702­ GAP Women’s, men’s clothing 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 60) 46 11 11 GEOX 6/15 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 53 22 34

ZARA 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 10) 50 09 90

DE LAUR 39/12 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 99 55 77

GIORDANO Women’s, men’s clothing & accessories 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 10) 52 08 01

Z&A Chain Stores 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 060) 500 115

Malls DALMA GARDEN MALL 3 Tsitsernakaberd highway Tel: (+374 60) 46 11 11

LACOSTE 110 Nalbandyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 58 05 99

Jewelry, Watches, Optics AWI 14/4 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 08 82

LAGALLERIA Luxury Boutiques Corner 3 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 702 702

CHRONOGRAPH Luxury jewelry and watch 5 Northern Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 500 400

MARKS & SPENCER Women’s, men’s, children’s clothing & accessories 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 060) 46 11 11

EIFFEL Swiss watches 26 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 52 50 15

RIO MALL 8 Papazyan Str. Tel: (+374 96) 00 41 03

KARGIN OPTICS Optical Salon 41/1 Khanjyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 06 44

ROSSIA MALL 5 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 99 90 22

MEGA SPORT Women’s, men’s, children’s sportswear & accessories 40/1 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 51 98 98 MEXX Women’s, men’s & children’s clothing & accessories 26 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 46 23 NEXT Women’s, men’s and children’s clothing & accessories. 13 Amiryan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 89 99 SALI Women’s, men’s clothing & accessories 5 North Avenue Tel.: (+374 11) 51 11 66


L’ORANGE GOLD Women’s, men’s jewelry 11-54 Abovyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 52 57 11 MERCURY 50 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 586 000 TIME 21 Tumanyan Str. Tel. (+374 11) 50 04 02 HAY OPTIC 1 Tumanyan Str. Tel. (+374 10) 52 11 42 BERLIN OPTIC 31 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 36 20 00

METRONOME 22/10 Isahakyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 00 31 PROSPEKT MALL 5 Mashtots Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 99 90 22

TASHIR STREET 6/2 Norther Ave. Tel: (+374 96) 00 41 03 YEREVAN MALL 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. Tel: (+374 11) 88 88 88 Supermarkets SAS 85 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 88 88 PARMA 79 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 27 27 99 YEREVAN CITY 60/2 Komitas Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 20 16 05

ENTERTAINMENT/SERVICES Night Clubs/Discos CHARLOTTE 25 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 27 70 19 CRAZY 13 Vardanants Str. Tel.: (+ 374 77) 55 34 37 OMEGA 59 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 25 49 Casinos ROYALE Tel.: (+ 374 55) 29 41 45 SHANGRI LA Tel.: (+ 374 10) 62 57 99 Karaoke Clubs ALIBI 11 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 11) 55 56 57 ARAME 2/1 Heratsi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 44 07 44 Cinemas CINEMA STAR 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway Tel: (+374 60) 75 55 55 KINO PARK 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 11) 88 88 88 MOSCOW CINEMA 18 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 12 10 Taxi Apps

ELITE BUS Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 90 00 Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 72 72 SIXT Tel.: (+ 374 10) 61 55 99 Real Estate CASCADE HILLS 160/5 Antarain Str. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 37 77 57

Golf/Shooting Clubs/ Horse Riding ARARAT VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB 42 Gevorg Chaush Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 39 40 85 HAYRAPETYAN HORSE RIDING 39 Shiraki Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 46 55 55

PIAZZA GRANDE 10 V. Sargsyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 91) 01 15 10

Sport Complex & Swimming Pool CROSS 50-1 Ashtarak Highway Tel.: (+ 374 94) 77 70 77

VAHAGNI COMMUNITY 50 Gevorg Chaush Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 39 01 02

GRAND SPORT 61 Arshakunyats Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 44 77 66

VIVA REALTY 8/6 Y. Kochar Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 68 98

GOLD’S GYM 40/1 Komitas Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 32 20 10

Post Offices & Transport DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS 27 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 66 88

MULTI WELLNESS 11 Alek-Manukyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 11) 880 880

FEDERAL EXPRESS 40 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 00 29

PLAY CITY 35 Acharyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 62 09 99 REEBOK 5 Pirumyanner Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 36 36 36


LEO TRANS 30 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 22 90 18 MEGATRANS 5 Tigran Mets Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 48 25 74

Spas & Beauty Salon GOLD’S SPA 40/1 Komitas Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 20 83 60

Car/Bus Rentals AR-TOUR RENT Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 63 59

STATE HAY POST 22 Saryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 514 514

THAI HOME 2 Paronyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 27 60

BUS VOYAGE Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 10 05

TNT EXPRESS WORLDWIDE 144/1 Khorenatsi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 55 25

ZARA BEAUTY SALON 7-12 Paronyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 50 52 50

CARAVAN Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 92 92 66 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

AIRLINES/TRAVEL AGENCIES/BANKS Airlines AEROFLOT-RUSSIAN 12 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 24 35

Travel Agencies ANI TOUR 68a Teryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 270 370

Banks ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE 1 Bayron Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 85 85

AIR ARABIA 68 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 65 66 66

ARMANE TOUR 70/8 Charents Str. Tel.: (+374 60) 51 90 40

AMERIA­­­­ BANK 9 Gr. Lusavorich Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 11 11

AIR FRANCE/KLM 9 Alek Manoukyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 60) 61 22 77

ARMENIA HOLIDAYS 7 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 22 92

ANELIK BANK 13 Vardanants Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 33 33

ARMENIA AIRCOMPANY 10 V. Sargsyan Tel.: (+ 374 11) 74 77 77

BEAUMONDE TRAVEL 1 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 99 95

ARARAT BANK 19 Pushkin Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 63 63

AUSTRIAN AIRLINES 9 Alek Manoukyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 22 01

FUN TOUR 24/24 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 50 29 09

ARDSHININVESTBANK 13 Gr. Lusavorich Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 04 04

AVIA-GIT 1 Zakyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 15 46

HAKOBIAN TRAVEL 60 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 27 19 44

CZECH AIRLINES 2 Baghramyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 40 99

JOPMANE TRAVEL LLC 40 Charents Str. Tel.: (+374 12) 78 02 11

FLYDUBAI 7 Khorenatsi Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 67 74

HYUR SERVICE 96 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 60 40

IRAN ASEMAN AIRLINES 19 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 44 02

LEVON TRAVEL 10 Sayat-Nova Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 52 10

POLISH AIRLINES 7 Argishti Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 02 86

MARI TOUR Antarayin 126/6 Str. Tel.: (+ 374 11) 53 00 36

S7 AIRLINES 34 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 54 41 10

SMART TRAVEL 2 Arshakunyats Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 58 28 48

URAL AIRLINES 10/3 Saryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 88 61

TATEV T.T.T. 19 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 52 44 01

UNIBANK 12 Charents Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 59 55 55

QATAR AIRWAYS 2 M. Baghramyan Ave. Tel: (+374 10) 56 36 24

YERANI TRAVEL 2/80 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+ 374 43) 88 44 55

VTB BANK 46 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 87 87


BYBLOS 18/3 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 03 62 CENTRAL BANK OF RA 6 V. Sargsyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 56 37 61 CONVERSE BANK 26/1 V. Sargsyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 12 11 HSBC 66 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 50 00 INECOBANK 17 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: (+ 374 10) 51 05 10 PROMETEY 44/2 Hanrapetutyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 56 20 36


Cafesjian Museum for the Art

Established in 1959, Matenadaran is one of the world’s ancientand richest depositories of medieval manuscripts and books, and was inscribed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme Register in 1997 in recognition of its world significance. Add.: 53 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 25 78

Erebuni Fortress Museum

Erebuni Museum of History of Foundation of Yerevan was established in 1968. The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 2750th anniversary of Yerevan. The Museum stands at the foot of the Arin Berd hill, on top of which the Urartian Fortress Erebuni has stood since 782 BC. Add.: 38 Erebuni Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 45 82 07

The Cafesjian Center of Arts is an art museum situated in the heart of Yerevan in and around the Cascade. At the core of the museum’s permanent collection is the Gerard L. Cafesjian Collection of Art. Add.: Cascade Complex, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 54 19 32 E-mail: Komitas Museum-Institute The institute is an art and biographical museum in Yerevan, Armenia, devoted to the renowned Armenian musicologist and composer Komitas. Add.: 28 Arshakunyats Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 11) 57 05 70

History Museum of Yerevan Museum, founded in 1931, introduces Yerevan history of thousands of years dating back to the rise of the oldest civilization in the world. Add.: 1/1 Argishti Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 81 85 (+374 10) 56 81 09


Museum of Ervand Kochar

The museum presents the works of the active reformer of modern art. Add.: 39/12 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 52 93 26

House-Museum of Minas Avetisyan The museum stock contains 20 paintings by the famous artist, 7 of which are in oil (including “Woman with Chandelier”) and the rest are drawings. Add.: 29 Nalbandyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 07 87 Memorial-Museum of Martiros Saryan The museum, functioning since 1967, houses a collection of 160 canvases of Saryan, each painting a passionate declaration of love for his native Armenia. Add.: 3 Saryan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 58 17 62 Russian Art Museum Russian Art Museum is founded in 1980 on the collection of professor A. Abrahamyan. The museum collection consists of paintings, graphics, as well as decorative and applied art pieces. Add.: 38 Isahakyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 03 31

Art Galleries Yerevan ALBERT AND TOVE BOYAJIAN 36 Isahakyan Str. (+374 10) 56 18 55 ANTIKYAN GALLERY 33/21 Pushkin Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 53 88 20 ARAME 13 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 53 92 65 AREV 19 Teryan Str., area 32 Tel.: (+374 11) 32 00 35 ­­­ARTISTS’ UNION OF ARMENIA 16 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 48 53 CHILDREN’S ART GALLERY 13 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 09 51 DALAN ART GALLERY 12 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 99) 55 33 07

Hovhannes Tumanyan Museum The museum functions since 1953. In 1969, on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the great writer, a new two-story building was added to house materials related to Tumanyan’s life and work. Add.: 40 Moskovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 00 21, 58 12 71 Mother Armenia Military Museum It was established in 1970 as the History Museum of World War II with the Statue of Mother Armenia symbolising Peace through strength. Add.: 2 Azatutyan Ave., Victory Park, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 20 14 00 Modern Art Museum Modern Art Museum was established in 1972 by the art critic Henrik Igitian. It is the first specialized museum of modern art in the whole “camp” of Socialist Countries. Add.: 7 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 55 67, 53 53 59

GALA 12 Bayron Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 54 88 38 HI-ARTONLINE 16 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 60) 52 72 99 NAREGATSI ART INSTITUTE 16/1 Vardanants Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 01 05 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ARMENIA 1 Aram Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 74 72 NERSES MELIKYAN ACADEMY 24 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 70 40 NPAK GALLERY 1/3 P. Buzand Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 82 25 VALMAR 53-55 P. Buzand Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 07 69

Museum of Sergei Parajanov The exposition of the museum shows Parajanov’s aesthetic principles brought to perfection in movies. Add.: 15/16 Dzoragyugh Str.,Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 84 73 House-Museum of Aram Khachaturian Over 18.000 valuable exhibits are kept in the home-museum, which are the personal belongings of the great composer: photos, documents, etc. The home-museum has a light concert hall with excellent acoustics. Add.: 3 Zarubyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 58 94 18, House-Museum of Charles Aznavour House-Museum opened in Cascade Complex, temporarly serves as both the residence of Charles Aznavour and the concert hall for governmental cultural events. The exhibition includes Aznavour’s discs, albums, books, music awards, posters and photographs.

Libraries ­­AMERICAN  UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA 40 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+374 60) 61 27 60 AVETIK ISAHAKYAN LIBRARY 4/1 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 96 10 MATENADARAN INSTITUTE OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS 53 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 25 78 MUSIC LIBRARY 53 Tigran Mets Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 57 65 34 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ARMENIA 72 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+374 60) 62 35 13 KHNKO-AP ER CHILDREN’S LIBRARY 42/1 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 12 22 December 2017

OFFICIAL INFORMATION OF NAGORNO KARABAGH OFFICIAL NAME The Republic of Artsakh CAPITAL Stepanakert OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Armenian RELIGION Christianity, Apostolic Church FLAG derived from the Armenian flag, with only a white pattern added. A white, five-toothed, stepped pattern was added to the flag, beginning at the two verges of the flag’s right side and meeting at a point equal to one-third of the distance from that side. The white pattern symbolizes the current separation of Artsakh (the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) from Armenia proper and its aspiration for eventual union with the Motherland.

AREA 11,458 km2 LOCATION Southwestern Asia POPULATION 150,932 CLIMATE mild and temperate TIME ZONE UTC+04:00 NEIGHBORS/Armenia to the west, Iran to the south, and the uncontested territory of Azerbaijan to the north and east ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 7 regions (shrjan) INDEPENDENCE though unrecognized, independence was declared on 2 September 1991 CONSTITUTION the latest referendum was held on 20 February 2017, turning the government from a semi-presidential to a fully presidential model CURRENCY UNIT Armenian Dram (484 AMD=1 USD)

VISA REQUIREMENTS Departure from Armenia Foreigners can leave Armenia upon valid passport and a document validating their prior stay in Armenia if laws or international agreements of Armenia define no other term.

Arrival to Armenia Foreigners enter the territory of the Republic of Armenian through border control points. For entry, a foreigner must have a valid passport, entry visa or a document of residency status unless Armenian laws or international agreements define no other procedure. Minor foreigners may enter Armenia accompanied by parents, a parent or any other legal representative or if one arrives at his parents, a parent, other legal representative or a receiving organization.

MUST-KNOW TIPS ABOUT ARMENIA Tap water is drinkable, also drinking fountains (pulpulak) can be found in the streets. The majority of Armenians speak English and Russian languages. Driving rules are similar to international ones. Groceries open at 9:00, close at 20:00-22:00, but there are 24/7 supermarkets as well. Smoking is allowed in public places. Throwing or leaving litter in public places is forbidden. Use trash cans. Armenia is a low-cost country to live pretty well for under 1000 USD. The first country having adopted Christianity as a state religion in 301 AD. Country has 300 days of sunshine. The mountainous country is the best place to paraglide. World class opera costs nearly 6 USD. The Dram is the Armenian national currency. Paper notes are issued in denominations of, 1.000, 5.000, 10.000, 20.000 and 100.000-dram banknotes and 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 coins. Foreign bank notes can be exchanged at local banks and exchange counters. Highest Mountain Peak: Aragats (4,095 meters), Holy Mountain of Noah: Ararat (5,137 m). This is a country of Chess. The country of the World’s oldest winery. The motherland of worldwide known artists and celebs: Cher, Charles Aznavour, Kim Kardashyan, William Saroyan, Ivan Aivazovski etc. 72 TOURINFO MAGAZINE



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at 04:00 PM Literary meeting: SayatNova and Modern Armenian Writers Naregatsi Art Institute at 09:30 PM The Band at Mezzo Mezzo Music Club


at 07:00 PM Armenian National Academic Choir National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 09:30 PM Vida de Cuba Project Kami Music Club







at 07:00 PM Gala Concert: SYOA and Hrachya Avanesyan Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall

at 07:00 PM G. Donizetti: POLIUTO Opera in 3 acts, 6 stages National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 07:00 PM Concert: Rouben Hakhverdyan Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall at 07:00 PM at 07:00 PM Concert- Performance: Concert- Performance: Haykakan New Year Haykakan New Year State Theater of Musical State Theater of Musical Comedy after Comedy after H. Paronyan H. Paronyan at 01:00 PM Cheese and Wine Business 2017 Armenia Marriott Hotel at 07:00 PM Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi & SYOA Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall at 09:00 PM Christmas Party with The Reincarnation Orchestra & DJ Guevo! Mezzo Music Club



at 09:30 PM The Gentleman's Band Mezzo Music Club

at 09:30 PM Felix Khachatryan & 3.33 Kami Music Club





at 09:30 PM Concert: Goght Kami Music Club at 07:00 PM Yerevan State Chamber Choir Chamber Music House after Komitas at 09:30 PM Zara Markosyan & The Lightning Band Mezzo Music Club


at 07:00 PM G. Verdi: II TROVATORE Opera in 3 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 07:00 PM Kids Fashion Day - Cristmas Mood Doubletree by Hilton Yerevan


at 07:00 PM Piano Recital: Evgeny Kissin National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian



FRIDAY at 09:30 PM Kami Friends Project Kami Music Club at 07:00 PM Beacons Project Naregatsi Art Institute



at 07:00 PM A. Khachaturian: Spartacus Ballet in 3 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 03:00 PM Irina Slutskaya: Master Class Irina Rodnina Figure-Skating School



at 08:00 PM Cafesjian Classical Music Series: HAYREN Choir and Orchestra- NEW YEAR CONCERT Cafesjian Center for the Arts



at 07:00 PM A. Khachaturian: Gayane Ballet in 3 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 07:00 PM SYOA and Naghash Ensemble State Youth Orchestra of Armenia Naghash Ensemble Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall

SUNDAY at 08:00 PM Music Cascade series presents: Music of the Soul Cafesjian Center for the Arts at 09:30 PM Absolute band Mezzo Music Club



at 07:00 PM Verdi: Requiem International Day of Commemoration of the Victims of Genocide Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall


at 07:00 PM LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN Symphony N5 National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 08:00 PM Cafesjian Classical Music Series: Ido RAMOT- Ido RAMOT Cafesjian Center for the Arts at 08:00 PM Total death metal show DAS



at 09:30 PM Armenian covers by Garik Papoyan & Sona Rubenyan Kami Music Club


at 07:00 PM G. Puccini: Tosca Opera in 3 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 08:00 PM Music Cascade series presents: Serenading Santa Cafesjian Center for the Arts


at 11:30 PM New Year Night Project 12 & Monarch Orchestra 12 Club at 11:00 PM NYE at the Basement The Basement




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