Origin Psychics Connections Magazine - May 2012

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Origin Connections The magazine of the Origin Psychic Line



The Wheel of Fortune

Psychic Booking Lines


How safe do you feel?

UK 0808 120 9695 USA 1800 963 0094 AUS 1800 333 007


‘In the space of the ritual... we ‘act out’ our intent, and in so doing, infuse our actions with the energy from deep within our hearts. We do no less than share the essence of ourselves in the acting out of the ritual.’

‘Ritual: a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremony; a set of actions performed mainly for their symbolic value’ . Examine the routines of any functioning adult and you’ll find rituals embedded there. Some of these so-called rituals may seem to be little more than robotic behaviours, like drinking a morning coffee. What we call a ‘ritual’ in this case is actually more of a meditative practice. It’s certainly powerful - these kinds of practices can provide a framework to bring some kind of meaningful order to our everyday lives. And in fact, we can go into almost a meditative state - a different brain wave - and connect with a different level of consciousness in performing them. Rituals performed on special occasions, and with a significant purpose, such as weddings and funerals, can bring our consciousness to a particularly alert point of focus. In the space of the ritual, we build a bridge from our ‘external’ world and actions, to our ‘internal’ world of experience and connection. We ‘act out’ our intent, and in so doing, infuse our actions with the energy from deep within our hearts. We do no less than share the essence of ourselves in the acting out of the ritual. Rituals are an incredibly powerful gift to us as human beings. They can bring us to a discovery of what is numinous to us - our own personal connection with the Divine. This is deeply personal and intimate - it might be an experience of nature, a particular religion, music or dance, even relationships. Whatever is numinous for you, ritual can support you to connect with it from deep in your heart. Design your own personal ritual this month. After all, you’re the best judge of who or what you want to share your heart with! Have a great May!



Tarot Card of the Month for May The Wheel of Fortune B y S hei la Jo n es - Or i gi n Ps ych ic With Jupiter as its ruling planet, the Wheel of Fortune is all about luck and change. The wheel symbolizes completeness as well as the rise and fall of fortunes and the message that ‘what goes around, comes around’. This card indicated abundance, happiness & luck. A change that just happens and brings great joy with it. At times in a seeker’s life there are some things that you have no control over and you rely on fate, the turn of the wheel. This card is about how we find ourselves waiting for our karmic payback for all the good things we have done in our lives. The wheel is about every changing movement, completion of life stages and new beginnings. Life tends to go in cycles, good times and bad. Even if you are going through a difficult patch, when this card appears in your reading you can expect that cycle of 'luck' to begin to change and a new energy will be approaching. The lesson of the card is to accept that that there will always be ups and downs. If life was always great without challenges you would become less appreciative of what you have. At times, the challenges can provide the contrast and perspective you need to be able to recognize the true blessings in your life when they come. Don’t be despondent when times are bad keep hopeful that the wheel will turn and the up times will come in. Don't get stuck in the negative energy. Things can only get better!! This card suggests that it is time to actively work on improving your situation, not to be discouraged when

faced with challenges. Life is full of ups and downs. Look for ways to conquer the adversity. If you cannot see a way out, that in itself may be part of the problem. The Wheel of Fortune can suggest that there are unknown or hidden factors influencing your situation. The Universe is working on changing the atmosphere around the situation. You may feel powerless or out of control. It is best to accept the situation and adapt. Change is constant. When you struggle against the wheel, it can crush you. Go with the flow, accept and adapt. Take it all in your stride, positively. The Wheel of Fortune reminds us to trust in the Universe. Keeping optimistic and having faith that things can and will turn around. Help the Universe to bring in the shift by visualization and meditation. Remember what goes around comes around so make sure you are acting in positive ways, doing your good deeds, not talking negatively about others etc. The energy of the Wheel of Fortune card will help you make these positive shifts in yourself to allow the Universe to bring the positive changes you are seeking in your life.


Reader Spotlight... Sheila Jones How did you start with psychic work – is it something you’ve always done? I have always been interested in the Psychic world. This started early in my life with dreams and premonitions. I would also be able to feel people’s emotions but it was not until a lot later that I realized that I was an empath and learnt how to distinguish between my emotions and other peoples’. I would also see 'visitors' most nights. These visitors I came to realize were spirits who needed a little help in crossing over. It was not until I was in my 30's that my favourite Aunt told me that she also would see these visitors and I was delighted in being able to help her to communicate with them. I received my first pack of Tarot Cards at 18 and felt a bond with them immediately. I would read for friends and family at every opportunity. In 2008 I had the good fortune to begin working on the admin side of Origin Psychics. I undertook their Professional Psychic Reading Course which enabled me to have the confidence to work as a Professional Tarot Reader. I have not looked back since!

Have you had any particularly important or special psychic experiences in your own life? As a child I would have dreams that would play out in real life. One of my earliest memories of this is when I was about 7 or 8 I really liked the band 'Mud'. I dreamt I met the band, and in my dream I was introduced to each of the band members. In the morning I remembered each of the band member’s names. Later that day my weekly 'pop magazine' was delivered and there was a special on Mud and I had correctly received each name. That really surprised me but I felt really happy that I had had this dream! Synchronicities like this have occurred throughout my life.

Do you have a particular way you like to do a reading? When I read I like to do so through the medium of Tarot. I find that this gives me a focus to receive information from spirit. I read the cards intuitively and ask for help from my spirit guides. I receive information as pictures or I hear whispering in my ear! I also am able to use my clairsentient abilities to tune into the emotions of those involved in the situation.

Is there an instance you could share with us, where you could see how the reading really helped the person concerned? A lady rang distressed as she felt her boyfriend didn’t want to tell his grown up children about their

Sheila Jones - Cancerian relationship. She was feeling frightened that the relationship would not move forward and she would be kept as a ‘secret’. Looking at her situation I could see that her boyfriend was a good man and would tell his children and be very proud to have her in their lives, I felt he would propose to her shortly and the wedding would be around Christmas time. She rang me back the following month to say this is exactly what happened. He had proposed to her on Valentine’s Day and they are planning the wedding for the Christmas holidays. She has become a regular client to me since then.

Are there special books that have influenced you, and why? I really enjoy the teaching of Wayne Dwyer. I find him inspirational at giving advice to move forward and shift old patterns that no longer serve you. He has written many motivational books, and CDs. You can also find him on Youtube. My favourite book to keep dipping into is “There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem”. 4

If you’d like to have a reading with Sheila... ʻWhen I start a reading I ask my client to sit comfortably with their feet flat on the floor to ground themselves so I can make a strong connection with them. From that point on I tune into the Tarot and what the cards say to me regarding the situation or feelings of my client. I ask spirit to come in for guidance and receive whisperings in my ear from spirit. I can show you through feelings and emotions how the situation around you will move forward. I work best when the client feels a strong connection with me and the reading seems to just flow and is an uplifting and spiritual experience for us both. I believe in an honest, truthful down to earth reading. I may not always tell you what you want to hear but I always give you the message from the cards and spirit.ʼ

Have a reading with Sheila Jones during May for the following special prices... 20 mins - 20% discount OR 5 mins free 30 mins - 20% discount OR 10 mins free

Free Call UK 0808 120 9695 Free Call USA 1800 963 0094 Free Call AUS 1800 333 007

How Safe Do You Feel? B y Cat hy C o x, S en i o r Or i g i n Psych i c Safety is one of the basic rights we often take for granted in modern, western society. If someone asked you what was wrong, you would rarely think, "I don't feel safe". Yet more and more I am finding that a lack of safety is lurking behind a lot of common feelings clients share in their readings. Rosalieʼs Story... Rosalie was by all accounts a very strong and empowered woman. She had left an abusive marriage early on in her life and gone on to educate herself in Psychology and work as a social worker, helping people who, like herself, were struggling in difficult circumstances. However a theme seemed to emerge in our readings

where Rosalie would doubt everything she had built in her life. She had formed a relationship with Cliff which was progressing in a healthy way, she was being recognized in her work and more and more opportunities were coming her way. Actually her life was great and all her dreams had come true. So why was she ringing me every week distraught and wracked with doubts? We went through everything from the trauma of her past marriage, whether Cliff was her soul mate or not, even whether she was on the right career path. These conversations usually led to me

reassuring her that everything was OK. Eventually though, the original fears would resurface. I began to get concerned that Rosalie would leave behind the life she had built up for herself. Recognizing the Core Feelings Then there was a breakthrough during one of our sessions. I had a vision of Rosalie running away screaming and behind her was this black shadowy figure that seemed to grow like a cloud covering the sky above her, so that no matter where she went it followed her. The feeling was that there was no where she could go, that she would never be safe.


Discussing this with her partner went incredibly well he’d had no idea Rosalie had been holding back such an important part of herself. Her openness added a level of intimacy to their relationship they hadn’t previously experienced.

Rosalie began to cry as this was the exact image she had been having in a recurring dream over the past few months. She confessed that she was plagued with negative fantasies of bad things that may happen to her and she spent a great deal of time thinking through these various scenarios. The obvious conclusion that Rosalie had unconsciously made was that there was something wrong in her life and she couldn't see what it was thus the readings, picking through her relationship and her job.

Most of us tend to think about physical safety when we consider our basic human need to feel safe. But there are other, often more hidden threats to our safety... EMOTIONAL SAFETY: Do you feel safe enough to express your feelings to those closest to you? INTELLECTUAL SAFETY: Do you feel safe enough to express your personal beliefs to others? CULTURAL SAFETY: Do you feel safe enough to practise your religious / cultural / personal rituals or ceremonies without ridicule or suspicion?

However the answer was much more simple! She didn't feel safe! That basic need of human beings to feel safe SAFETY OF SELF - BOUNDARIES: Do you wasn't being met in her life. When we uncovered this, feel safe enough to say NO when you want to? Rosalie discovered that as a woman and a coloured woman in a mostly white environment, she had never felt safe Take a little time to journal on these even after healing from her abusive marriage. She never felt questions. You may be surprised to find that culturally safe. That is, she did not feel she could express there are areas you hadn’t realised you felt her own spiritual & cultural beliefs without being ridiculed your safety was being compromised! by others around her, even Cliff. When she reaslied how bottled up she was, she also realized there were so many things she wanted to do again - dancing, singing, using her intuition and healing abilities. In fact, the list was substantial!


Connecting with Wholeness N atali e Ark in s - S en io r Or i g i n P sy ch i c “If for a single moment there was no air, you would be dead. Your breath is your life. If your breath is your life, then the whole atmosphere is a part of you. You cannot exist without it. So where does your body end? Where is the limit? There is no limit! If you observe, if you go deep, you will find there is no limit. Or, the limit of the universe is your body limit. The whole universe is involved in you, so your body is not just your body; it is your universe and you are grounded in it.” This quote, from Osho’s ‘Book of Secrets’ (p490) at first appears to be a very philosophical, existential question: Where do you end? How do you identify or discriminate between what is you, your Self, and not you, or Non-Self? Where are your limits to your identity as a Self? As Osho states in the above quote, everything in this universe right now, must be a part of us, because if we took some part of it out, we would die. Indeed, Self versus Non-Self principle abides in many disciplines. For example, in the field of Immunology, the immune system, is described as self/non-self surveillance and detection, always discriminating between what the immune system has been taught as “self” and what it considers “non-self” or alien. In Buddhist teachings, it is anatta, or non-self teachings and their world-view and philosophy. Self versus non-self is the driving force behind alien research, SETI projects, and NASA, biology, philosophy, ethics, government policies (aliens vs. citizens, war), really it is a pervasive theme among human societies. How we see ourselves has a profound impact on how we interpret life and experience living in this fourth dimensional world. Like our immune system, we are taught by society and education what is you, and what is alien or not you. Unfortunately, many of our “alien” stories are negative, destructive and harmful, in that we both end up harming each other. Division is destructive, on any level. That is why it is so vital that humanity starts to accept the limitless self.

Limits are Fear-based Why is that so? Why is anything “not us” so scary that we must make up terrifying stories about them and defend ourselves by attacking them? How come we can understand at a mental level the concept that we are whole, one people, one universe, from the same origin and source, since this whole universe is theorized to have come into existence from one point in a big bang, yet still see or feel that everything outside of us is alien, separate? We know now that life must have started with comets and other “alien” objects smashing into earth, bringing the essence or starting material for life. Wouldn’t that also be the case for life on other planets? Why would they be so different to us anyways? There is such diversity here on earth, that same spectrum of diversity must also be occurring in other planets and parts of the universe. Astrophysics has shown that we wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t from the early stars produced by the baby universe, exploding and releasing huge energy to create the new particles and elements that make up our world (only hydrogen and helium were made in the original big bang, other elements in the periodic table only came into existence over time). This fear must be very deep, seated in our very being and genes, to become such a prominent feature in our thinking. Past traumas and destruction have affected all of us collectively.


Basically, there is a disconnection within human beings that does not allow us to connect with the whole, or the experience of the whole, and this disconnection is created through the mind/ego/pain body that we all carry. Of course, some of us do connect with the whole, and are amazed that other humans don’t feel that connection, and can be so disregarding to the integrity, life, and existence of other beings, including plants, animals, rocks, water, earth or any type of object or energy, and man-made objects. Indigenous cultures that follow a shamanic world-view, still honour and respect that all beings, whether animate or inanimate, spirit or living, have a right to exist, and have an existence that we may not fully understand.

Acknowledging equality in existence In an Opinion: The Big Idea article in New Scientist (April 7th, 2012), Ian Bogost brings up some of these points, and how science and philosophy have diverged, the former following a reductionist route, the latter taking account of the whole. We cannot know what it is like to be a bat, another animal, or even a current of electricity or a computer, but just because we cannot fathom it, does not mean that the object or being does not have an experience of “If you can feel yourself rooted in existence. He posits “What if we decide that all things are equal- not in value but in existence?” Some Science Fiction existence, merged in it, overflowing with writers have touched on this issue, such as “Do robots it, and allow even dancing with it, then dream of electric sheep” by Philip K. Dick, books by Iaian you will feel, ‘This is mine. This existence Banks and others. In the realm of the imaginary, we can envision that other things that we have created, may have belongs to me. This whole mysterious an experience of existence too, and even experience that u n i vers e b e lo ng s to m e. T h i s w h o le existence in a way we cannot understand, and should not existence has been existing for me. Is has control or demean. created me. I am a flower of it.’ ......And Osho also commented on this issue, saying that while feeling this, don’t create a limit to it. whatever you eat, becomes a part of you, and exists through you. The apple that you ate, its proteins and Feel it illimitably. Don’t create a boundary to vitamins become integral to your body at the cellular it. There is none, it ends nowhere. The word level and keep’s you alive, so it is experiencing what begins nowhere, the world ends nowhere. you experience too. I sense that a revolution is coming for the modern western mind, but the Existence has no beginning and no end. You indigenous cultures existing already hold that also don’t have any beginning; you also don’t energy for us, and have never lost it - they have been the keepers of this energy for generations. have an end.” Osho Book of Secrets, pg. 841.

Shamans are training the next generation of shamans for western civilization. The western world would gain a lot by returning to that level of understanding and respect. It will only benefit us, to honour and respect all that exists. What is not me, I may not understand, but it has an existence of its own, and that existence should be honoured and valued by humanity. Yes, robots may actually dream of electric sheep, and that is okay! You can also dream of being whole with the universe.

‘In my first reading with Natalie she really empowered me in a moment of feeling at a low point in my self-esteem. She told me a mantra to say to myself, to empower me through my confusion. I really used this mantra and I have a great deal of gratitude to Natalie who helped me through this particular episode in my life. I would recommend Natalie as an insightful and compassionate reader.’

Be your own Psychic Meet your animal spirit guide... Below is a link to an Origin Psychics guided meditation on YouTube. It is inspired by ancient Shamanic practices of connecting to animal spirit. The deep connection of Native Americans to the nature and land is something many of us have lost connection with in the modern world. Here are some of the experiences others have posted on YouTube after doing the meditation... http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=g7YerdP79X4&list=UUMaZ9IvXXkbrufZtkBXCE DQ&index=6&feature=plcp I was in a lush, dark green forest. There were lots of birds chirping and rustling in the trees, though I didn't see them up close. I could sense a deer or an elk close by, but once I sat down in a circle of trees it was a dark colored wolf that approached. I walked into a lake by a beautiful forest at sunrise, and found my totem :) he's a beautiful arctic fox and had a gray coat because the summer is coming! I didn't really see my animal spirit but I could sense it......like a kind of wolf with beautiful ebony eyes

I seem to have two; a wolf and an Elk. The elk seemed very wise while the wolf was playful and energetic When I was walking along the path I saw something running through the trees, when I sat down a lynx emerged from the trees. It jumped down off a ledge and walked towards me, It had the most beautiful deep golden eyes and then it walked past me and into the trees again. one of the best experiences ever.

by Cathy Cox Origin Senior Psychic

The Message in the Pain B y L ynne L es li e - Or ig in Ps yc hic Pain is something we have all experienced, but what might not have been noticed at the time we had it, is that there is usually a little gem of a gift, hidden away in the depths of that pain. Sometimes we are too busy to notice it - we just hit our thumb with the hammer, curse and hop around a bit, and then get on with the hammering. Or maybe we have the headache from hell, which immobilizes us and brings our energy down really low, maybe even makes us feel like crying if it is a really severe one. But we push it aside and force ourselves to get on with the necessities of life. Maybe next time the headache or flu or whatever comes on, we might take a little time to take ourselves into a quiet space, and ask what needs to be looked at or what action needs to be taken. Taking a few minutes to tune into our body and, more importantly, the emotional feelings in our body, can allow information to come


through that can be totally unexpected and enlightening. One of my clients recently was suffering with a persistent bad headache, so I guided him through the process of getting in touch with that pain. He allowed himself to feel it fully, and affirmed his willingness to do what needed to be done in order to relieve it. As soon as he allowed himself to completely feel the pain, he felt and understood the emotion behind the physical pain and had a release of grief that he had not even realized he was carrying around with him. It was something he had been unable to cope with at the time of a bereavement, and so he had shut down on it, instead of allowing himself to grieve. The physical way he was suppressing this grief was contributing to creating the headaches - the clenching of his jaw to physically clamp down and hold in the suppressed energy, tensing himself against feeling the emotion. Behind the grief were all sorts of other emotional issues which rose up - guilt, anger, and many more - all jostling for release once that lid was off. He felt a great relief from allowing himself to cry, and a release of pressure as it was no longer necessary for him to hold in that energy of sadness and grief. His headache cleared literally within 30 minutes, as well as the tension he had held for so long. He was tired, but relieved, and next time I saw him he was like a different

by Lynne Leslie Lynne is an extremely sensitive psychic - she combines clairsentience with Tarot, to give you a confident way to move forwards in your life, even

man, with more energy and the tired, tense look about his face had gone.

Healing Space...

This healing release can work for many forms of pain and illness, you may find it helpful to use visualization techniques to go through the process, or perhaps you may prefer to feel where it is held in your body.

Find a quiet space where you wonʼt be disturbed, you might like to light a candle and dedicate it to your healing, at the same time asking for your healing space to be protected.

When you close your eyes and focus on the pain, you may see or feel it as a raw, inflamed wound within a particular area of the body - it is not necessary to know what has caused it, but sometimes we do receive an “aha” moment when we suddenly become aware of what has created the pain. This realization might be enough to make us dissolve in tears, and this is the start of the healing process - letting go of the emotional trauma or hurt, or sadness lets us express that energy and allows an easier flow of energy within the body.

Placing your feet flat on the floor, close your eyes, take a few long, slow breaths, and start to bring your focus away from external concerns. Become aware of your breathing, and as you feel yourself relax, allow yourself to bring your attention down into your body. Either look with your mindʼs eye or sense if you can feel an area that needs attention. It may appear inflamed, it may feel raw or tense. Gently focus on that area, allowing yourself to notice any sensations that arise. Keeping that gentle focus on the area needing attention, affirm to yourself that you are ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to heal this wound/illness/pain/hurt within you. You may experience a wave of emotion, and this is alright, allow it to come up, cry if you need to, you might even feel like shouting and that is ok too. Sometimes the energy release comes in the form of a big yawn, or a deep sigh. This is a sign that energy is moving in a positive way. Most importantly, this is your healing time, your space, so take as much time as you need. Everything else will wait, do not force it or hurry it along.

The emotional release of doing this work might leave us feeling a little tired at the time, but more at ease afterwards, less tense, less emotionally brittle, and not so quick to react when others press our emotional buttons. What amazing power we all have within our grasp - the ability to help our body heal itself. Attitudes are changing more and more, people are getting involved in their own healing process, and not leaving it just up to the doctors to make them well. We are now claiming our own power and using this to help our body to become whole again. If you’d like to be guided through this process, I am more than happy to do this during readings, as it can be re-assuring to have someone there assisting and supporting. I will also send distant healing energy to help if desired.

When you feel a sense that the process is complete for you for now, take a little time to visualise yourself being surrounded by and filled with a soft white light, it energises you and calming your energy once more.


Your Monthly Horoscopes HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAURUS!

George Clooney Celebrity Taurus

It’s your birthday this month Taurus, and you’ll find you are finally making that good money. Make sure you are putting some away for a that ‘rainy day’. Keep working like this and you will have much more to show for it. You are the great banker of the Zodiac, so keep up the good work. Practically, you know just what you are doing, and you are doing it perfectly. It’s a case of ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it‘ this month in all practical, financial, and career matters. In regard to love and romance, you can expect to do very well this month. You just need to remember to get out of your head, and into your heart! If you relax, & get in touch with your emotions, you will see instant results and a full and enjoyable love life this month. Take a risk or two - it will be worth it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Aries Hello Aries, you will have fewer challenges this month than you had in April. All the projects that you began last month will start to finally see the light of day. This ought to help you to feel way more relaxed, and as if you are making some progress with your life. Yes Aries - you actually are. Now that it’s May, you will start finding your finances getting into better order. In regards to love, this month will be good for you. Keep in mind to be more assertive and less aggressive, and your romantic visions will come to fruition.

Gemini Well Gemini, this will be a good month for you to finish what you have started in the past few months, so start doing so! No more procrastination. You’ll be making the best decisions for yourself, and for those you love. You’ll feel a great sense of renewed positive energy, to see you through May. In fact, you might find things flowing in a much easier way, as you have finally found some degree of balance. Financially you may have to tighten your belt a bit this month - this is just a part of that balancing act after spending a bit too much recently. In your love life, you might be met with a few challenges. Don’t shy away - take an emotional risk, speak up and all will be well.


Well Cancer - after the month you’ve just had, the month of May will be like a ‘breath of fresh air’ for you! Your life this month is settling in more, and you will find yourself in a much more positive mind space. So please take advantage of this, by not being so hard on yourself for a change! Your finances will be starting to move much more onto the upswing once more during the course of this month. In regards to your love life, you might feel like you’re stuck, but just hang on in there, and things will soon begin to move along again. You will be surprised by love this month!

Leo Hello Leo - the month of May will bring way more structure into your life, and this will of course be a very good thing! You will be feeling extremely calm and peaceful by the end of the month. This is the time to put your best foot forward - take a bit of a risk with that job you want. This is an optimum time to focus some attention on your finances. Now is the time to rework your monthly budget. In regards to love, you will have lots of exciting opportunities this month. Calm down now. Just enjoy your reinvigorated love life.


Virgo Hey Virgo, hang in there this month, and you will start to reap the rewards for all that you have worked for, and in all areas of your life! And, it’s about time you know you deserve it. You have worked hard for all that is coming to you this month. Finances will be greatly improved this month, and you will be able to actually put some money away. Don’t worry about anything on that front! With regard to your love life, ‘slow and steady’ wins the race, so relax and enjoy the journey this month Virgo.

Libra Well Libra, the month of May will be a very good one for you. You will feel you are able to start and finish many of the projects you have been putting off for some time. You will also have some additional work and money - your finances are looking good. Just please be careful to not overwork yourself, as you can tend to do sometimes. In regards to love and romance, it is time for you to put all your ‘ducks in a row’ where your loved one is concerned. Set your boundaries, ask directly for what you want, and don’t settle for less!

Scorpio Hello there Scorpio - the message for you this month is for you to take charge of your life, NOW! There’s rarely a better or easier time for you to do so than during May. You have so much strength right now, and will be able to overcome anything that comes your way. Keep your focus on your goals and your self-belief, and you’ll do it well. Financially, try not to spend too foolishly just now, and you will do just fine. With regard to love, you give your all when you are in love, and this month will be no different. It’s looking like a wonderful time for you.


Hey Sagittarius, you like to have fun and run free, and this May will be no different. This month is your time for sure, so have fun with it. After the

middle of the month everything will flow easier, especially where finances, work and practicalities are concerned. In regard to love, hang in there. If you’re looking for love, you’re soon going to find someone who likes to travel and have fun as much as you do. First, you must figure out what is most important to you - picking someone for fun, or for the long haul!

Capricorn Hello there Capricorn - you have a month of change ahead of you for May. And it is time to make some decisions and changes in regards to work. Once you put this into practice, your finances will greatly improve - your efforts will be greatly rewarded this month. May is the time for you to do this, and with very positive results. Go for it! In regard to love, you may be contacted by a past love, and this will be a big surprise to you. That is all well and good, but now is the time to release the past, and let a new, more positive love into your life.

Aquarius Well Aquarius, it is time for you to be open and ready for all the changes that will come your way this month. Life is becoming very positive for you, with much development and growth. ‘Going with the flow’ will bring many rewards for you this month. Financially, things will be greatly improved over April. Your money will begin to get in order. In regards to love, you might have thought you’d given up on love. But don’t give up on love. You will finally see the fruits of all your hard work in this area come into completion this month.

Pisces Pisces, you need to stay away from the emotional drama this month. It’s time for you to take control of everything - all areas of your life. Don’t let things slide any more. You have much wisdom, so take advantage of it. In regards to love, be willing to give all you have to give, because love is in the air for you. Now is the time to trust in ‘affairs of the heart’ and let someone in. Love really is grand, isn’t it? Trust it this month! 13

Venus - Goddess of Love Venus is known as “Aphrodite, The Greek Goddess of Love” and is the dual ruler of both Libra & Taurus. She rules anything to do with love, romance, beauty, money, entertainment, leisure and sensuality.

Through the signs Libra and Taurus, Venus shows all the qualities of how one expresses their love and affection, and mastery in all affairs of the heart. Venus has the ability to be both attractive and attract people to them. Along with this she has all the frills and charm that go with feminine, womanly qualities. When Venus expresses her negative qualities she can be selfish, self centered, superficial and vain. Not the best qualities to attract love and prosperity to yourself! Libra expresses its Venus qualities in the desire to maintain peace and balance at any cost. Often times, this is at the expense of themselves, so strong is their need to keep the peace. Libra is happiest “in love” and pleasing the people they love. You will often find them in careers in acting, music, law, the judiciary and the military. Yes, the military! This is an expression of their need to maintain the peace. There have been

many famous military men that were born under the sign of Libra. Taurus people express their Venus qualities through the desire to create a peaceful and happy home life, focusing on family values and all the things that go with living comfortably in the material world. They also are greatly interested in the arts, entertainment, etc, very similar to the sign of Libra, although, they approach these qualities from a different perspective. Unlike Libra, which is ruled by the element of air, Taurus is ruled by the element of earth. This gives them a much more grounded approach to life than most Librans.

TAURUS Modality – Fixed Element – Earth Planetary Ruler – Venus • Dependable • Stable & Sensual • Tenacious You delight in earthy pleasures and seem to appreciate life through your senses – the smell of rain, a line from a beautiful song, a warm hug. Your dependability expresses itself through your thoughtfulness, and friends know you’ll always be there for them.

by Sandy Johnson, Origin Psychic Sandy brings a range of psychic gifts and a wealth of experience to her readings. Clairvoyance, Tarot, and Astrology are her preferred psychic arts. With over 35 years experience in working in the psychic arts, Sandy brings a real passion for working with people in their interpersonal relationships, decisions, and the spiritual growth they seek. She will connect with you, wherever you’re at, and support you on the path forwards.

DID YOU KNOW? The recent over-use of antibiotics & change in human intestinal flora is demonstrating the inter-connectedness of the universe! Bacteria in our gut have long been known to affect digestion and immunity. But recently scientists also looked at how the bacteria “profile” we have in our intestines and antibiotic use affects weight gain and obesity. One interesting comment from the article “Antibiotics make you fat” By Jessica Hamzelou (28th March, 2012 New Scientist) by the researcher Martin Blaser (Microbiologist at New York University) who studied antibiotic use and resulting obesity in mice, was how we need these bacteria for a healthy lifestyle, and weight, because we co-evolved with them. This is really the important point here- co-evolved. I like this word because it expresses that we are both together in this, part of what makes us whole. Bacteria have affected us and we are definitely negatively affecting bacteria with our antibiotic use, and that is not helping our health or weight in the long run. Bacteria are not the enemy- although of course there can be “bad” bacteria, but that usually happens when we kill the good bacteria through some method. But maybe, this discovery and other research that antibiotics makes our children fatter and more obese (Teresa Ajslev, International Journal of Obesity, DOI:10.10.1038/ ijo2011.27) may actually shift this negative pattern of antibiotic over-use. One way to combat this problem was to find and cultivate “good” ancient or nonantibiotic stressed bacteria. The bacteria from ancient human sources was compared to modern humans and primates in another study presented in the article. Asking the question of how much has the gut bacteria changed over time, by extracting human faeces bacteria samples from 1000-3000 year old mummies, a 5000 year old tyrolean iceman, modern humans, rural African children and primates. What is fascinating is that the results showed a huge difference in gut-flora DNA

when ancient bacterial DNA was compared to that in modern western humans. Not surprisingly, there was not as much difference between rural Africans or primate bacterial DNA and ancient human’s bacterial DNA. This gives us hope that we can readjust our microbiome (the bacterial colony as a whole) in our bodies, and treat biomes and bacteria as a part of us, that needs nurturing and care, and not aggression and attacking. We must learn to treat the separate parts as part of the whole.

As Zen Master Seng-chao (384-414) is reported to have said: ‘Heaven and Earth come from the same root as myself; All things and I belong to one Whole.’ by Natalie Arkins Ph D Origin Senior Psychic


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