Origin Psychics Connections Magazine

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Healing your Past & Re-Writing your Story


Opening Up to Love!

Welcome! A big clue is to let your intuition guide you to the place within, where you can really hear your heart voice. Once you become familiar with the pathways to that incredibly special place, you’ll find your heart has remembered how to sing, instead of only whisper.

Flowers bound up into loving bouquets, chocolates packaged differently, and enormous quantities of red hitting the eye - Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day again! Frankly, what is clear in our business is how difficult this time can be for many people. It can be tempting just to tune it all out and pretend that we don’t really care about yet another commercial saturation. I’d like to make a suggestion this year - why not celebrate love this month, regardless of where you’re at in your relationship life. The truth is, there is a world of difference between our ‘love life’ and our ‘relationship life’. This isn’t simply some pop psychological advice on self love. No - when I say ‘celebrate’, I really mean CELEBRATE! Give yourself some unconditional joy - really listen to the quiet voice of your soul, and prepare a month long special meal of all the foods your heart craves. This isn’t as simple as it sounds. Just as our bodies need different foods at different times, so do our hearts. What is your current soul food? The music which reaches you deep down? The places which lift your spirits, just by being there? The friends with whom you can always have a laugh or a good cry? Your favourite games, books whatever! The key here is re-discovering what your heart’s voice sounds like. It’s a very mysterious thing, this heart voice - most of the time it whispers, frankly because so many other voices within us dominate the soundscape of our conscious awareness! A big clue is to let your intuition guide you to the place within where you can really hear your heart voice. Once you become familiar with the pathways to that incredibly special place, you’ll find your heart has remembered how to sing, instead of only whisper. Have a great month!



Opening to Love! Recently, several clients have expressed to me how difficult they are finding it to build both friendships and love relationships. The common perception is that the problem lies externally and therefore is beyond their control - so they feel unable to do anything to change the situation, or to create the relationships they are seeking in life. The energy I pick up around these readings helps me get a feel for what is creating this situation and allows me to guide my clients so that they can get a better understanding of what is underlying the issues, so that they can start to make decisions about what will empower them to change the situation. Often what comes up is that they have had previous experiences which have led them to close in their energy field a little - as perhaps they have been hurt by those close to them who they have opened themselves up to in the past. Often, what I discover is that they have decided that no-one will ever hurt them in this way again. Unfortunately what can happen then is that this becomes a habitual state - so that their energy field is

constantly protected and closed against the outside world, and it can almost become a normal way of being, with the person themselves being totally unaware of it. As human energy fields normally connect during any interaction, when the energy interaction is restricted, others may see the person as being unavailable, closed, perhaps even difficult to get to know. The person who is closed will have a conscious desire to get to know others and will quite often possibly even be confused as to why this is happening in this way. Being closed means closing out the “negative”, but unfortunately, also the positive experiences in life. This process of suppression can lead to a loss of a deep experience of connection with loved ones and others, and life in general. For example, we might be surprised not to feel deep emotion when we hear sad news that would normally have an affect on us, or we lose our ability to find humour in life. So what’s the solution? Surprisingly, recognizing the problem is half the battle. When we choose to be conscious of the block, we become aware of a sensation of the ‘closing in’ of the energy field - it may feel like a tension in the diaphragm area or an anxiety when 3

interacting with others. A conscious decision can be made to take a deep breath, relax that area of tension, and focus on staying open. It sounds too simple perhaps, but literally taking a deep breath into the diaphragm area can really begin to open up our feelings - some traditions refer to this area of the body as our ‘emotional brain’.

It could be described as a kind of work-out for the soul - building our “openness” muscle, and at the same time, developing a deeper trust in our own ability to handle the challenges of life, knowing that we no longer need to use that protective shell. Regardless of whether we have shut down because of past bad experiences, or are naturally withdrawn and shy, changing this way of being can have amazing effects. Other people will start to open up more easily, it will become easier to make friends and there is a re-connection to life and the universe. It is an opening to love. Existing relationships can be deepened - staying open means staying conscious and this heightens our sensitivity to the state of our interactions. Perhaps we are no longer focussed on our loved one when they are talking to us, instead thinking about the problems we left behind at work, or maybe we forget to tell them how much they mean to us. When we are more open to love, we start to see more clearly all the areas in which it is not fully expressed, and this creates the opportunity for a slow and gradual improvement.

Healing Practice - Opening to Love

Take some slow gentle breaths and allow any tension to fall away, down through your body and into the earth. Take some time doing this - there is no rush. It can be done at any time - even sitting at your desk. As you breathe in, imagine that breath

Is 2012 the year for you to experience the depth of connection we all dream of? It is within our grasp - it might not happen overnight, but making this a work in progress brings it closer each day.

seeping gently into your solar plexus area, releasing any tension and soothing any old wounds. Feel how wonderful it is to open up this area in your body. It is just your breath moving in and out - there is nothing to hurt you. Notice how much more relaxed you begin to feel. With practising this simple exercise, you will slowly

by Lynne Leslie Origin Team Psychic

but surely become far more equipped to release any old hurts, and allow new love in, when you are ready to do so...

Valentine Tarot Card of the Month B y S hei la Jo n es

The two of cups is often seen as THE card of relationship, but most of all, it is the card of love for YOURSELF! This is the card of Valentines’ Day romance. A card of deep bliss, joyous love - fully reciprocated. A card of harmonious energy with an undercurrent of passion and heat. However, this card is also a deeply reflective and receptive card. To be truly loved, deeply treasured, and highly valued by others, we must first and foremost strive to find these values within ourselves. When we work towards loving ourselves, we hold our inner-selves with high regard and respect. When we are coming from this deeply loving space, other people cannot help but respond to our personal energy. When we work on loving ourselves, no matter how challenging it is, we release areas of self doubt and uncertainty. We become aware of our true power, our fundamental energy - that which comes from the depths of our soul. This is what we can lavish on others only if it comes from a plentiful source from within. The Two of Cups is about just this process - the process of first of all connecting with our own love of self, and then sharing this energy with our loved ones.This card can help us find that positive, self- supportive, accepting approach to life. Once we stop criticizing ourselves and pointing out and judging ourselves for our faults and short-comings, we have so much more energy to simply be who we are. When I see the Two of Cups in a reading, I can’t help but smile. This card relates so strongly to our relationship with ourselves first and foremost. It lets us live in the moment, in the now, to leave the past behind and enjoy everything that comes our way. It speaks of reconciliation, deep and lasting friendships, or love affairs. It reassures that this relationship is meaningful as

is the deep loving relationship we have with ourselves. Once the soul connection has been made within, then we are ready to have that deep relationship with our soulmate. Two souls coming together. The card of love and connection. This is really the essence of the message of the Two of Cups. And naturally, it also expresses the message of Valentine’s Day. Take a few moments just to relax. Slow down your breathing; let go of stress in your body and your mind, and close your eyes. Take your attention to your heart centre. As you breathe in and out gently, imagine a slow, soft warmth beginning to radiate there at your heart centre. Let it soothe you; let it nourish you; see this warmth glowing and spiraling outwards. See it flowing into every cell in your body; see it radiating outwards into the universe, reaching everyone you love, and those you seek to touch with your love. You are in charge of your heart, always. Stay with this feeling for as long as you wish. When you’re ready, wriggle your fingers and toes, and then press your heels into the floor and open your eyes.

Happy Valentines Day! 5

Healing your Past & Re-Writing your Story... B y Nata lie A rki ns Healing your past is a powerful shamanic tool that any person can utilize to release energy that is entangled within the story, pattern or issue. While many esoteric teachings point to staying in the now and dealing with life as it happens, we can have energy “tied up”, entangled or trapped in a story. Once it is released, the power returns to you and you are freed from the story and that energy can be utilized in the present. You do not have to be a shaman to do this work. The wonderful thing about shamanism and journeying is that anyone can try it, because it involves using the imagination and this technique is very similar to a guided meditation, for those who need more direction in doing this. There are no limitations with this exercise: you can heal any issue, pattern, interaction in any way, using your imagination to create the healing through you personally healing the issue, or some energy outside of you, such as angels, ascended masters, spirit guides, healing light and universal energy. I do not want to 6

direct you too much in this mediation, because your imagination is the key, and makes this healing personal to you. Just know that it is okay to use any form to heal the issue, even cartoon characters are acceptable! What you need to get started:

✴ Journeying can be done using a drum - there are some short videos on youtube with shamanic

drumming if you don’t have a CD with shamanic drumming or a drum. The rhythm of the drum induces a meditative state that helps with journeying but is not necessary. A rattle can also be used or just laying down on a couch or bed and daydreaming will work also. ✴ Journeys can take from 5 minutes to 30 minutes or longer. It just depends on how easily you relax and go into the meditative state. It is okay to “make it up” if the journey does not seem to be happening. ✴ Make sure that all phones are turned off and that you won’t be disturbed during the meditation. ✴ Use blankets, pillows, anything to make sure you are warm and comfortable. Journeying to heal the past:

✴ Pick a story from the past that you want to heal: this could be anything from bullying, abuse, rape, arguments, family issues, relationship issues, work

issues. Again, there are no limits, just whatever you want healed. ✴ If you need more guidance on this part, imagine that you are slipping backwards in time, or visualize the pages of a book turning backwards to the point in time that you want to access. ✴ As you journey, let your mind go back to the scene, the place it happened, how old you were, sounds, sights and smells can help to anchor the journey. You may also look at a picture from near that time to focus on the energy surrounding the issue. ✴ You do not need to “relive” the issue, especially if it is extremely painful. Just start sending yourself the healing in whatever way you want: light, energy, angels, words, guidance. Imagine yourself in that time frame getting the healing and surviving this issue, which you did because you are here now! You may say to this aspect of yourself “You are okay now, you have made it through the pain and suffering, you are strong and will survive this. I am here to help you through this and I love you.” ✴ Say a thank you to whatever energy sources you used, and to yourself for doing this work, and return to the present. ✴ This journey can be repeated as many times as necessary for this issue or any other issue that you want healed.

Some examples of re-writing the story... • You are no longer the victim in this story, but the healer and this happened so you could heal this issue for this

Rewriting the story

person, group of people or even on a

After sending healing to the issue, you can now work on collective unconscious level. rewriting the story. This is where you free yourself from the victim role in the story. This step means that you • This was a soul contract and you have take responsibility and control and rewrite the story to finished the contract and cleared the bring the power back to you. This step may be difficult karma, and do not need to experience for some people, who may not connect with rewriting this again in this lifetime or any other the past. I am not advocating an erasure of past events, lifetime. they have happened of course, what I am advocating is changing the story of HOW it affected you and the other person people or energies involved, to change • This was a random event, with you in the how you view the story, to make it a “newstory” wrong place at the wrong time - it was not instead of a history. If you feel that you are not a karmic event, and it does not affect you ready to do this step, it may indicate that there is any more in any way.

more healing needed around the issue, so go back and repeat the journey and send yourself more healing. The real breakthrough in doing this step is that this is a doorway for you to send healing to the other people involved in the issue. Eckhart Tolle, author of “The Power of Now” talks about the pain bodies we all carry. These are energies associated with us (but not us) that live and thrive on pain, and causing pain to others. Painful experiences can be the doorway through which we can transform and transmute the pain into love, light and healing. Osho, one of my favourite Indian Gurus, also teaches how anger, hurt and pain are doorways to forgiveness, wholeness and love. This technique is a method to access this power and transmute negative energies into their higher vibration, taking a poison and turning it into a nectar of love. Once you have healed yourself in this story, you can rewrite the story to send healing and love to everyone involved and entangled within the story. Again, there is no limitation on how you do this step - imagination is the key, and how you do it is personal and unique to you. You can rewrite the story by journeying again, using your imagination or writing down the newstory on paper.

Case Study... I would like to share with you now a case study. My client did not remember all the details of the trauma - she was very young at the time, but she had distinct memories and nightmares about the trauma for years afterwards. She was living in Beirut, Lebanon at the time, and was about 3 ½ years old. She was sent to a school at which only French was spoken. My client only spoke Arabic at that time and did not understand the language. The teacher was a strict disciplinarian, and had a stick that she used to hit the children with if she thought they were being bold. My client was a headstrong little girl, not understanding the language and by her own admission, caused a lot of trouble. The teacher terrified her and hit her most days. My client ended up contracting hepatitis while in the school and was delighted at the time that she no longer had to suffer from her teacher’s anger. She escaped, but the pain and trauma stayed with her for years. Her Shamanic journeys gave her healing and helped her through a very dark time, that was painful also because she had been so young. It’s important to realise that we can go back in time, and heal the Nun who had hurt her also. Her newstory was that my client was there to heal her, and that she was in such pain from being abused and hurt herself and could not heal herself. The ‘newstory’ turned my client from a victim of this person, to a healer of this person. A doorway opened and pain and trauma turned into love.


Your February Horoscopes HAPPY BIRTHDAY AQUARIUS! Aquarius this will be a good month for you. You will be feeling totally renewed, as the Sun & Mercury enter your sign. This will give you a new sense of self, and a greater desire to achieve your goals, in love, career and in your finances. Your goals will be more attainable because of Jupiter entering the sign of Taurus, and Pluto being in Capricorn. Saturn will begin its retrograde motion mid-month, but not to worry. This is a perfect time for you to be gathering your forces and talents, and to focus on what you want to achieve when Saturn goes direct once more. In regard to your love life, this is a perfect time for you to go after exactly what you want in this area, because nothing can stop you this month! You are a romantic for sure, and cupid is working overtime for Aquarians this month, spreading “pixie dust” in your path. Birthday!

Aries Aries, you need to hang in there this month, because you will be met with massive changes, and in all areas of your life. So many people, places and things will be coming into your sphere; you may have difficulty sorting it all out. You will find the need to get your finances finally in order, with Saturn going in a retrograde motion. If you attend to your finances over the next four months, you will have a very positive outcome. In regard to romance and your love life, for some time you have been searching for the “ONE”. And you are seriously tired of your search! Not to worry, just keep focusing on your self development, and you will be able to pull that loved one into your life quite effortlessly.

Taurus Taurus, this will be a very rewarding month for you, and in all areas. You have absolutely nothing to be concerned about in the financial area. The world is wide open for you in February, as transiting Pluto is in Capricorn, and Jupiter is in Taurus, which will bring you many financial rewards. In astrology, Jupiter is considered, “the Benefactor”, and because of this, you will also see many positive changes coming your way, in the arena of love. You will be pleasantly surprised at the


Elijah Wood - Celebrity Aquarius

increased attention and affection from others this month. You love to be in love, and this month will be no different. There are just likely to be better chances for love than usual.

Gemini Gemini, you want to be happy, flow, and run free, and this month will be no different. You are finally getting yourself in order in the area of career. For some time now you have only thought about all the changes you have wanted to make in your life. And now, you have decided that this month is the time to do it. Actually right now, there is no one who could stop you from the pinpoint direction you have decided to take. Without putting too fine a point on it, any choices you make just now will be positive! With transiting Saturn going in retrograde, you must always pay the piper. Your romantic life is undergoing massive changes during this time, and in about six months from now, you may may be really surprised at how far you’ve come.

Cancer Cancer, transiting Pluto is in Capricorn, opposing your sign. So of course you may be experiencing some challenges in a number of different areas of your life. You may feel blocked and slowed down somewhat, but luckily


transiting Jupiter in Taurus will come in to save the day. And you will be able to endure whatever obstacles come your way by keeping your feet firmly on the ground. Actually in terms of love, you will be very lucky during this period. You could be very surprised at all the choices and opportunities you have coming your way in this area. Hang in there, the angels are watching over you. You deserve to reap the rewards of your efforts in the coming weeks.

Leo Leo the lion, what a fiery one you are, all full of the desire to take on the world, and also run it. As a rule, this comes very easily for you, and the month of February will not be any different. You are a romantic, and love to get flowers, as well as give them to the one you love. You are “in love with love” this month, and there is nothing wrong with that. You believe you deserve the “good life”, and don’t mind going after it, or doing all that is required to get it all. As usual, you appear to “walk on water” which is actually not far from the truth. The only challenge could come from transiting Jupiter in Taurus – don’t let yourself become frustrated if practical tasks take a little longer than you’d like.

Virgo Virgo, you may be completing several financial issues this month. With transiting Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus, you will feel a more positive change in this area of your life. It has been a little while since you have felt total ease in this area of your life. Although this month will be the beginning of a new direction for you financially, please take your time. And then your will see the outcome, in a clearer light. In regard to love and romance, you have been struggling a bit, and you have refused to take control of your love situation. It is time for you to put your foot down, take charge and show your loved one where your boundaries are. Your romantic life will be challenged during the Saturn retrograde period this month, so now is the time to do so. It will all work out

for you Virgo, and will be much easier in the months to come.

Libra Libra, your financial life is quickly improving this month, and you will be setting the stage over the next few months for a real improvement in this area. In the end you will see where all of your hard work is paying off. You will finally be making the kind of money you have always wanted to make. Your love life will also be improving in leaps and bounds during this cycle. That transiting Jupiter in Taurus will bring many love opportunities you way in the coming month. You will see finally that love and romance can be yours – you don’t always need to be filled with heartache and sorrow.

Scorpio Scorpio, you approach life with your own unique form of passion, and February will be no different. You know what you want, and you know how to go after it, and you usually get what you go for! You may be met with a couple more obstacles than you are used to this month. It isn’t helping that transiting Saturn is going into retrograde, and may very well slow down your ability to achieve all you had hoped for this month financially. Hang in there! You’ll certainly be having better luck in the area of love. Your love life will be very rewarding this month Scorpio, with many new experiences and choices coming your way.

Sagittarius Sagittarius, you are on the verge of an entire new way of doing things this month. Your life this month will begin to start opening up, in a way you are not used to. You will feel you could achieve anything you want in your life. And this is just the beginning of this change of attitude. You now know that the road is “wide open’ for you. This will be happening in your financial and love life also. You now know better who you are, and how to go after what you want and deserve. In regard to love,


whatever your status is, it will only get better during this month.

craved, and you may actually achieve it this month!


Pisces this is a will be a great month for you, filled with love, joy and good health throughout! Neptune will be entering your sign, giving you a sense of well-being and peace. Also with Jupiter being in the sign of Taurus, you begin to start filling your romantic coffers full to over-flowing. You will be feeling doubly romantic this month, and not to worry, because of any attention you give to your love life this month, will prove to be very successful. Who knows, you may even meet your “soul mate” this month. Even with Saturn going retrograde this month, it will not phase your love life in the least.

Capricorn, you may have some challenges this month in regard to not getting everything quite in order, at least in the way you’d like them to be. This will be the case both in your love life and with your finances. With transiting Saturn going retrograde this month, it may just slow you down a little. In the long run, Saturn is just there to make sure you have everything in order before you start to make any major changes in your life. Your love life has not always been easy recently, and you have been hoping for some care and guidance in this area, and you will be receiving this love and guidance, sooner than you think. Keep believing you can havethat love you have always


Venus - Goddess of Love Venus is known as “Aphrodite, The Greek Goddess of Love” and is the dual ruler of both Libra & Taurus. She rules anything to do with love, romance, beauty, money, entertainment, leisure and sensuality. Through the signs Libra and Taurus, Venus shows all the qualities of how one expresses their love and affection in all affairs of the heart. Venus has the ability to be both attractive and attract people to them. Along with this she has all the frills and charm that go with feminine, womanly qualities. When Venus expresses her negative qualities she can be selfish, self centered, superficial and vain. Not the best qualities to attract love and prosperity to yourself! Libra expresses its Venus qualities in the desire to maintain peace and balance at any cost. Often times at the expense of themselves, so strong is their need to keep the peace. Libra is happiest “in love” and pleasing the people they love. You will often find them in careers such as acting, music, the law, and the military. Yes, the military! Hence their need to maintain the peace!

by Sandy Johnson Sandy brings a range of psychic gifts and a wealth of experience to her readings. Clairvoyance, Tarot, and Astrology are her preferred psychic arts. With over 35 years experience in working in the psychic arts, Sandy brings a real passion for working with people in their interpersonal relationships, decisions, and the spiritual growth they seek. She will connect with you, wherever you’re at, and support you on the path forwards.

Taurus expresses its Venus qualities through the desire to create a peaceful and happy home life, family values and all the things that go with living comfortably in the material world. They also are greatly interested in the arts, entertainment, etc, very similar to Libra, although they approach these qualities from a different perspective. As unlike Libra, which is ruled by the element of air, Taurus is ruled by the element of earth. This gives them a much more grounded approach to life than Librans generally have.

DID YOU KNOW? Scientists have been able to create a ‘gap‘ in time to cloak or make an event invisible to anyone watching that event...

Diagram of how the light beams were split to create a gap in time where an event could be hidden.

I know this sounds like a story from a Sci-Fi movie - a plot line for Star Trek maybe. What I like about this discovery though is that it shows how malleable time is, and this is something that we are now being able to know, manipulate and scientifically examine. Time is one of those constants in our life that isn’t really constant - it just appears to be so to us. We sense and interpret time as moving forever forward, and such concepts such as time travel or changing time seem to be completely implausible, even inconceivable to most of us. Psychics and spiritualists would insist that time is occurring altogether, and that is why psychics can connect with things in the past, present and future. But this new study shows that time can be manipulated, and I would suggest even further - that although this research was done in a lab, using lasers and instruments, who is to say it isn’t happening within the universe without our current conscious knowledge? Here is the basic outline of the research with a wonderful graphic from Science Daily (http:// www.sciencedaily.com/releases/ 2012/01/120106111312.htm) explaining the process.

Nature scientific journal. In very general terms, by using laser light and passing it through an optical fibre, the light can slow down or speed up depending on its wavelength. Using 4 lasers, they split the light so that some of the light is travelling faster than the other light beams. This creates a “pause” or “space” in time where an event can occur (40 trillionth of a second long) and then the beams are brought back together after the event. To an observer watching this experiment, you would not notice the light splitting, the event, or the light coming back together. The event is cloaked by the faster and slower beams of light. This experiment of course has implications on many scientific levels and this is an exciting result with the potential for many uses. For those of us looking at time, and life for that matter, through a ‘psychic’ lens, time always exists in a slightly different paradigm. Perhaps this is another scientific step towards understanding what shamans, seers, and wise men and women of ancient cultures knew all along.

by Natalie Arkins Ph D Origin Senior Psychic

The research was conducted at Cornell University in New York and is published in the Jan 5th edition of 12

The Power of Tarot B y Ch arle s Ru s se ll It is obviously true that interpreting the cards must be relevant to the querent and the question asked, and their conventional meanings harmonise with the particular case in question - the position, time of life, and sex of the person having the reading. But I have also found that the general trend of the cards should be

taken into consideration. When the reader allow his or her intuition to play its role, the cards can almost ‘speak for themselves’! Sometimes, situations arise when the client does not want to ask a specific question, but they do want some general guidance regarding his or her life or destiny. Recently a client asked me to interpret a layout of three cards for her without any question associated with them. The layout was in this order; the Judgement; the Five of Pentacles; and the Eight of Swords, which at first glance, don’t appear to be in harmony with one another.

Since no question had been asked I had to look to the meaning of the cards themselves, together with my own intuition of course! My interpretation of the layout was that the Judgement card indicated a period of anticipation of future success with a focus on change and new developments, new career, perhaps even new relationships. I then interpreted the Five of Pentacles and the Eight of Swords together as guidance cards indicating that at times she felt left out in the cold socially, because the eight of Swords indicated she was not making the most of her social opportunities through being held back by lack of assertiveness or confidence in social situations. She then confirmed that she was delighted that she had just received a major promotion to a new exciting and more challenging position at her place of work, but agreed she needed to work at becoming more assertive especially in social contexts. I feel that this interpretation of the cards is a good illustration of how the cards as well as predicting outcomes, can assist clients with guidance and gaining insight, enabling them to make more accurate decisions, that lead to better outcomes and as a consequence, lead to a more fulfilling life!


2012 - It’s the Chinese Year of the Dragon! By C ath y Co x We’re right on top of the Year of the Dragon, and it’s time to hold on tight. Yes, the more comfortable pace of the Rabbit year is now behind us. 2012 could be seen as the year of EMPOWERMENT! It’s time for us all to reexamine our paradigms, old beliefs and attitudes, and to let go of anything which doesn’t suit any longer. ‘To thine own self be true’ in all ways this year. There are going to be many opportunities for us – it’s time to grab them and take a few calculated risks, if you want to make the most of the Dragon energy all around…

Were you born in the Chinese ‘Year of the Dragon’? Jan 23, 1928 – Feb 9, 1929 Feb 8, 1940 – Jan 26, 1941 Jan 27, 1952 – Feb 13, 1953 Feb 13, 1964 – Feb 1, 1965 Jan 31, 1976 – Feb 17, 1977 Feb 17, 1988 – Feb 5, 1989

Famous Dragons... Salvador Dali Martin Luthar King Al Pacino Reese Witherspoon Orlando Bloom Sandra Bullock Matt Damon

For Dragons, it’s your year – the time to finish things off that need to go, and to take risks with things you’ve been wanting to start for a while. The time could not be more positive for you! The only thing to watch out for is not to be over confident. You don’t want to get totally carried away!! This is shaping up to be a passionate, vibrant year for you in love. The Dragon year loves celebrations – are you ready to make that commitment? Are you single – be ready to be swept off your feet! All in all, you’ve got a great year ahead! Rat: This year is looking great for you Rats – just avoid extremes in any direction and you’ll be fine. Communication, networking, and generally getting out and about will lead you in the best possible ways to all that your heart desires. This is a great year for romance and relationships to blossom for you. Take a bit of a risk and you won’t regret it. Ox: Things could feel a little wild for you this year – for the most part, stay with what is tried and true for you. In particular, stay true to yourself. Avoid anything too reckless or spontaneous. Your

initiatives and changes just need to be well-timed this year. Mingle, socialise – be outgoing because this is the year for you to take a few risks with love. You’ll have no problem making a commitment when the time is right this year. Tiger: You might not like everything about a Dragon year, but it’s still a really favourable time for you Tigers. Choose your initiatives wisely, and you’ll have a fantastic year. It’s a time to be active, be bold, and follow your dreams. Your love life will get a fantastic boost this year! Changes are likely, and if you stay in charge of your emotions, they’ll be positive ones. Rabbit: Well the pace of this year won’t be as comfortable as last year was for you Rabbit, but it’s still shaping up to be a year for great achievements. The key for you will be timing – take your initiatives, plan your celebrations, and get out into the world when your instinct tells you it’s the right time. The Dragon loves passion – you’ll need to take your time though as it could burn out quickly. Hang on tight and you’ll enjoy the ride! Snake: The Dragon year looks great for you Snakes! It’s time for you to take steps in new directions – be a little bit more bold and daring than you’d normally allow yourself to be. Joy, fun, enthusiasm are all available to you for most of this year! You’ll accomplish a great deal if you let yourself be daring. Your love life is entering a new phase this year. Excitement, passion and breakthroughs are all likely this year. Horse: Try new things this year; let go of restraint. This is a time for you to go for it! Channel your energy and enthusiasm in a focused way and you’ll achieve a great deal of success and happiness this year. Make clear decisions in your love life this year. It’s ‘make or break’ time. Make a commitment one way or another and you’ll be much happier.


Sheep: The Dragon is going to get you moving this year! It might feel a bit hectic at times, but there are some great opportunities around for you. This will be a year to take some new initiatives, but with the view of your longer term goals for the coming years. This is a wonderful year to really follow your heart – resist the temptation to play it safe! Monkey: This is shaping up to be an unbelievably positive year for you Monkeys! It’s the time to act on the dreams you’ve been secretly nourishing for a while now. Exercise just a little restraint, and you won’t go wrong this year! It’s time for your love life to move full steam ahead! Passionate times, and deep joy with your lover. Rooster: This will be a much more free-flowing year than last year for you Roosters. Use your discernment, and time things carefully, and you’ll have a great year. Focus particularly on networking and communication, and there will be plenty of happy synchronicities along the way! In your love life, you need to make space for romance. It could be a beautifully passionate year if you remember to make time for love! Dog: In a Dragon year, timing is incredibly important for you. Plan your important events and initiatives with care. Go with the flow as much as possible. You’ll set some incredibly strong foundations during this year if you watch for the best opportunities and pounce when you can. Are you clear now about what you want in your relationship? Be patient and success will come in your love life. Pig: The Rabbit year was favourable for you, but this year is likely to be even better! You might find the pace a little much at times, but if you can go with it, you’ll achieve some wonderful things. This is the year to ‘get real’ in your love life. Be as honest as you can, first with yourself, and then with your lover.

And finally A Li ttle Lov e P o et r y F o r V ale nti ne ’ s D a y , B y E E C ummi ngs.. . here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

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