Origin Psychics Connections Magazine- April 2013 Edition

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ISSUE 98 / APRIL 2013


BOOKINGS UK - Free Call 0808 120 9695 BOOKINGS USA - Free Call 1866 892 9216 BOOKINGS Australia - Free Call 1800 620 446 PSYCHIC ADVICE What do the cards say about your love life? RELATIONSHIPS We answer some of our readers’ most ‘Frequently Asked Questions...’ HOROSCOPES Happy Birthday Aries!

APRIL OFFERS Extra 10 minutes for free on your next 30 minute reading


Welcome, to the Easter Edition of Connections magazine! One of the benefits of the work I do with so many amazing people is that I get to see the world through others’ eyes. And with that, there are always fresh new insights. One such insight has really struck me in the last few weeks, and it’s particularly potent, given the name of this magazine. It seems to me that human beings often make connections really effortlessly! You could almost say that it’s hard-wired into us. In fact, biologically speaking, we must interact and connect as we breathe, eat and drink. Every moment of our lives occurs through this extraordinary web of fluid interactions. One of the consistent threads in the great wisdom traditions is the knowledge of the oneness which exists through all reality. Any wonder then that forming connections happens so readily.

That same effortless capacity to connect happens emotionally. This is what we see so often in readings - in even the most subtle of ways, we all experience threads of connections with others. The challenges most of us face in our emotional lives doesn’t stem from the reality of the connections themselves - it’s how we manage those connections and build healthy and satisfying relationships from those connections.

A psychic reading can become a bridge, between the internal world of ‘knowing’ - the place where we experience our connections - and the external world of manifest reality - where we build our relationships on a day-to-day basis. A reading can offer a glimpse too, of the way in which another person may be experiencing that connection. Obviously this is also incredibly supportive in the flow of the intense emotions which emerge from these connections.

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But I think really the most significant factor in seeing relationships in this way is to do with seeing where we can empower ourselves to handle them. Most of us know the experience of feeling powerless in the midst of intense feelings, especially where personal relationships are concerned - the amazing sense of being swept off our feet; the longing to meet someone special; the ache of love lost. We ARE able to change our feeling states - I’ll save that for another edition. More importantly, we DO have the capacity to choose whether we put ener gy into particular connections or not. We DO also have the capacity to choose what kind of focus and energy we put into our connections. The key really is not in trying to control the connections themselves - they are going to happen. It’s in choosing how much and what kind of attention to give them! So take hold of your attention, take a deep breath, and dive into your connections this month. And as always, I hope you enjoy this month’s edition of our ‘Connections’ magazine.



What defines a good psychic reading? Let yourself go into the beautiful imagery shared here by Origin Psychic, Manisha Godbole Imagine a vibrant river flowing deep underneath the earth. This river is alive, pulsating with energy, containing stories and knowledge about the past, present and the future. It contains the story of who you are, where you have been and where you are going. We are a part of this river. It is where we meet in the Oneness. It is an exciting place to be.

out’ is how people end up lost in their heads, cut off from the oneness, and therefore feeling powerless to take charge. A Genuine Psychic Reading A genuine psychic reading in my opinion is not just about telling you who you are and where your life is heading. It’s also about realigning your with the vibrations of your subconscious, to guide you back to the subtlety of your deeper identity and what your heart is really communicating. A psychic’s role is to delve into your subconscious and to discover and share with you the missing parts of your story, which will assist you in putting the pieces of your puzzle back together. A psychic can reveal seeds that have already been planted in your life waiting to manifest and also to help you to plant new seeds, creating new growth in your life.

Sadly, as a society, we have lost connection with our deeper knowing about ourselves and our lives. We are distracted by images and reflections lying on the surface, searching for the answers everywhere but inside our own hearts. If we have lost our way to this river, how can we drink from its vastness? With this experience of deep separation, our lives lack continuity, coherence and the feeling of oneness that we are all so desperately seeking. We have cut ourselves off from the power of the interconnectedness of the universe and the magic of synchronicity cannot occur fluently in our lives. We then try to force life to happen as we want it to. Life Unfolding Life is continually unfolding, forever changing. The options and choices before you are endless. You cannot force your life to happen. It’s much easier to wait for clear signs to manifest in your life before you move forwards than it is to analyze your endless possibilities. Trying to ‘figure it - Page 3 -

Eventually, with practice and experience, you can learn to find your own way back to the river of your subconscious and recreate the life you want.

MANISHA GODBOLE Manisha’s readings are founded on her psychic gifts of Tarot, Channeling, Clairsentience and Empathy. She aims to leave you feeling muc h c learer, empowered, and more in touch with yourself and your situation. Her insight is acute, intelligent and very sensitive.

heart therapy

What do the cards say about your love life? Have you ever wondered what card your favourite psychic has pulled when he or she says things like: ‘I see a new man coming into your life..... It’s time to let go...... This has long term potential!’ Origin Psychic Sheila Jones reveals a little more about the mysterious love messages hidden in the Tarot.

How many times have you said : ‘What do the cards say about me and XXXX ...?’ Well, I’m going to let the cat out of the bag and let you in on some of the secret meanings of the tarot for relationship. Tarot readings have been guiding, predicting, and describing relationship situations for hundreds of years. There are any number of divination systems, but I think the tarot describes more clearly than any other system the intricate interactions involved in intimate relationships. Tarot describes the subconscious activity in the modern relationship.

Deeper magic hidden in the Tarot... Tarot has been linked with the study of alchemy practices in Europe for centuries. Alchemy is an ancient science which studies the deeper energy interactions in the universe - the relationship between energy. So the tarot seems to have evolved from thousands of years of research into the interaction of energy. Maybe this is why we talk of the ‘energy’ between a man and a woman. A real tarot reader is an alchemist, studying the energies that are created and exchanged in people in love.

The love cards.... Commitment Sun - Especially in conjunction with the Moon Strong creative partnership. Lovers - Commitment, harmonious partnership, mutually nurturing Wheel of Fortune - Destiny relationship that challenges you to change your life. Potential Star - Belief and hope; the relationship generates positive energy & intention Hanged Man - The time is not right, relax and let go for now Fool - Have fun! A new adventure in love Moon - This relationship has a past life history or some threads reaching back into childhood experiences

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heart therapy Sexual Attraction Chariot - Whirlwind romance, being swept off your feet Strength - Powerful magnetism; strong chemistry; addictive love affair Moon - Intense and perhaps irrational attraction, despite all boundaries

Emperor - A real man; strong par tner ship potential and commitment. Combining psychic ability and tarot truth

As readers, we use our psychic ability to tune into exactly what the cards mean for you in your Meeting that special person own personal situation when they High Priestess - You are his ideal woman - you have a powerful influence appear in your reading. The Tarot is a tool to guide the reader in and a deep intuitive understanding of the other person. interpreting their intuitive feelings Hierophant - Learning a lesson from relationship; helping someone they don’t tell you what is going (including yourself) to grow on. It’s terribly impor tant to remember that the cards are a Empress - Motherhood; nurturing a real relationships wonderful tool, but the reader is the one doing the ‘reading’. The reader picks up on the energies in your situation. However Tarot sparks off the intuitive process and guides the reader into a more detailed and accurate reading. Relationship breakup? Finally, I have to say that I LOVE Torn between two lovers? the cards, and I find it incredibly Can’t forget an old flame? fulfilling to do readings for my Unrequited love? clients using the Tarot. Tower - Unexpected emotion that has been kept under control.

Relationship difficulties?

SHEILA JONES Sheila is a natural psychic who has been working with tarot for over 25 years. She is able to look into the future to give you an insight into how situations can work out and what will happen.

Call our free phone numbers to receive expert psychic advice from experienced and sincere readers. Or visit www.origin-psychics.com to browse each reader’s profile and testimonials. - Page 5 -

heart therapy

Having difficulty letting go of an old relationship? Do our quiz to find out what might be blocking you... Knowing when to let go... One of the most difficult things we all have to face from time to time is the decision to let go of a broken relationship. The aftermath of an unresolved relationship break-up is comparable to jumping head first into a wild, raging ocean. Being thrust into the depths of unresolved feelings, you can find yourself lost trying to understand what has happened, what is truth, and what is illusion and simply hurt feelings. The fear of the unknown can make even the most confident person hesitate with indecision. The sooner you can clear your mind, the sooner you can experience a sense of having your feet on the ground again, and move forwards into a new phase of life. Our quiz can help you to target more specifically the deeper issues causing your break up blues and help you to move towards your future with clarity and self-confidence. Follow these 3 easy steps... Step 1: Answer the multiple choice questions below. Step 2: Observe the number that you choose most often. Step 3: Simply read the corresponding category in the result box at the end of the quiz. Question 1: You see your ex-partner out with someone else. Do you... a) Palm it off, thinking that sooner or later this was bound to happen (3)

b) Get jealous and try to get their attention (4) c) Start thinking of all the good times you had together (2) d) Get angry and give their date ‘death stares’ (1) Question 2: Your ex-partner tells you that they have met someone else. Do you.... a) Wonder what you have done to make them lose their feelings (4) b) Sit down and talk about what they want to do about it (3) c) Retreat inside yourself (2)

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d) Storm out full of shock and disbelief (1) Question 3: Your ex-partner is refusing to send you your favourite t-shirt which you left at their house. Do you... a) Go and buy yourself a new one (3) b) Get irritated and go around and get it yourself (1) c) Keeping calling repeatedly, pleading that they send it to you (4) d) Try to figure out why they are holding on to it (2)

heart therapy Question 4: Your ex-partner is not returning any of your calls. Do you... a) Keeping ringing and ringing and texting and texting determined to get an answer (1) b) Step back and re-evaluate your opinion (3) c) Try to figure out why they haven’t responded to you (2) d) Get depressed and avoid work for three days (4) Question 5: Someone new asks you out for a coffee but you still have feelings for your ex. Do you... a) Organize to go to a place where you know your ex is likely to see you (1) b) Go out with them with an open heart and mind (3) c) Politely decline and ask for a rain check (4) d) Go out with them, hoping it will take your mind off things (2) Question 6: Everywhere you go you are reminded of your ex-partner. Do you... a) Stay indoors trying to avoid your feelings (2) b) Try to call them any chance you get (4) c) Buy a punching bag to release the tension and anger (1) d) Throw yourself into as many things as you can in an attempt to forget your hurt (3) Question 7: Your partner dumps you and three days later you bump into them in a supermarket. Do you... a) Go up and talk to them and ask them how they are (3) b) Hold your head high, smile, wave, and keep walking (1) c) Take a deep breath, relax, and keep walking d) Start crying and lose all self control (4)

QUIZ RESULTS... 1. The Phoenix The very essence of you screams out independence and freedom. You will not allow anyone to rain on your parade and letting go of love is a very dramatic experience. You are the Phoenix, rising from the ashes and being reborn into a new identity. Use the fire that you immerse yourself in to transform your feelings and burn away old hurts. The clarity that you then feel about your choices will help you move on effortlessly into a fresh start.

2. The Idealist Your creative mind is your most prized possession. You have every intelligent understanding that could possibly exist in your mind of why to let go of a relationship and how to move forwards, but your challenge lies in actually doing it in reality. Sometimes those pesky feelings will try to get in the way. Use your mind to visualise a new, inspiring life for yourself and relax into allowing it to take form around you. 3. The Realist You see things the way they really are and have the ability to move forwards with decisiveness and clarity. Immerse yourself in the tangible things around you for support. Keep busy and focus on the here and now to take your mind off your relationship. Pretty soon you will build up enough energy to let go altogether. 4. The Weaver Ending a relationship is a very emotional experience for you.You feel things so deeply and get so attached to a partner that separating from them fills your body with fear and sadness. The best way for you to deal with letting go of a relationship is to weave a web of support with the people around you. This will help you build a bridge to walk across into a new life.

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YOUR APRIL HOROSCOPES Claire Danes - Celebrity Aries

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIES! There are at least three transiting planets in Aries this month just what you need during your birthday month to get you fired up! You’ll find you have plenty of motivation to achieve your goals - the only danger is that you go out there and burn out all that fire just a little too quickly. Foresight and patience will be the order of the day. Financially, you might not like it Aries, but try to show some restraint for now. As for your love life - well believe it or not, all your efforts are accumulating, and by the end of the month, you’ll find you’ve taken those risks you so like to take, but in a more steady, almost calculated way. If you want to take more of your usual adventurous steps Aries, try to time it with the New Moon in your sign on April 10th - that should give you a boost! This is shaping up to be a very happy month for you Aries, so make the most of it, and have a really.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Taurus April is a month of action and vitality for you Taurus, and therefore is the perfect time for you to start your new projects and follow them through to the end. You might well have been feeling a little stuck recently, not sure which way to turn. That cycle is behind you now! Financially, this ought to be a time of reflection and cautious spending practices, for the time being at least. TAURUS IN LOVE: Focus on fulfilling your own emotional needs for now Taurus - this will bring the improvement you desire in your relationship. You’ll be feeling good, looking good, so trust in that and the rest will take care of itself this month.

Gemini You’ve been so busy Gemini, and the cosmos thinks it’s time you gave yourself a bit of a ‘breather’. This is important for you to remember in April Gemini, especially once things start to settle down a little in the second half of the month. AND you’ll be able to do so and not feel guilty about it! There are likely too to be some pleasant surprises for you in your finances. GEMINI IN LOVE: If you’re single, early April is a particularly good time for dating. Stay in charge of your emotions though Gemini, because a Full Moon in Scorpio and a Lunar eclipse on the 25th could have you feeling very giddy indeed.


Give yourself a little reflection time would you Cancer - you don’t want to burn yourself out before the summer even gets here. You’ll find that you’re able to put things in order, really for your goals to run smoothly through the rest of the year. The sun in Aries in the first three weeks will really be supporting you to be strong and decisive. CANCER IN LOVE: Not a time to be rash, Cancer! If ever you could be tempted to have a bit of an ill-advised fling, then the latter stages of April is it. Don’t be deceived by Scorpio’s siren song, echoing around the Full Moon at the end of the - Page 8 -

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION month. Your romantic old heart will do better by basking in the attention you’ll receive if you let yourself relax at that time.

Leo April may very well present you with an important decision about your career direction Leo. Make sure you have all the information you can, rather than being inspired by the fresh energy around the New Moon on the 10th. It’s all about timing for you this month Leo, so stay as grounded as you can this month. LEO IN LOVE: You might think you know what you’re doing in the romance department Leo, but to be honest, you need to really take care this month that you don’t mis-read romance as real emotional depth. Relax and take your time, and you’ll be much more emotionally grounded.

Virgo There’s a danger of you spreading yourself a little too thin this month Virgo. You might be great at multi-tasking under normal circumstances, but not during April! Simply put, you can’t work on all your goals at once this month. Financially, you’re likely to have a very pleasant surprise during April, that you won’t have anticipated. VIRGO IN LOVE: Your relationships are beginning to be a little more grounded (thankfully!) just now Virgo, until the Full Moon hits Scorpio on the 25th. You’ll need that groundedness then - your heart will be desperate to be wide open, and you’ll need to keep your bearings so that you haven’t made decisions you later regret by the time you get to the end of the month.

Libra You might well be feeling the heat of some emotional pressure in April Libra. Yes, this is a time of choice for you in a number of ways. April might be a little tricky for you, but you needn’t be backed into a corner. Just be on your toes and watch out for other people’s agendas, politics, and hidden games, especially under Scorpio’s lunar influence at the end of the month. LIBRA IN LOVE: This time of choice I mentioned earlier is particularly the case in your love life Libra. You can help yourself with this choice if you can manage other people’s expectations of you, and at

the same time, stay true to your heart of hearts. You can do it - you’re not the sign of balance for nothing!

Scorpio You might feel a little blocked this month Scorpio, and as though you have more choices than you need. And you’ll be busy, so be ready for some hard work. But the work you’re doing will have a real sense of purpose - it will lay the foundations for some ver y positive future developments in your career. Family matters (either blood family, emotional, or urban family) also look very favourable just now. SCORPIO IN LOVE: The Full Moon falls on April 25th and in your sign this month - this is an especially good time for you Scorpio. You’ll have loads of emotional energy and you’ll be feeling really passionate!

Sagittarius April will bring a surprise and possibly a change of direction for you Sagittarius. You’ll find yourself bringing out your rebellious streak - the part that will express your real inner truth. You’re finding your voice again Saggie, telling people what you really think and doing what you really want to do. This is a great time for you Sagittarius, a liberating and exciting time. You’ll be following your heart and finding much more fulfillment than you have experienced for some time. SAGITTARIUS IN LOVE: You’ll find the courage you need to be able to break out of an old relationship situation which has been blocking your sense of freedom. The Aries fire this month will be easily accessible to you - let it fuel your passions!

Capricorn April is exactly the right time for you to be letting go of those things in your life that you no longer need Capricorn. This includes material things, so selling is especially favourable right now. But it also includes those old worn out emotional patterns, memories, and feelings that are maybe holding on when they need to go! You’ll find too that you’re being freed up in your career and your finances are on the upswing. CAPRICORN IS LOVE: You might find that you need to invest more emotional energy than you’d like to in your love life Capricorn. But if you can find the energy to ‘give a little’, you’ll change the flow of your love life in a much more fulfilling direction.

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Responsibility or respectability? Does it really need to be such a stark choice? Your wilder side is really coming out to be seen and acknowledged this month. Try not to let yourself be torn by extremes. April will be a great time for you to express your sense of freedom and for following up the many opportunities which will cross your path - especially your social life! AQUARIUS IN LOVE: For single Aquarians, you could find yourself meeting someone new and incredibly exciting; possibly reigniting an old flame which hasn’t quite died out. Even those who are ‘happy in love’ will find their passions on high in the latter stages of the month. Whichever applies to you, you can be assured that this is an exciting time for you, one in which to take a few risks!

You’ll find April offering you some important spiritual lessons Pisces. That might sound a little serious, but actually this is a time for you to enter into a process of self-discovery, triggered by some intense emotional experiences. It’s actually a really fertile time for you Pisces - you’ll find ways to express your creativity in a more grounded and practical way. You could see it as an opportunity to make a ‘business plan‘ for your life - it might just provide you with a framework to really achieve the contentment you crave. PISCES IN LOVE: You’re likely to still be feeling a bit uncertain of how to go about getting what you want in love, even if you’re certain about what it is you do want! Not to worry Pisces - the depths of your feelings will carry you along this month if you let them!

Who’s doing the talking in your dreams? There are many voices speaking to us in our dreams. Who are the owners of these voices. Are they all different facets of your own self, as suggested by Gestalt psychologists? Or are they interactions from other beings in other dimensions? Even in dreams there are symbols for voices and communication - telephones, text messages, films, movie screens. With so many messages and voices screaming out for your attention, how do you know which one speaks ‘the truth’? The truth is determined by you! I’d even go so far as to say that there’s no such thing as objective truth only personal truth, as perceived by each and every one of us. In a universe where you create your own reality in interaction with others, our dreams are like sandcastles which we build and then destroy. We get to try out different feelings and realities, and if we

remember them when we wake, we can use this dream rehearsal to see into our own future and decide what our personal truth might become. IF YOU’D LIKE TO HAVE YOUR DREAM INTERPRETED BY ONE OF OUR SENIOR TEAM FOR FREE THIS MONTH, EMAIL A SUMMARY OF YOUR DREAM TO cathy@originlife.com

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Natalie Arkins - Senior Origin Psychic ‘Natalie is terrific! I find her readings to be uplifting and very straight to the point. She possesses a great sense of humor; she has helped me out in numerous ways... Her readings are more than just a way to look what's ahead. They are a unique way to gain a different perspective on what is going in my life.‘ JB. New York

Even though each per son’s individual circumstances are unique, there are some ver y common threads which we encounter in our love lives. Here are some questions you may well identify with.... YES? ‘I’ve just met someone new and we’ve been seeing each other several times a week. Things were going really well, and suddenly he seems to have gone cold. Did I misread the signals?’ Though communicating feelings can be a bit of a minefield, it’s not usually the case that the signs of attraction are that obscure. More often than not, one or other half of the relationship starts to realize their growing emotional involvement, and therein develops a case of cold feet. This can be very confusing, and even quite painful, if you’re the one on the receiving end of that detachment. For now, step back a little, and let things relax. If you’ve suddenly stopped receiving emails, text messages or phone calls, or responses to your attempts at the same, don’t keep sending them! This may simply result in your anxiety levels increasing even

further. Give it a little time, and before long you could well have a more sustainable and open flow of communication than before. NO? ‘My ex-partner broke up with me 3 months ago. Now he’s sending me text messages,m just when I’m getting back on my feet. What does he want?’ Well it’s probably best not to assume anything just for the moment. Discerning whether your ex is just feeling regret and sadness, or whether they’re actually having second thoughts about the breakup will take a little time and intuition on your part. If you meet face to face and have areal conversation, with sentences and everything, as opposed to a ‘text conversation’, you’re more likely to pick up a little more, though the body language between the two of you may easily slip into an old relaxed pattern. The key really is to take your time. Working your way through such a situation will take some patience and even courage, but before long, you’ll have a clearer sense of where you stand and what his feelings really are.

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MAYBE? ‘I’ve been having an affair with a married man. He says he loves me but cant’ leave his wife because of the kids.’ For obvious reasons, this is a very difficult point to dispute if you are in such a relationship. Just because he says he can’t leave the children, doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. And just because he loves you, doesn’t mean he’ll be able to leave his kids. Such a situation can easily become fraught with layers of obscuration, doubt and mistrust. It will require courage and certainly honesty over time to discover the real answer as to the potential of your relationship. And in the end, there may be no easy answer. Again, take your time , and approach your relationship from a position of confidence and selfesteem, and the way forward will become clearer. In the end, few relationship situations are straightforward. So whether you’re officially ‘loved up’ just now or not, why not celebrate the love you feel for the important people in your life anyway. Taking an initiative in love is almost always a bit of a risk, but one which has enormous rewards.

YOUR APRIL SPECIAL OFFERS: You have THREE great options this month!

UK 20 mins Team Readers - £25.00, OR 25 mins for £30.00 20 mins Senior Readers - £35.00, OR 25 mins for £40.00


20 mins Team Readers - $49.80, OR 25 mins for $59.80 20 mins Senior Readers - $69.80, OR 25 mins for $79.80

AUSTRALIA 20 mins Team Readers - $75.00, OR 25 mins for $89.00 20 mins Senior Readers - $99.00, OR 25 mins for $119.00 AND Our most popular reading: Have 40 minutes for the price of 30 minutes, with any reader.

Free Call UK - 0808 120 9695 Free Call USA - 1866 892 9216 Free Call Australia - 1800 620 446 - Page 12 -

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