Origin Psychics Connections Magazine

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Psyc Taro hic In spir t, H atio oro muc scop n es, a hm nd ore ...



Welcome, to the October Edition of Connections magazine!

I find it particularly interesting that this has occurred now, at a time of year when the earth nudges us to examine what needs to be let go, so that we can go more deeply into a nourishing, receptive space in the dark of winter. I’ve chosen this beautiful image of the Tai Chi on the left because it symbolizes so wonderfully the constant ebb and flow of the creative life force of the universe dark in light, light in dark; one can’t exist without the other. This is one of the reasons that I love this time of year so much - there’s a paradoxical vitality as nature prepares to sleep. If only we could pause for a little while and let it seep into our bones, I’m sure we’d find the shor t days and cold mornings just that bit more enjoyable.

I hope you enjoy this edition - try the hints and exercises, and don’t miss out on our great FREE READING COMPETITION, the winners of which will be The frequency with which synchronistic events occur never ceases to announced in next month’s edition. amaze me, even in my line of work! For example, the articles we have for you in this month’s edition of Connections. I give very few And if the autumn starts to get you guidelines for our contributors to the magazine - other than a quick down, why not let your inner child phone conversation about the general area and context, I prefer to rule for a few minutes, and run leave it up to them. I find that the ideas they come up with are much through the fallen leaves that you’ll more varied than I could ever suggest! no doubt find somewhere nearby! And yet, this month, as the articles arrived in my inbox, it seemed as Have a great month... though we had a bit of a theme emerging: essentially, that most of the positive/negative labels we apply in life really come from our own interpretation of life’s experiences.


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The Tyranny of the ‘Shoulds’. by Cathy Cox Psychic readings are all about questions. There's the more obvious ones, such as 'Is he THE ONE'; 'is my partner having an affair?'; 'Does he still love me?' And then there are the not-so-obvious ones, such as 'What's my life purpose?' 'Do I have what it takes to succeed in my own business?' ; 'Why do I feel so comfortable in a place I've only just moved to?' There are so many choices in our modern day lives, that we can easily feel over-whelmed. But what's really apparent in talking to so many people going through a difficult or painful time in their lives, is that actually making those choices becomes incredibly stressful, so much so, that we can begin to think that we don't actually have choices. At the very least, we lose our bearings, begin to doubt ourselves and those we love, and of course, lose confidence in our ability to discern what's best for us in the long run. Quite naturally, we turn to others - our family and friends, our loved ones, and obviously from my point of view, trusted advisors such as a counsellor, spiritual mentor, or a psychic.

heart therapy When we're talking to loved ones, we can be on the receiving end of so many, sometimes contradictory pieces of advice, that it's no wonder we become fearful and seized up with an excruciating sense of inertia. THE TYRANNY OF THE SHOULDS! That's what I call it. A good friend of mine used that phrase a long time ago, and it so aptly summed up the experience that that phrase has stayed with me ever since. We can be our own internal tyrant at times, bossing ourselves around, in a desperate attempt to get beyond the pain and difficulty of our circumstances. But the really damaging part of this particular tyrannical rant is that that one little word is absolutely loaded with judgement and false authority. And it blocks out any hope we may have of hearing the quiet voice of wisdom we all have within.

WHAT SHOULD I DO? I'm asked that question so often, and it's a perfectly natural way for any of us to feel. Which way should I turn? Should I wait for my lover to sort themselves out? Should I wait for him or her to leave their husband, wife, partner, lover…..? Should I leave my job now or wait? And it's not just ourselves who ask 'Should I?'. 'You SHOULD this….. You SHOULD that…..' - Page 3 -

So watch out for that potent little word - catch it in a sturdy little butterfly net in your mind. If well meaning friends offer you advice when really all you want is for them to listen to you, start by telling them directly that you're not really looking for advice, just space. If those persistent 'shoulds' keep creeping into your conversations and private thought processes, see if you can weed them out slowly but surely. In the end, life really isn't about right or wrong choices - just choices, and then working with what manifests as a result of those choices.

energy universe

CERTAINTY IN UNCERTAINTY by Natalie Arkins, PhD In Zen Buddhism, koans - brief

wisdom statements, often paradoxical in nature, are used to demonstrate the ironies of life, perhaps even the quandry of existence itself. To be a saint, you have the paradox of having to create sinners around you to become the saint. Osho has been quoted as saying that life is a paradox and not logical, and that Koans help us to connect to this paradox that is the existence which we are currently living. The biggest paradox in this life, to me, is the uncertainty that we encounter in this life, and yet we crave certainty. Our minds need certainty, but life does not require certainty. A well known statement the Buddha made was that everything changes, and that is the only certainty that there is. Nothing remains the same. We can sometimes feel stuck, as if nothing is changing and this can happen for years, and then suddenly we have a leap or a jump and our situation totally transforms. It’s often only in hindsight that we see the changes. When we look back, we can see the shifts and movements that have happened to us. But the future is more

problematic - what is going to happen? So how does one live with certainty in an uncertain world? There are some tools that you can use to help, but it truly is an individual process, and a vitally important one for everyone to learn. The Future is not all Negative. Not all uncertainty is negative. Some of the uncertain, random or chaos-based events that occur to you may be very lucky. So while things are mostly uncertain, that does not mean that all is negativity, doom and gloom. This is definitely a thought trap that you need to avoid if you can - that all unplanned events that may happen are - Page 4 -

going to be negative. There does seem to be a tendency in our thoughts in general to focus on negative outcomes. Personally, I believe that this tendency comes from our genes, and the traumas experienced by our ancestors that we have inherited. For example, maybe your ancestors faced famine, war, disease, but you have not experienced these specific issues. Yet, you still fear starvation, so eat too much, or over-stock food in your kitchen. You may have no issues with earning enough money to provide for your family, but there is a fear or worry about lack in your life. These feelings that are not based on actual experience can be coming from your genes and ancestral lines. Basically, if you are focusing on negative outcomes, you may not have

energy universe them happen to you, but inside, your feelings are negative, and you will not be happy. What is important here is to focus on your internal thoughts, delete the negative ones as much as you can, and try and keep as positive as you are able to. Sometimes you don’t have to be only positive, but a moderate “everything is okay” attitude can really support you too. The Future is not all Positive Here is the paradox again, like a Koan, as life is. The future is not all negative, and yet it is not all positive either. You can randomly get negative events happening to you that have nothing to do with Karma (I use the word Karma here to mean the energy of your past actions). Sometimes our past actions of goodness do not guarantee future good events. This is uncertainty in its most vivid and primal aspect. So, while we try to be positive, and manifest positive things in our life, we can of course have unexpected random negativity hitting us. The big issue here is the emotional let-down from events not turning out as we had planned, or in line with our expectations. With uncertainty, we cannot be certain that things will go as planned, and coping with that experience is difficult. But if you have been working on being positive, you will withhold judgement and be certain that things will change again - that this period of negativity will not last. We all experience negativity, some more than others. Yet coming through those events, stronger, and more determined to follow our path, now that is a blessing. So, even though the future is not all positive, by having an inner conviction that we can get through this, and be better, stronger, tougher, and determined, will help us to cope with each set back that we encounter in life. The inner experience is as important as the outer experience The future may be positive, or it may be negative - it is undecided at this moment. What is important right now, is to answer the question: ‘How are you feeling?’ What is the inner landscape of your thoughts, emotions, and dreams? To deal with uncertainty, we have to work on our inner reflections. This inner world will help you to overcome, cope with, and heal from outer setbacks and confrontations. This inner world will also help you to receive even - Page 5 -

more positive events in your life too. The future is uncertain, but being certain about yourself, your dreams and desires, and about where you want to focus your thoughts and emotions, you can learn to control these feelings. This is where meditation and learning mindfulness techniques are so important and helpful. Exercising the body can also help with focusing the thoughts, since when the body is more in balance, your thoughts will be more balanced too. This is an intricate dance we do, moving through this uncertain life - bending, swaying with the winds. We will all experience good and bad things happening in our lives, but by training the mind, the thoughts, we will get through these experiences more strongly. Have faith in your ability to overcome obstacles. Be certain that everything will change, and things will not stay the same. That is certain.


YOUR OCTOBER HOROSCOPES Hugh Jackman - Celebrity Libran

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIBRA! Hello Libra, this is your month, so welcome it with open arms and enjoy it! As always when it is your birthday month, there will be some conclusions. The tying of loose ends, and the start of ‘new beginnings’, as your birthday month denotes what is referred to as a ‘solar return’. Be very aware of what positive changes you want to put into practice in your life right now, and get into action with them. You will be very pleased with the results. Financially, please take this month to get your monies in order, and build a strong foundation for the coming months. In the area of love, it is time for you to make a decision in regard to your past love affairs, and leave what is no longer working behind you. Accept and enjoy your future love. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


And actually the end result will be very positive. You will spend a Hello Aries, it is part of the month thinking and time for you to consider all of going over much of your past year. You may be considering your present and balancing where you could possibilities, and projects. have made some better And then make a well thought decisions. But in reality, the past out decision on what areas of your life you would like to is the past, and this month is change and prioritize those. You about you moving straight ahead and taking the world on, and all will be able to put these decisions into motion by the end that it is offering you, with a of the second week of October. positive attitude. Financially, you You will be surprised at how may be feeling a little strapped easy it will be for you to do this. just now, but just be cautious, and soon that will pass. In the Now in regard to finances, it area of love, you may be would be wise for you to keep your spending to a minimum for surprised at a new romance the time being. And in regard to entering your life. love and romance, things may not be moving along as quickly as Gemini Hello Gemini you would like them to - you’ll welcome to need to cultivate a little more October and with patience for now Aries. it, many new adventures! You will be very pleased that transiting Taurus Pluto has finally gone in a direct Well Taurus, the motion. You will finally feel that month of you may actually be able to October will be achieve what you have been a month of reflection for you. trying to do for months. You are - Page 6 -

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION very clear on what you want to do with your life right now, and have just figured out how to bring it to fruition. Financially, you may still be struggling a little this month, and it is a time to be more cautious with your money. In the area of love, you are feeling somewhat dissatisfied, and somewhat down. This may be a month where you concentrate on self-love for a little while.

Cancer The month of October will likely be a surprisingly easy and happy time for you Cancer. You will be in an easy and free state of mind, with a minimum of stress and anxiety. Many decisions you make will be very easy for you. Actually, you are at a point of real understanding about many things and issues which may have confused you in the past. It is now time to let that past go, and enjoy the present. Financially, you may have an offer or any opportunity you had not expected. In the area of love and romance, you will be surprised at the positive changes that you will enjoy and embrace this month.

Leo Leo, this month may not move along at the pace you would prefer it to. But that is no reason for you not to embrace the positive things that come

You’re way in October. You like to make your decisions, and then be done with it - that will not be as easy to do this month. So relax, and go with the flow as best you can. It will all work out in the end in a positive manner. Financially, you may get a new influx of money, which will come as a surprise to you. In the area of love, you may decide to take a small break, and be thinking about your past relationships, more than you like to. Let yourself work through this if you can.

Virgo Well Virgo, this month will be quite a good month for you all in all. Even though you may need to make some longer-term decisions that you would prefer not to make, get past these and things will move along more smoothly. Just make those necessary decisions and changes, and you will be pleased with the results. You sometimes over think things too much, and cause yourself unnecessary worry. Now this is the month to stop doing this, and embrace your decisions with a sense of joy. Financially, there will be an influx of money and opportunities for you, just ensure you’re cautious with your decisions. In the area of love, you are longing for and remembering the past - it is far better for you to

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stay in the present, and allow your love life to unfold with ease.

Scorpio Scorpio, the month of October will be a very positive month for you. As transiting Pluto, your ruling planet, will be going into direct motion in the first week of October - it has been in a retrograde motion for the last few months. This has no doubt caused many projects that you may have wanted to start during this time to be delayed. So it will be a positive change for you, and much of what you start during this month, will flow along with ease. Financially, you may be in better shape than you had expected to be, and now is not the time to make major changes. In regards to love, stay steady and clear on what you want in this area, and it will be worth the wait in the coming weeks.

Sagittarius Welcome to October, and a month of new adventures Sagittarius! You will feel very open and free this month, almost as if you could take on the entire world. But, actually don’t try to do so, as you are to approach the new opportunities presented to you with clear thinking. Once more, transiting Pluto going direct will be a great help to you to manifest

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION what you need in October. Financially, you need to be very organized with your money, and make sure you stash some away for now. In the area of love, you have not been feeling very romantic, for some time. But the feeling of love and romance, will re-enter your life this month. Make the most of it!

Capricorn Well Capricorn, the month of October may not go exactly as you had planned I’m afraid. The earlier part of the month, you will be met with some unexpected challenges, that you will have to deal with immediately. Don’t let this little bump in the road get you down, as the month will improve as it progresses along. By mid-month you will feel the positive affects of transiting Pluto going direct. Financially, this month is a time for you to be cautious with your output of money. In the area of love, don’t try to change anything in your present situation, just ‘hang in there’ and go with the flow. Love will be flowing more smoothly by the end of the month.

Aquarius Aquarius, you may find the beginning of the month presenting you with some challenges and issues, that you frankly may not want to address. But actually, the best way to deal with these

particular issues will be to face them ‘head on’, and deal with them, one by one. Then they will be eliminated - gone for good! By the third week of October, you will be feeling a new sense of freedom, which you have not felt for a while. Financially, you may have a positive money opportunity, which you had not expected. In the area of love, it is wise to take your time, and consider what works best for you, before you make any major decisions just now.

Pisces Well Pisces, this month will be an interesting month for you! This is a month for you to get into action, and make those decisions that serve your ‘highest good’. You have not been doing this for some time, and have been putting everyone else’s needs first. In the month of October, the Universe will no longer allow you to do this. So take advantage of this opportunity, and think about what you really want out of your life, and ‘go for it’. Financially, you may be met with many ups and downs, but by month’s end, you will be on a clearer track. In regard to love, this may a be a ‘time-out’ month for you, so just go with it, as best you can for now. Things will soon move along again, and you’ll feel more energetic for having done so.

Win a FREE 20 MINUTE READING with one of our Senior Readers this WIN A FREE month! Write a 200 word testimonial about how the psychic insight you’ve experienced with Origin Psychics has helped you. Send your entry to cathy@originlife.com by Saturday 13th October. Winners announced next month! - Page 8 -



Venus - Ruler of Libra And Goddess Of Love! Venus is known as “Aphrodite, The Greek Goddess of Love” and is the dual ruler of both Libra & Taurus. She rules anything to do with love, romance, beauty, money, entertainment, leisure and sensuality. Through the constellations of Libra and Taurus, Venus shows all the qualities of how one expresses their love and affection in affairs of the heart. Venus has the ability to be both attractive and to attract people to them. Along with this, she has all the frills and charm that go with feminine, womanly qualities. When Venus expresses her negative qualities she can be selfish, self centered, superficial and vain. Not the best qualities to attract love and prosperity to yourself. Libra expresses its Venus qualities in the desire to maintain peace and balance at any cost. Often times at the expense of themselves, so strong is their need to keep the peace. Libra is happiest “in love” and pleasing the people they love. You will often find them in careers in acting, music, the law and judiciary and the military. Yes, the military - hence their need to maintain the peace! There have been many famous military men who were Librans.

Modality – Cardinal Element – Air Planetary Ruler – Venus

Refined Kind & Respectful Artistic

Our Birthday message to Librans everywhere: You are civilized and refined, and you seek peacefulness and a sense of calm in all areas of your life. Eager to co-operate and to find the middle ground in all situations, you are easily approachable and make friends readily. - Page 9 -

soul healing

We’ll see....

This month, LYNNE LESLIE shares an ancient Taoist wisdom story, with some practical implications for living with a healthy attitude in our contemporary world.

A week later, while training the horse, the farmer’s son was thrown off and broke his leg. Once more, his friends and family rallied around to show their sympathy, saying what a terrible thing this was, what a disaster, that his son would no longer be able to help out on the farm and was crippled. “We’ll see” said the farmer.

There is a Taoist tale which tells the story of a farmer who one day lost one of his prized horses after it broke loose and ran off into the countryside. Friends commiserated with him saying how terrible it was, what a great loss, etc, and he simply said “we’ll see”. Then one day the horse appeared back at the farm hungry and ready to be caught, along with three other horses. “That is fantastic news”, they all said, and the farmer said “we’ll see”.

The next day military officials came to the village to draft men into the army, but as he was crippled, they passed the farmer’s son by. “How lucky” said his neighbours. “We’ll see” said the farmer. There is an incredibly wisdom in this tale. As human beings, we sometimes judge circumstances as being either “good” or “bad”, but there is, in reality, no good or bad. It’s only if we judge

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soul healing circumstances to be a certain way that we perceive them to be that way. When we judge things as being negative, we place certain emotional energies on situations - we may feel badly done by when this happen to us, victimized and disempowered. By judging them as good, we get excited about them when they happen and feel positive. So if we can be conscious and choose how we react to any situation, then we can change how it affects our energy. Why would we choose to have a negative reaction when it makes us feel angry, and wastes our valuable energy? When we are in the middle of a difficult situation, it can be difficult to see when we are being judgmental, and therefore it is hard to pull ourselves out of it. This is where a reading can be helpful - readers can link into the energy of the situation and of the person involved and can help clients to see their behaviour patterns, and how they can be positively changed, and this gives them the starting point to take action, to take an empowered stance. Someone might be telling me that something is “making them angry” or “making things difficult” for them.

Psychic insight helps clients to see the simple changes they can make in how they perceive circumstances, and how they react to them, so that they are left feeling empowered rather than feeling victimized or powerless. Being able to step back from a situation or relationship and view it objectively sets us free from our own judgements, and from being at the mercy of our emotions. So when we feel negative about something we are making a judgement about, how we think it should be, then this is a fantastic opportunity - Page 11 -

to pay attention, to have a look inside ourselves and see where we are resisting things. Perhaps you can ask “how different would it be, if I wasn’t wanting to change this situation, and if I was able to accept how things actually are?” We can apply this to any situation life throws at us, and so long as we can be conscious about our actions and our thoughts, we can choose to raise the vibration of our energy and consciousness to a higher level and leave behind the lower vibration of the dramatic roller-coaster of negative emotions. This is not an overnight sensation, but subtle changes start to happen and life becomes more calm, less driven by negative emotions, less reactive to emotional dramas, more grounded and stable. It connects us more and more to a higher vibrational energy source, and opens up more positive pathways for us to choose from, as we move through our lives.

energy universe

Did you know... by Natalie Arkins Unconscious processes have been discovered within the Placebo/Nocebo effect... I have discussed the Placebo effect in previous DID YOU KNOW articles. This is a phenomenon whereby a certain percentage of people will feel better, be healed or cured, with no drug at all, or by a fake drug such as a sugar pill or a saline solution. Nocebo is the opposite of the Placebo effect - it is a negative effect or feeling occurring after treatment, when the patient should be feeling better. In a study completed at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, and published in the ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Science’ (Sept. 10, 2012) the researchers studied unconscious or non-conscious activation or cues of the Placebo/ Nocebo effect, in relation to pain, rather than healing. The first experiment was used to test the conscious cues for Placebo/Nocebo using a thermal element that when heated could cause pain. Briefly, the study used 40 healthy volunteers, male and female, split into two groups. During the training phase, Volunteers would view pictures of two men, wearing neutral faces, for 100 milliseconds, over and over. With one picture would be a high level of heat (pain) and the other would be a low level of heat. The second group had the same level of pain on each picture. During the testing phase, both groups saw a third unknown phase. As expected the “high pain” face elicited a more painful response (ie, the Nocebo effect) and the lower pain face elicited a lower

pain effect (the Placebo effect), the new third face seen elicited a response between the two. To test for non-conscious cues, the researchers only flashed the pictures for 12 milliseconds, and then scrambled the pictures - not enough time for the volunteers to consciously process the photographs. Yet during the trial phase, they still exhibited the same Nocebo/Placebo effect to seeing the pictures as in the first experiment. This is because they still unconsciously responded to the stimuli. Where this type of knowledge could be very beneficial is during treatments of patients and while doctors are discussing or talking to patients about treatments and the disease. Patients may pick up unconscious cues from the doctor or nurses, and feel better or worse depending upon that interaction. I also feel that this opens the door for more holistic healing in hospitals. Some hospitals are opening up to having REIKI practitioners in place, that work on other levels but yet bring stress relief and help the patient feel more positive about life in general. Anything that we can do to help people and patients heal better and more effectively is beneficial for all of us.

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Temperence, our Tarot card of the Month for October. by Manisha Godbole, Origin Psychic This month, the wisdom of Temperance urges us to find a way to go with the flow of whatever is happening around and unfolding within us. This is not a passive stance but a choice to stay open to change, both externally and internally. We experience flow when we abandon our attempts to overly control our life. Our inner pulse can then sync with the outer rhythm of life. By all means, make plans and have goals, but remember to leave a little wiggle room! I feel it is an invitation to maintain equilibrium in our lives. I am reminded of the process of homeostasis. This is the tendency of an organism or cell to regulate its internal conditions so as to maintain health and functioning, regardless of outside conditions. In other words, Temperance is about self – regulation and maintaining an internal equilibrium is a fluid state and not a static goal. Just as metal is hardened by the tempering process of constant re-heating and cooling, our resilience and character is strengthened by a process of challenge and renewal. Knowing when to exert and when to rest whilst testing your mettle or honing your ideas and capabilities is an important part of self-regulation. Finding the middle ground and avoiding extremes may be vital this month. I equate the energy of Temperance to synthesis: the “and/and” approach as opposed to seeing things from an “either/or” perspective. You may find that solutions come more readily by combining ideas or energies. See what happens when you let go of expectations and prejudgements; when you approach or observe situations with a detached curiosity. Allow what needs to emerge to emerge, and notice what works and what doesn’t work. Positive results can be attained through practising, by shaping and re-shaping, by adding new elements and re-working the old. I also feel that Temperance reminds us that whatever our circumstance, a delicate inner transformation is taking place within each one of us, which in turn is bringing about outer change. Things ARE shifting and healing IS happening in a gentle, subtle way; we don’t necessarily have to do anything to force it to happen. We can support this process by plugging into whatever state of mind or activity brings a feeling of positivity, wellbeing and harmony; be it a good book, a change of scenery, being with friends, eating well, deciding to be kinder to yourself or remembering to

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Flow Harmony Interaction breathe slowly and deeply when you can. This month, the paradox of ‘dynamic serenity’ may be experienced by a few, whilst others may attempt to remain centred and calm in the midst of various activities. Keep coming back to your centre whenever it feels too much, or whenever you notice you are being pulled this way and that. You can do this by taking a 5 minute ‘time out.’ Sometimes, simply closing your eyes, and slowing down your breathing can help to ease tension and stress and bring you back to your body.

PSYCHIC INSPIRATION I like to put my hands on my belly whilst doing this and imagine my feet are thick roots going down into the earth. It can feel very grounding, releasing and centering; like a little pit stop for re-fuelling before taking off again down the highway of life. In order to stay with the momentum this month, gently pace your actions; rushing could be a hindrance. How can you bring yourself into alignment with the flow or allow more fluidity into your life? Know that each small step which brings and accommodates change is precious. A tweak here, a nudge there; it all counts and is delivering you somewhere valuable. Enjoy relaxing into the flow this month and see where it takes you….

CALL US and have the following great discounts off a 30 minute reading during October... USA Clients - $20.00 Off UK Clients - £10.00 Off Australian Clients - $20.00 Off AND, our most popular reading: Have a 40 minute reading for the price of 30 minutes! These discounts are valid with any reader, and you can use each of them once during the month.The discounts are valid until October 31st, 2012. - Page 14 -

Mind Space Exercise to connect with the flow of the earth... Take a few moments just to slow your breathing and quiet your mind. Make sure you’re sitting comfortably and that you won’t be disturbed. As you’re relaxing, feel all the tension falling away from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. When you feel that you’re ready to do so, take your attention to the soles of your feet. Feel your connection with the earth. Consider that the spirit of the earth is aware of your touch. She is also reaching out to you. Imagine that you have roots growing out through the soles of your feet, far and wide and deep into the earth. Breathe in through those roots; feel the energy of the earth rising up like sap, into your legs, and right up into your body. Let any negativity fall down and out through your feet for the earth to dissolve for you. Spend as long as you like in this relaxed space. When you’re ready to finish, take a few moments to come back to the room, dig your heels into the floor and open your eyes.

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