Armenia TourInfo March 2018

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content VOL.16/157 March 2018

ARMENIA TOURINFO Founding Director Garen Marcarian Executive Director Edgar Meliksetyan Editor/Translator Sona Paremuzyan Art Designer Meri Minasian Admin. Coordinator Angelika Gevorgyan Marketing Manager Emma Sarkissian Photographer Vahe Minasyan

How to reach: “TourInfo” Magazine By Address: 2 Arshakunyats Ave., # 109 Yerevan, Armenia, 0023 By Phone: (+374 10) 56 99 40 (+374 10) 52 75 40 By Fax: (+374 10) 56 99 30 By Email: On Board: Visitor Information Center at Zvartnots International Airport OnLine: TourInfo Publisher: Register No. 01M 000206


Fish House


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10 Restaurant Fish House

Symphony Of Stones via QR code




18 Travelling Season Has Just Begun

Women's Day


20 Where To Go This Month?



Medical Tourism..........................30-33 Proudly made in Armenia..........34-35 Embassies, Consulates.....................42 Official Information of Armenia.....44 Emergency Phone Numbers...........44 Regions’ Area Code...........................44 Hotels....................................................46 Dinings...........................................48/50 Cafes......................................................52 Shopping Spots.............................54/56 Entertainment/Services...................58 Airlines/Travel Agencies/Banks.....60 Museums/Art Galleries..............62-63 Cultural Events.............................68-69

Blue Mosque

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Publisher's Note SPRINGTIME IS A


''Sweet spring is your Time is my time is our Time for springtime is love time and viva sweet love…'' Rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection and even more are describing the most-awaited season of the year. Everything in the nature becomes active and new life embraces the earth. Be ready for happiness a er three months of coldness. Have you ever felt more creative and energetic in spring? It is the matter of sun and the birds singing behind the windows and announcing the beginning of the springtime. We guarantee that you are in Armenia during a period when even the air is filled with happiness and love. People seem to be brighter and full of positive expectations. Even visiting tour attractions will double your enjoyment and pleasure. The real beauty of spring nourishes our health and we forget about all the sorrows of life. It fills our hearts with lots of joy and enthusiasm to move forward and create a better life. So, enjoy the season with pleasant sights around our lovely country.

“It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!”

Mark Twain Garen Marcarian Founder-Publisher



Fish House

We outsource only the freshest and finest quality local ingredients “For many decades, Yerevan has been missing a Seafood Cuisine with European Standards and Styles. Our dream was to achieve this. Thanks to our talented chefs, this has become a reality. We have decided to create a humble but refined environment where our respected patrons can enjoy the finest quality seafood prepared with the utmost diligence.”

Fish House head chef

Fish House boasts a high-end cuisine that merges European styles and techniques with local Armenian ingredients carefully chosen each day by its talented chef. However, the restaurant also has a Fish Bazaar made up of the freshest seafood products. You can have your best catch from the display every day. By the way, the daily catch is conveniently adjacent to the kitchen which means the fish can “jump’’ into the frying pan or the state-of-the-art barbecue grill. After going to Fish House, don’t forget to share your experience with friends and leave feedback in: +374 11 70 70 80 • 1/5 Northern Ave, Yerevan, Armenia 8 TOURINFO MAGAZINE



Garni Canyon lies across the length of the Azat (Garni) River and its confluent Goght. The canyon is attractive for the wonderful natural rocks, formed of regular hexagonal cylinders. These rocks start from the beginning up to the highest point of the canyon. The composition is called “Symphony of Stones” or “Basalt Organ”. In 2013 World Tourism Organization summed up the results of the competition for the best tourist poster ''Vettor Giusti'' which is held once in two years. According to the rules, a poster was represented from each country, and usually organizations, representing UNWTO, organize photo-competition to choose the bester photo for partaking in the international contest ''Vettor Giusti''. As a result of online voting world chose Armenia to become the winner, and the poster represented by Armenia was considered to be the best in territory of Europe. The fact, that Armenia became the first in the territory of Europe had been posted on the official web page of UNWTO for two years, until the next session of UNWTO. The poster was displayed at the entrance hall of the UNWTO building in Madrid and was viewed on the UNWTO website until 2015. You can visit the site on your way to Garni and Geghard and take your memorable p photo.


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Women's Day W

''…The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out off Man.'' Genesis 2.22 International Women's Day commemorates the movement for women's rights. While the first observance of a Women's Day was held on February 28, 1909 in New York, March 8 was suggested by the 1910 International Women's Conference to become an "International Women's Day." After women gained suffrage in Soviet Rusia in1917, March 8 became a national holiday there. The day was then predominantly celebrated by the so ciialistmovement and communist countries until it was adop pted in 1975 by the United Nations and became an Intern national holiday.In Armenia it is traditional to honor the w women (wife, mother, aunt, sister, girlfriend, female colleagues) with gifts such as chocolate and flowers. But this is not the end of the stor y. Approximately a month later on April 7, we celebrate Motherhood and Beauty day thus having a whole month devoted to lovely female creatures. Stores and restaurants offer discounts and big promotions. There are a huge number of special events all around the countr y. The air is filled with love and respect towards the women without whom the world would be colorless and deser ted. Actually, we don't need a special day or month to love our mothers, sisters or girlfriends. We should embrace them with love and compassion all year round. They should feel our attention and care ever y single moment, as they make the life more beautiful and bright…

''This is a man's world But it would be nothing, nothingWithout a woman or a girl…''

James Brown



What to taste in Armenia?

Vegetarian Harissa

For those who are fasting

Harissa is a typical Armenian dish made with chicken or lamb. However, there are various types made with vegetables suitable for the Lent period. Here is one of the recipes to make the great lent dish INGREDIENTS • 1/2 -2 cups peeled wheat, soak in hot water overnight • Boiling water, as much as you need to cover the wheat • You may need more water as it cooks into pudding consistency • 1 large onion, finely chopped • 1/4 cups toasted walnuts (or pecans), finely crushed • 3 tbs grapeseed or canola oil • 1 tsp ground cumin • 1/2 tsp ground coriander • 1/3 tsp cayenne (optional) • Salt to taste PREPARATION Start by cooking the wheat. In a skillet combine onions and oil, sauté until golden color. Add the walnuts and mix to incorporate. Add onions-walnuts mix to cooked pudding and stir well. Add spices and salt.

Don’t forget to add love while cooking and smile while serving!

Bon appétit!


The Travelling Season HAS JUST


Follow the tips to have a safe and sound trip in and around Armenia!


re you just a curious traveler or a representative of the Armenian tremendous Diaspora? Armenians are well prepared to welcome every single visitor and embrace with warm and hospitable treatment. Armenia is rather tourist-friendly country which provides various webs to surf and highlight the places of interests in and around the country. Moreover, tourist agencies inside and outside the capital city Yerevan are always ready to offer you guided tours and trips as well as to take care of your accommodation in hotels or apartments.If you are an individual traveler trying to discover the country which is off the beaten track, this information will be helpful for you. Knowledge of Armenian or Russian is certainly helpful, while there are also enough English-language speakers who can help you around. The great number of restaurants and hotels will solve your accommodation and food issues. To decrease the level of cultural shock, prepare your mind for new experiences and try to keep an open mind. Actually, while talking about travelling, each of us thinks about the safety at first. Yerevan is known as of the safest cities in the world. Apart from the occasional older person asking for a handout, you are not likely to be approached by shady characters. Though there may be such crime incidents as auto theft or break-ins, nevertheless, tourists are rarely targeted. In Yerevan even women can confidently walk alone in the main areas at night without being afraid of getting attacked. However, try to avoid walking through the deserted areas at night and while travelling by taxi alone sit in a backside if you are a female. If in any case you become a victim of a crime, file a report in one of the police divisions and for sure they will help you. via QR code

Iff you y have any yq questions or need more information f : join j our whatsapp p groupp and get g quick q replies p and support by our Admins. 18 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

Tourist Attractions


Byurakan observatory Situated in Aragatsotn marz (region), it was founded in 1946 by Viktor Hambardzumyan being one of the main astronomy centers of the USSR. The buildings were designed by architect Samvel Safarian. The hotel, central building and structures are for astronomical instruments.

Makenyats monastery

Month ?

Mount Azhdahak This tour to the highest point of Geghama mountains and the third highest mount in Armenia - Mount Azhdahak (3597m) considered as one of the most popular among mountain and hiking tours in Armenia. Most of the year Azhdahak Mount is covered with snow, but the slopes are smooth and quite passable. The top of the mount offers scenic views of the surrounding mountains and the lake, formed in the crater of the mountain.

The 9th–13th century Armenian monastery located 5 kilometers south of Lake Sevan in the village of Makenis in Gegharkunik marz (region). The monastery was founded in 851 with the construction of the central S. Astvatsatsin Church by Prince Grigor Supan II, the son of Princess Mariam. 20 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

Amberd The 7th-century fortress located 2,300 meters (7,500 ft) above sea level, on the slopes of Mount Aragats at the confluence of the Arkashen and Amberd rivers in Aragatsotn marz (region). The name is translated as a "fortress in the clouds".

Saghmosavank The 13th-century Armenian monastic complex located in the village of Saghmosavan in the Aragatsotn marz (region). Like Hovhannavank monastery which is five kilometers south, Saghmosavank is situated atop the precipitous gorge carved by the Kasagh river.

Blue Mosque

At the crossroads of cultures A

Armenia has been under the rule of many Muslim rulers who have dominated this land for hundreds of years. Persians were one of them and presently, the Blue Mosque is the only surviving Shia mosque in Yerevan. The exact origins of the mosque can't be traced, but the construction started in 1764 and was completed within the same decade. The construction is believed to be commissioned by Hussein Ali Khan, the local governor. The mosque was to serve as the main Friday mosque. The portal and the minaret were decorated with fine tile work. The central court had a fountain with cells around it. It was also surrounded by elm trees. The construction years featured a period of Persian dominion over Yerevan and Eastern Armenia. Back then Yerevan was a provincial town with a population of 20,000 inhabitants. As a result of the Russo-Persian 1827-1828 wars, both Yerevan and Eastern Armenia appeared under the direct rule of the Russian Empire. After the treaty of Turkmenchay was signed Arax River was recognized as the boundary between Russian zone of direct influence and Iran. Notably, it’s true even today since Arax makes up the actual borders between Southern Armenia and Iran. As to the establishment of the Russian rule in 1827, the Blue Mosque became the largest of its eight functioning mosques. During the Soviet era, the mosque stopped its services and housed the History Museum of Yerevan. Following Armenia's independence, the mosque was renovated with the support from the Iranian government and again started acting as a mosque, mostly for Iranians residing in the country. It is currently the only active mosque in Armenia. In the latter half of the 1990s the mosque underwent a total restoration, funded by Iran that was completed in 1999. United States Department of State employee and foreign service officer Brady Kiesling referred to the restoration as "structurally necessary but aesthetically ambiguous.'' The restoration raised concerns among some officials in the Republic of Azerbaijan as the mosque was presented as an Iranian mosque, which in Azerbaijan is claimed as belonging to the heritage of the once large ge Azerbaijani community of Armenia. Islamic religious services have no ow resumed within the Blue Mosque, which is the only operating mosque in Armenia. The Museum of the City of Yerevan is now housed in a purpose-built building on another site. The mosque's ownership was given to Iran in 1995 by Yerevan city authorities. Nowadays the Mosque is attracting not only Muslim tourists but also locals and foreigners as a good example of national tolerance. 22 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

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Tourist Attractions


In Yerevan

The Vernissage

Looking for a great number of souvenirs from Armenia? The Vernissage open-air market is a place where you can purchase everything from oil paintings to showerheads. Originally the market was a place where local artists could show their work to public. The word Vernissage is borrowed from French and means a private display held before the opening of an art exhibition. When crowd gathered to view the paintings, local merchants found an opportunity to sell their own wares thus making the outdoor space a ''super market'' selling a wide variety of items. Although the market operates throughout the week, the main action is at the weekends. The market starts by the Republic Square metro station and runs all the way to Khanjyan Street showcasing venders of everyday items (plumbing supplies, remote controls, both new and used tools), artwork, embroidered rugs, jewelry, carpets, backgammons, chess, musical instruments, etc. The locals go to Vernissage to pick up some household items or look through the huge collection of books. What refers to tourists, they purchase souvenirs and gifts. Actually, it is typical to bargain at the Vernissage. Many of the sellers speak both English and Russian.

Saryan Park Sar yan Park is located in front of the Opera House. It is named after Martiros Sar yan who was one of the greatest artists of the 20th centur y- a prominent master of color. Sar yan’s paintings, created with bright saturated colors, reveal new artistic sensibility, giving the chance to understand, that art is not just imitation of reality. The park boasts a number of paintings drawn by modern artists exhibited and sold on the spot. Statue of Sar yan is located in the center of the park; the author is Levon Tokmajyan, the architect is Artur Tarkhanyan. It was erected in 1986. 28 TOURINFO MAGAZINE



Armenia has become a destination for those seeking reasonable and affordable medical tourism options. Though some treatments aren’t legal in many countries, Armenia provides all types through highly specialized doctors and modern medical equipments. Here you will find all types of medical surgeries, dental and fertility treatments, psychiatry, alternative treatments, convalescent care etc. You will maintain and restore your health with validated medical services.

Why To Choose Armenia as a Medical Tourism Destination?

Want medical alternatives? Armenian spa towns and sanitariums are great options to choose. Jermuk spa town, Arzni, Bjni etc. are the destinations you need to treat diseases from gout to liver disorders and bronchitis with health-giving mineral waters and other natural means of treatment.

Treatments with reasonable prices

Affordable travel

Modern medical equipments and standards

Licensed and validated service

Short wait time for certain chosen procedure

Highly specialized doctors

Astghik medical ce center is a breath of fresh air in Armenia’s health care system… 28/1 Daniel Varuzhan Str. +374 60 65 12 19

Ort & Art Dental Clinic Your smile, our passion... 7/25 Koryun Str. +374 10 54 11 71 +374 91 41 00 32



Slavmed Medical Center Formula of your health... 3, 4/2 Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 32 22 11

Since 2010, Da Vinci clinic

Is a multy-profile and dynamically developing medical center where the main directions are plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine.

Online Medicine Delivery +374 43 58 08 80 +374 10 58 08 80 +374 96 58 08 80

De entex Dental Group Dentistry Centre 62/150 Hanrapetutyan Str.

Oxygen Cocktaill

Halomed Salt Cave

21 Hrachya Qochar Str, N11 Polyclinic +374 10 26 70 60, +374 94 88 28 81

+374 10 54 68 20, +374 93 54 68 20

Ani Dent

37, N4-5 Gyulbengyan Str. +374 10 22 90 30, +374 91 99 42 11 March 2018

Avanta makes your smile shine bright like a diamond “We are successful, we are helpful, we are paࢼent, we are knowledgeable, we work together, we are friends, we have fun, WE ARE A TEAM.’’


aren Levon Grigoryan is one of the main founders of Avanta centers for advanced implantology and aesthetic cosmetology. He has 14 inventions in the field of implantology and orthopedic stomatology. Mr. Grigoryan is a scientific consultant of the internationally known German ImPlasa Höchst company, specializing in development, production and supply of the dental implant systems. Besides, he is the chief surgeon dentist and implantologist of RA MH. Avanta innovative clinical center, taking into account the fact that medical tourism is a growing trend and is popular among “tourist-patients” who want to achieve perfect treatment results, made a decision to open a new branch of Avanta in the city center. The new branch aims to not only meet the international medical standards but also to create its own unique standards becoming the indicator of the highest standards and medical service quality. Today a significant number of tourists visiting Armenia are looking for a cheaper way to undergo their dental treatment during their stay due to the high quality of dental services that can be found in Armenia. Avanta, as a

modern and innovatively equipped dentistry and implantology center, provides “state of the art” dental services for those who require implants, minor oral surgeries, orthodontic treatment, endodontic treatment, fixed and removable prostheses including crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays and onlays and other cosmetic dentistry. The new branch of Avanta provides full services for the customers including not only the mentioned dentistry treatments but also aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery and beyond. The area of about 7000m2 boasts with separate halls and rooms for the customers. There is a waiting hall, separate dental rooms for adults and kids which are equipped with special technology and design to make patients feel comfortable. There is also a meeting room for medical conferences to be held. What makes Avanta special from other clinics is the combination of highly qualified professionals and services of innovative medicine all provided with reasonable and more affordable prices. While being in Armenia, don’t miss the chance to take the services of Avanta clinics. They work for your contented smile.



PROUDLY MADE IN Shopping in Armenia can be fun especially when you have a great opportunity to purchase goods all made in Armenia. High quality, affordable prices and beyond are only some of the benefits our “home-made” products have. Armenian clothes, food, cosmetics and accessories can meet your shopping needs and fulfill your expectations as a shopaholic. The words can’t describe your shopping experience in Armenia, just give a try and enjoy!

Nairian Natural Skincare

26 Abovian Str.

Anahit Simonyan Fashion Boutique Atelier 18 Saryan Str.

Socks production and garment manufacturing 5 Mashtots Ave, Prospect Mall -1st floor

Hrachya Ohanyan Co. 34 Arshakunyats Ave, Yerevan Mall 48 Hanrapetutyan Str, Vernissage +374 93 23 32 99 Worldwide delivery

Nur Art Gallery Yerevan Exclusive artworks, paintings, sculpures and jewelry by Nur. 1 Amiryan Str, Marriott hotel

Your messaging history is not stored on any servers.


is the most private messaging app in the world. 34 TOURINFO MAGAZINE


Ararat: the legendary Armenian brandy

What makes Handmade artisan Arcolad unique is Belgian chocolate, considered to be the gourmet standard, and Armenian dried fruits, famous for their natural sweetness and juiciness.

2/4 Janibekyan Str, Pernod Ricard Armenia 28/1 Paronyan Str, Vino & Vino

Delicious ponchiks and sweets Armenian Coffee

Ponchiks (donuts): 54 Mesrop Mashtots Ave. Sweets: in all Grand Candy shops and supermarkets.

Everything at ARMAS is impressive Spend your time at Armas Estate, enjoying wine and Ararat view Nor Yedesia, Aragatsotn Province, 40 km North West from the city center, +374 11 77 37 74

Artsakh vodka

Armenian Tut (Mulberry) Vodka



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Official Information Of Armenia OFFICIAL NAME: Republic of Armenia CAPITAL: Yerevan OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: Armenian RELIGION: Christianity, Apostolic Church (the first country adopting Christianity as a state religion in 301 AD) FLAG: Horizontal tricolor/red, blue, orange AREA: 29, 800 sq. km, LOCATION: Southwestern Asia POPULATION: about 3.215.900

CLIMATE: Continental TIME ZONE: GMT + 4 hours NEIGHBORS: Georgia-in the North, Azerbaijan-in the East, Iran-in the South, Turkey-in the West ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS: 11 regions (marz) INDEPENDENCE: 21 September 1991(from the USSR) CONSTITUTION: Adopted by nationwide referendum held on July 5,1995 CURRENCY UNIT: Armenian Dram (480 AMD ≈ 1 USD)

Official Information Of Nagorno Karabakh OFFICIAL NAME: The Republic of Artsakh CAPITAL: Stepanakert OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: Armenian RELIGION: Christianity, Apostolic Church FLAG: derived from the Armenian flag, with only a white pattern added. The white pattern symbolizes the current separation of Artsakh from Armenia proper and its aspiration for eventual union with the Motherland. AREA: 11,458 km2 LOCATION: Southwestern Asia

POPULATION: 150,932 CLIMATE: mild and temperate TIME ZONE: UTC+04:00 NEIGHBORS: Armenia to the west, Iran to the south, and the uncontested territory of Azerbaijan to the north and east ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS: 7 regions (shrjan) INDEPENDENCE: though unrecognized, independence was declared on 2 September 1991 CONSTITUTION: the latest referendum was held on 20 February 2017, turning the government from a semipresidential to a fully presidential model CURRENCY UNIT: Armenian Dram (480 AMD ≈ 1 USD)

Visa Requirements Arrival to Armenia

Foreigners enter the territory of the Republic of Armenian through border control points. For entry, a foreigner must have a valid passport, entry visa or a document of residency status unless Armenian laws or international agreements define no other procedure. Minor foreigners may enter Armenia accompanied by parents, a parent or any other legal representative or if one arrives at his parents, a parent, other legal representative or a receiving organization. Holders of all types of passports from 56 countries are not required to obtain a visa for entry to Armenia for 180 day period within any year period (look at p. 42).

Must-Know Tips About Armenia Tap water is drinkable, also drinking fountains (pulpulak) can be found in the streets. Driving rules are similar to international ones. Smoking is allowed in public places. Throwing or leaving litter in public places is forbidden. Use trash cans. World class opera/ballet costs nearly 6 USD. The Dram is the Armenian national currency. Paper notes are issued in denominations of, 1.000, 5.000, 10.000, 20.000 and 100.000-dram banknotes and 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 coins. Foreign bank notes can be exchanged at local banks and exchange counters. Armenia is the country of Cognac and the World’s oldest winery. The motherland of worldwide known artists and celebs: Charles Aznavour, Kirk Kerkorian, Aram Khachaturyan, Ivan Aivazovski, William Saroyan, Serj Tankian, Kim Kardashyan, Cher, Henrikh Mkhitaryan, Atom Egoyan, etc.


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Embassies ARGENTINA 32 Sayat Nova Ave., Tel.: 57 64 52 BELARUS Kotayk, Arinj, 9 M.Baghramyan, Tel.: 61 00 23 BRAZIL 1 Northern Ave., Tel.: (011) 50 02 10 BULGARIA Nor Aresh, 16 Sofia Str., Tel.: 45 82 33 CHINA 12 M. Baghramyan Ave, Tel.: 56 00 67 EGYPT 6a Sepuh Str. , Tel.: 22 67 55, 22 01 17 FRANCE 8 Grigor Lusavorch Str., Tel.: (060) 65 19 50 GEORGIA 2/10 Babayan Str., Tel.: 20 07 38, 20 07 42 GERMANY 29 Charents Str., Tel.: 52 32 79, 52 45 81 GREECE 6 Demirchian Str., Tel.: (011) 53 10 51 INDIA 50/2 Dzorap Str., Tel.: 53 91 74, 53 91 75 IRAN 1 Budaghyan Str., Tel.: 23 49 83 ITALY 5 Italiai Str., Tel.: 54 23 35, 54 23 36

JAPAN 23/4 Babayan str., (060) 52 10 30 KAZAKHSTAN 153 A. Armenakyan Str., Tel.: 58 51 19 KUWAIT 2 Babayan, Str., Tel.: (060) 50 80 50, (060) 50 85 58 LEBANON 13/14 Dzoragyugh, Str., Tel.: 50 13 02 POLAND 44a Hanrapetutyan Str., Tel.: 54 24 91 ROMANIA 15 Barbussi Str., Tel.: 27 53 32 RUSSIA 13a Grigor Lusavorch Str., Tel.: 56 74 27, 54 52 18 SYRIA 14 M. Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 52 90 23, 52 40 36 SWITZERLAND 2/1 Melik Adamyan Str. Tel.: 52 98 60, 52 40 88 UKRAINE 29 Arabkir Str., House 5/1, Tel.: 22 97 27, 22 65 47 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 2/2 Babayan Str., Tel.: (011) 77 77 72 UNITED KINGDOM 34 M. Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 26 43 01 USA 1 Amerikyan Str., Tel.: 46 47 00, 49 42 00

Consulates AUSTRIA 29 Sayat Nova Ave., Tel.: 060 37 99 99 CANADA 17 Buzand Str., Tel.: 56 79 90 CROATIA 6 Deghatan Str., Tel.: 52 99 88 CYPRUS 1 Northern Ave., Tel.: 58 63 31 ESTONIA 43 Gyulpenkian Str., Tel.: 26 39 73, 22 01 38 FINLAND (HONORARY CONSULATE) 6 Tamanyan Str., Tel.: (091) 40 16 23 DENMARK 8/1 Vagharshian Str., Tel.: 26 09 64/208 INDONESIA 37/147 Israyelian Str., Tel.: 52 88 25, 56 56 69 IRELAND 18/1 Vardanants Str., Tel.: 52 63 30, 52 63 31 KOREA 13a Sepuh Str., Tel.: (091) 40 31 91 LITHUANIA 22 Gh. Parpetsi Str., Tel.: 53 32 65 MALTA 33-4 Pushkin Str., Tel.: 51 81 71, 53 41 71

NAGORNO KARABAKH 17a Nairi Zaryan Str., Tel.: 24 97 05 NORWAY 6 Tamanyan Str., Tel.: (077) 47 33 35 PHILIPPINES 25 Charents Str., Tel.: 55 26 14 PORTUGAL 9 Nalbandyan Str., Tel.: (060) 53 52 51 SAN MARINO 56/2 G. Nzhdeh Str., Tel.: 49 33 22 SERBIA 75/28 Nar-Dos Str., Tel.: (093) 92 96 51 SLOVAKIA 26/1 V. Sargsyan Str., Tel.: 53 25 53 SLOVENIA 22/14 Parpetsi Str., Tel.: 53 87 96, 53 32 65 SPAIN (HONORARY CONSULATE) 47/1 Khanjyan Str., Tel.: 53 75 86 SRI LANKA 3a Arshakunyats Ave., Tel.: 54 65 49 THAILAND 4/1 M. Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 56 04 10, 54 23 31 URUGUAY 7/5 Alek Manukyan Str., Tel.: 55 94 49

Visa-waiver countries ALL EUROPEAN UNION CITIZENS Andorra Argentina Artsakh Belarus Brazil Georgia Iceland

Iran90 days Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Liechtenstein Macau90 days Moldova

Monaco Montenegro Norway Qatar Russia San Marino Switzerland

Tajikistan90 days Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vatican City


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Emergency Phone Numbers PUBLIC SERVICES

Fire..................................................................................................101 Police..............................................................................................102 Emergency Service...................................................................103 Electricity.....................................................................................180 Water..............................................................................................185 Yerevangas Emergency Service...........................................104 Calls within Armenia................................................................107 Yerevan Crisis Management Center..................................108 Yerevan Municipality Crisis Center..............(010) 51 41 52 Tourism Unit of Yerevan Municipality.........(010) 51 42 30 Airport Information..................................................................187 Railroad Information...............................................................184 Telephone Directory Information......................................109 Spyur Info. Center...............................(060) 519999, 519999 Armenia Info. Center.............................................................8778 Info-Service Center.................................................09000 0909 Notarius (H. Harutunyan)................................(010) 52 82 11 AM Law Firm.........................................................(010) 51 91 10 Accounting Services...........................................(010) 27 65 15

REGIONS AREA CODES Calls within Armenia: 0 + City Code + Number Abovian.........................222 Martouni.......................262 Agarak...........................286 Masis.............................236 Alaverdi.........................253 Meghri...........................286 Amassia.........................246 Nor Gegh......................224 Aparan...........................252 Nor Hadjn.....................224 Aragats..........................570 Noyemberian.............. 266 Aramus....................22293 Oshakan........................232 Ararat..........................238 Sevan.............................261 Armavir.........................237 Shahoumian.................235 Artik..............................244 Sisian.............................283 Ashtarak.......................232 Sourenavan..................238 Baghramian..................233 Spitak............................255 Berd...............................267 Stepanakert.................. 47 Charencavan...............226 Stepanavan..................256 Dilijan............................268 Talin................................249 Echmiadzin...................231 Tashir.............................254 Gavar.............................264 Tsaghkadzor.................223 Getap.............................281 Vanadzor.......................322 Goris..............................284 Vardenis........................269 Gyumri..........................312 Vayk...............................282 Hrazdan........................223 Vedi............................... 234 Ijevan.............................263 Yeghegnadzor..............281 Jermuk..........................287 Yeraskh.........................238 Kapan............................285 Yerevan............................10 Maralik..........................242 Zvartnots......................231

Health and Medical Centers MEDICAL CENTERS

GRATSIA REHABILITATION CENTER 50-1 Ashtarak Highway, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 35 35 03 MEDLINE MEDICAL CENTER 17/1 Rostovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 43) 000 115 NAIRI MEDICAL CENTER 21 Paronyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 75 00


DENTAL CLINICS ANI DENT 3 Gyulbengyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 95) 22 23 24 AVANTA 5 Zakyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 52 11 95 MEDESY 5/1 Davitashen 3 district, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 370 370 MY CITY DENTIST 4/2 Avet-Avetisyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 77) 454 809

CELLPHONE CODES 091, 096, 099, 043 + Number 097 + Number

055, 095, 041 + Number 093, 094, 098, 077, 049 + Number



ALFA FARM 1/68 Shirak Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 60) 700 500 ARMFARM 23 Abovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 54 05 20 NATALI PHARM 34 Tumanyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 06 20 5+ 18 Heratsi Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 55 11 22

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HOTELS • HOSTELS • B&B ARMENIA MARRIOT HOTEL 2/1 Amiryan Str. +374 10 59 90 00 CAUCASUS HOTEL Ashtarak Highway +374 60 50 11 77 DOUBLETREE BY HILTON YEREVAN CITY CENTRE 4/2 Grigor Lusavorich Str. 374 11 55 53 33 GRAND HOTEL YEREVAN 14 Abovyan Str. +374 10 59 16 00 MULTI GRAND Yerevan-Sevan motorway +374 10 61 00 55 RADISSON BLU 2/2 Azatutyan Ave. +374 10 21 99 00 ANI PLAZA 19 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 10 58 97 00 ARARAT HOTEL 7 G. Lusavorich Str. +374 60 51 10 00 ARMENIA ROYAL PALACE 17/1 4th Str., Silikyan dist. +374 10 59 90 00 AVIATRANS HOTEL 4 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 72 28

EUROPE HOTEL 38 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 54 60 60

PANORAMA RESORT 24/3 G. Hovsepyan Str. +374 60 27 57 37

EREBUNI HOTEL 26/1 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 58 05 05

PARIS HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 60 60 00 60

IMPERIAL PALACE HOTEL 23 Koryun Str. +374 10 58 80 40

REPUBLICA HOTEL 7/1 Amiryan Str. +374 11 99 00 00

HYATT PLACE YEREVAN 26/1 Sargsyan Str. +374 11 22 12 34 MESSIER 53 15/4 Vardanants Str. +374 11 53 00 53 METROPOL HOTEL 2/2 Mashtos Ave. +374 10 51 07 00 MINOTEL 8 Mher Mkrtchyan Str. +374 10 567 567 MY HOTEL 47/1 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 60 07 08 NAIRI HOTEL 121/7 Armenakyan Str. + 374 10 65 21 21 NATIONAL HOTEL 4/3 Amiryan Str. +374 10 54 70 02 NORTH AVENUE 10/1 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 50 55

BASS HOTEL BOUTIQUE 3/1 Aygedzor Str. +374 10 22 13 53

NORK RESIDENCE 56/1 Moldovakan Str. +374 10 67 00 51

CONGRESS HOTEL 1 Italy Str. +374 10 59 11 99


SHIRAK HOTEL 13a Khorenatsi Str. +374 10 52 99 15 TUFENKIAN HOTEL 48 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 60 50 10 10 CROSS RESORT 50-1 Ashtarak Highway +374 94 77 70 77 14th FLOOR HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 10 54 86 35 FAMILY HOTEL 49/1 Byuzand Str. +374 10 56 90 28 IBIS 5/1 Northern Ave. +374 10 59 59 59 OLYMPIA 64 Barbyusse Str. +374 10 27 18 50


BEST HOSTEL 26 V. Sargsyan Str. +374 10 54 67 67 DOMINO HOSTEL 31 Nalbandyan Str. +374 11 28 52 68 ENVOY HOSTEL 54 Pushkin Str. +374 10 53 03 69

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Armenian Cuisine AFRIKYANS’ TAVERN 39 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 10 55 32 20 ANOUSH 7/1 Amiryan Str. +374 11 99 00 00 ARARAT 2 Government bld. Republic Sqr. +374 10 52 79 33 ARARAT HALL 30 Koghbatsi Str. Tel: (+374 10) 53 67 98 ARMAT 50/2 Koghbaci str. +374 91 501919 AYAS KILIKIA 78 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 54 88 08 BELLAGIO 2M Myasnikyan ik A Ave. +374 10 55 12 12 CAUCASUS COMPLEX Ashtarak highway +374 99 919 919 CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 99 56 11 77 +374 98 56 11 77 CHAMAN 13/1 Leo Str. +374 10 53 92 68 CHARENTS 28 28 Charents Str. +374 10 57 29 45 DALAN 12 12 Abovyan Str. +374 99 58 06 58 DOLMAMA 10 Pushkin Str. +374 10 56 13 54


FLORENCE 64/2 Barbyus Str. +374 10 32 02 11

TSIRANI GARDEN 3 Babajanyan Str. N1 Arinj +374 55 85 09 50

HAVANA COMPLEX Tsitsernakaberd Park +374 10 38 06 06

YEREVAN TAVERN 5 Amiryan Str. +374 10 54 55 45

HIGH REST 21/1 Tumanyan Str. +374 11 21 21 11

VOSTAN 8 Abovyan Str. +374 11 48 00 00

KUJ 16 Komitas Ave. +374 10 27 44 41

Chinese hinese & Japanese Cuisin Cuisine BEIJING 33 Sayat-Nova +374 10 54 53 42

LAVASH 21 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 60 88 00

DRAGON GARDEN 31 Mashtots Ave. +374 60 75 75 88

MER GYUGH 32 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 87 00

SAKURADA 23/20 Nalbandyan St. +374 10 56 08 05

OLD ZANGEZUR 3 Mashtots Ave. +374 95 20 88 20

SAMURAI SUSHI 2 Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 58 56 70

PARVANA Hrazdan Gorge +374 10 54 60 01

SUSHI KUSHI 16 Tumanyan Str. +374 11 33 00 20

PHARAON H-5, Yerevan-Abovyan +374 10 20 15 81

SUSHI TORIA 1 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 60 48 00 48

SALON 8 Abovyan Str. +374 11 44 33 33

TAO 10 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 09 99

SHEREP 1 Amiryan Str. +374 10 600 880

WASABI 1/3 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 54 22

THE PARK 28 Isahakyan Str. +374 98 17 17 17

Persian Cuisine ARYA 1/17 Tamanyan Str. +374 10 56 80 13

TOSPIA 30/3 Tumanyan Str. +374 91 66 00 07

NIMA 3/36 Tigran Mets Ave. +374 41 03 88 85

TSIRANI 5 Northern Ave. +374 11 85 09 50


SHIRVAN 32 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 58 25 65

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American & Mexican Cuisines CACTUS 42 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 99 39 Haldi.Co 22 Demirchyan Str. +374 96 18 60 01 SQUARE ONE SQU O 1/3 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 61 69 Georgian Cuisine CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 99 56 11 77 +374 98 56 11 77 GENATSVALE 7 Kievyan Str. +374 10 27 79 99

MIMINO 7a Aleq Manukyan Str. +374 10 57 88 85 SULIKO 37 Nalbandyan Str Str. +374 10 58 02 86 Eastern Cuisine ABU HAGOP 6 Yervand Kochar Str. +374 95 28 65 85 ANTEB 30 Y. Koghbatsi Str. +374 10 53 09 88 EASTERN CUISINE 16 Komitas Ave. +374 10 27 16 20 LAGONID 37 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 58 08 04 LIBAN 23 Sayat-Nova Str. +374 99 66 07 00 LEBANON 3 Tamanyan Str. +374 10 60 00 80

European Cuisine AI LEONI 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 53 08 92

BAZAAR 10/1 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 50 25 CASCADE ROYAL 192 Antarain Str. +374 374 11 44 01 44

TERRAZZA 28 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 56 31 10

THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 53 13 61 THE WINE HOUSE 7/3 Abovyan Str. +374 41 00 00 66

CHARLES 3 Tamanyan Str. +374 10 54 26 21

Fast Food & Pizzeria ARTASHI MOT 31 Moskovyan Str. +374 10 50 12 22

COSI E LA VITA 2a/19 Tamanyan Str. +374 12 21 00 21

BLACK ANGUS 39 Mashtots Ave. +374 96 50 80 40

CRUMBS 37 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 54 64 24 FISH HOUSE 1/5 Northern Ave. +374 374 11 70 70 80 HANS & FRANZ 8 Saryan Str. +374 95 88 88 05 MAMOOR 14/6 Abovyan Str. +374 10 54 84 84 MONTMARTRE 4/6, Amiryan Str. +374 95 55 45 02 MORA 4/2 Grigor Lusavorich str. +374 11 55 53 47 NAVAVAR 42/1 Aram Str. +374 41 01 39 01 PATIO 5 Northern Ave. +374 60 51 35 17 PROVENCE 5 Northern Ave. +374 10 70 30 77 50 TOURINFO MAGAZINE

BURGER KING 5, Northern Ave. +374 10 53 25 53 GUSTO 11 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 11 21 KARAS 20 Mashtots Ave Ave. +374 10 32 55 55 KFC 1 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 15 07 MR. GYROS 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 50 22 33 PIZZA HUT 1 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 15 03 TASHIR PIZZA 27 Komitas Str. +374 10 51 11 11 TUMANYAN MANYAN SHAURM SHAURMA 32 Tumanyan Str Str. +374 10 54 99 44 Indian Cuisine KARMA 65 Teryan Str. +374 10 58 92 15

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Cafes ARAGAST 41 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 54 22 54 ART BRIDGE 20 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 12 84 AVENUE 5 Northern Ave. +374 10 70 20 77 BLACK BERRY 3 Abovyan Str. +374 91 03 38 38

CARAHUNGE 64 Sos Sargsyan Str., Stepanavan +374 99 32 43 00 25 Kalinini Str., Dilijan +374 43 22 00 03 COFFEESHOP COMPANY 4/5 Amiryan Str. 2 Hin Yerevantsi Str. +374 11 26 33 33 COFFEE STORY 98/9 Nalbandyan Str. +374 11 44 00 00 EL GARDEN 8 Tsitsernakaberd Park Tel: (+ 374 41) 49 00 00

PAPARAZZI CAFE 3 Abovyan Str. +374 77 88 98 89

MEZZO JAZZ CLUB 28 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 52 42 11

PEACOCK 10 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 02 08

MR. HOOKAH 15a Amiryan Str. +374 77 69 26 67

SHOKOLADNICA Freedom Square, Yerevan +374 99 30 08 78

PAHEST 33 29/4 Moskovyan Str. +374 44 99 99 59

TIZIANO 10/10 Northern Ave. +374 94 80 80 96

PAPARAZZI CLUB 3 Abovyan Str. +374 55 44 41 44

Children’s Cafe AMERICANO 55/1 Teryan Str. +374 10 58 33 99

SAF CLUB 33 Leningradyan Str. +374 41 22 11 11

ANGELICA 27 Komitas Ave. +374 10 32 21 21

THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 53 13 61

CHAO BAMBINO 5/3 Myasnikyan Ave. +374 10 55 00 99

YANS CLUB 74 Teryan Str. +374 10 700 000

CHUNGA CHANGA 1/1 Kievyan Str. +374 10 22 44 41

Pubs BEEREVAN 26 Abovyan Str. +374 11 50 51 01

KING GARDEN 40 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 60 50 09 09

JAZZVE 35/30 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 53 20 48

Clubs/Bars DARGETT 72 Aram Str. +374 96 87 08 70

JOSE 20 Khanjyan Str. +374 10 54 00 20

DOWNTOWN 2/9 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 41 43 34 22

LA PIAZZIA 5 Northern Ave. +374 11 54 05 05

EL SKY BAR 9 G. Lusavorich Str. +374 41 49 49 49

LOUIS CHARDEN 11/19 Amiryan Str. +374 10 50 54 44

INVINO WINE BAR 6 Saryan Str. +374 10 52 19 31

MEGHEDI Freedom Square, Yerevan +374 77 77 85 58


CALUMET 56 Pushkin Str. +374 94 35 92 29 JEAN-PAUL 42/1 Aram Str. +374 41 01 38 01 LABEERINT 8 Amiryan Str. +374 10 54 75 85 33a Moskovyan Str. +374 10 50 20 25 URBAN 5a Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 61 61 PAULANER 19 Teryan Str. +374 60 51 38 00

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Shopping Spots

Men’s Clothing Shoes & Accessories ARMOS Armenian designer’s shoes 5 Northern Ave. +374 60 44 14 11

Women’s Clothing Shoes & Accessories BETTY BARCLAY Clothing & accessories 65 Teryan Str. +374 10 58 17 42

AVAVA 5 Mashtots Str. Prospect Mall 2nd floor +374 99 00 82 00

BURBERRY Elite clothing boutique 5 Northern Ave. +374 60 44 01 74

CANALI Clothing & accessories 9 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 22 30

ESCADA Clothing 39 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 54 55 85

CELIO Clothing 24 Tumanyan Str. Tel: (+374 10) 54 50 07

ETAM Underwear collection 26 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 31 11

CORNELIANI Clothing, footwear & accessories 3 Northern Ave. +374 10 702 702

KIVERA NAYNOMIS Elite Armenian designer 8 Teryan Str. +374 10 56 70 77

DIANA Clothing & accessoreis 39 Komitas Ave. +374 10 23 00 78

MANGO Clothing & accessories 21 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 00 11

ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA Clothing, footwear & accessories 9 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 00 04

MAXMARA Clothing & accessories 41 Mashtots Str. +374 10 54 59 57

MASSIMO DUTTI Clothing & accessories 18 Northern Ave. 374 60 54 00 22

Children’s Clothing Shoes, Accessories & Toys COOL CLUB 4/12 M. Babajanyan Str. +374 60 37 77 13

STEFANO RICCI Clothing, footwear & accessories 3 Northern Ave. +374 10 702 702 ZILLI Clothing & accessories 58 Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 20 20 50

MOTHER CARE 51/53 Hanrapetutyan Str. 374 10 54 67 05 MEGA TOYS 40/1 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 11 500 600


MRCHIKOOBY 1 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 77 20 OKAID 22 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 55 79

PRENATAL 20/1 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 70 11 72 PRINCE PRINCESS 25 Koryun Str. +374 10 58 33 38 Women’s, Men’s, Women’ Men Children’s Clothing, Shoes & Accessories ADIDAS Women’s, men’s, children’s sportswear & accessories 3 Arami Str. +374 10 54 47 07 ALDO Women’s, men’s shoes 26 Abovyan Str. +374 10 52 17 77 BALDI 18 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 74 91 CHUST SHOES 270/1 Arshakunyats Str. +374 60 611 000 CLARKS Shoes & bags shop 8/2 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 24 54 DEBENHAMS 66 Teryan Str. +374 10 52 70 78 EDELWEISS Clothing & accessories 54/1 Teryan Str. +374 10 58 93 49 EMPORIO ARMANI Clothing & accessories 12 Northern Ave. +374 10 52 99 08

Shopping Spots

ERMANNO SCERVINO Women’s & children’s clothing 3 Northern Ave. 374 10 702 702

SALI Women’s, men’s clothing & accessories 5 North Avenue +374 11 51 11 66

GAP Women’s, men’s clothing 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway +374 60 46 11 11

ZARA 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway +374 10 50 09 90

GEOX 6/15 Northern Ave. Ave +374 10 53 22 34 GIORDANO Women’s, men’s clothing & accessories 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway +374 10 52 08 01 LACOSTE 110 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 58 05 99 LA GALLERIA Luxury Boutiques Corner 3 Northern Ave. +374 10 702 702 MARKS & SPENCER Women’s, men’s, children’ children’s clothing & accessories 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway +374 60 46 11 11 MEGA SPORT Women’s, men’s, children’ children’s sportswear & accessories 40/1 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 11 51 98 98 MEXX Women’s, men’s & children children’s clothing & accessories 26 Abovyan Str. +374 10 54 46 23 NEXT Women’s, men’s and children’s clothing & accessories. 13 Amiryan Str. +374 10 53 89 99

Jewelry, Watches, Optics AWI 14/4 Abovyan Str. Str +374 10 54 08 82 ARTYOMS 24 Khorenatsi Str. +374 93 00 99 99 CHRONOGRAPH Luxury jewelry and watch 5 Northern Ave. +374 10 500 400 EIFFEL Swiss watches 26 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 52 50 15 KARGIN OPTICS Optical Salon 41/1 Khanjyan Str. +374 10 56 06 44 MERCURY 50 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 586 000 MP WOOD 3 Abovyan Str. 34 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan Mall +374 96 838 000 TIME 21 Tumanyan Str. +374 11 50 04 02 HAY OPTIC 1 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 52 11 42


BERLIN OPTIC 31 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 36 20 00

DE LAUR 39/12 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 99 55 77 Malls DALMA GARDEN MALL 3 Tsitsernakaberd highway +374 60 46 11 11 METRONOME 22/10 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 54 00 31 PROSPEKT MALL 5 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 99 90 22 RIO MALL 8 Papazyan Str. +374 96 00 41 03 ROSSIA MALL 5 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 99 90 22 TASHIR STREET 6/2 Norther Ave. +374 96 00 41 03 YEREVAN MALL 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave.. +374 11 88 88 88 Supermarkets SAS 85 M. Baghramyan Ave e. + 374 10 53 88 88 PARMA 79 Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 27 27 99 YEREVAN CITY 60/2 Komitas Ave. + 374 10 20 16 05

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ENTERTAINMENT Night Clubs/Discos CALIFORNIA Isakov Ave. +374 77 78 77 79 CHARLOTTE 25 M. Baghramyan Ave. + 374 10 27 70 19 CRAZY 13 Vardanants Str. + 374 77 55 34 37 OMEGA 59 Teryan Str. + 374 10 58 25 49 Casinos ROYALE + 374 55 29 41 45 SHANGRI LA + 374 10 62 57 99 Karaoke Clubs ALIBI 11 Mashtots Ave. + 374 11 55 56 57 ARAME 2/1 Heratsi Str. + 374 60 44 07 44 Cinemas CINEMA STAR 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway +374 60 75 55 55 KINO PARK 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. + 374 11 88 88 88 MOSCOW CINEMA 18 Abovyan Str. + 374 10 52 12 10 NAIRI 50 Mashtots Str. +374 10 54 28 29 Taxi Apps gg Utaxi Yandex.Taxi

Car/Bus Rentals AR-TOUR RENT + 374 10 56 63 59 BUS VOYAGE + 374 10 54 10 05 CARAVAN + 374 10 52 92 92 ELITE BUS + 374 10 58 90 00 + 374 10 54 72 72 SIXT + 374 10 61 55 99

TNT EXPRESS WORLDWIDE 144/1 Khorenatsi Str. + 374 10 54 55 25

Golf/Shooting Clubs/ Horse Riding ARARAT VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB 42 Gevorg Chaush Str. + 374 10 39 40 85 HAYRAPETYAN HORSE RIDING 39 Shiraki Str. + 374 10 46 55 55

Real Estate CASCADE HILLS 160/5 Antarain Str. + 374 60 37 77 57

Sport Complex & Swimming Pool CROSS 50-1 Ashtarak Highway + 374 94 77 70 77

PIAZZA GRANDE 10 V. Sargsyan Str. + 374 91 01 15 10

GRAND SPORT 61 Arshakunyats Ave. + 374 10 44 77 66

VAHAGNI COMMUNITY 50 Gevorg Chaush Str. + 374 10 39 01 02

GOLD’S GYM 40/1 Komitas Ave. + 374 10 32 20 10

VIVA REALTY 8/6 Y. Kochar Str. + 374 10 54 68 98

MULTI WELLNESS 11 Alek-Manukyan Str. + 374 11 880 880

Post Offices & Transport DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS 27 Amiryan Str. + 374 10 58 66 88

PLAY CITY 35 Acharyan Str. + 374 10 62 09 99

FEDERAL EXPRESS 40 Mashtots Ave. + 374 10 53 00 29

REEBOK 5 Pirumyanner Str. + 374 10 36 36 36

LEO TRANS 30 Baghramyan Ave. + 374 10 22 90 18

Spas & Beauty Salon GOLD’S SPA 40/1 Komitas Ave. + 374 10 20 83 60

MEGATRANS 5 Tigran Mets Ave. + 374 60 48 25 74

THAI HOME 2 Paronyan Str. + 374 10 53 27 60

STATE HAY POST 22 Saryan Str. + 374 10 514 514

ZARA BEAUTY SALON 7-12 Paronyan Str. +374 10 50 52 50



Ai li Airlines AEROFLOT-RUSSIAN 12 Amiryan Str. +374 10 52 24 35

AIR ARABIA 68 M. Baghramyan Ave. +374 60 65 66 66 AIR FRANCE/KLM 9 Alek Manoukyan Str. +374 60 61 22 77 ARMENIA AIRCOMPANY 10 V. Sargsyan +374 11 74 77 77 AUSTRIAN AIRLINES 9 Alek Manoukyan Str. +374 10 51 22 01 AVIA-GIT 1 Zakyan Str. +374 10 52 15 46 CZECH AIRLINES 2 Baghramyan Str. +374 10 56 40 99 FLYDUBAI 7 Khorenatsi Str. +374 10 53 67 74 IRAN ASEMAN AIRLINES 19 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 52 44 02 POLISH AIRLINES 7 Argishti Str. +374 10 51 02 86

ARMANE TOUR 70/8 Charents Str. +374 60 51 90 40

ARMENIA HOLIDAYS 7 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 22 92 BEAUMONDE TRAVEL 1 Amiryan Str. +374 10 59 99 95 FUN TOUR 24/24 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 50 29 09 HAKOBIAN TRAVEL 60 M. Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 27 19 44 JOPMANE TRAVEL LLC 40 Charents Str. +374 12 78 02 11 LEVON TRAVEL 10 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 10 52 52 10 MARI TOUR Antarayin 126/6 Str. +374 11 53 00 36 Regard travel 23/2 Yervand Kochar Str. +374 60 53 00 71 Rest Tour Rich Plaza 208 room +374 11 53 00 11

S7 AIRLINES 34 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 41 10

SMART TRAVEL 2 Arshakunyats Ave. +374 10 58 28 48

URAL AIRLINES 10/3 Saryan Str. +374 10 52 88 61

TATEV T.T.T. 19 Nalbandyan Str. + 374 10 52 44 01

QATAR AIRWAYS 2 M. Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 56 36 24

YERANI TRAVEL 2/80 Baghramyan Ave. +374 43 88 44 55

Travel Agencies ANI TOUR 68a Teryan Str. +374 60 27 03 70

HYUR SERVICE 96 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 54 60 40


B k Banks ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE 1 Bayron Str. +374 10 56 85 85 AMERIA BANK 9 Gr. Lusavorich Str. +374 10 56 11 11 ANELIK BANK 13 Vardanants Str. +374 10 59 33 33 ARARAT BANK 19 Pushkin Str. +374 10 54 63 63 ARDSHININVESTBANK 13 Gr. Lusavorich Str. +374 10 59 04 04 BYBLOS 18/3 Amiryan Str. +374 10 53 03 62 CENTRAL BANK OF RA 6 V. Sargsyan Str. +374 10 56 37 61 CONVERSE BANK 26/1 V. Sargsyan Str. + 374 10 51 12 11 EVOCABANK 44/2 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 60 55 55 HSBC 66 Teryan Str. +374 10 51 50 00 PROCREDIT 105/1 Teryan Str. +374 10 51 48 60 INECOBANK 17 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 51 05 10 UNIBANK 12 Charents Str. +374 10 59 55 55 VTB BANK 46 Nalbandyan Str. +374 374 10 87 87

21 Bashaleishvili, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia +995 322 25 25 76; +995 551 966 699

MUSEUMS Matenadaran

Art Galleries

Established in 1959, Matenadaran is one of the world’s ancientand richest depositories of medieval manuscripts and books, and was inscribed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme Register in 1997 in recognition of its world significance. Add.: 53 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 25 78

Cafesjian Museum for the Art

Erebuni Fortress Museum Erebuni Museum of History of Foundation of Yerevan was established in 1968. The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 2750th anniversary of Yerevan. The Museum stands at the foot of the Arin Berd hill, on top of which the Urartian Fortress Erebuni has stood since 782 BC. Add.: 38 Erebuni Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 45 82 07

The Cafesjian Center of Arts is an art museum situated in the heart of Yerevan in and around the Cascade. At the core of the museum’s permanent collection is the Gerard L. Cafesjian Collection of Art. Add.: Cascade Complex, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 54 19 32 E-mail: Komitas Museum-Institute The institute is an art and biographical museum in Yerevan, Armenia, devoted to the renowned Armenian musicologist and composer Komitas. Add.: 28 Arshakunyats Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 11) 57 05 70

History Museum of Yerevan

Museum of Ervand Kochar

Museum, founded in 1931, introduces Yerevan history of thousands of years dating back to the rise of the oldest civilization in the world. Add.: 1/1 Argishti Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 81 85 (+374 10) 56 81 09

The museum presents the works of the active reformer of modern art. Add.: 39/12 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 52 93 26


House-Museum of Minas Avetisyan The museum stock contains 20 paintings by the famous artist, 7 of which are in oil (including “Woman with Chandelier”) and the rest are drawings. Add.: 29 Nalbandyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 07 87 Memorial-Museum of Martiros Saryan The museum, functioning since 1967, houses a collection of 160 canvases of Saryan, each painting a passionate declaration of love for his native Armenia. Add.: 3 Saryan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 58 17 62 Russian Art Museum Russian Art Museum is founded in 1980 on the collection of professor A. Abrahamyan. The museum collection consists of paintings, graphics, as well as decorative and applied art pieces. Add.: 38 Isahakyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 03 31

Art Galleries Yerevan ALBERT AND TOVE BOYAJIAN 36 Isahakyan Str. (+374 10) 56 18 55 ANTIKYAN GALLERY 33/21 Pushkin Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 53 88 20 ARAME 13 Amiryan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 53 92 65 AREV 19 Teryan Str., area 32 Tel.: (+374 11) 32 00 35 ARTISTS’ UNION OF ARMENIA 16 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 48 53 CHILDREN’S ART GALLERY 13 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 09 51 DALAN ART GALLERY 12 Abovyan Str. Tel: (+374 99) 55 33 07

Hovhannes Tumanyan Museum The museum functions since 1953. In 1969, on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the great writer, a new two-story building was added to house materials related to Tumanyan’s life and work. Add.: 40 Moskovyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 56 00 21, 58 12 71 Mother Armenia Military Museum It was established in 1970 as the History Museum of World War II with the Statue of Mother Armenia symbolising Peace through strength. Add.: 2 Azatutyan Ave., Victory Park, Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 20 14 00 Modern Art Museum Modern Art Museum was established in 1972 by the art critic Henrik Igitian. It is the first specialized museum of modern art in the whole “camp” of Socialist Countries. Add.: 7 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 55 67, 53 53 59

GALA 12 Bayron Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 54 88 38 HI-ARTONLINE 16 Abovyan Str. Tel.: (+374 60) 52 72 99 NAREGATSI ART INSTITUTE 16/1 Vardanants Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 01 05 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ARMENIA 1 Aram Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 74 72 NERSES MELIKYAN ACADEMY 24 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 70 40 NPAK GALLERY 1/3 P. Buzand Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 82 25 VALMAR 53-55 P. Buzand Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 07 69

Museum of Sergei Parajanov The exposition of the museum shows Parajanov’s aesthetic principles brought to perfection in movies. Add.: 15/16 Dzoragyugh Str.,Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 53 84 73 House-Museum of Aram Khachaturian Over 18.000 valuable exhibits are kept in the home-museum, which are the personal belongings of the great composer: photos, documents, etc. The home-museum has a light concert hall with excellent acoustics. Add.: 3 Zarubyan Str., Yerevan Tel.: (+374 10) 58 94 18, House-Museum of Charles Aznavour House-Museum opened in Cascade Complex, temporarly serves as both the residence of Charles Aznavour and the concert hall for governmental cultural events. The exhibition includes Aznavour’s discs, albums, books, music awards, posters and photographs.

Libraries AMERICAN  UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA 40 Baghramyan Ave. Tel.: (+374 60) 61 27 60 AVETIK ISAHAKYAN LIBRARY 4/1 Nalbandyan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 58 96 10 MATENADARAN INSTITUTE OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS 53 Mashtots Ave. Tel.: (+374 10) 56 25 78 MUSIC LIBRARY 53 Tigran Mets Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 57 65 34 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ARMENIA 72 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+374 60) 62 35 13 KHNKO-AP ER CHILDREN’S LIBRARY 42/1 Teryan Str. Tel.: (+374 10) 52 12 22 March 2018



Here, There ...



THURSDAY at 07:00 PM A. Tigranyan: Anoush Opera in 3 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 07:00 PM Take Me Somewhere Nice: The Traveling Exhibition Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental C n Art at 07:00 PM March 8 Festive Concert Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall at 09:00 PM Concert on the Women's Day Kecharis Hotel & Resort, Tsaghkadzor at 09:00 PM Women's Day Mezzo Music Club


at 07:00 PM Marine Deinyan Jubilee Evening National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian at 04:00 PM Music in Metro Republic Square

at 07:00 PM Forsh: "The Life in Art” Naregatsi Art Institute at 09:30 PM Free Form & Marbey jazz band Mezzo Music Club

at 07:00 PM Geghard Vocal Ensemble Lecturer: Mher Navoyan Chamber Music House after Komitas

at 07:00 PM A. Harutyunyan Sayat-Nova Opera in 3 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian




1 13

at 07:00 PM "Echo" organizes a charity concert "Your Echo is My Future" Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall



at 09:30 PM Allusion band and Srbuhi Sargsyan Mezzo Music Club


at 07:00 PM G. Bizet: Carmen Opera in 2 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian


at 07:00 PM Thomas Anders & Modern Talking Band Sports & Concert Complex after K. Demirchyan


at 07:00 PM Concert “MOZART GALA” National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian




MARCH 2018



FRIDAY at 07:00 PM ANPO, Luca Ranieri & Pier Carlo Orizio Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall at 07:00 PM Classical Music Concert Naregatsi Art Institute at 09:30 PM YellowStones Band Mezzo Music Club

at 01:00 PM Spring Fest Ani Plaza Hotel at 07:30 PM Vardges Arakelyan and Shavarsh Grigoryan at LOFT room The Loft at 09:30 PM The Gentleman's Band Mezzo Music Club

at 07:00 PM ANPO & Sofya Vardanyan Concert within the frames of two-month Francophonie season in Armenia Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall

at 07:00 PM at 09:30 PM G. Bizet – R. Shchedrin Absolute band “CARMEN-SUITE” ballet, Spanish h Mezzo Music Club folk music “LORQUIANA” ballet, “CHOPINIANA” ballet, music by F. Chopin National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian


at 07:00 PM Anita Hakhverdyan's Songs Armenian State Theater of Song at 08:00 PM Music Cascade: David BRAID Cafesjian Center for the Arts

at 07:00 PM A. Khachaturian “Spartacus” Ballet in 3 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian


at 07:00 PM L. Minkus: DON QUIXOTE Ballet in 3 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian

at 07:00 PM A. Tigranyan: Anoush Opera in 3 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian



at 07:00 PM Anita Hakhverdyan's Songs Armenian State Theater of Song


at 08:00 PM Music Cascade: CADENCE Ensemble Cafesjian Center for the Arts





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at 07:00 PM A. Khachaturian, E. Hovhannisyan: Masquerade Ballet in 2 acts National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiarian






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