Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - November Edition

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Connections y p a r e h T e t c i r v d a Heelationship a r

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Psyc Taro hic In s t, H oro piration muc scop es, a hm nd ore ...



Welcome, to the Halloween Edition of Connections magazine! 'Remember, remember, the 5th of November‌' Yes, I have to say that I can hardly believe it, but we're approaching Guy Fawkes Night again here in the UK! Contemplating this, I got to thinking about the whole experience of 'Remembering'. Anniversaries, birthdays, special feast days - we seem to have a basic human desire to remember and acknowledge special times, even those which may be associated with sadness. Our remembering and acknowledgement of these sometimes poignant times is a way of honouring important people and events in our lives, the lives of our families, and perhaps even in the wider life of our community - those with whom we share our view of the world. These occasions become a point of reference celebrations of our shared story, and a way in which to identify with the people and experiences we value in our lives. Many cultures have a framework within which the 'ancestors' are honoured. In times when we lived much more in connection with the cycles of life (and of course, of death) our ancestors were considered to still be very much a part of our everyday lives. This went much further of course than photographs or paintings of long passed great-grandparents. In many cultures, special days and occasions were set aside for the very purpose of honouring those who no longer walked among us. Halloween, or as the earlier expression, out of which Halloween grew was called - 'Samhain'. This was an incredibly important annual celebration. Extra spaces were set at the table for family members who had passed; a candle may be left burning in the window, to show the way home to souls who hadn't found rest; the veils were considered to be at their thinnest at this time of the year, and so the practice of particularly important divinations were held too at this time.

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Looking around at the commercial celebration of Halloween, even in the UK, it may seem as though these beautiful practices have completely slipped away, into the mists of the past. But the essence of this powerful celebration is still there - you just need to work a little harder to distill the reality from the hype. So why not give yourself time this month, and space, to remember the people, experiences, and times which have passed - allowing ourselves to recall and appreciate someone or something which is no longer a part of our everyday lives may not be emotionally the easiest thing to do, but slowly we can integrate those memories, so that they become rich and wonderful parts of our life in the here and now.

Have a great month...


heart therapy


by Manisha Godbole, Origin Psychic

I almost called this article ‘The Language of Love’, but this phrase is capable of conjuring up

to clients in readings, it can seem as though not only are you each reading different maps, but one

to belong to another era now. These days it’s ‘partner’ – a word which has almost taken on a life

all sorts of images, most of which would be very romantic, and in a way, that’s the point of this article. Echos of ‘Let me compare thee to a summer’s day…’ If

of the maps might as well be in Swahili!

of its own!

there’s one aspect of relationship which comes up in readings more than anything else, it’s questions about communication – lack of it, changes in it,

communication is not related to what is said, but the way words and phrases are loaded with emotion and expectation. Phrases such as ‘I’m scared of

contradictions in it, timing of it, and most of all, the meaning of it. The language of love isn’t as simple as it once seems to have been.

commitment’, ‘I really value your friendship’, ‘I’m not ready for relationship’ pop up all over the place. And what’s worse, these words and phrases often fly in

New romantic relationships in particular are wonderful and exciting and scary and challenging all at once, and negotiating the

the face of what is actually happening emotionally and sexually between the two people involved. The word ‘relationship’ itself has, really since the sexual

territory can be a bit daunting. Working out if you’re both in the same emotional territory is a difficult enough task. But in talking

revolution, become imbued with all sorts of colours and subtleties. ‘Friend, boyfriend, fiance and husband’ really seem

The fundamental problem I see in readings about

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‘He’s not looking for a relationship’ One of the particularly difficult phrases I hear quite a lot in readings is ‘He said he’s not ready for a relationship.’ And its ugly sister ‘He said he’s not looking for a relationship’. These phrases, essentially the same, could mean any of the following: * He’s a player and whilst he might be sexually into you, he’s not interested in any kind of emotional involvement. * He likes you and is attracted to you, but is only prepared to have the relationship with you on his own terms.

heart therapy

* He likes you and is attracted to you, but he actually is still emotionally raw or wounded from a difficult period and isn’t ready for an emotional involvement. Obviously these are generalizations, and people and relationships are full of complexity and subtlety. But clearly there’s a whole world of possibilities inherent in these words. So, how do you navigate your way through all of this, when your emotions are heightened and you’re possibly not feeling all that centered? How do you actually engage in some real communication, and discover what the person’s fundamental intention really is in the relationship. Well essentially, the first thing is that talking more and looking for a clue in the words is usually pretty much a waste of time. No words will give you the reassurance that you seek. Being prepared to take a little bit of time, a small emotional risk and to observe his behaviour are much more reliable. This period is bound to test even the most confident and self-assured person. Knowing what’s going on within yourself is so important, and this usually can only become clear with at least a little bit of time. And being aware of your own boundaries, and having the courage to stay with them in the early stages, can also really support you in the process of getting to know whether your new man is moving towards some kind of emotional involvement with you or not.

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halloween feature

Bowerbirds and Bonfires by Cathy Cox We have a saying in Australia – ‘She’s a real bowerbird’. It just refers to someone who doesn’t like to throw anything away, so they end up with clothes from university days, which are still ‘perfectly serviceable’, and any manner of magazines, chipped coffee cups, teddy bears, and broken pencils. Most of us have experienced the cathartic effect of having a good old clear out. But at this time of the year, it can become a very powerful ritual. I’m writing this as the clocks will soon change, the leaves are falling, and the light has changed in the mysterious way it does up here in the highlands. I don’t mean simply that there are fewer hours of daylight – the quality of light actually changes, in a way it simply doesn’t in much of the Southern Hemisphere. In Australia, the

different perspective on things that have been holding you back. A good way to start, particularly if you’re a bit of ‘a bowerbird’ is to actually have a clear out in the house, or even just your wardrobe. Do any emotions come up that you didn’t expect – do you find yourself really resisting throwing things away? This could well be a sign of a bit of a defense mechanism working, holding on to the old clutter as a kind of protection in a way. Take on the energy of the Autumn light – walk softly and gently through your own inner world. Reflect on whether there might be something emotional still craving the clutter. By observing our resistances, instead of justifying them, (I have to confess to being a master of this one!) we can develop a clear picture of what really does need to go.

light is brilliant and searching, for most of the year. Here, it softens in the Autumn, as if filtered through muslin. This is the perfect time to examine any cluttered corners in our hearts & minds, and to let go of old emotions, or thoughts that have become restrictive. In the soft gentle light of Autumn, you can get a totally - Page 5 -

Taking your time in this gentle way will support you to gradually withdraw the energy you may have put into these feelings or beliefs over a long time. And the really wonderful thing is that the entire natural world of the northern hemisphere is there, humming along with the vibrations of change with you.

halloween feature If you let yourself relax, and I mean REALLY relax, rather than rationalize, defend, explain, or judge your feelings, then the feeling of letting the old go will become gradually easier.

SAMHAIN CHANNELING FROM THE GREEN MAN The leaves have fallen and lie on the forest floor – they are already transforming and fertilizing the growth which is to come. There is no sadness, only a sensation of quiet – winter’s stillness is approaching. It is the stillness of a deeper kind of rest – the rest which reaches deep into your soul, and nourishes the new seeds already there. Everyone needs this stillness; everyone craves the peace it brings. My promise is in the eternal cycle of the seasons, like the endless knot – always bringing the new from the old. Keep the new fire of Samhain burning through the winter – it holds the space you have created for the return of spring. It will remind you of the internal space of creativity, during the time when there are few external signs to remind you. Rest now - you are safe. Listen to the quiet hum as the earth sleeps.

Once you’re really clear and have articulated what you want to release from your life, then the really powerful part of the ritual follows. Write down the three things you most want to release, AND write down the three things you most want to be receptive to in the coming year. Then follow the example of the ancients in their Samhain rituals, and create your very own bonfire. Obviously if you live in a city, you may need to be a little creative about this part, but a scented candle will do fine! Fire in any form has the most amazing transformative qualities. And it is just as important to articulate what you want to be receptive to, as what you wish to release. You are sending your intention into the heart fire of the Oneness – sending out the vibration of your heart to the universe. And this is the key after all to any good clear out – you’re actually creative a receptive space (or wardrobe space if you prefer!) for the new to enter your life. As dark as winter can become, nobody doubts that spring will eventually come, with her flowers and warmth and abundance. The cyclical nature of life is embedded in our psyches, and so it would never occur to us that Spring wouldn’t come eventually. The fires of Samhain, and the song of the natural world, are right there with us at this time of year. You might be surprised at how effective it can be to flow along with it.

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halloween feature

The Death Card, our Halloween Tarot Card of the month. by Sheila Jones, Origin Psychic. When this card appears in a spread it is time to embrace change and realize the inevitability of change. Change is an ongoing process, which we can do nothing to stop – we can only go with it and embrace change and transformation. This card is all about letting go of restrictive patterns of behaviour and outmoded ideas – the clearing out of the old and making way for the new. The Death Card can assist us in dissolving fears and negativity, which may have taken hold within us and support us to make way for the rebirth to come – the birth of new and positive ideas and forces.

The Death card is often seen as the most feared card in the tarot, for obvious reasons!! But this is more often the case for those who do not understand the real meaning of the card. It is extremely rare that the death card actually signifies a physical death. It is in fact one of the most empowering and positive cards in the tarot, and one to be welcomed in any reading, NOT feared. The Death Card Symbolizes: ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴

Change Rebirth Transformation Transition

The card itself is often shown with a “Grim Reaper” type of image in many different decks. But it also almost always has a sunrise in the background. This symbolic image holds the promise of the transformation, which is about to take place. The death of the old self, old concepts and limiting patterns which we have allowed ourselves to become entrenched in. The sunrise symbolizes the dawning of a new fresh day and a positive experience of some sort – heralding change, a new phase unbound by the past and all its restrictions. So it is a card to be welcomed indeed! Once we recognize that this change is inevitable for us we may react in a way which is a form of grief. We may grieve for the behaviour which we know we have to let go. This may well be when a relationship comes to an end. We know that it is over but out of love for the person has not gone. The feelings that come up in us are very similar to

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halloween feature grieving. This is a natural process and one which we must allow TRANSFORMATION RELAXATION our heart to go through. The Death Card signifies that these changes are going to be inevitable. These changes are felt as physical changes more often than emotional. The changes are dramatic – you are losing the old restrictions that the body held on to with such vigor for so long –you are transforming and going through a spontaneous metamorphosis in which you must trust and be certain that your rebirth will be empowering and life changing. Ground yourself in this knowledge. This is the universe working within you. The Death Card heralds the next stage in your journey and the next stage in the cycle of life. Any fears that come up for you during this time are a part of the old not wanting to give way to the new. But as in any natural cycle, this process cannot be stopped. This is a time to trust in the universe and look forward to the new improved you!

Witch Trials? You may not realize it, but it’s 400 years this year since the infamous ‘Pendle Witch Trials’ in Lancashire. The trial lasted 2 days, and 10 people were hanged as a result. To commemorate the anniversary, a statue of Alice Nutter was unveiled earlier this year in her home village of Rouglee. More recently, a forest sculpture trail as opened in the shadow of Pendle Hill. It’s interesting to see the symbolism used in the forest trail - spiders’ webs, witches’ familiar animals, sculls. Even though we live in an age of ‘religious freedom’ it seems there are still many assumptions made about certain spiritual practices...

If you’re going through a particularly intense period of change just now, put aside some time for yourself and try this short relaxation and visualization... ✴ Close your eyes, relax your breathing, and gradually feel any tension and stress falling away, down through your body and into the earth ✴ Imaging a large root coming from your base charka going down to mother earth and wrapping itself round her core. ✴ Feel the connection with mother earth and know that you are strongly connected to her ✴ Place your hands on your belly and breath deeply feeling your body relaxing ✴ Let the earth energies flow up your body relaxing each part in turn ✴ Relax and Breathe a couple of deep cleansing breaths ✴ Let your fears and anxieties go out through your feet back down to mother earth ✴ Trust in the knowledge that mother earth is working her cycle of life within you ✴ Relax and feel her healing energies with in ✴ Release the past with love ✴ Slowing uncoil yourself from mother earth and come back to the room

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YOUR NOVEMBER HOROSCOPES Anne Hathaway - Celebrity Scorpio

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCORPIO! The sun is in your sign Scorpio, and with it, there’s a real focus and energy around what’s important for you. Early in November, you’ll find yourself having new ideas about how to improve your financial situation. Mercury will go retrograde again this month, and the usual delays and challenges will occur. In particular, don’t necessarily take everyone at work at ‘face value’. And ensure you micro-manage your finances. In the middle of the month, there is a fantastic solar eclipse in your sign! This is a unique and fantastic opportunity to really share and reveal the authentic ‘you’! With it will also come a spurt of energy you’ve wanted to put into a particularly important project. Any doubts you may have around a relationship will begin to dissolve towards the end of the month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


both love relationships, and those with whom you work or with whom you share a business interest. This will be particularly so in the period following the solar eclipse on November 13th. You’ll find you have a deepening understanding of those close to you. Mercury is going retrograde this month, so of course, there is the usual tendency for misunderstandings - just observe your assumptions. Not everything you THINK someone is saying is ACTUALLY what they’re saying! There is a really positive period of adjustment later in the month, and especially so once Mercury sorts itself out and starts heading in the right direction again!

This month is set to offer you a great variety of opportunities Aries. Early in the month, you’ll feel a great surge of daring and a desire to be adventurous - go for it! By mid month, there is a very potent solar eclipse - this will bring your needs for the longer term right to the fore. That, coupled with a renewed sense of your personal authority, will support you to name what you need and to fulfill what you need, including your longer term finances. The latter stages of the month seem to be offering you a beautiful sense of intimacy and sensuality with those you love enjoy the closeness of friendship as well as warm, romantic times Gemini Well there is a with that special someone! great deal happening for you Taurus during November Gemini. Firstly, We l l Ta u r u s , Mercury, your ruling planet, will November is an be going retrograde yet again, so important time choose your words carefully for you in your relationships, around the middle of the - Page 9 -

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION month. You may be the wordsmith of the zodiac, but even you might trip over some of your communication this month. The solar eclipse will really push you to take the initiative with those things you’ve been putting off recently, especially those to do with your well being and fitness. Neptune will be going direct this month too, and you can take great advantage of this by letting the beautiful, sensitive and imaginative energies available to you guide you in the latter stages of the month. Finally, there is a great opportunity for you in the last week of November to really move forwards financially - let this exciting period propel you forwards and you won’t regret it!

Cancer What a vibrant month November is shaping up to be for you Cancer! Early in the month, there will be warm times with children or younger people, and a real sense of spontaneity and joy around you. Your creativity will be flowing easily, and your dreams particularly colourful - watch them during this early stage of the month. Mercury goes retrograde again this month, and I’d suggest a degree of caution around your communication with loved ones at this time - they may find you a little sharp or even brittle. There is though a stunning solar eclipse this month, on the 13th, and this is pointing towards your relationship life really moving

ahead in the direction you want it to go. The only thing to watch out for is that you don’t allow your determination to become pushy. Even if you find yourself dealing with a situation which offends your sense of natural justice, keep your words as calm as you can, so that others can’t pull you into a battle you don’t want to be in!

Leo November may be a little quiet to begin with Leo, but there will though be some unexpected social opportunities and invitations for you to consider. Mercury is going retrograde again this month, so some care will be needed that you’re not misunderstood, especially around your cheeky sense of humour! There’s an amazing solar eclipse mid-month, and this will herald a time when that deeper understanding of your life is somehow put more into perspective, and the meditation you’ve been doing will really prove worthwhile. In the later stages of the month, you could be feeling a little frustrated - watch this doesn’t boil over into friction in your relationship, or even a sense of over-reacting to what are actually small irritations.

Virgo There’s quite a mix for you this month Virgo early on, you may find yourself

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spending time around someone who is very attractive, even charismatic! Enjoy this, but keep your feet on the ground. Mercury is going retrograde again this month, and so the usual cautions apply particularly try to ensure that any arrangements you make are understood by all concerned, as your communication may not be as clear as you imagine it to be. The solar eclipse mid-month brings you some wonderful warm and happy times with those you love. You can really relax and be yourself Virgo! In the latter stages of the month though, that open-hearted loving feeling may just become a little over-powering for the object of your affections. Just observe how your loved one reacts - you don’t want to push away the very person you want to be close to!

Libra Well the start of November looks great Libra - some mental challenges to add some vitality to your thinking! |And there could also be something quite unpredictable in your love life, which will add a spark to an established relationship, or open up the possibilities in a new one. The solar eclipse seems to offer things up for you in business and finance too, so enjoy this period in the middle of the month. Mercury is going retrograde again this month, so the usual warnings apply. In particular, ensure you read the small print, and check over your paper work meticulously! When the

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd, the pace of life will really pick up, with some exciting and fun opportunities which will happen quite spontaneously. Finally, there may be some unsettled emotions towards the end of the month - stay open and direct about your own needs as much as you can.

Sagittarius November is shaping up to be an exciting and changeable time for you Sagittarius. You’ll enjoy a kind of intellectual vibrancy early in the month, a feeling of your plans moving forwards, and there are likely to be some fun, gregarious and possibly even flirtatious social occasions. Mercury will be going retrograde again this month - try not to let this frustrate you too much, as things may not go in the way you’d like them to leading up to the middle of the month. In the middle of the month, there’s a beautiful solar eclipse - a great time for being really honest with yourself about what you really want in your life, but also a time you may feel a little more exposed than you’d like. The end of the month may be a little turbulent emotionally - even though you’re open and direct, there will be others around you who will not necessarily respond positively to this approach.

Capricorn You may find yourself feeling a little introspective as the month begins Capricorn. It’s a peaceful way to begin, but then you walk straight into a period when Mercury is going retrograde again! If someone you care about isn’t returning your calls or emails, try not to jump to conclusions. The stunning solar eclipse in the middle of the month will bring you into a phase of deep contemplation - you’ll become much more conscious of your bigger life goals, the people who matter most to you, even your deeper spiritual beliefs. This will equip you for a period later in the month when your moods may be a little up and down, your social life a bit off and on, and the flow of your life a little inconsistent. And as you move

towards the end of the month, try not to let your enthusiasm and drive push those you love to distance themselves. You can be very fiery at this time Capricorn - be passionate by all means, but don’t let the fire burn too hot.

Aquarius November begins in a positive manner for you Aquarius, with your finding your voice and being positive about the responsibilities you’re only too happy to take on. With Mercury going retrograde again this month, you may find a bit of a delay or even a kind of perceived setback with an important working relationship, but this will only be temporary. The solar eclipse in the middle of the month will be very positive - your goals and your determination to achieve them are really highlighted at this time. There may be some more turbulent emotions towards the latter stages of the month, mostly around some relationship power games. Stay as open and as positive as you can be and keep focused on that understanding you’ve gained recently about your deepest needs.

Pisces This is a powerfully expansive period for you Pisces, though you will feel a sense too that you’re having to ‘work hard’ for your goals. Early in the month, you’re likely to be feeling a little impulsive. Mercury is going retrograde again this month, so be particularly careful in choosing your words with work superiors or people of significance in your life. The solar eclipse mid-month will bring with it some influences which will be felt for months to come you’ll be tempted to open up to adventure. Don’t battle with yourself Pisces - go for it. When you feel the need to break out this month, trust it, especially if you also feel that this is what you really need to do for your own good. And in the last week of the month, the will and drive you need will be available more so than at any other time in the months to come.

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energy universe

HEALING YOUR HOME by Natalie Arkins, PhD Thank you Simon Cowell! I don’t usually have a reason to mention Simon Cowell, of X-factor fame, but he was recently in the news because he hired an energy healer to heal the energy in his home in California after a period of sickness. He revealed this fact to his 3.9 million Twitter followers last month. Someone had told him about house healing, after he became ill from nervous exhaustion. The healer, named Sandra Kendrew, charged £125 to heal the house of electromagnetic stress, caused by the overuse of emails and mobile phones in the house. She said that you have to first figure out if the problem is with the house or with the occupant. I applaud Simon for doing this, because it is one aspect of energy healing that is not really talked about or actually done. We feel sick and we go to the doctor or get healing as we see fit - it can be through traditional western medicine or alternative medicine. But the land is a part of us, and the houses too, and they can hold negative energy for a variety of reasons. But most people do not think to heal the house or the land. This is actually an ancient form of healing and seen in many different cultures.

As part of my Shamanic practice, I also do house and land healing, and feel it’s vitally important. Simply because we are living in these energy fields, and if we need healing, the land and houses also need healing. Ancient Practice In Asia, they practice Feng-Shui, which looks at the energy of the land and houses and heals it. In China, Japan, Korea and many other Asian countries, they will hire a Feng-Shui consultant to look at the place of business, home, or farm, and bless and heal the place. It is a vital part of opening any business in these countries. In western tradition, - Page 12 -

the local Priest would bless the new home or business, but this seems to have fallen out of practice as western society has moved away from a lot of these religious practices. We want blessings, and so does the land or the new business that you are starting.The druids also practiced land healing and home healing, and today they are many people who work on healing Ley Lines, lines of energy within the earth which can cause disruption for those living near them. As above, so below This is an old maxim, what happens ‘above’ us is mirrored ‘below’ us. Everything is a

energy universe reflection of each other. This is true about the land and houses. If we are not feeling good, it may not just be ourselves that are sick or unwell - the land may be sick too. There are many reasons why the land may be unwell, and these are just a few of the causes: •

Ley Lines

Underground water sources causing energy disruptions

Past traumatic events that occurred on the land, that the land still holds

Energy of spirits that have not crossed over, that may be associated with a place or house

Negative energy left by the previous people who occupied the land, house, or business premises.

Electromagnetic stress caused by mobile phones and computers.

We are the caretakers of this earth, and while the earth cannot tell us verbally that it needs healing, we can connect with this upset or illness by sensing how we are feeling in ourselves. Sometimes our own sickness is due to the land or home being sick and this is how it expresses it to us. We have to accept that some of the problems that we experience will not just heal themselves, and we may have to do something to help the land heal. Of course, overall I do believe that Mother Earth or Pachamamma can take care of herself, and will do what she needs to do to heal herself. It’s more that we may need to do the healing for ourselves, so that we feel better and more in union with where we are living, supported and nurturing ourselves by healing the area in which we live or work. So, if you are feeling that your house may be sick, or that the energy in your house or business is not supportive, look into hiring a house healer. The blessing that you give to your house or land, will come back to you a thousand-fold.

Our Senior Reader Special Offer

Sandy Johnson

Natalie Arkins

Merle Hurley

This month, have an hour’s reading with one of Origin Psychics’ Senior Readers and receive a 20% discount! Call our freecall numbers to book. Ends November 30th. - Page 13 -

soul healing

Colour Therapy, our ‘Soul Healing’ article for November. by Lynne Leslie, Origin Psychic Something which has been around for a long time now and has spawned many franchise companies is a business based on figuring out which colours suit someone’s skin tone and the colour of their eyes. This way the client can go out and choose clothes in the correct colours, colours which they know will look good on them. In healing energy work, therapists also work with colours - by using different coloured crystals, or coloured silk or even by visualizing different colours going to various parts of the body. I often use this in healing sessions with clients, both in hands on healing and when doing readings for them. I rely on my intuition to guide me as to which colours to use for that particular client. As each colour carries a different energy, the client will benefit from that individual vibration of energy during the healing session. For example, reds can be energizing, white is cleansing, and pink is gentle and healing. Some clients who are sensitive to energy can see the colour in their mind’s eye during a session, but even if they are not so sensitive, they still get the benefit of that energy. The colour of the energy in the energy centres or chakras of the body also helps tell us what is going on. If I see a dull green, for example, in an area where there should be a light green, then I know there is dense or sluggish energy in there, which would benefit from being cleared and energized. It’s interesting to keep an eye on the colour of clothes we choose when we get dressed in the morning and to observe how that affects our moods. Sometimes it can even show us what we need energywise. So intuitively we may choose a soft blue if we feel the need for calm and tranquility in our lives, or the need for smooth communication, as blue is linked to the throat chakra, which rules communication. Perhaps we could deliberately choose a colour that we know will bring us a specific energy - we know we have to be able to stand up for - Page 14 -

ourselves in a meeting so we choose to wear something red. Or we want to melt into the background, so we wear grey or black - something to hide behind. There are some beautiful colour meditations which can be used to help set us up for the day - so as well as wearing the colours, we can use them internally, in our own per sonal internal imagery, to help us for the day. This meditation is best done in the morning. You don’t need a special place set aside to do it, although that is nice - but it can be done anywhere - it can even be done in the shower!

soul healing

Mind Space Colour Healing Meditation... Close your eyes, and take a long breath in, then as you slowly exhale, feel any sluggishness and tension or aches leave your body. Do this a couple of times until you start to relax into the process and feel ready to begin... Visualize a large ball of golden light floating about a foot above the top of your head, and as you breathe in, imagine pulling it down through your crown and into your body. As the ball moves down through your body, you can sense it cleansing away any dense energy. With each full breath, imagine it moving further down your body, feeling its warmth healing you as it travels downwards.You can feel it sending out waves of light energy, reaching into every part of your body, smoothing out your energy field, relaxing you more and more. As it reaches your feet, allow it to travel out through the soles of your feet and send it down into Mother Earth, where it can release any dense energy it has picked up along the way. Now feel the connection from your feet going down into the centre of the earth - you might imagine it as a tap root or a similar image. Enjoy for a few seconds the feeling of connection and groundedness this brings. hen take a couple of deep breaths, and start to wiggle your fingers and toes, bringing your focus and attention back into the room, back into the present and enjoy the feeling of lightness you now have.

CALL US and have 15% off your 20 minute reading during November... These discounts are valid with any reader, and you can use each of them once during the month.The discounts are valid until November 30th, 2012.

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