2 minute read
Be A Mindleader

Several years ago, we made a commitment to focus more on mental health and get the conversations out in the open. Now, we are recommitting as part of the AdventHealth for Children and Heart of Florida United Way Be a Mindleader campaign (BeAMindleader.com) to spark more conversations around mental health. The goal of the campaign is to get curated, expert information into the hands of kids, parents, caregivears, coaches, mentors and teachers, and help facilitate life-changing conversations about mental health between children, teens, and the adults in their lives.
As a kid who was labeled moody, I knew something was not right by the age of 9. However, I did not know how to discuss what I was experiencing so I would just hide in my room until I felt better. As I have shared before, when I was a young mother, I was terrified I would lose my children if I ever sought help. And even now anxiety often rules my world. I mistakenly thought it would get easier as I aged, but the pandemic taught me that it can get worse.
Even with my background, I did not discuss mental health with my children. I would worry secretly if they showed any signs of distress, hoping they would not be like me. But I never had critical conversations. And that is a huge regret.
A Story Update
In our last issue we recognized several prominent cover stories, and we got one very wrong. We mistakenly reported that Sarah von Braun had lost her cancer battle. However, she graciously shared her current status with us: “I am happy to still be seeing my children with metastatic Stage 4 breast cancer! Every day is a gift! With METS Stage 4, I have survived way past the median life expectancy of 3 years. I’m at 5 years with the help of a great doctor (David Molthrop, MD) and his nursing staff. I have had several brain tumors radiated and bone procedures. I was expected to be in a wheelchair by March of 2021. Now, with a new chemo — no more brain mets! With continued chemo treatment every 3 weeks, I plan to love, support, and annoy my kiddos as long as I can.” We wish Sarah and her family many more opportunities to make memories.

Christi Ashby christi@orangeappeal.com

Kate Slentz kate@orangeappeal.com
Mollie O’Shea
Robert Ashby
Karen LeBlanc
Tessa McAuliff
ADVERTISING SALES advertising@orangeappeal.com
Victoria Angela Photography
Kelly Berringer Photography
Sheri O’Neal
Kayla Tuckerman Photography
Kristen Weaver Photography
Rita Tyrrell
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