Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - March 2013

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Connections The Magazine of the Origin Psychic Line Free Call UK - 0808 120 9695 Free Call USA - 1866 892 9216 Free Call Australia - 1800 620 446

n o i t a r i p s n I nd a c , i t h o r c a y T s , s P e p o e ... sc o or r m o h H muc




Welcome, to the Springtime Edition of Connections magazine! We’ve been really fortunate this year (so far!) with our weather up here on the Isle of Skye. While most of the rest of the UK has been inundated with snow this winter, we’ve had one of the mildest winters I’ve experienced here. And this week, it’s very definitely felt like Spring, even though as we go to press, it’s only mid-February. Now I’m not kidding myself that winter actually IS over just yet, but that exciting, subtle buzz is definitely discernible, down deep in the earth. There’s such a lot happening in March - obviously there’s the annual burst of joy which surrounds St Patrick’s Day; there’s the much more gentle and quiet Spring Equinox on March 20th; and really very early this year, at the end of the month, we have Easter! Perhaps all of those omens of Spring are trying to tell us something. The goddess really is stirring, and stretching, even before she is fully awake. And so, this month, we’re diving in, and celebrating the start of Spring. Maybe we’re tempting fate? We could still see some ‘lambing snow’, as a friendly local keeps on reminding me, when I’m banging on just a little too joyfully about the sunshine! But then that doesn’t really matter either. What I’m really talking about is the rebirth expressed in the very powerful symbols we see all around us at this time of year. The eggs and hares of Easter ; the butterflies and greening around the - Page 2 -

Goddess ‘Oestr a’; even the Chinese year this year is the Snake, one of the most potent and universally acknowledged symbols of renewal and regeneration. So even if it’s still cold where you are, why not dive in to the joy all around this month - have a dance o n S t P a t r i c k ’s D a y ; d o a visualization to connect with the spirit of the Hare on the Spring Equinox; perform a mini-ritual to burn away the old at Easter time. We can all do with some fresh new energy at any time in the year, and there’s plenty around at this time of rebirth to enjoy. Have a great and exciting month!



YOUR MARCH SPECIAL OFFERS: Call this month and quote the following great prices on 25 minute readings...

UK Team Readers - £30.00, normally £37.50 Senior Readers - £40.00, normally £50.00

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Free Call UK - 0808 120 9695 Free Call USA - 1866 892 9216 Free Call Australia - 1800 620 446 ‘The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.’ - Page 3 -

Albert Einstein

heart therapy

ARE YOU THE TORTOISE OR THE HARE IN LOVE? Taking a risk in love can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences, but also one of the most exciting! How do you see yourself when it comes to opening your heart???

by Senior Psychic, Cathy Cox It takes great courage to enter into a new relationship. And the ebb and flow of even well established relationships obviously requires a certain willingness to take risks. Naturally, nobody actually wants to be hurt. But the reality is that most of us over the age of about sixteen will have experienced the pain inherent in relationships to some degree or another. Are you someone who prefers to 'dive in'? Or are you someone who takes their time, looking for sign after sign that the object of your affection is being genuine with you? The truth is that there is no way to avoid risk if you want to have relationships of any kind, but especially so if you want to have a loving relationship. The pathway to intimacy demands risk, whether we like it or not. OK, so far I'm stating the obvious!

The Hare: If you're someone who likes to 'dive in' with relationships, then ask yourself the following questions… Do you want to become involved quickly, because you're looking for reassurance or evidence that the relationship is real? ✴

Do you imagine that if you and your partner have made a verbal promise to each other, you're more secure? ✴

Is the pace of your relationship driven by deep emotional confidence or physical passion? ✴

How much do you really 'know' about your partner? I'm talking here about what you really understand from your own direct experience, not what your partner has told you. ✴

In readings, the whole question of risk comes up with great frequency! As with most aspects of emotional involvement, things are never black and white - they occur over time across a very fuzzy continuum. But I thought it would be interesting to have a look at the extremes of relationship risk taking - see which category you fit into, and hopefully, the questions and suggestions below will help you to feel more confident about taking those risks, and developing more intimacy in your life...

Even a person who is really open with you might have a really ineffective internal dialogue! Just because someone believes they know what they want, doesn't necessarily mean that they have the self-reflection possible to really understand their emotional needs.

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heart therapy MY SUGGESTION - Focus on doing a variety of fun things together, rather than spending too much time early on in 'deep and meaningful' conversation. Talking is great, but it won't help you to really know whether your risk taking is bringing your closer together or not. The Tortoise: If you're someone who prefers to take their time with relationships, here are some self-reflective questions for you…. ✴ Are

you trying to avoid emotional risk altogether?

Are you hoping that your lover will take all the risks, providing you with 'evidence' that you're safe in their emotional hands? ✴

Might you be secretly afraid of intimacy?

Are you holding back because you're still in love with someone else, or because you haven't really properly healed from a previous relationship? ✴

If you're more of a 'tortoise' in the relationship risktaking game, you might need to apply that very methodical way of thinking to really get to the essence of what is going on in your inner world. The Tortoise in relationships can seem completely reasonable, and may appear to have a really developed level of emotional intelligence. That may be the case; but it may also simply be a cover-up for risk avoidance altogether. MY SUGGESTION - try sharing something personal with your lover, something you haven't previously told them. The emphasis is on something personal, not something about which you still feel 'vulnerable'. It could be a dream; something which happened at school; something you can laugh about. See how they respond. Are they able to just listen? Do they seem able to really appreciate what it is you're sharing. Do take your time, but the key is to take some kind of step, rather than trying to avoid risk altogether. Unlike the fable, where the tortoise won the race, that strategy will just take you into a cave of self-imposed false security!

Do you really want a relationship at this time, or are you motivated by a fear of being alone? ✴

Some types of beetles have been discovered to navigate by using the Milky Way stars to guide them. I find these types of scientific discovery really interesting, because they help open our perception and view of nature and all its beings. Humanity and science in general, tend to have a narrow perception of other animals, insects, plants really any non-human life. This narrow view means they do not see the wisdom, the knowledge, the inherent ability these beings have to survive, to sense, to connect to the world. Basically, it was previously assumed that Dung Beetles were using the light of the moon to follow a straight line, so as to avoid rival beetles. This was because researchers had discovered that polarized light from the Moon is what the beetles were detecting. However, the beetles were still able to navigate a straight line on moonless nights. The eyes that the Dung Beetle has, were assumed to not have enough power to see single stars.

Did you know...

by Natalie Arkins

whole of the Milky Way, not single stars, such as the North Star. It did take them a bit longer, but they still moved in a straight line. The neuronal complexity that this type of navigation must have, is happening within the Dung Beetle, even though it has a small brain, when compared to our human brain size. This points out the fact that there is more complexity within simple neuronal systems, than we can understand right now. I also feel that we need to acknowledge that other living beings, that also inhabit this earth, are smart, feeling, caring beings, and much more complex than we give them credit for.

In the new research, published in ‘Current Biology’, they discovered that the Dung Beetles can navigate by using the - Page 5 -


YOUR MARCH HOROSCOPES Daniel Craig - Celebrity Pisces


HAPPY BIRTHDAY PISCES! Don’t be surprised if you make an ‘about turn’ on a particular issue this month Pisces. It’s the time of year to really shine a light on all the little corners in your life - to use the power of the sun to help you unlock the secrets of your heart. You’ll find your intuition becoming stronger and stronger as the month progresses, setting you up for a fantastic year of achievements in all sorts of aspects of your life. You’re especially likely to have some vivid and telling dreams, giving you deep and frankly brilliant insight into something which you’ve felt undecided about for a while. PISCES IN LOVE: You’ll be feeling peaceful in the depths of your being this month Pisces. Trust deeply what you feel, and who you feel it about. The light in your heart may seem a bit faint early in the month, but you’ll know exactly what to do. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

The planets might have you feeling a bit ‘hot and cold’ this month Aries. Take the hint and take it easy in the first half of the month. Mercury goes direct again on March 17th, and of course the sun enters your sign on the 20th - both of these will have you feeling much more like yourself, with a spring in your step and bags of energy to draw on. ARIES IN LOVE: You’re going to be glowing this month Aries - you’re being loved and recognized for you, and not just by that ‘special someone’ in your life, but by many. You might feel a little uncomfortable with the Full Moon in Libra on the 27th - this isn’t a time to take big risks. Just sit it out for a few days.

Taurus You’ll really experience your strength this month, and feel a surge of faith in your dreams. Taureans seem to be getting stronger this month, or is it more stubborn? You are beginning to be focussed on exactly what it is you want from life, and more importantly, how you can achieve it. Try not to be too fixed in your strategies, especially early in the month. Things will free up considerably after March 17th. Let the universe surprise you this month - just trust in the magic! TAURUS IN LOVE: You will find yourself attracting special and eccentric people to you all through the month - enjoy the entertainment and the possibility of friendship that could turn into a fling!

Gemini What an erratic and electric month you have in store Gemini! You’ll find yourself attracting all sorts of new opportunities and interesting adventures into your life this month. Overall, you’ll notice things speeding up as the month progresses - your feet simply won’t hit the ground! The trick will be to centre yourself as often as you can. Oh, and read what you’ve written at least three times before you’re satisfied - you know how you hate to be misunderstood. GEMINI IN LOVE: Try not to over-analyse this month - Page 6 -

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION Gemini, especially after Mercury goes direct again on March 17th. This could kill a good thing before it has even really started. Above all, follow your heart and trust your feelings, even if this is a little nerve-wracking!

Cancer March is a month for you to recharge your batteries and get your Mojo back Cancer! The New Moon is in Pisces on March 11th - this might just leave you feeling a bit ungrounded and emotional Cancer. Use this time to really nurture yourself, especially sensually - it will propel you past your discomfort before your know it. Actually March sees many chances for you to get closer to new people, both professionally and personally. Your world is expanding! CANCER IN LOVE: Take small risks in your love life this month, and before you know it, you’ll be feeling much more secure Cancer. You’ll be welcoming new people into your heart and into your home before the end of the month.

Leo Take a deep breath for the start of March Leo - work on keeping some balance for just a little bit longer. And don’t make the mistake of assuming you’re unnoticed. It’s natural for you to need that feedback, but you might just misinterpret things if you’re not careful early in the month, and especially so until Mercury goes direct again on March 17th. LEO IN LOVE: Cool your heels in the first part of the month Leo - it isn’t the time to be charging in with your heart wide open. You’ll be feeling really fired up by Venus moving into Aries after the 20th, and that big Leo heart will know just what to do when the time comes.

Virgo March will see your resources really replenished Virgo, and you’ll be feeling all dressed up and raring to go! This really is a great time for you to balance your responsibilities, and perhaps also some of your fears with your sense of love, fun and adventure. If you’re still feeling a little uneasy in the first half of the month, wait until Venus moves into Aries on March 20th to take a risk in love. VIRGO IN LOVE: The pace of things in your love life will be speeding up later in the month Virgo. Stop looking over your shoulder - you’re ready for this, and you know it. The object of your affection will be swept off their feet by your passion!


March is the time when you really do put the past behind you Libra. Talk it over if you need to; journal about it if that’s too much. But one way or another, get it out of your system. Your whole experience of life is deepening, and you’ll really appreciate it and thank yourself for it by the end of the month. Any energy you spend resolving these things will bring you strong returns Libra. LIBRA IN LOVE: Don’t be surprised if your emotions feel just a bit ‘over the top’ this month Libra. Venus, your ruler, moves in Aries on March 20th, and will have you feeling very passionate indeed. You might feel as though you’ve been thrown right in at the deep end, so why not hold your nose and jump anyway! Your lover will be overjoyed.

Scorpio March is offering you a fantastic opportunity Scorpio. But you’ll need to stay open to the possibilities if you really want to take advantage of them. You’ll definitely be in new territory - the way to handle this is to stop looking over your shoulder, and trying to find a rock to hide under no strategies will help. Only good timing. The sun and Venus move into Aries on the 20th - this is the time to surge forwards. SCORPIO IN LOVE: You might feel as though you’ve lost your bearings a little in the early stages of the month Scorpio, but this is just temporary. You’ll be waxing lyrical before long - knowing just how to unlock that special person’s heart.

Sagittarius You’ll be feeling really uplifted by the end of March Sagittarius! You may have been feeling a bit frustrated recently, as though you’ve been marking time in your life, without any apparent reason. That’s all about to change! March is the beginning of you really establishing yourself Saggie, both in your personal life and in your professional life, and it heralds a time for you to achieve the things you really want to achieve. SAGITTARIUS IS LOVE: WOW Saggie - how passionate you can be! If ever there was a time for you to take a risk in love, the latter stages of March is it! Keep your own counsel - you really do know your own heart. And your intuition will be sparking off to light the way for you. Don’t hesitate this month.

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You’ll be sitting on a powder keg of energy by the end of March – It sill be important for you to channel your emotions into something or someone this month! Don’t struggle early in the month if things don’t seem to be coming together - let the momentum build up until Mercury goes direct again on the 17th, and then the Sun and Venus move into Aries on the 20th. You will be able to achieve things that have previously seemed to be out of reach. CAPRICORN IN LOVE: March will give you a little kick start in the right direction with your love life Capricorn, and especially with regards to connecting with the right person in your love life. You’ll be feeling particularly romantic towards the end of them month, even if you’re in an established relationship.

The year is getting going for you Aquarius - time to really pursue your dreams. Take time in the beginning of the month to check your inner compass - your future path needs to be kept clearly in focus. You might have been feeling recently that you were going in the opposite direction! Don’t give up on your dreams if you’ve been feeling frustrated. The end of the month sees a big burst of fire in your heart. AQUARIUS IN LOVE: You’ll find yourself in possession of enormous energy and passion this month Aquarius - your love life will be firing along, and if you’re wanting to make more of a commitment, now’s the time to do it! Watch out though - you’re so fired up, you might just collect some secret admirers along the way!

Springtime Tarot Message the Queen of Pentacles by Sheila Jones, Origin Psychic This is a great time of year to connect with this particular Queen. She knows her own creative power, and is only too willing to share the fruits of her labours. She really does understand the old saying that money was ‘made round to go round’! She encourages us to do what we enjoy, but also to enjoy what we do, no matter what part of life we are focusing on. You may have lots of responsibilities, as most of us do in this busy world. But when we connect with the spirit of the Queen of Pentacles, somehow there is always enough to go around - enough time, enough energy, enough everything.

get out there, and plant the seeds for whatever we want to reap during this year. The sun will soon be shining again, giving us the boost we need to grow and make the most of what is before us. Joy Contentment The Satisfaction of a job ‘Well Done’ Generosity

She does also have a message for exactly this time of the year - don’t let the grass grow under your feet. We may have only just come out from under the blankets of winter, but now is the time to really - Page 8 -

Sheila Jones Sheila is a natural psychic who has been working with tarot for over 25 years. Sheila uses clairsentience and clairvoyance to look into the emotions around your situation to give you clarity and a better understanding of the dynamics involved. Sheila is able to look into the future to give you an insight into how situations can work out and what will happen.


Why do so many people trust the power of an ORIGIN psychic reading ? * To gain UNDERSTANDING of another person * To gain INSIGHT into their own unconscious patterns * To develop STRATEGIES to deal with a difficult emotional situation * To experience HEALING from the hurt often left over, long after a crisis has passed * To find HOPE for the future in the midst of a difficult time * To be REASSURED about decisions taken, especially those made from instinct and intuition * To develop CLARITY about the motivations of others, especially in romantic relationships * To ACCESS their own inner wisdom and make more confident decisions UK - 0808 120 9695 USA - 1866 892 9216 Australia - 1800 620 446 - Page 9 -


A message for Springtime from the Animal Oracle from Snake Spirit... by Manisha Godbole In keeping with the theme of Spring and all things new, I decided to mix it up this month and pull an animal oracle card. Snake has arrived this Spring with an important message: you cannot step into the new without first releasing the old. (It is interesting to note that we are at the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Water Snake which began February 10th 2013) We all have thoughts or beliefs, memories and emotional baggage or even habits which clog up our energy and wrap around us like a heavy skin. We may be stuck in jobs, relationships, environments which no longer suit or feel draining. Snake encourages us to identify anything which is outdated, worn out or stagnant in our lives and to make a choice to let go of it. This shedding can happen gradually in stages or manifest as a huge sudden release. A snake is quite vulnerable during shedding and sometimes needs to rub up against something to ease off the old skin. Similarly, we may need several attempts at letting go; old wounds, insecurities may be reactivated or felt before receding so allow for this and be gentle with yourself. Spring and Snake both signal that a change is in the air: we can either resist it or embrace it. Snake energy can be unpredictable and sudden but one thing you can be sure of is that it gets to the root of a problem or issue. Some situations require a complete overhaul which can occur - Page 10 -

during Snake months or years. Whatever has been brewing during the winter months may culminate in a breakthrough or a shift of some kind. Things could get moving in a big way this March, whether we are ready or not. It is therefore important to flow with change as much as possible and to see it as an opening rather than an ending. Snakes know when to confront and when to slither away. Change is sometimes brought on by facing things and taking a stand; at other times it is best to leave a situation and retreat. Either way, it is about making a move and trusting that this will eventually usher in something new and better. Snake is synonymous with healing and transformation. Inviting the new and unknown may be the most healing thing we can do for ourselves this month. Change is healing though it may feel scary or uncomfortable in the beginning as the familiar patterns, behaviours or routines begin to shift. Old and new collide as well as co-exist: this is the alchemy of change. The old begins to fade as new seeds are sown whilst the new emerges from the cocoon of the old: both energies are linked and intertwined. We are now in Springtime and it is impor tant to remember that shedding can be a liberating and exciting process. It is an opportunity to cast off whatever is holding us back with the focus on bringing new energy into our lives.

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION If letting go fills you with fear or anxiety, focus on how you want to feel and what you want to replace the old with. Take things step by step. Start small. Clear a drawer, say an affirmation, get a haircut, have one cup of coffee a day instead of two or three, walk for 10 mins; with regards to relationships, write down how you feel, send a card or letter, box up or give away any items which remind you of past hurt or past relationship. Snakes are associated with fire energy so get creative about it. See if you can make’ letting go’ into a voyage of discovery and adventure. You may just enjoy the experience of lightening the load.

Manisha Godbole Manisha’s readings are founded on her psychic gifts of Tarot, Channeling, Clairsentience and Empathy. She aims to leave you feeling muc h c learer, empowered, and more in touch with yourself and your situation. Her insight is acute, intelligent and very sensitive.

Celebrate the Spring Equinox on March 20th... The days are finally lengthening again; there is warmth in the sunshine, and we can look forward to welcoming all green and growing things before much longer. On the Spring Equinox, day and night are of equal length across the globe. Below is an excerpt from ‘Earth Magic - Oracle Cards’, by Steven D Farmer, to celebrate the return of Spring... ‘You thought this passage you have been through would never end. Just as certain that the light of the world fades every few months, it makes its return, and the Earth rejoices. The fresh breath of spring sweeps away the cobwebs acquired from the absence of the light. The light is now obviously increasing as Nature begins to emerge in all her many forms, shapes, and colours that remind us of the continual cycles of Earth Mother. This cycle of rebirth you are experiencing follows a considerably challenging time. Any tears you may have shed have cleared the way for what has been gestating, which is now ripe and ready to emerge. That which no longer serves you needs to be put to rest so that a freshness and newness of spirit can make itself known to you. Sometimes birth can be painful, particularly in that passage just before delivery, yet what emerges can be fresh and beautiful. Be with the emergence of this next cycle with faith and grace’. - Page 11 -

soul healing

You might have met your ‘Power Animal’, but do you have a balanced relationship with it? by Natalie Arkins, Senior Psychic

TRUTH: The Power Animal is always there for your highest good. Trust in that, and trust also that you have to do nothing towards or about this Power Animal. It is helping you and working away in the Spirit world, without your help or needing anything from you. You need to “see” the Power Animal in your mind.You feel foolish trying to connect to something like this - it is just imaginary.

Shamanic traditions utilize Power Animals to help us heal. A shaman will go into the spirit world, and bring back a Power Animal for you. This Power Animal is the spirit of the animal, yet it has its own life too - it comes to you of its own free will, and will leave of its own free will too. There are many misconceptions about Power Animals that can block having a successful relationship and interaction with this form of Spirit guidance. The following are some of the most common misconceptions... ‘The Power Animal is a bad energy and it is there to hurt you.You must get rid of it.’ This is so untrue! Sadly though, I have witnessed it from people who have received Power Animals. These animals come to you from Spirit - they have no ill will towards us. They are pure spirit and come from love, with love. It’s our mind and issues which create this negative thought about the Power Animal. Maybe we have a dislike of that animal in the real world. For example, you may have a fear of spiders, and yet that is the animal that is given to you to work with. In this case, it may be very healing to work with the Power Animal on the spirit level, to clear the prejudices that you may have about this Animal Spirit. - Page 12 -

You do not have to see the Power Animal in your mind. It is imaginary, that is true! Imagination is the key or the doorway to the unseen spirit world. But, because this energy is unseen, does not mean that it is not around you, only that you cannot see it with the visible eye. You may get visual cues that the animal is there. You may s e e a t r u c k p a s s b y, o r a n advertisement, with the Power Animal on it. You may turn on the TV, and there is a documentary about that specific animal. You may find it coming up on your social media, in posts that other people are putting up. There are so many ways that it can show itself to you. Someone may mention it in passing or in conversation. TRUTH: You do not need to see the Power Animal in your mind’s eye, to connect with it, or in person. It can help to have a picture of the Power Animal near you. You can have imaginar y conversations with the Po w e r A n i m a l t o o. E n j oy t h e interaction, or enjoy just knowing it is

soul healing

there to help you, without you needing to do anything. The Power Animal is yours, and will stay with you always. This is not true. All beings have free will, in spirit and manifested form. The Power Animal that is helping you now, may leave at some point to help others. I call this the ‘Mary Poppins’ phenomenon. Mary Poppins came to the children when they needed her. When she was no longer needed, it was time for her to go, to help others. Of course we are saddened when they leave, because we can grow attached to them. Some Power Animals do choose to stay with you for a long time, but it is still their choice to do that. They are not tied to you in any way. Sometimes it is necessary for a new Power Animal to come into your energy field, because it is able to help with whatever you are needing at that particular time, perhaps more so than the previous animal.

TRUTH: Power Animals are with you of their own free will. Honor their presence, give thanks to them for their help, and let them go when they need to move, with love. Finally, it is so important to enjoy the relationship. Have fun! A good way to really connect and express your power animal is to put some music on, whatever you want, and dance your Power Animal. If it’s bear, you dance as a bear. If it’s frog, you dance as frog. This integrates the Power Animal into your being, and lets you e x p r e s s its energy within you.



Imagery is a fantastic tool that we are ALL able to access with a little application. So many of us are looking for ways to relax, to uplift ourselves and to become more content, and peaceful in our lives. Meditation is a particularly popular method to do so, but frankly, many of us who have great intentions about practising meditation find it more difficult than expected. So I thought I’d share a little practical exercise to support the process. We can all use our imagination, even if we haven’t done so since childhood. Our imagination creates a pathway for us to connect! Instead of struggling to relax, and to force ourselves to be energetic, we can use our imagination, and the power of imagery, to take the first steps towards really transforming our day to day experience of life. And what better place to start than with an exercise to connect with a sense of renewal and rebirth - the world is teeming with signs and symbols of this energy at this time of the year. And my favourite is the hare. First of all, take some time just to relax - don’t strive or struggle. Just simply slow your breathing down - let it become regular and gentle. As you do, focus on this ancient image of the three hares. Let your focus go soft - it doesn’t matter if you can’t see them clearly any more. Can you imagine them running in their circle, gaining momentum and energy as they go. They are linked to each other, and to an ancient energetic dance. Focus now on the space in the triangle, formed by their ears, and then see if you can connect with their sense of joy and playfulness. Breathe that playfulness into your bones - into your marrow. Take as much time as you want - you’re bound to begin to experience the stirrings of new fresh energy before long. - Page 13 -



Victoria Eastburn - Origin Psychic ‘I love my work as a psychic, medium and healer, and I feel honoured that I get to work with people along their journey in remarkable ways.’ It was not always easy growing up and having sixth sensor y awareness. I have learnt a lot about myself along the journey but the one thing I feel has been of most importance, is being able to be tr ue to myself and the importance that this has had on my life and my ever evolving journey. I found that when I started to accept myself and my natural gifts with love and grace and allow myself to step beyond my mind’s fear, my life truly started to change in remarkable ways. I love my work as a psychic, medium and healer and feel blessed and honoured that I get to work with people along their journey in remarkable ways. My aim when I work with clients is to help guide through insight, clarity and to find that golden thread of deeper authentic truth , self love and self empowerment in their situation and their life. Finding our truth and embracing our authentic nature with self love comes from the heart. Our inner world is constantly speaking to us through our outer world and the relationship that we have with it. Learning that the most important

relationship that we have is the one we have with ourselves and that it all begins there. It is a life time relationship that is forever evolving. That is why it is important to have daily practices that allow us to have centeredness and consistent self awareness. Time and space to connect to ourselves and our hearts. Our heart is where our authentic self connects. Often when the we get caught up in our busy day to day lives, the mind can seem to be speaking louder then the heart. Often we try to solve our daily issues with our mind because the mind is good at wanting to solve things, so it gets right on board, the next thing we know we have become so overwhelmed and down paths, we don't even at times know how we got there. At this point what we really need is to become centered and present with ourselves and back in the moment and create a space where we can connect to our hearts not our head. This simple daily practice will help you find centeredness again in the moment, get you out of the mind - Page 14 -

and connected to your body. Although it is a simple practice that does not have to take much time , it is effective. Often it is the small subtle things that speak the loudest. All that is required is that we show up consistently to it and then allow the spaces in between , where the hearts speaks to us the loudest. Daily Practice This practice can be done any time of the day, sitting or standing. Eyes open or closed. It all depends on what is appropriate at the time and place. Inhale and as you breath in , do so as you count to 4 Hold for the count of 4 Exhale to the count of 4 Hold again for the count of 4 you can repeat the process. Try to focus on the count of 4, while bring your attention to your breath. With Love and Blessings, Victoria Eastburn

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