Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - December 2012

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n o i t a r i d p s n a n I , s c e hi p c o y c s s P ro re... o H t, o r mo a h T c mu

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Welcome, to the Christmas Edition of Connections magazine! ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy new Year!’ Busy, busy busy... Aren’t we all so incredibly busy at this time of the year? Ironic really, when you think about the fact that in the northern hemisphere, winter is setting in - not so long ago, we would have been preparing to nestle down, shut the door, and stay put until spring. And in those countries where it is summer, many people are no doubt focused on their summer vacation - lying around in the warmth, preferably on a beach, doing nothing more energetic than reading a new book or a favourite magazine! And yet here we all go, in the lead up to Christmas - ordering food and wine, refining our Christmas card list, and of course, organizing gifts for our loved ones. Run, run, run... stress, stress, stress! There are, quite naturally, many emotions driving this frenzy, some of them conflicting. But when I started to look at it a little more closely, what struck me was a thread running through almost all of our traditions at this time of year - SHARING! Yes, there’s the tension of preparing the Christmas food, especially for those of us who are the ‘culinary challenged’ of the family. But isn’t it wonderful passing around platefuls of food to each other. Yes, it can be incredibly stressful to think of the ‘right gift’ for each member of our tribe. And yes, sometimes it ends up being a case of ‘it’s the thought that counts’! But that’s just the point! Sharing the food; watching each other open gifts; community singing at the local carols concert; even being with people with whom we have a common family lineage - these are all ways in which, at this time of year more than any other, we share our lives with one another in a particularly palpable way. And it’s actually really simple - even sitting together

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in front of a fire, we’re sharing. We make room for one another. That’s the great thing about fire - it shares itself so readily. It doesn’t cost any of us anything to share the warmth of an open fire. Perhaps that’s another, somewhat more subtle reason why light and fire have become such powerful symbols of this period of the year in so many cultures around the world. There’s an intimacy which seems to just seep into the atmosphere when we’re sharing a cold dark night around a fire, whether our companions around that fire are emotionally close to us or not. If you find yourself spending time alone this Christmas, why not see if you can find a way to share yourself in some way. The act of sharing itself will make an enormous difference. On behalf of everyone at Origin Psychics, have a safe and fulfilling Christmas season!


christmas feature

Vitality Reborn

how to bloom. But the fir tree subtly reminds us of things green and growing, that even in the midst of the dark and cold, life is irrepressible. The promise of life, and of hope, quietly speaks to us from deep within the branches of our Christmas trees.

by Cathy Cox It’s one of those moments that I think many of us remember the moment when we no longer believed in Santa Claus, or Father Christmas, or whoever the jolly old gentleman was in your house. I can certainly remember very clearly announcing to my Dad in particular that I knew that Father Christmas wasn’t real – that he and Mum were the ones who put the presents under the tree and ate the cake and milk we would lovingly leave out! After pressing upon me how important it was that I not break this news to my little sister, he then went on to explain to me that in fact there existed this ‘Spirit of Christmas’, which was very real. Now of course I wanted to please him, and to appear very grown up, so I nodded knowingly, even though I really didn’t have the faintest clue what he was talking about, nor what this mysterious ‘Spirit of Christmas’ was supposed to mean! Looking at the commercial frenzy which often happens at around this time of year, one could be forgiven for being a little cynical, and for indeed questioning the reality of that

mysterious spirit. But are we all really so easily manipulated by marketing, or is there perhaps still a little magic at work? If we look at our favourite Christmas symbols, there is a bit of a theme going on. This theme has a very earthy and fundamental resonance, which weaves itself into beautiful variations . In the northern hemisphere, everything goes still and cold and quiet, and at the mid-winter solstice, the slow tread towards longer days begins. Light and warmth will return, and the fire symbolised in the candles which abound, keeps reminding us of this. At carols services, we sing and participate in our own ritual, even if we don’t consciously see it as such. Our hearts just 'know', and we’re uplifted by the experience. The promise of rebirth is symbolised, and one could even say celebrated, in the use of Christmas trees. Evergreen fir trees, long used as Christmas trees – connect us with luscious green new growth. And deciduous trees have the knowledge of regeneration hardwired into them. They know how to let go, and they know - Page 3 -

And then the big one – the golden child, born at midwinter, and born to bring hope and new life to the world. In fact, there was a pagan god-child called "Baal-berith," or lord of the fir-tree. This ‘golden child’ theme appears time and again in mythology, and in more recent times, in fantasy story – the child with special qualities, often with a question around his or her parentage or lineage, but whose destiny is to bring peace and hope to all. A pretty universal theme, so one would have to assume there is something in it! So why do these symbols appear in vastly different cultures and across time? Because they are archetypal – they resonate with something deeply embedded in our hearts. Symbols communicate with us at very subtle levels. This deep recognition is what I think points to the presence of something special at work. The spirit of Christmas is real – its symbolic expression helps us to recognise ‘kindred spirits’ all over the world, and isn’t that what we strive for at this time more than any other? Here’s wishing you a very Happy Christmas!!

energy universe


by Natalie Arkins, Senior Origin Psychic

Natalie Arkins We all talk about honouring Mother Earth. But how much do we actually do in that regard? For most western societies, Mother Earth is a resource to be mined, to fill the egos and greed of humans, which seems to increase log-fold and is never fulfilled. There is never enough, much wants more, and so on. There is something out of balance with this thinking, because constant growth is never sustainable. Constant growth is what defines Cancer and tumors. Life has a natural progession of growth, plateau, and then decline. This is the cycle of earth, this a natural cycle for all of life. Even though we know inherently that this cycle does not end with decline, but will return to growth again, we are not comfortable within this declining phase . Humans in general tend to get paranoid about the decline phase in all things, be it the stock market, jobs, resources, love, relationships. This is a contraction, a holding onto fear within ourself, which is then reflected outwardly in what is happening in the world. I have no

remedy for this global collective consciousness addiction, but I do see light shining within some parts of the world. Shining Lights: Bolivia passed the Law of Mother Earth (Pachamama) in 2010, giving Nature equal rights as humans. In this law, there is no division between Mother Earth, nature , humans, animals. They define life systems as complex dynamic communities between plants, animals, micro-organisms and other beings in the environment. By giving Mother Ear th legal status, it allows for humans as representatives of her, to bring action to defend her rights. More recently, this past October, both Peru and Bolivia passed bans on genetically modified (GM) foods and a ban on the introduction of GM seeds. These countries in South America have become beacons of hope for trying to live in harmony with Mother Earth rather than against her Nature. Uraguay is also in the news recently when its President - Page 4 -

Jose Mujica was revealed as the world's “poorest president” - he gives 90% of his monthly salary to charity. He keeps only the pay that is equivalent to the national standard. Is this the “Spring” of protecting our Planet and all beings held within it? I feel it is, and that these laws and the basic philosophy behind them will spread. Native worldview encompasses the whole Why are these progressive laws coming from these Andean nations and not elsewhere? I spent time in Peru, in the Sacred Valley, with the Q’ero people. They still honor the land and live close to Mother N a t u r e . Ye s , t h e y h a v e automobiles, houses, electricity and some of the modern conveniences we have become so accustomed to. Yet, they still believe that Mother Earth is as important as they are. These people have kept their traditions for thousands of years, even after being killed by the Spanish, marginalized as a people, their land taken away. They still

energy universe kept the faith in their traditions. When you honor the land and recognize all beings as having equal rights as you do, this does not seem to be a strange thing. From this viewpoint, your welfare, and the welfare of all beings is connected and interwoven, and all must be protected. Western philosophy transformation I feel that western society is yearning for the connection to the land and all beings that exist here. That is why there has been an up surge in the New Age movement, the Occupy movements, the remembering of Shamanic healing and practices, interest in alternative methods of healing, and psychic phenomena. Because our lifestyle has separated us from the land and disconnected us from other beings, it is more difficult for us to fight for the rights of Mother Earth. I do not believe that December 12, 2012 is the end of the world - I have no apocalyptic vision for that time. I do believe that it may be the end of our separation from the land and all beings. It will be the beginning of the Western cultures’ revitalization and finding balance between work, play and relaxation, reconnecting to that which has been forgotten, but is

still there within our DNA memory. We may have become separated from the land, but we are not truly separated - the connection is always there for us to link into. But our lifestyle has filled up the time that we used to have to connect with other beings. Lifestyle changes can begin within you, one by one, and the change will come. That is how it has always been, starting with one person changing, and spreading to others. Not everyone will connect to this change, and that is fine; that is their path too. You can start by doing whatever feels right to you, by doing a ritual, by meditating, by saying prayers, by gardening, by growing some food, by voting, by campaigning, by singing, by being joyful. The seed is within you, and each of you has a unique way to express this new conscious energy. I foresee a time when we will be honouring Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. Each of us honouring Pachamama in our individual way. I thank the Andean people for keeping the energy of this through all the hard times they have endured. I thank them for bringing it to a conscious and global level, where everyone can begin to reconnect with this philosophy: Munay-ki, I love you.

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christmas feature

The Prayer of Midwinter by Caitlin Matthews

‘Well done everybody we’re half way out of the dark!’ (Dr Who Christmas Special, 2010.)

On the shortest day of the year, at dawn, a thin finger of dawn light passes into the aperture of Brugh na Boinne, otherwise known as Newgrange in Ireland. This megalithic enclosure was erected long before the Celtic peoples arrived in Ireland. We can all experience the wonder of this day if we rise before dawn to trace the track of the sun’s turas on this, the shortest day of the year. Midwinter day gives the least period of light, followed by the greatest period of darkness. For those who watched the heavens in ancient times, it must have seemed as if the sun were standing still or diminishing entirely. Nearly every culture has its own special celebrations to encourage the light on this day. Here is one that we can perform.

Stand in the sunlight at midday, facing the sun, and tune your heart to the season of winter. If a prayer of thanksgiving rises in you, utter it. Now turn and face your shadow: this is the longest it can be at midday, far longer than it was at the autumn equinox. Consider the deeds of your life, Before settling down to do your the extent to which the shadow of your own influence has fallen upon the ritual, take a few minutes to write earth. Upon whom has it fallen? How has your own turas affected the down something you really want to world in which you live? Turn once more to the sun and draw the sunlight put behind you and let go from your deeply and thankfully into your body; feel it permeate your being. Be aware life. It may be a habit, a person, or of the partnership between yourself and the vitality of life itself. Spend even a thought pattern. Have this some time silently meditating upon the light in the darkness: be aware of paper nearby once you begin your the potentialities of light that lie within the darkness; pray to become aware ritual. Take a few minutes to quieten of the potentialities within your own soul, which are vaster and more your mind - breathe slowly and mysterious than your manifest life. Commune with the shortest day and the gently. Light a candle (white or longest night, making your own personal prayer. cream in colour). When you’re ready, burn your paper and collect the (From ‘The Celtic Spirit, Daily Meditations for the Turning Year’, by Caitlin ashes to cast outside later. Close Matthews, Published by HarperCollins, 1999) your eyes, and picture again the paper turning to ash. Take your focus to your belly, and see it as a beautiful dark space, like a starless night. As you breathe in, see a bright spark of light form in your belly; then another, and another. Imagine them glowing there in the darkness of your inner world. They will be nurtured there to be ready to come to form in the coming year. Take your time, and when you’re ready, slowly come back to the room, dig your heels into the - Page 6 ground and open your eyes. Try this ritual on or just after the winter solstice.


YOUR CHRISTMAS HOROSCOPES Lucy Liu - Celebrity Sagittarius

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAGITTARIUS! Well this will be a very happy and enlightening month for you Sagittarius - many of the restrictions you’ve been experiencing in the past few months will seem to just melt away. It’s a time to really take advantage of the opportunities coming along - Carpe Diem! Financially, this next month or so is a time for some substantial offers and projects - these will serve you well in the coming year. And when it comes to love this month, ask yourself if you’re holding out for that ‘special one’, and might just be missing out on what you need. You can be so focussed Saggie, that you might just be concentrating a little too hard on what you think you don’t have. All in all, it’s shaping up to be a great birthday month - stay alert to what’s right in front of you, and you won’t go far wrong. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!



Well Aries, say hello to December, and see if you can welcome this month with open arms! Much of the energy this month will be working in your favor, and it’s about time. You will become quickly aware of how many areas of your life are moving along in an easier manner this month. This would be a good month for you to get into action with your hopes, goals and aspirations. Ironically, it’s also a good month for you to start a practice of quite contemplation of some sort - this will help you in the months ahead as you’ll have some important decisions to make. Financially, this will be a very, very positive month for you. And in regards to love, try n o t t o m a ke a ny s u d d e n changes, or decisions. Take your time and think things through for now.

Taurus, December will be a month for you to get your priorities on track, and make some long range plans. Your life has been going along at a relatively regular pace, and you have not had to make any major decisions for a little while. Well, this month will be different, and the decisions you make in regard to your direction, your work and your future, will make a significant difference. Financially, you may be met with some bills you’re not expecting, perhaps some that you thought you had already dealt with. Just persevere and it will clear up. In the area of romance, you are ready to settle down and do it right, and you may just get a fantastic chance to do so this month.

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Gemini We l l G e m i n i , December will bring you some decisions

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION and issues that you may not want to really deal with at this time. Don’t put things off just because it’s party time! If you approach each of these questions methodically, they will be much easier to cope with, and will actually work in your favor. You have the wisdom and the mental sharpness to work your way through any of these questions this time is no different. Go for it! Financially, this may be a month of readjusting your goals, so attend to what is necessary in this area. In regards to love and romance, just stay with things as they are and, don’t ‘rock the boat’ for now. You will achieve what you hope for in the end.

Cancer C a n c e r, t h i s month will bring with it some decisions that will affect of your long-range plans and goals, right into the New Year. Because of this, it is necessary that you measure all of the information being presented to you; this includes that which you can see and hear and measure, and also that information which comes to you instinctively and intuitively. Watch your dreams very closely this month! As a Cancerian, you have an innate ability to grasp many sides of a situation, and this ability will not fail you now, so quieten your mind and listen. Financially, this will be a very good month for you, with a number of positive

opportunities coming your way. In the area of romance, you really never have any lack of suitors, they just don’t always fit your criteria. How about giving people a bit more of a chance this month!

Leo We l l L e o, December is here, and with it, the usual tidying up of loose ends. As you look back and go through the past months in your mind, you will see the year has actually been quite good for you. You’ll really begin to see some rewards for your efforts during December. Remember, ‘things are neither good nor bad, but our thinking makes them so’. Financially, you will see an upsurge where your monies are concerned - try not to let it go to waste with the Christmas season, and you’ll start the year well. And in the area of love, you may have a past love, re-enter your life this month. Treat them with care to find the best way forwards.

Virgo Virgo, December will ser ve you well, and you will feel surprisingly renewed by the latter stages month. You will have felt the need to get your life and projects in order during the last few months. Now the month of December is offering you some space to - Page 8 -

complete the process. You will have much help and encouragement from your friends, your family and even from the Universe! So take advantage of the opportunities as they present themselves. Financially you will still be tying up some loose ends this month, but all to the good - you’ll start the New Year on a much more positive footing. In the area of love and romance, things will remain steady for now - enjoy this lovely feeling of equilibrium.

Libra Well Libra, the month of December is a time for you to be making some major decisions, and most likely, they will affect all areas of your life! It is time for you to ‘take the bull by the horns’ and get into positive action. This is a really dynamic time for you if you want the results that will serve your ‘highest good’. You can have it all, right here, right now! Financially, your monies will be in a very good place. And in the area of romance and love, you will be pleasantly surprised at the outcome of your decisions. Just remember Libra, there’s nothing for you to fear in this process. You’ve put in the groundwork - now just go for it!

Scorpio Scorpio, this month may be a bit of a challenge for you, as you may have to let go of some people, places and things

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION from your past. This is because these things were no longer serving you. They were in fact pulling you down, and not allowing you to move ahead in your life, in a loving and positive manner. Mid-month you will feel very renewed and light, so this process will really be worth the effort you put into it. Financially, this month will be the beginning a new cycle, essentially, a cycle of much more financial fluidity in your life. In the area of love, you will possibly find a new love that will appreciate you for who you are. It will begin gently, but will be worth the energy you put into it!

Capricorn Well Capr icor n, welcome to December, and all the surprises that will be coming your way this month. You sometimes may have a tendency to become stuck in your own mind, and linger a little too long before taking action on your thoughts, desires and goals. This is the time to break out of the ‘ties that bind you’, and go after what you want. If you go ahead and do this, and take the first steps, the results will be positive for you, and will be actually visible before the end of the month! Financially, it is important that you have the same ‘take charge’ attitude, in order to achieve the results you desire. In regards to romance, this month may be a period of rest and careful planning. Why not enjoy the social season for the simple fun it is offering you!

Aquarius Well Aquarius, December may surprise you with the speed with which your life will be moving along. This month will be a time of new beginnings for you, both mentally and spiritually. You have been moving in this direction for some time now, and December is the time for you to finally take charge of this process. Try not to be so focussed on what others expect of you, as you have been doing that for far too long. Financially, finally things are looking much, much better for you,

although the increase in money may be slow, but it will be steady. In regards to love, you will approach any romance cautiously this month, but this will bring you some very positive and heart-warming results!

Pisces Well Pisces, this December you may be met with a few challenges and at a number of different levels. To begin with, you will feel these changes at the very core of your being, and this will be a time for you ‘to separate the wheat from the chaff ’. Basically this means that you must decide what things are most important for you, in regard to your goals and happiness in the coming year. Once you make this decision, this month will move along much more easily. Financially, this may be a time of slower activity for you - just hang in there. In the area of love, it has been a long time since anyone has caught your fancy, but a special someone may actually catch your eye this month. Enjoy yourself Pisces!

by Sandy Johnson Sandy brings a range of psychic gifts and a wealth of experience to her readings. Clair voyance , Sandy Johnson Ta r o t , and Astrology are her preferred psychic arts. With over 35 years experience in working in the psychic arts, Sandy brings a real passion for working with people in their interpersonal relationships, decisions, and the spiritual growth they seek. She will connect with you, wherever you’re at, and support you on the path forwards.

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energy universe

Did you know... by Natalie Arkins Cosmic rays are hitting the earth all the time - what are they? And how are they helping us to understand matter at the quantum level? We are so protected by the atmosphere surrounding this earth, and we believe that this is one reason that life exists on this planet and not on others. If we had no atmosphere, our planet would be more like Mars or the Moon. A Jesuit priest and physicist, Theodor Wulf built an electrometer in 1910, to study radiation. At that time, it was known that radiation came from the ground, so he theorized that as he moved away from the ground, up higher into the air, there would be less radiation. He used the Eiffel Tower to test this theory, and found that his theory was wrong! There was actually more radiation in the air. He interpreted that this radiation was coming from a cosmic source, and published a paper, but this result was not accepted at the time. Later, Victor Hess would research Cosmic rays, and win the Nobel Prize in physics in 1936. We know that they come from Deep Space and are mostly high energy protons, but their source is still a mystery. So what happens to them when they hit the Earth’s atmosphere? Most of these rays are absorbed before reaching earth, and collide with atoms in the atmosphere, creating showers of particles, but most of these decay or are absorbed before they hit earth. Muons, which are heavy electrons, can penetrate

the soil of earth. Neutrinos have the ability to pass right through the earth. Neutrinos that hit the other side of the earth are popping up through the Earth and your body all the time. They do seem to affect cloud formation and may be affecting the Earth’s climate. The presence of Cosmic rays is the one of the biggest reasons that human exploration of space is not occurring. These rays can cause biological damage to our cells, since it is a form of radiation after all. If we were to explore space, then understanding these rays and protecting ourselves from them will be vital. In the meantime, we are protected from these particles by the wonderful atmosphere of our planet, and that is another reason why we should be vigilant in protecting that atmosphere.

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christmas feature

For our Tarot Card of the month for December, we’ve done a Christmas relationship reading... by Manisha Godbole, Origin Psychic.

There are few of us who would say that anything is more important at this time of the year than our loved ones, and the relationships we have with them. So I thought for something a little bit different this month, I’d do a whole reading for our ‘Tarot Card of the Month’, in celebration of our relationships this Christmas. I have to say that the cards never cease to amaze me! The reading which has come out is really beautiful and encouraging for the season which is almost upon us! Firstly, we have the Empress - a beautiful, rich, and abundant card. I see this as being a message of how to prepare ourselves for Christmas. This is not simply a practical preparation - remember that this reading is all about our relationships. I feel that the Empress is reminding us to find some space within ourselves for real emotional nourishment. She’s a message too that even if we’re concerned about our relationships,

particular family members, or even strained relationships, that we have this amazing capacity within ourselves to find magic in the mix warmth and love will be in great supply. In the focus of the reading is the Six of Coins actually I find this a little amusing, given the focus on gifts, giving and receiving, and the way in which most of us spend money at this time of the year! As I look at the card, I see the coins going around and around and around. No, I haven’t been hitting the Christmas sherry early! The feeling I get is one of shared energy, of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts, and of the quite magical experience of fulfillment which is indicated in this card. There will be some surprises in store for us this Christmas, and happy ones at that. The source of the energy is back in the Empress card - that willingness to nurture ourselves as well as others, and a commitment to share from our hearts, no matter what our fears or doubts.

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christmas feature The Six of Coins is suggesting that this intention will work wonders in our interactions with others - surprising experiences will come out of nowhere; meeting with friends and family we don’t expect to see, or in places and circumstances which will take us by surprise. I’d even go so far as to say that keeping the focus on our nurturing relationships this year will help with all those budgetary problems so prevalent in our society at the moment. And so we come to the outcome card of the reading, and what better message could we have than the Ten of Cups - an incredibly potent sign of happiness, fulfillment, and the joy of spending wonderful times together with those we love. It carries a message of an abundance of love and togetherness, of families really being ‘together’, not just in the same room. A focus on really being together, of generosity of spirit and of knowing that we have an inexhaustible source of love and warmth within us, is bringing us through a really warm and wonderful Christmas season. I feel too that this reading is reminding us of what we have within us to give birth to - to conceive what we seek in our lives now, when the time is ripe to look within and nurture ourselves and those we love in a real way. The focus isn’t only on our romantic relationships - it’s

on the broader web of connections and interactions we are part of. What a wonderful message with which to end the year! Manisha Godbole specialises in readings about relationships, life purpose and personal development. She works with angelic energies and believes healing is possible in any situation. She aims to leave you feeling clearer, empowered and more in touch with yourself and your situation.

Manisha Godbole

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