Origin Psychic Magazine

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ISSUE 102 / AUGUST 2013


BOOKINGS UK - Free Call 0808 120 9695 BOOKINGS USA - Free Call 1866 892 9216 BOOKINGS Australia - Free Call 1800 620 446 PSYCHIC ADVICE Tarot of the Month RELATIONSHIPS Should I call or not? HOROSCOPES Happy Birthday Leo!

AUGUST OFFERS Extra 10 minutes for free on your next 30 minute reading


Welcome, to the August edition of Connections magazine! Well as this edition of Connections magazine goes to print, we’ve just learned that the newest member of the British Royal Family will be known as ‘His Royal Highness, Prince George of Cambridge.’ Quite a mouthful for the little fellow! Shakespeare, via Juliet, asked ‘What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.’ Certainly, the substance of a person (or a thing for that matter!) is much more significant than anything which we may say about them, including their name.

states are constantly in view if we’re really into the virtual worlds of Facebook and Twitter! The power of an ‘I am....’ statement is something we really must not underestimate. Carl Jung gave us the concept of the ‘Per sona’ - a psychological understanding about the face

Nevertheless, words are powerful tools! And the manner in which we name ourselves, and the events and circumstances of our lives is incredibly important. How we identify ourselves is something which we can re-visit many times in our lives ever ything from relationship status to club member ship, political affiliation to nationality, even our moods and emotional

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which we show to the world. We all wear masks - how much those masks reflect something of the reality of the heart within could be an endless exploration for any one of us! Needless to say, it’s also one of the reasons psychic readings are so often focused on what’s ‘really going on’ with another person working out what’s real, and what’s a ‘mask’... So take some time this month to ponder how you identify yourself, and how much of what’s real that you show to the world. It might just help your relationships along more than you expect!



Tarot of the month Judgement

by Manisha Godbole

I have been writing articles now for about a year and it seems the perfect time to take stock and to look back on where I was and where I am now. This practice of reflection illustrates an aspect of this month’s tarot card, Judgment. I see tarot as a lens through which we view life; a way to see or understand a situation or a person. This perspective is potentially transformative, empowering and healing. Whilst reading this article, see if you can see yourself or your life from a “Judgment” point of view. When the Judgment card comes up in a reading, for me it hints that a cycle of experience or a situation is coming to an inevitable end but also that the person is moving into a new chapter or new era of their lives, full of possibilities and fulfilment. If you believe in the notion of karma, then it indicates that a karmic pattern or relationship is being completed. It stresses the importance of looking back and reflecting upon what has been learned over a period of time. Through this exercise, you can see how much you have grown and developed, that you are ready for something new and that in reality you have really detached from a situation or relationship. This knowledge can help you accept or forgive yourself and the other and move on if that is what is required. Viewing your life in this way is not about assigning blame or feeling regret though this can come up. If anything Judgment is saying you are beyond that now. It is about release and release through absolution, which at its core is about acceptance. It is

Image from: The Druid Craft Tarot, Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm

important to really look honestly at yourself and the situation, to see how individual past behaviours or patterns could have influenced the outcome, to see how much you or the other has really moved on, to forgive if necessary and to see the “inevitability” in it all. Holding on or being “judgmental” creates more pain and postpones the release. I also see this card appear when someone is waiting for a life-changing decision to be made or they are in the process of being evaluated. It applies when someone needs to make a major judgment call or to “get off the fence” in some way. If this applies to you then this month is about knowing where you stand, or taking a stand in some way. You can of course ignore the call to step up but to me this would be like ignoring something which you know in your bones to be true. I am always struck by the “revelatory” feel of this card. To me it represents having some kind of personal epiphany or revelation about where you’ve

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Manisha Godbole

been and where you are heading. You could view it as knowing your “soul’s calling” or knowing the moment has arrived to accept something or someone you know is meant for you. This card sometimes shows figures in the dark dancing as an angel from heaven blows a trumpet of light on to them. To me this speaks of waking up or liberating the parts of ourselves which have been in the dark or in “potential” for far too long. It could be that for many us, the light of the August sun brings a chance to shake them loose and to own them as powerful, unique characteristics to be utilised and cherished. You could also view this as your deepest self finally being heard, recognised or listened to. This could be a time to put yourself and your priorities first and let the rest take care of itself. Is there something that you have wanted to do for a long while but have been unable to because it was the wrong timing or you didn’t feel ready or you were in the wrong environment, job, relationship, body etc? Well, now may be the time to heed Judgment’s call and go for it!

Manisha’s readings are founded on h e r p s y c h i c g i f t s o f Ta ro t , Channeling, Clairsentience and a deep sense of Empathy. She will offer you acute and intelligent insight into your life, but coupled with a sensitivity that will leave you feeling uplifted, empowered, and more in touch with yourself and your situation.

LOVE SPELL RITUAL Try this mini-ritual if you're looking for support in your love life. Gather your materials together, and then take a few moments to be still and quieten your mind, before you begin your ritual. You'll need: * A small bowl of water - the chalice of your deepest feelings * A specially chosen crystal - the condensed earth, polished with light * Some petals of your favourite flower, or even simply your favourite colour, or a few drops of some essential oil the memory of beautiful times yet to come. * A candle, either white or a light colour - the fire of your deepest heart Place your crystal and the flower petals or oil into the water, and place the bowl near a window. This ritual is best performed at night, so place your chalice where the moon can be seen if possible. Light your candle and place it near your chalice. Close your eyes, let your breathing slow down, quieten your mind, and then open your eyes again, and focus your attention on your chalice. When you are ready, name your heart's deepest desire - this can be in your mind or out aloud. You are bringing together the most beautiful elements, and then adding the vibration of your own heart's voice. Take a few minutes simply to be relaxed and peaceful, and know that your heart is a very powerful creative force. When you are ready, bring your attention back to the room, and snuff out the candle. - Page 4 -

heart therapy

Should I call, or wait for him to call me? by Amy Adams, Origin Psychic

games are generally insecure and needy. To answer this question, you really have to look at your intention. Am I calling because I need to, or am I calling because I just want some kind of confirmation of his feelings?

Obviously, each situation is Am I not calling him to prove some unique, but my simple answer to kind of point or to test him, or am I you is that it doesn’t matter so not calling because I just don’t much whether you call or not. need to?

This month, popular Origin Psychic Amy Adams answers one of those questions which comes up so frequently in our clients’ readings here at Origin Psychics...

The important issue is the This requires some honest self way you do it. reflection. If you are calling him because you are just feeling needy then don’t call. Give yourself the space and time to let the feeling of neediness pass and then it’s OK to give him a ring. If you are trying to test his feelings by not calling then find another way to do this – talk to him directly. It may be awkward In some cases, not calling can and uncomfortable, but it shows make the other person feel like you have confidence and clarity – you are just playing games, and we both very attractive qualities. all know that people who play The false assumption that many of my clients make is that by not calling, they are somehow giving the message they are not needy or desperate. Not calling is playing hard to get. This is simply not true!

Who would have thought that a simple phone call should mean so much. This amazing piece of modern technology which allows us to communicate over great distance can also be the centre point of a romantic crisis. Are you waiting to hear back from him after your first date? Have you had a break with your boyfriend and he promised he would call in a couple of weeks? Does your partner disappear off the planet and then call out of the blue? When your relationship feels like it’s on shaky ground, the phone call can come to represent so much more than a simple act of exchanging information. So, should you call him?



YOUR AUGUST HOROSCOPES Jennifer Lawrence - Celebrity Leo

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO! This is a great month for you to break free of some of the limitations you’ve been experiencing Leo. These opportunities might not appear in quite the way you’re used to, but there’s an alignment which supports you to really know your own qualities, and to call them up to your conscious awareness. Right from the New Moon in your sign on August 6th, you have some really magical times in store. You may have a few flat days, but nothing more ser ious than simply a lack of motivation to do those necessary chores. By the last few days of the month, you’ll find you’re feeling really energized and full of vitality and drive - just what you need to keep the momentum of your birthday month flowing into the year ahead. Good friends, strong decisions, and opening your mind to new lear ning experiences are all favoured just now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Aries The extremes of high highs and maybe some boring lows are likely to come your way this month Aries. The New Moon in Leo on August 6th is heralding some unexpected changes, especially in your emotional life. But in some ways, this energy will free you up from some old emotional burdens too. Sadly, you’re not known for your patience Aries, but this month, it’s best if you can give yourself time for this period to pass. Use the time for simply sharing with others, and for finding some balance. This might feel like a ‘low’ for a fast-moving ram like yourself, but it really will be worth it if you can manage this change of pace. A little ‘down time’ might be exactly what you need just now!

Taurus You might find it a little difficult to access your own internal ‘light’ early in the month Taurus, at least until the New Moon on August 6th. Or you might find someone around you could be stirring up some strong emotions and reactions within you. Do what you can to keep your cool at this time, because the rest of the month has plenty of good things in store for you. This will be especially so from the middle of the month onwards, and especially once the sun moves through your friendly fellow earth sign of Virgo around the 23rd. This will really help you to sort out the practical details of your life, and to experience your emotions flowing much more easily. This will also be a great period for you in your family life, financially and in any organizational matters.

Gemini The early part of August will be a time for you to relax a little Gemini, and especially when it comes to pushing your agenda. If you try to outsmart the universe by forcing things, it will just catch you out! This will be a time for you to settle in, let go, and go with the flow of the natural currents around you. If you’re in a relationship just now, let your partner take charge this - Page 6 -

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION month. The planetary positions offer you a great deal of potential for fruitful relationships this month Gemini, and especially so in your working relationships. Let go of struggling, and you just might achieve something wonderful this month.

Cancer August is shaping up as a harvest time for Cancerians. For you, some surprises and a little magic will enter into your life in the coming weeks. There is a strong fertile energy around, within which you can ground your plans. So instead of struggling away to make things happen, you’ll find that things will fall into place and that you’ll be able to create better circumstances for yourself. Maybe that lucky Jupiter transit in Cancer is making its presence felt already! This will be especially so when it comes to material and practical things. This will be a particularly healing month for you both physically and emotionally Cancer, so lap it up.


Wow. You’re either going to be hit with change after change, a thought that no doubt will fill your heart with glee (NOT!). Or perhaps the universe is trying to wake you up from a deep slumber. Either way, this might just be the chance for you to transform your life path. You usually like to be useful, and to open yourself and be available for others. This month will be a radical departure from this pattern. It’s a time for you to break free from relationships and commitments that have bound you, especially those where you feel a strong sense of obligation. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to reassess your life and shoot for the stars - the universe will be right behind you!

Libra You can probably feel things building in the air Libra, but can’t quite put your finger on where the change will come from: love, career, friendships? Instead of trying to figure everything out in your head, letting go of the need to know every detail would be a marvelous thing for you. This will be a great time for you to just go with the flow and be earthy and grounded for a change. The sun will help you in particular after the 22nd, when it moves into Virgo.

August is a time for you to enjoy your space Libra, because your initial intuitions are absolutely correct, and some major change is just around the corner.


The beginning of the month might hold a minor hiccup for you Scorpio. This won’t be anything serious - it’s just the moon doing ‘her thing’, and causing you to possibly have a moment of openness and reveal to someone what you really think of them. Everything else in August is likely to be plain sailing for you. You’ll most likely find yourself working hard, but the rewards will be great too, so this will be well worth your while. You’ll also experience a burst of physical energy at the very end of the month, and a renewed sense of vitality. All round, August is looking pretty good for you!

Sagittarius Even though there may be some tests along the way this month, you’ll surprise yourself with how well you do and how much you achieve if you’re prepared to take on the challenge Saggie. A burst of fiery energy early in the month is likely to propel you further than you could possibly expect. The down side though is that you won’t be able to cut corners – this is a time to get serious and to really put the time and energy you have at your disposal into achieving whatever it is that you want. Even in your love life, you’ll have to focus on giving more if you want more in return. But boy, will it be worth it!

Capricorn August will be a time for you to step back and relax a little bit Capricorn. All is going well in your world, and other people really can be relied upon at this time. You don’t have to keep looking over your shoulder, and constantly checking up on things. The most important thing this month Capricorn will be to focus on how you actually do things. Know what you want to achieve, and keep it really clear in your mind and heart. This will be especially so with regards to others in your love life. Are you being as connected with others as you’d like to be? Everything really is on track and going well, so why not loosen up a little, and possibly enjoy yourself a lot more.

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The moon has you in a total spin right now Aquarius - you’re probably trying to come to grips with what your heart is communicating to you, and getting a little lost in translation! This month, a relationship situation is likely to turn into a roller-coaster ride – on again, off again. But if you go with it, this will lead you towards deeper insights about who you want to share your life with, or which changes you may need your partner to make. Aquarians do have a tendency to be blind in love, but this month , someone will turn the light on, and you will see everything with great clarity. It’s time for you to find some courage and to put your cards on the table.

‘Mirror mirror on the wall’ Pisces – your life will become one big mirror in August, reflecting back to you what you need to look at most. This month you’ll find yourself re-evaluating everything, but most importantly, how you see yourself. It’s time to be honest, both with yourself and others, and especially about how some of your dreams are changing. This will be particularly important around the middle of the month – if not, things may well come out in ways you’d rather they didn’t. You’re at a point of facing the reality of what is possible for you, and if you take charge of this in your heart, you can make it happen. Ignore all the warning signs though, and you just might miss the boat.

Leo - Astrological Royalty! by Sandy Johnson, Senior Origin Psychic The sign of Leo rules the Sun in astrology; it’s a fire sign by element, and has quite a history in mythology! In Greek mythology, Leo was known as The Lion Nemeios or the Nemean Lion. He was know to be a great lion, whose hide was impossible to penetrate with weapons, and he terrorized the village of Nemea in Argolis. King Eurystheus called upon the great Hercules to destroy the beast, as part of his ‘Twelve Labors’, or penances. Hercules was said to have cornered the beast in a cave, taken him by the neck and wrestled the lion to death. Upon doing this, Hercules then skinned the hide of the beast, and made a lion-skin cape, which he always wore, as an indication of great strength and manhood. The wife of Zeus, Hera, then placed the lion amongst the stars as the constellation Leo. This is quite an incredible story as myths go, and it is no wonder the sign of Leo is considered such a sign of strength in astrology, even today. As Leo rules the Sun, it is seen as both a positive and outgoing sign. It is a fixed in nature and attitude, which means, once a Leo starts something, you can be sure,

they will always complete their task or project. The key phrase for the Sun in Leo is ‘I Will’, as they will never give up or sway from their goals. Leos are usually ver y loyal friends, and in affairs of the heart. It is said that they are the ‘Fire of the heart’, the steady controlled fire of affection, the hearth fire. Hence Leo rules the heart and the spine in the physical body. They are considered the royalty of the Zodiac - they carry with them the traits of Kings and Queens. It is said Leos rule by divine right, but be sure, they always rule. When a Leo is evolved, they have the traits of courage, integrity, self-respect, and great dignity. They can be very direct, honest and very dependable in their dealings with others, and they’ll do what they do with flair!

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soul healing

SHAMANKA: Divine Feminine Healing Energy by Senior Psychic, Natalie Arkins Are you a Shamanka? The word Shaman comes from the Evenk (Russian) people, to mean ‘Healer’. It is now used widely to describe anyone who uses divination, mediumship, talking with spirits of plants and animals, among other methods, to bring healing. ‘Shamanka’ is the term used to describe the female Shaman, and the energy of the Shamanka is becoming stronger as more women are connecting with their innate ability to heal, understand and work with spiritual energy. This is a lost art and tradition that has been held by the indigenous people around the world. Even though they use different words and practices, there are common themes in the traditions. The most accurate description I have come across is that the Shamanka goes into the unseen world, interacts there with whatever energies are present, and brings that healing back to this world. Because this tradition has been largely lost to us, we are relearning this work, and also I feel bringing new healing into this world by doing our own investigations and discoveries. So, are you a Shamanka? How do you tell? I have seen online quizzes to tell whether you are a Shamanka or not. But this is an internal journey. No quiz is going to tell you that you are a shamanka. We have clues from other cultures, but few from western cultures that will provide you the answer. Dreams seem to be the most often used sign of telling that you are a Shamanka. If you remember your dreams especially, this means that you are tuning into the unseen world of dreams. Certain animals appearing in your dream can also indicate that you are on the Shamanka path: •

Bats are indicative of the Mexican shamanic tradition

Jaguars were the shamanic helpers in the Andean Shamanic tradition

The Elephant is used in Eastern traditions.

But it does not have to be a specific animal. This is where listening to your intuition is very important part of this process. Even if you have not had a dream where an animal helper came to you, you can still be a Shamanka. Also, the elder Shamanka’s would be able to see who also had the healing power, and these elders are not yet present in out western society, but there is a growing trend of Shamanic healing in all cultures, so Elders will appear again. This will take a few generations to be realized in western culture. The easiest way to tell is if it resonates with you. Try saying “ I am a Shamanka” and feel what energy comes into your body: do you get goose pimples? Do you feel a rush of energy? Is the skin tingling on the back of your neck? Even a fear response will show that it has some connection to you. You do not need someone outside of you to be a Shamanka. I feel all women have an internal Shamanka present and ready to work with you. Start talking to her even if it’s nonsense talk - you are starting a dialogue with your internal wisdom energy. Daydreaming is another way to connect with your internal Shamanka. Just make sure that you daydream a positive story instead of a negative story. Listen to some shamanic drumming or rattling; see if you connect with the sounds. There are a variety of shamanic music tracks available on www.youtube.com, so try out different ones. Most of all, learn to love and trust your inner Shamanka. Any time you are feeling low, unsure or confused, just imagine a loving inner Shamanka waiting to help and guide you. Drum, rattle and dance around the house with her, and bring her energy into every cell in your body.

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Wisdom Oracle

The Tale of the Sands from a collection by Indries Shah A stream, from its source in far off mountains, passing through every kind and description of countryside, at last reached the sands of the desert. Just as it had crossed every other barrier, the stream tried to cross this one. But it found that as fast as it ran into the sand, its waters disappeared. It was convinced however, that its destiny was to cross this desert. And yet there was no way.

Now a hidden voice, coming from the desert itself whispered: 'The wind crosses the desert and so can the stream.' The stream objected, that it was dashing itself against the sand, and only getting absorbed. That the wind could fly, and this was why it could cross the desert. 'By hurtling in your own accustomed way, in your own accustomed way, you cannot get across. You'll either disappear or become a marsh. You must allow the wind to carry you over to your destination.' 'But how could this happen?' asked the stream. 'By allowing yourself to be absorbed by the wind.'

This idea was not acceptable to the stream. After all, it had never been absorbed before. It didn't want to lose its individuality. And once having lost it, how was one to know that it could ever be regained? 'The wind', said the sand, 'performs this function. It takes up water, carries it over the desert, then lets it fall again. Falling as rain, the water becomes a river.' 'How can I know this is true?' 'It is so, and if you do not believe it, you cannot become more than a quagmire. And even that could take many many years. And it is certainly not the same as a stream.' 'But I cannot remain the same stream that I am today?' 'You cannot in either case remain so. Your essential part is carried away and forms a stream again. You are called what you are, even today, because you do not know which part of you is the essential one.'

When he heard this, certain echoes began to arise in the thoughts of the stream. Dimly, he remembered a state in which he, or some part of him, was it, had been held in the arms of the wind. He also remembered, or did he, that this was the real thing, not necessarily the obvious thing to - Page 10 -

do. And the stream raised his vapor into the welcoming arms of the wind, which gently and easily bore it upwards and along, letting it fall softly as soon as they reached the roof of a mountain, many many miles away. And because he had had his doubts, the stream was able to remember and recall more strongly in his mind, the details of this experience. He reflected 'Yes! Now I've learned my true identity.' The stream was learning, but the sands whispered, 'we know because we see it happen day after day. And because we the sands extend from the riverside all the way to the mountains.' And that is why it is said, that the way the stream of life is to continue on its journey, is written in the sands. Â Â (An Old Sufi Wisdom Tale)


YOUR SPECIAL OFFERS FOR AUGUST! We’ll always answer your questions with intelligent insight! CALL US during August and have 15% off the price of any 20 or 30 minute reading, valid with any reader.

IN ADDITION Have a 30 minute reading this month with one of our RELATIONSHIP EXPERTS below, and receive 10 minutes extra for free..

Amy Adams

Manisha Godbole

TOOLS: Clairvoyance / Tarot

TOOLS: Tarot / Clairvoyance

ABILITIES: Empath / Clairvoyance

ABILITIES: Clairsentience / Clairvoyance

APPROACH: Compassionately Wise!

APPROACH: Empathic!

Natalie Arkins TOOLS: Tarot / Shamanic Journeying / Crystal Dowsing ABILITIES: Clairvoyance / Mediumship APPROACH: Inspirational!

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