Origin Psychics Connections Magazine

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ISSUE 101 / JULY 2013


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PSYCHIC ADVICE Tarot of the Month RELATIONSHIPS Relationship tips for highly sensitive people. HOROSCOPES Happy Birthday Cancer!

JULY OFFERS Extra 10 minutes for free on your next 30 minute reading


Welcome, to the July edition of Connections magazine! Growing up in Australia, especially on the east coast, sun and sea were ver y much a par t of summer. My British friends often mention their summer vacations abroad, with wistful sighs about warm places, and disbelief when I mention that I don’t miss the heat and humidity of a sub-tropical Christmas. So at a time when beach holidays are very much in the focus, I got to thinking about the sun and the sea, and the magical way in which fire and water meet at this time of year.

call on our deities to intercede for us. There’s something incredibly powerful about calling on the elements, and since the earliest times, we seem to have deeply understood the power of fire and water in particular.

great psycho-analyst, theorized about the ways in which these alchemical processes guide us in o u r p s y c h o l o g i c a l e vo l u t i o n towards wholeness, in the process he called ‘Individuation’. So here’s a slightly different angle, especially for those of you who are fortunate enough to be heading off on a summer vacation, somewhere near the sea....be still and let the sun seep into your mind; let it push all thought away; feel the ebb and flow of the sea reaching right into your mar row, car r ying away anything which worries you, or causes your stress. Fire and water, fire under water, bubbling away in the depths of your being, creating a magical chemistry, to effortlessly bring all that is best for you into your life, once you return.

European alchemists explored all sorts of methods using techniques of burning and dissolving, in their search for the Philosopher’s Stone. Ancient Chinese Taoists saw how Have a wonderful month! fire and water could wor k together, to create the very ‘stuff ’ of change. And Carl Jung, the


Once you scratch the surface of the different wisdom traditions, as well as the mythic stories of our various cultures, you begin to find the consistent symbols with which we can all so readily identify. And so often within these images, we find fire and water. Our rituals are rich with them, from baptism to bonfires, altar wine to Christmas candles - we turn to either fire or water, or both, to symbolize or celebrate or - Page 2 -


The Spirit of Aloha! ALOHA FROM THE BEAUTIFUL HAWAIIAN ISLAND OF KAUAI! I HAVE ONLY BEEN HERE A FEW WEEKS BUT I HAVE ALREADY BEEN TOUCHED BY THE SPIRIT OF ALOHA WHICH SEEMS TO PERVADE THE LANDSCAPE AND IS AT THE CORE OF HAWAIIAN SPIRITUAL TRADITION... So what is Aloha? Well, from what I understand, “Aloha” is the spirit of Love: love for one another, friend or stranger and love for the land “Malama ‘Aina”. It is ‘love in operation’. Aloha espouses living in acceptance and tolerance as well as living in harmony with one other and our environment. However, its deeper meaning is the “joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo)”. It is not just a friendly greeting or acceptance but a way to live life. According to Serge King, Aloha “refers to a powerful way to resolve any problem, accomplish any goal, and to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire.” It is an act of blessing or appreciation. To bless something means “to give recognition or emphasis to a positive quality, characteristic or condition, with the intent that what is recognized or emphasized will increase, endure or come into being” within yourself and another. I have experienced this as appreciating the beauty of a situation, person or environment, of taking the time to notice and give attention to what or who is in front of me. Slowing down my breathing whilst noticing the natural world around me, like the radiant colour of a flower, the sound of trees swaying in the breeze, the different greens in a landscape or watching a chicken

strut around my back garden (Kauai has many chickens roaming freely!) is also an instant soother. It’s like stroking a furry animal which is said to lower your blood pressure. I even try to breathe in the colours around me like Red for energising and Green for calming. Yellow makes me smile! However, when you are in a bad mood, busy, facing an angry person or when things are just not going your way, getting into the “aloha” spirit can be challenging to say the least. How on earth can you see the best in someone or something when they are just simply getting right up your nose? If you cannot, then don’t. Take a breath, slow down and appreciate something or someone else around you. To give you an example, I was at a supermarket check-out when an angry woman came up and accused me of cutting in. There had been a misunderstanding and I offered her my place. She refused and still carried on making angry comments. It ruffled my feathers and knocked me off centre. So I gave up trying to make it ok and focused on the smiling, helpful shop assistant instead. In that moment, I felt a slight shift in my energy and was

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Manisha Godbole Origin Psychic

able to re-centre. This allowed me to feel some “aloha” for the angry woman behind me who was clearly having a bad day. The act of blessing or appreciation transmutes energy. It is a conscious action which can shift you out of a challenging or disempowered space by aligning your energy with something positive. The positive charge gets your energy moving outward, dissipating any stuck energy which is keeping you disempowered. Try using this Hawaiian “Pikopiko” breathing technique which enhances your ability to bless by increasing your personal energy. It can also be used for grounding, centering, meditation and healing. It requires no special place or posture, and may be done while moving or still, busy or resting, with eyes open or closed. In Hawaiian, “Piko “means both the crown of the head and the navel.

The Technique ✴

Become aware of your natural breathing (It might change on its own just because of your awareness, but that's okay).

Locate the crown of your head and your navel by awareness and/or touch.

Now, as you inhale put your attention on the crown of your head; and as you exhale put your attention on your navel. Keep breathing this way for as long as you like. ✴

When you feel relaxed, centred, and/or energised, begin imagining that you are surrounded with an invisible cloud of light or an electromagnetic field, and that your breathing increases the energy of this cloud or field.


you bless, imagine that the object of your blessing is surrounded with some of the same energy that surrounds you.

Much Aloha to you all!

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Manisha’s readings are founded on h e r p s y c h i c g i f t s o f Ta r o t , Channeling, Clairsentience and a deep sense of Empathy. She will offer you acute and intelligent insight into your life, but coupled with a sensitivity that will leave you feeling uplifted, empowered, and more in touch with yourself and your situation. ‘When I phoned Manisha, I was greeted by a beautiful, very calm, soothing and comforting voice and instantly felt I was in good hands...’ Cat, Switzerland. ‘Essentially, I couldn’t recommend Manisha highly enough.... Subjects came up during my reading that I really hadn’t expected, and Manisha more than proved her worth in being able to see them through.’ Chris, London. ‘Manisha’s readings are a true blessing! She is able to shed light onto uncertain areas of life, offering hope, and a positive and accepting perspective on circumstances.’ Kerstin, Zurich.

Wisdom Oracle

Being ‘IN’ the World ‘You’re calming down enough to be in your world.’ Nani, Hawaiian Kupuna. ‘How important it is to be ‘in’ my world. Of course, it is probably not possible to be in my world if I am not ‘in’ myself. I have to stop, wait, listen, and calm down in order even to begin to be in myself. In fact, almost everything in my culture invites me to leave myself, to drug myself and thus dull my awareness of what my body is telling me. Even more, my society invites, even demands, me to be out of touch with the world around me and my living environment. What would happen if I let myself feel the noise, hear the pollution, and smell the violence around me? I have to be ‘numbed out’ to take the world we have created. Yet, when I retreat, get out in nature, and calm down, I can be in my world. And when I am in my world, I know deep within my soul that we must cease to destroy it. Being in my world lets my world into me.’ (Anne Wilson Schaef. ‘Native Wisdom for White Minds - Daily Reflections by the Native Peoples of the World’)

Breathe in the elements... If you’re one who enjoys meditation of some form, why not take your practice outdoors this month? Going outdoors can bring a wonderfully different energy to your meditation. You can really relax down and connect with the earth, breathe the sun into your cells, allow a sea breeze to gently blow away distracting thoughts. Just as you would create your meditation space at home, choose your meditation place outdoors consciously. Find a quiet spot if you can, but don’t worry too much about being interrupted or disturbed. Once you begin to really commune with the elements, the day-to-day noises will simply drift away. Choose a place that is appealing to you, and then sit where you’ll be as free from distractions as possible. Take a few moments to get comfortable. (Make sure you’re not sitting on an anthill!!)

Close your eyes and slow your breathing. When you are relaxed, take your awareness to your hearing - what small subtle sounds can you notice? Take your awareness to your sense of smell - notice how fresh the air is. Can you smell the sea? Can you smell flowers, trees, animals? Take your awareness to your skin. Feel the sun on your skin. Breathe the sunshine right into your cells. Feel how it energises. Feel how it heals. Take your awareness to the air around you. Is it fresh? Is it cool? Is it moist? Is it warm? Take the time to simply be area of how your senses are enlivening, and interacting with the elements around you, and be peaceful.

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heart therapy

Do we expect too much from romantic relationships? by Senior Origin Psychic, Cathy Cox Do we expect too much from our relationships? Can we possibly live up to our own expectations? Can our partners hope to live up to them either? Even a short browse on any one of the most popular and successful internet dating sites reveals a treasure trove of data! Here we see example after example of relationship expectations, articulated in something like a ‘bullet point’ presentation, not unlike a recipe book! You can specify your desires for height, marital status, hobbies, age - even hair colour. It’s not that long ago that the norm for many was to meet your first real boyfriend at 18, marry him if possible by 20, and then live the rest of your life with him. That was certainly the case for my parents’ generation. Now we look for chemistry but with friendship, ambition but with family orientation, great body but great personality too, a great conversationalist as well as being a good and patient listener, and to top it all off, versatility in bed, but without being egocentric! It’s actually surprising that we haven’t collectively developed multiple personality disorders under the weight and pressure of all these contradictory expectations. The irony is that in a society where relationships are breaking down more than even, we seem to have developed even higher expectations of them. Then again, maybe that’s the reason they’re breaking down. Maybe the pressure to fulfill the needs of our relationships has become so great that relationships feel more like fulfilling a job description rather than an opportunity to show our true selves, with all the pit falls and mistakes that come along with the territory. You may say to yourself, ‘I think I’m pretty realistic about relationships I’m OK with imperfections.’ But it is not so much a search for perfection that we have become bound by - it’s a search for a relationship without risk. At an intuitive level, what strikes me about what I hear in readings about dating is that so many people, having been hurt and disappointed in relationships previously, are no longer willing to take a risk. In this sense, expectations are the first line of defense - a way to protect - Page 6 -

ourselves from the unpredictability and uncer tainty of love and emotional vulnerability. We want assurances, commitments, guarantees. We want to see some kind of proof, up front. We want the thrill of spontaneity and chemistry, but want the security of certainty and predictability. We have created an impossible task for ourselves and others to fulfill. It would seem to me that when we begin to really let go of expectations, we begin to actually relate to people rather than relate to our projected hopes and fears. We let down our defences and start to see people as they really are, rather than how we want to see them. It’s then that real closeness emerges and real trust can develop.


YOUR JULY HOROSCOPES Liv Tyler - Celebrity Cancerian

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANCER! Your cardinal nature will be really to the fore during your birthday month Cancer - you’re a leader, and this month you might be surprised at how vibrant you feel and how the urge to step forward really uplifts you! There could be opposition to this - try not to intensify this by losing touch with your sensitivity to where others are at. There’s also some particularly good news for you around your finances early in the month. You’ll experience a lightening of your emotions around your home life . And your confidence and exuberance will be really attractive this month Cancer. Singles have a great opportunity during July to meet someone who completely turns their life upside down! Enjoy your birthday Cancer, but just don’t expect everyone to go along with you for the rest of the month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Aries You’re likely to feel pulled in different directions this month Aries - make sure you make time for yourself in the midst of this. There’s a real mixed bag for you this month Aries , but overall there’s a focus for you to put some energy into your emotional and physical security. The last two weeks of the month you’ll feel quite driven to making changes around your home. One caution - don’t be boastful about any good fortune - it will backfire on you! ARIES IN LOVE: You’ll find your desire for freedom sparking up this month Aries, but this might be just what you need to add some fire to your relationship. Singles, use this energy to open your mind to new possibilities about what, and who, you want in your life!

Taurus Communications are really to the fore for you this month Taurus - get your ideas out there! The challenge with that though is that someone is likely to push you in an exchange of views or even a clash of ideas. Don’t take it personally - they just have a different outlook to you. Overall, it’s shaping up to be a really busy month Taurus, both physically and mentally, but there’s some space for you to nourish and nurture yourself a little more towards the end of the month. TAURUS IN LOVE: The 8th is a great turning point for you, as Saturn is moving out of your sector of relationships after being a bit of a block for you for the last 5 and a half months. Channel the enthusiasm which is likely to surge up through you at this time - try not to push your lover too much.

Gemini There’s a big emphasis on your resources this month Gemini, not just money, but time and energy as well. If you find yourself in a bit of a power struggle, stand your ground if you can. This is not a time to take risks, or at the least, make them calculated ones! You’ll be meeting some intriguing people socially this month Gemini; watch for those close around you who might though take - Page 7 -

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION advantage of your generosity later in the month. GEMINI IN LOVE: You’re likely to experience a powerful attraction this month Gemini, but it might actually be with someone you don’t necessarily like at first. Is it their power? Take time to find out what the appeal is, as you’re likely to be feeling really romantically ‘alive‘ this month!

Leo Don’t resist dealing with unresolved issues from the past this month Leo, especially if you’ve been avoiding something for a while. This has been creating some internal conflicts and bringing a sense of imbalance to you for some time now. Overall, in facing this, things are definitely entering an upswing in your life, and especially after the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd. LEO IN LOVE: Venus is a very positive influence in your sector of love and romance this month Leo, adding an extra little dazzle to your already considerable charisma. Watch too for someone who just might bring a breath of fresh air to your love life this month - just don’t let it unsettle your equilibrium too much.

Virgo If you find yourself changing your mind this month Virgo, relax and let yourself do so. This is especially so with your ruler Mercury being retrograde in the early part of the month. Difficulties in making an important decision will really ease after the 20th. And you’ll find yourself feeling really energized and determined to reach your goals in the latter stages of the month. VIRGO IN LOVE: You might find yourself feeling doubts and a sense of mistrust in your love life this month Virgo. Don’t jump to conclusions - listen to your intuition, but don’t act on it for now. Misunderstandings will clear up in the latter stages of July, and you’ll find yourself willing to be open at an even deeper level.

Libra July is a month when you’ll be feeling really determined to achieve your ambitions Libra. This will be especially so when you’re given a boost by Mars in the second half of the month. Financially, things are likely to start freeing up too Libra Saturn has been retrograde for the last 5 months or so, creating some potential blocks in this arena. Overall, there may be a few challenges to your equilibrium this month, but it’s also a time for you to really transform your circumstances. LIBRA IN LOVE: This is a busy month for

you Libra - just don’t let your other priorities block you in your love life! Stay open to love and it will be there.


This month offers you great opportunities for adventure Scorpio - getting into new territory literally or metaphorically. And with Saturn finally going direct on the 8th, along with a New Moon, you’ll find you can access some beautiful fresh energy. Things will really free up and you won’t be under quite so much pressure. Towards the end of the month, let yourself look at, and appreciate, how much you’ve achieved. SCORPIO IN LOVE: That urge to ‘break new ground’ this month Scorpio might just put pressure on your partner, especially if they’re a grounded type. And if you feel that they’re not being open with you, don’t push it too hard. You’re not always right!

Sagittarius This is a month to remember the message of your ruling planet Jupiter - focus on what IS possible, not what isn’t Sagittarius. There is a message too of being clear about what has substance, and what doesn’t, in your finances and business deals, but also in your various relationships. With Mercury going direct again on the 20th, and the Sun moving into Leo on the 22nd, things which have been quite stagnant and bogged down will really begin to free up for you. SAGITTARIUS IN LOVE: Single Saggies might just experience a powerful attraction this month - just give yourself time to establish if this person is really available, as there’s a chance of being swept up in a fantasy this month. But by the latter stages of July, there’s some beautiful passionate times in store for you!

Capricorn Jupiter is bringing a surge of hope and optimism for you this month Capricorn, and with that, inspiring people and ideas. There is though another period of Mercury in retrograde until July 20th - just take care that your really important communications, both in work and especially in your relationships, are getting your point across as you intend. There’s even a chance of a clash of wills which is completely unnecessary. CAPRICORN IN LOVE: The second half of this month is a great time for meeting someone special for available Capricorns, especially if they share your energy and enthusiasm! For those in a relationship, resist the urge to push things along late in the month - your timing needs to be really acute!

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There’s huge growth possible for you this month Aquarius, especially if you’re will to self reflect honestly. Your work and practical life is going to receive a burst of energy from Mars this month - just don’t be disappointed if you don’t receive acknowledgement straight away. And I’m afraid Mercury is going retrograde again this month - for you, this brings a message about not getting too bogged down in the details this month. AQUARIUS IN LOVE: There are some really magical times in your love life this month Aquarius! Singles will find someone very attracted to your ‘dare to be different’ attitude. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll find yourself examining your feelings under the light of the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 22nd - be open and have the courage to make some changes if you need to.

Jupiter and Neptune are both giving your self-expression a wonderful boost this month Pisces. There’s likely to be some pressure on you this month Pisces, but it’s coming from within. It just requires you to be really honest with yourself about what you deepest desires are now in your life, and to consider whether your current circumstances are matching that. Don’t make rash decisions - just let yourself be aware of that internal dialogue so you can find the clarity you desire. PISCES IN LOVE: I’m afraid that old Mercury going retrograde in the early par t of July might just cause some misunderstandings in your romantic relationships Pisces. On a more positive note, Saturn is going direct on the 8th, after more than five months, and your love life will flow more smoothly and deeply than it has for some time with this change.

Are you born under the sign of the ‘Moon Child’? In ancient mythology, the Moon ruled side by side with the Sun god or goddess, and was seen by some as more important than the sun, because of its wisdom, guidance and spiritual knowledge. The Moon affected so many aspects of life and the personality, that it was often considered to have much power,.She’s been given different names throughout history because of this. Here are just a few of the names: Selena, Phoebe, Cynthia, Artemis, Hecate and Diana. Artemis, in mythology, is considered the absolute female archetype, the supreme mother and nurturer of the planet. This is best seen through the three phases of the Moon. The waxing Moon represents the youthful maiden, the full Moon is the Mother Goddess, and the waning Moon is the wise old woman. In astrology the Moon rules the sign of Cancer, is exalted in the sign of Taurus, and in its fall in Scorpio. The Moon represents the side of you that you keep hidden, unlike the Sun, which represents what others see of you outwardly. It rules the subconscious in the individual, the Mother and the home. The Moon also rules the fourth house in the chart, which is

considered the “dark night of the soul”, where the individual must come face to face with their innermost emotions, most of all, fears, and the past, in particular, how these issues affect them on a day-today basis. We see here too what drives us subconsciously. So wherever the Moon is placed in the chart denotes the emotional issues and challenging situations you will experience in your life. The Moon and Cancer are associated with femininity, fertility, emotions, maternity, family bonds, sensitivity and memory. Actually, you might say that Cancer individuals never forget a thing. I like to call them the “family historians”. The cycles of the Moon have always been connected to the ocean, and the movement of water and its nurturing powers. Thus the Cancer individual is often a very sensitive and compassionate person. They can sometimes be sensitive to the point of being too easily hurt. Cancerians are also considered “psychic sponges” because of their strong intuition and empathy. It’s just as well they have their hard “crab” shell to protect them, when they need it!

by Sandy Johnson, Senior Origin Psychic - Page 9 -


Do you remember your ‘Imaginary Friends?’

that children still ‘know’ deep within. They simply experience what is around them through their senses, and it is just so normal for them, that they don’t edit their experience. Scratch the surface a little of peoples’ experience of psychic phenomena, and it isn’t so different from that reported by children - we adults simply don’t we as adults call ‘everyday reality’ reveal our experiences so readily as and a fantasy world of knights and children do! cowboys, goblins and giants. Nor is there a barrier for them to Here are a couple of lovely reports psychic energy, to those vibrations of children seeing departed loved which exist outside of time and ones.... space. Children experience the world spontaneously, not through The Imaginary Friend... the censored ‘secondary reality’ of ‘When my cousin was little, she conceptualization and belief. This would always say that she was is how we adults experience our visited by ‘a friend’. My family univer se most of the time. thought this was an imaginary Children are fully present, and friend. One day whilst looking they see and hear and taste and through a photo album, my cousin touch the world freely. It is this say a picture of her grandfather, enlivened experience of their who had died a few years before senses that I believe allows she was born. She had never seen children to sos freely experience this picture before. She said that the psychic phenomena which the man in the photo was the exist all around us all of the time. friend who visited her regularly!

by Amy Adams, Origin Psychic Have you ever experienced a child speaking about ‘imaginary friends’, or perhaps a grandparent or relative who has long since passed away? Children seem to be able to see and experience many things that we adults would consider to be extraordinary premonitions, knowledge of events that occurred before their birth, even ghosts of loved ones and pets. So are children more attuned to psychic phenomena? A certain school of psychology suggests that we all go through a number of stages of cognitive development, and children younger than about 15 don’t reason as an adult does. But is their receptivity to psychic phenomena really due to their stage of cognitive development, or simply because they haven’t developed adult prejudices? Theor ies about cognitive development don’t quite explain everything. One of the real joys of being with pre-school aged children is to watch the way in which they can so easily step into the world of their imagination. There is no barrier for them between what

Our senses aren’t just the way in w h i c h we e x p e r i e n c e a n d observe the world. They are the way in which we communicate, the way in which we commune with and empathize with others, the actual technique of being present with others and with our world. And our senses can open up an incredibly rich universe that we experience and understand more deeply. If we set our intention this way, then our senses will follow. This I think is the secret - Page 10 -

What did Baby Brother See? ‘When my little brother was a b a b y, w e l i v e d w i t h o u r grandmother. My grandfather had just died. My Mom was sitting in the living room, trying to get my 2 year old brother to sleep, but he wouldn’t stop crying. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he stopped crying, sat straight up, and said ‘Hi Grandpa.’ There was no one else in the room. (Beth, Ohio)

soul healing

Philosophy, Science and DNA by Senior Origin Psychic, Natalie Arkins misunder stood. Epigenetics, environmental issues, stress, fear and other factors are probably at play here. Indeed, while there is strong evidence that just having the BRCA gene increases breast cancer risk by 60%, what exactly is happening in the bodies of the 40% that have the gene and do not get breast cancer? Research needs to focus more on those cases. Instead of focusing on what goes wrong, focus on what has gone right.

There was a convergence recently of two interlinked issues coming to the forefront recently in the News. First, was the news about Angelina Jolie’s decision to have a double mastectomy. Many in the alternative healing field were negative about her decision to do this, stating different therapies she could have tried. I believe that Angelina is a smart woman, and she probably has looked and done many of the things that are suggested in alternative medicine. Angelina carries the BRCA gene that increases greatly the likelihood of her getting the same cancer that killed her mother. I also read comments from people saying that it was all a publicity stunt for promoting DNA analysis (Myriad Genetics has a broad reaching patent on the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes that are indicated in Breast Cancer, they had a monopoly on this, and were charging around $3000 for a test for the presence of these genes in your DNA) and getting mastectomies. After Angelina’s article in the New York Times, stocks in Myriad Genetics went up, prompting some to point to this as publicity stunt for Myriad Genetics. I do not agree that it was wrong of Angelina to have done this, or promote her doing what she did. We may never know what we would have done if we were in that position. We cannot judge others decisions on what they decide to do to heal themselves. We don’t want other’s judging us, so why do we judge them? Previous studies have shown again and again, that just because you have a gene for a disease, does not mean that you get the disease. The link between having a gene and expressing the disease is still very - Page 11 -

Second was the U.S. Supreme court’s ruling that DNA was not patentable. The case was brought by Myriad Genetics against other genetic testing companies that were testing for the BRCA genes. The court did rule that complementary DNA (cDNA) made from our genes in a lab, and are not naturally occurring, are patentable. Those industries that use non human DNA s e q u e n c e s t h a t t h e y h ave patented are of course upset by the ruling. They feel that they will lose money now if the DNA sequences they have patented are no longer covered by a patent. I agree that the ruling is correct, but it could have far more effect on other industries than intended, both positive and negative.

soul healing At one time, science was interlinked with philosophy. Plato, Socrates, Galileo, and even older philosophers, were also scientists. They felt that you could not do science without having a philosophical and spiritual guidance and grounding. Meditation and fully thinking and feeling into a problem was equally as important. This is heart connected science. Since the industrial revolution, only mental and logic is supported in science. Philosophy is a soft subject that is often ridiculed or laughed at by real scientists. Yet, many of the best and well known scientists claimed that intuition, dreams, imagination and other non-logical reasoning helped them to make the breakthroughs they are famous for. The fact that for years, DNA was accepted as a patent shows how far from the heart connected science we have gone. It was acceptable practice to patent DNA, even though it is naturally occurring. I applaud the US supreme court for making this decision, but am still waiting for the revolution in science, where philosophy and heart meet.

NATALIE ARKINS ‘In my first reading with Natalie she really empowered me in a moment of feeling at a low point in my selfesteem. She told me a mantra to say to myself, to empower me through my confusion. I really used this mantra and I have a great deal of gratitude to Natalie who helped me through this particular episode in my life. I would recommend Natalie as an insightful and compassionate reader.’

YOUR DISCOUNT THIS MONTH! We’ll answer your questions with intelligent insight! CALL US during July and have a 15% discount on any 20 or 30 minute reading. Your discount is valid with any reader, and you can use it TWICE during the month. Valid to July 31st, 2013.

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